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Phonics FAQQuestion 1
什么是Phonics?- Phonics,即字母拼读法(又译自然拼音)是自然形成的一种发音规则,它主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系,是美国、加拿大本土孩子的必修课程。
ˎ̥ ˎ̥ - 在现存各种“活着”的文字中,几乎都具有某种特殊的“内在”机制,来呈现其文字符号和语音之间的关系,以方便使用者使用;以中文为例,在中文“六书”中,占一般文字极高比例的“形”与“声”两个部分,前者大略指示“意义”,后者指示“语音”;中文字这种“文字符号”和“语音”之间的准确性如何,有待考证,但国人常有“有边读边,没边读中间”是不争的事实;另一个明显的例子是日文,日文是标准的拼音文字,只要熟悉片假名的五十音,即便初学者也可以由文字符号掌握其语言。
- 英文当然也具有特殊的“内在”机制。
大部分英文字(尤其是适合初学者的英语读物中的词汇),都可以直接根据字母(letter)所代表的音来发音,如cat,pet,sand,name 等。
Question 2
- Phonics教学在美国,至少已经有百年以上的历史了,其间虽历经数度教学理论更迭,但是Phonics的阅读教学,从未在许多美国家庭或小学教室消失过。
Adams(1990)在Phonics Instruction for the Nineties《九十年代的字母拼读教学》里指出,一般而言,出现在初级阅读材料中的词汇,其语音和字母间的对应关系相当稳定。
Question 3
是以/at/ 这个音组为例,说明如何结合发音,认字、拼字
Phonics 字母拼读法
在这组字中,letter和sound的对应相当稳定,除了字首的发音不同外,其余都是由“at”构成,因此,都是发短母音/a/ 。
Question 4
- 这是个家长和老师非常关切的问题。
- 根据美国教育专家的研究,Phonics最好在孩子学会字母以后,而且是确实会辨识每个字母再开始,成功率最高。
Phonics 字母拼读法
- 要帮助孩子日后能顺利独立阅读,老师可以在教学过程中结合不同方法,以弥补Phonics的不足:
1. 对于不规则,但是出现率极高的字,用Sight Words方式练习。
2. 符合Phonics规则的读本在初期虽有助于引导孩子进入阅读,但是Phonics最好还是搭配孩子有兴趣的读本进行,另外在课程中为孩子加入诗歌、歌曲、绕口令,以及不同题材的故事书,丰富孩子的阅读。
3. 帮助孩子尽量接触生活中各种媒体的真实文字,例如各种书籍、刊物、包装、DM…,这都有助于孩子了解一个字真正的用法。
技巧(如Sight Words,Context clues,Phonics)反而会妨碍孩子阅读能力的发展,也许你要问,Phonics课程上到什么时候才够呢?待孩子自己开始独立阅读的时候,他学的Phonics就够了。
自然发音是美语系国家教育孩子学习美语的入门课程. 自然发音的基本作用类似于中国的汉语拼音; 台湾的注音符号. 不同的是, 中文的拼音也好, 注音符号也好, 都是文字以外发展出来的另一套符号; 而自然发音没有另一套符号, 使用的仍是26英文字母.
自然发音的基本概念, 就是要了解字母本身的“读音” (Name), 以及“发音” (Sound) 的不同. 26个字母几乎大家都认识: A, B, C, …., X, Y, Z. 然而, 大家平时朗朗上口的这26个字母, 念出来的都是字母本身的“读音” (Name), 读音代表的是这个字母的名字, 就像每个人都有自己的名字一样道理. 而自然发音指的是字母的“发音” (Sound), 就像每个人都有自己不同于别人的说话声音, 字母也有自己所代表的特有声音.
