
联合国六大机构联合国六大机关为:大会、安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事会、国际法院和秘书处联合国六大机构- 联合国大会(General Assembly of the United Nations -- UNGA)简称“联大”,是联合国的六个主要机构之一,由全体会员国组成。

附录二英语新闻中经常出现的联合国主要机构名称Security Council(SC):安理会Secretariat:秘书处International Telecommunications Union(ITU):国际电信联盟International Court of Justice(ICJ):国际法院International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD):国际复兴开发银行International Maritime Organization(IMO):国际海事组织International Finance Corporation(IFC):国际金融公司International Development Association(IDA):国际开发协会International Labor Organization(ILO):国际劳工组织International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO):国际民用航空组织International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD):国际农业发展基金International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA):国际原子能机构Economic and Social Council(ESC):经济及社会理事会United Nations University(UNU):联合国大学United Nations Children’s Fund:联合国儿童基金会United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO):联合国工业发展组织United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP):联合国环境规划署United Nations Development Programme(UNDP):联合国开发计划署Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations(FAO):联合国粮食及农业组织United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD):联合国贸易和发展会议。

联合国六大主要机构有哪些?主要职责是什么?(2009-09-01 10:09:17)联合国六大机关为:联合国大会、安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事会、国际法院和秘书处。

1. 联合国安全理事会(United Nations Security Council,UNSC)联合国安全理事会是联合国系统中最高级别的决策机构,负责维护国际和平与安全。
2. 联合国经济和社会理事会(United Nations Economic and Social Council,ECOSOC)联合国经济和社会理事会负责协调全球经济和社会领域的政策并推动可持续发展。
3. 联合国大会(United Nations General Assembly,UNGA)联合国大会是联合国系统中的主要决策机构,由193个会员国组成。
4. 联合国人权理事会(United Nations Human Rights Council,UNHRC)联合国人权理事会负责监督和促进全球人权状况的改善,并就重大人权问题进行调查和审议。

联合国机构一览表Organs of United Nationsaaaa1946年6月《联合国宪章》在美国旧金山签署,同年10月《宪章》生效,联合国正式成立。
主要机构及其附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构如下:大会General Assembly主要委员会:Main Committees:第一委员会(裁军和国际安全委员会)First Committee (Disarmament and International Security Committee)第二委员会(经济和财政委员会)Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee)第三委员会(社会、人道主义和文化委员会)Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee)第四委员会(政治和非殖民化委员会)Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization Committee)第五委员会(行政和预算委员会)Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Committe e)第六委员会(法律委员会)SixthCommittee (Legal Committee)特别政治委员会Special Political Committee程序委员会:Procedural Committee:总务委员会General Committee全权证书委员会Credentials Committee常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政和预算问题咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions-- ACABQ会费委员会Committee on Contributions国际公务员制度委员会International Civil Service Commission新闻委员会Committee on Information附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构:Subsidiary, Ad Hoc and Related Bodies:中部非洲安全常设委员会(1992年5月成立)Standing Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa大会临时委员会(俗称“小型联大”)Interim Committee of the General Assembly维持和平行动特别委员会Special Committee on Peace-Keeping O perations联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会Special Committee on the Charter of the United N ations and on theStrengthening of the Role of the Organization裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission -- UNDC世界裁军会议问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the World Disarmament Conference审查联合国在裁军领域所起作用特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of the Roleof the United Nations in the Field of Disarmament印度洋特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean和平利用外层空间委员会Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space -- COPUOS 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会(辐射科委会)United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation -- UNSCEAR调查和调解小组Panel for inquiry and Conciliation和平观察委员会Peace Observation Commission军事专家小组Panel of Military Experts联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine -- UNCCP 巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to C olonial Countries and Peoples种族隔离问题特别委员会Special Committee on Apartheid联合国南非信托基金委员会Committee of Trustees of the United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa联合国纳米比亚基金United Nations Fund for Namibia安哥拉情势问题小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)UnitedNations Conference on Trade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国贸发会议、世界贸易组织的国际贸易中心联合咨询小组Joint Advisory Group on the UNCTAD/WTO Inter national Trade Centre联合国防治艾滋病联合计划署United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS -- UNAIDS联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UNDP联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations Industrial Development Organization -- UNIDO联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations EnvironmentProgramme -- UNEP联合国特别基金United Nations Special Fund -- UNSF联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNPF世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP联合国人类住区(生境)委员会United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UNCHS (Ha bitat)联合国系统结构问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Structure of the United Nations System改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System世界粮食理事会World Food Council-- WFC联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations Institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNU青年问题特设咨询小组Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Youth联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund --UNICEF消除种族歧视委员会Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination -- CERD联合国人权奖得奖人遴选事宜特别委员会Special Committee to Select the Winners of the United Nations Hu man Rights Prize联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -- UNHCR领土庇护公约草案专家小组Group of Experts on the Draft Convention on Terrtiorial Asylum国际妇女年会议协商委员会审计委员会Board of Auditors外聘审计团Panel of ExternalAuditors联合检查组(联检组)nt Inspection Unit-JIU货币不稳定问题工作组Working Group on Currency Instability新闻工作协商小组Consultative Panel on PublicInformation会议委员会Committee on Conferences联合国方案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery联合国财政紧急情况协商委员会Negotiating Committee on the Financial Emergency of the United Nations联合国行政法庭United Nations Administrative Tribunal申请复核行政法庭判决事宜委员会Committee on Applications for Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements国际法委员会International Law Commission -- ILC联合国宪章特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Charter of the United Nations自然资源永久主权委员会mission of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources联合国国际法教学、研究、传播和普及的援助方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemi nation and Wider Appreciation of International Law联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委会)United Nations Commission on International Trade Law-- UNCITRAL与东道国关系委员会Committee on Relations with the Host Country国际原子能机构International atomic Energy Agency -- IAEA信息与资料中心(设在华沙,1995年10月正式使用)Information and Data Center增强国际关系中不使用武力原则效力问题特别委员会Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principleof Non-use of force in InternationalRelations安全理事会(安理会)Security Council下设机构:联合国军事参谋团(军参团)Military Staff Committee -- UNMSC裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission-- UNDC集体措施委员会CollectiveMeasures Committee联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)United Nations Reliefand Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Fast -- UNRW A常设机构:Standing Committees:专家委员会Committee of Experts接纳新会员国委员会Committee on the Admission of New Members安全理事会在总部以外地点开会问题委员会Committee on Council Meetings Away from Headquarters特设机构:Ad Hoc Committees:联合国印度尼西亚问题委员会United Nations Commission for Indonesia联合国停战监督组织United Nations TruceSupervision Organization -- UNTSO联合国驻印度巴基斯坦军事观察小组United Nations Military Observer Group on India and Pakistan-UNMOGIP反对种族隔离特别委员会Special Committee Against