







(2)添加BBC电台:在“电台名称”栏输入“BBC”;在“流网址”栏输入:/broadcast/stream/bbc.asx在主页栏输入:/(3)添加VOA电台:在“电台名称”栏输入“VOA”;在“流网址”栏输入:/2110/live/reflector:56822.asx ?bkup=56936在主页栏输入:/(4)添加NPR电台:在“电台名称”栏输入“NPR”;在“流网址”栏输入:/broadcast/stream/npr.wax在主页栏输入:/(5)添加ABC电台:在“电台名称”栏输入“ABC”;在“流网址”栏输入:/broadcast/stream/radioAustrali a.asx在主页栏输入:/Step2:添加的电台可以在“我的电台”中找到,加到“我的最爱”。













Unit 1: Where did you go on vacation?Topic: How to improve listening skills in English for the 8th-grade students using the textbook "New Standard English 8A"1. Introduction1.1 Importance of listening skills in learning English1.2 Challenges faced by 8th-grade students in improving their listening skills1.3 The significance of Unit 1: "Where did you go on vacation?" in the curriculum2. Understanding the Listening Materials2.1 Familiarizing with the topic and vocabulary2.2 Pre-listening activities to activate prior knowledge2.3 Identifying the m本人n idea and specific det本人ls in the listening materials3. Practice with Authentic Listening Materials3.1 Using the textbook "New Standard English 8A" as the primary source3.2 Incorporating supplementary listening materials such as audio clips, videos, and songs3.3 Engaging in listening exercises to buildprehension and retention4. Developing Listening Strategies4.1 Differentiating between different types of listening: gist, specific information, and det本人led understanding4.2 Practicing active listening techniques such as note-taking, summarizing, and predicting4.3 Utilizing visual 本人ds and gestures to supportprehension5. Assessment of Listening Skills5.1 Periodic assessment through listening tests and quizzes5.2 Monitoring progress and identifying areas for improvement5.3 Providing constructive feedback to enhance listening proficiency6. Engaging in Communicative Activities6.1 Participating in group discussions and role-plays related to vacation experiences6.2 Listening and responding to classmates' presentations and narratives6.3 Encouraging real-life application of listening skills throughinteractive tasks7. Integration with Other Language Skills7.1 Connecting listening with speaking, reading, and writingponents7.2 Using listening as a foundation for language development andmunicativepetence7.3 Exploring cross-curricular connections with listening practice8. Cultivating a Positive Learning Environment8.1 Encouraging active participation and engagement during listening activities8.2 Promoting a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere for diverse learners8.3 Fostering a love for the English language through enjoyable listening experiences9. Resources for Further Practice9.1 Rmending online platforms, podcasts, and apps for English listening practice9.2 Suggesting English language learning websites with interactive listening exercises9.3 Encouraging self-study and independent exploration of English listening materials10. Conclusion10.1 Recapitulation of the importance of honing listening skills in English10.2 Emphasizing the role of Unit 1 in improving listening proficiency for 8th-grade students10.3 Encouragement for continuous practice and perseverance in developing English listening abilitiesIn conclusion, the improvement of listening skills in English for 8th-grade students, particularly focused on "Unit 1: Where did you go on vacation?" from the textbook "New Standard English 8A", is a crucial aspect of language learning. By incorporating a structured approach epassing understanding, practice, strategy development, assessment,municative activities, integration with other language skills, fostering a positive learning environment, and providing additional resources, educators can effectively enhance students' listening abilities and foster a deeper appreciation for the English language.。









下面是BBC幼儿频道这14部资源的简单介绍:1.little Charley Bear小熊查理(含字幕)little Charley Bear小熊查理:难度介于Penelope(蓝色小考拉)、Peppa Pig(粉红小猪妹)及level 2的Wibbly Pig威比猪之间。


讲的是小熊查理的日常生活故事,3D画面,基本上画面很干净,就跟Wibgly pig一样,重点是突出咱的主角Charley Bear以及画面要教的单词动作等。

整个动画片,就像一个人拿着摄像机对着主角Charley Bear,边拍边描述他的一举一动,有时候还会评价一下Charley Bear的某个行为是否合适,以及好像跟Charley Bear对话样的问他接下来该怎么做。

