




这部小说的作者是()(1分)A:屠格涅夫B:高尔基C:陀思妥耶夫斯基D:普希金3、既显示了托尔斯泰“撕下一切假面具”的决心和彻底暴露旧世界的批判激情,又集中体现了其“道德自我完善”思想的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《战争与和平》B:《复活》C:《卢塞恩》D:《安娜·卡列尼娜》4、在《伊则吉尔老婆子》中,用自己燃烧的心脏为族人照亮道路的英雄人物是()(1分) A:伊则吉尔B:腊拉C:丹柯D:巴威尔5、在马克?吐温小说中,描写儿童追求自由、冒险探奇的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》B:《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》C:《镀金时代》D:《汤姆?索亚历险记》6、《玩偶之家》中海尔茂的主要性格特点是()(1分)A:虚伪自私B:真诚坦白C:残酷狠毒D:保守愚昧7、卡夫卡《变形记》揭示了现代西方社会中普遍存在的一种现象是()(1分)A:流亡B:异化C:隔绝D:疏离8、法国存在主义运动的奠基之作是萨特的哲学专著()(1分)A:《恶心》B:《间隔》C:《存在与虚无》D:《自由之路》9、在乔伊斯的《伊芙琳》中,都柏林人的生活精神状态是()(1分)A:沉闷麻痹B:困惑不安C:愤怒焦躁D:冷漠无情10、《老人与海》中“硬汉精神”化身的主人公是()(1分)A:罗伯特B:曼诺林C:亨利D:桑提亚哥11、在但丁的《神曲》中,贝亚特丽采象征()(1分)A:神学信仰B:爱情C:道德D:理性12、狄更斯攻击英国司法制度和议会政治的长篇小说是《荒凉山庄》和()(1分) A:《艰难时事》B:《匹克威客外传》C:《双城记》D:《小杜丽》13、被誉为“最富有魅力的后现代派大师”的作家是()(1分)A:萨特B:卡夫卡C:卡尔维诺D:乔伊斯14、被恩格斯称赞为包含着“了不起的辩证法”的是19世纪法国文学作品()(1分) A:《悲惨世界》B:《人间喜剧》C:《卢贡·马卡尔家族》D:《巴黎圣母院》15、尤内斯库的剧作表达的一个重要看法是()(1分)A:人生是荒诞的B:生活是绝望的C:生活是枯燥的D:人生是充满希望的16、被称为“俄罗斯文学的始祖”的是19世纪俄国作家()(1分)A:果戈里B:陀思妥耶夫斯基C:托尔斯泰D:普希金17、马尔克斯继《百年孤独》、《家长的没落》之后,又一次引起爆炸性反响的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《一件事先张扬的凶杀案》B:《霍乱时期的爱情》C:《枯枝败叶》D:《没有人给他写信的上校》18、拜伦《哀希腊》中“希腊群岛呵,美丽的希腊群岛!”的下句是()(1分)A:永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金B:在这果,战争与和平的艺术并兴C:火热的萨福在这里唱过恋歌D:狄洛斯崛起,阿波罗跃出海波19、迦梨陀娑描写国王与净修女之间动人爱情故事的剧作是()(1分)A:《云使》B:《罗怙世系》C:《沙恭达罗》D:《鸠摩罗出世》20、华兹华斯在《抒情歌谣集》再版序中系统地表述了自己的诗学理论()(1分)A:现实主义B:浪漫主义C:古典主义D:自然主义21、被高尔基称赞为民间文学“一座最壮丽的纪念碑”的作品是()(1分)A:《格林童话》B:《拉封丹寓言》C:《伊索寓言》D:《一千零一夜》22、在《浮士德》中,引诱浮士德堕落,与浮士德签下灵魂契约的是()(1分)A:摩非斯陀B:瓦格纳C:罗马皇帝D:海伦23、”赤裸的女人,黝黑的女人”这句诗出自诗人()(1分)A:桑戈尔B:哈菲兹C:泰戈尔D:普列姆·昌德24、莫里哀在《悭吝人》中所要批判的是17世纪法国社会的()(1分)A:权力崇拜B:宗教愚昧C:封建等级观D:拜金风气25、萨迪是古代波斯著名诗人。



外国文学作品选自考模拟试题及答案解析(10)(1/30)单项选择题第1题《神曲·地狱篇》第五歌中爱情故事的男主人公是()A.兰塞罗特B.加里俄托C.保禄D.祈安启托下一题(2/30)单项选择题第2题下列作品中哪一部是拜伦《东方叙事诗》中的作品? ()A.《阿比道斯新娘》B.《青铜世纪》C.《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》D.《堂璜》上一题下一题(3/30)单项选择题第3题巴尔扎克用()的手法突出人物的情欲,以此形成其笔下一个个独特的人物形象。


