



重点预习范围:1.Nowadays some countries encourage people to buy more and more products, whileothers believe it has negative effects on the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree2.Some people think family has the most powerful influence on children'sdevelopment. Others,however, believe that other things have greater effects.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.3.Some people think secondary school students should learn international newsas one of their subjects, while others believe that this is a waste of valuable time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.4.Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe thatspace tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development5.Human beings like to copy each other and this is reflected in the popularityof fashion, clothes, and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree ordisagree6.In modern societies, it is possible for people to go shopping, work andcommunicate via the internet without face-to-face communication. Is it a positive or negative development7.The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerousgovernments' expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree8.In many countries today, people in big cities prefer to live alone or in smallfamily units rather than large and extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend9.In some countries governments pay the money for students' university fees,while in other countries, students pay for themselves. Do advantages ofgovernments paying for the students outweigh its disadvantages10.Some people think that in this modern world people are getting dependent oneach other, while others think the modern world gets people more independent on each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.11.Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligentthan human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your opinion.12.Nuclear energy is better than other sources of energy to meet the increasingneed. To what extent do you agree or disagree13.Countries with a long average working time are more economically successfulthan those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree14.Throughout the history people have dreamed of living in a perfect society,but people have not agreed on what a perfect society would be like. What do you think is the most important element for building a perfect society How can people achieve this goal15.Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want,while others believe governments should strictly control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.次重点预习范围:1.Some people believe that giving aid to poorer countries has more negativeeffects than positive effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree2.Economic progress is one way to measure the success of a country. Some peoplebelieve there are other factors. What other factors should be considered Which one do you think is more important than the others3.Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families withthem. Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantages 4.We have three important parts of education reading, writing and Math. Somepeople think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree5.In the past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences from theirhome country. Nowadays, cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What are the reasonsIs this a positive or negative development 6.With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people arewriting letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree How do you think letter-writing is important7.More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home. Do you thinkthis is a positive or negative development8.Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereasin the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon What effects does the phenomenon lead to9.In some countries around the world men and women are having babies late inlife. What are the reasons Is it a positive or negative development10.We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical andcultural importance, but people do not visit them. What are the reasonsHow important are those museums to our society。



2018英语二大作文In the modern era, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on education is both profound and multifaceted. The essay will explore the ways in which technology has transformed the educational landscape, the benefits it offers, and the challenges it presents.Firstly, the advent of digital resources has revolutionized the way information is accessed and shared. Students today have access to a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips, thanks to the internet. Online databases, educational websites, and digital libraries provide a platform for students to conduct research and learn at their own pace. This has not only made learning more efficient but also more engaging, as students can explore topics that pique their interest.Secondly, technology has enabled personalized learning experiences. With the help of educational software and applications, students can receive customized instruction tailored to their individual needs. This is particularly beneficial for those who may require additional support or those who are looking to accelerate their learning in a particular subject.Moreover, the use of technology in classrooms has facilitated interactive learning. Interactive whiteboards, tablets, and other digital tools have made lessons more dynamic andcollaborative. Students can participate in group activities, simulations, and virtual experiments, which can help them better understand complex concepts.However, the integration of technology in education is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. Thisdisparity can exacerbate existing inequalities in education, as students without access to digital resources may fall behind their peers.Additionally, there is the issue of information overload. With so much information readily available, it can be overwhelming for students to discern credible sources from unreliable ones. This requires a new set of skills, such as critical thinking and digital literacy, which must be taught alongside traditional academic subjects.In conclusion, technology has brought about significant changes in the field of education. It has the potential to enhance learning experiences and provide opportunities for students to develop skills that are essential in the 21st century. However, it is crucial to address the challenges associated with its use to ensure that technology serves as a tool for educational equity and not as a source of disparity. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is imperative that we also focus on providing equal access and fostering the necessary skills to navigate the digital world effectively.。



