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some medicine.
公司[gōng sī]
• office worker;staff member
• 那个职员负责日常事 务。
• That staff member is in charge of every day affairs.
• 有一个职员迟到了, 老板很生气。
• 姐姐[jiě jie]elder sister • 妹妹[mèi mei]younger sister • 琼和丽丽是姐妹。 • Joan and lily are sisters. • 这两姐妹很相像。 • Two sisters are very similar. • 他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。 • They are like brothers and sisters.
母亲[mǔ qīn]
• 我爱我的母亲。 • I love mother. • 只有母亲最理解我。 • Only mother can understand
医生[yī shēng]
• 他病了,请你请一位医生 来。
• He is ill, please call a doctor.
• 那位医生治好了他的病。 • The doctor fixed him up. • 医生(给我)配了一些药。 • The doctor mixed (me)
How many people are there in your family?
当然[dāng rán]
• A:你跟我们去吗? B:当然去了! • A:Will you go with us? B:Sure! • 我当然还记得你。 • Of course I remember you. • 我当然明白你的感受。 • I certainly understand how you feel. • 我当然要帮助你。 • Of course I'll help you.
• 哥哥[gē ge](elder) brother • 弟弟[dìdi]younger brother • 约翰和彼得是兄弟。 • John and peter are brothers. • 这两兄弟非常相象。 • The two brothers are very alike.
姐妹[jiě mèi]
• 我们是幸福的一家。 • We're a happy family. • 我经过你的家。 • I passed by your house. • 今天早上他在家。 • He is home this morning. • 欢迎来到我的家。 • Welcome to my home.
•后年[hòu nián]
•我跟他说过明年或后年我一定会去见他。 •I told him next year or the year after next I will see him.
• 玛丽突然在门口出现。 • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway. • 他飞快地奔向出口。 • He raced towards the exit. • 你家有几口人? • How many people are therein your family?
兄弟[xiōng dì]
a newspaper. • 有位记者想见你。 • A reporter wants to
see you.
名片[míng piàn]
• 我给了他一张名片. • I gave him a visiting card. • 这是我的名片。 •Hale Waihona Puke BaiduThis is my calling card. • 请问你能不能帮我设计名
工作[gōng zuò]
• 我在北京饭店工作。 • I work at beijing hotel. • 你的新工作如何? • How is your new job? • 他的工作是卖电脑。 • His job is selling computers. • 我们知道它们如何工作。 • We know how they work.
父亲[fù qīn]
• 她父亲是个医生。 • Her father is a doctor. • 你父亲做什么工作? • What does your father
do? • 我的父亲是工程师。 • My father is an
engineer. • 他是个好父亲。 • He's a good father.
• The boss was angry when an employee was late.
记者[jì zhě]
• 一位记者采访了首相。 • A reporter interviewed
the prime minister. • 她是一家报社的记者。 • She is a journalist for
独生女[dú shēng nǚ] 独生子[dú shēng zǐ]
• 我是家里的独生女。 • I'm the only daughter
in my family. • 约翰是一个有钱的商
人的独生子。 • John was the only
son of a wealthy businessman. • 你是独生子(女)吗? • Are you an only child?
片? • Could you please design
some visiting card for me?
父母[fù mǔ]
• 他的父母都是基督教徒 。
• Both his parents are christians.
• 他的父母都是医生。 • His father and mother
were both doctors. • 向你的父母问好。 • Say hello to your
•今年[jīn nián]
•今年春天来得晚了。 •Spring came late this year.
•明年[míng nián]
•格林先生明年就退休了。 •Mr Green will retire next year.