
幼儿童话剧剧本(英文童话剧)英语短剧: The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.兔子:Hi! Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?乌龟:Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.兔子:Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now.乌龟:No, I would run with my feet step by step. I’m sure I can win. I could be the winner.兔子:Can what? Can run? Just like now? Ah, Ah, Ah, You are too slow. I can even walk faster than you run.乌龟:Miss Hare, You are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you. That means I can win the match. 兔子:What? What? A race? With you? You can win? OK. OK. Look at the tall tree. Let me see who can get there first.乌龟:OK !兔子:Who will be the winner? Of course, It is me.旁白:Many animals hear about the message that Mr. Tortoise andMiss Hare will have a race. They all come to the place near the river.猴子: Mr. Tortoise, Are you ill? You must know your legs are much shorter than Miss Hare’s. That is to say you would fail the race.乌龟: Don’t worry. I will try my best. I believe myself. 小鸡: Oh, My God! Do not join the race, and you will not be the winner,乌龟: You are my good friends. Please believe in me. I can win the race .猴子: Ready? Go!旁白: Miss Hare runs very fast, but Mr. Tortoise runs very slowly. A moment later, Miss Hare arrives at a small tree. 兔子: Where is Mr. Tortoise? I can not see him. Oh, he is much far behind me. I think he will arrive here at least in the afternoon, Let me have a good rest.旁白: Miss Hare wants to have a rest, but after a moment, he feels a little sleepy.乌龟: How tired, but I can not give up. I must insist. I can arrive at the tall tree.兔子: Oh, It is Miss Hare. He is sleeping now. I must run faster at his sleeping time.旁白: Miss Hare is sleeping, while Mr. Tortoise is running much faster now. Now Mr. Tortoise arrives near the tree.猴子和小鸡: Mr. Tortoise, Come on, Come on. You could be the winner!兔子: Who is making the noise? Ah? Mr. Tortoise? He will win? Oh, no. Let me catch up with him.Oh, It is too late, he is the winner, I fail the race. But I do not know why? Do you know?丑小鸭儿童剧本(英语)It was a lovely summer day in the country. Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time. After a while, one by one, ducklings came out of the eggs.Ducklings: Peep, peepMother Duck: Quack, quack! Are you all out?Duckling1: No, one egg is still here. Look how big it is! At last, the big egg came open. This duckling was very big and very ugly!MD: Oh,my!This duckling is big and different from the others.I wonder if it is a turkey. We will soon find out.Mother Duck took her ducklings to the water. One after another,the little ducklings jumped in the water. The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.MD: Oh, he is not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim. He is my child. Let’s go to the farmyard. But you must stay close to me and watch out for the cat.Duck1:Look at that duckling! He looks so strange.Duck2:He is so big and ugly. Go away!MD: Please, leave him alone. He is not doing any harm.But the ducks pecked the Ugly Duckling. All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too.Ducklings: I wish the cat would eat you!MD: You should never have been born.So the poor, little duckling was very sad. Finally, he ran away. UD: Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am so ugly? But I am really nice.The Ugly Duckling met two wild ducks.WD: What kind of duck are you? You are really ugly. But that’s OK, if yo u don’t marry one of our familyThen the Ugly Duckling heard, “Pop, pop!” An d the two wild ducks fell dead.Just then, many hunting dogs appeared. The Ugly Duckling was very afraid. So, he tucked his head under his wing. A huntingdog sniffed the Ugly Duckling. “Sniff, sniff!”Dogs: You are ugly!And they went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.UD: Oh, I am alive! No one wants me. Even dogs don’t want to bite me.He felt lucky but, at the same time, he felt sad. The poor duckling waited for several hours, and then, ran away.A storm began. The rain and lightning terrified the Ugly Duckling. He was so cold and wet! He ran and ran as he looked for shelter from the storm.Finally, he arrived at a cottage. An old woman, a cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. He went inside.UD: May I have some food?Old Woman: Oh, what a prize! Is it a fat duck? Now, I can have duck’s eggs.The old woman’s sight was very bad. So the duckling lived there for a few days. But the hen and the cat were mean to the duckling. Hen: I can lay eggs. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: I can catch a mouse. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: Then, what can you do?UD: I can swim.Cat: Oh, no one should swim! You will surely drown!UD: I won’t drown.Cat and Hen: You are a big liar!So the poor duckling left the cottage.Soon, summer turned into fall. The Ugly Duckling swam in the pond. A group of swans flew over the duckling.UD: What beautiful birds! I wish I could be like them.The weather grew colder and colder. Now, winter came. UD: I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me. But every night, the space became smaller and smaller. Finally, the pond froze, and the d uckling couldn’t move any more. Early in the morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling. Farmer: Oh, poor duckling! I’ll take yo u home to my wife and children.The wife took care of the duckling. Soon, the duckling got well. But the children wanted to play with the duckling. Children: Come play with us! Come play with us!The duckling was scared. The farmer’s wife and the children chased the duckling around the farm house. Finally, he ran out the door.A beautiful spring came. The Ugly Duckling saw the butterfliesdancing and heard the birds singing.One day, his wings felt very strong. So, he flapped them against his sides and flew high into the sky.UD: Wow, I can fly so high! What’s happened to me?The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful garden with a pond. He decided to rest there for a while.UD: I want to stay with these beautiful birds. But, they will kill me because I am so ugly. At least, I will die happily, if I can be with them for a while.So, he swam towards the swans. When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.UD: Peck me, if you must!And he bent his head down to the surface of the water. The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful swan looking back at him in the water! UD: Oh! Is that really me? I am a beautiful swan! I am not an ugly duckling after all!The three swans welcomed the young swan.Some children came to the pond and threw pieces of bread into the water.Children: Look, there is another swan! This new one is the most beautiful of all.The Ugly Duckling was so happy. He was more beautiful than he had ever hoped to be. And now, he knew where he belonged英语童话剧:白雪公主<剧本>SNOW WHITE CONTENTSSW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the ne w queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\somebody drank my water----3\someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,wh o’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞英语小剧本-----小红帽Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I amhungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

