Dubeux Com. & Rep. Portfolio
Trevo IndustrySofima IndusaFiel Industrial EquipmentDaewooHidromineral AlegriaExttra Mineral
Company Resources
Main Office located in São PauloNortheast Office located in Recife to facilitate logistics operation.VPN IntegrationAsterisk Call Center SystemToll-free number and local area code Voip numbers for the 7 largest States.Website (Portuguese and Spanish)Same day product delivery for orders in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife. Operated by a third party motorcycle courier company.
Romero Dubeux de Andrade
I was born and raised in Brazil. My father is an American citizen, which makes me a dual citizen by birth of both Brazil and the United States.I am fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.Graduated in International Business – Integrated University of Recife, PE, Brazil
下面是一些与中国政策相关的英文词汇:1. Economic Policies(经济政策)。
Fiscal policy(财政政策)。
Monetary policy(货币政策)。
Industrial policy(产业政策)。
Investment policy(投资政策)。
Trade policy(贸易政策)。
Tax policy(税收政策)。
Employment policy(就业政策)。
Poverty alleviation policy(扶贫政策)。
2. Social Policies(社会政策)。
Education policy(教育政策)。
Healthcare policy(医疗保健政策)。
Pension policy(养老保险政策)。
Housing policy(住房政策)。
Social welfare policy(社会福利政策)。
Family planning policy(计划生育政策)。
3. Foreign Policies(外交政策)。
Diplomatic policy(外交政策)。
Foreign aid policy(对外援助政策)。
Trade policy(贸易政策)。
Security policy(安全政策)。
Climate change policy(气候变化政策)。
4. Regional Policies(地区政策)。
One Belt One Road Initiative(一带一路倡议)。
Greater Bay Area development(大湾区发展)。
Western Development Strategy(西部大开发战略)。
Northeast Revitalization Plan(东北振兴计划)。
5. Environmental Policies(环境政策)。
COOPERATION AND FACILITATION INVESTMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL ANDThe Federative Republic of Braziland(hereinafter designated as the “Parties”or individually as “Party”),PREAMBLEWishing to strengthen and to enhance the bonds of friendship and the spirit of continuous cooperation between the Parties;Seeking to create and maintain favourable conditions for the investments of investors of a Party in the territory of the other Party;Seeking to stimulate, streamline and support bilateral investments, thus opening new integration opportunities between the Parties;Recognizing the essential role of investment in promoting sustainable development;Considering that the establishment of a strategic partnership between the Parties in the area of investment will bring wide-ranging and mutual benefits;Recognizing the importance of fostering a transparent and friendly environment for investments by investors of the Parties;Reassuring their regulatory autonomy and policy space;Wishing to encourage and strengthen contacts between the private sectors and the Governments of the two countries; andSeeking to create a mechanism for technical dialogue and foster government initiatives that may contribute to a significant increase in mutual investment;Agree, in good faith, to the following Cooperation and Facilitation Investment Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”, as follows:PART I – Scope of the Agreement and DefinitionsArticle 1Objective1.The objective of this Agreement is to promote cooperation between the Parties in order to facilitate and encourage mutual investment, through the establishment of a an institutional framework for the management of an agenda for further investment cooperation and facilitation, as well as through mechanisms for risk mitigation and prevention of disputes, among other instruments mutually agreed on by the Parties.Article 2Scope and Coverage1. This Agreement shall apply to all investments made before or after its entry into force.2. This Agreement shall not limit the rights and benefits which an investor of a Party enjoys under national or international law in the territory of the other Party.3. For greater certainty, the Parties reaffirm that this Agreement shall apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations derived from the Agreements of the World Trade Organization.4. This agreement shall not prevent the adoption and implementation of new legal requirements or restrictions to investors and their investments, as long as they are consistent with this Agreement.Article 3Definitions1. For the purpose of this Agreement:1.1 Enterprise means: any entity constituted or organized under applicable law, whether or not for profit, whether privately owned or State--owned, including any corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture and entities without legal personality;1.2 Host State means the Party where the investment is made.1.3 Investment means a direct investment of an investor of one Party, established or acquired in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Party, that s, directly or indirectly, allows the investor to exert control or significant degree of influence over the management of the production of goods or provision of services in the territory of the other Party, including but not limited to:a)an enterprise;b)shares, stocks, participations and other equity types in an enterprise;c) movable or immovable property and other property rights such as mortgages,liens, pledges, encumbrances or similar rights and obligations;d) concession, license or authorization granted by the Host State to the investor ofthe other Party;e) loans and debt instruments to a company:f) intellectual property rights as defined or referenced to in the Trade-RelatedAspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization(TRIPS)For the purposes of this Agreement and for greater certainty, "Investment" does not include:i) an order or judgment issued as a result of a lawsuit or an administrative process;ii) debt securities issued by a Party or loans granted from a Party to the other Party,bonds, debentures, loans or other debt instruments of a State-owned enterprise of aParty that is considered to be public debt under the legislation of that Party;ii) portfolio investments, i.e., those that do not allow the investor to exert asignificant degree of influence in the management of the company; andiii) claims to money that arise solely from commercial contracts for the sale ofgoods or services by an investor in the territory of a Party to a national or anenterprise in the territory of another Party, or the extension of credit in connectionwith a commercial transaction, or any other claims to money that do not involve thekind of interests set out in sub-paragraphs (a)-(e) above.1.4 Investor means a national, permanent resident or enterprise of a Party that has made an investment in the territory of the other Party;1.5 Income means the values obtained by an investment, including profits, interests, capital gains, dividends or "royalties".1.6 Measure means any measure adopted by a Party, whether in the form of law, regulation, rule, procedure, decision, administrative ruling, or any other form.1.7 National means a natural person that has the nationality of a Party, according to its laws and regulations.1.8 Territory means the territory, including its land and aerial spaces, the exclusive economic zone, territorial sea, seabed and subsoil within which the Party exercises its sovereign rights or jurisdiction, in accordance with international law and its internal legislation.PART II – Regulatory Measures and Risk MitigationArticle 4Admission and treatment1. Each Party shall admit and encourage investments of investors of the other Party, according to their respective laws and regulations.2. Each Party shall grant to investments and investors of the other Party treatment according to the due process of law.3. In line with the principles of this Agreement, each Party shall ensure that all measures that affect investment are administered in a reasonable, objective and impartial manner, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations.Article 5National Treatment1. Without prejudice to the exceptions in force under its legislation on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall accord to investors of another Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to its own investors with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.2. Without prejudice