





1.语篇衔接理论在大学英语阅读教学中的应用 [J], 朱战炜
2.语篇衔接理论在大学英语阅读教学中的应用 [J], 崔玉红
3.语篇衔接理论指导下的高职英语阅读教学研究 [J], 朱祥
4.大学英语阅读教学中的语篇衔接理论 [J], 吴秋昱
5.语篇衔接理论在大学英语阅读教学中的应用 [J], 朱战炜



[ 关键词 ] 语篇; 衔接; 连贯; 写作 中图分类 号 : 3 5 H 1 文献标 识码 : A
文章编号 :6 2— 6 0 2 1 1 0 7 0 17 8 1 (0 0 0 — 10— 2 J
以下几方面对其在 中国大学 生英语 六级写作 中的使用 情况
进 行 研究 J :
学者 J 】 【【 把衔接理论应用 到对写作 的研究 中。一些 着重 于对教学法 的考证 , 一些用衔接理论来进行作文 中的错 误分 析, 还有一些验证作文质量和衔接词使用频率之间的关系。 ( 衔接与连贯 二) 关于衔接与连贯 的定义一直都是语言学界 争论的焦点 。 尽管不同语 言学家给 出的定义不尽相同 , 但综 合来看衔接是 作者在创作 时有意使用的各种连接手段 , 连贯是读者在 阅 而 读时主观感受到 的。本 文的研究 将 围绕 作文 中客观存 在的 各种衔接手段展开。
作为 四种基本语 言技能之一 , 作在 日常生活 中起着重 写 要 的作用 , 并且一直以来都 是语 言学 家研 究的重点 。对于 中
国大学生来讲 , 英语写作能力 的培养更是语 言学习的最终 目
的。在过去的二十年 中, 随着语言研究重心逐 渐从 句子转移 到语篇层 次, 对于作文 的语篇衔接和连贯问题也 引起 了广泛
1指称衔接。指语篇 中的两个 或多个表 达指 向同一 个 . 人、 、 物 或数据 的现 象 。H ld y和 H I把指称衔接 分 a ia l 鹳a I
为人 称 指 称 、 示 指 称 、 指 比较 指 称 等 三 个 小类 。
的讨论 。不少语言研究 者都致力 于从语 篇层面探 求如何 提
( ) 一 研究 对象
本文研究的 6 0篇样本作文随机抽取于中 国英语学 习者

英汉语篇衔接手段的对比与分析_孙琦 (2)

英汉语篇衔接手段的对比与分析_孙琦 (2)
我与父亲不相见已两年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的 背影。— ——朱自清《背影》(人称照应,“他的”照应“父亲”)
Jenny will help you prepare for the exam. How would you like that? (指示照应,that 指前面一句话所表达的意义)
以名胜说,我没到过陶然亭,这多可笑!—— —老舍《想 北平》(指示照应“,这”指“没到过陶然亭”这件事)
1 引言
衔接是构成语篇功能的结构之一,它指的是“语篇中语 言成分之间的语义联系,或者说是语篇中一个成分与另一 个可以与之相互解释的成分之间的关系 ”(胡壮麟,2005: 179)。衔接手段对比属于语篇对比的一个重要范畴。句子间 的衔接虽属语篇表层结构即语言形式结构的问题,但这方 面的研究却可以揭示不同语言各自独特的本质,所以语言 表层结构的对比研究是必不可少的(刘宓庆,1991)。国内许
(山东大学外国语学院 山东·济南 250100)
摘 要 韩礼德和哈桑提出的衔接理论对语篇分析产生了 重要影响。通过对英汉语篇的衔接手段进行对比分析,发现 从总体上看,英语语篇衔接手段的使用多于汉语语篇。这一 现象与英汉两种语言各自的语法结构有关,同时也与两种 语言所处的社会文化背景联系紧密。本文通过分析英汉语 篇衔接手段的不同,试图找到出现这些差异的深层原因,从 而促进跨文化交际,提高中国的英语学习者运用英语衔接 手段的水平,并为英汉汉英翻译提供启示。 关键词 衔接 衔接手段 英汉对比 Comparison and Analysis of the Cohesive Devices in English and Chinese Discourse // Sun Qi Abstract Halliday and Hasan's research on cohesion has made significant influence on discourse analysis. After contrasting the cohesive devices in English and Chinese discourse, the author finds that generally there exist more cohesive devices in English than in Chinese. This phenomenon is closely related with the grammatical patterns and social cultural background of the two languages. By analyzing the differences between English and Chinese, this paper aims to discover the reasons that result in these differences so as to promote intercultural communication, help English learners in China to use English cohesive devices appropriately and provide some inspiration for translation. Key words cohesion;cohesive device;contrastive analysis
























