



1. 海洋的重要性;

2. 保护海洋的倡议。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________




























































1. 审题材:征文比赛

2. 审时态:一般现在时为主

3. 审人称:第一人称为主

4. 审要点:构思文章是否符合题目要求,主旨突出,内容要点齐全,写作对象明确,语言的选用得当,符合要求等。





Do you have idea about June 8? It is not only the college entrance examination to Chinese senior school students, but also World Oceans Day, designated by the UN to arouse people’s awareness to protect the oceans.




The ocean is the cradle of all life on earth, rich in natural resources, and also our blue home for a happy life and happy growth. To care for the ocean is to care for our future. To begin with, protect the Marine ecological environment and advocate green environmental protection actions. What’s more, to strengthen the consciousness of the sea in accordance with the law, consciously protect the blue land and resources environment, start from me, start from now, start from around things, take an active part in green volunteer activities, and advocate green environmental protection. Finally, green initiative, green life, not to the ocean, sewage, hand in hand to protect the Marine environment, be a small guard to protect the blue land.





The theme of Ocean Day 2022 is "Protecting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature in the Marine Ecosystem". Hand in hand to protect the Marine environment, and inherit the Marine civilization from heart to heart.



1. 检查时态、语态、单词拼写、标点符号是否有错误。

2. 句子的时态,主谓,代词要做到一致;








Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

Do you know June 8, which is not only a day for the college entrance examination to Chinese youngsters, but also World Oceans Day, designated by the UN to arouse people’s awareness to protect the oceans?

The ocean is the cradle of all life on earth, rich in natural resources, and also our blue home for a happy life and happy growth. To begin with, protect the Marine ecological environment and advocate green environmental protection actions. What’s more, to strengthen the consciousness of the sea in accordance with the law, consciously protect the blue land and resources environment, start from me, start from now, start from around things, take an active part in green volunteer activities, and advocate green environmental protection.

Do you agree with me? If so, let’s hand in hand to protect the Marine environment, and inherit the Marine civilization from heart to heart.(160)



Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

Today is June 8, World Oceans Day, whose theme of 2022 is "Protecting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature in the Marine Ecosystem".

The world is developing too fast to care for its health. It is our pity to sacrifice the harmony of ocean to achieve economic development:the polluted oceans, the dying marine creatures, the

destroyed undersea resources, etc, are all crying for our help. It is high time that we strengthen the study of Marine knowledge and enhance the awareness of Marine protection. Deepen the understanding and understanding of Marine mothers, effectively enhance the awareness and responsibility of protecting the blue land, and strive to be a small expert in protecting the Marine ecological environment.

Let’s return the mermaid to a clean ocean, and make their life more happy. (145)




Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

As is known to all, the World Ocean Day falls on June 8th annually.

Ocean plays an indispensable role in water circulation, carbon storage as well as climate adjustment. It is also home to a large variety of marine species such as fish, coral and algae, all of which constitute a big part in the ocean biological chain. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that hardly can we human go about our lives should ocean be eliminated from our planet. Considering the above merits of ocean, I appeal to everyone to do our bit in preserving our communal treasure house as well as the origin of all life forms-the deep blue sea.(113)


Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

There is comprehensive evidence that we humans are not taking good care of the ocean, posing a lot of problems, such as plastic pollution, oil leak, rising sea levels as well as extreme weathers. As a consequence, great importance should be attached to protect our ocean.

Admittedly, intense attention should be paid and tireless efforts be made by people all over the world. Initially, governments need to consider making policies and taking proper measures to to conserve our ocean. In addition, what is of utmost importance is that we individuals should raise our awareness of environment protection, reducing our footprint and living a green lifestyle. Hopefully, with our joint efforts, we are bound to build an environmental-friendly plant shared by we human being.


Our Oceans, Our Responsibility

June 8 was officially named by the UN in 2009 as World Ocean Day. It’s a day to stress the importance of ocean and remind people to protect it.

