



纺织品知识以及测试名词中英文对照测试项目中文英文物理性能布重测试Fabric weight尺寸稳定性Dimensional Stability外观测试Smoothness Appearance缝线滑移测试Fabric slippage , Seam slippage缝线强力测试Seam strength撕破强力Tear Strength拉伸强力Tensile /breaking strength弹性Stretch Properties回复率Recovery残余伸长率Growth(线圈)密度(针织类)(Stitch) Density(经纬)密度(梭织类)Threads per unit length布幅测试Fabric width纱线支数Yarn count /yarn number/yarn size耐磨性Abrasion Resistance(Resistance to Abrasion)鼓爆强力测试Bursting strength弓纬Bow纬斜Skewness转曲测试Spirality/Torque/Twisting洗后扭曲Distortion after washing纱线捻度twist起毛起球Pilling Resistance轻质梭织布的易烫性测试Easy to Iron回潮率Moisture Content色牢度非氯漂色牢度测试Color fastness to Non-Chlorine Bleach 氧化漂白损伤牢度测试Color fastness to Oxidative Bleach水洗牢度测试Color fastness to Washing/accelerated washing家庭水洗色牢度测试Color fastness to Home /actual /Domestic Laundering 汗渍色牢度测试Color fastness to Perspiration水渍色牢度测试Color fastness to Water摩擦牢度测试Color fastness to Crocking/Rubbing干洗色牢度测试Color fastness to Dry Cleaning氯漂色牢度测试Color fastness to Chlorine Bleach氯水色牢度Color fastness to Chlorinated water氯敏色牢度Color fastness to Chlorine Sensitivity干热色牢度测试Color fastness to Heatry(Excluding Pressing)热压烫色牢度测试Color fastness to Heat:Hot Pressing耐汗渍日晒牢度测试Color fastness to Light and Perspiration日晒牢度测试Color fastness to Light渗色(bleeding)测试Bleeding酸碱色牢度测试Color fastness to Acids and Alkaline臭氧色牢度Color fastness to Ozone活性染料的水解测试Color fastness to Hydrolysis of Reactive Dyes海水色牢度Color fastness to Sea Water泳池水色牢度Color fastness to Pool Water化学性能织物变黄测试Yellowing纤维定性分析Fiber Analysisualitative纤维含量定量分析Fiber Analysisuantitative甲醛含量(释放)Released Formaldehyde content甲醛含量(游离) Free Formaldehyde Content可燃性FlammabilityPH值pH Value/Level异味Strange Smell白度Whiteness功能整理后性能拒水(喷淋)Water Repellency/ Water %26amp;Alcohol Repellency 拒油Oil Repellencey防水(雨淋)Water Resistance易去污性Soil Release折皱恢复Wrinkle Recovery毛效性/爬湿性Wicking蒸发率的测试Evaporation吸水性Absorbency成衣测试Garment test描述烘干Tumble Dry挂干Line Dry铺干Flat Dry滴干Drip Dry颜色变化Color change沾色Staining自沾色Self staining颜色变化评级color change evaluation沾色评级color staining evaluation。



[纺织面料验货英语大全]:词性及解释:成品检验Checking of finished products 检验,检查inspection, check 商检commodity inspection 领面松wrinkles at top collar 领面紧top collar appears tight 领面起泡crumples at top collar 领外口松collar edge appears loose 领外口紧collar edge appears tight 底领伸出collar band is longer than collar 底领缩进collar band is shorter than collar 底领里起皱wrinkles at collar band facing 底领外露collar band lean out of collar 倘领偏斜collar deviates from front center line 领窝不平creases below neckline 后领窝起涌bunches below back neckline 驳头起皱wrinkles at top lapel 驳头反翘top lapel appears tight 驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose 驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight 驳口不直lapel roll line is uneven 串口不直gorge line is uneven 领卡脖tight neckline 领离脖collar stand away from neck 小肩起皱puckers at shoulders 塌肩wrinkles at shoulder 袖隆起皱creases at underarm 袖隆缝起皱puckers at underarm seam 塌胸lack of fullness at chest 省尖起泡crumples at dart point 拉链起皱wrinkles at zip fly 止口不直front edge is uneven 止口缩角front edge is out of square 止口反翘front edge is upturned 止口反吐facing leans out of front edge 止口豁split at front edge 止口下部搭叠过多crossing at front edge 底边起皱wrinkles at hem 后身起吊back of coat rides up 背衩豁开split at back vent 背衩搭叠过多crossing at back vent 绗棉起皱puckers at quilting 絮棉不均padded cotton is uneven 边缘缺棉empty hem 绱袖不圆顺diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap 袖子偏前sleeve leans to front 袖子偏后sleeve leans to back 前袖缝外翻inseam leans to front 袖口起皱wrinkles at sleeve opening 袖里拧diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining 袋盖反翘top flap appears tight 袋盖反吐flap lining leans out of edge 袋盖不直flap edge is uneven 袋口角起皱creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口裂split at pocket mouth 腰头探出end of waistband is uneven 腰缝起皱wrinkles at waistband facing 里襟里起皱creases at right fly 夹裆tight crotch 短裆short seat 后裆下垂slack seat 前浪不平wrinkles at front rise 裆缝断线bursting of crotch seam 裤脚前后two legs are uneven 脚口不齐leg opening is uneven 吊脚pulling at outseam or inseam 烫迹线外撇crease line leans to outside 烫迹线内撇crease lineleans to inside 腰缝下口涌bunches below waistline seam 裙裥豁开 split at lower part of skirt 裙身吊split hem line rides up 裙浪不匀skirt flare is uneven 线路偏移stitch seam leans out line 双轨接线 stitch seam is uneven 跳针 skipping 尺码不符 off size 缝制不良stitching quality is not good 洗水不良washing quality is not good 熨烫不良pressing quality is not good 极光iron-shine 水渍water stain 锈迹rust 污渍spot 色差color shade, off shade, color deviation 褪色fading, fugitive color 线头thread residue 毛头raw edge leans out of seam 绣花不良embroidery design out line is uncovered[常用纺织面料知识]:词性及解释:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandexT/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格[常用的化纤英语]:词性及解释:artificial leather人造革 baseball leather棒球革 basketball leather篮球革 bellow leather风箱革 belt leather带皮 belting leather带革; 轮带 book-binding leather书面革 bottom leather底革 boxing-glove leather拳击手套革 buck leather(雄)鹿革 buckle leather带用革 buffed leather磨面革 butt leather底革 card leather梳革 case leather箱皮 charred leather皮炭 chamois leather麂皮 chrome leather铬革 chrome tanned leather铬鞣革 clothing leather服装革 combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革 combing leather梳刷革 cow leather牛皮 crown leather上等皮革 crup leather马臀革 crust leather坯革; 半硝革 cup leather制动缸皮碗 diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革 dressing leather饰革 drum leather鼓皮 drycleanable leather耐干洗革 easy-care leather易保养革 embossed leather压花革 enamel leather漆皮 enamelled leather 漆皮 fair leather集市皮革 fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革 finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革 football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革 furniture leather家具革 garment leather衣服革 gas meter leather气表革 glace leather白鞣革 glove leather手套皮 hair-on leather 带毛革 half leather半皮面装订, 半革装 harness leather马具革 hat leather制帽革 hat sweatband leather帽圈革 heavy leather厚革 heel leather(鞋)后跟皮 hunting leather粗绒面革 hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订 industrial leather工业用革 iron tanned leather铁鞣革 japanned leather漆皮 kangaroo leather袋鼠革 kaspine leather开斯宾革 levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革 light leather轻革 line leather马具革 lining leather衬里革 luggage leather箱包革 mountain leather石棉 napped leather绒毛皮革 oar leather 桨革 oil seal leather油封革 oiled leather涂油革 oil-tanned leather油鞣革 organ-pipe leather 风琴管革 packing leather皮碗 paper based artificial leather纸基人造革 patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革 piano leather钢琴革 piston packing leather活塞填密皮 plated leather熨压皮革 portmanteau leather旅行皮包革 rein leather马具革 rock leather一种石棉 rolled leather轧制革一.-----化纤主要品种名称----------------------------俗称 PET(PETP)-----聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(聚酯) 涤纶(Polythylene terephthalate) PBT-----聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(弹性聚酯)阳离子改性涤纶 PA------聚酰胺(尼龙)锦纶 NYLON FILAMENT YARN 尼龙丝 NYLON DTY 尼龙加工 PAN-----聚丙烯腈腈纶 PVA-----聚乙烯醇维 PP------聚丙烯丙纶 PE------聚乙烯乙纶 PVC-----聚氯乙烯氯纶PVDC----聚偏氯乙烯偏氯纶 PU------聚氨基甲酸酯(聚氨酯)氨纶 PTFE----聚四氟乙烯氟纶 PI 聚酰亚胺 PS 聚苯乙烯 CF 碳纤维 R 粘胶纤维 A 醋酸纤维 VFT Core 高级垂直纤维 Therrnolite ExTra 复合螺旋纤二.-----------------------------化纤长短丝名称 f 长丝 m 单丝 (鬃丝) LOY 低速纺丝DTY(POLYESTER TEXTURED YARN) 拉伸变形丝(假捻加工丝) POY(POLYESTER ORTL YARN) 预取向丝(高速纺丝,聚酯半延伸丝)[字典里查不到的纺织英语集(E-F)]:词性及解释:EASING 容位EDGE STITCHING 间边线EDGE TRIMMER 修边器EDGE-FINISHING 边脚处理EDGE-STITCH DART 边线褶EDGE-STITCHING W/ 1/16“ 宽1/16“的边线ELASTIC 橡筋ELASTIC WAISTBAND IS EXTENSION OF BODY 原身出橡筋裤头ELBOW WIDTH 肘宽EMBROIDERY PATCH 绣花章EPAULET 肩章EVENING GOWN SET 晚睡袍EXCELLENT STYLE 漂亮的款式EXCESSIVE THREAD ENDS 多余的线头EXECUTIVE WEAR 行政装EXPIRY DATE 有效期EXPORT CARTON 出口箱EXTENSION OF WAISTBAND 裤头搭咀EYELET 凤眼FABRIC 布料FABRIC CONSTRUCTION 布料结构FABRIC DEFECTS 布疵FABRIC RUNS 走纱FABRIC SHADING 布料色差FABRIC SWATCH 布办FABRIC WIDTH 布封FABRICATION / FABRIC 布料FACING 贴FACING TO OUT-SIDE 折向侧骨FALSE FLY 暗钮牌FALSE PLACKET 假明筒,假反筒FASHION 时装FELL SEAM 埋夹 6 FEED PIQUE 6模珠地FIGURE-CLINGING 紧身的,贴身胸围FILAMENT 长纤丝FINAL APPEARANCE 最终外观FINISHED APPEARANCE 完成后的外观FITTING 试身FLAMEPROOF FABRIC 防火布FLANNEL 法兰绒FLARE SKIRT 喇叭裙FLAT MACHINE 平车FLAT SEAM 平缝FLAX 亚麻FLOW CHART 流程图FOLD AND PACK 折叠包装,折装FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLD BACK HIDDEN PLACKET 原身双层钮筒FOLD FRONT EDGE 折前幅边FOLD LINE 折线FOLD PANTS 折裤子FOLD POCKET MOUTH 折反袋口FORM AND FOLD GARMENT 定型折衫FROCKS 礼服FRONT EDGE 前幅边FRONT MID-ARMHOLE 前胸宽FRONT OPENING 前开口FRONT PANEL 前幅FULLY FASHION SWEATER 全成型毛衫FULLY OPENING 全开口FUR 皮草FUR GARMENT 裘皮服装FURRY 毛皮制品FUSE INTERLINING 粘衬FUSIBLE INTERLINING 粘朴FUZZ BALLS 起球[中英文对照表]:词性及解释:汗渍色牢度 PERSPIRATION C.. 抗起毛起球性 PILLING RESIST.. 素色天鹅绒 solid velvet 人字锦棉纺 nylon-cotton f.. 重平锦棉稠 nylon-cotton-c.. 塔丝绒格子 n/taslon ripst.. 羊毛双面呢 double-faced w.. 桃皮绒 polyester peac.. 牛仔植绒雕印 embossing jean.. 奶白IVORY/ECRU/OFF.. 玉色 OYSTER/PEACH 麻纺系列纱线 Halm Yarn Seri.. 绳、索及缆 Twine, Cordage.. 安哥拉山羊毛 WA Angora 大豆蛋白纤维 SILKOOL Silkoo.. 苍麒麟色 palegoldenrod 春绿色springgreen 葡萄酒红 winered 天丝 Tel Tencel 棉及其混纺纱线.. Cotton, Cotton[地毯保养的六个妙招]:词性及解释:1.避光:避免强烈的阳光直射,以免地毯老化褪色; 2.防污:使用过程中不得沾染油污、酸性物质等如发生污染,应立即用体质地毯清洗膏擦除; 3.去尘:地毯的面层纤维内,易积聚灰尘,应当常用吸尘器沿着顺毛方向清洁; 4.防范倒毛:如地毯出现倒毛,用干净毛巾浸湿热水擦拭,并用梳子梳理顺直,用熨斗垫湿布顺毛熨烫,可恢复原状; 5.防集中点压:在使用中,在家具的腿部接触地毯处,应放置垫层或经常移换家具; 6. 有地毯的房间应注意通风、防潮,以免地毯发生虫蛀、霉变。



