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完整的英语发音口诀表1./i:/please.(长衣音)Please speak English with me. 请和我说英语。

2./i/difficult. (短衣音)It’s not difficult to speak English. 说英语不难。

3./e/everything.(小开口45度音)Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。

4./?/practice.(90度大嘴音)Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

5./?/wonderful.(短啊音) My mother is wonderful teacher. 我妈妈是一位非常棒的老师。

6./?:/perfect.(重读卷舌音) He speaks perfect English. 他讲一口流利的英语。

7./?/remember.(轻度卷舌音)Remember to call your mother. 记得打电话给你妈。

8./?/together.(短鹅音) America and

China should always work together. 中


9./?/ bother.(感叹祖国大好河水音)

Sorry to bother you. 对不起,打搅了。

10./a:/charming.(大嘴卷舌音) You have

a charming smile. 你的微笑非常迷人。

11./?:/always.(中嘴长元音)Always say “please” and “thank you”. 要经常


12./?:/important.(中最卷舌音) It’s important to practice English every

day. 坚持每天操练英语是非常重要的。

13./u/should.(短乌音) You should read

as many books as possible. 你应该尽


14./u:/food. (小圆唇长乌音)A: What’s

your favorite food? B: My favorite is noodles. 你最喜欢



Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. 不要怕犯错误。

16./ai/China.(大嘴阿姨音) Is this your first time in China. 这是你第一次来中国吗?

17./??/enjoy. (中嘴短衣音)I really enjoyed talking to you. Bye. 跟你聊天我很开心。再见。

18./??/hope. (舀水音)I hope to see you again soon. 我希望能很快再见到你。19./au/outstanding. (鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音)You’re an outstanding teacher. 你是一位杰出的老师。

20./??/clear. (短衣卷舌音)It’s very important to have clear pronunciation. 有清晰的发音是很重要的。

21./e?/care. (咧嘴卷舌音)We should all care about the environment. 我们应该爱护环境。

22./??/sure. (短乌卷舌音)I’m sure you

will enjoy it. 我相信你会喜欢的。23./p/impossible. (气破双唇音)Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不开你的。

24./b/believe. (气破双唇音)(Believe in yourself.相信你自己。

25./t/time.(舌尖齿龈弹气音) Don’t waste time. 不要浪费时间。

26./d/decide. (舌尖齿龈弹气音)Let me know what you decide. 让我知道你的决定。

27./k/keep.(气破舌根短鹅音)Keep up the good work! 再接再厉。

28./g/government. (气破舌根短鹅音)Our government does a great job. 我们的政府表现很出色。

29./f/feel. (咬唇音)I feel a little sick today. 我今天有点不舒服。

30./v/leave. (咬唇音)When are you leaving.?你什么时候走?

31./s/nervous.(气通舌尖齿龈音)Don’t be nervous about speaking

English. 不要害怕说英语。

32./z/business. (气通舌尖齿龈音)Do you do a lot of business in China. 你在中国的业务多吗?

33./?/special. (舌端齿龈气擦音)This is a special local dish. 这是一道地方特色菜。

34./?/pleasure. (舌端齿龈气擦音)It’s a pleasure to be here today. 今天我很高兴来到这里。

35./θ/bothroom.(咬舌音) I need to use the bothroom.我要上洗手间。

36./e/weather. (咬舌音)Are you use to the weather here? 你适应这里的天气吗?

37./h/help.(大口喘气音)(Let me help you.让我来帮助你。

38./r/terrific. (四指卷舌音)You look terrific today. 你今天看起来棒极了。

39./t?/change.(气冲舌尖齿龈音) China
