德力西CDS10 系列智能型电动机保护器-样本20170720


德力西电气 CDZC-10□-D系列智能充电站 使用说明书

德力西电气 CDZC-10□-D系列智能充电站 使用说明书

检验 01使用说明书CDZC-10□-D 系列智能充电站□ 安装、使用产品前,请仔细阅读使用说明书,并妥善保管、备用。

符合标准:GB/T 42236.1-2022产品合格证名 称:型 号:本产品执行G B /T 42236.1-2022标准,经检验合格,准予出厂。

检 验 员:检验日期:见产品或包装CDZC-10□-D 系列智能充电站温馨提示:报废的电气产品不得与生活垃圾一起处置,在特定的设施环境中可以再循环。






本使用说明书自2023年8月第一版地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇站东路155号电话:(86-577)62713883 (86-577)62713888客户热线:0577-******** 188********CD ZC -10 □ □ - DD :塑壳大功率型W-扫二维码支付;S-刷卡支付;输出端口数:10路产品代号企业特征代号-1-表1 CDZC-10□-D 型智能充电站主要按键设置功能表5.2 性能特点5.2.1 安全特点一机多控,互不干扰;按键启动充电; 过载保护,充满保护;断电记忆;5.2.2 管理特点设置充电时长;自主设定充电时长;设置语音提示音量;设置充电收费与零收费;设置过载保护功率;设置分段功率收费;设置各段最高充电功率;五档功率分段计费;刷卡;手机支付;浮充功率值设定;(注意产品各功能依照产品型号而确定)5.2.3 后台监控特点(具有扫码功能、互联网管理功能的充电站) 手机后台查看充电端口充电状态、查找附近设备; 后台调节充电时间、功率分段收费;远程续费充电;充电站故障报警远程显示;消费记录查询及线上线下收益统计分析;按键*产品设置按键#数字键按键10确认/退出该回路启动键输入数字时表示数字01、用途CDZC-10□ -D型智能充电站是我公司为电动自行车安全充电、方便物业管理而研发设计的充电管理设备,该产品操作简单,使用方便,是居住小区、公共停车场、大型购物中心、单位等场所的充电管理首选设备。

德力西电气 CDYNSCB浪涌后备保护器产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

德力西电气 CDYNSCB浪涌后备保护器产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

CDYN系列电涌保护器CDYNSCB系列电涌保护器专用保护装置产品样本北京办事处北区中区地址:北京市丰台区枫竹苑一区(未来假日花园)18-10 邮编:100076天津办公点地址:天津市西青区凯安道凯信佳园9-3-401邮编:300100沈阳办公点地址:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区细河南路碧桂园银河城钻石郡148-3邮编:110000长沙办公点地址:湖南长沙市芙蓉区万象企业公馆5栋2709邮编:410000郑州办公点地址:河南郑州金水区青年路145号6号楼17层1706号邮编:450000武汉办公点地址:湖北武汉市江汉区新华路186号福星国际商会大厦2516、2517室邮编:430000温州办公点地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西工业园邮编:325604成都办公点地址:成都市金牛区人民北路二段118号金牛万达广场甲级C座 16楼1603号邮编:610000南京办公点地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区洪武路23号隆盛大厦1505、1506室邮编:210000重庆办公点地址:重庆市九龙坡区渝洲路4号18-9号邮编:400039广州办事处地址:广州市荔湾区南岸路63号城启大厦1905室 邮编:510160南宁办公点地址:南宁市西乡塘区北大路中梦泽园小区岳阳阁5单元202室邮编:530003昆明办公点地址:昆明市西山区棕树营街道办事处土堆村碧鸡名城C地块9幢2802室邮编:650000贵阳办公点地址:贵阳市观山湖区石林东路中天帝景传说B区B4栋1单元1302室西安办事处地址:陕西西安市莲湖区大庆路三号蔚蓝国际A705 邮编:710082新疆办公点地址:新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区米东南路红光雅居D区6号楼3单元602室邮编:830000青岛办公点地址:青岛市城阳区正阳路177号15号楼2单元903室邮编:214000福建办公点地址:福州市晋安区东二环泰禾广场7号楼1117单元邮编:350024济南办公点地址:山东省济南市历下区工业南路55号未来城商务中心13#楼608室邮编:250000杭州办公点地址:杭州市江干区蓝桥景苑11幢2单元1002室邮编:310016南昌办公点地址:江西南昌市西湖区广场东路恒茂国际华城23幢2907邮编:330002深圳办公点地址:深圳市龙华新区民丰路1号碧水龙庭7栋4单元14D 邮编:518109兰州办公点地址:兰州市城关区瑞德摩尔万国港E座2208邮编:730020电话:153****1522合肥办公点地址:安徽省合肥市瑶海区武里山路五里山天街3A-1402室邮编:230000吉林办公点地址:吉林省长春市经开区浦东路与深圳街交汇处虹湾国际A座706室邮编:130031黑龙江办公点地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区润达国际D座2单807室邮编:150050石家庄办公点地址:石家庄市裕华区华兴生活小区41-1-102邮编:050011太原办公点地址:山西太原市万柏林区西矿街70号红星小区五单元1402邮编:030024石家庄物流地址:河北省石家庄市元氏县殷村石武铁路东国达物流园内电话:155****1257辽宁物流地址:沈阳市苏家屯区雪莲街188号(雪莲街与四环路交叉口)华翔东北亚贸城 D1 德力西陕西物流地址:陕西省西安市六村堡丰产路西段陕西商储物流园南区B1号德力西仓库山东物流地址:山东省临沂市经济技术开发区翔宇路23号华派克物流园内 重庆物流地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区重庆西部诚通物流有限公司5号库成都物流地址:四川省成都市青白江区国际集装箱物流园区德汇路9号4栋4-4号广东物流地址:广东省佛山市南海区里水镇怡和二路银裕木业制品厂直入100米河南物流地址:河南省郑州市经济开发区国际物流园喜达路宇培物流园(礼通路)东北W4-A区4B 58-59号湖北物流地址:湖北省武汉市东西湖区临空港大道23号捷利物流园3号库温州物流地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技生态工业园新疆物流地址:乌鲁木齐市友谊路230号(新疆诚通国际物流园内德力西仓库)芜湖物流地址:安徽省芜湖市芜湖县新芜经济开发区朝阳路德力西物流中心产品介绍电涌保护器基础知识产品介绍技术参数SPD 常用名词解释怎样看电涌保护器的好坏?它有些什么主要技术参数,各有什么重要性?为什么电涌保护器需要后备保护装置?电涌保护器的后备保护装置需要满足那些要求?不同接地系统SPD 极数的选择Ⅰ类实验 (Class I test)用标称放电电流In 、1.2/50冲击电压和最大冲击电流Iimp 做的试验。


