
XXXXXXXXX(公司名称)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

( 邀请函)姓名:____________________单位:____________________日期:____________________编号:YB-BH-054751澳大利亚邀请函范文Model letter of invitation to Australia澳大利亚邀请函范文Invitation LetterNovember 30th, xxName(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW xxAustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 20xx.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expensesduring my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully,NAME(姓名)签字澳大利亚邀请函范文:to whom it may concern:i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in australia this coming may for a period of months.it goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.sincerely,澳大利亚邀请函范文:To whom it may concern,I am writing this letter to invite 受邀人姓名(Male/Female, DOB: 出生日期, passportnumber: 护照号) to visit I during the time period from 入境日期to 离境日期in Australia.My parents are fully funded by themselves. However, if there is anything emergent, I would like to help financially.My parents have adequate Medicare, health insurance, superannuation and no financial difficulties. Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me at the address above.Yours Sincerely,邀请人姓名可以在这输入你的名字You Can Enter Your Name Here.。

澳大利亚旅游邀请函澳大利亚旅游邀请函Letter of invitationMR XXXAddress: XXXXXXXXXXXXPhone:XXXXXXXXXXXXE-mail:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMay 16, 2008Dear Visa OfficerMy name is XXXX, I am studying in Griffith University Gold Coast campus now. My major is bachelor of engineering. I have been Australian one year and half form November 2006. I have finished 10 weeks English language studying and diploma of engineering. My study and life is steady-going now, but sometime I feel very lonely and missing my family very much. Now I would like to invite my father (Mr. XXXXX) to come over here to visit me for a maximum period of three(3) months ideally starting June 2008. I can let my father know my life and study is very well, alsoI will guide my father to visit the beautiful city—Gold Coast.He resides in Jinan, Shandong, China and he is submitting his application documents, along with this letter, to your office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing him soon in Australia.Sincerely yoursXXXXXXXXXX澳大利亚旅游邀请函Invitation LetterNovember 30th, 2014Name(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW 2000AustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 20xx.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully,NAME(姓名)签字[澳大利亚旅游邀请函]。

澳洲签证的邀请函澳洲签证的邀请函模板篇一to whom it may concern:i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in australia this coming may for a period of () months.it goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.sincerely,篇二Invitation LetterNovember 30th, 2014Name(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW 2000AustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 2014.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully,NAME(姓名)签字篇三时间邀请人姓名澳洲地址电话To whom it may concern,I am writing this letter to invite 受邀人姓名(Male/Female, DOB: 出生日期, passportnumber: 护照号) to visit I during the time period from 入境日期 to 离境日期 in Australia.My parents are fully funded by themselves. However, if there is anything emergent, I would like to help financially.My parents have adequate Medicare, health insurance, superannuation and no financial difficulties. Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highlyappreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me at the address above.Yours Sincerely,邀请人姓名篇四Invitation LetterNovember 30th, 2014Name(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW 2000AustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 2014.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully, NAME(姓名)签字。

Embassy of国家名称in China,
Dear Visa Section Officer,
We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as申请人职务and he has been working in our company since就职日期. His salary is RMB月薪/month.
2. He will abide by laws and rules of your country.
3. He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company.
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours,
As the guest invited by邀请方公司名称(TEL:邀请方公司电话),He will go to your country for出访原因from*月*日—*月*日for停留天数days . His details are as below:
Date OF Birth
Passport No.
Date of Expiry
Place of Issue
We hereby deresponsible for the following items for him.
1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insurance and accommodation will be covered by费用承担方(公司或个人);

报到时间:一、报到时间:5月17日下午14:00-18:00,领取会议资料、参会证件报到地点:二、报到地点:丽晶大酒店一层大厅接待处三、活动内容时间5月18日9:30-10:30 5月18日14:00-15:00 5月18日15:00-17:00 -活动内容地点第四届APEC中小企业技术交流青岛国际会展中心暨展览会开幕式第二届APEC电子商务工商联盟丽晶大酒店丽晶殿论坛开幕式第二届APEC电子商务工商联盟丽晶大酒店丽晶殿论坛(日程详见附件一)5月18日19:30开幕文艺演出——中外经典芭青岛市人民会堂邀请人:X年XX月XX日。

澳大利亚邀请函篇1尊敬的xxx领事馆签证处官员:您们好!本人姓名, 家住xx省xx市xx家属区xx楼xx号,住宅电话是(86)xxxx-xxxx。
今特写此信邀请我的xx (邀请人与被邀请人关系)xxx(被邀请人姓名)于x年x月x日至x年x月x日到我家探亲。
XXX(被邀请人姓名)的生日是X 年X月X日;在xx国的住址是:XXX XXX ,XXX。

