



雅思小作文饼图常用词汇、万能句型、范文整理一、饼图常用词汇1.占比词汇-account for:占据-constitute:构成-make up:组成-represent:代表-comprise:包括-occupy:占有-consist of:由……组成2.描述数据词汇-significant:显著的-considerable:相当大的-minor:较小的-negligible:可以忽略的-substantial:大量的-slight:轻微的-moderate:适度的3.比较词汇-similar:相似的-different:不同的-compare with:与……相比1-in contrast to:与……形成对比-while:然而-whereas:然而-on the other hand:另一方面4.其他常用词汇-proportion:比例-segment:部分-percentage:百分比-distribution:分布-category:类别-sector:扇形二、饼图万能句型1.开头句型-The pie chart illustrates the proportion of categories in a specific field.-The pie chart provides information about the distribution of various segments.-The pie chart depicts the percentage of different categories in a given context.2.数据描述句型-Category A accounts for a significant proportion of the total, reaching XX%.-XX%of the total is occupied by CategoryB.emiring it the largest segment.2-Category C constitutes a considerable part, comprising XX%of the pie chart.-The proportion of Category D is relatively minor, only accounting for XX%.3.比较句型-In comparison with Category A, Category B has a higher percentage of XX%.-While Category A occupies XX%,Category B represents a larger proportion of XX%.-The distribution of Category C is similar to that of Category D, both comprising XX%.-In contrast to Category A, the percentage of Category B is significantly lower, at XX%.4.总结句型-Overall, the pie chart reveals a clear distribution of categories in the given field.-In summary, the majority of the pie chart is occupied by Category A, followed by Category B.-It can be concluded that Category C and Category D play minor roles in the overall distribution.三、实战演练题目:The pie chart below shows the main reasons for traffic accidents in a particular area. Summarise the3information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.答案:The pie chart illustrates the main reasons for traffic accidents in a specific area. Upon analysis, several key points can be identified.First and foremost, the largest proportion of traffic accidents is caused by driver error, accounting for 45%of the total. This is followed by poor weather conditions, which constitute 25%of the accidents. Vehicle defects and road conditions each occupy 10%of the pie chart, while the remaining 10%is attributed to other factors.In comparison, driver error is the most significant factor, nearly doubling the percentage of poor weather conditions. Meanwhile, vehicle defects and road conditions share the same proportion, both comprising a minor part of the total.Overall, the pie chart reveals that driver error is the primary cause of traffic accidents in the given area, with poor weather conditions being the second most common factor. Other factors, such as vehicle defects and road conditions, play relatively minor roles in the overall distribution.4。



W Skills
B公司的销售收入 排行第一,约7000 万美元。
B Company tops the list, with a sales figure about $70 million.
W Skills
中国有13亿人口, 占世界总人口的 五分之一。
China has 1.3 billion people, accounting for one fifth of the world’s population.
W Skills
十二人有硕士学 位,占职工总数 的四分之一。
There are 12 staff members with master’s degree, making up nearly a quarter of the workforce.
W Skills
教材 P217 现在做!(只描述饼图。) Now, work!( 10 minutes )
As can be seen from the pie chart, it is thought that the costs of adult education should be shared by three sections: taxpayer, individual and employer. (第一句话综括组成部分,下面细说。) To be more specific, individual (对象-1) should pay (主要趋势) the largest portion, making up (极 值趋势) 40% (极值-最大) of the whole costs. Compared with individual, the proportion of taxpayer (对象-2) is less, (极值-最小) accounting for (极值趋势) 25% (数值). Then, the percentage of employer (对象-3) stands at (主要趋势) the middle of the list, which constitutes (极值-中) 35% (数值).



雅思小作文各种图题、表格题技巧总结雅思作文Task 1受图表内容的限制,遣词造句的要求非常有限,只需针对考试,把核心表达用准用熟即可,所谓博大不如精深。

下面是威学教育雅思教研组总结的雅思小作文线图题、柱形图题、饼图题、表格题以及流程图等的写作总结!线图、柱状图、饼图,表格题介绍段introduction介绍段内容几乎完全不用创新,就是对题目文字部分的第二段做改写,paraphrase the rubric.所谓改写,要么换词,要么换句式。

例如:(I4-100)The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK and most popular countries for UK residents to visit.换词(1) 图 The charts图:chart, graph(雅思写作中完全等价,无差别)线:line / curve chart柱图:bar / column graph饼:pie chart表:table / statistics / figures(2) 动词“表明”give information about介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give information about 虽然在这篇作文中最好不再用,但是informal learning,随手学到的东东,留作其它文章再用。

替换的词语和结构很多,比如我常用的show /illustrate / demonstrate/compare,大家也可以选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格。

第二段其余部分的替换因题而异,比如travel换成visitthe UK换成Britain(注意不是England,英格兰只是Britain的一部分)popular换成fashionablecountry换成nationUK residents to visit换成UK tourists不过随着练习作文数量的增加,你会惊喜的发现,雅思图表作文,连描述的对象都是类似的。





