下面是对货币政策理论的详细解答:1. 名义货币供应量(M)的组成包括现金(C)和存款(D)。
2. 通货膨胀率是衡量物价水平变化的指标,它与货币供应量的增长率和经济产出的增长率密切相关。
3. 货币与经济产出之间的关系可以通过费雪方程(MV = PY)来描述。
4. 货币政策工具包括公开市场操作、存款准备金率、利率调整等。
下面是对投资组合理论的详细解答:1. 投资组合的关键是在不同的资产之间寻求相关性较小或负相关的资产以降低系统风险。
2. 投资者可以通过构建有效前沿曲线来选择最优投资组合。
3. 马科维茨提出了资本资产定价模型(CAPM),该模型可以帮助投资者确定资产的预期收益率。
金融学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 货币的基本职能是()。
A. 价值尺度和流通手段B. 价值尺度和贮藏手段C. 流通手段和支付手段D. 贮藏手段和支付手段答案:A2. 金融市场的主要功能不包括()。
A. 资金融通B. 风险分散C. 价格发现D. 产品生产答案:D3. 以下哪项不是商业银行的三大业务?()A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 投资业务D. 保险业务答案:D4. 股票的内在价值是指()。
A. 股票的市场价格B. 股票的理论价值C. 股票的历史价格D. 股票的面值答案:B5. 以下哪个不是金融衍生品?()A. 期货B. 期权C. 股票D. 互换答案:C6. 以下哪个是货币政策工具?()A. 利率B. 存款准备金率C. 股票价格D. 汇率答案:B7. 以下哪个是直接融资方式?()A. 银行贷款B. 发行债券C. 股票投资D. 保险答案:B8. 以下哪个是金融监管的主要目标?()A. 保护投资者利益B. 提高金融市场效率C. 促进金融创新D. 增加金融机构利润答案:A9. 以下哪个是金融风险管理的主要方法?()A. 风险转移B. 风险消除C. 风险接受D. 风险规避答案:A10. 以下哪个不是金融市场的参与者?()A. 政府B. 企业C. 个人D. 非营利组织答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些属于金融市场的类型?()A. 货币市场B. 股票市场C. 商品市场D. 债券市场答案:ABD2. 以下哪些是金融工具的特点?()A. 流动性B. 收益性C. 风险性D. 可持续性答案:ABC3. 以下哪些是影响股票价格的因素?()A. 公司业绩B. 利率水平C. 通货膨胀D. 政府政策答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是金融监管的内容?()A. 市场准入监管B. 市场行为监管C. 市场退出监管D. 市场信息披露答案:ABCD5. 以下哪些是金融创新的表现形式?()A. 金融产品创新B. 金融服务创新C. 金融制度创新D. 金融技术创新答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 货币供应量增加一定会导致通货膨胀。
第一章:金融学导论1. 金融学的定义是什么?金融学是研究个人、组织和政府如何有效地获取、使用和管理资金的学科。
2. 金融市场的功能有哪些?金融市场的功能包括资金配置、风险管理、信息传递和资源分配等。
3. 金融市场的分类有哪些?金融市场可以分为货币市场和资本市场两大类。
4. 金融机构的作用是什么?金融机构的作用包括资金的中介、风险管理、信息传递和支付清算等。
5. 金融工具的种类有哪些?金融工具的种类包括股票、债券、期货、期权等。
第二章:金融市场与金融机构1. 什么是货币市场?货币市场是指短期资金融通和短期证券交易的市场,包括银行间市场、票据市场等。
2. 什么是资本市场?资本市场是指长期资金融通和长期证券交易的市场,包括股票市场、债券市场等。
3. 金融机构的分类有哪些?金融机构可以分为商业银行、证券公司、保险公司等。
4. 什么是金融创新?金融创新是指金融机构和金融市场不断推出新的金融产品和服务的过程。
5. 金融市场的发展对经济有什么影响?金融市场的发展可以促进经济的增长和稳定,并提高资源配置的效率。
第三章:金融工具与金融市场1. 什么是股票?股票是一种代表股东所有权的金融工具,它代表了对公司所有资产和收益的权益。
2. 什么是债券?债券是一种代表债权人债权的金融工具,它代表了债务人对债权人的偿还承诺。
3. 什么是期货?期货是一种标准化合约,约定在未来某个时间以约定价格交割一定数量的标的资产。
4. 什么是期权?期权是一种购买或出售标的资产的权利,但并不是义务。
5. 金融市场的价格形成机制有哪些?金融市场的价格形成机制包括竞价定价、议价定价和指数定价等。
金融学课后答案What is a classic? It takes about 100 years to become a classic.Chapter1一.名词解释1.价值尺度:价值尺度是指货币赋予交易对象以价格形态的职能;2.无限法偿:无限法偿是指法律规定的无限制偿付能力,其含义是:法律保护取得这种能力的货币,不论每次支付数额多大,不论属于何种性质的支付,即不论是购买商品、支付服务、结清债务、缴纳税款等,支付的对方均不得拒绝接受;3.一般等价物一般等价物是指从商品中分离出来的充当其他一切商品的统一价值表现的商品,它的出现是商品生产和交换发展的必然结果;4.信用货币信用货币又称不兑现纸币,是指货币本身价值低于货币价值,而且不能兑换成贵金属的货币;5.货币流动性货币流动性是指不同的信用工具在市场上能够转化为直接支付能力的速度和方便程度;流动性高,即转化为直接支付能力的能力强;流动性低,即转化为直接支付能力的弱;二.判断题1.有限法偿只要是对本位币规定的,其含义是:在一次支付行为中,超过一定的金额,收款人有权拒收;在法定限额内,拒收则不受法律保护;错有限发偿主要是对辅币规定2.金属货币制发挥蓄水池功能的前提是要有足够大的币材金属贮藏;对3.铸造重量大、成色好的铸币是古代货币流通中反复发生的行为;错铸造重量轻,成色差的4.把各国不同货币的购买力加以比较,即可比出名称不同的货币单位相互之间的比值;对5.本位币的面值大多是辅币的1/10、1/100.错辅币的是本位币的1/10、1/100.6.强调货币的存在乃客观经济生活发展的必然,是通向认识本质的正确思路;循着这条思路,马克思用最完整的劳动价值论对货币产生的论证有划时代的意义;对7.银行券是一种信用货币;对8.香港特别行政区实行外汇管制;错回归后不实行外汇管制三.不定项选择题1.中国最早的铸币金属是AA铜B银C铁D贝2.在生活中,会用到的货币有ABCDA家庭与个人B公司、企业C非营利性的机关、团体D财政3.在我国的货币层次划分中,M2等于M1与准货币的加总,准货币包括CA长期存款B短期存款C长短期存款之和D公众持有的现金4.纸币的发行是建立在货币B职能的基础上的;A价值尺度B流通手段C支付手段D储藏手段5.在信用活动中,货币发挥的职能通常是BA储藏手段B支付手段C流通手段D价值尺度6.作为流通手段职能的货币是BA价值符号B现实的货币C信用货币D观念上的货币7.金本位制度下,汇价的基本决定因素是AA铸币平价B商品的价格C货币购买力D物价指数8.经济对货币的需求包括对BCA储藏手段的需求B流通手段的需求C支付手段的需求D世界货币的需求9.货币所具有的特征是ACDA表现商品价值B在世界范围内流通C衡量商品价值D与一切商品相交换10.我国的人民币制度属于DA金本位制B银本位制C金银复本位制D不兑现信用货币制度11.下列哪项说法不属于法定货币的特征DA可代替金属货币B代表是指商品或货物C发行者无将其兑现为实物的义务D不是足值货币12.格雷欣法则起作用于以下哪种货币本位制度BA平行本位制B双本位制C跛行本位制D单本位制13.国内只流通银行券且不能兑换黄金,国际储备除黄金外还有一定比例的外汇,外汇在国外才可兑换黄金,黄金是最后的支付手段,直射D的特点;A金块本位制B金币本位制C金条本位制D金汇兑本位制14.对货币单位的理解正确的有BEA国家法定的货币计量单位B规定了货币单位的名称C规定了本位币的币材D确定技术标准E规定了货币单位所含的货币金属量五.论述1.试论述对货币本质的理解;a对货币本质的理解,许多学说各有论述,观点不一;货币金属主义把货币定义为财富,认为货币就是金属;货币明目主义认为货币是国家创造的价值符号或票券;凯恩斯把货币定义为国家通过法律强制流通的国家创造物等等;这些观点多从经济现象的表面论证货币的本质,虽有一定合理的成分,却缺乏科学的解释;b马克思从货币的起源和逻辑分析的角度认识货币的本质是具有科学性的;马克思认为货币是固定充当一般等价物的特殊商品,他认为货币是一个历史的经济范畴,起源与商品的生产和交换的发展;随着经济社会的发展,从商品内在矛盾的冲突中可以得出交换是解决矛盾的唯一途径;从交换的发展所引起的价值形态演变中可以看出货币是价值形态发展的必然结果;c马克思的货币本质观表明了货币与商品世界的对应关系,这一分析有助于理解货币外在形式的不断变化并不改变货币的本质;2.试论述货币在经济发展中的作用;a赋予交易对象以价格形态,使商品和服务能够相互比较;b货币是商品实现价值的媒介物,现代经济活动中的生产、流通、交换、消费过程都离不开货币的作用;c现代经济是信用经济,实际交易过程发生大量的债券债务关系,货币成为重要的支付手段和结算工具,它对市场的正常运作、债权债务的清偿具有重要作用;d货币也是现代经济发展中储蓄和投资的重要工具;对储蓄资源的分配和投资活动发挥了巨大作用;货币能通过利率机制对投资活动进行刺激,并对国民经济发挥作用;马克思称货币是“经济发展的第一推动力”;。
金融学题库及答案详解一、单选题1. 金融学是研究什么的学科?A. 金融市场与金融机构B. 金融工具与金融产品C. 金融风险与金融监管D. 所有上述选项2. 以下哪个不是金融市场的基本功能?A. 资源配置B. 风险管理C. 信息传递D. 商品交易3. 现代金融体系中,银行扮演的角色是什么?A. 资金中介B. 风险承担者C. 信息提供者D. 所有上述选项4. 股票市场和债券市场分别属于以下哪种市场?A. 一级市场和二级市场B. 初级市场和次级市场C. 公开市场和非公开市场D. 资本市场和货币市场5. 以下哪个是金融衍生品?A. 股票B. 债券C. 期权D. 存款二、多选题6. 金融市场的参与者包括:A. 投资者B. 融资者C. 监管机构D. 金融机构7. 以下哪些是金融监管的目的?A. 保护投资者利益B. 维护市场秩序C. 促进金融创新D. 防范金融风险8. 金融产品的主要类型包括:A. 固定收益产品B. 权益类产品C. 衍生品D. 商品三、判断题9. 金融学是一门应用性很强的学科,需要结合实际案例进行学习。
()10. 金融创新可以完全消除金融风险。
()四、简答题11. 简述金融学的主要研究内容。
五、论述题12. 论述金融市场的功能及其在经济发展中的作用。
六、案例分析题13. 某公司计划通过发行股票来筹集资金,分析其可能面临的风险以及如何进行风险管理。
七、计算题14. 假设你购买了一份面值为1000元,年利率为5%的债券,如果持有两年后卖出,计算你的总收益。
八、答案详解1. 答案:D。