澳大利亚邀请函澳大利亚邀请函范文澳大利亚邀请函范文1To whom it may concern,I am writing this letter to invite 受邀人姓名(Male/Female, DOB: 出生日期, passportnumber: 护照号) to visit I during the time period from 入境日期 to 离境日期 in Australia.My parents are fully funded by themselves. However, if there is anything emergent, I would like to help financially.My parents have adequate Medicare, health insurance, superannuation and no financial difficulties. Yourfavourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me at the address above.Yours Sincerely,邀请人姓名澳大利亚邀请函范文2Invitation LetterNovember 30th, xxName(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW xxAustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 20xx.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides in China and is submittingapplication documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully,NAME(姓名)签字澳大利亚邀请函范文3to whom it may concern:i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in australia thiscoming may for a period of months.it goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.sincerely,澳大利亚邀请函范文4爸爸:这封信是邀请您和母亲一起来澳大利亚看我们,和我们一起在澳大利亚生活6 个月。

由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXXX先生(小姐/女士)于XXXX年XX 月XX日至XX月XX日前往XXXX[国家名称]XXXX[城市名称]参加(/进行)XXXXXX [活动内容,商务目的]。
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)负责人职位:亲笔签名:XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)(注:合同协议是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,最好找专业律师起草或审核后使用。
签证--出国派遣函(单位证明) 模板

派遣函尊敬的签证官:张三先生(护照号:),于XXXX年XX月XX日加入XXXXXXXXXXXXX公司,现担任XXXXX 一职,月薪XXXXX元。
领导人姓名:领导人职位:领导人签名:日期:xxxx年xx月xx日公司名称:电话:+0086-区号-电话号传真:+0086-区号-电话号邮箱:联系人:地址:Dispatch LetterTO: VISA SECTIONDear Sir or Madam:Mr. Zhang San(Passport No.: ), has worked in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from xx/xx/xxxx and now is working as the xxxxxxx with monthly salary of xxxxx RMB. He will be assigned to Berlin to attend XXXXXXX from XXXXXX to XXXXXX. We will guarantee that Mr. Zhang San will come back to China on time and continue to work in our company. In addition, all the expenses related to the trip will be covered by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader:Position of the leader:Signature :Date:Company Name:Tel: +0086Fax: +0086E-mail:Contact:Add:。
【优质文档】澳洲签证邀请函模板-推荐word版 (3页)

== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==
Invitation Letter
November 30th, 20XX
xxxx, xxxx Street,
Sydney, NSW 201X
Mobile: +61 XXXXXXXX
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 201X.
I am an and in Sydney.
My friend XXX resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the。

澳洲旅游邀请函范文【篇一:澳大利亚旅游签证邀请函-英文】invitation letternovember 30th, 2014name(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx street,sydney, nsw 2000australiamobile: +61 xxxxxxxxdear sir or madam:i am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend xxxx to visit me in sydney australia for for their holiday. i hope will be able to come on 2014.i am an and in sydney.my friend xxx resides inchina and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to visa office for processing. as the inviter, i have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.i hereby make it clear that i will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. and our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).yours faithfully,name(姓名)签字【篇二:澳洲邀请函样本】letter of invitationmr xxxaddress: xxxxxxxxxxxxphone:xxxxxxxxxxxxe-mail:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmay 16, 2008dear visa officermy name is xxxx, i am studying in griffith university gold coast campus now. my major is bachelor of engineering. i have been australian one year and half form november 2006. i have finished 10 weeks english language studying and diploma of engineering. my study and life is steady-going now, but sometime i feel very lonely and missing my family very much. now i would like to invite my father (mr. xxxxx) to come over here to visit me for a maximum period of three (3) months ideally starting june 2008. i can let my father know my life and study is very well, also i will guide my father to visit the beautiful city—gold coast.he resides in jinan, shandong, china and he is submitting his application documents, along with this letter, to your office for processing. as the inviter, i have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.i am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing him soon in australia.sincerely yoursxxxxxxxxxx【篇三:邀请信和经济资助证明信(澳大利亚旅游签证600系列)】statement of financial support15nov2014to whom it may concern,this is a letter of intent to indicate that i, xxx, have financial capability to support my girlfriend, xxxx, during her stay in australia.i am a currently aone-year visiting phd student in the australiannationaluniversityunder subclass 402 occupational trainee visa. xxxis my girlfriend and is going to see me and have a trip in australia during her vacation. i would like to offer my bank deposits in australia to support her living, travel costs and other expenses during her stay in australia.apart from my own deposits, i havea monthly stipend of aud xxxxfrom the xxxxx.i have sent copies of my passport, visa and certificates of bankbalance and stipendto her for the subclass 600 visaapplication. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact meon my details given below.address:.mobile:email:yours sincerely。

