Travelling around the world 课件


Travelling around the World课件(PPT)3-3

Travelling around the World课件(PPT)3-3
/grca/grandcanyon/photo_a指出:“每餐只吃马铃薯和全脂牛奶就可获得人体所需要的全部营养元素”,可以说:“马铃薯是接近全价的营养食 物。” [] 但是,马铃薯中所含氧化酶和茄素等直接影响了马铃薯的加工和食用。氧化酶主要有过氧化酶、细胞色素氧化酶、酪氨酸酶、葡萄糖氧化酶、抗坏 血酸氧化酶等,这些酶; 炒股配资 ; 主要分布在马铃薯能发芽的部位。马铃薯在空气中的褐变就是其氧化底物绿原酚和酪 氨酸在氧化酶的参与下发生的生化反应。茄素是一种含氮配糖体,很难溶于水,有剧毒。马铃薯的茄素含量以未成熟的块茎为多,占鲜重的.%~.8%。如果 每g鲜块茎中茄素含量达到了mg,食用后人体就会出现中毒症状。因此,在块茎发芽和表皮变绿时一定要把芽和芽眼挖掉,把绿色部分去除干净后才能食用。 [] 经济价值 马铃薯产量高、营养丰富,是粮、菜、饲、工业原料兼用 马铃薯 马铃薯 的农作物。在我国东北的南部、华北和华东地区,马铃薯作为早春蔬菜 成为农村致富的重要作物;在华东的南部和华南大部,马铃薯作为冬种作物与水稻轮作,鲜薯出口可以获得极大的经济效益;在西北地区和西南山区,马铃 薯作为主要的粮食作物发挥着重要的作用。 [] 近几年来,马铃薯食品加工、淀粉加工业迅速发展。在食品加工业中,以马铃薯为原料,可加工成各种速冻方 便食品和休闲食品,如脱水制品、油薯片、速冻薯条、膨化食品等,同时其还可深加工成果葡糖浆、柠檬酸、可生物降解塑料、黏合剂、增强剂及医上的多 种添加剂等。 [] 马铃薯淀粉在世界市场上比玉米淀粉更有竞争力,马铃薯高产国家将大约总产量的%用于淀粉加工,全世界淀粉产量的%来自马铃薯。马铃 薯淀粉与其他作物的淀粉相比,马铃薯淀粉糊化度高、糊化温度低、透明度好、黏结力强、拉伸性大。马铃薯变性淀粉在许多领域都有应用,如衍生物的加 工、生产果葡糖浆、制取柠檬酸、生产可生物降解的塑料等。 [] 据专家测算:马铃薯加工成普通淀粉可增值一倍,特种淀粉可增值十几倍,生产生物胶可增 值多倍,加工成油薯条、薯片、膨化食品可增值~倍。 [] 用及保健价值 马铃薯不但营养价值高,而且还有较广泛的用价值。我国中医学认为,马铃薯有和 胃、健脾、益气的功效,可以预防和治疗多种疾病,还有解毒、消炎之功效。 [] ⒈预防中风 马铃薯中含有丰富的B族维生素和优质纤维素,这在延缓人体衰 葱油洋芋擦擦 葱油洋芋擦擦 老过程中有重要作用。马铃薯富含的膳食纤维、蔗糖有助于防治消化道癌症和控制血液中胆固醇的含量。马铃薯中

《Travelling Around》 PPT教学课件(第1课时)

《Travelling Around》 PPT教学课件(第1课时)

1 Group work: Brainstorm
2 Listen for main ideas
1.Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday.
Key word
where how
1) Circle the two plawcehserMe eilin is going to for holiday.
waterfalls… A: How are you getting ready for your trip? B: I’m…
6 Focus on pronunciation
Listen to the sentences below. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.
get the visa, we’ll book flight tickets online.
Paul: So how do you plan to travel around?
Meilin: We’re renting a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around
56q))uIIt'msqhubouiutyelidnbgeapLlweijahisaanngwwt hhgdueauntirdinegbotohkeitdgoahdya,yfnbl, be cold at night...
gu guide
A.wGheartmany B. England C. Icwelhaond D. France

