21世纪大学英语读写教程4 unit1 课件ppt

drink tea at a tea bar/house
Part One: Preparation >> Our Leisure Activities
What are the most active and most passive activities people do? Most active activities: sports activities, dancing Most passive activities: watching TV, listening to music, reading novels, playing cards, chess and mahjong
To be continued
Part One: Preparation >> My Favorite Film
When I watched the movie, I hoped that Scarlett could realize how deeply Rhett loved her and repay his love. I cried when at the end of the movie their daughter, Bonnie, died and Rhett left Scarlett even though Scarlett had realized how she had loved him without knowing it all the time.
Part One
1. Our Leisure Activities 2. Do You Enjoy Jokes? 3. My Favorite Film 4. Recognizing Puns 5. Proverbs and Quotations

Sassy Drape Cardigan Computer Sleeve Yogurt
DIY Story
Unit 1: Theme-related Information
Directions: Know more about the DIY tools.
Words / expressions for reasons why people choose DIY: money-saving, funny, satisfy, valuable
Words / expressions for reasons why people feel reluctant to DIY: time-consuming, unconfident, potential damage
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21st Century College English: Book 1Unit 4: Part A The WashwomanUnit 4: Part APre-Reading Activities Intensive Study Exercises AssignmentPre-reading Activities This short story is about a woman who continued to work hard in her old age because she “did not want to become a burden.” hat do you suppose this phrase meansPre-reading Activities First Listening: Before listening to the tape have a quick look at the following words. wrinkled with lines in the skin (有皱纹的)bundle something wrapped or tied up for carrying a package laundry soiled clothes to be washed ungrateful feeling or showing no appreciation respond make a reply answer burden something that is carriedPre-reading Activities Second Listening: Listen to the tape again. Then choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. A Tall and strong. B Tall but weak. C Small old and weak. D Small and old but strong.Pre-reading Activities Second Listening: Listen to the tape again. Then choose the best answer to each of the following questions.2. A She charged the lowest price for laundry. B She was reliable and independent. C She was funny and entertaining. D They liked to hear her tell stories.Pre-reading Activities Second Listening: Listen to the tape again. Then choose the best answer to each of the following questions.3. A She did not reappear with their laundry. B They heard that she was sick. C She threatened to quit. D She drank too much tea.Pre-reading Activities Second Listening: Listen to the tape again. Then choose the best answer to each of the following questions.4. A She declared to raise her prices. B She decided to move to another city. C She went to live with her son. D She never returned for more laundry. ScriptPre-reading Activities One washwoman was small old and wrinkled. live many Our time prayed that washwoman did not return as My mother however thethe washwoman would When sheexpected. One for passed and then another and we becamestarted washingmore years. monthus she was already past seventy. But shewas worried. strong one evening the hard work.veryproud and Finallyfrom her lifetime ofdoor opened and the “And who would want such a long life” the washwomanwashwoman I am so my ofaworking and I of laundry bundle Every . “ weeks with huge bundle he r a want to herrespondedtwoenteredtiredmother would givedo not large on be aback.of laundry and theburden to anyone.” washwoman would put it on her narrowshoulders and carry it all the way home. And without fail she Thebring our clothes was even thinner now and more bent. washwoman she back two weeks later cleaned and We could see thatfinished her tea and promised to return inwouldAs she sat warming herself came back. of the she told us thata few weeks. But she never with her cupOn tea night she sat inneatly folded.she kitchen very very ill.our had beenher work was finally done. The washwoman had a wealthy ungrateful son who did not “ his I could not she easy complained. She quietly wash”help Butmother. But rest neverin my bed because of the did hershe said.“asked no one for not let me die.”work and The wash would help.Intensive Study Intensive Study Difficult sentences Key words phrases usages Comprehension exercisesIntensive Study The Washwoman by Isaac Bashevis Singer1 She was a small woman old and wrink led. When shestarted washing for us she was already past seventy. MostJewish women of her age were sickly and weak. All the oldwomen in our street had bent backs and leaned on stickswhen they walked. But this washwoman small and thin as shewas possessed a strength that came from generations ofpeasant forebears. Mother would count out to her a bundle oflaundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She wouldthen lift the bundle put it on her narrow shoulders and carryit the long way home.Intensive Study2 S he would bring the laundry back about two weeks later.My mother had never been so pleased withany washwoman.Yet she charged no more than the others. She was a real find.Mother always had her money ready because it was too farfor the old woman to come a second time.Intensive Study3 Laundering was not easy in those days. The old womanhad no running water where she lived but had to bring in thewater from a pump. And the drying It could not be doneoutside because thieves would steal the laundry. So it had tobe carried up to the attic and hung on clotheslines. Only Godknows what the old woman had to endure each time she dida washIntensive Study4 She could have begged at the church door or entered ahome for the penniless and aged. But there was in her acertain pride and love of labor with which many members ofthe labor force have been blessed. The old woman did notwant to become a burden and so she bore her burden.Intensive Study5 The woman had a son who was rich. He was ashamed ofhis mother and never came to see her. Nor did he ever giveher money. The old woman told this without bitterness.When the son got married the wedding took place in achurch. The son had not invited the old mother to hiswedding but she went to the church anyway and waited atthe steps to see her son lead the bride to the altar.Intensive Study6 One day the washwoman now nearly eighty years oldcame to our house. A good deal of laundry had accumulatedduring the past weeks. Mother gave her a pot of tea to warmherself as well as some bread. The old woman sat on a kitchenchair trembling and shaking and warmed her hands againstthe teapot. Her fingernails were strangely white. These handsspoke of the stubbornness of mankind of the will to work notonly as one’s strength permits but beyond the limits of one’spower. It was sad to watch the old woman stagger out with thebig bundle and disappear.Intensive Study7 Usually the woman brought back the wash after two or atthe most three weeks. But three weeks passed then four andfive and nothing was heard of the o ld woman.8 For us the washwoman’s absence was a catastrophe. Weneeded the laundry. We did not even know the woman’saddress. It seemed certain that she had collapsed died.Mother declared she had had a premonition that we wouldnever see our things again. We mourned both for the laundryand for the old woman who had grown close to us through theyears she had served us so faithfully.Intensive Study9 More than two months passed. One evening while Motherwas sitting near the lamp mending a shirt the door openedand a small puff of steam followed by a huge bundle entered.Under the bundle tottered the old woman her face as white asa linen sheet. Mother uttered a half-choked cry as though acorpse had entered the room. I ran toward the old woman andhelped her unload her bundle. She was even thinner nowmore bent. She could not utter a clear word but mumbledsomething with her sunken mouth and pale lips.Intensive Study10 After the old woman had recovered somewhat she told usthat she had been ill very ill. In fact she had been so sick thatsomeone had called a doctor and the doctor had sent for apriest. Someone had informed the son and he had contributedmoney for a coffin. But God had not yet wanted to take thispoor soul to Himself. She began to feel better she became welland as soon as she was able to stand on her feet once more sheresumed her washing. Not just ours but the wash of severalother families too.Intensive Study11 “I could not rest easy in my bed because of the wash” theold woman explained. “The wash would not let me die.”12 “With the help of God you will live to be a hundred andtwenty” said my mother.。
21世纪大学英语读写教程 第4册 Unit1单词

