GS3660外置MOS升压IC datasheet
3v升5v电路图 大电流2A GS3660外置MOS低成本

在许多应用场合,都需要将低电压升至适合用电设备使用的较高电压。如太阳能电池供电电路,常需要将其2.2~5.0V的低电压升至可供使用的12V,甚至更高的电压。再如3.7V锂电池升压到5V给便携设备供应较大电流,必须将这么低的电压升至可供使用的5V、12V或24V等标准电压,而一般小轿车轿车为12V蓄(电池亏电和充满电电压范围Байду номын сангаас10.5V~14.5V)之间,这样低的电压无法使19V供电笔记本正常工作。而且要求DC/DC变换器的输出功率在几十W以上。因而有必要开发出一种低电压、大电流DC/DC升压变换器。
3v升5V 1A时效率93% 1.5A负载时效率89% 2A负载效率85%
MGate MB3660系列固件发布说明书

Firmware for MGate MB3660 Series Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Vulnerability issues (higher level or above) have been fixed, following a Nessus and Defensics scan.• Supports MXconfig v2.6 and MXview v3.1.8.• Enhanced the System Log display.• Strengthened the TLS cipher suite for security enhancement.• Enhanced MOXA commands under the account login process.• Adjusted Telnet default settings from enable to disable.• Disabled unsecure TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1.• Enhanced Accessible IP List feature.• Added CSRF attack protection for login webpage.• Serial parameters might have been incorrect when switching between ASCII and RTU modes.• Fixed the incomplete display in the web console.• Fixed SNMPv3 issues.• Fixed the MGate's failure to get an IP address under DHCP mode.• Fixed https connections that might have caused the web service to stop working.EnhancementsN/AN/AN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AN/ASupports MGate MB3660I-8-2AC and MGate MB3660I-16-2AC new hardware version v1.1.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Accessible IP List supports denying Web/Telnet console access.• In Agent mode as a Modbus ASCII master, MGate would hang after plugging and unplugging a serial cable.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DC• Supports security features based on IEC-62443.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Enhanced the complexity of token generation to protect against CSRF attacks.• Enhanced the complexity of the key for password encryption in the web console login process.• Encrypts sensitive information in exported configuration file.• Enhanced the display of auto detection results in MODBUS transparent mode.• Firmware version check problem when upgrading firmware for MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MB3660-8-J-2AC, and MB3660-16-J-2AC.• Modbus RTU communication would fail if FIFO was disabled.• The FIFO setting would not be activated after clicking the “Submit” button.• Stack-based buffer overflow issue in web console which may cause web service corruption.• Challenge ID generation problem which may cause web console login failure.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DCN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved security of the TCP sequence number.• Improved beeper behavior in DHCP mode.• Modbus RTU diagnose error in agent mode.• Initial error relay state when powered on.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DC• Supports MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC models.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• The Modbus master in agent mode supports up to 256 commands for each serial port.• Supports multi-master in "routing by IP address" and "routing by TCP port" modes.• Supports sorting of commands in the I/O mapping page.• Supports auto internal memory assign in the command page.• Supports Modbus slave ID 255 in transparent mode.• User password and SNMP community name may be exposed by a buffer overflow issue.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DC• Supports Auto Device Routing in Modbus transparent mode.• Supports Modbus TCP traffic logs.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Bug in Modbus Master mode which may cause the MGate to reboot under some conditions.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DCN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Initial delay issue which would stop Modbus communication.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DCN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fix the algorithm which may cause Modbus transparent mode to stop communication.• Serial port 13 interface initialization problem.• Modbus traffic exceptions in the serial port are not handled well, which might cause the serial port to stop transmitting data.• When the "Read memory address" is greater or equal to 8192 for the "01 - Read Coils" or "02 -Read Discrete Inputs" functions, data will be written to the wrong internal memory address.EnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DCN/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AMGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DC• First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。

产品特色大幅简化离线式LED驱动器设计●单级功率因数校正(PFC)与精确恒流(CC)输出相结合●输入/输出电容和变压器体积小●一次侧反馈控制,无需光耦电路,简化了电路设计●简化初级侧PWM调光接口●符合IEC61000-3-2标准高效节能和高兼容性●大幅提升效率,可达到85%以上●减少元件数量●总谐波失真<15%且PF>0.95●前沿、后沿和数字调光器●传感器和定时器精确稳定的性能●LED负载恒流精度不低于±5%●支持LED负载热插拔●1%-100%宽范围调光,调光无闪烁先进的保护及安全特性●通过自动重启动提供短路保护●开路故障检测模式●自动热关断重启动无论在PCB板上还是在封装上,都保证高压漏极引脚与其他所有信号引脚之间满足高压爬电要求应用●LED离线固态照明说明G7617 是一款的适用于LED调光控制的离线式两级交流/直流电源控制器,是适用于25W 输出功率的可调光LED 灯具的最优之选。
G7617符合电磁兼容性(EMC) IEC61000-3-2 标准,在120V AC或230V AC输入电压下其功率因数(PF) 可达到0.95 以上。
G7617工作于准谐振工作模式,工作效率高,可工作于前沿后沿调光模式,也可工作于R 型、R-C型或R-L型调光控制模式。
G7617 符合热插拔LED 模块的固态照明行业标准Zhaga,同时还集成了调光功能的映射选项(位于白炽灯替代灯的NEMA SSL6 调光曲线内)。
G7617 系列有两个版本:针对120V AC输入应用进行优化的G7617-00 和针对230V AC 应用进行优化的G7617-01。
订购信息应用框图图1典型应用内部框图Vcc VinVcbVT CFGASU BisenseBdrvFdrvFisensePGNDAGND C O R E图2 内部框图引脚功能描述BV SENSE V IN BI SENSE B DRV CFG ASU V CCV CBV TFV SENSEFI SENSEF DRVAGNDPGND 图3. 引脚布局BV SENSE引脚:PFC电感电压反馈点,用于感知Boost电感的磁通状态。

oscillator free running frequency is set slower than the desired synchronized switching frequency to
guarantee sync. The oscillator RT component value required is given by:
80 70 60 50 40 30 20
output current
VIN=2.7V VIN=3.6V VIN=4.2V
Conversion Efficiency
70 60 50 40 30
output current
On Switches B and C
PMOS Switch On Resistance Input Current Limit
Maximum Duty Cycle
Minimum Duty Cycle Frequency Accuracy