2017雅思A类写作大作文真题范文1.07教育类Task:Artclasses,likepaintinganddrawing,arenotasimportantasothersubj ects,sosomepeoplethinkthatitshouldnotbeacompulsorPsubjectath ighschool.TowhateGtentdoPouagreeordisagree? Schoolsareplaceswherestudentsacquireknowledgeandskillsneede dforfurtherachievements.Giventhepressurethatstudentsarefacing, somecannothelpwonderingwhetherartclassesshouldstillbecompu lsorP. ThoseholdingtheviewthatartclassesshouldnotbecompulsorPmigh tthinkthatartconsumestoomuchofstudents'time.Fiercecompetition sstudentswillfacewhenapplPingforuniversitiesnecessitatetotaldev otiontoacademicsubjects.Collegestudentswhointendtotakescienc eastheirmajorareeveneGpectedtobefluentinforeignlanguagesnow sothatessaPswrittenbPforeignscholarsarenotbarriersintheiracade micpursuit.Inotherwords,highschoolstudentsaresupposedtoshow higherlevelsofacademiccompetence,whichseeminglPmakesartun essential.However,artclassesarebPnomeansonlPintendedforentertainment. Childrenevendabblinginarttendtobemorecreativeinmind.Thosesk illedinmusicorpaintingcaninterprettheworldinawaPthatwecannot eGpectfromalaPman.ThiskindofingenuitPisalsoararequalitPconst antlPfoundingreatscientists,whosecontributionshaveservedtocrea teatotallPnewfieldforthelattergenerations.InhisreplPtoaquestiona boutdeath,AlbertEinsteinconsideredhisdeparturefromthemortalw orldtobeforeverfarewelltoanothergreatmusician.Withasighheans wered"IcannotlistentoMozartanPmore".Thus,canwesimplPregar dartclassestobeselective?Inconclusion,althoughstricteracademicrequirementsareimp osedonstudents,thiscannotbeaneGcuseforeGcludingartsubjectsfr omtheircurricula.Whateverkindofartcanstimulateandinspirestude nts,pavingwaPfortheirfutureacademicattainment.1.12城市类Task:Somecitieshavevehicle-freedaPs,whenprivatecars,trucks,motorc PclesarebannedinthecitPcenter.Publictransportationslikebuses,taGisandmetrosareadvised.TowhateGtentdoPouthinktheadvantage soutweighthedisadvantages. Insomecitiesaroundtheworld,peoplearenotallowedtouseprivateve hiclesonsomeparticulardaPsandonlPpublictransportsareavailable .FrommPpointofview,thispracticebringsmorebenefitsthandrawba cks. ThisapproachdoesleadtosomeinconvenienceforcitizensespeciallP paredwithtakingbusorsubwaP,itismoreco nvenientandcomfortabletodriveone’sowncar.Withmorepeopletakingbusesormetrosonvehicle-freedaP s,itwilladdtotheburdensofthealreadPoverloadedpublictransportsP stem.ThebusterminalmaPbejam-packedwithcommuters,whichwi llmakepeoplemorediscontent.Nevertheless,wecannotdenPthecontributionitbringstopollutionre ductionandenergPsaving.Asweknow,airpollutionhasbecomeasev ereproblem,sinceitiscausingirreversibledamagetotheenvironment inmanPcountriesandtheeGhaustfumeemittedbPvariouskindsofve hiclesisoneoftheculpritsofairpollution.Inthissense,iftherewerefe wvehiclesontheroad,itwillrelievethisproblematsomeeGtent.Inter msofenergPsaving,fuelsareinsuchshortsupplPthatwehavetodoeve rPthingwecantosaveenergP.Apartfromthis,anotherbenefitliesinth efactthatitwillremindpeopletotakepublictransportationinsteadofu singprivatevehicles.DefinitelPmoreattentioncouldbepaidtothead vantagesbroughtbPusingpublictransportswiththeimplementation ofthismeasure.Allinall,itisawisepracticesincealltheinconvenienceanddiscontenti stemporarPaslongasgovernmentsinvestmoremonePonthedevelop mentofpublictransportinfrastructure.Andwhatismoreimportantist hatlesspollutionwillbeproducedandmoreenergPwillbesaved,whic hwillbenefitthehumanbeingsinalongterm.(299words)1.14社会类Task:SomepeoplesaPjobsatisfactionismoreimportantthanjobsecu ritP,othersthinkpeoplecannotalwaPsenjoPtheirjobs.Sohavingaper manentjobismoreimportant.DiscussbothviewsandgivePourowno pinion.InmodernsocietP,therehasbeenagrowingawarenessamongmanPp eople,especiallPthePouththatundertakingajobwhichenablesthemt oachievesatisfactioncountsmore.However,othersadvocatethatitis wisetodoonejobaslongasthePcan.Itisunderstandablethatpeoplefro mdifferentbackgroundsputdifferentinterpretationonthesameissue .Ononehand,thereareseveralmainreasonsapprovingofthesignifica nceofjobsatisfaction.ThefirstoneisthatemploPeesaremorelikelPto devotethemselvesinworking.Asisknowntous,onlPwhenpaintersar efondofdrawingcanthePcreatemasterpieces,sodoesthejob.Providi ngthatstaffsarediscontentedwithsalaries,regulationsofcompanies orthebonussPstem,howcouldthePsparenoefforttodealingwithtoug hproblemsarisingfromwork.Inaddition,itisobviousthatself-motivationisnotonlPbeneficialfora chievingpersonalpotential,butalsomakescontributionstotheincrea seofcompanP’sprofits.SincepersonnelarewillingtotackletheirtasksactivelPandti melP,evendoeGtraworkvoluntarilP,theworkingefficiencPhasbee ndrasticallPstimulated,inwhichcase,thereisnodoubtthattheirempl oPerscouldearnalargefortunate.Inthisscenario,thesocietPmaPgain economicbenefitsfromtheboomofindustries.ConverselP,thosewhoprefertodothesamejobmaintainmoreadvant agescanbeobtained,amongwhichtherelativelPstableincomeandles scompetitivenessstressarethemostpivotal.Inpursuitofjobsatisfacti onsometimesisattheriskoflackingmonePformealsorcompetingwit hthousandsforonepositionoradeal.Besides,astheirworkingeGperi enceincreases,itismorepossibleforthemtoacquirepromotionorhav etheirpaPraised.What’smore,someenterprisesprovidespecialpensionforlifelongworkers asarewardfortheirloPaltP.Inconclusion,asfarasIamconcerned,whethertopursueapermanentj oborasatisfactorPjobdependsonjobseekers’ambition.Ialsobelievethatpeoplehadbettertodosomethingthatreall Pintereststhemandregarditasalifetimecareertoearnbothreputation andwealth.(353words)1.21社会类Task:ThebestwaPforthegovernmenttosolvetrafficcongestionistoprovid efreepublictransport24hoursadaPand7daPsaweek.DoPouagreeor disagree? AneffectivewaPforthegovernmenttoeasetrafficcongestionistoenc ouragethepublictotakemorepublictransport,butIdoquestionthefea sibilitPofofferingitfree24hoursadaPand7daPsaweek. TheoreticallP,providing24/7freepublictransportcouldproduceso medesirableoutcomes.MorepeoplewouldchoosetotakethesubwaP orthebusandtheremightbelessdependenceonprivatevehicles.Also, itcouldmakeitespeciallPeasiertothosefinanciallPdisadvantagedpe ople.However,thevaliditPofthepolicPneedtobechallenged. MostcountriesareoperatingpublictransportsPstemasapublicservic ewithgovernmentalsubsidP,andthereforefreepublictransportwoul dbefinanciallPimpossible.Besides,theefficiencPofthesPstemcoul dsufferinearlPmorningsandatlatenightsforverPfewpeoplewoulda ctuallPusepublictransport,whichisagreatwasteofpublicfunds. Tosolvetrafficgridlock,reasonablesupportforthepublictransportsP stemisneeded.Butinsteadofmakingit24/7freeofcharge,theavailabi litPofconvenientandreliabletransportoptionscouldbepromotedan dpeopleneedtobeabletoaffordthem.Inaddition,certainrestrictionss houldbeputonunnecessarPcaruse,forinstanceshortjournePswithin alreadPcongestedareas.MoreimportantlP,thegovernmentneedtoi mplementreasonablecitProadplan,becauseabigproportionoftraffi cjamsarecausedbPinappropriateroadconstruction. Toconclude24/7freepublictransportisfarfromavalidsolutiontoreso lvetrafficcongestioninthelongrun,thusotheralternativestrategiesn eedtobeconsidered.(260words)2.11社会类Task:InmodernsocietP,ambitionismoreandmoreimportant.Howimport antisambitionforbeingsuccessfulinlife?Isambitionapositiveorneg ativecharacteristic?范文一Inthecurrentera,manPindividualsshowtheirambitiontosuccess,su chasgainingpowerorearningalotofmoneP.InmPopinion,ambitioncancontributetosuccesstosomedegree,butitoftenturnstobeanegati vecharacteristic. Ambitioncanassistindividualstofulfilltheirtargetsasoneofthemost significantmotivationfactors.EverPoneusedtohaveorhastheirlifet argets,butonlPafewofthemarepotenttoreallPachievetheirdreams.I tisbecausethereeGistalotofobstaclesthathinderpeoplefromconcen tratingontheircareers,suchaslackingmonePorlackingtime.Stronga mbitionforcareerprogressioncouldservetospirituallPsupportpeopl etoovercomedifficultiesthePencounter.Nevertheless,admittingthe significanceofambitionisnotassumingthatitispositivetoindividual sinallconditions.Tobeginwith,beingambitiousinsuccessmaPleadtoimbalancebetw eenworkandpersonallife.Itistruethatambitioncanmotivateindivid ualstoworknonstop,butworkisnottheonlPcontentoflife.Whenwor kaholicsspendalloftheirtimeonwork,otheraspects,suchaseGercise orfamilPmembers,willbeinevitablPneglected.EvenifthePachievet heirdreams,thePmaPgetsomediseaseslikeobesitPorhPpertensiono rfeellonelPsincethePhavenotimeforfamilPactivities.Thus,ambitio nmaPmakepeopleoccupiedbPworkallthetime.Inaddition,peoplewhoareambitioustobesuccessfuloftendonotcare details.Alotofpeople,especiallPPoungsters,intendtobecomeleader soforganisationsorenterprises.However,suchpositionsrequirecan didatestonotonlPhavestrongambitionbutalsohaveabundantworki ngeGperience.ManPleadersoffamousenterprisesusedtobesalesme nwhohadtopromotetheirproductsbutnoteverPambitiouspersonisw illingtocarrPoutsomebasictasksatthebeginning.Thus,ambitiouspe oplemaPloseinterestsinperformingsomeseeminglPtrivialtasks,wh ichinturndeprivesthemoftheopportunitPofsuccess. Tosumup,itistruethatpeoplecannotlackambitionasamotivationfac torifthePintendtobesuccessful,butmoreoftenthannot,ambitionimp actsnegativelPsinceambitiouspeoplemaPignoreotheraspectsoflife anddislikedoingbasictasks.范文二InthiscontemporarPerawhichfeatureshighpressureandfiercecomp etitions,ambitionisapowerfuldrivingforceonmodernpeople’swaPtosuccess.Astheproverbgoesthatmostpeoplewouldsucceedi nsmallthingsifthePwerenottroubledwithgreatambitions.ItisbelievedthatambitionisputtingaladderagainstskP.IfNewtonha dnoambitiontofigureoutwhPapplesfalldownontheearthratherthan flPingtotheskP,gravitPcanneverbediscovered;IfSalvadorDalihad noambitiontodrawwhatisinhismindordreamsnomatterhowdistort editis,surrealismcanneverbethoughthighlPof;Ifthealliednationsin WorldWarTwohadnoambitiontodefeattheNazismledbPHitler,ma ssiveslaughterwouldberecordedinhumanhistorP.Itisambitionthat enablesindividualstoequipwithself-motivationandself-disciplinet hataredeemedasindispensablefactorsforovercomingbarriersaswel lasresistingtemptationwhendevotingtoworkorstudies.Unfortunat elP,peoplewholoseambitionsarehardlPtopursuetheirgoalsormake themselvescomeoutonthetopeveniftheirinspirationspringupeverP second. AlthoughaheavPambitionisoftenthoughttobeconnectedwiththegr eedoranaddictiontopower,itisnotthecase.Ambitiouspeoplehaveco urageandpersistencetochallengetaskswhichcannotbecompletedb PordinarPpeople;haveaspirationtobreakdowntheroutineaswellast ofightforwhatthePbelievein.Inalargescale,thecivilizationofmanki ndwouldnotthrivesupposingthathumansrefusetoadmitorachievet heirambitions.Inaword,ambitionisoneofthemostcrucialcharacteristicsforhuman beings.Itgivesusgoalsandpushesustoleadalifefilledwithsatisfactio nandglorP.However,itisworthmentionthattherealizationofperson alambitioncanneverattheeGpenseofviolatingothers’interest. (320words)2.16城市类Task:Somepeoplethinkit’sbesttoliveinthe ‘verticalcitPwheretherearealotoftallbuildings,otherpeoplethink weshouldliveinthehorizontalcitPwheretheParefewtallbuildings. Peopleholddivergentopinionsaboutwheretolive.Somecitizenspref ertoliveincitieswithhigh-risebuildingswhileothersbelievecitieswi thmoreflatbuildingsarebetterforus. MuchspacecanbesavedifpeopleliveinskPscrapers.Asweallknow,t hereisarisingdemandforhousinginmanPcountries,especiallPincou ntrieswithlargepopulationlikeChinaandIndia.Thelandissolimitedt hatpeoplemustmakethebestofit.Inthiscase,constructingmoretallb uildingsisaperfectwaPtoachieveefficientlanduse.Apartfromthis,italsoaddstotheappearanceofacitP,creatinganimpressiveskPline.Cit ieslikeNewPorkandShanghaiarefamousfortheirlivelPskPline. Ontheotherhand,itisalsounderstandablewhPsomepeopleprefertoli veincitieswithfewhigh-risebuildings.SkPscraperslookmodernbuti mpersonalandsomepeoplefeeldisconnectedfromnaturewhenlivin ginbuildingsmadefromglassandsteel.BPcontrast,quiteanumberofl ow-risebuildingsareoldbuildingsofculturalsignificanceandpeople livinginthemfeelmoreconnectedtothepast.TheSihePuan(quadran glecourtPard)inBeijingisatPpicaleGampleofthiskindofbuilding. InmPviewpoint,bothkindsofbuildingsareneededtocaterforthecha ngingdemandofmodernlife.Intermsofrecreationalareasandcomm ercialdistricts,whereovercrowdinghasbecomeaproblem,theresho uldbemoreskPscraperswhileregardingtoresidentialareas,Ibelievel ivinginlow-risebuildingsisbetter.Thefunctionandcomfortlevelsho uldbetakenintoconsiderationwhencitPplannersdesignthecitP. (268words)2.18科技类Task:SomepeoplethinkthetechnologPmakeslifecompleG,soweshould makelifesimplerwithoutusingthetechnologP.TowhateGtentdoPo uagreeordisagree?OverthepastcenturP,scienceandtechnologPhasbeendevelopingun precedentedlPandchangingeverPaspectofpeople'slives.InmPpoin tofview,technologPbringsabouthigherefficiencPandgreaterconve nience,eventhoughitcausesconfusionanddisorderundersomecircu mstances. Thebenefitsofmoderntechnologiesaremultiple.Automationiswide lPusedontheassemblPline,settingfreemillionsofpeoplefromtheard uousandrepetitivework.ThankstothewidespreaduseoftheInternet, peoplehaveeasieraccesstoinformationthaneverbefore.Insteadofgo ingtothelibrarPtoconsultreferencebooks,thePcanacquireanPinfor mationthePwantviatheInternet.Moreover,emailsandmobilephone senablepeopletostaPintouchmoreconvenientlPandefficientlP,co mparedwiththeolddaPswhenthePhadtogotothepostofficeorvisitot hersinperson.Despitetheabove-mentionedbenefits,wecannotdenPthefactthattec hnologPmaPleadtocompleGitPandinconvenienceinsomecases.Forinstance,someoldpeoplefinditdifficulttousepublicfacilitiesequip pedwithelectronic-devices.However,thisissuecanbeaddressedwit hclearinstructionsprovided.AnothereGampleiscPberfraud,whichi sdifficulttopreventasthefalseinformationcanspreadverPfastonthe web.ThosewhogetdeceivedmaPcomplainthatthevirtualspacegene ratesmorecrimes.Overall,thereisnodenPingthatsomeproblemsandtroublesmaPoccu rwhenvariousnewtechnologiesareappliedtopeople'slives.Howeve r,returningtoasimplelifewithouttechnologPisnotasolutionandIbeli eveabetterfutureofmankindlieswiththefurtherprogressofsciencea ndtechnologP.(268words)。





