
KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good. NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry. MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Unit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday? SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a longGRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 72.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it? STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 77.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand. SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day. STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizard was the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce madesome nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich?GRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。

第8页CD 1,10 磁带1.ANARRATOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They’re making bowls and they can’t stop.They’re busy。
My bowl’s terrible!NARRATOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy。
Lenny doesn’t think Maths iseasy.He thinks it’s difficult.LENNY:I can't do this Maths problem.It’s difficult.STELLA:Come on.Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy。
.It’s 73-72。
What an exciting game!Meera's got the ball and she’s running with it。
Meera's quick.The boy’s slow.GIRL:This is really boring。
I don’t like basketball。
CD 1,11 磁带1,A1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally!I am being careful.2 What was the film like?It was really boring.3 What’s 397 and 79?Oh, I don’t know,That's difficult。
4 What was the football match like?It was really exciting!5 Come on,Mary。
剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本Listening Script.doc

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good. NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry. MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Unit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday? SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a longGRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 72.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it? STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 77.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand. SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day. STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizard was the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce madesome nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich?GRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。


KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They're making bowls and they can't stop.They're busy.SIMON: Oooh.My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow.His bowl's good.NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella's veryhappy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy.Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy.He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem.It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny.You can do it.It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera's got the balland she's running with it.Meera's quick.The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring.I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey!The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers.Who are theyall?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher.He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right.Is the man who's singing your Music teacher?SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher.Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt.They dothe 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'?What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things onThursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult.Is it the woman who's playingthe guitar?SIMON:Very funny, Dad.No,that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher's over there.He's the one who's carrying thelorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad.His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening inthe village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.Look.It's got rock climbing.I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm.It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining.SIMON: No, it's OK.They've got a climbing wall inside and outside.SUZY: Look!There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports.You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb.What can I learn to do?STELLA: Hmmm.Let's see.You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating.That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates.STELLA: That's OK.They've got skates at the centre.And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son.Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad.I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex.They're climbing really well.Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall.Alex is climbing slowly and carefully.Where are you, Dad?GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy.She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me,Grandpa!I tired.Let's go inside and watch Simon.badly.Shecan skatedoesn't want toreally well now,fall,butsoI'mGRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy.See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon.Where were you?SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was st Monday I had a temperature.It was 39 degrees.ALEX: Wow.What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know.I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worseand I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?.He SIMON: No, I wasn't.I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctorgave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't.On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum andhad some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er , I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon.I wasfine!I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really?Why?Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital.I had a long white coat ...and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA:Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots.I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't havea temperature so I gave him some medicine ...And there was a woman with a bad headache.And then, there was a girl who had abowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head!How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do youknow who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the Afterschool club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned thechairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started tothink about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical.We had tosing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to themusic ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny.Mr Burke watched usdancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great!I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex'snew flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor.That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.Oh, no!The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK.There are some stairs.We can walk up.STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON:That's no problem.Lenny and I love e on, Lenny.Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA:First floor , second floor ,third floor ,fourth floor ,fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives onthe twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday?SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about?ALEX: Jacques Cousteau.He was a French explorer .Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteauis more famous.SIMON: Really.What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso , and explored sea life.SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting.Why was Cousteaufamous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world.He made 120TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell usto be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true.We have to look after our world.STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watchTV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet.I'dlike to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma?GRANDMA: No, not really.Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on.Push thisbutton here.Then you have to turn on the screen.That's this buttonhere.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ... GRANDMA: Whatmouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma.It's called a mouse because it's got along tail.Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK.What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet.I want to buy a DVD or avideo about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa.A DVD's better because youcan watch it on your new computer .Now, you need an MP3 player , Grandpa. GRANDPA: No, Simon.Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today.We went shopping yesterday.SIMON: Oh, really?What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa!Which computer did you get?GRANDMA: We got a really good one.It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about itand the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no.The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later .GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table andsaid goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers,but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these twoclever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me.Lenny, whichdo you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er , I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great.Now tell us about tigers.You get five points foreach fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animalin the cat family.It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km anhour .The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good.That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal doyou think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it?STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin.It's one of thecleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - theylook after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, anddo you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to getwater from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella.That gives you 15 points.Now, put yourhands on the buttons.The quickest person to press the button and answerthe question correctly gets five points.Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny.It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella.Five points for you.The blue whaleis the loudest animal in the world.And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum.I drew it at the city zoo before wecame home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great.We saw the dolphins.They swam round thepool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand.SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture.And we saw some baby lions, Mum.They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day.STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage andthey flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals.Dad bought me atoy parrot.Look, it's over there on the table. MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head.It was really funny, but the lizardwas the best.It caught a fly.Ffphffkkk.And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday.The grown ups are making food forhis party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please?MRS STAR: Yes.Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you.But I am thirsty. I need a glass oflemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you.I don't like party food.Bruce made somenice vegetable soup yesterday.I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup.Oh,no, dear .We had it for dinner last night.We finished it all when you were out with your friends.Itwas lovely.Now, would you like a cheese sandwich? GRANDPA:Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race.The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.Ithink he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get thirdplace.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst,but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, butshe's doing very well.MR STAR: Er , she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.资料赠送以下资料考试知识点技巧大全一、考试中途应饮葡萄糖水大脑是记忆的场所,脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活动,大脑细胞活动需要大量能量。