34063ADC-TO-DC CONVERTER CONTROL CIRCUITSThe 34063A is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC-to-DC converters.These devices consist of an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, controlled duty cycleoscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch. This series was specificallydesigned to be incorporated in Step-Down and Step-Up and Voltage-Inverting applications with a minimum numberof external components.FEATURESFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM• Operation from 3.0 V to 40 V Input • Low Standby Current • Current Limiting • Output Switch Current to 1.5 A • Output Voltage Adjustable • Frequency Operation to 100 kHz • Precision 2% ReferenceMAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Power Supply Voltage V CC 40 VdcComparator Input Voltage Range V IR -0.3 to +40VdcSwitch Collector Voltage V C(switch) 40 VdcSwitch Emitter Voltage (Vpin 1 = 40 V) V E(switch) 40 VdcSwitch Collector to Emitter Voltage V CE(switch) 40 VdcDriver Collector Voltage I C(driver) 40 VdcDriver Collector Current (Note 1) I C(driver) 100 mASwitch Current I SW 1.5 APower Dissipation and Thermal Characteristics Ceramic Package, U Suffix T A = +25°C Thermal Resistance Plastic Package, P Suffix T A = +25°C Thermal Resistance SOIC Package, D Suffix TA = +25°C Thermal Resistance P D R θJAP D R θJA P D R θJA1.25 100 1.25 100 625 160W°C/W W °C/W mW °C/W Operating Junction Temperature TJ +150 °COperating Ambient Temperature Range T A 0 to +70 °CStorage Temperature Range Tstg -65to+150°CORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Temperature RangePackage 34063AD 0° to +70°CSO-8 34063AP1Plastic DIPELECTRICAL CHARACTERICISTICS (V CC = 5.0 V, T A = 0 to +70o C unless otherwise specified.)Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOSCILLATORFrequency (V Pin 5 = 0 V, C T = 1.0 nF, T A = 25°C) f osc 24 33 42 kHzCharge Current (V CC = 5.0 V to 40 V, T A = 25°C) I chg 24 33 42 µADischarge Current (V CC = 5.0 V to 40 V, T A = 25°C) I dischg 140 200 260 µADischarge to Charge Current Ratio (Pin7 to Vcc, T A =25°C) I dischg /I chg 5.2 6.2 7.5 —Current Limit Sense Voltage (Ichg = Idischg, T A = 25°C) V lpk (sense) 250300 350 mV OUTPUT SWITCH (Note 3)Saturation Voltage, Darlington Connection (I SW = 1.0 A, Pins 1, 8 connected)V CE (sat) — 1.0 1.3 V Saturation Voltage (I SW = 1.0 A, R Pin 8 = 82 Ω to V CC . Forced β = 20) V CE (sat) — 0.45 0.7 VDC Current Gain (I SW = 1.0 A, V CE = 5.0 V, T A = 25°C) h FE 50 120 — —Collector Off-State Current (V CE = 40V) I C (off) — 0.01 100 µACOMPARATORThreshold Voltage (T A = 25°C) (T A = T LOW to T HIGH ) Vth 1.225 1.21 1.25 — 1.275 1.29V Threshold Voltage (T A = 25°C) ** Vth 1.2375 1.251.2625 VThreshold Voltage Line Regulation (V CC = 3.0 V to 40 V) V REG line 1.4 5.0 mVInput Bias Current (Vin=0V) I IB — -40 -400 nATOTAL DEVICESupply Current (V CC = 5 0 V to 40 V, C T = 1 0 nF, V pin7 = V CC . V Pin5 > Vth, Pin 2 = Gnd, Remaining pins open) I CC2.5 4.0 mANOTES:1. Maximum package power dissipation limits must be observed.2. Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during test to maintain Junction temperature as close to ambienttemperature as possible3. If the output switch is driven into hard saturation (non Darlington configuration) at low switch currents (< 300 mA) andhigh driver currents (>30 mA), it may take up to 2.0 µs to come out of saturation This condition will shorten the off' timeat frequencies > 30 kHz, and is magnified at high temperatures This condition does not occur with a Darlington configuration,since the output switch cannot saturate If a non Darlington configuration is used, the following output drive condition isrecommendedForced β of output switch = I C , output/(Ic, driver -7.0 mA*) > 10*The 100 Ω. resistor in the emitter of the driver device requires about 7.0 mA before the output switch conducts**Possible version for shipmentPin connection。

GenX3TM 600V IGBTHigh Speed PT IGBT for 40-100kHz SwitchingCES I C110= 60A V CE(sat) ≤ 2.5V t fi (typ)= 50nsSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T J = 25°C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.BV CES I C = 250μA, V GE = 0V 600V V GE(th)I C= 250μA, V CE = V GE3.05.5VI CES V CE = V CES, V GE = 0V50μAT J = 125°C 1 mA I GES V CE = 0V, V GE = ±20V ±100 nAV CE(sat)I C= 40A, V GE = 15V2.2 2.5 V T J = 125°C1.7 VSymbol Test ConditionsMaximum Ratings V CES T J = 25°C to 150°C600V V CGR T J = 25°C to 150°C, R GE = 1M Ω 600V V GES Continuous ±20V V GEM Transient±30V I C25T C = 25°C (Limited by Leads) 75A I C110T C = 110°C 60A I CM T C = 25°C, 1ms 360A I A T C = 25°C 40A E AST C = 25°C400mJ SSOA V GE = 15V, T VJ = 125°C, R G = 3ΩI CM = 125A (RBSOA) Clamped Inductive Load V CE ≤ V CES P C T C = 25°C380W T J -55 ... +150°C T JM 150°C T stg -55 ... +150°CT LMaximum Lead Temperature for Soldering 300°CT SOLD 1.6 mm (0.062in.) from Case for 10s 260 °C M d Mounting Torque 1.13/10Nm/ Optimized for Low Switching Losses z Square RBSOA z Avalanche ratedzInternational Standard PackageAdvantagesz High Power DensityzLow Gate Drive RequirementApplicationszHigh Frequency Power Inverters z UPSz Motor Drives z SMPSz PFC Circuits z Battery Chargers z Welding Machines zLamp BallastsG = Gate C = Collector E = Emitter Tab = CollectorTO-247 ADTabIXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T J = 25°C, Unless Otherwise Specified)fs I C = 40A, V CE ies oes V CE = 25V, V GE res Q g Q ge I C = 40A, V GE Q gc d(on)Notes:1. Pulse test, t ≤ 300μs, duty cycle, d ≤ 2%.2. Switching times & energy losses may increase for higher V CE (Clamp), T J or R G .Inductive Load, TFig. 1. Output Characteristics @ T 304050607080I C - A m p e r e sIXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.Fig. 7. Transconductance3040506070g f s - S i e m e n sFig. 12. Inductive Switching Energy Lossvs. Gate Resistance1. o f f - M i l l i J o u l e sE off E on - - - -T J = 125ºC , V GE = 15V V CE = 480VIXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.Fig. 18. Inductive Turn-on Switching Timesvs. Gate Resistance6080100120140 r - N a n o s e c o n d st r t d(on) - - - -T J = 125ºC, V GE = 15V V CE = 480V分销商库存信息: IXYSIXGH60N60C3。

1、图1和图2为PCB layout的版图,GS3660附近走线不要覆铜,要远离MOS管和肖特基整流管和电感这三个器件。
图1中PCB为12V升19V3.5A应用电路,肖特基选择的是STPS2045CT MOS管选择的是AP9974GP。

4.5. 电路元件...........................................................................................................................................16
Silead Inc. 上海思立微电子科技有限公司-多点电容触控 IC
GSL3692 Capacitive Touchscreen Controller
4.3.5. SDA, SCL.....................................................................................................................................15
1.1. 管脚图 .................................................................................................................................................6 1.2. 管脚说明.............................................................................................................................................6 1.3. 原理示意图.........................................................................................................................................9 2. 概述..............................................................................................................................................................9 2.1. 简介 .....................................................................................................................................................9 2.2. 资源 ...................................................................................................................................................11 3. 电容式触控基础.......................................................................................................................................11 3.1. 传感器和节点结构 ..........................................................................................................................11 3.2. 扫描顺序...........................................................................................................................................12 3.3. 触摸屏的灵敏度 ..............................................................................................................................12 4. 操作细节 ...................................................................................................................................................13 4.1. 上电和复位.......................................................................................................................................13 4.2. 校准 ...................................................................................................................................................13 4.3. 通讯 ...................................................................................................................................................13
TI Audio芯片选型表

