山东省潍坊市诸城第一中学2021年高三地理测试题含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 11月22日,某地理研究性学习小组在观测房屋采光状况时,发现甲楼阴影恰好遮住乙楼三层中部(如图所示),在甲楼顶层GPS测得纬度为31.836 6°、经度为117.217 9 °、高程为96 m。
22.隔25小时再次观测时,甲楼阴影可遮挡乙楼 ( )A.二层西部 B.四层东部C.五层西部 D.七层东部23.此后一个月内 ( )A.法国进入冷饮畅销期 B.广东省进入雨季C.澳大利亚播种冬小麦 D.云南省昼短夜长参考答案:B D2. 下图是“沿北纬40°的1月、7月气温变化曲线及各地年降水量分布图”,读图回答图中B、C两地相比,下列叙述正确的是A.B地气温年较差比C地小B.B地年降水量比C地少C.B地降水集中在冬季,C地降水集中在夏季D.B地1月受冬季风影响,气温在O0C以下参考答案:D3. 某登山运动爱好者于当地时间5月1日从秘鲁古城库斯科出发徒步登彩虹山,并拍照留念。
9. 彩虹山地貌景观形成的主要地质过程是A. 外力沉积一地壳下沉一外力侵蚀B. 外力沉积一地壳上升一外力侵蚀C. 外力侵蚀一地壳下沉一外力沉积D. 外力侵蚀一地壳上升一外力沉积10. 近年来人们才发现彩虹山,其主要原因是A. 形成晚,人类活动较少B. 地理位置偏僻,遥感技术落后C. 海拔高,风化作用强烈D. 全球气候变暖,冰雪消融加快11. 登山队员拍照时,当地的时间大约为14时。
登山队员面朝A. 偏东方B. 偏南方C. 偏西方D. 偏北方参考答案:9. B 10. D 11. D9. 据图可知,沉积岩层上拱,可判断为背斜部位,据图可知为砂岩,属于沉积岩,说明当地早期为沉积环境,长时期堆积了较厚的不同颜色的砂岩;后受内力作用挤压形成褶皱并抬升为山地;后受外力作用剥蚀出露地表,所以B正确。
山东省潍坊诸城一中2021届高三生物11月份模拟试题一、选择题:本题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分。
每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是最符合题目要求的.1.下列有关生物学实验的叙述,正确的是A.甘蔗汁接近无色透明且富含蔗糖,常用作还原糖的鉴定B.显微镜下观察到的质壁分离是指细胞质与细胞壁的分开C.酵母菌无氧呼吸产生的二氧化碳使溴麝香草酚蓝溶液由蓝变绿再变黄D.用显微镜观察洋葱根尖装片时,需保持细胞活性以便观察有丝分裂过程2.有关细胞的结构和功能的叙述,正确的是A.胰岛 B 细胞能合成胰岛素但不能合成 RNA 聚合酶B.某些固醇类物质可作为信息分子参与细胞间的信息交流 C.受精卵有丝分裂前期,中心体倍增并发出星射线形成纺锤体D.细胞癌变时,细胞膜上的糖蛋白增加使细胞的黏着性降低3.下列与人们饮食、保健观念相关的叙述中,正确的是A.患急性肠炎的病人脱水时需要及时大量饮水以补充水分B.瘦肉富含蛋白质、不含糖类,大量食用不会导致肥胖C.饮用补充核酸的保健品能补充和及时修复人体受损基因D.钙缺乏的幼儿需及时补钙,同时可以口服维生素 D 辅助治疗4.线粒体起源的内共生学说认为,原始真核细胞吞噬了能进行有氧呼吸的原始细菌,它们之间逐渐形成了互利共生关系,最终原始细菌演变成线粒体.根据该学说,下列说法错误的是A.线粒体中具有的环状双链 DNA 与细菌的相似B.线粒体的外膜和内膜在原始来源上是相同的C.线粒体内含有 DNA、RNA 和核糖体,具有相对独立的遗传表达系统D.线粒体 RNA 聚合酶可被原核细胞 RNA 聚合酶的抑制剂所抑制5.关于酶的叙述,正确的是A.酶制剂适于在最适温度的条件下保存B.增加反应体系中酶的浓度能提高生成物的产量C.细胞内合成酶的场所是核糖体D.酶在细胞内、外均能催化相关化学反应6.下列关于细胞呼吸原理的应用的叙述正确的是A.为避免破伤风杆菌在有氧时大量繁殖,需要及时处理伤口B.利用醋酸杆菌酿制食醋时,需要保持无氧环境C.种子、果蔬储存在完全无氧的环境中,可将损失减小到最小D.酿制葡萄酒时,酒精含量过高会抑制酵母菌的无氧呼吸7.研究人员从菠菜中分离类囊体,将其与16 种酶等物质一起用单层脂质分子包裹成油包水液滴,从而构建半人工光合作用反应体系。
2021年11月山东省潍坊市普通高中2022届高三上学期11月期中模拟考试数学试卷★祝考试顺利★(含答案)(满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)一、 单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的.1. 已知集合A ={x|1<x<5},B ={x∈N |-1<x ≤3},则A ∩B =( )A. (1,3]B. (-1,5)C. {2,3}D. {1,2,3}2. 我们称可同时存在于一个指数函数与一个对数函数的图象上的点为“和谐点”,则四个点M (1,1),N (2,1),P (2,2),Q (2,-3)中“和谐点”的个数为( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 43. 已知sin 2α=-14,则sin 2(α+π4)=( ) A. 18B. 38C. 158 D. 584. 函数f (x )=x 3cos x x 2+1的图象大致为( )5. 为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,某学校组织“红心向党”歌咏比赛,前三名被甲、乙、丙获得.下面三个结论:“甲为第一名,乙不是第一名,丙不是第三名”中只有一个正确,由此可推得获得第一、二、三名的依次是( )A. 甲、乙、丙B. 乙、丙、甲C. 丙、甲、乙D. 乙、甲、丙6. 若函数f (x )=(x 2+ax +2)·e x 在R 上无极值,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A. (-2,2)B. (-23,23)C. [-23,23]D. [-2,2]7. 已知x >0,y >0,x +2y =1,则(x +1)(y +1)xy的最小值为( ) A. 4+43B. 12 C. 8+43D. 168. “迪拜世博会”于2021年10月1日至2022年3月31日在迪拜举行,中国馆建筑名为“华夏之光”,外观取型中国传统灯笼,寓意希望和光明.它的形状可视为内外两个同轴圆柱,某爱好者制作了一个中国馆的实心模型,已知模型内层底面直径为12 cm,外层底面直径为16 cm,且内外层圆柱的底面圆周都在一个直径为20 cm 的球面上.此模型的体积为( )A. 304π cm 3B. 840π cm 3C. 912π cm 3D. 984π cm 3二、 多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.9. 某位同学10次考试的物理成绩y 与数学成绩x 如下表所示:参考数据: ∑10i =1x i =800. 已知y 与x 线性相关,且y 关于x 的回归直线方程为y =1.1x -5,则下列说法正确的是( )A . a =86B . y 与x 正相关C . y 与x 的相关系数为负数D . 若数学成绩每提高5分,则物理成绩估计能提高5.5分10. 下列四个函数中,以π为周期且在(0,π2)上单调递增的偶函数有( )A . y =cos |2x|B . y =|tan x|。
2018级高三上学期期中考试物理模拟试题一、选择题(1—8单选每题3分,9—12多选每题4分)1.跳伞运动员从高空悬停的直升机跳下,运动员沿竖直方向运动,其v-t 图象如图所示.下列说法正确的是( )A .运动员在010s -内的平均速度大小等于10/m sB .10s 末运动员的速度方向改变C .10末运动员打开降落伞D .1015s s -内运动员做加速度逐渐增加的减速运动2.如图所示,水平桌面上有三个相同的物体a b c 、、叠放在一起,a 的左端通过一根轻绳与质量为3m kg =的小球相连,绳与水平方向的夹角为60︒,小球静止在光滑的半圆形器皿中.水平向右的力40F N =作用在b 上,三个物体保持静止状态g 取210/m s ,下列说法正确的是( )A .物体c 受到向右的静摩擦力B .物体b 受到一个摩擦力,方向向左C .桌面对物体a 的静摩擦力方向水平向右D .撤去力F 的瞬间,三个物体将获得向左的加速度3.嫦娥三号的飞行轨道示意图如图所示.假设嫦娥三号在环月段圆轨道和椭圆轨道上运动时,只受到月球的万有引力.则( )A .嫦娥三号由环月段圆轨道变轨进入环月段桶圆轨道时,应让发动机点火使其加速B .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上P 点的速度大于Q 点的速度C .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上Q 点的速度大于月段圆轨道的速度D .若已知嫦娥三号环月段圆轨道的半径、运动周期和引力常量,则可算出月球的密度4.如图所示,AB 为固定的光滑圆弧轨道,O 为圆心,AO 水平,BO 竖直,轨道半径为 R ,当地重力加速度为 g ,将质量为 m 的小球(可视为质点)从 A 点由静止释放,经时间 t 到达 B ,在小球从 A 点运动到 B 点的过程中( )A .小球所受合力的冲量指向圆心B 22222m g t m gR +C .小球受到的重力的冲量为 0,重力做的功不为 0D .小球受到的支持力的冲量为 0,支持力做的功也是 05.质量为m 的汽车在平直路面上由静止匀加速启动,运动过程的v -t 图像如图所示,已知t 1A .在0~t 1时间内,汽车加速度大小为B .t 1时刻汽车牵引力与t 2时刻汽车牵引力相等C .汽车受到的阻力大小为21211()mv v v t - D .在t 1~t 2时间内,汽车克服阻力做功为22211122mv mv - 6.小强在学习了《静电场》一章后,来到实验室研究如图所示的电场,实线和虚线分别表示该电场的电场线和等势线,若 a 、b 两点所处的等势线电势为0,相邻等势线间的电势差为2V ,则( )A .a 处电场强度等于b 处电场强度B .c 、b 两点间的电势差大于c 、a 两点间的电势差C .电子在c 处具有的电势能为20eVD .若将一电子在d 处由静止释放,则运动至c 点对应等势线时,具有的动能为2eV7.如图,将三根长度、电阻都相同的导体棒首尾相接,构成一闭合的等边三角形线框,a 、b 、c 为三个顶点,匀强磁场垂直于线框平面.用导线将a 、c 两点接入电流恒定的电路中,以下说法正确的是( )A .线框所受安培力为0B .ac 边与ab 边所受安培力的大小相等C .ac 边所受安培力是ab 边所受安培力的2倍D .ac 边所受安培力与ab 、bc 边所受安培力的合力大小相等8.如图所示,放于竖直面内的光滑金属细圆环半径为R ,质量为m 的带孔小球穿于环上,同时有一长为R 的细绳一端系于球上,另一端系于圆环最低点,绳能承受的最大拉力为2mg .重力加速度的大小为g ,当圆环以角速度ω绕竖直直径转动时,下列说法错误的是( )A .圆环角速度ωg R2个力的作用 B .圆环角速度ω2g RC .圆环角速度ω等于g RD .圆环角速度ω6g R 2个力的作用板不动,通过上下移动A 板来改变两极板的间距(两板仍平行),下列说法中正确的是 A .若小球带正电,当AB 间距减小时,小球打在N 的左侧B .若小球带正电,当AB 间距增大时,小球打在N 的左侧C .若小球带负电,当AB 间距增大时,小球可能打在N 的左侧D .若小球带负电,当AB 间距减小时,小球可能打在N 的右侧10.如图所示电路中,电源电动势为E ,内阻为r ,定值电阻的阻值1R r =,当滑动变阻器2R 的滑片向右滑动过程中,理想电流表1A 、2A 的示数变化量的绝对值分别为1I ∆、2I ∆,理想电压表示数变化量的绝对值为U ∆,下列说法正确的是( )A .电压表V 的示数减小B .电流表1A 、2A 的示数均减小C .U ∆与1I ∆的比值等于电源内阻rD .电源的输出功率逐渐增大11.如图所示为正交的匀强电场和匀强磁场,电场方向水平向右,场强大小为E ,磁场垂直于纸面水平向外,磁感应强度大小为B .一个电量为q 、质量为qE m g=(g 为重力加速度)的带正电粒子在场中P 点竖直向下以大小为v 0的初速度向下射出.则( )A .若0E v B=,则粒子将向下做匀加速直线运动 B .若0E v B =5g C .改变粒子射出的速度,且粒子在场中做直线运动,则粒子一定做匀速直线运动D 2E 12.竖直放置的轻弹簧下端固定在地上,上端与质量为m 的钢板连接,钢板处于静止状态.一个质量也为m 的物块从钢板正上方h 处的P 点自由落下,打在钢板上并与钢板一起向下运动x 0后到达最低点Q .下列说法正确的是A 2ghB 2ghC .从P 到Q 的过程中,弹性势能的增加量为0(2)2h mg x +13.如图甲所示是某研究性学习小组探究小车加速度与力关系的实验装置,长木板置于水平桌面上,一端系有砂桶的细绳通过滑轮与固定的拉力传感器相连,拉力传感器可显示绳中拉力F 的大小,改变桶中砂的质量进行多次实验。
1.如图是人体细胞中三种重要有机物A、C、E的元素组成及相互关系图,下列叙述正确的是()A. 图中X、Y所指的元素都为N、PB. 有机物A彻底水解的产物是磷酸、核糖、含氮碱基C. 有机物E多样性的原因是b的种类、数量、排列顺序、空间结构不同D. 过程②叫做脱水缩合,细胞结构Ⅱ的名称叫糖被2.细菌在15N培养基中繁殖数代后,使细菌DNA的含氮碱基皆含有15N,然后再移入14N培养基中培养,抽取亲代及子代的DNA经高速离心分离,①~⑤为可能的结果,下列不可能出现的是( )A.①B.②C.③D.④3.研究发现,随着田鼠的不断衰老,体内“烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸”(NAD)数量会显著下降,而“细胞外烟酰胺磷酸核糖转移酶”(eNAMPT,属于蛋白质类)可以催化NAD的生成,逆转田鼠身体机能的衰老,并延长其寿命。
下列说法错误的是()A. 衰老田鼠的体细胞内仍能合成eNAMPT,并会催化产生NADB.eNAMPT能降低反应的活化能,可在最适温度和最适pH条件下保存C.eNAMPT高温变性后仍可与双缩脲试剂反应发生颜色反应D. 给老年田鼠注射eNAMPT会延缓甚至逆转机体衰老,这使人“返老还童”成为可能4.研究人员将燕麦胚芽鞘尖端放在琼脂块上并给予单侧光照,处理过程(胚芽鞘不用玻璃片隔开)如图1所示。
山东省诸城一中2021届高三第一学期11月份模拟物理试题一、选择题(1—8单选每题3分,9—12多选每题4分)1.跳伞运动员从高空悬停的直升机跳下,运动员沿竖直方向运动,其v-t 图象如图所示.下列说法正确的是( )A .运动员在010s -内的平均速度大小等于10/m sB .10s 末运动员的速度方向改变C .10末运动员打开降落伞D .1015s s -内运动员做加速度逐渐增加的减速运动2.如图所示,水平桌面上有三个相同的物体a b c 、、叠放在一起,a 的左端通过一根轻绳与质量为3m kg =的小球相连,绳与水平方向的夹角为60︒,小球静止在光滑的半圆形器皿中.水平向右的力40F N =作用在b 上,三个物体保持静止状态g 取210/m s ,下列说法正确的是( )A .物体c 受到向右的静摩擦力B .物体b 受到一个摩擦力,方向向左C .桌面对物体a 的静摩擦力方向水平向右D .撤去力F 的瞬间,三个物体将获得向左的加速度3.嫦娥三号的飞行轨道示意图如图所示.假设嫦娥三号在环月段圆轨道和椭圆轨道上运动时,只受到月球的万有引力.则( )A .嫦娥三号由环月段圆轨道变轨进入环月段桶圆轨道时,应让发动机点火使其加速B .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上P 点的速度大于Q 点的速度C .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上Q 点的速度大于月段圆轨道的速度D .若已知嫦娥三号环月段圆轨道的半径、运动周期和引力常量,则可算出月球的密度4.如图所示,AB 为固定的光滑圆弧轨道,O 为圆心,AO 水平,BO 竖直,轨道半径为 R ,当地重力加速度为 g ,将质量为 m 的小球(可视为质点)从 A 点由静止释放,经时间 t 到达 B ,在小球从 A 点运动到 B 点的过程中( )A .小球所受合力的冲量指向圆心B .小球所受支持力的冲量大小是22222m g t m gR +C .小球受到的重力的冲量为 0,重力做的功不为 0D .小球受到的支持力的冲量为 0,支持力做的功也是 05.质量为m 的汽车在平直路面上由静止匀加速启动,运动过程的v -t 图像如图所示,已知t 1时刻汽车达到额定功率,之后保持额定功率运动,整个过程中汽车受到的阻力大小恒定,则( )A .在0~t 1时间内,汽车加速度大小为B .t 1时刻汽车牵引力与t 2时刻汽车牵引力相等C .汽车受到的阻力大小为21211()mv v v t - D .在t 1~t 2时间内,汽车克服阻力做功为22211122mv mv - 6.小强在学习了《静电场》一章后,来到实验室研究如图所示的电场,实线和虚线分别表示该电场的电场线和等势线,若 a 、b 两点所处的等势线电势为0,相邻等势线间的电势差为2V ,则( )A .a 处电场强度等于b 处电场强度B .c 、b 两点间的电势差大于c 、a 两点间的电势差C .电子在c 处具有的电势能为20eVD .若将一电子在d 处由静止释放,则运动至c 点对应等势线时,具有的动能为2eV 7.如图,将三根长度、电阻都相同的导体棒首尾相接,构成一闭合的等边三角形线框,a 、b 、c 为三个顶点,匀强磁场垂直于线框平面.用导线将a 、c 两点接入电流恒定的电路中,以下说法正确的是( )A .线框所受安培力为0B .ac 边与ab 边所受安培力的大小相等C .ac 边所受安培力是ab 边所受安培力的2倍D .ac 边所受安培力与ab 、bc 边所受安培力的合力大小相等8.如图所示,放于竖直面内的光滑金属细圆环半径为R ,质量为m 的带孔小球穿于环上,同时有一长为R 的细绳一端系于球上,另一端系于圆环最低点,绳能承受的最大拉力为2mg .重力加速度的大小为g ,当圆环以角速度ω绕竖直直径转动时,下列说法错误的是()A.圆环角速度ωgR时,小球受到2个力的作用B.圆环角速度ω2g RC.圆环角速度ω等于2g RD.圆环角速度ω6gR2个力的作用9.如图,平行板电容器AB两极板水平放置,与理想二极管串联接在电源上,已知A和正极相连,二极管具有单向导电性,一带电小球沿AB中心水平射入,打在B极板上的N点.现保持B板不动,通过上下移动A板来改变两极板的间距(两板仍平行),下列说法中正确的是A.若小球带正电,当AB间距减小时,小球打在N的左侧B.若小球带正电,当AB间距增大时,小球打在N的左侧C.若小球带负电,当AB间距增大时,小球可能打在N的左侧D.若小球带负电,当AB间距减小时,小球可能打在N的右侧10.如图所示电路中,电源电动势为E,内阻为r,定值电阻的阻值1R r=,当滑动变阻器2R 的滑片向右滑动过程中,理想电流表1A、2A的示数变化量的绝对值分别为1I∆、2I∆,理想电压表示数变化量的绝对值为U∆,下列说法正确的是()A.电压表V的示数减小B.电流表1A、2A的示数均减小C.U∆与1I∆的比值等于电源内阻rD.电源的输出功率逐渐增大11.如图所示为正交的匀强电场和匀强磁场,电场方向水平向右,场强大小为E,磁场垂直于纸面水平向外,磁感应强度大小为B.一个电量为q、质量为qEmg=(g为重力加速度)的带正电粒子在场中P点竖直向下以大小为v0的初速度向下射出.则()A .若0E vB =,则粒子将向下做匀加速直线运动 B .若0E v B =且方向竖直向上,射出的瞬间,加速度大小为5g C .改变粒子射出的速度,且粒子在场中做直线运动,则粒子一定做匀速直线运动D .改变粒子射出的速度,且粒子在场中做直线运动,则射出的初速度大小为2E B12.竖直放置的轻弹簧下端固定在地上,上端与质量为m 的钢板连接,钢板处于静止状态.一个质量也为m 的物块从钢板正上方h 处的P 点自由落下,打在钢板上并与钢板一起向下运动x 0后到达最低点Q .下列说法正确的是A .物块与钢板碰后的速度为2ghB .物块与钢板碰后的速度为2ghC .从P 到Q 的过程中,弹性势能的增加量为0(2)2h mg x +D .从P 到Q 的过程中,弹性势能的增加量为mg(2x 0+h) 第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(每空2分,共18分)13.如图甲所示是某研究性学习小组探究小车加速度与力关系的实验装置,长木板置于水平桌面上,一端系有砂桶的细绳通过滑轮与固定的拉力传感器相连,拉力传感器可显示绳中拉力F 的大小,改变桶中砂的质量进行多次实验。