英音,语速和Wibbly Pig差不多,完全是画外配音,剧中人物没有任何语言,只有动作和表情。

通过Charley Bear的活动,其实是进行英语教学,比如颜色啊、数字啊、动作啊还有物品的名称等,同时也教了孩子,在Charley Bear的世界,没有什么是不可能的,只要努力就everything is possible。

正是从这两个方面看,推荐小熊查理Little Charley Bear这系列动画片。

2.STEM启蒙动画Bitz and Bob(内含字幕)STEM启蒙动画Bitz and Bob:8岁的女孩Bitz梦想成为一位超级工程师,她平时喜欢和弟弟Bob在自家的树屋里玩耍,在这里他们一起创造出令人惊叹的作品。





美国劳动之歌Most of the world observes Labor Day on May 1. Butthe United States has its workers holiday on the firstMonday in September. Steve Ember and BarbaraKlein have a few songs from the history of theAmerican labor movement.Labor songs are traditionally stories of struggle andpride, of timeless demands for respect and the hopefor a better life.Sometimes they represent old songs with new words. One example is "We Shall Not Be Moved."It uses the music and many of the same words of an old religious song.Here is folksinger Pete Seeger with "We Shall Not Be Moved."Many classicAmerican labor songs came from workers in the coal mines of the South. Mineowners bitterly opposedunions. In some cases, there was open war between labor activistsand coal mine operators.Once, in Harlan County, Kentucky, company police searched for union leaders. They went to oneman's home but could not find him there. So they waited outside for several days.The coal miner's wife, Florence Reece, remained inside with her children. She wrote this song, "Which Side Are You On?"Again, here is Pete Seeger.Probably the most famous labor songwriter in America was Joe Hill. He was born in Sweden andcame to the United States in the early 1900s. He worked as an unskilledlaborer.Joe Hill joined the Industrial Workers of the World, known as the Wobblies. More than any otherunion, they used music in their campaigns, urging members to "sing and fight."One of Joe Hill's best-known songs is "Casey Jones." It uses the music from a song about atrain engineer. In the old song, Casey Jones is a hero. He bravely keeps his train running in verydifficult conditions.In Joe Hill's version, Casey Jones is no hero. His train is unsafe. Yet he stays on the job afterother workers have called a strike against the railroad company. Pete Seeger and the Song Swappers sing "Casey Jones (The Union Scab)." Another American labor song is called "Bread and Roses." That term was connected with thewomen's labor movement.The song was based on a poem called "Bread and Roses" by James Oppenheim. The poem waspublished in The American Magazine in December of 1911.The following month there was a famous strikeby textileworkers in Lawrence, Massachusetts.They won higher pay and better working conditions. Oppenheim's poem gained more attention.At that time, conditions in factories were already a national issue. In 1911, a fire at a clothingfactory in New York had taken the lives of 146 people. The victims were mostly immigrantwomen.Here is Pat Humphries with "Bread and Roses."Union activists know that labor songs can unite and help people feel strong. This can be trueeven when the music has nothing to do with unions."De Colores" is a popularSpanish folksong. It talks about fields in the spring, little birds,rainbows and the great loves ofmany colors.This song is popularwith supporters of the United Farm Workers union. We listen as BaldemarVelasquez leads the band Aguila Negra in "De Colores."For many years, folksinger Joe Glazer was a union activist with a guitar. He was also a laborhistorian. Labor's Troubadour was the name of a book he wrote about his life. He believed inorganized labor and preserving the musical history of the American labor movement. JoeGlazer died in 2006 at the age of 88.Here is Joe Glazer with "Solidarity Forever," written by Ralph Chaplin.【慢速英语听力材料】。







这个公众号内置一个精听小程序,并且有每日打卡功能,选的素材多是时事热点,适合基础好一点又不想专门下载精听APP的同学~ 推荐度:★★★☆☆
可可英语的网站很有名,里面素材超多,包括演讲、VOA、名着、报刊等内容,从简单到困难全都有!通过它的公众号可以直接关联到网页上,直接在微信程序里进行听力学习,还是比较方便的~ 推荐度:★★★★☆




