This circuit probably will not work unless the op amp gain is very low.
CMOS Analog Circuit Design
© P.E. Allen - 2016
Lecture 25 – Measurement and Simulation of Op amps (6/25/14)
Fig. 6.6-5
Make sure that the output voltage of the op amp is in the linear region. Divide (subtract dB) the result into the open-loop gain to get CMRR.
2.) The gain in the linear range 3.) The output limits
Fig. 240-01
4.) The systematic input offset voltage
5.) DC operating conditions, power dissipation
Page 25-4
A More Robust Method of Measuring the Open-Loop Frequency Response Circuit:
Resulting Closed-Loop Frequency Response:
dB Av(0)
This circuit will give the voltage transferould identify:
VNBias2 Rin1
VNBias2 Rin2
VNBias1 M1
VNBias1 M1 vIN
M1 vIN
VPBias1 VPBias2
VNBias2 Rin3
VNBias2 M2
M1 vIN
Advantages of the cascode amplifier: • Increases the output resistance and gain (if M3 is cascoded also) • Eliminates the Miller effect when the input source resistance is large
rds2 1+gm2rds2
1 gm2
rds2+rds3 1+ gm2rds2
2 gm2
rds2+rds4gm3rds3 1+ gm2rds2
The input resistance of the common gate configuration depends on the load at the drain.
IBias vIN
VNBias1 M1
Ch1. Semiconductor Materials and Diodes
1.1 Semiconductor Materials and Properties 1.2 The PN Junction 1.3 Diode Circuits DC Analysis and Models 1.4 Diode Circuits AC Equivalent Circuit 1.5 Other Diode Types 1.6 Design Application: Diode Thermometer 1.7 Summary
Each Si atom shares one electron with each of its four closest neighbors so that its valence band will have a full 8 electrons.
Chapter3Single-Transistor and Multiple-Transistor Amplifiers---Single-Transistor Amplifiers---Two-Transistor BJT Amplifier---Two-Transistor MOSFET Amplifier---Differential AmplifiersQuestions--Why we need to learn amplifiers?--What is amplifiers?--What will we learn about amplifiers? --How to learn?mv ,µvAmplifier is a key circuitWe need amplifiers*Microphone*Communications-Wireless -Optical-fiber *Disk Drive Electronics *Processing of Natural *Signals-SensorsWhat is amplifiers?What will we learn about amplifiers?*Basic configurations of amp.*The main characteristics of amp. we care*How to analyze & design amp.--Signal:Large Signal, Small Signal(*)--Model:LSM, SSM(*), Two-Port Model--Parameter:Device parameter:β, g m, rπ, r o(r ds), Cµ, CπCircuit parameter: R in, R out, A V,Frequency characteristics:ωL,ωH,ωT; f L, f H, f TGain, speed, power dissipation, noise,…22212122121111i g v g v i g v g i +=+=22212122121111v h i h i v h i h v +=+=22212122121111v y v y i v y v y i +=+=22212122121111i z i z v i z i z v +=+=g-parameter------voltage amplifier;h -parameter------current amplifier (hybrid);y-parameter------feedback amplifier (admittance); z-parameter------feedback amplifier (impedance).How to learn?--Distinguishdifferentcharacteristics ofdifferent amp.