to the exceptions in force under its legislation on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments in its territory of its own investors with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments.3. For greater certainty, whether treatment is accorded in ‘like circumstances’ depends on the totality of the circumstances, including whether the relevant treatment distinguishes between investors or investments on the basis of legitimate public interest objectives.4. For greater certainty, this Article shall not be construed to require any Party to compensate for any inherent competitive disadvantages which result from the foreign character of the investor or investments.Article 6Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment1. Each Party shall accord to investors of another Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any non-Party with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.2. Each Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments in its territory of investors of any non-Party with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation, and sale or other disposition of investments.3. This Article shall not be construed to require a Party to grant to an investor of another Party or their investments the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege arising from:(i) provisions relating to investment dispute settlement contained in an investmentagreement or an investment chapter of a commercial agreement; or(ii) any agreement for regional economic integration, free trade area, customs unionor common market, of which a Party is a member .4. For greater certainty, whether treatment is accorded in ‘like circumstances’ depends on the totality of the circumstances, including whether the relevant treatment distinguishes between investors or investments on the basis of legitimate public welfare objectives.Article 7Expropriation1. Each Party shall not directly nationalize or expropriate investments of investors of the other Party, except:a) for a public purpose or necessity or when justified as social interest;b) in a non-discriminatory manner;c) on payment of effective compensation, according to paragraphs 2 to 4; andd) in accordance with due process of law.2. The compensation shall:a) Be paid without undue delay;b) Be equivalent to the fair market value of the expropriated investment,immediately before the expropriating measure has taken place (“expropriationdate”);c) Not reflect any change in the market value due to the knowledge of theintention to expropriate, before the expropriation date; andd) Be completely payable and transferable, according to Article 9.3. The compensation to be paid shall not be inferior to the fair market value on the expropriation date, plus interests at a rate determined according to market criteria accrued since the expropriation date until the date of payment, according to the legislation of the Host State.4. The Parties shall cooperate to improve the mutual knowledge of their respective national legislations regarding investment expropriation.5. For greater certainty, this article only provides for direct expropriation, where an investment is nationalized or otherwise directly expropriated through formal transfer of title or ownership rights.Article 8Compensation for Losses1. The investors of a Party whose investments in the territory of the other Party suffer losses due to war or other armed conflict, revolution, state of emergency, insurrection, riot or any other similar events, shall enjoy, with regard to restitution, indemnity or other form of, compensation, the same treatment as the latter Party accords to its own investors or the treatment accorded to investors of a third party, whichever is more favourable to the affected investor.2. Each Party shall provide the investor restitution, compensation, or both, as appropriate, in accordance with Article 6 of this Agreement, in the event that investments suffer losses in its territory in any situation referred to in paragraph 1 resulting from:(a) requisitioning of its investment or part thereof by the forces or authorities of thelatter Party; or(b) destruction of its investment or any part thereof by the forces or authorities ofthe latter Party.Article 9Transparency1. Each Party shall ensure that its laws, regulations, procedures and general administrative resolutions related to any matter covered by this Agreement, in particular regarding qualification, licensing and certification, are published without delay and, when possible, in electronic format, as to allow interested persons of the other Party to be aware of such information.2. Each Party shall endeavour to allow reasonable opportunity to those stakeholders interested in expressing their opinions on the proposed measures.3. Whenever possible, each Party shall publicize this Agreement to their respective public and private financial agents, responsible for the technical evaluation of risks and the approval of loans, credits, guarantees and related insurances for investment in the territory of the other Party.Article 10Transfers1. Each Party shall allow that the transfer of funds related to an investment be made freely and without undue delay, to and from their territory. Such transfers include:(a) the initial capital contribution or any addition thereof in relation to themaintenance or expansion of such investment;(b) income directly related to the investment;(c) the proceeds of sale or total or partial liquidation of the investment;(d) the repayments of any loan, including interests thereon, relating directly to theinvestment;(e) the amount of a compensation.2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, a Party may, in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner and in good faith, prevent a transfer if such transfer is prevented under its laws relating to:(a)bankruptcy, insolvency or the protection of the rights of creditors;(b)criminal infractions;(c)financial reports or maintenance of transfers' registers when necessary tocooperate with law enforcement or with financial regulators; or(d) the guarantee for the enforcement of decisions in judicial or administrativeproceedings.3.. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining temporary restrictive measures in respect of payments or transfers for current account transactions in the event of serious difficulties in the balance of payments and external financial difficulties or threat thereof.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining temporary restrictive measures in respect of payments or transfers related to capital movements:(a) in the case of serious difficulties in the balance of payments or externalfinancial difficulties or threat thereof; or(b) where, in exceptional circumstances, payments or transfers from capitalmovements generate or threaten to generate serious difficulties for macroeconomicmanagement.5. The adoption of temporary restrictive measures to transfers if there are serious difficulties in the balance of payments in the cases described in paragraphs 1 and 2, must be non-discriminatory and in accordance with the Articles of the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund.Article 11Tax Measures1. No provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted as an obligation of one Party to give to an investor from the other Party, concerning his or her investments, the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege arising out of any agreement to avoid double taxation, current or future, of which a Party to this Agreement is a party or becomes a party.2. No provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in a manner that prevents the adoption or implementation of any measure aimed at ensuring the equitable or effective imposition or collection of taxes, according to the Parties´ respective laws and regulations, so long as such a measure is not applied as to constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction.Article 12Prudential Measures1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining prudential measures, such as:(a)the protection of investors, depositors, financial market