看到题目是由线图和饼图组成的多图组合,我们可以按以下3个思路构思:1. 饼图和曲线图各自展示了什么数据在哪个时间点或段的变化特征?2. 在饼图中,数据总值为多少?它由几部分组成?每一部分各代表什么?各自所占百分比又是多少?百分比从大到小如何排列的?谁最大?谁最小?3. 曲线图有何特征?根据特征,曲线可以分成几段来描述?起点值、终点值、峰值、谷值多少?各自对应的时间点又是什么?现在,我们再来看一道例题:WRITING TASK 1:You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.* The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola.* Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.范文:The pie chart shows the worldwide distribution of sales of Coca-Cola in the year 2000 and the graph shows the change in share prices between 1996 and 2001.In the year 2000, Coca-Cola sold a total of 17.1 billion cases of their fizzy drink product worldwide. The largest consumer was North America, where 30.4 per cent of the total volume was purchased. The second largest consumer was Latin America. Europe and Asia purchased 20.5 and 16.4 per cent of the total volume respectively, while Africa and the Middle East remained fairly small consumers at 7 per cent of the total volume of sales.ince 1996, share prices for Coca-Cola have fluctuated. In that year, shares were valued at approximately $35. Between 1996 and 1997, however, prices rose significantly to $70 per share. They dipped a little in mid-1997 and then peaked at $80 per share in mid-98. From then until 2000 their value fell consistently but there was a slight rise in mid-2000.。



雅思小作文(图表题)题型归纳一.t able 表格题1.剑2 (1)4.剑5(4)6.剑7(1)二.Line graph线图(含直线和曲线图)1.剑3(4)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japanbetween March 1993 and March 1999.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shownbelow.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and overbetween 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meatin a European country between 1979-2004.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, andmake comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.5.剑9(4)三.Bar chart 柱状图You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.Write at least 150 words.Leisure time in a typical week: by sex and employment status,1998-99You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table below shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in fourEuropean countries.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the level of participation in education and sciencein developing and industrialized countries in 1980 and 1990Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.5.剑4(3)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualifications inAustralia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the main reasons for study among students ofdifferent age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below give information about USA marriages and divorce ratesbetween 1970 and 2000, and the marital status of adult Americans in twoof the years.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in fivedifferent cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and makecomparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.四.Pie chart饼图1.剑7(4)2.剑8(2)3.剑9(3)五.流程图1.剑1(2)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages inthe production of silk cloth.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.六.混合图。



