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篇一Doctor 1:Good afternoon, Ma'am. What can I do for you?下午好,女士。有什么能为您效劳呢?Shirly:Good afternoon. My son's sight seems to have deteriorated these days. What should I do?下午好。我儿子的视力最近好像下降了。我该怎么办?Doctor 1:Do you know the cause? Is it because of eyestrain? You know kids have a lot of stuff to study these days. Some teachers even ask little children to read Romance of the Three Kingdoms.您知道原因吗?是因为用眼疲劳吗?您知道现在的孩子们要学习很多的东西。有的老师甚至叫小孩子去读《三国演义》。Shirly:I don't think it's studying. My son is constantly playing video and computer games. He is a bit rebellious.我觉得不是因为学习。我儿子经常玩电动

游戏和电脑游戏。他有点叛逆。Doctor 1:It's just the little boy's nature. Don't worry about it. Let's have his eyes tested first.这是男孩子的天性。别担心。我们先给他做个视力检查吧。Shirly:Where can I get that done?去哪里做呢?Doctor 1:Go to the second floor and it's the third room on the left. Go there and you can get everything done.上二楼,左边第三个房间就是。您去那里就可以了。Shirly:Got it. Thank you. See you later.Shirley walks

downstairs after the eye examination.知道了。谢谢你。待会儿见。视力检查完后,雪莉下楼来。Doctor 1:How is it going? What did the report say?怎么样?报告结果怎么说?Shirly:It says that it's just pseudomyopia, so my son's sight can be corrected.

报告说只是假性近视,所以我儿子的视力可以被矫正。Doctor 1:Good for him. But still, don't forget to take some preventive measures.真替他高兴。不过,别忘了采取一些保护措施啊。Shirly:Thanks. I will. I shouldn't just leave him to himself. And I should limit his hours for video and computer games.谢谢。我会的。我不该再由着他了。我要限制他玩电动游戏和电脑游戏的时间。Doctor 1:Yeah. Studying for a long time can also cause eyestrain. Make him do some eye exercises after studying, which would be really good for his sight.是啊。长时间的学习也很容易引起眼睛疲劳。让他在学习完之后,做一下眼保健操,这对他的视力很有好处。Shirly:Good idea. Do you have any other suggestions?好主意。您还有别的建议吗?Doctor 1:We have a variety of eye drops for tired eyes. Would you like one?我们这里有很多保护眼睛疲劳的

眼药水。你想来一盒吗?Shirly:Sure, I'd like one for children. Is this one OK?行啊。要一盒儿童专用的。这盒可以吗?Doctor 1:Yeah, you just picked up the one I was going to recommend. Good choice! Here is a free eye chart for you, so you can have regular eye examinations at home.可以,您挑中了我刚好想要推荐的一款。


检查了。篇二Mary:How long have you felt like this?你觉得这样有多久了?Doctor:It started bothering me yesterday afternoon.从昨天下午开始就折腾我了。Mary:I think I'd better take an X-ray.我想最好给你拍一张X光片。Doctor:Can you see anything?你发

现什么了吗?Mary:It's a small cavity. It should be easy to fill.有一个小洞,很容易补上的。篇三Gina:I have a bad tooth. Should it be filled?我有个牙齿坏了,您看还能补吗?Doctor:This tooth is too bad to be filled any more. It has to be pulled. Do you agree to have it extracted?这个牙齿坏得太厉害,已经不能补了,必须把它拔掉。您同意把它拔掉吗?Gina:It's up to you to decide what to do.由您决定吧。Doctor:Have you ever had an injection of procaine? Have you ever been allergic to anything?您曾经




理了,欢迎阅读!篇一Doctor 1:Good afternoon, Ma'am. What can I do for you?下午好,女士。有什么能为您效劳呢?Shirly:Good afternoon. My son's sight seems to have deteriorated these days. What should I do?下午好。我儿子的视力最近好像下降了。我该怎

么办?Doctor 1:Do you know the cause? Is it because of eyestrain? You know kids have a lot of stuff to study these days. Some