Apartheid联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队)United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus -- UNFICYP联合国紧急部队(紧急部队)United Nations Emergency Force -- UNEF联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)United NationsDisengagement Observer force -- UNDOF根据安全理事会第253(1968)号决议设立的委员会(有关制裁罗得西亚的实施情况)Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution 253 (1968) Concerning the Question of Southern Rhodesia微小国家”问题专家委员会Committee of Expertson the Question of Micro-States调查以色列侵犯占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权行为特别委员会Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories联合国监督伊拉克销毁化学、生物和核武器特别委员会U.N. Special Commission Supervising the Destruction of Iraq's Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Weapons -- UNSCOM联合国驻马其顿共和国预防性部署部队U.N. Prevention Deployment Force in theFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- UNPREDEP联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西斯雷姆地区过渡行政当局(东斯过渡当局)U.N. TransitionalAdministration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and W estern Sirmium -- UNTAES联合国驻普雷夫拉卡半岛军事观察团(联普观察团)U.N. Mission of Observers in Prevlaka -- UNMOP联合国驻格鲁吉亚观察团(联格观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Georgia-- UNOMIG联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)U.N. interim force in Lebanon -- UNIFIL联合国伊拉克-科威特军事观察团(伊科观察团)U.N. Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission -- UNIKOM联合国安哥拉观察团U.N. Angola Observer Mission联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(西撒特派团)U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara -- MINURSO联合国利比里亚观察团(联利观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Liberia -- UNOMIL国际警察工作队International Police Task Force -- IPTF联合国多国稳定部队U.N. Multinational Stabilization Force -- SFOR联合国驻塔吉克斯坦观察团(联塔观察团)U.N.Mission of Observers in Tajikistan联合国海地支助团U.N. Support Mission in Haiti -- UNSMIH联合国危地马拉军事观察团U.N. Missionof Military Observers in Guatemala联合国经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)United Nations Economic and Social Council -- ECOSOC会期委员会:Sessional Committees第一(经济)委员会First (Economic) Committee第二(社会)委员会Second (Social) Committee第三(计划和协调)委员会Third (Programme and Co-Ordination) Committee职司委员会:Functional Commissions:防止犯罪和刑事司法委员会(1992年设立)Commission on Crime Prevention and Cri minal Justice人权委员会Commission on Human Rights麻醉品委员会Commission on Narcotic Drugs社会发展委员会Commission for Social Development妇女地位委员会Commission on the Status of Women可持续发展委员会Commission on Sustainable Development(1993年2月12日设立)人口委员会Population Commission统计委员会Statistical Commission区域委员会:Regional Commissions:非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa -- ECA欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Europe -- ECE拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean -- ECLAC亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)Economic and Social Commission for Asia andthe Pacific -- ESCAP西亚经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commissio for Western Asia -- ESCW A常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政协调委员会Administrative Committee on Co-Ordination -- ACC发展规划委员会Committee for Development Planning -- CDP危险物品运输问题专家委员会Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods人类住区委员会Commission on Human Settlement自然资源委员会Committee on Natural Resources -- CNR与政府间机构商谈委员会Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies非政府组织委员会Committee on Non-governmental Organizations方案和协调委员会Committee for Programme and Co-ordination -- CPC跨国公司委员会Commission on Transnational Corporations -- CTC特设机构和其他有关机构:Ad Hoc Bodies Other Related Bodies:联合国人口与发展委员会U.N. Commission on Population and Development联合国国际麻醉品管制署United Nations International Drug Control Programme -- UNIDCP世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP世界粮食理事会(粮食理事会)World Food Council -- WFC联合国社会发展研究所(社发研究所)United Nations Research institute for Social Development -- UNRISD联合国特别基金会United Nations Special Fund-- UNSF联合国地名专家小组UnitedNations Group of Experts on Geographical Names发达国家和发展中国家间税务条约专家小组Group ofExperts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries设立提高妇女地位国际研究训练所问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Establishment of an International Research and Training institute for the Advancement of Women联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)United Nations Conference onTrade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund-- UNICEF联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees - UNHCR联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UNDP联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations Environment Programme -- UNEP联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNFPA联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNUFAO联合国人类住区(生境)中心United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UN CHS (habitat)与经社理事会有关的专门机构和独立组织:世界贸易组织World Trade Organization -- WTO国际劳工组织International Labor Organization -- ILO联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -- FAO联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- UNESCO世界卫生组织World HealthOrganization -- WHO国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund -- IMF国际开发协会Internatoinal Development Association -- IDA国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)International Bank for Reconstruction and Development -- IBRD国际金融公司International Finance Corporation -- IFC国际民用航空组织International Civil Aviation Organization -- ICAO万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union -- UPU国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union -- ITU世界气象组织World Meterological Organization -- WMO国际海事组织International Maritime Organization -- IMO世界知识产权组织World intellectual Property Organization -- WIPO国际农业发展基金会(农发基会)International Fund for Agricultural Development -- IFAD联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations industrial Developmen t Organization -- UNIDO托管理事会Trusteeship Council国际法院International Courtof Justice -- ICJ下设:简易程序分庭Chamber of Summary Procedure预算和行政委员会Budgetrary and Administrative Co mmittee关系委员会Committee on Relations图书馆委员会Library Committee修订国际法规约委员会Committee for the Revision of the Rules of the Court审判前南斯拉夫战犯法庭International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia -- ICTY卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭International Criminal Tribuanal forRwanda -- ICTR国际海洋法法庭International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea -- ITLS秘书处United Nations Secretariat主要机构:秘书长办公厅Executive officeof the Secretary-General负责特别政治事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs负责政治和大会事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and GeneralAssembly Affairs负责特别政治问题的助理秘书长办公室Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Political andGeneral Assembly Affairs法律事务厅Office of Legal Affairs -- EEG机构间事务和协调厅Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination政治和安全理事会事务部Department of Political and Security Council Affai rs -- DPSCA/PSCA政治事务、托管和非殖民化部Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and De-Colonization国际经济和社会事务部Department of International Economic and Social Affairs联合国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations行政和管理事务部Department of Administration and Management会议事务部Department of ConferenceServices新闻部Office of PublicInformation联合国日内瓦办事处United Nations office at Geneva。

