

新编英美概况 美国教育 英文PPT..

新编英美概况   美国教育 英文PPT..

University (College): General for a four-year (18 years old and above), and "Institute" or "College", a university graduate students engaged in research and set up.
For a long time, the US has led the world in higher education, quantitatively at least. The total number of the institution of higher education is about 3,300. This figure represents one institution for every 78,000 Americans. Slightly more than half of all institutions of higher education are privately supported, many of them by religious groups. There are five categories of institution of higher education in the United States: Doctoral-level institution, Comprehensive institution, General baccalaureate institution, Specialized institution, and Two-year institution.
Elementary schools teach reading ,arithmetic , and language arts such as creative writing , spelling , and handwriting . Social studies , science , music , art ,and physical education are also part of the program . Classes are held five days a week from Monday to Friday . Elementary teachers have often been trained in schools of education , and most of them have normally completed the university degree .



The Differences and Similarities between American and British Education SystemIn my point of view, American and British education systems have many similarities, in general, both of the two systems are very flexible. They pay attention to the student’s self development. Furthermore, they offer the equal study rights to boys and girls, the international students, color skin students, handicapped and poor students.Because of the different culture, education systems of the two countries also exist differences. American education offers more choices for the international students. The American education system is organized like this: Six years old children attend five or six years of primary school. Next they go to secondary school, which consists of either two three- year programs or a three-year and a four-year program. These are called "middle school" or "junior high school" and "senior high school". Americans call these twelve years of primary and secondary school the first twelfth "grades." After finishing high school (twelfth grade), American students may go on to college or university. College or university study is known as "higher education." Study beyond the Bachelor's Degree is known as "graduate" school, or "postgraduate" education. In American school, students don't have to wear school uniforms. American students have tests or quizzes almost every day. On the contrary, in British schools, students only have a few exams. There are public schools, private schools, religious institutions and many more. British education is very narrowly focused on those pupils who are willing to learn by themselves, that there's no individual approach to every pupil, and hence there's a big gap, even within a single classroom, between those who are "willing to learn" and those who are not. Therefore, an American school graduate would have more chances to pass entrance exams to any high schools than his British school graduate peer would.For elementary school, if you do well enough then you can get to the next grade. If not you can be held back a grade. It's pretty easy in American schools.same thing for middle school (aka junior high school). You don't have to take any special exams to get to your next grade.For high school, there are different grades (9th - 12th), but it's all based on a system of credits. One class counts for so many credits. You need math credits, English credits, extra curriculars, etc. As long as you don't get a failing grade, you pass, and as long as you get your credits you can graduate. There are ways you can supplement normal schooling so you can graduate early.You need something over 200 credits to graduate. And America pay more attention to the students’overall development, especially art, sports and social intercourse ability. Comparing with America, British education system is conservative.。



School Tie is Mark of Social Class

Men wear school ties as belts – proudly displaying attendance at certain school Attendance at certain school (like Oxford or Cambridge) is single best way to guarantee successful career Where educated is very important for your future

Most Univ. public paid by gov. Univ. of Buckingham exception (priv) Long history back to 12 and 13th cent Scottish univ. St. Andrews, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen 14 & 15th c. Other univ. 19th and 20th centuries Large growth in 1960’s 1992 polytechs and others-univ.
Chapter 9

Teach basics – reading, writing, arithmetic Socialize the children-taught rules and values needed to become good citizens State heavily involved –when, where, how and what children taught


The National Curriculum
❖ English
❖ Science
❖ Design & Technology ❖ Art
❖ Geography
❖ Physical Education
❖ Mathematics
❖ History
❖ Information Technology
❖ Modern Foreign Language
2. Grammar Scห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ools
(“the 11plus” examination, preparing pupils with academic potential for higher education)(3%)
3. Secondary Modern Schools (7%) ❖ Public Schools = Independent Schools (7%)
❖ Prep Schools (预备学校) (from 7/8 to 13) (separate; fees; entrance exam )
Secondary Schools
❖ State Schools (93%) 1. Comprehensive Schools (84%)
(No entrance exam, general education)
❖ Pre-school education is available (often on a fee-paying basis) for children aged 2 to 4/5 through playgroups and nursery schools (many are private).