对话和动作- 母熊:我们应该准备什么样的食物来庆祝生日呢?母熊:我们应该准备什么样的食物来庆祝生日呢?母熊:我们应该准备什么样的食物来庆祝生日呢?- 大熊:我想要一个大蜂蜜蛋糕!大熊:我想要一个大蜂蜜蛋糕!大熊:我想要一个大蜂蜜蛋糕!- 中熊:我想要一份鲜美的蓝莓派!中熊:我想要一份鲜美的蓝莓派!中熊:我想要一份鲜美的蓝莓派!- 小熊:我想要一些新鲜的苹果汁!小熊:我想要一些新鲜的苹果汁!小熊:我想要一些新鲜的苹果汁!- 母熊:好的,我会准备你们想要的食物。
对话和动作- 大熊:我们需要些彩旗和气球来装饰房子。
- 中熊:我的朋友告诉我,用彩纸做的花环也是好主意。
- 小熊:我有一个小鼓放在桌子上当作礼物,我们可以把它挂在门口。
对话和动作- 大熊:我们应该邀请我们的朋友来参加派对。

人物设定•玛丽 - 小鸡•托尼 - 小狗•小雪 - 小兔子•小娜 - 小猫•汤姆 - 小老鼠•杰克 - 大象1.玛丽、托尼、小雪、小娜和汤姆从洞里出来,他们正在等待杰克的到来,因为他们听说杰克今天会来参加聚会。
人物设定•玛丽 - 小鸡•托尼 - 小狗•小雪 - 小兔子•小娜 - 小猫•汤姆 - 小老鼠1.动物们看到一个地图,上面写着“寻找失落的宝藏”。
人物设定•玛丽 - 小鸡•托尼 - 小狗•小雪 - 小兔子•小娜 - 小猫•汤姆 - 小老鼠•杰克 - 大象1.动物们兴高采烈地到达嘉年华,并决定一起玩并参加各种活动。

关于幼儿英语话剧剧本(5篇)幼儿英语话剧剧本篇1The Clever Rabbits(聪慧小兔)角色:Red Eyes(红眼睛)Long Ears(长耳朵)Short Tail(短尾巴)Big Wolf(大灰狼)Mother Rabbit(兔妈妈)Storyteller翻译官道具房子,玩具、凳子,桌子,一棵树等。
SceneI Three Rabbits(三只小兔子)(一)Storyteller:The Mother Rabbit has red Eyes,Long Ears and Short Tail.兔妈妈有三个孩子,她给他们起名叫红眼睛、长耳朵和短尾巴。
)Red Eyes:(Coming to the front.上前。
)Hello!I“m Red Eyes.Glad to see you.(你好!我是红眼睛。
)Long Ears:(Touch his long ears.着他的长耳朵。
)Hi!How do you do? Nice to see you.My name is Long Ears.(嗨!你好!很快乐见到你。
)Short Tail:(Show his tail.展现他的尾巴。
)Hello,boys and girls! I“m Short Tail.(小朋友们,你们好!我是短尾巴。
)After this,they are playing games in随后,他们就在房子里玩嬉戏。
)(二)Storyteller:A big wolf is hiding be-idea.Just then,the Mother Rabbit is the arm.(一只大灰狼正躲在树后,他在打着坏办法。
)Mother Rabbit:(Singing a song.唱起了歌。

