



Page 1Copyright © 2022 Sensata Technologies, Inc.| PRESSURE AND TPMS TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEMSensata’s TPMS has been developed as a global solution to legislative requirements, providing real time, actual tire pressure, temperature and ID to enhance vehicle safety whilst enabling efficiencies ands revenue stream with future proof wireless technology.Why TPMSBenefitsIntroduction• Safety • Fuel Economy • Tire Wear • Tire Life Expectancy • Comfort • Environment• Real time pressure information to support:• O n-board driver coaching • Remote tire management in autonomous driving, car sharing and connected vehicle initiatives • Recognizable customer value • Alternative revenue streams • Flexibility across vehicle variations • Meeting all global TPMS regulations, current and pending • Supports other vehicles systems, including steering, braking, suspension#1 Global TPMS supplier 450M TPMS devices in the field 80M produced annually 20 years experience defining TPMS strategy >300 focused engineering: largest R&D center in the market 4 TPMS production facilities providing local support to the global market>50 system solutions in the market using multiple flexible deployment methodsBY NUMBERSPage 2Americas +1 (800) 350 2727***************************************Europe, Middle East & Africa +359 (2) 809 1826****************************Asia Pacific *************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006 ext 2808Rev:08/11/ CONTACT US Copyright © 2022 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.。



传感器1次/分钟发送无线信号给遥控接收器: 轮胎低压传感器的识别编号(ID) 轮胎气压 空气温度
维修服务:如果拆下轮胎低压力传感器,则螺母、气门 芯、气门芯帽、密封件和垫圈必须更换,并将轮胎低压 力传感器拧紧至正确的扭矩值。
在装套汽车轮胎的过程中,装套拉杆 必须按照例图来进行定位。汽车轮胎 按顺时针方向旋转的同时必须要保证, 在低压侧的汽车轮胎凸起部分不能损 害到传感器。 判断是否是带胎压监测的轮胎:带有 汽车轮胎压力传感器的轮胎防尘盖为 灰色,不具备汽车轮胎压力监测的轮 胎气门防尘盖为黑色。 每次更换轮胎时,更换气门油封和钢 制垫圈,以避免油封出现故障。
–驾驶安全 –舒适性 –轮胎使用寿命 –燃油消耗

轮胎压力监控系统监控轮胎的充气状况。当轮胎 的实际压力偏离标定压力时,该系统可以向驾驶 员发送警报信号。
气压监测优点: • 避免轮胎气压过低,增加阻力;降低车辆油耗 。 • 提高车辆操控性 • 察觉轮胎慢漏气压 • 符合法规 ( 根市场)TPMS硬件组成
作用: • 对输入信号进行评估; • 保存用于评估的必要配置参数; • 通过MS CAN传递信息到仪表;
轮胎压力监测系统有4个天线,分别位于四个车轮轮罩后面。 每个天线都是一个被动低频无线信号发射器,由集成在GEM内 部的胎压监测模块控制。 当系统工作时,模块依次给各个天线供电,相应的轮胎压力 传感器检测到天线的LF信号后,将数据通过RF信号进行响应。



