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*欧阳光明*创编 2021.03.07

Unit 1(单元1)


一.单词:sport(运动) football (足球) any (任一;一些) some (一些)wear (穿)or(或者;还是)baskball (篮球)heavy (重的)difficult (困难的;费力)easy(容易的)hand (手)ask (问)answer(回答;答案)game (比赛;游戏)very|(很;非常) policeman (警察) are(是<用于you,they及复数名词后> )best(最好的)could (能 light (轻的;灯)something (某物;某事)teach (教)thought(想) you (你;你们)

二、短语:playbasketball /football/pingpong打篮球/踢足球/打乒乓球 sports shop (体育用品) play a game(进行一场比赛) play with (---和---一起玩) have fun(玩的高兴)

三.句子:1、ping-pong is my favourite sport。乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。

2、Can you teach me to play ping-pong?你能教我打乒乓球吗?

3、Do you have any ping-pong balls?你有乒乓球吗?

4、Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt ?你喜欢这件T恤衫还是那件T恤衫?

5、Here I go!我来了!

6、I'm throwing the basketball.我正在仍篮球。

7、Li Ming bought a T-shirt today.今天李明买了一件T恤衫。

Unit 2(单元2)一.单词

Strong(强壮的;有力的)healthy (健康的)after(在---之后)before (在---之前) next(紧接着;下一个的) bad (有害的;糟糕的)often(常常;经常)exercise (锻炼;练习)minute (分) hour (小时) high(高的;在高处) be (是) first (首先) get (得到) thank (谢谢)


be good for(对---有好处)have breakfast(吃早餐)wash one”s hands(洗手)go to school(去上学)be bad for(对---有害处)do one”s homework(做某人的家庭作业)get up(起床)last week(上周)twice a week(一周两次)at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning (在星期二早上大约七点半)keep away(远离) work home(步行回家)from---to---(从---到---) work hard(努力工作;学习) on time(按时;准时)have to(不得不;必须) make lunch(做午饭)


1、How often did Danny and Kim have breakfast last week?上周丹尼和金多久吃一次早餐?

2、After breakfast, he goes to school.早饭后、他去上学。

3、Jenny doesn”t go to school on those days.在那些日子詹妮不上学。

4、What do you do before breakfast?早餐前你做什么?

5、Why?Because I want strong, healthy teeth.为什么?因为我想要有坚固、健康的牙齿。

6、What”s your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?

7、Riding a bike is exercise.骑自行车是锻炼。

8、Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.锻炼帮助使你的身体健康和强壮。

9、How many minutes does Danny exercise? 丹尼锻炼多少分钟?

10、I clean my bedroom on Saturdays.我每周六打扫我的卧室。Unit 3(单元3)一.单词:

fan(风扇;扇子)angry (发怒的;生气的)close (关;闭)swim (游泳<过去式swam >) lake(湖) ship (船;舰) visit(拜访;参观)clever(聪明的)cloud (云)snowy (多雪的)Canada (加拿大)June(六月)second (第二)third (第三)wind(风)

二、短语:In winter(在冬季)like to do sth(喜欢做某事)look at---(看----)summer holiday(暑假)go on trips=go on a trip(去旅行)last summer(去年夏天)look up at---(向上看/抬头看---)see sb. doing sth.(看见某人正在做某事)on June25(在六月二十五号)fly home (飞回家)say hello to--(向---问好)feel happy to do sth(做某事感到高兴)in the sky(在天空)think about(思考;考虑)be afraid of---(害怕---)go skating(去滑冰)make snowmen= make a snowman(堆雪人)something different(不同的东西)


1.What happens to trees in different seasons?树木在不同的季节里


2.Many trees don”t have any leaves.很多树木没有了叶子。

3.We will go to the park.我们将要去公园。

4.You can”t pick the flowers in the park!你不能在公园里摘花!

5.My family like to go on trips in the summer.我的家人喜欢在夏


6.Oh, summer`s coming, coming soon.哦,夏天要来了,很快就要


7.How beautiful I am!我是多么的漂亮啊!

Unit 4(单元4)

一.单词:find(发现;找到<过去式found>)party(晚会;聚会)tell (告诉;讲述)begin(开始)late(晚的;迟到的)early(早的;早到的)every(每个<人或物>)all (全部;所有的) cake (蛋糕) hear (听见;听到)ice cream (冰淇淋) sadly (伤心地;悲哀地) slowly(缓慢地;迟缓地)