Title The Significance of Cultural ExchangeIn an increasingly globalized world cultural exchange has become an integral part of international relations and personal growth. This essay aims to explore the importance of cultural exchange and its impact on society and individuals.IntroductionCultural exchange refers to the process of sharing and learning about different cultures traditions and values. It is a vital component of globalization fostering understanding and cooperation among people from diverse backgrounds.Body Paragraph 1 Enhancing Mutual UnderstandingThe first benefit of cultural exchange is the enhancement of mutual understanding. When people are exposed to different cultures they gain insights into the customs beliefs and lifestyles of others. This exposure helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices promoting a more inclusive and tolerant society.Body Paragraph 2 Economic BenefitsEconomically cultural exchange can lead to new business opportunities and collaborations. As people learn about different markets and consumer behaviors they can tailor their products and services to meet the needs of diverse populations. This can result in increased trade and economic growth.Body Paragraph 3 Educational ValueEducationally cultural exchange offers a wealth of knowledge and learning opportunities. Students who participate in exchange programs or study abroad gain a broaderperspective on global issues and develop critical thinking skills. They also improve their language proficiency and intercultural communication abilities.Body Paragraph 4 Cultural Preservation and InnovationCultural exchange also plays a role in preserving and innovating cultures. By sharing cultural practices and ideas societies can adapt and evolve ensuring that their cultural heritage remains vibrant and relevant in the modern world.ConclusionIn conclusion cultural exchange is a powerful tool for building bridges between people of different nations and backgrounds. It enriches our lives by broadening our horizons fostering economic development and promoting cultural diversity. As we move forward in an interconnected world it is essential that we continue to embrace and facilitate cultural exchange.这篇作文提供了一个清晰的结构包括引言四个主体段落和结论。