举例说明: 英文中的“宠物” 拼法是“PET”, 这个单词里总共有三个英文字母“P” “E” “T”. 自然发音就是以字母所反映出来的声音, 找到单词的读音. 字母“P” 的发音是/p/, 字母“E” 的发音是/ε/, 字母“T” 的发音是/ t /, 连在一起, “PET” 就是读/ pεt / 的音. 例子中引用了“音标符号”来标示字母的声音, 用意是方便大家容易了解, 实际上, 自然发音是不需要音标符号的. 学过自然发音的孩子, 看到“PET”这个单词, 直接反映出来的单词读音就是/pet/.
学习美语的人都有一个共同的障碍: 不敢开口说(Mute English). 不敢开口说的原因是不会说, 或是怕说错. 为什么不会说? 因为没有掌握英文的发音技巧. 为什么怕说错? 因为对英文的语法了解不透彻. 其实, 学习美语的二个入门关键就是“发音”(Pronunciation) 和“语法”(Grammar). 自然发音可以帮助学习美语的人, 达到“看字读音, 听音拼写”的程度. 一但看到单词(Vocabulary word) 读的出音, 听到音写的出单词, 这样一来, 记忆英文单词的效果将大大提升. 词库量一但增加了, 能说出口的英文就多了. 接下来要下功夫的就是怎么去修饰所说出来的英文句子, 这个部分就得*本身对英文语法的熟悉程度了.
先把语法问题排除不谈, 学会了自然发音, 孩子等于会了美语精神的百分之五十了. 因为孩子现在看到单词, 能读出单词, 听到单词, 能写出单词. 这样一来, 对于美语的陌生感及恐惧感都将一扫而空. 取而代之的是学习美语的成就感! 学习的心理障碍没了, 成就感有了, 还怕学不来吗?
自然发音和音标(Phonetic Alphabets) 有什么不同?
开门见山的来定义音标, 音标是为了方便非美语系国家学习美语的人们, 所设计出来的一套“发音符号” (Phonetic alphabets or symbols). 音标的目的, 其实和汉字拼音以及注音符号的作用一样, 是一组“刻意制造的发音符号”. 中文及英文
的不同在于文字的组织, 中文文字千变万化, 象形字, 形声字, 转注字, 假借字…单*文字本身的结构, 找不出一套有规则的发音技巧, 因此, 中文里的汉字拼音以及注音符号就很重要, 这些发音符号可以帮助学习中文的人们正确无误的读出中文字.
然而, 英文字的组成, 只有26个字母. 任何英文文章的形成, 都是透过这26个字母不同的排列组合而来的. 既然如此, 我们只要在这26个字母里, 找出一套有系统的发音规则, 这样一来, 化繁为简, 学习英文只要先搞定这26个字母的发音规则, 开口说英语就不再是遥不可及的梦想了.
说到这里, 也许有人要问, 为什么不学音标而去学自然发音呢? 既然音标是专门为非美语系国家, 学习美语量身订做的发音符号, 为什么诺尔美语不教音标? 原因很简单, 因为没必要. 先前提到过, 中文里的汉字拼音及注音符号的必要性, 是因为中文文字结构太繁琐, 从文字本身的结构无法规划出一套看字读音的规则, 因此汉字拼音及注音符号有其必要性. 然而音文单词的组成都离不开26个字母, 这26个字母又有自己的一套发音规则, 掌握了这套发音规则后, 不但透过字母能写英文, 能听英文, 也能读英文, 说英文. 这样一来, 学习音标等于多此一举, 不但多此一举, 还增加了学习的负担.
音标的种类不胜枚举: 从100多年前就有的国际音标, 到后来陆续问世的KK音标, 牛津音标…每套音标符号都不统一, 每套音标符号平均数目都在50个左右. 比较起自然发音里的26个字母, 音标学习更费时费力. 而且学了音标, 只能运用在英文的“读”. 没办法运用在“听, 说, 写” 部分. 没有人在写英文信的时候, 从头到尾以音标来表达吧? 然而, 自然发音就
不同了, 学自然发音的同时, 英文的基本元素26个字母也学会了, 自然发音的技巧, 更能同时运用在“听, 说, 读, 写” 四部份. 因此, 诺尔美语大力推广“自然发音” 课程, 目的是让孩子们能以最有效, 最简单的方式, 轻松学会美语.