外国文学作品选 全国自考 试题

外国文学作品选 全国自考 试题




























绝密★启用前2013 年 4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试大学语文试卷( 课程代码 04729)本试卷共11 页,满分 100 分,考试时间150 分钟。

核分人题分2010103030复查人得分20 分)一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


1.《五代史伶官传序》使用的论证方法是【】A. 对比、演绎B.演绎、归纳C .类比、演绎 D.对比、归纳2.蔡元培《就任北京大学校长之演说》的反诘句中,引出“抱定宗旨”一段结语的是【】A.然弭谤莫如自修,人讥我腐败,而我不腐败,问心无愧,于我何损B.诸君入分科时,曾填写愿书,遵守本校规则,苟中道而违之,岂非与原始之意相反乎C.误己误人,又岂本心所愿乎D.常人如此,况堂堂大学生乎3.下列《吃饭》一文提到的古人中,被作者认为是“中国第一个哲学家厨师,在他眼【】里,整个人世间好比是做菜的厨房”的是A .孔子B.老予C.伊尹 D.孟子4.《冯谖客孟尝君》中,总体而言,冯谖再三弹铗而歌的目的是【】A. 不甘无所事事B.为赡养老母而求助C .要求优裕生活 D.有意试探孟尝君大学语文试卷第 1 页(共 11 页)5.《种树郭橐驼传》:“吾问养树,得养人术。

”其中“养人”指的是【】A. 治民B.养生C.侍奉官吏 D.养育后代6.下列《前赤壁赋》中的语句,与《诗经》有关的是【】A .白露横江,水光接天B.桂棹兮兰桨,击空明兮溯流光C .诵明月之诗,歌窈窕之章 D.月明星稀,乌鹊南飞7.《哭小弟》中将整篇文章主旨升华的语句是【】A.他想活,他想活下去呵B.回首悠悠无恨事,丹心一片向将来C. 我哭我们这迟开而早谢的一代人D. 壮志未酬,洒泪岂只为家痛8.《都江堰》中“他的这点学问,永远水气淋漓”所指的是【】A.他的学问还不够清晰,难以被人理解B.他的治水理论比现在更全面、更严密C.他的学问局限于水利,其他方面有所欠缺D.他的治水理论直到现在仍有指导意义9.《蚂蚁大战》最后说:“至于我目睹的这场大决战,发生于总统波尔克任内,时间在韦伯斯特制订的逃亡奴隶法案通过前 5 年。




































这部小说的作者是()(1分)A:屠格涅夫B:高尔基C:陀思妥耶夫斯基D:普希金3、既显示了托尔斯泰“撕下一切假面具”的决心和彻底暴露旧世界的批判激情,又集中体现了其“道德自我完善”思想的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《战争与和平》B:《复活》C:《卢塞恩》D:《安娜·卡列尼娜》4、在《伊则吉尔老婆子》中,用自己燃烧的心脏为族人照亮道路的英雄人物是()(1分) A:伊则吉尔B:腊拉C:丹柯D:巴威尔5、在马克•吐温小说中,描写儿童追求自由、冒险探奇的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》B:《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》C:《镀金时代》D:《汤姆•索亚历险记》6、《玩偶之家》中海尔茂的主要性格特点是()(1分)A:虚伪自私B:真诚坦白C:残酷狠毒D:保守愚昧7、卡夫卡《变形记》揭示了现代西方社会中普遍存在的一种现象是()(1分)A:流亡B:异化C:隔绝D:疏离8、法国存在主义运动的奠基之作是萨特的哲学专著()(1分)A:《恶心》B:《间隔》C:《存在与虚无》D:《自由之路》9、在乔伊斯的《伊芙琳》中,都柏林人的生活精神状态是()(1分)A:沉闷麻痹B:困惑不安C:愤怒焦躁D:冷漠无情10、《老人与海》中“硬汉精神”化身的主人公是()(1分)A:罗伯特B:曼诺林C:亨利D:桑提亚哥11、在但丁的《神曲》中,贝亚特丽采象征()(1分)A:神学信仰B:爱情C:道德D:理性12、狄更斯攻击英国司法制度和议会政治的长篇小说是《荒凉山庄》和()(1分) A:《艰难时事》B:《匹克威客外传》C:《双城记》D:《小杜丽》13、被誉为“最富有魅力的后现代派大师”的作家是()(1分)A:萨特B:卡夫卡C:卡尔维诺D:乔伊斯14、被恩格斯称赞为包含着“了不起的辩证法”的是19世纪法国文学作品()(1分) A:《悲惨世界》B:《人间喜剧》C:《卢贡·马卡尔家族》D:《巴黎圣母院》15、尤内斯库的剧作表达的一个重要看法是()(1分)A:人生是荒诞的B:生活是绝望的C:生活是枯燥的D:人生是充满希望的16、被称为“俄罗斯文学的始祖”的是19世纪俄国作家()(1分)A:果戈里B:陀思妥耶夫斯基C:托尔斯泰D:普希金17、马尔克斯继《百年孤独》、《家长的没落》之后,又一次引起爆炸性反响的长篇小说是()(1分)A:《一件事先张扬的凶杀案》B:《霍乱时期的爱情》C:《枯枝败叶》D:《没有人给他写信的上校》18、拜伦《哀希腊》中“希腊群岛呵,美丽的希腊群岛!”的下句是()(1分)A:永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金B:在这果,战争与和平的艺术并兴C:火热的萨福在这里唱过恋歌D:狄洛斯崛起,阿波罗跃出海波19、迦梨陀娑描写国王与净修女之间动人爱情故事的剧作是()(1分)A:《云使》B:《罗怙世系》C:《沙恭达罗》D:《鸠摩罗出世》20、华兹华斯在《抒情歌谣集》再版序中系统地表述了自己的诗学理论()(1分)A:现实主义B:浪漫主义C:古典主义D:自然主义21、被高尔基称赞为民间文学“一座最壮丽的纪念碑”的作品是()(1分)A:《格林童话》B:《拉封丹寓言》C:《伊索寓言》D:《一千零一夜》22、在《浮士德》中,引诱浮士德堕落,与浮士德签下灵魂契约的是()(1分)A:摩非斯陀B:瓦格纳C:罗马皇帝D:海伦23、”赤裸的女人,黝黑的女人”这句诗出自诗人()(1分)A:桑戈尔B:哈菲兹C:泰戈尔D:普列姆·昌德24、莫里哀在《悭吝人》中所要批判的是17世纪法国社会的()(1分)A:权力崇拜B:宗教愚昧C:封建等级观D:拜金风气25、萨迪是古代波斯著名诗人。