英美国家概况Unit 7 British Education System (英国的教育体制)

英美国家概况Unit 7  British Education System (英国的教育体制)

* after 5 years of secondary schooling, at about age 16, except Scottish students, the students sit their GCSE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education)中学毕业证书考试
7. The National Curriculum (全国教学大纲)
8. public school {(英国的) 私立中学}
9. GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (中学毕业证书)
10. GCE-A General Certificate of Education ---Advanced (高级水平测试结业证书)
3. The influence of the church on schooling (教会对于学校教育的影响)
4. The 1944 Education Act (1944年的教育法)
5. Comprehensive school {<英>(招收学生时不分资质的)综合中学}
6. Grammar school (文法学校)
1) class inequality can be erased or continued according to educational policy(教育政策可以铲除地位的不平等,也可以使这种不平等继续存在。这说明在英国,是否受到良好教育直接影响到你的社会地位)
2) the school tie is a clear marker of social class
“The three R’s” (“reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic”) — to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society and also to socialise children, teaching them rules and values needed to become good citizens, to participate in the community, an to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.



• Country music
• Rock • Hip-hop(DJ、MC、StreetDance、Graffiti)
• R&B
❖ At 18, they take GCE A-level examinations (Advanced General Certificate of Education 高级水平普通教育证 书=大学入学考试), usually in not more than 3 subjects. It’s necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or other institutions of higher education.
毕业证书) examinations involving a final exam, an assessment of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things.
❖ Other pupils who decide not to go to university may choose to take vocational training and get the GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification 国家专业资 格证书, 5 levels).
University - Cost
universities are very expensive
University - Cost
• universities get money from three sources



.The Differences and Similarities between American and British Education SystemIn my point of view, American and British education systems have many similarities, in general, both of the two systems are very flexible. They pay attention to the student’s self development. Furthermore, they offer the equal study rights to boys and girls, the international students, color skin students, handicapped and poor students.Because of the different culture, education systems of the two countries also exist differences. American education offers more choices for the international students. The American education system is organized like this: Six years old children attend five or six years of primary school. Next they go to secondary school, which consists of either two three- year programs or a three-year and a four-year program. These are called "middle school" or "junior high school" and "senior high school". Americans call these twelve years of primary and secondary school the first twelfth "grades." After finishing high school (twelfth grade), American students may go on to college or university. College or university study is known as "higher education." Study beyond the Bachelor's Degree is known as "graduate" school, or "postgraduate" education. In American school, students don't have to wear school uniforms. American students have tests or quizzes almost every day. On the contrary, in British schools, students only have a few exams. There are public schools, private schools, religious institutions and many more. British education is very narrowly focused on those pupils who are willing to learn by themselves, that there's no individual approach to every pupil, and hence there's a big gap, even within a single classroom, between those who are "willing to learn" and those who are not. Therefore, an American school graduate would have more chances to pass entrance exams to any high schools than his British school graduate peer would.For elementary school, if you do well enough then you can get to the next grade. If not you can be held back a grade. It's pretty easy in American schools.same thing for middle school (aka junior high school). You don't have to take any special exams to get to your next grade.For high school, there are different grades (9th - 12th), but it's all based on a system of credits. One class counts for so many credits. You need math credits, English credits, extra curriculars, etc. As long as you don't get a failing grade, you pass, and as long as you get your credits you can graduate. There are ways you can supplement normal schooling so you can graduate early.You need something over 200 credits to graduate. And America pay more attention to the students’overall development, especially art, sports and social intercourse ability. Comparing with America, British education system is conservative.。