关键词:衔接手段;阅读教学中图分类号:h313 文献标识码:a文章编号:1009—0118(2012)10—0343—02一、引言尽管人们已经有了5000多年的阅读和阅读教学的历史,但是对阅读过程的科学研究100年前才开始进行。


















衔接手段在英语六级写作中的使用情况★许文丽(郑州轻工业学院国际教育学院,河南 郑州 450002)[摘 要] 衔接与连贯是语篇研究的核心,也是考察英文写作水平的一项重要指标。

据国外语言学家H a l l i d a y和H a s a n的研究成果,衔接手段有指称、替代和省略、连接以及词汇衔接等分类。


[关键词] 语篇; 衔接; 连贯; 写作中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8610(2010)01-0170-02 作为四种基本语言技能之一,写作在日常生活中起着重要的作用,并且一直以来都是语言学家研究的重点。






一、文献回顾(一)历史研究回顾自从1976年H a l l i d a y和H a s a n的C o h e s i o ni nE n g l i s h问世以来,衔接理论及其相关研究就逐步发展起来。






tnd d a d e rc e ume o s s hoa s b t r m o n b o d fr mo e t a as, a d isr l t e t e re e e n n ih d by n r u c l r oh fo h me a d a r a o r h n 30 ye r n t eai h o s v i
Di u so n t e a p iai n o o e in i gih e p st n s sin o h p l to fc h so En l x o i o c c n s i
— —
Ba e o h le e En ls n e r t d Co s s n t e Colg gih I t g ae ure XU h q S u— i
jn t n 及 词 义 衔 接 (eia ch s n , 重 点 强 调 探讨 说 明文 中的衔接 特点 及其 运行 机制 。 uco ) i 1x l o ei ) 并 c o 了衔接 理论 的发展性 和可 操作性 。之后几 年 , 内外 国 学者 ( d o sn Mogn H b s 胡 壮 麟 , Wid w o , ra , o b , 张德 禄 ) 纷 纷从不 同 的角度 和不 同的领 域 提 出了各 自的质 疑 和
出版 , 书将衔接 手段 分 为五 大类 : 该 指称 (e rn e 、 制上 的运用 特点 , rf ec ) e 而对 于英 语说 明文 的衔接 Nhomakorabea点 则鲜
替代 (usttn 、 略 (lps ) 连 接 词 语 ( o. 有论述。基于此 , sbtui ) 省 i o ei—i 、 l s cn 本文仅以《 全新版大学英语》 为例 ,
(o i aga eam n, asa ece oee Cazo 200 Ci ) Fr g Lnug Dpr et HnhnTahrClg, ho u510 ,h a en e t s l h n Ab ta t A n f h m otn rsac r et i nus ca t ry eta chs nhsbe cba d x sr c : s eo ei pr t eerhpo e nl gii uhi ,t ul oei a enl u rt ,e. o t a j s i t o t x o u e





20 0 8年第 1 O期 (总第 5 8期 )边疆经济与文化THE ORDER ECONOMY B AND CU删 REN O 2 0 n l .0 8Ge r 1 ne a .Nn 8 5【教育纵横】衔岛理学谣熬巾虚瓣涟赘茌慕鹭律学蝣攘张晓丽(山东工商学院大学外语教学部,山东烟台 2 4 0 ) 60 5摘要:衔接是文章的表层结构,连贯是文章的深层结构。


关键词:语篇:衔接与连贯理论;大学英语写作教学中图分类号:G 44 1 2 .文献标志码:A 文章编号:17 - 0 (0 8 1.18 6 25 9 2 0 )00 3 2 4根据《学英语课程教学要求》,在写作方大面,非英语专业大学生毕业时所写文章应能够“意连贯”条理清楚、文理通顺”文章结构语、“、“清晰,逻辑性强”。




…在平时教学过程中,教师更应注重语篇的衔接和连贯训练:在衔接方面,加强句际表层结构和语义的恰当衔接训练,要求做到句内、句际流畅;在宏观连贯方面,应强调内容的条理性、推理的逻辑性和例证的代表性一1 .衔接的手段 H ldy和 H sn给出了五种类型的衔接手段, a ia l aa、衔接的手段与连贯的原则语篇无论是口头表达,还是书面表达,都必须衔接合理,符合逻辑,语义连贯。