2*40W(BTL),75W(PBTL),带音效处理以及音频算法的DSP,多达3段DRC,动态低音增强:小信 号增强低频信号,大信号压缩的特色,有声场空间拓展3D的音效算法,多段EQ补偿,人声音效,高 保真,THD+N可以做到更小,闭环功放,可使用在大功率的WIFI SPEAKER/Soundbar 2*20W(8欧姆/18V/THD+N=10%),宽电压输入:8V-26V,带MINI DSP,多段EQ调整及2段DRC 2*20W(8欧姆/18V/THD+N=10%),宽电压输入:8V-26V,低音BASS算法,带MINI DSP,多段EQ 调整及2段DRC 2*20W(8欧姆/18V/THD+N=10%),宽电压输入:8V-26V,3D环绕,带MINI DSP,多达16段EQ调 整及2段DRC,最重要还能做2.1(2*SE+BTL),可适用在2.1声道的Soundbar/WIFI SPEAKER/BT SPEAKER 2*30W ,宽电压输入:8V-24V,3D环绕,带MINI DSP,多达16段EQ调整及2段DRC,最重要还能做 2.1(2*SE+BTL),可适用在2.1声道的Soundbar/WIFI SPEAKER/BT SPEAKER 模拟信号转数字信号芯片,通用性强,性价比高,比较适用在对ADC性能要求不高但要求性价比高的应用 TI新推出的主推的高性能ADC,支持MIC麦克风输入,支持最大2vRMS输入,支持差分输入信号, 单电源供电,自动音频信号检测以便降低芯片功耗,软件I2C/SPI控制 硬件控制,支持4Channel,或者2channel差分输入 TI新推出的主推的高性能ADC,高性能,支持4通道 数字信号转模拟信号芯片,性价比高,目前推PCM1754,适用于简单的,客户要求性价比高的音频产品上 TI新推出的高性能DAC,硬件控制,内部集成PLL,最大支持2vRMS输出 可软件控制DAC,可软件自由配置定义一些功能,比较灵活 可差分输出的DAC,封装可以做到更小,集成PLL,无需MCLK,可省外部时钟芯片 4通道DAC,SNR高达118dB,性能高 带EN脚关断使能功能,输入最大6V,输出3.3V,低压差,低静态电流,低功耗,SOT23-5 带EN脚关断使能功能,输入最大6V,输出1.8V,低压差,低静态电流,低功耗,SOT23-5 带EN脚关断使能功能,输入最大5.5V,输出3.3V,低压差,低静态电流,低功耗,SOT23-5 带EN脚关断使能功能,输入最大5.5V,输出1.8V,低压差,低静态电流,低功耗,SOT23-5 输入电压范围为:2.0V-5.5V,输出3.3V,电流800mA,封装为:SOT-223 输入电压范围为2.7-16V,输出3.3V,电流800mA,封装为:SOT-223 输入电压范围为2.7-16V,输出5V,电流800mA,封装为:SOT-223 输入电压范围为2.7-16V,输出可调,电流800mA,封装为:SOT-223 输入电压范围6-42V,输出可调,电流最大可达1A 输入电压范围3.5-28V,输出可调,电流最大可达3A 输入电压范围3.5-28V,输出可调,电流最大可达2A 输入电压范围3.5-42V,输出可调,电流最大可达3.5A 输入电压范围4.5-18V,输出电压范围为0.76-7V,电流输出可达2A 输入电压范围4.5-18V,输出电压范围为0.76-7V,电流输出可达3A 输入4.5V-28V,输出可调,1.7A开关转换器,轻载高效(81%@10mA负载) 输入电压范围4.5V-17V,输出0.76-7V,可调,电流0.5A,封装为:SOT-23,5PIN 输入电压范围4.5V-17V,输出0.76-7V,可调,电流2A,封装为:SOT-23,6PIN 输入电压范围4.5-28V,输出0.8V-25V可调,电流最大可达3A 输入电压范围4.5-17V,输出0.76V-7V可调,电流最大可达3A,封装为:SOT-23,6PIN 输入电压范围4.5-18V,输出0.76V-7V可调,电流最大可达4A,封装为:8-HSOIC 输入电压范围4.5-28V,输出0.8V-25V可调,电流最大可达5A,封装为:8-HSOIC 输入电压范围4.5-18V,输出0.76V-7V可调,电流最大可达6A,封装为:8-HSOIC 输入电压范围为2.97-48V,典型的应用为输出5V/2A,外置MOS