There is no so-called genius in this world, and there is no reward for nothing. Every glamorous person you see has made shocking efforts behind it.精品模板助您成功!(页眉可删)澳大利亚邀请函范文澳大利亚邀请函范文1尊敬的__x领事馆签证处官员:您们好!本人姓名, 家住__省__市__家属区__楼__号,住宅电话是(86)____-____。
今特写此信邀请我的__ (邀请人与被邀请人关系)__x(被邀请人姓名)于x年x月x日至x年x月x日到我家探亲。
__X(被邀请人姓名)的生日是X年X月X日;在__国的住址是:__X __X ,__X。

澳洲邀请函范文1November 30th, 2014Name(邀请人的名字)xxxx, xxxx Street,Sydney, NSW 2000AustraliaMobile: +61 XXXXXXXXDear Sir or Madam:I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 2014.I am an and in Sydney.My friend XXX resides inChina and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).Yours Faithfully,NAME(姓名)签字澳洲邀请函范文2From: LIANG JIAHUIAddress: 230 Albert ST. Granville, NSW 262, AustraliaContact number: 0061-0421888888Date: June 5th, 2009To: LIANG CHAOWEI (born in April 23rd 1965, male, father), LIU JIALING (born in Nov. 10th 1968, female, mother),Address: Room 888, Bldg 888, HAIWAN HUAYUAN, Jida, Zhuhai city, Guangdong province, ChinaSub: Invitation to visit AustraliaDear Mum and Dad,I would like to invite you to Australia to stay with me for three weeks since 15 June 2009. It would be very nice to have you with me.I have been studying in Australia for over one year and I miss you so much. I do hope you can pay me a visit.During your stay here, you will also get an opportunity to see and experience the western culture, meet different kinds of people and different variety of food. You will also enjoy the nice city I live in.You will stay with me in my place located 230 Albert ST. Granville, NSW 262, Australia.Yours lovingly,LIANG JIAHUI澳洲邀请函范文3To whom it may concern:I am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name andbrith days) to visit us in Australia this coming May for a period of () months.It goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in Australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.Sincerely[澳洲邀请函范文]。

housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses.
We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa.
He resides in Jinan, Shandong, China and he is submitting his application documents, along with this letter, to your office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.
2022 澳洲邀请函
澳洲邀请函 邀请函的特点之一是简洁明了。随着社会一步步向前发展,
邀请函在现实生活中使用广泛,写邀请函需要注意哪些问题呢? 下面是我为大家整理的澳洲邀请函,希望对大家有所帮助。
澳洲邀请函 1 MR Address: Phone: E-mail: May 16, 20xx Dear Visa Officer My name is , I am studying in Griffith University Gold
I am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing him soon in Australia.

澳大利亚邀请函汇编5篇澳大利亚邀请函篇1尊敬的__x领事馆签证处官员:您们好!本人姓名, 家住__省__市__家属区__楼__号,住宅电话是(86)____-____。
今特写此信邀请我的__ (邀请人与被邀请人关系)__x(被邀请人姓名)于x年x月x日至x年x月x日到我家探亲。
__X(被邀请人姓名)的生日是X年X月X日;在__国的住址是:__X __X ,__X。
考察安排:计划考察内容:计划考察内容:1、访问中国驻悉尼总领馆经商室(TheEconomicandCommercialOfficeoftheConsulate-Generalof ChinainSydney)。

Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.
பைடு நூலகம்Letter of Dispatch
We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Certification of Employment
This is to certify that 姓名is 单位职务. He / She will visit Australia in September of 2009 at the invitation of 邀请方and will be back to Jinan right after the visit. All expenses occurred during his / her visit to Australia will be covered by our side.
For further information please contact:
Certification of Employment
This is to certify that 姓名is 单位职务. He / She will visit New Zealand in September of 2009 at the invitation of 邀请方and will be back to Jinan right after the visit. All expenses occurred during his / her visit to New Zealand will be covered by our side.
For further information please contact: