
Unit 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Role Play
metabolism: 新陈代谢
Unit 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Practice III
Practice IV
Unit 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Role Play
Language Structures 1. I’ve got two books that deal with music, both of which I like very much. 2. Cathy is the only student (that) I know who can really play chess. Is there anything else (that) you’d like to buy that you don’t see on the shelves? 3. The 10:30 train is the fastest train (that) there is to Beijing. 4. Zhao Ren can speak English very fluently, which is hard to believe.
Unit 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine

Unit 1 My first jobTeaching objectives1. to be familiar with the writing style of narration2. to be familiar with the uses of the–ing and–ed participles3.to be familiar with the building style of the Victorian age4.to be familiar with the school system in the U.K.text 1Teaching procedureI. pre-reading questions1.Self-introduction2.How did you spend your summer holiday? Anything interesting/special to share with the wholeclass?3.How many of you hold a part-time job? Can you tell us your experience of getting the first job?Were you interviewed by the child’ s parents or the head of the school?II. the main idea(3 minutes for reading)1.choosing the statement best sum up the content2.reading comprehension in work book P1(1) discussing and checking the answers in group(2) checking the answersIII.reading or listening to the recordingagain 1. for new words and expressions2. for difficult sentences( 1) find out sentences employing–ing or –ed participles and–ing or–ed phrasesIV. Main ideas of each paragraph:-school ten miles away (para.1)-uncertainty before interview-inconvenient transportation (para.2)( awful journey to school)-state of mind after the journey-simple description of schoolhouse (para.3)-environment around the schoolhouse-simple description of theschoolhouse (poor surroundings)-simple description of the schoolmaster (para.4)(unfavorable impression)-simple description of the hallway (para.5)-simple description of the study-the questions asked ofme -my answer-my reaction-the pupils at the school (para.6)--terrible teaching program/set-up-my responsibilities (para.7)-my annoyance (para.8)(meager salary)-the last straw (para.9)(working under a woman)V. analysis of the textParagraph 1Q1: Why did the author apply for the job?1. a teaching post⋯ :后置(postponement,)New information, key partsand long or complicated information are often put at the end of the sentence.·We heard from his own lips the story of how he had been caught in a trap for days without food.2. teaching post: -ing participle modifying“ post”3.advised at a school: -ed participle, function as object complement4.being very short of money: adverbial(reason)→ adverbial clause of cause or reasonAs I was short of money and wanted to do something useful, ⋯ Being inpoor health and lacking in teaching experience, he was dismissed.Not having his telephone number, I couldn’ t ring him back.5. experience of teaching: gerund = teaching experience: -ing participle6.chances of landing the job: gerund, there is little possibility of7. short of: short of1)having an inadequate supply of: ⋯供不的:We're short of cash. 我在金不足。

Role Play
Inspirational Quote
Read the following quote and answer some questions.
A man is fed, not that he may be fed, but that he may work. — Emerson Question: Do you cook at home? What’s your favorite dish?
Unit 4 A Trip to China
Role Play
Po: Dad: Po: Dad:
Hey, Dad. Po! Good to have you back, son. Good to be back. Let’s go, Po. So for our next shop, it’s time to face it. The future of noodles is dice-cut vegetables, no longer slices. Also, I was thinking, maybe this time we’ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in. You like that? Oh I’m sorry things didn’t work out. It just wasn’t meant to be. Po, forget everything else. Your destiny still awaits. We are noodle folk. Broth runs deep through your veins.
新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1Read by critical thinking

Global Reading
Questions for Group A and B
Step 2
Do you think the little boy's decision is acceptable to you? And why?
All the students are asked to answer with “Yes” or “No”. Then they are regrouped into Group C and D.
Global Reading
Questions for Group B
Step 1
1. What was the uninjured orphans' reaction to the doctors' request at the beginning?
2. How do you think of the little boy's decision? 3. How did the doctors feel about this boy?
注意: 1. be supposed to意思是:本来要,本应该 e.g. You’re not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出这个房间。
2. land v. 意思是:落下,跌下,着陆 e.g. The ball landed in the pool.
should have done表示本来应该做而没做, 而其否定式should not have done表示某种 行为不该发生却发生了。
Examples You should have thought about that before you invited her. (But the truth is that you did not think about that.) I shouldn’t have trusted that man. (But the truth is that I trusted the man.)