VOA慢速英语 - Education Report 教育报道
VOA慢速英语 - The Making of a Nation 建国史话
VOA慢速英语 - Agriculture Report 农业报道
VOA慢速英语 - Science in the News 科学报道
VOA慢速英语 - Economics Report 经济报道
VOA慢速英语 - American Mosaic 美国万花筒
************VOA慢速英语 按类型分类 列表完*******************
VOA慢速英语新闻听力(VOA Special English),每天更新:





一、听力资源1. 网络资源:现在网络上有很多免费的英语听力资源,比如BBC Learning English、VOA Learning English等,这些网站提供了大量的听力材料,包括新闻、访谈、广播剧等,适合各个水平的学习者。

2. 英语电台:可以收听一些英语电台节目,比如BBC Radio、CNN Radio等,这些电台播放的节目内容涵盖了各种话题,对于提高听力水平非常有帮助。



































比如一些在线英语学习平台,如Duolingo、Rosetta Stone等,它们提供了丰富的英语听力练习,并且根据学习者的水平进行个性化的学习计划。

此外,还有一些英语学习App,如BBC Learning English、TED等,它们提供了便捷的手机学习方式,可以随时随地进行听力练习。

English pod 1

English pod 1

English pod 1English pod 1-365期,每一集针对不同的生活工作主题进行学习,通过幽默的情景对话以及幽默轻松的主播的讲解的方式让英语学习不再枯燥。








假以前推荐过BBC出品的《The English We Speak》,算是学习型podcast,也就是专门为英语学习者打造的节目,而不是为广大母语使用者,但这种播客的好处是简单易懂,容易让你度过听力半桶水的尴尬期。

今天再推荐一个火遍全网的播客节目:《English Pod》《English Pod》难度控制的很好,在常速英语的基础上,还划分为4个等级:B:Elementary 初级C:Intermediate 中级D:Upper Intermediate 中高级E:Advance 高级你可以通过音频名的后缀来判断,或者主持人的开场白会直接告诉你这个节目处于什么难度系数。

《English Pod》跟《The English We Speak》一样,是比较容易适应的广播式教学,一边讲知识点,另一边详细地举例子给你讲解。

每一个节目都基本按照一定顺序进行:01 开场白,有时候有 Vocabulary preview (单词预习)02 播放第一遍情景对话03 Language takeaway(讲解重点词汇)04 播放第二遍情景对话05 fluency builder (讲解词组,短语)06 播放第三遍情景对话07 结尾《English Pod》相当于《The English We Speak》的升级版:在词汇短语的积累上做了很大升级,能帮你积累更多的短语;节目时长做了升级,一个节目10分钟,满足泛听需求;精听项目做了升级,把3次的对话融入到节目里,方便你进行精听;难度适应做了升级,每播放一次对话前后,都会讲解一部分词汇短语;幽默度做了升级,不像《The English We Speak》那样有点僵硬的幽默,这个节目的幽默比较自然;语速做了升级,词汇量差不多,但语速快不少,已经达到常速英语水平;English Pod一共出了365期,每一期都有3个独立的音频:10分钟的广播录音,两位男女主播幽默地讲解本期主题,这是主体;1分钟的情景对话,从广播录音里抽离出来,方便大家精听;5分钟的录音主要是复习核心词汇和用法,比较枯燥。

Step by Step 2000听力教程第一册文本

Step by Step 2000听力教程第一册文本
lesson. Listen carefully and repeat.
1.----What is your address?
----12 Princess Street.
2.See that man near the door? He's our boss.
3.----What's that, Robert?
The world had entered the 21st century. Here are some brief reports of “Happy New Millennium”
celebrations. Now listen and enjoy. Supply the missing words.
----This? Oh, it's an aspirin. I've got a headache.
4.----And where are you from?
----Sydney, Australia.
5.----Are you here on holiday?
----Yes, I am.
Step by Step 2000听力教程第一册Unit001
Key words:
millennium celebration
ways to meet the needs of world population.
5. Welcome from London. Welcome from the BBC World Service to the 21st century. The year 2000






