太阳能术语中英翻译一、太阳电池相关词汇太阳电池 solar cell将太阳辐射能直接转换成电能的器件单晶硅太阳电池single crystalline silicon solar cell以单晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池多晶硅太阳电池multi crystalline silicon solar cell以多晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池非晶硅太阳电池amorphous silicon solar cell用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池。
薄膜太阳能电池Thin-film solar cell用硅、硫化镉、砷化镓等薄膜为基体材料的太阳电池。
多结太阳电池 multijunction solar cell由多个p‐n 结形成的太阳电池。
化合物半导体太阳电池 compound semiconductor solar cell 用化合物半导体材料制成的太阳电池带硅太阳电池 silicon ribbon solar cell用带状硅制造的太阳电池光电子 photo-electron由光电效应产生的电子。
太阳电池的伏安特性曲线I-V characteristic curve of solar cell受光照的太阳电池,在一定的辐照度和温度以及不同的外电路负载下,流入的电流I 和电池端电压V 的关系曲线。
短路电流 short-circuit current (Isc)在一定的温度和辐照度条件下,光伏发电器在端电压为零时的输出电流。
开路电压 open-circuit voltage (Voc)在一定的温度和辐照度条件下,光伏发电器在空载(开路)情况下的端电压。
最大功率 maximum power (Pm)在太阳电池的伏安特性曲线上,电流电压乘积的最大值。
最大功率点 maximum power point在太阳电池的伏安特性曲线上对应最大功率的点,亦称最佳工作点。
太阳电池 solar cell通常是指将太阳光能直接转换成电能的一种器件。
硅太阳电池silicon solar cell硅太阳电池是以硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
单晶硅太阳电池single crystalline silicon solar cell单晶硅太阳电池是以单晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)amorphous silicon solar cell 用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
多晶硅太阳电池polycrystalline silicon solar cell多晶硅太阳电池是以多晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
聚光太阳电池组件photovoltaic concentrator module 系指组成聚光太阳电池,方阵的中间组合体,由聚光器、太阳电池、散热器、互连引线和壳体等组成。
电池温度cell temperature系指太阳电池中P-n结的温度。
太阳电池组件表面温度solar cell module surface temperature系指太阳电池组件背表面的温度。
大气质量(AM)Air Mass (AM)直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
太阳高度角 solar 太阳高度角 solar elevation angle太阳光线与观测点处水平面的夹角,称为该观测点的太阳高度角。
辐照度 irradiance系指照射到单位表面积上的辐射功率(W/m2)。
总辐照(总的太阳辐照)total irradiation (total insolation) 在一段规定的时间内,(根据具体情况而定为每小时,每天、每周、每月、每年)照射到某个倾斜表面的单位面积上的太阳辐照。
直射辐照度direct irradiance照射到单位面积上的,来自太阳圆盘及其周围对照射点所张的圆锥半顶角为8o的天空辐射功率。
太阳能专业词汇名词解释字母AAA, Ampere的缩写, 安培a-Si:H, amorph silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅.Absorption, 吸收.Absorption of the photons:光吸收;当能量大于到禁带宽度的光子入射时,太阳电池内的电子能量从价带迁导带,产生电子——空穴对的作用,称为光吸收。
Absorptions coefficien t, 吸收系数, 吸收强度.AC, 交流电.Ah, 安培小时.Acceptor, 接收者, 在半导体中可以接收一个电子.Alternating current, 交流电,简称“交流. 一般指大小和方向随时间作周期性变化的电压或电流. 它的最基本的形式是正弦电流. 我国交流电供电的标准频率规定为50赫兹。
AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
amorphous silicon solar cell:非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
Angle of inclination, 倾斜角,即电池板和水平方向的夹角,0-90度之间。