W hen I need to work withbrake fluid, I’m remindedof a scene in the movieAlien. Wounded during aseries of life-or-death skir-mishes with the inhabitants of the star-freighter Nostromo, the alien creature begins to bleed. Its blood (or whatever it is that courses through its veins) is so caustic that it eats right through the ves-sel’s structural elements.Brake fluid is a lot like that. Absolutely essential to the safe operation of the vehi-cle, it’s also capable of doing great harm. If even a small amount of it comes in contact with your skin, you’ll immediate-ly feel the moisture being drawn through your pores. Repeated or sustained con-tact is definitely not advisable. And if you have the misfortune of spilling some of it onto the painted surfaces of a vehicle, it will almost immediately damage the fin-ish, unless it’s quickly flushed away with a neutral liquid like water.Even if brake fluid is kept safely con-tained in a bottle or in the brake system, it can still do serious damage. But this damage is usually caused by neglect,rather than direct contact with the out-side world. Polyglycol fluids (like conven-tional brake fluid) are hygroscopic, whichmeans they readily absorb water vaporfrom the air (or your skin). On average,water accumulates in the brake fluid of abrake system at a rate of 1% per year.That doesn’t seem like much, butthink about it. A vehicle with 10-year-oldbrake fluid now has brake fluid that con-tains about 10% water. This gradualtransformation may go unnoticed. Thelevel in the master cylinder should nor-mally drop over time, as the brake padswear. But as the fluid accumulates water,the level may appear to stay pretty muchunchanged. A casual glance at the mas-ter cylinder level might lead a technicianto assume that all is well, as the levelwould appear within the “normal”range. But the fluid in the reservoir (andthe rest of the system) would no longerbe pure, unadulterated brake fluid.Over time, even this relatively slowwater accumulation is enough to lowerthe fluid’s boiling point, which can causebrake fade and diminished brake systemperformance. Under pressure when thebrakes are applied, the accumulated wa-ter boils and turns to steam inside thebrake system. Unlike liquid brake fluid,steam (like air) is compressible. Thebrakes fade because the steam momen-tarily lowers the pressure in the system.Accumulated water in the brake fluid alsocauses rust and corrosion, which damagethe internal parts of the brake system.Brake systems also accumulate sludgeand metal particles over time. Discbrake hoses usually enter the calipernear the top of the caliper body. Similar-ly, the bleeder valve is located at the topof the caliper bore. If sludge accumu-lates in the caliper bore, it usually sinksto the bottom. During a brake pad ser-vice, pushing the caliper pistons back in-to the caliper bores without opening thebleeder valves may dislodge some of thesludge and distribute it throughout thesystem, possibly causing further damage.Similarly, stirring up sludge that has ac-cumulated in the master cylinder reser-voir by adding fresh fluid may cause it toget into the rest of the system, includingABS valves and pumps.Most would agree that it’s best to getBRAKE SYSTEM FLUSHINGThis Mityvac vacuum pump is simplicity itself. A hand-operated pump applies vacuum at the bleeder screw, drawing the old brake fluid out of the system. A small reservoir captures the fluid and a set of adapters allow the pump to be used on just about any vehicle with bleeder screws. The pump can also be used to apply vacuum to test other vacuum-operated components.The MaxPro-HD Reverse Brake Bleeder takes a different ap-proach to the hand-operated pump. The pump pushes fresh fluid into the system under pressure in the reverse direction, starting at the bleeder screws. The pump can also be reversed to function as a vacuum pump to draw the old fluid out of the system, also via the bleeder screws.PhotocourtesyLincolnIndustrialPhotocourtesyPhoenixSystems29October 2014the old brake fluid out of the system long before it’s had a chance to do any damage.But how often should it be re-placed?Some vehicle manufacturers specify replacement of the brake fluid as a preventive maintenance item.If a re-placement schedule is specified,it should be followed.If no specific rec-ommendation is made,common sense should be an adequate guide.All will agree that water,sludge and metal parti-cles in brake fluid are not good things.It comes down to a question of how much can be considered safe and tolerable.If it’s time to replace the brake fluid, we should clarify our terminology.When a brake system is opened to the atmos-phere,usually during a component re-placement,it’s subsequently necessary to bleed the brakes to remove the air that’s been allowed to enter the system.In this case,our primary concern is removing the compressible air from the system so the brakes will function to their full po-tential.As a side benefit,bleeding the system also forces fresh brake fluid through the system,so most of the old fluid(and possibly a large percentage ofthe metal particles and sludge)will endup getting replaced.When we need to replace brake fluidthat’s old and has accumulated waterand sludge,this is referred to as flushingthe brake system.Unless the system hasbeen opened for other service work,wecan assume that there isn’t much if anyair in the system.Our primary purposefor flushing the system isn’t to removeair,but to remove the water and sludgealong with the old fluid,and replace asmuch of the fluid as possible with clean,dry,new brake fluid.There are at least five ways