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every time
every time 每次,每当 它相当于whenever, 在句中作从属连词,引导一时 间状语从句,说明主句谓语动词动作所做的时间, 如: e.g. (1) 每次我去拜访他,他总是不在。 Every time I call on him, he is out. (2) 每次他拼写这个词,总是犯相同的错误。 Every time he spelt the word, he made the same mistake.
haunt [hɔ:nt] (not in progressive form) 1. [often passive] (of a spirit, esp. of a dead person) to visit (a place) appearing in a strange form(鬼魂等) 经常出没于…… e.g. 一个无头男鬼常在这城堡作祟。 The ghost of a headless man haunts the castle. 闹鬼的房子 a haunted house 2. [usually passive] (esp. of something strange or sad) to be always in the thoughts of (someone) (怪念头、伤心事等)萦绕在...心头; 使困扰;缠忧 e.g. 我的脑中老是萦绕着他对我说的最后几句话。 I was haunted by his last words to me, 3. (informal) to visit (a place) regularly;经常去, 常去(某地) e.g.小时候,她常去当地那家剧院看戏。 As a girl, she used to haunt the local theater. n. [C] a place which a particular person visits frequently常去的地方 e.g.这家咖啡馆是他经常出入的地方。 This coffee shop is one of his haunts.
own V. [T] (not in progressive forms) 1. to possess (sth), esp. by lawful right (尤指以法定权力) 拥有 (某物) e.g. 谁拥有这栋房子? Who owns this house? 2. (fml) to admit 承认 e.g. 他承认是他错了。 He owns (that) he was wrong. (determiner) belonging to oneself and to no one else 属于自己的 e.g. (1) 这(完全)是她自己的想法。 It was (all) her own idea. (2) 在我自己的名字被提到之前,我根本没注意听。 I took no notice till I heard my own name mentioned. pron. 属于自己的东西或人(用于所有格之后) e.g. 他们对待那个孩子如同自己的一样。 They treated the child as if she were their own. (all) on one’s own 独自 e.g. 我们无法自己解决这个问题。 We can’t solve this problem on our own. owner n. a person who owns sth. , esp. by lawful right (尤指合法的) 所有人,物主,业主
overnight adj. / adv. 1. for or during the night 夜里(的),在夜间 e.g. (1) 夜间的旅行 an overnight journey (2) 留下过夜 to stay over night 2. suddenly一下子,突然 e.g. 那位男演员一夜之间成了名。 The actor became famous overnight.
labourer ['leibərə] (AmE laborer) n. [C] a worker whose job needs strength rather than skill, esp. one who works outdoors体力劳动者;工 人 e.g. 按日计酬的临时工 a day laborer labour ['leibə] (AmE labor) n. 1. [u] effort or work, esp. tiring physical work努力;劳动(通常指体力劳动) e.g. 筑路仍然需使用体力劳动。 Building roads still involves mannual labor. 2. workers, esp. those who use their hands, considered as a group or class工人;劳工,工人阶级;体 力劳动者 e.g. 近来劳资关系有改善。 Labour relations (=between the workers and employers) have improved recently. labour v. 1. vi. To work, esp. hard 工作,劳动;苦干 e.g. (1) 那本书她足足写了十年。 She labored ten years on that book. (2)他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。 He labored in the mines for 30 years. 2. vi. to move slowly and with difficult 费力地行进 e.g. 火车艰难地向山坡上行驶。 The train labored up the hill.
Lesson30 The death of a ghost
Lecturer: Patience Wang
New words and expressions
Read the new words and expressions on page 142.
• For years, villagers believed that Endley Farm was haunted. The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox. They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find that work had been done overnight. Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. A farm worker, who stayed up all night claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight. In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them. • No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen. This was indeed the case. A short time ago, villagers were astonished to learn that the ghost of Endley had died. Everyone went to the funeral, for the 'ghost' was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man. After the funeral, Joe and Bob revealed a secret which they had kept for over fifty years.
stay up
stay up 熬夜,不睡觉 e.g. (1) 她看书看到半夜才睡。 She stayed up reading until midnight. (2) 告诉她等我回来再睡。 Tell her to stay up till I get home.
in time
in time 1. after a certain amount of time has passed 过一段时间,经过一定时间之 后,迟早,久而久之 e.g. (1) 你过一段时间就会忘掉她的。 In time you’ll forget him. (2) 经过一段时间后,你一切都会明白的。 (即总有一天你一切都会明白的) In time you’ll learn everything. 2. early or soon enough及早,及时 e.g. (1) 他们及时赶上了公共汽车。 They were just in time for the bus. (2) 你来得及在孩子们上床睡觉之前赶回家看看他们吗? Will you be home in time to see the children before they go to bed?
Lesson30 The death of a ghost (Ⅰ)
Lesson30 The death of a ghHale Waihona Puke Baidust (Ⅱ)
Eric had been the eldest son of the family, very much older than his two brothers. He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War. As he hated army life, he decided to desert his regiment. When he learnt that he would be sent abroad, he returned to the farm and his father hid him until the end of the war. Fearing the authorities, Eric remained in hiding after the war as well. His father told everybody that Eric had been killed in action. The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob. They did not even tell their wives. When their father died, they thought it their duty to keep Eric in hiding. All these years, Eric had lived as a recluse. He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley. When he died, however, his brothers found it impossible to keep the secret any longer.