S ! T % @!!’ &
立篇章的连续性。也就是说,篇章中跨越小句或 句子的两个或多个词项之间有意义联系时就产生 了词汇衔接。词汇衔接一直被视为语篇衔接研究 中 最 棘 手 也 是 最 有 趣 的 研 究 课 题 。 3ICCBWIF 和 3IDIK 运用语言的系统性包含词汇成分这一概念解 释语言的衔接方式,他们认为语篇衔接的相当一 部分来自词汇(CJUBD)。这些词汇或重复或有其他 词语替代或共同出现,从而构成语篇的连贯性。 3<JF 还特别指出,“衔接研究在某种程度上是词 汇 关 系 的 研 究” 。 S ! T % @?! & 从 语 篇 语 言 学的 角 度 上 看,衔接实质上是一个语义概念,体现了语篇的 语言成分之间的语义关系,构成了语篇的语义整 体。3ICCBWIF 和 3IDIK 为方便起见把英语词汇衔接 关系分为两大类:复现关系( LJBXJLIXB<K)和同现 关系(H<CC<HIXB<K), S ’ T % @!’ & 为此本文将从这两方面 对词汇的衔接关系进行讨论。 二、 词汇的复现关系
&, 女, 福建省漳州市人, 漳州师范学院外语系讲师。
陆彩莲:词汇义词、下义词、概括词或其他形式重 复出现在语篇中,使语篇中的句子通过这种复现 关系形成了相互衔接,构成了一个语篇整体。通 常,人们将词汇的复现关系分为四种: $ " % & ’!(( ) ! ) 原词复现; ()同义词、近义词复现; ")上、下义词复现; *)概括词复现; 此类衔接中的词项同属某一语义场,他们在 句子中的出现使整个语篇相互贯通,一气呵成。 !+ 原词复现 原词复现指具有同样语义、同一方式的词汇 在同一语篇中的反复出现。它是一个单词或词组 的重复,在英语中的使用目的是为了突出重要的 事物。下面的莎士比亚《裘力斯・恺撒》中的著 名片断就是一个典型的例子: 例 !, !"#$"%- , , , , ./0 12340 567879 /:8/ 824; <27 =:09:6 >:9 !"#$%$&’(, ?@ A8 >060 92B A8 >:9 : C6A0D279 @:748, E1; C6A0D2794< =:09:6 /:8/ :19>060; A8, F060 71;640:D0 2@ 567879 :1; 8/0 6098 & G26 567879 A9 :1 )&*&’+!#,- H:1, I2 :60 8/0<:44B :44 )&*&’+!#,- H01 ) , =2H0 ? 82 9J0:K A1 =:0 9:6 L 9 @7106:4, F0 >:9 H< @6A01;B @:A8/@74 :1; M798 82 H0N 578 567879 9:<9 /0 >:9 !"#$%$&’(, E1; 567879A9 :1 )&*&’+!#,- H:1, F0 /:8/ 3627C/8 H:1< O:J8AD09 /2H0 82 P2H0B >/2906 :192H9 ;A; 8/0 C0106:4 O2@@069 @A44, QA; 8/A9 A1 =:09:6 900H !"#$%$&’(RS/01 8/0 J226 /:D0 O6A0;B =:09:6 /:8/ >0J8N EH3A8A21 9/274; 30 H:;0 2@9806106 987@@, T08 567879 A9 :1 )&* &’+!#,- H:1, T27 :44 ;A; 900 8/:8 21 8/0 U7 J06:4 ? 8/6AO0 J6090180; /AH : KA1C4< O62>1B >/AO/ /0 ;A; 8/6AO0 60@790, S:9 8/A9 ."#$ %$&’(R T08 567879 9:<9 /0 >:9 !"#$%$&’(, E1; 97604< /0 A9 :1 )&*&’+!#,- H:1, 显然,&$"$’()*+, 和 )-*.#.$’/ 的重复使用以 及形成矛盾的叙述事实的不断出现,给读者留下 了深刻的印象。这两个词是问题的关键,情节的 纠葛点。 E1821< 反复使用 /21276:340 一词,似乎 一直在称颂 567879(杀死 =:09:6)的义举和他的品


And the SPSS 11.5 was used to do the calculations. The T-test showed that there was no significant difference between EC and CC in the pre-test, but significant difference in the post-test. Results of the study confirmed the hypothesis and demonstrated that the EC's improvement could be attributed to the use of cohesive devices which reinforced the textual meaning and made the papers coherent. Thus, they could help the readers to interpret the papers easily and correctly.