participants, policy-holders,policy-claimants, or persons to whom a fiduciary duty is owed by a financial institution;(b)the maintenance of the safety, soundness, integrity or financial responsibility of financialinstitutions; and(c)ensuring the integrity and stability of a Party's financial system.2. Where such measures do not conform with the provisions of this Agreement, they shall not be used as a means of circumventing the commitments or obligations of the Party under this Agreement.Article 13Security Exceptions1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures aimed at preserving its national security or public order, or to apply the provisions of their criminal laws or comply with its obligations regarding the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter.2. Measures adopted by a Party under paragraph 1 of this Article or the decision based on national security laws or public order that at any time prohibit or restrict the realization of an investment in its territory by an investor of another Party shall not be subject to the dispute settlement mechanism under this Agreement.Article 14Corporate Social Responsibility1. Investors and their investment shall strive to achieve the highest possible level of contribution to the sustainable development of the Host State and the local community, through the adoption of a high degree of socially responsible practices, based on the voluntary principles and standards set out in this Article.2. The investors and their investment shall endeavour to comply with the following voluntary principles and standards for a responsible business conduct and consistent with the laws adopted by the Host State receiving the investment:a) Contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress, aiming atachieving sustainable development;b) Respect the internationally recognized human rights of those involved in thecompanies’ activitie s;c) Encourage local capacity building through close cooperation with the localcommunity;d) Encourage the creation of human capital, especially by creating employmentopportunities and offering professional training to workers to;e) Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions that are not established in thelegal or regulatory framework relating to human rights, environment, health,security, work, tax system, financial incentives, or other issues;f) Support and advocate for good corporate governance principles, and developand apply good practices of corporate governance;g) Develop and implement effective self-regulatory practices and managementsystems that foster a relationship of mutual trust between the companies and thesocieties in which its operations are conducted;h) Promote the knowledge of and the adherence to, by workers, the corporatepolicy, through appropriate dissemination of this policy, including programs forprofessional training;i) Refrain from discriminatory or disciplinary action against employees whosubmit grave reports to the board or, whenever appropriate, to the competentpublic authorities, about practices that violate the law or corporate policy;j) Encourage, whenever possible, business associates, including service providers and outsources, to apply the principles of business conduct consistent with theprinciples provided for in this Article; andk) Refrain from any undue interference in local political activities.Article 15Investment Measures and Combating Corruption and Illegality1. Each Party shall adopt measures and make efforts to prevent and fight corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing with regard to matters covered by this Agreement, in accordance with its laws and regulations.2. Nothing in this Agreement shall require any Party to protect investments made with capital or assets of illicit origin or investments in the establishment or operation of which illegal acts have been demonstrated to occur and for which national legislation provides asset forfeiture.Article 16Provisions on Investment and Environment, Labor Affairs and Health1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining or enforcing any measure it deems appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner according to labor, environmental and health legislations of that Party, provided that this measure is not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction.2. The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by lowering the standards of their labor and environmental legislation or measures of health. Therefore, each Party guarantees it shall not amend or repeal, nor offer the amendment or repeal of such legislation to encourage the establishment, maintenance or expansion of an investment in itsterritory, to the extent that such amendment or repeal involves decreasing their labor, environmental or health standards. If a Party considers that another Party has offered such an encouragement, the Parties will address the issue through consultations.PART III- Institutional Governance and Dispute PreventionArticle 17Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement1. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties hereby establish a Joint Committee for the administration of this Agreement (hereinafter referred as “Joint Committee”).2. This Joint Committee shall be composed of government representatives of both Parties designated by their respective Governments.3. The Joint Committee shall meet at such times, in such places and through such means as the Parties may agree. Meetings shall be held at least once a year, with alternating chairmanships between the Parties.4. The Joint Committee shall have the following functions and responsibilities:a) Supervise the implementation and execution of this Agreement;b) Discuss and divulge opportunities for the expansion of mutual investment;c) Coordinate the implementation of the mutually agreed cooperation andfacilitation agendas;d) Consult with the private sector and civil society, when applicable, on theirviews on specific issues related to the work of the Joint Committee;e) Seek to resolve any issues or disputes concerning investments of investors of aParty in an amicable manner; andf) Supplement the rules for arbitral dispute settlement between the Parties.5. The Parties may establish ad hoc working groups, which shall meet jointly or separately from the Joint Committee.6. The private sector may be invited to participate in the ad hoc working groups, whenever authorized by the Joint Committee.7. The Joint Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.Article 18Focal Points or “Ombudsmen”1. Each Party shall designate a National Focal Point, or “Ombudsm a n”, which shall have as its main responsibility the support for investor from the other Party in its territory.2. In Brazil, the “Ombudsman”/National Focal Point shall be within the Chamber of Foreign Trade – CAMEX1.3. In, the “Ombudsman”/National Focal Point shall be .4. The National Focal Point, among other responsibilities, shall:a) Endeavour to follow the recommendations of the Joint Committee and interactwith the National Focal Point of the other Party, in accordance with thisAgreement;b) Follow up on requests and enquiries of the other Party or of investors of theother Party with the competent authorities and inform the stakeholders on theresults of its actions;c) to assess, in consultation with relevant government authorities, suggestions andcomplaints received from the other Party or investors of the other Party andrecommend, as appropriate, actions to improve the investment environment;d) seek to prevent differences in investment matters, in collaboration withgovernment authorities and relevant private entities;e) Provide timely and useful information on regulatory issues on generalinvestment or on specific projects; andf) Report its activities and actions to the Joint Committee, when appropriate.5. Each Party shall determine time limits for the implementation of each of its functions and responsibilities, which will be communicated to the other Party.6. Each Party shall designate a single agency or authority as its National Focal Point, which shall give prompt replies to notifications and requests