小型断路器符合 IEC60898-1/GB10963.1 CDB2大电流断路器符合 IEC60947-2/GB14048.2 CDB5隔离开关符合 IEC60947-3/GB14048.3
C1 小型断路器 及隔离开关
CDB6s标准断路器 该产品技术参数详见此样本第5-6页
100 200
50 100
20 50
20 10
5 10
5 2
0.2 0.5
0.1 0.2
0.05 0.1
0.05 0.02
0.01 0.02
0.005 0.01
0.005 0.002
0.001 0.002
00..5001 1
2 3 4 5 7 10
20 30 50 70 100 200
2P 3P 4P 1P+N 3P+N

2P 3P 4P 1P+N 3P+N B C D 6 10 16 20 25 32 40
30 50 75 100 300 有
2P 3P 4P 1P+N 3P+N B C D
50 60
30 50 75 100 300 有
1P 2P 3P 4P
1 3 6 10 16 20 25 32 40
CDB6p 3
6 10 16 20 25 32
CDB3 3
6 10 16 20 25 32

德力西JD-5S 电动机综合保护器 说明书

德力西JD-5S 电动机综合保护器 说明书

JD-5S Series Electric Motor Integrated ProtectorUser Manual□Please carefully read this User Manual before the installationand operation of this product, and keep it properly for futurereferenceI. Overview1.1 Scope of ApplicationJD-5S series electric motor integrated protector is used in the AC 50/60Hz power supply circuit with a voltage 380V and below to form an electric motor control circuit together with the switching circuits such as AC contactor. if found abnormal working states such as open phase, overload, and stall of main circuit of electric motor, please disconnect the contact of the switching device and cut off the three-phase power supply of electric motor timely to protect the electric motor reliably. JD-5S is an upgraded product of JD-5 product, and the setting current of the protector is set directly according to the rated current marked on the nameplate of the electric motor before use for convenient operation by users; there are technologies of multiple starting timeout options and the overload protection has inverse time limit performance, the needs of various types of motors starting from light load to heavy load can be adapted. The product has functions that there is a digital tube do display the setting current value, the run and fault status light-emitting tube is used to display, and there is pointer ammeter drive output.Standard: GB/T 14048.41.2 Model definitionRated control supply voltage Us:AC220V;AC380VRated current: 1A~9.9A10A~99ASpecification codeElectric motor integrated protectors1.3 Normal working conditions and installation conditions1.3.1 Working environment: the altitude does not exceed 2000 meters; The ambient temperature is not higher than +40℃and not below than -5℃; the voltage change range of the rated control power supply is 85%-110% of the rated voltage; the product is installed in places where the medium has no serious vibration and explosion hazard, and there are no gases and dust in the medium sufficient to cause corrosion to the metals and damage to the insulation, and there is rain and snow invasion.1.3.2 Vertical or horizontal installationII. Structural Characteristics and Working PrincipleJD-5S electric motor integrated protector has protections for overload, stall, thermal memory, open phase, three-phase imbalance, and start-up timeout. This protector adopts current sensing technology, and has a relay output interface; the whole series is of the core-through type. This protector has advantages of simple structure, reliable action, and convenient operation.III. Technical ParametersRated operating current Ie range 1A~9.9A 10A~99ARated insulation voltage, Ui AC380VRated operating voltage, Ue AC380VRated control supply voltage, Us AC50/60Hz AC220V AC380VUse category Main circuit AC-3; matched auxiliary contact (body) AC-15 Shell protection grade IP40Number of types of contacts of aux.circuit1 normally openOperating voltage and operating currentunder the use category of aux. CircuitAC-15 Ue: AC220V Ie: 0.47ARated ultimate short circuit current matedSCPDRT16-00, 6ATrip level 10A, 10, 20, 30Overload protection characteristics When the actual operating current of the motor is 1.05 times of the rated operating current, the protector operation protection time is greater than or equal to 2 h; when the actual operating current rises to 1.2 times, the protector operation protection time is less than 2 h; when the actual operating current rises to 1.5 times, the protector operation protection time is less than 2 min.Range of matched DC meter head(Rated current) 0~5A (1A~4A); 0~10A (4A~10A); 0~50A (10A~40A);0~100A (40~99A)Phase open time The open time of any phase among three phases is ≤ 3s Contact capacity AC380V, 3A; AC220V, 5A (Resistive)Electrical life: ≥10 x 104 timesMechanical life ≥100 x 104 timesInstallation method Device type (with TH35 mounting rail or screw fixed installation)IV. Outline and Installation Dimensions of ProductElectric motor integrated protectorConnected to meter headConnected to meter head Notes: QA: Start Notes: QA: StartTA: Stop TA: StopKM: AC contactor 220V KM: AC contactor 380VV. Installation and Operation InstructionsInstallation and Operation Instructions:1. Please carefully read the instructions, and connect the wires according to the wiring diagram.2. 1# and 2# terminals are the working power input terminals of the protector; 3# and 4# are the normally open contacts at the control end; 5# and 6# can be connected to the pointer ammeter head. The wiring connection method can refer to the wiring diagram; three wires from the outlet end of the AC contactor are pass through three white wire holes H1, H2, and H3 of the protector to connect to the inlet wires of the electric motor (see wiring diagram).3. Operation Guide3.1 Parameter settings1) Motor rated current settingBefore starting the electric motor, power on the JD-5S protector, press the "SET" key to switch to the "Rated current" setting item, and at this time the indicator is lit and the display value on the digital tube is the setting rated current. (According to the nominal rated current value marked on the motor nameplate, the rated current is set by pressing the "" and "" add and subtract keys)2) Starting timeout protection time settingBefore starting the electric motor, power on the JD-5S protector, press the "SET" key to switch to the "Start time" setting item, and at this time the indicator is lit and the display value on the digital tube is the setting starting timeout protection time (second); set the starting timeout protection time by pressing the "" and "" add and subtract keys; when "OF" is displayed on the digital tube, this indicates that the starting timeout protection is disabled, and when the digit is displayed, this indicates that the starting timeout protection is enabled.The factory default of the product is "OF" to turn off starting timeout protection.3) Trip level settingBefore starting the electric motor, power on the JD-5S protector, and press and hold the "SET" key to switch to the "Trip level" setting item, and at this time the indicator is lit, and the digital tube displays the protection trip level to be set; if "10." is