the jobcan be accomplished,but some arequicker and some are more effectivethan others.In all cases,fresh brake flu-id must be used.Brake fluid accumu-lates water vapor just as readily outsidethe brake system as it does inside it,soclean fluid should always be dispensedfrom a freshly opened container.Newfluid that’s been sitting on the shelf formonths in an opened container maylook clean,but rest assured that it’s al-ready accumulated an unacceptableamount of water vapor and should bediscarded in a responsible manner.The first way to flush is the gravitymethod.After filling the master cylin-der with new fluid,the bleeder screwsat each wheel are opened in sequence.Gravity forces the old fluid out of thebleeder screws and it’s gradually re-placed by fresh fluid.While this methodmay be capable of replacing much ofthe old fluid,the low-pressure,drip-drip-drip sequence doesn’t do a verygood job of dislodging any sludge orother material that may have accumu-lated in the system.On vehiclesequipped with ABS,the gravity methodalso may not be capable of flushing theold fluid out of the ABS components.The pump-and-hold method buildsupon the gravity method.One technicianpumps the brake pedal several times,then holds the pedal down to maintainpressure in the system.After placing ahose over the bleeder screw and direct-ing it into a container,a second technicianopens a bleeder screw.The pressure inthe system forces the old fluid out andthe fluid continues to flow until the brakepedal hits the floor.This sequence is re-peated several times at each wheel untilfresh fluid appears at the bleeder screw.A one-man variation on this methodemploys a one-way valve at the bleederhose(and possibly Teflon tape on thebleeder screw threads).With the bleed-er screw open,one tech can pump thepedal several times,stopping only to re-plenish the master cylinder reservoir30October2014This Mityvac pump and reservoir(ModelNo.MV6830)uses shop air to create vac-uum for brake system flushing.Thestrength of the vacuum is regulated atthe pump handle.A set of adapters sup-ply fresh brake fluid to the master cylin-der reservoir,to avoid introducing air in-to the system while flushing.Circle#19PhotocourtesyLincolnIndustrialand move to the next bleeder screw. Like the gravity method,both versions of the pump-and-hold method do not address any fluid trapped inside ABS components.The vacuum method uses a dedicated vacuum pump to draw the old fluid out of the system,via the bleeder screws. The vacuum pump may be hand-oper-ated,shop air-powered or electric.Some specialized vacuum bleeding equipment uses a pulsed application of the vacuum, presumably to shake loose any debris, sludge or metal particles and encourage it to exit via the bleeder screws.It’s im-portant to keep an eye on the master cylinder reservoir while using this method,as the vacuum pump can very quickly suck the system dry,introducing unwanted air into the system.The pressure method applies pres-sure at the master cylinder reservoir, forcing fresh brake fluid into the master cylinder,then through the brake lines to the calipers and wheel cylinders.The steady pressure that’s applied encour-ages the old fluid,sludge and other de-bris to exit when the bleeder screws are opened.Pressure and vacuum can also be combined.Low pressure applied at the master cylinder reservoir keeps it filled with fresh fluid,while vacuum ap-plied at the bleeder screws encourages the old fluid to leave.Pressure can also be applied in the reverse direction.In this method,a pressure pump is attached to individual bleeder screws.Applying pressure forces the old fluid and debris backward through the system,into the master cylinder,then into the master cylinder reservoir where it’s siphoned away.The advantage of this method is that if there’s any air trapped in the brake flu-id,it will naturally want to float upward in the brake fluid.Forcing the fluid backward(and upward)makes it that much easier to evacuate the air.On the negative side,reverse flushing means that all of the old fluid and gunk must pass through the ABS components and master cylinder on its way to the reser-voir.Exposure to this stuff,however brief,may not be a good thing.Both the vacuum and pressure meth-ods can be combined with an ABS-capable scan tool to conduct a more thorough flushing binedwith vacuum or pressure,the pulsingeffect created by cycling the variousABS pump valves open and closed withthe scan tool will allow you to removemore of the old brake fluid and sedi-ment than would otherwise be possible.This will greatly reduce the chance thatABS components will be damaged byremaining moisture or sediment that’sallowed to linger behind.Your customers probably will not beable to immediately discern the benefitsof a completed brake system flush.Theirvehicles probably won’t stop50feet soon-er or require appreciably less effort at thepedal.But if you’ve done a proper job ofexplaining the benefits of this service,they’ll at least have the confidence thatyou’ve maintained the continued safetyof their vehicles,and more than likelysaved them from the avoidable expenseof ABS or other brake system compo-nent replacement.—Karl Seyfert For shops doing higher volumes of brakesystem flushes,this Motorvac BrakeVac IImay make sense.The unit is powered bythe vehicle battery and offers both pres-sure and vacuum assist,with an adjust-able pressure regulator to control operat-ing pressure.A1-gallon tank holds freshbrake fluid and a removable waste fluidtank allows for multiple services.31October2014Circle#20This article can be found online at.PhotocourtesyMotorvac。