Aa[ æ] Bb Cc[k] Dd[d] Ee[e] Ff[f] Gg[g]
Hh[h] Ii Jj[d ] Kk[k] Ll[l] Mm[m] Nn[n]
Oo[ ] Pp[p] Qq[k] Rr[r] Ss[s] Tt[t]
Uu[Λ] Vv[v] Ww[w] Xx[ks] Yy[j] Zz[z]
自然发音规则相当简单, 如前文所述, 不管种类多少, 基本元素只有26个英文字母, 学习者不需要额外记忆26个英文字母之外的特殊符号. 自然发音分为三大类: 字母单音, 元音发音, 特殊组合.
26个字母(Alphabet or letter) 的单独发音, 是自然发音的入门课程, 这个阶段的学习内容, 是让孩子了解自然发音的概念, 并练习自然发音的技巧. 奠定自然发音的基础实力. 学习目标是让孩子学会以自然发音技巧, 达到看字能读, 听音能写的目的. 学习水平达到单音节单词辞量150-350个, 简单双音节词量350-650个. 词量总计500-1000个.
元音(Vowel) 发音
短元音及长元音的发音, 是自然发音的第二阶段课程. 这个阶段的学习内容, 是让孩子进一步了解元音的必要性, 任何一个英文单词, 必须包括至少一个元音. 没有元音就不是一个单词(Word). 单词中元音的数量, 就是音节(Syllable) 的多寡. 例如: “DOG” 只有一组元音(“O”), 因此, “DOG”是一个单音节的单词; “Window” 有二组元音(“I” 和“O”), 所以, “Window” 是一个双音节的单词. “P.S.” 没有元音组, 因此不是一个单词, 它是一组词组(Phrase) 的缩写(Abbreviation of Post Script; Passenger Steamer; Police Sergeant; Public School..) 学习目标是让孩子掌握单元音, 元音组和分离元音的发音规则及技巧. 学习水平达到单音节单词辞量500-1000个, 简单双音节词量800-1200个. 词量总计1300-2200个.
a, e, i, o, u
ai, ay, ee, ea, oa
a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e
特殊组合(Special combination)
1. 混合音(Consonant blends): bl, fl, cl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, gr, fr, tr, pr, str, sn, sp, sw, sm, st.
2. 字母c, g, y的特殊发音(Special sounds of the letters “c”, “g” and “y”): ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, and y as an ending sound.
3. 二个字母发一个音(Consonant digraphs): th, sh, ch, wh.
4. “ou”, “ow”, “oo”的发音(Sounds of the letters “ou”, “ow” and “oo”): ou, ow, oo.
5. 元音加“r” 的发音(r-controlled vowels): ar, er, ir, or, ur.
这个阶段的学习内容, 是让孩子对自然发音的特殊组合认识, 学习目标是让孩子透过反复的拼读练习, 掌握7成以上英文单词的正确读法. 学习水平达到单音节单词辞量800-1200个, 多音节词量1000-1500个. 词量总计1800-2700个.
以上三大类涵盖了英文的44个发音: 26个字母单音, 5个长元音, 13个特殊发音. 这44个发音, 就是美语口语的全部基本元素, 学美语难吗? 一点也不困难! 只要学会26个字母, 就可以开始学习读跟写, 只要学会44个发音, 就能熟悉听跟说. 相较于中文的千变万化, 学习美语是不是容易许多呢?