Andy: Well, this is Andy Wong, and we’re just about at the end of another episode of “Where in the world…?”But before we sign off,I’d like to tell you a little about tomorrow’s program. Tomorrow we’ll have a interesting report on two very exciting cities that I’m sure you won’t want to miss. Our reporters in the field, Deborah and Todd, are standing by to fill us in on the details. Deborah! Can you hear me?Deborah: Yes, Andy, loud and clear.Andy: Well, where are you?Deborah: You know I can’t tell you that, Andy! You have to watch tomorrow’s program to get the answer.Andy: oh, right! That’s right. Well, tell us about the place anyway.Deborah: ok. This city is a very exciting place to visit. First of all, it is one of the ten largest metropolitan areas in the world. It is a very cosmopolitan city with a strong identity of its own. And the local food is unique. I really am enjoying the restaurants that serve barbecued beef, which is grilled right at your table. But I must warn you , much of the food is extremely spicy, so come prepared. Do you like spicy food, Andy?Andy: Love it!Deborah: Well, you should come on over, then! Andy, this city is very old! It was founded in the fourteenth century and is divided by the Han River. The city has a striking combination of modern and ancient architecture. In fact, most of the traditional architecture is located on the northern side of the river- when I am now. With its efficient subway system, it’s very easy to get around and see the sights.Andy: Great, Deborah. Thanks so much for…Deborah: oh, wait, Andy! One more thing I forgot to mention! The shopping- the street vendors here sell everything from shoes to electronics to furniture- all at discounted prices! Oops, have I said too much?Andy: No, no, not at all! Sounds like you’re having a fantastic time. We’re looking forward to hearing your full report tomorrow, and finding out just where in the world you are right now! Before we run out of time, though, let me turn it over to Todd. Todd? Are you there?Todd: I sure am. Hello, everyone. Well, my city is very old. It was founded in fifteen forty-nine by the Portuguese. It is now the third largest city in the country, with about two million inhabitants. It’s quite fascinating. Believe it or not, it’s built into a cliff, and it overlooks a beautiful bay. It’s actually on two levels. To get to the upper level you can take an elevator. From there you have a wonderful view of the bay. And if you enjoy swimming, there are beautiful beaches.Andy: well, Todd! I guess we know where you’re been the last few days! On the beach!Todd: Well, not exactly! Andy. There’s so much to see and do here. By the way, this city also has a strong African influence: you can see it in the music, food, and dance styles of the region. Andy: Mm-hmm. What do people like to do there?Todd: many people enjoy watching a special kind of dance that’s a mixture of dancing and fighting with an African origin. For those of you who enjoy nightlife, this city can’t be beat. It has several different street festivals during the year, each one like a mini-carnival of its own.Andy: Great! Thanks a lot, Todd. Well, that certainly has given our listeners plenty to think about, but I’m sorry to say we’re out of time. That’s it, folks. This is Andy Wong reminding you to tune in tomorrow for the next installment of our travel show,”where in the World…?”Goodnight,everybody!Interviewer: Hi, guys!Jose and Vicki: Hi.Interviewer: Thanks for agreeing to meet me here on such short notice.Jose: No problem.Interviewer: Well. Listen, as I said to you on the phone, I’m doing a story for the campus newspaper. I’m interviewing foreign students to get their impressions of our city. Um, this should only take about ten minutes or so. Let’s see…Uh, do you mind if I tape-record our interview? Vicki: Oh no, not at all.Interviewer: OK, then. Jose, why don’t we start with you. What do you think of San Francisco? How do you like it here so far?Jose: It’s OK! I guess.Interviewer: Oh, you don’t sound very enthusiastic.Jose: No, no. I like it. It’s just that I’ve been so busy studying. I haven’t had much time to explore the city.Interviewer: Oh. That’s too bad.Jose: Yeah. And when I have the time, well, it’s so cloudy and foggy here- especially in the summer. I never thought I’d be wearing a sweater in July!Interviewer: Well, this is Northern California. Hey, maybe you should move south. I hear Los Angeles is warmer. Vicki?Vicki: Oh, I love it here. I think this is a beautiful city. The rolling hills, the views of the bay- it’s very romantic.Interviewer: Yeah. So how do you guys spend your free time?Jose: Well, I’m studying architecture and am somewhat of a photographer……Interviewer: Really?Jose: Oh, I’m just an amateur. Anyway, I …I’m always taking pictures of the building in this city. You know, the Victorians, the modern skyscrapers downtown, MOMA ……Interviewer: MOMA. You mean , the Museum of Modern Art?Jose: Right. There’s such a variety of buildings in this city. The architecture is really great. I also have taken pictures of other structures, like the Golden Gate Bridge- it looks totally different when the weather changes.Interviewer: Wow! That’s interesting. Ah, well, Vicki, it’s your turn. What do you like to do? Vicki: I like to explore the different neighborhoods. Yesterday I went to the Italian neighborhood, North Beach, to buy some pastries and have a cup of espresso. Today I’m going down to the Mission District to get a burrito for lunch.Interviewer: Hey, sounds like you like to eat!Vicki: Yes. Actually, I like the Mission a lot. It’s a Hispanic neighborhood. We don’t have anything like that where I come from.Interviewer: Uh, well, that’s about it. Any final comments?Jose: No, not really.Vicki:I just like to say that this is the great place to live,It’s small after get around easy but big enough to offer all the advantages of large cities,I’m glad I got the chance to study hereLindsay: So, Eric, how long have you lived in New York?Eric: All my life. I was born here. Sounds like you’re new in town.Lindsay: Two months. I just moved here from Michigan,Eric: Wow! That’s a big change. New York must be quite a shock.Lindsay: Well, not exactly. I lived here once before, when I went to graduate school. So, I …I guess you could say that I’m used to life in new York , if that’s possible.Eric: when did you live here?Lindsay: Oh, let’s see, …it must have been about eight years ago. Boy, the city sure has changed since then.Eric: I supposed so. I mean, they’re really cleaned up Times Square. It used to be so dirty. I mean, now it’s just full of tourists.Lindsay: Yeah. And the subways seem to run more on schedule now.\Eric: Basically, I think the city is safer anywhere you go, probably because we have so many more police officers on the street.Lindsay: Oh, that’s for sure! You know, though, one thing I can’t get used to is the noise- especially those garbage trucks! They come at five in the morning and are so loud. The noise wakes me up every time!Eric: I guess I’ve lived here so long I don’t hear it anymore. I can sleep through just about anything. You know the one thing I am tired of – the weather. I mean, I’m not sick and tired of these long, cold winters. I’m thinking about moving next year.Lindsay: Really?Eric: Yeah. I mean, like I said, I’ve live here all my life, and I feel like I need some kind of change. You know, a new environment . it time to get out of New York.Lindsay: Hmm. Not me! I love the nightlife: the theater and the great restaurants. I can’t wait to get out and discover all that New York is offering!。

Lisa: Uh, well, I’m a freelance writer, and that means that I work at home. And a lot of people think my job is easier because I don’t have to go the office every day. And I don’t have to deal with office politics. But, you know, the truth is, my job is very hard. I have to be very organized and very disciplined. and pretty self-motivated. And when I have a problem, there is no one around to help me- I have to solve it myself. And sometimes I worry about money. So when I get stressed, I take a hot bath to relax, and then I curl up in front of the TV with a cup of hot tea. And that usually does the trick at the end of a long and very hard day.Sean: Traffic stresses me out. I do a lot driving to school and to my part-time job. Drivers can be so rude, especially during rush hour. I try to ignore them by listening to my favorite music in the car. Then, when I get home, I try to something fun to relax. I’ll watch a funny movie or go to a friend’s house- something like that. Anything to take my mind off school and work.Victor: I work in the hospital emergency room. You can imagine how stressful that is! Everyone is in a hurry and under tremendous pressure. The doctors are demanding, and there’s always too much to do. I cope with all this stress by going to the gym at least four times a week. My friend got me started weight lifting, and now I’m addicted. When I feel especially frustrated, it feels good to go to the gym and throw those weights around. The other thing I do it is get out of the city. Every month or so, I go for a drive in the country. The fresh air and the quite do wonders for me.Lucia: I have this recurring dream. I’m back in high school, and in my dream, the school I looks mostly the same as it did, but much bigger. The weird thing is ……that although I’m now twenty years old, I had to go back to high school and study with all these fifteen-year-olds. It’s very embarrassing. No one seems to notice that I’m much older and shouldn’t be there in the first place. But still, it’s very uncomfortable. I keep thinking. “ What am I doing here?”Well, I think it must be a couple of weeks into school, and I’ve lost my class schedule. I start walking through the halls trying to find the main office. I can’t find it. No matter how far, how many hallways, I just can’t find it. I know I’m late for class, and this really worries me. Finally , I wind up in my math class, but it’s almost over- so I’ve missed most of it, and I don’t know what the homework is, and I think I’ve missed an important test, or something.Basically, that’s the dream. I think I have that dream when I am worried or overwhelmed about something that is happening in my life at the time.Rick: my name is Rick, and I sometimes have this dream, this bad dream. Really it’s a nightmare. I’m in danger, but I’m not sure from what, and I can’t move or scream or anything. I can feel something coming closer and closer to me, and, you know, it’s really strange because usu ally in the dream I am exactly where I am in real life- like in my own bed in my bedroom- and everything is very realistic. The only that is dreamlike is that I can’t move. Sometimes I can’t even open my eyes, or I can open one eye, usually I have to alert someone, or possibility save someone,although the person often changes. Anyway , I can’t do anything because I can’t move. It’s really terrifying.You know, I think the dream means that I’m feeling there’s something in my life that I can’t control, although I should be able to. Once I had the dream when one of my children was very sick, and I just felt completely helpless. I hate feeling that way.Yoshiko: In some ways, I’m a typical Japanese teenager. I go to a public high school and wear a uniform, just like everyone else. I go to school five and a half days a week- I get Sundays off. I have interests similar to most of my friends: I like to play video games and am a big fan of American movies. Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors.There’s one big way I’m different, though. I spent almost six years living outside Japan. My father’s company transferred him overseas, and of course we went with him. Living in a foreign culture was really tough at first, but I guess I’m lucky in a way. I learned to speak English, and I made a lot of new friends. So you can see that I’m really quite a bit different from my classmates!Renato: My life is pretty typical, I think. I head off school at seven in the morning, and school finishes at midday. After school, I usually study or play soccer. On weekends, I like to get together with my friends. We usually hang out in one of the shopping centers. Everyone just shows up there on Saturdays and Sundays. It’s a lot of fun……most of the time.I think one way I am different is that I like to do my own thing sometimes. I don’t always want to hang out with the group. There’s a lot of peer pressure to spend time with my friends, but I don’t listen to what they say. I guess you could say that I think for myself. Sometimes it makes my friends angry, but that’s just the way I am.Suzanne: I guess I worry about the same things other kids my age to do ……you know, grades, getting along with my parents……I am doing OK in school, but I have to study really hard. I want to make sure that my grades are good enough so I can get into a decent university. I am pretty typical: I go to classes, attend club meetings after school, and do homework at night. Weekends are great because I get to sleep late. Oh yeah, I am also a member of the orchestra at school. I pay the violin.My school is different from a typical school in the United States. We study all the core subjects- like most other students- in the morning: science, math, English, history-the usual stuff. In the afternoon, though, we study things like music, dance, and art. You see, I go to a special school for the arts. A lot of us have dreams of becoming dancers or singers someday. That’s why we spend so much time learning about the arts.。