1.英文语篇衔接手段及其与中文语篇衔接差异分析——以奥巴马诺贝尔和平奖获奖演说稿为例 [J], 方菲;胡芳
2.英文小说Life of Pi中的语篇衔接手段分析 [J], 范寒春
3.语篇的衔接手段研究对大学英文写作教学的启示 [J], 胡晓静
4.英语写作中语篇衔接手段的误用和缺损——对非英语专业大一本科生英语作文衔接手段的分析 [J], 宁玲
5.英文小说Life of Pi中的语篇衔接手段分析 [J], 范寒春



衔接手段在英文作文中的作用The role of cohesive devices in English essay writingis paramount in creating a coherent, logical, and compelling piece of writing. Cohesive devices arelinguistic tools that connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs, ensuring that the flow of the essay is smooth and the reader can easily follow the author's train of thought. This article delves into the significance of cohesive devices in English essay writing, exploring various types and their applications in detail.Introduction.In the realm of English essay writing, cohesive devices are the unsung heroes that silently guide the reader through the maze of ideas and arguments. They are the bridges that connect separate ideas, the glue that binds sentences together, and the roadmap that directs the reader from one point to the next. Without cohesive devices, an essay would be a disjointed collection of ideas, difficultto comprehend and even more challenging to engage with.Types of Cohesive Devices.There are numerous types of cohesive devices that writers can employ in their essays, each serving a specific purpose. Some of the most common cohesive devices include:1. Conjunctions: Words like "and," "but," "or," "so" are used to connect clauses or sentences, indicating a relationship.。