American phonics
Phonics---b b oy b ook b ee goodbye b us b ell b ox b ag b all b elt b arn b oat boot bubble
Phonics---p P eter p ark p encil p oliceman apple ca p mo p
Phonics—f f ish f an f inger f ox f oot f it f at f ork f ence f eather
Phonics---v v est v ine gi v e v iolin v egetable ele v en dri v er
Phonics---d d og bir d goo d window d oor d uck d oll d esk d eer ra d io la dd er
Phonics---t t eacher t iger Pe t er t en t arget t urkey t able t ent t urtle t eeth t omato
Phonics---g g irl g ood ti g er do g g oose g love g arden g un g lue g ate g ift g olf gh ost gi raffe
Phonics---k k ing k ite k ey boo k bi k e mon k ey k itchen k angaroo k ettle
Phonics---j j elly j ar j ewel j ungle jeep jet jade jam Japan Japanese
Phonics---w window wolf warm worm web watch walk west work
Phonics—x box taxi wax fix mix max fax X-ray
Phonics---hard c cat count car ice cream cake cup camel coat clock carrot cow candy
Phonics---soft c pencil policeman motorcycle ice rice face juice dice cigar city celery
Phonics---s student snake bus nurse six sun saw soap seven sock song sandwich
Phonics---y y o-y o yard yarn yell yellow year yummy Phonics—z zoo zero zebra zigzag zipper Phonics—short a apple rabbit taxi ant hat cap map can bat cat ax fat happy
Phonics—short e seven pen yellow elephant desk net bell egg nest
Phonics---short i six fish Popsicle thin pig lips sink gift pin pink
Phonics—m game mountain man moon drum mouth jam ham monster
Phonics—n nine night neck nest newspaper nurse nose
Phonics—h horse hungry hat helicopter hammer hand head
Phonics—r radio rainbow rose river ribbon rice read
rock eraser red room
Phonics—l lion library lamp leaf leg elephant umbrella / pencil girl bell real bill ball doll
Phonics—ch chopsticks watch teacher cherry chair chalk Chinese cheese beach
Phonics—sh shirt wash shore shoe dish wish fish Phonics—th thanks tooth bath mouth thin
--th brother mother father those these that this Phonics—final s/s/ plates clocks shirts cups boats cats cakes desks
--final s /z/ Pens dogs balls bees toys birds pictures dolls erasers violins plates
Phonics—final es /iz/ buses watches nurses sandwiches churches horses boxes glasses
Phonics—final ing drinking reading writing drawing eating singing cooking sleeping
Phonics—short u bus lunch hungry run cut jump hut drum sun
Phonics—short o Popsicle pot rock ox orange hot top clock sock pop stop chopsticks frog
Phonics—long e “ea”teacher read eat pea beach leaf peacock meat sneaker
(ea,ee)“ee”see-saw bee three tree seed heel reed jeep street knee
Phonics—er driver farmer ruler feather sweater mother father brother sister computer
Phonics—ar jar park part yard arm bar bark mark market dart Martian
Phonics—long a “a-e”game classmate name cake wake
(a-e,ai,ay) “ai”train pain brain rain
“ay”May play say way bay
Phonics—long e ( o-e) hole nose home bone rose rope
Phonics—final y /i/ candy baby library happy dirty busy twenty angry hungry
/ai/ my cry sky shy dry buy spy fly Phonics—long i (i-e) bike ice cream slide rice mice drive five
Phonics—(nk,ng) nk thank monkey pink honk sink think ink drink
--ng dumplings hungry sing
Phonics—ur nurse hamburger turtle church
--ir girl bird thirteen thirty
Phonics—bl blow blanket blouse fly float flag flame (bl,fl,gl,pl)---fl fly float flag flame
---gl glasses glad glue glace
---pl please plug plant place
Phonics—st street student star stone stove stay
(st,sk,sp)---sk ski sky skate skirt skunk
---sp spy spot spider spade sponge
Phonics—br broom branch bread brace brave
(br,cr,dr,tr)---cr cry crown crab crib creak
---dr dry drive drink draw drib
---tr try tree treat triangle trill trim
Phonics Skills
An English written word is made up of letters or letter groups, and a spoken word is made up of the sounds of these groups blended together. A learner can apply phonics skills to recognize how words are made up of these small units and understand the letter-to-sound correspondence.Phonics has an important role in English language learning for beginners. Phonics skills can facilitate the development of the four language skills. They help learners to gain confidence and competence particularly in the areas of pronunciation, spelling and reading.
