VGA(视频传输标准)详细资料大全VGA(Video Graphics Array)是IBM在1987年随PS/2机一起推出的一种视频传输标准,具有解析度高、显示速率快、颜色丰富等优点,在彩色显示器领域得到了广泛的套用。
基本介绍•中文名:VGA•外文名:Video Graphics Array•全称:Video Graphics Array•推出时间:1987年•主要优点:解析度高、显示速率快、颜色丰富标准,显示模式,原理,功能单元设计,文字模式,色版,VGA显示标准,VGA接口,显示系统,标准VGA(Video Graphics Array)即视频图形阵列,是IBM在1987年随PS/2(PS/2 原是“Personal System 2”的意思,“个人系统2”,是IBM公司在1987年推出的一种个人电脑。
此外, VGA-B3/J3可以同时传输RS232串口信号,用于与液晶屏通讯、摄像机云台,也可作为触模屏的远距离传输。
VGA 网络传输器设备在多媒体系统中应用,即节省施工成本及走线的复杂性,又能保证高品质的目标为可能。
VGA-B3是编码器, VGA- J3是解码器,二设备配合使用可实现经VGA-B3编码器把VGA、Audio、RS232信号经网络发送给多台ZY-VGA- J3解码器,特别适用于列车站台内高清视频信号的传输,军事演习、高清摄像机等各种长距离的应用。
一、传输介质1. 同轴电缆(Coaxial Cable)同轴电缆是广播电视传输业中常用的一种传输介质,具有以下特点:(1)抗干扰性强:同轴电缆的结构可以有效地抵抗外界干扰信号的干扰,保证信号的纯净传输。
2. 光纤传输(Optical Fiber Transmission)光纤传输在广播电视传输业中得到广泛应用,具有以下特点:(1)大带宽:光纤传输具有较高的传输速度和大的带宽,可以满足广播电视信号的高清传输需求。
3. 微波传输(Microwave Transmission)微波传输在广播电视传输业中被广泛应用于卫星传播和远程传输,具有以下特点:(1)高频带宽:微波传输可以实现较高频率的信号传输,适用于广播电视信号的传输。
二、传输接口1. HDMI接口HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface)接口是广播电视传输中常用的数字传输接口,具有以下特点:(1)高清传输:HDMI接口可以实现高清信号的传输,保证广播电视节目的高画质表现。
它特别针对可靠性和优异的高分辨率图像质量而设计,采用Extron 独特的全数字零压缩技术,实现了完美的逐一像素的计算机视频传输,最VGA信号的光传输原理和应用光纤VGA传输器包括发送器和接收器,用来通过单条光缆进行远距离传输高分辨率RGB信号、音频和RS232控制信号。
二、传输接口1.HDMI接口HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface)接口是一种多媒体接口标准,广泛应用于高清电视、高清播放器和音视频设备之间的连接。
2.SDI接口SDI(Serial Digital Interface)接口是一种串行数字接口标准,主要用于广播电视行业的专业设备之间的视频和音频信号传输。
3.DVB接口DVB(Digital Video Broadcasting)接口是数字视频广播的标准接口,用于数字电视信号的传输和接收。
1. 复合视频(Composite-Video)- 传输介质:单根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:BNC接头、莲花(RCA)接头- 接线标准:插针=同轴信号线,外壳公共地=屏蔽网线(下图所示)复合视频2. 超级视频(Super-Video)- 传输介质:两根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:2×BNC接头、1×4针微型接头- 接线标准:3脚插针=亮度(Y)信号线,4脚插针=色度(C)信号线1脚、2脚公共地=屏蔽网线(下图所示)超级视频3. (RGBHV Video)- 传输介质:3-5根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:3-5×BNC接头- 接线标准:红色=红基色(R)信号线,绿色=绿基色(G)信号线,蓝色=蓝基色(B)信号线,黑色=行同步(H)信号线,黄色=场同步(V)信号线,公共地=屏蔽网线(下图所示)模拟分量视频4. VGA视频(Video Graphics Array)- 传输介质:11根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:15针HD型接头- 接线标准:1脚=红基色,2脚=绿基色,3脚=蓝基色,6脚=红色地,7脚=绿色地,8脚=蓝色地,13脚=行同步,14脚=场同步,5脚=自测试,10脚=数字地,4、11、12、15脚=地址码(下图所示)VGA视频5. 工作站视频(IBM PowerPC/Sun Color)- 传输介质:11根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:13W3接头- 接线标准:A1脚=红基色,A2脚=绿基色,A3脚=蓝基色,5脚=行同步,9脚=场同步,3脚=自测试,4、10脚=数字地,1、2、6、7脚=地址码(下图所示)工作站视频6. 数字串行视频(Signal-Digital Interface)- 传输介质:单根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:BNC接头- 接线标准:插针=同轴信号线,外壳数字地=屏蔽网线7. 非平衡模拟音频(UnBalance Audio)- 传输介质:单根带屏蔽的同轴电缆- 传输阻抗:高低阻- 常用接头:直型(TRS)接头、莲花(RCA)接头- 接线标准:插针=同轴信号线,外壳公共地=屏蔽网线(下图所示)非平衡模拟音频8. 平衡式模拟音频(Analog Balance Audio)- 传输介质:带屏蔽的双绞电缆- 传输阻抗:600Ω或高低阻- 常用接头:直型(TRS)接头、卡龙(XLR)接头- 接线标准:直插:插针=信号+,中环=信号-,外壳公共地=屏蔽网线卡龙:2脚=信号+,3脚=信号-,1脚公共地=屏蔽网线(下图所示)平衡式模拟音频9. 非平衡数字音频(Digital Unbalance Audio)- 传输介质:单根带屏蔽的同轴电缆或光纤- 传输阻抗:75Ω- 常用接头:BNC接头- 接线标准:插针=同轴信号线,外壳数字地=屏蔽网线10. 平衡式数字音频(Digital Balance Audio)- 传输介质:带屏蔽的双绞电缆- 传输阻抗:110Ω- 常用接头:卡龙(XLR)接头12、数字视频接口数字视频接口国际上标准的数字接口有三种:P&P(Plug&Play)、DFP(Digital Flat Panel)、DVI(Digital Visual Interface)。
SPDIF、S Video、YCrCb、YPbPr、RGB、VGA区别SPDIF、S-Video、YCrCb、YPbPr、RGB、VGA区别2010-07-2211:06SPDIF数字式的音频输出。
在学习VGA的视频输出的时候,很容易就可以从网上找到相关的引脚定义:1 红色视频信号(Red, 75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)2 绿色视频信号(Green, 75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)3 蓝色视频信号(Blue, 75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)4显示器标识信号#2(Monitor ID Bit 2)5地线(Gnd)6红色视频信号地线(Red Gnd)7绿色视频信号地线(Green Gnd)8蓝色视频信号地线(Blue Gnd)9未连接(No Pin)10 同步信号地线(Sync Gnd)11 显示器标识信号#0(Monitor ID Bit 0)12 显示器标识信号#1/SDA(Monitor ID Bit 1 or SDA)13 水平/复合同步信号(Horizontal Sync or Composite Sync)14 垂直同步信号(Vertical Sync)15 显示器标识信号#3/SCL(Monitor ID Bit 3 or SCL)根据上面的定义,可以看出VGA其实就是将我们平常的3基色数据放到了三根模拟信号线中传输。
VGA接口根据同步信号的不同可分为下列三种:1.3线同步(绿同步)2.4线同步(3基色信号+复合同步信号)3.5线同步(3基色信号+场行同步信号)首先我先找到了网上较为详细的一篇英文资料:VGA Signal information,大家可以先看看。
⽤VGA接⼝发射FM⼴播信号VGASIGFM radio transmitter using a VGA graphics cardBartek KaniaApril19,2009Contents1What is it?2 2Warning!2 3Requirements2 4The graphics card24.1The sync-signal problem (3)4.2The dot-clock problem (3)4.3Using harmonics (3)4.4Getting the outputs enabled without a connected monitor (3)4.5Usable VGA cards (4)4.6Con?guring your VGA port (4)5How the modulators work55.1The mono modulator (5)5.2The stereo modulator (6)6The programs86.1sig1 (8)6.2monofm (8)6.3stereofm (9)7The sourcecode9 8FAQ1011What is it?A collection of programs to generate FM radio signals in software and then transmit them using a VGAgraphics card.Basically a software radio experiment without having to spend lots of money on radio hardware.2Warning!These programs and this document are for educational purposes only!The author takes no responsibility whatsoever for any problems caused by use of these programs.These programs implement a low power radio transmitter.All countries have regulations regarding use of radio transmitters.It may very well be illegal to use these programs where you live.Make sure to check the laws in your country before running any of these programs.Although modern computers and monitors should have no problem dealing with the signals generated or the very unusual X con?gurations used there might still be a chance that something breaks.You use these programs at your own risk.This is not for everyone.You need a good understanding of C programming,the X window system and a basic understanding of electronics for these programs to be of any use to you.3RequirementsA fast modern computer running Linux or BSD or somesuch.Preferably a dualcore or quadcore.A graphics card that has an analog VGA port.The card needs to be very congurable.Not all cards work,and some cards may require patched drivers.See section4for more info.The sox program.1The SDL media library.2An antenna.34The graphics cardThe VGA card is the main component.The card is responsible for converting the digital representation into an analog signal.VGA cards have high speed DACs4that are used to generate the video signal sent to the monitor.These DACs basically convert the image into an analog signal line by line that is fed into the monitor.This allows us to create a radio signal,display it as an image and have the card convert it to a radio signal for us.1sox is used to preprocess the