Anode, 阳极, 正极.太阳能专业词汇名词解释字母BBack Surface Field, 缩写BSF, 在晶体太阳能电池板背部附加的电子层, 来提高电流值.Bandbreak, 在半导体中, 价带和导带之间的空隙,对于半导体的吸收特性有重要意义.Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 法国物理学家, 在1839年发现了电池板效应.BSF, back surface field的缩写.Bypass-Diode, 与太阳能电池并联的二极管, 当一个太阳能电池被挡住, 其他太阳能电池产生的电流可以从它处通过.太阳能专业词汇名词解释字母CCadmium-Tellurid, 缩写CdTe; 位于II/VI位的半导体, 带空隙值为1,45eV, 有很好的吸收性, 应用于超薄太阳能电池板, 或者是连接半导体.Cathode, 阴极,或负极,是在电池板电解液里的带负电的电极,是电池板电解液里带电粒子和导线里导电电子的过渡点。
A1、absorptions coefficient——吸收系数, 吸收强度(α-吸收系数)2、aperture diameter width——开口直径,指槽式聚光镜抛物槽的开口直径大小3、axis——轴4、azimuth——方位角,方位角又称地平经度(Azimuth (angle)缩写Az),是在平面上量度物体之间的角度差的方法之一。
5、absorptance——吸收率6、assembly——组装7、Alternating current——交流电8、AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
9、Anneal——退火10、as-built drawing——竣工图B1、bypass valve——旁路阀2、biomass——生物质,太阳能电站混合供电系统中用到的生物质发电技术C1、concentrating Solar Power——聚光式太阳能发电,简称CSP,又叫做STP(Solar Thermal Power)——光热太阳能发电2、concentrator——聚光器或聚光镜3、collector——集热器,直接将太阳能转化为热能,使用高储热的物质诸如水或油等,之后使用热交换器使用所搜集的热量。
是聚光太阳能设备的总称,其中包括,concentrator(聚光镜)和receiver(接收器).4、collecting loop 集热回路,槽式太阳能集热回路包括两种模式,一种是双回路系统,包括导热油(HTF系统)和(水蒸汽系统),另一种叫DSG系统,直接产生蒸汽系统。
太阳能行业专业术语中英文对照汇总1. 太阳能发电系统 Solar Power Generation System2. 光伏板 Photovoltaic Panel3. 太阳能电池 Solar Cell4. 太阳辐射 Solar Radiation5. 光伏效率 Photovoltaic Efficiency6. 光伏薄膜 Photovoltaic Film7. 太阳能阵列 Solar Array8. 阳光能够转换的源能量 Potential Energy Converted by Sunlight9. 太阳能热发电 Solar Thermal Power Generation10. 光伏发电 Photovoltaic Power Generation11. 太阳能板 Solar Panel12. 逆变器 Inverter13. 太阳能光伏发电系统 Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System14. 太阳能热水系统 Solar Water Heating System15. 太阳能电池组 Solar Battery Pack16. 漏电保护器 Leakage Protector17. 太阳能光伏电池组 Solar Photovoltaic Battery Pack18. 太阳能光伏电动车 Solar Photovoltaic Electric Vehicle19. 太阳能光伏发电机组 Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Unit20. 太阳能发电塔 Solar Power Generation Tower21. 太阳能发电站 Solar Power Generation Plant22. 太阳能光伏逆变器 Solar Photovoltaic Inverter23. 太阳能电池板 Solar Cell Panel24. 太阳能电力系统 Solar Power System25. 碳排放 Carbon Emissions26. 绿色能源 Green Energy27. 可再生能源 Renewable Energy28. 太阳集热器 Solar Collector29. 太阳能集热器箱体 Solar Collector Box30. 太阳能热发电站 Solar Thermal Power Plant31. 太阳能发电设备 Solar Power Generation Equipment32. 光伏组件 Photovoltaic Module33. 太阳能光伏组件 Solar Photovoltaic Module34. 太阳能发电功率 Solar Power Generation Capacity35. 太阳能发电效益 Solar Power Generation Efficiency36. 太阳能热发电效率 Solar Thermal Power Generation Efficiency37. 太阳能供暖系统 Solar Heating System38. 太阳能温水器 Solar Water Heater39. 太阳能光伏装置 Solar Photovoltaic Device40. 太阳能热力系统 Solar Thermal System41. 太阳能电池片 Solar Cell Wafer42. 太阳能热发电板 Solar Thermal Power Generation Board43. 太阳能热发电效益 Solar Thermal Power Generation Benefit44. 太阳能热发电塔式反应器 Solar Thermal Power Generation Tower Reactor45. 光伏面板 Photovoltaic Panel46. 太阳能光伏面板 Solar Photovoltaic Panel47. 太阳能热板 Solar Thermal Plate48. 太阳能直驱泵 Solar Direct Drive Pump49. 太阳能冷水机组 Solar Cooling Unit50. 太阳能蓄电系统 Solar Battery Charging System。