sooner rather than later 宜早不宜迟Passed 通过Failed 失败Test results 测试结果Test roll 测试bulk 大货Please reply once again time to submit test samplesAll rolls were counted as grade B due to coarse yarn, slub/neps, which was not counted penalty points。

(是因为粗纱和棉结,这些疵点分数没有被计入总分)Failed Because of Excessive Shrinkage& Excessive Torque失败是因为过度收缩及过度扭矩narrow width (窄门幅)low weight (克重轻)High weight (克重重)found 2 color shade batches, i.e. the roll 39, 77 for batch one, the other rolls for batch two.(发现两个color 39,77为A色,其余为B色。

)found 1 color shade batch (发现只有1个color色)All the rolls were counted as grade B due to crease mark. 所有的卷被降为B等,是因为鸡爪印。

Miss printing(漏白)Off printing 对花不准Uneven printing 印花不匀Smudging 拖色Color streak 色条Joint piece接匹Torn edge(破边)Uneven dyeing 染色不匀(色花)wrong (错误的)correct (正确的)Contract edge 门幅缩边Wavy edge 蝴蝶边疵点:DEFECT/FAULT经柳:STREAKY WARP断经:BROKEN END急经:RIGHT END粗纬:COARSE PICKS粗经:COARSE END断纬:BROKEN PICKS纬向:Weft纬斜:SKEWING/SLOPE横檔:FILLING BAR污迹:STAIN/DIRT异型丝:GOAT/FOREING YARN破洞:HOLE色花:SHADE VARIATION/COLOR DIFFERENCE/COLOR DIVIATION色柳:COLOR STRIPE渗色:COLOR BLEEDING褪色:COLOR FADING/DISCOLOR擦伤:SCRATCH/BARASION/WINCH MARK松板印:MOIRE EFFECTS折痕:CREASE MARKNo PO, dvlp 没有PO#开发Fabric sample 面料样品Fabric swatch 面料样品swatch 布样/小样Unbleached 胚布Bleached 漂白Yarns of Different Colors 不同颜色纱线printed 印花Dyed White 染白color card 色卡color chip 色卡colour sample(s) 色样sample colours 样品的颜色hachi Knitting (粗针针织)Light heather grey burn out jersey 浅麻灰烂花汗布tie dye 扎染black grey黑灰色Rolls(卷)Bales(包)Number 编号/号码/数The roll 3, 7 were counted as grade B due to 。



⾯料常规测试项⽬⼤全英语1. Tensile strength 拉伸强度2. Tear strength 撕裂强度3. Bursting strength 顶破强度4. Abrasion resistance 耐磨损性5. Resistance to pilling 耐起球性6. Resistance to seam slippage 抗接缝滑裂7. Determination of linear density 纱线⽀数的测定8. Determination of number of threads per cm 测定每厘⽶纱线根数(机织⾯料)9. Determination of wales and courses per cm 测定每厘⽶的纵向线圈数和横向线圈数(针织⾯料)10. Deviation from indicated weight 与标称重量的偏差率11. Dimensional change after washing and drying ⽔洗和烘⼲后的尺⼨变化12. Dimensional change after dry cleaning ⼲洗后的尺⼨变化13. Deviation from usable width 有效幅宽偏差率14. Colour fastness to light ⽇晒⾊牢度15. Colour fastness to rubbing 摩擦⾊牢度 Dry staining ⼲(摩)沾⾊ Dry colourchange ⼲(摩)⾊变 Wet staining 湿(摩)沾⾊ Wet colour change 湿(摩)⾊变16. Colour fastness to washing 耐⽔洗⾊牢度17. Colour fastness to dry cleaning 耐⼲洗⾊牢度18. Colour fastness to water spotting ⽔斑⾊牢度19. Colour fastness to perspiration, acid and alkaline 耐汗渍、酸和碱⾊牢度20. Colour fastness to water耐⽔渍⾊牢度⾊牢度测试。



纺织品与服装测试项目中英文对照大全A 色牢度试验项目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS 皂洗牢度 washing 摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking 汗渍牢度 perspiration 干洗牢度 drycleaning 光照牢度 light 水渍牢度 water 氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting 非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach 漂白 bleaching 实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash) 氯化水 chlorinated water 含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water 海水 sea-water 酸斑 acid spotting 碱斑 alkaline spotting 水斑 water spotting 有机溶剂 organic solvent 煮呢 potting 湿态光牢度 wet light 染料转移 dye transfer 热(干态) dry heat 热压 hot pressing 印花牢度 print durability 臭氧 ozone 烟熏 burnt gas fumes 由酚类引起的黄化 phenolic yellowing 唾液及汗液 saliva and perspiration B 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣) DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELA TED TESTS (FABRIC & GARME NT) 皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage) 洗涤/手洗后的外观 appearance after laundering / hand wash 热尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to heating 熨烫后外观 appearance after ironing 商业干洗稳定性 dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage) 商业干洗后外观(外观保持性) appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to steaming 松弛及毡化 dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting 缝纫线形稳定性 dimensional stability for sewing thread C 强力试验项目 STRENGTH TESTS 拉伸强力 tensile strength 撕破强力 tear strength 顶破强力 bursting strength 接缝性能 seam properties 双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric 涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric 单纱强力 single thread strength 缕纱强力 lea strength 钩接强力 loop strength 纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目 FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS 织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric) 纱线支数 counts of yarn 纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received 织物幅宽 fabric width 织物克重 fabric weight 针织物线圈长度 loop length of knitted fabric 纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn 割绒种类 type of cut pile 织造种类 type of weave 梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash) 圈长比 terry to ground ratio 织物厚度 fabric thickness E 成分和其他分析试验项目 YTICAL TESTS COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANAL 纤维成分 fibre composition 染料识别 dyestuff identification 靛蓝染料纯度 purity of indigo 含水率 moisture content 可萃取物质 extractable matter 填充料和杂质含量 filling and foreign matter content 淀粉含量 starch content 甲醛含量 formaldehyde content 甲醛树脂 presence of formaldehyde resin 棉丝光度 mercerisation in cotton PH值 PH value 水能性 absorbance F 可燃性试验项目 FLAMMABILITY TESTS 普通织物的燃烧性能 flammability of general clothing textiles 布料的燃烧速率(45。



纺织品与服装色牢度测试英语A色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度washing摩擦牢度rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度perspiration干洗牢度drycleaning光照牢度light水渍牢度water氯漂白chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白non-chlorine bleach漂白bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次)actual laundering(one wash)氯化水chlorinated water含氯泳池水chlorinated pool water海水sea-water酸斑acid spotting碱斑alkaline spotting水斑water spotting有机溶剂organic solvent煮呢potting湿态光牢度wet light染料转移dye transfer热(干态)dry heat热压hot pressing印花牢度print durability臭氧ozone烟熏burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液saliva and perspirationB尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY(SHRINKAGE)AND RELATED TESTS(FABRIC& GARMENT)皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing(washing shrinkage)洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering/hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性)appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention)蒸汽尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性dimensional stability for sewing threadC强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力tensile strength撕破强力tear strength顶破强力bursting strength接缝性能seam properties双层织物的结合强力bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力single thread strength缕纱强力lea strength钩接强力loop strength纤维和纱的韧性tenacity of fibres and yarnD织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物)threads per unit length(woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物)stitch density(knittted fabric)纱线支数counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样)denier counts as received织物幅宽fabric width织物克重fabric weight针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类type of cut pile织造种类type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics(report as received and after one wash)圈长比terry to ground ratio织物厚度fabric thicknessE成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS纤维成分fibre composition染料识别dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度purity of indigo含水率moisture content可萃取物质extractable matter填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量starch content甲醛含量formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度mercerisation in cottonPH值PH value水能性absorbanceF可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles 布料的燃烧速率(45。



纺织品测试一般分以下四部分: 一:物理性能
布重测试 Fabric weight 尺寸稳定性 Dimensional Stability 外观测试 Smoothness Appearance 缝线滑移测试 Fabric slippage , Seam slippage 缝线强力测试 Seam strength 撕破强力 Tear Strength 拉伸强力 Tensile /breaking strength 弹性 Stretch Properties 回复率 Recovery 残余伸长率 Growth (线圈)密度(针织类) (Stitch) Density (经纬)密度(梭织类) Threads per unit length 布幅测试 Fabric width 纱线支数 Yarn count /yarn number/yarn size 耐磨性 Abrasion Resistance(Resistance to Abrasion) 鼓爆强力测试 Bursting strength 弓纬 Bow 纬斜 Skewness 转曲测试 Spirality/Torque/Twisting 洗后扭曲 Distortion after washing 纱线捻度 twist 起毛起球 Pilling Resistance 轻质梭织布的易烫性测试 Easy to Iron 回潮率 Moisture Content

• 二:色牢度
• 非氯漂色牢度测试 Color fastness to Non-Chlorine Bleach 氧化漂白损伤牢度测试 Color fastness to Oxidative Bleach 水洗牢度测试 Color fastness to Washing/accelerated washing 家庭水洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Home /actual /Domestic Laundering 汗渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Perspiration 水渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Water 摩擦牢度测试 Color fastness to Crocking/Rubbing 干洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Dry Cleaning 氯漂色牢度测试 Color fastness to Chlorine Bleach 氯水色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorinated water 氯敏色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorine Sensitivity 干热色牢度测试 Color fastness to Dry Heat(Excluding Pressing) 热压烫色牢度测试 Color fastness to Heat:Hot Pressing 耐汗渍日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light and Perspiration 日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light 渗色(bleeding)测试 Bleeding 酸碱色牢度测试 Color fastness to Acids and Alkaline 臭氧色牢度 Color fastness to Ozone 活性染料的水解测试 Color fastness to Hydrolysis of Reactive Dyes 海水色牢度 Color fastness to Sea Water 泳池水色牢度 Color fastness to Pool Water



