
一、教学目标1. 知识与技能:(1)掌握本节课的核心词汇和句型;(2)提高学生的听说读写能力;(3)培养学生运用英语进行日常交流的能力。
2. 过程与方法:(1)通过多种教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣;(2)培养学生自主学习、合作探究的能力;(3)提高学生的思维品质和语言运用能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:(1)培养学生对英语学习的热爱和兴趣;(2)提高学生的自信心和团队协作精神;(3)培养学生的跨文化交际意识和全球观念。
二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:(1)核心词汇和句型的掌握;(2)英语听说读写能力的提高;(3)英语日常交流能力的培养。
2. 教学难点:(1)复杂句型的理解和运用;(2)英语思维习惯的培养;(3)跨文化交际能力的提高。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)教师通过图片、视频、歌曲等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣;(2)简单复习上节课所学内容,为新课做好铺垫。
2. 新课呈现(1)教师用PPT展示本节课的核心词汇和句型,引导学生进行跟读;(2)通过情景模拟、角色扮演等活动,让学生在真实的语境中运用所学知识。
3. 活动与练习(1)分组进行小组讨论,让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行交流;(2)教师设置问题,引导学生思考,提高学生的思维品质;(3)进行听力、阅读、写作等练习,巩固所学知识。
4. 课堂小结(1)教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点;(2)引导学生反思自己的学习过程,总结经验教训。
5. 课后作业(1)布置适量的课后作业,巩固所学知识;(2)鼓励学生课后进行自主学习,提高英语水平。
四、教学反思1. 教学过程中,教师应关注学生的学习需求,调整教学策略;2. 注重培养学生的自主学习能力,提高学生的英语素养;3. 加强与学生的互动,营造良好的课堂氛围;4. 不断反思自己的教学,提高教学质量。
五、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,评价其学习态度和积极性;2. 作业完成情况:检查学生的课后作业,评价其学习效果;3. 考试成绩:通过考试检验学生对知识的掌握程度;4. 学生反馈:收集学生对教学活动的意见和建议,改进教学方法。

初中英语教师资格证面试试讲逐字稿万能模板1、题目:《How much are these socks?》2、内容:3.基本要求(1)设计一节听说课(2)全英试讲(3)配合适当的板书设计教学设计逐字稿Good morning,dear judges.I'm the No.4 candidate,applying for middle school English teacher.It's my great honor to be interviewed here.Today my topic is unit 7,how much are these pants?Now I'll begin my class.Leading-inGood morning,boys and girls,it is a fine day,is it?Yes,and my friend will hold the wed ding at this weekend,so I want to buy some clothes for the party,could youhelp me?T hank you!Look at the screen,this shop is on sale,on sale,do you know it?For example,t he bag was 200 yuan last week,but now it's only 100 yuan,the bag ison sale,clear?So, let's have a look,what can we buy?PresentationOkay,look at the picture,what's this?Do you know?Yes,shoes,shoes,we will walk with shoes,shoes,shoes,shoes.How about this one?You,please,shirt?Good,payattention to "sh","J",shirt,sit down,please.Read after me,shirt,shirt.And this one?It looks like the letter"T", T-shirt,very good,you wear a T-shirt,too,that's beautiful.T-shirt,T-shirt,T-shirt.Next, wow,cool,what's this? Who knows?Skirt,that's right,skirt,girls like it,yes?Skirt,skirt,and this one,you please,pants,clever!Follow me,pants,pants,pants.Near th e pants,what's it?Don't know?The boy is right,but in English,we say sweater,sweater,my favourite clothes is sweate r,it's soft.Well,last one,stocking?Stocking is long,but this is short,they're called socks.Socks,socks.Boys,read these wo rds loudly,clearly!Great!Girls,it turns yo u now,en,loudly next time.Okay,class,finish la,2minutes,go!Finish it?Last row,no.2,T-shirt,yes,g.no.3,a,no.4,d,no.5,c,next,f,next,e,h,last one,i.Nice work!Our friends are in the shop,let's listen what they are talking.lb,listen carefully and circle the things youhear,ready?What things do you circle?Socks,en,T-shirt,shoes,anymore?Pants,skirt,good!So,how much is this T-shirt?Seven dollars,dollar,look,this is one dollar,American money,like yuan,1 dollar is about 6.5 yuan,and how much is about money,understand?How much are these socks?The boy in T-shirt,yes,they're two dollars.How much is this skirt?Okay,the girl in T-shirt.It is 5dollars.How much are theseshoes?You,please.They're 12 dollars,thank you,sit down,please.Practice&ConsolidationLook at the three pictures,how much are these thing?I know it.Try to ask me using these sentences on blackboard,I will tell you plus or min us,clear?Are you ready?Okay,girls,the shorts are 100 yuan,plus,300 yuan?Minus,250,plus,280,yes!Picture 2,well,boys,come on,yes,how much is this schoolbag?125?Minus,100 yuan? Minus,88,yes!How clever you are!Picture 3,haha,apples,29 yuan?Minus,25 yuan,minus again,20 yuan?A little difficult,I will tell you,these apples are 18.7 yuan,last one,cellphone,it's 5000yuan?No,minus,4000 yuan?Minus,3500 yuan?Minus,yes,the cellphone is 2000 yuan.Class,our classroom is a shop.There are so man y things,books,pencil boxes,your clothes and so on.We all now are buyers and shoppe rs,try to communicate witheach other to label the prices,which group can know most?N ow,10 minutes,begin!Time is up!One volunteer of each group tells us your prices,grou p 1,wow,6things,wonderful!Group 2,5 things,chalks are five yuan.Group 3,7 things,to o.Ithink the bag is beautiful.Group 3,clap for themselves.Summary&HomeworkSo,class,close your books,look at these cards,read them loudly,this one,socks,next,T-shirt,next,pants,next,shoes,last one,skirt.Great!How much is this Englishbook?It's 26.8 yuan.How much are these candies?They're 11 yuan,here you are.Have a good weekend,see you!That's my demo class, thanks for your attention.注意事项以下内容请自行查看,是需要注意的一些地方作为文档额外部分,资料整理自网络,如有侵权,请联系作者删除教师资格证考试:考试注意事项考前注意事项1.检查考试用具考试前一定要检查好考试用具:身份证、准考证、黑色签字笔、2B铅笔、橡皮擦这些是必不可少的,三角板、尺规等可根据考生考试科目(中学数学)选择带或不带。