You may find the learning of consonants confusing as some consonants have two sounds. It is better to teach consonants in the following sequence:
※consonants with a single sound
(b , d , f , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , z)
※consonants with more than one sound, depending on the envoirnment
(c , g , h , w)
※consonant blends in which two or more consonants are joined together to make another sound but retain some of each of the original consonant sounds
making up the blends
(bl , cl , fl , gl , pl , sl , cr , dr , fr , gr , tr , st , sk , str)
※consonant digraphs in which two consonants are combined and pronounced as one sound
(ch , sh , ph , th , gh)
To offer the following Website. I hope all these resources are useful in providing you with ideas on how to conduct phonics lesson.
/%7Eacadtech/phonetics/english/fr ameset.html
:9000/~jbu ... 0text%20article.htm
/parentin ... /dony0300fa_speech/
1.字母q总是与u在一起,读做/kw/, 此处u不作元音.
2.字母c在字母e, y, i前读做/s/ (cent, city, cycle), 其他字母前读做/k/(cut, cap, cop).
3.字母e, i, y之前的字母g可以读做/j/(page, giant, gym), 其中字母e, i之前的g也可以不读做/j/(get, girl, give); 其它字母之前的g读做/g/(gate, go, gust).
4.元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u), 有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母+辅音字母+元音字母的不熟悉单词(re port…rather than rep ort).
5.字母i和y经常读做/i/(big, gym), 但是也可读做I(silent, my, type).
6.一个英语单词用字母y而不是i的结尾(my, by).
7.有五种情况末尾的字母e不发音.(如me, she, 和he的短单词末尾的字母e读做e, 较长的单词末尾的e不发音)
尾字母e不发音应该被认为是”having a job”(承担一项工作)
7.1 bake gene time/type code cute 使他前面的元音字母发字母音..
7.2 love give blue true 使我们不要以一个v和一个u结束一个单词.
7.3 chance bodice charge allege 使g和c读软音/j/和/s/. 7.4 lit tle cas tle bot tle dab ble fid dle 避免一个音节没有一个元音字母.
7.5 are nurse raise bye ewe owe cause 这一条被Spalding女士叫做无工作尾字母e; Sanseri女士叫做老工作尾字母e, 并说前四条之外的不发音尾字母e都叫做老工作尾字母e.
7.5.1 使一个不是复数形式的单词不要以s结尾(dense而不是
dens, purse不是purs, false 不是fals).
7.5.2 加长短的主意词(main-idea), 如awe, ewe, rye
7.5.3 区分同音异形词的含义. 如or/ore for/fore.
7.5.4 中英语和外来语中(那里的尾字母e是要发音的)留下来的, 现在不发音. 如treatise giraffe
8.有五种字母组合发/er/的音/, 记住下面的句子.
Her nurse first works early. 这个句子是按英语用法中的降序排列的.
另外,or在w后业可以发/er/的音. 还要记住有些词尾的ar和or 也发/er/的音.如dollar, doctor.
9. 1-1-1规则: 单音节单词中, 结尾是单元音加单个辅音的, 在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时, 需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化.(如hop---hop ped). 但是词尾是x除外, 因为它由两个音/ks/.
10. 2-1-1规则: 双音节词中, 结尾是单元音加单个辅音的, 在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时, 需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化(be gin--- be gin + ning). 第二个音节不重读的不能双写末尾辅音字母(en ter, prof it, bud get).
11. 去e规则, 以不发音的e结尾的单词在添加以元音开始的词尾变化是需要去掉末尾不发音的e.(come----coming)
12. 是ie还是ei? 一般情况下, 应该是ie, 但是1) c之后用ei; 2)发字母a的音时, 用ei(neighbor, weigh, vein). 还有下面的例外情形Neither foreign sovereign seized counterfeit forfeited leisure. Plus: either weird protein heifer:
13. 音素sh用在一个基本词的开头或是结尾(she, dish), 还用在一个音节的结尾(fin ish), 但绝对不会在后一个音节的开头, 除非是以ship结尾(wor ship, friend ship).