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联合国主要机构中文全称中文简称英文全称英文简称安全理事会安理会Security Council SC关税及贸易总协定关贸总协定General Agreement GATTon Tariffs and Trade国际电信联盟国际电联International Tele- ITUcommunications Union国际法庭International Court ICJof Justice国际复兴复兴International Bank for IBRD开发银行开发银行Reconstruction and Development(又称世界银行)(also World Bank)国际海事组织海事组织International Maritime IMOOrganization国际货币基金组织货币基金组织International Monetary Fund IMF国际劳工组织劳工组织International Labour ILOOrganization国际民用航空组织国际民航组织International Civil Aviation ICAOOrganization国际原子能机构原子能机构International Atomic IAEAEnergy Agency经济及社会理事会经社理事会Economic and Social Council ESC;ECOSOC 联合国大会联大General Assembly GA联合国儿童基金会儿童基金会United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF联合国环境规划署环境规划署United Nations Environment UNEPProgramme联合国教育、科学及教科文组织United Nations Educational, UNESCO文化组织Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国开发计划署开发计划署United Nations Development UNDPProgramme联合国粮食及农业组织粮农组织Food and Agricultural FAOOrganization of the United Nations联合国贸易和发展会议贸发会议Untied Nations Conference UNCTADon Trade and Development秘书处Secretariat世界粮食理事会粮食理事会World Food Council WFC世界气象组织气象组织World Meteorological WMOOrganization世界卫生组织卫生组织World Health Organization WHO世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property WIPOOrganization万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union UP。

联合国主要机构名称Major Organizations of the .联合国主要机构名称General Assembly of the United Nations 联合国大会Main Committees 主要委员会Standing and Procedural Committees 常设和程序委员会Other Subsidiary Organs of the General Assembly 大会其他附属机构Secretariat 秘书处Trusteeship Council 托管理事会International Court of Justice 国际法院Security Council 安全理事会UNDOF(United Nations Disengagement Observer 联合国脱离接触观察员部队Force)UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force) 联合国紧急部队Military Staff Committee 军事参谋团Disarmament Commission 裁军委员会Economic and Social Council 经济及社会理事会Regional Commissions 区域委员会Functional Commissions 职司委员会Sessional, Standing and ad hoc Committees 会期、常设和特设委员会United Nations Specialized Agencies 联合国的专门机构GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税及贸易总协定ILO((International Labour Organization) 国际劳工组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) 联合国粮食及农业组织UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific 联合国教育、科学及文化组织and Cultural Organization)Joint UN/FAO(World Food Programme) 联合国和粮农组织合办世界粮食计划署UNITAR(United Nations Institute for Training 联合国训练研究所and Research)UNDP(United Nations Development Programme) 联合国开发计划署UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development 联合国工业发展组织Organization)UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) 联合国环境规划署United Nations Special Fund 联合国特别基金World Food Council 世界粮食理事会UNCTD(United Nations Conference on Trade 联合国贸易和发展会议and Development)UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund) 联合国资本发展基金UNU(United Nations University) 联合国大学UNFPA(United Nations Fund for Population 联合国人口活动基金Activities)The International Law Commission 国际法委员会WHO(World Health Organization) 世界卫生组织IMF(International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织IDA(International Development Association) 国际开发协会IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)and Development)IFC(International Finance Corporation) 国际金融公司ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization) 国际民用航空组织UPU(Universal Postal Union) 万国邮政联盟ITU(International Telecommunication Union) 国际电信联盟IMCO(Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative 政府间海事协商组织Organization)WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization) 世界知识产权组织WMO(World Meteorological Organization) 世界气象组织IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency) 国际原子能机构Subsidiary Organizations 附属机构UNRWA(United Nations Relief and Works Agency 联合国(近东巴勒斯坦) 难民救济for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) 与工程处UNICEF(United Nations International Children’s 联合国儿童基金会Emergency Fund)UNHCR(Office of the United Nations High 联合国难民事务高级专Commissioner for Refugees)UNDP(United Nations Development Programme) 联合国发展方案Other Consultative Bodies 联合国的其他协商组织Commission of the Unification and 朝鲜统一和复兴委员会Rehabilitation of Korea Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 和平利用外层空间委员会Conciliation Commission of Palestine 巴勒斯坦和解委员会Council on Namibia 纳米比亚委员会Disarmament Committee 载军委员会Law of the Sea Conference 海洋法会议Peace Observation Commission 和平考察委员会Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation 放射性后果科学委员会Special Committee on the Situation with regard 关于实行给殖民地人民以独立宣言to the Implementation of the Declaration on 特别委员会(二十四国特别委员)the Granting of Independence to ColonialCountries and Peoples(The Special Committee ofTwenty-Four)Special Committee on Apartheid 种族隔离特别委员会Working Group on Direct Broadcasting Satellites 广播卫星工作组••••••••••更多相关文档请访问:。

联合国机构英文缩写联合国大会、联合国安全理事会、联合国经济及社会理事会、联合国托管理事会(已停止正常运作,视需要举行会议)、国际法院、联合国秘书处(基本六大机构)1联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Programme - UNDP)2联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP)3联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conferenceon Tradeand Development - UNCTAD)4联合国人口基金(United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA)5联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF)6联合国难民事务高级专员公署(Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR)7联合国欧洲经济委员会(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE)8世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme - WFP)9亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP)10和平利用外层空间委员会(The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - COPUOS)11国际劳工组织(International Labour Organization - ILO)12联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO)13联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO)14世界卫生组织(World Health Organization - WHO)15国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund - IMF)16国际开发协会(International Development Association - IDA)17国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)(Intemational Bailk for Reconstruction and Development - JBRD)(World Bank)18国际金融公司(International Finance Corporation - JFC)19国际民用航空组织(International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO)20万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union - UPU)21国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union - ITU)22世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization - WMO)23国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization - IMO)24世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO)25国际农业发展基金会(International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD)26联合国工业发展组织(United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO)27国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA)28世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization - WTO)29国际劳工组织(International Labour Organization – ILO)教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。

简称表AEO Africa Environment Outlook 非洲环境展望非洲环境展望AGEDI Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative 阿布扎比倡议阿布扎比全球环境数据倡议AISD Arab Initiative for Sustainable Development 阿拉伯举措关于可持续发展的阿拉伯举措ALLO League of Arab States 阿盟阿拉伯国家联盟AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on the Environment 非洲环境会议非洲部长级环境会议AMCOW flAfrican Ministers Council on Water 非洲水事理事会非洲部长级水事理事会AMU Arab Maghreb Union 阿马联阿拉伯马格里布联盟APELL A wareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at a Local Level 当地一级警惕并预防紧急事件方案当地一级警惕并预防紧急事件方案AREED African Rural Energy Enterprise Development 非洲农村能源企业发展非洲农村能源企业发展ASEAN Association of South-east Asian Nations 东盟东南亚国家联盟BPOA Barbados Programme of Action 巴巴多斯行动纲领巴巴多斯行动纲领BPOA/SIDS Barbados Programme of Action for Sustainable Development of SIDS巴巴多斯小岛屿发展中国家行动纲领巴巴多斯小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领CA Cities Alliance 城市联盟城市联盟CARICOM Caribbean Community 加共体加勒比共同体CAST Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism 加勒比旅游联盟加勒比可持续旅游联盟CBD Convention on Biological Diversity 生物公约生物多样性公约CDM Clean Development Mechanism 清洁发展机制清洁发展机制CEB Chief Executive Board Members 执行首长理事会成员执行首长理事会成员CEDA Central Dredging Association 中央疏浚协会中部疏浚协会CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research 农研组国际农业研究协商小组CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ofWild Fauna and Flora濒危物种公约濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约COP Conference of the Parties 缔约方会议缔约方会议CPPS Permanent Commission for the South Pacific 南太平洋常设委员会南太平洋常设委员会CSC Capability & Sustainable Centre 能力和可持续中心能力和可持续中心CSD Commission on Sustainable