It’s generally acknowledged that ocean plays an important role in many aspects. First of all, with rich biological resources, ocean provides samples for biological science research in terms of the diversity of global biological resources. In addition, its abundant food resources and energy in

the ocean make it possible for living things to survive. Equally importantly, the abundant water resources in the ocean bear the operation of the global water circulation system, which affect or even determine the global climate change. So many benefits does ocean bring to human beings that great importance can’t be attatched enough to protect it.

Of course, it’s everybody’s duty to shoulder this responsibility. For one thing, it’s a good idea to widely study knowledge concerning ocean and think of effective approaches to protect it. For another, let’s stop our bad behabiours which may indirectly pollute ocean. Small things make a big difference. I believe, with our joint effort, a truly green will always surround us.


Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

Nowadays, it is quite common that oceans are being badly polluted. To have a better life on the earth, we human beings should well protect our oceans for the following reasons.

What comes first is that oceans are where life started and contain abundant species, which means a lot to biodiversity on the earth. Besides, it’s oceans that offer us various resources, such as food, medicine and so on, ensuring the sustainable development of human beings. What's more, oceans have a great effect on world climate because they can take in heat from the sun.

From what's mentioned above, protecting oceans becomes urgent. So let’s take action immediately and protect oceans for the sake of us!


Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

When it comes to ocean, its pollution is becoming more and more serious. World Ocean Day, falling on June 8th, is aimed at raising awareness of ocean conservation.

Ocean plays a key role in our world. Not only does ocean offer us sufficient food, but also it maintains the balance of nature. Thus, it is imperative to protect ocean. First of all, what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions. For example, garbage can’t be thrown into ocean. What’s more, we can also hand out leaflets to call on more people to protect the ocean. The more people are involved, the better the ocean environment is.

All in all, it is high time that we devoted ourselves to protecting ocean. To protect ocean is to protect ourselves.


As we all known, World Ocean Day,which is on June 8th,is approaching.

The ocean which covers most of the area in our planet gives birth to various creatures,ranging from plants to animals. It is said that a seaweed which absorbs the carbon dioxide in the air,is the major guard for the greenhouse effect. What's more,the ocean provides us with diversed creatures and beautiful landscapes. However, an increasing amount of damage has occured in our

ocean recently.For example, the over-exploration for the oil and fishing, which make great burden on the ocean and threaten the ecological balance in it.

By no means can our humans develop at the cost of the destruction of our ocean. Not only do we realize the importance of the ocean ,but also take effective action to prevent it from polluting.

I'm expecting that our next generation can see the prosperous ocean we save today.


Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

June 8th was officially named by the UN in 2009 as World Oceans Day. It was set up to raise awareness of protecting the oceans, which play a crucial part in global ecosystem. Without the oceans, no living things would survive humans included.

As senior students, we can protect oceans in our own way First, try every means to fight against global warming, which has become a great threat to sea creatures. Second, when surfing or boating, never drop litter into the sea. In addition, take an active part in the voluntary activities launched by the ocean organizations.

Every little effort counts. As long as we try our best, we will make a difference to the marine environment.


Our Oceans,Our Responsibility

Ocean is closely connected to our life. With the pollution of the ocean worsening, the oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Thus, June 8th falls on World Ocean day, aiming to raise people’s awareness of oceanic protection.

With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, we’re connected to the sea. As is proved, the ocean generates over half of the oxygen we breathe, sustaining our existence and development. Besides, a healthy ocean regulates climate and reduce climate change impacts, which helps to make the earth a livable planet. It’s worth noting that the ocean provides at least one fifth of the animal protein people eat, let alone providing millions of livelihoods that stimulate local and global economies. Never can we stress its importance enough for humankind.

In view of the seriousness of marine contamination, it’s high time that we made concerted efforts to create a harmonious ocean. What we should practice continually is stopping polluting water and air, avoiding disposable plastic bags, and saving limited resource to preserve marine ecosystems. Now I call on all of us to take action from now on.