14. 音素si, ti, ci最常用在一个基本词的第二及以后的开头, 发音/sh/. 常常可以通过考察词根和根词来确定发/sh/时用什么样的音素.比如
infect to in fec tious / collect to col lec tion / potent to po
ten tial
music to mu si cian / space to spa cious / finance to fi nan cial
soci (companion) to so cial / ancien (old) to an cient
cruc (cross) to cru cial / speci (kind) to spe cial
15. 音素si在前一个音节以s结尾时(ses sion)发/sh/, 一个基本词经过词尾变化后只有一个s(tense---tension), 其中的音素si发/sh/.
discuss to dis cus sion / compress to com pres sion / admis to ad mis sion
16. 音素si可以发/zh/, 如vi sion, di vi sion, oc ca sion, ex plo sion.
17. 只有一个元音的单音节词,常常双写词尾的l, s, f. 比如will, off, miss. 有时双音节词也用到这条规则, 如re cess
18. 词尾为长音a时, 常用ay在词尾而不是a. (bay, day, decay)
19. 元音i和o后面有两个辅音时,常发长音. (find, old)
20. s从不在x后, 音素x包含一个/s/音, /ks/.
21. 去L规则1: all单独出现有两个l, 但在前缀中只有一个l.(al most, al so, al though).
22. 去L规则2: till和full单独出现有两个l, 作后缀只有一个l. (un til, plen ti ful).
23. 音素dge只用在单元音后面,而且这个元音发短音(badge, edge, bridge, lodge, budge).
24. Y变I规则: 进行词尾变化时, 词尾是一个辅音字母+y, 要变y为i. 下列两种情况驻外(1)加-ing, (2)变后会引起音节分裂. city/cit ies beauty/beau ti ful play/player funny/fun ni est multiply/mul ti ply ing rely/re li able cry/cried deny/denied
25. 音素ck只用在单元音后, 而且这个元音发短音(back, neck, lick, rock, duck).
26. 字母开头的z永远发/z/, 不会发/s/.
27. 音素ed有三个音, 基本词以/t/和/d/音结尾, ed发
/ed/(divide---divided, heat---heated); 基本词以浊辅音结尾的, ed发/d/( lived), 以清辅音结尾的发/t/(stopped)
28. 单词常常(always)在双辅音间分音节[但要注意不要把辅音字母组合分开(如ma the ma tic)], 重读音节的辅音才发音, 非重读音节的辅音不发音lit tle.
两者的主要区别是:英式英语元音不卷舌,美式英语元音后是r时元音卷舌,英式英语某些读[ar] 的音,美式英语读[a] ,英式英语某些读[o] 的音,美式英语读[ar] ,具体是:
1、重读-r音节er,ir,or,ur,英式英语读[er] ,美式英语卷舌,读[err] 。
2、轻读-r音节ar,er,ir,or,ur,英式英语读[a.] ,美式英语卷舌,读[a.r] 。
3、重读-r音节ar,er,单词are英式英语读[ar] ,美式英语卷舌,读[ar r] 。
4、重读-r音节和带-r的字母组合音节ar,or,ore,aor,oar,oor,our,英式英语读[or] ,美式英语卷舌,读[orr] 。
5、英式英语读[ere] 的字母组合,美式英语卷舌,读[erer] 。
6、英式英语读[are] 的字母组合,美式英语卷舌,读[arer] 。
7、英式英语读[ure] 的字母组合,美式英语卷舌,读[urer] 。
8、重读音节英式英语读[o] 的字母,美式英语读[ar]的短音。
9、重读音节a的后面是-f, -m, -n, -s, -th, -th时,英式英语读[ar] ,美式英语读[a] 。
Phonics Rules
The vowels are "a,e,i,o, and u"; also sometimes "y" & "w". This also includes the diphthongs "oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo" and many others.