audio before it gets to the modulator.2SDL is used to output the signal to the X server.3A straight wire about0.7m in length will do?ne.4Digital to Analog Converters.2This all sounds good in theory,however reality isn’t quite as cooperative as one would wish and there are some obstacles to overcome.4.1The sync-signal problemUnfortunately the signal that a monitor needs not only contains the actual image data but also contains things like horizontal and vertical sync pulses and H/V blanking+sync intervals during which the DACs are idle.These things cause trouble for us that want to abuse a VGA card for radio transmission.It is possible to minimize the distortions caused by these signals by making the sync intervals as small as possible.Some cards may even let you turn them off completely.Unfortunately I haven’t found any card that lets you do this yet.To minimize the sync intervals you will need to con?gure custom modelines for your X server.This also has the side effect that you will not be able have a monitor connected to see what you are doing.54.2The dot-clock problemThe next problem to deal with is the dot clock frequency of the VGA card.Some chips let you set this to any frequency you want,and in those cases there is no problem!Just set it to73MHz and use the?rst harmonic to get to the FM band.Or if your computer is fast enough,try setting it to220MHz and set the programs to directly synthesize the correct FM carrier.Some chips can only set their pixel clock in certain increments.For these chips you will need to?nd a dot clockbetween73MHz and87MHz that the card accepts and then use the?rst harmonic to transmit on the FM band.4.3Using harmonicsDACs generate a lot of harmonics.6We can use this property to get our signal up to the FM band if we are unable to directly generate a FM carrier.The signal will be less strong but it will still be receivable within a few meters of your computer.In general,if f d is our dot-clock frequency and f c is the carrier frequency then the harmonics will appear at n f d+f c for all integer values of n.So,if you have a dot-clock frequency of73MHz and a carrier frequency of35MHz then the?rst harmonic will end upat73+35=108MHz which is right at the top of the FM band.Just remember that the dot-clock frequency meeds to be at least twice that of the carrier due to the sampling theorem.4.4Getting the outputs enabled without a connected monitorAll VGA cards I tested have the annoying habit of testing if the monitor is connected before they decide to send a signal out the VGA port.This is a big problem when using the VGA port for radio since the 5This is not100%true...If you have a card with multiple outputs it might let you recon?gure only one output and keep the other connected to your monitor.My laptop with a Intel GM965chip lets me do this.6If you don’t know what harmonics are or how much harmonics DACs generate then I recommend that you stop here,and go ask google a question or two.3card won’t generate a signal.The Intel card in my laptop lets me activate the VGA port using the xrandr command,and will hapily send a signal out of it as long as my laptop monitor is active.Fortunately it also lets me set the VGA port parameters independently from the LCD parameters so this works out?ne.Another Intel card I had in my workstation wasn’t so kind.The driver even refused to let X start unless I had a monitor connected.In the end I was forced to patch the driver so it always thinks the monitor is connected.4.5Usable VGA cardsFrom my own tests and from what I have read the following cards should do the job:Intel GM965for laptops This card works great!You just need to con?gure the VGA port correctly using xrandr and have your laptop monitor active.Intel82G33/G31integrated chip This card works great after the X driver has been patched to think that the monitor is always connected.ATI Radeon9200SE Haven’t tested it myself,but I hear that it will do the job.4.6Con?guring your VGA portThe?rst thing you need to do is decide which resolution you are going to use.If you are using the on-board VGA card in an laptop,or a VGA card that has two ports and a monitor connected to one of the ports then you should use the same resolution as you are using on your monitor.If you are using a separate VGA card for radio,then you can choose any resolution you like,but you should probably choose the highest resolution possible.Next,you need to select a dot-clock frequency.Now you are ready to con?gure the VGA port.You should try to con?gure it to use the minimal possible sync intervals.Below are two examples of how this can be done.Intel GM965laptop chipsetOn my laptop I use1152x864as my screen resolution.I’ve selected73MHz as my dot-clock for this example.Con?guring the VGA port is done using the commands below:xrandr--newmode RadioDAC731152115211521153864864864865xrandr--addmode VGA RadioDACxrandr--output VGA--mode RadioDACThe?rst command sets up a new modeline7,the?rst parameter is the dot-clock,the second is the width of the display,third is the start of the horizontal sync,fourth is the end of the sync and the?fth parameter is the total width including sync pulse.The next four parameters are the same thing but for the vertical dimension.7If you don’t know how X11modelines work then you need to read some manuals?rst4The HTOTAL value in the above example is1153,which is the lowest that I could set on my card and still get a signal out of it.This causes us to loose about a pixel to the horizontal sync,which isn’t that bad.The VTOTAL value is also just one more than the height of the display.Unfortunately this causes us to loose an entire scanline and will certainly cause some signal distortion.I have not found any way around this.Intel82G33/G31integrated pci-e chipSince I have no monitor connected to this card I use the maximum resolution of2048x2048.I use a 73MHz dotclock here aswell.The commands for this con?guration are the same as the previous,with the only difference being the larger resolution. xrandr--newmode RadioDAC7320482048204820492048204820482049xrandr--addmode VGA RadioDACxrandr--output VGA--mode RadioDAC5How the modulators workThe FM broadcasts,as the name implies,use frequency modulation.If