---一、教学目标1. 语言技能目标:- 学生能够正确发音,理解并运用关键句型。
- 学生能够通过听、说、读、写等活动提高英语综合运用能力。
2. 知识目标:- 学生能够掌握本节课的重点词汇和语法结构。
- 学生能够了解相关文化背景知识。
3. 情感态度目标:- 学生能够积极参与课堂活动,增强学习英语的兴趣。
- 学生能够培养良好的合作精神和交流能力。
---二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:- 本节课的核心词汇和句型。
- 语法结构的正确运用。
2. 教学难点:- 复杂句型的理解和运用。
- 词汇的灵活运用。
---三、教学过程1. 导入环节(5分钟)- 利用图片、视频或歌曲等激发学生的学习兴趣。
- 复习上节课所学内容,为新知识的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课讲解环节(10分钟)- 利用多媒体课件详细讲解本节课的重点词汇和句型。
- 结合实际情境,引导学生理解和运用所学知识。
3. 练习环节(15分钟)- 分组练习,让学生运用所学知识进行对话或写作。
- 教师巡回指导,及时纠正学生的错误。
4. 巩固环节(10分钟)- 设计游戏或活动,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中巩固所学知识。
- 鼓励学生展示自己的成果,提高学生的自信心。
5. 作业布置环节(5分钟)- 布置适量的课后作业,巩固所学知识。
- 提醒学生注意作业的要求和截止日期。
---四、教学评价1. 课堂表现评价:- 观察学生在课堂上的参与度、合作精神和交流能力。
- 评价学生的发音、语法和词汇运用情况。
2. 作业评价:- 评价学生的作业完成情况,包括正确率、书写规范和创意性。
3. 课后反馈:- 收集学生对本节课的评价和建议,以便不断改进教学方法。
---五、教学反思- 教师对本节课的教学效果进行反思,总结经验教训。
- 不断调整和改进教学方法,提高教学水平。