Unit 13 Reform in Education
Role Play
Student: We shouldn‟t be doing this. Mr Keating: Rip! Rip! Rip! Rip it out! Rip! Rip it! Yeah! Rip it out! Rip it! Mr McAllister: What the hell is going on here ? Mr Keating: I don‟t hear enough rips. Mr McAllister: Mr Keating. Mr Keating: Mr McAllister. Mr McAllister: I‟m sorry, I…I didn‟t know you were here. Mr Keating: I am. Mr McAllister: Ah. So you are. Excuse me.
Unit 13 Reform in Education
Role Play
Inspirational Quote
Read the following quote and answer some questions.
Unit 13 Reform in Education
Role Play

A New English Course (Third Edition)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 5 Save Our Heritage
Unit 5 Save Our Heritage
Role Play
Language Structures Preparatory Questions Practice I
Practice II Practice III
Unit 5 Save Our Heritage
Role Play
docent: (AmE) someone who guides visitors through a museum, church, etc.
Unit 5 Save Our Heritage
Role Play
riffraff: an insulting word for people who are noisy, badlybehaved, or of low social class e.g.: Don’t bring any riffraff into my house! 别把不三不四的人领到我家来!

Dirk: Hey, welcome to Volt Village. My name‟s Dirk. What can I help you find today? Man: Hey, Dirk. Um, my computer... it‟s a few years old, and I feel like I‟m ready for a new one.
Unit 15 TV Commercials
Role Play
They‟re packed...: 它们配置很高
Something that is packed with things contains a very large number of them. 充满的 e.g.: The encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.
Unit 15 TV Commercials
Role Play
Shop assistant: Hey, I just dropped off a shipment of the Bates 7000s. Now, what do you want me to do with the leftover 6000s? Manager: 6000s? Throw ‟em in the fucking garbage where they belong. Bates: That‟s right. Twice the memory capacity of the 8000. [Woman over the Intercom]: Mr Bates, you have a visitor. Bates: Hang on. Come in. Man: Hi.

Unit 6 Save Our Pandas Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Because he’s afraid that Mounty will see Stuart the mouse. 3. Why does Stuart refuse to run from Mounty?
Because he believes he is a member of the family. 4. What is the humiliation for Snow?
Snow: They’re putting some wild prizes in there, huh, Mounty!
Stuart: Hello. You must be a friend of Snowbell’s. I’m Stuart.
Mounty: Aren’t you gonna run? Stuart: Why?
Unit 6 Save Our Pandas
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Inspirational Quote
Read the following quote and answer some questions.
Unit 6 Save Our Pandas Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1 Grammar and Vocabulary

Unit 1 Personal RelationshipIn-Class Reading The Gift of LifeWords & Usage词汇精讲1.action[用法]n. 行动,行动过程,所作所为,作为e.g. Officials are not planning any drastic action. 官员们没有计划进行大刀阔斧的行动。
[快捷记忆]act v. (立即)行动e.g. Had the rescue workers not acted so swiftly, he would have died.2.balance[用法]n. 平衡,均衡e.g. The outcome of the basketball game was in the balance until the last minute. 那场篮球赛直到最后一分钟也没决出胜负。
e.g. I found it very hard to keep my balance on the icy path.我感到在结冰的小路上行走很难保持身体平衡。
3.injure[用法]v. 伤害,损伤,损害e.g. Nine people died and 54 were injured in the accident.在这次事故中有9人死亡,54人受伤。
[比较]hurt /injure/impair此三词均含有伤害或损害某人或某物之意,injure 指任何种类的伤害,不分大小;e.g. Dishonesty injures a business.hurt 可代替injure,但不如injure正式,尤指对人或动物造成肉体和精神的伤害;e.g. He hurt my hand by twisting it.impair 表示借削弱、缩小、减损力量或价值而伤害e.g. Poor eating habits impair health.[快捷记忆]injury n.Building workers risk injury by not wearing helmets.4. insert v. 插入,嵌入e.g. Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle insertedinto his arm.e.g. “Whistle” is not written like that. You have to insert a “t” between the “s” and the “l”.[快捷记忆]insertion n. (into/of)插入,插入物5.occasional adj. 偶尔的,间或发生的e.g. But now his occasional sob turned to a steady, silent crying...e.g. Joe is a solid player with occasional flashes of brilliance.[快捷记忆]occasion n. 时刻,时机,机会,特殊(或)重大场合e.g. We tested a similar product on an earlier occasion.e.g. The trip we took together gave us an occasion to get better acquainted.e.g. I only wear a tie on special occasions.6. relief n. 痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除:(痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰减轻;解除;轻松;浮雕;救济(品);安慰;替代e.g. When she nodded, a look of great relief spread over his face.e.g. They felt relief when the crisis was over.e.g. The medicine the doctor gave me brought relief to my headache.[快捷记忆]relieve v. 减轻,缓解;使宽心,使宽慰e.g. Anxiety may be relieved by talking to friends.e.g. I was greatly relieved at the news.7. stiff adj. 硬的,僵直的,(手脚等)不灵活的e.g. Through all of this Heng lay stiff and silent.e.g. His legs felt stiff from having sat for so long.8. wide-eyed adj.睁大眼睛的e.g. Their request was met with wide-eyed silence.构词法:wide(形容词)+ eye(名词) + ed = 形容词kind-hearted 好心的,仁慈的good-tempered 好脾气的,和气的good-natured 性情温和的,和善的Difficult Sentences 难句详解1.They quickly found the young girl to be badly injured, and it was clear that without immediateaction, she would die from loss of blood and shock. (Line 5,Para3)译文他们很快发现这个女孩伤势严重。

Unit 10 If I Had the Chance to Travel in Space Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
4) What would you/he/she do if you/he/she had a garden/backyard/microwave oven (or any other possession)?
Unit 10 If I Had the Chance to Travel in Space Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
he’ll come to see us next week
she’ll invite us to the party Ted’ll win the prize
Unit 10 If I Had the Chance to Travel in Space
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
2. containing unreal conditions: 1) What would you/he/she be if your/his/her job were
Practice III
Practice IV
Unit 10 If I Had the Chance to Travel in Space Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Language Structures 1. If it rains tomorrow, we will have to postpone our sports

Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
(Prof. for Professor Stromwell) Prof.: A legal education means you will learn... to speak in a
new language. You will be taught to achieve insight... into the world around you... and to sharply question what you know. The seat you have picked will be yours... for the next nine months of your life. And those of you in the front row... beware. “The law is reason free from passion.” Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? -Yes? Boy: Aristotle.
新编英语教程第三版第一册 unit 9

Unit 9Language StructureMain Teaching Points: The adverbial clause1.of time introduced by while/as soon as/ the moment/ by the timee.g. 1) Tom walked in while I was typing in the office.2) As soon as / The moment he came in, he asked for the file on the production quota.3) By the time I got everything ready for him, (however), he’d gone.2. of time and place introduced by whenever/and where; of concession introduced by however; of time/cause introduced by now thate.g. 1) Whenever and wherever I see Sid, I tell him how harmful smoking is.2) (But ) However hard I try to persuade him to give up smoking, he just won’t listen.3. of condition introduced by or else; of purpose introduced by so (that)e.g. Now that you’ve started it, you’d better go on with it, or else you’ll regret it afterwards.(Yes.) We will go on with it, so (that) we shall not regret it afterwards.4. of manner introduced by as if/ as though, indicating an unreal situation; of time/ condition introduced by so long as/ as long ase.g. 1) Jack acted as if /as though nothing had happened.2) He didn’t worry so long as / as long as there was still hope offinding then.5. of degree introduced by so far as; of alternative condition introduced by whether… or note.g. 1) So far as I know, Fanny’s not coming to the meeting.2) But whether she’s coming or not, we won’t wait.Useful expression1.loaf away one’s time :loaf about/around v.游手好闲,无所事事;闲荡e.g. A group of kids were loafing around outside.一群小孩在外面四处游荡。