Unit 1artillery n. 火炮;大炮;炮兵(部队)heavy guns, often mounted on wheels, used in fighting on land,branch of an army that uses these teenage a.十几岁的(指13—19岁的);青少年的aged between 13 and 19surveyor n.(土地)测量员;勘测员 a person whose job is to examine and record the area andfeatures of a piece of land by measuring and calculating unspectacular a. 不引人注意的;不惊人的ordinary; not exciting or specialspectacular a. 引人注目的;出色的;与众不同的(attracting attention because) impressive orextraordinary carve vt. 1. 雕刻;雕刻成form (sth.) by cutting away material from wood or stone2. 靠勤奋创(业),靠勤奋树(名声)build (one's career, reputation, etc.)by hard work enable vt. 使能够…;使(某事)有可能(发生)make (sb.) able to do (sth.),or make (sth.) possible timing n. 1.时间的选择;时机的掌握the choosing of exactly the right moment to do sth. so as to get the best effect 2.(事情发生的)时间;时机the time when sth. happens uncompromising a. 不妥协的,坚定的;不让步的not ready to make any compromise; firm orunyielding. finding n. [常用复数]正式调查(或研究)结果dean n. (大学的)教务长;学院院长;系主任caution n. 1. 提醒;告诫advice or a warning 2. 谨慎;小心great care and attention influential a. 有影响的;有权势的having a lot of influence on sb./sth.genetics n. 遗传学the scientific study of the ways in which different characteristics are passedfrom each generation of living things to the next psychiatry n. 精神病学;精神病治疗the study and treatment of mental illnesscompose vt. 创作(音乐、歌剧、诗等)write (music, opera, poetry, etc.)symphony n. 交响乐a long complex musical composition for a large orchestra, usu. in three orfour parts characteristic n. 特点a typical feature or qualityunrelenting a. 不松懈的,不放慢的;持续的not becoming less strong or severe; continuous endow vt. 给予,赋予provide (sb./sth.) with a good quality, ability, feature, etc.super-normal a. 超出一般的;超常的;非凡的tremendous a. 巨大的;极大的very great in amount or levelcite vt. 引用,引证;举出mention (sb./sth.) as an example or to support an argument; refer toprime a. 首要的;主要的main or most importantprime minister首相,总理the leader of the government in some countriesrisk-taker n. 敢于冒险的人a person who dares to take risksthrust vt.(用力)推;强使push (sth./sb./oneself) suddenly or violentlymorale n. 士气,精神状态state of confidence, enthusiasm, determination, etc. that a person orgroup has at a particular time brilliantly ad. 杰出地;才华横溢地in an outstanding mannerAllied a. (第一次世界大战时期)协约国的;(第二次世界大战时期)同盟国的of the Allies(a group of countries fighting on the same side in a war, esp. those which fought with Britain inWorld Wars I and II)ally n. 同盟者;同盟国person, country, etc. joined with another in order to give help and supportevacuation n. 撤离;撤退leaving a place of danger for a safer placeevacuate v. 1. 撤退,撤出remove (sb.) from a place of danger to a safer place2. 撤离(某处)leave or withdraw from (a place)flag vi. 疲乏;变弱;(热情、精力等)衰退,低落become tired or weak; begin to lose enthusiasmor energy striking a. 引人注目的;显著的,突出的attracting attention; unusual or interesting enough to benoticed firstborn n. 长子(或长女)a child born before other childrenpeacetime n. 和平时期a period when a country is not at warnowhere ad. 无处;任何地方都不in, at or to no place; not anywherefireside n. 壁炉旁part of a room beside the fireplace, esp. considered as a warm comfortable placechat n. 闲谈,聊天a friendly informal conversationfireside chat 炉边亲切闲谈;(政治领袖在无线电或电视广播中)不拘形式的讲话overly ad. 太,极为too; veryinnate a. 天生的(of a quality, feeling, etc.) in one's nature; possessed from birthlandslide n.(竞选中)压倒多数的选票;一面倒的胜利data n. 数据;资料information, especially facts or numbers--equation n. 等式;方程(式)boldness n. 勇敢,无畏the state or quality of being confident and bravebold a. 勇敢的,无畏的;敢作敢为的confident and brave; daringmagnet n. 磁铁a piece of iron or other material that can attract iron, either naturally or because of anelectric current passed through it obsession n. 着迷the state of being obsessedfrustration n. 1. 灰心;丧气 2. 挫折;受挫contemporary n. 同代人;(几乎)同年龄的人a person who lives or lived at the same timeas another, usu. being roughly the same agea. 属于同一时代的;当代的;现代的belong to the same time; of the present time; modern poetry n. [总称]诗poems collectively or in generalintrinsic a. 固有的;本质的;内在的(of a value or quality) belonging naturally to sb./sth.; existingwithin sb./sth., rather than coming from outside randomly ad. 任意地,胡乱地without method or conscious choicesubmit vt. 提交,呈递give (sth.) to sb./sth. so that it may be formally considered or so that a decisionabout it may be made anonymously ad. 用匿名的方式without revealing one's namepanel n. (由专家组成的)专门小组evaluation n. 评价,评估the act of assessing or forming an idea of the amount, quality or value ofsb./sth. have (sth., nothing, a lot, etc.) to do with sb./sth.与某人/某事有(一些、毫无、很大)关系be connected or concerned with sb./sth. to the extent specified make history be or do sth. so important or unusual that it will be recorded in history创造历史,影响历史的进程;做出值得纪念(或载入史册的)事情rise above 取得成功;出类拔萃become successful or outstandingleave behind 把…丢在后面;超过cause to lag behind; surpassfocus on 集中于;着重于concentrate onbe endowed with 天生具有naturally have a good quality, ability, feature, etc.come out of 从…中获得;从…中发展而来originate in or develop frombuild...upon 把…建立在…上base ... on; use (sth.) as a foundation for further progresstake charge 掌管;负责take control (of sth.); be responsible (for sth.)go / get nowhere 不能成功;无进展achieve no success or make no progressset ... apart 使显得突出,使显得与众不同make (sb./sth.) different from or superior to others put up with 忍受,容忍tolerate or bear (sb./sth.)--。