by the Government and investors from the other Party.Article 19Exchange of Information between Parties1.The Parties shall exchange information, whenever possible and relevant to reciprocal investments, concerning business opportunities, procedures, and requirements for investment, particularly through the Joint Committee and its National Focal Points.2. For this purpose, the Party shall provide, when requested, in a timely fashion and with respect for the level of protection granted, information related, in particular, to the following items:a) Regulatory conditions for investment;b) Governmental programs and possible related incentives;1 The Chamber of Foreign Trade (CAMEX) is part of the Government Council of the Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Its main body is the Council of Ministers, which is an interministerial body.c) Public policies and legal frameworks that may affect investment;d) Legal framework for investment, including legislation on the establishment ofcompanies and joint ventures;e) Related international treaties;f) Customs procedures and tax regimes;g) Statistical information on the market for goods and services;h) Available infrastructure and public services;i) Governmental procurement and public concessions;j) Social and labour requirements;k) Immigration legislation;l) Currency exchange legislation;m) Information on legislation of specific economic sectors or segments previously identified by the Parties; andn) Regional projects and agreements related to on investment.3. The Parties shall also exchange information on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), especially through greater transparency and quick access to the information on the legislation.Article 20Treatment of Protected Information1. The Parties shall respect the level of protection of information provided by the submitting Party, according to the respective national legislation on the matter.2. None of the provisions of the Agreement shall be construed to require any Party to disclose protected information, the disclosure of which would jeopardize law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would violate the privacy or harm legitimate business interests. For the purposes of this paragraph, protected information includes confidential business information or information considered privileged or protected from disclosure under the applicable laws of a Party.Article 21Interaction with the Private SectorRecognizing the key role played by the private sector, the Parties shall publicize, among the relevant business sectors, general information on investment, regulatory frameworks and business opportunities in the territory of the other Party.Article 22Cooperation between Agencies Responsible for Investment PromotionThe Parties shall promote cooperation between their investment promotion agencies in order to facilitate investment in the territory of the other Party.Article 23Disputes Prevention1. The National Focal Points, or “Ombudsmen”, shall act in coordination with each other and with the Joint Committee in order to prevent, manage and resolve any disputes between the Parties.2. Before initiating an arbitration procedure, in accordance with Article 24 of this Agreement, any dispute between the Parties shall be the object of consultations and negotiations between the Parties and be previously examined by the Joint Committee.3. A Party may submit a specific question and call a meeting of the Joint Committee according to the following rules:a) to initiate the procedure, the interested Party must submit a written request tothe other Party, specifying the name of the affected investors, the specificmeasure in question, and the findings of fact and law underlying the request.The Joint Committee shall meet within sixty (60) days from the date of therequest;b) The Joint Committee shall have 60 days, extendable by mutual agreement by 60additional days, upon justification, to evaluate the relevant information aboutthe presented case and to submit a report. The report shall include:i) Identification of the Party;ii) Identification of the affected investors, as presented by the Parties;iii) Description of the measure under consultation; andiv) Conclusions of the consultations between the Parties;.c) In order to facilitate the search for a solution between the Parties, wheneverpossible, the following persons shall participate in the bilateral meeting:i) Representatives of the affected investors;ii) Representatives of the governmental or non-governmental entities involved in the measure or situation under consultation.d) The procedure for dialogue and bilateral consultations may be concluded byany Party, after the sixty (60) days referred to in subparagraph b). The JointCommittee shall present its report in the subsequent meeting of the JointCommittee, which shall be held no later than fifteen (15) days after the date of。
巴西的英语知识点总结Geography of BrazilBrazil is located in the eastern part of South America and covers nearly half of the continent's land area. It shares borders with all South American countries except for Chile and Ecuador. The country has a vast and varied geography, with the Amazon Rainforest in the north, the expansive central plateau, and the coastal areas in the east and south.The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, covering most of the north of Brazil. It is home to an incredibly diverse range of plant and animal species and is vital for the world's climate. The Amazon River, which flows through the rainforest, is the second-longest river in the world.In the central plateau region, the landscape is more arid, with savannas and grasslands dominating the area. The famous Pantanal wetlands, one of the world's largest tropical wetland areas, are located in this region, providing a unique habitat for numerous species of wildlife.The eastern and southeastern regions of Brazil are known for their beautiful coastline, with popular beach destinations such as Rio de Janeiro and Salvador attracting tourists from around the world. The landscape in this area is characterized by tropical forests, rolling hills, and expansive beaches.History of BrazilThe history of Brazil is a complex and fascinating story that spans thousands of years. Before the arrival of Europeans, the region was inhabited by indigenous peoples who had established complex societies and cultures. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Brazil in 1500, and they quickly established colonies along the coast, primarily for the extraction of valuable resources such as sugar and gold.The exploitation of indigenous peoples and the importation of African slaves to work on plantations led to the establishment of a diverse and multicultural society in Brazil. In 1822, Brazil declared its independence from Portugal and became a monarchy, with Dom Pedro I as its first emperor. The country abolished slavery in 1888, becoming one of the last countries in the Western Hemisphere to do so.In the 20th century, Brazil experienced periods of political and economic turmoil, including military dictatorships and social unrest. In 1985, Brazil returned to democratic rule, and the country has since become one of the world's leading emerging economies.Culture and Society in BrazilBrazil is renowned for its vibrant and diverse culture, which is a product of its indigenous, European, African, and Asian influences. The country's cultural identity is shaped by its music, dance, cuisine, and religious practices.Music and dance play a central role in Brazilian culture, with genres such as samba, bossa nova, and forró captivating audiences worldwide. The annual Carnival festival, held in cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, is a flamboyant celebration of music, dance, and pageantry that attracts millions of visitors every year.Brazilian cuisine is a fusion of flavors and influences from around the world. Traditional dishes such as feijoada, a hearty black bean stew, and churrasco, a barbecued meat feast, are beloved by locals and tourists alike. The country is also famous for its coffee production, with Brazil being the world's largest exporter