you don’t understand how fre-quency modulation works then you might want to check out[5]before continuing.FM radio transmitters modulate a carrier in the frequency range of87.5–108MHz with a baseband audio signal that hasa15kHz bandwidth.The frequency shift is75kHz,so the transmitted signal frequency varies between75kHz below the carrier frequency to75kHz above the carrier frequency.For stereo FM transmission the modulation itself remains the same,but the baseband signal is no longera simple audio signal.It is instead a composite of the15kHz mono audio(Left+Right channel),a19kHzpilot signal and a15kHz difference signal(Left-Right channel)modulated using DSB-SC on a38kHz subcarrier.This composite signal is then frequency modulated as for the mono case.The result is that the signal is fully compatible with old mono receivers.For more information on FM broadcasts see[6]5.1The mono modulatorThe mono FM modulator is a straight-forward implementation of basic fm modulation.An overview of the structure is in?gure1.Figure1:Mono modulator structure5Resampler and lowpass?lterFM broadcasts use a15kHz audo bandwith so we?rst need to low-pass?lter the audio to15kHz and resample itto30kSPS8which is the lowest possible sample rate needed to represent15kHz.This processing is done using the sox program in a separate thread so we don’t have to do it ourselves.Baseband modulatorThe30kSPS signal is then processed by the baseband modulator,whose sole function is to convert each sample to the frequency used to represent it in the radio signal.The modulator?rst converts the sample from signed16bit integers to a real valued sample in the range [-1,1]and then calculates the frequency used to represent this sample in the radio signal according to the formula below:F t=m t?f?+f c(1) Where F t is the radio frequency,m t is the sample value,f?is75kHz9and f c is the carrier frequency. The reason this is done at this point is because of the lower sampling rate of the baseband signal,this leaves more processor power over when the real radio signal is generated.NCOThis is just a Numerically Controlled Oscillator10that generates a radio signal of a given frequency.The previous sentence is just a fancy way to describe a sine wave generator.In these particular programs the NCO also implements a very simple interpolation?lter and upsampler so it can accepta30kHz baseband signal to modulate a carrier at a signi?cantly higher sample rate. This oscillator operates at the dot-clock frequency,and must be very fast for the CPU to be able to cope. The output of this block are the samples of the radio signal,which in this particular case are the pixel lightness values in the“image”.SDL+VGAIn this last block the signal is simply rendered as an image into a SDL surface and“displayed”using the VGA card.The samples(or pixel values)have already been generated by the NCO.5.2The stereo modulatorThe stereo modulator is very similar in structure to the mono modulator.The main difference is the addition of a stereo encoder and pilot signal generator.Figure2shows the structure of this modulator. Resampler and lowpass?lterAs in the mono modulator the signal needs to be?ltered to15kHz and resampled.In the stereo modulator this is done for both the right and left channels.8SPS=Samples Per Second.9The broadcast FM frequency shift10Also known as DDS which stands for Direct Digital Synthesizer6Figure2:Stereo modulator structureFor stereo modulation we need a higher baseband sampling rate to accomodate the stereo pilot and sub-carrier,so the signal is resampled to110kHz instead of30kHz.Like in the mono modulator sox is used for this block.Sum and Difference signalsFor stereo modulation to be compatible with mono receivers the modulator actually creates a mono signal by adding the left and right channels.This is the L+R signal in the?gure.The modulator also creates a difference signal that the receiver will use to reconstruct the left and right channel.This is the L-R signal in the?gure.Pilot generatorA19kHz pilot signal is used to indicate to the receiver that this radio signal contains stereo information. The19kHz signal is also phase-locked to the38kHz stereo subcarrier to aid the receiver in correctly demodulating the difference signal.Stereo subcarrier generatorThis is a38kHz NCO/DDS that is phase locked to the19kHz pilot signal.All this“phase-locked”stuff might sound complicated,but it basically just means that both oscillators were started at the same time and run in parallell.7Stereo subcarrier modulationThe38kHz carrier is modulated using DSB-SC11with the difference signal.DSB-SC modulation is quite simple and can be described with the following formula:s t=m t?c t(2) Where s t is the output sample of the modulator,m t is a sample of the L-R difference signal and c t is a sample of the38kHz subcarrier.Signal combinationTo create the composite baseband signal the three signals described above are simply added together.The pilot signal is multiplied by0.1since the pilot signal level should only be10%of the signal power.The resulting sample is then scaled by a constant so that it is within[-1,1]before being sent to the baseband modulator. Baseband modulatorThe base band modulator does exactly the same as it did in the mono modulator.The only difference is that the baseband signal has a higher sample rate.NCO+SDL+VGAThese are identical to the ones in the mono modulator.6The programs6.1sig1This program was the?rst attempt at generating an FM signal.The only thing it does is generate a.pgm image of an FM mono signal modulated with a tone of a given frequency.No parameters are accepted by this program.To change the parameters of the generated signal the #define s at the beginning of sig1.c must be changed and the program recompiled.If you want to understand how these programs work then this is the obvious place to start.6.2monofmThe monofm program implements the mono modulator described in section5.1.The program accepts the following parameters:-r Dot-Clock frequency.-c Carrier frequency.-w Width of display.11Double SideBand Suppressed Carrier8-W Optional HTOTAL value for VGA port.Defaults to width+1.-h Height of display.-H Optional VTOTAL value for VGA port.Defaults to height+1.