2. Pessimistic a. 悲观(主义)的
E.g.: The experts are pessimistic about our
chances of success.
Extended:pessimism 悲观,悲观主义
pessimist 悲观的人,悲观主义者
opposite: optimistic 乐观(主义)的
optimism 乐观,乐观主义
optimist 乐观的人,乐观主义者
3. Conquest n. (1) [u]征服,占领the act of taking control of a
E.g.: The water supply was contaminated by the chemicals.
E.g.: The violent movies will contaminate the minds of young people.
E.g.: We went to Paris on the spur of the moment. 我们一时兴起就到巴黎去了。
7. Drown v.沉浸于,使淹死
E.g.: The country is drowning in debt. 这个国家债台高筑。
E.g.: We were drowning in data but starved of information.
have a sexual relationship with you

1. Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now? 2. Do you thiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้k that man has been destroying nature?
Could you give some examples? 3. What do you think we should do to preserve nature?
Click Picture
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
— William Hazlitt
Interpretation: As a writer, Hazlitt urges us to love and appreciate nature heart and soul.
If the world warms by 6 degrees, from a distance
the _oc_e_a_n_s may appear bright blue, but they are marine wastelands. Deserts _m_a_r_ch_ across continents like conquering armies. _N_a_tu_ra_l_d_is_a_s_te_rs_ become common events. Some of the world’s great cities are _flo_o_d_e_d and
click here

Part A Listening
Unit 1 Do It Yourself
3. A) Because it takes him 20 minutes to repair it. B) Because they have money to spend on a new vacuum cleaner. C) Because every few weeks the vacuum cleaner breaks down. D) Because every few months the vacuum cleaner breaks down.
Word Tips
1. A) To use the space in the corner of the backyard. B) To store the garden tools and lawn mower. C) To use a simple construction plan. D) To help Ashley with her gardening.
兰斯顿 · 休斯(1902年2月1日—1967年5月22日):美国诗人、社 会活动家、小说家、剧作家、专栏作家。其诗歌描述美国黑人劳动人 民充满艰辛、快乐、欢笑与音乐的生活。
Part A Listening
Unit 1 Do It Yourself
shovel n. rake n. faucet n. handyman n.
intonation and stress of the words.
By Langston Hughes
兰斯顿 · 休斯
Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That can never fly.