《英语小品剧本:误会一场》场景一:公园长椅角色:Tom(汤姆)、Lily(莉莉)、Mike(迈克)(汤姆坐在公园的长椅上,手里拿着一本英语书,莉莉和迈克悄悄走近)Tom:(自言自语)这个单词怎么念来着?oh, it's "misunderstanding"。
Mike: 好主意!(莉莉和迈克走到汤姆身边)Lily: 嘿,汤姆,你在学英语呢?我们来帮你练习练习吧!Tom: 哦,是你们啊,那太好了,我正愁没人陪我练习呢。
Mike: 那我们就开始吧!我先来一个句子。
Mike: "I saw a cat in the tree."Tom:(疑惑)嗯?树上怎么会有猫呢?是不是应该说成"I saw a bird in the tree."?Lily:(偷笑)汤姆,你太可爱了。
Tom: "Yesterday, I went to the zoo and saw a lion."Mike:(故作惊讶)哇,汤姆,你昨天去动物园看到狮子了?太厉害了!Lily:(捂嘴笑)迈克,你别逗他了。
Mike: 哈哈,汤姆,我们就是想让你放松一下,不要太紧张。
其实你的英语进步很大,继续加油哦!场景二:咖啡店角色:Tom(汤姆)、Lily(莉莉)、Mike(迈克)、Sarah(莎拉)(汤姆、莉莉和迈克在咖啡店坐下,莎拉是服务员)Sarah: 欢迎光临,请问你们需要点些什么?Tom:(尝试用英语点单)I'd like a cup of coffee, please.Sarah:(微笑)Sure, would you like any sugar or milk with that?Tom:(犹豫)Uh, just a little sugar, thank you.Lily:(帮汤姆补充)And two pieces of cake, please. One chocolate and one strawberry.Sarah:(点头)Alright, one coffee with a little sugar, and two pieces of cake. Anything else?Mike:(开玩笑)Can we have a slice of the sky? I heardit's delicious.Sarah:(忍俊不禁)I'm afraid we're all out of sky today, sir. But we do have a nice view of it through the window.Tom:(笑)Mike, you're so funny. Thanks, Sarah.Lily: 汤姆,你刚才点单的表现很不错嘛!Mike:(提议)对了,我们不如来模拟一下日常对话,这样可以帮助汤姆更好地练习英语。

小松鼠:(软翻上)小猴:(围着小松鼠) Great! Great! Let me have a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。
狐狸:(追上)Hi! You two, don’t play any more. The forest concert is going tobegin.嗨!你们两个,别再闹了。
You’dbetter go and prepare for it.你们最好快去做准备工作吧!小猴:Look,I’m just preparing for it.看,我不正在排练吗?(准备前滚翻)狐狸:Younaught monkey! Don’t play any more.你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。
小松鼠:Let’sgo! Little monkey!我们走吧!小猴!小猴: Wouldyou like to go with us, Fox?你和我们一起走吗?狐狸?狐狸:Thanks!But I’m going to invite the peacock to our concert. I’ll be back soon.谢谢!但我还要去请孔雀来参加我们的音乐会。
松鼠、小猴: See you later!等会见!狐狸: Seeyou later!等会见!(自言自语地) My beautiful peacock. Where are you? Can you hear me? (狐狸下)漂亮的孔雀。
你在哪里?你能听到我在叫你吗?孔雀(上):Hi, I’m a peacock! Look! How pretty I am! My colorful feathers.大家好!我是孔雀。
My beautiful cocksb. Who have these just like mine? Oh! What are you saying?漂亮的冠子。