剑桥国际少⼉英语kb4听⼒原⽂剑桥国际少⼉英语kb4听⼒原⽂篇⼀:剑桥国际少⼉英语KB4 Hello there ⽂本Hello there! (你好!)2. Listen and check.Mr. Star: Hello there, everybody. We’re the Stars.Stella: Hello. I’m Stella and I’m ten. This is my Aunt May.She’s a doctor, and I want to be a doctor too.Simon: Hi, I’m Simon and I’m nine. This is my Uncle Fred.He’s my mum’s brother. He’s a farmer.This is my favourite comic, Lock and Key.It’s about two detectives. I wan to be a detective.Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy. I’m six. This is my grandfather, Grandpa Star.He’s funny. He knows lots of games. I want to be funnytoo.5. Listen and say the name.1. Who smil1es a lot? (Uncle Fred )2. Who’s happy? ( Simon )3. Who’s quiet? ( Mrs. Star )4. Who’s hungry? ( Mr. Star )5. Who’s loud? ( Suzy )6. Who’s funny? ( Grandpa )7. Who’s tried? ( Aunt May )8. Who’s thirsty? ( Grandma )9. Who’s clever? ( Stella )14. Listen and check. – yellow,– brown,– purple,– grey, –white, – blue, – purple,– brown.篇⼆:剑桥国际少⼉英语KB4 Unit 4 ⽂本Unit 4 After school club (课外兴趣⼩组)2. Listen and check.Mr. Star: What did you do yesterday afternoon at theAfter school club,kids?Simon: Well, first we helped Mr. Alex and I learned thechairs and thenwe carried them into the hall.Mr. Star: And what did you do, Stella?Stella: I played chess with Meera and then we all started2to think aboutour school show.Simon: Yes, Mr. Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing. And we danced! Mrs. Star: Did you dance, Simon?Simon: Well, I didn’t dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to themusic … and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.Stella: Well, Simon, you were funny, Mr. Burke watched us dancing andlistened to us singing, but then he stopped us!Mr. Star: So what now?Stella: Mr. Burke doesn’t want us to d o a musical this year.Simon: It’s great! I don’t have to sing and dance!3. Listen and say the names.1. They carried the chairs. ( Simon and Alex.)2. They laughed. ( Stella and Meera.)3. He wanted them to do a musical. ( Mr. Burke.)4. They played chess. ( Stella and Meera.)5. They danced. ( Stella and Meera.)36. He jumped. ( Simon.)7. They cleaned the chairs. ( Simon and Alex.)8. He listened to the children singing. ( Mr. Burke.)5. Listen and say a, b or c.1. It started to snow. b2. They hopped and skipped. c3. He climbed and sailed every weekend. a4. The children always laughed a lot. c5. He lived in the countryside. a6. They needed hats and scarves. b7. She helped children. c8. He pointed and shouted. b9. They kicked and bounced a ball. c10. They played badminton inside. a11. He skated on the lake. b12. He loved sport. a9. Listen and check.Narrator: It’s Saturday morning and the children are going toAlex’s newflat..Lenny: Which floor does Alex live on?Stella: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.4Simon: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That’s exciting!Meera: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn’t working. Lenny: That’s OK. There are some stairs. We can wa lk up.Stella: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!Simon: That’s no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny.Let’s see who gets there first!Lenny: Yeah!Stella: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor,fifteenth floor …I’m so tired.Alex: Hello. What’s the matter?Everyone else: The lift isn’t working.Alex: But it’s only the fifth floor!Lenny: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth because Stella thinks youlive there!Alex: Well, it’s good you didn’t wa nt to see my uncle. He lives on the5twentieth floor!16. Do they rhyme? Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. cloud - kite2. door - floor3. flower - shower4. ball - dog5. father - mother6. word - bird7. duck - truck 8. chairs - stairs 9. arm - farm10. nine - give 11. night - kite 12. big - beach Yes: 2, 3, 6, 7,8, 9, 11No: 1, 4, 5, 10, 12篇三:剑桥国际少⼉英语KB4 Unit 1 ⽂本Unit 1 Back to school (回到学校)2. Listen and check.Narrator: Simon and Alex are in their Act class. They are making bowls and t hey can’t stop. They’re busy.Simon: Oooh. My bowl’s terrible!Narrator: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl’s good.Narrator: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy. Lennydoesn’t thinks Maths is easy. He thinks it’s difficult.Lenny: I can’t do this Maths problem. It’s difficult.Stella: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It’s easy.6Narrator: … It’s 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera’s got the ball and she’s running with it. Meera’s quick. The boy’s slow.Girl: This is really boring. I don’t like basketball.3. Listen and match.1. Be careful with those glasses, Sally!I’m being careful.2. What was the film like?It was really boring.3. What’s 397 and 79?Oh, I don’t know. That’s difficult.4. What was the football match like?It was really exciting!5. Come on, Mary. Don’t be slow.I’m not slow.6. What’s 2 and 2?That’s easy. It’s 4.7. Can I talk to you?No, sorry. I’m busy.8. The bus is coming. Be quick!9. The weather’s terrible!Oh, no! Look at our food.7( 1- e, 2 - a,3 - f,4 - c,5 - h,6 - g,7 - d,8 - b, 9 - i )9. Listen and check.Simon: Hey! The school show’s really exciting, Dad.Mr. Star: Yes, it is … and it’s good to see your teachers. Who a re they all?Simon: Well, the man who’s talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He’scalled Mr. Newton.Mr. Star: Right. Is the man who’s singing your Music teacher?Simon: It’s a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons … A nd can you guess who my Art teacher is?Mr. Star: Ooh, Simon, that’s difficult. Is it the woman who’s playing theguitar?Simon: Very funny, Dad. No, that’s Mrs. Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher’s over there. He’s the one who’scarrying the lorry.Mr. Star: Is his name Mr. Strong? Ha ha ha.8Simon: No, Dad. His name’s Mr. Turner.16. Can you hear /f/ ? Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.1. laugh (yes)2. love (no)3. weather (no)4. scarf (yes)5. fat (no)6. that (no)7. bath (no)8. fair (yes)9. there (no)10. very (no) 11. live (no)12. leaf (yes)13. above (no)14. father (yes)15. shop (no)16. after (yes)篇四:剑桥国际少⼉英语KB4 Unit 5 ⽂本Unit 5 Exploring our world (探索我们的世界)5. Listen and answer the questions.1. When did David’s class go to a museum?2. What did they do first?3. What did they make?4. When did they go to the museum shop?5. Who did David get a toy polar bear for?6. Where did they go in the afternoon?7. Who did David take a photograph of?8. What time did they catch the bus?8. Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon. Did you finish your homework yesterday?SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton. Who did you write about?9ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton’s adventures were more difficult than Cousteau’s, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life.SIMON: But Shackleton’s life was more exciting. Whywas Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that’s true. We have to look after ourworld.STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!9. Listen and say ‘sport’, ‘school’, ‘story’ or ‘truck’.1 speak,2 thirsty,3 basketball,4 trousers,5 forest,6 spider,7 country,8 scarf,9 hospital, 10 ask, 11 tree, 1210stomach, 13 desk, 14 moustache, 15 train, 16 breakfast篇五:剑桥国际少⼉英语KB4 Unit 8 ⽂本Unit 8 Let’s party! (开派对啦~)2. Listen and check.NARRATOR: It’s Simon’s birthday. The grown ups aremaking food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where’s the lemona de, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who’d like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich, too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank yo u. I don’t like party food.Bruce made some nice vegetables soup yesterday. I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm. Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all11when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would youlike a cheese sandwich?GRANDPA: Oooohhh…yes, please.1. A bowl of salad.2. A bowl of vegetable soup.3. A box of bottles.4. A cup of tea.5. A bowl of pasta.6. A glass of lemonade.7. A cheese sandwich.8. A bottle of lemonade.8. Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer’s first at the moment. He’s jumping best.The clown’s jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully. Oh, he’s got problems. I think he’s falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear! He’s going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place. Ooh, this is very exciting. And the doctor’s jumping the worst, but she’s laughing the most. The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she’s doi ng very well.12MR STAR: Er, she isn’t jumping, Dad. She’s walking. GRANDPA: Hmm! She’s doing very well. She has got the shortest legs.1. He’s jumping the most quickly.2. He’s the pirate.3. He’s the clown.4. She’s jumping the worst.5. He’s j umping the best.6. She’s the artist.7. She’s jumping the most slowly.8. She’s the robot.14. Listen and spell.1. aunt: My aunt’s doctor.2. week: There are seven days in a week.3. buy: Mum, can I buy an ice cream, please?4. sea: Fish live in the sea.5. know: I don’t know.6. here: Can I sit here, please?7. ate: I ate pasta for lunch.8. where: Where do you live?9. nose: That clown’s got a red nose.10. new: Do you like my new T-shirt?13篇六:KB4 剑桥国际少⼉英语四年级练习题剑桥四年级测试题U1--2⼀、英汉互译(每词1分,短语2分)数学教师农民医⽣俱乐部⽆聊的仔细的困难的 ___睡醒younger cousin照相 talking to 放学后在深夜弹钢琴⼆、找出不同种类的单词。
剑桥国际英语第四册Unit 听力原文

Listen to people at a party making small talk. What topic is introduced in each conversation? What closing phrase is used to end the conversation?★First conversationLiz: Hi, … Pete?Pete: Hi, Hello.Liz: I am Liz, Donna’s mother. Donna has told me all about you.Pete: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Morton.Liz: It is nice to meet you, too. So, are you enjoying the party?Pete: Yeah, It is great. This might be the last time I see some of these people for a long time, so I’ve been pretty busy, I haven’t had much time to sample the food.Liz: I know what you mean. I cannot believe that all you kids are finally graduating. Donna has grown up so fast! Do you have any plans after graduation?Pete: Well, I’ve applied for a teaching job overseas. I guess I’ll probably find out if I got the job or not next week.Liz: You’re more adventurous than Donna. She’s going to take a job right here in town, at least for the summer. After that, who knows?Pete: Well, you might be seeing me around here for a while longer, too. Oh,… wait a minute. I’m sorry. I think Dan is leaving the party. Excuse me, Mrs. Morton, I’ve got to talk to him before he goes.Liz: Certainly. It was nice meeting you, Pete.Pete: Same here.Liz: Oh, and good luck with your job search.Pete: Thanks. Thanks a lot.★Second conversationMan 1: You know, I … uh … I kind of like this music.Man 2: Well, it is lively. I’ll stay that for it.Man 1: Great music for dancing.Man 2: Dancing? Yeah. I guess. For young people, anyway.Man 1: What? What, you think we’re too old?Man 2: Oh, no. You’re not thinking…Man 1: And why not? It looks like fun! Why should we sit here while everyone else ishaving a great time?Man 2: If you start dancing to this music, you’re going to make a fool out of yourself.Man 1: Hmm. That’s what you think.Man 2: Anyway, who would you dance with?Man 1: Oh? Is that a challenge?Man 2: Oh, no.Woman: Hey, there. Want to dance?Man 1: Uh,… why,…why, yes, I would, young lady. (turns to Man2) Uh, excuse me. It’s been real nice talking to you, but, uh, I’ve got to go.