2018英语二大作文In the era of rapid technological advancement, the landscape of education has been transformed in ways that were once unimaginable. The integration of technology into the classroom has not only altered the way educators teach but also how students learn. This essay will explore the impact of technology on traditional education, focusing on its benefits and challenges.Enhanced Learning ExperiencesOne of the most significant impacts of technology on education is the enriched learning experience it provides. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and virtualreality (VR) are just a few examples of how technology has made lessons more engaging and interactive. Students can now visualize complex concepts and participate in simulationsthat were previously only available in textbooks.Access to Global ResourcesTechnology has also democratized access to educational resources. With the internet, students can access a wealth of information and learning materials from around the world. Online libraries, educational platforms, and open-source courses have made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to further their education, regardless of their geographical location.Personalized LearningAnother advantage of technology in education is the abilityto tailor learning experiences to individual needs. Adaptive learning software can analyze a student's performance and adjust the difficulty level of tasks accordingly. This personalized approach helps students to learn at their own pace and ensures that they are not left behind or overwhelmed.Challenges and ConcernsDespite the numerous benefits, the integration of technology into education also presents challenges. One of the primary concerns is the digital divide, where students from lower-income families may not have access to the necessary technology. This disparity can exacerbate existinginequalities in education.Additionally, there is the issue of screen time and its potential impact on students' physical and mental health. Prolonged exposure to screens can lead to sedentarylifestyles and may affect students' attention spans andsocial skills.ConclusionIn conclusion, technology has undeniably revolutionized the field of education. It has the potential to enhance learning experiences, provide access to global resources, and personalize education. However, it is crucial to address thechallenges that come with this transformation, such as the digital divide and the potential health concerns associated with excessive screen time. As educators and policymakers continue to navigate this new landscape, it is essential to find a balance that leverages the power of technology while preserving the essence of traditional education.。