专题032022年全国甲卷 【试题再现】 你校将以六月八日世界海洋日为主题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括: 1. 海洋的重要性; 2. 保护海洋的倡议。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________ 【试题解读】 写作 体裁 投稿 写作 题材 倡议书(说明+议论+倡议) 试题情境试题要求考生根据所给的情境写一封100词左右的投稿。内容是关6月8日是世界海洋日。要求写出海洋的重要性以及保护海洋的倡议。试题有一个半开放性的特点。内容要紧扣这个世界海洋日的主题。要求考生对这个环保对于海洋的事情有所了解,并且,适当增加某种细节。从而明确写信目的,海洋日的海洋的重要性,这几个方面去展开描写。并且发出保护海洋的倡议,这点让保护环境这个主题 得以升华。 四核 心 价 值 本试题考察学生对于世界海洋日的关注,反映了新时代的教育体系中,鼓励学生追求校园校内课本知识和课外知识,与时与时俱进,将学习贯彻到实践当中去的理念,鼓励学生在加强文化学习的同时,多关注并参与校外的更广泛的一个话题,培养其关注生活环境,关注人类社会发展的共同命运,能够培养有责任心,有社会使命感的这样一个新时代的中学生。 学 科 素 要求学考生运用英语词汇语法等写作知识技能,发挥独立思考的能力,适当增加细节,使作文要点全面逻辑清晰衔接自然,同时,考生还应该写出适合的开头和结尾,平等自然的语气风


英语分析作文〔优秀10篇〕 英语分析作文篇一 俗话说“千里之行始于足下〞。英语书面表达能力的形成不是一日之功,必须从平时的课堂学习一点一滴抓起,持之以恒。 一篇优秀的英语作文在内容和语言两方面应是一个统一体,任何一方面的欠缺都会直接影响到作文的质量。然而,很多考生在写作中或者由于粗心大意,或者由于根本功不扎实而经常出现名词不变复数、第三人称单数不加s,前后不一致,以及时态语态、句子完整性等方面的错误。 1.审题不清 如20某某年中考作文要求写一项最喜欢的课外活动,有些考生将作文的主题定位为“我最喜欢的活动〞,偏离了“一项、课外活动〞这一主题。依据作文的评分原那么,假设文章内容不切题,那么不管语言如何标准、用词如何准确,都会被判为零分。 2.拼写错误 拼写是考生应该具备的最起码的根本功,但在考生的作文中却经常能发现很多拼写错误。有拼写错误的作文肯定会被酌情扣分,而且有大量拼写错误存在的作文不仅表达出语言根本功差,同时也直接影响内容的表达,通常会降低作文的档次。 3.名词单复数问题 误:my father and my mother is all teacher。 正:my father and my mother are both teachers。 4.缺少动词 在汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的,但英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:“我累了。〞这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:i'm tired。 误:i happy i can come to beijing zoo。 正:i am happy i can come to beijing zoo。 误:the apples cheap. i'll take some。


中考英语满分作文解析:上海卷 2019年 Write at least 60 words according to the given information(根据以下材料,写一篇不少于写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) 以下是几位同学在以貌取人,盲从朋友,看待谎言,抉择人生等方面的感悟。请从中选择你比较感兴趣的一条,可结合自己的经历,谈谈你的体会。 Don’t judge people by their looks. Someone could be bad-looking and still be nice. —Katie When your friend does something stupid, you don't need to follow.—Jackie Don’t tell a teacher your dog ate your homework, especially if you don’t have a dog.—Alex Life is like a “choose your own ending” book-you can take whatever adventure you want. —Sally ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2019年上海作文题和以往的出题思路大有不同,让同学们在同一份试卷的阅读篇目中,选择一个主题结合自身实例来写一篇文章。出题思路新颖,角度多样化,学生有了更大选择空间和思考空间,可以说是一次独特的作文命题。分析这十几年来的英语作文题目的变化,可以看到形式虽然变了,主题也从关注自我的生活经历到思考个人素养,社会和谐,简言之:从“自我”到“超我”的转变。