外国文学作品选(选择题)-自考文学类外国文学作品选试卷与试题一、单项选择题1. 歌德《浮士德》中同名主人公奋斗探索的第三阶段一般被称为()悲剧。

A. 知识B. 政治C. 爱情D. 乐土答案:B2. 《前夜》中的英沙罗夫是俄国文学中第一个()形象。

A. 多余人B. 新人C. 小人物D. 流浪汉答案:B3. 《俄狄浦斯王》中,同名主人公为拯救城邦而追查杀死老王的凶手。


他惩罚自己的方式是()A. 拔出宝剑,引颈自刎B. 刺瞎双眼,自我流放C. 砍去右手,离开宫廷D. 剃去须发,出走国外答案:B4. 《神曲•地狱篇》第十九歌的内容是()A. 谴责教皇买卖圣职B. 谴责教皇生活淫乱C. 谴责教皇干预世俗政治D. 谴责教皇出卖国家答案:A5. 《堂吉诃德》第八章写堂吉诃德攻打风车的可笑故事。

当堂吉诃德向风车冲杀的时候,桑丘的行动是()A. 呐喊助威B. 奋力上前拦阻C. 大声提醒那是风车D. 尾随而上答案:C6. 《达尔杜弗》塑造了一个披着宗教外衣进行罪恶活动的骗子的形象。

剧中着重写他勾引艾耳密尔行动的前后过程,这主要是为了()A. 揭露其手段之拙劣,加强作品的批判精神B. 说明骗子没有好下场,更好地表现作品的主题C. 写他具有化险为夷的本事,以突出其奸诈狠毒的本性D. 进一步写他性格的复杂性,以扩充剧本的内涵答案:C7. “一切好诗都是强烈情感的自然流露”。

这一创作主张出自()A. 司汤达的《拉辛和莎士比亚》B. 拜伦的《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》C. 雨果的《克伦威尔•序言》D. 华兹华斯的《抒情歌谣集•序言》答案:D8. 在拜伦《恰尔德•哈洛尔德游记》中有这样的诗句“谁能给死去的爱人更大的安慰?谁能像她似的为殉难的首领复仇?”紧接下来的一句是()A. 勇敢地走向战场,把战歌来高唱B. 在她像武装的处女神巴拉斯似的跳出来后C. 男儿伤心失望时一个女郎却把残局挽回D. 他们在被炮火轰塌的城下,败于女流之手答案:C9. 除了《普罗米修斯》之外,埃斯库罗斯的代表作还有()A. 《安提戈涅》B. 《鸟》C. 《俄瑞斯忒亚》D. 《美狄亚》答案:C10. 古罗马喜剧《婆母》的作者是()A. 维吉尔B. 普劳图斯C. 奥维德D. 泰伦斯答案:D11. 文艺复兴时期杰出的西班牙小说《小癞子》是一部描写()生活经历的小说。