2. 答案:D。
3. 答案:D。
4. 答案:D。
《⾦融学(第⼆版)》讲义⼤纲及课后习题答案详解⼗三章CHAPTER 13THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODELObjectivesExplain the theory behind the CAPM.Explain how to use the CAPM to establish benchmarks for measuring the performance of investment portfolios. Explain how to infer from the CAPM the correct risk-adjusted discount rate to use in discounted-cash-flow valuation models. Explain the APT and its relationship to the CAPM.Outline13.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model in Brief13.2 Determinants of the Risk Premium on the Market Portfolio13.3 Beta and Risk Premiums on Individual Securities13.4 Using the CAPM in Portfolio Selection13.5 Valuation and Regulating Rates of Return13.6 Extensions, Modifications, and Alternatives to the CAPMSummaryThe CAPM has three main implications:In equilibrium, ev eryone’s relative holding of risky assets are the same as in the market portfolio.The size of the risk-premium of the market portfolio is determined by the risk-aversion of investors.The risk premium on any asset is equal to its beta times the risk premium on the market portfolio.Whether or not the CAPM is strictly true, it provides a rationale for a very simple passive portfolio strategy: Diversify your holdings of risky assets in the proportions of the market portfolio, andMix this portfolio with the risk-free asset to achieve a desired risk-reward combination.The CAPM is used in portfolio management primarily in two ways:To establish a logical and convenient starting point in asset allocation and security selectionTo establish a benchmark for evaluating portfolio management ability on a risk-adjusted basis.In corporate finance the CAPM is used to determine the appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate in valuation models of the firm and in capital budgeting decisions. The CAPM is also used to establish a “fair” rate of return on invested capital for regulated firms and in cost-plus pricing.Today few financial scholars consider the CAPM in its simplest form to be an accurate model for explaining or predicting risk premiums on risky assets. However, modified versions of the model are still a central feature of the theory and practice of finance.The APT gives a rationale for the expected return-beta relationship that relies on the condition that there be no arbitrage profit opportunities; the CAPM requires that investors be portfolio optimizers. The APT and CAPM are not incompatible; rather, they complement each other.Solutions to Problems at End of ChapterComposition of the Market Portfolio1. Capital markets in Flatland exhibit trade in four securities, the stocks X, Y and Z, and a risklessgovernment security. Evaluated at current prices in US dollars, the total market values of these assets are, respectively, $24 billion, $36 billion, $24 billion and $16 billion.a. Determine the relative proportions of each asset in the market portfolio.b. If one trader with a $100,000 portfolio holds $40,000 in the riskless security, $15,000 in X, $12,000 in Y, and$33,000 in Z, determine the holdings of the three risky assets of a second trader who invests $20, 000 of a $200, 000 portfolio in the riskless security.SOLUTION:The total value of all assets in the economy is 100 billion dollars. a. The proportions of each asset relative to the value of all assets are, respectively, .24 (X), .36 (Y),b. .24 (Z) and .16 (riskless bond.) The proportions of each risky asset to the total value of all risky assets are, respectively, (2/7) (X), (3/7) (Y) and (2/7) (Z).c. . Ignore the question as it appears in the First Edition of the textbook. Instead, the question should be: If aninvestor has $100,000 with $30,000 invested in the riskless asset, how much is invested in securities X, Y, and Z? The answer to this question is $20,000 in X and Z, and $30,000 in Y.Implications of CAPM2. The riskless rate of interest is .06 per year, and the expected rate of return on the market portfolio is .15 per year.a. According to the CAPM , what is the efficient way for an investor to achieve an expected rate of returnof .10 per year?b. If the standard deviation of the rate of return on the market portfolio is .20, what is the standarddeviation on the above portfolio?c. Draw the CML and locate the foregoing portfolio on the same graph.d. Draw the SML and locate the foregoing portfolio on the same graph.e. Estimate the value of a stock with an expected dividend per share of $5 this coming year, an expecteddividend growth rate of 4% per year forever, and a beta of .8. If its market price is less than the value you have estimated, i.e., if it is under-priced, what is true of its mean rate of return?SOLUTION: a.So one would hold a portfolio that is 4/9 invested in the market portfolio and 5/9 in the riskless asset. b.c. The formula for the CML is9415.)1(06.10.)