一、教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1)学生能够掌握日常问候和自我介绍的基本词汇和句型。
(2)学生能够理解并运用以下句型:Hello, my name is...;How are you?;Nice to meet you!;I'm from...;I study...。
2. 技能目标(1)学生能够进行简单的日常问候和自我介绍。
3. 情感态度价值观目标(1)培养学生良好的口语交际习惯,提高学生的英语学习兴趣。
二、教学重难点1. 教学重点(1)掌握日常问候和自我介绍的基本词汇和句型。
2. 教学难点(1)在具体情境中灵活运用句型进行问候和自我介绍。
三、教学过程1. 导入(Warming-up)(1)播放一首英文歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。
2. 新课导入(Presentation)(1)教师展示日常问候和自我介绍的图片,引入相关词汇和句型。
3. 实践活动(Practice)(1)分组进行角色扮演,模拟日常问候和自我介绍的情景。
4. 互动环节(Interaction)(1)学生之间互相进行问候和自我介绍,锻炼口语交际能力。
5. 巩固环节(Consolidation)(1)教师布置课后作业,要求学生用所学句型进行自我介绍。
6. 总结与反馈(Summary and Feedback)(1)教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、口语表达能力。

一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:学生能够正确理解并运用本节课所学的词汇、语法知识,提高听说读写能力。
2. 过程与方法目标:通过小组合作、角色扮演、游戏等形式,培养学生合作学习、自主学习和创新能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们热爱祖国、热爱生活的情感。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:掌握本节课的词汇、语法知识,能够进行基本的日常交流。
2. 教学难点:正确运用语法知识,提高口语表达能力。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)教师用简单英语问候学生,营造轻松的学习氛围。
2. 新课导入(1)教师带领学生复习上节课所学内容,巩固所学知识。
3. 词汇学习(1)教师板书新词汇,讲解词义、用法和搭配。
4. 语法学习(1)教师讲解本节课的语法知识,结合例句进行讲解。
5. 课堂活动(1)小组合作:学生分组进行角色扮演、情景对话等练习。
6. 课堂小结(1)教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点、难点。
7. 课后作业(1)完成课本相关练习题。
四、教学反思1. 教学过程中,关注学生的个体差异,因材施教。
2. 运用多种教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。
3. 注重学生的口语表达能力,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。
4. 及时进行教学反思,不断调整教学策略,提高教学质量。
五、教学资源1. 课本、多媒体设备。
2. 教学课件、图片、视频等辅助教学材料。

英语面试试讲教案万能模板6〔共4篇〕第1篇:初中英语面试试讲教案初中英语面试试讲教案【篇1:初中英语面试教案万能模板】teaching aims: knowledge aim:students will know lin fei’s daily life and some good habits at their home. ability aim:students will improve their listening and speaking skills. emotional aim:after this leon students would like to learn to arrange their life and form good habit in the daily life. teaching key and difficult points: teaching key points:students will understand this paage by listening and make a time line of lin fei’s life. te aching difficult points:how to describe their own life style of the school day? teaching procedures: step 1 warming-updo a survey: ask students to fill the questionnaire (with different daily activities and time point, students just need to mark the activities in their time) and invite some students to share.step 2 pre-listeningshow some pictures about lin fei’s day and ask students “what does lin fei do in a day? step 3while-listeningplay the tape recorder and ask students some question. q: what is the distance between his school and home?play the tape recorder another time and give students some other questions to practice their listening again. q1: when should lin fei go to school?q2: how long will it take lin fei to ride to the bus station? listen to the tape for the third time and then students should describe linfei’s daily life in their own words.they will have 3 mines to prepare it. step 4 post-listening ask students to look their questionnaires which theyfilled at the beginning of the cla and give them 5 minto make a short story of their daily life, later some students will share the stories in front of the cla.teacher should give them a guidance of health life style. step 5 summary and homeworksummarize this leon with students, and then ask them to design a new schedule of their daily lifeafter the cla, they will share during next leon, they also need to read the new paage two times to consolidate the new knowledge. blackboard design teaching reflection【篇2:中学英语老师证面试speaking 试讲模板】speaking teaching〔 period 1: 第一课时〕开始白good morning, everyone.my name is xxx.it’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching.i hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here.now let’s get ready for cla.today we are going to lea rn xxx.at first, let’s review the words and phrases in the last cla.……very good.now, let’s go to the readingpart.please turn to page xxx.step1.lead-inlook at the picture.what can you see in the picture? yes.we can see…….then, let’s talk about xxx. step2.pre-speaking (individual work)reading the materials on page xx, and ask me please if you having anything confused.step3.while-speaking (pair work)please make a dialogue with your partner using the sentences in this unit.step4.post-speaking (talk show) everyone did a good job.now i need a pair to e here and do a role play.who wants to have a try.don’t be shy, show me your paion please. step 5.summary that’s the useful expreions of this topic.let’s go through these points once again. step6.homework preview the next part. 完毕语that’s all for may trial teaching.ive always dreamed to be a teacher,and if i paed the interview, i will have a chance to go further on this souls journey.thanks for your listening.附: listening prehensions1.present the students the questions before listening to the text2.get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions.【篇3:2023英语老师招考面试英语教案】老师招考面试教案范文——课题:unit twolook at me look at me。

