新世纪大学英语(第二版)视听说教程1(3rd Edition)unit5电子教案(答案)

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Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 1 Where are they?
A Listen to four conversations. Number the pictures as you listen.
II ■
Language Notes
Proper names
popular seafood restaurants
Language Notes
Proper names Turkey 土耳其 Vancouver 温哥华(加拿
Biblioteka Baidu大西南部港市)
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 4 Travel guide: choosing a city B Listen to the second part of the passage. Fill in the chart with information about
( 2)
( 1)
(4 )
(3 )
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 1 Where are they? B Listen again. Why are the people at each place? Check ( √ ) the correct answer.
Activity 4 Travel guide: choosing a city
A Listen to the first part of a passage about cities to go to for vacation. Fill in the chart with information about Istanbul.
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 3 A city for a vacation
A Listen to a talk about a great city for a vacation and fill in the chart with information
新世纪大学英语(第二版) 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案
An English Video Course 1 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 1
Unit 5 Around the World
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
II ■
1. Isabel lives in _M__a_d_ri_d__/ _G_e_ta_f_e_. 2. She goes to school in _M__a_d_ri_d__/ _G_e_ta_f_e_.
Language Notes
Proper names
Spain 西班牙
1. bank
2. gym
3. movie theater
4. Internet café
5. laundromat
6. post office
7. library
8. hair salon
8 7
5 3
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 2 In the suburbs
A Toshi and Isabel are studying English. Listen and circle the correct cities to complete the sentences about Isabel.
3. How is the public transportation in Singapore? _S_i_n_g_a_p_o_re__h_a_s_v_e_ry__g_o_o_d_p_u_b_l_i_c_t_ra_n_s_p_o_r_ta_t_io_n_._Y_o_u__c_a_n_t_ak_e__a_b_u_s_,_t_ra_i_n_o_r_ _s_u_b_w_a_y_._
you hear.
Language Notes
II ■ Singapore
Proper names Singapore 新加坡 Chinatown 中国城 Malay 马来人的,马来文化的 Orchard Road
4.84 million
New words transportation n. 交通
(1) What can you do at a__b_a_n_k_?
Open an account or deposit money.
(2) What can you do at the gym?
(3) What do you do at _a_n_I_n_te_r_n_e_t _c_a_fé_?
At _a_p_o_s_t_o_f_fi_c_e_.
(7) Where can you have _y_o_u_r_h_a_ir_c_u_t ?
At a hair salon.
(8) Where can you do your laundry?
At a__la_u_n_d_r_o_m__at_.
Lesson A Places in my city
Check e-mail.
(4) Where can you borrow books?
(5) Where can you _w_a_t_ch__m_o_v_i_e_s?
At a movie theater.
(6) Where can you send a parcel?
vibrant nightlife
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 3 A city for a vacation B Listen again and answer the following questions.
II ■
9 million
good in summer, cold in winter
Cost of living affordable
Transportation subways, trains, buses, but too many cars
Vocabulary Link
A Min Chul is a new student at a university in the US. Below are some places in his neighborhood. Match each word in the box with a photo.
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 3 A city for a vacation
4. Is Singapore a safe city? _Y_e_s_,_S_i_n_g_a_p_o_re__is_a__s_a_fe__ci_t_y_. T__h_e_re__is_n_’_t _m_u_c_h__cr_i_m_e_._
Vocabulary Link
In the neighborhood
B Pair work. What things can you do at each place in A? Complete the questions and answers about each of the places.
2. What interesting places can you visit in Singapore? Y__o_u_c_a_n__v_is_it_C__h_in_a_t_o_w_n__a_n_d_L_i_tt_l_e_I_n_d_ia_._T_h_e_r_e_a_r_e_a_l_so__s_o_m_e__g_re_a_t_b_e_a_c_h_e_s_ n_e_a_r_t_h_e_c_i_ty_._
II ■
big city √ small city
a lot of fun √ not very exciting
√ affordable expensive
ask & ANSWER
What are good reasons to live in a suburb? What is good about living in a big city?
5. How is the cost of living in Singapore? _I_t_is__v_e_ry__e_x_p_e_n_si_v_e_t_o_l_iv_e__in__S_i_n_g_ap_o_r_e_._
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
II ■
1. What makes Singapore a great city for a vacation? T__h_e_re__a_re__m_a_n_y__in_t_e_re_s_ti_n_g_t_h_i_n_g_s_to__s_e_e_i_n_cl_u_d_i_n_g_b_e_a_u_ti_f_u_l _p_a_rk_s_a_n_d__g_o_o_d_ r_e_s_ta_u_r_a_n_ts_._
II ■
( ) to change money ( ) to buy stamps ( ) to cut her hair ( ) to have coffee
(√ ) to get money (√ ) to mail a letter (√ ) to color her hair (√ ) to check e-mail
II ■
9 million
Vancouver 600 thousand
good in summer, cold in winter
lots of rain
approximately ad. 大约
Cost of living expensive
medley n. 混合物 vibrant a. 充满生气的 springboard n. 跳板
tropical a. 热带的 stopover n. 中途停留地
Transportation very good public transportation
Unit 1 New Friends, New Faces Unit 2 Vacation! Unit 3 All About You Unit 4 Change Unit 5 Around the World Unit 6 Home Sweet Home Unit 7 Your Health Unit 8 Jobs and Ambitions
Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都) Getafe
New words
Not exactly. 不完全是。
affordable a. 便宜的
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Activity 2 In the suburbs B Listen again. Which words describe the city Isabel lives in? Check ( √ ) the words.