Ⅱ. Suggested Teaching Plan Suggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 1 Time Contents Plan
2 periods Preview
The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the students have some idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows: Listening 1) The Language for Making a Promise and A. Give a brief lead-in talk on promise Speaking and credibility;
Time Contents
Plan B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain ones and leaving others as the students‟ homework according to the students‟ different levels of English (one period).
Preview Ⅰ. Objectives
Ⅱ. Suggested Teaching Plan Ⅲ. Background Information Ⅳ. Class Presentation
新视野大学英语_读写4第一单元课件Unit 3 Section A

2. What are the good qualities of an entrepreneur?
• great ability to lead; • an intense level of strong determination and
willingness to work hard; • being innovative and creative; • a strong motivation towards the achievement of a
1. What do you know about these people and their companies?
2. What personality traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common?
Picture Description
1. What do you know about these people and their companies?
A Section
Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world
Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application Summary
A Section
Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world

Unit 1: Warm up
Directions: You will hear a passage and you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.
M: The bathroom looks lovely. Did you redecorate it yourself or did you 1. _____________ to do it for you?
M: So, let’s see. You have put new tiles on the floor and 3. _______ a few tiles on the walls. You’ve also 4. _____ a small cupboard for toiletries. The bath, shower and washbasin are the same as before,
information I got from the Internet. Doing the flooy — from early morning right through to the evening. Then I spent a few hours replacing the 6. ______ wall tiles. Putting the cupboard up took about an hour, so it took me two days 7. ________. M: I think you’ve done a very good job. At least as good as a 8.

1. Turn the wrap to the shorter session and paste it around your body;
2. Tie a double knot securely over the middle of your chest;
3. Grab the bottom ends of the wrap and bring them up over your shoulders, secure it with another double knot;
Directions: Put the words / expressions in the box into the correct categories.
money-saving unconfident satisfy
tile valuable
TV programs funny
Tapeline Saw
Electro drill Sandpaper Tweezers
10 DIY Tools
Hammer Screwdriver Scissors Pliers Wrench
Unit 1: Theme-relsy Drape Cardigan 时髦褶皱开衫
Stir occasionally. Let the starter yogurt sit at room temperature while you are waiting for the milk to cool. This will prevent it from being too cold when you add it in.
specialist magazines