一、教学目标1. 知识与技能:掌握面试英语的基本表达方式,学会运用常用的面试英语词汇和句型。
2. 过程与方法:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,提高学生的口语表达能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生的自信心,让学生在面试中展现出自己的优势。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:面试英语的基本表达方式、常用词汇和句型。
2. 教学难点:如何在面试中运用所学知识,提高口语表达能力。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)播放一段面试英语视频,让学生初步了解面试英语的表达方式。
2. 讲授新课(1)讲解面试英语的基本表达方式,如:自我介绍、询问工作内容、表达兴趣等。
(2)介绍常用面试英语词汇和句型,如:interesting、hardworking、good at、I'm interested in等。
3. 练习环节(1)角色扮演:学生分组,一组扮演面试官,另一组扮演应聘者,进行面试模拟。
4. 课堂小结(1)教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
四、作业布置1. 复习本节课所学面试英语词汇和句型。
2. 模拟面试场景,进行口语练习。
3. 针对某一职业,准备一份面试自我介绍。
五、教学反思1. 教师在讲解面试英语时,要注意结合实际场景,让学生更好地理解。
2. 在练习环节,教师要给予学生充分的指导,帮助他们提高口语表达能力。
3. 注重培养学生的自信心,让他们在面试中展现出自己的优势。
4. 鼓励学生在课后多练习,提高面试英语水平。

一、教学目标1. 语言技能目标:- 学生能够正确拼读并运用一般过去时的动词形式。
- 学生能够用一般过去时描述过去发生的动作或状态。
2. 知识目标:- 学生能够理解一般过去时的概念及其构成规则。
- 学生能够识别和区分一般过去时与其他时态。
3. 情感态度目标:- 学生能够积极参与课堂活动,提高英语学习兴趣。
- 学生能够在合作中学习,培养团队协作精神。
二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:- 一般过去时的构成规则及动词变化形式。
- 用一般过去时描述过去发生的动作或状态。
2. 教学难点:- 不规则动词的一般过去时形式。
- 灵活运用一般过去时进行描述。
三、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)- 通过播放与一般过去时相关的图片或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。
- 引导学生思考:如何用英语描述过去的事情?2. 新课讲解(15分钟)- 教师讲解一般过去时的概念、构成规则及动词变化形式。
- 展示例句,让学生跟读并模仿。
- 针对不规则动词,列出表格,让学生熟记其过去时形式。
3. 练习环节(20分钟)- 学生进行口语练习,用一般过去时描述过去发生的动作或状态。
- 教师选取学生进行展示,其他学生点评。
- 学生进行书面练习,完成一般过去时的填空题。
4. 巩固环节(10分钟)- 教师组织小组讨论,让学生结合自身经历,用一般过去时描述过去的事情。
- 各小组派代表进行展示,教师点评。
5. 作业布置(5分钟)- 布置课后作业,要求学生用一般过去时写一篇短文,描述过去发生的有趣事情。
四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、口语表达能力及合作精神。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生的课后作业,了解其对一般过去时的掌握程度。
3. 考试成绩:通过课堂检测和期末考试,评估学生对一般过去时的整体掌握情况。
五、教学反思1. 教学过程中,关注学生的个体差异,因材施教。
2. 适当运用多媒体教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣。
3. 注重培养学生的英语实际运用能力,提高课堂实效性。