一、在线学习平台1. 腾讯课堂:腾讯课堂是一个在线学习平台,提供丰富的英语学习课程,包括语法、听力、口语和阅读等。


2. VIPKID官网:VIPKID是一个专注于在线英语教育的平台,提供英语外教一对一的教学服务。


3. 网易云课堂:网易云课堂是一个开放的在线教育平台,提供了许多英语学习课程,包括词汇、语法、听力和阅读等。


二、学习网站1. BBC英语教学网站:BBC英语教学网站是一个免费的英语学习资源网站,提供了大量的学习材料,包括英语新闻、视频、听力练习和语法教程等。


2. VOA慢速英语网站:VOA慢速英语网站是一个提供实用英语学习资源的网站,内容涵盖了新闻、教育、科技、文化等方面。


3. Duolingo:Duolingo是一个免费的语言学习平台,提供了英语学习课程。


三、学习应用程序1. 欧路词典:欧路词典是一款免费的英语学习应用程序,提供了丰富的词汇和短语,可以帮助学生随时查找单词的含义和用法。


2. Rosetta Stone:Rosetta Stone是一款知名的语言学习应用程序,提供了英语学习课程。




Unit 1
Unit 6 听力入门 2000 Unit 5
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1 Happy New Millennium!
• Part I: Warming up • Part II: The time ball • Part III: Word of the millennium
Unit 5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (II)

Part I: Warming up Part II: The world’s six billionth inhabitant Part III: The biggest cities in the world Part IV: Language study and language appreciation
Unit 3

Part I: Warming up Part II: Net Changes dorm life Part III: Global multi-media giant Part IV: Language study and language appreciation
Unit 4 Colorful Lands, Colorful People (I)

Part I: Warming up Part II: In Brazil and France Part III: Life here and there Part IV: Short talks on listening skills---- Be Careful with Numbers
• Net work

BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第110集Boys and Girls

BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第110集Boys and Girls

BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第110集Boys and GirlsVoice 1Hello. I‟m Tony Ford.Voice 2And I‟m Ruby Jones. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.Voice 1In the Chinese city of Huizhou, a class is in progress. The children are four and five years old. They are excited to be in school. They look at the teacher. They sit in front of small tables. And they listen quietly to what the teacher says. This is a chance for them to learn and to have fun. But there is something different about this class. Most of the students are boys - thirty-nine [39] of them. There are only eight [8] girls.Voice 2This situation is becoming common in parts of China. In today‟s Spotlight we tell of family planning policies in China. We examine the problem of too few women. And we tell of China‟s hopes to change the situation. But first we return to the class in Huizhou.Voice 1Ms. Zeng is the school‟s head teacher. She said h aving more boys around than girls is affecting the children‟s behaviour.Voice 3“It is a serous problem. When there are more boys than girls, the girls copy the boys. And they become overly forceful.”Voice 1In the late 1970‟s, China was worried about it s population growing too large. When a population grows too quickly, there are not enough jobs or resources for everyone. So the government made a law to try and control the situation. The law stated that families should only have one child, especially in cities. Later, the law permitted families in the countryside to have two children, if the first child was a girl. Parents that disobeyed the law could receive severe punishments.Voice 2Even with this policy, China has more people than any other country in the world. By 2006, China‟s population was one point three thousand million [1,300,000,000]. So, the Chinese government believes it is best to continue with the one-child policy.Many families want more children, especially in the country areas. Parents depend on their children to support them in their old age. In traditional Chinese culture, after marriage a woman lives with her husband‟s family. And she takes care of his family. This means her own parents could be left alone. This is one reason that parents like to have a boy. They believe that boys can take care of them better. Also, boys continue the family name.Voice 2So when a women gets pregnant in China, she and her husband want to know the sex of their child. Doctors are able to tell them this information with ultrasound tests. If the child is a girl, the parents may choose to end the pregnancy - to have an abortion. But the government is very worried about this situation. So it made it illegal for doctors to tell parents the sex of their child. However, many people pay doctors to tell them. Other doctors do not say any words. But they tell the family through signs. When the child is a boy, they give a thumb‟s up sign. When it is a girl, they give a thumb‟s down sign.Voice 1Some people say that the government needs to severely punish doctors who break the law. They say that the current law does not tell what the punishment should be for doctors who break it. They want prison sentences for these doctors.Voice 2However, there are people who cannot find out the sex of their child from a doctor. So they wait until after the birth. And some of them make an extreme decision. They decide to get rid of their baby girl. Often they leave the girl on the street. They write down her name and birth date. They hope that someone will find her.Voice 1The problem of fewer girls is particularly bad in country areas. The government found that there are ninety-nine [99] cities of concern. In these cities the number of boys is far greater than the number of girls - more than one-hundred and twenty-five boys [125] are born for every one hundred [100] girls. The United Nations suggests that the balance should not be more than one hundred and seven [107] to one hundred [100]. The current numbers are a bad sign for the future.Voice 2Experts estimate that by the year 2020, the problem will be severe. There could be over thirty million [30,000,000] men unable to find a woman to marry.Voice 1The problem has already started. In some parts of China, men are having a difficult time finding a wife. On the island of Hainan many men are unmarried. Liu Yanding is one such man. He tells of his situation:“How can we get married? I do not know what to do or where to start finding a wife.”Voice 1Experts are worried that this will lead to increased levels of crime in men. The men have no wives and children to go home to. And the experts believe that when too many young men group together, they can get into crime. Having a family is very important in the Chinese social structure. Other experts are worried about violence towards women. They fear that there will be more sex crime, and even forced marriages.Voice 2One solution is for parents to understand the value of having a daughter. As many people around China are moving for better jobs, many young women are moving too. And they are able to send money home to their parents. These parents are starting to see that daughters can provide for them. It is not only sons that can do this.Voice 1In 2003, the government be gan a policy called …Care for Girls‟. This policy gives financial help to parents who have female children. They do not have to pay taxes on their wages. They get better housing and employment. And, they do not have to pay for their daughters‟ education or medical care. But evidence suggests that most parents still want boys.Voice 2The government hopes to try to change people‟s opinions. One method they use is words painted on walls in public places. The words encourage people to value girls. They say, for example, …Girls are as important as boys‟ and …Both boys and girls are the hearts of their parents‟. The government also says it will punish doctors who break the law. It will continue to watch the situation.Voice 1Sadly there are no easy answers, especially for men such as Liu Yanding. He is left waiting. All he can do is hope and pray to find a future wife. All he has is his dream of a family, a family to come home to。