全国自考(外国文学作品选)模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 4. 简答题 5. 论述题 6. 综合应用题单项选择题1.《致杜鹃》中第一段第一句是( )A.欢畅的新客呵!我已经听到/你叫了,听了真快乐B.春天的骄子!欢迎你,欢迎C.呵,春日的歌哪里去了?但不要/想这些吧,你也有你的音乐D.和煦而使人苏醒的春光/使河水和溪流解冻正确答案:A解析:本题考查华兹华斯的代表作《致杜鹃》。



2.《抒情歌谣集》的作者是( )A.骚塞和济慈B.柯尔律治和骚塞C.柯尔律治和华兹华斯D.华兹华斯和济慈正确答案:C解析:本题考查华兹华斯和柯尔律治的合著《抒情歌谣集》。



3.《唐璜》是英国浪漫主义时期最出色的文学作品之一,其作者是( )A.华兹华斯B.拜伦C.济慈D.骚塞正确答案:B解析:本题考查拜伦的相关知识。


4.《哀希腊》是《唐璜》中的一个独立插段,出现在( )A.第一章B.第二章C.第三章D.第四章正确答案:C5.《秋颂》诗句“你和成熟的太阳成为友伴”中的“你”指的是( ) A.诗人B.秋天C.果实D.谷物女神正确答案:B解析:本题考查对《秋颂》中诗句的理解。