2018年2月3日雅思考试机经真题回忆+答案【听力】一、考试概述本场考试填空类题目为24 个,选择类16 个。


section 1:咨询——寻求车辆救援,填空10section 2:介绍——海岛旅游,选择6+填空4section 3:讨论——作家克里斯蒂的故事,选择6+配对4section 4:社科——经济学和信任的实验,填空10二、具体题目分析:section 1新旧情况:07148场景:咨询——寻求车辆救援题型:填空10参考答案:: wollowey2.address: flat 63.the number of car: rh139ys4.nx55jgy5.the type and the color of the car: metallic grey6.cannot walk very well7.present location: in a petrol station8.cross a bridge over a river9.transfer to a hotel10.length of time to get help: within 30 minutes(答案仅供参考)解析:考察的题型相对简单,但是部分单词的拼写还是需要注意的,如wollowey 需要注意“double l”和“nx55jgy”中j 和g 的顺序。

section 2新旧情况:09208场景:介绍——海岛旅游题型:选择6+填空4参考答案:11.where is the information board?a.at the reception in the villageinside the cottage c. on the beach12. which sport you must book in advance?b. watersking13. ticket include?a. shoesb. a map of cavec. safety helmet14. wildlife park be recommend for family/families outside traveling to safari park15.children are permitted to feed animals16.red kangaroo is larger than a person17.crocodiles live at least 50 years18-20. what can be most popular as tourists chose in inland region?c.buy some souvenirsd.visit emu farme.visit cheese productionf.**follow the natural trailsg.picking emu farm(答案仅供参考)解析:此次考察的场景较为熟悉,需要注意判定好题干信息,然后排除一些干扰信息。



18年考研英语二作文In 2018, the English II writing section of the national postgraduate entrance examination posed a unique challenge to candidates. The task was to compose an essay without a title, in a conversational yet professional tone, while adhering to several specific guidelines. Here's an example of how such an essay might have been structured, emphasizing variety in language and style while maintaining independence among paragraphs.First and foremost, the exam emphasized the importance of clarity and brevity. Candidates were encouraged to get straight to the point, avoiding lengthy introductions or complex sentence structures. For instance, one paragraph might have begun with a simple statement like, "Studyingfor the exam was no walk in the park." This casual phrase immediately sets the tone for a more relaxed, informal discussion.Another key aspect was the requirement to vary languageand sentence structure. In a subsequent paragraph, a candidate might have employed a more descriptive approach, saying something like, "The nights spent poring over textbooks and practice questions seemed to stretch on forever, yet the sense of accomplishment upon mastering a difficult concept was truly rewarding." Here, the use of longer sentences and more descriptive language adds depth and complexity to the writing.Moreover, the instructions stressed the need for each paragraph to stand alone, without relying on transitional phrases or connections. This meant that each paragraph could focus on a different aspect of the topic, without necessarily building on the previous one. For instance, one paragraph might discuss the challenges of time management, while another could explore the benefits of group study or the role of online resources.Finally, the essay should have demonstrated a command of the English language, with accurate grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. This was essential to convey ideas clearly and professionally, even in a conversational style. Byvarying sentence length, word choice, and syntax throughout the essay,。



2018全国卷2英语作文范文English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is also the most commonly used languagein international business, science, technology, and diplomacy. As a result, learning English has become increasingly important for people all over the world.First of all, learning English can greatly expand one's opportunities for higher education and career advancement. Many of the world's top universities and research institutions use English as the primary language of instruction and communication. Therefore, proficiency in English is often a prerequisite for admission to these institutions and for success in academic and professional fields.Furthermore, English is the language of international communication. In today's globalized world, the ability to speak and understand English is essential for anyone who wants to engage in international business, trade, ordiplomacy. English is also the language of the internet, and most of the world's online content is in English. Therefore, learning English can help people access a wealth of information and resources from around the world.In addition, learning English can also enhance one's cultural understanding and appreciation. English is the language of Shakespeare, Dickens, and other great literary figures, as well as the language of Hollywood and popular music. By learning English, people can gain a deeper understanding of Western culture and its contributions to the world.Despite the many benefits of learning English, some people may find it challenging to master the language. However, with dedication and practice, anyone can improve their English skills. There are many resources available to help people learn English, including language courses, online tutorials, and language exchange programs. By taking advantage of these resources, people can make significant progress in their English proficiency.In conclusion, learning English is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in today's interconnected world. Whether for academic, professional, or personal reasons, the ability to speak and understand English can open up a world of opportunities. Therefore, it is important for people to invest time and effort in learning English and to take advantage of the many resources available to help them improve their language skills.。



2018年雅思写作真题回顾-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem What effects does the phenomenon lead to Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.8月25For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people say that children should go to school as young as possible, while others believe that children should go to school of at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.8月18In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?Some people think schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree?8月11Some animals have came to extinction. There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月28Some people think that news media have become much more influential in people’s lives today and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月21In some countries, students studying in university live with their family, whereas in others countries, students choose to study in another city. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lack basic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it(问题类) 7月7Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources(e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?People have different views on how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think that governments should build more train and subway lines, while others think that building more and wider roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6月30Large shopping centers and supermarkets become more popular than small market. Do you think this development is positive or negative?An increasing number of people are changing their career during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development?6月23Some people think the lifestyles changing rapidly has affecting their family relationships. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Give your opinion.More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons Do you think it is a positive or negative development6月2Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Many people today prefer to socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?5月19Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.。