★Third conversationWoman 1: Mmmm,…this is delicious. I love stuffed grape leaves.Woman 2: Ummm, me, too. It all tastes delicious. Do you think they made all this themselves? Or did they have it catered?Woman 1: Oh, no. George is a great cook. Why would they cater it?Woman 2: Really?Woman 1: Oh, yeah.Woman 2: George cooks?Woman 1: You didn’t know that? Lynn’s always saying that’s half the reason she married him!Woman 2: Well, that is a good reason. She is really lucky. I wish my husband liked to cook. He completely avoids anything that has to do with the kitchen.Woman 1: You know, my husband’s talking about signing up for an Italian cooking class on Saturdays. Oh, I hope he does it.Woman 2: Oh, I wonder if I could convince my husband to do that. I’d sure love being the taste tester for his recipes.Woman 1: Exactly what I was thinking. Well, I’ll let you know when the class starts. Woman 2: Great! Please do. In the meantime, I think I’ll go mention it to him. Talk to you soon.Woman 1: OK. Bye.Listen to Nicole, Tony, and Darren telling different pieces of news. What was the news? What happened exactly?★Nicole: I got some incredible news over the weekend!Man: Yeah? What happened?Nicole: Well, my sister is finally getting married.Man: Really? Well, that is exciting! How long have they been seeing each other?Nicole: Oh, I mean, it’s been over four years. We all knew that they would get married someday, but no one expected it to happen now. And you know what? The funny part is how it happened.Man: Yeah?Nicole: Yeah. OK, listen. They were one a cruise, and one night while they were sitting on the deck of the ship, looking at the stars…Man: Ah,… let me guess. He pulled out a ring and asked her to marry him.Nicole: No, smartly. The other way around. She asked him! She got right down on one knee and proposed.Man: Yeah?Nicole: Yeah! And he was pretty surprised, I think, but of course he immediately said “yes”. Listen, they’re planning a wedding for the fall.Man: Well, that is great news. Yeah,… and I’m sure they’ll be very happy together. Nicole: Yeah. Now I have to start thinking about the wedding. I’m going to be a bridesmaid in the wedding, so, you know, I have to buy a dress and then…★Woman: Why the long face, Tony?Tony: Oh, I just got some bad news today.Woman: What happened?Tony: Well, you know my job at the design studio?Woman: Yes.Tony: Well,…Woman: Oh, no!Tony: Oh, yes. Today the boss called me into his office and told me they had to lay me off indefinitely. That means as of April thirtieth, I’m out of work.Woman: Oh!Tony: No more job.Woman: Tony, I am so sorry. You really liked working there.Tony: Yeah, well, it’s not all bad news. There’s still a small chance that the company will call me back in the summer if the work picks up. You never know what’ll happen. They may still need me then.Woman: Oh, this is so sudden. Isn’t it?Tony: Well, sort of. Two other employees lost their jobs last month, and I had a feeling I might be the next one in line. You know, I’ve only been working there ten months, so I don’t have any seniority. If they’re going to lay someone off, it is always going to be the newer employees first.Woman: What are you going to do?Tony: Like I said, I’ve still got a job until the end of the month. Starting in May, I plan to send out resumes and go on some interviews. Depending on the outcome of the interviews,…★Darren: I just found out that my parents are moving.Woman: Mmmm. Are you surprised?Darren: Well, not really. They’ve been trying to sell their house for, gosh, six months to a year now.Woman: Oh, well, I thought they liked it where they were.Darren: They do. They love it. But they’re getting older. Dad wants to live in a smaller town. And Mom says she’s sick and tired of the fast pace and taking care of the house, you know. Woman: Hmmm. So where are they going to move?Darren: You’re not going to believe this!Woman: What? What?Darren: They’re going to Mexico. Can you believe it?Woman: Nope. They’re going to San Miguel de Allende. It’s this gorgeous little town in the mountains.Woman: Wow! I’ve never heard of it.Darren: Ah,… it’s about a hundred and fifty mile northwest of Mexico City.Woman: Wow. Do your parents speak Spanish?Darren: No, but they’re going to learn.Woman: Wow. That is a big change! Why don’t they stay in the U.S.?Darren: Well, they have always wanted to live abroad. Now that they’re retired, they finally get to do it. And my Dad, he adores Mexico. He’d been there six or seven times at least. Woman: Wow. Sounds like this is going to be quite an adventure.Darren: It should be. And San Miguel – it is stunning. The government has made sure that there’s no new buildings ever built there, so the traditional feeling of the town… well, it’s been preserved. Oh, and they make pottery there, which is perfect for my mother because she collects the stuff.Woman: Oh, that’s great for her. So,… I guess now you’re going to have a place to stay in Mexico.Darren: Yeah,…Woman: And a place for your friends to come and visit in Mexico?Darren: Well, if my friends are nice to me, I suppose something could be arranged. Did you have anybody in particular in mind?Woman: Oh, very funny. So, when exactly are they moving?Darren: Oh, in a couple of months. They have to pack up and take care of all the business here. I’m going to help them with the move. I may even try to stay a couple of months if I can swing the time….。

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good.NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining.SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now. Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop!MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head! MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced! MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year.SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up.STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinksyou lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday?SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous. SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous? ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world.STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma?GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a long tail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video aboutfishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa. GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday.SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye. GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do youthink is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it? STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand.SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day. STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizard was the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for hisparty.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door.MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade! GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce made some nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later.GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich?GRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling. MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good.NARRATOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR:... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow. GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are theyallSIMON:Well, the manwho's talking to Mumis my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher SIMON:No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Musicteacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They dothe 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club' What's thatSIMON:It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher isMR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitarSIMON:Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening inthe village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' meanSIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining.SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside.SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to doSTELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates.STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are youMR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well.Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, DadGRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doingGRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired.Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA:Good idea, S uzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in she's now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were youSIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matterSIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees.ALEX: Wow. What was the matterSIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worseand I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on WednesdaySIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicineSIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and hadsome tests.ALEX: So, what was the matterSIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I wasfine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really Why Were you awake all nightSTELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream aboutSTELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: OhHow many people did you seeSTELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a womanwith a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on herhead! MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it offSTELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ...do you know who was under the bowlMEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club,kidsSIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairsand then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, StellaSTELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to thinkabout our school show.SIMON:Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. Wehad to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, SimonSIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to themusic ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancingand listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what nowSTELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year.SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR:It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live onSTELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA:Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up.STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON:That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Comeon, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor,fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matterEVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinksyou lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives onthe twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterdaySIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write aboutALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous. SIMON: Really. What did he doALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso , and explored sea life.SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to bemore careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world.STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watchTV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd liketo email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, GrandmaGRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, pleaseSTELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this buttonhere. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Nowyou hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouseSUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mousebecause it's got a long tail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email.SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, GrandpaGRANDPA:I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVDor a video about fishing. SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because youcan watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player,Grandpa. GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday.SIMON: Oh, really What did you buyGRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you getGRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that oneGRANDPA:Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with youGRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computerhome later.GRANDPA:Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye. GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but wedon't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MRBURKE:Welcometo the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which doyou think is the most excitingLENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points foreach fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animalin the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km anhour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do youthink is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about itSTELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - theylook after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, anddo you know that dolphins can't drink sea water They have to get water from their food.MRBURKE:Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer thequestion correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in theworldLENNY: Is it the elephantMR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whaleMR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before wecame home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool andjumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand.SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum.They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day.STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and theyflew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizardwas the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food forhis party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, pleaseMRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please GRANDMA: What do you want me to doMR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please,MumGRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, sonMR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door.MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of teaGRANDPA:Oooh, no, thank you. But I amthirsty. I need a glass of lemonade! GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich tooGRANDPA:Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food.Bruce made some nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later.GRANDMA:Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. Wehad it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely.Now, would you like a cheese sandwichGRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we areat the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA:And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。
剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本

Unit 1Page 10Part 2: Listen and check.NARRATOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATO R: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good.NARRATOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult. LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult. STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Page 12Part 9: Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Unit 2Page 18Part 2:Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb. STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON:No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside.SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy. SUZY:Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates.STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Page 20Part 8: listen and checkMR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR:Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad?GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son.We're coming in now.Unit 3Page 28Part 2:Listen and check.ALEX:You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you?SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees.ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine? SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon.I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!P30Part 7:Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night? STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop!MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off? STELLA:It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Unit 4Page 36Part 2: listen and checkMR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the after school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing. And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Page 38part 8: listen and checkNARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor! SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor.Unit 5Page 48Part 8: listen and checkALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday? SIMON:Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about?ALEX:Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON:But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Unit 6Page 54part 2: Listen and check.GRANDMA:We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please? STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ... GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a long tail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email.SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa? GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON:You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Page 56Part 8: Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4. SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA:Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one. GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others. SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA:Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA:Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Unit 7Page 64Part 2:listen and checkMR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella. LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE:Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE:Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it?STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents -they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can'tdrink sea water?They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Page 66Part 7: Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand.SUZY:Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parentsslept all day.STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizard was the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Unit 8Page 72Part 2:Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please?MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please?GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA:Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty.I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too? GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce made some nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later.GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it fordinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich? GRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Page 74Part 7: Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking. GRANDPA:Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。
剑桥国际英语第四册Unit 8听力原文

Listen to Randy Simmons interviewing people on the street. What values do they think are most important and why?Randy: We’re back on the street for the “Ask the People”portion of our show. Today our question is “What values do you think are the most important and why?” Now, I just have to find some people who are willing to talk to me…. Excuse me, sir?Man: Yes?Randy: My name is Randy Simmons. I’m a reporter from WBBQ, and we’re on the air. Do you have a moment to talk with us?Man: Well, I’m on my way to work.Randy: This should just take a moment.Man: Well. OK. But make it fast.Randy: OK. We’re asking people what they think are the most important values in today’s society and why. Man: Hmmm, that’s a tough one. I guess I think it’s important to listen to your parents. Kids these days… my kids never listen to anything that I say.Randy: Ah-hah. So you think it’s important to respect your parents?Man: That’s right. I’ve got to go. Bye.Randy: Good-bye. Boy, was he in a hurry!... Miss. Excuse me. Hello?Woman1: Yes?Randy: Do you have a second? I’m Randy Simmons from WBBQ. I’m doing a radio show.Woman1: Yeah?Randy: We’re asking people on the street what values they think are important and why.Woman 1: I don’t really have the time….Well, I don’t know. I guess that honesty is important. You know what they say: Honesty is the best policy.Randy: OK. That’s interesting.Woman 1: Well, I mean, you’re just going to get in trouble if you’re not honest. At least that’s been my experience.Randy: I see.Woman 1: Listen. I have to go.Randy: Thanks. Let’s see if I can find one more person… Oops!Woman 2: Ouch!Randy: I’m sorry. I-I didn’t see you standing there behind me. Are you OK?Woman 2: You stepped on my toes! What are you doing standing here, anyway?Randy: Well, actually, I’m interviewing people. I’m Randy Simmons from WBBQ.Woman 2: What’ that?Randy: I’m Randy Simmons. From the radio station WBBQ. I’m doing on-the-street interviews.Woman 2: Oh. OK.Randy: We’re asking people about values. What values do you think are most important in today’s society? Woman 2: Privacy. I think people need to respect each other’s privacy. Like right now. You should leave me alone (continues shouting in the background)Randy: Uh,… oh,…well,…uh, sorry. Uh, folks, that’s all the time we have today for our show. Today’s question was “What values do you think are important in today’s society and why?” After this experience, I’d have to say that one thing we all need to work on is being kinder. This sure is a tough job. This is Randy Simmons of WBBQ radio signing off until next time.Listen to Cristina, Vince, and Brian talking about people who have had an influence on them. Who is each persontalking about? What did they learn from these people?Cristina: My parents had a big influence on me. I don’t think I could say it was just my mother or my father – it was more like a combination of them both. My parents are so different. I learned from both of them.My mother was very serious, and she worked really hard. She was one of the first women to work in the computer industry back in the fifties. You could say she was a working woman before it became fashionable. I learned a lot about trying my best. I guess she taught me that anything was possible.From my father, I learned to laugh at life. He always used to say that if you waited long enough, a bad situation would change for the better. My parents used to have some interesting conversations, believe me! Somehow they always managed to get along, thought.Vince: Well, the first person I think of is my third-grade teacher. It’s funny. Isn’t it? She made school fun. I’d had a real problem with school before that – I didn’t like to go, I had trouble making friends… I wonder where she is now. Gosh, that was a long time ago!I also owe a lot to one of my high school teachers. He was really tough, but he taught me how to write well. That’s a skill that’s helped me in every single job I’ve had. I mean, at the time, I hated his class, but I looking back I realized just how much it’s helped me.Brian: This is kind of different, but I’ve been most influenced by people who have made a change in society. I really respect those people who have spoken up about what they believed in. I guess John Lennon was kind of my hero, I mean, I liked the Beatles, and I loved his music, but John also believed in a lot of issues that I support. I was so shocked when he was killed. I’ve also been deeply affected by the words of people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He tried to get people to work together –to accept each other whether they were black, white, or whatever.。