雅思A类写作TASK 1第三讲饼状图与比例描写饼状图呈现的是一个整体中各部分的关系,它的数据一般都以百分比为单位。



饼状图的描述重点是对整体内各个部分进行比较,找出其中的数量关系,把数据按照从高到低排序.1、描述比例的常用数词表达法2、描述大小比例的常用词替换3. 描写倍数关系的表达法及例子3、描写比例的词汇及句型范例4、相同与相异的表达方法Sample1The pie charts below illustrate the number of journal articles read per week by all students, PHD students, and junior lecturers at an Australian university.A thatB respectivelyC for exampleD howE butF whichG meanwhileH whereasI andJ who1.The three charts illustrate ______many articles from academic journals are read weekly by PHD students _______junior lecturers compared to other students at an Australian university.2._________the overwhelming majority of those studying doctorates read at least twelve articles per week in comparison with the average student.3.The figures were 80 percent and twelve percent________.4.Furthermore, only five percent of PHD level students read between one and five articles,__________the average for all students in this category is a hefty 67%.5.______, for junior lecturers the pattern appears to be slightly different.6.Most read six or more articles per week (99%), ______out of this total 24 percent read twelve or more, ______is almost a third of the corresponding figure for PHD level students.7.It is clear ______those students _____are researching for a PHD read more articles than tither junior lecturers or other students.Sample 2:A stood atB a rise ofC lost ground toD made byE respectivelyF at the expense ofG that ofH on whetherI as opposed to J captured K exceededThe pie charts show the market share of washing machines_____four companies over the period 1990 to 2000 and the results of asurvey______customers would consider buying the new Sanyo washing machines over the same period.During the first year of sales of the new Sanyo machine in 1990, its market share______two percent_______60 percent for the Panasonic product,m 20 percent for the Haier washing machines and 18 for _______Samsung. In 1995, however, Panasonic Ltd.______its three other competitors. While Haier Ltd and Samsung Ltd both increased their market share by one percentage point each in 1995, Sanyo Ltd______8% of the market ,______300%.In 2000, Sanyo’s market share had increased to 31%______its three main competitors with Panasonic Ltd, Samsung and Haier Ltd falling to 39 percent, 17 percent and 12 percent _______. The bar chart shows that Sanyo machine________its popularity rating in each year, rising from 5 in 1990 to 40 in the year 2000.It is clear from the data that sales of the Sanyo washing machine were on the increase over the period.Sample 3:This pie chart shows the distribution of the world population in 2000.1.in 2000, the percentage of people in Asia ________(stand at) 52%.2. The ______(high) proportion went to_______(Asian) with 52% of the world total population.3.Next ______(come) Africa at 11%. had nearly _______(fourth) times more population than Europe.5.The population of Asia was_______(large) than the _____(combine) population of all the other regions.6. The proportion of Asia was more than ______(fourth) times greater than that of Europe.7. The population of Europe was less than _______(a five) of that of Asia.8. The percentages of Europe and Middle East were____the (same)9. The population percentage of Europe was almost_______(identically)to that of Africa.10. There was a significant ______(differ) in population percentages between Asia and the other regions.Task 1Task 2You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.Write at least 150 words.Task 3You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.Task 4These pie charts show Japan’s population distribution by age in the three years of 2000, 2005 and 2010.Task 1The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years, electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to180 units in France.In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced and only hydro continued to be another significant source supplying approximately 20%.In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro contributing only 5 units. But by 2000, nuclear power, which was not used at all in Australia, had developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50 units. Other sources were no longer significant.Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.Task 2The two graphs show that oil was the major energy source in the USA in both 1980 and 1990 and that coal, natural gas and hydroelectric power remained in much the same proportions. On the other hand, there was adramatic rise in nuclear power, which doubled its percentage over the ten years.Oil supplied the largest percentage of energy, although the percentage decreased from 42% in 1980 to 33% in 1990. Coal in 1990 was the second largest source of energy, increasing its proportion to 27% from 22% in the previous decade. Natural gas, the second largest source in 1980 at 26%, decreased its share very slightly to provide 25% of America's energy ten years later. There was no change in the percentage supplied by hydroelectric power which remained at 5% of the total energy used. Nuclear power the greatest change: in 1990 it was 10%, twice that of the 1980s.Task 3In this analysis we will examine three pie charts. The first one is headed 'World Spending.' The second is 'World Population' and the third is 'Consumption of Resources.'In the first chart we can see that people spend most of their income (24%) on food. In some countries this percentage would obviously be much higher. Transport and then housing are the next major expenses at 18% and 12% respectively. Only 6% of income is spent on clothing.In the second chart entitled 'World Population', it is not surprising to find that 57% of people live in Asia. In fact China and India are two of the most populated countries in the world and they are both situated on thiscontinent. Europe and the Americans account for nearly 30% of the total, whilst 10% of people live in Africa.Finally, the third chart reveals that the USA and Europe consume a huge 60% of the world's resource.To sum up, the major expenditure is on food, the population figures are the highest for Asia and the major consumers are the USA and Europe. Task 4These pie charts given concern how Japan’s population was distributed by age in three separate years: 2000, 2005 and 2010.It is apparent from the information supplied that in spite of a continuous decrease, Japanese aged 15-64 occupied the highest proportion in the three years. The number of the elderly above 64 was on the rise ; by contrast, young children under 15 was on the decline.In 2000, people aged 15-64 occupied the highest percentage among the three age groups and the highest in the three years as well. People older than 64 represented 17% of the total population and young people aged 0-14 stood at 15%.In 2005, both groups of people under 15 and 15-64 experienced a slight decrease of 1% and 2% respectively, in spite of a 3% increase in aged people.In 2010, there was a further drop of 1% and 2% in the percentages ofpeople younger than 15 and 15-63 but a continual climb of 3% in aged people.Clearly, as time goes by, Japan is becoming an aging population.。

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图






饼状图是所有图表题中最好写的一种,唯一值得注意的地方在于如何丰富百分比的表达和“占”的表达,要采取多样性的表达,如25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of.描写饼状图中的比例构成就是饼状图图表作文的重点,但也应注意,这种描述并不是对图形的简单重复,对各项数据比例的描述应建立在归纳整理的基础上有条理地进行。