学制异同点英国教育学制1.小学(Primary School):6岁至11岁,通常持续7年。

2.中学(Secondary School):11岁至16岁,通常持续5年。

3.高中(Sixth Form):16岁至18岁,通常持续2年。

美国教育学制1.小学(Elementary School):6岁至11岁,通常持续6年。

2.初中(Middle School):11岁至14岁,通常持续3年。

3.高中(High School):14岁至18岁,通常持续4年。
















American higher education system

(十)校历制 美国大学行政管理分散,各院校使用的校历制度也不同。最常用的学期制和 学季制。学期制一年大约三十至三十二个学习周,分两个学期,每学期制十五至 十六个学习周。起止时间一般是九月初到十二月末是第一个学期,也叫秋学期; 一月至五月中是第二个学期,也叫春学期。暑期(Summer)是假期,可长达六至十 周。大约百分之五十八的美国学校使用这种校历。学季制一年大约三十至三十三 个学习周,分三个学季,每学季十至十一个学习期,另外还有一季是暑假。起止 时间一般是九月中至十二月初为第一学季,即秋季;一月至三月为第二季,即冬 季四月初至六月中第三季,即春季(Spring Quarter);暑季是假期,长约十三周。 大约百分之二十四的美国院校使用这种校历。 此外,还有少数学校使用另外一些校历制。有百分之八的学校用4-14校历制。 即第一学期(九月开学)和第二学期(二月开学)各四个月。其间在一月份有一个长 一个月的过渡性学期,学生在这个学期可以只修一门课。有百分之四的学校使用 传统的校历制,与学期制相似,不同的是假期较短,另外,还有将一年分为三个 等长学期的三个:学期制开学时间分别是八月、一月和四月。
American higher education system

(三)公立学校和私立学校 美国有公立高等院校近一千五百所。私立 院校一千六百多所。一般来说,私立学校收费 比公立学校贵一些。 公立学校和私立学校都有质量很高、信誉 很好的大学,不要只从私立或公立这个角度来 判断学校的好坏。要判断一所大学质量,应该 了解它的师资、课程及其历史等情况。

American higher education system

(九)研究生学位 美国大学生的研究生学位,有硕士和博士两种。 硕士学位课程必须包括一组相连贯的课程。随后是一系列性考试和论 文,或是与之相关的一个有创造性的项目。硕士学位课程通常为一至两 年。 硕士学位课程主要有两种:一种授予学生学术性的学位,即文学硕士 学位或理学硕士学位;另一种课程授予学生某一职业上的硕士学位,引 导学生进入一个实践性较强的专业领域,为今后职业作准备。 硕士学位课程包括预先计划好的、连贯的课堂讲授,专题讲座,讨论、 个人学习或调研。学生通过在图书馆里研究原始材料,在实验室做实验, 参加创造性的学术活动,学生要交一篇论文,有的要提交毕业作品。 博士学位课程常常引导学生从事大专院校的教学这一传统职业,或任 职于社会、政府、商业和工业部门。博士课程注重让学生自由探索和表 述自己的观点,注重培养学生创造重大学术成果的能力。课程的立足点, 走发展学生的理解能力和批判评估本专业领域最前沿知识的争论问题能 力。为此,学生须与富有教学和科研经验的教授紧密合作。学生毕业时, 要提交托文及进入答辩。

Britain & America educational system英美国家教育体系

Britain & America educational system英美国家教育体系
– – – What are the two systems? What is the percentage of the students in the two systems? What are the typical schools in the two systems?
General features of British eduational system
General features of newspapers in the UK
3. There is no censorship of the newspapers.
What does this mean? How does the government prevents newsmen from intruding into celebrities’ privacy?
4. Running newspaper in the UK is an expensive and competitive business.
Who run the newspapers? What are the two major newspaper companies? Why is it expensive to run newspapers? How do newpaper companies ensure fast delivery and mass circulation? Can you give some examples?
2. There are major differences between newspapers in terms of the format, contents and political outlook.
What are the differences between the two types of national newspapers in its format and contents? can you give some examples? What about the political outlook of the newspapers? Can you give some examples?



Education in the U.S. --- Administration
4. Since the U.S. Constitution is silent on education, all educational matters are left to the individual state. On the state level, educational policy is generally the responsibility of a state board of citizens. There is no one uniform pattern of state administration.
Education in the U.S. --- Administration
6. Funds for schools come from 3 sources: Approximately 50% is raised through local property taxes. An average of from 40% --50% comes from --50% the states. Only 8% -- 9% from the national government.
Education in the USA
Education in the U.S. --- Administration
1. Educational systems 2. Funds for schools
Education in the U.S. --- Administration In America, education is a national concern a state responsibility a local function