Precision 3660 Tower Setup and SpecificationsNotes, cautions, and warningsA NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoidA WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell Technologies, Dell, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.Chapter 1: Set up your computer (4)Chapter 2: Chassis overview (9)Display (9)Back (10)Chapter 3: Specifications of Precision 3660 Tower (11)Dimensions and weight (11)Processor (11)Chipset (12)Operating system (12)Memory (12)Memory matrix (13)External ports (14)Internal slots (14)Ethernet (15)Wireless module (15)Audio (16)Storage (16)Media-card reader (17)Power ratings (18)Power supply connector (18)GPU—Integrated (19)Multiple display support matrix (19)GPU — Discrete (19)Hardware security (20)Environmental (21)Regulatory compliance (21)Operating and storage environment (22)Chapter 4: Getting help and contacting Dell (23)Contents3Set up your computerSteps1.Connect the keyboard and mouse.2.Connect to your network using a cable.14Set up your computer3.Connect the display.Set up your computer5If you ordered your computer with a discrete graphics card, the HDMI and the display ports on the back panel of 4.Connect the power cable.5.Press the power button.6Set up your computer6.Finish Windows setup.Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. When setting up, Dell recommends that you:●offline account.●On the Support and Protection screen, enter your contact details.7.Locate and use Dell apps from the Windows Start menu—RecommendedTable 1. Locate Dell appsResources DescriptionMy Dellyour computer. It also notifies you about the warranty status, recommended accessories, andsoftware updates if available.SupportAssistcomputer and automates the engagement process with Dell Technical support. It addressesperformance and stabilization issues, prevents security threats, monitors, and detects hardwareSet up your computer7Table 1. Locate Dell apps (continued)8Set up your computerChassis overviewDisplay1.Optical disk-drive2.Power button with diagnostic LED3.Hard-disk drive activity light4.Universal audio jackB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 Gbps) portB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 Gbps) port with PowerShareB 3.2 Type-C Gen 2 (10 Gbps) portB 3.2 Type-C Gen 2x2 (20 Gbps) port with PowerShare9.SD 4.0 card reader2Chassis overview 9Back1.Side cover release latch2.Line-out audio port3.Two DisplayPort 1.4 ports4.Two USB 3.2 Type-C Gen 2 (10 Gbps) ports5.Two USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Gbps) ports6.Two USB 2.0 (480 Mbps) ports with SmartPower7.Expansion card slots8.Power cord connector port9.Power supply diagnostic light10.Service tag label11.RJ45 port 10/100/1000 Mbps12.HDMI 2.0/ DisplayPort 1.4/ VGA/ USB Type-C with DisplayPort Alt mode (optional)13.2.5 GbE RJ-45 port (optional)14.Kensington security-cable slot10Chassis overviewSpecifications of Precision 3660 TowerDimensions and weightThe following table lists the height, width, depth, and weight of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 2. Dimensions and weightProcessorThe following table lists the details of the processors that are supported by your Precision 3660 Tower .When upgrading to i5-12600K/ i7-12700/ i7-12700K/ i9-12900/ i9-12900K processors a VR Heatsink is required to Table 3. ProcessorDescriptio n Option one Optiontwo Option three Option four Option five Option six Option seven Option eight Processor type12thGeneration Intel Core i3-1210012thGeneration Intel Core i5-12500,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i5-12600,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i5-12600K,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i7-12700,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i7-12700K,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i9-12900,vPro 12thGeneration Intel Core i9-12900K,vPro Processor wattage 60 W 65 W 65 W 125 W 65 W 125 W 65 W 125 W Processor core count 4661012121616Processor thread count 812121620202424Processor speed3.30 GHz to4.30GHz 3.00 GHz to 4.60GHz 3.30 GHz to 4.80GHz 3.70 GHz to 4.90 GHz 2.10 GHz to 4.90 GHz 3.60 GHz to5.00GHz 2.40 GHz to 5.10 GHz 3.20 GHz to 5.20 GHzProcessor cache12 MB18 MB18 MB20 MB25 MB25 MB30 MB 30 MB3Table 3. Processor (continued)Descriptio n Option one OptiontwoOptionthreeOptionfourOptionfiveOption six OptionsevenOption eightIntegrated graphics Intel UHDGraphics730Intel UHDGraphics770Intel UHDGraphics770Intel UHDGraphics770Intel UHDGraphics770Intel UHDGraphics770Intel UHDGraphics 770Intel UHDGraphics 770ChipsetThe following table lists the details of the chipset supported by your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 4. ChipsetDescription ValuesChipset W680Processor●12th Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7/i9DRAM bus width32-bit per DIMMFlash EPROM16 MB + 32 MBPCIe busUp to Gen5Operating systemYour Precision 3660 Tower supports the following operating systems:●Windows 11 Home, 64-bit●Windows 11 Pro, 64-bit●Windows 10 Home, 64-bit●Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit●Available through Custom Factory Installation only●●Kylin Linux version 10 SP1 (China only)●Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS, 64-bit●RHEL 8.6MemoryThe following table lists the memory specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 5. Memory specificationsTable 5. Memory specifications (continued)Memory matrixThe following table lists the memory configurations supported on your Precision 3660 Tower. Table 6. Memory matrixConfigurati onSlotDIMM1DIMM2DIMM3DIMM48 GB DDR58 GB NA NA NA 16 GB DDR516 GB NA NA NA 16 GB DDR58 GB8 GB NA NA 32 GB DDR516 GB16 GB NA NA 64 GB DDR532 GB32 GB NA NA 32 GB DDR58 GB8 GB8 GB8 GB64 GB DDR516 GB16 GB16 GB16 GB32 GB32 GB32 GB32 GB128 GBDDR58 GB configuration available only for non-ECC memory.External portsThe following table lists the external ports of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 7. External portsInternal slotsThe following table lists the internal slots of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 8. Internal slotsDescription ValuesM.2●One M.2 2230 slot for WiFi and Bluetooth card●Two M.2 2230/2280 slots (SSD1 and SSD2) for solid-statedrivesEthernetThe following table lists the wired Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower. Table 9. Ethernet specificationsDescription Option one Option twoModel number Intel I219-LM Intel I225 (optional)Transfer rate10/100/1000 Mbps10/ 100/ 1000/ 2500 Mbps Wireless moduleThe following table lists the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) modules supported on your Precision 3660 Tower. Table 10. Wireless module specificationsTable 10. Wireless module specifications (continued)Description Option one Option twoEncryption●64-bit/128-bit WEP●AES-CCMP●TKIP ●64-bit and 128-bit WEP ●AES-CCMP●TKIPBluetooth 5.2 5.2AudioThe following table lists the audio specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 11. Audio specificationsDescription ValuesAudio type 4 Channel High Definition Audio CodecAudio controller Realtek ALC3246-CGStereo conversion24-bit DAC (Digital-to-Analog) and ADC (Analog-to-Digital) Internal audio interface Intel HDA (high-definition audio)External audio interface●One universal audio jack (front)●One line-out audio port (rear)Number of speakers One (optional)Internal-speaker amplifier Integrated in ALC3246-CG (Class-D 2 W)External volume controls Keyboard shortcut controlsSpeaker output:Average speaker output 2 WPeak speaker output 2.2 WSubwoofer output Not supportedMicrophone Not supportedStorageThis section lists the storage options on your Precision 3660 Tower.●M.2 SSD Boot + Optional M.2 SSDs – This configuration enables boot on M.2 NVMe SSD with up to three additional NVMeSSDs. No SATA HDDs are configured in this option.● 2.5" SATA HDD Boot + Optional 2.5" SATA HDDs – This configuration enables boot on 2.5" SATA HDD with up to threeadditional 2.5" SATA HDDs.● 3.5" HDD Boot + Optional 3.5" HDDs – This configuration enables boot on 3.5" HDD with up to one additional 3.5" HDD.●M.2 SSD Boot + Optional M.2 SSDs + 2.5" SATA HDD + Optional 2.5" SATA HDDs – This configuration enables boot on M.2NVMe SSD with up to three additional NVMe SSDs, one 2.5" SATA HDD and up to three additional 2.5" SATA HDDs.●M.2 SSD Boot + Optional M.2 SSD + 3.5" SATA HDD + Optional 3.5" SATA HDDs – This configuration enables boot on M.2NVMe SSD with up to three additional NVMe SSDs, one 3.5" SATA HDD and one additional 3.5" SATA HDD.●M.2 SSD Boot + Optional SSDs + Front-accessible 2.5" SATA HDD + Optional 2.5" SATA HDDs - This configuration enabledboot on M.2 NVMe SSD with up to three additional NVMe SSDs, one front-accessible 2.5" SATA HDD and two additional2.5" SATA HDDs●M.2 SSD Boot + Optional SSDs + Front-accessible 3.5" SATA HDD + Optional 3.5" SATA HDDs - This configuration enabledboot on M.2 NVMe SSD with up to three additional NVMe SSDs, one front-accessible 3.5" SATA HDD and up to two additional 3.5" SATA HDDs●RAID 0/1/5/10 available.M.2 NVMe SSD cannot build RAID disk with any SATA drive.Precision 3660 motherboard can support up to two M.2 2230 NVMe SSDs or up to three M.2 2280 NVMe SSDs. Table 12. Storage specificationsStorage type Interface type Capacity2.5-inch, 7200 RPM, hard-disk drive SATA3.0Up to1 TB2.5-inch, 7200 RPM, FIPS SelfSATA 3.0500 GBEncrypting Opal 2.0, hard-disk drive3.5-inch, 5400 RPM, hard-disk drive SATA 3.0 4 TB3.5-inch, 7200 RPM, hard-disk drive SATA 3.0 2 TBM.2 2230 solid-state drive PCIe NVMe Gen3 x4, Class 35256 GBM.2 2280 solid-state drive PCIe NVMe Gen4 x4, Class 40Up to 4 TBM.2 2280 Opal Self-Encrypting solid-PCIe NVMe Gen3 x4, Class 40Up to 1 TBstate driveMedia-card readerThe following table lists the media cards supported by your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 13. Media-card reader specificationsPower ratingsThe following table lists the power rating specifications of Precision 3660 Tower. Table 14. Power ratingsDescription ValuesType300 W internal power supplyunit, 92% Efficient PSU, 80Plus Platinum 500 W internalpower supply unit,92% Efficient PSU,80 Plus Platinum750 W internalpower supply unit,92% Efficient PSU,80 Plus Platinum1000 W internalpower supply unit,92% Efficient PSU,80 Plus PlatinumInput voltage90 VAC to 264 VAC90 VAC to 264 VAC90 VAC to 264 VAC90 VAC to 264 VAC Input frequency47 Hz to 63 Hz47 Hz to 63 Hz47 Hz to 63 Hz47 Hz to 63 Hz Input current (maximum)● 4.2 A●7 A●10 A●13.6 AOutput current (continuous)●12 VA/18 A●12 VB/18 AStandby mode:●12 VA/1.5 A●12 VB/3.3 A●12 VA/18 A●12 VB/18 A●12 VC/18 AStandby mode:●12 VA/1.5 A●12 VB/3.3 A●12 VC/0 A●12 VA/36 A●12 VB/27 A●12 VC/36 AStandby mode:●12 VA/1.5 A●12 VB/5 A●12 VC/0 A●12 VA/36 A●12 VB/27 A●12 VC/36 AStandby mode:●12 VA/1.5 A●12 VB/5 A●12 VC/0 ARated output voltage●12 VA●12 VB ●12 VA●12 VB●12 VC●12 VA●12 VB●12 VC●12 VA●12 VB●12 VCTemperature rangeOperating5°C to 45°C (41°F to 113°F)5°C to 45°C (41°Fto 113°F)5°C to 45°C (41°Fto 113°F)5°C to 45°C (41°Fto 113°F)Storage-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to158°F)-40°C to 70°C(-40°F to 158°F)-40°C to 70°C(-40°F to 158°F)-40°C to 70°C(-40°F to 158°F)Power supply connectorThe following table lists the Power supply connector specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 15. Power supply connector300 W (80 PLUS Platinum)●Two 4 pin connectors for processor●One 8 pin connector for system board500 W (80 PLUS Platinum)●Two 4 pin connectors for processor●One 8 pin connector for system board●One 6 pin and one 2 + 6 pin connectors for graphic card750 W (80 PLUS Platinum)●Two 4 pin connectors for processor●One 8 pin connector for system board●Two 6 pin and two 2 + 6 pin connectors for graphic card1000 W (80 PLUS Platinum)●Two 4 pin connectors for processor●One 8 pin connector for system board●Two 6 pin and two 2 + 6 pin connectors for graphic cardThis workstation uses high wattage power supply unit and has to be connected to a PDU (Power Distribution Unit)GPU—IntegratedThe following table lists the specifications of the integrated Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) supported by your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 16. GPU—IntegratedController External display support Memory size ProcessorIntel UHD Graphics 730●Two DisplayPort 1.4 port●One Optional video port(HDMI 2.0b/ DisplayPort1.4/VGA/ USB Type-Cwith DisplayPort Alt mode)Shared system memory12th Generation Intel Core i3Intel UHD Graphics 770●Two DisplayPort 1.4 port●One Optional video port(HDMI 2.0b/ DisplayPort1.4/VGA/ USB Type-Cwith DisplayPort Alt mode)Shared system memory12th Generation Intel Corei5//i7/i9Multiple display support matrixThe following table lists the multiple display support matrix for your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 17. Multiple display support matrixGPU — DiscreteThe following table lists the specifications of the discrete graphics processing unit (GPU) supported by your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 18. GPU — DiscreteController External display support Memory size Memory typeNVIDIA RTX A5000●Four DisplayPort 1.4 ports24 GB GDDR6NVIDIA RTX A4000●Four DisplayPort 1.4 ports16 GB GDDR6Table 18. GPU — Discrete (continued)Controller External display support Memory size Memory type NVIDIA A2000●Four mini DisplayPort(mDP) ports 6 GBGDDR6NVIDIA RTX A6000●Four DisplayPort 1.4 ports 48 GB GDDR6AMD Radeon Pro RX6900XT●Two DisplayPort 1.4 ports ●One HDMI 2.1 port ●One USB Type-C port 16 GBGDDR6NVIDIA T1000●Four mini DisplayPort(mDP) ports 4 GB GDDR6NVIDIA T600●Four mini DisplayPort(mDP) ports 4 GB GDDR6NVIDIA T400●Three mini DisplayPort(mDP) ports 2 GB GDDR6AMD Radeon Pro WX3200●Four mini DisplayPort(mDP) ports 4 GB GDDR5AMD Radeon Pro W6600●Four DisplayPort 1.4 ports8 GB GDDR6AMD Radeon Pro W6800●Six mini DisplayPort (mDP)ports32 GBGDDR6Hardware securityThe following table lists the hardware security of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 19. Hardware securityTable 19. Hardware security (continued)EnvironmentalThe following table lists the environmental specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 20. EnvironmentalFeature ValuesRecyclable packaging YesBFR/PVC—free chassis NoVertical orientation packaging support YesMulti-Pack packaging Yes (US only) (optional)Energy-Efficient Power Supply StandardENV0424 compliant YesWood‐based fiber packaging contains a minimum of 35% recycled content by total weight of wood‐based fiber.‐based fiber can be claimed as Not Applicable. The anticipated required criteria forRegulatory complianceThe following table lists the regulatory compliance of your Precision 3660 Tower.Table 21. Regulatory complianceRegulatory complianceEPEAT registered configurations availableENERGY STAR compliant configurations availableTCO 8.0 certified configurations availableUS CEC MEPS compliant configurations availableAustralia and New Zealand MEPS compliant configurations availableCELWEEESpecifications of Precision 3660 Tower21Table 21. Regulatory compliance (continued)Regulatory complianceJapan Energy LawSouth Korea E-standbyEU RoHSChina RoHSOperating and storage environmentThis table lists the operating and storage specifications of your Precision 3660 Tower. Airborne contaminant level: G1 as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985Table 22. Computer environment* Measured using a random vibration spectrum that simulates user environment.† Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse.22Specifications of Precision 3660 TowerGetting help and contacting DellSelf-help resourcesYou can get information and help on Dell products and services using these self-help resources:Table 23. Self-help resourcesSelf-help resourcesResource location Information about Dell products and services My Dell appTipsContact SupportIn Windows search, type Contact Support , and press Enter.Online help for operating system/support/windows /support/linuxAccess top solutions, diagnostics, drivers and downloads, and learn more about your computer through videos, manuals, and documents.Your Dell computer is uniquely identified by a Service Tag or Express Service Code. To view relevant support resources for your Dell computer, enter the Service Tag or Express Service Code at /support .For more information on how to find the Service Tag for your computer, see Locate the Service Tag on your computer .Dell knowledge base articles for a variety of computer concerns1.Go to /support .2.On the menu bar at the top of the Support page, selectSupport > Knowledge Base .3.In the Search field on the Knowledge Base page, type thekeyword, topic, or model number, and then click or tap the search icon to view the related articles.Contacting Dell/contactdell .Availability varies by country/region and product, and some services may not be available in your country/region. If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information about your purchase invoice,4Getting help and contacting Dell 23。
SH366000 User Guide V0.2