初中英语作文题目及范文解读 1.假如你是来自Xinhua Middle School的学生Li Hua,请阅读下面一则招聘广告,根据广告内容写一封应聘信. Help with Sports in English Are you busy after school?Can you speak English?Are you good at one or more sports?We need you to help with sports for English﹣speaking students.It is relaxing and easy!Please come to the Students' Sports Center.Write to Mr.Brown at 578192573@qq.com. 要求:1.应聘信需回答广告中所有问题,并可适当发挥 2.语句通畅,书写规范,注意时态、大小写字母和标点: 3.文中不得出现自己真实的姓名、班级和校名; 4.词数60左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数. Dear Mr Brown, I am a student from Xinhua Middle School.I think I am the right person for the job.. I am looking forward to your reply. 【分析】高分句型一: I think I can help the English﹣speaking students with basketball and Ping﹣Pong.我想我可以帮助说英语的学生打篮球和乒乓球.句子中think后面跟的是一个宾语从句. 高分句型二: It's also a good chance for me to make more friends.这也是我结交更多朋友的好机会.句子中It's a good chance for sb to do sth表示对某人来说是做某事的好机会. 【解答】Dear Mr.Brown, I am a student from Xinhua Middle School.I think I am the right person for the job.(引出话题) I am an outgoing and helpful girl.We don't have much schoolwork,so I am always free after school.(原因) At school my favorite subject is English and I can speak good English.I am also good at sports I can play both basketball and Ping﹣Pong well(爱好).I think I can help the English﹣speaking students with basketball and Ping﹣Pong.【高分句型一】It's also a good chance for me to make more friends.【高分句型二】(理由) I'm looking forward to your reply.(期待) Yours, Li Hua 【点评】在写作时要求能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务. 2.每个人的成长总是伴随着各种困难和烦恼,我们应该如何面对?请根据提示,结合自身实际,写一篇英语短文,谈谈遇到这些问题时,你是如何解决的. 提示:


中考英语满分作文欣赏 第一篇: 【写作要求】 最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。 要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥; 3)词数:100左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。 参考词汇:美德virtue Should We Help Strangers? Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.Different students have different opinions. 【优秀满分范文】 Should We Help Strangers? Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.Different students have different opinions. Some think we should try to help strangers.Helping others is a virtue,and helping others is helping ourselves.We may come across some trouble and need others' help some day.If everyone isn't willing to help us just because we are strangers to them,it's hard to imagine what our world will be like. However,some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble.Sometimes we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of kindness.


北京卷高考英语作文深度解读+精彩范文 书面表达(满分20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为题的社团活动他发来邮件询间你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括1.活动形式;2.活动内容注意: 1词数100左右 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 解思路(列好后三审) 1写信目的 2具体建议 3表达希望 Dear Jim Delightedly hearing that you are planning a club activity themed "Green Beijing , I am writing to make my suggestions for the event. To begin with, I suggest organizing a walking tour around the city to explore the green spaces in Beijing which will allow participants to experience the beauty of the city's parks and gardens while promoting eco-friendly transportation. Another effective activity is planting trees to contribute to the city's green efforts. I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm looking forward to participating in this event and promoting environmental awareness together. Yours, LiHua 非常高兴听到您计划组织以“绿色北京”为主题的社团活动,我写信来提出一些活动建议首先,我建议组织一次步行游览城市的活动,探索北京的绿色空间,这将让参与者在推广环保交通的同时,体验城市公园和花园的美丽。另一个有影响力的活动是种树,为城市的绿化工作做出贡献。我希望这些建议有所帮助。我期待着参与这个活动,与大家一起促进环保意识。参考范文2 Dear Jim It's great to hear that you are planning a club activity with the theme of "Green Beijing.. I would share my suggestions with you! Firstly, I suggest you include a visit to some of Beijing's famous parks such as the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. Not only are they beautiful and scenic locations, but they also contain rich cultural and historical significance Secondly, you could organize a tree planting