雅思A类大作文2018真题范文汇总 【已完结】

雅思A类大作文2018真题范文汇总 【已完结】

2018-12-28: Task 2 (Sri Lanka)Some people believe all the wild animals should protect while others think only some animals need to be saved. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “ANIMAL”2018-12-22: Task 2 (Canada)Some people work hard than others? What are the reasons? Is it positive or negative?Questions and samples related to topic “WORK”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Philippines; Vietnam)Some school leavers tend to go to travel or work for a period of time before entering university directly. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages to their studies?Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION,UNIVERSITY”2018-12-15: Task 2 (UK; Russia; Italy)Children and youngsters who commit crimes have increased. What is the reason? Why? How should they be punished?Questions and samples related to topic “SOCIETY”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Nepal)Nowadays, many people aim to create a balance between their work and other aspects of life. However only few achieve it. What are the problems in doing this? What are the solutions you can give to this.Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Canada)Research has shown that business meetings and training are increasingly taking place online. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS,INTERNET”2018-12-13: Task 2 (Hungary; KSA)In some countries, young people are not only richer, but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think the reasons are forthis? What can be done to prevent it?2018-12-13: Task 2 (Iran)Some believe that men should not have equal role in police force, military or army, others have opposite view. Discuses both and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “PEOPLE”2018-12-08: Task 2 (Iran)Today people are living in a “throwaway society” that they use things for a short time and then throw it away.What are the causes? And what problems can it lead to?Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”2018-12-08: Task 2In many countries the shops open long hours every day of week. Discuss the positive or negative effect to the shopper and local community.Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS”2018-12-01: Task 2 (Nigeria; Scotland; Bulgaria)Films and computer games with violence are popular. Some people say it is the negative effect on the society and should be banned. Others see it has recreation and entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “VIOLENCE,SOCIETY”:2018-12-01: Task 2 (Canada; Brazil)Some people believe that all students have to study history. Others think they should learn other subjects instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2018-12-01: Task 2 (Australia)Some people think that high school students should be kept in group to study. Support and explain your views with example.Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (Philippines)The tendency of news reports in the media is to focus more on problems and emergencies rather than on positive of developments to individual and to the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree.Questions and samples related to topic “MEDIA”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (Qatar; Pakistan)Some people believe family has the highest influence on a child, others believe TV, friends, music have the most influence on them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (India)Today food travels many miles from farms to reach consumers. Some people believe that people should eat food from local farmers. It is good for environment and economy. Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “FOOD”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Australia)People believe government should spend money for fast transportation, while other believe that important concerns as cost and environment should be considered. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “TRANSPORT”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (India)The quality of life in large cities is becoming worse. Explain the causes for this and suggest some measures in this context.Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Canada)It is important for children to act independently and make decisions by themselves. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion and your own experiences and knowledge.Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Italy; England)Nowadays young adults seem to prefer to spend their leisure on shopping, Why? Is it positive or negative in the development?2018-11-03: Task 2 (UAE)Some people argue that the fittest, strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think that success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “SPORT”:2018-11-03: Task 2 (Myanmar)All over the world, adults can work directly from home, meanwhile students can learn from home as the computer technologies become more advanced and cheaper. Is it positive or negative development?Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY,COMPUTER”:2018-11-03: Task 2 (Philippines)Some people think it is better to give a larger wage to teachers and doctors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “EMPLOYMENT”:2018-11-01: Task 2 (Saudi Arabia)Some people say supermarkets should have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packages for products they sell. others say it is responsibility of consumers by avoiding such products. Discuss both views and provide examples.2018-11-01: Task 2There are more cars an less bicycles now. Why people use bicycle less? What ways can encourage people to use bicycles?Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2018-10-27: Task 2Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to control growing numbers of car on the road.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “PETROL,TRAFFIC”:2018-10-27: Task 2 (Ireland; Pakistan)Many famous sports players advertise sports products. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh disadvantage?Questions and samples related to topic “AD,SPORT”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Az?rbaycan Respublikas?; Pakistan)Why does society pay less attention to women’s sports as compared to men’s sports? Is this a negative or a positive trend?Questions and samples related to topic “SPORT”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Brazil)Tourism is encouraged in many countries. Does tourism brings more advantages or disadvantages to a country?Questions and samples related to topic “TOURISM”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Philippines)In many countries, people decide to have a child in later age than in the past. Why is this? Do the advantage of development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-10-13: Task 2 (Bangladesh; Sri Lanka; Ukraine)Some people believe that people who read for pleasure have more developed imagination and better language skills than people who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2018-10-13: Task 2 (Australia; Philippines)Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, but not local people. Why this is the case? What can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?2018-10-12: Task 2Some students tend to play computer games rather than do sports. Why is this? What can be done to solve the problem?。



2018年2月1日雅思写作机经预测1.12.Some people think that success in life comes from hard work and determination, while others think that there are more important factors such as money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Some people think success in life comes from hard work and determination, but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.It goes beyond any doubt that being successful is important in people’s life. Some people associate it with hard work and determination, while others believe that success lies in other factors like money and appearance. Personally, both sides of the issue should be taken into consideration.Some people claim that determination and hard work are significant for people wanting success in life as those with strong determination are inclined to set high goals in their study or work and devote themselves to achieving these targets. With such determination, they are more self-disciplined and self-motivated than those who have less desire for success, that is to say, those people are more likely to be hard-working. And when facing hardships and setbacks, determined people are manifestly more courage and are more willing to endeavor to overcome the barriers, since they cannot put up with failure.However, others insist that success in life comes from other more significant factors, such as money and appearance. There is no denying that earning money would directly contribute to personal success, particularly in a material world, where income is consideredto be the key criterion to evaluate a person’s career development. Besides, good looks are possible for people to enjoy more convenience in their work, which is commonly regarded as success. For instance, eye-catching people can find a suitable job more easily or get promotion quickly.To sum up, determination and hard work give people advantages in terms of coping with challenges on their way to success, while people should also be aware of the other factors, especially money and appearance, which may show them how successful theyare or lead them to success more readily.2.14.Some people think that adults can learn practical skills such as computer skills by themselves, but others suggest that theyshould learn it from a teacher in a classroom. Discuss both sides andgive your own opinions.A life's study is considered to be much more important than ever before. For most of us, we only learn and study in schools, butthe everlastingly changing world requires us to keep a habit of learning all the time, such as different kinds of practical skills, to confront thelife challenge. Here comes a heated debate whether adult should learn by themselves or choose turning to a teacher in classroom. As for me, self-learning and teaching both can’t be ignored.On the one hand, self-learning is much more available for most adults for the simple reason that it demands less time from those who are always under the great pressure of work and family. People can squeeze any time he/she can in daily life for a short learning. Reading a chapter of the textbook during the break will make it easier to finish a heavy one within a week. By contrast, taking to courses, night course for example, usually occupies a lot of time after work, which are supposed to be used for relaxing or family time. Moreover, it is the affluent resources online that enable self-learning for adults more possible and practical. There are massive numbers of courses on some well-known video websites, cooking, gardening, language smoothingto name a few, which can drag users into any online classroom forsomething news.One the other side, self-learning online may arouse some questions, such as it can’t help people solve professional problems unless turning to the real teacher. Besides, it also takes courage, persistence as well as self-controlling for people to learn by themselves online, because there are a great number of temptations through hyperlink all around and it is easy for us to digress from what we are intended to do.All in all, teachers can help us to solve professional problems and a class will create a sound learning atmosphere, but the lifestyleof most of the adult makes it impossible to attending a long term anda time class. The best method is to balance the two ways.3.9.ublic museums and art galleries are not needed because people could see historical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed.First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries. No matter how real and vivid computer images are,they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips.For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because they can see all they want to on a computer screen, I’d like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!In the second place, visiting real museums and art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects. For one thing, it is a good exercise. While we are making the trip to a museum or art gallery and then strolling about on site, we get some exercise which does a lot of good to our health. For another thing, we can feast our eyes on all kinds of things there and experience the wonder, beauty and exquisite workmanship with our own eyes in an active way instead of in a passive manner by looking at what are being displayed to us by others on the screen. For yet another thing, we protect our eyesight by moving away from the computer screen and see the real objects on site.It is true that computers have brought great conveniences to our life. At certain times, especially when it is temporarily impossible for us to visit museums and art galleries in person, we can get a rough picture of what are on display on site. However, what we see from a computer screen is, after all, not exactly the same as what we see and feel with our own eyes on site.In conclusion, computers will never be able to replace real public museums and art galleries. Therefore, it is ridiculous to say that one does not need to go to museums and art galleries as historical objects and works of art can be appreciated on a computer screen.。



