飞机在部装和总装过程中需要检测的几何参数 主要包括轴线偏斜度、定位装置的角度偏差、距离、 平行度、垂直度以及部件外形孥日。这些几何参数 的计算是通过对一些几何元素(如点、线、型面等) 的测量得到的。这些几何元素的测量可直接由激光 跟踪仪完成,通过把CAD模型或理论数值和实际测 量值作对比来实现。激光跟踪仪测量系统测量型面 操作步骤分为三部分。第一步是测前准备工作,第 二部分是建立工装坐标系,第三步是在工装坐标系 下测量型面隔。这三部分内容既有联系又各自独立, 三部分工作可以连续进行,也可以分段进行。下面 对每—个操作步骤及操作中要注意的事项作详细的 介绍。
从激光器发出的光束,经扩束准直后由分光镜 分为两路,并分别从固定反射镜和可动反射镜反射 回来会合在分光镜上而产生干涉条纹。当可动反射 镜移动时,干涉条纹的光强变化由接受器中的光电 转换元件和电子线路等转换为电脉冲信号,经整形、 放大后输入可逆计数器计算出总脉冲数,再由电子 计算机按计算式式中λ为 激光波长(N 为电脉冲总数), 算出可动反射镜的位移量L。使用单频激光干涉仪 时,要求周围大气处于稳定状态,各种空气湍流都 会引起直流电平变化而影响测量结果 。
在全机水平测量前, 首先要查出全机水 平测量点理论坐标值, 一般以飞机水平基准线、 对称轴线为基准, 以机头位置或对称轴线上其 他位置为起始原点, 建立水平测量点相对于水 平基准线和对称轴线下的理论空间坐标系, 然 后把实际测得标点坐标通过系统计算, 得出实 际测量值与理论值之间的差异,从而得到标点 的偏离情况, 同时, 计算出全机大部件的安装 角、倾斜角等。
1. 激光发射:法如激光扫描仪内部装有高速旋转的镜组或通过振镜系统控制的激光头,能够快速发射出一束或多束激光。
2. 激光测量:激光束投射到物体表面后发生反射,返回至扫描仪接收器。
3. 距离测量:根据激光脉冲从发射到被反射回来的时间差(飞行时间法TOF,Time of Flight),利用光速计算出扫描仪与被测物体之间的精确距离。
4. 角度定位:通过监测和记录激光发射和接收的角度变化,可以确定激光点在空间中的水平和垂直位置。
5. 数据整合:连续且快速地采集大量这样的距离和角度信息,形成大量的三维坐标点,这些点云数据经过处理后,可构建出高精度的三维模型。
6. 实时成像:一些高端的法如激光扫描仪还配备了相机模块,
车工专家采用FARO 激光跟踪仪(FARO Laser Tracker),只需耗费一半时间,即可达到更高精度更高智能的工程与技术往往是促进任何工业发展的关键动力。
Self Levelling Metal Machines Pte Ltd (SLMM)正是一家精密工程公司,该公司是业务遍布全球的Self Levelling Machines (SLM)公司属下成员之一。
SLMM 创办于2000年,是Self Levelling Machines (Australia)与Metal Machines Engineering Services (Singapore)两家公司的联盟企业,公司总部设在新加坡。
SLMM 为多家公司提供巨型的原位精密车工服务,包括镗孔、铣削及钻孔等。
SLMM 项目工程师Lok Qiuquan 分享其经验时表示,“我们多数客户是来自海事与岸外工业。
”SLMM 所承接的所有项目,都必须在车削工作开始前及完成后进行检验。
模拟安装、机器对准及几何尺寸检验等都是SLMM 的日常工作之一。
”Lok 表示,“测量对象可能是30毫米的小孔,也可能是直径30米的巨型结构,经常需要使用多种不同的传统仪器和手持工具。
”这些测量方法尽管效果相对良好,但是SLMM 依然在寻求效率更高的替代方法。
我们的美国伙伴向我们推荐FARO 激光跟踪仪,因为他们使用后觉得效果极好,尤其是针对需要用到圆形自调平机器(CSLMs)的项目而言。
FAROLaser Scanner Focus3DX330新型激光扫描仪:用于三维数字建档和土地测量的理想工具
![FAROLaser Scanner Focus3DX330新型激光扫描仪:用于三维数字建档和土地测量的理想工具](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/88ff538ce53a580216fcfef5.png)
沉淀 ,同时能够确保每台搅拌泵具有 相等的累计
运 行 时 间 ,确 保 了污 水池 的水 处 于 最 佳状 态 。一 旦 水 位 到 达 上 高 位 时 ,P L C就 会 启 用 干 运 转 保 护 措 施 ,使 全 部 的补 水 泵停 止 运 行 ,这样 对 水 泵 起 到 了保 护作 用 。
号 ,P L C 控制污水池 中水泵给蓄水池补水 ,直到
蓄水 池 液 面 达 到 高位 ;同时 P L C还 控 制 骨料 层 蓄 水 池 内搅拌 泵 定时搅 拌 ,避免 污水 沉 淀 。
[ 2 ]陈燕兵. 基 于P L C 及 组 态王技 术 的污水 处理 自控 系统
应 用分析 [ J ]. 工业控 制计 算机 ,2 0 1 2( 1 ) :3 6 .