2023年高考英语天津卷作文深度解读+精彩范文 【考题】 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 你作为交换生去英国学校,学校要办一个名为Chinese workshop的促进中英文化交流的活动,活动内容包括中国美食手工艺品和书法,并且活动有一项是教别人做中国传统的东西。 请描述这项活动的意义,并申请参加此次活动,阐述参加内容及想法。 〖解题思路〗 首先,简要介绍你作为交换生参加英国学校的背景,以及描述Chinese workshop 活动的意义,强调中英文化交流对于增进友谊、促进多元文化理解和丰富学习经验的重要性等。 申请参加此次活动,阐述参加内容,包括展示中国美食、手工艺品和书法,并教授其他学生制作中国传统物品的技巧。 表达自己对此次活动的兴趣和期待,强调这是一个宝贵的机会可以展示自己的文化并与其他学生互相学习和交流. 〖参考范文〗 Dear Sir/Madam. I am writing to apply for the Chinese workshop activity that is being organized by the school as part of promoting cultural exchange between China and the UK. I am currently an exchange student at your school andI believe this activity would be a great opportunity for me to contribute and learn. I would like to participate in the workshop by showcasing Chinese cuisine, handicrafts, and calligraphy. Additionally, I would love to teach other students how to make traditional Chinese items. This activity holds great significance as it not only fosters cultural understanding but also allows me to share my own culture and learn from others.I am genuinely excited about this opportunity and I believe it will greatly enrich my experience as an exchange student. Thank you for considering my application. Yours sincerely Li Hua 点评: 范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了that引导的定语从句,并且使用了一些固定词组,如not only , but also,等。全文中没有中国


2023年高考英语全国乙卷作文深度解读+精彩范文 【考题】 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 学校英文报组织同学们分享自己在假期中学到的新技能请你以此为主题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括: 1.简要概述 2.体验和感受 注意: 1.字数100字左右 2.题目已为你写好 〖解题思路(列好提纲后三审)〗 1. 细读提示,认真审题 1.其环节包括: 2.审体裁:提纲作文的体裁一般有书信、电子邮件、报道、通知、日记等; 3.定人称:一般为第一人称或第三人称; 4.定时态:一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时。 2. 紧扣主题,组织要点 虽然提纲式作文的要点似乎已经定好了,但考生仍要把内容要点逐个完整地列出来。 3. 选词造句,初步成文 在体裁明确、信息全面、要点清晰的基础上,根据要点和重点词汇的句法功能、句子的语法规则,按照提示或说明中所提供的事实和情节发展的顺序遣词造句,然后将零散的句子组成主谓一致、时态呼应、脉络分明、合乎逻辑、内容完整的短文。 〖参考范文〗 Learning A New Skill As we all know,the deadly COVID-19 made us increasingly bored with the indoor life and stressful study. Fortunately, under the guidance of videos, I began to learn to cook at home during the summer vacation. I watched, memorized the steps of cooking, and practiced it by myself. Though faced with the stressful college entrance exam, I am extremely cheerful every day, for cooking adds color to our family life. Learning to cook for middle school students can prepare us for an independent life in society after graduation. Cooking at home is not only healthier but also cheaper than eating out or ordering take-out. All in all,I benefit a lot from learning The New skills. 点评: 范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了省略句,如:Though faced with the stressful college entrance exam, I am cheerful every day, for