当这个压力过高的现象出现在备胎上时,图标“Pressure Alert”会发红并且相应的轮胎图标会闪烁并伴随15秒的报警音显示相应的压力(当点火开关打开后只有一次)。



























Although your tire pressure ismonitored,you must manually check the tire pressures monthly.If you have a flat tire,the low tire pressure and tire monitor indicators will come on.Replace the indicated flat tire with the compact spare tire (see page ).When all tire pressures are normal,the multi-information display will show ‘‘TIRE PRESSURE OKSYSTEM FUNCTION NORMAL.’’Each tire,including the spare,should be checked monthly when cold,and set to the recommended inflation pressure as specified on the vehicle placard and in the owner’s manual (see page ).If you think you can safely drive a short distance to a service station,proceed slowly to the station,then inflate the tire to the recommended pressure.If the tire is flat,or if the tire pressure is too low to continue driving,replace the tire with the compact spare tire.When any of the tires has low pressure,the multi-information display shows a ‘‘TIRE PRESSURE ERROR SYSTEM FUNCTIONNORMAL’’message (see page ).After you replace the flat tire with the spare,the low tire pressure indicator stays on.This is normal;the system is not monitoring the spare tire pressure.Manually check the spare tire pressure to be sure it is correct.Never use a puncture-repairing agent in a flat tire.If used,you will have to replace the tire pressure sensor.Have the flat tire repaired by your dealer as soon as possible.33632672Changing a Tire with TPMS Tire Pressure MonitorTire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)278CONTINUEDIf there is a system error with the TPMS,the multi-information display shows a ‘‘SYSTEM FUNCTION ERROR’’message (see page ),and the tire pressure readings will not be displayed.You will also see a ‘‘CHECK TPMS SYSTEM’’message on the multi-information display (see page ).When the TPMS is functioning normally,you can press the SEL/RESET button on the steering wheel to see the pressure readings of each tire in psi (U.S.models)or kPa(Canadian models)(see page ).2807274Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)Tire Pressure ReadingsDriving279If one or more tires have low pressure,the low tire pressure indicator on the instrument panel also comes on (see page ).When cruise control is on whiledriving,the pressure reading cannot be checked by the tire pressure monitor on the multi-information display.If the low tire pressure indicator comes on,or the multi-information display shows a ‘‘CHECK TPMS SYSTEM’’message,the VSA system automatically turns on even when the VSA system is turned off by pressing the VSA OFF switch (see page ).If this happens,you cannot turn the VSA system off by pressing the VSA OFF switch again.277282Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)280When VSA activates,you may notice that the engine does not respond to the accelerator in the same way it does at other times.The VSA system cannot enhance the vehicle’s driving stability in allsituations and does not control your vehicle’s entire braking system.It is still your responsibility to drive and corner at reasonable speeds and to leave a sufficient margin of safety.The vehicle stability assist (VSA)system helps to stabilize the vehicle during cornering if the vehicle turns more or less than desired.It also assists you in maintaining traction while accelerating on loose or slippery road surfaces.It does this by regulating the engine’s output and by selectively applying the brakes.When the VSA system indicator comes on,you will also see a‘‘CHECK VSA SYSTEM’’message on the multi-information display.Without VSA,your vehicle still has normal braking and cornering ability,but it does not have VSA traction and stability enhancement.If the low tire pressure indicator comes on (see page ),or the multi-information display shows a ‘‘CHECK TPMS SYSTEM’’message (see page ),the VSA system automatically turns on even when the VSA system is turned off with the VSA OFF switch.In this case,you cannot turn the VSA system off by pressing the VSA OFF switch again.280277Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA)SystemDriving281When VSA is off,the VSA activation indicator comes on as a reminder.VSA is turned on every time you start the engine,even if you turned it off the last time you drove the vehicle.Driving with varying tire or wheel sizes may cause the VSA tomalfunction.When replacing tires,make sure they are of the same size and type as your original tires (see page ).Deactivate the VSA system if you need to drive with the compact spare tire installed (see page ).If you install winter tires,make sure they are the same size as those that were originally supplied with your vehicle.Exercise the same caution during winter driving as you would if your vehicle was not equipped with VSA.This switch is at the right side of the left vent.Press it to turn VSA on and off.336326VSA Off SwitchVSA and Tire SizesVehicle Stability Assist (VSA)System282。