一、教学目标1. 知识目标:通过本次面试教案的展示,让面试官了解我的教学理念和教学方法。
2. 能力目标:展示我的教学设计和课堂管理能力。
3. 情感目标:传递我对教育事业的热爱和对学生的关爱。
二、教学对象初中英语学生三、教学内容1. 单元主题:根据应聘学校提供的教材,选择一节英语课文进行教学设计。
2. 教学目标:(1)掌握本节课的重点单词和短语。
四、教学重难点1. 教学重点:课文内容的理解和重点单词、短语的运用。
2. 教学难点:提高学生的口语表达能力和阅读理解能力。
五、教学过程1. 导入- 利用图片、视频或歌曲等引入本节课的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 预习- 让学生阅读课文,初步了解课文内容,并标注出不理解的单词和短语。
3. 课堂讲解- 针对学生预习过程中标注的单词和短语,进行详细讲解,确保学生掌握。
- 阅读课文,讲解课文内容,引导学生理解文章主旨和细节。
4. 课堂活动- 设计互动环节,如小组讨论、角色扮演等,提高学生的口语表达能力。
- 通过听力练习、填空、翻译等环节,巩固学生对课文内容的理解。
5. 课堂小结- 总结本节课的重点内容,强调学生对课文的理解和单词、短语的运用。
6. 课后作业- 布置与课文内容相关的作业,如翻译、写作等,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
六、教学评价1. 学生课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,评价学生的参与程度。
2. 学生学习效果:通过课后作业和测试,评价学生对本节课内容的掌握程度。
3. 教师教学效果:根据学生的反馈和教学评价,反思自己的教学方法和课堂管理。
七、教学反思1. 课后总结教学过程中的优点和不足,为今后的教学提供借鉴。
2. 分析学生的需求和兴趣,调整教学策略,提高教学质量。
八、教学资源1. 教材:根据应聘学校提供的教材进行教学设计。
2. 课件:利用多媒体技术,制作与教学内容相关的课件。
3. 教学工具:教鞭、黑板、白板等教学工具。

初中英语教师面试说课稿通用5篇初中英语教师面试说课稿(精选篇1)一、说教材:﹝说课内容﹞:英语八年级107 unit 8 welcome to the unit。
﹝教材分析﹞:学生在本学期已学习了A good read Good manners等单元,这些单元都有助于提高学生个人的文化修养,而这一单元则是以环境保护为话题(A green world),要求引导学生利用身边的事例及生活习惯的养成,让学生也意识到保护环境的重要性,因为我们只有一个地球。
二、说教法与学法特色:抓住Hobby与 Eddie卡通人物的对话这个主题,创设情境,以情导航。
引导全班学生积极参与这个对话,从面引出How to protect Environment、在学法指导上,我采取是迁移、点拨、反馈等多各种指导方法。

二、试讲内容课程目标通过本课的研究,学生能够:- 掌握词汇与语法知识- 熟练运用所学内容进行口语表达- 培养阅读和听力技能课程准备- PowerPoint幻灯片:使用图片和简单的英语单词进行展示,激发学生的研究兴趣- 学生练:准备练册,让学生进行口语练和听力训练- 板书:使用简单的词汇和句子,帮助学生记忆和理解重点内容课程内容Step 1: 导入利用一些有趣的图片和对象引起学生的兴趣,并引导学生使用简单的英语单词进行描述。
Step 2: 词汇与表达介绍一些基础的英语词汇和表达,例如颜色、形状、动物等。
Step 3: 句子构建引导学生将学到的词汇组合成简单的句子。
Step 4: 阅读理解选取一篇简短的英语短文或对话,让学生在听读的同时理解其中的意思。
Step 5: 训练与巩固进行口语练、听力训练,并通过学生练册进行巩固练。

初中英语面试万能教案模板课时:1课时年级:初中教材:《新目标》八年级上册教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握面试中常用的问候语、介绍自己的方式以及询问对方的方式。
2. 学生能够在面试中运用所学知识进行自我介绍和询问对方。
3. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,增强面试技巧。
教学重点:1. 面试中常用的问候语和介绍自己的方式。
2. 询问对方的基本问题和回答。
教学难点:1. 如何在面试中运用所学知识进行自我介绍。
2. 如何用英语询问对方的基本信息。
教学准备:1. 教学课件或黑板。
2. 录音机或音响设备。
3. 相关面试问题的卡片。
教学过程:Step 1: Lead-in (5分钟)1. 教师通过向学生展示一些图片或场景,如求职面试、学校面试等,引起学生对面试主题的兴趣。
2. 学生讨论面试的重要性以及面试中需要注意的方面。
Step 2: Presentation (10分钟)1. 教师通过课件或黑板展示面试中常用的问候语和介绍自己的方式。
2. 学生跟随教师一起学习和模仿这些问候语和介绍方式。
Step 3: Practice (15分钟)1. 教师将学生分成小组,每组学生准备一段自我介绍。
2. 学生之间互相练习面试,一人扮演面试官,一人扮演面试者。
3. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
Step 4: Role-play (10分钟)1. 教师准备一些面试问题卡片,学生随机抽取问题并回答。
2. 学生之间互相练习,一人扮演面试官,一人扮演面试者。
3. 教师巡回指导,鼓励学生使用所学知识进行回答。
Step 5: Consolidation (10分钟)1. 教师组织一个小型的模拟面试活动,邀请几名学生上台进行自我介绍和回答面试问题。
2. 其余学生作为观众,给予反馈和建议。
Step 6: Summary (5分钟)1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调面试中需要注意的方面。
2. 学生分享自己在练习中的收获和感受。
Step 7: Homework (课后作业)1. 学生回家后,写一篇关于面试的短文,可以是自己的面试经历或者是模拟面试的场景。