山东省潍坊市诸城一中2021届高三11月份模拟化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.火药制备是我国古代闻名世界的化学工艺,原理为 2KNO 3+S+3C=K 2S+N 2↑+ 3CO 2 ↑。
下列表示反应中相关微粒的化学用语正确的是A .K +的结构示意图:B .K 2S 的电子式:C .CO 2 的结构式为:O=C=OD .16O 2与 18O 3 互为同位素 2.化学与生活密切相关。
下列说法错误的是A .将84消毒液和医用酒精混合使用,能更有效地杀死环境中的新冠病毒B .医用外科口罩的核心功能层聚丙烯熔喷布属于有机高分子材料C .疫苗必须冷藏存放,其目的是避免疫苗蛋白质变性D .“丹砂(HgS )烧之成水银,积变又还成丹砂”。
该过程不属于升华 3.N A 是阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A .若1molFeCl 3跟水完全反应转化为氢氧化铁胶体后,其中胶体粒子的数目为N AB .将一定量的Cl 2通入FeBr 2溶液中,当有1molBr -转化为Br 2时,转移的电子数为N AC .44.0g 环氧乙烷中含有6.0N A 个极性键D .1molCaO 2晶体中含离子总数为3N A4.下列指定反应的离子方程式正确的是A .Cl 2通入水中制氯水:22Cl H O2H Cl ClO +--+++ B .NO 2通入水中制硝酸:2232NO H O 2H NO NO +-+=++C .10.1mol L -⋅NaAlO 2溶液中通入过量CO 2:22233AlO CO 2H O Al(OH)HCO --++=↓+D .10.1mol L -⋅AgNO 3溶液中加入过量浓氨水:324Ag NH H O AgOH NH ++++=↓+ 5.硝酸厂的烟气中含有大量的氮氧化物(NO x ),将烟气与H 2的混合气体通入Ce(SO 4)2与Ce 2(SO 4)3[Ce 中文名“铈”]的混合溶液中实现无害化处理,其转化过程如图所示。
2021届诸城市第一中学高中部高三英语一模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhen it comes to the greatest inventions of the world, China’s name is sure to be mentioned several times. There are hundreds of things which were invented by the Chinese.AlcoholShocked? I was because when they said alcohol I thought about either the US or the UK. China had never crossed my mind. In China, alcohol was made by two legendary persons named Yi Di and Du Kang who belonged to the Xia Dynasty. This period was about 2000 BC - 1600 BC. Research says that in ancient China, beer with 4% alcoholic content was widely consumed by people.TeaChina is the proud inventor of tea which was first drunk by Shen Nong, a Chinese emperor around 2737 BC. Tea production was rapidly developed, making tea a popular drink during the Tang and Song Dynasties.The Mechanical ClockHave you ever wondered what on earth we would be doing without any idea of time? A clock really is an invention without which things were incomplete. The credit of making the first mechanical clock goes to ancient China. The first mechanical clock was invented by Yi Xing in the Tang Dynasty. This was during 618 and 907.Silk FabricSilk, the favorite fabric of many girls out there, is also a Chinese invention. Although we all know that silk is made by silkworms, it was Chinese people who first invented a way to harvest the silk and then use it to make clothes. The oldest silk which has been found so far is in Henan Province and dates back to 3630 BC.1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.A.people in the US like alcoholB.beer was popular in the Xia DynastyC.Yi Di and Du Kang invented alcohol by accidentD.the author didn’t know alcohol is a Chinese invention2.The author asks the question in Paragraph 4 to show ________.A.ancient Chinese inventors were wiserB.many things in our lives are incompleteC.ancient Chinese people never wasted timeD.the invention of the mechanical clock is important3.Which of the following invention has a longer history?A.Tea.B.Alcohol.C.Silk fabric.D.The mechanical clock.BThose who are concerned that robots are taking over the world can rest easy—for now. Though the androids have proved useful at performing ordinary tasks, they are not ready for the greatest time. At least that appears to be the case atJapan’s Henn-na Hotel chain where over half of the robot staff are being replaced by humans.The first location of the unique hotel opened in July 2015 was atNagasaki’s Huis Ten Bosch Theme Park. The hotel’s owner, Hideo Sawada, promised the hotel to be managed primarily by robots. Guests were greeted and checked-in by a dinosaur robot, while a cute android called Churi, placed inside each room, provided information about attractions. Not surprisingly, the lodging, recognized in 2016 as the world’s first robot-staffed hotel by Guinness World Records, drew in curious visitors from all around the world.But as the years have passed, the hotel’s main draw is becoming less novel and more unsatisfactory. Also as the robots are “aging”, they are costing more to repair. Among the 283 androids being replaced are the chain’s two dinosaur receptionists. In addition to scaring young guests, they are also unable to photocopy guests’ passports, forcing human employees to step in each time. Also out are the cute Churi robots, which annoyed guests by interrupting their conversations. For example, one guest told The Wall Street Journal that Churi mistook his snoring for a command and kept asking him to repeat his request all night.Sawada told The Wall Street Journal, “When you actually use robots you realize there are places where they aren’t needed—or just annoy people.” While Sawada may be cutting back on his use of androids, the recently-opened Smart LYZ Hotel and the Fly Zoo Hotel inChina, are run entirely by robots, with not a human in sight. Whether the employees have more competence than those “hired” by the Henn-na Hotel chain remains to be seen.4. What makesJapan’s Henn-na Hotel unique?A. Its robot employees.B. Its advanced equipment.C. Its convenient location.D. Its successful management.5. What is the author’s purpose with the example in paragraph 3?A. To entertain readers.B. To prove Churi’s drawback.C. To introduce Churi’s functions.D. To persuade people not to book the hotel.6. What does the owner ofJapan’s Henn-na Hotel think of his robot staff now?A. Attractive.B. Costly.C. Pioneering.D. Disappointing.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Robots Are Taking Over the World.B. The Boom of Robots-staffed Hotel.C. Robot Staff Are Fired For No Competence.D. The First Robots-staffed Hotel Won Guinness World Record.CYour best friend that follows you around when the sun comes out - your shadow - doesn’t serve an important function like your heart or brain, but what if you could use shadows to create electricity? When using solar panels (电池板) that are powered by light, shadows can be boring because it means electricity can’t be created. However, researchers from the National University of Singapore have engineered a way to create power from the shadows present everywhere.A team of the university created a machine that can collect energy from shadows. It is created by placing a thin coating of gold onto silicon (硅). Like in a normal solar panel, when put in light, the silicon electrons (电子) become energized and the energized electrons then jump from the silicon to the gold. The voltage (电压) of the part of the machine that is placed in the light increases to the dark part and the electrons in the machine flow from high to low voltage. They are sent through an external circuit (外电路) creating a current that can be used to power another machine. The greater the contrast between light and dark, more energy is provided by the machine.The team isworking on improving the performance of the machine, borrowing approaches from solar panels to gather light. Increasing the amount of light the machines can receive allows them to better make use of shadows, as well as developing shadow energy collecting panels that can successfully gather from indoor lighting. The team is also researching the use of other materials other than gold to drop the price of the machine, meaning they would be more cost effective and easier to apply in society.Shadows are present everywhere and perhaps one day in the future we will be able to collect energy from them by placing the shadow-effect energy machine around the world in places that have been considered unfit for solar panels to work, or indoors. “A lot of people think that shadows are useless,” Tan says, but “anything can beuseful, even shadows.”8. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?A. Your best friend always stays with you after the sunrise.B. The shadow has the same function as the heart and brain.C. Shadows can stop solar panels from creating electricity.D. Researchers have found a way to create power from shadows.9. What is the key working principle of the machine mentioned in the text?A. The silicon produces electricity when it is in the light.B. The gold produces power with the help of the silicon.C. The energized electrons flow from high to low voltage.D. An external circuit creates current using another machine.10. How does the team improve the performance of the machine?A. Using solar panels in the machine.B. Increasing the amount of light received.C. Developing light energy collecting panels.D. Bringing down the price of gold.11. Which of the following is the best place to apply the machine?A. A gym.B. A park.C. A farm.D. A playground.DIn the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact(影响)on the environment. After all, you were jumping into your car, driving across town, coughing out emissions(产生排放)and using gas all the way. But now that we're used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a littleproud. After all, we're just picking up our phones and maybe turning on the TV. You're welcome. Mother Nature.Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shift Project. According to "Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video", digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Watching a half-hour show would cause 1. 6 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. That's like driving 6. 28 kilometers. And in the European Union, the Eureca project found that data centers(where videos are stored)there used 25% more energy in 2017 compared to just three years earlier, reports the BBC.Streaming is only expected to increase as webecome more enamored ofour digital devices(设备)and the possibility of enjoying entertainment where and when we want it increases. Online video use is expected to increase by four times from 2017 to 2022 and account for 80% of all Internet traffic by 2022. By then, about 60% of the world's population will be online.You're probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there're things you can do to help lessen the impact of your online use, experts say. For example, according to Lutz Stobbe, a researcher from the Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin, we have no need to upload 25 pictures of the same thing to the cloud because it consumes energy every time. If instead you delete a few things here and there, you can save energy. Moreover, it's also a good idea to stream over Wi-Fi, watch on the smallest screen you can, and turn off your Wi-Fi in your home if you're not using your devices.12. What topic is the first paragraph intended to lead in?A. The environmental effects of driving private cars.B. The improvements on environmental awareness.C. The change in the way people seek entertainment.D The environmental impacts of screaming services.13. What does the underlined phrase become more enamored of" in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Get more skeptical of.B. Become more aware of.C. Feel much crazier about.D. Get more worried about.14. What can we infer about the use of streaming services?A. It is being reduced to protect the planet.B. Its environmental effects are worsening.C. It is easily available to almost everyone.D. Its side effects have drawn global attention.15. Which of the following is the most environmentally-friendly?A. Watching downloaded movies on a mobile phone.B. Downloading music on a personal computer.C. Uploading a lot of images of the same thing.D. Playing online games over mobile networks.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021年诸城市第一中学初中部高三英语模拟试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AReturns & Refund Guarantee(保证;保证书)The “Returns & Refund Guarantee” is a promise provided by sellers for every item they sell on DHgate. com. When you receive an item that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described or isof low quality, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems. DHgate will offer additional assistance if the seller is not cooperative.Scope(范围)The following points should not be included in the “Returns & Refund Guarantee”:▲The seller didn't make any promise.▲The seller can provide evidence to prove the items are as described.▲You didn't contact the seller within the promised time.▲You have released the payment to the seller before asking DHgate for help.Sellers are able to set up the following promises:Returning items for any reasonBuyers can return items for a refund within a specific date which has been set up by sellers, such as 3 days, and 7 days from the day when the items are received. The items' receiving date is the date that is indicated on the shipping carrier's official website. Buyers should prepay any return shipping cost, which will be given back to the buyers after the seller receives the items as long as the items are returned in the same exact condition as when they were delivered.Returns or Refunds accepted if the product has quality issuesBuyers can return the items for a refund when they are not as described or possess quality issues by communicating directly with the seller. The seller is responsible for the return shipping cost.Buyers can get a refund and keep the items when the items are not as described or possess quality issues by negotiating directly with sellers.1.Who can get additional assistance from DHgate in the guarantee?A.The buyers in physical stores.B.The buyers on DHgate. com.C.The sellers on DHgate. com.D.Both the buyers and the sellers.2.Which situation is within the scope of the guarantee?A.The seller didn't make any promise.B.The buyer has paid the seller in advance.C.The buyer asked for help within the promised time.D.The seller proves that there is nothing wrong with the item.3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Not all the sellers make promises.B.DHgate sometimes will pay the buyers.C.Sellers should prepay return shipping cost.D.The buyer can't keep the items after getting a refund.BDepression(抑郁症)in young adult males, ages 18 or 19, is linked to a 20% greater risk of having a heart attack in middle age, according to a new Swedish study.The link can be partly explained by poorer stress resilience(抗压能力)and lower physical fitness among teens with mental disorders.Theresearch included 238,013 men born between 1958 and 1962 who were given examinations in adolescence(青春期)and were then followed into middle age(up to the age of 58 years). A total of 34,503 men were diagnosed(诊断)with a mental disorder.The study found thata mental disorder in young adulthond was linked to a higher risk of having heart attack by middle age. Compared to men without a mental illness in young adulthood,the risk of heart attack was 20%higher among men with a diagnosis.“We already knew that menwho were physically fit in adolescence seem less likely to keep fitness in later years if they have low stress resilience” said study author Dr. Bergh, “Our research has also shown that low stress resilience is also connected with a greater tendency towards bad behavior, such as higher risks of smoking, drinking and other drug use.”“Better fitness in adolescence is likely to help protect against later heart disease, particularly if people stay fit as they age. Physical activities may also reduce some of the bad effects of stress. Those in poor health could benefit from additional support to encourage exercise and develop plans to deal with stress,” said Bergh.4. How does the author develop paragraph 3?A. By giving examples.B. By listing figures.C. By making a comparison.D. By drawing a conclusion.5. What are men with low stress resilience likely to do?A. Smoke more.B. Eat more.C. Sleep less.D. Do less exercise.6. What will Bergh agree with according to the last paragraph?A. Physical activitiesadd to stress.B. Stress may cause heart disease.C. Taking exercise is unnecessary.D. Staying fit is of great importance.7. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A. Entertainment.B. Health.C. Education.D. Fashion.C“They’re harming your brain.” “They’re ruining your eyes.” “They’re turning you into a violent person.” The words said publicly against video games are so common, but are these worries founded on actual science? Countless studies have offered different opinions on whether video games are bad for you. We’ve rounded up the most notable reports and studies below, so you can weigh up the evidence for yourself.In 2013,psychologist(心理学家) Simone Kuhn studied the influences of spending long hours on video games on the brains of young adults and found that several areas became bigger than before. These areas are connected with highercognitive functions(认知功能), memory formation andfinemotor(精细运动) function.Last year, psychologists said that video game players who favour violent games are more likely to be violent when offline. Dr. Mark Appelbaum of the American Psychological Association said that there was a relation between violent video game use and increases in violent behaviour.Dr. Daphne Bavelier is an expert in the field of Brain & Cognitive Sciences. Bavelier presented the audience with a colour-word test, where non-gamers are easily puzzled by the test, and those who spend long periods playing on their computers are more likely to pass the test with flying colours.