衔接技巧在中学生英语作文中的应用全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1IntroductionIn the process of learning a new language, one of the most important skills to master is the ability to connect ideas and information effectively. In English writing, this skill is known as cohesion, which refers to the way in which different parts of a text are connected to each other through words and phrases. For middle school students, mastering cohesion skills is essential for creating clear, cohesive, and coherent writing. In this article, we will explore the importance of cohesion in English writing and provide some practical tips for middle school students to improve their cohesion skills in their English essays.Importance of Cohesion in English WritingCohesion plays a crucial role in the overall quality of English writing. Without proper cohesion, a piece of writing can be confusing, disjointed, and difficult to follow. Cohesion helps to create flow and coherence in a text, allowing readers to easily navigate through the ideas and information presented. Whenwriting an essay, middle school students need to use cohesive devices such as linking words, transitional phrases, and pronouns to ensure that their ideas are clearly connected and smoothly transition from one point to another.Practical Tips for Using Cohesive Devices in English Essays1. Use Linking Words and PhrasesLinking words and phrases are essential for connecting ideas and information in English essays. Some common linking words and phrases include “however,” “therefore,” “in addition,” “on the other hand,” and “furthermore.” These words and phrases help to show the relationship between different parts of a text and guide readers through the writer’s argument. Middle school students should practice using linking words and phrases in their essays to improve the cohesion and coherence of their writing.2. Use Transitional PhrasesTransitional phrases are used to signal a shift from one idea to another in a text. Examples of transitional phrases include “for example,” “in conclusion,” “on the contrary,” and “a s a result.” By using transitional phrases, middle school students can create smooth transitions between paragraphs and sectionsof their essays, making their writing more cohesive and easier to follow.3. Use PronounsPronouns are important for maintaining cohesion in English writing. Instead of repeating the same noun multiple times, students can use pronouns to refer back to previously mentioned ideas or concepts. For example, instead of writing “Mary went to the store. Mary bought some apples,” students can write “Mary went to the store and bought some apples.” Using pronouns effectively can help to maintain coherence and clarity in a text.4. Use Parallel StructureParallel structure refers to using the same grammatical structure for similar ideas in a sentence or paragraph. For example, “She likes swimming, running, and playing tennis” uses parallel structure to list three activities. Middle school students should pay attention to parallel structure in their writing to ensure that their ideas are presented in a clear and organized manner.ConclusionMastering cohesion skills is essential for middle school students to improve their English writing. By using linking words and phrases, transitional phrases, pronouns, and parallel structure effectively, students can create clear, cohesive, and coherent essays that are easy to read and understand. With practice and attention to detail, middle school students can develop their cohesion skills and become more confident and proficient writers in English.篇2The Application of Transition Techniques in English Composition Writing for Middle School StudentsIntroductionIn the realm of English composition writing, transitioning from one idea to another is crucial to ensure coherence and flow. Transition techniques serve as a bridge that connects different parts of an essay or composition, allowing for a smooth progression of thoughts and ideas. For middle school students, mastering these techniques can significantly enhance the overall quality of their written work. This article will explore the various transition techniques that can be applied in English composition writing for middle school students.Types of Transition Techniques1. Sequential TransitionsSequential transitions are used to show a chronological or step-by-step progression of events or ideas. Words and phrases such as "firstly," "secondly," "next," "then," and "finally" can be used to indicate the order in which events or ideas occur. For example, in a narrative essay, sequential transitions can be used to describe a series of events in a coherent manner.2. Contrast TransitionsContrast transitions are used to show differences or contradictions between ideas. Words and phrases such as "however," "on the other hand," "in contrast," and "conversely" can be used to introduce opposing viewpoints or ideas. By using contrast transitions, middle school students can effectively highlight contrasting ideas in their essays.3. Addition TransitionsAddition transitions are used to show the addition of ideas or information. Words and phrases such as "in addition," "furthermore," "moreover," and "besides" can be used to connect related ideas or provide additional information.Addition transitions help to expand upon existing ideas and strengthen the overall argument of an essay.4. Cause and Effect TransitionsCause and effect transitions are used to show the relationship between a cause and its effect. Words and phrases such as "as a result," "therefore," "consequently," and "due to" can be used to indicate the cause-and-effect relationship between different ideas. Cause and effect transitions help middle school students effectively connect reasons to their outcomes in their essays.Application of Transition Techniques in Middle School English Composition WritingMiddle school students can apply transition techniques in their English composition writing to improve the organization and coherence of their essays. By incorporating a variety of transition techniques, students can create a clear and logical flow of ideas throughout their compositions. Here are some tips for applying transition techniques in middle school English composition writing:1. Use a variety of transition words and phrases to connect different parts of your essay. Avoid using the same transitionsrepeatedly, as this can make your writing sound monotonous. Experiment with different transition techniques to find the ones that work best for your essay.2. Pay attention to the logical progression of ideas in your essay. Use sequential transitions to order your ideas in a clear and coherent manner. Make sure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, creating a seamless transition between different sections of your essay.3. Use contrast transitions to highlight differences between ideas or viewpoints. This can help you create a more nuanced argument in your essay, presenting a balanced perspective on the topic at hand. By incorporating contrasting ideas, you can show the complexity of the issue you are discussing.4. Incorporate addition transitions to expand upon existing ideas or provide additional information. Additions transitions can help you develop your arguments further, providing supporting evidence or examples to strengthen your points. By using addition transitions, you can make your essay more convincing and persuasive.5. Use cause and effect transitions to show the relationship between different ideas in your essay. By clearly indicating the cause-and-effect relationship between various factors, you cancreate a more coherent and logical argument. Cause and effect transitions can help you explain the reasons behind certain outcomes or events, making your essay more informative and insightful.ConclusionIn conclusion, transition techniques play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of English composition writing for middle school students. By mastering these techniques, students can create essays that are well-organized, coherent, and persuasive. By applying a variety of transition words and phrases, students can connect different parts of their essays effectively, creating a seamless flow of ideas. Through the application of transition techniques, middle school students can improve their writing skills and create compelling compositions that captivate their readers.篇3The Application of Transition Techniques in English Composition for Middle School StudentsIntroductionAs middle school students continue to develop and improve their writing skills, the use of transition techniques is essential increating cohesive and well-structured compositions. Transition techniques help to connect ideas, show relationships between paragraphs, and guide the reader through the writer's thoughts. In this article, we will explore the importance of transition techniques in English composition for middle school students and provide examples of how these techniques can be effectively applied.Importance of Transition TechniquesTransition techniques play a crucial role in enhancing the readability and coherence of a piece of writing. They help to create smooth transitions between paragraphs, sentences, and ideas, making it easier for the reader to follow the flow of the text. Without effective transitions, a composition may appear disjointed and confusing, leading to a loss of clarity and impact.In addition, the use of transition techniques can also help students to organize their thoughts and structure their writing more effectively. By using transitions to signal shifts in topic, introduce counterarguments, and draw conclusions, students can create a more logical and persuasive argument in their compositions.Examples of Transition TechniquesThere are several types of transition techniques that middle school students can use to improve the coherence of their writing. Some common examples include:1. Transition words and phrases: Words and phrases such as "furthermore," "in addition," "however," "on the other hand," and "consequently" can be used to indicate connections between ideas, contrast different points of view, and show cause and effect relationships.2. Repetition: Repeating key words or phrases throughout a composition can help to reinforce important ideas and create a sense of unity and coherence.3. Parallel structure: Using parallel structure in sentences and paragraphs can help to emphasize relationships between ideas and create a sense of balance and symmetry in the writing.4. Logical order: Organizing ideas in a clear and logical order, such as chronological order or order of importance, can help to guide the reader through the writer's thought process.Application of Transition Techniques in PracticeTo demonstrate the effective application of transition techniques, let's consider an example of a middle school student writing an argumentative essay on the topic of climate change. Inthis essay, the student could use transition techniques to connect ideas and support their arguments, such as:- Beginning each body paragraph with a transition word or phrase, such as "firstly," "next," "finally," to indicate a sequence of ideas.- Using transitional words and phrases to compare and contrast different viewpoints on climate change, such as "on the one hand... on the other hand."- Repeating key terms and arguments throughout the essay to reinforce the main points and maintain consistency.- Using parallel structure in sentences to emphasize the importance of taking action on climate change, such as "reduce emissions, protect the environment, and conserve resources."By incorporating these transition techniques into their writing, the student can create a more coherent and persuasive argument, leading to a stronger and more compelling composition.ConclusionIn conclusion, transition techniques play a vital role in enhancing the quality and clarity of middle school students' English compositions. By using transition words and phrases,repetition, parallel structure, and logical order, students can create cohesive and well-structured compositions that effectively communicate their ideas. Through the application of these techniques, students can improve their writing skills, develop their critical thinking abilities, and create more engaging and persuasive compositions.。