初中英语万能试讲教案教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读本节课的生词和重点句子。
2. 能用英语进行简单的自我介绍。
3. 能通过图片和情景,正确使用一般现在时描述人物特征。
教学内容:1. 生词:name, family, friend, teacher, student, like, has, got, hair, eyes, nose, mouth.2. 重点句子:- My name's Gina. I'm a teacher.- This is my family. They are my parents and my sister.- I like reading books.- She has long hair and big eyes.教学步骤:Step 1: warm-up1. 让学生自由交谈,询问他们对自己的家人和朋友的了解。
2. 引导学生谈论他们的兴趣爱好。
Step 2: presentation1. 展示图片,引导学生说出人物的名称和特征。
2. 引入生词和句子,让学生听录音并模仿发音。
Step 3: practice1. 分组活动,让学生互相介绍自己的家人和朋友。
2. 让学生用一般现在时描述人物的特征。
Step 4: consolidation1. 让学生编写一个小故事,用上所学的生词和句子。
2. 学生互相交换故事,并进行角色扮演。
教学评价:1. 课后收集学生的练习册,检查他们对生词和句子的掌握情况。
2. 在课堂上观察学生的参与度和发音准确性。

---一、教案模板一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握面试中常见的英语表达方式,如介绍自己、询问问题等。
2. 过程与方法:通过角色扮演、小组讨论和模拟面试等活动,提高学生的实际运用英语的能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生自信、礼貌的面试态度,增强团队协作意识。
二、教学重点:1. 面试中常用的自我介绍和询问问题的表达方式。
2. 如何运用恰当的语调和肢体语言进行面试。
三、教学难点:1. 在紧张的环境中保持流利和自信的英语口语表达。
2. 根据不同情境灵活运用英语表达。
四、教学准备:1. 教学课件或图片,展示面试场景和常用表达。
2. 面试模拟道具,如简历、笔、纸等。
3. 面试评分标准。
五、教学过程:1. 导入 (5分钟)- 通过讨论“你了解面试吗?”引入主题。
- 展示面试场景图片,激发学生兴趣。
2. 新课讲授 (20分钟)- 分组讨论:学生分组讨论面试中可能遇到的问题和如何回答。
- 教师讲解:介绍面试中常用的英语表达方式,如“Good morning/afternoon. My name is...”, “I am interested in this position because...”, “I have good communication skills...”等。
- 角色扮演:学生分组进行模拟面试,其他同学担任评委。
3. 巩固练习 (15分钟)- 小组练习:学生根据所学内容,自行设计面试问题,并进行小组练习。
- 教师点评:教师针对学生的表现进行点评,指出优点和不足。
4. 总结与作业 (5分钟)- 学生分享自己的面试经验和感受。
- 布置作业:准备一次家庭面试,学生需用英语介绍自己,并询问家庭成员问题。
六、教学反思:- 教师反思教学效果,总结经验教训,为以后的教学提供参考。
---二、范文《初中英语面试技巧教学》一、教学目标:1. 学生能够熟练运用面试中常用的英语表达方式。
2. 学生能够通过角色扮演和模拟面试提高实际运用英语的能力。