2024年考研英语一高分作文范文分析与点评作文题目: 人工智能对就业的影响 【导语】 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)是当前科技领域最具前景和潜力的发展方向之一。然而,随着人工智能的普及和应用,对于未来就业形势引发了广泛的关注。本文将围绕人工智能对就业的影响展开讨论,并对相应的观点进行分析与点评。 1. 人工智能对就业的挑战 在信息技术的快速发展下,人工智能已经在诸多领域展现出了强大的能力。人工智能的广泛应用必然引发一系列对就业的挑战。首先,很多传统行业的工作岗位将被取代,自动化和机器人技术将直接影响到工人和员工的数量。其次,一些知识型劳动岗位也可能被人工智能算法替代,例如金融、法律和医学等领域。这些挑战给就业市场带来了巨大的不确定性。 2. 人工智能对就业的机遇 然而,与挑战同时而来的是人工智能给就业市场带来的巨大机遇。首先,人工智能的发展会催生出新的行业和岗位,创造大量的创业和就业机会。其次,对于一些复杂和危险的工作,人工智能可以取而代之,减少了工人的劳动强度和风险,提高了工作效率。此外,人工智能也需要专业人才来研发和维护,对于相关专业的人才需求将大幅增加。

3. 个人应对人工智能的策略 面对人工智能给就业市场带来的变革,个人需要主动调整自己的就业策略。首先,要不断提升自身的综合素质和技能,注重培养能适应人工智能发展需求的能力。其次,注重发展独特的技能和专业优势,以应对竞争压力。此外,积极转型和创业也是应对人工智能时代的好办法。 【结语】 综上所述,人工智能的发展无疑对就业形势带来了重大影响。面对这一新的挑战和机遇,我们应该以积极的心态对待,并主动调整自己的就业策略。只有不断提升自身的能力和适应能力,我们才能在人工智能时代中立于不败之地。 【点评】本文以人工智能对就业的影响为话题,分析了人工智能对就业的挑战和机遇,并给出了个人应对的策略。全文逻辑清晰,论证充分,语句通顺。作者对于人工智能对就业的影响展开了多方面的思考,并积极提出了应对的方案,具有较高的可读性和可操作性。但在写作风格上,可以更加丰富多样,增加一些具体案例或个人经历来加强论证的可信度和说服力。同时,对于一些观点和观点之间的联系可以再进一步展开,以加深文章的深度。希望作者在后续的写作中能够更进一步地挖掘问题,并给予更具体的实例,使文章更加丰满和有说服力。


中考英语满分作文解析:天津卷 2019年 文段表达 假如你是晨光中学的学生李华,平时坚持用英语写日记。请根据以下要点,描述你星期三放学乘地铁回家路上看到的事情,并表达自己的想法。 (1)一个男孩不舒服,开始呕吐,一位穿着漂亮的女士帮着擦拭地面,男孩表达感谢。 (2)地铁到站,有人挤向座位,有人下不去车,有人因此争吵。 (3)你认为…. 参考词汇:开始呕吐begin to vomit 挤向座位push towards the sea 争吵have a quarrel 要求: (1)词数:80~100个. (2)日记格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥 Wednesday When I took the underground back home from school,I noticed.____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________


中考英语满分作文解析:山东卷 2019年 文段表达 Write a review(评论)of the following story in about 120 words.The review has to include the following points.(阅读下面的故事,请根据下面的提示,写出一篇约120词的评论). (1)The title of your review.(你撰写的评论的标题.) (2)Your idea(s),examples and the reason(s)for unhappiness and happiness in the story.(你归纳的关于故事中幸福和不幸福的观点,举例子并说明原因.) (3)Your idea(s)of happiness,examples for happiness in your daily life.(归纳你在日常生活中关于幸福的观点,并举例说明.) (4)Your conclusion about happiness.(关于幸福的结论.) (5)The words you may use.(你可能用到的词)be satisfied with(对……满意)desire n.欲望contentment 知足the key(关键)to happiness. A long time ago,in a rich and beautiful country,there lived an unhappy king.He slept badly and didn't feel like eating.He often cried for no reason.This made the queen and his people worried.So they called a doctor to examine him.But he found nothing wrong with his body.He said what the king needed was the shirt of a happy person to wear.That would make him happy. The prime minister was called to the palace.But when they explained the king's situation to him,he said,"Although I have a lot of power,it doesn't make me happy.I'm always worried about losing my power." Then the king's banker came to say,I'm afraid I'm not happy either.I have a lot of wealth,but I'm always worried about losing money.Someone tries to steal my money.Next,the palace singer was called to say,"I'm famous but I'm not happy because I'm worried about being followed by others.I can't be free." Finally,the top general was told to go out to find a happy man.He searched and searched but couldn't find anyone.Everyone seemed to have their own problems,and no one was truly happy.Just as he wanted to give up.he saw a poor man on the street.He was eating with his hands and singing happily to himself.The general went to him and said,"What makes you so happy?You have no power,money,or fame." The man said,"I have everything I want.and I don't want what I can't have.So I'm happy,and my song comes from the happiness in my heart.""Can you give your shirt to me,I need it,"said the general."What shirt?I don' t have any