“Actually, those video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention,” said Bavelier, “and one part of attention which is also improved for the better is our ability to follow the movements of objects.”“So, in a sense, when we think about the influence of video games on the brain, it’s very similar to the influence of wine on the health. There are some very poor uses of wine. There are some very poor uses of video games. But when drunk in reasonable amounts, and at the right age, wine can be very good for health,” said Bavelier.8. What can be learned from Simone Kuhn’s study?A. Video games make you happier.B. Video games make your brain grow.C. Video games play a key role in memory.D. Video games teach you how to learn fast.9. What was Dr. Mark Appelbaum’s attitude towards video games?A. He was against them.B. He was hopeful of them.C.He was in favour of them.D. He was uncertain about them.10. Which of the following may Dr. Daphne Bavelier agree with?A. Video games fix attention problems.B. Video games make kids do well in exams.C. Video games encourage violent behaviour.D. Video games help increase colour knowledge.11. Why are the uses of wine mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To remind people to avoid video games.B. To show the disadvantages of video games.C. To help people learn more about video games.D.To ask people to make good use of video games.DWe asked four people who watched an online talk on technology and communication by Sherry Turkle for their opinions.Fred:The talk certainly gave me plenty of food for thought about how technology is changing our behaviour. People are constantly multitasking, whether it be emailing during meetings or texting in the checkout queue. It’s as if we can’t bear to miss out on what our online friends are up to, so we juggle the real and online world. My greatest concern is that we don’t give our brains a chance to switch off. It’sthese precious momentswhen we actually process information that helps us make important decisions.Jeremy:It was a fascinating talk and the speaker really hit the nail on the head with a couple of things. Take parental influence, for instance. How can we expect teenagers not to text while doing their homework when they witness their parents posting on social media while cooking the evening meal or waiting at a red light?Kath:So much of what the speaker said rang true. I honestly believe there’s a danger that the more connected we are, the more isolated we feel. I don’t think this is such an issue for my generation who’ve lived without technology for so long. We know how to be alone. But the under 20s are another kettle of fish. They’re so busy communicating that they never experience the feeling of solitude and run the risk of not learning how to enjoy their own company.Carl:I’m not sure to what extent I agree that people are more alone, but the way we communicate has certainly evolved. The speaker makes a good point about how we’re getting used to talking with machines like Siri or robots, which are totally lack of experience of human life. But despite such limitations, we seem to be expecting more from technology and less from each other.12. What does the underlined phrase “these precious moments” in paragraph 2 refer to?A. When our brains are free.B. When we emailing during meeting.C. When we texting in the checkout queue.D. When we juggle the real and online world.13. What suggestion may Jeremy give to the parents?A. Accompany their children when they are doing homework.B. Prevent their children using phone while doing homework.C. Set a good example for their children on using phone properly.D. Stop posting on social media in face of their children.14. What does Kath worry about the under 20s generation?A. They communicate more with others.B. They use more technology.C. It’s difficult for them to find companies.D. They don’t know how to be alone.15. What is Carl’s attitude towards the use of technology in communication?A. Favorable.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Indifferent.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021-2022学年山东省潍坊市诸城市第一中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、选择题1. with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai are taking effective measures to save water and protect water resources.A. FaceB. FacedC. FacingD. To face参考答案:B2. —Don't be a slave to work, Ralph! You must take it easy sometimes.—I can't help it. .A. Easier said than doneB. Nothing is easier than fault findingC. Easy come, easy goD. Easy does it参考答案:A3. The newly-built cafe, the walls of _____ being painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after the hard work.A. thatB. itC. whatD. which参考答案:B考查独立主格结构。
句子结构上“the walls of ____ being painted light green”空格出缺少做主语的代词,指代前面的“The newly-built cafe”,此处需要用it。
如果要使用定语从句来完成的话即使用which需要将“being painted”换成“is painted”。
4. With the price of oil ________, the economy of that country is slowing down.A. rising upB. going upC. taking upD. bringing up参考答案:B5. I to my cousin’s birthday party last night, but I was not available.A. wentB. had goneC. would goD. would have gone参考答案:D6. After a continuous 6 defeats, in the eyes of many people, the New York Knicks player Lin Shuhao was no longer they had thought of.A. as better a player asB. as good a player asC. as a good player asD. as a player good as参考答案:B7. We should make use of every minute in order to make our dream come true.A. properB. simpleC. usual参考答案:A句意:为了使我们的梦想成真,我们应该充分利用每一分钟。
2021届诸城市第一中学初中部高三英语模拟试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACome and enjoy Vivaldi's TheFour Seasonsperformed by live musicians!Tickets△Zone A Sating (Excellent Visibility, $75)△Zone B Seating (Great Visibility, $60)△Zone C Seating (Good Visibility, $45)△Zone D Seating (Restricted Visibility, 30)Zone A and Zone B audiences will get the chance to take pictures with the performers on the stage after the show.Highlights* A beautiful venue bathed in candlelight.*Classical music performance by the Angel Strings quartet*A safe and socially-distanced event, ensuring you are comfortable and at ease.General Info*Dates and times: Various dates, at 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm (select during purchase).*How long: 65 minutes. Doors open 45 minutes before the start time. We recommend you arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the event, as late entry is not permitted.*Where: Events on Oxlade*Age requirement: Must be 8 years old or older to attend. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.*Please note: The 6:30 pm seating will take place during daylight hours outdoors, and the space will not be that dark. In the case of rain, the event will be moved to the indoor area of the venue.DescriptionWhether you're looking for a beautifully unique classical music performance or a romantic candlelit experience, this performance is for you. You don't need to know all things about Vivaldi to enjoy the evening; simply sit back and admire the wonderful atmosphere and the pieces you'll hear.Join our musicians for an evening under the stars, and prepare to be taken into the clouds with Vivaldi' s most treasured masterpieces!1.What can someone with a $45 ticket do?A.Perform on the stage.B.Enjoy good visibility.C.Select a seat in Zone B.D.Take photos with the musicians.2.What should potential audiences keep in mind?A.Arrive at the venue on time.B.Learn about Vivaldi in advance.C.The performance lasts 45 minutes.D.The event will be canceled if it rains.3.What do we know about the 8:30 p.m. performance?A.It welcomes children under the age of 8.B.Its performers differ on different dates.C.Its stage will be decorated with candles.D.It will be shown in the indoor area of the venue.BAs is commonly known,Antarcticais an icy continent with extreme environment. However, a new study provides evidence that the area had a rainforest in the past.The researchers collected a piece of Earth sediment from under the seafloor off the coast ofAntarctica. In the sediment, they discovered forest material that was estimated to be about 90 million years old. At that period, dinosaurs were the ruler animals of the land.Johann Klages, a