RabbitA、B、C:Hello,Mr.Snake,A big carrot.But it`s too heavy,we can`t pull it out.
Snake:I`ll help you,Let`s pull it together.
Frog:I am a frog.I am hungry.Oh,Miss Rabbit,Mr.Snake,What are you doing?
RabbitA 、B、C&Snake:Hello,Mr.frog,A big carrot.But it`s too heavy,we can`t pull it out.
Bird:I want…
Monkey:I want…
Tiger:I want…
(Carrot 也悄悄的坐在桌子跟前来,笑着说):I ,I,I want …
(音乐响起,大家一起跳“I like coffee,I like tea”
(跳完结束,站一排说“Thank you!”)
RabbitA 、B、C:ThanБайду номын сангаас you.Let`s pull it together.
Carrot:(再坐稳)Ah-ha,no,I don`t like you!
RabbitA 、B、C&Snake:Oh,We can`t pull it out.
Who can help us?
RabbitC:I like …

英语小话剧剧本1时间:阳光明媚的星期天早晨地点:鸟语花香的动物王国人物:Little Duck,Mr. Cat,Mr. Rat,Mr. Dog旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆。
在小河边,他碰到了Mr Cat.Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Mr. Cat.Whatre you doing ?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck .Theres a big fish in the river .Im hungry ,but I cant get it .Duck:Dont worry .Let me help you .(Little Duck跳进水里,一会儿就帮Mr. Cat抓到了鱼。
)Duck:Here is the fish for you ,Mr. Cat .Have a good meal .Cat:Thank you ,Little Duck .You are so kind .Duck:Thats all right ,Mr. Cat .I must go now .Im going to my grandmothers home .Bye-bye!Cat:Bye-bye!(Little Duck继续赶路。
忽然他看到Mr. Rat躺在草地上,连忙跑过去。
)Rat:(躺在草地上)Oh,Little Duck.I run too fast and my leg is broken.I cant stand up and I cant walk.Duck:Dont worry .Let me help you .(Little Duck拿出一条手帕帮Mr. Rat包扎好伤口,然后扶着她回家。

以下是一个简短的英语情景剧,适合幼儿园级别的小朋友:剧名:《The Magic School Bus》角色:Ms. Frizzle(老师),学生们场景:教室剧情:Ms. Frizzle: "Okay, students, today we're going to learn about the human body." Student 1: "Why do we need to learn about that?"Ms. Frizzle: "Because it's important to know how our bodies work. Now, who can tell me what a skeleton is?"Student 2: "A skeleton is when you die and your bones are left over."Ms. Frizzle: "That's close, but not quite. A skeleton is the framework inside your body that supports your organs and tissues."Student 3: "Oh, I see! It's like the blueprint for our bodies!"Ms. Frizzle: "Exactly! And now let's learn about some of the different bones in our bodies."(在此处,可以加入一些简单的英语单词学习,例如:rib bone, spine bone, skull bone 等。

中英双语情景剧(1)How are you?你好吗?同义词:what's up,how's it going真情实感如果熟人或朋友间的日常客套,可以简单表达真实感受,不需要做很多的解释。
Q:How are you?你好吗?A1:Good!/I'm great,真的很好!如果朋友或熟人之间用how are you问好,你刚好想找点话题聊或者倾诉一下,就可以这样回答:Q:How are you?你好吗?A1:Not so good.不太好!实话实说当你明显需要帮助,不舒服,受伤,有人问你:how are you? 这时候这个词就不在是问候了,而是在问你:伤得怎么样,感觉怎么样,需要帮助吗?Police:How are you?你好吗?Bruce:I need help.我需要帮助。
中英双语情景剧(2)What’s your name?你叫什么名字?同义词:May I have your name please? / 能告诉我你的名字吗?Could you please tell me your name? / 能告诉我你的名字吗?Jack:What’s your name?你叫什么名字?Bruce:I'm Bruce.May I have your name please?我叫布鲁斯,能告诉我你的名字吗?Jack:I'm Jack.Nice too meet you.我叫杰克,很高兴认识你。
Bruce:Nice to meet you, too我也是。
Who’s this?这是谁? Teacher:Who’s this?这是谁?Bruce:This is my mother !这是我的妈妈!This is my father !这是我的爸爸!This is my brother !这是我的弟弟!This is my sister !这是我的妹妹!This is my grandma !这是我的奶奶!This is my grandpa !这是我的爷爷!This is my friend,Jim !这是我的朋友,吉姆!What’s this?这是什么?Jack:What’s this?Bruce:This is a ___________This is an ___________This is the ___________pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔book /buk/ 书bag /bæg/ 包elephant /'elifənt/ 大象tiger /'taigə/ 老虎monkey /'mʌŋki/ 猴子Can i have a ___________?我能要一个_______吗?Jack:Can i have a ___________?Bruce:Here you are.Jack:Thank you!Burger 汉堡chicken 鸡肉coffee 咖啡Salad 蔬菜沙拉pizza 披萨Sausage 香肠。