初中英语面试教案模板【篇一:中学英语教师证面试reading试讲模板】开场白good morning, everyone. my name is xxx. it’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching. i hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here. now let’s get ready for class. today we are going to learn xxx. at first, let’s review the words and phrases in the last class.……very good. now, let’s go to the reading part. please turn to page xxx. (reading teaching)step1.lead-inlet’s have a free talk about xxx---and then discuss the question in pre-reading on page xxx,i will ask someone to talk about your ideas.step2.fast readingread the passage as quickly as you can and find the topic sentence of each paragraph.time’s up. now, please ask my questions.questions:1.what’s the general idea of the test?2.which one is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?3.divide the passage into 3 parts and think about the main ideas.find out the answers of the questions on page xxx.step3 intensive readingread the passage carefully again and underline the new words and phrases. now, listen to the tape of paragraph one. pay attention please.well, look at the blackboard. these are the new words and phrases of this paragraph. read after me, xxx go. now you read it one by one. let’s start from xxx.look here please. this is the sentence pattern.i think that sth/sb is(are) … because…how to use it? look at the example.(e.g. i think ice cream is junk food, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.) now, please make sentences by yourself. i will give you 1 minutes.who would like to tell me your sentence?……step4. post-reading.retell the passage: we’ve read the whole passage deeply. these are the general ideas of all paragraphs. please communicate with your partner to retell the passage according to the general ideas.do the exercise on page xxx.step 5 summarylet’s go through the language points of this lesson once again. step 6. homeworkchose three newly learnt phrases to make sentences.结束语that’s all for may trial teaching. ive always dreamed to be a teacher,and if i passed the interview, i will have a chance to go further on this souls journey. thanks for your listening.【篇二:2015年福建省教师资格证试讲初中英语教案模板,说课稿】unit5 our schoollifetopic 1 i usuallycome to school by subway.teaching aims:2.make students understand and use thekey sentences correctly.3.encourage students to participate inclass activities, cultivate students’ abilities ofcommunication andcooperation and stimulate students’ interests in learning english. key points1. enablestudents to grasp the following new words: always, subway, plane, ship.2. makestudents understand and use the following sentences correctly and freely:3. improvestudents’ pronunciation and intonation.difficult pointslet students use what we learn today to make a role play based onthe text.teaching procedures :step 1 warm up and lead inteacher will do a free talk with students.. the content of the freetalk has a little connection to this lesson.step 2 presentationteacher will let studentslisten to the tape for two times.at the first time, after listening, teacher will invite students topick out the new words. then teacher will explain the new words. teacher willgive more examples to help students understand the words. before the second time, teacher will let students look throughquestions on 1b.with the question on 1b, students listen to the tape again. after listening,teacher will check the answer with students. then teacher will presentfollowing key sentences for students:微信:mylenemeimeiqq:364120883step 3 practiseteacher will organize a competition.firstly, teacher will tell students the rules of the competitions. secondly, teacher will give students five minutes to practice thedialogues. then invite two students in each group to act out their dialogue.thirdly, teacher will give comments on the show of each group andpock out the champion group. step 4 : summaryteacher will ask students to summarize what we learnt today. step 5 : homework1. recite the new words and thetext.2. finish the homework.福建省教师资格证试讲(初中英语)仁爱版,第三期包过班,300/人。

初中英语面试万能教案范文课时安排:1课时(45分钟)教学目标:1. 让学生掌握英语面试的基本问题和回答方式。
2. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,增强面试自信心。
3. 培养学生与人交流的能力,提高学生的英语实际应用能力。
教学内容:1. 英语面试的基本问题及回答模板。
2. 英语面试中的常用表达和句型。
3. 模拟面试环节。
教学过程:Step 1:导入(5分钟)1. 向学生介绍英语面试的重要性。
2. 引导学生思考面试中可能会遇到的问题。
Step 2:基本问题及回答模板(10分钟)1. 向学生介绍英语面试的基本问题,如:Can you introduce yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want to work here? 等。
2. 提供回答模板,并让学生进行跟读和模仿。
Step 3:常用表达和句型(10分钟)1. 向学生介绍英语面试中的常用表达和句型,如:I'm confident that I can handle the responsibility. / I believe my skills and experience make me a good fit for this position. 等。
2. 让学生进行跟读和模仿,并进行小组练习。
Step 4:模拟面试环节(15分钟)1. 将学生分成小组,每组选出一个面试官和一名面试者。
2. 面试官根据准备的问题进行提问,面试者根据所学内容进行回答。
3. 鼓励其他学生观摩并给予反馈。
Step 5:总结与反思(5分钟)1. 让学生总结自己在面试中的表现和收获。
2. 教师给予鼓励和建议,并提出改进措施。
教学评价:1. 观察学生在模拟面试中的表现,评估其口语表达能力和面试技巧。
2. 收集学生反馈,了解他们对英语面试的认识和感受。
3. 结合学生的课堂表现和模拟面试结果,给予综合评价。