6.《秋颂》的第二节中,诗人侧重的是( )A.视觉描写B.听觉描写C.嗅觉描写D.触觉描写正确答案:A解析:本题考查《秋颂》第二节的艺术特征。




2013年4月20日英语专业四级TEM4真题及答案(含部分解析)TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT: 135 MINPART I DICTATION [15 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.1. Accordi ng to the conversation, an example of “Christmas trimmings” could be _______.A. presentsB. fruitsC. sauceD. meat.2. A Christmas lunch would include all the following EXCEPT _______.A. roast turkeyB. sweet potatoesC. meatD. carrots.3. Why did Helen come to Rob?s house?A. She wanted to talk to Rob.B. She had come to help Rob.C. She had been invited to lunch.D. She was interested in cooking.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.4. Why did the woman phone the club?A. She wanted to know more about it.B. She was a new comer and felt lonely.C. She wanted to learn a new language.D. She was interested in social activities.5. We learn from the conversation that the club _______.A. mainly organizes language activitiesB. accepts members from local studentsC. has been set up for a long timeD. is increasing its membership6. According to the conversation, the woman might come to practice German on _______.A. WednesdayB. TuesdayC. MondayD. Friday7. What is the man going to do after the conversation?A. Call up the woman for her address.B. Wait for the woman to call him again.C. Mail the woman some information.D. Wait for the woman to pick up a form.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. According to the woman, what actually makes her job difficult?A. Difficult questions from interviewees.B. Embarrassing requests from interviewees.C. Lack of professional background.D. Lack of interviewing skills.9. The woman uses all the following adjectives when talking about attending job fairs EXCEPT _______.A. prospectiveB. usefulC. importantD. tiring10. We learn from the conversation that the woman _______.A. works better at job fairsB. prefers honest peopleC. often works on her ownD. is experienced in her work.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.11. According to today's weather forecast, which part of Europe has dry weather?A. Scandinavian mountains.B. Northwestern Europe.C. Northern Europe.D. Southern Europe.12. In which part of Europe does the weather stay both fine and cool?A. Southern Europe.B. Northern Europe.C. Eastern Europe.D. Northwestern Europe.13. In which region will the weather change tomorrow?A. Northern parts of the Mediterranean.B. Eastern parts of the Mediterranean.C. Central parts of the Mediterranean.D. Southern parts of the Mediterranean.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.14. According to the passage, what benefit can technology bring to people?A. Closer contact with modern devices.B. Greater changes in social organization.C. Better understanding of mass media.D. More useful information to better their life.15. The speaker questions about everybody?s access to technological advances. The main reason is _______.A. illiteracyB. povertyC. food shortageD. ignorance16. According to the UN plan, all the following will be achieved within ten years EXCEPT _______.A. giving everyone a radio or TVB. starting to carry out the scheme in ten yearsC. offering internet service to more peopleD. providing more job opportunities17. What could be the topic of the passage?A. Growth in telecommunications.B. Technology and the developing world.C. Education and medical care.D. Building an information society.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.18. People in Latin America wear something _______ to express their hopes for wealth in the New Year.A. newB. redC. whiteD. yellow19. Which of the following New Year?s traditions signals friendship?A. Throwing old dishes.B. Wearing something red.C. Wearing something white.D. Eating round fruits.20. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one's own New Year?s tradition?A. Watching TV at home.B. Going to bed early.C. Visiting friends.D. Running and shouting outside.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now. listen to the news.21. What is happening to the schools in Fairfax County this school year?A. 15 schools have started social studies.B. 15 schools have used digital textbooks.C. Students are ready to use electronic resources.D. Digital textbooks are used for social studies.22. With digital textbooks, schools have saved about _______ million dollars.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.23. Who found the suspicious item at the airport?A. TSA agents.B. FBI agents.C. The police.D. Passengers.24. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. The terminal was closed temporarily afterwards.B. There was a thorough search inside the airport.C. Passengers at the airport were safe and sound.D. The security authorities identified the explosives.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.25. According to the news item, doctors use art therapy to treat the following problems EXCEPT _______.A. alcohol abuseB. smokingC. depressionD. schizophrenia26. Why did doctors introduce art therapy in the first place?A. To prevent patients from smoking.B. To better understand patients.C. To get patients occupied.D. To teach patients some skills.Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.27. What is the main purpose of the new rules?A. To reduce the number of pilots on duty.B. To prevent pilots from working overtime.C. To ensure an adequate amount of sleep.D. To fix the amount of work for each pilot.28. The Independent Pilots Association was unhappy about the new rules because they _______.A. had only covered cargo plane pilotsB. had failed to cover all the pilotsC. would be put into effect in two yearsD. would be too costly if implementedQuestions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.29. Why is increase in livestock production necessary?A. Because livestock production is highly efficient.B. Because more people will become wealthier.C. Because it may help double food production.D. Because it has fewer ecological risks.30. What does the word “challenge” mean in the news item?A. Balance between human survival and ecology.B. Conflict between less land and more production.C. Difference between present and future needs.D. Calls by environmental critics to consume less meat.PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: Without it, it (31)____ not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (32)____ the workers in government offices who (33)____ our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves; nor the ministers and members of parliament(国会) who govern the country for us.(34)____ taxation, we pay for things that we need just (35)____ we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But (36)____ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about (37)____ taxation should be arranged. Should each person have to pay a certain amount of money to the government each year? Or should there be tax on things that people buy and sell? If the first kind of taxation is used, should everyone pay the same tax, whether he is rich or poor? If the second kind of tax is preferred, should everything be taxed equally? In most countries, a direct tax on (38)____, which is called income tax, (39)____. It is arranged in such a (40)____ that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows(41)____ as the taxpayer?s income grows. In England, for example, the tax on the richest people(42)____ as high as ninety-five percent! (43)____ countries with direct taxation nearly (44)____ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties”. Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (45)____ really have to pay the duties, in the (46)____ of higher prices. In some countries, (47)____, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is (48)____, but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things (49)____ jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is got but the tax is (50)____, as the rich pay it.31. A. can B. may C. could D. would32. A. nor B. neither C. never D. not33. A. look into B. look over C. look after D. look through34. A. In accordance to B. By means of C. With reference to D. On account of35. A. as well as B. as good as C. as such as D. as much as36. A. if B. when C. though D. as37. A. when B. how C. why D. which38. A. persons B. sectors C. communities D. classes39. A. remains B. stays C. exists D. happens40. A. form B. way C. measure D. method41. A. quicker B. speedier C. more D. larger42. A. grows up B. increases up C. goes up D. lifts up43. A. But B. Consequently C. Similarly D. And44. A. periodically B. almost C. often D. always45. A. which B. who C. what D. whom46. A. manner B. form C. means D. why47. A. either B. also C. too D. often48. A. lent B. saved C. borrowed D. collected49. A. alike B. like C. as D. for50. A. heavier B. fairer C. finer D. betterPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.51. Facing the board of directors, he didn't deny ______ breaking the agreement.A. himB. itC. hisD. its52. Xinchun returned from abroad a different man. The italicized part functions as a(n) ______.A. appositive(同位语)B. objectC. adverbialD. complement.53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)A. NonsmokerB. DeadlineC. MeannessD. Misfit54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood?A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o?clock?B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT ______.A. moreB. enoughC. manyD. such56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST?A. She opened the door and quietly went in.B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.C. Think it over again and you'll get an answer.D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don?t like this.57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)A. MuchB. NeitherC. OneD. Quarter58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT ______.A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.B. The President is coming to the UN next week,C. The school pupils will be home by now.D. He is going to email me the necessary information.59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?A. Politics are the art or science of government.B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship?A. The arrival of the touristsB. The law of NewtonC. The occupation of the islandD. The plays of Oscar Wilde61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive?A. He is not the man to draw back.B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.C. Larry has a large family to support.D. There is really nothing to fear.62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence?A. Let me drive you home, shall I?B. You will mind your own business.C. Come and have dinner with us.D. I wish you could stay behind.63. If it ______ tomorrow, the match would be put off.A. were to rainB. was to rainC. was rainingD. had rained64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact?A. Mary and her son must be home by now.B. Careless reading must give poor results.C. It's getting late, and I must leave now.D. He must be working late at the office.65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPT ______.A. remainB. turnC. writeD. knock66. ______ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.A. AdheringB. AdoptingC. AdjustingD. Acquainting67. He is fed up with the same old dreary routine, and wants to quit his job. The underlined part means ______.A. dullB. boringC. longD. hard68. At last night's party Larry said something that I thought was beyond me. The underlined part means ______.A. I was unable to doB. I couldn't understandC. I was unable to stopD. I couldn't tolerate69. The couple ______ their old house and sold it for a vast profit.A. did forB. did inC. did withD. did up70. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the ______ for herself.A. creditB. attentionC. focusD. award71. The child nodded, apparently content with his mother's promise. The underlined part means ______.A. as far as one has learntB. as far as one is concernedC. as far as one can seeD. as far as one is told72. The ______ that sport builds character is well accepted by people nowadays.A. issueB. argumentC. pointD. sentence73. Everyone in the office knows that Melinda takes infinite care over her work. The underlined part means ______.A. limitedB. unnecessaryC. overdueD. much74. The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. The underlined part means ______.A. if an accident happensB. if an accident can be preventedC. before an accidentD. during an accident75. Traditionally, local midwives would ______ all the babies in the area.A. handleB. produceC. deliverD. help76. No food or drink is allowed on the premises. The underlined part means ______.A. propositionB. advertisementC. buildingD. string77. The court would not accept his appeal unless ______ evidence is provided.A. conclusiveB. definiteC. eventualD. concluding78. As soon as he opened the door, a ______ of cold air swept through the house.A. flowB. movementC. rushD. blast79. She really wanted to say something at the meeting, but eventually ______ from it.A. preventedB. refrainedC. limitedD. restricted80. The couple told the decorator that they wanted their bedroom gaily painted. The underlined part means ______.A. brightlyB. light-heartedlyC. cheerfullyD. lightlyPART V READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT ASaying “thank you” is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language. After all, we're brought up to be polite, and it is important to make a good impression upon other people —especially across national divides. The art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago. Now, twitter, instant messaging, e-mail, blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication - but none can replace the role of a great speech. The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something. Over the past year, the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time. Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view. When the leaders met in Copenhagen in 5 December 2009, persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action. Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. They focus on topics and matters that are close to people's hearts. During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle. A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. The information must be clear, accurate, and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way. When the H1N1 pandemic流行病was announced, the idea of “swine flu”猪流感scared many people. Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions. Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting. Madonna's speech about Michael Jackson, after his death, highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music. It's not only in world forums where public speaking plays an important role. It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives. If you?re taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument. In sports, athletes know the importance of a pep talk鼓舞士气的讲话before a match to inspire teammates. You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance. On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting. Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding, where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh. Great speaking ability is not something we're born with. Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech. For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.81. The author thinks the spoken word is still irreplaceable because _____.A. it has always been used to inspire or persuade people.B. it has a big role to play in the entertainment business.C. it plays important roles in human communication.D. it is of great use in everyday-life context.82. Which of the following statements is IN CORRECT about the role of public speaking?A. Speeches at world forums can lead to effective solutions to world problems.B. Speeches from medical authorities can calm people down in times of pandemics.C. The morale of soldiers before a battle can be boosted by senior officers' speeches.D. Speeches paying tribute to the dead can comfort the mourners.83.Public speaking can play all the following roles EXCEPT _____.A. to convince people in a debate.B. to inform people at a presentation.C. to advise people at work.D. to entertain people at a wedding.84. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the author's view on “great speaking ability”?A. It comes from observing rules.B. It can be perfected with easy effort.C. It can be acquired from birth.D. It comes from learning and practice.85. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Public speaking in international forums.B. The many uses of public speaking.C. Public speaking in daily life context.D. The rules of public speaking.TEXT BEvery business needs two things, says Skull candy CEO Rick Alden: inspiration and desperation. In 2001, Alden had both. He'd sold two snowboarding businesses, and he was desperately bored. But he had an idea: He wanted to make a new kind of headphone. “I kept seeing people missing their cell phone calls because they were listening to music,” he explains. Then I'm in a chairlift索道, I've got my headphones on, and I realize my phone is ringing. As 1 take my gloves off and reach for my phone, I think, “It can't be that tough to make headphones with two plugs, one for music and one for your cell phone.” Alden described what he wanted to a designer, perfected a prototype, and outsourced外包manufacturing overseas. Alden then started designing headphones into helmets, backpacks - anywhere that would make it easy to listen to music while snowboarding. “Selling into board and skate shops wasn't a big research effort,” he explains. “Those were the only guys I knew!” Alden didn't want to be a manufacturer. And by outsourcing, he'd hoped he could get the business off the ground without debt. But he was wrong. So he asked his wife, “Can I put a m ortgage抵押贷款on the house? She said, ?What is the worst thing that can happen? We lose the house, we sell our cars, and we start all over again.? I definitely married the right woman!” For the next two years, Alden juggled mortgage payments and payments t o his manufacturers. “Factories won't ship your product till they get paid,” he says. “But it takes four or five months to get a mortgage company so upset that they knock on your door. So we paid the factory first.” Gradually, non-snowboarders began to notice the colorful headphones. In 2006, the company started selling them in 1,400 FYE (For Your Entertainment) stores. “We knew that nine out often people walking into that store would be learning about Skullcandy for the first time. Why would they look at brands they knew and take home a new brand instead? We had agreed to buy back anything we didn't sell, but we were dealing with huge numbers. It'd kill us to take back all the products.” Alden's fears faded as Skullcandy became the No. 1 headphone seller in those stores and tripled its revenue to $120 million in one year . His key insight was that headphones weren't gadgets; they were a fashion accessory. “In the beginning,” he says, “that little white wire that said you had an iPod—that was cool. But now wearing the white bud means you're just like everyone else. Headphones occupy this critical piece of cranial realestate and are highly visible.” Today, Skullcandy is America's second-largest headphone supplier, after Sony. With 79 employees, the company is bigger than Alden ever imagined.86. Alden came up with the idea of a new kind of headphone because he _____.A. was no longer in snowboarding businessB. had no other business opportunitiesC. was very fond of modern musicD. saw an inconvenience among mobile users87. The new headphone was originally designed for _____.A. snowboardersB. motorcyclistsC. mountain hikersD. marathon runners88. Did Alden solve the money problem?A. He sold his house and his cars.B. Factories could ship products before being paid.C. He borrowed money from a mortgage company.D. He borrowed money from his wife's family.89. What did Alden do to promote sales in FYE stores?A. He spent more money on product advertising.B. He promised to buy back products not sold.C. He agreed to sell products at a discount.D. He improved the colour design of the product.90. Alden sees headphones as _____.A. a sign of self-confidenceB. a symbol of statusC. part of fashionD. a kind of deviceTEXT C“I'm a little worried about my future,” said Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate. He should be so lucky. All he had to worry about was whether to have an affair with Mrs Robinson. In the sixties, that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome. I was standing in my kitchen wondering what to have for lunch when my friend Taj called. “Sit down,” she said. I thought she was going to tell me she had just gotten the haircut from hell. I laughed and said, “It can't be that bad.” But it was. Before the phone call, I had 30 years of retirement saving in a “safe” fund with a brilliant financial guru金融大亨.When I put down the phone, my savings were gone. I felt as if I had died and, for some unknown reason, was still breathing. Since Bernie Madoff?s arrest on charges of running a $65 million Ponzi scheme, I've read many articles about how we investors should have known what was going on. I wish I could say I had reservations about Madoff before “the Call”, but I did not. On New Year's Eve, three weeks after we lost our savings, six of us Madoff people gathered at Taj's house for dinner. As we were sitting around the table, someone asked, “If you could have your money back right now, but it would mean giving up what you have learned by losing it, would you take the money or would you take what losing the money has given you?” My husband was still in financial shock. He said, “I just want the money back.” I wasn't certain where I stood. I knew that losing our mon ey had cracked me wide open. I?d been walking around like what the Buddhists call a hungry ghost: always focused on the bite that was yet to come, not the one in my mouth. No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn't satisfy me, because I wasn't really taking it in, wasn't absorbing it. Now I was forced to pay attention. Still, I couldn't honestly say that if someone had offered me the money back, I would turn it down. But the other four all said that what they were seeing about themselves was incalculable, and they didn't think it would have become apparent without the。