以下是一个简单的幼儿园英语情景剧示例:场景:幼儿园教室角色:小明、小红、老师(老师走进教室,微笑着向孩子们打招呼)老师:Good morning, children! Today we are goingto have a fun activity.小明:What is it, teacher?老师:We are going to play a game called "Fruit Salad". In this game, we will learn about different fruits and practice our listening skills.小红:听起来很有趣!(老师向孩子们展示一些水果图片)老师:Each child will take a card with a fruit on it. You will stand in a circle and when I say a fruit, you will find the person with that fruit card and hug them.小明:Okay, I understand.(孩子们开始玩游戏,老师用英语说出不同的水果名称,孩子们找到相应的水果卡片并拥抱)老师:Apple!小明和小红:(拥抱)Aww, we both have apple cards!(游戏进行了一段时间后,老师让孩子们坐下来休息)老师:That was fun, wasn't it? Now let's practice our listening skills. I will say a sentence inEnglish and you will repeat it in Chinese.小红:好的,我准备好了!(老师开始用英语说一些简单的句子,孩子们用中文重复)老师:I like apples.小红:我喜欢苹果。
英语情景剧《小红帽》 简单版

英语情景剧《小红帽》简单版Little Red XXX with the WolfScene 1: Little Red Riding Hood's HouseMum is packing fruits into a basket as Little Red Riding Hood enters。
XXX.Little Red Riding Hood: Hi。
What are you doing?Mum: (with a heavy heart) Grandma is XXX I'm packing some apples and bananas for her。
Can you take them to her。
please?Little Red Riding Hood nods and picks up the basket.Mum: Be good and be careful。
my dear.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes。
Goodbye!Mum: XXX。
darling.Scene 2: On the WayLittle Red Riding Hood skips and hops along the path。
admiring the flowers.Little Red Riding Hood: Wow。
The flowers are so beautiful。
(puts down the basket and starts picking flowers) One flower。
two flowers。
three flowers。
the Wolf appears。
XXX.Wolf: (looking around for food) I am hungry。
there's Little Red Riding Hood。

儿童英语短剧剧本1第一篇:儿童英语短剧剧本1儿童英语短剧剧本Three Little Pigs三只小猪Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with their mother.Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong are brother pigs.They are very lazy.They eat and sleep all day.Long-Long is the youngest pig.She works all day.She helps her mother to do the housework.Christmas is coming, so mother pig asks the three little pigs to build their own houses.)(旁白:三只小猪和他们的妈妈住在一起。
)Mother pig: Sweetie, Christmas is coming.You are old enough to make your own houses.Goodbye, little pigs.Build a house.Be careful of the wolf.(你们已经长大了,你们得为自己盖间房。
)Pigs: Yes, Mum.Goodbye.(好的,妈妈。
)Wolf: I’m hungry.Look!Three little pigs for dinner.Mmm.(我饿了。
)Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers?(哥哥,你们在干什么?)Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves.(我在用树叶盖房子。

第一幕:早上好Act 1 Good Morning(小猫和小狗早上一起去上幼儿园。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Sun!Sun: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(一只小鸟从电线上飞下来,小猫和小狗看见了,也有礼貌地和小鸟打招呼。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Bird!Bird: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(小猫和小狗路过了一个院子,只见院子里小猪正在锻炼身体,便和小猪打招呼。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Pig!Pig: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(它们路过一条小河,看见小兔在河对岸,也大声地和小兔打招呼。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Rabbit!Rabbit: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(它们还和路边的小草打招呼。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Grass!Grass: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(它们还看见了小花,也和小花打招呼。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Flower!Flower: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(正在这时,只听一个声音传来。
)Tree: Good morning,Cat! Good morning,Dog!(小猫和小狗抬头一看,原来是大树伯伯。
)Cat &Dog: Good morning,Tree!(小猫和小狗就这样和朋友们唱着歌,往幼儿园走去。
)All: Good morning,Good morning,Good morning to you... (歌曲)Act 2 I am...(今天,幼儿园里来了许多新朋友。