()1()(=+-=?+-?=x xx x r E x r r E M f 08889.)20(.94==?=M x σσσσσ45.06.)()(+=-+=MfM f r r E r r Ed. The formula for the SML ise. Use constant growth rate DDM and find r using the SML relationIf the market price of the stock is less than this, then its expected return is higher than the 13.2% required rate.()ββ09.06.)()(+=-+=f M f r r E r r E 35.54$04.132.504.510=-=-=-=r g r D Pβr3. If the CAPM is valid, which of the following situations is possible? Explain. Consider each situation independently. a.PortfolioExpected ReturnBeta A 0.20 1.4B 0.25 1.2b.PortfolioExpected ReturnStandard DeviationA 0.300.35B 0.400.25c.Portfolio Expected ReturnStandard DeviationRisk-free 0.100Market 0.180.24A 0.160.12d.Portfolio Expected ReturnStandard DeviationRisk-free 0.100Market 0.180.24A0.200.22SOLUTION:a. Impossible. Since the risk premium on the market portfolio is positive, a security with a higher beta must have ahigher expected return.b. Possible. Since portfolios A & B are not necessarily efficient, A can have a higher standard deviation and alower expected return than B.c. Impossible. Portfolio A lies above the CML, implying that the CML is not efficient. If the standard deviation ofA is .12, then according to the CML its expected return cannot be greater than .14.d. Impossible. Portfolio A has a lower standard deviation and a higher mean return than the market portfolio,implying that the market portfolio is not efficient.4. If the Treasury bill rate is currently 4% and the expected return to the market portfolio over the same period is 12%, determine the risk premium on the market. If the standard deviation of the return on the market is .20, what is the equation of the Capital Market Line?SOLUTION: The risk premium on the market portfolio is .08. The slope of the CML is .08/.2 = .4. Thus, the equation of the CML is:Determinants of the Market Risk Premium5. Consider an economy in which the expected return on the market portfolio over a particular period is .25, the standard deviation of the return to the market portfolio over this same period is .25, and the averagedegree of risk aversion among traders is 3. If the government wishes to issue risk-free zero-coupon bonds with a term to maturity of one period and a face value per bond of $100,000, how much can the government expect to receive per bond? []σσσ4.04.)()(+=++=MfMf r rE r r ESOLUTION:According to the CAPM, E(r M) - r f = Aσ2, so that r f = E(r M) - Aσ2.Substituting into this formula we find: r f = .25 – 3 x .252 = .0625Therefore the revenue raised by the government per bond issued is $100,000 = $94,117.651.06256. . Norma Swanson has invested 40% of her wealth in MGM stock and 60% in Industrial Light and Magic stock. Norma believes the returns to these stocks have a correlation of .06 and that their respective means and standard deviations are: MGM ILMExpected Return (%) 10 15Standard Deviation (%) 15 25a.Determine the expected value and standard deviation of the return on Norma’s portfolio.b.Would a risk-averse investor such as Norma prefer a portfolio composed entirely of only MGM stock? Ofonly ILM stock? Why or why not?SOLUTION:a.The expected return is .13, and the standard deviation is .1649.b. A risk averse investor will not want to hold a portfolio composed entirely of MGM or of ILM stock, becauseone can, in general, achieve the same expected return with a lower standard deviation by combining a portfolio of MGM and ILM with the risk-free asset.7. Consider a portfolio exhibiting an expected return of 20% in an economy in which the riskless interest rate is 8%, the expected return to the market portfolio is thirteen percent, and the standard deviation of the return to the market portfolio is .25. Assuming this portfolio is efficient, determine:a.its beta.b.the standard deviation of its return.c.its correlation with the market return.SOLUTION:/doc/ad5801fd700abb68a982fb59.html e the security market line to infer that the beta of this portfolio is 2.4:.20 = .08 + β(.13 - .08)β = (.20 - .08)/(.13 - .08) = .12/.05 = 2.4/doc/ad5801fd700abb68a982fb59.html e the capital market line to infer that the standard deviation of the yield to this portfolio is .6:.20 = .08+ (.13 - .08) σ = .08+ .2 σ.25σ = .12/.2 = .6c.By definition the following relationships hold:β = cov/σ2Mρ = covσiσMwhere ρ denotes the correlation coefficient. We know that β = 2.4, σM = .25, and σi = .6.So from the definition of β, we get that the cov is 2.4 x .252 = .15. Substituting this into the definition of ρ: ρ = cov = .15 __ = 1σiσM .6 x .25Application of CAPM to Corporate Finance8. . The Suzuki Motor Company is contemplating issuing stock to finance investment in producing a new sports-utility vehicle, the Seppuku. Financial analysts