服装纺织测试项目英语2C 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力 tensile strength撕破强力 tear strength顶破强力 bursting strength接缝性能 seam properties双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力 single thread strength缕纱强力 lea strength钩接强力 loop strength纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarnD 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物)threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数 counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received织物幅宽 fabric width织物克重 fabric weight针织物线圈长度 loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类 type of cut pile织造种类 type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比 terry to ground ratio织物厚度 fabric thicknessE 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS纤维成分 fibre composition染料识别 dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度 purity of indigo含水率 moisture content可萃取物质 extractable matter填充料和杂质含量 filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量 starch content甲醛含量 formaldehyde content甲醛树脂 presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度 mercerisation in cottonPH值 PH value水能性 absorbanceF 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能 flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。


Color fastness to Non-Chlorine Bleach 氧化漂白损伤牢度测试 Color fastness to Oxidative Bleach 水洗牢度测试 Color fastness to Washing/accelerated washing 家庭水洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Home /actual /Domestic Laundering 汗渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Perspiration 水渍色牢度测试 Color fastness to Water 摩擦牢度测试 Color fastness to Crocking/Rubbing 干洗色牢度测试 Color fastness to Dry Cleaning 氯漂色牢度测试 Color fastness to Chlorine Bleach 氯水色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorinated water 氯敏色牢度 Color fastness to Chlorine Sensitivity 干热色牢度测试 Color fastness to Dry Heat(Excluding Pressing) 热压烫色牢度测试 Color fastness to Heat:Hot Pressing 耐汗渍日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light and Perspiration 日晒牢度测试 Color fastness to Light 渗色(bleeding)测试 Bleeding 酸碱色牢度测试 Color fastness to Acids and Alkaline 臭氧色牢度 Color fastness to Ozone 活性染料的水解测试 Color fastness to Hydrolysis of Reactive Dyes 海水色牢度 Color fastness to Sea Water 泳池水色牢度 Color fastness to Pool Water



纺织品检测专业英语. Composition and analytical tests 成分及其他分析测试Fibre analysis 纤维分析Identification of virgin/recycled wool 新羊毛/再造毛鉴定Identification of noble animal fiber&natural cellulosic fibre other than cotton 特殊纤维鉴定Identification of lambswool 羊仔毛鉴定Fibre diameter 纤维直径coarse hair content 粗毛含量PH value 酸碱度moisture content /regain 水分含量extractable matter 可萃取物0 identification of dyestuff 染料鉴定1 starch content 淀粉含量2 filling & foreign matter content 填充物及杂质含量3 mercerisation in cotton 棉丝光处理4 formaldehyde content 甲醛含量5 hardness of water 水硬度6 mushroom reaction 发胀反应7 UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) 防自外光数8 Penetration P of solar UVR 紫外线穿透率9 Nickel release 镍的释放度0 Microfibre 微纤维1 Verification of Ammonium finish on fabric 布料之铵整理剂鉴定2 Verification of plastic by UV 以自外光法鉴定塑料3 BHT. Content BHT含量4 Deterioration effect of UV exposure 自外光曝晒下劣化效果5 Azo dye 偶氮染料测试. Construction analysis 结构分析yarn counts 纱支yarn twist (per yarn) 纱捻度(每秒钟)number of filaments 长丝数量fabric weight 布料重量fabric thickness 布料厚度threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(机织物)stitch density (knitted fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物)loop length (knitted fabrics) 线圈长度type of cut pile 割绒种类0 type of weave 梭织品织法分类1 measuring bow & skew 扭曲及歪斜量度2 cover factor 覆盖系数3 fabric width 布匹阔度。