--Different design thought betweenIC circuits designand discreteelements circuitsdesign--Notice operation conditionsActive LoadtWLR ρ=19500001.00001.09500=Ω⋅==cm cm Rt WL ρ52.31=⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛L L W 03.91 =⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛L L WAnalog design octagonNoisePowerDissipationInput/Output ImpedanceSpeedVoltage SwingSupply VoltageGainLinearityIntuitionExperienceBasic Single-Transistor Amplifiers Outline---Characterizing an amplifier---BJT Single transistor amplifiers---MOS Single transistor amplifiers---Amplifiers with emitter/source degenerationCharacterization of AmplifiersAmplifiers will be characterized by the following properties•Large-signal voltage transfer characteristics (.DC)•Large-signal voltage swing limitations (.DC and .TRAN)•Small-signal, frequency independent performance (.TF)•Gain (.TF)•Input resistance (.TF)•Output resistance (.TF)•Small-signal, frequency response (.AC)•Noise (.NOISE)•Power dissipation (.OP)•Slew rate (.TRAN)Types of Single Transistor AmplifiersTypes of Single Transistor Amplifiers⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛==T BE FO S F CB V v I i i exp ββ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=T BE F S E V v I i exp α⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=TBES C Vv I i exp Signal Flow in TransistorsBo C I I β=CC CC CE R I V V ⋅−=Large-Signal:),(CE C V I Q Common Emitter AmplifierTCm V I g =CAo I V r =moin g r R βπ==Co out R r R //=)//(C o m inoutV R r g v v A −==Co oo C C o m in C out in out I R r r R r R r g r v R v i i A +====.).//(//βππmOg r βπ=Small-Signal:Large-Signal:2')(2tn GS nDSV V LW K I −=DDS DD DS R I V V ⋅−=),(DS DS V I Q Common Source Amplifier∞=in R Dds out R r R //=)//(D ds m inoutV R r g v v A −==∞≈=inoutI i i A Do Dnm I r r LWI k g λπ12'=∞==Small-Signal:Common Base Amplifier Large-Signal:Neglecting r o ,mo m m in g r g g g r R 111)1//(≈+=+==βπππCout R R ≈Cm inoutV R g v v A ≈=OO in outI i i A ββ+−≈=1Small-Signal:Common Gate Amplifier Large-Signal:Small-Signal:Neglecting rds,min g R 1≈Dout R R ≈Dm inoutV R g v v A ≈=1−==inoutI i i ALarge-Signal:BEIN OUT V V V −=Common Collector Amplifier (Emitter Follower)Large-Signal:GSIN OUT V V V −=Common Drain Amplifier (Source Follower)Neglecting r o ,Eo in R r R )1(βπ++=mo outg r R 11=+=βπEm Em in out V R g R g v v A +==1)1(o inoutI i i A β+−==Small-Signal:Neglecting rds,∞=in R Sm Sm S outRg R g R R +==1)1//(11<+==Sm Sm in out V R g R g v v A ∞==inoutI i i A Small-Signal:Solution:mSmVmA V I g T C m 5.38261===Ω===k mSg r m o62.25.38100βπΩ===k mAV I V r C A o 1001100Example 1-CE BJT circuitFind the small-signal R in , R out , v out /v in , and i out /i in for the circuit shown. Assume that βo =100, V A = 100V.Small-signal model is:Ω=+=k r R R S in 62.12πΩ==k R R r R L C o out 96.1////VV R r R g v v v v v v A inout m in out in out V /66.15)62.12/62.2)(96.15.38())(())((−=⋅−=−===πππAA k mS r R r R R r g i v v i i i A Co L C o m in out in out I /78.19)62.2)(549.7(].//)//([))((=Ω=+===πππExample 1-CE BJT circuitSolution:SLWI K g D Nm µ6632001011022'=×××==Ω=×==k I r D N ds 12520004.01016λFind the small-signal R in , R out and v out/v in of the common gate amplifier including r ds . Assume that K N ’=0.11mA/V^2, V t =0.7V, I D = 0.2mA and R D =20k.Example 2-CG MOSFET CircuitSolution:First find the small-signal model parameters.