衔接技巧在中学生英语作文中的应用English: Seamless transition is a crucial skill in high school students' English writing. It involves smoothly connecting ideas and paragraphs to ensure the logical flow of the entire composition. One way to achieve this is through the use of transitional phrases and words such as "however," "on the other hand," and "in addition." These words guide the reader from one point to another, creating a clear and coherent structure. Another effective technique is to repeat and rephrase key points from the previous paragraph in the beginning of the next, serving as a bridge that links the two sections. Additionally, using pronouns like "it," "this," and "that" can help maintain continuity by referring back to previously introduced concepts or examples. Furthermore, incorporating a summary sentence at the end of each paragraph can help transition smoothlyto the following point, ensuring that there is a clear transition from one idea to the next.Translated content: 顺畅的衔接是中学生英语写作中关键的技巧。



谈英语写作中衔接手段的运用作者:孟宪杰来源:《校园英语》 2018年第50期在英语写作中,恰当运用衔接方式可以使句子之间,段落之间乃至通篇文章衔接紧密,语意连贯。




例如:Sinon told his story well. He pretended that he was an enemy of Odysseus and the Odysseus had planned to take his life. 句中使用了his,he等代词。


如:…you are abundantly suited to the post we have in mind. But we are faced with a certain difficulty. Employing you would mean placing you in a position of authority over a number of our English employees, many of whom have been with us a very long time, and we feel that such an appointment would adversely affect the balance of good relationship which hasalways obtained in this firm. 这里运用了同义词post, position, appointment•等使句子过渡自然妥帖。


例如:We have then impressive authority for asserting that there are indeed American traits. To enumerate such traits does not in any way imply that they are unique to the Americans; most Western peoples, after all, share a common character. Nor do it imply that all Americans reveal these traits.4.运用衔接词或词组。



衔接手段在英语说明文中的应用)))以5全新版大学英语6为例许淑琦(韩山师范学院外语系,广东潮州521000)摘 要:语篇衔接作为语言学界一个重要的研究课题,经过近30年众多国内外学者的深入研究、拓展和充实,有关理论愈来愈完善。

本文以H a lli day 和H asan 的语篇衔接理论为基础,采用点线面和定量定性结合的方法,对5全新版大学英语6中的九篇说明文进行系统分析,探讨衔接手段在英语说明文中的应用特点及规律。

关键词:衔接理论;语篇;衔接手段;说明文中图分类号:H 315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-4916(2009)04-0149-04D iscussion on the application of cohesion in English exposition)))B ase on the Co llege Eng lish Integrated CourseXU Shu -qi(Forei gn Language Depart m ent ,H an s han T eachers College ,Chaozhou 521000,Ch i na)A bstract :A s one o f t he i m po rtant research pro j ec ts in li nguisti c autho rity ,tex t ua l cohesion has been l ucubra ted ,ex-tended and enr i ched by nu m erous scholars both from hom e and abroad f o r m ore t han 30years ,and its re lati ve theo ries have been furt her perfec ted .T his article based on cohesi on theo ry systema ti ca lly analyzes an Eng li sh expositi on fro m Co -l l ege Eng lish Integ rated Course w ith a po i n t -li ne -surface techn i que and quantitati ve and qua litative m e t hods .It positively discusses the applicati on cha racte ristics and ope rati ng m echan is m o f cohesi on i n English expo siti on .K ey words :cohesi on theo ry ;texture ;cohes i on techniques ;expositi on1976年H a lliday 与H asan 合著的5英语的衔接6出版,该书将衔接手段分为五大类:指称(reference)、替代(substit u ti o n)、省略(elli p -sis)、连接词语(con -j u nction)及词义衔接(lex ica l cohesion),并重点强调了衔接理论的发展性和可操作性。