of coffee beans.Religion plays an important role in Brazilian society, with the majority of the population identifying as Roman Catholic. However, there is also a significant presence of Protestant, Spiritist, and Afro-Brazilian religions, reflecting the country's multicultural heritage.Economic and Social Development in BrazilBrazil is one of the world's leading emerging economies, with a diverse and dynamic economic base. The country is a major exporter of commodities such as soybeans, iron ore, and petroleum, and has a growing industrial sector that produces automobiles, aircraft, and consumer goods.Despite its economic potential, Brazil faces significant social and economic challenges, including high levels of inequality, poverty, and crime. The country has made progress in addressing these issues, with initiatives to improve access to education, healthcare, and social services for disadvantaged communities.Environmental Sustainability in BrazilAs home to the Amazon Rainforest and other diverse ecosystems, Brazil plays a vital role in global efforts to preserve the environment and combat climate change. The country has made significant commitments to conservation and sustainability, including efforts to reduce deforestation and promote renewable energy sources.The preservation of the Amazon Rainforest is a critical priority for Brazil, as it is an essential carbon sink and a vital source of biodiversity. The country has established a network of national parks and protected areas, as well as conservation programs that engage local communities in sustainable land use practices.Brazil's English EducationEnglish education in Brazil has been growing rapidly in recent years, with a growing demand for English language skills in the global economy. Many public and private schools offer English classes as part of their curriculum, and there is a growing number of language schools and institutes that provide English language training.English language proficiency is highly valued in Brazil, especially in business, tourism, and international relations. As a result, many Brazilians seek to improve their English skills through formal education, private tutoring, and online language learning resources.In conclusion, Brazil is a diverse and dynamic country with a rich cultural heritage, a vibrant economy, and a critical role in global environmental sustainability. By understanding key English knowledge points related to Brazil, including its geography, history, culture, and educational landscape, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation of this fascinating and influential nation.。
(北京100733)【关键词】巴西/外交政策/大国外交/南美/发展中国家【参考文献】[1]Luiz Felipe Lampreia, " Diplomacia Brasileira: Palavras Contextos e Razes" , Prefácio, Lacerda Ed, Rio de Janeiro do Brasil,1999.[2]Amado Luiz Cervo & Clodoaldo Bueno, A Politica Externa Brasileira:1822-1985, Editora tica S.A.So Paulo, 1986.[3]Raquel Landim, " Brasil Faz Concesses Agrícolas aos Andinos" ,Valor Econmico, 2004-01-08.[4]Serguei Lavrov, " Em Via de uma Parceria Prática" , Jornal do Brasil, 2004-11-22.[5]Denise Chrispim Marim, " Países Acumulam Atritos Políticos e Comerciais" , O Estado de So Paulo, 2004-01-10.20世纪90年代以来,为应对冷战结束后出现的国际战略新格局,巴西对外交政策进行了调整。
全球储蓄过剩(GSG)HERA 住房及经济复苏法案The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan 日本外国特派员协会Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS)美国卫生及公共服务部Social Security Administration (SSA)美国社会保障局ADBI Asian Development Bank InstituteAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndromeASEAN Association of South-East Asian NationsASEAN+3 ASEAN + China, Japan and the Republic of KoreaBIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation CIS Commonwealth of Independent StatesCMI Chiang Mai InitiativeDAC Development Assistance Committee of the OECDEAS East Asia SummitESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificFAO Food and Agriculture OrganizationFDI foreign direct investmentFTA free trade agreementGDP gross domestic productHIV human immunodeficiency virusID identityILO International Labour OrganizationIMF International Monetary FundLAC Latin America and the CaribbeanLDCs least developed countriesLLDCs landlocked developing countriesMDB multilateral development bankMDGs Millennium Development GoalsNGO non-governmental organizationODA official development assistanceOECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentPPP purchasing power paritySAARC South Asian Association for Regional CooperationSIDS Small island developing statesSPC Secretariat of the Pacific CommunityTB TuberculosisUNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNFPA United Nations Population FundUNICEF United Nations Children’s FundUNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for WomenVAT value added taxWDI World Development IndicatorsWFP World Food ProgrammeWHO World Health OrganizationWTO World Trade Organization美国铝业(AA)美国银行(BAC)全球五大风电企业之一的西班牙歌美飒(Gamesa)世界银行行长佐利克(Robert Zoellick)海峡两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)乔治-索罗斯(George Soros)欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights)法国兴业银行(Societe Generale SA)(GLE)东京三菱日联银行(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd)信用违约掉期(CDS)中海油总公司(CNOOC)渣打银行集团首席经济学家、全球研究部主管李籁思(Gerard Lyons)个人消费者金融保护局(Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection)United States Congress Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs美国参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会FSMA2000=英国《金融服务及市场法令》Financial Service and Market Act 2000 CFD=Contract For Differece 差价合约FSA=英国金融服务管理局抵押贷款保险公司(mortgage insurer)新世纪金融公司(New Century Financial Corporation)寿险公司(life insurance companies)次级抵押贷款支持证券(RMBS)金融担保保险公司(financial guarantee insurance companies)国际财务报告标准(IFRSs)美国通用会计准则(US GAAP)公允价值(fair value)私募股权投资基金(private equity)经合组织保险和私人养老金委员会(IPPC)爱尔兰联合银行 Allied Irish Banks爱尔兰银行 Bank of Ireland PLC奥地利第一储蓄银行 Austria’s Erste Group Bank德国邮政银行 Deutsche Postbank AGWorld investment prosepects survey wips (联合国贸发会《世界投资前景调查》)IPA investment promotion agency 投资促进机构TNC Transnational company 跨国公司Promising investor-countries 最有投资价值的投资,这里的promising是有希望的、有前途、大有可为的意思Pay-as-you-go 现收现付Mobile capital流动资本Advers scenario 负面假设(场景、情形)Health care 公共卫生服务Medicaid:医疗补助(medic+aid)Medicare:医疗保险(medic+care)Social security contributions 社会保险缴款Social security tax 社会保险税Primary spending 基础支出(扣住利息支付的财政支出)Primary Fiscal Gap 基本财政缺口Public finance 公共财政(要比翻译成公共金融好)PIT personal Income Tax 个人所得税CIT Corporation Income Tax 企业所得税VAT Value Added Tas 增值税Commonwealth 联邦Commonwealth-state Relations 联邦-州关系General government spending 一般政府支出ARRA—American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(2009年美国复苏与再投资法案) 澳洲壳牌能源控股有公司(Shell Energy Holdings Australia)日本国土交通大臣前原诚司韩国文化体育观光部长官柳日本财政大臣野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)congressional budget office 美国国会办公室中国预托凭证(CDR)非银行金融机构(NBFCS)资产重组公司(ARCs)邓白氏(Dun & Bradstreet)咨询公司美国证券交易委员会(SEC)IPO(首次公开募股)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)、美国银行(BAC)和花旗集团(C)巴克莱银行(BCS)、瑞士信贷集团(CS)、德意志银行(DB)、高盛集团(GS)、加拿大皇家银行(RY)、和瑞士银行(UBS)纽约证券交易所(NYSE)美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)“多德-弗兰克法案”(Dodd-Frank Act)德国央行行长阿克塞尔-韦伯(Axel Weber)NBER(Naitonal Bureau of Economy Research)美国国家经济研究局全美独立企业联合会(National Federation of Independent Business——NFIB)本·伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、副主席威廉·达德利(William C. Dudley)、詹姆斯·布拉德(James Bullard)、伊丽莎白·杜克(Elizabeth A. Duke)、唐纳德·科恩(Donald L. Kohn)、桑德拉·皮亚纳托(Sandra Pianalto)、埃里克·罗森格林(Eric S. Rosengren)、丹尼尔·塔鲁洛(Daniel K. Tarullo)和凯文·瓦尔许(Kevin M. Warsh);托马斯·霍利格(Thomas M. Hoenig)“格林斯潘对策”(―Greenspan put‖,有时也称之为“伯南克对策”,―Bernanke put‖)世贸组织《政府采购协定》(GPA )地方政府实体(Sub-Central Government Entities)(直译是下级中央政府实体,也有称次中央政府实体),财政报告 call report房价波动 housing price volatility定价机制 pricing mechanism上市银行 listed bank票据产业 bill industrycash bond market 现券市场日均成交量 average daily turnover融资融券 securities borrowing and lendingAgricultural biomass industry 农村生物质能产业ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nation 东南亚国家联盟,简称“东盟”CDM Clean Development Mechannism 清洁发展机制CHP combined heat and power 热气联产CIAD-Center for integrated Agricultural Development 综合农业发展中心CIDA- Canadian International Development Agency 