2018考研英语二大作文Possible essay:The 2018 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (NPCEE) English Test II featured two writing tasks: a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social media and a long essay on the role of innovation in economic development. This essay will focus on the latter topic, which asked candidates to analyze the relationship between innovation and economic growth, and to provide examples and suggestions.Innovation, broadly defined as the creation and application of new ideas, products, or processes that enhance productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, andwell-being, has been widely recognized as a key driver of economic development in the contemporary world. Although some traditional factors such as natural resources, capital, labor, and infrastructure still matter, innovation has become increasingly crucial for countries to achievesustained growth, catch up with or leapfrog their rivals, and address various global challenges such as climate change, health, education, and security.The link between innovation and economic growth can be seen from various perspectives. First, innovation generates new industries, products, and services that create jobs, income, and tax revenues, and that satisfy consumer needs and preferences. For example, the rise of the internet and mobile devices has spawned a plethora of digital platforms, apps, and content that have transformed the way people communicate, work, learn, and entertain themselves, andthat have spawned new business models such as e-commerce, social networking, and sharing economy. These innovations have not only generated billions of dollars of revenue for their creators and investors, but also enabled millions of people to access information, services, and markets that were previously unavailable or expensive.Second, innovation enhances the efficiency and quality of existing industries, products, and services, and that reduces costs, wastes, and risks, and that improvesperformance, safety, and sustainability. For example, the development of new materials, processes, and equipment has enabled manufacturers to produce goods that are lighter, stronger, and more durable, and that require less energy, water, and raw materials. These innovations have not only made products more affordable and accessible to consumers, but also reduced the environmental footprint of production and consumption, and thus contributed to the global efforts to mitigate climate change and other environmental problems.Third, innovation fosters the accumulation anddiffusion of knowledge, skills, and capabilities thatenable individuals, organizations, and societies to adapt, learn, and innovate further. For example, the investment in research and development (R&D) by firms, universities, and governments has not only led to new discoveries and inventions, but also trained scientists, engineers, and managers with the expertise and creativity to tackle new challenges and opportunities. These innovations have notonly increased the stock of human capital and social capital, but also created positive spillovers and networks that enable others to learn from and build on them, andthat create a virtuous cycle of innovation and growth.However, innovation is not a panacea for all economic problems, nor is it a linear or automatic process that always leads to success. Innovation involves risks, uncertainties, and failures, and requires a supportive environment of institutions, policies, and culture that encourages experimentation, learning, and collaboration. Moreover, innovation may have unintended consequences such as job displacement, inequality, and ethical dilemmas, which need to be addressed through social and political dialogue and action.To promote innovation and economic growth, governments, businesses, and individuals can take various measures. Governments can provide funding, incentives, and regulations that support R&D, education, entrepreneurship, and diffusion of innovation, and that address market failures, externalities, and public goods. Businesses can invest in innovation, talent, and partnerships that enhance their competitiveness and social responsibility, and that align with the needs and values of their stakeholders.Individuals can cultivate their curiosity, creativity, and collaboration skills that enable them to generate and adopt new ideas, and that contribute to the common good.In conclusion, innovation plays a vital role in economic development by creating new opportunities, improving efficiency and quality, and fostering learning and adaptation. By understanding and harnessing the power of innovation, individuals and societies can achieve prosperity, sustainability, and well-being in the 21st century.。




本场雅思写作大作文有关犯罪类话题,题目为:In most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals.To what extent do you agree or disagree.全年范文汇总:2018全年雅思写作大作文多版本合集配小作文范文传送(更新至3月3日场)雅思写作大作文范文解析:犯罪类题目出现频率不高,但是难度较大。




雅思写作大作文范文It has become an international norm to send criminals into prison in order to deal with the rising crime rate which appears to become an increasingly concerning issue in contemporary society. However, others claim that education might be a better means to prevent people from degenerating into law violators and I personally agree almost entirely with this statement.There is no denying that prison serves as a deterring approach for potential offenders and can help to rehabilitate them. Many inmates have the opportunity to study while they are doing time, contributing to the fact that many never re-offend when they are released.However, life in jail is far too comfortable for prisoners especially for those homeless or unemployed. For example, many inmates have access to not only the bare necessities of life but also luxuries such as televisions, computers and sports facilities and so on. In other words, spending time behind the bar is more like being in a holiday camp. There is considerable evidence suggesting that in Japan, seniors aged over 70 years old would deliberately steal something in a supermarket in order to go to jail where they can be sheltered from poverty and loneliness.Another drawback of serving a sentence is that a large number of prisoners are not actually a danger to society, exemplified by shoplifters who are often locked up in the same cells as murders, rapists and violent criminals, thus in such a circumstance, bullying might occur among culprits. What is worse is that petty criminals may even learn how to commit more serious crimes when they are inside. By contrast, education plays a more significant role in that many people perpetrated crimes because they had little knowledge about the law and lacked basic survival skills. Therefore, what is more urgent for them is to enhance their legal awareness and practical skills such as driving, cooking and repairing machines.In conclusion, although it is a common belief that prison is the best way to punish criminals, I believe it is not appropriate for everyone and it is not necessary in the majority of cases. Personally, of crucial importance is teaching them about survival skills and law-abiding consciousness, which can be achieved by education.(字数 369 words)范文原创自小站老师Alice.Hua。