Ω=+Ω=++==k k r g R r i v R ds m D ds in in in 728.19.8211451Din ds in m in in R i r v g i v +−=)(V V G g g g v v v G v v g v g D ds ds m in out outD out in ds in m /57.115088663)(=++=++=→=−+Ω==k R r R D ds out 24.17//Solution:Example 2-CG MOSFET Circuit Using the small-signal model we get,A nodal equation at the output is given by:BJT Single Transistor Amplifiersπr om r g r βππ+=1/1//Eo R r )1(βπ++Co R r //Co R r //OS R r βπ+1//)//(L o m R r g −)//(L o m R r g Oβα−)1(O β+−Current Gain1Voltage Gain(Low)(High)(High)Output Resistance(High)(Low)(Medium)Input ResistanceCommon CollectorCommon BaseCommon EmitterSmall-Signal Performance SUMMARYMOSFET Single Transistor Amplifiers∞mg /1≈∞Dds R r //Dds R r //0 if /1or1=+S m S m SR g R g R )//(D ds m R r g −)//(D ds m R r g srm sr m R g R g +1∞∞-1Current GainVoltage Gain (Low)(High)(High)Output Resistance(Low)Input ResistanceCommon DrainCommon GateCommon Source Small-Signal Performancemoin g r R βπ==Eo B in R r R R )1(βπ+++=oo B E E B Eo out r r R R r R R R r R )1()//(]1[0ββππ+≈+++++=Co out R r R //=Common Emitter with Emitter DegenerationoV Cinin in C out in out I A R R R v R v i i A β≈−=−==//ECE B C m in C m in out V R R R r R R r g v R v g v v A −≤+++−=−≈=)1(0βπππ)//(C o m V R r g A −=Co oo I R r r A +=.βCommon Emitter with Emitter DegenerationMaximum gain!∞=in R Sm ds S S m ds out R g r R R g r R ≈++=]1[SDS m D m in out V R R R g R g v v A −≤+−==1Maximum gain!Common Source with Source DegenerationExample 3Ω===Ω======≥=⋅==Ω=Ω===K mAVI V r and mS mS mA mA V I Now Note mAI I uAK VFor C A o T C B F C 168.798.650 6.27926875g r ,2692698.6g ,r ,r ,g ,parameters signal small the of value the find .)2 )region active forward in is BJT so v v ( 98.6 931003.9100K (on)V -10V I I of value dc for the solve 1.)First, :Solution 50V V and 75 if /v v gain, voltage the and R ,resistance output ,R ,resistance input signal small the find shown,amplifier BJT pnp the m 0m 0m (sat)CE CE B B C AP F in out out in βββππVV R R r R g K r in B out m B /33.27)1279279()3.125()//)((v v as,found is gain voltage the Finally, 6.)467/1)K (7.168//1///R //R r R gives, resistance output for the Solving .)51297100//2781000//r R R gives,resistance input for the Solving 4.)as,writen be can amplifier the of mode signal -small The .)3inout L C o out s in −=×−=⋅−=Ω=Ω==Ω=+=+=ππOP Amp in Analog Circuit。
Analogue electronic circuit(模拟电子电路)
Analogue electronic circuitCourse Content and Knowledge Part Arrangement1. Knowledge Unit One: Semiconductor diode and the analysis of its circuit (6 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: semiconductors(2) Knowledge point 2: Semiconductor diode and its characteristics(3) Knowledge point 3: Basic applied diode circuit(4) Knowledge: special diode2.Knowledge Unit Two: Semiconductor transistor and the analysis of its circuit (10 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: Bipolar semiconductor transistor(2) Knowledge point 2: Basic applied transistor circuit and its analysis methods(3) Knowledge point 3: Unipolar transistor and the analysis of its circuit3.Knowledge Unit Three: Amplifier circuit basis (18 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: basic knowledge of the amplifier circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: three basic configuration amplifying circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: differential amplifier