加拿大国际开发署CSPCB-Crop Straw Pricing Consultation Board 秸秆定价磋商GEF- Global Environment Facility 全球环境基金会GHG- Greenhouse Gas 全球环境基金会GTZ-German Agency for Technical Cooperation 德国技术合作公司Kfw—德国复兴开发银行LPG-Liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LPOG-Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Devepment国务院扶贫开发领导小组SIDA-Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 瑞士国际开发合作署USAID-United States Agency for International Development 美国国际开发援助署EIRR=economical internal rate of return 经济内部回报率(收益率)FIRR=financial internal rate of return 财务内部回报率(收益率)O&M=operation and maintenance 运行与维护TSP= total suspended particles 总悬浮颗粒TCE= ton of coal equivalent 吨煤当量“现收现支(pay-as-you-go)”原则日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)“利差交易”(Carry Trade)西班牙首相何塞·刘易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero) 麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)德国邮政银行(Postbank)葡萄牙商业银行(BCP)法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)瑞典诺迪亚银行(NORDEA)奥地利厄斯特银行(Erste Bank)法律英语:Regulation 条例、规章Rule 规则Clause 泛指条款Section 节,也译作条Article 条 Articles 条例Provision 多指规定Stipulation 约定(而非法律规定)Part 编Chapter 章Section 节Article 条Paragraph 款Subparagraph 项Item 目中国海洋石油有限公司(CNOOC Ltd., CEO, 简称:中国海洋石油)欧洲央行(ECB)执委会成员汤普古格罗(Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell)太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross)大卫·卢森博格(David Rosenberg)查德·克拉里达(Richard Clarida)所谓“就业不足率”(Under-employment Rate),是指包括更希望获得全职岗位的兼职人员以及希望工作但却放弃寻找的人员在内的失业率。
全国高等教育自学考试《英语翻译》00087课内必背词组global challenge全球性挑战climate change气候变化nuclear n核扩散economic recovery经济复苏meetings at the nal nism贸易保护主义human rights人权freedom of speech and assembly言论和集会自由long-term debt长期债务domestic demand内需hoder of debt债权国a series of important new initiatives一系列重要的新提议joint clean energy research center联合清洁能源研究中心take no ns未接受采访the frigid Chinese capital冰冷的中国都城Two Conferencesthe 12th Five-Year Plan十二五nal development and people's livelihood国计民生one's tenure of office任期to perform one's duty honestly恪尽职守ary flow货币流动性common people老庶民growing material and cultural needs日益增长的物质文化需要the starting point as well as the final aim出发点和落脚点stabilize prices稳定物价to corner the market囤积居奇(把持市场)to jack up prices哄抬物价n ns通胀预期readjustment measures调控步伐economy houses保证性住房shantytown棚户区speculative housing demands谋利性住房需求property hoarding捂盘步伐keep purchased land unused圈地不消health care reform医疗改革medical care医疗保险2、时势批评summit首脑会议communique公报strategic thinker战略思想家zero-sum game一方得益一方受损的局面1—英语翻译economic reach经济影响力Sino-US ns/Sino-American n全球化nalism例外论reform and opening-up革新开放United ns Development Programme联合国开发计划Gini coefficient基尼系数the rich-poor disparity贫富差距egalitarianism平均主义e group高收入群体tax system税收制度customs duty关税value added tax增值税business tax营业税resource tax本钱税illegal underground economy公开经济tax n偷漏税wealth n财富积累the disadvantaged group弱势群体social security undertakings社会保证奇迹social transfer payments社会转移领取franchise特许经营monopoly trades垄断性行业colossal profits暴利air transport航空运输业n management管理运输业post and ns邮电运输业unfair n不公平竞争upper limit限高people at the bottom level基础阶层Gross nal Product(GNP)国民生产总值Gross Domestic Product(GDP)国内生产总值三、经济贸易individual freedom小我自在equality of opportunity机会均等hard work勉力斗争monopoly of power权力垄断be supportive of支持,赞成social class社会地位,社会阶层inherited privilege继承的特权manufacturer制造商labor problems of ns大公司的劳工问题business n商务专栏2—英语翻译stock prices股市行情foreign aid对外援助federal budget联邦预算Federal Reserve Bank联邦储蓄银行entertainment industry文娱业show business演艺业world of arts文艺界world of entertainment娱乐界financial crisis经济危机the lifeless economies经济不景气consumer markets消费市场teetering currency rates货币疲软purchasing power购买力political instability政局不定change economic circumstances经济不稳nist barriers商业保护主义壁垒diplomatic rows外交摩擦press forward大力推进system of foreign trade外贸体制n集团化state enterprises国有企业entrepreneur企业家mass market大众市场added value附加值export commodities出口商品hard-punch" items拳头产物competitive edge合作上风geographical n市场多元化make a good killing赚大钱first class一流的trade fairs交易会sales forces贩卖职员n facilities出产装备sales outlets贩卖点productivity生产率preferential policies优惠政策infrastructure基础设施foreign direct investment外国直接投资be supportive of撑持inherited privilege继承的特权labor problems of ns大公司的劳资题目the reform of China’s foreign t rade regime中国的外贸体系体例革新fine quality or else no export以质取胜market n市场调整3—英语翻译foreign exchange market外汇市场fine or intricate processing精加工和深加工四、科学技术Silicon Valley硅谷renewable petroleum可再生石油are executive软件管理人员business school商学院agricultural waste农业废物wheat straw麦秆crude oil原油science n科幻小说r director高级主管Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯global economy全球经济hydrogen fuel氢燃料carbon negative负碳的raw materials原材料supply ns供给营业start-up capital启动资金single-cell organisms单细胞生物industrial yeast工业酵母E.coli大肠杆菌custom designing定制设计fatty acids脂肪酸n发酵fuels industry生物燃料行业byproduct副产物textile material纺织质料Chinese Academy of Science中国科学院n回收chemical n化学分化monomers单体chemical fiber化学纤维short polyester fibers涤纶短纤维polyester fiber聚酯纤维n clothes时装Nobel Prize for Chemistry诺贝尔化学奖chemical n化学方程式all-weather clothes晴雨两用衣chemical substance化学物资solvents溶剂intermediates中央体industrial chemicals化工原材料4—英语翻译regenerated resin再生树脂China's Plastic n net中国降解塑料网relevant departments 有关部门medium-sized city中等城市economic returns经济效益make……obsolet e使……被淘汰,使……过时be broken down into被分解为……5、天然探秘global warming全球气候变暖heat wave热浪nuclear facilities核办法flash flood山洪暴发greenhouse gas n温室气体排放fossil-fuel n化石燃料的排放carbon xide二氧化碳solar n太阳变革satellite measurements卫星测量atmospheric change大气变化saturated air mass饱和大气团xide effect二氧化碳效应atmospheric n大气循环weather phenomenon天气现象lower atmosphere高空大气层water vapor水汽condensed matter of the vapor水汽固结物horizontal distance水平距离visibility能见度meteorology气象学light fog轻雾heavy fog重雾horizontal visibility程度能见度n fog辐射雾advective fog平流雾steam fog蒸汽雾up-slope fog上坡雾frontal surface锋面雾water droplets水滴ice crystals冰晶poor visibility能见度差expressways高速公路a plant disease病害to ear (up)抽穗wheat scab赤霉病5—英语翻译pathogen microbes病原微生物harmful substance有害物质tracheitis气管炎pharyngolarynigitis咽喉炎conjunctivitis结膜炎strenuous exercise猛烈举动tourist ns旅行胜地Arctic sea—ice cover北极海冰覆盖面积n point饱和点the n of heat on the surface of the earth地面热量的散失appear in us shapes and postures千姿百态be enveloped in mists and clouds云雾缭绕六、文化俗anthropologist人类学家hidden purpose内涵意义code of conduct行为准则regular customer常客bar staff酒保facial n脸部脸色Guinness stout健力士烈性黑啤酒unspoken ways非语言方式body language形体语言mutual interest配合好处cultural n文化内涵material enjoyment物质享受spiritual enjoyment精神享受agrarian society农耕社会Christmas圣诞节Saint Valentine's Day情人节Easter Sunday复活节All Saints' Day万圣节Thanksgiving Day戴德节Opium War鸦片战争Christianity教the Ming Dynasty明朝Confucian teachings儒学典范feudalist vestiges封建剩余the Spring Festival春节the Dragon Boat Festival端五节the Mid-Autumn Day中秋节legal holidays法定节假日the State Council国务院Anniversaries记念日6—英语翻译the sense of nal identity民族认同感the United ns nal。
金砖国家是哪国发起的巴西(brazil)、俄罗斯(russia)、印度(india)、中国(china)和南非(south africa)年,美国高盛公司首席经济师吉姆·奥尼尔(jim o'neill)首次提出“金砖四国”这一概念,特指新兴市场投资代表。
年南非(south africa)加入后,其英文单词变为“brics”,并改称为“金砖国家”。
区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 英语
区域全面经济伙伴关系协定英语含译文The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region that was signed on November 15, 2020. It is one of the largest trade agreements in the world, involving 15 participating countries. Here is a brief introduction to the RCEP in English:---Introduction:The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a landmark trade agreement that encompasses the Asia-Pacific region. Signed on November 15, 2020, the RCEP aims to promote economic integration, facilitate trade, and strengthen cooperation among its 15 participating countries.Participating Countries:The RCEP includes the following 15 countries:1. Australia2. Brunei3. Cambodia4. China5. Indonesia6. Japan7. Laos8. Malaysia9. Myanmar10. New Zealand11. Philippines12. Singapore13. South Korea14. Thailand15. VietnamObjectives:The key objectives of the RCEP are:- Trade Liberalization: Reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff barriers to facilitate the free flow of goods and services.-Economic Integration: Enhance economic cooperation and integration among member countries.- Investment Facilitation: Create a favorable environment for investment and business activities. - Rules of Origin: Establish uniform rules of origin to simplify and harmonize trade procedures.