within Suzuki forecast that this investment will have precisely the same risk as the market portfolio, where the annual return to the market portfolio is expected to be 15% and the current risk-free interest rate is 5%. The analysts further believe that the expected return to the Seppuku project will be 20% annually. Derive the maximal beta value that would induce Suzuki to issue the stock.SOLUTION:The project would be on the borderline if its required return were 20% per year. Since the risk-free rate is 5% and the risk premium on the market portfolio is 10%, the required return would be 20% if the beta were 1.5.9. . Roobel and Associates, a firm of financial analysts specializing in Russian financial markets, forecasts that the stock of the Yablonsky Toy Company will be worth 1,000 roubles per share one year from today. If the riskless interest rate on Russian government securities is 10% and the expected return to the market portfolio is 18% determine how much you would pay for a share of Yablonsky stock today if:a.the beta of Yablonsky is 3.b.the beta of Yablonsky is 0.5.SOLUTION:Use the security market line in each case to determine a required rate of return, then infer the current price from the forecasted price of 1,000 roubles and the required rate of return you have determined.a.If beta is 3, the required return is .10+ 3x.08 = .34. You would pay 1,000/1.34 = 746.27 roubles;b.If beta is .5, the required return is .10+ .5x.08 = .14. You would pay 1,000/1.14 = 877.19 roubles.Application of CAPM to Portfolio Management10. Suppose that the stock of the new cologne manufacturer, Eau de Rodman, Inc., has been forecast to havea return with standard deviation .30 and a correlation with the market portfolio of .9. If the standard deviation of the yield on the market is .20, determine the relative holdings of the market portfolio and Eau de Rodman stock to form a portfolio with a beta of 1.8.SOLUTION: By definition:β = cov/σ2Mρ = covσrσMTherefore, β = ρσr/σM. The beta of Rodman stock is therefore .9x.3/.2 = 1.35.The beta of a portfolio is a weighted average of the betas of the component securities. Let A be a fraction of the portfolio invested in Rodman stock to produce a beta of 1.8. Then we have:1.35A + (1-A) = 1.8.35A = .8A = 2.286So the portfolio would have to have 228.6% invested in Rodman stock and a short position in the market portfolio equal to 128.6%.11. The current price of a share of stock in the Vo Giap Clothing Company of Vietnam is 50 dong and its expected yield over the year is 14%. The market risk premium in Vietnam is 8% and the riskless interest rate 6%. What would happen to the stock’s current price if its expected future payout remains co nstant while the covariance of its rate of return with the market portfolio falls by 50%?SOLUTION:Deduce that the expected future price of a share of Vo Giap is 57 dong, so that a reduction in this stock’s beta of 50% implies, by the security market relation, that the required yield on Vo Giap is now 10%, so that its current share price rises by 3.64% toa new value of 51.82 dong.12. Suppose that you believe that the price of a share of IBM stock a year from today will be equal to the sumof the price of a share of General Motors stock plus the price of a share of Exxon, and further you believethat the price of a share of IBM stock in one year will be $100 whereas the price of a share of General Motors today is $30. If the annualized yield on 91-day T-bills (the riskless rate you use) is 5%, the expected yield on the market is 15%, the variance of the market portfolio is 1, and the beta of IBM is 2, what price would you be willing to pay for one share of Exxon stock today?SOLUTION:Expected return = .05 + 2(.15 - .05) = 25%; (100 - x)/x = .25 → x = $80Deduce that the current price of a share of IBM stock is $80, so that the upper bound on the price of a share of Exxon is ($80 -$30 = $50).13. Ascertain whether the following quotation is true or false, and state why:“When arbitrage is absent from financial markets, and investors are each concerned with only the risk and return to their portfolios, then each investor can eliminate all the riskiness of his investments through diversification, and as a consequence the expected yield on each available asset will depend only on the covariance of its yield with the covariance of the yield on the diversified portfolio of risky assets each investor holds.”SOLUTION:False. You cannot eliminate all risk through diversification, only the unsystematic risk.Application of CAPM to Measuring Portfolio Performance14. During the most recent 5-year period, the Pizzaro mutual fund earned an average annualized rate of return of 12% and had an annualized standard deviation of 30%. The average risk-free rate was 5% per year. The average