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I :情景反应。(只听


II :对话理解。(共5个小题,每小题1分,共5分) ()6. What test will the boy have?

A. En glish.

B. Math.

C. Chin ese.

()7.What team is Alice on?

A. Basketball.

B. Volleyball.

C. Football.

()8. What will the girl do on Su nday?

A. She will have a violi n less on.

B. She will visit her gran dpare nts.

C. She will have a pia no less on.

()9. Did the girl watch TV last ni ght?

()2. A.

()3. A.

()4. A. ()5. A. C. ()1. A.




A. Yes, she did.

B. No, she didn ' t.

C. We don't know.

()10. What does the girl do on Sun day after noon?

A. She practices speak ing En glish.

B. She plays computer games.

C. She reads books.

III :听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍。(共5个小题,共10分)

()11. What does the boy wa nt to do?

A. Have a party at his house.

B. Have a party at school.

C. Have an exhibiti on at school.

()12. What does the boy have to do?

A. Do his homework.

B. Do the shopping.

C. Dosomechores.

()13. Which room does the boy n eed to clea n?

A. The bedroom.

B. The livi ng room.

C. The bathroom.

()14. What is the boy's father doi ng?

A. He is writ ing a report.

B. He is writing a letter.

C. He is writi ng a book.

()15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party? A. Fruit and drinks. sn acks.

B. Drinks and vegetables.

C. Drinks and VI.选择填空(20分)

()16. — What ' s

matter? —I have stomachache.

A. the; a

B. /; a

C. the; an

D. a ; the

()17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob.

A. to

B. at

C. i n

D. f rom

()18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea _______ ?

A. alone

B. any way

C. n either

D. i nstead

()19.Sorry, I _______my homework at home.

A. forgot


C.missed D .lost

()20. — Did you go swim ming with your brother last Sun day?

—Yes. We enjo yed _________ .

A. myself

B. ourselves

C. themselves


himself ()21. I am a new stude nt here. All my classmates are frien dly to me, so I

don ' t feel ___________ .

B. wrong

C. lo nely t think that you should with

B. work

C. argue 't allow me in the room. B. smoked C. smok ing ()24.I can hardly hear what it is say ing on TV. Would you please A. deaf ()22. I don ' love you. A. rest ()23. Jim did n A. smoke smoke

D. strong your

parents. They D. agree D. to