- Intellectual Property Rights: Strengthen protection of intellectual property rights to encourage innovation and creativity.- Economic and Technical Cooperation: Promote collaboration in areas such as agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises, and economic and technical cooperation.Benefits:The RCEP is expected to bring various benefits, including:- Market Access: Expanded market access for goods and services across participating countries.- Supply Chain Connectivity: Improved supply chain connectivity and efficiency.- Investment Opportunities: Enhanced investment opportunities and economic growth.- Job Creation: Potential for job creation and increased employment opportunities.Implementation:The RCEP is slated for implementation, and member countries are working towards ratifying and enacting the necessary legal frameworks to realize the agreement's provisions.Conclusion:The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership represents a significant milestone in regional economic cooperation, fostering greater connectivity and collaboration among diverse economies in the Asia-Pacific region.---译文:区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)是亚太地区自由贸易协定,于2020年11月15日签署,是全球最大的贸易协定之一,涉及15个参与国。
финансы.doc 的翻译
финансы.doc 的翻译金融(142)进口消费税租金审计的财务控制业务部预算分类预算制度预算法预算股预算赤字预算编制财政联邦制国内生产总值各类证券俄罗斯联邦额外的专项资金发达国家的资金预算外外部状态贷款外债的俄罗斯联邦对外金融政策贷款的内部状态内债俄罗斯联邦国内金融政策军事预算保证俄罗斯联邦国家预算资金政府贷款国家机关公共开支公共财政发达国家的公共财政政府证券公共债务国家助学贷款公仆资金现金基金资金下放资金长期信贷国家收入收入和支出土地税进口商外籍劳工商业机构商业银行综合预算财务控制功能短期信贷货币汇率流动资金优惠贷款宏观经济形势物质利益重大责任政府间财政关系国际金融体系国际金融跨部门的预算资金本地(市)财政国家垄断市政贷款市政当局市政证券市政债券市信用全国金融系统国民收入非国有金融管制非盈利组织提供财政储备营运资金一般政府财政财务管理对象财政运行管理政府财政财政监督固定资本部门预算外资金俄罗斯养老基金保证债务数额限制微利经营盈利能力建筑材料制造商能源生产国利率发达国家财政分配职能金融监管职能资源基础市场经济可持续发展成本自筹资金免税优惠系统的货币关系系统的财务杠杆系统罚款系统的财政奖励物业减少债务束缚战略管理保险公司俄罗斯联邦结构的金融设备财务管理主体领土非预算资金领土融资运输公司管理国家和市政债券联邦税务服务在俄罗斯联邦健康保险基金联邦社会保险基金财政政策企业的财政政策财政独立财务战略与战术财务规划财务预测金融关系财政资源非营利组织的财政资源,金融机构仪器财务控制财务管理财务机制金融市场金融国有企业家庭财务金融商业机构金融非盈利组织金融保险基于股票的金融关系形式的贷款预算资金针对预算外资金信托基金中央财经集中资金经济效率的财务管理出口商财政政策的有效性。
20世纪80—90年代,巴西在新自由主义改革的政策取向下,实行了多轮国有巴西经济改革成效及其启示■ 杨志敏/文企业私有化。
据统计,1990—1999 年,巴西私有化收入高达717亿美元,其中工业部门占巴西私有化总收入的四分之三。
第三课地区经济一体化REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION The past decades witnessed growing importance of regional economic integration. To better enjoy the benefit of tree flow of goods, services, capital, labour and other resources, countries have signed various agreements to liberalize trade among themselves while possibly putting up barriers to economic activities with non-members.过去几十年,地区经济一体化的作用越来越重要。
Regional economic integration falls under four types given below in the order from least to most integrative:按照一体化程度的高低,地区经济一体化有以下四种形式The first and loosest form is the free trade area. Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders (non-members). In other words different members may have different tariff rates or quota restrictions. Consequently, non-member countries may take advantage of this situation and try to enter the market of the area from the member country with the lowest barrier before selling the goods to a member with a higher barrier. The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991 with over 360 million consumers and a total GDP of more than 6 trillion US dollars.第一种形式是自由贸易区,一体化程度最低。
关于经济政策的英文知识点1. Monetary policy: Monetary policy refers to the actions taken bya central bank to control the money supply and interest rates in order to achieve macroeconomic goals such as price stability, low inflation, and sustainable economic growth.2. Fiscal policy: Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. It includes measures such as changes in tax rates, government spending on infrastructure projects, and the implementation of economic stimulus packages.3. Inflation: Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. It is usually measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Producer Price Index (PPI).4. Unemployment rate: The unemployment rate is the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment. It is a key indicator of the health of an economy and is often used to gauge the effectiveness of economic policies.5. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country during a specific period. It is used as a measure of the size and growth of an economy.6. Trade policy: Trade policy refers to the regulations and measures governments use to control and promote international trade. This includes tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and trade agreementswith other countries.7. Exchange rates: Exchange rates determine the value of one currency relative to another. They play a crucial role in international trade and can have a significant impact on a country's competitiveness and economic growth.8. Economic indicators: Economic indicators are statistical data that provide insights into the overall health and performance of an economy. Examples include consumer confidence, business sentiment, retail sales, and industrial production.9. Economic growth: Economic growth refers to an increase in the production of goods and services in an economy over time. It is generally measured by the annual change in GDP.10. Income distribution: Income distribution refers to how the total income of a country is divided among its population. It is often measured using indicators such as the Gini coefficient, which reflects income inequality within a society.。
六大经济走廊 英文介绍
六大经济走廊英文介绍The Six Major Economic Corridors are a significant aspect of economic development and regional cooperation in various parts of the world. These corridors aim to facilitate trade, enhance connectivity, and promote socio-economic development among countries and regions. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive introduction to the six major economic corridors around the world.1. Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), Thailand:The Eastern Economic Corridor is a flagship project of the Thai government. It aims to transform the eastern region of Thailand into a leading economic zone, attracting investments in industries such as advanced manufacturing, robotics, aviation, and digital technology. The EEC connects Thailand with neighboring countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, promoting regional integration and cooperation.2. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), China-Pakistan: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a significant component of China's Belt and Road Initiative. It aims to connect Gwadar Port in southwestern Pakistan to China's northwestern region of Xinjiang via a network of highways, railways, and energy pipelines. The CPEC not only facilitates trade between China and Pakistan but also plays a vital role in promoting regional economic integration and stability.3. North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC), India-Russia:The North-South Transport Corridor is an international multi-modal transportation network that connects India, Iran, Azerbaijan,and Russia. It aims to provide a shorter and cost-effective route for transporting goods between South Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Europe. The NSTC enhances connectivity and fosters economic cooperation among the participating countries, creating new opportunities for trade and investment.4. Southern Corridor, Europe:The Southern Corridor is a strategic energy route that aims to diversify Europe's energy supply. It consists of various projects, including the Southern Gas Corridor, which transports natural gas from the Caspian Sea region to Europe, and the Mediterranean Solar Plan, which promotes the development of solar energy in the Mediterranean region. The Southern Corridor enhances energy security and promotes sustainable development in Europe.5. East Coast Economic Corridor (ECEC), India:The East Coast Economic Corridor is a planned coastal economic belt along the eastern coast of India. It stretches from West Bengal to Tamil Nadu and aims to promote industrialization and urbanization in the region. The ECEC focuses on sectors such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, textiles, and tourism, attracting domestic and foreign investments and facilitating regional integration.6. East Africa Northern Corridor (EANC), Kenya-Uganda-Rwanda: The East Africa Northern Corridor is a transportation corridor that connects the landlocked countries of Uganda and Rwanda with the Kenyan coast at Mombasa. It serves as a vital trade route, facilitating the transportation of goods to and from the neighboring countries and connecting them to global markets. The EANC playsa crucial role in promoting regional integration, trade facilitation, and economic growth in East Africa.In conclusion, the six major economic corridors mentioned above are instrumental in promoting economic development, connectivity, and regional cooperation. By facilitating trade, attracting investments, and enhancing infrastructure connectivity, these corridors contribute to increased regional integration, improved livelihoods, and overall socio-economic progress.。