V0. 2
SH366000 SBS Solution用戶指南
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RS 1 AV D D AG ND AN 1 AN 0 AA N0 TEMP I P P I I O O 電 流 測 量 輸入 端 模擬電源 模擬地 溫 度 測 量 輸入 端 電 壓 測 量 輸入 端 電 壓 轉 換 輸出 端 溫 度 測 量 輸出 端 Table 1 SH366000引腳描述 四、概述 SH3 6 6 0 0 0 可 實 現 充 放 電 電 流 、各 串 Ce l l 和 電 池 組 電壓 、 以 及 溫 度 的 檢 測。 通 過 庫 侖積 分 、 自放 電 、 以 及 電 子 負載 的 補 償來 計 算 電 池 組 剩 余 電量 。 提 供 電 池 平 衡 功能 。 並 對 電 流 、電 壓、 溫 度 等 安全 狀 態 進行 保 護 。 五、功能描述 5.1 工作狀態判斷 SH3 6 6 0 0 0 每 秒 通 過 檢 測 PRES 引腳低電平來判 斷電 池 組 是否 接 入 應 用 系 統 。 當 檢測 到 電 池組 接 入 應 用系 統 時 , SH3 6 6 0 0 0 進 入 正 常 操 作 狀 態 ,在 1 秒 內打 開 充 電 M O S F ET 和 放 電 M O S F E T ; 當 檢 測 到電 池 組 脫 離 應 用 系 統 時, 關 閉所 有 充 放電 M O SF E T 。 5.2 參數測量 SH3 6 6 0 0 0 通 過 采 樣 電 阻 來 計 算電 流 值 ,通 過 庫 侖 積分 獲 取 剩餘 電 量 , 并每 秒 更 新 一 次 剩 余 電量 Re m C a p 。 SH3 6 6 0 0 0 每 秒 測 量 一 次 溫 度 、各 串 Ce l l 電 業 及 電 池組 電 壓 。 通 過 P a c k Co n f ig 中 B i t 4 - 3 可 配置 電 池 組 結 構 為 2 串、 3 串 或 4 串 電 芯 。 5.3 電量計量 SH3 6 6 0 0 0 電 量 計 量 流 程 如 F i g u r e 2 所 示 , 由 充 放電 放 電 、電 子 負 載 補 償 、 帶 溫度 補 償 的 自 放 電 三 部分 組 成 。 Re ma i n C a p a c i t y ( ) ( R e m C a p ) 表 示 電 池 組 當 前 可用 電 量 。 依 據 B a t t e r yM o d e ( ) 中的 B it 1 5 設 置 有 mA h 和 1 0 mW h 兩種 表 示 方式 。 SH 3 6 6 0 0 0 在 ED V 2 , E DV1 , ED V0 三 個 E DV 電 壓 和 VO C 2 5 , VO C5 0 , V O C7 5 三 個 可 編 程中 間 校 準電 壓 處 均 可 進 行 容 量調 整 。 F u l l C h a r g e Ca p a c it y ( ) ( F CC ) 是 電 池 實 際 最 大 容 量 , 可 通過 一 次 L e a r n in g 循 環 ( 完 全放 電 , 完 全 充 電 , 完 全放 電 ) 進行 更 新 , 新 的 F CC 不 會 小 於 目 前 F CC- 2 5 6 mA h 或大 於 目 前 F CC + 5 1 2 mA h 。 。 Dis c h a r g e Co u n t R e g is t e r ( ) (D CR ) 為 放電 計 數 器,用 於 更 新 F CC 。 D CR 只 在放 電 時 計數,由 放 電計 數、電 子 負載 補 充 、自 放 電 補 償 三 部 分 組成 。 SH 3 6 6 0 0 0 放 電開 始 時 D CR = F CC - R C , 在 電 池電 壓 降 至 E DV 2 時 終 止 D C R 的 計數 , 并 更新 當 前 F C C 。