篇1:儿童英语话剧剧本人物 :小蝌蚪、青蛙妈妈、小鸭、鸭妈妈、小鱼、鱼妈妈、螃蟹、螃蟹妈妈、小乌龟、乌龟妈妈背景:春天的小池塘里,河面上漂着荷叶、水草,河边的柳树迎风飘舞T――Tadpole 小蝌蚪D――小鸭、鸭妈妈G――小金鱼、金鱼妈妈C――螃蟹、螃蟹妈妈Turtle―― 乌龟、乌龟妈妈(Spring little tadpoles are missing their ommy .)T: We are little tadpoles. Who is our mommy? Where is our mommy?他们游向鸭妈妈、D: Quack! Quack! Quack! I am a duck.T: Mommy! Mommy!D: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am duckling’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy? Where is our mommy?D: Your mommy is frog. She has two big eyes.T: Thank you ! See you !“他们游啊游,看见了小金鱼和金鱼妈妈、G: Swim. Swim. Swim. I am a goldfish.T: Mommy! Mommy!G: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am goldfish’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy? Where is our mommy?G: Your mommy is frog . She has a white belly.T: Thank you ! See you !” 他们游啊游,看见了小螃蟹和螃蟹妈妈C: Cut. Cut. Cut. I am a crab.T: Mommy! Mommy!C: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am crab’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy? Where is our mommy?C: Your mommy is frog . She has four legs.T: Thanks ! Goodbye !“他们游啊游,看见了小乌龟和乌龟妈妈、Turtle: Swim. Swim. Swim. I am a turtle.T: Mommy! Mommy!Turtle: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am turtle’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy? Where is our mommy?Turtle: Your mommy is frog . She has a green backT: Thanks ! Goodbye ! (一只青蛙向小蝌蚪游来)T1: Two big eyes!T2:White belly!T3: Four legs.!T4: Green back!T: Mommy! Mommy!F: Oh, my dear babies. You e! I love you.T: I love you, too! Mommy!篇2:儿童英语话剧剧本[旁白]清晨,明媚的阳光唤醒了树木、花草和森林里的小动物们。

画外音:It is warm, A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
鸭妈妈(伸懒腰):Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired.哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!鸭妈妈抚摸着鸭蛋,突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下。
小鸭1站了起来,看了一下周围的世界说:"Oh, what a beautiful world! "“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,喊:"Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!"“你好,妈妈!你好,妈妈!”小鸭4:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this? Why not crack?咦,妈妈,这是谁呀?为什么还不出来呢?鸭妈妈:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在她身上花的时间最多,但她仍然没有任何改变。
)丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!你们好,我的朋友,很高兴见到你们!(众小鸭惊异、交头接耳。

英语童话剧(5篇)第一篇:英语童话剧Pig Becomes Clean(小猪变干净了)角色(Pig Cat Dag Rabbit Elephant Sheep Tiger)旁白:有一天,一只小猪在泥坑里打滚,它高兴极了。
小猪看见小猫,高兴地说Pig:Cat!Cat!Let’s play together。
(小猪赶忙站起来朝小猫招手)旁白:小猫皱了皱眉头说Cat:No!You’re so dirty!(小猫摇着头摆摆手,小猪不高兴的低着头坐下)旁白:小猪又看见小狗走了过来,赶紧对小狗说。
Pig:Dog!Dog!Let’s play together。
(小猪赶忙站起来朝小狗招手)旁白:小狗也皱了皱眉头说Dog:No!You’re so dirty!(小狗摇着头摆摆手,小猪不高兴的低着头坐下)旁白:这时小猪又看见小羊从山坡走来,赶紧对小羊说。
Pig:Sheep!Sheep!L et’s play together。
(小猪赶忙站起来朝小羊招手)旁白:小羊皱了皱眉头说Sheep:No!You’re so dirty!(小羊摇着头摆摆手,小猪不高兴的低着头坐下)旁白:这时小猪又看见小兔子从山坡蹦蹦跳跳地跑来,赶紧对小兔子说 Pig:Rabbit!Rabbit!Let’s play together。
(小猪赶忙站起来朝小兔子招手)旁白:小兔子皱了皱眉头说Rabbit:No!You’re so dirty!(小兔子摇着头摆摆手,小猪不高兴的低着头坐下)旁白:这时小猪又看见小猴从树上荡秋千,赶紧对小猴说。
Pig:Monkey!Monkey!Let’s play together。
(小猪赶忙站起来朝小猴招手)旁白:小猴皱了皱眉头说Monkey:No!You’re so dirty!(小猴摇着头摆摆手,小猪委屈的低着头坐下)旁白:没有人愿意和小猪一起玩,小猪伤心极了,呜呜呜的哭着说 Pig: Wu *** Nobody likes me!Nobody likes me!旁白:谁也不跟小猪玩,小猪哭了。