太阳能专业术语大全的缩写, 安培phous silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅。
n, 吸收。
n of the photons:光吸收;当能量大于禁带宽度的光子入射时,太阳电池内的电子能量从价带迁到导带,产生电子——作用,称为光吸收。
nscoefficient, 吸收系数, 吸收强度。
接收者, 在半导体中可以接收一个电子。
g current, 交流电,简称“交流. 一般指大小和方向随时间作周期性变化的电压或电流. 它的最基本的形式是正弦电流电供电的标准频率规定为50赫兹。
ss的缩写, 空气质量。
s silicon solar cell:非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
nclination, 倾斜角,即电池板和水平方向的夹角,0-90度之间。
极, 正极。
SF, 在晶体太阳能电池板背部附加的电子层, 来提高电流值。
ond, 法国物理学家, 在1839年发现了电池板效应。
池并联的二极管, 当一个太阳能电池被挡住, 其他太阳能电池产生的电流可以从它处通过。
Te; 位于II/VI位的半导体, 带空隙值为1,45eV, 有很好的吸收性, 应用于超薄太阳能电池板, 或者是连接半导体。
Unit1 renewable Energy CommercializationIntroduction可再生能源商业化涉及可再生能源三代技术的部署要追溯到100多年,见图1.1和图1.2。
领先的可再生能源公司包括第一太阳能、Gamesa、通用电气能源,q - cells,锋利太阳能、西门子、Sunopta尚德和维斯塔斯。
根据国际能源署2011年的推测, 在50年内太阳能发电机可能产生世界上大多数的电力,显著降低有害温室气体的排放。
Lesson1 overviewRationale for renewables气候变化、污染和能源安全是当前最严重的问题和解决他们需要能量基础设施的重大改变。
1. Solar energy 太阳能2. Solar panel 太阳能板3. Photovoltaic cell 光伏电池4. Solar power 太阳能电力5. Solar heating 太阳能供暖6. Solar water heater 太阳能热水器7. Solar radiation 太阳辐射8. Solar panel installation 太阳能板安装9. Solar energy system 太阳能系统10. Solar energy conversion 太阳能转换二、风能风能是一种可再生能源,是指利用风力转换成机械能或电能的能源。
1. Wind energy 风能2. Wind turbine 风力涡轮机3. Wind farm 风电场4. Wind power 风力发电5. Wind speed 风速6. Wind direction 风向7. Wind energy conversion 风能转换8. Wind energy system 风能系统9. Wind energy generation 风能发电10. Wind energy installation 风能设备安装三、水能水能是一种可再生能源,是指利用水流或水位高差转换成机械能或电能的能源。
重要参数Important parameter少子寿命少子寿命Minority carrier lifetime
电磁光谱(波)Electromagnetic spectrum(wave)
量子效率Quantum efficiency
等离子刻蚀Plasma etching
辛吕浆Aluminium paste
光生电流Photo-generated current
暗电流Dark current
干涉现象Interference phenomena
高掺杂浓度High dopant concentration
共晶组织Eutectic structure
扩散结Diffusion boundary junction
扩散炉Diffusion furnace
扩散机理Diffusion mechanism
直接辐射照度Direct irradiance
散射辐射度Diffuse irradiance
光谱辐射度Spectral irradiance
太阳模拟器Solar simulator
总务部General affairs department
财务部General accounting department
总公司Head office
分公司Branch office
营业部Business office
四网印刷工艺Screen printing process
银浆Silver paste
企划部Planning department
层压工艺Laminate technology
顶区材料Top region material