400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC ConverterFeaturesWide 5V to 32V Input Voltage RangePositive or Negative Output VoltageProgramming with a Single Feedback Pin Current Mode Control Provides ExcellentTransient Response1.25V reference adjustable version Fixed 400KHz Switching Frequency Maximum 2A Switching CurrentSW PIN Built in Over Voltage Protection Excellent line and load regulation EN PIN TTL shutdown capability Internal Optimize Power MOSFET High efficiency up to 90%Built in Frequency Compensation Built in Soft-Start FunctionBuilt in Thermal Shutdown Function Built in Current Limit Function Available in SOIC-8 packageApplications Automotive and Industrial Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting Converters Portable Electronic Equipment General DescriptionThe GS3662 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC/DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can be configured as either a boost, flyback, SEPIC or inverting converter. The GS3662 built in N-channel power MOSFET and fixed frequency oscillator, current-mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages.The GS3662 regulator is special design for portable electronic equipment.Figure1. Package Type of GS3662400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC ConverterGS3662Figure4. GS3662 Typical Application Circuit (Boost Converter)400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC ConverterGS3662Figure5. GS3662 Typical System Application (Boost Converter)400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC ConverterGS3662Figure6. GS3662 Typical System Application (SEPIC Buck-Boost Converter)Typical System Application for Boost High Voltage Converter– FLYBACK Boost Topology (Input 10V~30VGS3662Figure7. GS3662 Typical System Application (Flyback Boost Converter)400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter400KHz 42V 2A Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting DC/DC Converter Package InformationSOP8 Package Mechanical Dimensions。
深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司 晶振器产品说明书

深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司样品承认书客户代码:物料名称:贴片钟振规格型号:7050 OSC 25.000MHZ 1.8~3.3V ±30PPM CMOSP N/ SJK:6N25000G33YC承认签章供应商承认()公司承认制定审核核准工程师审核批准林雁杨霞黄灏东盖章签署盖章签署日期日期批示:□接受□有条件接受备注:公司地址:深圳市龙岗区天安云谷产业园一期3栋C座12楼1204~1206室电话:传真:Approved by: 黄灏东Checked by: 杨霞Issued by: 玉静霞产品规格书SPECIFICATIONPN / SJK: 6N25000G33YC深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司SHENZHEN CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.公司地址:深圳市龙岗区天安云谷产业园一期3栋C座12楼1204~1206室电话:*************-837传真:*************修改记录版次修改日项目改定内容改定者确认者A1 2015-6-5 初版林雁杨霞1. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSStandard atmospheric conditionsUnless otherwise specified, the standard range of atmospheric conditions for making measurement and tests are as follow:Ambient temperature : 25±5℃Relative humidity : 40%~70%If there is any doubt about the results, measurement shall be made within the following limits: Ambient temperature : 25±3℃Relative humidity : 40%~70%Measure equipmentElectrical characteristics measured by MD 37WX-05M or equivalen t.Crystal cutting typeThe crystal is using AT CUT (thickness shear mode).Parameters SYMElectrical Spec. Notes MIN TYPE MAX UNITS1 Nominal Frequency 25.000000 MHZ2 FrequencyStabilityAT 25℃±10 PPM Over OperatingTemperature range±20 PPM3 Operating Temperature Topr -40 25 85 ℃4 Storage Temperature Tstg -55 ~ 125 ℃5 Supply Voltage VDD 1.8~3.3 ±10% V6 Input Current Icc 10 mA7 Enable Control Yes Pad18 Output Load : CMOS CL 15 pF9 Output Voltage High VoH 90%VddV10 Output Voltage Low VoL 10%VddV11 Rise Time Tr 5 ns 10%→90%VDDLevel12 Fall Time Tf 5 ns 90%→10%VDDLevel13 Symmetry (Duty ratio) TH/T 45 ~ 55 %14 Start-up Time Tosc 10 ms15 Enable Voltage High Vhi 70%VddV16 Disable Voltage Low Vlo 30%VddV17 Aging ±3 ppm/yr. 1st. Year at 25℃18 Output Disable Delay Time T off 150 us19 Output Enable Delay Time T on 150 us20 Phase Jitter (12KHZ~20MHZ)0.5 1.0 ps2. DIMENSIONS (Units :mm)MARKING3. TEST CIRCUITControl input (output enable/disable)Logic 1 or open on pad 1: Oscillator outputLogic 0 on pad 1 : Disable output to high impedance4. PART NUMBER GUIDESJK -6N— 25000 Frequency 25.000MHz — GFrequency tolerance—33Supply voltage — Y Fan out type X:TTL/CMOS — C Temperatur e5. WAVEFORM CONDITIONSWaveform measurement system shouldhave a min. bandwidth of 5 times thefrequency being tested.6. OUTPUT ENABLE / DISABLE DELAYThe following figure shows the oscillator timing during normal operation . Note that when the device is in standby,the oscillator stops. When standby is released, the oscillator starts and stable oscillator output occurs after a short delay7. SUGGESTED REFLOW PROFILE8. STRUCTURE ILLUSTRATIONNO COMPONENTSMATERIALS FINISH/SPECIFICATIONS1 LID Kovar (Fe/Co/Ni)2 Base(Package)Ceramic (AI2O3) + Kovar (Fe/Co/Ni)+ Ag/CuColor black 3 PAD Au Tungsten metalize+ Ni plating + Au plating4 Crystal blank SiO25 Conductive adhesiveAg Silicon resin6 Electrode Noble Metal7 IC chip8 Bonding wire Au Pad 1 options : NC is 5wires , EN is 6 wires.9. PACKING10. RELIABILITY TEST SPECIFICATION1.Mechanical EnduranceNo.Test Item Test Methods REF. DOC 1 Drop Test75 cm height,3 times on concrete floor .JIS C67012 Mechanical Shock Device are shocked to half sine wave ( 1000G ) three mutuallyperpendicular axes each 3 times. 0.5m sec.duration timeMIL-STD-202F3 VibrationFrequency range 10 ~ 2000 HzAmplitude 1.52 mm/20GSweep time 20 minutesPerpendicular axes each test time 4 Hrs(Total test time 12 Hrs)MIL-STD-883E4 Gross Leak Standard Sample For Automatic Gross LeakDetector, Test Pressure: 2kg / cm2MIL-STD-883E5 Fine Leak Helium Bomging 4.5 kgf / cm 2 for 2 Hrs6 SolderabilityTemperature 245 ℃ ± 5℃Immersing depth 0.5 mm minimumImmersion time 5 ± 1 secondsFlux Rosin resin methyl alcoholsolvent ( 1 : 4 )MIL-STD-883E2.Environmental EnduranceNo. Test Item Test Methods REF. DOC1 Resistance To SolderingHeatPre-heat temperature 125 ℃Pre-heat time 60 ~ 120 sec.Test temperature 260 ± 5 ℃Test time 10 ± 1 sec.MIL-STD-202F2 High Temp. Storage + 125 ℃ ±3 ℃ for 1000 ± 12 HrsMIL-STD-883E 3 Low Temp. Storage - 40 ℃ ± 3 ℃ for 1000 ± 12 Hrs4 Thermal Shock Total 100 cycles of the following temperaturecycleMIL-STD-883E5 Pressure CookerStorage121 ± 3℃ , RH100% , 2 bar , 240 Hrs JIS C67016 High Temp&Humidity 85℃ ± 3℃, RH 85% , 1000 Hrs JIS C5023。