1. 准备工具和材料:轮胎气压监测系统套件、扳手、扎带、电池(如果需要)。

2. 确定监测系统的安装位置:根据车辆型号和监测系统的要求,确定监测系统的安装位置。


3. 依次安装传感器:使用扳手,将传感器固定在轮辋上,确保传感器稳固可靠。

4. 连接传感器与监测系统的接收器:根据监测系统的说明书,将传感器与接收器进行连接。


5. 安装系统接收器:根据车辆的内部结构和监测系统的要求,确定接收器的安装位置。


6. 安装电池(如果需要):根据监测系统的要求,安装电池以供电。


7. 测试监测系统:安装完成后,测试监测系统是否正常工作。


8. 调整传感器和接收器的位置(如果需要):在测试过程中,如果发现显示不准确或接收不到传感器的信号,可以尝试调整传感器和接收器的位置,直到系统正常工作为止。

9. 定期维护和检查:安装完成后,定期检查传感器和接收器的固定情况,确保系统的正常工作。



T80 说明书

T80 说明书










目录第一章概要 (4)一、仪器安装指南 (4)1、安装仪器 (4)2、连接气压源 (5)3、连接输入输出线 (5)4、连接测试通道 (5)5、开启电源 (6)6、设定测试参数 (6)7、自动校准 (6)二、注意事项 (7)三、仪器概要 (8)1、打开电源 (8)2、界面风格 (9)3、操作显示 (9)4、按键面板 (10)第二章自检和自动校准 (17)一、上电/打开电源 (17)二、自动检测(Self Test) (18)1、校准压力传感器 (18)2、仪器泄漏自检 (19)3、开机时预热 (21)三、启动校准 (21)四、系统使用 (23)第三章仪器配置和通讯 (25)一、硬件设置 (25)1、阀板类型 (25)2、组别数 (26)3、传感器类型 (27)4、减压阀类型 (27)二、串行通讯 (27)2、RS232 端口配置 (28)3、RS232 端口功能 (28)4、RS232 端口输出 (29)三、仪器的其它设置 (30)第四章通道程序设置 (33)一、测试类型 (35)二、测试时间 (36)三、测试压力 (38)四、测试参数 (39)五、校准参数 (42)六、综合1 (43)七、测量单位 (44)八、数据输入和输出 (47)1、数据输入配置 (47)2、数据输出配置 (48)九、夹具配置 (49)第五章测试数据 (51)一、计数信息 (51)二、测试结果 (52)第六章 测试信息 (54)一、校准常规信息 (54)二、自检信息 (55)三、传感器错误 (55)四、测试和错误信息 (56)关于保修 (57)第一章概要第一章概要首先,感谢您选购我司产品。



胎压监测说明书胎压监测说明书1. 简介胎压监测是一种用于监测汽车轮胎气压的技术,它可以提供关于轮胎压力状态的实时信息,帮助驾驶员及时发现和解决轮胎异常情况,提高行车安全性。


2. 胎压监测系统的组成胎压监测系统由以下几个组件组成:- 轮胎传感器:安装在每个轮胎上,用于监测轮胎的气压和温度。

- 接收器:接收并处理来自传感器的数据,并将其显示在仪表盘或中控系统上。

- 电源:为胎压监测系统提供电力供应。

3. 安装步骤步骤一:安装传感器1. 首先,确保汽车已经停稳并切断了点火开关。

2. 使用专业工具将轮胎从汽车上取下。

3. 将传感器安装在轮胎上,并根据说明书进行正确的安装操作。

4. 重复以上步骤,直到所有轮胎都安装了传感器。

步骤二:安装接收器1. 找到适合接收器安装的位置,通常安装在仪表盘上或中控系统区域。

2. 使用专业工具将接收器固定在所选择的位置上。

步骤三:连接电源1. 根据接收器和传感器的说明书,找到正确的电源连接方式。

2. 将接收器连接到电源,并确保电源连接正常。

步骤四:系统校准1. 在完成安装后,启动汽车并在安全的地方进行短暂试驾。

2. 观察接收器上的显示是否正常,并确保它能够准确地显示每个轮胎的气压和温度。

4. 使用指南- 当胎压低于正常值时,接收器上会发出警报声或显示警告信息,驾驶员应及时检查轮胎,并补充气压。

- 定期检查传感器的电池寿命,确保其正常工作。

- 遇到任何系统故障或异常情况时,建议联系专业技术人员进行检修和维护。

5. 注意事项- 在安装或更换轮胎时,务必注意不要损坏传感器,以免影响正常工作。

- 避免长时间停车后马上行驶,应先检查轮胎的气压状态。

- 严禁在胎压不足的情况下行车,以免导致轮胎损坏和危险驾驶。

- 胎压监测系统只能辅助驾驶员进行判断,驾驶员仍需保持警惕并采取适当的驾驶措施。

6. 结论胎压监测系统是一项重要的安全装置,它可以帮助驾驶员及时了解轮胎气压的状态,并提供警报提示。



一、产品介绍接收机:显示内容:1 —多功能按键(左键) 1 —压力数值显示2 —多功能按键(右键) 2 —压力单位标识3 —液晶显示屏 3 —电池图形标识4 —外接电源接口(miniUSB) 4 —接收机电池电量指示标识5 —底部电池安装盒 5 —传感器异常警示标识6 —汽车外形显示标识7 —行驶轮胎位置标识8 —备胎位置标识9 —温度数值显示10 —接收机工作模式标识11 —温度单位标识胎压监测传感器Ⅰ型:胎压监测传感器Ⅱ型:1 —传感器 1 —传感器2 —胎压专用防爆铝质气门嘴 2 —胎压专用橡胶铜质气门嘴3 —安装螺钉 3 —安装螺钉备注2:两种型号胎压监测传感器只是气门嘴组件使用的不同,其余全部相同。