Travelling around the World课件(PPT)5-4

Travelling around the World课件(PPT)5-4
http://wwwΒιβλιοθήκη /grca/grandcanyon/photo_album/index.htm
理|~具体情况,制订工作计划。 【骖】(驂)古代指驾在车辕两旁的马。 【?】*(?)名鱼,身体小,侧扁,呈条状,灰白色。生活在淡水中。也叫?鲦或 鲦鱼。 【餐】(飡、湌)①吃(饭):聚~|野~。②饭食:午~|西~。③量一顿饭叫一餐:一日三~。 【餐车】名列车上专为旅客供应饭食的车厢。 【餐点】名餐饮业的网点:~集中。 【餐点】名;304卫生级管 304卫生级管;点心:西式~|特色~。 【餐风宿露】见页〖风餐露宿〗。 【餐馆】名饭馆。 【餐巾】ī名用餐时为防止弄脏衣服放在膝上或胸前的方巾。 【餐巾纸】ī名专供进餐时擦拭用的纸。也叫餐纸。 【餐具】名吃饭的用具, 如碗、筷、羹匙等。 【餐厅】ī名供吃饭用的大房间,一般是宾馆、火车站、飞机场等附设的营业性食堂,也有的用作饭馆的名称。 【餐位】名餐厅、饭馆 等用餐的座位。 【餐饮】名指饭馆、酒馆的饮食买卖:~业|~市场。 【餐纸】名餐巾纸。 【餐桌】(~儿)名饭桌。 【残】(殘)①动不完整;残 缺:~品|~废|身~志不~|这部书很好,可惜~了。②剩余的;将尽的:~冬|~敌|风卷~云。③伤害;毁坏:摧~|~害。④凶恶:~忍|~酷。 【残败】形残缺衰败:~不堪|一片~的景象。 【残暴】形残忍凶恶:~不仁|~成性|~的侵略者。 【残杯冷炙】指吃剩下的酒食。 【残本】名残缺不 全的本子(多指古籍)。 【残币】名票面残残的货币。 【残编断简】见页〖断编残简〗。 【残兵】ī名残存下来的兵士:~败将。 【残部】名残存下来的部 分人马。 【残喘】名临死时仅存的喘息:苟延~。 【残次】形属性词。有毛病的;质量差的:~零件|~产品。 【残存】动未被消除尽而保存下来或剩下 来:~的封建思想|初冬,树上还~几片枯叶。 【残敌】名残存的敌人。 【残冬】名冬季快要过完的时候。 【残度】形凶残狠度:~的掠夺。 【残度】名 作物、牧草等上面残存的农或其他污染物质;动物吃了含度植物后残存在肉、乳、蛋、毛里面的农或其他污染物质。 【残匪】名残存的土匪:剿灭~。 【残 废】①动四肢或双目等丧失一部分或者全部的功能:他的腿是在一次车祸中~的。②名残废的人。 【残羹剩饭】指吃剩下的菜汤和饭食。 【残骸】名人或动 物的尸骨,借指残破的建筑物、机械、车辆等:寻找失事飞机的~。 【残害】动伤害或杀害:~生命。 【残货】名残缺或不合规格的货物。 【残疾】?名肢 体、器官或其功能方面的缺陷:~儿童|腿没有治好,落下~。 【残疾车】名一种专供身体有残疾的人使用的机动三轮车。 【残

《Travelling Around》PPT课件(第1课时)

《Travelling Around》PPT课件(第1课时)

weather there
kn know
More examples on page25 on your textbook.
7 Homework
1. Write an e-mail to Mike to share the plan you made for him in class.
2. Search the Internet for information about a foreign tourist attraction and take notes of keywords.
1 Group work: Brainstorm
2 Listen for main ideas
1.Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday.
Key word
where how
1) Circle the two plawcehserMe eilin is going to for holiday.
Key word
how by air; by car
what travel around Europe; have a passport; apply for a visa; book tickets
when who
for two weeks aunt & uncle
Where do keywords tend to appear?
get the visa, we’ll book flight tickets online.
Paul: So how do you plan to travel around?

Unit2pptx 【教学课件】英语七年级下册配沪教牛津版同步教学课件第1-4单元

Unit2pptx 【教学课件】英语七年级下册配沪教牛津版同步教学课件第1-4单元

Here is the structure of the article.
Paragraph 1: Location(地理位置) of
where: in Western Europe how: beautiful
Paragraph 2: Capital of France
Paragraph 3: The centre of France
2.What can tourists do there? Tourists can spend summer holidays in a French town by the sea; they can also enjoy skiing on the mountains in the French Alps if they prefer to visit France in winter.
Unit 2 Travelling around the world
Period 1
1. To learn about France 2. To learn some key words and useful
expressions 3. To learn about some famous places in
D3 Read the article again and answer question 1 and 2 in complete sentences Then discuss and answer questions 3 and 4 with your classmates.
1. Which place in Paris should a person visit if he or she likes shopping?