W600芯片规格书V1.0.4北京联盛德微电子有限责任公司 (Winner Micro)地址:北京市海淀区阜成路67号银都大厦18层电话:+86-10-62161900网址:文档历史目录1特征 (1)2概述 (4)3芯片特点 (4)4芯片结构 (4)5地址空间划分 (5)6功能描述 (6)6.1SDIO设备控制器 (6)6.2高速SPI设备控制器 (6)6.3DMA控制器 (6)6.4时钟与复位 (7)6.5内存管理器 (7)6.6数字基带 (7)6.7MAC控制器 (7)6.8安全系统 (8)6.9FLASH控制器 (8)6.10RSA加密模块 (8)6.11通用硬件加密模块 (8)6.12I2C控制器 (8)6.13主/从SPI控制器 (8)6.14UART控制器 (9)6.15GPIO控制器 (9)6.16定时器 (9)6.17看门狗控制器 (9)6.18射频配置器 (9)6.19射频收发器 (10)6.20PWM控制器 (10)6.21I²S控制器 (10)6.227816/UART控制器 (10)7管脚定义 (12)8电气特性 (14)8.1极限参数 (14)8.2射频功耗参数 (14)8.3Wi-Fi射频 (14)9封装信息 (16)10产品型号定义 (17)1特征⚫芯片外观➢QFN32封装,5mm x 5mm⚫芯片集成度➢集成32位嵌入式Cortex-M3处理器,工作频率80MHz;➢集成288KB数据存储器;➢集成1MB/2MB FLASH;➢集成8通道DMA控制器,支持任意通道分配给硬件使用或是软件使用,支持16个硬件申请,支持软件链表管理;➢集成2.4G射频收发器,满足IEEE802.11规范;➢集成PA/LNA/TR-Switch;➢集成32.768KHz时钟振荡器;➢集成电压检测电路;➢集成LDO;➢集成电源控制电路;➢集成上电复位电路;➢集成通用加密硬件加速器,支持PRNG/SHA1/MD5/RC4/DES/3DES/AES/CRC/RSA等多种加解密协议。
FOSAN富信电子 MOS管 2N7002-产品规格书

安徽富信半导体科技有限公司ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2N7002 SOT-2360V N Channel Enhancement沟道增强型MOS Field Effect Transistor场效应管▉Absolute Maximum Ratings最大额定值Characteristic特性参数Symbol符号Rat额定值Unit单位Drain-Source V oltage漏极-源极电压BV DSS60V Gate-Source Voltage栅极-源极电压V GS+20V Drain Current(continuous)漏极电流-连续I D(at T A=25°C)340mA Drain Current(pulsed)漏极电流-脉冲I DM 1.5A Total Device Dissipation总耗散功率P D(at T A=25°C)350mW Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient热阻RΘJA357℃/W Junction/Storage Temperature结温/储存温度T J,T stg-55~150℃▉Device Marking产品字标2N7002=7002ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2N7002▉Electrical Characteristics电特性(T A=25℃unless otherwise noted如无特殊说明,温度为25℃)Characteristic 特性参数Symbol符号Min最小值Typ典型值Max最大值Unit单位Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage漏极-源极击穿电压(I D=250uA,V GS=0V)BV DSS60——VGate Threshold Voltage栅极开启电压(I D=250uA,V GS=V DS)V GS(th)1 1.5 2.5VZero Gate Voltage Drain Current零栅压漏极电流(V GS=0V,V DS=60V)I DSS——1u AGate Body Leakage栅极漏电流(V GS=+20V,V DS=0V)I GSS——+100n AStatic Drain-Source On-State Resistance 静态漏源导通电阻(I D=300mA,V GS=10V) (I D=200mA,V GS=4.5V)R DS(ON)—ΩDiode Forward Voltage Drop内附二极管正向压降(I SD=300mA,V GS=0V)V SD—— 1.2V Input Capacitance输入电容(V GS=0V,V DS=30V,f=1MHz)C ISS—27.5—pF Common Source Output Capacitance共源输出电容(V GS=0V,V DS=30V,f=1MHz)C OSS— 2.75—pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance反馈电容(V GS=0V,V DS=30V,f=1MHz)C RSS— 1.9—pF Total Gate Charge栅极电荷密度(V DS=30V,I D=300mA,V GS=10V)Q g— 1.6—nC Gate Source Charge栅源电荷密度(V DS=30V,I D=300mA,V GS=10V)Q gs—0.47—nC Gate Drain Charge栅漏电荷密度(V DS=30V,I D=300mA,V GS=10V)Q gd—0.25—nC Turn-ON Delay Time开启延迟时间(V DS=30V I D=300mA,R GEN=6Ω,V GS=10V)t d(on)— 3.3—ns Turn-ON Rise Time开启上升时间(V DS=30V I D=300mA,R GEN=6Ω,V GS=10V)t r—19—ns Turn-OFF Delay Time关断延迟时间(V DS=30V I D=300mA,R GEN=6Ω,V GS=10V)t d(off)—9.6—ns Turn-OFF Fall Time关断下降时间(V DS=30V I D=300mA,R GEN=6Ω,V GS=10V)t f—49—nsANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2N7002■Typical Characteristic Curve典型特性曲线Figure1:Output Characteristics Figure2:Transfer CharacteristicsFigure3:On-Resistance vs.Drain Current Figure4:Safe Operating AreaFigure5:Capacitance Characteristics Figure6:Gate-Charge Characteristics安徽富信半导体科技有限公司ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.2N7002▉Dimension外形封裝尺寸Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 0.900 1.1500.0350.045A10.0000.1000.0000.004A20.900 1.0500.0350.041b 0.3000.5000.0120.020c 0.0800.1500.0030.006D 2.800 3.0000.1100.118E 1.200 1.4000.0500.055E1 2.2502.5500.0890.100e 0.950TYP0.037TYPe1 1.8002.0000.0710.079L 0.550REF0.022REFL10.3000.5000.0120.020θ0o8o 0o8o。
微星台式电脑说明书Nightblade MIB