Objective:To help students develop their English speaking and listening skills through a simulated interview scenario, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in both formal and informal settings.Grade Level:Junior High SchoolDuration:1 hourMaterials:- Projector or whiteboard for displaying questions and scenarios- Handouts with sample interview questions and possible answers- Recording device to capture student responses- Timer- Student worksheets or note-taking sheetsPreparation:1. Prepare a list of common interview questions and scenarios relevant to junior high students, such as personal interests, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities.2. Create a handout with sample questions and model answers for students to review before the activity.3. Set up the classroom with a comfortable seating arrangement for the interview process.4. Prepare a timer to keep track of the time for each student's interview.Lesson Procedure:Warm-up (10 minutes):1. Begin with a brief discussion about the importance of interviews in real-life situations, such as job interviews, college admissions, and even social interactions.2. Ask students to share their experiences with interviews or to discuss what they think an interview is like.Presentation (10 minutes):1. Display a list of common interview questions on the board or projector.2. Explain the structure of an interview, including the introduction, the main questions, and the closing remarks.3. Model a short interview with a student, demonstrating good communication skills and appropriate responses.Practice (15 minutes):1. Distribute the handout with sample questions and model answers.2. In pairs or small groups, ask students to practice answering the questions.3. Encourage students to use complete sentences and to speak clearly and confidently.Interview Simulation (20 minutes):1. Pair students up and assign each pair an interviewer and an interviewee.2. Provide each pair with a timer to ensure they stay within theallotted time for the interview.3. Have students rotate roles, so each student gets a chance to be both the interviewer and the interviewee.4. Circulate around the classroom, offering guidance and encouragement as needed.Reflection (10 minutes):1. After the interviews, bring the class back together.2. Ask students to share their experiences and what they learned from the activity.3. Discuss the importance of body language, listening skills, and the use of appropriate language in an interview.Homework (Optional):1. Assign students to write a short essay or journal entry reflecting on their interview experience.2. Encourage them to think about how they can improve their interview skills and apply them in future situations.Assessment:- Observe students' participation and engagement during the interview simulation.- Evaluate their ability to answer questions clearly and confidently.- Assess their improvement in communication skills over the course of the lesson.Conclusion:1. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.2. Reiterate the importance of effective communication in interviews.3. Encourage students to continue practicing their interview skills outside of the classroom.Note:This lesson plan is a template and can be adapted to fit the specific needs and interests of the students. Teachers may also want to incorporate technology, such as online interview simulations or video analysis, to enhance the learning experience.。

Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim:Students will know Lin Fei’s daily life and some good habits at their home。
Ability aim:Students will improve their listening and speaking skills。
Emotional aim:After this lesson students would like to learn to arrange their life and form good habit in the daily life。
Teaching Key and difficult Points:Teaching Key Points:Students will understand this passage by listening and make a time line of Lin Fei’s life.Teaching Difficult Points:How to describe their own life style of the school day?Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming—upDo a survey:ask students to fill the questionnaire (with different daily activities and time point, students just need to mark the activities in their time)and invite some students to share.Step 2 Pre—listeningShow some pictures about Lin Fei's day and ask students “what does Lin Fei do in a day?Step 3 While-listeningPlay the tape recorder and ask students some question。
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初中英语面试教案万能 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998
Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will know Lin Fei’s daily life and some good habits at their home.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their listening and speaking skills.
Emotional aim:
After this lesson students would like to learn to arrange their life and form good habit in the daily life.
Teaching Key and difficult Points:
Teaching Key Points:
Students will understand this passage by listening and make a time line of Lin Fei’s life.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to describe their own life style of the school day
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Warming-up
Do a survey:ask students to fill the questionnaire (with different daily activities and time point, students just need to mark the activities in their time) and invite some students to share.
Step 2 Pre-listening
Show some pictures about Lin Fei’s day and ask students “what does Lin Fei do in a day Step 3 While-listening
Play the tape recorder and ask students some question.
Q: What is the distance between his school and home
Play the tape recorder another time and give students some other questions to practice their listening again.
Q1: When should Lin Fei go to school
Q2: How long will it take Lin Fei to ride to the bus station
Listen to the tape for the third time and then students should describe Lin Fei’s daily life in their own words. They will have 3 mines to prepare it.
Step 4 Post-listening
Ask students to look their questionnaires which they filled at the beginning of the class and give them 5 min to make a short story of their daily life, later some students will share the stories in front of the class.
Teacher should give them a guidance of health life style.
Step 5 Summary and homework
Summarize this lesson with students, and then ask them to design a new schedule of their daily life after the class, they will share during next lesson, they also need to read the new passage two times to consolidate the new knowledge.
Blackboard Design
Teaching Reflection。