纺织面料验货英语大全纺织面料验货英语大全成品检验Checking of finished products检验,检查inspection, check商检commodity inspection领面松wrinkles at top collar领面紧top collar appears tight领面起泡crumples at top collar领外口松collar edge appears loose领外口紧collar edge appears tight底领伸出collar band is longer than collar底领缩进collar band is shorter than collar底领里起皱wrinkles at collar band facing底领外露collar band lean out of collar倘领偏斜collar deviates from front center line 领窝不平creases below neckline后领窝起涌bunches below back neckline驳头起皱wrinkles at top lapel驳头反翘top lapel appears tight驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight驳口不直lapel roll line is uneven串口不直gorge line is uneven领卡脖tight neckline领离脖collar stand away from neck小肩起皱puckers at shoulders塌肩wrinkles at shoulder袖隆起皱creases at underarm袖隆缝起皱puckers at underarm seam塌胸lack of fullness at chest省尖起泡crumples at dart point拉链起皱wrinkles at zip fly止口不直front edge is uneven止口缩角front edge is out of square止口反翘front edge is upturned止口反吐facing leans out of front edge止口豁split at front edge止口下部搭叠过多crossing at front edge底边起皱wrinkles at hem后身起吊back of coat rides up背衩豁开split at back vent背衩搭叠过多crossing at back vent绗棉起皱puckers at quilting絮棉不均padded cotton is uneven边缘缺棉empty hem绱袖不圆顺diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap袖子偏前sleeve leans to front袖子偏后sleeve leans to back前袖缝外翻inseam leans to front袖口起皱wrinkles at sleeve opening袖里拧diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining袋盖反翘top flap appears tight袋盖反吐flap lining leans out of edge袋盖不直flap edge is uneven袋口角起皱creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口裂split at pocket mouth腰头探出end of waistband is uneven腰缝起皱wrinkles at waistband facing里襟里起皱creases at right fly夹裆tight crotch短裆short seat后裆下垂slack seat前浪不平wrinkles at front rise裆缝断线bursting of crotch seam裤脚前后two legs are uneven脚口不齐leg opening is uneven吊脚pulling at outseam or inseam烫迹线外撇crease line leans to outside烫迹线内撇crease line leans to inside腰缝下口涌bunches below waistline seam裙裥豁开split at lower part of skirt裙身吊split hem line rides up裙浪不匀skirt flare is uneven线路偏移stitch seam leans out line双轨接线stitch seam is uneven跳针skipping尺码不符off size缝制不良stitching quality is not good洗水不良washing quality is not good熨烫不良pressing quality is not good极光iron-shine水渍water stain锈迹rust污渍spot色差color shade, off shade, color deviation褪色fading, fugitive color线头thread residue毛头raw edge leans out of seam绣花不良embroidery design out line is uncovered发布日期:六, 05 八月2006 02:29:53 GMT阅读完整项.史上最全的纺织英语大全靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray 人棉布绒植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking 针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking 珠粒绒:Claimond veins 倒毛:Down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) 仿麂皮:Micro suede牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking 尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower) 雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods 羊毛立绒呢:cut velvet 顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed 弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:Nylon taslon 塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin 涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee 超细麦克布:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet 麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色毛巾布:solidterry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side 素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece 彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengaline T/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandex T/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine 全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan 全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop 塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee 全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee 春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop 全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach1. 棉织物:COTTON FABRIC2. 平纹织物:PLAIN CLOTH3. 斜纹织物:TWILL CLOTH4. 缎纹织物:SATIN AND SATEEN CLOTH5. 纯纺织物:PURE YARN FABRIC6. 混纺织物:BLENDED FABRIC7. 混并织物:MIXTURE 8. 交织织物:MIXED FABRIC9. 服装用织物:DRESS FABRIC 10. 装饰用织物:FURNISHING FABRIC11. 产业用织物:TECHNICAL FABRIC 12. 平布:PLAIN CLOTH13. 粗平布:COARSE SHEETING 14. 中平布:PLAIN CLOTH15. 细平布:FINE PLAIN 16. 粘纤平布:VISCOSE PLAIN CLOTH17. 富纤平布:POLYNOSIC PLAIN CLOTH 18. 粘/棉平布:VISCOSE/COTTON PLAIN CLOTH19. 粘/维平布:VISCOSE/VINYLON PLAIN CLOTH 20. 涤/棉平布:T/C PLAIN CLOTH21. 涤/粘平布:POLYESTERE/VISCOSE PLAIN CLOTH 22. 棉/丙平布:COTTON/POLYPROPYLENE PLAIN CLOTH23. 棉/维平布:C/V PLAIN CLOTH 24. 细纺:CAMBRIC25. 涤/棉细纺:T/C CAMBRIC 26. 府绸:POPLIN27. 纱府绸:POPLINETTE 28. 线府绸:THREADY POPLIN29. 涤/棉府绸:T/C POPLIN 30. 棉/维府绸:C/V POPLIN31. 麻纱:HAIR CORDS 32. 柳条麻纱:STRIPED HAIR CORDS33. 异经麻纱:END-AND-END HAIR CORDS 34. 提花麻纱:FIGURED HAIR CORDS35. 罗布:LENO-LIKE CLOTH 36. 罗缎:BENGALINE,TUSSORES37. 巴厘纱:VOILE 38. 麦尔纱:MULL39. 防绒布:DOWN-PROOF FABRIC 40. 双经布:DOUBLE ENDS FABRIC41. 双纬布:DOUBLE WEFT FABRIC 42. 蓝白花布:INDIGO PRINT43. 纱斜纹:SINGLE DRILL 44. 线斜纹:THREADY DRILL45. 粗斜纹:COARSE DRILL 46. 细斜纹:JEAN47. 哔叽:SERGE 48. 纱哔叽:SINGLE SERGE49. 粘胶哔叽:VISCOSE SERGE 50. 华达呢:GABERCORD51. 纱华达呢:SINGLE GABERCORD 52. 线华达呢:THREADY GABERCORD53. 卡其:KHAKI DRILL 54. 单面卡其:ONE-SIDED DRILL55. 双面卡其:REVERSIBLE DRILL 56. 纱卡其:SINGLE DRILL57. 线卡其:THREADY DRILL 58. 人字卡其:POINTED DRILL59. 缎纹卡其:WHIPCORD 60. 涤/棉卡其:T/C DRILL61. 直贡:TWILLED SATIN 62. 纱直贡:SINGLE TWILLED SATIN63. 羽绸:SATINET 64. 线直贡:THREADY TWILLED SATIN65. 横贡:SATEEN 66. 绒布:FLANNELETTE67. 单面绒布:IRREVERSIBLE FLANNELETTE 68. 双面绒布:BOTH-SIDE RAISED FLANNELETTE69. 斜纹绒布:TWILLED FUSTIAN,FLANNEL TWILLS 70. 厚绒布:HEAVY FLANNELETTE71. 灯芯绒:CORDUROY 72. 粗条灯芯绒:SPACIOUS WALED CORDUROY73. 中条灯芯绒:MID-WALE CORDUROY 74. 细条灯芯绒:PINWALE CORDUROY75. 特细条灯芯绒:ULTRA-FINE CORDUROY 76. 提花灯芯绒:FIGURED CORDUROY77. 弹力灯芯绒:ELASTIC CORDUROY 78. 棉/涤灯芯绒:T/C CORDUROY79. 仿平绒:VELVETEEN-LIKE FABRIC 80. 烂花仿平绒:ETCHED-OUT VELVETEEN-LIKE FABRIC81. 平绒:VELVET AND VELVETEEN 82. 纱罗织物:LENO AND GAUZE83. 牛津布:OXFORD 84. 竹节布:SLUBBED FABRIC85. 结子布:KNOP FABRIC 86. 提花布:FIGURED CLOTH87. 提格布:CHECKS 88. 绉布:CREPE89. 皱纹布:CREPPELLA 90. 泡泡纱:SEERSUCKER91. 轧纹布:EMBOSSING CLOTH 92. 折绉布:WRINKLE FABRIC93. 水洗布:WASHER WRINKLE FABRIC 94. 稀密条织物:THICK AND THINSTRIPED FABRIC95. 经条呢:WARP STRIPEED FABRIC 96. 华夫格:WALF CHECKS97. 巴拿马:PANAMA 98. 服装衬布:PADING CLOTH99. 树脂衬布:RESIN PADDING CLOTH 100. 热熔粘合衬布:HOT-MELT ADHESIVE PADDING CLOTH101. 黑炭衬:HAIR INTERLINING 102. 马尾衬:HAIR CLOTH 103. 粘纤织物:SPUN RAYON FABRIC 104. 富纤织物:POLYNOSIC FABRIC105. 氨纶弹力织物:SPANDEX STRETCH FABRIC 106. 中长化纤织物:MIDFIBRE FABRIC 107. 纬长丝织物:WEFT FILAMENT MIXED FABRIC 108. 纬长丝大提花仿绸织物:SILK-LIKEFABRIC JACQUARD109. 仿麂皮织物:SUEDE FABRIC 110. 仿麻布:LINEN TYPE CLOTH111. 合纤长丝仿麻布:POLYSTER LINEN TYPE FILAMENT FABRIC112. 低弹涤纶丝仿毛织物:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC WITH TRUE-RAN LOW-ELASTIC YARN 113. 凉爽呢:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC 114. 雪尼儿织物:CHENILLE FABRIC115. 柔道运动服织物:FABRIC OF JUDO WEAR 116. 医药用纱布:MEDICAL GAUZE 117. 尿布:DIAPER 118. 烂花布:ETCHED-OUT FABRIC119. 全包芯纱烂花布:COMPOSITE YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC120. 混纺纱烂花布;BLENDED YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC121. 帆布:CANVAS 122. 遮盖帆布:CANVAS OF COVER123. 橡胶帆布:RUBBER CANVAS 124. 鞋用帆布:PLIMSOLL DUCK125. 百页布:BAIYE FABRIC 126. 滤布:FILTRATION FABRIC 127. 印花衬布:PRINTING BLANKET 128. 圆筒布:TUBULAR FABRIC129. 43-3丙纶长丝滤布:POLYPROPYLENE FILAMENT FILTRATION FABRIC130. 729-涤纶大圆筒滤布:POLYESTER TUBULAR FILTRATION FABRIC131. 318锦纶布:318 POLYAMIDE FABRIC 132. 锦纶布:601 POLYAMIDE FABRIC 133. 伞布:UMBRELLA CLOTH 134. 砂皮布:ABRASIVE CLOTH135. 玻璃纤纬织物:GLASS-FIBRE FABRIC 136. 土工模袋布:FABRICFORM137. 标准贴衬织物:STANDARD ADJACENT FABRIC 138. 家具布:UPHOLSTERY FABRIC 139. 窗帘布:WINDOW BLIND FABRIC 140. 贴墙布:WALL CLOTH141. 粘晴大提花装饰织物:R.A JACQUARD ORNAMENTAL FABRIC142. 漂白织物:BLEACHED FABRIC143. 染色织物:DYED FABRICS 144. 印花织物:PRINTED FABRIC145. 拒水整理织物:WATER REPELLENT FANISH FABRIC146. 拒油整理织物:OIL-REPELLENT FINISH FABRIC147. 阻燃整理织物:FLAME RETARDANT FINISH FABRIC148. 预缩整理织物:SHRUNK FINISH FABRIC149. 防皱整理织物:CREASE RESISTANT FINISH FABRIC150. 柔软电整理织物:ANTISTATIC FINISH FABRIC151. 易去污整理织物:SOIL RELEASE FINISH FABRIC152. 减量整理织物:DEWEIGHTING FINISH FABRIC153. 增重整理织物:WEIGHTED FINISH FABRIC154. 液氨整理织物:LIQUID AMMONIA FINISH FABRIC155. 电光整理织物:SCHREINER FINISH FABRIC156. 轧光整理织物:CALENDER FINISH FABRIC157. 涂层整理织物:COATED FINISH FABRIC158. 轧纹整理织物:GAUFFERED FINISH FABRIC159. 磨绒整理织物:SANDED FINISH FABRIC160. 防蛀整理织物:MOTH PROOF FINISH FABRIC161. 防毡缩整理织物:ANTIFELTING FINISH FABRICwoven fabric -- 织布、织物gray yarn -- 原纱、本色纱gray fabric -- 坯布、本色布spinning -- 纺纱yarn count -- 纱支warp -- 经纱weft -- 纬纱ends per inch -- 经密picks per inch -- 纬密fabric construction -- 织物结构fabric width -- 布宽single width -- 单幅double width -- 双幅cutting length -- 切断长度irregular roll length -- 不定匹长natural fiber -- 天然纤维conjugated yarn -- 复合纤维filament -- 长纤维cut staple,spun -- 短纤维blended yarn -- 混纺纱cross weave -- 交织twist yarn -- 捻纱left twist -- S捻、左手捻right twist -- Z捻、右手捻tight twist yarn -- 强捻纱soft twist yarn -- 弱捻纱yarn dyeing -- 原纱染色fabric dyeing -- 匹染hank dyeing -- 绞纱染色direct dyeing -- 直接染色plain -- 平纹twill -- 斜纹satin -- 缎纹stripe -- 条纹check,plaid -- 格纹jacquard -- 提花dobby -- 双臂花式织double faced jacquard -- 双面异色花纹atural fibre -- 自然vegetable fibre -- 植物animal fibre-- 动物mineral fibre-- 矿物cotton fibre-- 棉bast fibre -- 麻asbestos fibre-- 石棉glass fibre -- 玻璃chemical fibre;man-made fibre -- 化学synthetic fibre -- 合成artificial fibre -- 人造regenerated fibre -- 再生specialty fibre -- 特种micro fibre -- 超细elastane fibre;spendex fibre -- 弹性viscose fibre;rayon fibre -- 粘胶cellulose acelate fibre;acetate fibre;acetate -- 醋酯,醋酸polyester fibre -- 聚酯,涤纶polyamide fibre -- 聚酰胺,锦纶★(1)天然纤维--natural fibre●植物纤维---plant fiber○种子毛纤维(seed fibre):棉花(cotton)、木棉(kapok)○韧皮纤维(bast fiber):亚麻(flax)、大麻(Hemp)、苎麻(Ramie),黄麻(Jute)、青麻、洋麻○叶纤维(leaf fibre):剑麻(sisal hemp)、蕉麻(Manila hemp)○果实纤维(fruit fibre):椰子纤维(coconut fibre)●动物纤维---animal fibrel毛发(hair) :羊毛(wool)、兔毛(rabbit hair)、鸵毛(camel hair)等分泌物:家蚕、柞蚕(tussah silk)、桑蚕丝(mulberry silk)●矿物纤维---mineral fiber:石棉(asbestos fiber)★(2)人造纤维--man-made fibre○无机纤维:金属纤维、玻璃纤维、岩石纤维矿渣纤维等---inorganic fiber: metal fiber、stone fiber、glass fiber、slag fiber,Etc.○人造纤维素纤维:粘胶纤维、铜氨纤维等---Man-madecellulose fibre: viscose、cuprammouium rayon○纤维素酯纤维:二醋酯纤维、三醋酯纤维---Cellulose acetate-fiber:two-acetate fiber、three-acetate fiber○人造蛋白纤维:酪素纤维、玉米蛋白纤维、大豆蛋白纤维等---corn protein fiber、pea protein fiber★(3)合成纤维(synthetic fibre) OR (chemical fiber)●聚酯纤维(聚对苯二甲酸二甲酯):涤纶(PET) T (polyethylene terephthalate:polyester)●聚酰胺纤维:锦纶(PA) N (聚酰胺,尼龙)●聚丙烯腈系纤维:腈纶(PVN) A (polyacrylonitrile ,丙烯酸)●聚烯烃纤维:丙纶(PP) (聚丙烯)●聚氨酯纤维:氨纶(OP)(polyruethane elastomeric 纤维;斯潘德克斯弹性纤维)●聚乙烯醇缩醛纤维:维纶(PVA) V (维尼纶)●聚氯乙稀:氯纶(PVC)(chlorofibre ,聚乙烯化合物的氯化物纤维)纱线Yarns竹节纱Slubby yarn雪兰毛线Shetland Yarns牦牛毛纱Yak Hair Yarns羊仔毛纱Lambswool Yarns真丝系列纱线Silk Yarn Series白厂丝White Steam Filature Yarns双宫丝Duppion Silk Yarns柞蚕丝Tussah Silk Yarns绢丝Spun Silk Yarns柞绢丝Tussah Spun Silk Yarns柚丝Silk Noil Yarns真丝线Silk Threads绳、索及缆Twine, Cordage, Rope & Cables金属纱线Metal Yarns乒乓纱Ping-Pong Yarns结子纱Knot YarnsTT 纱TT Yarns圈圈纱Loop Yarns梯子纱Ladder Yarns辫子纱Pigtail Yarns项链纱Neckline Yarns人棉混纺纱Spun Rayon Blended Yarns蜈蚣纱Centipede like Yarns羽毛纱Feather Yarns马海毛纱Mohair Yarns带子纱Tape Yarns大肚纱Big-belly Yarns雪尼尔纱Chenille Yarns花色纱线Fancy yarns人造长丝或线Viscose Filament Yarns or Threads其他化纤纱线Other Synthetic Yarns棉及其混纺纱线Cotton, Cotton Mixed & Blended Yarns 棉纱Cotton Yarns涤棉纱T/C & CVC Yarns粘棉纱Cotton/Rayon Yarns棉晴纱Cotton/Acrylic Yarns棉/氨纶包芯纱Cotton/Spandex Yarns棉与其他混纺纱Cotton/Others Blended Yarns毛纺系列纱线Woollen Yarn Series羊绒纱Cashmere Yarn Series丝棉混纺纱Silk/Cotton Blended Yarns麻纺系列纱线Halm Yarn Series大麻系列纱线Hemp Yarn Series亚麻系列纱线Linen Yarn Series苎麻系列纱线Ramie Yarn Series黄麻系列纱线Jute Yarn Series其他植物纤维纱线Other Plant Yarns剑麻系列纱线Sisal Yarn Series人造纤维和合成纱线Manmade & Synthetic Yarns 晴纶纱Acrylic Yarns晴纶仿羊绒Cashmere-like Acrylic Yarns仿兔毛Sunday Angora Yarns锦纶丝Polyamide Yarns涤纶纱/丝Polyester Yarns人造棉纱Spun Rayon Yarns天丝纱T encel Yarns弹力纱线Elastane Yarns涤粘纱T/R (Polyester/Rayon) Yarns全羊毛纱Wool (100%) Yarns毛晴纱Wool/Acrylic Yarns毛涤纱Wool/Polyester Yarns毛粘纱Wool/Viscose Yarns毛/丝纱Wool/Silk Yarnss羊毛/其他Wool/Other Yarns兔毛纱Angora Yarns其它花色纱线Other Fancy Yarns纺织英语---各类纺纱方式英语传统纺纱conventional spinning翼锭纺flying spinning帽锭纺cap spinning环锭纺ring spinning新型纺纱new methobs of making yarns自由端纺纱或断裂纺open-end or break spinning无捻纺twistless spinning摩擦纺friction spinning自捻纺self-twist spinning喷气纺air-jet spinning机械纺mechanical spinning流体纺fluid spinning静电纺electrostatic spinningC:Cotton 棉W:Wool 羊毛M:Mohair 马海毛RH:Rabbit hair 兔毛AL:Alpaca 羊驼毛S:Silk真丝J:Jute 黄麻L:linen 亚麻Ts:Tussah silk 柞蚕丝YH:Yark hair 牦牛毛Ly:lycra莱卡Ram:Ramine 苎麻Hem:Hemp 大麻T:Polyester 涤纶WS:Cashmere 羊绒N:Nylon 锦纶(尼龙)A:Acrylic 腈纶Tel:Tencel 天丝,是Lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名La:Lambswool 羊羔毛Md:Model 莫代尔CH:Camel hair 驼毛CVC:chief value of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)Ms:Mulberry silk 桑蚕丝R:Rayon 粘胶辅料,配件accessory横量across measure腈纶acrylic粘衬adhesive/ fusible interlining镀青古铜antique brass coating防静电处理antistatic finish成衣apparel吸引人的外表appealing look批办approval sample签名批办approved sample with signing name 夹圈armhole 前后幅合并assembling of front & back part 合并部分assembling section上领attach collar上商标attach label(车缝)附件attachment后搭前back cover front后背宽back mid-armhole后背宽back across返针,回针back stitch露背装backless dress条形码贴纸bar coded sticker讨价还价bargaining打枣bar-tack假缝baste蜡染batilk袋衬bearer袋衬袋贴bearel & facingBEDFORD CORD. 坑纹布,经条灯心绒BELL BOTTOM 喇叭裤脚BELLOWS POCKET 风琴袋BELT 腰带BELT-LOOP 裤耳BIAS CUT 斜纹裁,纵纹裁BIFURCATE 分*BINDER 包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶BINDING 包边BINDING OF SLV. OPENING R折BINDING OF TOP VENT 面*包边BINDING TAPE 包边BINDING/BOUND 滚条BLANKET 毛毯,地毯BLEACH 漂白BLEACH SPOT 漂白污渍BLEEDING 洗水后褪色BLEND FIBRE 混纺纤维BLENDS 混纺BLIND STITCH 挑脚线步BLOUSE 女装衬衫BODY PRESSING 衫身熨烫BODY RISE 直浪BOTTOM 衫脚,下摆BOTTOM VENT OF SLEEVE 细侧BOTTOMS 下装BOX-PLEATED 外工字褶BOY’S STYLE FLY / LEFT FLY 男装钮牌,左钮牌BRAID 织锦,织带BRANCH 分公司BREAK STITCHES 断线BRIEFS 男装紧身内裤BROCADE 织锦,织带BROKEN STITCHING 断线BUBBLING 起泡BUCKLE 皮带扣BUCKLE-LOOP 皮带扣BULK PRODUCTION 大量生产BUNDLE CODE 扎号BUNDLING 执扎BUTTON 钮扣BUTTON STAND 钮门搭位BUTTON-HOLE 钮门/ 扣眼BUTTON-HOLING 开钮门BUTTONING 钉钮BUTTONING WITH BUTTON SEWER 用钉钮机钉钮C/B VENT 后中*CALICO / GRAY CLOTHES 胚布CANVAS 马尾衬,帆布CARDBOARD 纸板CARDED 粗疏CARE LABEL 洗水唛CARTONNING 装箱,入箱CASE PACK LABEL 外箱贴纸CASH POCKET 表袋CASUAL WEAR 便装CATCHING FACING 钮子CENTER BACK 后中CENTER CREASE FOLD 中骨对折CENTER CREASE LINE 中骨线CENTER FRONT 前中CERTIFIED SUB-CONTRACTOR 认可加工厂CHAIN STITCH M/C 锁链车CHAIN STITCHES 锁链线步CHAMPRAY 皱布CHEMISE 宽松服装CHEST/BUST 胸围CHIC 时髦的,流行的CIRCULAR KNIT 圆筒针织布CLASSIC LOOK 经典款式CLASSIFICATION 分类CLEAN FINISH 还口CLEAN FINISH OF TOP VENT 面*还口CLEAN FINISH WITH 1/4“SINGLE NEEDLE 1/4“单针还口CLOSE FITTING 贴身CLOSE SIDE SEAM 埋侧骨COATING 外套大衣COIN POCKET 表袋COLLAR 领子COLLAR BAND 下级领COLLAR FALL 上级领COLLAR NOTCH 领扼位COLLAR POINT 领尖COLLAR STAND 下级领COLLAR STAY 领插竹COLLECTION 系列COLOR SHADING 色差COMBED 精梳CONSTRUCTED SPECIFICATION 结构细节CONTINUOUS PLACKET R折CONTROL OF LABOR TURNOVER 劳工流失控制CORDUROY 灯心绒COST SHEET 成本单COTTON STRING 棉绳COVERING STITCHING 拉冚线步(600类)CREASE & WRINKLY RESISTANT FINISH 防皱处理CREASE LINE 折线CREPE DE-CHINE 皱布CROSS CROTCH 十字缝CROSS CUT 横纹裁CROTCH POINT 浪顶点CTN. NO. 箱号CUFF 鸡英,介英CUFF ATTACHING TO SLEEVE 车鸡英到袖子上CUFF VENT/CUFF OPENING 袖侧CUFFED BOTTOM HEM 反脚,假反脚,脚级CUFFLESS BOTTOM 平脚CURVED POCKET 弯袋CUT & SEWN 切驳CUTTING PIECE 裁片CUTTING PIECE NUMBERING 给裁片编号D.K. JACQUARD 双面提花(针织)DAMAGE CAUSED BY NEEDLE 针孔DECORATIVE STITCHING 装饰间线DELIVERY DATE 落货期DENIER 旦尼尔DENIM 牛仔DENSITY 密度DESIGN SKETCH 设计图DESIGNED FEATURE 设计特征DIMENSION 尺寸、尺码DINNER JACKET 晚礼服DIRT STAINS AFTER WASHING 洗水后有污迹DIRTY SPOT 污点DISCOUNT / SALES OFF 打折DOBBY 织花布DOUBLE CUFF 双层鸡英DOUBLE END 双经DOUBLE JETTED POCKET 双唇袋DOUBLE NEEDLE FELL SEAM 双针埋夹DOUBLE PICK 双纬DOUBLING 并线DRESS COAT 礼服DRESSING ROOM 试衣间DRILLING 钻孔位DRY-CLEANED 干洗DUCK 帆布DYEING 染色EASING 容位EDGE STITCHING 间边线EDGE TRIMMER 修边器EDGE-FINISHING 边脚处理EDGE-STITCH DART 边线褶EDGE-STITCHING W/ 1/16“宽1/16“的边线ELASTIC 橡筋ELASTIC WAISTBAND IS EXTENSION OF BODY 原身出橡筋裤头ELBOW WIDTH 肘宽EMBROIDERY PATCH 绣花章EPAULET 肩章EVENING GOWN SET 晚睡袍EXCELLENT STYLE 漂亮的款式EXCESSIVE THREAD ENDS 多余的线头EXECUTIVE WEAR 行政装EXPIRY DATE 有效期EXPORT CARTON 出口箱EXTENSION OF WAISTBAND 裤头搭咀EYELET 凤眼FABRIC 布料FABRIC CONSTRUCTION 布料结构FABRIC DEFECTS 布疵FABRIC RUNS 走纱FABRIC SHADING 布料色差FABRIC SWATCH 布办FABRIC WIDTH 布封FABRICATION / FABRIC 布料FACING 贴FACING TO OUT-SIDE 折向侧骨FALSE FLY 暗钮牌FALSE PLACKET 假明筒,假反筒FASHION 时装FELL SEAM 埋夹6 FEED PIQUE 6模珠地FIGURE-CLINGING 紧身的,贴身胸围FILAMENT 长纤丝FINAL APPEARANCE 最终外观FINISHED APPEARANCE 完成后的外观FITTING 试身FLAMEPROOF FABRIC 防火布FLANNEL 法兰绒FLARE SKIRT 喇叭裙FLAT MACHINE 平车FLAT SEAM 平缝FLAX 亚麻FLOW CHART 流程图FOLD AND PACK 折叠包装,折装FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLD BACK HIDDEN PLACKET 原身双层钮筒FOLD FRONT EDGE 折前幅边FOLD LINE 折线FOLD PANTS 折裤子FOLD POCKET MOUTH 折反袋口FORM AND FOLD GARMENT 定型折衫FROCKS 礼服FRONT EDGE 前幅边FRONT MID-ARMHOLE 前胸宽FRONT OPENING 前开口FRONT PANEL 前幅FULLY FASHION SWEATER 全成型毛衫FULLY OPENING 全开口FUR 皮草FUR GARMENT 裘皮服装FURRY 毛皮制品FUSE INTERLINING 粘衬FUSIBLE INTERLINING 粘朴FUZZ BALLS 起球GABARDINE 斜纹呢GARMENT 成衣GARMENT DYE 成衣染色GARMENT FINISH 成衣后处理GARMENT SEWING TECHNOLOGY 成衣工艺GARMENT WASH 成衣洗水,普洗GATHERING 碎褶GIRL’S STYLE FLY / RIGHT FLY 女装钮牌,右钮牌GLACED FINISH 压光加工GOOD TASTE 高品味GR. WT.=GROSS WEIGHT 毛重GRADING 放码GRAY CLOTH 胚布GROMMET 凤眼GROWN-ON SLEEVE 原身出袖HALF OPENING 半开口HANDBAG 手袋HANDFEEL 手感HANDLING 执手HANGDLING TIME 执手时间HANGER 衣架HEAVY FABRIC 厚重面料HEM 衫脚,下摆HEM CUFF 反脚HEMMING 卷边,还口HEMMING WITH FOLDER 用拉筒卷边HEMP 大麻HERRINGBONE TWILL 人字斜纹布HEXAGONAL POCKET 六角袋HIDDEN PLACKET 双层钮筒HIDDEN BARTACK 隐形枣HIGH-WAISTED SKIRT 高腰裙HIP 坐围HIP POCKET 后袋HOOD HEIGHT 帽高HORIZONTAL PLAID 水平格INCORRECT LINKING 错误的连接INITIAL SAMPLE 原办,初办INNER EXTENSION 搭咀内层IN-SEAM 内骨INSPECTION 检查INSPIRATION 灵感INTERLACING 交织INTERLINING 衬,朴INTERLINING FOR FACING 贴粘衬INTERLOCK 双面布(针织)INVERTED PLEAT 内工字褶INVOICE 发票IRON OVERALL BODY 熨烫衫身IRON SPOT 烫痕JACQUARD 提花JEANS 牛仔裤JERSEY 平纹单面针织布JOIN CROTCH 埋小浪“J” SHAPED POCKET J形袋JUTE 黄麻KHAKI 卡其KNIT 针织KNITTED RIB COLLAR 针织罗纹领KNOTS 结头KNOWLEDGE OF MATERIAL 材料学24L BUTTON 24号钮L/G=LETTER OF GUARANTEE 担保证LABOUR COST 劳工成本LACE 花边LACOSTE 双珠地LAPEL 襟贴LAUNDRY 干洗LAYOUT 排唛,排料LEATHER 皮革LEFT COVER RIGHT 左搭右LEGGINGS 开裆裤LEISURE STYLE 休闲款式LEISURE WEAR 休闲服LEISURE WEAR SHOW 休闲装展示会LICENSE 许可证LIGHT CURVED POCKET 微弯袋LINEN 亚麻LINING 里布LINKING & CUP SEAMING 缝盆LOCK STITCH 平车线步LOOPED FABRIC 毛圈布LOOPING 起耳仔(疵点)LOOSE BUTTON 钮扣松散LOOSED THREAD CAUSING GRINNING 线太松导致起珠LUSTROUS 光泽MACHINE MAINTENANCE 机械保养MAGIC TAPE 魔术贴MAJOR DEFECT 大疵MAN-MADE FIBRE 人造纤维MANUFACTURER 制造商MARK BUTTONHOLE & BUTTON POSITION 标出钮门与钮扣的位置MARK POCKET POSITION WITH TEMPLATE 用纸板点袋位MARKER 唛架MARKING MID-POINT OF NECK 定领围中位MASS PRODUCTION 大批量生产MATCH COLOR 配色MATERIAL 物料MEASUREMENT 尺寸MELTON 领底绒MILDREW RESISTANT FINISH 防霉处理MISSING PARTS 漏裁片MOTH RESISTANT FINISH 防虫处理NAIL-BUTTON 钉脚钮扣NATURAL FIBRE 天然纤维NECK ACROSS/NECK WIDTH 领宽NECK DROP 领深NECK SEAM 颈圈NET WT. 净重non fusible interlining非粘朴non woven fabric非织布/ 无纺布notch扼位off pressing终烫ograin布纹oil stain 油污one piece double folded belt-loop 一片双折裤耳one-piece dress 连衣裙open seam开骨operation break down分工序out- seam外骨Out-seam pkt侧骨袋overall工作服overalls吊带裤overlap重叠overlapping a few stitching驳线overlock & blind- stitch折挑overlock with 5 threads五线锁边overtime working加班工作packing list包装单packing method包装方法panel knitting针织裁片pastel 颜料patch pocket贴袋pattern纸样payment 付款peach pocket杏形袋piece rate记件pieced on placket面车明筒pieced placket一片钮筒pile fabric毛圈布PIPING 嵌边PIQUE 单珠地PLACKET 明筒PLAID MATCHING 对格PLAIDS / CHECKS 格仔布plain weave平纹梭织plants layout厂房布置pleat with single needle单针车褶pleats 活褶pocket bag caught in bartack袋布被枣打到(疵点)pocket cover袋盖pocket creasing machine 烫袋机pocket facing 袋贴pocket flap袋盖pocket flasher 袋卡pocket mouth袋口pocket opening 袋口pocket- bag (裁好的)袋布pocketing(成卷的)袋布point shape belt-loop 三尖裤耳polybag 胶袋polywarp 胶纸包position collar定领位post-wash handfeel 洗水后手感preshrinking预缩press& opening seam 烫开骨press open烫开骨pressing work in progress烫半成品 print fabric印花布printing 印花procedure 程序production sketch 生产图puckering 沿缝线的皱褶quality control/ qc 质量控制quilting 打缆,间棉。