j f F A R O ⑧L a s e r S c a n n e r F o c u s 。 D X 3 3 0 新型激光扫描仪:用于三维数字 j 1
建 档 和 土 地 测 量 的理 想 工具
佛罗里达州玛丽湖 ( 2 0 1 3 年l 0 月8 日) 一 全球最值得信赖的三维测量、 成像和实现技术 供应商F A R O T e c h 一 {
, r —卜 。 - +- 。 - +- 。 - 4 -。 —卜 - +- 。 - +- 。 - 4 -。 — 卜 - 4 - - + - 。 - +- 。 - 4- 。 _ 4 - - 。 - 4 - - + - 。 - 4 - - 。 - 4 - - 。 - 4 - 。 - + - 。 - +- 。 - 4 - - 。 - + - 。 - + - ’ - +- 。 - 4 -。 — 卜 - 4 - - 。 - 4 . - 。 - 4 - 。 - + - 。 - +- 。 - F’
FARO ARM便携式三坐标测量臂的应用-登望科技110101
![FARO ARM便携式三坐标测量臂的应用-登望科技110101](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b42f96b7e21af45b307a80c.png)
FARO ARM便携式三坐标测量臂的应用1. 法如公司简介法如(FARO)创立于1981年,企业总部位于美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多市,从创立以来致力于便携式测量系统的研发、制造和服务,产品包括:测量机、测量臂、激光跟踪仪、激光扫描仪、3D扫描仪。
2. FARO ARM测量臂介绍当您正在费尽心思为无法将大型工件搬上固定式三坐标的大理石平台去测量而束手无策时;当您面对一大堆量具、量规却仍感到无法满足测量要求时;当您正抱怨测量机的死角让你无法满足测试要求时;当您正无耐将工件反复搬运到测量间而浪费时间时;当您觉得一台测量仪器重复性很差而无法信任它的精度稳定性时;FARO便携式三维柔性测量臂是您的最佳选择!FARO便携式三坐标测量臂的精度高达0.024mm,使传统CMM、手工工具和其它便携式检查设备难以匹配。
如果您将该精度与其可修改的3D测量技术和定制零培训软件工具(带或不带 CAD)结合起来, FARO测量臂将是需要 GD&T和 SPC(Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制)输出的成型、铸模、制造、铸造及装配设备的理想解决方案。
FARO Arm测量系统,是全球第一套个人化坐标量测系统,也是行业中首选的携带式三坐标测量系统正满足您就地安装使用的需求。
1Faro 跟踪仪的基本操作与规范
![1Faro 跟踪仪的基本操作与规范](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bdd0f57b31b765ce050814c6.png)
Faro 跟踪仪的补偿和使用步骤一、Faro跟踪仪的补偿概述:如所有其它高精度仪器一样,必须定期检查 FARO 激光跟踪器。
命令:设备---硬件配置--- CompIT主菜单按钮“自动补偿”按钮开始程序。
包括以下三个位置:• 方位角 90 度、顶点角 90 度、距离 6 米。
• 方位角 -45 度、顶点角 90 度、距离 2 米。
• 方位角 45 度、顶点角 135 度、距离 2 米。
同样地,把1.5”SMR置于电脑屏幕提示位置进行测量,其中包括以下几个位置:• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 2 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 3.6 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 5.2 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 6.8 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 8.4 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 10 米。
Hardware Device Setup Checklist
温度对零件的影响 • 提前将工件放置在测量环境中适应空气温度(目的:测量温度与环境温度一致) • 在气温相对稳定的地方进行测量 • 软件可以利用工件的膨胀系统最大限度的进行调整(工件的温度补偿)。 • 将工件暴露在光源下 • 测量应该远离加热/通风管道或任何其他潜在的空气扰动源
Lengths & Angles
Coordinate Systems - basic Coordinate Systems - advanced
Align to drawing
Nominals & Tolerances
User Interface
本节的目的是提供用户界面的概述。 将通过详细介绍各种方法来实现面板及其使用。
Hardware Optical Targets
不要使用从车间的软管中获得的压缩空气进行清洁——空气很少是清洁的,可能会在SMR表面覆盖油或其他污染物. 千万不要用干棉签或纸巾清洁光学表面,因为它们会划伤光学表面。用不适当的化学物质清洗会破坏反光表面. To Clean: 使用一个易拉罐中的空气,将空气从SMR中喷射几秒钟,然后将其喷到光学表面,以将易拉罐中的推进剂从空气喷嘴中 去除。这可以防止推进剂喷到SMR的光学表面. 喷涂压缩空气时,请将易拉罐直立,不要摇晃易拉罐 . 如果目标在吹掉任何灰尘后仍不能工作,请使用以下目标的具体程序:
• 草案
• 灰尘
• 湿度
• 地面振动
它具有70米的测量范围,超级绝对测量模式(X系列)/ 干涉和绝对测量模式(Xi系列)使测量过程更精确、更灵活,XtremeADM(绝对距离测量、断电续接)功能可保证系统的稳定精确性,是实现您三维大体积测量最先进最方便的仪器。
FARO 空间测量激光跟踪仪系列主机工作原理及特点:使用此测量系统,操作人员只须用三脚架支起激光跟踪仪,并用标靶反光镜接触或沿着测量工件表面移动。
⌝激光器放在主机体内而非放置在跟踪头上;XtremeADM是全封闭、平衡的设计,光束通过光纤传送 (无反射镜),聚光性稳定性好,无干涉,稳定性好,使用寿命长。
此种设计, 使得垂直和水平的两个主轴安装工艺更合理和可靠。
⌝ XtremeADM功能:具有GPS校准的绝对距离测量、断电续接功能 (反映时间为1/10秒),达到世界上最高的扫描速度,是世界上最快、最先进的ADM系统。
⌝主机具有3个基准零点,可同时放置3个 (大、中、小) 反射镜标靶,可同时放置3个(大,中,小)反射镜标靶,起到光粑更换架的效果。
03 FARO 3D Imager AMP三维光学扫描仪04全新水平上的3D扫描技术07技术规格无与伦比的AMP三维光学扫描仪精度FARO 3D Imager AMP 是一种高性能的非接触式三维扫描仪,能在仅仅数秒内采集数百万个点。
独有的专利技术使得 AMP 在检测零部件、组装件和工具等领域达到了前所未有的精度。
全新水平上的AMP三维光学扫描仪技术FARO 3D Imager AMP具有尖端专利技术,即干涉条纹(AFI)技术。
color photographs of the FARO color option, automatically detecting and equalizing differences in the distortion and alignment of the photos. Measuring and Analyzing Generation of objects, including points, spheres, planes, and cylinders directly from the scan data. Measuring between scan points and objects. Checks for flatness.Global Sales Offices: USA • Mexico • Germany • Switzerland • France • United Kingdom • Spain • Italy • Netherlands • Poland • Singapore • China • Japan • India •Brazil800.736.023404REF201-042.pdf Revised: 3/26/09Specifications Editing Scan Data■ Automatic search for reference spheres and black and white reference targets■ Object markers for the manual identification of spheres, black and white reference