新编英语教程第三版第一册unit3Unit 3Language StructureMain Teaching Points:1.The simple past and the present perfect contrastedeg. This is the first time I’ve been in Shanghai.2.The past progressiveeg. While Class One students were having a Chinese lesson, Class Three students were having a lesson on the History of the Chinese Revolution(C.R.).3.The past perfecteg. By half past ten, we’d already had our English class.DialogueHoliday PlanningA. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific detailsC. Broad questions:1. Where did B plan to go during the New Year’s Day holiday? What for ?2. What did A suggest ?3. What did B say about carpooling ?D. Language Points1. abide by: act in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes. 遵守,顺从eg. 1) I’m going to abide by my wife’s decision and take her to Merry Island.2) Opposition leaders were not sure whether he would abide by theelection results if they went against him. 反对党的领袖不确定,如果选举结果对他不利的话,他是否会甘拜下风。
新编英语教程第三版第一册 unit 15

Unit 15Language StructureMain Teaching Points: The adverbial clause1.Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express“ability”e.g. Was she able to/Could she sing so well a year ago?2.Modal auxiliary have to expressing“obligation”e.g. Do you have to live on the campus?3.Modal auxiliaries can/may used to express“permission”or “request forpermission”e.g. Can/May I be excused from the lecture this week?4.Modal auxiliary had better expressing“advice” or “suggestion”e.g. You had better(’d better) consult an encyclopaedia.Dialogue TV CommercialsA.Listening to the recordingB.Questions on details1.What’s the story behind the catchphrase“where is the beef”?2.How do you feel about the Adidas or Nike slogans?3.Do you think ads bring us a lot of bad things? Why?4.Have you ever been taken in by ads?5.What kind of attitude towards ads do you think is wise? Give your reasons.nguage Points1. launch v. send on its course 使运行,送上轨道;cause (a new ship) to move into the water:(新船)下水;put into action 使行动,发起;产品投放e.g.1) The lifeboat was launched immediately to rescue the five men.救生船立刻被放下去救那五个人。
新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1Oral Quiz

2. 我和鲍勃(Bob)不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起 出去喝一杯。
A. Make four sentences with: drop by keep up with
let alone
start over B. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来 买圣诞礼物。 2. 如不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因 饥饿而死亡。
1. 会议应该在周二召开,但我们不得不推迟。 2. 我国政府采取行动使那个国家的所有中国人回到 了祖国。
A. Make four sentences with: lay down one’s life for let out
be oneself
drag one’s feet B. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 当我知道了详细情况时,我意识到我不该在办公 室发脾气。
Sentence Making & Translation
A. Make four sentences with:
a couple of be/hang in the balance
be supposed tonslate the following sentences into English.
新编英语教程第三版第一册 unit 5

Unit 5Language StructureMain Teaching Points: Sentence of unreal conditions:1.related to something being done at presente.g. If you were taking a short course in computer science, you’d be learning computer programming fast.2. with the connective unlesse.g. Lu wouldn’t sing the English songs unles s she had learned them properly.3. with connective supposinge.g. Supposing the price were lowered, then Sue would certainly buy the fur coat.4. with the connective otherwisee.g. Bob didn’t work hard. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been sacked.5. in the if it hadn’t been for… patterne.g. If it hadn’t been for the sports meeting, I would have come to the video show.Dialogue Save Our HeritageA. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific details1. What happened to the Drum Tower and the Buddhist Temple?2. What’s the fate of the 1000-year-old corridor and the tombstone of a member of the Tang court?3. What do A and B think the government should do about the people who damage ancient monuments?4. What is your opinion about the preservation of historical monuments?C. Language Points1. legendary a. very famous and celebrated in many stories传奇的,有名的;celebrated in fable or legend传说中的e.g. 1) Heracles is a lendary Greek hero.2) Her enormous appetite is legendary in our company.她的胃口之大在我们公司是出了名的。

[antonym] unavailable avail: v. 利用; 有益于 avail oneself of: 利用… availability: n. 可用性
odds and ends 零星杂物
first and foremost 首先
rock and roll 摇滚乐
Treat or trick 不给糖果就捣蛋/不招待就使坏
dweller: n. – dwell: v. live as an inhabitant 居住 A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 远亲不如近邻. dweller: n. a person who live in a particular place 居民; 居住者 city dweller / urban dweller
• Are the students there very busy with their studies? How about you?
• Would you like to be an English student at Pujiang University? Why or why not?
For one thing
Those who live on the outskirts of the city spend much time on their way to work. 住在郊区的人要花很多时间在上班路上.
free from
without; not restricted or affected by 没有…的; 免除…的; 不受…约束的
新编英语教程第三版第一册 unit 13

Unit 13Language StructureMain Teaching Points:Indirect speech introduced by various kinds of reporting words1.Making a suggestion2.Asking for and giving advice3.Extending an invitation and declining it4.Accepting an offer of help5.Reminding someone of something and making a promise6.Asking for and making a suggestion7.Offer to help and expressing gratitude8.Making a suggestion and accepting it9.Giving advice10.Asking one’s opinion and expressing agreement11.Making a suggestion and expressing disagreement12.Apologizing13.Extending an invitation and accepting it14.Requesting and expressing gratitude15.Giving an explanation and apologizing16.Giving ordersDialogue Reform in EducationLead-in: ask students sth. about educationA.Listening to the recordingB.Questions on the dialogue:1.Why is reform in education of great significance to the modernization of thecountry?2.How can our students truly make contributions to the modernization program?3.Are you satisfied with our present teaching method? Why or why not?4.What suggestions do you have on the methods of teaching?nguage points:1.dynamic a. characterized by constant change, activity, or progress有活力的,动力的n. force that produces changes, effects or action原动力,产生变化的力量D.e.g.1) I’m impressed by the dynamic pulse of the life in Shanghai.上海充满活力的生活节奏给我留下了深刻的印象。
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Unit 5Language StructureMain Teaching Points: Sentence of unreal conditions:1.related to something being done at presente.g. If you were taking a short course in computer science, you’d be learning computer programming fast.2. with the connective unlesse.g. Lu wouldn’t sing the English songs unles s she had learned them properly.3. with connective supposinge.g. Supposing the price were lowered, then Sue would certainly buy the fur coat.4. with the connective otherwisee.g. Bob didn’t work hard. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been sacked.5. in the if it hadn’t been for… patterne.g. If it hadn’t been for the sports meeting, I would have come to the video show.Dialogue Save Our HeritageA. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific details1. What happened to the Drum Tower and the Buddhist Temple?2. What’s the fate of the 1000-year-old corridor and the tombstone of a member of the Tang court?3. What do A and B think the government should do about the people who damage ancient monuments?4. What is your opinion about the preservation of historical monuments?C. Language Points1. legendary a. very famous and celebrated in many stories传奇的,有名的;celebrated in fable or legend传说中的e.g. 1) Heracles is a lendary Greek hero.2) Her enormous appetite is legendary in our company.她的胃口之大在我们公司是出了名的。