”“这个人”指的是《伊利亚特》中的()(1分)A:赫克托尔B:阿基琉斯C:阿伽门农D:帕特洛克罗斯2、在《高老头》中,高老头病重期间陪伴在他床前的是拉斯蒂涅和()(1分)A:纽沁根夫人B:毕安训C:伏脱冷D:伏盖太太3、在《奥利弗·退斯特》中,奥利弗到贫民习艺所后,教区理事会准备让奥利弗学习的手艺是()(1分)A:砌砖头B:烧锅炉C:扯麻絮D:刷油漆4、讽刺喜剧《钦差大臣》的作者是()(1分)A:果戈理B:屠格涅夫C:陀斯妥耶夫斯基D:托尔斯泰5、19世纪法国批判现实主义文学的奠基之作是()(1分)A:《悲惨世界》B:《人间喜剧》C:《巴马修道院》D:《红与黑》6、在《罪与罚》中,对小说布局起到重要制约作用的结构中心是主人公的()(1分)A:赎罪过程B:双重人格C:爱情经历D:凶杀案件7、在《舞会之后》中,伊凡·华西里耶维奇在舞会后的清晨目睹的街头场景是()(1分) A:街头暴乱B:审判罪犯C:抓捕犯人D:惩罚逃兵8、在《伊则吉尔老婆子》中,伊则吉尔的生活态度是()(1分)A:忠于自我B:爱情至上C:游戏人生D:热爱生命9、在《世界上最漂亮的溺死者》中,有位海员听到了远处的哭声便迷失了航向,不由得想起古代()(1分)A:塞壬女妖传说B:美人鱼传说C:独夜巨人传说D:忘忧果之乡传说10、萨福在《永生的阿芙洛狄忒》中表达了对爱与美的颂扬,以及()(1分)A:对个体生命力的弘扬B:对爱情自由的呼吁C:对个性解放的倡导D:对女性独立的主张11、惠特曼《哦,白昼哟,从无底深渊中浮起》的主题是呼吁为民主正义而战和()(1分) A:歌颂进取精神B:歌颂生命力量C:歌颂民主思想D:歌颂爱国热情12、乔伊斯在《都柏林人》中,通过对20世纪初都柏林人生活与精神状况的描写,揭示了当时的社会现象,即都柏林已成为爱尔兰()(1分)A:“艺术的中心”B:“宗教的中心”C:“活力的中心”D:“瘫痪的中心”13、《克洛德·格》的主人公克洛德本性正直善良,在监狱中他不堪忍受虐待与折磨,用斧子杀死了()(1分)A:典狱长B:法官C:犯人D:神父14、《卧室》讲述了达贝达一家人之间的难以沟通、“他人就是地狱”的难堪境遇,这部作品所属的文学流派是()(1分)A:存在主义B:表现主义C:直觉主义D:达达主义15、歌德与席勒共同开创了德国“古典文学”时代,歌德在这一时期完成的作品是()(1分) A:《亲和力》B:《托夸多·塔索》C:《浮土德》(第一部)D:《少年维特之烦恼》16、《驿站长》是俄罗斯文学中第一部描写“小人物”的作品,它的作者是()(1分)A:高尔基B:莱蒙托夫C:普希金D:契诃夫17、《致杜鹃》中,紧接着“春天的骄子!欢迎你,欢迎!”的下句是()(1分)A:至今,我仍然觉得你不是鸟,而是无形的精灵B:你只向山谷咕咕倾诉,咏赞阳光与花枝C:杜鹃呵!该把你叫做飞鸟,或只是飘忽的音波D:你是一种爱,一种希望,被追寻,却不露行迹18、紫式部的代表作品是长篇小说()(1分)A:《源氏物语》B:《紫式部日记》C:《紫式部集》D:《日本书纪》19、在《哈姆莱特》中,因为偷听哈姆莱特与母亲的谈话,而被哈姆莱特误杀的人是()(1分)A:克劳狄斯B:雷欧提斯C:波洛涅斯D:福丁布拉斯20、在《沙恭达罗》第四幕中,沙恭达罗居住在()(1分)A:天界B:湖畔C:寺庙D:净修林21、在《堂吉诃德》中,充当堂吉诃德的侍从并陪伴他外出游侠冒险的人是()(1分)B:安东尼欧C:桑丘·潘沙D:吉哈达22、在泰尔戈的叙事诗中,讲述王爷残忍剥夺巫宾的土地,迫使他离家背井,从而反映了当时印度深刻的等级差异和社会矛盾的作品是()(1分)A:《吉檀迦利》B:《两亩地》C:《摩诃摩耶》D:《沉船》23、《十日谈》“故事套故事”的框式结构起源于()(1分)A:古希腊文学B:希伯来文学C:意大利民间文学D:东方民间文学24、在《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》中,最终除掉盗匪首领的人是()(1分)A:麦尔加娜B:阿里巴巴C:卡西姆D:哈桑25、在《巨人传》中,把圣母院塔楼上的大钟摘下来挂在马脖子上当铃铛的人是()(1分) A:约诺土斯B:庞大固埃C:巴努日D:高康大26、“正如上帝对于你们每个人的了解都是不相同的,所以你们对于上帝和大地的见解也应当是不相同的。

















































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(1) 这段独白表现了哈姆莱特怎样的性格特征?



(2) 谈谈造成哈姆莱特这种性格的主要原因。