targets, circular reference targets, planes and slabs ■ Online correspondence search for the automatic assignment of reference points■ Automatic coloring of the scans with the high-resolution color photographs of the FARO color option■ Coloring of scan points with the aid of imported color photos ■ Deletion of scan areas■ Generation of new scan files of selected areas ■ Filters (including “dark points”, and “stray points”)Data Management of Extensive Projects ■ Hierarchical structure■ Bundling of unlimited number of scans to one project Analysis■ Distance measurement ■ Analysis of evennessImport & Export■ Control points for geo-referencing (.cor, .csv)■ Scan points (FARO Scan, FARO Cloud, .dxf, VRML, .igs, .txt, .xyz, .xyb, .pts, .ptx, .ptc, .ptz [import only], .pod [export only])■ CAD objects (.wrl [im- & export], .igs and .dxf [export only])■ Import digital photos (.jpg, .png, .bmp)■ Export panoramic images (.jpg)■ Online data transfer to FARO Cloud for AutoCAD Navigation■ Displaying of scan positions for viewpoint selection and changing to other scans by clicking■ 3D navigation in flight and inspection mode■ Predefined views (front view, side view, top view)Creating Workspaces ■ Scans & CAD objects■ Object fitting with visual quality indicators for spheres/tubes/planes (including automatic border detection)■ Meshing■ Measurements■ Intuitive user interface with structure viewViews■ 3D view■ Planar & Quick view■ Color scans are shown either in black & white or color ■ CAD object display ■ Print preview■ Color gradient depiction for displaying point distances from reference planes or the scanner locationGeneral。
74F aro Laser TrackersFaro Vantage / Faro Ion / Faro Xi This guide applies to the setup of the Faro X, Xi, Ion and Vantage (in-cluding Vantage S /E , Vantage S6/E6 models). Hardware SetupSet up the unit following the manufacturer’s directions. Connect the temperature probe and ensure that it is well clear of any external heat sources (such as the heat fan on the back of the power supply). Ensure that the instrument is powered on and that an SMR is in the home position. Software SetupFaro trackers are networked TCP/IP connected devices and should be connected either to a wireless network or directly to a computer with an Ethernet crossover cable. Set your computer’s Local Network connection to be compatible with that of the Faro tracker. Faro trackers are shipped with a standard wired IP address of (subnet Wireless connections default to Download the latest java drive from: http://www.kinematics.com/ftp/SA/Install/Driver Downloads/Laser Trackers/Faro/. Extract the fi les to the C:\ drive. This should create a directorystructure with the Faro Java fi les contained in C:\FaroJRE.Your JRE fi les must match your version of SA...■Versions 2017.02.09 and older, use the Faro JRE v4.3■Versions 2017.02.09 to 2018.07.11, use the Faro JRE v5.0.0.1■Versions 2018.12.07 to 2019.11.21, use the Faro JRE v5.1.3.1■Version 2020.04.09, use the Faro JRE v5.1.7.3■Version 2020.07.20 and 2020.12.01 use the Faro JRE v5.1.8.3■Version 2021.01 and newer use the Faro JRE v5.1.9.4 (requiredto support the 6D probe2)If you plan to use the video (overview) camera, you must also get the‘Faro Tracker Camera fi les.zip’ fi le (version matching that of the JREFiles). Unzip the fi le and follow the instructions contained in ReadMeFaro Camera.txt. Note that cameras are wireless. If your camerahas the default IP address, you can set your PC’s wireless connection’saddress to the Interface1. Select Instrument > Add and choose the appropriate Faro track-er from the Add Instrument to SA dialog (Figure 3-64).Figure 3-64. Adding a Faro tracker752. Run Interface Module without connecting (Instrument > Run In-terface Mode) and choose Laser Trackers.3. Within the Connect to Spatial Analyzer dialog, Se-lect the instrument station (computer name, job name,Collection::Instrument Name: Serial Number) you