太阳能电池行业英语词汇A,Ampere的缩写, 安培a-Si:H, amorphous silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅.Absorption, 吸收.Absorption of the photons:光吸收;当能量大于禁带宽度的光子入射时,太阳电池内的电子能量从价带迁到导带,产生电子——空穴对的作用,称为光吸收。
Absorptions coefficient, 吸收系数, 吸收强度.AC, 交流电.Ah, 安培小时.Acceptor, 接收者, 在半导体中可以接收一个电子.Alternating current, 交流电,简称“交流. 一般指大小和方向随时间作周期性变化的电压或电流. 它的最基本的形式是正弦电流. 我国交流电供电的标准频率规定为50赫兹。
AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
amorphous silicon solar cell:非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
Angle of inclination, 倾斜角,即电池板和水平方向的夹角,0-90度之间。
Anode, 阳极, 正极.BBack Surface Field, 缩写BSF, 在晶体太阳能电池板背部附加的电子层, 来提高电流值. Bandbreak, 在半导体中, 价带和导带之间的空隙,对于半导体的吸收特性有重要意义. Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 法国物理学家, 在1839年发现了电池板效应.BSF, back surface field的缩写.Bypass-Diode, 与太阳能电池并联的二极管, 当一个太阳能电池被挡住, 其他太阳能电池产生的电流可以从它处通过.CCadmium-Tellurium, 缩写CdTe; 位于II/VI位的半导体, 带空隙值为1,45eV, 有很好的吸收性, 应用于超薄太阳能电池板, 或者是连接半导体.Cathode, 阴极,或负极,是在电池板电解液里的带负电的电极,是电池板电解液里带电粒子和导线里导电电子的过渡点。
太阳能专业词汇中英文版太阳能电池: solar cell ;solar battery太阳能电池板: solar panel;solar cell panel太阳能热水器: soalr energy water heater;solar water heater;solar hot water heater;solar water collector电加热: electric heating;electrical heating太阳能草坪灯: solar energy lawn light;solar lawn light太阳能路灯: solar energy street lamp;solar street lamp太阳能庭院灯: solar energy courtyard light;solar courtyard light太阳能交通灯: solar energy traffic light;solar energy traffic signal太阳能树脂工艺品: solar energy polyresin crafts;太阳能充电灯: solar energy charging light太阳能空调: solar airconditioning生产设备: production equipment;production facilities保温材料: insulation;thermal-protection material集热管: heat collection电热带保温管: insulation pipe;holding tabe;bubular holder;covered pipe配件: fittings ; fitting生产线:product line测控仪:observe and control水位:waterwater level,water line水温: water temperature ;water temperature光控开关:photoswitch蓄电池: accumulator, secondary, cellstorage, battery,storage cell承压:pressure进水口: infall出水口:osculum,outlet,water outlet,dischatge port,drainage opening,delivery port,water outlet,delivery gate,drain outlet发光二极管:light-emittig diode, LED太阳能供电系统:solar power system控制器:controller;director;control逆变器:inverter;invertor;电线:electrical wire;current lead ;electric line;flex;wire;cord;shoestring;power cord冷阴极灯管:CCFL冷阴极灯:cold cathode lamp节能灯:energy-saving lamp支架:bracket;support;不锈钢:stainless steel反光板:inlluminator铸铝:cast aluminium;aluminum casting;cast aluminum聚光灯/投光灯:spoting light霓虹灯:neon light;neon sign锂电池:lithium cell;lithium power镍镉电池:nickel cadmium cell;nickel-cadmium cell;nickel cadmium battery镍氢电池:nickel