常用词汇、句型及模板1.柱状图1)倍数的表达今年的产量是去年产量的两倍➢The output this year is two times(twice) more than last year’s.➢As much as 不可数名词 as many as 可数The books of this semester are two times as many as that of last semester. ➢ A is two times the amount of B不可数➢ A is two times the number of B可数2) 常用套句➢There was …in the number of A from …to … (over next years), which was followed by … and then… until…when there was … for the next … years.➢From…onwards, there was … in the number of A which then increased / decreased …at …% in …➢In …, the number reached (was) …%, but (30) years later there was …➢The number of A increased rapidly from … to … during the (five-year) period. ➢In the (three years) from … through…, the percentage of A was slightly larger / smaller than that of B.➢The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of A.➢Here is an upward trend in the number of A.➢… (year) witnessed / saw a sharp rise in A.2.饼状图1)常用词:percentage, proportion, make up, constitute, account for, take up, ..isdivided into…parts, consume the largest/smallest portion.2)例句:➢The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…..➢The percentage of A in … is more than twice tha n that of B.➢The biggest loss was to A area.➢There is not a great deal of difference between A and B.➢In general positions, females outnumber males.➢ A much greater percentage of men than women are found in managerial positions. ➢The profit of company A doubled from May to September.3)模板:➢The two pie charts describe ………………………➢The first point to note is …………………………➢Comparing the graphs, …………………………….➢The graphs also suggest that ………………………➢In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that …………………..4)饼状图作文模型The two pie charts illustrate the significant changes in people’s ways of communication from 1970 to 1995.The first graph shows that in 1975, the most popular way to communicate was letter writing, with the percentage of 50%. Others ___________________________, the figures are 32% and 18% respectively.It can be seen from the second graph that ways of communication changed a lot in two decades. By 1995, ______________________________. By contrast, ________________________________.Comparing the two pie charts, we can see that the use of the phones and computers during the same period had both risen considerably. However, letter writing became less popular among the people.In general, people inclined to use more modernized mediums to communicate with others, while the traditional way became less employed.The pie chart depicts the proportion of ___________________________. It consists of six segments, the largest one representing _________, which account for 26% of the total. _____________ takes up 21%, becoming the second largest.__________________________________. The rest proportions, 15% of all, constituting 5% and 10% respectively.From the chart it can be seen clearly that ________________________.二、实例分析分析思路:1.第一幅柱状图的描述单位是百万,即人数;第二幅则是百分比。



题型1——Table〔表格〕Cambridge IELTS 4TEST 1:The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 5TEST 4:The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in si* cities.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 6TEST 2:Thetable below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 7TEST 1:The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.题型2——Line Graph〔线性图〕Cambridge IELTS 5TEST 1:The graph blew shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 7TEST 2:The pargh below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in European country between 1979 and 2004.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 8TEST 4:The graph below shows the quantities of goods transport in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make parisons where relevant.题型3——Bar Chart〔条形图/柱状图〕Cambridge IELTS 4TEST 3:The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 5TEST 2:The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and amount of support they received from employers.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 6TEST 4:The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000, and the marital status of adult America in two of the years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and makeparisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 7TEST 3:The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 pared with average house prices in 1989. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.题型4——Pie Chart〔饼图〕Cambridge IELTS 7TEST 4:The pie charts below show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 8TEST 2:The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981,1991,and 2001.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.题型5——混合图Cambridge IELTS 4TEST 2:The graph blew shows the demand electricity in Engliand during typical days in winter and summer.The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make parisions where ralevant.Cambridge IELTS 4TEST 4:The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries from UK residents to visit.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 6TEST 1:The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 8TEST 1:The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land bees less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant题型6——Process Diagram〔流程图〕Cambridge IELTS 6TEST 3:The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.Cambridge IELTS 8TEST 3:The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purpose.Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make parisons where relevant.题型7——Map〔地图题〕Cambridge IELTS 5TEST 3:The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket(s) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make parisons where relevant.。



雅思小作文 T A S K 1 图表题规律注意事项:1 . Task1 是客观写作,要求客观真实。

2 . 客观性:不应该有任何图里没有而靠自己主观想象加入的成分。





3 . 类型Table 表格题Line Graph 线图Bar Chart 柱状图Pie Chart 饼状图Process Chart 流程图4 . 看图要注意单位,标题和图例。

5 . 对于多数小作文题,题中给出了几个图就对应的写出几个主体段。




6 . 时态和发生时间意义对应。



7 . 结构开头段(1~2句)改写原题主体段1 总体概括具体介绍数字主体段N 总体概括具体介绍数字结尾段(1~2句)介绍总数(若图里并没有明确的给出总数,则省略)结论(根据图里的数据得出有一定合理性的结论)8 . 开头段的改写题目中ShowProportion InformationThe number/amount of FamilyMalesFemaleInfluence改写成illustrate /compare percentagedatathe figure for householdmenwomenaffect/effectCategories kinds/typesSubway system Storeunderground railway/train system shop9 . 介绍数据或描述变化趋势的常用词。

雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作饼状图pie chart 学校花费.doc

雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作饼状图pie chart 学校花费.doc

雅思写作小作文范文雅思写作饼状图pie chart 学校花费今天我们雅思写作小作文范文的文章来研究下饼状图pie chart。




雅思写作小作文题目The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.雅思写作小作文范文The pie charts compare the expenditure of a school in the UK in three different years over a 20-year period.饼状图比较了一所英国学校在20年的时间跨度中三年的花费。

It is clear that teachers’ salaries made up the largest proportion of the school’s spending in all three years (1981, 1991 and 2001). By contrast, insurance was the smallest cost each year.很明显,教师的工资在所有三个年份(1981年,1991年和2001年)中占据学校花费的最大部分。


In 1981, 40% of the school’s budget went on teachers’ salaries. This figure rose to 50% in 1991, but fell again by 5% in 2001. The proportion of spending on other workers’ wages fell steadily over the 20-year period, from 28% of the budget in 1981 to only 15% in 2001.1981年,学校预算的百分之四十用于教师的薪酬纸上。

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图汇总

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图汇总






饼状图是所有图表题中最好写的一种,唯一值得注意的地方在于如何丰富百分比的表达和“占”的表达,要采取多样性的表达,如25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of.描写饼状图中的比例构成就是饼状图图表作文的重点,但也应注意,这种描述并不是对图形的简单重复,对各项数据比例的描述应建立在归纳整理的基础上有条理地进行。


常用词汇、句型及模板1.柱状图1)倍数的表达今年的产量是去年产量的两倍➢The output this year is two times(twice) more than last year’s.➢As much as 不可数名词 as many as 可数The books of this semester are two times as many as that of last semester. ➢ A is two times the amount of B不可数➢ A is two times the number of B可数2) 常用套句➢There was …in the number of A from …to … (over next years), which was followed by … and then… until…when there was … for the next … years.➢From…onwards, there was … in the number of A which then increased / decreased …at …% in …➢In …, the number reached (was) …%, but (30) years later there was …➢The number of A increased rapidly from … to … during the (five-year) period. ➢In the (three years) from … through…, the percentage of A was slightly larger / smaller than that of B.➢The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of A.➢Here is an upward trend in the number of A.➢… (year) witnessed / saw a sharp rise in A.2.饼状图1)常用词:percentage, proportion, make up, constitute, account for, take up, ..isdivided into…parts, consume the largest/smallest portion.2)例句:➢The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…..➢The percentage of A in … is more than twice tha n that of B.➢The biggest loss was to A area.➢There is not a great deal of difference between A and B.➢In general positions, females outnumber males.➢ A much greater percentage of men than women are found in managerial positions. ➢The profit of company A doubled from May to September.3)模板:➢The two pie charts describe ………………………➢The first point to note is …………………………➢Comparing the graphs, …………………………….➢The graphs also suggest that ………………………➢In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that …………………..4)饼状图作文模型The two pie charts illustrate the significant changes in people’s ways of communication from 1970 to 1995.The first graph shows that in 1975, the most popular way to communicate was letter writing, with the percentage of 50%. Others ___________________________, the figures are 32% and 18% respectively.It can be seen from the second graph that ways of communication changed a lot in two decades. By 1995, ______________________________. By contrast, ________________________________.Comparing the two pie charts, we can see that the use of the phones and computers during the same period had both risen considerably. However, letter writing became less popular among the people.In general, people inclined to use more modernized mediums to communicate with others, while the traditional way became less employed.The pie chart depicts the proportion of ___________________________. It consists of six segments, the largest one representing _________, which account for 26% of the total. _____________ takes up 21%, becoming the second largest.__________________________________. The rest proportions, 15% of all, constituting 5% and 10% respectively.From the chart it can be seen clearly that ________________________.二、实例分析分析思路:1.第一幅柱状图的描述单位是百万,即人数;第二幅则是百分比。

2021雅思小作文-Pie Chart饼状图攻略及范文汇总

2021雅思小作文-Pie Chart饼状图攻略及范文汇总

1. 饼状图主体段写法第一句话:说明饼状图的组成部分第二句话:说明占比例最大的部分第三句话以后:说明占比例第二的部分(或者:把剩下的几部分分类,把比例相同的部分捏合到一起说明)第一句:It can be seen from the pie chart that the electricity is used for four purposes.主体段第一句开头“由图可见”的常用表达:It can be clearly seen from the chart that…As can be clearly seen from the chart,We can see clearly from the chart that…According to the… chart,It is apparent/ obvious / evident / manifest from the…. chart that…主体段第一句和第二句的过渡句:To be more exact, = More exactly,To be more precise, = More precisely,To be more specific, = More specifically,To be more detailed, = More detailedly第二句开始:To be more precise, heating rooms and water accounts for the largest proportion (52.5%) of the electricity used, while the demand of ovens, kettles and washing machines occupies the 17.5% of the total need of electricity. Lighting, TV andradio represent the same percentage(15%) as do vacuum cleaners, food mixers and electric tools.饼状图写作要点:1.介绍各扇面及总体的关系2.各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较3.重点突出特色最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的描写句式:1.It is clear that the most +adj. + 主题词is A, which accounts for ___% of all 主题词.2. B is the next largest + 主题词, ___% lower than A of all 主题词and followedclosely by C.3.The above three items of 主题词altogether take about ___%.4.By contrast, D, E and F make the smallest percentage of total 主题词, which are___%, ___% and ___% respectively.模仿例句:In 1950, the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It is now about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)表示占据的动词或动词短语:form; comprise; make up; occupy; constitute; cover; represent; account for; be shared by倍数和比例的表达:a quarter of ……; half of ……; a majority of ……double (这三个词都可以做名词,动词和形容词); triple; quadruple… be twice as adj. as ……例句:The dining-room is twice as big as the kitchen. … more than ___ times as adj. as …… 例句:There are more than twice as many kangaroos as people in Australia.He is more than three times as rich as I.A has something in common with BA shares some similarity with BThe difference between A and B lies in ……Sentence Patterns:Introduction:The (two) pie charts show (reveal, suggest, illustrate, demonstrate, indicate, describe, relate) the proportion (percentage) of A and B…in (7) (categories), divided into…and…(one is…, another is…)Comparison:1、The biggest difference between (2) groups is in …, where A makes up % while (whereas) B constitutes % (makes up=constitutes=accounts for)the highest percentage / amount of A, which was approximately %, was for…. (=in) /was found in2、The percentage of A in …is more than twice the percentage of B, the ration is % to % (% compared to %)3、In…, while there is (not) a great deal of difference between the percentage of A and B (the former is % and the latter is %).in …, while a greater percentage of A than B are found in…(the former is % and the latter is %).4、There are more A (in …), reaching %, compared with % of B5、By contrast, A has increased (declined), from % in …to % in ….Compared with B, A …Conclusion:To sum up/ In conclusion / It appears that…/ The two charts clearly show…饼状图一例Many women want or need to continue working after they have children. The chart below shows the working after they have children. The chart below shows the working pattern of mothers with young children.the introduction can be written like this:Even just after having a child, a large number women return to work. As the child grows older, the percentage of mothers who choose or need to continue working rises. At least until the child is ten, the larger number of working mothers take part-time occupations. When the child is ten years or older, the number of the full-timers more than doubles while that of the part-timers decrease.Each chart entails / contains instruction, which illustrates what the chart involves rather than the over trends.Paragraph 1:When the youngest child is at most 2 years old, 30% of the women return to work. 19% full-time, and 11% as part-timers.Paragraph 2:The percentage of full timers remains the same until the child turns five and increased slightly to 14% when the child is at most 9 years old, but the percentage of part-time working mothers grows dramatically to 35 and continues growing to 48% by the time the child is 9.Paragraph 3:A change occurs after the child grows to ten. The number of full-time working mothers doubles in percentage to 29, while that of the part-timers is reduced slightly to by 3% to 45%.Conclusion:It appears that, when the child turns to ten, women have much fewer maternal responsibilities than the years before.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.In this analysis we will examine three pie charts. The first one is headed ‘World Spending.’ The second is ‘World Population’ and the third is ‘Consumption ofResources.’In the first chart we can see that people spend most of their income (24%) on food. Transport and then housing are the next major expenses at 18% and 12% respectively. Only 6% of income is spent on clothing.In the second chart entitled ‘World Population’, it is not surprising to find that 57% of people live in Asia. Europe and the Americans account for nearly 30% of the total, whilst 10% of people live in Africa.Finally, the third chart reveals that the USA and Europe consume a huge 60% of the world’s resource.To sum up, the major expenditure is on food, the population figures are the highest for Asia and the major consumers are the USA and Europe. (182 words)范文参考The two graphs show that oil was the major energy source in the USA in both 1980 and 1990 and that coal, natural gas and hydroelectric power remained in much the same proportions. On the other hand, there was a dramatic rise in nuclear power,which doubled its percentage over the ten years.Oil supplied the largest percentage of energy, although the percentage decreased from 42% in 1980 to 33% in 1990. Coal in 1990 was the second largest source of energy, increasing its proportion to 27% from 22% in the previous decade. Natural gas, the second largest source in 1980 at 26%, decreased its share very slightly to provide 25% of America’s energy ten years later. There was no change in the percentage supplied by hydroelectric power which remained at 5% of the total energy used. Nuclear power the greatest change: in 1990 it was 10%, twice that of the 1980s.(152 words)句型套路让“饼图”写作华彩绽放许多考生觉得饼图十分简单,也就是一些百分比及数字的列举,对该类图表不太重视,准备并不充分。



The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.思路:1. 采用折线模式描述2. 注意重点数据的选取(max, min)3. 注意分段原则:一段写上升,一段写下降,一段写保持不变。

答案:The two graphs show that oil was the major energy source in the USA in both 1980 and 1990 and that coal, natural gas and hydroelectric power remained in much the same proportions. On the other hand, there was a dramatic rise in nuclear power, which doubled its percentage over the ten years.Oil supplied the largest percentage of energy, although the percentage decreased from 42% in 1980 to 33% in 1990. Coal in 1990 was the second largest source of energy, increasing its proportion to 27% from 22% in the previous decade. Natural gas, the second largest source in 1980 at 26%, decreased its share very slightly to provide 25% of America’s energy ten years later. There was no change in the percentage supplied by hydroelectric power which remained at 5% of the total energy used. Nuclear power the greatest change: in 1990 it was 10%, twice that of the 1980s.In conclusion, during the decade, the structure of energy resources remained, and the proportion of 3 aspects varied a lot, except natural gas and hydroelectric power.(180)Information on UAE government spending in 2000. The total budget was AED 315 billion.思路:1. 分段原则较为灵活,可以分,也可以不分;2. 注意数据的描述顺序为:从大到小;3. 描述的过程中注意数据的对比:大小关系,倍数关系等;答案:The graph tells us about the budget of the UAE government in 2000. In general, the most important targets were social security, health, and education.The biggest slice of the pie chart is taken up by social security including pensions, employment assistance and other benefits which made up slightly under one-third of total expenditure. Health and personal social services was the second highest budget cost. Hospital and medical services accounted for AED 53 billion, or about 15% of the budget. Education cost UAE AED 38 billion which comprises almost 12% of the whole budget. The government spent about seven percent of revenue on debt, and roughly similar amounts went towards defence (AED 22 billion) and law and order (AED 17 billion). Spending on housing, transport and industry totalled AED 37 billion. Finally, other expenditure accounted for AED 23 billion.All in all, the bulk of UAE government spending goes on social welfare and health. However, education, defence, and law and order are also major areas of spending.(167)3.消费模式The pie charts show changes in U.S. spending patterns between 1966 and 1996.思路:1. 主要采用折线模式,重点描述数据的改变和趋势2. 留意极值(MAX, MIN)的描述3. 分段的原则可为:上升的一段,下降的一段,保持不变的一段。