wish to con-nect your instrument to from the network list and press OK.4. This will bring up the Faro Connection dialog (Figure 3-65).Figure 3-65. T he Faro Connectiondialog5. Enter the tracker’s IP address (if diff erent than the default) anduse the Ping button to test the connection if needed.Once satisfi ed, click OK. The next time you connect this instrument tothe instrument, you can just select Run Interface and Connect. This willutilize the last saved settings and automatically connect the instru-ment.Notes on the connection process:■The fi rst 7 digits of the tracker serial number can also be usedto fi nd the tracker. When you use this method it will search forboth a wired and wireless connection.■To connect Wireless, be sure to connect your computer to thetrackers wireless signal and use either the serial number or thewireless IP address which will something like (notthe wired default).■If you have any trouble be sure to check your windows fi rewall.Exceptions need to be made for both the Spatial Analyzer andSA Laser Tracker applications.The interface is now connected and ready for use. Please refer to theMeasurements chapter of the manual for more details on the tracker76interface and instrument settings options.Faro Specifi c SettingsDistance ModeBeam rest can be manually overridden as needed. Choose between:■ADM Only. This mode restricts beam tracking operations toADM only.■IFM Only. This mode restricts beam tracking operation to IFMonly which requires a homing procedure each time the beamis broken.■IFM Set by ADM. Faro’s default mode which is a hybrid modethat provides accurate tracking using IFM and easy beam re-capture using ADM modes.External Trigger Settings■External Trigger Settings. The external trigger will apply toANY measurement profi le which has either a spatial or tempo-ral scan as it’s Acquisition.When “External” is set (for the Measurement Start Trigger in the FaroTracker Settings), points will be taken when the trigger is pulsed. Theonly requirements is that a profi le must be started for the externaltrigger to be recognized which as an Acquisition mode of either spa-tial or temporal scan. The advantage of this design is that no adjust-ments to the measurement profi le need to be made, and any profi lewill work (Figure 3-66).■The trigger cable must be connected to the “Up” port on thetracker controller.■0 Volts on the trigger port implies take data and send the datain continuous mode (where as 5Volts indicates stop). So bydefault the external trigger is set to on and sending data andmust be powered to stop sending data. This means that if thereis no external trigger, the measurement will simply begin at themaximum temporal rate of the trackers.77Figure 3-66. F aro tracker settingsincluding external trigger settingsSearch SettingsFaro’s video camera is used is used for refl ector acquisition and pro-vides a couple of optional modes:■Camera Search Enabled. This option enables camera search.Disabling this option is used to limit target search to a beamspiral search only.■Find Me Enabled. This is similar to the “Gesture Recognition”setting and allows the tracker to snap to the moving target.■Active Seek Radius. Active Seek can be set from main window(formerly “Smart Find”) dialog if supported. The Active Seek Ra-dius can be set to limit the search zone relative to the currentbeam position considered by the camera.Spatial Scan Data Buff eringData buff ering was added to ensure that SA keep up with data deliv-ered form the instrument. With a very tight scan increment this canbe quite fast (~100Hz).