13 社会正能量与志愿者招募 2022年中考英语满分作文赏析

13 社会正能量与志愿者招募 NO.1 (2022·重庆·中考真题) 科学研究发现,快乐可让我们身体更健康、思维更敏捷、心态更阳光。独乐乐不如众乐乐。某英语网站以“传递快乐”为主题发起故事分享活动,请讲述生活中你通过传递快乐(直接或间接的),感染他人的小故事。 要求: 1. 80-120词; 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 参考信息: 1. 起因,经过; 2. 结果,感悟; 3. …… ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 【满分作文赏析】 A study shows that happiness can make people healthier in mind and mental. Our positive mood has an influence on others. I want to share my experience with you.

专题05 - 2022年浙江卷6月-2022-2020近三年英语真题作文深度点评与满分作文赏析

专题052022年浙江卷6月-2022-2020近三年英语真题作文 深度点评与满分作文赏析 离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的2022年浙江卷6月-2022-2020近三年英语真题作文深度点评与满分作文赏析,希望可以帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成! 养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前,要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”,遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附靠前30天复习方法。 【试题再现】 假定你是李华,你校图书馆新开设“小组学习室”,请你给你的留学生同学Michael写一封信,邀请他一同体验,内容包括: 1.位置与开放时间; 2.室内设施和功能。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【试题解读】

●这是一封邀请信: 邀请留学生同学Michael去体验图书馆新开设的“小组学习室” ●主要内容: 位置和开放时间;设施与功能 ●可以写些什么: ▷位置:图书馆哪个楼层、哪个区域、在什么功能场所旁边或对面 ▷开放时间:合理考虑与学习时间同步或差异化开放(一定要合情合理) ▷设施:建议写与教育现代化相匹配的内容,先进性和实用性相结合,满足超前的学习需要,但不一定写的很具体 ▷功能:围绕可以供“小组学习”来说明 ▷邀请:希望一起去体验一下(既然是邀请信,这一点是必须写的) 主题语境:人与社会---人际沟通(良好的人际关系) 话题选择:邀请朋友参与活动体验 语篇类型:邀请信 邀请信是邀请对方参与某种活动或邀请对方做某事。邀请信最重要的就是自然流畅,对象不同,信中的表达方式也不同。比如你邀请某位老师组织活动,如果是不认识的老师,就要说下自己是谁,有什么事情,要显得很尊敬对方。再比如你邀请朋友参加某个活动,你已经知道对方是谁了,那自然没必要自我介绍,语气可以显得活泼一些。 写作方法:

近三年英语真题作文深度点评与满分作文赏析二 2022年全国乙卷 (附10篇)

专题022022年全国乙卷 【试题再现】 学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括: 1.学习活动状况描述: 2.简单评论; 3.你的建议。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.短文的题目和首句已为你写好。 Learning English Beyond the Classroom There are many things we can do to learn English well. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 【试题解读】 一、主体分析 2022年高考全国乙卷英语试卷写作试题的考查形式又有新变化,设置了读图表、写短文的形式,特别突显了高中英语课标中所增添的“看”的考查,强调了读图能力。设置的写作情境是校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论,要求考生阅读有关学生英语学习活动调查结果情况的图表,使用图表中的调查结果信息写一篇带有个人思考的、有记叙有说明有议论的小短文。 这精心设计的试题情境使写作形式更加灵活,内容更加开放。这封信中会涉及到考生“我”、参与英语学习活动情况调查的“学生们”,因此第一、三人称都可能会用到;表达学习活动状况描述和简单评论,主要用一般现在时;关于建议,为将来的事情,因此时态会用一般将来时,或者用情态动词来表达建议。写作时要根据主要内容的顺序来写,适当增加细节,并且选用恰当的连接词使文章通顺、语言流畅。 二、整体思路 1. 叙述并说明英语学习活动调查的原因及目的。 2. 分两方面阐述:英语学习活动调查结果柱状图描述,并加以简单评论。 3. 你实用的建议。