-f Filename of audio?le.Defaults to“tst.mp3”An example invocation:./monofm-r73000000-c35000000-w2048-h2048-f tst.mp36.3stereofmstereofm implements the stereo modulator described in section5.2.It accepts the same parameters as monofm.An example invocation:./stereofm-r73000000-c35000000-w2048-h2048-f tst.mp37The sourcecodeThis section will give you a short walk-through of the source code for the monofm and stereofm/doc/1355ba1cc281e53a5802ff03.html e the modulator description in section5as a functional reference. The programs are written to be fast so they can be used in real time.Because of this the source is not always readable and is not really a good example of how to write well structured C programs.Please keep this in mind when checking out the source.dds1.h and dds2.hThese two?les contain a fast approximate DDS signal generator based on a lookup table with sine func-tion values.The dds in dds1.h uses a linear interpolation to approximate sample values that fall in between entries in the lookup table giving it slightly better precision compared to dds2.h that just returns the value closest to the phase of the signal.However the generator in dds2.h is faster.fmdds.hfmdds.h extends the generator in dds2.h by adding a slope factor that skews the frequency a bit after every sample.This is useful since the generator is fed with a baseband signal at a signi?cantly lower sample rate.The slope acts as a very ef?cient and quite good low-pass interpolation?lter.fmmain.hThe main()function of the mono and stereo modulators is contained here.It only parses command line options and then starts the modulator.9monofm.cThe mono baseband modulator is contained in the function baseband_mod.It runs in it’s own thread so as to take advantage of multicore CPUs.The baseband modulator opens a pipe to sox and receives samples that it converts to a frequency and slope.These parameters are stored in two ring buffers freqbuf and slopebuf that are read by the NCO when generating the radio signal.stereofm.cThis?le contains the pilot signal generator,stereo encoder and baseband modulator all packed together in thebaseband_mod function.First a sample from both the left and right channels is read from the pipe to sox.Then the sum and difference signals are calculated and a composite sample is created.This sample is then converted into a frequency and slope which are saved in the ring buffers.fm.hThis?le contains the function modulate_sample which is the one that actually does the baseband mod-ulation and stuf?ng of samples into ring buffers.It also contains the function fmsignal which reads the ring buffers and creates the actual radio signal.The function loops over the pixels and lines of a VGA frame and calculates the sample value(pixel lightness)for each sample in the radio signal.It reads the frequency and slope information from the ring buffers when it needs it during signal generation.When the frame is?nished it waits the apropriate amount of time and then instructs the VGA card to display it.After that it starts generating the next frame.This function runs in its own thread.8FAQQ:WhyA:Why not?Q:What distortions can I expect due to the sync intervals?A:The horizontal sync intervals are so short,and so high in frequency that you shouldn’t hear them.They will probably cause some HF distortion in the radio wave though.The vertical sync intervals are a bigger problem.They will cause static or humming10with the same frequency as the framerate.Unfortunately this is usually very audible.Q:Can you disable the sync intervals entirely?A:I don’t know.I haven’t managed it yet.If you succeed please email me how you did it and what VGA card you used. Q:Why are there no mutexes to avoid problems with the ring buffers?A:Because they are not needed.The thread writing data to the ring buffers is much faster than the thread that reads thedata.So it only needs to?ll the buffer up when the signal generator has consumed data,and then when the buffer is full it just waits a while for more data to be consumed.References[1]Lyons,Richard G.“Understanding Digital Signal Processing”[2]Couch,Leon W.“Digital and Analog Communication systems”[3]Analog and Digital TV(DVB-T)Signal Generation:/doc/1355ba1cc281e53a5802ff03.html /dvbt/[4]Tempest for Eliza:http://www.erikyyy.de/tempest/[5]Wikipedia:“Frequency Modulation”/doc/1355ba1cc281e53a5802ff03.html/wiki/Frequency_modulation[6]Wikipedia:“FM Broadcasting”/doc/1355ba1cc281e53a5802ff03.html /wiki/FM_broadcasting 11。
视听 2020.0335技术研发与应用一、引言目前在贵港转播台值班房,值班员通常使用收音机监听台站发射的广播节目。
将多路模拟广播节目音频电压信号通过VGA 接口,接显示器在电视墙上进行可视化监看。
信号调理电路主要作用是把信号调整到0V-3.3V 之间(即单片机的A/D 采样电压范围内)。
然后分别输入到STM32单片机的模数转换器ADC 通道1至通道10。
单片机的ADC 工作于扫描模式,对10个ADC 通道进行轮询扫描转换。
为提高效率,使用单片机的DMA 控制器,将ADC 转换的结果传到RAM 中,以便软件调用。
Micro SD 卡主要作用是存储背景图片和字库数据,单片机完成ADC 数据处理后,单片机通过内部静态存储控制器(FSMC),控制16位并行数据总线把要显示的图像像素RGB 数据,写入到VGA 显卡的显存里。
VGA 显卡自动完成读取显存内的图像数据,并经数模转换成模拟RGB 信号,加入VGA 控制时序信号,输出到VGA 接口,实现显示器实时显示5套广播音频信号的功能。
三、硬件设计(一)单片机与ADC 引脚分配根据系统要求,STM32F 系列是一款基于Cortex-M3内核的ARM 微控制器,芯片具有16个ADC 输入引脚,同时具有静态存储控制器(FSMC),可以快速对外部的SRAM,NAND FLASH,NOR FLASH 和PSRAM 等存储器进行快速读写。
安信宝 VGA分发器-Cat5e 6分发器带音频1-输入2-输出说明书
ManualVGA Distributor over Cat5e/6 with Audio1-In / 2-OutNOTE: Model numbers that end with “Q” or products that have a round green “Q” sticker signify RoHS compliance.MVD-V1201-1QDistributes a video signal on both a primary and secondary displayExtends VGA cable range up to 459’ (140m) usingCat5e/6 at 1920x1200 resolution Allows for Gain and Peak adjustmentENFORCER VGA Extender over Cat5e/6 with Audio, 1-In 2-OutSECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.Features:The MVD-V1201-1Q is the perfect device for playing video and audio in both local and remote locations. The MVD-V1201-1Q not only extends the range of traditional VGA cabling methods up to 984’ (300m), but it also transmits to one local and one remote station. The ability to transmit to a remote secondary display makes the MVD-V1201-1Q ideal for video playback in security, business, digital signage, and classroom settings.Dual output allows for playback on both a local display and a remote secondary display. Extends VGA and stereo audio signals up to 459’ (140m) over one UTP C at5e/6 at 1920x1200 resolution. Extends up to 984’ (300m) with 640x480 resolution.Allows for Gain and Peak adjustment to adapt to different UTP cable lengths. Use Gain for brightness adjustment and Peak for skew adjustment.The MVD-V1201-1Q comes as complete set consisting of a transmitter and receiver. Works with computer monitors and other VGA display units.Dimensions:Introduction:1 x Transmitter4 x Mounting screws1 x Manual2 x 5VDC power adapters 2 x Mounting brackets1”(25.5mm)Parts list:ENFORCER VGA Extender over Cat5e/6 with Audio, 1-In 2-OutSECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.Installation:Sample Application:Overview:Mounting screws 1. Determine the location where the MVD-V1201-1Q will be wired as well as how much Cat5e/6 cable will be necessary. 