图1 产品安装位置图2 传感器安装方式1、接收机安装:打开接收机底部电池盒盖,将2节5号电池按照正确电池极性装入底部的电池盒中,再将电池盒盖上,完成接收机初步安装,接收机就可以正常工作了。
































continental 胎压监测 说明书

continental 胎压监测 说明书

continental 胎压监测说明书





汽车轮胎气压监测器的安装说明汽车轮胎气压监测器的安装说明一、所需工具和材料:1. 汽车轮胎气压监测器套件2. 扳手或扳手套装3. 螺丝刀4. 胶带5. 轮胎气阀口工具二、安装步骤:1. 确保汽车轮胎气压监测器套件中的传感器已经安装在轮胎的气阀上。


2. 找到您汽车的OBDII接口。



3. 将汽车轮胎气压监测器的接收机插入OBDII接口。


4. 确保所有传感器都已正确安装在轮胎的气阀上,并将轮胎充满气压到制造商建议的水平。

5. 打开汽车的电源,启动发动机。

6. 确保汽车轮胎气压监测器的显示屏上已经显示出当前轮胎的气压数据。


7. 使用胶带固定显示屏,以确保其安全可靠地固定在仪表盘上。


8. 将OBDII接口的盖子放回原来的位置上,确保盖子已经完全安装并紧固。

9. 检查一次所有传感器的气阀是否紧固。



10. 检查一次显示屏是否正常工作,能够准确显示轮胎的气压数据。

11. 确保在车辆行驶过程中,您定期检查显示屏上的气压数据,以确保轮胎的气压始终处于安全范围内。




三、安装注意事项:1. 在安装汽车轮胎气压监测器之前,确保事先阅读并理解监测器的使用说明书。




Smart OBD Car TrackerQuick Start Guide(Version 1.0)To ensure quickly and correctly use, please read this manual carefully before using. Any changes to the product appearance, color or accessories are without notice.1.FunctionsThis product supports the most types of car since 2007. Please login in to the platform that specified by the dealers to ensure that the model of your car is in the supported OBD car type list. If your car does not support the OBD, then it can be used as a GPS tracker.1.1 FunctionsCurrent Position Geo-fence Remote Diagnostics Fault ReminderVibration Alarm Displacement Alarm Track Playback1.2 ParametersGSM850/900/1800/1900Mhz, Quad-band is in common use all over the world.GPRS: Class 12, TCP/IPVoltage: 9-36VDCWorking current: ~9mA (12vDC)GPS Positioning time: Cold start -38s (open sky)Warm start -32sHot start -2s (open sky)GPS positioning accuracy: 10m (2DRMS)Working condition temperature: -20°C---70°CWorking condition humidity: 20%~80%Size: 86.6(L)*44.0(w)*13.6(H) mmWeight: 50.5g2. Appearance and installation instructions 2.1 Appearance3. Power on/off and installation guide3.1 Power on and installation① Push the cover downward② Push the sim card buckle to the right③ Open a sim card buckle upwardNote: SIM card needs to enable the GPRS function.④ Please push the battery switch ON⑤ Push the cover upward⑥ OBD Diagnostic Instrument connected with GPS tracker (note: pay attention to thedirection of the connector)⑦ Find out the OBD interface (usually at the bottom of the steering wheel)⑧ Insert OBD Diagnostic Instrument into vehicle OBD interface in the case that vehicleis engine off3.2 Power off① Pull out the OBD Diagnostic Instrument② Pull the cover downward③ Turn the battery switch OFF and pull out the OBD Diagnostic Instrument.4. Installation4.1 GPS tracker installation instructionsIt’s better to choose the dealers specified professional department or professions to install and test because this GPS tracker is a high-tech fleet management product.Installation positionNote:1. Please install the device upwards.2. If the windshield has been pasted by lagging and heating, it will reduce GPS signals and resulting in abnormal GPS work, so please change GPS tracker installation position.5. LED indicators definition5.1 GPS tracker LED working status (non-dormant state)5.1.1 Red LED (power/working status)5.1.2 Blue LED (GPS signal status)5.1.3 Green LED (GSM signal status)5.2 Arm status indicatorsBlue, red, green LED lights flashing circular signify that arm status is started.6. Devices application operation6.1 Login to supplier specified online tracking platform to set up and operation6.2 Please login to the dealers specified website to download APP to install.7. Appendix7.1 Battery safety●Please use battery that the original factory specified and use any otheraccessories will void the warranty. If use others accessories leading theGPS tracker damaged, we won’t assume any warranty responsibility.●Please avoid the metal objects leads the battery contactors short-circuit.●Please do not bend or forced open the battery.●Please do not immerse the battery in water or on the fire. Batteries have tobe recharged at closed room temperature. If the temperature is below 0℃or 45℃,the battery won’t to be charged.●It’s forbid to use the battery that have deformation appearance, off-color,leakage or damaged complete package.7.2 TroubleshootingIf find anything that is abnormal during the operation, please refer to the following problems and solutions. If the problem still can’t be solved, please contact the dealers or service provider.ShenZhen Concox Information Technology CO.,LtdTel: +86 755 2912 1200Fax: +86 755 2912 1290E-mail:*************** Add: 4/F, Building B, Gaoxinqi Industrial Park, Liuxian 1st Road, No.67 Bao'an District, Shenzhen。