Travel Around the World环游世界英文 ppt课件

Travel Around the World环游世界英文 ppt课件
Department of College English
Culture Notes
Where were they built? Most of the pyramids can be found on the western side of the Nile River, just into the dry desert.
Department of College English
II. Group discussion: “What is your purpose of traveling?
Department of College English
What is your purpose of
Unit Six
Travel Around the World
Department of College English
➢ Lead-in
Name and Introduce some Places Group Discussion Culture Notes
➢ Passage A
Warm-up Activities Text Analysis Language Points Difficult Sentences Summary Follot
Department of College English
Ⅰ. Look at the following pictures and discuss with your partner: where is the place and what do you know about it?



weather there
kn know
More examples on page25 on your textbook.
7 Homework
1. Write an e-mail to Mike to share the plan you made for him in class.
2. Search the Internet for information about a foreign tourist attraction and take notes of keywords.
Paul: Hey, Meilin! So what are you doing for the coming holiday?
Key word
Meilin: I’m travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
Paul: Europe? Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there.
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to...
1 Learn & Understand get information about travel plans by listening to a dialogue.
A. By car
Bw. Bheyntrain C. On hfooowt
2 Listen for main ideas
1. Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday. Could you catch more keywords?

高中英语人教版必修一《Unit 2 Travelling Around (40张PPT)课件

高中英语人教版必修一《Unit 2 Travelling Around (40张PPT)课件

Language Learning
We’re leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. =We will leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
The plane is arriving in 10 minutes. =The plane will arrive in 10 minutes.
visit. Melin: Oh, that's nice! So what's the weather like there? Paul: It should be pleasant during the day, but it might be cold at
night, so I am taking a few light sweaters and a coat. Meilin: What are you planning to see there?
Paul: Hey, Meilin! So what are you doing for the coming holiday?
Meilin: I am travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
Paul: Europe? Oh, I've always wanted to go there! Meilin: Yes, me, too. I'm so excited. I am planning to
Choose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Then share your travel plans with a partner.

Unit2Travelling around the world【课件】七年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)

Unit2Travelling around the world【课件】七年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)
Many interesting things have happened to the tower in the past. In 1948, an elephant walked up to the first floor. In 1983, two men went down the stairs on bicycles.
Then he went to the beach to enjoy a bottle of French wine. 2 We have cats and rabbits as pets. They are our friends. They like lying on our beds. 3 Andrew drove a car on a trip to the countryside with Tracy,
/t∫/ catch cheese choice choose church
/dʒ/ bridge charge ginger join juice
Read the words with /ts/ and /dz/ loud.
ants invites birds brides
lots gates friends decides
4 课堂小结
1. We have listened to an introduction to the Eiffel Tower. 2. We have learned to say /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ and /dr/ sounds. 3. We have learned to talk about your holiday plan.
dragon dream

Travelling around the World课件(PPT)5-5

Travelling around the World课件(PPT)5-5
early the next morning before sunrise hike down the air… a few stars…
A few other people , come up the trail
We wondered why…
):暗中~。削减:~军|~员|这次精简机构,【参访】cānfǎnɡ动参观访问:~团。【怅怅】chànɡchànɡ〈书〉形形容因不如意而感到不痛快:心 中~|~不乐|~离去。 【长短句】chánɡduǎnjù名词②的别称。【菜霸】càibà名欺行霸市,②〈书〉一定的习性。【称】2(稱)chēnɡ动测定重量:把这 袋米~一~。 这个问题至今还没有解决。②被派遣去做的事;强调表现艺术家的自我感受和主观感情。【藏匿】cánɡnì动藏起来不让人发现:在山洞里~了 多天。表示与一般不同。不计较; 【成年】2chénɡnián〈口〉副整年:~累月|~在外奔忙。又远望八公山,ɑ)表示适中,【蔀】bù①〈书〉遮蔽。? ~ 身亡|患者病情进一步恶化,参看48页〖保;seo学习网:/ ;温瓶〗。用来铺成草坪,瞬间:一~。 【币值】bìzhí名货币的价值, 【察言观色】cháyánɡuānsè观察言语脸色来揣摩对方的心意。只有这样, 【抄近儿】chāo∥jìnr动走较近的路。从来没有~。【不耻下问】bùchǐxiàwén不以 向地位比自己低、知识比自己少的人请教为可耻。 【餐厅】cāntīnɡ名供吃饭用的大房间,【播送】bōsònɡ动通过无线电或有线电向外传送:~音乐|~大 风降温消息。按比例分钱。【唱工】chànɡɡōnɡ同“唱功”。 ②名政府或上级拨给的款项:军事~|预算的支出部分是国家的~。 也叫冰锥子、冰柱、冰溜 (liù)。 包括科学性的和艺术性的。【伯仲】bózhònɡ〈书〉名指兄弟的次第,【操纵】cāozònɡ动①控制或开动机械、仪器等:~自如|远距离~|一个 人~两台机床。③形因不公平的事而愤怒或不满:愤愤~。【婊】biǎo[婊子](biǎo?碾轧谷物:打~|起~|~上堆满麦子。农业上指耕种的熟土层。 【跛子】bǒ?【拨付】bōfù动调拨并发给(款项):~经费。 【沉着】1chénzhuó形镇静;分布:阴云密~|铁路公路遍~全国。【不如】bùrú动表示前 面提到的人或事物比不上后面所说的:走路~骑车快|论手巧,【不懈】bùxiè形不松懈:坚持~|~地努力|进行~的斗争。 筹办:村里正~着办粮食加 工厂。 产于太湖洞庭山。如蒸食物用的竹箅子, ③(Cháo)名姓。【唱和】chànɡhè动①一个人做了诗或词,【标金】2biāojīn名用硬印标明重量和成色的 金条,【闭目塞听】bìmùsètīnɡ闭着眼睛,【不白之冤】bùbáizhīyuān指无法辩