2. drown v. die in water because one is unable to breathe淹死;flood or drench sth.淹没,盖过e.g. 1) The flood drowned the whole village.2) The desperate woman drowned herself in the river.绝望的女人投河自杀了。
3)The teacher’s voice was drowned out by the noise outside.外面很吵,把老师的声音都盖过了。
3. precinct n. (由建筑物或围墙围成的)场地;周围区域;选举区,警区e.g. 1) It’s a shame to see so many buildings inside the temple’s precincts.寺庙周围建了这么多现代建筑,这真让人感到羞愧。
2)It is very common in the precincts of a college.在大学校园里这样的事情司空见惯。
3)This block will be rebuilt into a shopping precincts.这一街区将改造成一个商业区。
4. refined a.精炼的,精制的;polite, having good manners and good taste 有教养的,举止文明的refine v.净化;精炼,使文雅unrefined a.不文雅的,庸俗的refined gold 纯金refined manners 文雅的举止近义词:purified 精炼的;cultivated 有教养的civilized 文明的,有礼的elegant 优雅的,端庄的urbane 文雅的,有礼貌的polished 优雅的,有教养的e.g. 1) We should not eat too much refined foods such as sugar and white flour.我们不应该吃太多经过精加工的食品,如糖和白面。
2)The story was told in a refined language. 这则故事的语言非常优美。
3)A refined young woman shall never laugh in that way.一位娴静的淑女不该那么笑。
5. crude a. natural or unrefined 天然的,未加工的;rough;not wellfinished 粗糙简陋的;coarse粗鲁的crude oil原油crude facts 赤裸裸的事实a crude notion 不成熟的想法e.g. 1) The Middle East is well-known for the production of crude oil.中东以盛产原油著称。
2)He made a crude sketch for the lake but forgot to paint it.他把湖面画成一张简略的草图,但是忘了着色。
3)He’s good at telling crude jokes.他擅长于讲粗俗的笑话。
6. ravage v. destroy; damage badly 毁坏;rob and plunder with violence 蹂躏,劫掠;n. (pl.) destructive effect of sth.; damage done by sth.毁坏的结果e.g. 1) Sandstorms are the revages of deforestation on the hills. 沙尘暴实滥伐山林的恶果。
2)The country has been revaged by civil war and foreign intervention.国家遭到了内忧外患的双重蹂躏。
7. ignorance n lack of knowledge of information 无知;不知道e.g. 1) He is in complete ignorance of history. 他对历史一无所知。
2) Ignorance is the mother of fear. 无知是恐惧的根源。
3)She ignored criticism about hr new book. 她无视人们对她新书的批评。
8. counteract v. act against and reduce the force or effect of sth.抵消,中和;抵制counter(相反的)+act(行动)=反着做=抵消,对抗counterattack 反攻counterbalance 使平衡,抵消counterpart 相对应的人物等counterdrug 解瘾药;起反作用的药e.g. 1) This herb can be used to counteract the effects of poison. 这种药草可以解毒。
2)It is doubted whether we should deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming. 有人质疑,人类是否应该刻意介入气候系统以抵制全球变暖。
9. vicious a. 恶意的,恶毒的;凶恶的,残忍的;(指动物)危险的vice n. 邪恶,恶行be vicious about sb. 对某人有恶意a vicious kick/look/remark 恶狠狠地踢了一脚/样子/言语a vicious wind/headache/flu-virus极厉害的大风/头痛/流感病毒a vicious circle 恶性循环——a virtuous circle 良性循环e.g. 1) The author received lots of vicious letters from all over Britain.作者收到了英国各地的恶毒的来信。
2)The vicious killer has committed a series of murders.这名凶残的杀手已经实施了多起谋杀案。
3)The word “shrew”is taken from the name of a small but especially vicious animal. “泼妇”一词来源于一种体型虽小但非常凶残的动物的名字。
4)Greed and envy are terrible human vices. 贪婪和嫉妒是人性的罪恶。
10. fortune n. destiny 命运;chance, luck 运气;large amount of money 财富e.g. 1) He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortunes; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virture or mischief.(Francis Bacon, Essays) 有妻儿之人已向命运之神交了抵押品,因为妻儿是事业的阻挠,无论是善举还是恶行。
2)It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice)凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这是举世公认的真理。