2. Connect the VGA source to the transmitter’s VGA Input using a VGA cable.3. Connect the audio source to the transmitter’s Audio In using a 1/8” TRS mini -headphone patch cable.4. Connect a local display to the transmitter’s VGA Output using a VGA cable.5. Connect a local audio output device to the transmitter’s Audio Out using a 1/8” TRS mini -headphone patch cable.6. Connect a Cat5e/6 cable between the receiver and transmitter units.7. Connect a second ary display to the receiver’s VGA output using a VGA cable.8. Connect a secondary audio output device to the receiver’s Audio Out using a 1/8” TRS mini -headphone patch cable. 9.Connect one 5VDC adapter to the transmitter and one to the receiver.10. If necessary, use a screwdriver to adjust the Gain and Peak on the side of the receiver.11.If necessary, mount the transmitter to a wall or other surface using mounting brackets and mounting screws.*Replacement receivers are available for order: MVD-V1101-1RQ. Transmitters may not be purchased separately.RearTop Mounting HolesFront TopENFORCER VGA Extender over Cat5e/6 with Audio, 1-In 2-OutSECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.TroubleshootingWARRANTY This SECO-LARM product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship while used in normal service for a period of one (1) year from the date of sale to the original consumer customer. SECO-LARM’s obligation is limited to the repair or replacement of any defective part if the unit is returned, transportation prepaid, to SECO-LARM. This Warranty is void if damage is caused by or attributed to acts of God, physical or electrical misuse or abuse, neglect, repair, or alteration, improper or abnormal usage, or faulty installation, or if for any other reason SECO-LARM determines that such equipment is not operating properly as a result of causes other than defects in material and workmanship.The sole obligation of SECO-LARM, and the purchaser’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to replacement or repair only, at SECO-LARM’s option. In no event shall SECO -LARM be liable for any special, collateral, incidental, or consequential personal or property damages of any kind to the purchaser or anyone else.NOTICE: The information and specifications printed in this manual are current at the time of publication. However, the SECO-LARM policy is one of continual development and improvement. For this reason, SECO-LARM reserves the right to change specifications without notice. SECO-LARM is also not responsible for misprints or typographical errors. Copyright © 2010 SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of SECO-LARM.SECO-LARM ®U.S.A., Inc. 16842 Millikan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606Website: Tel: 800-662-0800 / 949-261-2999 Fax: 949-261-7326E-mail: sales @mi-MVD-V1201-1Q_1005.docxPICCN3Products Available from SECO-LARM :Reduce cable length.Replace with a higher-grade cable. MVD-V1201-1Q works with Cat5, butCat5e and Cat6 allow for maximum range. Adjust gain and peak.Check to make sure one power supply is connected to the transmitter andanother is connected to the receiver.Check the power supplies of all devices connected to the extender.Make sure the extender is powered on both sides. Make sure the source and displays are powered.Make sure the transmitter and receiver are plugged into the correct unitsImage is weak, faded, or blankVGA to HDMI ConverterHDMI CablesAudio BalunsHDMI SwitcherHDMI over Cat5e/6Component Video BalunsOver Cat5e/6。
二、VGA接口信号说明1.HSYNC (O) CRT Horizontal Synchronization(水平同步信号) )这个信号主要提供CRT水平扫描的信号。
2.VSYNC (O) CRT Vertical Synchronization(垂直同步信号)这个信号主要提供CRT垂直扫描的信号3.RED (O) RED analog video output(红色模拟信号输出)这个信号主要为CRT提供红基色模拟视频信号。
4.GREEN (O) Green analog video output(绿色模拟信号输出)这个信号主要为CRT提供绿基色模拟视频信号。
5.BLUE (O) Blue analog video output(蓝色模拟信号输出)这个信号主要为CRT提供蓝基色模拟视频信号。
6.REFSET (I) Resistor Set(电阻设置)这个信号将会连接一颗电阻到地,主要用于内部颜色调色板DAC。
7.DDCA_CLK (I/O) Analog DDC Clock这个信号连接NB(北桥)与显示器,这个Clock属于I²C接口,它与DDCA_DATA 组合使用,用于读取显示器的数据。
8.DDCA_DATA (I/O) Analog DDC Clock这个信号连接NB(北桥)与显示器,这个Data与Clock 一样也属于I²C接口,它与DDCA_CLK组合使用,用于读取显示器的数据。
三、AGP接口信号说明1.GPIPE# (I/O) Pipelined Read(流水线读)这个信号由当前的Master来执行,它可以使用在AGP 2.0模式,但不能在AGP 3.0的规范使用。
方案背景在传统的广播电视领域,基于卫星、电缆、ATSC、DVB-T/C/S 等传输方式被广泛使用。
随着互联网及网络技术的发展,越来越多的广播电视媒体开始采用 IP 网络传输方式(如 IPTV、流媒体等)来进行广播电视节目的分发和播放。
技术实现广播电视节目的信号发布方案需要考虑到信号发送、分发和接收方面,其中 IP 网络传输的关键技术是流媒体协议。
常见的流媒体协议有 RTSP、RTMP、HLS、DASH 等,其中 HLS 协议是苹果公司推出的适用于 HTTP 协议的一种流媒体协议,它通过将多个小分片的流经由HTTP 协议传递,实现对流式媒体内容的传输和播放。
HLS 协议具有延迟小、适用性强、兼容性好、易于扩展等优点,是目前广播电视分发领域比较流行的协议之一。
另外,配合流媒体协议,为了达到更佳的服务质量(QoS)和用户体验,可选择高带宽、低延迟的物理媒介,如光纤、跨校园网等,还可以采用增加缓存、调整码流、质量控制、ISP 优化等技术手段来实现优化效果和降低成本。
2.其次,需要配合使用 CDN 实现节目信号的分发。
CDN 是一种通过在分布式节点上存储缓存数据和节点之间的负载均衡技术,实现有效的视频流分发的技术手段。
3.使用 H.264 或 HEVC 编码等视频编码格式,配合 AAC、MP3 等音频编码格式,实现对视频、音频信号的压缩和编码。