1976 年,韩礼德和哈桑出版了《英语的衔接》一书,标志着衔接理论的创立。


如国外的学者有 H.G.Widdowson,Parsons 等,国内的学者有胡壮麟、张德禄和朱永生等。



二、衔接的概念及衔接理论根据 Thompson的定义,“衔接”是指讲话人用来表示语篇中的经验意义连贯和人际意义连贯的语言机制。


Hasan 指出:“衔接”是语义的概念,指语篇中存在的意义关系,正因为有了衔接,小句才得以构成语篇。



20 世纪 70 年代,随着《英语的衔接》的出版,衔接理论也随之诞生。





指代( reference )是衔接手段中表示某个语言项目不能自己解释,而必须到其他地方寻求其解释。




1.谈语篇衔接理论在大学生英语写作中的运用 [J], 王玉榕
2.中韩语篇翻译中衔接手段之连接使用研究 [J], 尹敬爱;
3.谈大学生英语写作中语篇衔接与连贯的策略分析 [J], 张小迎
4.语篇衔接理论在大学生英语写作中的应用研究 [J], 张卫红;夏莉
5.大学生英语写作中语篇衔接手段使用调查与分析 [J], 张卫红




%Applying the theory of discourse analysis,with the Chinese-English version of TEM-8 in 2010 and 2011 as corpus,this author compared different versions of translation,points out the problems occurred in the students’ version and come up with some translation strategies.The studies show that if students use the cohesion ties properly,their translation will improve effectively.【期刊名称】《江西教育学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(033)002【总页数】4页(P119-122)【关键词】衔接手段;对比分析;翻译策略【作者】宋梅;徐润;陈曦娟【作者单位】江西师范大学外国语学院,江西南昌330022;江西师范大学外国语学院,江西南昌330022;江西师范大学外国语学院,江西南昌330022【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9目前,我国语言学界在语篇研究的领域呈纵深发展的态势,而衔接与连贯作为语篇研究的重要环节,引起了国内外不少学者的研究兴趣,本文根据韩礼德和哈桑的衔接在语篇连贯中起着重要作用,而连贯是形成语篇的重要前提这一理论观点,以2010和2011年英语专业八级汉译英为语料,分析材料中的衔接现象,探讨衔接语用功能,以及如何正确的进行衔接以达到连贯的翻译技巧。

英语语篇中的衔接手段探析——以A Message to Intellectuals文本为例

英语语篇中的衔接手段探析——以A Message to Intellectuals文本为例

英语语篇中的衔接手段探析——以A Message to
【摘要】英语语篇衔接可以通过语法手段和词汇手段来体现.本文以爱因斯坦的演讲A Message to Intellectuals为文本,重点分析词汇衔接手段在语篇中的功能,从而证明只要把握语篇中的词汇衔接机制,学习者就可以更好地从整体上把握语篇,了
1.论英语语篇中衔接手段的处理r——以《Space Mission Analysis and Design》的汉译为例 [J], 张姝
2.汉英语篇翻译中的衔接手段及翻译策略——以小说《一件小事》为例 [J], 陈秀

3.英语写作中的语篇衔接手段探析 [J], 李会琴
4.论英语语篇中衔接手段的处理——以《Space Mission Analysis and Design》的汉译为例 [J], 张姝;
5.英语语篇中的词汇衔接手段研究——以A More Perfect Union为例 [J], 高鸽;杨艳华

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衔接手段在英语说明文中的应用)))以5全新版大学英语6为例许淑琦(韩山师范学院外语系,广东潮州521000)摘 要:语篇衔接作为语言学界一个重要的研究课题,经过近30年众多国内外学者的深入研究、拓展和充实,有关理论愈来愈完善。

本文以H a lli day 和H asan 的语篇衔接理论为基础,采用点线面和定量定性结合的方法,对5全新版大学英语6中的九篇说明文进行系统分析,探讨衔接手段在英语说明文中的应用特点及规律。