circuit(4) knowledge point 4: complementary symmetry power amplifier circuit(5) knowledge point 5: multi-stage amplifier circuit4.Knowledge Unit Four: Feedback amplifier circuit (7 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: Component and basic types of Negative feedback amplifier circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: Performance of Negative feedback amplification circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: Several questions in the application of Negative feedback amplifying circuit5. Knowledge Unit Five: Frequency response of amplifying circuit (4 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: frequency response of a simple RC low-pass and high-pass circuit(2) knowledge point 2: frequency response of a transistor amplification circuit(3) Knowledge point 3: frequency compensation of self-excited negative feedback amplifier circuit6.Knowledge Unit Six: Analog Integrated Amplifier Application Circuit (9 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: basic arithmetic circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: active filter(3) Knowledge point 3: voltage comparator(4) Knowledge point 4: non-sine wave generator7.Knowledge Unit Seven: Integrated analog multiplier and its basic application (2 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: integrated analog multiplier(2) Knowledge point 2: variable transconductance analog multiplier(3) Knowledge point 3: analog multiplier applications8.Knowledge Unit 8: DC circuit (6 hours)(1) Knowledge point 1: single-phase rectifier and filter circuit(2) Knowledge point 2: Linear integrated voltage regulator(3) Knowledge point 3: switch integrated stabilized voltage supplyTotal class hours 64, include lecture class 52 hours, exercise and discuss class 12 hours, experiments to be arranged separately.Class Hours Associate Sheet。
2 πC G S
1 gmb
单级放大器的频率响应 Ch. 6 # 13
本章我们研究放大器的高频特性,所谓“高频”, 这里主要是指在比低频略高一些的频率,这一频率相 当与波特图中的第一转折频率(即第一主极点频率, 该频率几乎反映了放大器的单位增益带宽),因此密 勒定理中的AV(f)可以用低频增益AV近似,虽然由此得 到的第二主极点频率可能与实际值因此相差较大一点 (第二主极点频率时AV(f)与低频增益AV相差较大), 但这并不影响我们对电路的定性理解,至于精确定量 分析,当然只能借助计算机了!
A(S) =
Z(S) P(S)
A +
0(1±ωSZ1 S )(1 +
) S
•放大器极点越多且这些极点相互靠得较近时(也就是这 些极点的数值大小差不多),放大器的带宽越窄。
拉扎维《模拟集成电路设计》第二版课件 Ch6
Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Association of Poles with Nodes
• The overall transfer function can be written as
• Each node in the circuit contributes one pole to the transfer function. • Not valid in general. Example:
Calculating zero in a CS stage
• The transfer function Vout(s)=Vin(s) must drop to zero for s = sz. • Therefore, the currents through CGD and M1 are equal and opposite:
Common-Source Stage
• The magnitude of the “input” pole
• At the output node
Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
模拟集成电路设计英文课件:Differential Amplifier
3.1 Single-Ended and Differential Operation
• A differential signal is defined as one that is measured between two nodes that have equal and opposite signal excursions around a fixed potential. The two nodes must also exhibit equal impedances to that potential (common-mode level).
• As Vin1becomes more positive than Vin2,
2020/9/12 the reverse characteristics is obtained.