German geologist, was the lead writer of a study on the findings, published in the journalNature. He said the sediment was collected from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor. Klages said an examination showed that the material didn’t form in the ocean.The researchers estimate that the area — about 900 kilometers from the South Pole — had average yearly temperatures of about12°Cto13°C. The soil included fine dirt particles and hard clay, as well as substances linked to at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Although no animal remains were found, Klages said there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles and many insects in the environment.The research represents new evidence of the major climate changes Earth experienced in the past — and is currently undergoing today. The soil in the sediment dates back to the planet’s warmest period of the past 140 million years, with sea level about 170 meters higher than today. The researchers said that the rainforest environment inAntarcticawas especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a four-month polarnight when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life. Klages said no ice sheets were present during the time, but seasonal snowfall was likely.4. What can we learn about the sediment collected?A. It formed in the age of dinosaurs.B. It was found on theAntarcticaland.C. Ancient forest material was found in it.D. Some dinosaur remains were found in it.5. How did the researchers reach their findings?A. By analyzing the Earth sediment.B. By exploring ice inAntarctica.C. By collecting data on climate.D. By researching special plants.6. What can be indicated in the last paragraph?A. Seasonal snowfall made the forest disappear.B. Antarctica was much colder 140 million years ago.C. Antarctica’s natural environment has changed greatly.D. Polar nights inAntarcticaare getting shorter than before.7. What is the main idea of the text?A. Rainforest disappeared fromAntarctica.B. Antarctica had a different history of climate.C. Researchers studied a piece of Earth sediment ofAntarctica.D.Antarcticahad an extreme environment containing ice and snow.CThink ofJapanin the spring and the image that comes to mind is likely the country’s famous cherry blossoms, also known as “Sakura” — white and pink flowers, blooming across cities and mountains.The flowers, which experience a “peak bloom” that only lasts a few days, have been loved inJapanfor more than a thousand years. Crowds celebrate with viewing parties,flockingto the most popular locations to take photos and have picnics underneath the branches.But this year, cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye, in one of the earliest blooms on record. Scientists warn it’s a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere.Yasuyuki Aono, a researcher atOsakaPrefectureUniversity, has gathered records fromKyotoback to 812 AD from historical documents and diaries. In the central city ofKyoto, cherry blossoms peaked on March 26, the earliest in more than 1,200 years, Aono said. And in the capitalTokyo, cherry blossoms reached full bloom on March 22, the second-earliest date on record.The peak bloom dates shift every year, depending on numerous factors including weather and rainfall, but have shown a general trend of moving earlier and earlier. InKyoto, the peak date stayed around mid-April for centuries, but began moving into early April during the 1800s. The date has only dipped into late March a handful of times in recorded history.“Sakura blooms are very temperature sensitive,” said Aono. “Flowering and full bloom could be earlier or later depending on the temperature alone,” he said. “The temperature was low in the 1820s, but it has risen by about 3.5 degrees Celsius to this day.”This year’s seasons in particular influenced the blossom dates, he added. The winter was very cold, but the spring came fast and unusually warm.8. What is the best title of the passage?A. Cherry blossom celebrations.B. Warning of a climate crisis.C. A strong love for cherry blossom.D. Cherry blossom season coming earlier.9. What does the underlined word “flocking” mean?A. Blocking.B. Flooding.C. Running.D. Following.10. What can we infer from paragraph 5?A. The peak blossom dates fall on a fixed date.B. The cherry blossom rarely peaks in March.C. The peak bloom dates mainly depend on weather and rainfall.D. Cherry blossom peaks around mid-April inTokyo.11. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A. To inform people the date of cherry blossom.B. To show a study on cherry blossom dates.C. To present a Japanese tradition of cherry blossom celebration.D. To make people aware of the influence of climate change on cherry blossom.DA nurse has fulfilled (实现) a promise she made to her patient four years ago to one day attend her daughter's graduation from nursing school.Edina Habibovic, 22, graduated from Chamberlain University's College of Nursing in 2020. Her mother, SevalaHabibovic, 46, died in2017 after a two year fight with breast cancer.“I thought the medical field wasn't for me. Then, my mom got sick and I had all the experience going in and out of the hospital, ” Edina toldGood MorningAmerica. “When my mom passed away, I thought, ‘I want to dothis.’”she said.Sanja Josipovic, who at the time worked as a home health nurse with Northwestern Medicine in Winfield, Illinois, cared for Sevala inside her home. They often chatted and shared the latest news with each other over six months of care.“She was most worried about Edina because she was young and hadn't finished school yet, ” Sanja said. “We are like sisters; we care about and trust each other. She was a powerful and strong minded woman. She wasn't scared to die; she was just worried about her kids and husband.”Edina said her mother lived for being with her family and taking care of people. “When Sanja was working, my mom would still try to make her something to eat, no matter how sick she was, ” Edina added. When Sevala's life was coming to an end, she asked Sanja to take her place at her youngest daughter's nursing school graduation. “That was the only thing she was going to miss. Edina's graduation, ” said Sanja, who is a mother of three herself. She agreed.Due to COVID -19, there was no graduation or pinning ceremony. Edina's manager at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital decided to host a pinning ceremony for her and have Sanja present the pin. “Sanja has fulfilled her promise, ” Edina said.Edina and Sanja are now caring for patients alongside one another as colleagues at Marianjoy.12. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Leaving the hospitalB. Working as a nurseC. Facing death positivelyD. Caring for Edina's mother13. What can be learned about Sanja and Sevala?A. They enjoyed volunteeringB. They were cancer survivorsC. They had unhappy marriagesD. They developed a close bond14. What would be Sevala's regret?A. The loss of the chance to study medicineB. Her absence from Edina's school graduationC. Failing to keep the promise made to SanjaD. Never cooking a good meal for her husband15. How did Sanja fulfill her promise?A. By taking care of Edina and her familyB. By helping Edina enter her dream hospitalC. By attending a special ceremony for EdinaD. By managing to become Edina's colleague第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021届诸城市第一中学高中部高三英语月考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Origins of Famous BrandsOur lives are full of brand names and trademarked products that we use every day. Although many brand names are simple acronyms(首字母缩略词) or versions of their founders names, some of the companies we trust every day actually have fascinating and surprising back stories.StarbucksIt seems fitting that the most famous coffee brand in the world would take its name from one of the world’s greatest works of literature. The inspiration for the name of the coffeehouse came from Herman Melville’sMoby Dick. The founders’ original idea was to name the company after the Captain Ahab’s ship, but they eventually decided that Pequot wasn’t a great name for coffee, so they chose Ahab’s first mate, Starbucks, as the name instead.GoogleGoogle was originally called Backrub, for it searched for links in every corner of the Web. In 1997, when the founders of the company were searching for a new name showing a huge amount of data for their rapidly improving search technology, a friend suggested the word “googol”. When a friend tried to register the new domain (域) name, he misspelled “googol” as “google”.NikeOriginally founded as a distributor for Japanese running shoes, the company was originally named BRS, or Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, BRS introduced its own soccer shoe, a model called Nike, which is alsothe name for the Greek goddess of victory. In 1978, the company officially renamed itself as Nike, Inc.The right name is essential to a company’s success, and a great origin story is just as important as a great product. An attractive origin story is one more thing that keeps customers guessing, wondering, and buying its products.1. What is the name of the Captain Ahab’s ship?A. Moby Dick.B. Starbucks.C. Pequot.D. Herman Melville.2. Why did the founders of the Google want to change its name?A. They mistook their name.B. They wanted new customers.C. The company’s original name was too long.D. The company’s search technology was improving rapidly.3. Where does the importance of the origin story of one company lie in?A. It can change the company’s image.B. It can add myth to the company.C. It explains the development of the company to customers.D. It makes customers imagine and purchase its goods.BImagine that youare a superhero. Your superpowers are activated by a special suit. The suit communicates with your brain. It allows you to do amazing things with only a thought. By concentrating on strength, for example, you can kick a soccer ball across a field. By focusing on swift actions, you can jump to the top of a tree.Such a connection between mind and machine may sound like a fantasy. To scientists, though, it is a very real goal. They are creating machines that let disabled monkeys walk. These machines may soon help disabled humans do the same. Unlike other bionic devices, these robotic “super suits” do not communicate with muscles and nerves. Instead, they have a direct line to the brain.In 2005, doctors drilled a hole in the skull of Hutchinson, who had lost her right arm in an accident. Then they inserted a sensor onto her motor cortex (大脑皮层运动区). Wires connected the sensor to a receiver on her head. After she recovered, researchers pluggedHutchinson’s receiver into a cable that relayed signals from her brain to computers. Then they connected a robotic arm to the computers. The computerscould interpretHutchinson’s brain signals to move the arm.Soon,Hutchinson, the computer, and the robotic arm became a team.Hutchinsonwas even able to lift her hand and drink from a cup. “She smiled when she put down that drink—that’s everything.” says Donoghue, a brain scientist.Today other scientists are building on that success. One of those scientists is Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, who designed a whole-body bionic equipment. In 2014, a disabled former athlete kicked the first ball of the World Cup Games wearing one of Miguel’s full-body exoskeletons.The exoskeleton was connected to brain signal sensors in the man’s cap. By thinking about kicking, he sent signals to a computer on his back. The computer then translated the signal into an exoskeleton-aided kick. Suchdesigns may become common as scientists keep merging mind and machine.4.Which can best describe the tone of paragraph 1?A. Narrative and serious.B. Persuasive and critical.C. Informative and objective.D. Descriptive and imaginative.5. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Reason of the experiment.B. Results of the experiment.C. Process of the experiment.D. Significance of the experiment.6. Why is Dr. Miguel’s exoskeleton special?A. It can be used on animals.B. It can move the whole body.C. It was supported by computers.D. It was connected directly to the brain.7. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Robotic suits may be widely used to help disabled people.B. Exoskeleton is more common thanHutchinson’s bionic arm.C.Scientific experiments are commonly carried out in football fields.D. Disabled athletes can now play football again with the help of computer.CPigeons inLondonhave a bad reputation. Some people call them flying rats. And many blame them for causing pollution with their droppings. But now the birds are being used to fight another kind of pollution in this city of 8.5 million.“The problem for air pollution is that it’s been largely ignored as an issue for a long time,” says Andrea Lee, who works for the London-based environmental organization Client Earth. “People don’t realize how bad it is, and how it actually affects their health.”London’s poor air quality is linked to nearly 10,000 early deaths a year. Lee says, citing(引用)a report released by the city manager last year. If people were better informed about the pollution they’ re breathing, she says, they could pressure the government to do something about it.Nearby, on a windy hill inLondon’s Regent’s Park, an experiment is underway that could help—the first week of flights by the Pigeon Air Patrol. It all began when Pierre Duquesnoy, the director for DigitasLBi, a marketing firm,won a London Design Festival contest last year to show how a world problem could be solved using Twitter. Duquesnoy, fromFrance, chose the problem of air pollution.“Basically, I realized how important the problem was,” he says. “But also I realized that most of the people around me didn’t know anything about it.” Duquesnoy says he wants to better measure pollution, while at the same time making the results accessible to the public through Twitter.“So”, he wondered, “how could we go across the city quickly collecting as much data as possible?” Drones were his first thought. But it’s illegal to fly them overLondon. “But pigeons can fly aboveLondon, right?” he says. “They live—actually, they are Londoners as well. So, yeah, I thought about using pigeons equipped with mobile apps. And we can use not just street pigeons, but racing pigeons, because they fly pretty quickly and pretty low.”So it might be time for Londoners to have more respect for their pigeons. The birds may just be helping to improve the quality of the city’s air.8. What can we infer aboutLondon’s air quality from Paragraph 2?A. Londoners are very satisfied with it.B. The government is trying to improve it.C Londoners should pay more attention to it.D. The government has done a lot to improve it.9. Duquesnoy attended the London Design Festival to _________.A. entertain Londoners.B. solve a world problem.C. design a product for sale.D. protect animals like pigeons.10. Why did Duquesnoy give up using drones to fly acrossLondon?A. Because they are too expensive.B. Because they fly too quickly.C. Because they are forbidden.D. Because they fly too high.11. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Clean air inLondon.B. London’s dirty secret.C. London’s new pollution fighter.D. Causes of air pollution inLondon.DThere are many useful things we can do each day to feel better. It may take some efforts and time to make a habit of drinking 8 glasses of water daily or thinking more positively, but it is well worth it. What things do you do every day to feel better?Probably the healthiest thing you can do to feel better each day is to exercise early in the morning. You don'thave to run the whole morning or spend a few hours in the gym. Even doing some easy exercise like walking, sit-ups or jumping the rope will help you feel better in no time!Again, due to our busy schedules, we don't get enough sleep each night. If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid watching TV or surfing the Internet right before bed. Also, try to make healthy bedtime snack choices and don't drink tea or coffee too late in the day.If you drink 3 glasses of water, 4 glasses of coffee or tea and a glass of soda each day and think that you drink enough water, think again. Your body needs water (not coffee or soda!) to function properly. Aiming to drink 7-8 glasses of water each day can make you feel better.Being positive is the key to a longer life. Positive thoughts can help improve your overall heath. Life is full of stressful situations and it's hard to stay cheerful when everything goes wrong, but your positive attitude can help you solve any problem and fight any stress faster and easier. Your positive attitude is especially good for your heart health. Smile, stay positive and live a longer life!12. In the author's opinion which can benefit us most in order that we feel better?A. Sleeping enough.B. Drinking enough water.C. Thinking more positively.D. Taking morning exercise.13. Which of the following agrees with what is said in Paragraph 3?A. Drinking tea or coffee makes us sleep less.B. Drinking tea before bed makes it harder to fall asleep.C. Watching TV or surfing the Internet leads to less sleep.D. Our busy schedules cause more difficulty in falling asleep.14. Why is water necessary to our body?A. Because it can make us feel better.B. Because it can have our body work smoothly.C. Because in can do more good to our body thancoffee.D. Because it can hep avoid feeling thirsty.15. What do we need most when everything goes wrong?A. Thinking positively.B. Thinking out wise ways.C. Having a right attitude.D. Staying cheerful.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