rate of return in the market index over that same period was 10% per year and the standard deviation was 20%. How well did Pizzaro perform on a risk-adjusted basis?SOLUTION:Compute the ratio of average excess return to standard deviation for Pizzaro and compare it to that of the market portfolio: Pizzaro risk-adjusted performance ratio = (.12-.05)/.30 = .233Market portfolio risk-adjusted performance ratio = (.1-.05)/.2 = .250So, on a risk-adjusted basis, Pizzaro did worse than the market index.Challenge ProblemCAPM with only 2 Risky Assets15. There are only two risky assets in the economy: stocks and real estate and their relative supplies are 50% stocks and 50% real estate. Thus, the market portfolio will be half stocks and half real estate. The standard deviations are .20 for stocks, .20 for real estate, and the correlation between them is 0. The coefficient of relative risk aversion of the average market participant (A) is 3. r f is .08 per year.a.According to the CAPM what must be the equilibrium risk premium on the market portfolio, on stocks,and on real estate?b.Draw the Capital Market Line. What is its slope? Where is the point representing stocks located relativeto the CML?c.Draw the SML. What is its formula? Where is the point representing stocks located relative to the SML? SOLUTION: a.The market portfolio consists of half stocks and half real estate. It has a standard deviation of .1414, computedas follows:σ2M = w2σ2s + (1-w)2σ2r+ 2 w(1-w) cov s,rσ2M = 2 x (1/2)2 .22 = .02σM = .1414The equilibrium risk premium on the market portfolio is E(r M)-r f = Aσ2M = 3x.02 = .06.The market portfolio’s expected rate of return is also a weighted average of the expected rates of return on stocks and real estate, where the weights are each 1/2. Stocks and real estate must have the same risk premiumbecause they have the same standard deviation and correlation with the market. Therefore the risk premium on stocks and real estate must be .06, the same as the market portfolio’s risk premium.b.The slope of the CML is .06/.1414 = .424. The point representing stocks is M, it is to the right of the CML.equaling to 1.The formula is: E(r) = r f + (E(r M) –r f).。
CHAPTER 1WHAT IS FINANCE?Objectives∙Define finance.∙Explain why finance is worth studying.∙Introduce the main players in the world of finance—households and firms—and the kinds of financial decisions they make.Outline1.1 Defining Finance1.2 Why Study Finance?1.3 Financial Decisions of Households1.4 Financial Decisions of Firms1.5 Forms of Business Organization1.6 Separation of Ownership and Management1.7 The Goal of Management1.8 Market Discipline: Takeovers1.9 The Role of the Finance Specialist in a CorporationSummaryFinance is the study of how to allocate scarce resources over time. The two features that distinguish finance are that the costs and benefits of financial decisions are spread out over time and are usually not known with certainty in advance by either the decision-maker or anybody else.A basic tenet of finance is that the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy people’s consumption preferences. Economic organizations such as firms and governments exist in order to facilitate the achievement of that ultimate function. Many financial decisions can be made strictly on the basis of improving the tradeoffs available to people without knowledge of their consumption preferences.There are at least five good reasons to study finance:∙To manage your personal resources.∙To deal with the world of business.∙To pursue interesting and rewarding career opportunities.∙To make informed public choices as a citizen.∙To expand your mind.The players in finance theory are households and business firms. Households occupy a special place in the theory because the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy the preferences of people, and the theory treats those preferences as given. Finance theory explains household behavior as an attempt to satisfy those preferences. The behavior of firms is viewed from the perspective of how it affects the welfare of households.Households face four basic types of financial decisions:∙Saving decisions: How much of their current income should they save for the future?∙Investment decisions: How should they invest the money they have saved? ∙Financing decisions: When and how should they use other people’s money to satisfy their wants and needs?∙Risk management decisions: How and on what terms should they seek to reduce the economic uncertainties they face or to take calculated risks?There are three main areas of financial decision-making in a business: capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management.There are five reasons for separating the management from the ownership of a business enterprise:∙Professional managers may be found who have a superior ability to run the business.