纺织品测试相关英语SGS TEST通标公司测试A. Composition and analytical tests 成分及其他分析测试1. Fibre analysis 纤维分析2. Identification of virgin/recycled wool 新羊毛/再造毛鉴定3. Identification of noble animal fiber&natural cellulosic fibre other than cotton 特殊纤维鉴定4. Identification of lambswool 羊仔毛鉴定5. Fibre diameter 纤维直径6. coarse hair content 粗毛含量7. PH value 酸碱度8. moisture content /regain 水分含量9. extractable matter 可萃取物10. identification of dyestuff 染料鉴定11. starch content 淀粉含量12. filling & foreign matter content 填充物及杂质含量13. mercerisation in cotton 棉丝光处理14. formaldehyde content 甲醛含量15. hardness of water 水硬度16. mushroom reaction 发胀反应17. UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) 防自外光数Penetration P of solar UVR 紫外线穿透率18. Nickel release 镍的释放度19. Microfibre 微纤维20. Verification of Ammonium finish on fabric 布料之铵整理剂鉴定21. Verification of plastic by UV 以自外光法鉴定塑料22. BHT. Content BHT含量23. Deterioration effect of UV exposure 自外光曝晒下劣化效果24. Azo dye 偶氮染料测试B. Construction analysis 结构分析1. yarn counts 纱支2. yarn twist (per yarn) 纱捻度(每秒钟)3. number of filaments 长丝数量4. fabric weight 布料重量5. fabric thickness 布料厚度6. threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(机织物)7. stitch density (knitted fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物)8. loop length (knitted fabrics) 线圈长度9. type of cut pile 割绒种类10. type of weave 梭织品织法分类11. measuring bow & skew 扭曲及歪斜量度12. cover factor 覆盖系数13. fabric width 布匹阔度14. length of thread ( per cone) 线长度(每筒)15. crimp or take up of yarn 纱线绉缩或织缩率16. terry to ground ratio 毛圈经密与地经密度比17. identification of continuous / microscopic method 长丝/ 短纤维鉴定18. harness of corduroy 灯心绒的综合19. holes on synthetic fibres 纤维孔数C. Dimensional stability (shrinkage) and related tests 尺寸稳定性及有关测试1. dimensional stability to washing 水洗缩率测试2. each additional wash cycle 每增加一次水洗循环3. appearance after laundering 洗涤后外观4. dimensional stability to dry cleaning 干洗缩率5. each additional dryclean cycle 每增加一次干洗6. appearance after dry cleaning (appearance retention) 干洗后外观7. durable of applied designs and finishes to dry cleaning 印花花纹和整理剂性8. dimensional stability to relaxation 松弛缩率9. dimensional stability to felting 毡化缩率10. dimensional stability to free steam 蒸气缩率11. dimensional stability to heating in house 热缩率12. spirality / skewing of fabric & garments 织物和服装扭曲/歪斜13. dimensional stability to steam pressing / ironing 蒸气压烫/熨斗熨烫缩率14. tumbler shrinkage 圆筒烘干缩率15. cold water immersion 冷水浸洗缩率16. additional ironing 每增加一次熨烫17. effect after wash & pressing 洗涤后效果18. effect after pressing 熨后效果D. Colour fastness tests 染色坚牢度测试1. Washing 水洗2. Perspiration 汗液3. Dry & wet crocking / rubbing 摩擦4. Light 光照5. Water 水6. Sea water 海水7. Chlorinated water 氯水8. Dry cleaning 干洗9. Actual laundering (one wash) 实际洗涤(一次水洗)10. Commerical dryclean 商业干洗11. Dry heat 干热12. Hot pressing 热压13. Water spotting 水斑14. Acid spotting 酸斑15. Alkaline spottig 碱斑16. Bleaching漂白17. Chlorine bleaching 氯漂18. Non-chlorine bleaching 非氯漂19. Organic solvents 有机溶剂20. Sublimation during storage 存放升华21. Perborate 酸钠22. Phenolic yellowing 酚醛发黄23. Sweat & saliva 汗液及唾液24. Washing (with shrinkage conducted) 水洗色牢度(缩水测试后)25. Bleeding 渗色度26. Ozone 臭氧27. Gas fume 烟气28. Dye transfer in storage 储存时颜色转移29. Light & perspiration 光照及汗液30. Contact test 接触测试31. Wicking 吸水32. Colour transfer against special condition 特别情况下颜色转移33. Colour fastness to perborate & light 过硼酸盐及光照色牢度34. Colour fastness of fabrics 布料颜色牢度E. Strength tests 强度测试1. Tensile strength 拉伸2. Lea strength 绞纱3. Single thread/yarn strength 单线纱4. bursting strength 胀破强力5. Seam performance 接缝6. Tearing strength 撕裂7. Bonding strength 粘合强力8. Loop strength 打结,钩接强力F. Fabric / garment performance and flammability tests 品质及燃烧测试1. Abrasion ressistance 耐磨性2. Pilling ressistance 抗毛性3. Snagging ressistance 防钩丝4. Wrinkle/crease recovery 皱纹/折痕回复性5. Stiffness 布料硬挺度6. Stretch and recovery 伸展及回复性7. Water repellency 防水性8. Oil repellency防油性9. Soil release 防污10. Needle cutting 烧针现象11. Flammabillity 燃烧性12. Surfce flammabillity of carpets and rugs 地毯燃烧测试13. Durability of applied designs and finishes to dry cleaning 印花花纹和整理剂14. Wettability 湿润度15. Absorbency of bleached textiles 漂白纺织品和吸水性16. Air permeability 透气性17. Water vapour permeability index 透湿指数18. Thermal stability of coated fabric 涂层织物之耐热性19. Resistance to blocking 抗阻塞性20. Water vapour transmision 透湿性21. Dry fit function 快干综合功能22. Cold bending test for coated fabric 涂层织物的低温弯曲度测试23. Brittleness temp. of plastic sheeting 塑料脆化温度24. Antistatic 防静电25. Thermal ressistance 保暖度。