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VGASIGFM radio transmitter using a VGA graphics cardBartek Kania<mrbk@>April19,2009Contents1What is it?2 2Warning!2 3Requirements2 4The graphics card24.1The sync-signal problem (3)4.2The dot-clock problem (3)4.3Using harmonics (3)4.4Getting the outputs enabled without a connected monitor (3)4.5Usable VGA cards (4)4.6Configuring your VGA port (4)5How the modulators work55.1The mono modulator (5)5.2The stereo modulator (6)6The programs86.1sig1 (8)6.2monofm (8)6.3stereofm (9)7The sourcecode9 8FAQ1011What is it?A collection of programs to generate FM radio signals in software and then transmit them using a VGAgraphics card.Basically a software radio experiment without having to spend lots of money on radio hardware.2Warning!These programs and this document are for educational purposes only!The author takes no responsibility whatsoever for any problems caused by use of these programs.These programs implement a low power radio transmitter.All countries have regulations regarding use of radio transmitters.It may very well be illegal to use these programs where you live.Make sure to check the laws in your country before running any of these programs.Although modern computers and monitors should have no problem dealing with the signals generated or the very unusual X configurations used there might still be a chance that something breaks.You use these programs at your own risk.This is not for everyone.You need a good understanding of C programming,the X window system and a basic understanding of electronics for these programs to be of any use to you.3Requirements•A fast modern computer running Linux or BSD or somesuch.Preferably a dualcore or quadcore.•A graphics card that has an analog VGA port.The card needs to be very configurable.Not all cards work,and some cards may require patched drivers.See section4for more info.•The sox program.1•The SDL media library.2•An antenna.34The graphics cardThe VGA card is the main component.The card is responsible for converting the digital representation into an analog signal.VGA cards have high speed DACs4that are used to generate the video signal sent to the monitor.These DACs basically convert the image into an analog signal line by line that is fed into the monitor.This allows us to create a radio signal,display it as an image and have the card convert it to a radio signal for us.1sox is used to preprocess the audio before it gets to the modulator.2SDL is used to output the signal to the X server.3A straight wire about0.7m in length will dofine.4Digital to Analog Converters.2This all sounds good in theory,however reality isn’t quite as cooperative as one would wish and there are some obstacles to overcome.4.1The sync-signal problemUnfortunately the signal that a monitor needs not only contains the actual image data but also contains things like horizontal and vertical sync pulses and H/V blanking+sync intervals during which the DACs are idle.These things cause trouble for us that want to abuse a VGA card for radio transmission.It is possible to minimize the distortions caused by these signals by making the sync intervals as small as possible.Some cards may even let you turn them off completely.Unfortunately I haven’t found any card that lets you do this yet.To minimize the sync intervals you will need to configure custom modelines for your X server.This also has the side effect that you will not be able have a monitor connected to see what you are doing.54.2The dot-clock problemThe next problem to deal with is the dot clock frequency of the VGA card.Some chips let you set this to any frequency you want,and in those cases there is no problem!Just set it to73MHz and use thefirst harmonic to get to the FM band.Or if your computer is fast enough,try setting it to220MHz and set the programs to directly synthesize the correct FM carrier.Some chips can only set their pixel clock in certain increments.For these chips you will need tofind a dot clock between73MHz and87MHz that the card accepts and then use thefirst harmonic to transmit on the FM band.4.3Using harmonicsDACs generate a lot of harmonics.6We can use this property to get our signal up to the FM band if we are unable to directly generate a FM carrier.The signal will be less strong but it will still be receivable within a few meters of your computer.In general,if f d is our dot-clock frequency and f c is the carrier frequency then the harmonics will appear at n f d+f c for all integer values of n.So,if you have a dot-clock frequency of73MHz and a carrier frequency of35MHz then thefirst harmonic will end up at73+35=108MHz which is right at the top of the FM band.Just remember that the dot-clock frequency meeds to be at least twice that of the carrier due to the sampling theorem.4.4Getting the outputs enabled without a connected monitorAll VGA cards I tested have the annoying habit of testing if the monitor is connected before they decide to send a signal out the VGA port.This is a big problem when using the VGA port for radio since the 5This is not100%true...If you have a card with multiple outputs it might let you reconfigure only one output and keep the other connected to your monitor.My laptop with a Intel GM965chip lets me do this.6If you don’t know what harmonics are or how much harmonics DACs generate then I recommend that you stop here,and go ask google a question or two.3card won’t generate a signal.The Intel card in my laptop lets me activate the VGA port using the xrandr command,and will hapily send a signal out of it as long as my laptop monitor is active.Fortunately it also lets me set the VGA port parameters independently from the LCD parameters so this works outfine.Another Intel card I had in my workstation wasn’t so kind.The driver even refused to let X start unless I had a monitor connected.In the end I was forced to patch the driver so it always thinks the monitor is connected.4.5Usable VGA cardsFrom my own tests and from what I have read the following cards should do the job:Intel GM965for laptops This card works great!You just need to configure the VGA port correctly using xrandr and have your laptop monitor active.Intel82G33/G31integrated chip This card works great after the X driver has been patched to think that the monitor is always connected.ATI Radeon9200SE Haven’t tested it myself,but I hear that it will do the job.4.6Configuring your VGA portThefirst thing you need to do is decide which resolution you are going to use.If you are using the on-board VGA card in an laptop,or a VGA card that has two ports and a monitor connected to one of the ports then you should use the same resolution as you are using on your monitor.If you are using a separate VGA card for radio,then you can choose any resolution you like,but you should probably choose the highest resolution