英美教育 Education in Britain and The US

英美教育 Education in Britain and The US

英美教育Education in Britain and The USEducation in Britain and The USIn Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16. In the US children must go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, depending on the state they live in.SubjectIn England and Wales the subjects taught in schools are laid down by the National Curriculum(课程), which was introduced in 1988 and sets out(制定) in detail the subjects that children should study and the levels of achievement they should reach by the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16, when they are tested. The National Curriculum does not apply in Scotland, where each school decides what subjects it will teach.In th e US the subjects taught are decided by national and local governments. Whereas British schools usuall y have prayers(祈祷) and religious(宗教的) instruction, American schools are not allowed to include prayers or to teach particular religious beliefs(信仰).ExaminationsAt 16 students in England and Wales take GCSE examinations. These examinations are taken by students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects and may involve a final examination, an assessment(评价) of work done during the two year course, or both of these things. At 18 some students taken A-level examinations, usually in not more than 3 subjects. It is necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or polytechnic(综合技术大学).In Scotland students take the SCE examinations. A year later, they can take examinations called HIGHS, after which they can either go straight to a university or spend a further year at school and take the Certificate(证书) of Sixth Year Studies. In Scotland the university system is different to that in England and Wales. Courses usually last four years rather than three and students study a larger number of subjects as part of their degree.In the US school examinations are not as important as they are in Britain. Students in High Schools do have exams at the end of their last two years, but these final exams are considered along with the work that the students have done during the school years.Social Events and Ceremonies(仪式)In American high schools there is a formal ceremony for Graduation (=completion of high school). Students wear a special cap and gown and receive a diploma(文凭) from the head of the school. Students often buy a class ring to ear, and a yearbook, containing pictures of their friends and teachers. There are also special social events at American schools. Sports events are popular, and cheer leaders lead the school in supporting the school team and singing the school song. At the end of their junior year, at age 17 or 18, students held in the evening. The girls wear long evening dresses and the boys wear TUXEDOS.In Britain, there are no formal dances or social occasions(场合) associated(和...有关) with school life. Some schools have SPEECH DAY at the end of the school year when prizes are given to the best students and speeches are made by the head teacher and sometimes an invited guest. However, in many British schools students and teachers organize(组织) informal dances for the older students.。



Higher education(HE)
(Including undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses and MBA)
Higher education refers to the college and university and other colleges and universities offer bachelor courses education and training. Britain has more than ninety universities and more than 50 institutes of higher education institutes. They opened a variety of courses, most of the courses available at the end of school
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
Education is not the filling of a pail b ut the lighting of a fire.
The primary curriculum is very rich(The British students are learning Chinese)
The British elementary education pays attention to practice
Middle school education


Church influence still strong today with daily prayers & hymn singing
WWll moved children to countryside After WWll restructured 1944 Education
Act-entry to higher ed. Available for all based on abilities not class
State heavily involved –when, where, how and what children taught
Controversial Decisions
Should children be punished physically? Currently corporal punishment banned in UK
Britain is society where social class very important
Educational policy can determine if class inequality can be erased or continued
Continued debate over how “EQUAL” educational opportunity should be
• What sort of English should students learn? Should students be forced to speak in a standardized way rather than regional accents?
Controversy-not just about education



Education in the U.S. --- Administration
5. In most states, the state legislature or governor appoints state boards, but a few state boards are elected .
Primary and Secondary Schools
The first academic institution that a child attends is called grammar school or elementary school. In some school systems, elementary school includes grades one through eight. The next four eight. years are called high school. In other school systems, there are three divisions: elementary school (grades one through six), junior high school (grades seven through nine), and senior high school (grades ten through twelve).

Grammar school (elementary school)
The important thing is to make the children happy and interested. interested. stressed character training or social skills training through extracurricular activities. School and home are closely linked, and there is a sense of partnership between teachers and parents. parents.





总体来说分为三个阶段:义务教育(Compulsory Education),延续教育(Further Education)和高等教育(Higher Education)。



英国的中学不分初中高中,从中一(Form 1)到中五(Form 5)共五年的时间。






它分为两种体系:学业路线(Academic Route)和职业路线(Vocational Route)。



学业路线 A-Level的全称是“普通教育高级证书”(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level),是学业路线的重要阶段,它总共有100多个科目,学制一般为两年,专业分科极为细致。