纺织品与服装测试项目专业英语词汇A 色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度 washing摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度 perspiration干洗牢度 drycleaning光照牢度 light水渍牢度 water氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach漂白 bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash)氯化水 chlorinated water含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water海水 sea-water酸斑 acid spotting碱斑 alkaline spotting水斑 water spotting有机溶剂 organic solvent煮呢 potting湿态光牢度 wet light染料转移 dye transfer热(干态) dry heat热压 hot pressing印花牢度 print durability臭氧 ozone烟熏 burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化 phenolic yellowing 唾液及汗液 saliva and perspirationB 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT)皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage)洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观 appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性 dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性) appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention)蒸汽尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性 dimensional stability for sewing threadC 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力 tensile strength撕破强力 tear strength顶破强力 bursting strength接缝性能 seam properties双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力 single thread strength缕纱强力 lea strength钩接强力 loop strength纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目 FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数 counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received 织物幅宽 fabric width织物克重 fabric weight针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn 割绒种类 type of cut pile织造种类 type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比 terry to ground ratio织物厚度 fabric thicknessE 成分和其他分析试验项目 COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS 纤维成分 fibre composition染料识别 dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度 purity of indigo含水率 moisture content可萃取物质 extractable matter填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量 starch content甲醛含量 formaldehyde content甲醛树脂 presence of formaldehyde resin 棉丝光度 mercerisation in cottonPH值 PH value水能性 absorbanceF 可燃性试验项目 FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。



纺织品与服装测试项目中英文对照大全A 色牢度试验项目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度 washing摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度 perspiration干洗牢度 drycleaning光照牢度 light水渍牢度 water氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach漂白 bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash)氯化水 chlorinated water含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water海水 sea-water酸斑 acid spotting碱斑 alkaline spotting水斑 water spotting有机溶剂 organic solvent煮呢 potting湿态光牢度 wet light染料转移 dye transfer热(干态) dry heat热压 hot pressing印花牢度 print durability臭氧 ozone烟熏 burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化 phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液 saliva and perspirationB 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARME NT)皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage)洗涤/手洗后的外观 appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观 appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性 dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性) appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention)蒸汽尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化 dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性 dimensional stability for sewing threadC 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力 tensile strength撕破强力 tear strength顶破强力 bursting strength接缝性能 seam properties双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力 single thread strength缕纱强力 lea strength钩接强力 loop strength纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarnD 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数 counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received织物幅宽 fabric width织物克重 fabric weight针织物线圈长度 loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类 type of cut pile织造种类 type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比 terry to ground ratio织物厚度 fabric thicknessE 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANAL YTICAL TESTS纤维成分 fibre composition染料识别 dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度 purity of indigo含水率 moisture content可萃取物质 extractable matter填充料和杂质含量 filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量 starch content甲醛含量 formaldehyde content甲醛树脂 presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度 mercerisation in cottonPH值 PH value水能性 absorbanceF 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能 flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。



Standard Method
Value -0.4% 经向 weft weft纬向 1.4% -偏差 +/-3% +/-3% 2% Iso 5077/ 6330
NFG 07212/ DIN 53894 T2 Iso 16322-2
Value light浅色 dark深色 4/5 light 4/5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4/5 4/5 4/5 3/4
weft weft
seam opening < 3mm, on 80N for fabric ≤ 200g/m² and 120N for fabric > 200g/m² +/-10 % no broken (5000 cycles)
min.10 N
min.250 N No major change after 1 washing
Iso 13934-1
No major change after 5 washings
Pass/Fail Method
Pass/Fail Pass
Pass Pass
Value Dimensional stability to washing 水洗缩率测试 To steam蒸汽 Spirality after washing水洗后的扭度 warp warp weft weft warp warp
Value Colour fasteness色牢度测试 色牢度测试 Colour change to washing水洗后的变化 Bleeding off to washing 水洗后的渗色度 Acetate醋酸纤维 Cotton棉 Nylon尼龙 Polyester 化纤 Acrylic纱绒布 Wool毛 Colour fasteness to dry friction before washing水洗前干摩 擦牢度 Colour fasteness to wet friction before washing水洗前湿摩 擦牢度 light dark light