Development 可持续发展委员会可持续发展委员会CSOs Civil Society Organization 民间社会组织民间社会组织CTO Caribbean Tourism Organization 加勒比旅游组织加勒比旅游组织UNEP/GC.23/85Division of Communications and Public Information 交流和新闻司交流和新闻司DEC Division of Environmental Conventions 环境公约司环境公约司DEPI Division of Environmental Policy Implementation 环境政策执行司环境政策执行司DEWA Division of Early Warning and Assessment 预警和评估司预警和评估司DPDL Division of Policy Development and Law 政策制订和法律司政策制订和法律司DRC Division of Regional Cooperation 区域合作司区域合作司DTIE Division of Technology, Industry and Economics 技术工业和经济司技术工业和经济司EAS East Asian Seas 东亚海洋东亚海洋ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States 中非经共体中非国家经济共同体ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States 西非经共体西非国家经济共同体EECCA Eastern Europe, Caucuses and Central Asia 东欧高加索和中亚东欧高加索和中亚EEHC European Environment and Health Committee 欧洲环境和健康委员会欧洲环境和健康委员会EIs Economic Instruments 经济文书经济文书EMG Environmental Management Group 环境管理组环境管理组ERWDA Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency 环境研究和野生动植物发展局环境研究和野生动植物发展局EST Environmentally Sound Technology 无害环境技术无害环境技术ETN Environmental Training Network 环境培训网环境培训网EUCC The Coastal Union 欧盟海岸保护组织欧盟海岸保护组织FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 粮农组织联合国粮食和农业组织FI Finance Initiative 财务举措财务举措GA General Assembly 大会联合国大会GC/GMEF Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum 理事会/全球环境论坛理事会/全球部长级环境论坛GC.OS Global Climate Observing System 气候观测系统全球气候观测系统GCSS Governing Council Special Session 理事会特别会议理事会特别会议GEF Global Environment Facility 全环基金全球环境基金GEF/IW Global International Facility/International Waters 全环基金/国际水域全球环境基金/国际水域GEMS Global Environment Monitoring Systems 监测系统全球环境监测系统GEO Global Environment Outlook 全球环境展望全球环境展望GIWA Global International Waters Assessment 水域评估全球国际水域评估GLCN Global Land Cover Network 土地覆盖网络全球土地覆盖网络GLOBE Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment 平衡环境组织全球立法者促进平衡环境组织GMA Global Marine Assessment 全球海洋评估全球海洋评估GMA Global Marine Assessment 全球海洋评估全球海洋评估GMEF Global Ministerial Environment Forum 全球环境论坛全球部长级环境论坛UNEP/GC.23/86GOOS Global Ocean Observing System 海观系统全球海洋观测系统GPA Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities保护海洋环境行动纲领保护海洋环境免受陆地活动影响全球行动纲领GRID Global Resource Information Database 资源信息库全球资源信息数据库GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System 陆观系统全球陆地观测系统GWP Global Water Partnership 水事伙伴关系全球水事伙伴关系HELCOM Helsinki Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area赫尔辛基委员会保护波罗的海区域海洋环境赫尔辛基委员会HELI Health and Environmental Linkages Initiative 健康与环境联系倡议健康与环境联系倡议IADC International Association of Dredging Companies 钻井承包商协会国际钻井承包商协会IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors 港埠协会国际港埠协会ICARM Integrated Coastal Area and River-basin Management 综合沿海地区和河川流域管理综合沿海地区和河川流域管理ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 自由工联国际自由工会联合会ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives 环境倡议理事会国际地方环境倡议理事会IETC International Environmental Technology Centre 环境技术中心国际环境技术中心IFRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies红十字会与红新月会联合会红十字会与红新月会国际联合会IGOs Intergovernmental Organizations 政府间组织政府间组织IGOS Integrated Global Observing Strategy 综合观测战略全球综合观测战略IGR Inter-Governmental Review 政府间审查政府间审查IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development 可持续发展所国际可持续发展研究所ILO International Labour Organization 劳工组织国际劳工组织IMF International Monetary Fund 货币基金组织国际货币基金组织IMO International Maritime Organization 海事组织国际海事组织IOI International Ocean Institute 海洋学会国际海洋学会IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 气候小组政府间气候变化问题小组IPPC Intergovernmental Plant Protection Convention 植保公约国际植物保护公约IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union 议会联盟各国议会联盟IRBM Integrated River Basin Management 综合河川流域管理综合河川流域管理IUCN World Conservation Union 自然保护联盟世界自然保护联盟IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management 综合水资源管理综合水资源管理JMP Joint Monitoring Programme on Water & Sanitation coverage 水事和卫生监测方案水事和卫生联合监测方案JPOI Johannesburg Plan of Implementation 约堡执行计划约翰内斯堡执行计划LADA Lands Degradation Assessment 土地退化评估土地退化评估UNEP/GC.23/87LDC Least-Developed Countries 最不发达国家最不发达国家MA Millennium Assessment 千年评估千年评估MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships船污公约国际防止船舶造成污染公约MDGs Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标千年发展目标MEAs Multilateral Environment Agreements 多边环境协定多边环境协定NACA Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and Pacific 亚太水产养殖中心网络亚洲和太平洋水产养殖中心网络NAP National Action Plan 国家行动计划国家行动计划NEP North East Pacific 东北太平洋东北太平洋NEPAD flNew Partnership for Africa s Development 非洲发展新伙伴关系非洲发展新伙伴关系NGOs Non-governmental Organizations 非政府组织非政府组织NOWPAP North-West Pacific Action Plan 西北太平洋行动计划西北太平洋行动计划OCTA Organization of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty 亚马逊条约组织亚马逊合作条约组织OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经合组织经济合作与发展组织OSPAR Oslo-Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic奥斯陆巴黎公约奥斯陆巴黎保护东北大西洋海洋环境公约PADELIA Partnership for the Development of Environmental Law and Institutions in Africa非洲环境法和体制发展伙伴关系非洲环境法和体制发展伙伴关系PADH Physical Alteration and Destruction of Habitats 具体的生境改变和破坏具体的生境改变和破坏PARLA TINO Parlamento Latino/Americano 拉美议会拉丁美洲议会PCFV Partnership for Clean Fuels & V ehicles 清洁燃料与清洁车辆伙伴关系清洁燃料与清洁车辆全球伙伴关系PERSGA Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden保护红海和亚丁湾组织保护红海和亚丁湾环境区域组织PFII Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues 土著问题常设论坛土著问题常设论坛POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants 持久性有机污染物持久性有机污染物PRTR Pollutant Release and Transfer Register 污染物排放与转移登记制度污染物排放与转移登记制度ROPME Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment区域护洋组织保护海洋环境区域组织RS Regional Seas 区域海洋区域海洋SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 南盟南亚区域合作联盟SACEP South Asian Cooperative Environment Programme 南亚环境方案南亚合作环境方案SADC Southern Africa Development Community 南部非洲共同体南部非洲发展共同体SAS/SACEP South Asian Seas-South Asian Cooperative Environment Programme南亚海洋南亚环境方案南亚海洋南亚合作环境方案UNEP/GC.23/88SIDA Swedish International Development Agency 瑞典开发署瑞典国际开发署SIDS Small Island Developing States 小岛屿发展中国家小岛屿发展中国家SMEs Small and Medium Sized Enterprises 中小型企业中小型企业SRAP Sub-Regional Action Plan 分区域行动计划分区域行动计划THE PEP Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme 泛欧运输健康和环境方案泛欧运输健康和环境方案UCC-Water UNEP Collaborating Centre on Water and Environment / DHI 环境署合作中心丹麦水文所环境署水事和环境合作中心/丹麦水文所UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 防治荒漠化公约联合国防治荒漠化公约UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 贸发会议联合国贸易和发展会议UNDOALOS United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the law of the Sea海洋事务和海洋法司联合国海洋事务和海洋法司UNDP United Nations Development Programme 开发署联合国开发计划署UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经委会联合国非洲经济委员会UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经委会联合国欧洲经济委员会UNEP-WCMC UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre 养护监测中心环境规划署世界养护监测中心UNESCAP United Nations Economic and social Commission for Asia and Pacific亚太经社会联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization教科文组织联合国教育科学及文化组织UNESCO-IHE UNESCO Institute for Water Education / IHE 教科文组织水事教育研究所/基础设施水利和环境研究所联合国教科文组织水事教育研究所/基础设施水利和环境研究所UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 气候公约联合国气候变化框架公约UNFF United Nations Forum on Forests 森林论坛联合国森林问题论坛UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme 人居署联合国人类住区规划署UNICEF flUnited Nations Children s Fund 儿童基金会联合国儿童基金会UNICP United Nations Informal Consultative Process 非正式协商程序联合国非正式协商程序UNICPOLOS United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process onOceans and the Law of the Sea海洋非正式磋商程序联合国海洋事务不限成员名额非正式磋商程序UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization 工发组织联合国工业发展组织UNIFIP United Nations Fund for International Partnerships 合作基金联合国国际合作基金UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research 训研所联合国训练研究所UNOLA UN Office of Legal Affairs 法律事务厅联合国法律事务厅UNSD United Nations Statistical Division 统计司联合国统计司UNU United Nations University 联合国大学联合国大学UNEP/GC.23/89US NIEHS US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 美国国家环境卫生学会美国国家环境卫生学会WB World Bank 世行世界银行WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development 促发世商会促进可持续发展世界商业理事会WED World Environment Day 世界环境日世界环境日WHO World Health Organization 卫生组织世界卫生组织WIOMSA West Indian Ocean Marine Science Association 西印度洋海洋科学协会西印度洋海洋科学协会WOCA T World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies水土保持方法和技术概览世界水土保持方法和技术概览WSSCC Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council 供水和卫生合作理事会供水和卫生合作理事会WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development 可持续发展首脑会议可持续发展问题世界首脑会议WTO World Trade Organization 世贸组织世界贸易组织WTO/OMT World Tourism Organization 旅游组织世界旅游组织WWAP World Water Assessment Programme 水资源评估方案世界水资源评估方案WWDR World Water Development Report 水发展报告世界水发展报告WWF World Wide Fund for Nature 大自然基金世界大自然基金UNEP/GC.23/8。