Unit 4Text AII.1.The washwoman was already past seventy when she starte d washin g for the narrator’s family.She was a small woman, old. Wrinkl ed and thin.2.This washwom an posses sed a streng th that came from genera tions of peasan tforebe ars.She usuall y put the bundle of laundry on her narrow should ers and carried it the long way home.But most Jewish womenof her age were sickly and weak.They had bent backsand leaned on sticks when they walked.3.The senten ce meansthat the narrat or’s mother was very much please d with thewash the old womandid.The washwoman was consid ered a real find because she did the wash better than otherwashwomen,but charge d no more than the others.unde ringwas not an easy job for the old womanin thosedays because the oldwomanh ad no runnin g water whereshe livedbut had to bringin waterfrom a pump,and the drying couldn ot be done outsid e for thieves wouldsteal the laundry,so it had to be carrie d up to the atticand hung on clothe slines.The old womanhad to endure much hardsh ip each time she did a wash.5.Becaus e therewas in her a certai n prideand love of laborand she didn’t want tobecome a burden on anyone.6.The washwom an was treate d badlyby her son,who was rich but ashame d of hismother.He nevercame to see his mother,nor did he give her money.When he got marrie d,he did not even invite his mother to his weddin g.The old womanstilll ovedh er son .She didn’t ask him for anythi ng,nor did she care what he did.On her son’s weddin g day,though not invite d,she went to the church and waited at the stepsto see him lead the brideto the altar.7.Becaus e the narrat or’s family needed the laundry,and they did not even know thewoman’s addres s.It seemed to them that they wouldn eversee theirthings again.The family mourne d for the old womanbucaus e she had growncloseto them throug h the yearsshe had served them so faithf ully.8.The washwom an had been very ill for about two months.In fact,she had been sosick that the doctor had went for a priest.Her illnes s made her unable to bringback the wash in time.9.When the old womancame back two months later ,Mother was very much surprised.She uttere d a half-choked cry ,as though a corpse had enterd the room.Mother reacte d that way becaus e she had neverthough t of seeing the old womanagain .For two months she believ ed the wahwom an had already died.10.The old womanmeantthat she couldn ot rest easy in her bed becaus e of thewash.She had been driven by a strong will to return the proper ty to its owners,to fulfill the task she had undert aken.IV.1.endure2.accumu lated3.somewh at4.proper tyrm ed6.wrinkl ed7.collap sing8.mourni ng9.contri buted10.posses ses 11.recove red 12.trembl ed13.fullfill 14.drove15.stagge r 16.uttere dV.1.becaus e of2.be blesse d with3.as well as4.spokeof5.a good deal of6.at most7.standon its feet8.be ashmed of9.fulfill 10.leanin g onVI.a bearde d youngm anthreecolore d pictur esa flower d lawna gifted pianis tan old lady with a wrinkl ed facea home for the ageda cultur ed colleg e studen tan experi enced drivera skille d engine era spirit ed discus sionVII.1.shamel ess2.cheerf ul3.endless4.windle ss5.fearle ss6.countl ess7.meanin gful8.colorf ul9.deligh tful10.though tfulVIII.bookst ore toothp astenewapa per spaces hipheadache market place honeym oon sonwst ormeyesig h t lifebo at heartb eat moonli ghthandbo ok airpor t salesam an headqu arter sIX.1.Nor did he give me any explan ation.2.Nor did he feel ashmed for that.3.Nor do I thinkit necess ary to do so.4.Nor will he invite his relati ves and friend s.5.Nor did we know his phonenumber.6.Nor did she enterthe home for the aged.X.1.Extrem ely hot as it is ,the worker s are still workin g on the constr u ctio n site.2.Big and strong as he is ,he is afraid of hard work.3.Freezi ng cold as it was ,Father went out huntin g with his dog.4.Slow as it was ,the boat offere d its passen g ersv ery good servic e.5.Excite d as we were at the news,we triedto keep oursel ves calm.6.Braveas he was ,Jimmytrembl ed at the sightof a snake.XI.1.couldh ave got2.couldh ave asked3.couldh ave been4.couldh ave fulfil led5.couldh ave got6.couldhave becomeXII.wrinkl es laundry stillafterotherdid charge d wouldburden fellworrie d bundle how proper ty letXIII.1.Sickly and weak as Grandm a is,she has takenon all the housew ork in the family.2.The record ing compan y had neverbeen so please d with any singer.For them,Stevie Wonder was a real find.3.They had no runnin g water wherethey lived.Nor did they have any conven i en ce sof life such as gas and electri city.4.Six yearspassed,then sevenand eight,and nothin g was heardof that French artist.It seemdcertai n that he had left the countr y for only God knowswhere.5.He was very ill that summer ,but as soon as he left better in the fall,he resume d hiswritin g and finish ed his last noveli n two months.6.Driven by a strong will,Alex finall y fulfil led the task he had undert aken.7.With the help of the doctor and the nurses,the patien t recove red quickl y and in afew weekswas able to standon his feet once more.8.It was really sad to watchthe old man’s wrinkl ed face,whichspokeof all that hehad borne/endure d in his life.XIV.1.1)She was small ,old,and wrinkl ed.2)But this washwoman,smalland thin as she was , ...3)She wouldthen lift the bundle ,put it on her narrow should ers, ...4)Her fingern ails were strang ely while.5)Underthe bundle totter ed the old woman,h er face as whiteas a linensheet.6)She was even thiner now,more bent.7)She couldn ot utter a clearword,but mumble d someth ing with her sunken m ou thand pale lips.2.1)therewas no runnin g water whereshe lived2)thieve s wouldsteal the laundry3)carrie d up to the atticand hung on clothe sline s3.1)She was the best washwoman Mother ever had,yet she charge d no more than theothers.2)She didn’t beg at the church door or entera home for the aged because she didn’twant to be a burden on anyone.3)Though her rich son was ashame d of her and nevercame to see her or gave hermoney,she told abouthim withou t bittern ess.4)Though her son didn’t invite her to his weddin g,she went to the church and waited at the stepsto see her son lead the brideto the altar.5)Though she was seriou sly ill,she couldn’t rest easy in her bed .As soon as she was better ,she resume d her work and return ed the wash to its owners.XV.My grandf ather is a strong man.He worked for many yearsin a steelf actory and has thickarms and powerf ul should ers.When we were little childr en,we used to climbon him and hang from his arms.But my grandf ather is also a kind man .He has soft whiteh air and therei s always a smileon his face whichl ets you know how friendlyhe is.Once ,when I was about 8yearsold,my grandf ather punish ed me for hiding from my grandm other.When they foundme,he did not seem angry,but he put me over his knee and spanke d me.The blowsstung .Then my grandf ather told me he lov edme,but I was wrongto scaremy grandm other the way I had.He gave me a hug and then let me go out to play.In that moment,I learne d from my grandf ather how important it is to be strong,but also to be caring.Text BExerci se A1.B2.C3.C4.D5.B6.D7.D8.BExerci se B1.D2.D3.A4.B5.A6.B7.D8.A9.B 10.AText CExerci se A1.D2.A3.B4.C5.D6.A7.C8.A9.CExerci se B1.C2.D3.B4.A5.B6.C7.D8.C9.C 10.B。

新编大学英语4unit_1 ppt课件

timing and skillful execution.
Eg.1. I prefer the dry humour of
situation comedy to the slapstick of circus clowns.我喜欢滑稽戏不动声色的幽 默。不喜欢马戏小丑sk 3
popularity lies in its humorous
language, the performers’ quick wits,
their funny gestures and their
presentation skills. Another reason is
that the subject of cross-talk is close to real life so that it resonates(共鸣)
Unit One
Leisure Activities
Task 1
Leisure Activities
— Sayings
Rest is sauce to labor.
Task 1
Task 2
休息是劳动的调味品。 Task 3
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
剧), Sitcom/situation comedy(情景喜
剧), slapstick(打闹剧), Stand-up(单口
滑稽说笑节目), etc.
Task 2
- Crosstalk
Task 1
Cross-talk is very popular in China.
Task 2
You can listen to it everywhere. Its