displayed, this indicates Level 10A, with "10" displayed to indicate Level 10, with "20" displayed to indicate Level 20, and with "30" displayed to indicate Level 30. By pressing the "" and "" keys, set the different trip levels. The factory default is "10." indicating Level 10A.4) Failsafe status view and status recovery:When the failsafe protection trips in the event of starting timeout, overload, open phase or unbalance in the line, the fault status indicator on the JD-5S protector panel will be lit, and at this time the protector contact opens and is locked at the OFF state; by pressing the "SET" key, the three-phase current when the trip protection works can be viewed on the external pointer ammeter. If the digital tube displays "A-", this is the trip current of phase a; if "B-" is displayed, this is the trip current of phase B; if "C-" is displayed, this is the trip current of phase C. When the line works normally, press the "RST" key to unlock the current lock state (in case of open phase, unbalance, or starting timeout, press the "RST" key for unlocking). As the overload protection has the thermal memory function, pressing the "RST" key cannot realize the unlocking action, and the unlocking will be carried out automatically when the electric motor is cooled down (also, the protector can be powered on again for unlocking).VI. Operation Precautions1. Connect the wire properly according to the wiring diagram.2. Set the setting current according to the rated current marked on the nameplate of electric motor by combining with the display on the digital tube via keys.3. During the startup of electric motor, the overload indicator will be lit. After startup, the overload indicator shall be off during normal operation, so that the adjustment process is completed.4. Please check the performance of the protector regularly, such as open phase test and overload test.5. It is strictly prohibited to increase the current of the protector when the current and electric motor or the load works abnormally, otherwise this may cause the electric motor burns.6. The equipment that may cause major economic losses or personal safety shall be designed to ensure that the technical characteristics and performance values have sufficient margins, and safety measures such as double circuit protection should be taken.VII. Common Faults and Solutions1. If the motor stops during normal operation, carefully check the electric motor for open phase or overload. First check whether the electric motor has very high temperature rise; if found temperature rise, the overload may occur; if not found temperature rise, the line may have open phase to cause trip; check whether the three-phase power supply works normally; check the moving and fixed contacts of the AC contactor have good contact; check whether three power lines of electric motor are loose; If all are normal but the electric motor still fails to start, please carefully check whether the connecting screws of the self-lock contact of AC contactor and the normally-closed contact of protector are loose; the electric motor can start only after all faults are eliminated. Do not start the product forcedly when the fault is not eliminated to prevent accidents.2. The protector works with the electric motor and the load switch (such as contactor), and the power supply shall be turned on simultaneously. If failed to realize the synchronized power-on, the protector may have open phase fault, and the electric motor cannot start normally.3. If found any product failure, please disconnect the power supply, and then find the cause of fault; after checking that the line works normally, operate the product according to the installation and operation instructions.4. For products with poor quality, please contact the local dealer company or our company.VIII. Transport and StorageThe product is not affected by rain and snow during storage and transportation, and cannot be extruded; the product shall be put in a well-ventilated environment during storage, and the relative humidity does not exceed 90% at (25℃± 5℃). The lower temperature limit is -25℃, and the upper temperature limit is +55℃.IX. Unpacking and InspectionUnpack the outer carton, and check there is a user manual in the packing box.X. Ordering NoticeThe current specification is 1A~9.9A, 10~99A. Please note that the power of electric motor shall be consist with that of the protector.When ordering, please specify the model and specification of the product. For special requirements, please contact the manufacturer.VI. Company’s CommitmentUnder the premise that users follow the use and storage conditions and the product are well sealed, within 24 months from the production date, our company will provide repair and replacement service free of charge for any damage or abnormal operation due to poor manufacture quality. A paid repair will be provided if the warranty period expires. For any damage due to one of the following situations, a paid repair will be given even if within the warranty period:(1)Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;(2)Modified and inappropriate repair without permission;(3)Damage due to falling off or during installation after purchase;(4)Force majeure such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, abnormal voltages, and secondary disasters.(5)The electrical life of the product exceeds 100,000 times; the mechanical life of the product exceeds one million times.If you have any questions, please contact the dealer or our company’s customer service department.Customer Service Hotline: 400-826-8008Certificate DELIXI GROUP CO., LTD. Name: Integrated Protector for Electric Motors Model: JD-5S seriesThis product complies with the standard GB/T 14048.4, passes the inspection and is allowed to be shipped. Inspector: Check 01Inspection date: See label on inner boxManufacturer: Delixi Group Co., Ltd.Address: No. 155, Zhandong Road, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province P.C.: 325604 Tel: (86-577) 6177 8888Fax: (86-577) 6177 8000Customer Service Hotline: 400-826-8008The second edition of this User Manual was issued in Aug. 2021。



2: AC220V 3: AC380V 4: DC220V 2U: AC220V(不带欠压脱扣器) 3U: AC380V(不带欠压脱扣器) 4U: DC220V(不带欠压脱扣器)
附件配置 产品名称 CDW1
壳架等级 20
附件名称 MN
附件工作电压 AC220
20: 2000A 32: 3200A
V AC 380V AC220V V (0.35~0.7)Ue V (0.85~1.1)Ue
不能合闸电压 功耗
V ≤0.35Ue 12VA
分励脱扣器 分励脱扣器在(70%~110%)Us之间应能保证断路器断开
额定控制电源电压 Us 动作电压 功耗 分断时间
V AC380 AC220 DC220 V (0.7~1.1)Us
40VA(AC) 40W(DC) 小于30ms
闭合电磁铁 闭合电磁铁应在(85%~110%)Us之间保证断路器可靠闭合
额定控制电源电压 Us 动作电压 功耗 分闸时间
V AC380 AC220 DC220 V (0.85~1.1)Us
40VA(AC) 40W(DC) 小于70ms
四相电流(I1、I2、I3、 八次故障记录 中文图形液晶显示
短延时反时限保护多曲线可选 短延时定时限保护
IN)及接地电流 热容量
八次报警记录 八次变位记录
LED状态指示 键盘操作
欠压保护 电压不平衡保护