The consonants are all the other letters which stop or limit the flow of air from the throat in speech. They are: "b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z,ch,sh,th,ph,wh, ng, and gh".
1. Sometimes the rules don't work.
There are many exceptions(例外)in English because of the vastness(大量的)of the language and the many languages from which it has borrowed. The rules do work however, in the majority of the words.
2. Every syllable(音节)in every word must have a vowel. English is a "vocal" language; Every word must have a vowel.
3. "C" followed by "e, i or y" usually has the soft sound of "s". Examples: "cyst", "central", and "city".
4. "G" followed by "e, i or y" usually has the soft sound of "j". Example: "gem", "gym", and "gist".
5. When 2 consonants(辅音) a joined together and form one new sound, they are a consonant digraph(连字). They count as one sound and one letter and are never separated(分开的, 分离的, 个别的, 单独的). Examples: "ch,sh,th,ph and wh".
6. When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, that vowel is short. Examples: "fat, bed, fish, spot, luck".
7. When a syllable ends in a silent "e", the silent "e" is a signal that the vowel in front of it is long. Examples: "make, gene, kite, rope, and use".
8. When a syllable has 2 vowels together, the first vowel is usually long and the second is silent. Examples: "pain, eat, boat, res/cue, say, grow". NOTE: Diphthongs(双重元音, 双元音字, 连元音字)don't follow this rule; In a diphthong, the vowels blend together to create a single new sound. The diphthongs are: "oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo" and many others.
9. When a syllable ends in any vowel and is the only vowel, that vowel is usually long. Examples: "pa/per, me, I, o/pen, u/nit, and my".
10. When a vowel is followed by an "r" in the same syllable, that vowel is "r-controlled". It is not long nor short. "R-controlled "er,ir,and ur" often sound the same (like "er"). Examples: "term, sir, fir, fur, for, su/gar, or/der".
Basic Syllable Rules
1. To find the number of syllables:
---count the vowels in the word,
---subtract(减去, 减)any silent vowels, (like the silent "e" at the end of a word or the second vowel when two vowels a together in a syllable)
---subtract one vowel from every diphthong, (diphthongs only count as one vowel sound.)
---the number of vowels sounds left is the same as the number of syllables.
The number of syllables that you hear when you pronounce a word is the same as the number of vowels sounds heard. For example: The word "came" has 2 vowels, but the "e" is silent, leaving one
vowel sound an one syllable.
The word "outside" has 4 vowels, but the "e" is silent and the "ou" is a diphthong which counts as only one sound, so this word has only two vowels sounds and therefore, two syllables.
2. Divide between two middle consonants.
Split up words that have two middle consonants. For example:
hap/pen, bas/ket, let/ter, sup/per, din/ner, and Den/nis. The only exceptions are the consonant digraphs. Never split up consonant digraphs as they really represent only one sound. The exceptions are "th", "sh", "ph", "th", "ch", and "wh".
3. Usually divide before a single middle consonant.
When there is only one syllable, you usually divide in front of it, as in:
"o/pen", "i/tem", "e/vil", and "re/port". The only exceptions are those times when the first syllable has an obvious short sound, as in "cab/in".
4. Divide before the consonant before an "-le" syllable.
When you have a word that has the old-style spelling in which the "-le" sounds like "-el", divide before the consonant before the "-le". For example: "a/ble", "fum/ble", "rub/ble" "mum/ble" and "thi/stle". The only exception to this are "ckle" words like "tick/le".
5. Divide off any compound words, prefixes, suffixes and roots which have vowel sounds.
Split off the parts of compound words like "sports/car" and "house/boat". Divide off prefixes such at "un/happy", "pre/paid", or "re/write". Also divide off suffixes as in the words "farm/er", "teach/er", "hope/less" and "care/ful". In the word "stop/ping", the suffix is actually "-ping" because this word follows the rule that when you add "-ing" to a word with one syllable, you double the last consonant and add the "-ing".
Accent Rules。