√ 1. cave / cavern
4. harbor
7. cliff
√ 2. desert
5. hot springs √
√ 8. volcano
√ 3. coastline
6. mountain range
9. waterfall √
1 Unit Our Earth Lesson A The natural world Lesson B The man-made world
1 Unit Our Earth Lesson A The natural world Lesson B The man-made world Vocabulary Link
An English Video Course 4 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4
C Pair work. Tell your partner what you know about the places in A. You may use the model talks for help.
Activity 1 A report about Greenland A Listen to a conversation between Mary and Blake. Then answer the questions.
II ■
1. What is Mary’s paper mainly about? _H_e_r_p_a_p_e_r__is_a_b_o__u_t _G_r_e_e_n_la_n_d__’s_p_l_a_n_t_s_a_n_d__tr_e_e_s_. _
Model Conversation
4. T__h_e_P_o_r_t_o_f__SS_h_ha_an_ng_gh_ha_ai is_l_o_c_a_t_ed__a_t_t_h_e _m___o__u__t_h_o_f_t_h_e_tY_h__ae__nY_tgha_tenz_eg_Yt_aRzn_eivg_Ret_z.i_evI.teRI.htiIavtned.lIets mh_a_an_nd_yl__em_s__i_ml_l_i_a_o_nn_ys_mo_f_ils_l_hi_o_i_np__sp__io_snfh_g_i_p_cspo_hn_ini_tpga_pi_cninoe_ngr_st_ca_eoia_nc_etha_rsi_yneeaarcrcs.hh_I_n_y__ef_a__cr_.t__I.i_ntI.mnfIani_cg_ftha_itct_etmv__ei_g_n_h__bt__e_e_vt_h_e_e_n__ __ bthueestihbeeusstbiceuosntiectsaotinn_te_ar_in_pe_or_r_pt oi_nr_t_th_e_i_wn__o_t_hr__led_w._o_r_l_d_.. _.

Who Is Great?Michael RyanAs a young boy, Albert Einstein did so poorly in school that teachers thought he was slow. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants in the French Army. And the teenage George Washington, with little formal education, was being trained not as a soldier but as a land surveyor.Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. What was it that enabled them to become great? Were they born with something special? Or did their greatness have more to do with timing, devotion and, perhaps, an uncompromising personality?For decades, scientists have been asking such questions. And, in the past few years, they have found evidence to help explain why some people rise above, while others—similarly talented, perhaps—are left behind. Their findings could have implications for us all.Who is great? Defining who is great depends on how one measures success. But there are some criteria. "Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great," said Dean Keith Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and author of the 1994 book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why. But he added a word of caution: "Sometimes great people don't make it into the history books.A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went unrecognized."In writing his book, Simonton combined historical knowledge about great figures with recent findings in genetics, psychiatry and the social sciences. The great figures he focused on include men and women who have won Nobel Prizes, led great nations or won wars, composed symphonies that have endured for centuries, or revolutionized science, philosophy, politics or the arts. Though he doesn't have a formula to define how or why certain people rise above (too many factors are involved), he has come up with a few common characteristics.A "never surrender" attitude. If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an unrelenting drive to succeed. "There's a tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal," he explained. "But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. It's a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion."He cited Winston Churchill, Britain's prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into office when his country's morale was at its lowest, Churchill rosebrilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired the nation when he said, "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end...We shall never surrender."Can you be born great? In looking at Churchill's role in history —as well as the roles of other political and military leaders—Simonton discovered a striking pattern: "Firstborns and only children tend to make good leaders in time of crisis: They're used to taking charge. But middle-borns are better as peacetime leaders: They listen to different interest groups better and make the necessary compromises. Churchill, an only child, was typical. He was great in a crisis, but in peacetime he was not effective—not even popular."Timing is another factor. "If you took George Washington and put him in the 20th century he would go nowhere as a politician," Simonton declared. "He was not an effective public speaker, and he didn't like shaking hands with the public. On the other hand, I'm not sure Franklin Roosevelt would have done well in Washington's time. He wouldn't have had the radio to do his fireside chats."Can you be too smart? One surprise among Simonton's findings is that many political and military leaders have been bright but not overly so. Beyond a certain point, he explained, other factors, like the ability to communicate effectively, become more important than innate intelligence as measured by an IQ test. The most intelligent U.S. Presidents, for example—Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson and John F. Kennedy—had a hard time getting elected, Simonton said, while others with IQs closer to the average (such as Warren G. Harding) won by landslides. While political and economic factors also are involved, having a genius IQ is not necessary to be a great leader.In the sciences, those with "genius level" IQs do have a better chance at achieving recognition, added Simonton. Yet evidence also indicates that overcoming traditional ways of thinking may be just as important.He pointed to one recent study where college students were given a set of data and were asked to see if they could come up with a mathematical relation. Almost a third did. What they did not know was that they had just solved one of the most famous scientific equations in history: the Third Law of Planetary Motion, an equation that Johannes Kepler came up with in 1618.Kepler's genius, Simonton said, was not so much in solving a mathematical challenge. It was in thinking about the numbers in a unique way—applying his mathematical knowledge to his observations of planetary motion. It was his boldness that set him apart.Love your work. As a child, Einstein became fascinated with the way magnets are drawn to metal. "He couldn't stop thinking about this stuff," Simonton pointed out. "He became obsessed with problems in physics by thetime he was 16, and he never stopped working on them. It's not surprising that he made major contributions by the time he was 26.""For most of us, it's not that we don't have the ability," Simonton added, "it's that we don't devote the time. You have to put in the effort and put up with all the frustrations and obstacles."Like other creative geniuses, Einstein was not motivated by a desire for fame, said Simonton. Instead, his obsession with his work was what set him apart.Where such drive comes from remains a mystery. But it is found in nearly all creative geniuses—whether or not their genius is acknowledged by contemporaries."Emily Dickinson was not recognized for her poetry until after her death," said Simonton. "But she was not writing for fame. The same can be said of James Joyce, who didn't spend a lot of time worrying about how many people would read Finnegans Wake."Today, researchers have evidence that an intrinsic passion for one's work is a key to rising above. In a 1985 study at Brandeis University conducted by Teresa Amabile, now a professor of business administration at Harvard University, a group of professional writers—none famous—were asked to write a short poem. Each writer was then randomly placed in one of three groups: One group was asked to keep in mind the idea of writing for money; another was told to think about writing just for pleasure; and a third group was given no instruction at all.The poems then were submitted anonymously to a panel of professional writers for evaluation. The poetry written by people who thought about writing for money ranked lowest. Those who thought about writing just for pleasure did the best. "Motivation that comes from enjoying the work makes a significant difference, "Amabile said.当阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是个小男孩的时候,他在学校里的成绩很差,老师们都觉得他反应迟钝。