∙To achieve the efficient scale of a business the resources of many households may have to be pooled.∙In an uncertain economic environment, owners will want to diversify their risks across many firms. Such efficient diversification is difficult to achieve without separation of ownership and management.∙Savings in the costs of gathering information.∙The “learning curve” or “going concern” effect. When the owner is also the manager, the new owner has to learn the business from the old owner in order to manage it efficiently. If the owner is not the manager, then when the business is sold, the manager continues in place and works for the new owner.The corporate form is especially well suited to the separation of ownership and management of firms because it allows relatively frequent changes in owners by share transfer without affecting the operations of the firm.The primary goal of corporate management is to maximize shareholder wealth. It leads managers to make the same investment decisions that each of the individual owners would have made had they made the decisions themselves.A competitive stock market imposes a strong discipline on managers to take actions to maximize the market value of the firm’s shares.Solutions to Problems at End of Chapter1. What are your main goals in life? How does finance play a part in achieving those goals? What are the major trade-offs you face? SAMPLE ANSWER:∙Finish school∙Get good paying job which I like∙Get married and have children∙Own my own home∙Provide for family∙Pay for children’s education∙RetireHow Finance Plays a Role:SAMPLE ANSWER:∙Finance helps me pay for undergraduate and graduate education and helps me decide whether spending the money on graduate education will be a good investment decision or not.∙Higher education should enhance my earning power and ability to obtain a job I like.∙Once I am married and have children I will have additional financial responsibilities (dependents) and I will have to learn how to allocate resources among individuals in the household and learn how to set aside enough money to pay for emergencies, education, vacations etc. Finance also helps me understand how to manage risks such as for disability, life and health.∙Finance helps me determine whether the home I want to buy is a good value or not. The study of finance also helps me determine the cheapest source of financing for the purchase of that home.∙Finance helps me determine how much money I will have to save in order to pay for my children’s education as well as my own retirement.Major Trade-Offs:SAMPLE ANSWER∙Spend money now by going to college (and possibly graduate school) but presumably make more money once I graduate due to my higher education.∙Consume now and have less money saved for future expenditures such as for a house or car OR save more money now but consume less than some of my friends.2. What is your net worth? What have you included among your assets and your liabilities? What have you excluded that you might have included?SAMPLE ANSWER:$ ____________ (very possibly negative at this point)Assets:∙Checking account balance∙Savings account balance∙Furniture/Jewelry (watch)∙Car (possibly)Liabilities:∙Student loans∙Credit card balance∙If renting, remainder of rental agreement (unless subletting is a possibility) ∙Car payments (possibly)Students typically exclude the high value of their potential lifetime earning power when calculating their net worth.3. How are the financial decisions faced by a single person living alone different from those faced by the head of a household with responsibility for several children of school age? Are the tradeoffs they have to make different, or will they evaluate the tradeoffs differently?A single person needs only to support himself and therefore can make every financial decision on his own. If he does not want health insurance (and is willing to bear the financial risks associated with that decision) then no one will be affected by that decision other than that single person. In addition, this person needs to make no decisions about allocating income among dependents. A single person is very mobile and can choose to live almost anywhere. The tradeoffs this individual makes generally concern issues of consuming (or spending) today versus saving for consumption tomorrow. Since this person is supporting only himself, the need to save now is less important than for the head of household discussed next.The head of household with several children must share resources (income) among dependents. This individual must be prepared to deal with risk management issues such as how to be prepared for potential financial emergencies (such as a serious health problem