德力西电气 骑士系列微断样本 产品说明书

德力西电气 骑士系列微断样本 产品说明书

小型标准断路器102CDB6H-63小型标准断路器CDB6H-63小型标准断路器具有以下功能104产品选型及尺寸图CDB6H-63小型标准断路器2P 3P 4P 1P 接线示意图外形及安装尺寸105CDB6HTC-63小型标准断路器• 短路保护• 过载保护• 隔离功能CDB6HTC-63小型标准断路器具有以下功能主要特性额定工作电压(V)1P:230/400、240/415VAC ,DC 80V2P: AC 400/415V,DC125V3P-4P: AC 400/415V额定电流(A)1-63额定频率(Hz)50/60极数1P,2P,3P,4P 分断能力(kA)6符合标准GB/T 14048.2、IEC60947-2符合认证电气特性额定绝缘电压 Ui (V )500最大工作电压 Uemax 1P , (V )240/415 AC ,80DC 2P ,3P ,4P (V )415 AC ,125VDC 额定短路能力 Icn (kA )6,10额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp(1.2/50) (kV )6介电测试电压2kV (50/60HZ,1分钟)使用类别A 隔离功能具备污染等级3脱扣形式热磁脱扣脱扣曲线 li(B) 型曲线4ln(AC)、5ln(DC)█ li(C) 型曲线8ln(AC)、10ln(DC)█ li(D) 型曲线12ln(AC)、15ln(DC)█电气及机械附件有106107产品选型及尺寸图CDB6HTC-63小型标准断路器2P 3P 4P 1P接线示意图外形及安装尺寸108• 短路保护• 过载保护• 隔离功能CDB6HLES-63小型漏电保护断路器具有以下功能主要特性额定工作电压(V )1P+N,2P :230/240 AC 2P,3P,3P+N,4P :400/415 AC额定电流(A )一般型:1~63S 型(延时型):32~63额定频率(Hz )50/60极数1P+N,2P,3P,3P+N,4P 分断能力(kA )6,10额定剩余动作电流(mA )一般型:10,30,50,75,100,300S 型(延时型):50,75,100,300过压保护功能(V )(280±14)VAC (仅适用于1P+N,2P,C 型产品)符合标准GB/T 16917.1、IEC61009-1符合认证注:CE 认证仅2P 、3P 、4P电气特性额定绝缘电压 Ui (V )500最大工作电压 Uemax 1P+N,2P (V )240 AC 3P ,3P+N,4P (V )415 AC 额定短路能力 Icn (kA )6,10额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp (1.2/50) (kV )4介质测试电压2kV (50/60Hz,1 分钟)隔离功能具备漏电类型A 、AC 型污染等级2脱扣形式热磁脱扣脱扣曲线 B 型曲线(3ln~5ln)█ C 型曲线(5ln~10ln)█ D 型曲线(10ln~14ln)█电气及机械附件有• 漏电保护功能• 过压保护功能109产品选型及尺寸图CDB6HLES-63小型漏电保护断路器110111• 短路保护• 过载保护• 隔离功能CDB6H-80小型标准断路器具有以下功能主要特性额定工作电压(V )1P :230/400、240/415 AC 2P,3P,4P :400/415 AC额定电流(A )80额定频率(Hz )50/60极数1P,2P,3P,4P 分断能力(kA )6符合标准GB/T 10963.1、IEC60898-1符合认证电气特性额定绝缘电压 Ui (V )500最大工作电压 Uemax 1P , (V )240/415 AC 2P ,3P ,4P (V )415 AC 额定短路能力 Icn (kA )6额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp (1.2/50) (kV )4介质测试电压2kV (50/60Hz,1 分钟)使用类别A 隔离功能具备污染等级2脱扣形式热磁脱扣脱扣曲线 B 型曲线(3ln~5ln )█ C 型曲线(5ln~10ln )█D 型曲线(10ln~14ln )█电气及机械附件有1121132P3P1P接线示意图外形及安装尺寸产品选型及尺寸图CDB6H-80小型标准断路器4P114B 特性B 脱扣特性微型断路器符合GB/T 10963.1 IEC60898标准,适用于为阻性负载或无冲击电流的负载提供保护。

CDP-M10电机智能保护器V2.0 说明书常规型

CDP-M10电机智能保护器V2.0 说明书常规型
四、 外型尺寸、安装
面板安装,板前尺寸:96×48×14(mm),板后尺寸 90×44×68(mm),开孔尺寸:92×45(mm)
五、 主要技术指标和参数设置范围
1、测量量程: a) A、B、C 三相电流 0~9999A b) 电压 AC 175~265V c) 零序电流 0.2~4995A d) 功耗吸收 电压回路:<0.5AV(每相) 电流回路:<0.5AV(每相) e) 4-20mA 模拟信号输出量可以设置对应电压、A、B、C 三相电流、零序电流 三相电流信号、零序电流经互感器转变为二次电流后,其量程与 4-20mA 模拟输出关系如下图所示:
2、 测量精度达 1 级,线性度好;整机抗干扰能力强,保护动作可靠。 3、 一机多用,可取代传统的电流表、电压表、热继电器和时间继电器等,并具有软件自诊断功能。 4、 智保器具有模拟 4-20mA 的信号输出功能和异步串行通信。通讯采用规约:MODBUS 从站规约,
三、 正常使用条件及功能
CDP-M10 电机智能保护器(V2.0)使用说明书(常规型)
6、 主要功能: 具有缺相、过载、空载、过压、欠压、过流、零序、启动超时保护功能和断电自启动功能,动作 准确可靠。 显示内容:正常状态时,可分别显示运行电压和三相电流;故障时显示故障信息和发生故障时的电 流(电压)值。 保护整定参数设定:缺相、过载、空载、过压、欠压、过流、零序、启动超时、断电自启动保护定 值和时间定值,并可选定保护投入和退出。 其他参数设置:可以通过人机界面设定模拟输出对应的电参数,修改本机地址和波特率,设定启动 和动作报警的方式以及主回路 CT 电流变比的设置。