关于幼儿英语话剧剧本Title: The Magical JourneyCharacters:- Emma (Female lead)- Daniel (Male lead)- Lily (Emma's best friend)- Mr. Winston (Old wizard)- Queen Grace (Good queen)- King Jack (Evil king)- Fairy Nala (Helpful fairy)- Sunflowers group (Sunflower One, Two and Three)Scene 1: Emma's Dream(Everyone on stage, Emma sleeping on a bed, Lily sitting beside her)Lily: (shaking Emma gently) Emma, wake up! You won't believe the dream I just had.Emma: (rubbing her eyes) What dream, Lily? Tell me!Lily: We were in a magical kingdom with talking animals, fairies, and even a kind queen! But there was a wicked king who wanted to destroy everything.Emma: Wow, that sounds amazing! I wish we could go on a magical journey like that.Scene 2: The Old Wizard's Magic Shop(Emma and Lily enter Mr. Winston's magic shop, stacked with various magical items)Mr. Winston: Well, well, what brings you young ladies to my humble shop today?Emma: We want to go on a magical journey!Lily: Yeah, we want to meet talking animals, fairies, and a kind queen!Mr. Winston: (smiling) Ah, I see. I might have just the thing for you.(Mr. Winston takes out a magical book and hands it to the girls)Scene 3: Entering the Magical Kingdom(Emma and Lily uttering the magic words while reading from the book, lights dim and change to a magical setting)Emma: Wow, Lily! It worked! We're in the magical kingdom!(A group of talking animals, including a lion, a monkey, and a rabbit, approach them)Lion: Wele, young visitors! We have been waiting for you.Monkey: We need your help in saving our kind queen from the evil king.Rabbit: Follow us, we will take you to her.Scene 4: Meeting Queen Grace(Emma and Lily enter the castle, where Queen Grace is waiting)Queen Grace: Wele, brave young heroes. I need you to defeat the evil king and bring peace to our land.Emma: Don't worry, Queen Grace! We won't let you down.Lily: We will do whatever it takes to save this kingdom!Scene 5: The Evil King's Lair(Emma and Lily sneak into the evil king's lair, where King Jack is plotting his wicked plans)King Jack: (sinisterly) So, you thought you could defeat me? You are too weak!Emma: We may be young, but our hearts are filled with courage!Lily: And with the help of magic, we will succeed!Scene 6: The Fairy's Help(Fairy Nala appears, holding a magical wand)Fairy Nala: Fear not, young heroes. I am here to help you.Emma: Thank you, Fairy Nala!Lily: With your magic, we can defeat the evil king!Scene 7: The Final Battle(Emma, Lily, and Fairy Nala join forces and defeat the evil king)Emma: (to fairy Nala) We did it! We saved the kingdom!Lily: (to Queen Grace) Your kingdom is safe now, Queen Grace.Queen Grace: Thank you, brave young heroes. You have saved us all.Scene 8: Celebration and Farewell(Everyone gathers for a celebration in honor of Emma and Lily's bravery)Sunflower One: We are so proud of you!Sunflower Two: Thank you for saving our kingdom!Sunflower Three: We will never forget you!Scene 9: Return to Reality(Emma and Lily back in Mr. Winston's magic shop)Emma: (looking at Lily) We did it, Lily! We saved the kingdom!Lily: (smiling) Yes, we did. And we will always cherish this magical journey.Mr. Winston: (smiling) Remember, the magic is in your hearts. Farewell, brave heroes.(Emma and Lily exit the magic shop, hand in hand, leaving the stage)End。