Pie Chart B
Leisure Activities
Sporting Activities of Male Students at Hamilton University
Soccer Basketball 12.50% 12.50% 5% 30% Tennis Volleyball Swimming Athletics 15% 25%
以调查主题开头的时候,可以变化数据表示 的方式
变化数词 With a 80% participation rate With 30% of students (involved in)/choosing this activity At X%/percent: latin is the second least pop activity, at 7%
19% 19%
6% 3%
Iron Ore Copper Uranium 12% 31% Gold Silver
The pie charts show 2006 production for two countries over the same range of five metal commodities. In general, Austani had a significant percentage of its production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizani had a more balanced output overall, although its biggest percentage of metal production was gold. Austani had over two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41percent and 30 percent respectively. Uranium contributed a further 20 percent. Gold and silver, however, were relatively insignificant, equalling less than a tenth of the total. In contrast, Kizani had a much more balanced output of metal commodities. Iron ore, silver and uranium each made up 19 percent. Gold, on the other hand, comprised almost one-third of the overall production, which was a much higher percentage than in Austani. In contrast, copper output was much lower than Austani, at 12% as against 30%.



饼图写作一.饼图Pie Chart的审题过程1. 看文字信息(找出描述对象的谓语的同义词)2. 标题审图标出:中间类/第二大相等/相类似剩余类小的标出:中间类/第二大相等/相类似剩余类小的无变化的/第二大/中间类相等/相类似3. 改写开头段饼图特有本质:The pie chart/graph compares the…….The pie chart/graph shows the comparison ofE.g.:The pie charts shows units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.= The charts compare the source of electricity production by five different sources in Australia and Francein the year 1980 and 2000.二.写作顺序:一个图:(静态描写)先找极端数据的,最大的,再找中间类或第二大的、同类或相类似的,最后看剩余类,即,小的或微不足道的一类的。

两个图:(静态对比描写+ 动态变化描写)1.先写第一个图(静态描述:最大,中间同类,剩余类),再写另一个图,进行对比(动态变化:上升/增长为最大的,下降的为最小,保持不变的或中间类或相等相似类)。

三.饼图写作模板(Body段)一个图:①极端类(最大/多)②中间类(同类/相类似). ③剩余类(小的/微不足道)。

范文E.g.:1.Social skills and education constitute comparatively a majority of their main fields of study, with6.5% and 5.6% respectively, while 2.24%, 1.84% and 2.10% are shared by ad., science and computer.The remaining percentages are in moderation, with 5.53% for science and 7.4% for ads.2.Coal makes up the maximal portion/ the majority of the source/was the biggest instrument of thesources of energy, with 47%, while Nuclear accounted for a tiny share, with only 1%. Furthermore, 28% altogether of the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro. The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas.结尾1.Through the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the new source of energy, particularlyNuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent.2.Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel source: Australiarelied on coal and Franc on nuclear power.两个图:一段(静态):①最大的②中间类(同类/相类似). ③剩余类(小的/微不足道)二段(动态):However,①上升/增长为最大的②下降为最小的③保持不变的或中间类或相等相似类)。



【雅思写作真题】剑桥9Test3饼图类小作文实例参考【雅思写作真题】剑桥9 Test3 饼图类小作文实例参考“真题:剑桥9 Test3 图表类小作文”The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.考生原文These pie charts illustrates what proportion are accounted by human in respective age group of Yemen and Italy in 2002, and predicting the future changes to 2050.In Yemen, 0-14 years old young children were the domain group in 2000, at 50.1%. And smaller proportion of 15-19 years old person in the same period, which was 46.3%. While 50 years past, 15-59 years old people will become the most group of people, rising to 57.3%. Although there is a increase in old peoplewho are over 60 years old. But they still the least group of person, which were rising from 3.6% in 2000 to 5.7% in 2005.In terms of Italy, according to projection, 15-59 years old people experience a dramatic decrease, declining from 61.6% in 2000 to 46.2% in 2050. While it still the most group of people. In 2000, the proportion of over 60 years old was 24.1%, which doubled the percentage in 2050 through projection. Contrary to Yemen, the percentage of people who are 15-59 years old is the least no matter what period.Overall, there are decrease of young children in both countries. Even in Italy, the percentage of children is much smaller than those in Italy.批改By 晟睿 Anna本次批改严格按照IELTS小作文评分标准进行。