■Enable Faro Data Buff ering. Provides a switch to enable ordisable data buff er. If unchecked, behavior is unchanged fromprevious versions■ Buff er Size. Default is 0.2. At 0.2, for a spatial increment of0.01” (2.54 mm), the buff er would be 0.2/0.01 = 20 pts. Anotherway to look at this is the Buff er Size means the number of inch-es worth of data that will get buff ered. So at a value of 1.0 anda spatial increment of 0.01”, the buff er size would be 1.0/0.01 =100 pts, and with a point every 0.01”, 100 of them takes up 1.0inch.78■Do not buff er if increment is >= . This allows you to set a max-imum increment for which buff ering will occur. The defaultvalue is 0.1, meaning that when you set a spatial increment of0.1” (2.54 mm) or higher, no buff ering will occur.Its important to know that this buff ering happens on the Faro side,the interface will not receive any data until the buff er is fi lled. So forexample, you cannot set a scan whose increment would result in acalculated buff er size of 100 points, and yet set a profi le to stop at 20points because it will not send data at all until 100 points have beenrecorded.Specialty TargetsWindowed SMR Confi gurationWindowed SMR’s have an additional ADM off set, due to their glassfront, which needs to be accounted for. This is done by building a tar-get based upon the correct refl ector defi nition (see “Targets and Ret-ros” on page 19). Care should be taken to always use a target that isrepresentative of the actual refl ector being used or an error equal tothe ADM constant may be seen in your measurements.As stated in the Faro accessories manual, proper use of the windowedSMR requires sending it home when the target type is set correctly,otherwise an error will occur. This ensures the correct ADM off set isused. Additionally, when running startup checks or CompIT with thewindowed SMR, you should be sure to send the tracker home after-wards, as these routines assume 1.5” standard SMR is being used. Anadditional homing operation should be performed to update the tar-get defi nition.Faro 6D ProbeFaro’s 6D probe can be used within SA, using the Vantage S6 and Vanta-ge E6 trackers. No additional driver installation is required. Compatibletrackers will include a 6Probe defi nition.■The Faro 6Probe version 2 with exchangeable tips requires SAversion 2021.01 or later.The 6probe target detection is automatic but an initial connectionand activation process must be performed each time the 6D Probe ispowered on, and would go as follows:1. Connect to the Tracker2. Power on the 6D Probe Unit and catch the beam.3. Press any button on the probe and wait (approx. 10-20 sec.)for the probe’s “happy” beep and blue LED. If you have troublegetting the 6Probe to activate, try moving it farther from thetracker.794. After the fi rst successfully pairing of the 6Probe and tracker,you’ll be asked if you want to pop the Probe Management UIto set the active probe tip. Hit “Yes”, and select a tip that isValid, or Calibrate at least one probe tip, and select it.The probe is auto-detected once a probe tip is activated. When you lock back on to a 3D probe, the last used 3D probe will be set ac-tive for you. The pairing process will not be necessary again until the probe is powered down.The follow status indicator lights may be displayed:■No Lights Flashing. Press a probe button to begin the initial connection process.■Flashing Blue Lights. A connection to the probe is being made... wait for completion.■Flashing Red Lights. Connection attempt failed. Press a but-ton to begin again.■Flashing Green Lights. Success full connection has been es-tablished, waiting for tip selection. The Probe Management UI will open automatically to allow tip selection.