Week20A: rabbit B: wolf C: duck D: butterfly E: mouse F: elephant(第一场) 起床(背景音乐)A:(起床动作)wake up !B C D E F: I get up at XX o’clock .A: I am very hungry. Let’s have breakfast. (动作:发现自己的胡萝卜) Look! Carrot is orange, it is good for me .(吃的动作)C:I want to eat fish, fish is for my breakfast. Fish lives in the river.(动作:到河边抓鱼)D:The flowers are beautiful. They are red, yellow, pink and purple.(动作:闻花香和喝)E:mouse (小老鼠的动作和声音)F:Haha, I have many fruits. Banana is yellow and sweet, watermelon is red and juicy.B:I want to eat the rabbit!(大家一起说:No !Rabbit is our friend.做指责狼的动作)(狼做吃叶子的动作,然后呕吐。
)(大家一起说;I’m full, it’s time to go to school.)第二场上学变队形XXX XXXA and BA:I am a rabbit, nice to meet you!B:I am a wolf, nice to meet you too!A: I’m lovely and pink, I like carrot best.B: I’m strong and fierce, I like rabbit best.A:I go to school by bike.B:I go to school by motorcycleC and DC: I’m a duck. I can swim. I swim to school.D: I’m a butterfly. I am beautiful. I fly to s chool.E and FE: I’m a mouse, I’m small and clever! I go to school by car.F:I’m a elephant, I’m big. I have two big ears and long nose.I am afraid of mouse. I walk to school.集体唱Good morning.第三场在学校队形XXXXXX 坐下C: I have a new school bag.D: It’s beautiful, what is in the school bag?C: Book, notebook and pencil-case are in the school bag.B: Look! I have a blue pencil.A: I want to read a book.Class begins.(上课铃声响,老师进教室。

Monkey: Oh, so it is.(原来是这样。)
Together: ( Music)...!
Monkey: Everybody, the match begins.
Let’s call her back,OK?
Together: Yes, you are right. OK!
Hare, hare, come back. Come back.
Tortoise: Mother hare, she’s got the wrong way, it’s unfair to her, I must find her.
Hare mother: Tortoise, you, you’re a good boy.(乌龟,你,你是个好孩子,)
After I run farther, he will turn to the left,
Then I will lose the match.
Oh, yes, I should choose the left way. Run faster!(哦,是的,我应该选走边,快跑!)
Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!)
Hare: Yi? I know this tree, oh, yes! The grass is very soft.
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A: rabbit B: wolf C: duck D: butterfly E: mouse F: elephant
(第一场) 起床(背景音乐)
A:(起床动作)wake up !
B C D E F: I get up at XX o’clock .
A: I am very hungry. Let’s have breakfast. (动作:发现自己的胡萝卜) Look! Carrot is orange, it is good for me .(吃的动作)
C:I want to eat fish, fish is for my breakfast. Fish lives in the river.(动作:到河边抓鱼)
D:The flowers are beautiful. They are red, yellow, pink and purple.(动作:闻花香和喝)
E:mouse (小老鼠的动作和声音)
F:Haha, I have many fruits. Banana is yellow and sweet, watermelon is red and juicy.
B:I want to eat the rabbit!(大家一起说:No !Rabbit is our friend.做指责狼的动作)(狼做吃叶子的动作,然后呕吐。
)(大家一起说;I’m full, it’s time to go to school.)
A and B
A:I am a rabbit, nice to meet you!
B:I am a wolf, nice to meet you too!
A: I’m lovely and pink, I like carrot best.
B: I’m strong and fierce, I like rabbit best.
A:I go to school by bike.
B:I go to school by motorcycle
C and D
C: I’m a duck. I can swim. I swim to school.
D: I’m a butterfly. I am beautiful. I fly to school.
E and F
E: I’m a mouse, I’m small and clever! I go to school by car.
F:I’m a elephant, I’m big. I have two big ears and long nose.I am afraid of mouse. I walk to school.
集体唱Good morning.
C: I have a new school bag.
D: It’s beautiful, what is in the school bag?
C: Book, notebook and pencil-case are in the school bag.
B: Look! I have a blue pencil.
A: I want to read a book.
Class begins.(上课铃声响,老师进教室。
T: Stand up! Good morning students!
S: Good morning teacher!
T: This is English class. Let’s go to the KFC today! What do you want to eat? I am a seller.
Class is over! See you!
Class begins.(上课铃声响,老师进教室。
T: Stand up! Good morning students!
S: Good morning teacher!
T: This is music. Let’s sing a song! <Tricycle>
Class is over! Bye.
(小朋友们跑到家长身边,说:Daddy mommy I’m home!)。