1. BBC纪录片(BBC Documentaries)BBC纪录片拥有丰富多样的内容,包括自然、历史、科学、艺术等领域。



2. TED演讲(TED Talks)TED演讲是一系列精彩的演讲,涵盖了各个领域的知识和观点。



3. CNN Student NewsCNN Student News是一档专为学生打造的新闻节目。



4. NPR电台(National Public Radio)NPR电台是一家美国非营利广播电台,提供了丰富多样的新闻、访谈和音乐节目。



5. Friends(《老友记》)《老友记》是一部经典的美剧,以幽默风趣的方式讲述了六位朋友的生活故事。



6. BBC World ServiceBBC World Service是一家世界知名的英语国际广播电台,提供全球新闻、实时报道和文化节目。






















一些知名的在线英语学习平台,如Duolingo、BBC Learning English、VOA Learning English等,都提供了大量的听力学习材料。






























2.3 新闻的结构特点
– 时间顺序结构(chronological order) • 根据新闻发生的时间顺序进行报道,采用这一顺序的新闻报道一般 包含:导语、事件、结尾三个部分;其中“事件”部分按时间顺序 报道。
• 根据新闻事实发生的时间先后顺序做报道。
• 多用于体育比赛,文艺演出,交通事故,灾难 报道等
– 地名、建筑物名称的借用 • The White House-美国政府 • the Pentagon-美国国防部 • Pyongyang-指朝鲜国家 • Foggy bottom-华盛顿,国务院所在地 • Capital Hill-美国国会 • Oval office-总统办公室 • Downing street-英国首相官邸,可指英国 政府,内阁等
Popularity 大众性 Factuality 客观性 Impartiality 公正性 Interest 趣味性 Economy 经济性
❖2.1 新闻的结构特点
“倒金字塔结构”是绝大多数客 观报道的写作规则。内容上表现 在一篇新闻中,先是把最重要、 最新鲜、最吸引人的事实放在导 语(Lead)中,导语中一般把最 精彩的内容放在最前端;而在新 闻主体(Body)部分,各段内容 也是依照重要性递减的顺序来安 排。犹如倒置的金字塔,上面大 而重,下面小而轻。
• 毕竟不是自然语言,baby English • 词汇少所以不够深入,不透彻
• e.g. (HDTV) the signal is bigger than for normal television
• 听常速英语像看电影,慢速英语像幻灯片
❖3.5 迈向Standard English ▪ 常速英语的特点与难点