experienced by a member of the family or home owners insurance in case of a fire or other mishap). Because there are more people in this household than with a single person, there are greater risks that someone will get sick or injured. And because there are dependents, the wage earner(s) should think carefully about life and disability insurance. In addition, the family is not as mobile as the single individual. Because of the school age children, the family might want to live near “good schools” thinking that a stronger education will eventually help those children’s future well being and financial situation. Thus, the tradeoffs for the head of household are more complex: more money is needed to consume today (he or she needs to support more dependents), but a lot more money is also needed to save for future expenses such as education and housing and more money is needed for risk management such as life and disability insurance.4. Family A and family B both consist of a father, mother and two children of school age. In family A both spouses have jobs outside the home and earn a combined income of $100,000 per year. In family B, only one spouse works outside the home and earns $100,000 per year.How do the financial circumstances and decisions faced by the two families differ?With two wage earners, there is less risk of a total loss of family income due to unemployment or disability than there is in a single wage earning household. The single wage earning family will probably want more disability and life insurance than the two wage earning family. On the flip side, however, the two wage earning family may need to spend extra money on child care expenses if they need to pay someone to watch the children after school.5. At what age should children be expected to become financially independent?Students will have differing responses to this question depending upon their specific experiences and opinions. Most will probably say independence should come after finishing their education, and they have a decent paying job.6. You are thinking of buying a car. Analyze the decision by addressing the following issues:a.Are there other ways to satisfy your transportation requirementsbesides buying a car? Make a list of all the alternatives and write down the pros and cons.b.What are the different ways you can finance the purchase of a car? Finance through a bank loan or lease, finance through a car dealer with a loan or a lease or finance the car out of your own savings.c.Obtain information from at least three different providers ofautomobile financing on the terms they offer.d.What criteria should you use in making your decision?Your decision will be to select the financing alternative that has the lowest cost to you.When analyzing the information, you should consider the following:∙Do you have the cash saved to make an outright purchase? What interest rate would you be giving up to make that purchase? Do you pay a different price for the car if you pay cash rather than finance?∙For differing loan plans, what is the down payment today? What are the monthly payments? For how long? What is the relevant interest rate you will be paying? Does the whole loan get paid through monthly payments or is there a balloon payment at the end? Are taxes and/or insurance payments included in the monthly payments?∙For differing lease plans, what is the down payment today? What are the monthly payments? For how long? Do you own the car at the end of the lease? If not, what does it cost to buy the car? Do you have to buy the car at the end of the lease or is it an option? Is there a charge if you decide not to buy the car? What relevant interest rate will you be paying? Are taxes and/or insurance payments included in the monthly payments? Are there mileage restrictions?7. You are thinking of starting your own business, but have no money.a.Think of a business that you could start without having to borrow anymoney.Any business which involves a student’s own personal service would be cheap to start up. For instance he or she could start a business running errands for others, walking their dogs, shopping etc. Along those same lines they could start some kind of consulting business. Both of these businesses could be run out of their dorm room or their own home and could be started with very little capital. If they wanted to hire additional workers, they would have to be paid on a commission basis to limit upfront expenses.b.Now think of a business that you would want to start if you couldborrow any amount of money at the going market interest rate. Certainly there are many interesting businesses which could be started if one could finance 100% of the business with borrowed capital and no equity. Since you will be able to borrow 100% of the financing, you will be willing to take a lot greater risk than if you were investing your own money.c.What are the risks you would face in this business?