关键词:衔接理论;语篇;衔接手段;说明文中图分类号:H 315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-4916(2009)04-0149-04D iscussion on the application of cohesion in English exposition)))B ase on the Co llege Eng lish Integrated CourseXU Shu -qi(Forei gn Language Depart m ent ,H an s han T eachers College ,Chaozhou 521000,Ch i na)A bstract :A s one o f t he i m po rtant research pro j ec ts in li nguisti c autho rity ,tex t ua l cohesion has been l ucubra ted ,ex-tended and enr i ched by nu m erous scholars both from hom e and abroad f o r m ore t han 30years ,and its re lati ve theo ries have been furt her perfec ted .T his article based on cohesi on theo ry systema ti ca lly analyzes an Eng li sh expositi on fro m Co -l l ege Eng lish Integ rated Course w ith a po i n t -li ne -surface techn i que and quantitati ve and qua litative m e t hods .It positively discusses the applicati on cha racte ristics and ope rati ng m echan is m o f cohesi on i n English expo siti on .K ey words :cohesi on theo ry ;texture ;cohes i on techniques ;expositi on1976年H a lliday 与H asan 合著的5英语的衔接6出版,该书将衔接手段分为五大类:指称(reference)、替代(substit u ti o n)、省略(elli p -sis)、连接词语(con -j u nction)及词义衔接(lex ica l cohesion),并重点强调了衔接理论的发展性和可操作性。

之后几年,国内外学者(W iddo w son ,M organ ,H obbs ,胡壮麟,张德禄)纷纷从不同的角度和不同的领域提出了各自的质疑和修正,于是H a lliday 在其著作5功能语法导论6(1985)和5语言语境语篇6中修正并发展了他的衔接模式,尤其强调了连接(conjuncti o n)的分类;接着,H asan 也在其第二本书中,扩延了衔接的概念,她把衔接分成了衔接结构和非衔接结构两类,从而使衔接理论形成了比较完整的理论体系。

近年来,很多国内外学者把H alliday 与H asan 的衔接理论运用于语篇分析的实践中,并取得一定的研究成果,也有一些学者对某些语类进行了研究,认真分析了它们在衔接机制上的运用特点,而对于英语说明文的衔接特点则鲜有论述。


1 说明文的语篇衔接说明文的主题通常是一个事实,一个科学论断或者一个过程[1]。





这说明,说明文在大收稿日期:2009-06-19作者简介:许淑琦(1981-),女,广东潮州人,助教,研究方向:英语语言学.#149#第19卷 第4期信阳农业高等专科学校学报Vo.l 19No .42009年 12月Journa l ofX i n yang Agricu ltura lCo llegeDec .2009学教学尤其是英语教学中是非常重要的文体类型。



那么,为什么会出现这种现象呢?为此,笔者结合5全新版大学英语6第一册尤金.林登写的5动物到底在想什么6这篇说明文,按照H alliday与H asan的衔接理论,从微观的角度分析衔接手段在该篇说明文中的运用。


指称有三种类型:人称指称(如I,you,he等)、指示指称(如t h is,t h ese,here等)、比较指称(如sa m e,si m ilarl y, m ore等)。




例如:(1)/O f all the ani m a ls I v'e w orked w ith,he w as t h e m ost i n telli g en,t0she says./H e w ou l d assess a situ-ation and then do so m eth i n g based on the judg m ents he m ade.0(2)But when M elati m oved of,f She wm an noticed t h e orig i n al o range w as h i d den i n her other hand.例(1)中出现的三个/he0是回指前文出现的O rky,/she0所指对象是前文的Ga il Laule,他们都属于人称指称。

三个/t h e0都是指示指称,其中,第一个和第三个/the0都是下指,第二个/the0是回指。

例(2)中的/other0是比较指称,猩猩(M e lati)假装没有拿到桔子,所以用一只手接过She wm an递过来的第二个桔子,其实另外一只手里藏有一个桔子。

在例(1)(2)中作者巧妙地运用指称,引领读者了解鲸鱼(O r ky)的/聪明0之处,同时也让读者领略猩猩(M e-lati)的/伎俩0。






例如:(1)/A re you sure you don't have one?0She wm an asked.(2)Apparen tl y sizi n g up the proble m,Orky s w a m under the stretcher and a llo w ed one of the m en to stand on h is head,so m ethi n g hed'never been trained to do.例(1)中的/one0替代了前面的/orange0,属于名词性替代。

作者在这里通过替代形象地描述了饲养员(She wm an)不大信任雄猩猩(To w an)的情形,为下面出现/then sa w that he had been h i d ing his orange unde m eath h is foo t0戏剧性的结尾做好了铺垫。

例(2)中的/do0替代了前面的/s w a m under the stretc h-er and all o w ed one o f the m en to stand on his head0,属于动词性替代。






例如:(1)If an i m als can t h i n k,they w ill pr obab ly do t h e ir best thinking w hen it ser ves their o w n purposes, not when sc ientists ask the m to.(2)M ost do no t study an i m al intelligence,but t h ey encounter i,t and the lack of i,t every day.例(1)中的/not when scientists ask the m to0后面省略了/do their best think i n g0,属于动词性省略。