专题08-2022年上海卷英语真题作文深度点评与满分作文赏析 【试题再现2022年秋季高考作文题】 2022年上海高考英语作文网络回忆版: 假设你是高三学生李华,你校计划组织“走进历史”的主题活动,有三项活动可供选择: 1.走访老战士; 2.表演历史剧; 3.制作历史短视频。 现向全校学生征求意见,给组织者写封信,信的内容包括: 1.你的建议 2.你的理由 【试题解读】 【审题】 审题分析:建议信+选择类,都是大家平时经常练习的内容,应该说今年的秋考作文相当友好了,文章框架结构非常清晰,关键是一定要把自己的理由写清楚,通过明确的topic sentence突出自己所选活动的优势,再用supportive sentence增强说服力。 【相关词汇】 走进历史approaching history/walking into history 制作短视频making/filming short videos 拜访老战士visiting the old soldiers 历史舞台剧historical stage play 【大纲撰写】 下面是以“制作短视频”为例的大纲: a.在社交媒体盛行年代,短视频更容易让年轻人接受 b.通过短视频活动方式,成本低,且不需要消耗师生时间、精力 c.短视频一个好处就是能够充分展现历史的丰富内容 供参考观点: 走访老战士——1. 真实;2. 连接现实,让同学们了解历史就是现实 表演历史剧——1.有趣; 2.更身临其境地了解体会历史 制作短视频——1.流行,便于传播;2. 能发动更多的人参加活动 【满分范文欣赏1】 Dear Headmaster, My name is Li Hua, one of senior students in our school. I am writing this letter to

新高考Ⅰ卷 新高考II卷-2023年高考英语真题作文深度解读+精彩范文

2023年全国新高考Ⅰ&II卷英语真题作文深度解读+精彩范文(适用地区:山东、广东、福建、江苏、湖南、湖北、河北、浙江) 【考题】 第一节(满分15分) 假定你是李华,你校外教要举办口语培训班,让练习口语的所有的学生两人一组练习,随机挑选两个人分成一组练习,你对此有意见,说说原因和提建议。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 〖解题思路〗 (一) 审题:确定体裁、人称和时态。 该书面表达任务是写一封建议信,属于应用文范畴;正文人称以第一人称和第二人称为主; 时态以一般现在时和一般将来时为主。 (二) 确定文章结构、列出写作要点。 此建议信正文可以分为三段。 第一段表明自己的意见。 第二段增加细节,向对方提出具体建议并说明原因。 第三段表示期盼。 (三) 捕捉相关词汇、激活储备句型。 1. In my opinion… 2.it's not a good idea to randomly pair up students for the spoken English training class. 3.For one thing… 4.which can hinder the progress of both students as the more advanced one may dominate the conversation, 5.leaving little room for the other student to improve. 6.For another thing… 7.if they are paired with someone they don't get along with or have difficulty communicating with. 8.Hopefully, my suggestions will be considered. 〖参考范文〗 Dear teacher, In my opinion, it's not a good idea to randomly pair up students for the spoken English training class. I have a few reasons for my view. For one thing, randomly pairing up students may lead to imbalanced language abilities within the groups. Some students might have advanced speaking skills while others may struggle with basic conversation, which can hinder the progress of both students as the more advanced one may dominate the conversation, leaving little room for the