[Answer is, of course, dependent on answer to question “b.”]d.Where can you get financing for your new business?Depending upon the size of the financing needed, students should be looking for both debt and equity financing. The sources of this financing ranges from individuals and credit cards (for very small sums) to banks, venture capitalists, public debt and equity markets, insurance companies and pension funds8. Choose an organization that is not a firm, such as a club or church group and list the most important financial decisions it has to make. What are the key tradeoffs the organization faces? What role do preferences play in choosing among alternatives? Interview the financial manager of the organization and check to see if he or she agrees with you. SAMPLE ANSWER:Local Church group. Most important financial decisions:∙Whether or not to repair damage done to church and grounds during last big hurricane (specifically repairing the leaking roof)∙What project to put off in order to pay for repair damage∙How to pay for renovations to downstairs Sunday school rooms∙How to increase member attendance and contributions∙How to organize and solicit volunteers for the annual Church Sale (largest fund raiser of the year)Key Tradeoffs and Preferences:Church group funds are severely limited, so the organization needs to prioritize expenses based upon cost and need. Not all projects that are needed will be undertaken due to the expense involved. An equally large amount of time will be spent trying to raise financing since funds inflow is variable. Since not all projects can be financed, preferences of differentFinance Instructor’s Manual Chapter 1Page 27 important individuals (such as the pastor) take on great significance in the decision-making process.。
答案:国家货币主权二、单项选择题:1、与货币的出现紧密相联的是()A、金银的稀缺性B、交换产生与发展C、国家的强制力D、先哲的智慧答案:B2、商品价值形式最终演变的结果是()A、简单价值形式B、扩大价值形式C、一般价值形式D、货币价值形式答案:D3、中国最早的铸币金属是()A、铜B、银C、铁D、贝答案:A4、在下列货币制度中劣币驱逐良币律出现在()A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C5、中华人民共和国货币制度建立于()A、1948年B、1949年C、1950年D、1951年答案:A6、欧洲货币同盟开始使用“欧元EURO”于()A、1998年B、1999年C、2001年D、2002年答案:B7、金银复本位制的不稳定性源于()A、金银的稀缺B、生产力的迅猛提高C、货币发行管理混乱D、金银同为本位币答案:D8、中国本位币的最小规格是()A、1分B、1角C、1元D、10元答案:C9、金属货币制度下的蓄水池功能源于()A、金属货币的稀缺性B、金属货币的价值稳定C、金属货币的自由铸造和熔化D、金属货币的易于保存答案:C10、单纯地从物价和货币购买力的关系看,物价指数上升25%,则货币购买力()A、上升20%B、下降20%C、上升25%D、下降25% 答案:B11、在国家财政和银行信用中发挥作用的主要货币职能是()A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段D、贮藏手段答案:C12、下列货币制度中最稳定的是()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金铸币本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C13、马克思的货币本质观的建立基础是()A、劳动价值说B、货币金属说C、货币名目说D、创造发明说答案:A14、对商品价格的理解正确的是()A、同商品价值成反比B、同货币价值成正比C、商品价值的货币表现D、商品价值与货币价值的比答案:C15、货币的本质特征是充当()A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品答案:B二、多项选择题1、一般而言,要求作为货币的商品具有如下特征()A、价值比较高B、金属的一种C、易于分割D、易于保存E、便于携带答案:ACDE2、中国最古老的铜铸币的三种形制是()A、五铢B、布C、刀D、元宝E、铜贝答案:BCE3、信用货币包括()A、银行券B、支票C、活期存款D、商业票据E、定期存款答案:ABCDE4、货币支付职能发挥作用的场所有()A、赋税B、各种劳动报酬C、国家财政D、银行信用E、地租答案:ABCDE5、对本位币的理解正确的是()A、本位币是一国的基本通货B、本位币具有有限法偿C、本位币具有无限法偿D、本位币的最小规格是一个货币单位E、本位币具有排他性答案:ABCDE6、信用货币制度的特点有()A、黄金作为货币发行的准备B、贵金属非货币化C、国家强制力保证货币的流通D、金银储备保证货币的可兑换性E、货币发行通过信用渠道答案:BCE7、货币的两个基本职能是()A、流通手段B、支付手段C、贮藏手段D、世界货币E、价值尺度答案:AE8、对货币单位的理解正确的有()A、国家法定的货币计量单位B、规定了货币单位的名称C、规定本位币的币材D、确定技术标准E、规定货币单位所含的货币金属量答案:ABE9、我国货币制度规定人民币具有以下的特点()A、人民币是可兑换货币B、人民币与黄金没有直接联系C、人民币是信用货币D、人民币具有无限法偿力E、人民币具有有限法偿力答案:BCD10、货币制度的基本类型有()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金本位制D、信用本位制E、银行券本位制答案:ABCD三、判断题1、最早的货币形式是金属铸币。
精品行业资料,仅供参考,需要可下载并修改后使用!《金融基础知识》课后习题答案第13章习题答案1. 该期货的理论价格为:))((t T q r Se F --==400e (0.1-0.04)×0.3333=408.08元。
套利者可以通过如下步骤套利:(1) 按无风险利率借入资金;(2) 按各成份股在指数中所占权重买进成份股;(3) 卖出股票指数期货。
2. 远期英镑的理论价格为:F =1.6600e (0.04-0.03)×0.5=1.6683显然,远期英镑的价格被低估了,套利步骤为:(1) 借入英镑;(2) 买进美元;(3) 贷出美元;(4) 买进英镑远期。
3. 理论上的远期利率TT t T r T T r r F ----=***)()(=(5%×2-4%×1)/1=6%, 显然,实际远期利率被高估了,套利步骤如下:(1) 借入2年期贷款;(2) 贷出1年;(3) 作为空头方签订1年至2年的远期利率协议。
4. 欧洲美元期货价格为89.5美元意味着欧洲美元期货利率按每季度计一次复利的年利率为10.5%,即:4ln(1+0.25⨯0.105)=0.1036换算成连续复利年利率为10.35%。
这意味着可以进行如下套利:1) 卖出欧洲期货;2) 借入90天欧洲美元;3) 将借入的欧洲美元投资180天。
5. 协议价格的现值为60e-0.3333×0.12=57.65元。
红利的现值为0.80e -0.8333×0.12=0.79元。
6. 该国债理论上的期货价格等于:)()()(***T T r t T r t T r ae e ae F -----∧===100e 0.08×0.25=98.02元。
第一章货币与货币制度1.1 答案详解:A金银作为自然的产物,其只有在人类社会出现之后才作为货币,因此金银天然不是货币,B选项错误。
1.2 答案详解:A纸币是由国家发行的、强制使用的货币符号。
1.3 答案详解:ACEF在商品交换过程中,价值形式的发展经历的四个阶段有简单的价值形式、扩大的价值形式、一般价值形式、货币价值形式。
参见第一章第一节有关内容1.4 答案详解:银行券指由银行发行的以信用作为保证的可以兑现的银行票据,是以银行信用为担保所产生的一种信用工具银行券有其自身的发展历程。
1.5 答案详解:当货币在生活中日益重要时,一般说来,作为货币的商品有如下四个基本特征:一是价值比较高,这样可用较少的媒介完成较大量的商品交换;二是易于分割,一方面分割之后不会减少它的价值,另一方面分割成本较低,以便于同价值高低不等的商品交换;三是易于保存,即在保存过程中不会损失价值,费用很低;四是便于携带,以利于扩大化的商品交易。
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