剑桥国际少儿英语kb1 Unit1 听力原文

剑桥国际少儿英语kb1 Unit1 听力原文

剑桥国际少儿英语kb1 Unit1 听力原文; Unit 1 Hello!1. Listen and point.Mrs Star: Hello. I'm Mrs Star. Mr Star: Hello. I'm Mr Star.Stella: Hello. I'm Stella Star. This is Marie.Simon: Hello. I'm Simon Star. This is Maskman.Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy Star. This is Monty.Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye.Monty: Hello. I'm Monty. What's your name?2.Listen, point and repeat.Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon3.Listen and do the actions.Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Hello. I'm Marie. What's your name?Maskman: Maskman. What's your name?Monty: Monty. All: Goodbye.4. Say the chant.One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine and ten.5.Listen and point.Stella: Hello. Meera.Meera: Hello, Stella. Hello. What's your name?SuzySuzy: Suzy. Meera: How old are you? Suzy: I'm three.Simon: How old are you, Meera? Meera: I'm eight, and you? Simon: I'm six.6.Listen, point and repeat.Simon: Hello. I'm Simon. I'm six.Meera: Hello. I'm Marie. I'm eight.Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy. I'm three.Stella: Hello. I'm Stella. I'm seven.7. Sing the song.Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow to you.8.Listen and say the colour.Six, three, five, one, seven9. Say it with Monty.Monty: Sid snake Monty, boy and girl: Sid snakeMonty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, StarMonty, boy and girl: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star10.Ask the questions.What's your name? I'm …(姓名) How old are you? four, two I'm …(年龄)11.Listen to the story.Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Marie: Very good, Maskman.Maskman: Yes, good.Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster!Marie: No, Maskman. It's a …Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.Monty: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Monty.Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.12. Listen and say the number.Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Monty: Look, a blue pencil.Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie: No, Maskman. It's a …Marie: Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Maskman: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here.。





【对话一】Ross: Hey Rachel, you ready to go?Rachel: Hey Ross, yeah, where are we going?Ross: Well, I’m taking you to meet my parents for the first time. Rachel: Oh, I’m so nervous. I hope I don’t embarrass myself. Ross: You won’t Rachel, I promise.(画面转到他们到了Ross的家中)【对话二】Phoebe: Hey, guys!Chandler: Hey, Phoebe! Come on in.Ross: Hey Phoebe, this is Rachel.Phoebe: Oh, nice to meet you Rachel. So, Rachel, what do you do? Rachel: Well, I’m a teacher.Chandler: Oh, I can’t wait to meet all your students.Rachel: You will, you will.(画面转到他们一起做饭)【对话三】Joey: Guys, I think I got a roommate.Monica: Oh my god! Who is it?Joey: It’s a girl. Her name is Gunther.Chandler: Gunther? Like the butler?Joey: Yeah, she’s German and she’s really nice. She’s got a really good body too.(画面转到他们一起看足球比赛)【结尾】这一集主要讲述了六位主角第一次见面时的情景,以及他们之间的互动和相处方式。