雅思三个饼图作文范文英文回答:I recently came across three pie charts that depict the distribution of household expenditures in three different countries: the United States, China, and India. The first pie chart shows that in the United States, the largest portion of household expenditures goes towards housing, followed by transportation and food. On the other hand, the second pie chart illustrates that in China, the majority of household expenditures are allocated to food, followed by housing and transportation. Lastly, the third pie chart indicates that in India, the biggest portion of household expenditures is spent on food, followed by transportation and housing.The discrepancy in the distribution of household expenditures among these three countries is quite intriguing. In the United States, housing expenses account for the largest portion of household expenditures, whichmay be attributed to the high cost of living in certain areas. This is further supported by the fact that transportation expenses come in second, as many Americans rely on cars for daily commuting. In contrast, in China, the significant allocation of expenditures towards food reflects the cultural emphasis on dining and culinary traditions. The relatively lower proportion of housing expenses could be due to the availability of affordable housing options in urban areas. Similarly, in India, the substantial portion of household expenditures spent on food aligns with the country's rich culinary diversity and the significance of food in Indian culture. The relatively lower expenses on housing may be indicative of the availability of affordable housing in certain regions.It is noteworthy that despite the differences in the distribution of household expenditures, all three countries allocate a significant portion of their expenses towards transportation. This indicates the universal importance of transportation in daily life, regardless of geographical location or cultural background. Furthermore, therelatively lower proportion of transportation expenses inIndia compared to the United States and China may be attributed to the widespread use of public transportation and lower car ownership rates in India.In conclusion, the distribution of household expenditures varies significantly among the United States, China, and India, reflecting the unique cultural, economic, and social factors at play in each country. The disparities in expenditure patterns shed light on the diversepriorities and lifestyles of individuals and households in different parts of the world.中文回答:最近我看到了三个饼图,分别描述了美国、中国和印度的家庭支出分布情况。



2001 2002These two pie charts show how attitudes of visitors towards this museum changed in these two years before and after the museum redecorated, and the paragraph shows the whole number of visitors in these two years.The table demonstrates the exact number of visitors to Ashdown museum throughout the year before and the year after it was redecorated. Two pie charts illustrate the outcomes of questionaires interviewing visitors how satisfied they were with their trip, during the same two periods.Interviewing visitors how satisfied they were with their trip, questionaires were conducted successfully. Least/mostFrom the first pie chart that shows the opinion/visitors’ opinions before the museum redecorated, the number of people who felt dissatisfied was the most/largest, accounting for 40%. This was followed by the attitude/group of the satisfied and the very satisfied, representing 30% and 15% respectively. The figure/number of citizens who felt very dissatisfied took up the percentage of 10%, and the rest of no response, 5% collectively.It has been observed from two pie charts that in terms of the survey conducted the year before renovation, 40% of respondents were dissatisfied, while only 15% of them were very satisfied. The year after the museum was redecorated indicate that the number of dissatisfied visitors declined and became 15%. Followed by the precentage of respondents who were very dissatisfied, which dropped from 10% to 5%. Comparing the percentage of satisfied visitors, we can see an upward trend. Respondents/interviewees Upward trend, (we can see a postive pattern) downward trend (negative pattern)The second chart shows the views after refurbishing. The number of whom felt satisfied took/accounted for40%. The opinion of very satisfied was 35%, and the following group is the figure of who were dissatisfied, took the number of 15%.That of no response section/group and people who felt very dissatisfied were the same, took thenumber of 5%.We can see that after redecorating, there are more people feel better than before.To sum up, we can say that the redecoration that has been done to attract new visitors to the museum has reached its aim.Refurbishment, renovation, dedecoration。



两个时间的饼图雅思小作文英文回答:The two pie charts compare the distribution of time spent on various activities by men and women in a typical day. Overall, it is evident that both genders allocatetheir time differently.In terms of household chores, women spend asignificantly larger proportion of their day on these activities compared to men. Specifically, women spend 40%of their time on housework, while men only allocate 20% of their time for this purpose. This indicates that women are more involved in domestic responsibilities.On the other hand, men spend a larger percentage oftheir day on work-related activities, such as employmentand commuting. They dedicate 40% of their time for work, while women only spend 30% of their day on these activities. This suggests that men are more focused on their careersand professional responsibilities.Regarding leisure activities, both genders allocate a similar amount of time. Men spend 20% of their day on recreational activities, while women spend 30% of theirtime on leisure. This shows that both genders value their free time and engage in activities that bring them joy and relaxation.中文回答:这两个饼图比较了男性和女性在一天中各种活动上所花费的时间分配。

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