剑桥国际少儿英语KB4Unit1-8学生用书听力文本ListeningScriptKB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good. NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Mathsteacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry. MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where wereyou? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon.I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend! Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was agirl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do youknow who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!.Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday? SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this buttonhere. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a long tail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email.SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others. SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers,but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it? STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes,and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand. SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day.。
剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本Listening Script

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good. NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they allSIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club' What's thatSIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitarSIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry. MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' meanSIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are youMR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doingGRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son.?We're comingin now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matterSIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matterSIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on WednesdaySIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicineSIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matterSIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend! Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really Why Were you awake all nightSTELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream aboutSTELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: OhHow many people did you seeSTELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it offSTELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowlMEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kidsSIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, StellaSTELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, SimonSIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what nowSTELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live onSTELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on,Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matterEVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he doALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famousALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, pleaseSTELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouseSUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a long tail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email.SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, GrandpaGRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player,Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really What did you buyGRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that oneGRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with youGRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most excitingLENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about itSTELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water?They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the worldLENNY: Is it the elephantMR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whaleMR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand. SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day. STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizard was the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, pleaseMRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, pleaseGRANDMA: What do you want me to doMR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, MumGRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, sonMR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door.MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of teaGRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty.?I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich tooGRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce made some nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later.GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwichGRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst,but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They're making bowls and they can't stop.They're busy.SIMON: Oooh.My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow.His bowl's good.NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella's veryhappy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy.Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy.He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem.It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny.You can do it.It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera's got the balland she's running with it.Meera's quick.The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring.I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey!The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers.Who are theyall?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher.He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right.Is the man who's singing your Music teacher?SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher.Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt.They dothe 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'?What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things onThursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult.Is it the woman who's playingthe guitar?SIMON:Very funny, Dad.No,that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher.Our Art teacher's over there.He's the one who's carrying thelorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad.His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening inthe village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports.Look.It's got rock climbing.I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm.It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining.SIMON: No, it's OK.They've got a climbing wall inside and outside.SUZY: Look!There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports.You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb.What can I learn to do?STELLA: Hmmm.Let's see.You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating.That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates.STELLA: That's OK.They've got skates at the centre.And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son.Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad.I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex.They're climbing really well.Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall.Alex is climbing slowly and carefully.Where are you, Dad?GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy.She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me,Grandpa!I tired.Let's go inside and watch Simon.badly.Shecan skatedoesn't want toreally well now,fall,butsoI'mGRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy.See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon.Where were you?SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was st Monday I had a temperature.It was 39 degrees.ALEX: Wow.What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know.I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worseand I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?.He SIMON: No, I wasn't.I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctorgave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't.On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum andhad some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er , I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon.I wasfine!I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend!Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really?Why?Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital.I had a long white coat ...and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA:Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots.I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't havea temperature so I gave him some medicine ...And there was a woman with a bad headache.And then, there was a girl who had abowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head!How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do youknow who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the Afterschool club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned thechairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started tothink about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical.We had tosing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to themusic ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny.Mr Burke watched usdancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great!I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex'snew flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor.That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.Oh, no!The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK.There are some stairs.We can walk up.STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON:That's no problem.Lenny and I love e on, Lenny.Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA:First floor , second floor ,third floor ,fourth floor ,fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives onthe twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday?SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about?ALEX: Jacques Cousteau.He was a French explorer .Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteauis more famous.SIMON: Really.What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso , and explored sea life.SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting.Why was Cousteaufamous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world.He made 120TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell usto be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true.We have to look after our world.STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs.LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watchTV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet.I'dlike to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma?GRANDMA: No, not really.Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on.Push thisbutton here.Then you have to turn on the screen.That's this buttonhere.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ... GRANDMA: Whatmouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma.It's called a mouse because it's got along tail.Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK.What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet.I want to buy a DVD or avideo about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa.A DVD's better because youcan watch it on your new computer .Now, you need an MP3 player , Grandpa. GRANDPA: No, Simon.Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today.We went shopping yesterday.SIMON: Oh, really?What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa!Which computer did you get?GRANDMA: We got a really good one.It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about itand the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no.The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later .GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table andsaid goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers,but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these twoclever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me.Lenny, whichdo you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er , I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great.Now tell us about tigers.You get five points foreach fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animalin the cat family.It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km anhour .The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good.That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal doyou think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it?STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin.It's one of thecleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - theylook after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, anddo you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to getwater from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella.That gives you 15 points.Now, put yourhands on the buttons.The quickest person to press the button and answerthe question correctly gets five points.Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny.It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella.Five points for you.The blue whaleis the loudest animal in the world.And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum.I drew it at the city zoo before wecame home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great.We saw the dolphins.They swam round thepool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand.SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture.And we saw some baby lions, Mum.They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day.STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage andthey flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals.Dad bought me atoy parrot.Look, it's over there on the table. MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head.It was really funny, but the lizardwas the best.It caught a fly.Ffphffkkk.And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday.The grown ups are making food forhis party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please?MRS STAR: Yes.Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you.But I am thirsty. I need a glass oflemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you.I don't like party food.Bruce made somenice vegetable soup yesterday.I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup.Oh,no, dear .We had it for dinner last night.We finished it all when you were out with your friends.Itwas lovely.Now, would you like a cheese sandwich? GRANDPA:Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race.The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.Ithink he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get thirdplace.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst,but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, butshe's doing very well.MR STAR: Er , she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.资料赠送以下资料考试知识点技巧大全一、考试中途应饮葡萄糖水大脑是记忆的场所,脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活动,大脑细胞活动需要大量能量。
剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit1-8 学生用书听力文本Listening Script

KB4Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 82.Listen and check.NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good. NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.Pupil's BookUnit 1Page 109.Listen and check.SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all?SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher? SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher.She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.MR STAR: The 'After school club'? What's that?SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons.... And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar?SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teacher's over there. He's the one who's carrying the lorry.MR STAR: Is his name Mr Strong? Ha ha ha.SIMON: No, Dad. His name's Mr Turner.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 162.Listen and check.SIMON: Look, this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours.SUZY: What does 'activity centre' mean?SIMON: It's a place where you can learn to do lots of exciting sports. Look. It's got rock climbing. I'd like to learn to climb.STELLA: Hmm. It's not nice when it's cold, wet and raining. SIMON: No, it's OK. They've got a climbing wall inside and outside. SUZY: Look! There's a lake too.SIMON: Yes, you can do water sports. You can learn to sail and fish, and you can go swimming there when it's hot.SUZY: I don't want to sail or climb. What can I learn to do? STELLA: Hmmm. Let's see. You can learn to skate, Suzy.SUZY: Hmm, skating. That's exciting, but I haven't got any skates. STELLA: That's OK. They've got skates at the centre. And they do dancing. I can learn to dance.Pupil's BookUnit 2Page 188.Listen and check.MR STAR: Hello.GRANDPA: Hello, son. Where are you?MR STAR: Hi, Dad. I'm inside, watching Simon and Alex. They're climbing really well. Simon's climbing quickly and he's near the top of the wall. Alex is climbing slowly and carefully. Where are you, Dad? GRANDPA: I'm outside with Suzy. She's learning to skate.MR STAR: How's she doing?GRANDPA: Well, she isn't doing badly. She doesn't want to fall, so she's skating slowly.SUZY: Look at me, Grandpa! I can skate really well now, but I'm tired. Let's go inside and watch Simon.GRANDPA: Good idea, Suzy. See you in a minute, son. We're coming in now.Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 262.Listen and check.ALEX: You weren't at school last week, Simon. Where were you? SIMON: I was at home because I wasn't well.ALEX: What was the matter?SIMON: I was ill. Last Monday I had a temperature. It was 39 degrees. ALEX: Wow. What was the matter?SIMON: I don't know. I drank lots of water, but on Tuesday I was worse and I had a bad headache too.ALEX: Were you better on Wednesday?SIMON: No, I wasn't. I had a terrible cough, so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine.ALEX: Were you better after you took the medicine?SIMON: No, I wasn't. On Thursday I went to the hospital with Mum and had some tests.ALEX: So, what was the matter?SIMON: Er, I had a cold ..., but I wasn't ill on Friday afternoon. I was fine! I ate a big dinner ... and then I had a really good weekend! Pupil's BookUnit 3Page 288.Listen and check.STELLA: I'm really tired this morning.MEERA: Really? Why? Were you awake all night?STELLA: No, I had a terrible dream.MEERA: Oooh, what was your dream about?STELLA: I was a doctor in a big hospital. I had a long white coat ... and I had lots of doctor's things, but I didn't have time to stop! MEERA: Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA: I saw lots. I saw a man who had a cough, but he didn't have a temperature so I gave him some medicine ... And there was a woman with a bad headache. And then, there was a girl who had a bowl on her head!MEERA: A bowl on her head! How did you take it off?STELLA: It was really difficult, but in the end I took it off and ... do you know who was under the bowl?MEERA: No.STELLA: It was Suzy!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 342.Listen and check.MR STAR: What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids?SIMON: Well, first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR: And what did you do, Stella?STELLA: I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show.SIMON: Yes, Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR: Did you dance, Simon?SIMON: Well, I didn't dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music ... and Meera and Stella laughed a lot.STELLA: Well, Simon, you were funny. Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing, but then he stopped us!MR STAR: So what now?STELLA: Mr Burke doesn't want us to do a musical this year. SIMON: It's great! I don't have to sing and dance!Pupil's BookUnit 4Page 369.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex's new flat.LENNY: Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA: I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON: Wow, the fifteenth floor. That's exciting!MEERA: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window. Oh, no! The lift isn't working!LENNY: That's OK. There are some stairs.We can walk up. STELLA: Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON: That's no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Let's see who gets there first!LENNY: Yeah!STELLA: First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor ...I'm so tired!ALEX: Hello.What's the matter?EVERYONE ELSE: The lift isn't working.ALEX: But it's only the fifth floor!LENNY: Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth floor because Stella thinks you lived there!ALEX: Well, it's good you didn't want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!Pupil's BookUnit 5Page 468.Listen and check.ALEX: Hi, Simon.Did you finish your homework yesterday? SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton.Who did you write about? ALEX: Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackleton's adventures were more difficult than Cousteau's, but I think Cousteau is more famous.SIMON: Really. What did he do?ALEX: He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. SIMON: But Shackleton's life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous?ALEX: Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea.SIMON: Yeah, that's true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine.STELLA: Yeah!Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 522.Listen and check.GRANDMA: We want to buy a computer so we can use the Internet. I'd like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY: Do you know how to use a computer, Grandma? GRANDMA: No, not really. Can you show us, please?STELLA: Yeah, first you have to turn the computer on. Push this button here. Then you have to turn on the screen. That's this button here. Now you hold the mouse in your hand and ...GRANDMA: What mouse?SUZY: This here, Grandma. It's called a mouse because it's got a longtail. Look.GRANDMA: Oh, I see.STELLA: Then you click on this program, and you can write your email. SIMON: OK. What do you want to do, Grandpa?GRANDPA: I want to go on the Internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.SIMON: You don't want a video, Grandpa. A DVD's better because you can watch it on your new computer. Now, you need an MP3 player, Grandpa.GRANDPA: No, Simon. Now I need a cup of tea.Pupil's BookUnit 6Page 547.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, I'm tired today. We went shopping yesterday. SIMON: Oh, really? What did you buy?GRANDPA: We bought a computer.SIMON: How exciting, Grandpa! Which computer did you get? GRANDMA: We got a really good one. It's a KBX4.SIMON: Why did you choose that one?GRANDPA: Well, we chose it because your grandma read about it and the man in the shop said it was a good one.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought it was better than the others.SIMON: Did you bring it home with you?GRANDMA: Oooh, no. The nice man from the shop brought the computer home later.GRANDPA: Yes, he took it out of the box, put it on the table and said goodbye.GRANDMA: Yes, he thought that we knew something about computers, but we don't.We don't know how to turn it on!Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 622.Listen and check.MR BURKE: Welcome to the Kid's Box Quiz.Let's hear it for these two clever kids in today's big final: Lenny and Stella.LENNY AND STELLA: Hello, Mr Burke.MR BURKE: Look at the animals on the wall behind me. Lenny, which do you think is the most exciting?LENNY: Er, I think the most exciting animal is the tiger.MR BURKE: Great. Now tell us about tigers.You get five points for each fact.LENNY: Well, the Siberian tiger's the biggest and the strongest animal in the cat family. It's not the quickest cat, but it can run at 55 km an hour. The heaviest Siberian tiger weighed 465 kilograms.MR BURKE: Very good. That's 15 points.Now, Stella, which animal do you think is the most beautiful, and what can you tell us about it? STELLA: I think the most beautiful animal is the dolphin. It's one of the cleverest animals and I also think dolphins are the best parents - they look after their young for more than three years ...Erm ... oh, yes, and do you know that dolphins can't drink sea water? They have to get water from their food.MR BURKE: Very good, Stella. That gives you 15 points. Now, put your hands on the buttons. The quickest person to press the button and answer the question correctly gets five points. Which animal is the loudest in the world?LENNY: Is it the elephant?MR BURKE: Sorry, Lenny. It isn't.STELLA: Is it the blue whale?MR BURKE: Yes, that's right, Stella. Five points for you. The blue whale is the loudest animal in the world. And now for my next question ...Pupil's BookUnit 7Page 647.Listen and check.SUZY: Here's a picture for you, Mum. I drew it at the city zoo before we came home.SIMON: Yes, Dad drove us there this morning.STELLA: It was great. We saw the dolphins.They swam round the pool and jumped out of the water to eat fish from a man's hand. SUZY: Look, it's here in the picture. And we saw some baby lions, Mum. They ran in a big square cage, but their parents slept all day. STELLA: After we saw the lions, we went into the parrots' cage and they flew round our heads.SUZY: They were the most beautiful animals. Dad bought me a toy parrot. Look, it's over there on the table.MRS STAR: Mmm!SIMON: A parrot sat on Dad's head. It was really funny, but the lizardwas the best. It caught a fly. Ffphffkkk. And ate it for its lunch.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 702.Listen and check.NARRATOR: It's Simon's birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party.MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, please? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do?MR STAR: Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Where's the lemonade, son?MR STAR: There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Who'd like a cup of tea?GRANDPA: Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade!GRANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich too?GRANDPA: Oh, no, thank you. I don't like party food. Bruce made some nice vegetable soup yesterday. I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm.Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all when you were out with your friends. It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich?GRANDPA: Oooohhh ... yes, please.Pupil's BookUnit 8Page 728.Listen and check.GRANDPA: And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race. The explorer's first at the moment.He's jumping best.The clown's jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully.Oh, he's got problems.I think he's falling.MR STAR: Oh, dear!He's going down!GRANDPA: And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place.Ooh, this is very exciting.And the doctor's jumping the worst, but she's laughing the most.The artist is jumping the most slowly, but she's doing very well.MR STAR: Er, she isn't jumping, Dad.She's walking.GRANDPA: Hmm!She's doing very well.She has got the shortest legs.。