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BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第1集: HIV/AIDS - The FamilyVoice 1Hello, I’m Marina Santee.Voice 2And I’m Elizabeth Lickiss. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.Voice 1A young child sits by the roadside. Her small hands rest in the dry dirt. She lifts the grains and watches them fall through her fingers. In her mind she can hear her mother’s voice calling her. In her mind she can see her father working in the fields. But she knows that these images are only in her mind now. The young girl’s mother and father are both dead. She is an orphan. For a minute, her brown eyes fill with tears. But her grandmother’s voice stops her thoughts.‘Coming Grandma’, she says in her native language of Swahili.Voice 2Each year the number of orphans caused by HIV/AIDS rises. Worldwide, over twenty million people have died from diseases connected to AIDS. HIV is the virus that causes the AIDS disease. AIDS destroys the body’s natural defence system. This means it cannot fight infections or diseases. There is no cure for AIDS.Voice 1Adults suffer the most deaths from this disease. Many are mothers and fathers of young children. They are the workers of the land. They are the providers of food. They are the carers in the home. They are the carers and supporters of their parents. They are the ‘working generation.’When they die, they leave the weaker members of the family behind - the children and the grandmothers.Voice 2Priscilla is seven years old. She is an AIDS orphan. She lives with her grandmother and two brothers in Maua, Kenya. In the beginning things were very difficult for her family. They had little food. Their grandmother did not work. There was not any money for the children to go to school. But then, things changed. Priscilla and her brothers became part of a programme at the Maua Methodist Hospital. Their AIDS Orphan programme began in 2001. The programme aims to help children get back into school. They provide clothingmoney for schooling. And they have a project to build houses for orphans and those who care for them.Voice 1Priscilla now attends school and is doing well. And Priscilla is just one of the many children that the programme has helped. At first the programme could help only ten [10] children at a time. They gave the chosen ten grandmothers corn, beans and cooking oil. And they gave their grandchildren school clothes and shoes. They paid the money for them to attend school. But with the help of other groups the orphan programme now feeds over four hundred [400] children. And they help educate around two hundred [200].Voice 2The Maua Methodist Hospital, or MMH, does not only help orphans. They also work to help prevent children becoming orphans. They have a community based palliative care programme. Palliative care is care for people who have a disease with no cure. MMH workers know that there is no cure for AIDS. But there are many ways to improve the lives of AIDS victims. There are even ways to extend their lives. So, hospital workers teach parents ways of cooking and cleaning that avoid sickness. They teach parents how to follow healthy diets. And they provide drugs that reduce the risk of catching infections that can kill. They are able to provide some people with anti-retroviral drugs. These drugs slow down the AIDS disease in the body. But the drugs only work if people take them correctly. They have to take particular drugs at particular times of the day, every day. If they do this, then the drugs can work to extend life by many years. A medical worker from the hospital said,Voice 3‘We aim to keep the parents alive, well and active. And at the same time we continue to support their families. In this way, the children are able to grow up in a loving, caring family environment. And they are able to attend school along with other children.’Voice 1MMH workers also train people to care for their dying relations at home. The workers try to change the hostile opinions that some people have about HIV/AIDS victims. They work to change hate and fear to care and love.Voice 2This is important. All the physical help in the world cannot be a substitute for emotional support. HIV/AIDS victims need the love, and support of their families - whoever they are.Voice 1May the fifteenth [15th] is the United Nations International Day of Families. For the year 2005, members of the UN are centring on, ‘HIV/AIDS and Family Well Being.’ The UNsays that the strength of the family has a very important part to play. It is central to how well communities can deal with AIDS and its effects. Strong families are the best defence in the prevention and spread of HIV. Families are also the best defence in caring for infected family members. The UN group said,Voice 4‘Families need and deserve assistance and support. Policies and programmes to fight HIV/AIDS must consider families and their communities. They must encourage efforts to care for family members and ensure that they are long term’.Voice 1The International Day of Families encourages people to work together - families, communities, teachers and organisations. Organisers encourage people to work together to educate and strengthen the family. In this way, they can fight HIV and the AIDS disease.Voice 2HIV/AIDS is changing what we think of as ‘the family.’ There are families without a mother. There are families without a father. Men and women may have to learn new skills to act as both mother and father. And there are families headed by children. Polices and programmes on family issues have to consider the new kind of families.Voice 1Groups like MMH and others are working to help families affected by HIV/AIDS. But to succeed, they need families to accept, love and support each other.Voice 2HIV/AIDS has left some people without any family. They have no blood relations left. In situations like these, the community has an even bigger part to play. It needs to provide a family environment. The Maua Methodist hospital is part of the Methodist church in Kenya. The church welcomes all people to be part of its family. And as a family, they can work to help and support each other. They can work together to unite to fight hatred and fear surrounding HIV/AIDS. They know that only a united family will be able to stand against difficulties.Voice 1he International Day of Families two thousand and five encourages people to think about the effect of HIV and AIDS on families across the world. Maybe you are lucky. Maybe you do not know anyone with HIV/AIDS yet. But chances are that you will in the near future. Now is the time to act to influence the future. AIDS groups are encouraging all people to come together as a global family to fight this threat to humankind.Voice 2The writer and producer of today’s programme was Marina Santee. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom.。