contribution to human civilization is great,” said Dean Keith Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and author of the 1994 book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why. But he added a word of caution: “Sometimes great people don’t make it into the history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went unrecognized.”
4. ( ) Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814. He was educated in military schools in France and served in the French Revolutionary army. By the age of 26 he was a general. In 1799 he joined a conspiracy, which overthrew the First Republic of France. In 1803 he crowned himself Emperor of the French. His power declined after the setbacks of several wars. The defeat at the battle of Waterloo in 1815 ended his rule. 5. ( ) One of America’s finest poets, a New England spinster, she was not recognized for her poetry until after her death. Her poems were published in a three-volume Poems of ……. The poems are brief and condensed, characterized by unusual rhyming and swift flashes of insight. 6. ( ) German astronomer and astrologer. He is best known for his discovery of the three laws of Planetary Motion. He was also the first to explain correctly how human beings see and to demonstrate what happens to light when it enters a telescope.

21世纪大学英语视听说教程Book 4 Unit 1 Part D 听力原文Section A1. W: Since when do you read the Sunday Times?M: Since I discovered its big help-wanted section.Q: What can we assume about the man?2. W: This coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to exch ange it for a smaller one.M: Let me see. The smaller one is only 9.95, and this one is 12.Q: Approximately how much money does the shop assistant owe the woman?3. M: It would be nice if these last few days of the vacation were sunny and warm.W: But it’s not what they forecast, is it?Q: What does the woman imply about the weather?4. W: How is Susan’s lab experiment coming along?M: I’m not sure, why don’t we go and have a look?Q: What does the man mean?5. W: Y ou didn’t seem terribly enthusiastic a bout the football game.M: Y ou must be joking. If I had shouted any louder, I’d have lost my voice.Q: What did the man think of the football game?6. W: Teddy, how are you finding life on campus this year?M: Much the same as last.Q: What does Teddy mean?7. W: Y ou know, the Browns have invested all their money in stocks.M: They may think that’s a wise move, but that’s the last thing I’d do.Q: What’s the man’s opinion about the Browns investment?8. M: Hello, this is Mike Johnson at the bank. Is Peter there?W: Not yet, Mike. He phoned me from the office 5 minutes ago to say that he was stopping for a haircut on his way home.Q: Where does Peter plan to go on his way home?Conversation 1M: Did you watch the “Television Special” about the adhesive features of barnacles last night? W: No, I missed it. What did you learn about them?M: That they glue themselves to rocks in the ocean, shortly after birth. They also stay in the same place forever.W: Right. Have you ever tried removing one of those things? It would be easier to chip the rock away than to get the barnacle off.M: E xactly! And that’s why scientists are trying to figure out what the barnacle’s glue is made of.It’s consid ered one of the strongest adhesives in nature.W: And it would have the advantage of being able to work on wet surfaces, too.M: Precisely. And because it’s a natural protein, it probably wouldn’t be harmful to people like so many synthetic glues in use today.W: Think of all the ways doctors and dentists could use such glue. Mending broken bones, fastening false teeth.M: There could be countless uses. Scientists hope to learn soon exactly what the glue is made of so that people can make use of it.9. What is the main topic of the conversation?10. What did the man learn about the barnacles?11. According to the conversation, what are scientists trying to discover?Conversation 2M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice whether the No.7 bus has gone by?W: Not while I’ve been standing here. I’m waiting for the No.7 myself.M: Good. Hot day, isn’t it?W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don’t remember it ev er being so hot and dry in March before.W: Y ou’re from Florida then.M: Not really. I was born in New Y ork, but I’ve lived here for ten years now.W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn’t it?W: Y es. That’s wh y we moved. But we didn’t know that it would be so hot here in Florida. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we’ve missed the bus?M: No, it’s always a little late.W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.M: Don’t worry. It never comes exactly on the half-hour like it should.12. What is the woman waiting for?13. According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for March?14. Where does this conversation take place?15. How often is the bus scheduled to pass their stop?Section BPassage 1As prices and building costs keep rising, the “do-it-yourself” (DIY) trend in the US continues to grow.“We needed furniture for our living room,” says John Ross, “and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs.” John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a timewhen the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a two-week course for 280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for 420. “I was deeply upset about it. Now I’ve finished a car repair course, and I should be able to fix the car by myself.”John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the US are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourselfer”, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.16. Why did John Ross decide to build their furniture instead of buying it?17. According to Jim, who should be able to fix his car?18. For those who don’t have time to take a course, how can they learn to become “do-it-yourselfers”?Passage 2Most of us spend high school dissecting frogs and feeling awkward at the occasional dance, but a small group of students in Spain got to do something far cooler with their educational time: they sent a digital camera into space. A teacher and four students from IES La Bisbal School in Catalonia, Spain bought a 60 balloon and fixed an 80 digital camera to it, then sent it up into the sky to capture some high-altitude pictures.The team only wanted to see if they could get their homemade weather balloon to fly to 30,000 feet, which is the altitude that most commercial aircraft fly at. But the balloon just kept climbing until it was 20 miles above the Earth, at the very edge of space. Tracking the balloon’s progress using meteorological