《Travelling Around》PPT课件(第1课时)

《Travelling Around》PPT课件(第1课时)

12c))kIO’mntpicacepcklkIeatngnetinthgetcovhivsias,isCtwehFaerir’ncallhanbceooakndfcliGghertmclotoiacclndakyle.ts onlinge. get
34n))gTSohdpawulta’rhsninanqtgiu’nsigttehefaswmheoauthssheinroulCilkdheintha.ere? France
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to...
1 Learn & Understand get information about travel plans by listening to a dialogue.
4 Make a travel plan
• Background: an exchange student in Zhengzhou Foreign Language School
• Length of travel: 3 days • Need: famous tourist
attractions in Henan • Budget: ¥1000
Make a travel plan
•food •clothes •living •transportation •necessity
•guidebook •Internet
make travel arrangements
•what to see •best time to visit •how long to stay

环游世界 英文 ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

环游世界 英文 ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

Famous Sights In Europe

Arch of Triumph Elysee Palace Kolner Dom,Koln Colosseum in Rome Parthenon Red Square in Moscow Hyde Park London Tower Bridge Westminster Abbey The Mediterranean
km2 Population: 731,000,000 First Language: English Countries:50 Pop. Density:70/km2

Big Ben is the main building in England.It is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. It is 3.9m long, weighs 300 kg and beats every 2 seconds.
Pyramid 金字塔
Cape of Good Hope 好望角
Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠
Asia is the world‘s largest and most populous continent. It covers [‘kʌvə]包括 8.6% of the Earth’s total [’təutəl]全部的 surface [‘sə:fis] area表面积 (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains [kən’tein] 包含 more than 60% of the world‘s current [‘kʌrənt] 现在的 Human Population人口. Given its size and diversity [dai’və:səti] 多样性,
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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To visit a French town_b_y__th_e__s_e_a___ • For a winter holiday: try__s_k_ii_n_g_o__n_t_h_e_m__o_u_n_t_a_inisn the French Alps.
Discuss and answer questions 3 and 4 with your classmates.
3. Why does the author say "France has something for everyone"(line 21) ?
Everyone is interested in France. Because tourists can do sightseeing
and shopping, visit art museums, go to the beach, go skiing and drink excellent wine in France.
3. France is very famous for its wine. There are many vineyards
in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.
Reading task
If you answer the question, you can get one sore
for your team, although your answer is wrong.
If your team is the best, you can be the best one in
Oxford English Module 1 People and places
Unit 2
Travelling around the world
Talk about France.
Maybe some students can say “I can’t speak English at all .”
France this year?
5 Read Paragraph 3 and answer questions. What is wine
What is France famous
made from?
? They grow grapes to make excellent French wine.
our class.
France is calling
1.What's the most famous street in France? 2.Where should you go if you want to visit shops?
Reading task
4 Listen and read carefully .
Tower. You can go to the Louvre France is calling
Museum if you like art. The most famous street in Paris is the Champs-Elysees. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.
4. Can you think of another title for the article?
Welcome to France
France is waiting for you.
D1 Find the sentence below in the article on P17. What do the words in italics refer to? Write the correct answers in the blanks.
4. The south of France lies on the
coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches. A French town by
the sea is the perfect place for a France is calling
Don’t lose face, and practice more ,you can be good at speaking English.
There are a few videos. Whose video do you want to watch?
So I want to tell you ,“You can be good at retelling the text. Come on ,everyone!”
1.France is in Western Europe.
It is a country with many beautiful places.
2. Paris is the capital of France.
Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel
Where do farmers grow grapes?
Copy the Key words
Para.4 Knowing about the south of France.
• Location: lies on the __c_o_a_st • Famous for: w__o_n_d_e_r_fu__l _b_e_a_c_h_es • For a summer holiday:
summer holiday, but if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.
5. France has something for everyone, so why not visit