国的主要司法机构,于1945年根据联合国宪章建立 起来,并在1946年作为常设国际法院的继承者开始 运行。国际法院由15名法官组成,法官任期9年, 由大会任命,必须来自不同的国家。
是联合国的主要合议性团体,包括联合国的所有会 员国,每年定期举行会议,但紧急会议随时可以召 开。大会由一位主席(由成员国中产生,根据区域 进行轮换)和21位副主席主持。第一次会议于1946 年1月10日在伦敦西敏卫理公会中央礼堂召开,有 自全球的公务人员协助运作。它为联合国机构召开 的会议提供研究、信息和设施,并根据安理会、大 会、经社理事会和其他机构的指示进行工作。
合作及发展方面对大会进行协助。经社理事会有54 个成员国,由大会选出,任期三年。主席同样选举 产生,任期一年,来自经社理事会中中等或较小的 成员国。理事会每年7月召开一次会议,会议地点 在纽约或是日内瓦。

这些组织和机构由联合国大会(General Assembly)授权,并有联合国定期预算。
它们每年直接或通过安理会和经社理事会(Security Council and Economic and Social Council)向联合国大会报告。

联合国机构名称联合国机构名称International Court of Justice 国际法院Security Council 安全理事会General Assembly 联合国大会Secretariat 秘书处Office of the Secretary General 秘书长办公室Office of Legal Affairs 法务局Department of Political and Security Council Affairs 政治安全局Department of Economic and Social Affairs 经济社会局Office of Public Information 公共资料处Department of Conference Services 会议局Office of General Services 总务处United Nation Conference on Trade and Development Secretariat联合国贸易开发事物局Unite Nation Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业开发机构United Nations Administrative Tribunal 联合国行政裁判所International Law Commission 国际法委员会United Nation s Commission on International Trade Law 国际贸易法委员会Committee on the peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the Ocean Floor beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction 公海海底海床和平利用特别委员会Enlarged Committee for Program and Coordination, ECPC扩大计划调整委员会Economic and Social Council 经济社会理事会Statistical Commission 统计委员会Population Commission 人口委员会Commission for Social Development 社会开发委员会Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会Commission on the Status of Women 妇女地位委员会Commission on Narcotic Drugs 麻醉药委员会Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 民间机构委员会Committee on Housing, Building and Planning 住宅建筑企划委员会Committee for Development Planning 开发计划委员会Special Committee on Peace-Keeping Operations 维护和平活动特别委员会United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易开发会议Trade and Development Board, TDB 联合国开发委员会United Nations Development Program, UNDP 联合国开发计划处United Nation Children's Fund, UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO联合国工业开发组织United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金会United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITR联合国调查训练研究所United Nations FAO Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Program 联合国FAO世界粮食计划国际委员会International Narcotics Control Board, INCB 国际麻醉药管制委员会Trusteeship Council 信托投资理事会International Labor Organization, ILO 国际劳工组织Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO 联合国粮食农业组织United Nation Educational Scientific and Culture Organization, UNESCO 联合国教育科学文化组织International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO 国际民间航空组织World Health Organization, WHO 世界卫生组织International Telecommunications Union, ITU 国际电信同盟World Meteorological Organization, WMO 世界气象组织Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟International Maritime Consultative Organization, IMCO 国际海事协议组织International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融组织International Monetary Fund, IMF 国际货币基金会International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD 世界银行International Development Association, IDA 国际开发协会General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT 有关关税贸易一般规定International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA 国际原子能组织World Federation of Trade Unions, WFTU 世界劳工组织International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟International Chamber of Commerce, ICC 国际工农商会International Federation of Agricultural Producers, IFAC 国际农业生产联盟Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU 诸国会议同盟International Organization of Employers, IOE 国际雇佣者组织World Veterans Federation, WVF 世界退伍军人联盟International Union of Local Authorities, IULA 世界地方自治联盟United Towns Organization, UTO 姊妹市团体联盟相关文档:••••••••••更多相关文档请访问:。

联合国机构一览表Organs of United Nationsaaaa1946年6月《联合国宪章》在美国旧金山签署,同年10月《宪章》生效,联合国正式成立。
主要机构及其附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构如下:大会General Assembly主要委员会:Main Committees:第一委员会(裁军和国际安全委员会)First Committee (Disarmament and International Security Committee)第二委员会(经济和财政委员会)Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee)第三委员会(社会、人道主义和文化委员会)Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee)第四委员会(政治和非殖民化委员会)Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization Committee)第五委员会(行政和预算委员会)Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Committe e)第六委员会(法律委员会)SixthCommittee (Legal Committee)特别政治委员会Special Political Committee程序委员会:Procedural Committee:总务委员会General Committee全权证书委员会Credentials Committee常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政和预算问题咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions-- ACABQ会费委员会Committee on Contributions国际公务员制度委员会International Civil Service Commission新闻委员会Committee on Information附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构:Subsidiary, Ad Hoc and Related Bodies:中部非洲安全常设委员会(1992年5月成立)Standing Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa大会临时委员会(俗称“小型联大”)Interim Committee of the General Assembly维持和平行动特别委员会Special Committee on Peace-Keeping O perations联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会Special Committee on the Charter of the United N ations and on theStrengthening of the Role of the Organization裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission -- UNDC世界裁军会议问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the World Disarmament Conference审查联合国在裁军领域所起作用特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of the Roleof the United Nations in the Field of Disarmament印度洋特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean和平利用外层空间委员会Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space -- COPUOS 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会(辐射科委会)United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation -- UNSCEAR调查和调解小组Panel for inquiry and Conciliation和平观察委员会Peace Observation Commission军事专家小组Panel of Military Experts联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine -- UNCCP 巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to C olonial Countries and Peoples种族隔离问题特别委员会Special Committee on Apartheid联合国南非信托基金委员会Committee of Trustees of the United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa联合国纳米比亚基金United Nations Fund for Namibia安哥拉情势问题小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)UnitedNations Conference on Trade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国贸发会议、世界贸易组织的国际贸易中心联合咨询小组Joint Advisory Group on the UNCTAD/WTO Inter national Trade Centre联合国防治艾滋病联合计划署United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS -- UNAIDS联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UNDP联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations Industrial Development Organization -- UNIDO联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations EnvironmentProgramme -- UNEP联合国特别基金United Nations Special Fund -- UNSF联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNPF世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP联合国人类住区(生境)委员会United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UNCHS (Ha bitat)联合国系统结构问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Structure of the United Nations System改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System世界粮食理事会World Food Council-- WFC联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations Institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNU青年问题特设咨询小组Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Youth联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund --UNICEF消除种族歧视委员会Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination -- CERD联合国人权奖得奖人遴选事宜特别委员会Special Committee to Select the Winners of the United Nations Hu man Rights Prize联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -- UNHCR领土庇护公约草案专家小组Group of Experts on the Draft Convention on Terrtiorial Asylum国际妇女年会议协商委员会审计委员会Board of Auditors外聘审计团Panel of ExternalAuditors联合检查组(联检组)nt Inspection Unit-JIU货币不稳定问题工作组Working Group on Currency Instability新闻工作协商小组Consultative Panel on PublicInformation会议委员会Committee on Conferences联合国方案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery联合国财政紧急情况协商委员会Negotiating Committee on the Financial Emergency of the United Nations联合国行政法庭United Nations Administrative Tribunal申请复核行政法庭判决事宜委员会Committee on Applications for Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements国际法委员会International Law Commission -- ILC联合国宪章特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Charter of the United Nations自然资源永久主权委员会mission of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources联合国国际法教学、研究、传播和普及的援助方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemi nation and Wider Appreciation of International Law联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委会)United Nations Commission on International Trade Law-- UNCITRAL与东道国关系委员会Committee on Relations with the Host Country国际原子能机构International atomic Energy Agency -- IAEA信息与资料中心(设在华沙,1995年10月正式使用)Information and Data Center增强国际关系中不使用武力原则效力问题特别委员会Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principleof Non-use of force in InternationalRelations安全理事会(安理会)Security Council下设机构:联合国军事参谋团(军参团)Military Staff Committee -- UNMSC裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission-- UNDC集体措施委员会CollectiveMeasures Committee联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)United Nations Reliefand Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Fast -- UNRW A常设机构:Standing Committees:专家委员会Committee of Experts接纳新会员国委员会Committee on the Admission of New Members安全理事会在总部以外地点开会问题委员会Committee on Council Meetings Away from Headquarters特设机构:Ad Hoc Committees:联合国印度尼西亚问题委员会United Nations Commission for Indonesia联合国停战监督组织United Nations TruceSupervision Organization -- UNTSO联合国驻印度巴基斯坦军事观察小组United Nations Military Observer Group on India and Pakistan-UNMOGIP反对种族隔离特别委员会Special Committee Against Apartheid联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队)United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus -- UNFICYP联合国紧急部队(紧急部队)United Nations Emergency Force -- UNEF联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)United NationsDisengagement Observer force -- UNDOF根据安全理事会第253(1968)号决议设立的委员会(有关制裁罗得西亚的实施情况)Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution 253 (1968) Concerning the Question of Southern Rhodesia微小国家”问题专家委员会Committee of Expertson the Question of Micro-States调查以色列侵犯占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权行为特别委员会Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories联合国监督伊拉克销毁化学、生物和核武器特别委员会U.N. Special Commission Supervising the Destruction of Iraq's Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Weapons -- UNSCOM联合国驻马其顿共和国预防性部署部队U.N. Prevention Deployment Force in theFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- UNPREDEP联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西斯雷姆地区过渡行政当局(东斯过渡当局)U.N. TransitionalAdministration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and W estern Sirmium -- UNTAES联合国驻普雷夫拉卡半岛军事观察团(联普观察团)U.N. Mission of Observers in Prevlaka -- UNMOP联合国驻格鲁吉亚观察团(联格观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Georgia-- UNOMIG联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)U.N. interim force in Lebanon -- UNIFIL联合国伊拉克-科威特军事观察团(伊科观察团)U.N. Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission -- UNIKOM联合国安哥拉观察团U.N. Angola Observer Mission联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(西撒特派团)U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara -- MINURSO联合国利比里亚观察团(联利观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Liberia -- UNOMIL国际警察工作队International Police Task Force -- IPTF联合国多国稳定部队U.N. Multinational Stabilization Force -- SFOR联合国驻塔吉克斯坦观察团(联塔观察团)U.N.Mission of Observers in Tajikistan联合国海地支助团U.N. Support Mission in Haiti -- UNSMIH联合国危地马拉军事观察团U.N. Missionof Military Observers in Guatemala联合国经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)United Nations Economic and Social Council -- ECOSOC会期委员会:Sessional Committees第一(经济)委员会First (Economic) Committee第二(社会)委员会Second (Social) Committee第三(计划和协调)委员会Third (Programme and Co-Ordination) Committee职司委员会:Functional Commissions:防止犯罪和刑事司法委员会(1992年设立)Commission on Crime Prevention and Cri minal Justice人权委员会Commission on Human Rights麻醉品委员会Commission on Narcotic Drugs社会发展委员会Commission for Social Development妇女地位委员会Commission on the Status of Women可持续发展委员会Commission on Sustainable Development(1993年2月12日设立)人口委员会Population Commission统计委员会Statistical Commission区域委员会:Regional Commissions:非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa -- ECA欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Europe -- ECE拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean -- ECLAC亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)Economic and Social Commission for Asia andthe Pacific -- ESCAP西亚经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commissio for Western Asia -- ESCW A常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政协调委员会Administrative Committee on Co-Ordination -- ACC发展规划委员会Committee for Development Planning -- CDP危险物品运输问题专家委员会Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods人类住区委员会Commission on Human Settlement自然资源委员会Committee on Natural Resources -- CNR与政府间机构商谈委员会Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies非政府组织委员会Committee on Non-governmental Organizations方案和协调委员会Committee for Programme and Co-ordination -- CPC跨国公司委员会Commission on Transnational Corporations -- CTC特设机构和其他有关机构:Ad Hoc Bodies Other Related Bodies:联合国人口与发展委员会U.N. Commission on Population and Development联合国国际麻醉品管制署United Nations International Drug Control Programme -- UNIDCP世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP世界粮食理事会(粮食理事会)World Food Council -- WFC联合国社会发展研究所(社发研究所)United Nations Research institute for Social Development -- UNRISD联合国特别基金会United Nations Special Fund-- UNSF联合国地名专家小组UnitedNations Group of Experts on Geographical Names发达国家和发展中国家间税务条约专家小组Group ofExperts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries设立提高妇女地位国际研究训练所问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Establishment of an International Research and Training institute for the Advancement of Women联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)United Nations Conference onTrade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund-- UNICEF联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees - UNHCR联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UNDP联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations Environment Programme -- UNEP联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNFPA联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNUFAO联合国人类住区(生境)中心United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UN CHS (habitat)与经社理事会有关的专门机构和独立组织:世界贸易组织World Trade Organization -- WTO国际劳工组织International Labor Organization -- ILO联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -- FAO联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- UNESCO世界卫生组织World HealthOrganization -- WHO国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund -- IMF国际开发协会Internatoinal Development Association -- IDA国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)International Bank for Reconstruction and Development -- IBRD国际金融公司International Finance Corporation -- IFC国际民用航空组织International Civil Aviation Organization -- ICAO万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union -- UPU国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union -- ITU世界气象组织World Meterological Organization -- WMO国际海事组织International Maritime Organization -- IMO世界知识产权组织World intellectual Property Organization -- WIPO国际农业发展基金会(农发基会)International Fund for Agricultural Development -- IFAD联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations industrial Developmen t Organization -- UNIDO托管理事会Trusteeship Council国际法院International Courtof Justice -- ICJ下设:简易程序分庭Chamber of Summary Procedure预算和行政委员会Budgetrary and Administrative Co mmittee关系委员会Committee on Relations图书馆委员会Library Committee修订国际法规约委员会Committee for the Revision of the Rules of the Court审判前南斯拉夫战犯法庭International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia -- ICTY卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭International Criminal Tribuanal forRwanda -- ICTR国际海洋法法庭International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea -- ITLS秘书处United Nations Secretariat主要机构:秘书长办公厅Executive officeof the Secretary-General负责特别政治事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs负责政治和大会事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and GeneralAssembly Affairs负责特别政治问题的助理秘书长办公室Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Political andGeneral Assembly Affairs法律事务厅Office of Legal Affairs -- EEG机构间事务和协调厅Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination政治和安全理事会事务部Department of Political and Security Council Affai rs -- DPSCA/PSCA政治事务、托管和非殖民化部Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and De-Colonization国际经济和社会事务部Department of International Economic and Social Affairs联合国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations行政和管理事务部Department of Administration and Management会议事务部Department of ConferenceServices新闻部Office of PublicInformation联合国日内瓦办事处United Nations office at Geneva。
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联合国机构一览表联合国机构一览表Organs of United Nationsaaaa1946年6月《联合国宪章》在美国旧金山签署,同年10月《宪章》生效,联合国正式成立。
主要机构及其附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构如下:大会General Assembly主要委员会:Main Committees:第一委员会(裁军和国际安全委员会)First Committee (Disarmament and International Security Committee)第二委员会(经济和财政委员会)Second Committee (Economic and Financial Committee)第三委员会(社会、人道主义和文化委员会)Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee)第四委员会(政治和非殖民化委员会)Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization Committee)第五委员会(行政和预算委员会)Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Committee)第六委员会(法律委员会)SixthCommittee (Legal Committee)特别政治委员会Special Political Committee程序委员会:Procedural Committee:总务委员会General Committee全权证书委员会Credentials Committee常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政和预算问题咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions-- ACABQ会费委员会Committee on Contributions国际公务员制度委员会International Civil Service Commission新闻委员会Committee on Information附属机构、特设机构和其他有关机构:Subsidiary, Ad Hoc and Related Bodies:中部非洲安全常设委员会(1992年5月成立)Standing Committee on Security Questions in CentralAfrica大会临时委员会(俗称“小型联大”)Interim Committee of the General Assembly维持和平行动特别委员会Special Committee on Peace-Keeping O perations联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on theStrengthening of the Role of the Organization裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission -- UNDC世界裁军会议问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the World Disarmamen t Conference审查联合国在裁军领域所起作用特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Disarmament印度洋特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean和平利用外层空间委员会Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space -- COPUOS联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会(辐射科委会)United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of AtomicRadiation -- UNSCEAR调查和调解小组Panel for inquiry and Conciliation和平观察委员会Peace Observation Commission军事专家小组Panel of Military Experts联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine -- UNCCP巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of thePalestinian People给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementationof the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples种族隔离问题特别委员会Special Committee on Apartheid联合国南非信托基金委员会Committee of Trustees of the United Nations Trust Fund for SouthAfrica联合国纳米比亚基金United Nations Fund for Namibia安哥拉情势问题小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)UnitedNations Conference on Trade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国贸发会议、世界贸易组织的国际贸易中心联合咨询小组Joint Advisory Group on the UNCTAD/WTO International Trade Centre联合国防治艾滋病联合计划署United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS -- UNAIDS联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UNDP联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations Industrial Development Organization -- UNIDO联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations Environment Programme -- UNEP联合国特别基金United Nations Special Fund -- UNSF联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNPF世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP联合国人类住区(生境)委员会United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UNCHS (Habitat)联合国系统结构问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Structure of the United Nations System改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System世界粮食理事会World Food Council-- WFC联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations Institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNU青年问题特设咨询小组Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Youth联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund --UNICEF消除种族歧视委员会Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination -- CERD联合国人权奖得奖人遴选事宜特别委员会Special Committee to Select the Winners of the United Nations Human Rights Prize联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -- UNHCR领土庇护公约草案专家小组Group of Experts on the Draft Convention on Terrtiorial Asylum国际妇女年会议协商委员会审计委员会Board of Auditors外聘审计团Panel of ExternalAuditors联合检查组(联检组)Joint Inspection Unit-JIU货币不稳定问题工作组Working Group on Currency Instability新闻工作协商小组Consultative Panel on Public Information会议委员会Committee on Conferences联合国方案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and BudgetMachinery联合国财政紧急情况协商委员会Negotiating Committee on the Financial Emergency of theUnited Nations联合国行政法庭United Nations Administrative Tribunal申请复核行政法庭判决事宜委员会Committee on Applications for Review of Administrative TribunalJudgements国际法委员会International Law Commission -- ILC联合国宪章特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Charter of the UnitedNations自然资源永久主权委员会Commission of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources联合国国际法教学、研究、传播和普及的援助方案咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the United Nations Pro gramme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委会)United Nations Commission on International Trade Law-- UNCITRAL与东道国关系委员会Committee on Relations with the Host Country国际原子能机构International atomic Energy Agency -- IAEA信息与资料中心(设在华沙,1995年10月正式使用)Information and Data Center增强国际关系中不使用武力原则效力问题特别委员会Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principleof Non-use of force in InternationalRelations安全理事会(安理会)Security Council下设机构:联合国军事参谋团(军参团)Military Staff Committee -- UNMSC裁军审议委员会Disarmament Commission-- UNDC集体措施委员会CollectiveMeasures Committee联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)United Nations Reliefand Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the