常见的纺织品检测项目及其英语对照纤维与纱线 FibersandYarns1。

纤维鉴别Fiber Identificationﻫ2.纤维含量Fiber Content3。

纱线细度Yarn finenessﻫ4。

纤维长度Fiberlengthﻫ5.纱线强力Yarn strength6.纱线捻度Yarn Twist7.回潮率Moisture Regain8.化纤长丝分析Synthetic filament Analysis物理性能 Physical propertiesﻫ1.经纬密度(Fabric Density)ﻫ2。

针织物线圈密度(Knitted fabriccoil density)ﻫ3。

纱支(Yarncount)4.起毛起球(Pilling resistance)ﻫ5.质量/克重量(Fabric Weight)6.厚度(Fabric thickness)7.水洗缩率(Washingshrinkage)ﻫ8.气蒸缩率(Gas Steam shrinkage)ﻫ9.干洗缩率(Dry shrinkage)ﻫ10.洗后外观(appearance afterlaundering)11.拉伸强力(Tensile strength)ﻫ12。

撕破强力(Tearingstrength)15.折13.胀破强力(Bursting strength)ﻫ14.接缝滑移(Seam slippage)ﻫ16.起毛起球(Pilling)ﻫ17.荧光分析痕回复性(Crease recoverability) ﻫ19.护理标签/(Fluorescence Analysis) ﻫ18.棉结杂质(Nep impurity)ﻫ水洗建议(care labeling recommendation)色牢度Color Fastness Testﻫ1。

耐洗色牢度(Colorfastnesstowashing ) ﻫ2。

耐摩擦色牢度(Colorfastness to rubbing)ﻫ3.耐汗渍色牢度(Color fastness to perspiration)4.耐水色牢度(Color fastnessto water)5。



纺织品知识以及测试名词中英文对照测试项目中文英文物理性能布重测试Fabric weight尺寸稳定性Dimensional Stability外观测试Smoothness Appearance缝线滑移测试Fabric slippage , Seam slippage缝线强力测试Seam strength撕破强力Tear Strength拉伸强力Tensile /breaking strength弹性Stretch Properties回复率Recovery残余伸长率Growth(线圈)密度(针织类)(Stitch) Density(经纬)密度(梭织类)Threads per unit length布幅测试Fabric width纱线支数Yarn count /yarn number/yarn size耐磨性Abrasion Resistance(Resistance to Abrasion) 鼓爆强力测试Bursting strength弓纬Bow纬斜Skewness转曲测试Spirality/Torque/Twisting洗后扭曲Distortion after washing纱线捻度twist起毛起球Pilling Resistance轻质梭织布的易烫性测试Easy to Iron回潮率Moisture Content色牢度非氯漂色牢度测试Color fastness to Non-Chlorine Bleach 氧化漂白损伤牢度测试Color fastness to Oxidative Bleach水洗牢度测试Color fastness to Washing/accelerated washing家庭水洗色牢度测试Color fastness to Home /actual /Domestic Laundering 汗渍色牢度测试Color fastness to Perspiration水渍色牢度测试Color fastness to Water摩擦牢度测试Color fastness to Crocking/Rubbing干洗色牢度测试Color fastness to Dry Cleaning氯漂色牢度测试Color fastness to Chlorine Bleach氯水色牢度Color fastness to Chlorinated water氯敏色牢度Color fastness to Chlorine Sensitivity干热色牢度测试Color fastness to Heatry(Excluding Pressing)热压烫色牢度测试Color fastness to Heat:Hot Pressing耐汗渍日晒牢度测试Color fastness to Light and Perspiration日晒牢度测试Color fastness to Light渗色(bleeding)测试Bleeding酸碱色牢度测试Color fastness to Acids and Alkaline臭氧色牢度Color fastness to Ozone活性染料的水解测试Color fastness to Hydrolysis of Reactive Dyes海水色牢度Color fastness to Sea Water泳池水色牢度Color fastness to Pool Water化学性能织物变黄测试Yellowing纤维定性分析Fiber Analysisualitative纤维含量定量分析Fiber Analysisuantitative甲醛含量(释放)Released Formaldehyde content甲醛含量(游离) Free Formaldehyde Content可燃性FlammabilityPH值pH Value/Level异味Strange Smell白度Whiteness功能整理后性能拒水(喷淋)Water Repellency/ Water %26amp;Alcohol Repellency 拒油Oil Repellencey防水(雨淋)Water Resistance易去污性Soil Release折皱恢复Wrinkle Recovery毛效性/爬湿性Wicking蒸发率的测试Evaporation吸水性Absorbency成衣测试Garment test描述烘干Tumble Dry挂干Line Dry铺干Flat Dry滴干Drip Dry颜色变化Color change沾色Staining自沾色Self staining颜色变化评级color change evaluation 沾色评级color staining evaluation。



A 色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS 皂洗牢度washing 1 I7 A. e( b' `( K' }' N5 P6 r& }' @摩擦牢度rubbing/crocking , U3 c, H2 ?0 e% T- n% K2 }* g汗渍牢度perspiration干洗牢度drycleaning光照牢度light 9 J1 m# s3 S, d( Y9 } @5 [3 C水渍牢度water & F, |; U* o) d* L+ s! I2 C5 ~氯漂白chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白non-chlorine bleach / a- Z, g: w- ~; Q7 d* k9 g漂白bleaching & U' h' w V6 A) q$ p) X6 ^' \! Z实际洗涤(水洗一次)actual laundering (one wash) 6 k: I |2 A( n, O( |+ Y氯化水chlorinated water含氯泳池水chlorinated pool water海水sea-water . ^+ ^. a# D {; [酸斑acid spotting 3 E! v4 L2 y1 W3 c. L碱斑alkaline spotting 2 l& i+ _* k9 t水斑water spotting有机溶剂organic solvent ( X! }! X. u, N! T煮呢potting 3 M* B* E1 t. K" B湿态光牢度wet light & L0 ?2 ~/ o0 ?# p/ P t" c- z染料转移dye transfer热(干态)dry heat热压hot pressing p, N- Y+ d$ x" N0 i& _3 D: s, m3 k" D印花牢度print durability臭氧ozone # J/ v6 u0 {" r- s: e烟熏burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液saliva and perspiration B 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT) $ x6 G$ s Z- C' s/ A! ~9 ~/ y皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage) & l) ]7 K2 k5 {, R$ a8 V- H3 y i/ I 洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage) - U; n) Z; W" A. l. f商业干洗后外观(外观保持性)appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to steaming 3 q& [' i% _8 [+ x/ c0 \5 d+ x7 g松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性dimensional stability for sewing thread C 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS 拉伸强力tensile strength撕破强力tear strength顶破强力bursting strength + n! _! j2 @$ S( G" j% R( F接缝性能seam properties双层织物的结合强力bonding strength of laminated fabric # m( P' [4 A7 y T$ s, n涂层织物的粘合强力adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力single thread strength缕纱强力lea strength 5 d% Q* x% q, i6 ~钩接强力loop strength纤维和纱的韧性tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS 7 W4 A" M, M8 j: I7 O: k织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric) ) F$ O0 j/ p+ c/ g# W纱线支数counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样)denier counts as received织物幅宽fabric width织物克重fabric weight 0 E7 c1 Y9 S7 P+ _针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric # R1 a8 v; [' k- S0 K纱线卷曲或织缩率crimp or take-up of yarn 4 g, O: Q+ ]9 W. q2 m割绒种类type of cut pile织造种类type of weave ) l! {/ @$ d+ E; O- W0 l梭织物纬向歪斜度distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比terry to ground ratio织物厚度fabric thickness E 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANAL YTICAL TESTS纤维成分fibre composition / R; A3 i- `) Y& g2 E& a/ L4 Q) u# I染料识别dyestuff identification 9 n- W: v8 O; E. z2 z0 o: d靛蓝染料纯度purity of indigo p: q& ]0 S7 |9 \1 Z% F7 Q, D含水率moisture content * C$ W* x. V6 \. m" R2 c- k% w可萃取物质extractable matter + n& J; Q" X/ t5 V* Z; v3 W填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量starch content甲醛含量formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度mercerisation in cotton 7 g' x% i$ ?7 e- t) Q0 N$ dPH值PH value水能性absorbance - [/ F& b9 x W: g g8 {9 ^F 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。

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A色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS 皂洗牢度washing 1 I7 A. e( b' `( K' }' N5 P6 r& }' @摩擦牢度rubbing/crocking , U3 c, H2 ?0 e% T- n% K2 }* g汗渍牢度perspiration干洗牢度drycleaning光照牢度light 9 J1 m# s3 S, d( Y9 } @5 [3 C水渍牢度water & F, |; U* o) d* L+ s! I2 C5 ~氯漂白chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白non-chlorine bleach / a- Z, g: w- ~; Q7 d* k9 g漂白bleaching & U' h' w V6 A) q$ p) X6 ^' \! Z实际洗涤(水洗一次)actual laundering (one wash) 6 k: I |2 A( n, O( |+ Y氯化水chlorinated water含氯泳池水chlorinated pool water海水sea-water . ^+ ^. a# D {; [酸斑acid spotting 3 E! v4 L2 y1 W3 c. L碱斑alkaline spotting 2 l& i+ _* k9 t水斑water spotting有机溶剂organic solvent ( X! }! X. u, N! T煮呢potting 3 M* B* E1 t. K" B湿态光牢度wet light & L0 ?2 ~/ o0 ?# p/ P t" c- z染料转移dye transfer热(干态)dry heat热压hot pressing p, N- Y+ d$ x" N0 i& _3 D: s, m3 k" D印花牢度print durability臭氧ozone # J/ v6 u0 {" r- s: e烟熏burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液saliva and perspiration B 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELA TED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT) $ x6 G$ s Z- C' s/ A! ~9 ~/ y皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage) & l) ]7 K2 k5 {, R$ a8 V- H3 y i/ I 洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage) - U; n) Z; W" A. l. f商业干洗后外观(外观保持性)appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to steaming 3 q& [' i% _8 [+ x/ c0 \5 d+ x7 g松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性dimensional stability for sewing thread C 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS 拉伸强力tensile strength撕破强力tear strength顶破强力bursting strength + n! _! j2 @$ S( G" j% R( F接缝性能seam properties双层织物的结合强力bonding strength of laminated fabric # m( P' [4 A7 y T$ s, n涂层织物的粘合强力adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力single thread strength缕纱强力lea strength 5 d% Q* x% q, i6 ~钩接强力loop strength纤维和纱的韧性tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTIONTESTS 7 W4 A" M, M8 j: I7 O: k织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction)织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric) ) F$ O0 j/ p+ c/ g# W纱线支数counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样)denier counts as received织物幅宽fabric width织物克重fabric weight 0 E7 c1 Y9 S7 P+ _针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric # R1 a8 v; [' k- S0 K纱线卷曲或织缩率crimp or take-up of yarn 4 g, O: Q+ ]9 W. q2 m割绒种类type of cut pile织造种类type of weave ) l! {/ @$ d+ E; O- W0 l梭织物纬向歪斜度distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after onewash)圈长比terry to ground ratio织物厚度fabric thickness E 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS纤维成分fibre composition / R; A3 i- `) Y& g2 E& a/ L4 Q) u# I染料识别dyestuff identification 9 n- W: v8 O; E. z2 z0 o: d靛蓝染料纯度purity of indigo p: q& ]0 S7 |9 \1 Z% F7 Q, D含水率moisture content * C$ W* x. V6 \. m" R2 c- k% w可萃取物质extractable matter + n& J; Q" X/ t5 V* Z; v3 W填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量starch content甲醛含量formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度mercerisation in cotton 7 g' x% i$ ?7 e- t) Q0 N$ dPH值PH value水能性absorbance - [/ F& b9 x W: g g8 {9 ^F 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。