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第8页CD 1,10 磁带1.ANARRA TOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They’re making bowls and they can’t stop.They’re busy.SIMON:Oooh.My bowl’s terrible!NARRA TOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson.Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy.Lenny doesn’t think Maths is easy.He thinks it’s difficult.LENNY:I can’t do this Maths problem.It’s difficult.STELLA:Come on.Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy.NARRA TOR:...It’s 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera’s got the ball and she’s running with it.Meera’s quick.The boy’s slow.GIRL:This is really boring.I don’t like basketball.CD 1,11 磁带1,A1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally!I am being careful.2 What was the film like?It was really boring.3 What’s 397 and 79?Oh, I don’t know,That’s difficult.4 What was the football match like?It was really exciting!5 Come on,Mary.Don’t be so slow.I’m not slow!6 What’s 2 and 2?That’s easy.It’s 4.7 Can I talk to you?No,sorry.I’m busy.8 The bus is coming,Be quick!9 The weather’s terrible!Oh no!Look at our food.CD 1,12 磁带1.ASIMON:Hey!The school show’s really exciting,Dad.MR STAR:Yes ,It is...and it’s good to see your teachers.Who are they all?SIMON:Well,the man who’s talking to Mun is my Maths teacher.He’s called Mr Newton.MR STAR:Right,Is the man who’s singing your Music teacher?SIMON:No,he’s Mr Burke,our sports teacher.Miss Flower’s our Music teacher.She’s the woman who’s wearing the long green skirt.They do the‘after school club’.MR STAR:The ‘After school club’?What’s that?SIMON:It’s a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. ...And can you guess who my Art teacher is?MR STAR:Ooh,Simon,that’s difficult.Is it the woman who’s playing the guitar?SIMON:Very funny.Dad.No,that’s Mrs Robinson.our English teacher.Our Art teacher’s overthere,He’s the one who’s carrying the lorry.MR STAR:Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha.SIMON:No.Dad,His name’s Mr Turner.CD 1,13 磁带1,A1 Who’s Mr Edison?He’s the man who’s writing on the board.What’s he wearing?He’s wearing a green a sweater,grey trousers and blue shoes.2 Who’s Paul?He’s the boy who’s reading a book,He ‘s wearing a red T-short and blue trousers.3 Who’s Mary?She’s the girl who’s got long blonde curly hair,She’s wearing a pink dress,She’s wearing apink dress.She’s talking to Peter.4 Who is Jim?He’s the boy who’s sharpening his pencil,He’s wearing a brown shirt and grey trousers.CD 1,20 磁带1,A1 Six hundred and eighty-seven metres twenty-two centimetres.2 Thirty-nine metres sixty-seven centimetres.3 Eight hundred and twenty-four metres forty-three centimetres.4 Seventy-five metres twelve centimetres.5 Five hundred and sixty-two metres thirty-five centimres.6 Ninety-three metres fifty-six centimres.7 Seven hundred and forty-one metres fifty-eight centimetres.8 Nine hundred and thirty-eight metres seventy-nine centimetres.第16页CD 1, 21 磁带1,BSIMON:Look,this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours. SUZY:What does ‘activity centre ’mean?SIMON:It’s a plane where you can learn to do lots of exciting sport.Look.It’s got rock climbing,I’d like to learn to climb.STELLA:Hmm.It’s not nice when it’s cold,wet and raining.SIMON:No,it’s OK.They’ve got a climbing wall inside and outside.SUZY:Look!There’s a lake too.SIMON:Yes,you can do water sport,You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming there when it’s hot.SUZY:I don’t want to sail or climb.What can I learn to do?STELLA:Hmmm,Lets’s see.You can learn to skate,Suzy.SUZY:Hmm,skating.That’s exciting,but I haven’t got any skates.STELLA:That’s OK.They’ve got skates at the centre,And they do dancing.I can learn to dance.CD 1, 24 磁带1,BMR STAR:Hello.CRANDPA:Hello,son.Where are you?MR STAR:Hi,Dad.I’m inside,watching Simon and Alex.They’re climbing really well.Simon’s climbing quickly and he’s near the top of the wall.Alex is climbing slowly andcarefully.Where are you,Dad?GRANDPA:I’m outside with Suzy.She’s learning to skate.MR STAR:How’s she doing?GRANDPA:Well,she isn’t doing badly.She doesn’t want to fall.so she’s skating slowly.SUZY:Look at me,Grandpa!I can skate really well now,but I’m tired.Let’s go inside and watch SimonGRANDPA:Good idea,Suzy.See you in a minute,son.We’re coming in now.CD 1, 32 磁带1,BALEX:You weren’t at school last week,Simon.Where were you?SIMON:I was st Monday I had a temperature.It was 39 degrees.ALEX:Wow.What was the matter?SIMON:I don’t know. I drank lots of water,but on Tuesday 1 was worse and I had a bad headache Too.ALEX:Were you batter on Wednesday?SIMON:No, I wasn’t. I had a terrible cough,so I saw the doctor. He gave me some medicine. ALEX:Were you batter after you took your medicine?SIMON:No I wasn’t .On Thursday I went to the hospital with mun and had some tests.ALEX:So,what was the matter?SIMON:Er I had a cold...,but I wasn’t ill on Friday afternoon.I was fine!I ate a big dinner...and then I had a really god weekend!CD 1, 34 磁带1,BSTELLA:I’m really tired this morning.MEERA:Really?Why?Were you awake all night?STELLA:No,I had a terrible dreamMEERA: Oooh,what was your dream about?STELLA:I was a doctor in a big hospital.I had a long white coat...and I had lots of doctor’s things,but I didn’t hae time to stop!MEERA:Oh?How many people did you see?STELLA:I saw lots.I saw a man who had a cough,but he didn’t have a tempreture so I gave him some medicine...And there was a woman with a bad headache.And then,there was agirl who had a bowl on her head!8CD2, 02 磁带2,AMR STAR:What did you do yesterday afternoon at the after school club,kids?SIMON:Well,first we helped Mr Burke.Alex and I cleaned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall.MR STAR:And what did you do,Stella?STELLA:I played chess with Meera and then we all started to think about our school show. SIMON:Yes,Mr Burke wanted us to do a musical.We had to sing.And we danced!MRS STAR:Did you dance,Simon?SIMON:Well,I didn’t dance,but I hopped,skipped and jumped to the music...and Meera and Stellalaughed a lotSTELLA:Well,Simon,you were funny.Mr Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing,but then he stopped us!MR STAR:So what now?STELLA:Mr Burke doesn’t want us to do a musical this year.SIMON:It’s great!I don’t have to sing and dance!CD2, 05 磁带2,ANARRA TOR:It’s Saturday morning and the children are going to Alex’s new flat.LENNY:Which floor does Alex live on?STELLA:I think he lives on the fifteenth floor.SIMON:Wow,the fifteenth floor,That’s exciting!MEERA:Yeah,he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.Oh,no!The lift isn’t working! LENNY:That’s OK.There are some stairs.We can walk up.STELLA:Lenny,we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor!SIMON:That’s no problem.Lenny and I love e on.Lenny.Let’s see who gets there first!LENNY:Yeah!STELLA:First floor,second floor,third floor,fourth floor,fifth floor...I’m so tired!ALEX:Hello.What’s the matter?EVERYONR ELS E:The lift isn’t working.Alex:But it’s only the fifth floor!LENNY:Yeah,but we went up to the fifteenth because Stella thinks you live there!ALEX:Well,It’s good you didn’t want to see my uncle.He lives on the twentieth floor!CD2,11 磁带2,ACan you see the line from the word Tuesday?On Tuesday,Mary went to the library to take her books back.Now you listen and draw lines.1 Did you do a lot of things last week,Mary?Yes I did.I had a very busy week.What was the first thing you did?On Monday I went to see my grandma because she wasn’t well.She had a tempera.Oh,dear.Is she better now?Yes, thanks,She’s a lot better.2 What next?Well,on Wednesday I went shopping with my mum.What did you buy?I had to get some new school shoes.3 What did you do on Thursday?I did my Maths homework.Was it difficult?No, it was OK.I like Maths.4 Did you have to do your homework on Friday?No,I didn’t.I had my music lesson on Friday.Really?What do you play?I play the piano.5 And tell me,did you do anything interesting at the weekend?At the weekend?Well,not on Sunday,but on Saturday I cleaned my bedroom.Oh dear!Do you do that every week?Yes I do.I enjoy cleaning my bedroom!CD2,19 磁带2,AGRANDMA:We want to buy a computer so we can use the internet.I’d like to email my old friend in Australia.SUZY:Do you know how to use the computer,Grandma?GRANDMA:No,not really.Can you show us,please?STELLA:Yeah,first you have to turn the computer on.Push this button here.Then you have to turn on the screen..That’s the button here.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and... GRANDMA:What mouse?SUZY:This here,Grandma.It’s called a mouse because It’s got a long tail.Look.GRANDMA:Oh,I see.STELLA:Then you click on this program,and you can write you email.SIMON:OK.What do you want to do Grandpa?GRANDPA:I want to go on the internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing. SIMON:You don’t want a video,Grandpa.A DVD’s better,because you can watch it on your new computer.Now, you need an MP3 player,Grandpa.GRANDPA:No Simon.Now I need a cup of tea.CD2,23 磁带2,AHi,John,Did you go shopping yesterday?Yes.I did.I went with my mum and my dad.What did you buy?We bought a new computer.Really?That’s nice.Is the computer for you?No,it isn’t.What’s it for?It’s for my brother.I see.Why does your brother need a compute,John?Well,he needs it for two things.What’s the first?First,he need the internet to help him with his homework.Did you say there were two things he needs a computer for?That right.What’s the second thing?He wants to watch DVDs.Oh, I see.Was it a lot of money?Yes,it was.How much was it?It was six hundred and ninety-nine pounds.Oh,that is a lot of money.Does your brother work at the weekends?Yes.He works in a cafe on Saturdays.CD2,29 磁带2,B1 What did you do last week,Fred?Last week I did lots of things.I don’t know where to start.Tell me what you did on...Thursday.On Tuesday I went to the park with my dad.He took a photo of me on my bike.2 Did you go shopping last week?Yes.On Monday I went shopping with my mum and she bought me a new DVD.Really?Yes.It’s great.It’s great.It’s called Box of Tricks.3 What other things did you do?Well,at the weekend I had a great time.It was Grandma’s birthday on Saturday.We gave her a Present.What did you get her?We got her an MP3 player.Great!4 On Sunday afternoon we went to the countyside and I found a mobile phone under a tree. What did you do with it ?The woman who lost it phoned the number and I gave it back to her.5 What about Wednesday?Let me think.Oh,yes.On Wednesday I took some photos of my little sister.She was in the school Play.That’s nice.Did she like the photos?She loved them!6 Oh,and on Friday we went to the cinema.Which film did you see?We saw Lost on the Internet.Really?I saw that last week.It’s really exciting!Yes,it is.We chose that one because we love films of computer games.CD2,30 磁带2,BMR BURKE:Welcome to the Kids Box Quiz.Let’s hear it for these two clever kids in today’s big final:。