NearFast -- UNRWA常设机构:Standing Committees:专家委员会Committee of Experts接纳新会员国委员会Committee on the Admission of New Members安全理事会在总部以外地点开会问题委员会Committee on Council Meetings Away from Headquarters特设机构:Ad Hoc Committees:联合国印度尼西亚问题委员会United Nations Commission for Indonesia联合国停战监督组织United Nations TruceSupervision Organization -- UNTSO联合国驻印度巴基斯坦军事观察小组United Nations Military Observer Group on India and Pakistan-UNMOGIP反对种族隔离特别委员会Special Committee Against Apartheid联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队)United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus -- UNFICYP联合国紧急部队(紧急部队)United Nations Emergency Force -- UNEF联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)United NationsDisengagement Observer force -- UNDOF根据安全理事会第253(1968)号决议设立的委员会(有关制裁罗得西亚的实施情况)Security Council Committee Established in Pursuance of Resolution 253 (1968) Concerning the Question of Southern Rhodesia微小国家”问题专家委员会Committee of Expertson the Question of Micro-States调查以色列侵犯占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权行为特别委员会Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories联合国监督伊拉克销毁化学、生物和核武器特别委员会U.N. Special Commission Supervising the Destruction of Iraq's Chemical, Biological and NuclearWeapons -- UNSCOM联合国驻马其顿共和国预防性部署部队U.N. Prevention Deployment Force in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- UNPREDEP联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西斯雷姆地区过渡行政当局(东斯过渡当局)U.N. TransitionalAdministration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium -- UNTAES联合国驻普雷夫拉卡半岛军事观察团(联普观察团)U.N. Mission of Observers in Prevlaka -- UNMOP联合国驻格鲁吉亚观察团(联格观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Georgia-- UNOMIG联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)U.N. interim force in Lebanon -- UNIFIL联合国伊拉克-科威特军事观察团(伊科观察团)U.N. Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission -- UNIKOM联合国安哥拉观察团U.N. Angola Observer Mission联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(西撒特派团)U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara -- MINURSO联合国利比里亚观察团(联利观察团)U.N. Observer Mission in Liberia -- UNOMIL国际警察工作队International Police Task Force -- IPTF联合国多国稳定部队U.N. Multinational Stabilization Force -- SFOR联合国驻塔吉克斯坦观察团(联塔观察团)U.N.Mission of Observers in Tajikistan联合国海地支助团U.N. Support Mission in Haiti -- UNSMIH联合国危地马拉军事观察团U.N. Missionof Military Observers in Guatemala联合国经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)United Nations Economic and Social Council -- ECOSOC会期委员会:Sessional Committees第一(经济)委员会First (Economic) Committee第二(社会)委员会Second (Social) Committee第三(计划和协调)委员会Third (Programme and Co-Ordi nation) Committee职司委员会:Functional Commissions:防止犯罪和刑事司法委员会(1992年设立)Commission on Crime Prevention and Cri minal Justice人权委员会Commission on Human Rights麻醉品委员会Commission on Narcotic Drugs社会发展委员会Commission for Social Development妇女地位委员会Commission on the Status of Women可持续发展委员会Commission on Sustainable Development(1993年2月12日设立)人口委员会Population Commission统计委员会Statistical Commission区域委员会:Regional Commissions:非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa -- ECA欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Europe -- ECE拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean-- ECLAC亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific -- ESCAP西亚经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commissio for Western Asia -- ESCWA常设委员会:Standing Committees:行政协调委员会Administrative Committee on Co-Ordination -- ACC发展规划委员会Committee for Development Planning -- CDP危险物品运输问题专家委员会Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods人类住区委员会Commission on Human Settlement自然资源委员会Committee on Natural Resources -- CNR与政府间机构商谈委员会Committee on Negotiations with IntergovernmentalAgencies非政府组织委员会Committee on Non-governmental Organizations方案和协调委员会Committee for Programme and Co-ordination -- CPC跨国公司委员会Commission on Transnational Corporations -- CTC特设机构和其他有关机构:Ad Hoc Bodies Other Related Bodies:联合国人口与发展委员会U.N. Commission on Population and Development联合国国际麻醉品管制署United Nations International Drug Control Programme-- UNIDCP世界粮食计划署World Food Programme -- WFP世界粮食理事会(粮食理事会)World Food Council -- WFC联合国社会发展研究所(社发研究所)United Nations Research institute for Social Development -- UNRISD联合国特别基金会United Nations Special Fund-- UNSF联合国地名专家小组UnitedNations Group of Experts on Geographical Names发达国家和发展中国家间税务条约专家小组Group ofExperts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and DevelopingCountries设立提高妇女地位国际研究训练所问题专家小组Group of Experts on the Establishment of an International Research and Training institute for the Advancement of Women联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)United Nations Conference onTrade and Development -- UNCTAD联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)United Nations Children's Fund-- UNICEF联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)Office of the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees - UNHCR联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)United Nations Development Programme -- UN DP联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)United Nations Environment Programme -- UNEP联合国人口基金会United Nations Population Fund -- UNFPA联合国训练研究所(训研所)United Nations institute for Training and Research -- UNITAR联合国大学United Nations University -- UNUFAO联合国人类住区(生境)中心United Nations Commission on Human Settlements -- UNCHS (habitat)与经社理事会有关的专门机构和独立组织:世界贸易组织World Trade Organization -- WTO国际劳工组织International Labor Organization -- ILO联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -- FAO联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization --UNESCO世界卫生组织World HealthOrganization -- WHO国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund -- IMF国际开发协会Internatoinal Development Association -- IDA国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)International Bank for Reconstruction and Development -- IBRD国际金融公司International Finance Corporation -- IFC国际民用航空组织International Civil Aviation Organization -- ICAO万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union -- UPU国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union -- ITU世界气象组织World Meterological Organization -- WMO国际海事组织International Maritime Organization -- I MO世界知识产权组织World intellectual Property Organization -- WIPO国际农业发展基金会(农发基会)International Fund for Agricultural Development -- IFAD联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)United Nations industrial Developmen t Organization -- UNIDO托管理事会Trusteeship Council国际法院International Courtof Justice -- ICJ下设:简易程序分庭Chamber of Summary Procedure预算和行政委员会Budgetrary and Administrative Co mmittee关系委员会Committee on Relations图书馆委员会Library Committee修订国际法规约委员会Committee for the Revision of the Rules of the Court审判前南斯拉夫战犯法庭International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia -- ICTY卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭International Criminal Tribuanal for Rwanda -- ICTR国际海洋法法庭International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea -- ITLS秘书处United Nations Secretariat主要机构:秘书长办公厅Executive officeof the Secretary-General负责特别政治事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs负责政治和大会事务的副秘书长办公室Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and GeneralAssembly Affairs负责特别政治问题的助理秘书长办公室Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for PoliticalandGeneral Assembly Affairs法律事务厅Office of Legal Affairs -- EEG机构间事务和协调厅Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination政治和安全理事会事务部Department of Political and Security Council Affairs -- DPSCA/PSCA政治事务、托管和非殖民化部Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and De-Colonization国际经济和社会事务部Department of International Economic and Social Affairs联合国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations行政和管理事务部Department of Administration and Management会议事务部Department of ConferenceServices新闻部Office of PublicInformation联合国日内瓦办事处United Nations office at Geneva。