我们倾向于tend to 把A-Level看作大学的基础课,相当于中国大学本科课程的首两年。


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C. Tutorials 导师辅导课
Tutorials give you focused guidance on a particular topic once a week. The size of tutorials is quite small. (15-20) Every student has to speak in class. The students meet with the professors individually to discuss their concerns about the topic that they have undertaken and thus seek individual guidance.学生单独地会见 教授谈论,它们已经采取和因而寻求个别指 导的话题讨论他们关注的问题
Tuition fees; Endowments (捐 赠) or donations from society (esp. alumni to their alma maters)
Attendance Teaching Staff and Facilities Graduates
7% Public schools have better teaching staff & facilities. Students from the public schools are more promising, e.g. Eton College has educated 20 Prime Ministers, 6 Chancellors of Exchequers, etc.

Case Study
Compared with that in Chinese counterparts, the curriculum in the UK primary or secondary schools is much simpler. (eg. mathematics & reading) 1. The compulsory education aims to cultivate eligible citizens rather than elites;义务教育的目的是培养合 格公民,而不是精英。 2. Curiosity and self-confidence matter a lot more than the knowledge itself. 求知欲和自信心远比知识 重要。 3. Team spirit and leadership can be emphasized。 团队精神和领导力很重要。

D. Independent work
Students are supposed to investigate a topic in detail and develop their own views about it. (off-campus research)学生应该调查 中详细信息的主题和发展他们自己的意见。 (校外研究) This usually involves working individually or in a small group with other students to research a topic. Produce written work or make presentation for a seminar.
more than 3 subjects. It’s necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or other institutions of higher education.
Higher Education
All British universities are self-governing and fee-charging.所有英国大学自治和收 Over 42% of pupils become university students on leaving school at 18超过 42%的 学生成为大学生在18岁时离校. 110 universities in UK (93 in England, 13 in Scotland, 2 in Wales and 2 in N. Ireland)

Teaching Methods

The UK educational system encourages self-study, discussions and practical work. The students may have time-tabled classes or might be encouraged to do more of independent work英国教育制度鼓 励自学、 讨论和实际工作。学生可能有计 划课或可能会被鼓励去做更多的独立工作。

Public Schools
In the UK private schools are confusingly called public schools!在英国的私立学校统称 为公立学校。 Only enroll pupils from prep schools.只注册从 预科学校的学生。 Mainly single-sex rather than co-ed schools. 主要是单性别而不是男女共学学校。 Boarding schools. 寄宿学校。
Entrance Procedures
In the third term of Year 12, students prepare their applications to university. Applications are then made in the first term of the Year 13 through one centralized organization known as UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service大学院校入 学委员会 ). Students can apply to a maximum of 6 universities/institutions. Admission – selection on basis of A level results & an interview.
The National Curriculum
English Design & Technology Geography Mathematics Information Technology Music

Science Art Physical Education History Modern Foreign Language

The students are largely from aristocratic (贵 族) and upper class families. Despite the high fees they account for around 7% of the total school population. BUT opponents voice doubts: It’s socially divisive and breeds elitism; they are offering more promising opportunities to 7% of British children, but it’s unfair for the remaining 93%!

Tertiary education

延续教育(Further Education)是继小学(Primary)中学 (Secondary)教育之后的“第三级教育”(Tertiary)。为进入 高等教育或者就业打下基础。也是中国的高中学生留学英的 关键阶段。一般来说接受延续教育的学生介于16和18岁之间。 它分为两种体系:学业路线(Academic Route)和职业路 线(Vocational Route)。学业路线着重于培养学术研究方 面的人才,职业路线则结合社会各层面的职业需要,培养在 各种行业中具有专门技能和知识的人才。

Some more ambitious and hardworking students will take GCE O-level (一般水平普通 教育证书) exams. At 18, they take GCE A-level examinations
(Advanced General Certificate of Education 高级水 平普通教育证书=大学入学考试), usually in not

What is the point of attending seminars? The discussions that take place in seminars often help students understand a topic better in different perspectives.在研讨会上 进行的讨论在不同的观点经常帮助学生更好了 解题目.
A. Lectures 讲座
The professors dominate the lectures which serve to guide the students.教授占主导地位, 有助于引导学生的讲座。 The size of the class is generally large, often up to 100 students.课的大小通常是大的,经 常多达 100 名学生 NO prescribed textbooks but reading lists and handouts (讲稿)!