山东省潍坊市诸城一中2021届高三上学期摸底考试物理试题 Word版含答案
、如图所示,质量为m的木块在置于水平桌面上的木板上滑行,木板静止,它的质量为M=3m,木板与木块间的动摩擦因数为μ,则木板受桌面的摩擦力大小为()A.μmgB.2μmg C。
3μmg D.4μmg3.如图所示,物体A和B一起沿斜面匀速下滑,则物体A受到的力是()A.重力、B对A的支持力B.重力、B对A的支持力、下滑力C。
已知某力的大小为10 N,则不可能将此力分解为下列哪组力()A。
3 N 3 N B。
6 N 6 NC。
100 N 100 N D.400 N 400 N5。
2021年诸城市第一中学高中部高三英语模拟试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThere are different types of money-saving apps, such as JD Finance, Yu’E Bao, Ant Financial, and all of them work in different ways. Here are 3 of the best apps that can help you save much money.Capital One ShoppingCapital One Shopping can compare prices automatically as you shop online. As you add items to your cart at an online seller, this app will search the web for better deals and coupon codes(优惠码). You can follow the links to other sellers offering a better price and use the available codes tosave. You can even use this app while shopping at physical shops.ParibusThere’s nothing more upsetting than buying something and then seeing it for sale at a lower price a few days later. Wouldn’t it be nice to get that money back? Now you can. Paribus helps you get money back by tracking your purchases from major stores and discussing refunds. It also helps you get compensated (补偿) for late deliveries and makes sure you don’t leave it too late to return anything you bought.DigitIf you can’t figure out how much you can afford to save, Digit will analyze your spending habits and spare a certain amount to your savings. If the appknows you have spare money to save, then it will be moved automatically, and if you don’t, it will stop, so there’s no risk of being left with no cash for the basics. You can sign up for a free trial for a month, and after that, the monthly service charge is $5.1. If you want your money back, what app will you choose?A. Digit.B. Paribus.C. Yu’E Bao.D. Capital One Shopping.2. What can you do by using Digit?A. Offer the most favorable price.B. Track detailed information of goods.C. Analyze spending habits to save money.D. Compare prices of products while shopping.3. What is the purpose of the text?A. To introduce useful apps for saving money.B. To advertise various products online.C. To improve the power of spending.D. To help to manage spare money.BLike all cultural institutions, galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality.Art Basel Hong Kong, Asia's biggest contemporary-art fair, was cancelled because of covid-19, but anyone he who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative:the viewing room. At the click of a keyboard) you could enter an overall view but private visual salon, without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.There, on one webpage, was Jeff Koons riffing(翻唱)on Botticelli's "Primavera" in a tribute to the history of painting at David Zwirner Gallery. Ota Fine Arts offered one collector the chance to acquire an "infinity(无限)room“, one of the most Instagrammed artworks of recent years- the creation of the fantasies,nonagenarian (九十多岁) Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. White Cube presented a large collection of international works by Andreas Gursky (German), Theaster Gates (American) and Beatriz Milhazes (Brazilian). But not every artist, gallery and form showed to equal advantage in this alternative fair. Not surprisingly, simple two-dimensional works in bright colours came across best No sculpture or conceptual art was includedBesides depth and texture, there are aspects of gallery hopping that a website is unlikely to copy. One isserendipity—the sense of wandering between artworks and encountering the unexpected. Another is sociability. Art is a communion between artist and viewer, but galleries and fairs are also places to swap opinions and share enthusiasms.Thereare ways to compensate (or these inevitable(不可避免的)disadvantages. As they shut their physical doors, some of the world's nest galleries and museums are offering advanced interactive visits, 360 degree videos and walk around tours of their collections, allwithout queues and high ticket prices. One of the best is laid on by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam;its tour allows visitors to view its Vermeers and Rembrandts, including the magnicent "Night Watch”, far more closely than would normally he possible. Another standout offering is from the Museu de Arte de SPaulo, which has an even broader collection. On its virtual platform, its pain tings, spanning 700 years, appear to be hanging in an open-plan space, seemingly hung on glass panels, or "crystal easels” as the. museum calls them, ideal for close-up inspection,4. From the paragraph 3, we may knowA. "Primavera" was originally painted by JeKoonsB.“innity room” was the most popular artworks of recent years on social mediaC. White Cube displayed a great many works by artists from different nationsD. Various paintings and statues showed on the webpage are well-received5. What does the underlined word "serendipity" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. surpriseB. treasureC. expectationD. compromise6. What is the purpose of writing the last paragraph?A.To introduce some popular art show in the world.B. To show that there are some alternative ways to promote the display during covid-19 epidemic.C. To prove that paintings hung on glass panels can be idealfor close-up inspection,D. To release some information about some extraordinary art shows.7. What is the best title?A. Art beyond the internet.B. Fascinating art.C. Art under covid-19.D. gallery hoppingCA new look for technology, Solestrom’s new high-tech swimsuits promise to stand out all summer long. First in their new products is Solestrom’s new SmartSwimCMUV Smart Bikini featuring a smart UV meter.The bikini collects UV information through a smart fabric belt and reports the UV index to the wearer with 0.01 exactness. The electronic parts are neatly built into the removable belt, and can be worn even underwater. Next in the list is a lower cost cousin, the SmartSwimCMUV Index Detector Bikini, which has UV sensitive beads that change color1 with the level of UV intensity. The reading gives more of a range rather than an exact number, but for those who simply need to know if the UV is low, moderate or high, this bikini fits the bill.It is now available in Banana Split, more color1 s may become available later in the season. And finally, what could be better than a beach tote with built in energy source? No need to suffer dead batteries in your MP3, just plug them into your Solar Powered Beach Tote for on-the-go mobile charging. This beach tote combines fashion and functionality all in one, lightweight and roomy beach accessory. A built in solar panel charges fully most small electronics in only 2-3 hours of sunlight. Pauline Butler, Media Relations Manger at Solestrom states “the concept of blending fashion and technology is growing at amazing rate, and we are right on the leading edge. Our products are new, creative and meet the need of the young and environmentally conscious crowd.’’Solestrom’s SmartSwinirCMproducts retail from $98. 99- $189. 