桌上型電腦Nightblade MIB© 2023 Micro-Star Int'l Co.Ltd. MSI is a registered trademark of Micro-Star Int'l Co.Ltd. All rights reserved.Intel, the Intel logo, the Intel Inside logo and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.作業系統Windows 10 Home Windows 10 ProFree Upgrade to Windows 11*處理器Intel ® Core™ i7-7700 ProcessorIntel ®Core™ i5-7400 Processor 晶片組Intel ® B250記憶體 2 x SO-DIMMs DDR4 Max. 32GB 繪圖晶片MSI GeForce GTX 10系列電競級顯示卡音效7.1 Channel HD Audio with Nahimic audio enhancer 光碟機Slim Type(9.5mm) Tray-Load Super Multi硬碟 (GB) 2 x M.2 SSD (1x Auto Switch, 1x Intel Optane support)1 x 2.5" HDD 2 x 3.5" HDD有線網路GigaBit LAN (Qualcomm QCA8171)I/O (前)1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type C1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type A (with Super Charger 2)1 x HDMI™ out (VR Link)1 x Headphone out 1 x Mic inI/O (後)4 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type A 2 x USB 2.01 x HDMI™ out1 x HDMI™ in (connect Graphic card and front VR-Link port)1 x Display Port 5 x OFC Audio jacks 1 x S/PDIF 1 x RJ45 LAN1 x Gaming device port(PS/2)Bluetooth BT 4.2電源供應器350W 80 Plus Bronze (1U)Cooling System Fan Cooler體積10 Liter尺寸128 x 342 x 235mm 重量6.4 KG配件2 x Manual1 x Quick guide 1 x Warranty card 1 x Power cord 1 x Gaming DM軟體Drivers & MSI Utilities MSI Gaming center Drogan EyeXsplit GamecasterAnti-Virus (60 days trial)G e n e r a t e d 2023-03-29, c h e c k f o r t h e l a t e s t v e r s i o n w w w .m s i .c o m /d a t a s h e e t . T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t i s i n t e n d e d f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a l p u r p o s e s o n l y a n d i s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。
OB3663 Datasheet_EUCHIPS_150211

-0.3V to 24V
S Ordering Information
IP Part Number
SOP14, Pb free in Tube
SOP14, Pb free in T&R
H OB3663LP
SSOP10, Pb free in Tube
n 7
I/O The gate voltage clamp of external power MOSFET.
e 8
Power supply voltage pin.
I/O Feedback pin.
fid 10
Loop compensation pin. Connect to a compensation network to stabilize the LED driver and achieve a constant LED driver current.
SSOP10, Pb free in T&R
C Note1: All Devices are offered in Pb-free Package if not EU otherwise noted.
COMP, REF and CS to GND PHASE,I_DET, BL, SD,PD,OPT Operating Ambient Temp. TA Operating Junction Temp. TJ Min/Max Storage Temp. Tstg Lead Temp. (10 Sec)

MC34063 升压电路
移动电源, 充电器, 平衡
本帖最后由 gmliwei 于 2010-4-27 07:39 编辑
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Output source current Output sink current
MIN. 495
-1.0 0.78 24
TYP. 500
5 1 -0.2 100 6 0.87 0.05 -40 40
505 mV
20 mV
1.0 μA
Oscillation frequency Frequency change with voltage Frequency change with temperature
RT=3.0KΩ,CT=270pF 400 500 600 KHz
Reference voltage supply
0.8V 0.1V
Sawtooth wave oscillator
VCOMP=450mV VCC=2V to 15V Ta = -10℃to 85℃
Input bias current
Voltage Gain
Frequency bandwidth
Av=0 dB
Output voltage Positive
Input source current
S.C.P. threshold voltage
MIN. -1.5 0.7
TYP. -1.0 0.8
MAX. UNIT -0.7 μA 0.9 V
Oscillator section PARAMETER
Low threshold voltage
Upper threshold voltage
1.1 1.3 1.5 V
Soft Start section (S.S.) PARAMETER
Input source current Soft start threshold voltage
MIN. -1.5 0.8
TYP. MAX. UNIT -1.0 -0.7 μA 0.9 1.0 V
Short Circuit Protection section (S.C.P.)
+ Error Amp.
Comp. + + +
Output drive control circuit
DTC 0.6V
Soft start & SCP circuit
5 30kΩ
1 2
3 4
The GS3660B is a boost topology switching regulator control IC for battery-used applications field. The GS3660B includes a totem-pole single output stage for driving NPN transistor or N-MOS, high precision reference (0.5V) for comparing output voltage with feedback amplifier, an internal dead-time control for controlling the minimum duty cycle, programmable soft start with short circuit protection function and logic level control for operating mode or standby mode.
Error Amplifier section
Input threshold voltage VT change with voltage VT change with temperature
5000 Ω
-45 μA
-0.1 mA
Supply Current (mA)
Supply Voltage VS Supply Current
-20 -30
-40 -50
High Level Output Current Iout (mA)
RB=390Ω,VCC=0~20V -
TYP. -
10 mA
Ambient Temperature Ta (℃)
Figure 3
Input Threshold Voltage Variation △V/V(%)
Low Level Output Voltage Vout (V)
Low Level Output
6 OUT 5 O Totem-pole output
GND 6 P IC ground
Capacitor and resistor connected for the frequency of oscillation
COMP 8 O Error amplifier compensation output
MIN. 1.0
30 20
TYP. 1.2
-40 40 30
0.2 V
0.2 V
-20 mA
40 kΩ
Output Current Setting / Control section
Name No. I/O
FB 1 I Error amplifier inverting input pin
Connected a capacitor Soft start and SCP function pin
P IC power supply I Output current setting and control pin
RB=390Ω, IO=-15mA RB=750Ω, IO=-10mA, VCC= 1.8V RB=390Ω, IO=15mA RB=750Ω, IO=10mA, VCC= 1.8V RB=390Ω, Vo=0.9V RB=390Ω, Vo=0.3V
˙Wide supply voltage operating range: 1.8 to 15V ˙Reference voltage precision: 2% ˙Low current consumption: Operation Mode 5.5mA
Standby-by Mode 1μA ˙High speed oscillator frequency: 1MHz max. ˙Programmable Soft Start function (SS) ˙Short Circuit Protection function(SCP) ˙Totem-pole output with adjustable on/off current
- V/V
- MHz
-24 μA
Output section PARAMETER
Output high voltage
Output high voltage
Output saturation voltage
Output saturation voltage