possible.Next,you need to select a dot-clock frequency.Now you are ready to configure the VGA port.You should try to configure it to use the minimal possible sync intervals.Below are two examples of how this can be done.Intel GM965laptop chipsetOn my laptop I use1152x864as my screen resolution.I’ve selected73MHz as my dot-clock for this example.Configuring the VGA port is done using the commands below:xrandr--newmode RadioDAC731152115211521153864864864865xrandr--addmode VGA RadioDACxrandr--output VGA--mode RadioDACThefirst command sets up a new modeline7,thefirst parameter is the dot-clock,the second is the width of the display,third is the start of the horizontal sync,fourth is the end of the sync and thefifth parameter is the total width including sync pulse.The next four parameters are the same thing but for the vertical dimension.7If you don’t know how X11modelines work then you need to read some manualsfirst4The HTOTAL value in the above example is1153,which is the lowest that I could set on my card and still get a signal out of it.This causes us to loose about a pixel to the horizontal sync,which isn’t that bad.The VTOTAL value is also just one more than the height of the display.Unfortunately this causes us to loose an entire scanline and will certainly cause some signal distortion.I have not found any way around this.Intel82G33/G31integrated pci-e chipSince I have no monitor connected to this card I use the maximum resolution of2048x2048.I use a 73MHz dotclock here aswell.The commands for this configuration are the same as the previous,with the only difference being the larger resolution.xrandr--newmode RadioDAC7320482048204820492048204820482049xrandr--addmode VGA RadioDACxrandr--output VGA--mode RadioDAC5How the modulators workThe FM broadcasts,as the name implies,use frequency modulation.If you don’t understand how fre-quency modulation works then you might want to check out[5]before continuing.FM radio transmitters modulate a carrier in the frequency range of87.5–108MHz with a baseband audio signal that has a15kHz bandwidth.The frequency shift is75kHz,so the transmitted signal frequency varies between75kHz below the carrier frequency to75kHz above the carrier frequency.For stereo FM transmission the modulation itself remains the same,but the baseband signal is no longera simple audio signal.It is instead a composite of the15kHz mono audio(Left+Right channel),a19kHzpilot signal and a15kHz difference signal(Left-Right channel)modulated using DSB-SC on a38kHz subcarrier.This composite signal is then frequency modulated as for the mono case.The result is that the signal is fully compatible with old mono receivers.For more information on FM broadcasts see[6]5.1The mono modulatorThe mono FM modulator is a straight-forward implementation of basic fm modulation.An overview of the structure is infigure1.Figure1:Mono modulator structure5Resampler and lowpassfilterFM broadcasts use a15kHz audo bandwith so wefirst need to low-passfilter the audio to15kHz and resample it to30kSPS8which is the lowest possible sample rate needed to represent15kHz.This processing is done using the sox program in a separate thread so we don’t have to do it ourselves.Baseband modulatorThe30kSPS signal is then processed by the baseband modulator,whose sole function is to convert each sample to the frequency used to represent it in the radio signal.The modulatorfirst converts the sample from signed16bit integers to a real valued sample in the range [-1,1]and then calculates the frequency used to represent this sample in the radio signal according to the formula below:F t=m t∗f∆+f c(1) Where F t is the radio frequency,m t is the sample value,f∆is75kHz9and f c is the carrier frequency. The reason this is done at this point is because of the lower sampling rate of the baseband signal,this leaves more processor power over when the real radio signal is generated.NCOThis is just a Numerically Controlled Oscillator10that generates a radio signal of a given frequency.The previous sentence is just a fancy way to describe a sine wave generator.In these particular programs the NCO also implements a very simple interpolationfilter and upsampler so it can accept a30kHz baseband signal to modulate a carrier at a significantly higher sample rate. This oscillator operates at the dot-clock frequency,and must be very fast for the CPU to be able to cope. The output of this block are the samples of the radio signal,which in this particular case are the pixel lightness values in the“image”.SDL+VGAIn this last block the signal is simply rendered as an image into a SDL surface and“displayed”using the VGA card.The samples(or pixel values)have already been generated by the NCO.5.2The stereo modulatorThe stereo modulator is very similar in structure to the mono modulator.The main difference is the addition of a stereo encoder and pilot signal generator.Figure2shows the structure of this modulator. Resampler and lowpassfilterAs in the mono modulator the signal needs to befiltered to15kHz and resampled.In the stereo modulator this is done for both the right and left channels.8SPS=Samples Per Second.9The broadcast FM frequency shift10Also known as DDS which stands for Direct Digital Synthesizer6Figure2:Stereo modulator structureFor stereo modulation we need a higher baseband sampling rate to accomodate the stereo pilot and sub-carrier,so the signal is resampled to110kHz instead of30kHz.Like in the mono modulator sox is used for this block.Sum and Difference signalsFor stereo modulation to be compatible with mono receivers the modulator actually creates a mono signal by adding the left and right channels.This is the L+R signal in thefigure.The modulator also creates a difference signal that the receiver will use to reconstruct the left and right channel.This is the L-R signal in thefigure.Pilot generatorA19kHz pilot signal is used to indicate to the receiver that this radio signal contains stereo information. The19kHz signal is also phase-locked to the38kHz stereo subcarrier to aid the receiver in correctly demodulating the difference signal.Stereo subcarrier generatorThis is a38kHz NCO/DDS that is phase locked to the19kHz pilot signal.All this“phase-locked”stuff