required? (U, W, O, shell-type dies)5. Hand tool or remote head operatedR O M 2T O 1220O N S!Easy Repair Access Base mounting holes standard on 5 through 55 ton cylinders; optional on75 and 100 ton cylinders.A 3/8" NPTF female half couplerC106C700 BARAluminum body resists sparkingASME B30.1RA1006Cyl.OrderCap.Stroke No.A F GHC BKDouble-Acting Industrial CylindersA B C F G H KNeed an industrial-grade cylinder that can push or pull yourworkload? Then look to the new Power Team RD Serie double-acting,hydraulic return cylinder. Providing push and pull forces in tight spaces, this line of cylinders isperfect for many applications where a high powered return stroke is needed. Ideal for production environments.IndustrialCYLINDERS, RD SERIES4-25 TonsDouble ActingC Y L I NDE R SDouble-acting, hydraulic returncylinder. Push and pull forces in tight places.Foot Mounting With Retainer NutFoot Mounting With Retainer NutClevis Eye Retainer Nut Flange Mounting With Retainer Nut• Premium design - for use where Cylinder body, pistonand gland nut “Powerreated for c orrosionand abrasion resistance (seeStandard domed piston rod (5-30 ton) or swivel cap (50-150ton) minimize effects of off-centerUnique heavy duty spring provides fastpiston return." NPTF female half coupler isRLS100 standard with each cylinder (the RLS50" coupler which is not angled).Oil ports are 3/8" NPTF (except theCouplers on all cylinders, except RLS50,ASME B30.130, 60, 100, 150, 200 Ton Double-Acting Models Feature Plain CollarInterchangeable piston head inserts Built-in safety feature prevents over-pressurization of the retract circuit. superior packings provide high cycle Corrosion-resistant standpipe has “Power Tech” treatment (see page 8)." NPTF female half couplers. The 60 ton thru 200 ton steel models are equipped ASME B30.1700 BARRT 302RP55BR1502C R2802CR1502DEach cylinder has two 9796 3⁄8" NPTFSupport lifted load for extended periods oftime with hydraulic pressure released.Visible indicator band alerts when stroke limitis reached; overflow port (“weep hole”) strokeAll cylinders feature coated pistons to resistR556LTCylinder MetricUpper RingStacking Pad Insertion Handle No. 45589Each cribbing block set includes rings, pads and insertion handle.Page VALVES…50-57PagePA9 (66)Air Hydraulic95829584Port BPort A 。