德力西电气 CDFD1系列消防设备电源监控系统产品样本2022年第1版 产品说明书

德力西电气 CDFD1系列消防设备电源监控系统产品样本2022年第1版 产品说明书







消防设备电源监控系统执行国家标准GB 28184-2011标准《消防电源监控设备》。






德力西电气 CDQ1F双电源自动转换开关产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

德力西电气 CDQ1F双电源自动转换开关产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

CDQ1F PC级自动转换开关产品样本2021年9月第一版北京办事处地址:北京市丰台区枫竹苑一区(未来假日花园)18-10 邮编:100076天津办公点地址:天津市西青区凯安道凯信佳园9-3-401邮编:300100沈阳办公点地址:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区细河南路碧桂园银河城钻石郡148-3邮编:110000长沙办公点地址:湖南长沙市芙蓉区万象企业公馆5栋2709邮编:410000郑州办公点地址:河南郑州金水区青年路145号6号楼17层1706号邮编:450000武汉办公点地址:湖北武汉市江汉区新华路186号福星国际商会大厦2516、2517室邮编:430000温州办公点地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西工业园邮编:325604成都办公点地址:成都市金牛区人民北路二段118号金牛万达广场甲级C座 16楼1603号邮编:610000南京办公点地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区洪武路23号隆盛大厦1505、1506室邮编:210000重庆办公点地址:重庆市九龙坡区渝洲路4号18-9号邮编:400039广州办事处地址:广州市荔湾区南岸路63号城启大厦1905室 邮编:510160南宁办公点地址:南宁市西乡塘区北大路中梦泽园小区岳阳阁5单元202室邮编:530003昆明办公点地址:昆明市西山区棕树营街道办事处土堆村碧鸡名城C地块9幢2802室邮编:650000贵阳办公点地址:贵阳市观山湖区石林东路中天帝景传说B区B4栋1单元1302室西安办事处地址:陕西西安市莲湖区大庆路三号蔚蓝国际A705 邮编:710082新疆办公点地址:新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区米东南路红光雅居D区6号楼3单元602室邮编:830000青岛办公点地址:青岛市城阳区正阳路177号15号楼2单元903室邮编:214000福建办公点地址:福州市晋安区东二环泰禾广场7号楼1117单元邮编:350024济南办公点地址:山东省济南市历下区工业南路55号未来城商务中心13#楼608室邮编:250000杭州办公点地址:杭州市江干区蓝桥景苑11幢2单元1002室邮编:310016南昌办公点地址:江西南昌市西湖区广场东路恒茂国际华城23幢2907邮编:330002深圳办公点地址:深圳市龙华新区民丰路1号碧水龙庭7栋4单元14D 邮编:518109兰州办公点地址:兰州市城关区瑞德摩尔万国港E座2208邮编:730020电话:153****1522合肥办公点地址:安徽省合肥市瑶海区武里山路五里山天街3A-1402室邮编:230000吉林办公点地址:吉林省长春市经开区浦东路与深圳街交汇处虹湾国际A座706室邮编:130031黑龙江办公点地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区润达国际D座2单807室邮编:150050石家庄办公点地址:石家庄市裕华区华兴生活小区41-1-102邮编:050011太原办公点地址:山西太原市万柏林区西矿街70号红星小区五单元1402邮编:030024石家庄物流地址:河北省石家庄市元氏县殷村石武铁路东国达物流园内电话:155****1257辽宁物流地址:沈阳市苏家屯区雪莲街188号(雪莲街与四环路交叉口)华翔东北亚贸城 D1 德力西陕西物流地址:陕西省西安市六村堡丰产路西段陕西商储物流园南区B1号德力西仓库山东物流地址:山东省临沂市经济技术开发区翔宇路23号华派克物流园内 重庆物流地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区重庆西部诚通物流有限公司5号库成都物流地址:四川省成都市青白江区国际集装箱物流园区德汇路9号4栋4-4号广东物流地址:广东省佛山市南海区里水镇怡和二路银裕木业制品厂直入100米河南物流地址:河南省郑州市经济开发区国际物流园喜达路宇培物流园(礼通路)东北W4-A区4B 58-59号湖北物流地址:湖北省武汉市东西湖区临空港大道23号捷利物流园3号库温州物流地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技生态工业园新疆物流地址:乌鲁木齐市友谊路230号(新疆诚通国际物流园内德力西仓库)芜湖物流地址:安徽省芜湖市芜湖县新芜经济开发区朝阳路德力西物流中心0102符合的标准正常使用及安装条件CDQ1F 型自动转换开关电器,由负荷隔离开关(无过载和短路保护机构)和智能控制器组成。