might sound complicated,but it basically just means that both oscillators were started at the same time and run in parallell.7Stereo subcarrier modulationThe38kHz carrier is modulated using DSB-SC11with the difference signal.DSB-SC modulation is quite simple and can be described with the following formula:s t=m t∗c t(2) Where s t is the output sample of the modulator,m t is a sample of the L-R difference signal and c t is a sample of the38kHz subcarrier.Signal combinationTo create the composite baseband signal the three signals described above are simply added together.The pilot signal is multiplied by0.1since the pilot signal level should only be10%of the signal power.The resulting sample is then scaled by a constant so that it is within[-1,1]before being sent to the baseband modulator.Baseband modulatorThe base band modulator does exactly the same as it did in the mono modulator.The only difference is that the baseband signal has a higher sample rate.NCO+SDL+VGAThese are identical to the ones in the mono modulator.6The programs6.1sig1This program was thefirst attempt at generating an FM signal.The only thing it does is generate a.pgm image of an FM mono signal modulated with a tone of a given frequency.No parameters are accepted by this program.To change the parameters of the generated signal the #define s at the beginning of sig1.c must be changed and the program recompiled.If you want to understand how these programs work then this is the obvious place to start.6.2monofmThe monofm program implements the mono modulator described in section5.1.The program accepts the following parameters:-r Dot-Clock frequency.-c Carrier frequency.-w Width of display.11Double SideBand Suppressed Carrier8-W Optional HTOTAL value for VGA port.Defaults to width+1.-h Height of display.-H Optional VTOTAL value for VGA port.Defaults to height+1.-f Filename of audiofile.Defaults to“tst.mp3”An example invocation:./monofm-r73000000-c35000000-w2048-h2048-f tst.mp36.3stereofmstereofm implements the stereo modulator described in section5.2.It accepts the same parameters as monofm.An example invocation:./stereofm-r73000000-c35000000-w2048-h2048-f tst.mp37The sourcecodeThis section will give you a short walk-through of the source code for the monofm and stereofm e the modulator description in section5as a functional reference.The programs are written to be fast so they can be used in real time.Because of this the source is not always readable and is not really a good example of how to write well structured C programs.Please keep this in mind when checking out the source.dds1.h and dds2.hThese twofiles contain a fast approximate DDS signal generator based on a lookup table with sine func-tion values.The dds in dds1.h uses a linear interpolation to approximate sample values that fall in between entries in the lookup table giving it slightly better precision compared to dds2.h that just returns the value closest to the phase of the signal.However the generator in dds2.h is faster.fmdds.hfmdds.h extends the generator in dds2.h by adding a slope factor that skews the frequency a bit after every sample.This is useful since the generator is fed with a baseband signal at a significantly lower sample rate.The slope acts as a very efficient and quite good low-pass interpolationfilter.fmmain.hThe main()function of the mono and stereo modulators is contained here.It only parses command line options and then starts the modulator.9monofm.cThe mono baseband modulator is contained in the function baseband_mod.It runs in it’s own thread so as to take advantage of multicore CPUs.The baseband modulator opens a pipe to sox and receives samples that it converts to a frequency and slope.These parameters are stored in two ring buffers freqbuf and slopebuf that are read by the NCO when generating the radio signal.stereofm.cThisfile contains the pilot signal generator,stereo encoder and baseband modulator all packed together in the baseband_mod function.First a sample from both the left and right channels is read from the pipe to sox.Then the sum and difference signals are calculated and a composite sample is created.This sample is then converted into a frequency and slope which are saved in the ring buffers.fm.hThisfile contains the function modulate_sample which is the one that actually does the baseband mod-ulation and stuffing of samples into ring buffers.It also contains the function fmsignal which reads the ring buffers and creates the actual radio signal.The function loops over the pixels and lines of a VGA frame and calculates the sample value(pixel lightness)for each sample in the radio signal.It reads the frequency and slope information from the ring buffers when it needs it during signal generation.When the frame isfinished it waits the apropriate amount of time and then instructs the VGA card to display it.After that it starts generating the next frame.This function runs in its own thread.8FAQQ:Why?!?A:Why not?Q:What distortions can I expect due to the sync intervals?A:The horizontal sync intervals are so short,and so high in frequency that you shouldn’t hear them.They will probably cause some HF distortion in the radio wave though.The vertical sync intervals are a bigger problem.They will cause static or humming10with the same frequency as the framerate.Unfortunately this is usually very audible.Q:Can you disable the sync intervals entirely?A:I don’t know.I haven’t managed it yet.If you succeed please email me how you did it and what VGA card you used.Q:Why are there no mutexes to avoid problems with the ring buffers?A:Because they are not needed.The thread writing data to the ring buffers is much faster than the thread that reads thedata.So it only needs tofill the buffer up when the signal generator has consumed data,and then when the buffer is full it just waits a while for more data to be consumed.References[1]Lyons,Richard G.“Understanding Digital Signal Processing”[2]Couch,Leon W.“Digital and Analog Communication systems”[3]Analog and Digital TV(DVB-T)Signal Generation:/dvbt/[4]Tempest for Eliza:http://www.erikyyy.de/tempest/[5]Wikipedia:“Frequency Modulation”/wiki/Frequency_modulation[6]Wikipedia:“FM Broadcasting”/wiki/FM_broadcasting11。