Fixing a TireIf a tire goes flat while driving, grasp the steering wheel firmly and brake gradually to reduce speed. Then stop in a safe place.Use the temporary repair kit*1 to temporarily repair the tire.Go to a dealer as soon as possible to have the full-size tire repaired or replaced.n Temporarily Repairing a Flat Tire*1If the tire has a large cut or is otherwise severely damaged, you will need to have the vehicle towed. If the tire only has a small puncture, from a nail for instance (do not remove the nail), you can use the temporary tire repair kit so that you can drive to the nearest service station for a morepermanent repair.*1 - If equippedThe kit should not be used in the following situations. Instead, contact a dealer or roadside assistance to have the vehicle towed.•The tire sealant has expired.•More than one tire is punctured.•The puncture or cut is larger than 3/16 inch (4mm).•The tire side wall is damaged or the puncture is outside the contact area.•Damage has been caused by driving with the tires extremely under inflated.•The tire bead is no longer seated.•The rim is damaged.Getting Ready to Temporarily Repair the Flat Tire:1.Park the vehicle on a firm, level and non-slippery surface, and apply theparking brake.2.Put the transmission into Park (P).3.Turn on the hazard warning lights and set the power mode to VEHICLEOFF (LOCK).4.Open the trunk floor lid.5.Take the kit out of the case.6.Place the kit face up, on flat groundnear the flat tire, and away fromtraffic. Do not place the kit on itsside.Do not use a puncture-repairing agent other than the one provided in the kit that came with your vehicle. If a different agent is used, you may permanently damage the tire pressure sensor.n Injecting Sealant and Air1.Remove the valve cap from the tire valve stem.2.Remove the sealant/air hose from the packaging.3.Attach the sealant/air hose onto the tire valve stem. Screw on until it istight.4.Plug in the compressor to the accessory power socket. Be careful not topinch the cord in a door or window.5.Start the engine. Keep the engine running while injecting sealant andair.6.Turn the selector switch knob to REPAIR*18, SEALANT/AIR*3,PRODUIT ANTIFUITE/AIR*3.7.Press the inflator switch to turn on the compressor. The compressorstarts injecting sealant and air into the tire. When the sealant injectionis complete continue to add air.8.Models with 215/45R17 87V tires: After the air pressure reaches front:35 psi (240 kPa)/rear: 33 psi (230 kPa), turn off the kit. To check thepressure, occasionally turn off the compressor and read the gauge.9.Models with225/40R18 92V tires: After the air pressure reaches front:33 psi (230 kPa) rear: 32 psi (220 kPa), turn off the kit. To check thepressure, occasionally turn off the compressor and read the gauge.10.Unplug the power plug from the accessory power socket.11.Unscrew the sealant/air hose from the tire valve stem. Reinstall thevalve cap.12.Press the pressure relief button until the gauge returns to 0 psi (0 kPa).13.Apply the repair notification label to the flat surface of the wheel. Thewheel surface must be clean to ensure the label adheres properly.*18 - U.S. models only*3 - Canadian models onlyDo not operate the temporary tire repair kit compressor for more than 15 minutes. The compressor can overheat and become permanentlydamaged.Tire sealant contains substances that are harmful and can be fatal ifIf accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting.Running the engine with the vehicle in an enclosed or even partlyenclosed area can cause a rapid build-up of toxic carbon monoxide.Breathing this colorless, odorless gas can cause unconsciousness and evenn Distributing the Sealant in the Tire1.Apply the speed restriction label tothe location as shown.2.Drive the vehicle for about 10minutes. Do not exceed 50 mph(80 km/h).3.Stop the vehicle in a safe place.4.Recheck the air pressure using thesealant/air hose on the compressor.5.Turn the selector knob to AIR*18,AIR ONLY*3, AIR SEULEMENT*3. Donot turn the air compressor on to check the pressure.*18 - U.S. models only*3 - Canadian models only6.If the air pressure is less than 25 psi (175 kPa):Do not add air or continue driving. The leak is too severe. Call for help and have your vehicle towed.Models with P215/45R17 87V tires:Front: 35 psi (240 kPa)/rear: 33 psi (230 kPa) or moreModels with 225/40R18 92V tires:Front: 33 psi (230 kPa)/rear: 32 psi (220 kPa) or moreContinue driving for another 10 minutes or until you reach the nearest service station, whichever is sooner. Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).If you have not reached a service station after 10 minutes, stop in a safe place and check the tire pressure.If the air pressure does not go down after the 10 minute driving, you do not need to check the pressure any more.Models with P215/45R17 87V tires:Greater than 25 psi (175 kPa), but less than front: 35 psi (240 kPa)/rear:33 psi (230 kPa)Turn the air compressor on to inflate the tire until the tire pressurereaches to front: 35 psi (240 kPa)/rear: 33 psi (230 kPa).Models with 225/40R18 92V tires:Greater than 25 psi (175 kPa), but less than front: 33 psi (230 kPa)/rear:32 psi (220 kPa).Turn the air compressor on to inflate the tire until the tire pressurereaches to front: 33 psi (230 kPa)/rear: 32 psi (220 kPa).Then drive carefully for 10 more minutes or until you reach the nearest service station. Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).You should repeat this procedure as long as the air pressure is within this range.7.Unplug the kit from the accessory power socket.8.Unscrew the air only hose from the tire valve stem. Reinstall the valvecap.9.Press the pressure relief buttonuntil the gauge returns to 0 psi (0kPa).10.Repackage and properly stow the kit.Running the engine with the vehicle in an enclosed or even partly enclosed area can cause a rapid build-up of toxic carbon monoxide. Breathing this colorless, odorless gas can cause unconsciousness and even。

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