■Solid Green Lights. Ready to Measure.Once confi gured, the probe is auto-detected and will be set simply by catching the beam. When you lock back on to a standard 3D refl ector, the last used refl ector (such as a 1.5” ball) will be set as active.Tip selection and calibration is performed within the Faro utility win-dow that can be displayed directly from the Home Button in the inter-face which will read Manage Tips when a 6probe is active (Figure 3-67). Also note that the name and diameter of the active probe defi nitions is displayed on the Measure button.Figure 3-67. T ip Selection control from the “Home” button8081This utility is also accessible as a target defi nition within the Refl ec-tors and Targets database, where the 6Probe target functions as a but-ton and provides access through a left click to Faro’s Probe Manage-ment utility (Figure 3-68).Faro’s Probe Management utility provides:■Ability to select directly for a list of defi ned probe tips. The 6Probe version 2 will recognize tips automatically when theyare connected, but changes to the calibration or initial setup is still performed in this dialog.■With the addition of the auto-detect tips this is typically not necessary but it is possible to defi ne multiple tips for a holder.■Probe Compensation options■Probe Check options Figure 3-68. F aro’s M anagement U Ior tip selection and compensation Tool.Note that undefi ned tips will have an initial off set of -1 meter. To program the 6Probe’s buttons, just click on the “gear” icon (),and then on the Faro button (Figure 3-69).Figure 3-69. 6D Probe buttons canbe confi gured as needed through thegeneral setting.When set up for a given work fl ow, such as using the inspection tasklist, these buttons can be used to work for long periods without go-ing back to the computer. In addition, the 6Probe can be used as aremote even when using and SMR.A set of standard 6D measurement profi les will also be available withthe 6D Probe (Figure 3-70).Figure 3-70. S tandard Set of 6D Measurement ProfilesThese provide a starting point for custom measurement profi le de-velopment. 6D measurements send frame’s to SA to graphically de-fi ne position and orientation, which can be used in combination withregular point measurements (which also do save the probing infor-mation in the measurement details). For more information on defi n-ing measurement profi les (see “Measurement Profi les” on page 25).Running the Tracker Interface SeparatelyOne of the unique features about SA’s architecture is that the instru-82ment interface can be run separately from SA. This provides a meansto run multiple trackers independently on diff erent machines whileconnect to a single SA for data storage. Doing so also provides theability to separate the persistence fi les for individual trackers, as thepersistence fi le will be saved in the directory as where the tracker in-terface is launched, as opposed to the C:\Analyzer Data\Persistencefolder.In order to run the SA Laser Tracker process separately some addition-al support fi les are required. These include the following fi les (Figure3-71):the SA Laser Tracker process indepen-dently from SA.83。
1Faro 跟踪仪的基本操作与规范
![1Faro 跟踪仪的基本操作与规范](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bdd0f57b31b765ce050814c6.png)
Faro 跟踪仪的补偿和使用步骤一、Faro跟踪仪的补偿概述:如所有其它高精度仪器一样,必须定期检查 FARO 激光跟踪器。
命令:设备---硬件配置--- CompIT主菜单按钮“自动补偿”按钮开始程序。
包括以下三个位置:• 方位角 90 度、顶点角 90 度、距离 6 米。
• 方位角 -45 度、顶点角 90 度、距离 2 米。
• 方位角 45 度、顶点角 135 度、距离 2 米。
同样地,把1.5”SMR置于电脑屏幕提示位置进行测量,其中包括以下几个位置:• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 2 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 3.6 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 5.2 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 6.8 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 8.4 米。
• 任意方位角、顶点角 90 度、距离 10 米。
1. 发射激光:激光跟踪仪内部装有激光发射器,通过控制电路向外发射一束红激光束。
2. 照射物体:将激光光线照射到需要跟踪的物体上。
3. 接收光线:激光跟踪仪内部配有接收器,用于接收物体反射回来的光线。
4. 光信号处理:接收器将接收到的光信号转换为电信号,经过一系列信号处理电路进行放大、滤波等处理,以提高信号质量和稳定性。
5. 光斑分析:对接收到的光信号进行分析,从中提取出物体位置信息。
6. 数据输出:经过计算分析后,激光跟踪仪将跟踪到的物体位置数据输出给用户。
❖ 实际测量值形成点云,拟合成曲面,把实现 测量结果与CAD理论数据比较,依据偏差数 据生成颜色表示测量结果。计算测得的几何 元素间的相对位置关系(距离、角度等),查看 关键部位的特征符合状况(尺寸公差和几何公 差等)。
4 数字化检测验收
利用激光跟踪仪对工装连续重复测量3次, 对其工装基准进展测量,可验证工装的稳定 性、仪器的测量精度等,保证其测量数据精 度。同时,使用数字技术验证关键定位器, 利用量规对工装进展实际检查等。最终选择 适合自己的报告格式,打印测量报告作为验 收依据。
❖ 激光跟踪仪测量系统的组成及原理
的全站仪, 跟踪头的激光束、旋转镜和旋转轴构成了激光跟踪仪
的三个轴, 三轴相交的中心是测量坐标系的原点。激光跟踪仪可
的位置。简洁的说, 激光跟踪测量系统可静态或动态地跟踪一个