Chapter 1 international trade policy流动性过剩Excess liquidity 直接投资Direct investment出口退税export tax rebate 东道国host country欧盟European Union 无形交易Invisible trade自给自足self-sufficient 国际收支balance of payments倾销dumping 贸易差额Balance of trade国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差balance of payments surplus / deficit货物贸易Trade in goods 经济资源Economic resources商品交换Commodity Exchange 易货贸易barter出口型经济增长Export-driven economic growth贸易顺差/贸易逆差 favorable /unfavorable balance of trade有形贸易Visible trade 服务贸易Trade in servicesChapter 2 international trade policy关税壁垒Tariff barriers 非关税壁垒Non-tariff barriers从量税Specific duties 配额quota保护性关税protective tariff 市场失灵m arket failure幼稚产业infant industry 许可证制度licensing system财政关税Revenue tariff 政府采购 government procurement最低限价floor price 贸易保护主义trade protectionism本地采购规则“buy local” rules 从价税ad valorem duties增加内需raise domestic demandDomestic content 国内含量Binding quota 绑定配额Tariff-rate quotas 关税配额Red-tape barries 进口环节壁垒Absolute quotas 绝对配额Zero quota零配额Export subsidies 出口补贴VER自愿出口限制Compound duty 复合关税Chapter 5 international trade terms装运港The port of shipment 卸货费discharge expense投保cover insurance 清关customs clearance船上交货FOB贸易术语指“船上交货(Free On Board):国际贸易FOB术语是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。
巴西投资推介会模拟发言稿英文 口译
巴西投资推介会模拟发言稿英文口译English:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Brazil Investment Promotion Conference. I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you today about the numerous investment opportunities that Brazil has to offer. With its vast natural resources, diverse economy, and significant market potential, Brazil is an attractive destination for foreign investors. The government has implemented several measures to simplify the investment process and foster a favorable business environment. These include tax incentives, investment protection mechanisms, and streamlined regulatory procedures. Additionally, Brazil has a skilled labor force, strong innovation capabilities, and a growing infrastructure, making it an ideal location for various industries such as agriculture, energy, technology, and manufacturing. As we continue to focus on sustainable development, there are also opportunities in renewable energy, environmental conservation, and green technologies. I encourage all of you to explore the possibilities and consider partnering with Brazil to achieve mutual success.中文翻译:女士们,先生们,欢迎来到巴西投资推介会。
关于巴西的英语资料以下是一些关于巴西的英语资料:1.Geography: Brazil is the largest country in South America,occupying about half of the continent's land area. It has a diverse geography, including the Amazon Rainforest, the BrazilianHighlands, and a long coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.2.Population: With a population of over 210 million people, Brazil isthe most populous country in South America and the sixth most populous country in the world.3.Economy: Brazil has a large and diverse economy, being one ofthe largest emerging economies in the world. It is known for its agricultural production, especially coffee, soybeans, andsugarcane, as well as its significant industrial and service sectors.4.Culture: Brazilian culture is a blend of Indigenous, African, andEuropean influences. It is famous for its music, dance, cuisine, and festivals, such as the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.5.Sport: Brazil is renowned for its passion for sports, particularlyfootball (soccer). The country has produced many legendaryfootball players and has won the World Cup five times.6.Natural Resources: Brazil is rich in natural resources, including vastforests, water resources, and mineral deposits. It is a majorexporter of commodities such as iron ore, oil, and agriculturalproducts.7.Biodiversity: Due to its extensive Amazon Rainforest, Brazil ishome to a significant portion of the world's biodiversity. Therainforest is a crucial ecosystem for the planet and is subject to conservation efforts.8.These are just some of the aspects that make Brazil a unique andfascinating country. Please note that this information is a general overview, and there is much more to discover about Brazil'shistory, culture, and society.。
南美洲对华贸易往来数据整理 中英文
中央民族大学研究生学期作业学期: 2015-2016学年第一学期学生姓名:王荔、付梦婷、涂苏、黄美丽、林玲年级: 15级院系单位:管理学院指导老师:张秀萍课程名称:高级管理学任课教师:张秀萍完成时间: 2015.12.30中央民族大学研究生学期论文评阅表南美洲主要国家投资现状、问题、对策在中国“走出去”加大对外投资的过程中,中东、中亚、非洲都是重点投资的热点区域,而南美洲因为距离遥远,在热度上相对落后。
新签大型工程承包项目包括华为技术有限公司承建巴西电信、中兴通讯股份有限公司承建Oi Broadband 2010项目、浙江网新联合工程有限公司承建巴西变电站及输电线路项目等。
表1 2008-2013年中国在巴西承包工程和劳务合作情况1中国驻巴西大使馆经济商务参赞处.对外投资合作国别(地区)指南(巴西),2014.35-47资料来源:国家统计局统计年鉴(3)巴西对中国企业投资合作的保护政策①中国与巴西签署双边投资保护协定1994年4月中国与巴西政府签署了《关于鼓励和相互保护投资协定》工作文本,但是该协定和巴西政府对外签署的其他双边投资保护协定一样,尚未经过巴西议会批准。
巴西 汇率制度
作为巴西的官方货币,巴西雷亚尔的汇率是由巴西中央银行(Banco Central do Brasil)负责管理和调控的。
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Behind optimism: new drivers at work - 1
Small room, if any, for global governance concerns. EEP focuses rather on domestic risks arising from the international sphere.
The domestic drivers of EEP
• Against this historical background, which implied deep changes in the economic relationships of Brazil with its international environment... … continuity has prevailed over ruptures (e.g. Chile) or volatility (e.g. Argentina) as far as the paradigm of external economic policy is concerned.
A paradigm resilient to crisis & policy shifts
• The “iated the political arena in Brazil despite the long lasting economic crisis in the 80s and the economic liberalization in the 90s.
The hegemonic paradigm at a glance
• Main objective of EEP: to preserve space for “autonomous” development policies. The world economic order and international regimes are perceived (i) as expressions of the Northern interests and (ii) as threats to the “autonomous” industrialization project.
• Domestic drivers have played a major role in shaping Brazil’s EEP and in explaining its stability over time
Main domestic drivers of the EEP:
• Dominance of import-competing industrial sectors in the political economy of the trade and industrial policies. More broadly, identification of the industrialization process to the “national project”, broadly shared by politicians, academics, business and trade unions.
3) 90s / post-Cold War: economic liberalization
4) 00s: the emergence /globalization as an opportunity 5) 10s: globalization as a threat ?
A long lasting policy paradigm of EEP
A stylized historical background: from IS to globalization
1) Brazil as an unique case of successful industrialization in LA based on IS until the late 70s. 2) The lost decade: macroeconomic deterioration in the 80s.
Brazil’s external economic policy: a long lasting paradigm
Pedro da Motta Veiga (CINDES)
13rd General Conference of EADI and DSA University of York, 19-22 September 2011
This hegemony explains why Brazil’s adherence to “neoliberalism” has been moderated and negotiated with the importcompeting sectors (in sharp contrast with other LA countries) => “pragmatic liberalization”.
The emergence of Brazil: a new test for the paradigm
• This paradigm has also been tested in the last decade, under Lula, when Brazil emerged in the international arena as a relevant player. For the first time in decades, the international economy was perceived as a source of opportunity: an optimistic view of Brazil’s international prospects.