德力西 CDQ0s系列双电源自动转换开关电器说明书

德力西 CDQ0s系列双电源自动转换开关电器说明书

CDQ0s Automatic Transfer Switching EquipmentUser Manual □ Please read the product instructions carefully before theinstallation and operation of the product, and keep thoseinstructions properly for reference laterSafety NoticePlease carefully read this manual before the installation, operation, run, maintenance, and inspection of the product, and install and operate this product properly according to the product instructions.Danger:●It is prohibited to operate the automatic transfer switching equipment with your wet hands;●It is prohibited to touch the conductive part during operation;●Make sure that the product is de-electrified during the maintenance and repair;●It is prohibited to use the short circuit method to test the product;●Please remove the manual operating handle during the automatic operation.Caution:●The installation, maintenance and repair shall be carried out by professionally qualified personnel;●The product should be installed, debugged and operated according to the product instructions;●Please confirm that the operating voltage, rated current, frequency and characteristics of the product meet theworking requirements before use;●When installation, please distinguish the normal input terminal, spare input terminal and output terminal,otherwise it may cause a short circuit accident;●When installation, please ensure that the phase sequence of the normal power supply must be consistent withthat of the spare power supply, otherwise it may cause the reverse rotation of the load motor located at the lower end;●Regardless of the three-pole or four-pole product, the zero line must be connected to the N pole at the inputterminal, and it is strictly forbidden to share the N pole, otherwise it will make the electric leakage protection product work;●In order to prevent interphase short circuit, a phase partition shall be provided for the copper busbars at theincoming and output terminals for isolation (no phase partition is required for 2P products);●The undervoltage under working condition is not less than 195.5V (phase voltage), otherwise the productmay not be switched normally;●Do not operate the product manually in the Auto mode, otherwise the automatic transfer switching equipmentwill be reset to the original position;●Before manual operation, the product must be in the Manual mode (the Auto/Manual button is in the Oposition) and the matched handle is used. The manual operation can realize the closing, spare closing, and dual-opening functions;●To test the insulation resistance or power frequency withstand voltage, please disconnect the electroniccomponents (including the controller) between the current circuits, otherwise it may cause damage to the performance of the product;●When scrapping the product, please dispose the product waste properly. Thanks for your cooperation.Table of Contents1 About the CDQ0s automatic transfer switching equipment (1)1.1Packing List (1)1.2About Product Structure and Nameplate (1)1.3Product Features (2)1.4Product Model and Its Meanings (2)1.5Main Technical Parameters of the Product (2)2Storage and Transportation (3)3Installation (3)3.1Normal Working Conditions and Installation Conditions (3)3.2Outline and Installation Dimensions (4)3.3Product Wiring Diagram (5)3.4User Installation Instructions (6)3.5Safety Distance (7)4 Operation and Debugging (8)4.1 Description of Automatic Switching Action Process of Switch (8)4.2 Operation Method (8)4.3 Handle Installation and Use Instructions (9)4.4 Description of Indicator Display (9)4.5 Precautions During Operation (10)5 Troubleshooting (10)6 Company’s Commitments (11)1 About the CDQ0s automatic transfer switching equipment1.1 Packing ListNo. Name Unit Qty.1 Automatic transfer switching equipment Unit 12 Handle Pcs 13 Mounting screw, nuts, and flat gasket Bag 14 Manual Copy 15 Phase partition Sheet 2P: No; 3P/4P:6 sheets After unpacking, the user must check the product for damage, the exposed metal for rust, and the product for any defects caused by poor transportation or storage. If found the above phenomenon, please stop the product, and contact the supplier timely for this.1.2 About Product Structure and NameplateDo not operate manually in the Auto modeNormal power Spare powerAuto ManualAutomatic Transfer Switching EquipmentFig. 1 Product schematic diagramAutomatic Transfer Switching EquipmentRated operating voltage Ue: Rated operating current Ie: Rated freq.: 50Hz Electrical grade: Grade PC Usage category: AC-33Standard: GB/T 14048.11 Date of Production:Rated short time withstand current Icw:Rated short circuit making capacity Icm:Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp: 8kVNumber of poles:Fig. 2 Product nameplateLegends:1 – Mounting hole2 – Power end3 - Phase partition4 – Switching position indicator window5 – Indicator6 – Auto/Manual button7 – Operating handle 8 – Company logo 9 Operating handle hole10 – Company name 11 Product model1.3 Product FeaturesCDQ0s series automatic transfer switching equipment complies with the GB/T 14048.11 standard, and it is primarily used in the AC 50Hz power supply system with the rated operating voltage 400V and the rated operating current ranged 10~250A to switch between the normal power supply and the spare power supply automatically (automatic transfer automatic recover) / manually.a)There are three positions (Normal, Spare, and Dual-Open) for main contacts, and the manual dual-opening function is used to cut off the power for convenient maintenance and repair of the subordinate circuit, and meets the functional requirements of MTSE (manual transfer switching equipment).b)The usage category conforms to AC-33iB and has AC-33B parameters;c)This product adopts the design structure of upper inlet (power inlet on both sides) and lower output (load outlet on one side).1.4 Product Model and Its MeaningsDefault: No fire protection function; X: With fire dual-open functionDefault: No external indicator terminal; D: With external indicator terminalRated current (A): 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 140, 160, 200,225, 250Number of poles: 2P, 3P, 4PFrame current: 80, 125. 250Design No.Automatic transfer switching equipmentEnterprise code1.5 Main Technical Parameters of the ProductThe main technical parameters are listed in Table 2:Table 2 Main technical parametersModelParameterRated current (A)Usage category2Storage and Transportationa)Please gently handle the product during transportation and installation, do not upside it down, and protect it to avoid violent collision and vibration; the free fall height during transportation should not exceed 400mm;b)The product shall not be directly exposed to rain and snow and long-term direct radiation from the sun;c)Ambient temperature: -25℃ to +70℃; the relative humidity of the air does not exceed 90%.3 Installation3.1 Normal Working Conditions and Installation Conditionsa) The ambient air temperature does not exceed +40℃, and the mean temperature within 24 hours does not exceed +35℃. The lower limit of ambient air temperature is -5℃;b) The altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;c) When the maximum temperature is +40℃, the relative humidity of the air does not exceed 50%, and a higher relative humidity can be allowed at lower temperatures, such as 90% at +20°C. Special measures should be taken for condensation occurred occasionally due to temperature changes;d) The pollution degree is Level 3, there is conductive pollution, or the dry non-conductive pollution becomes conductive due to condensation;e) The installation category is Class IV, and the power supply inlet is horizontal;f) Environment class B, installed in a place where there is no rain or snow attacks and there is no severe vibration. 