从激光器发出的光束,经扩束准直后由分光镜 分为两路,并分别从固定反射镜和可动反射镜反射 回来会合在分光镜上而产生干预条纹。当可动反射 镜移动时,干预条纹的光强变化由承受器中的光电 转换元件和电子线路等转换为电脉冲信号,经整形、 放大后输入可逆计数器计算出总脉冲数,再由电子 计算机按计算式式中λ为 激光波长(N 为电脉冲总数), 算出可动反射镜的位移量L。使用单频激光干预仪 时,要求四周大气处于稳定状态,各种空气湍流都 会引起直流电平变化而影响测量结果 。
(2) 简洁曲面的测量 假设要测量的曲面局部激光蔽或凹陷在钣金件的下面, 反射球无法完成检测时,可选用7Imobe解决这些问 题,T_-Pmbe测量隐蔽的洞或腔可获得极高的精度。 假设要检测的型面比较简洁,不便于接触测量,或 者需要扫描部件各个部位用来逆向制造,可选用 T_Sc蛐,它可以快速扫描各种材质或者简洁的外表。 操作人员手持靶标测量时,靶标的移动速度和加速 度对测量精度将产生影响,速度过快会使光束折断, 虽然跟踪仪有断光续接功能,但是它是以牺牲确定 的精度为代价的。同时应尽量避开测量点的振动以 及气流的扰动。
CAD ResourcesPick nominal geometries with a single click - or let the software find them for you.New and Improved AlignmentsSix-point freeform surface, RPS, and three geometry alignment.Engineered for maximum efficiency in computer-aided measurement and 3D inspection, FARO‘s proprietary CAM2 Q software allows you to complete high-precision measurement jobs with simplicity and confidence.Offering you the flexibility to measure the way your process or job requires, CAM2 Q is ideal for CAD and non CAD-based inspection and Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T). CAM2 Q support features include image-guided measurement, automatic nominal association to various features, and Quicktools for building part programs.Aerospace: Alignment, tooling & mould certification, part inspection ▪ Automotive: Tool building & certification, alignment, part inspection ▪ Metal Fabrication: On-ma -chine inspection, first article inspection, periodic part inspection ▪ Moulding/Tool & Die: Mould and die inspection, prototype part scanningSolid Measurement Made SimpleCommon ApplicationsMeasure and report using cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinate systemsAutomatic nominal association from CADNIST-tested and PTB-certified geom -etry calculation algorithmsFlexible measurement workflows for novice and experienced usersMultiple options for exporting meas -urment resultsMaximize the efficiency of your Laser Tracker with qTouch, Bundle Adjust -ment and Survey featuresFeatures & BenefitsMeasure your parts quicklyStart measuring immediately, without need -ing to interact or tell the software what is beign measured. Also, using the new qTouch iPhone application, measure at a distance but running instructions to CAM2 Q and revieving the real-time results from your measurements on your iPhone.Repeated part measurementMeasurement of multiple parts can be simplified using QuickTools programming. Develop part programs quickly by record -ing the steps of the first measurement. Later add pictures to the measurement steps to provide easy graphical instructions for the operators.FARO ® CAM2® QISO-17025 : 2005ACCREDITED Certificate # L1147To learn more, visit /LaserScannerFARO Singapore Pte Ltd (Asia Pacific Headquarter)Australia • Malaysia • Philippines • Thailand • Vietnam • India •China • Japan •Korea3 Changi South Street 2, Xilin Districentre Tower B, Singapore 486548Tel: +65 6511 1350 Fax: +65 6543 0111Email: salesap@FARO Business Technologies India Pvt LtdE-12, B-1 Extension, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044, IndiaTel: +91 11 4646 5656 Fax: +91 11 4646 5660Email : enquiry-india@FARO, THE MEASURE OF SUCCESS, FaroArm, Quantum, CAM2, ION, and FARO Laser ScanArm are registered trademarks and trademarks of FARO Technologies Inc.© 2010 FARO Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.04REF101-028Revised: October 2010© 2010 FAROGlobal Offices: Australia ▪ Brazil ▪ China ▪ France ▪ Germany ▪ India ▪ Italy ▪ Japan ▪ Malaysia ▪ Mexico ▪ Netherlands ▪ Philippines ▪ PolandPortugal ▪ Singapore ▪ Spain ▪ Switzerland ▪ Thailand ▪ Turkey ▪ United Kingdom ▪ USA ▪ Vietnam ▪ South KoreaSpecifications Platform: Windows ® Vista ▪ Windows ® XP Data input:Parasolid ® , IGES, VDA/FS, STEP ▪ Optional - Unigraphics ® , Solidworks ® , CATIA ® , Solid Edge ® , ProE ® & Inventor ® Data output: IGESLanguages: Chinese ▪ English ▪ French ▪ German ▪ Italian ▪ Japanese ▪ Portuguese ▪ Polish ▪ Russian ▪ Spanish ▪ TurkishCapabilities Import/Export ▪ Import/export points to a text file ▪ Import CAD files▪ Export measurement results to CAD ▪ Export CAD as an XGLMeasurement▪ Direct Measurement▪ Automatic nominal association ▪ Digital read out to a feature▪ Measure points on CAD surfaces▪ Measure and add readings to a feature ▪ Hard-probe scanning ▪ GD&T▪ Continuous measurement▪ Home-in measurement for points ▪ Measure sheet metal partsAlignments▪ Coordinate system ▪ terative ▪ 3.2.1▪ Six-point surface ▪ RPS▪ Three-featureNominals▪ Pick features from CAD (single click)▪ Create nominal features by entering values Programming▪ Record steps for a part program (online/offline)▪ Play steps in a measurement program ▪ Integrated programming module Reporting▪ Custom layouts▪ Export to HTML, text, Microsoft® Excel, PDFHardware Support ▪ Move device▪ qTouch application ▪ Bundle Adjustment▪ Survey and Aim support。
FARO 扫描仪应用于红层地形监测
![FARO 扫描仪应用于红层地形监测](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d1093734804d2b160b4ec088.png)
FARO 激光扫描仪用于地形监测的研究三维激光扫描技术是一种全自动的立体扫描测绘技术,具有测量精度高、获取数据快等优点。
此次监测应用设备为 FARO Focus3D X 330, FARO Focus3D X 330 是一款超长测量距离的高速三维扫描仪。
Focus3D X 330 将扫描范围扩展至全新的尺寸:能够在阳光直射下扫描最远距离为 330 米的物体。
一.作业准备为最大限度的保证监测数据的精确和完整性,需要准备的仪器与配件包括以下几种:1.FARO Focus 3d x 330三维激光扫描仪1台2.摄影脚架与木质三脚架2幅3.用于作控制点的条形铁钉9个4.GPS1+1 1套5.电钻1个扫描仪为获取现场点云数据,铁钉用于作坐标控制点,GPS提供坐标数据1.1作业流程1. 首先在测区周围选定三个对角区域,在这三个区域中各使用电钻打下三枚条形铁钉,用于作坐标控制点,如图1-1.图1-1铁钉深入红层表面,打进红层之下的岩石当中,确保不会因自然和认为因素造成位移与偏差,保证每次扫描的铁钉位置高度固定2.打好控制点之后,使用GPS为每个控制点获取坐标,图1-2,1-3图1-2图1-33.坐标获取完成后,开始扫描;因测区红层地貌呈沟壑分支状,所以选择在沟壑顶部架站最为合适,能确保每条细小的沟壑都能扫描到图1-4图1-5外业扫描过程快速,便捷,测区面积为85×34,用时5小时,扫描站数48站。
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FARO Laser Tracker/LaserTracker/cnFARO激光跟踪仪简介应对测量挑战全世界的客户都信赖FARO激光跟踪仪,并利用它来应对日常的测量挑战以及过去无法解决的复杂难题。
三维测量两个角度编码器会测量俯仰角度和旋转角度,同时利用高精度的绝对测距仪来确定靶标的 三维位置。
该位置在软件中显示为X,Y 和 Z 值。
伺服电机会不断地 (每秒数千次)调整跟踪仪的跟踪头, 将两道光束之间的偏移量降至最小,从而实现高速、动态的测量。
实际应用校准• 比传统方法更准确、更省时• 重复性测量,合理的趋于失真• 通过实时测量来确定公差和验证设计逆向工程• 获取高精度的数字化扫描数据• 不再需要硬件母版工装建造• 全程精确测试(确保部件达到最高的装配标准)• 验证工装的尺寸完整性和可重复性(确定或预先防范工装缺陷)零件检测• 将复杂的几何结构、曲面和特征位置与标称数据进行比较• 不需要移动工件到固定的检测工具中• 减少生产废料和不合格产品带来的损失设备安装• 安放/调平床身• 防止机床在磨合期运行时造成的损坏• 降低设备上的零件磨损和撕裂制造与装配集成• 实时获取关键的定位反馈• 设置移动部件的标称坐标• 在移动过程中动态地持续测量,以提供定位点的数据FARO Laser Tracker Vantage小型、轻量化设计Vantage是FARO所制造的体积最小、重量最轻的激光跟踪仪,不仅具有极佳的易用性,而且便于在不同的工作地点之间进行运输。
IP52 防水和防尘等级利用Vantage,您现在可以将激光跟踪仪用于您以前认为不可能的环境中。
完美的解决方案在选择激光跟踪仪时,用户常常不得不为了满足自己的需求而作出妥协,几乎没有一种解决方案可以将超轻便携、超高精度以及适应各种工况的超级耐用性集于一身,直到现在 Vantage的问世。
通过ASME B89.4.19标准进行的性能测试,FARO激光跟踪仪的性能得到了验证;此外,FARO公司的所有校准实验室均获得第三方认证,能够进行符合ISO17025标准的激光跟踪仪校准工作。
当您在 MultiView的激光束时,您只需向Vantage做出直列式光学元件Vantage从而可实现在一个位置测量更大的物体。
此外,该拉杆式运输箱还可轻松地放入飞机的头顶行李舱,方便您在乘飞机旅行时将Vantage 激光跟踪仪带到任何地方。
背包式设计Vantage 激光跟踪仪的背包式运输箱用于装载主控制器(MCU)和所需的其他附件,为您提供了一个完备的运输系统。
重型装运箱当您想要托运Vantage 激光跟踪仪时,重型装运箱可容纳拉杆箱和 背包并在运输过程中提供必要的保护。
211mm 291mm242mm453mm业界领先的功能现场补偿方案因为任何测量系统的精度都会由于测量环境的变化,而引起误差,所以补偿是一项非常重要的程序。
快速补偿(QuickComp)• 专用于Vantage激光跟踪仪• 速度最快的补偿方式(2-3分钟)• 基于特定的范围来优化激光跟踪仪的测量结果• 确保较高的系统精度自补偿(SelfComp)• 专门用于ION激光跟踪仪• 速度快(5分钟)• 确保系统精度定向补偿• 用于所有型号的FARO激光跟踪仪•20-30分钟• 确保最高的系统精度激光随开即用由于无需激光管预热,所以能够更快地开始测量。
精确、耐用、物美价廉的防破裂反射靶球• 三种型号: 1. 标准精度型 (黑环) 2. 长距离型 (绿环) 3. 高性能型 (蓝环)• 高性能型反射靶球的精度比重型防破裂反射靶球高出80%• 球体特性与置于中心的光学组件相结合的设计,使高性能型反射靶球成为世界上最精确的防破裂反射靶球• 比之前的防破裂型反射靶球成本更低• 镀金一体式反射靶球(未使用单独的玻璃面板,不会随时间而发生移位或 破裂)防尘防破裂反射靶球• 性能极佳,适用于恶劣环境• 窗口保护盖设计旨在让反射光学装置保持清洁• 可更换的窗口保护盖• 镀金一体式反射靶球重型防破裂反射靶球• 实心不锈钢球体的设计• 镀金集成式反射靶球• 能够在极端的温度条件下发挥极佳的工作性能FARO Laser Tracker Targets重复性靶标•开放式立方角型•无论激光跟踪仪的瞄准角度如何,均可确保测量结果的可重复性•用于获得重复性测量结果的理想靶标RetroProbes探头• 用于测量凹陷部位或小型部件,例如孔、槽和设备表面• 借鉴了关节臂式或固定式CMM型探头的设计风格• 可轻松地探测到凹陷部位,隐藏点及拐角部位• 最大限度地减少激光跟踪仪重新定位的次数• 一英寸或四英寸加长型探头FARO的维修和校准中心遍布世界各地,并且全都通过了ISO-9001认证和维修FARO产品所需的I S O-17025实验室认证。
在 FARO,我们的目标是及时地维修、检测、校准和归还您的设备。
我们对客户承诺的远不止产品的性能 – 利用FARO,客户能够进行省心的三维测量。
/LaserTracker/cn法如科技 FARO Technologies Inc.18821200231400 677 6826Asia Pacific Headquarters Japan OfficeSouth Korea OfficeIndia OfficeMalaysia OfficeThailand OfficeVietnam Office。