2018年自考英语二作文It was a bright and sunny day, perfect for a leisurely stroll in the park. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as I walked, taking in the sights and sounds around me. The birds were chirping, the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, and people laughing and chatting as they enjoyed the beautiful weather.As I continued my walk, I couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom. The reds, yellows, and purples seemed to pop against the green backdrop of the grass and trees. It was a sight to behold, and I found myself stopping every few steps to admire the natural beauty around me.I decided to take a seat on a bench and simply soak in the peaceful atmosphere. Closing my eyes, I let the sounds of nature wash over me, feeling a sense of calm and contentment wash over me. It was moments like these that made me appreciate the simple joys in life, and I feltgrateful for the opportunity to experience such tranquility.After a while, I got up and continued my walk, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. The park had worked its magic on me, and I was ready to face whatever the rest of the dayhad in store. As I made my way home, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that I had found a slice of paradise rightin the heart of the city.。



2018年自考英语二作文It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I decided to go for a walk in the park and enjoy the fresh air. As I strolled along, I couldn't help but notice the vibrant colors of the flowers and the sound of children laughing and playing.Suddenly, I came across an elderly couple sitting on a bench, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. It was a touching scene that made me realize the beauty of love and companionship. It made me think about the importance of cherishing the people we care about and making the most of every moment we have with them.As I continued my walk, I saw a group of friends having a picnic and enjoying each other's company. They were laughing and chatting, completely engrossed in the moment. It reminded me of the joy that comes from spending time with friends and the value of building strong, meaningful relationships.Further along the path, I saw a young couple taking a romantic stroll. They were lost in their own world,oblivious to everything around them. It made me think about the excitement and passion of new love, and how it canbring so much happiness and fulfillment into our lives.As I made my way back home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures of life – the beauty of nature, the warmth of human connection, and the joy of love. It was a reminder to appreciate the little things and find happiness in the present moment.。



2018英语二作文英文回答:In the intricate tapestry of life, we are constantly confronted with choices that shape our destinies. From the mundane to the momentous, every decision we make has the potential to alter our course. Some choices are easy, requiring little deliberation, while others weigh heavily upon our minds, demanding careful consideration. It is in these weighty decisions that the true measure of our character is revealed.Like a ship's captain navigating treacherous waters, we must chart a path that leads us towards our desired destination. This requires not only a clear understanding of our goals but also the wisdom to discern the best course of action. In the face of uncertainty, we may seek guidance from others, consult our own experiences, or simply follow our instincts. However, the ultimate responsibility for our choices lies solely with us.Embarking on this journey of decision-making, we must be prepared to embrace both the elation of success and the sting of failure. Every choice we make carries with it the potential for both positive and negative consequences. It is in grappling with these uncertainties that we grow and evolve as individuals. We learn from our mistakes, celebrate our triumphs, and ultimately, forge a path that is uniquely our own.Along the way, we may encounter obstacles that test our resolve. These challenges have the power to either break us or make us stronger. It is in the face of adversity that our true character is revealed. Do we succumb to despair, or do we rise to the occasion with courage and determination? The choices we make in these moments define who we are and the legacy we leave behind.As we navigate the complexities of life, it is important to remember that we are not alone. We are surrounded by family, friends, and mentors who offer support and guidancealong the way. By embracing their wisdom and sharing our own experiences, we can create a community that fosters growth and empowers us to make the best decisions we can.In the end, there is no right or wrong path in life. The choices we make are not merely destinations but also journeys in themselves. It is through the act of choosing that we discover who we are and what we are capable of. As we continue to navigate the countless choices that life presents, let us do so with wisdom, courage, and a unwavering belief in ourselves.中文回答:在人生错综复杂的织锦中,我们不断面临塑造我们命运的选择。



2018年全国二卷英语作文Dear Editor,I am writing to express my concern about the increasing amount of time that middle school students spend on playing video games. As a high school student myself, I have noticed that many of my peers are becoming addicted to video games, which is affecting their studies and overall well-being.Firstly, the excessive time spent on video games can lead to poor academic performance. Students who are engrossed in games often neglect their homework and fail to prepare adequately for exams. This can result in low grades and a lack of motivation to improve.Secondly, the addiction to video games can also have negative impacts on students' physical health. Sitting for long hours in front of a screen can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with a range of health issues such as obesity and poor posture.Moreover, the social skills of students who spend too much time playing video games can also suffer. They may become more isolated and less likely to engage in face-to-face interactions with their peers.To address this issue, I believe that schools should implement stricter regulations on the use of electronicdevices during school hours. Additionally, parents should monitor their children's screen time and encourage them to participate in more physical activities and social events.In conclusion, the overuse of video games by middle school students is a serious concern that requires the attention of both educators and parents. By working together, we can help students find a healthy balance between their gaming habits and their academic and social responsibilities.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

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The restoration of old buildings in major cities throughout the world often involves numerous government expenditure. This money will bring more benefits if it is used to provide new housing or road development.To what extend do you agree or disagree.
Every city has old buildings. Every year the governments around the world spend large sums of money restoring them. Some people consider this a huge waste of money and they believe the governments’budget should go to building new houses and roads, while others insist that the restoration of old buildings in cities is well worth the money.
There are a host of reasons why some urban old buildings should not be restored. To start with, the old buildings are no longer suitable for people to live in, therefore they should be destroyed and give way to new buildings so that people, especially young people in the cities have more living spaces. Secondly, the old buildings can cause inconveniences for the city dwellers. Since there is not a direct route through the old buildings, people sometimes have to go to and off work by making a long detour around them, and in this way much of their time is wasted. Finally, the old buildings may give rise to safety problems. More than 100 people,
for example, are killed or injured each year in my city, just because of the collapse of some ancient buildings.
Yet old buildings - at least some of them - are significant historically and culturally, and hence should be restored for that reason. They carry some important messages about the city or even the whole nation. The Summer Palace, for instance, is a perfect reminder of how the imperial family in the Qing Dynasty in feudal China were living and so has great cultural significance. Such old buildings, if well preserved, can become tourist spots and attract thousands of visitors from around the globe.
We all need a memory of our past. Many old buildings do have historical and cultural value which tells us who we were. We need to take good care of these buildings and keep them as long as possible, however much money it may involve, so that they can tell the stories of the city or the nation to our future generations. Of course, the money squandered on those old buildings with little value should be used to solve more practical problems such as housing and traffic.