3.2 Outline and Installation DimensionsD2 spare inlet depthD1 normal inlet depthDo not operate manually in the Auto modeNormal power Spare powerAu ManualAutomatic Transfer Switching EquipmentD3 outlet depthW1 installation dimensionFig. 3 CDQ0s80~ 250/2P, 3P, and 4P body outlineTable 3 Outline and installation dimensions of the switch bodyModel Spec.H 1 i n s t a l l a t i o n d i m e n s i o n3.3 Product Wiring DiagramNormal power Spare power Normal power Spare power Normal power Spare power4P wiring diagram 3P wiring diagram 2P wiring diagramFig. 4 Product wiring diagramSpare NormalWorking state indicator (passive) Fire dual-open 101/102 Standby closing indicator (passive) 103/ 104 Normal closing indication (passive) Fire dual-open / DC24V inputWiring diagram of the terminal block of the secondarycircuitTerminal definition(Note: Closing indication and fire dual-open terminal are optional functions; for details, refer to the practical product instructions)Fig. 5 Secondary terminal wiring diagram3.4 User Installation InstructionsNormal power input terminal Spare power input terminal Hex wrenchNuts and flat gasketsOpen-end wrenchOutput terminal on load sidePhillips screwdriver Cross-recessed mounting screw Fig. 6 CDQ0s80~250 normal power supply, spare power supply, outlet side wiring and product installationFig. 7: Schematic diagram of copper busbar and wire specificationsTable 4 Specifications of copper busbars and wiresModelSpec.sTable 5 Connecting wire (mm2)Rated current ASectional area ofwire mm2Table 6 Torque tableFrame Hex Torque N.m3.5 Safety DistanceDo not operate manually in the Auto modeNormal power Spare powerAu ManualAutomatic Transfer Switching EquipmentThere must be no obstructions within the working range of the handleTable 7 Safety distance (mm)Safety distance (mm) A B C D Insulation 0 50 0 50Metal 0 60 0 60 Live conductor 0 60 0 604 Operation and Debugging4.1 Description of Automatic Switching Action Process of Switch (automatic transfer automatic recover)Normal power is normalNormal power is abnormalNormal power offSwitched to spare powerSpare power worksNormal power restored to normalSpare power offSwitched to normal powerNormal power worksFig. 8 Operation process flow diagram4.2 Operation Methoda) Automatic operation: In the automatic transfer mode controlled by the controller, the controller can automatically detect the voltage loss and phase loss of the power supplies of two circuits to realize the automatic switching of the power supply.b) Manual operation: Turning to the manual transfer mode via handle, press the [Auto/Manual button] button on the switch panel to switch to the manual mode (Auto/Manual button in O position), take out the toggle handle from the body and insert it into the handle rotation position on the body, press the handle to the bottom, and rotate it to the required power position. After operation via handle, please remove the operating handle and put it in the original position.Auto ManualFig. 9 Auto/Manual button diagram 4.3 Handle Installation and Use InstructionsArrowHandleAfter installing and debugging the automatic transfer switching equipment, insert the handle into the product in the arrow direction, as illustrated in figure To manually open and close the product, insert the handle into the handle wheel in the direction shown in figure, and then open and close the product back and forth in the arrow direction, as illustrated in figureFig. 10 Handle Installation and Use Instructions 4.4 Description of Indicator DisplayThe description of the indicator display sees Table 8:Table 8 Description of indicator display1 Common power On: The normal powerworks normallyOff: Voltage loss andphase loss of commonpower ABCN1 Spare powerOn: The spare powerworks normallyOff: Voltage loss andphase loss of spare powerANDo not operate manually in the Auto modeNormal power Spare powerFig. 11 Indicator position diagram4.5 Precautions During OperationIn addition to the "Danger" and "Caution" on the Home page, the following situations should still be observed: a)This product can be operated reliably under the rated voltage (85%~115%) Ue. When installing and wiring the product, the wire inlet and outlet and the N phase must be strictly distinguished, and the neutral line should not be shared;b)It is strictly prohibited to use this product out of the normal use conditions, such as continuous moisture or condensation without corresponding precautions taken. For example, there is flammable or corrosive dust, the expected short circuit current is out of range, the voltage is too high or too low, the current exceeds the rated current, and the altitude is too high.c)This product adopts plastic shell insulation design structure, and there is no earthing requirement.d)If the protection device is disconnected due to the fault of the line or load, please eliminate the fault, and then power on the load.e)The general inspection shall be carried out regularly (such as every three months of operation) and the power supply is switched once manually to check whether the product works normally during the operation of the product.5 TroubleshootingThe common fault analysis of automatic transfer switching equipment is listed in Table 9:Table 9 TroubleshootingFault Cause SolutionThe product cannot be switched automatically (in case of fault or debugging) 1. There is a fault in the connectionbetween the power line and theswitch body;2. The Auto/Manual button is in theManual state;3. The undervoltage of the producton site exceeds 15% (phase voltage)1. Check whether the power line isconnected properly and whether thebolts are tightened firmly;2. Check whether the Auto/Manualbutton is in the Auto mode;3. Maintain the power grid on site.6 Company’s CommitmentsThe free repair or replacement will be provided by the company for damage or abnormal operation of the product produced by our company due to poor manufacturing quality within 36 months from the date of the production under the premise that the user conforms to the operation and storage conditions and that the product is well sealed. A paid repair is provided when the warranty period expires. However, the paid repair is provided for damage caused by one of the following situations even within the warranty period:a)Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;b)Modification without permission, or improper repair;c)Damage caused by falling off after purchase or occurred during the installation process;d)Irresistible nature disasters such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, abnormal voltages, and secondary disaster.If you have any questions, please contact the dealer or the company’s customer service department.Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008CertificateDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDDelixi High-Tech Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province P/C.: 325604 Tel: (86-577)6177 8888Fax: (86-577)6177 8000Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this User Manual was issued in Aug. 2022.。