– Common mode characteristics
ISS is implemented by an NMOS, Vin,CM increases from 0 to VDD,
• Vin1 is increasing, M1gradually turn on, Vout1 decreased, since ID1+ID2=ISS,the drain current of M2decreases and Vout2increases. For Vin1=Vin2 , we have Vout1=Vout2=VDD-RDISS/2。
Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
Differential Amplifier
• 3.1 Single-Ended and Differential Operation • 3.2 Basic Differential Pair • 3.3 Common-Mode Response • 3.4 Differential Pair with MOS loads
模拟cmos集成电路设计英文版IntroductionA complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit (IC) is a type of electronic circuit that uses CMOS technology to integrate digital or analog circuits on a single chip. In this article, we will discuss the design process for a CMOS IC.Design flowThe design flow for a CMOS IC involves several stages, which are as follows:1. Requirements gathering: This stage involves gathering information about the requirements of the IC, such as its functionality, performance, and power requirements.2. Design specification: Based on the requirements gathered in the previous stage, a design specification is created that outlines the functional blocks of the IC, their interfaces, and their performance specifications.3. Circuit design: This stage involves designing the individual circuits that make up the IC, such as logic gates, amplifiers, and oscillators.4. Layout design: Once the circuits have been designed, the layout design stage involves placing the circuits on the chip and wiring them together.5. Simulation and verification: Simulation is used to verify the performanceof the circuits and the entire IC before it is fabricated.6. Tape-out: This is the process of preparing the design files for fabrication.Fabrication processThe fabrication process of a CMOS IC involves several steps, which are as follows:1. Substrate preparation: The starting material for the IC is a silicon wafer, which is coated with a layer of oxide.2. Gate oxidation: A thin layer of oxide is grown on the wafer surface where the gates of the transistors will be located.3. Poly-Si deposition: A layer of polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) is deposited on the gate oxide layer.4. Photolithography: A series of masks are used to define the pattern of the transistors, interconnects, and other features on the chip.5. Etching: Chemical etching is used to remove the unwanted material from the wafer surface.6. Implantation: Ions are implanted into the wafer to create the source, drain, and gate regions of the transistors.7. Metal deposition: A layer of metal is deposited on top of the transistorsand interconnects for electrical contacts.8. Planarization: Chemical-mechanical polishing is used to planarize the surface of the chip.9. Packaging: The IC is packaged in a protective casing and tested for functionality and performance.ConclusionThe design and fabrication of a CMOS IC involves a complex process that requires expertise in multiple areas, such as digital and analog circuit design, layout design, and fabrication technology. However, the resulting IC can be a powerful tool for a wide range of applications, from consumer electronics to industrial control systems.。
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– Miller’s Theorem: If the circuit of Fig. (a) can be converted to that of Fig. (b), the Z1=Z/(1-Av) and Z2=Z/(1-Av-1), where Av=VY/VX。
LHP: left half-plane at complex frequency plane;
2020/9/12 RHP: right half-plane at complex frequency plane
6.1 General Considerations
• 6.1.1 Miller Effect
– Importance note of Miller’s theorem (cont.)
• Strictly speaking, the value of Av=VY/VX must be calculated at the frequency of interest. However, in many cases we use the low-frequency value of Av to gain insight into the behaviro of the circuit.
• If the impedance Z forms only signal path between X and Y, then the conversion is often invalid
• Nevertheless, Miller’s theorem proves useful in cases where the impedance Z appears in parallel with the main signal.
6.1 General Considerations
• 6.1.0 Bode Plots (波特图)
1. The slope of the magnitude changes by +20 dB/dec at every zero
frequency and by -20 dB/dec at every pole frequency.
Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
Frequency Response of Amplifier
• 6.1 General Considerations • 6.2 Frequency Response of Common-Source
Stage • 6.3 Frequency Response of Common-Drain
Stage (optional) • 6.4 Frequency Response of Common-Gate
Stage • 6.5 Frequency Response of Cascode Stage • 6.6 Frequency Response of Differential Pair
• If applied to obtain the input-output transfer function, Miller’s theorem can not be used simultaneously to calculate the output impedance.
The charge drawn by CF from Vin
– Importance note of Miller’s theorem
• Miller’s theorem does not stipulate the conditions under which this conversion is valid. If the conversion is invalid, the results of miller’s theorem are incorrect.
That is,
– Example 1
Consider the circuit shown in Fig. (a), where the voltage amplifier has a negative gain equal to –A and is otherwise ideal. Calculate the input capacitance of the circuit. Solution: Using Miller’s theorem to convert the circuit to that shown in Fig.(b), we have Z=1/(CFs) and Z1=[1/(CFs)]/(1+A). That is, the input capacitance is equal to CF(1+A)。
– Proof: The current flowing through Z from X to
Y is equal to (VX-VY)/Z. பைடு நூலகம்or the two circuits to be equivalent, the same current must flow through Z1. Thus,