sensors and Google Earth, the team kept track of atmospheric conditions and snapped a handful of amazing pictures.The four students and their teacher completed the experiment in February 2009. The team built the electronic sensor components themselves, then placed them, along with the camera, into a protective housing before releasing the rig into the sky.The balloon rose to an altitude of over 100,000 feet before falling back to the ground. The team traveled over 10 km to find the balloon and equipment. They were amazed to find that the equipment was still emitting a signal, despite being exposed to some extremely harsh conditions.19. What did four students in Spain do with their educational time?20. What’s the altitude that most commercial aircraft fly at?21. When did the team complete the experiment?22. After traveling 10 km to find the balloon and equipment, what was the team amazed to find?Passage 3Despite controversy, direct-to-consumer genetic tests are becoming more popular. This kind of genetic tests is more like a do-it-yourself diagnosis. It is becoming almost as easy as taking a home pregnancy test. People can use their credit card to order a set of tools on the Internet, use a brush to remove a few cheek cells, return the tools and receive a report via e-mail. DTC tests cost from a few hundred to a few thousand US dollars, and are available for more than 800 conditionsranging from breast to cancer.The US population may be particularly ready for DTC testing because it has a do-it-yourself ethic and is accustomed to paying out of pocket for healthcare services. Companies that offer genetic tests are enthusiastic about the prospects of widespread DTC testing. They argue that genetic testing is no different from non-DNA tests. But not everyone is thrilled about the ease with which consumers can take genetic tests. Some people worried DTC genetic testing poses dangers to the public. Patients may experience psychological harm since they might not understand what the results mean to them.The lack of regulation in the Internet may also result in a fact that the Web gives you information that could be very misleading and potentially harmful to you. However, many people are comfortable with the lack of regulation as long as a doctor can help them. So what does the future hold for DTC genetic testing? We cannot expect widespread do-it-yourself screening for genetic disease in the years ahead. But we can predict a growth in DTC genetic testing for certain diseases and fully expect that this kind of technology is going to be with us.23. What do we know about direct-to-consumer genetic testing?24. What is one of the reasons that some people worry about the DTC genetic testing?25. How is the future of DTC genetic testing?Section C26. available27. unique28. Specializing in29. Operating30. options31. get involved with32. categories33. submit34. appropriately35. taken into consideration。
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You have a stomachache. It’s not that food was bad, it’s probably that you have too much stress from your work.
《读写教程 IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 12
2. Children have different performances at school. It’s not because they have different IQs, but because they are brought up in different environments.
For most of us, the reason does not lie in the fact that we don’t have the ability, but in the fact we don’t devote the time.
For most of us, it’s not that we don’t have the ability, it’s that we don’t devote the time.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that…
5. You have a stomachache, probably as a result of the stress from your work, not because of the food.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that…
3. The company is not very productive. It’s problem is not that its staff aren’t talented, but that their energy hasn’t been channeled (引导)effectively.
21st Century College English: Book 4
Unit 1: Part B
Unit 1 Part B
• Revision of Text A • Reading Analysis • Structured Writing • Listening Practice • Assignment
The company is not very productive. It’s not that it’s staff aren't talented, it’s that their energy hasn’t been channeled effectively.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that…
VIII. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.
Model: Instead his desire for fame, Einstein’s obsession with his work what set him apart.
The success of teaching shouldn’t be measured by the scores the students make on tests. Instead, it should be measured by whether the students have internalized the ability and desire to learn.
Assignment Checkup • Structure • Cloze • Translation
Revision of Text A
Structure • Ex.VII • Ex.VIII
《读写教程 IV》: Ex. VII, p. 12
VII.The conjunction that can be used to introduce a clause of reason. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that
VIII. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.
2. Instead of teaching students in groups, computers can help them learn effectively according to their different needs.
He doesn’t get anybody else to help him. Instead, he likes to attend to everything himself.
VIII. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.
President Wilson didn’t try to bring the US back to economic and political isolation. Instead, he believed in international cooperation through an association of nations.
Einstein was not motivated by a desire for fame.
Instead, his obsession with his work was what set
him apart.
VIII. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.
history for their 1)____ political
remembered for spectacular
scientific 2)____ for composing
great symphonies, or writing
3)____ poetry. But whatever path
Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that…
1. For some students, they reason is not that they don’t put in enough time, but rather that they don’t have good study habits.
3. Instead ofБайду номын сангаасfocusing on minor points, we should try to solve the problem of the greatest urgency at present.
We shouldn’t focus on minor points. Instead, we should try to solve the problem of the greatest urgency at present.
Structure VIII. Study the model carefully and rewrite the following sentences after it, using instead.
4. He like to attend to everything himself instead of getting somebody else to help him.
For some students, it’s not that they don’t put enough time, it’s that they don’t have good study habits.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the sentence pattern It’s not that…, it’s that…
5. The success of teaching should be measured by whether the students have internalized the ability and desire to learn instead of by the scores they make on tests.