德力西 CDS10 系列智能型电动机保护器 说明书

德力西 CDS10 系列智能型电动机保护器 说明书


3.11 触头容量:220V 5A;AC380V 3A(阻性)3.12 电寿命:大于或等于10万次3.13 机械寿命:大于或等于100万次3.14 故障保护功能:具有短路、过电流过载、堵转、缺相(启动时缺相及运行中缺相)、三相电流不平衡及启动超时等多种故障保护功能。


3.15 故障信息的记录及显示功能:当电动机发生故障后,保护器将在预定时间内切断电动机主回路电源。



3.15 电机过载的“热枳累”模拟:软件模拟电动机过载时绕组元件的热积累效应,以反映电动机过载时的温度特性, 实现有真正意义的过载保护功能。

3.16 电动机的运行显示功能:可显示电动机的工作状态,如启动、正常及故障等。



3.17 电动机的启动监视功能:保护器自动监视电动机的启动过程。





12-660 24-380 36-380
CJ40 辅助触头 热继JR20 CDC10 辅助触头 热继JR36
9 12 16 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
JD-6 系列电动机综合保护器
JD-501�601� 系列智能型电动机
CDS10 系列智能型电动机保护器 144-145
CDS9 系列数显智能型电动机保护器 146-147
第一部分 接触器与热过载继电器
选型指南 接触器按以下顺序进行选型�产品型号 → 额定电流 → 辅助触头�11表示1常开1常闭�→ 线圈电压�查找附表一� 适配热继�18-0.1~18中18表示壳架电流�0.1~18表示该壳架下的整定电流范围�详细整定电流规格须查阅“电动 机控制与保护”样本�
75-76 77-81 82-84 85-87 88-93 94-96 97-100 101-102
E4 接触器式继电器
CDZ6 系列接触器式继电器
JZC1 系列接触器式继电器
JZC4 系列接触器式继电器
JZ7 列接触器式继电器—中间继电器 114-115
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CDP-M10电机智能保护器V2.0 说明书常规型

CDP-M10电机智能保护器V2.0 说明书常规型

CDP-M10电机智能保护器(常规型)使用说明书(V2.0)杭州华光电气有限公司HANGZHOU CHINA-SHINE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD目录一、概述 (1)二、主要特点 (1)三、正常使用条件及功能 (1)四、外型尺寸、安装 (2)五、主要技术指标和参数设置范围 (2)六、保护功能和设置方法 (4)七、注意事项 (15)八、订货说明 (15)九、外部接线图及端子说明 (16)附件:CDP-M10(V2.0)通讯寄存器定义一、概述CDP-M10电机智能保护器(常规型)(以下简称‘智保器’)采用先进的集成电路及微处理器技术,采用中文液晶显示,具有人机交换界面友好简单、操作方便,抗干扰性好、保护功能强,体积小巧、性能可靠,便于安装维护等优点。

型号规格说明CDP- M10 —□□C:常规型B: 纯保护型1: 保护器配接二次额定输出电流为1A的电流互感器5: 保护器配接二次额定输出电流为5A的电流互感器电机智能保器型号例如:CDP-M10-5C 表示接二次额定输出电流为5A的电流互感器,常规型保护器二、主要特点1、各类故障以相应中文及代码提示,显示直观清晰,并具有缺相、过载、空载、过压、欠压、过流、零序(漏电)、启动超时保护功能和晃电自启动功能,相关保护定值和时间定值设定均以中文菜单提示输入,操作简单方便。








德力西 CDBULE小型漏电保护断路器 说明书

德力西 CDBULE小型漏电保护断路器 说明书

优品系列CDBULE 剩余电流动作断路器使用说明书安全告知在安装、操作、运行、维护、检查之前,请务必认真阅读本说明书,并按照说明书上的内容准确安装、使用本产品。

危险:严禁湿手操作断路器;使用中,严禁触摸导电部位;维护与保养时,必须确保产品不带电;严禁用短路的办法来测试产品;注意:安装、维护与保养时,应由具有专业资格的人员操作;产品的各项特性出厂时已整定,使用中不能自行拆装或随意调节;使用前请确认产品的额定电压,额定电流,频率及特性是否符合工作要求本产品在接线时,进线从上方接入,出线从下方接出;导线伸入接线孔后拧紧接线螺钉,拧紧导线的扭矩为2.5N•m(6A~32A为2.0N•m)使导线不得松动、拔出,裸露铜线头不能露在接线端外;本产品对同时接触被保护电路的相线和中性线引起的触点危险不能进行保护;对进线端前的中性线断相后接触被保护电路的相线引起的触电危险不能进行保护本产品防护等级IP20 不具备防尘功能,当用于灰尘较多的场合时,请安装在密封较好的终端箱中;如果产品在开箱时由破损或异常响声,应立即停止使用并联系销售商本产品在漏电保护、过载保护或短路保护分断后,应先排除故障再恢复合闸,否则影响产品的使用寿命本产品安装后,不能使用绝缘电阻摇表测试仪测试产品所保护线路相线和中性线之间的绝缘电阻本产品再使用或储存、运输过程中,均不得受雨水侵袭和跌落产品报废时,请做好产品废弃物处理,谢谢您的合作。

目录1 主要用途及适用范围 (1)2 产品面板介绍 (1)3 正常使用、安装及运输条件 (2)3.1 使用、安装条件 (2)3.2 贮存、运输条件 (2)4 技术特性 (2)4.1 主要技术参数 (2)4.2 过电流保护特性 (3)4.3 结构特征及工作原理 (3)5 外形及安装尺寸 (4)6 安装和使用(维护) (4)6.1 安装 (4)6.2 保养、维护 (5)6.3 故障分析与排除 (6)7 开箱检查 (6)8 公司承诺 (6)1 主要用途及适用范围优品系列CDBULE小型断路器主要用于交流50Hz、额定工作电压至400V、额定电流6A~63A的电路中进行短路保护,过载保护,漏电保护,同时还能起到隔离及控制作用;广泛适用于工业、民用住宅、商业建筑等领域。


CDY1-100/3+N CDY1-80/3+N
CDY1-60/3+N CDY1-40/3+N
CDY1-60/3+N CDY1-40/3+N
CDY1-20/3+N CDY1-20/3+N
■ TT系统CDY1电涌保护器安装示意图 说明:L1、L2、L3-相线;N-中线;PE-地线
Delixi Electric
IEC61643 GB/T18802
标称放电电流 In
kA 40
最大放电电流 Imax
kA 80
最大允许后备保险丝强度 A 125
最大持续工作电压 Uc V 275 385 420 275 385 420
说明:L1、L2、L3-相线;CNDY1--60中/3+N 线;PE-地线
■ TN-C-S系统CDY1电涌保护器安装示意图 说明:L1、L2、L3-相线;N-中线;PE-地线
CDY1-100/3+N CDY1-80/3+N
CDY1601275 CDY1601 CDY1601420
CDY1602275 CDY1602 CDY1602420
CDY1603275 CDY1603 CDY1603420
CDY1604275 CDY1604 CDY1604420
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