99,and can be found in their online store,Solestrom. com.8. What is the passage mainly about?A. Famous Solestrom and its Products.B. Fashionable and Functional Beach Tote.C. Smart swimsuits and Solar Powered Beach Tote.D. Where and How to Buy SmartSwirn and the Beach Tote.9. Why are UV sensitive beads used in the SmartSwirnCMUV Index Detector Bikini?A. To give an exact number.B. To know if the UV is low, moderate or high.C. To change color1 with the level of UV intensity.D. To improve the equality of the UV Index Detector Bikini.10. What can we know about Solar Powered Beach Tote?A. Its parts are fixed in the belt.B. It combines lightweight and functionality.C. It can tell the weaver the level of UV intensity.D. It saves people from worrying about dead batteries in their MP3.11. Who will prefer the new products mentioned in the text?A. The young people and the environmentalists.B. People who like to travel all over the world.C. People who love to buy goods online.D. People interested in the latest bag.DImagine the feeling of swinging at a baseball going 100 miles per hour—without leaving your living room, or being in race car as it roars down the track, while you are sitting on the couch.These are just some of the ways that sports business leaders say virtual reality (VR) will revolutionize how people train for and experience sports. Virtual and augmented(增强的)realities are together known as mixed reality (MR). “American footballers are already using VR to better train their minds andread the field,” Ludden said. “This can allow players to perfect their skills without risking injury.”Canadian company D-BOX Technologies designs and produces moving seats found in cinema and theme parks. It is now moving into sports, and shows its Formula One (F1) racing simulator(模拟器). The seats stimulate the force of gravity, speed and every shaking as Fl champion Lewis Hamilton zips around city streets.A simulation seat uses pre-programed data now. Someday, though, it could use real-time information sent bythe car. “They couldbroadcast live content through a network in pop-up theaters around the world,” Ludden said. Say you want to experience the true stress of a batter being up against major-league baseball pitcher. “You can have a heartbeat added to the sensation on the seat and then you can feel it, boom, boom,” Maheu explained. “When he swings and hits the ball, you can have an impact.”One day, fans around the world could physically experience every game from their favorite player in real time. Ludden said that current and near-future technology could create “augmented stadiums” for live audiences. Panasonic launched its “Smart Venue” plans which included the overlaying of graphics, advertisements, player statistics and replays on the field of play at a pro football game. “If you are seated in the cheap seats, you can see this really useful.” “Fans may someday join in stadium wide games, using the field as a virtual gaming platform,” Ludden added.12. What does the underlined phrase “read the field” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Get off the playing field.B. Build up a football court.C. Judge the situation on the field.D. Ask players to play on the spot.13. What does Maheu think audiences can do in the future baseball game?A. Enjoy live content in any theater.B. Program the simulation seats in advance.C. Control the force and speed of the baseball.D. Experience the real time game with the player.14. What does Ludden mainly describe in the last paragraph?A. The origin of VR.B. A future stadium.C. An advertisement platform.D. The expectations of audiences.15. What is the main idea of the text?A. VR can improve players' skills for sports.B. VR increases fans' joy in the baseball game.C. VR can improve sports experience for players and fans.D. VR promises a new future for football players and games.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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诸城一中2021届高三11月份模拟物理试题一、选择题(1—8单选每题3分,9—12多选每题4分)1.跳伞运动员从高空悬停的直升机跳下,运动员沿竖直方向运动,其v-t 图象如图所示.下列说法正确的是( )A .运动员在010s -内的平均速度大小等于10/m sB .10s 末运动员的速度方向改变C .10末运动员打开降落伞D .1015s s -内运动员做加速度逐渐增加的减速运动2.如图所示,水平桌面上有三个相同的物体a b c 、、叠放在一起,a 的左端通过一根轻绳与质量为3m kg =的小球相连,绳与水平方向的夹角为60︒,小球静止在光滑的半圆形器皿中.水平向右的力40F N =作用在b 上,三个物体保持静止状态g 取210/m s ,下列说法正确的是( )A .物体c 受到向右的静摩擦力B .物体b 受到一个摩擦力,方向向左C .桌面对物体a 的静摩擦力方向水平向右D .撤去力F 的瞬间,三个物体将获得向左的加速度3.嫦娥三号的飞行轨道示意图如图所示.假设嫦娥三号在环月段圆轨道和椭圆轨道上运动时,只受到月球的万有引力.则( )A .嫦娥三号由环月段圆轨道变轨进入环月段桶圆轨道时,应让发动机点火使其加速B .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上P 点的速度大于Q 点的速度C .嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上Q 点的速度大于月段圆轨道的速度D .若已知嫦娥三号环月段圆轨道的半径、运动周期和引力常量,则可算出月球的密度4.如图所示,AB 为固定的光滑圆弧轨道,O 为圆心,AO 水平,BO 竖直,轨道半径为 R ,当地重力加速度为 g ,将质量为 m 的小球(可视为质点)从 A 点由静止释放,经时间 t 到达 B ,在小球从 A 点运动到 B 点的过程中( )A .小球所受合力的冲量指向圆心B .小球所受支持力的冲量大小是22222m g t m gR +C .小球受到的重力的冲量为 0,重力做的功不为 0D .小球受到的支持力的冲量为 0,支持力做的功也是 0 5.质量为m 的汽车在平直路面上由静止匀加速启动,运动过程的v -t 图像如图所示,已知t 1时刻汽车达到额定功率,之后保持额定功率运动,整个过程中汽车受到的阻力大小恒定,则( )A .在0~t 1时间内,汽车加速度大小为B .t 1时刻汽车牵引力与t 2时刻汽车牵引力相等C .汽车受到的阻力大小为21211()mv v v t - D .在t 1~t 2时间内,汽车克服阻力做功为22211122mv mv - 6.小强在学习了《静电场》一章后,来到实验室研究如图所示的电场,实线和虚线分别表示该电场的电场线和等势线,若 a 、b 两点所处的等势线电势为0,相邻等势线间的电势差为2V ,则( )A .a 处电场强度等于b 处电场强度B .c 、b 两点间的电势差大于c 、a 两点间的电势差C .电子在c 处具有的电势能为20eVD .若将一电子在d 处由静止释放,则运动至c 点对应等势线时,具有的动能为2eV 7.如图,将三根长度、电阻都相同的导体棒首尾相接,构成一闭合的等边三角形线框,a 、b 、c 为三个顶点,匀强磁场垂直于线框平面.用导线将a 、c 两点接入电流恒定的电路中,以下说法正确的是( )A .线框所受安培力为0B .ac 边与ab 边所受安培力的大小相等C .ac 边所受安培力是ab 边所受安培力的2倍D .ac 边所受安培力与ab 、bc 边所受安培力的合力大小相等8.如图所示,放于竖直面内的光滑金属细圆环半径为R ,质量为m 的带孔小球穿于环上,同时有一长为R的细绳一端系于球上,另一端系于圆环最低点,绳能承受的最大拉力为2mg.重力加速度的大小为g,当圆环以角速度ω绕竖直直径转动时,下列说法错误的是()A.圆环角速度ωgR时,小球受到2个力的作用B.圆环角速度ω2g RC.圆环角速度ω等于2g RD.圆环角速度ω6gR2个力的作用9.如图,平行板电容器AB两极板水平放置,与理想二极管串联接在电源上,已知A和正极相连,二极管具有单向导电性,一带电小球沿AB中心水平射入,打在B极板上的N点.现保持B板不动,通过上下移动A板来改变两极板的间距(两板仍平行),下列说法中正确的是A.若小球带正电,当AB间距减小时,小球打在N的左侧B.若小球带正电,当AB间距增大时,小球打在N的左侧C.若小球带负电,当AB间距增大时,小球可能打在N的左侧D.若小球带负电,当AB间距减小时,小球可能打在N的右侧10.如图所示电路中,电源电动势为E,内阻为r,定值电阻的阻值1R r=,当滑动变阻器2R 的滑片向右滑动过程中,理想电流表1A、2A的示数变化量的绝对值分别为1I∆、2I∆,理想电压表示数变化量的绝对值为U∆,下列说法正确的是()A.电压表V的示数减小B.电流表1A、2A的示数均减小C.U∆与1I∆的比值等于电源内阻rD.电源的输出功率逐渐增大11.如图所示为正交的匀强电场和匀强磁场,电场方向水平向右,场强大小为E,磁场垂直于纸面水平向外,磁感应强度大小为B .一个电量为q 、质量为qE m g=(g 为重力加速度)的带正电粒子在场中P 点竖直向下以大小为v 0的初速度向下射出.则( )A .若0E v B=,则粒子将向下做匀加速直线运动 B .若0E v B =且方向竖直向上,射出的瞬间,加速度大小为5g C .改变粒子射出的速度,且粒子在场中做直线运动,则粒子一定做匀速直线运动 D .改变粒子射出的速度,且粒子在场中做直线运动,则射出的初速度大小为2E 12.竖直放置的轻弹簧下端固定在地上,上端与质量为m 的钢板连接,钢板处于静止状态.一个质量也为m 的物块从钢板正上方h 处的P 点自由落下,打在钢板上并与钢板一起向下运动x 0后到达最低点Q .下列说法正确的是A .物块与钢板碰后的速度为2ghB .物块与钢板碰后的速度为2ghC .从P 到Q 的过程中,弹性势能的增加量为0(2)2h mg x +D .从P 到Q 的过程中,弹性势能的增加量为mg(2x 0+h) 第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(每空2分,共18分)13.如图甲所示是某研究性学习小组探究小车加速度与力关系的实验装置,长木板置于水平桌面上,一端系有砂桶的细绳通过滑轮与固定的拉力传感器相连,拉力传感器可显示绳中拉力F 的大小,改变桶中砂的质量进行多次实验。
A .本实验不需要平衡摩擦力B.小车靠近打点计时器,先接通电源,再释放小车,打出一条纸带,同时记录拉力传感器的示数C.选用电磁打点计时器比选用电火花计时器实验误差小D.为减小误差,实验中一定要保证砂和砂桶的质量远小于小车的质量(2)实验中得到一条纸带,相邻计数点间有四个点未标出,各计数点到A点的距离如图乙所示。
(填写器材前对应的序号字母)A.电压表V1(量程3V,内阻约为15kΩ)B.电压表V2(量程15V,内阻约为75kΩ)C.电流表A1(量程0.6A,内阻约为1Ω)D.电流表A2(量程3A,内阻约为0.2Ω)E.滑动变阻器R1(0~5Ω,0.6A)F.滑动变阻器R2(0~2000Ω,0.1A)G.1.5V的干电池两节,内阻不计H.开关S,导线若干(3)请设计合理的实验电路,将电路图完整地画在图虚线框中;三、解答题(共42分)15(10分).如图,光滑的四分之一圆弧轨道PQ 竖直放置,底端与一水平传送带相切,一质量a 1kg m =的小物块a 从圆弧轨道最高点P 由静止释放,到最低点Q 时与另一质量b 3kg m =小物块b 发生弹性正碰(碰撞时间极短)。
已知圆弧轨道半径0.8m R =,传送带的长度L =1.25m ,传送带以速度1m/s v =顺时针匀速转动,小物体与传送带间的动摩擦因数0.2μ=,210m/s g =。
求(1)碰撞前瞬间小物块a 对圆弧轨道的压力大小;(2)碰后小物块a 能上升的最大高度;(3)小物块b 从传送带的左端运动到右端所需要的时间。
16(10分).如图所示,半径为R 的光滑圆环固定在竖直平面内,圆心为O ,圆环左侧固定连接一根长为2R 的水平的光滑杆,其延长线过圆的直径.质量为m 的小球A 套在圆环上,轻弹簧左端固定,质量为m 的滑块B 接在弹簧右端,弹簧套在杆上,小球A 和滑块B 之间再用长为2R 的轻杆通过铰链分别连接,弹簧原长为2R .初始时小球A 处于圆环最高点,弹簧的弹性势能为E p ,已知重力加速度为g ,不计一切摩擦,A 、B 均可视为质点.(1)A 处于圆环最高点时,为了维持系统平衡,在A 上施加一个水平向左大小为F 的力,求此时弹簧的弹力大小;(2)撤去F ,由静止释放A ,求A 运动到最右侧时速度v 的大小;(3)求小球A 从最高点滑到圆环最右侧过程中,杆对A 做的功.17(10分).某电视台的娱乐节目中,有一个拉板块的双人游戏,考验两人的默契度。
如图所示,一长L=0.60 m、质量M=0.40 kg的木板靠在光滑竖直墙面上,木板右下方有一质量m=0.80 kg的小滑块(可视为质点),滑块与木板间的动摩擦因数为μ=0.20,滑块与木板间的最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,取g=10 m/s2。
(1)为使木板能向上运动,求F1必须满足什么条件?(2)若F1=22 N,为使滑块与木板能发生相对滑动,求F2必须满足什么条件?(3)游戏中,如果滑块上移h=1.5 m时,滑块与木板没有分离,才算两人配合默契,游戏成功。
现F1=24 N,F2=16 N,请通过计算判断游戏能否成功?18(12分).如图所示,以竖直线AN为界,左侧空间有水平向右的匀强电场,右侧空间有竖直向上的匀强电场和垂直纸面水平向外的匀强磁场.在左侧空间O点用长为L的不可伸长的轻质绝缘细绳悬挂质量为m、带电荷量为q的小球.现使细绳拉直,从A点静止释放小球,小球绕O点做圆周运动,到达B点时速度最大.已知A与竖直方向夹角1θ=30°,OB与竖直方向夹角2θ=60°,左右两侧空间电场强度大小之比为E1:E23:1,重力加速度为g.(1)求左侧空间电场强度大小及小球运动到B点时的速度大小(2)若小球运动到B点时,细绳突然断开,小球运动一段时间后,从MN边界上某点进入右侧空间运动,然后又从MN边界上另一点回到左侧空间运动,最后到达OB连线上某点P时速度变为零,求小球从进入右侧空间开始到运动至P点的总时间.诸城一中2021届高三11月份模拟物理答案1、【答案】C若运动员在0-10s内做匀变速直线运动,则平均速度20m/s10m/s22vv===,运动员在0~10s内的位移大于匀加速直线运动到20m/s的位移,所以平均速度大于10m/s.故A错误;在整个过程中,速度都是正值,运动员的速度方向未改变.故B错误;从10s末开始运动员做减速运动,则知10末运动员打开降落伞,故C正确;10~15 s内图线的斜率逐渐减小,则加速度逐渐减小,运动员做加速度逐渐减小的减速运动.故D错误;2、【答案】BA.由于C物体处于平衡状态,既不受拉力也不受摩擦力,A错误;B.由于b处于平衡状态,由于水平拉力F=40N,因此受到水平向左的摩擦力也为40N,B正确;C.对小球m进行受力分析可知,cos302T mg︒⨯=可求出绳子拉力:103N<40NT=因此桌面受到的静摩擦力方向水平向左,大小为:=40103N22.7Nf-=C错误;D.撤去力F的瞬间,由于绳子拉力小于a与桌面间的摩擦力,因三个物体仍将静止不动,D错误.3、【答案】C嫦娥三号在环月段圆轨道上P 点减速,使万有引力大于向心力做近心运动,才能进入进入环月段椭圆轨道.故A 错误;嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上P 点向Q 点运动中,距离月球越来越近,月球对其引力做正功,故速度增大,即嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上P 点的速度小于Q 点的速度.故B 错误;根据v =,且月段椭圆轨道平均半径小于月段圆轨道的半径,可得嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道的平均速度大于月段圆轨道的速度,又Q 点是月段椭圆轨道最大速度,所以嫦娥三号在环月段椭圆轨道上Q 点的速度大于月段圆轨道的速度.故C 正确;要算出月球的密度需要知道嫦娥三号环月段圆轨道的半径、运动周期、月球半径和引力常量.故D 错误;4、【答案】BA .根据动量定理,动量的变化水平向右,因此合力的冲量水平向右,A 错误;BCD .根据机械能守恒212mgR mv = 可得动量的变化p mv ==重力的冲量G I mgt =方向竖直向下,根据动量定理G N I I p +=做出矢量方向三角形,可得支持力的冲量N I ==在整个运动过程中只有重力做功,支持力不做功,因此B 正确,CD 错误。