角)burning rate of cloth (45。

angle) 8 D, f# W7 ]- ]& z6 C# G瑞典成衣燃烧性能Sweden fire properties of apparel textile G 织物性能试验项目FABRICFERFORMANCE TESTS - i* J3 P9 u S% z. \3 L" C, X; X耐磨性abrasion resistance抗起毛起球性pilling resistance ; h" q/ P% a: R& v2 J' y拒水性water repellency " f1 j s& u, {, e( `' P抗水性water resistance折痕回复力wrinkle recovery $ \+ C! y! Y6 k G2 }" }) }8 g; [. m布料硬挺度fabric stiffness 4 i& y4 x7 b6 e Y弹性及回复力stretch & recovery H 羽绒试验项目FEA THER & DOWN THERMAL TESTS 羽绒成分分析composition analysis膨松度filling power杂色毛和绒的比例black tip填充料的净重量new weight (conditioned) of filling material ! E+ S- P' f+ q5 U: \0 L: D含水率moisture content溶剂可溶物的测定determination of solvent solube酸度acidity好氧指数oxygen number清洁度turbidity test 2 c, v' b. C& Z: x4 t羽绒布防漏性penetration resistance of cloth to feather & down I 成衣附件试验项目GARMENT ACCESSORY TESTS (LACE, ZIPPER, BUTTON, BUCKLE, ETC.) % N& M' n) |6 w. r6 r5 R洗涤后外观appearanc after laundering $ Y) {" w6 w, {贮存后外观appearance after storage 8 q# }, X3 Z" d7 G& X/ K耐烫性能resistance to ironing + ^+ \' B G' b+ F* M拉链强力zipper strength拉链的往复性reciprocating test , J: \0 i5 o/ G( |9 R w' f拉链耐用性durability of zipper ) G3 |# z2 u3 l- r9 w7 H拉链的使用性能operability of zipper ) g5 c1 b# G( P- a; \魔术贴剪力shear strength of hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)魔术贴撕离力peeling strength of hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape) 0 `$ Z/ U/ k1 h& k a魔术贴分合consecutive adhere/ separation exercising on hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)金属抛光物的锈蚀/变色试验corrosion / tarnish test on metallic finishes按钮分开强力unsnapping og snap fasteners " h" A# c* e; Y. I3 Q6 `金属钮扣、铆钮的紧固试验security of metallics buttons, rivets, ets. ! I% m% p2 Y4 `& V* l% p6 x7 C按钮的紧固试验security of snap button钮扣强力strength of buttons 9 b" `( B7 J) F: u; |; E耐洗液腐蚀性resistance to wash liquor耐干洗溶剂腐蚀性resistance to drycleaning solvents钮扣撞击测试button impact test * r% y4 A4 ?, D) B' o( [+ H钮扣拉力试验button tension test 4 P. I' Z. d$ P U钮扣钮力试验button torque test 2 \6 }* M5 M: f& g按钮附着力snap attachment strength " M# N" [. T$ D2 V5 Y装饰物附着力trim attachment strength J 其他纺织品测试项目OTHER TEXTILE TESTS % g4 ]4 \" G6 Z适当试验后推荐护理标签care instruction/label recommendation after appropriate testing(testing charges excluded)成衣尺寸测量garment size measurement硫化染料染色的纺织品的加速老化accelerated ageing of sulphur-dyed textiles + p9 y9 r* {9 f. D/ J. h# g1 K) e色差判定colour difference assessment K 纤维和纱的试验项目FIBRE & TESTS短纤维长度fibre staple length + y+ j9 F5 a5 d1 x线形密度linear density纤维直径fibre diameter单根纤维强力single fibre strength + U$ V: I* P& x; f! j4 E纤维韧性tenacity of fibre纱支yarn count 8 Z! J0 O1 {) P( r: U: f! O纱线纤度(原样)denier count as received连续或非连续纤维的识别identification of continuous/ discontinuous fibres " m+ I# Y* f- O) }6 P$ b: H: r每卷经纱长length of thread per roll纱线净重net weight of thread单纱强力single thread strength / R, J) Z# S; Q6 Y绞纱强力lea strength 4 T: p" |3 |* b5 K5 x线圈强力loop strength纱线韧性tenacity of yarn纱捻度twist per unit ; j0 j. l. @2 ^L 填充棉试验BA TTING TESTS 3 L- r, e/ x4 O: @1 U+ e8 Z+ b重量weight $ f0 j- ~% o1 P厚度thickness - I8 R8 t8 u! x, f( E纤维含量fibre content树脂含量resin content # _$ N y# f7 v+ y& C4 ~: i6 i" ~压缩与回复试验compresssion and resilience test样品分析前准备sample dissection for analysis preparation ! o; Y) ^5 C+ N _" o, x( D& v( Q皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing $ q, `1 n. M) A% _/ u机洗/水洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash M 地毯试验项目CARPET TESTS # N: o. j# E2 |( d! N2 Y& n摩擦色牢度colour fastness to rubbing ( `& y$ a4 _& o光照色牢度colour fastness to light . k3 ]) j' |' Q# \" N0 q6 `水渍色牢度colour fastness to water ( \) A* c2 i( h毛束联结牢度tuft withdrawal force (tuft bind)毛束经密度pitches per unit length " b' C+ P' l0 f' f4 j% i7 b毛束纬密度rows per unit length 3 W4 Y7 e. d/ e8 X底布密度threads per unit length of backing单位面积重量weight per unit area表面毛绒密度(只做单层毛毯)surface pile density (single level pile carpet only)起绒纱股数ply of pile yarn割绒种类type of cut pile毛绒或毛圈长度pile or loop length / q* t2 b! o, {+ }8 s" B毛绒或底部的纤维成分fibre composition of pile & back 1 b# r- _: l) A4 n3 o- Q一、干洗Dry Cleaning一般干洗dryclean 4 o2 M& n$ c7 d1 M8 N; H专业干洗Professionally Dryclean $ j" S2 ?# M& x& B |6 {4 C商业干洗Commercially Dryclean以干洗为最佳Drycleanning Recommened 8 h, T, d( ^4 q9 ?短干洗周期Short Cycle $ e9 X7 r! q' i, h$ q干洗剂抽脱时间最短Minimum Extraction + ?9 e3 l$ A5 W) z/ |低水分Reduced or Low Moisture干洗过程中不可加水分No water In System不可用蒸汽No Steam 2 ~% q2 a8 D+ J7 R二、水洗Washing 6 a5 c { e( v( l i5 c* \$ A4 a可机洗Machine Washable * l, I7 a, N; P, o不可水洗Do not Wash不可商业洗涤Do not have Commercially Launder可用家庭式洗涤Home Launder ) p5 f2 ?0 v3 d9 K- S) P: K, H手洗Hand Wash % M7 I& k- ^3 y" \2 d7 ^8 `) D手洗不可搓压Hand Wash do not Rub冷水洗Cold Wash + S) W: w6 J" [. u7 W+ b% f温水洗Warm Wash热水洗Hot Wash不可水煮Do not Boil 4 H* Q3 V0 N' a$ F/ Q9 B少洗衣量Small Load温和洗衣程序Delicate/Gentle Cycle 0 J& f; ]% `2 n* w3 O; s持久压力程序Durable Press Cycle /Permanent分开洗涤Wash Separately 7 \3 x0 j) Y7 e+ v7 p可与类似色衣物同时洗涤With Like Color + m% E7 T3 u; d与深色衣物分开洗涤Wash Dark Color Separetely 7 P/ C: Q7 X5 W! D) R 翻出底面洗涤Wash Inside Out . {4 }- H3 u s) c3 x5 r4 l, U不可拧干No Wring/ Do not Wring & Y4 J" v* {: W* O& K不可拧绞No Twist/ Do not Twist温水清洗Warm Rinse * {6 O: ?1 v j4 @冷水清洗Cold Rinse 7 z3 G& k; @8 ?5 d0 k彻底清洗Rinse Thoroughly不可脱水No Spin/ Do not Spin ) E) `2 f* ^; {/ r" q# e7 ]% C( S" ]普通旋转速度脱水Normal Spin - E+ u l; v6 C较短较慢程序脱水Reduced Spin不可浸泡Do not Soak只可用皂片Use Pure Soap Flake only 2 y6 [; c/ u0 n3 F, g. s只可抹洗或擦洗Damp Wipe only ! n$ a2 G- [8 d1 i三、漂白Bleaching需要时漂白Bleaching when Needed - N3 x8 e2 ]6 M' D7 \* P1 p不可漂白No bleach / Do not Bleach , r% J5 z$ Q# x5 O1 C8 r* W; O只可用非氯性漂白剂Only Non-Chlorine Bleach : ^# `* @7 L0 _$ H2 I& J 四、干衣Drying ( v2 n4 {4 g5 @ w7 z+ a6 s4 t滴干Drip Dry . | V. Z) r: H9 z/ w挂干Line Dry荫凉挂干Line Dry in Shade " H6 m% J8 o( ?" m避热挂干Line Dry away from Heat用烘干机烘干Tumble Dry用烘干机中温烘干Tumble Warm , H5 u0 a, p( c5 }, l6 {* s; r用烘干机低温烘干Tumble Cool 2 w: {, K o' t平铺晒干Flat Dry定位干衣Block to Dry 1 T I; g3 H% e! t e1 R9 J" @用蒸汽烘干Steam Dry 9 D& _ P8 u# z* R2 G不用蒸汽No Steam / Do not Steam风柜吹干Cabinet Dry Cool ( ^" F+ U9 I. Y5 m7 G3 X五、熨烫Ironing and Pressing ' U4 p c- F( w$ s, M) T/ o' C热烫Hot Iron $ g% ~ f" Q5 Y0 l: E温烫Warm Iron 6 c9 U2 {% r- N低温烫Cold Iron 0 |' z* X1 L5 N! [4 K不可熨Do not Iron反面熨Iron on Wrong Side用蒸汽熨烫Steam Press/Iron在湿润时熨烫Iron Damp * }+ s( F: m9 r2 ^# G& E6 q用布间隔熨烫Use Press Cloth 5 g. V8 j! G2 m0 g9 C外包装bale * G4 l0 J$ x$ n3 r7 M箱carton件package色号colour number花号design number - O% y! k3 L8 `- ~" j( T5 C批号lot number ) w+ w& w3 v3 a唛头marks ' V" _; X0 a1 \) D) {3 \装箱单packing list & a0 ~7 B9 W6 i( t9 W% L' L漏验omisson of examination漏验率percentage of omisson of examination复验re-inspection索赔claim indemnity ) }# h7 R' i2 O8 ~. r9 O毛重gross weight净重net weight外观质量appearance quality , T( G( B: Z4 N" Y ]内在质量inherent quality外观疵点appearance技术要求technical requirement感观检验subjective inspection ; ^% p! ]/ J9 _7 X2 x: j5 f/ ~2 N取样samoling品质检验单inspection certificate for quality + d+ }0 }6 F( m, u9 K 检验证书inspection certificate织物重量fabric weight ) d/ ~) K7 @# W3 e断裂强力breaking strength断裂强度breaking tenacity , B5 _1 D) _& Y$ I1 M缝纫强力seam strength染色牢度colour fasteness耐日晒色牢度colour fasteness to sunlight耐磨擦色牢度colour fasteness to rubbing 6 D8 J" G- C" q( R2 w 汁渍色牢度colour fasteness to perspiration耐熨烫色牢度colour fasteness to ironing耐干洗色牢度colour fasteness to dry cleaning 2 ]: D( C7 q. E% W2 i3 z" O 灰色样卡grey scale " ~2 G1 z) i9 R* L2 N( j沾色样卡grey scale for staining纤维含量fibre content ; b* z& h/ }9 F `# e: g释放甲醛含量releasable for maldehyde content ) ~. b' X8 q4 M! v0 F( s1 g+ q 防蛀性insect resistance防污性soil resistance防雨性rain proofness ! a# h; x; I2 r6 _5 \* C) |织物厚度fabric thickness透气性air permeability色差chromatic difference。