hydrogen cell铅酸电池:lead-acid cell;lead-acid battery;灯柱:light staff;lamp post;light staff;lighting column;lighting standard输出电压:output voltage输出电流:current output ;outgoing current ;output current非晶硅:amorphous silicon;non crystallosilicon ;noncrystallosilicon多晶硅:multicrystal silicon; polycrystalline silicon; silicon polycrystal单晶硅:monocrystalline silicon;single crystalline silicon短路电压:short circuit voltage短路电流:shore circuit current ;short circuit current额定功率:nominal power ;normal power ;power rating ;rated horse power ;rated power 硅胶:silica gel环氧树脂:araldite ;epoxide resin ;epoxy resin亮度:brightnesslighteness;lum;luminance;luminosity光强:intensity of light ;lighting intensity ;luminous intensity电压:electric pressure;electric voltage;voltage电流:electric current ;electrical current直流:direct current交流:alternating current ;interflow水箱:water tank;storage cistern;内胆:internal bladder保温层:insulating blanket ;insulating coat ;insulating layer ;insulation course ;thermal barrier ;thermal insulation layer。
光伏发电板(电池) (Cell-photovoltaic)太阳能发电板中最小的组件.光伏发电系统平衡(BOS or Balance of System - photovoltaic)光伏发电系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分. 例如开关, 控制仪表, 电力温控设备, 矩阵的支撑结构, 储电组件等等.光伏矩阵或发电板阵(Array - photovoltaic)太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵.阻流二极管(Blocking Diode)用来防止反向电流, 在发电板阵中, 阻流二极管用来防止电流流向一个或数个失效或有遮影的发电板(或一连串的太阳能发电板) 上. 在夜间或低电流出的期间, 防止电流从蓄电池流向光伏发电板矩阵."旁路二极管(Bypass Diode)是与光伏发电板并联的二极管. 用来在光电板被遮影或出故障时提供另外的电流通路.充电显示器(表) (Charge Monitor/Meter)用以测量电流安培量的装置, 安培表.充电调节器(Charge Regulator)"用来控制蓄电池充电速度和/或充电状态的装置, 连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蓄电池组之间. 它的主要作用是防止蓄电池被光伏发电板过度充电, 同时监控光伏发电矩阵和/或蓄电池的电压."组件(Components)指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的其他装置.交直流转换器(Converter)将交流电转换成直流电的装置.晶体状(Crystalline)具有三维的重复的原子结构.直流电(DC)"两种电流的形态之一, 常见于使用电池的物件中, 如收音机, 汽车, 手提电脑, 手机等等."无序结构(Disordered)减小并消除晶格的局限性. 提供新的自由度, 从而可在多维空间中放置其他元素. 使它们以前所未有的方式互相作用. 这种技术应用多种元素以及复合材料. 它们在位置, 移动及成分上的不规则可消除结构的局限性, 因而产生新的局部规则环境. 而这些新的局部环境决定了这些材料的物理性质, 电子性质以及化学性质. 因此使得合成具有新颍机理的新型材料成为可能.电网连接- 光伏发电(Grid-Connected - photovoltaic)是一种由光伏发电板阵向电网提供电力的光伏发电系统. 这些系统可由供电公司或个别楼宇来运作.直流交流转换器(Inverter)用来将直流电转换成交流电的装置.千瓦(Kilowatt)1000瓦特, 一个灯泡通常使用40至100瓦特的电力.百万瓦特(Megawatt)1,000,000瓦特光伏发电板(Module - photovoltaic)光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板.奥佛电子(Ovonic)[以S. R. 奥佛辛斯基(联合太阳能公司创始人)及电子的组合命名] - 用来描述我们独有的材料, 产品和技术的术语.奥佛辛斯基效应(Ovshinsky effect)一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用下从一种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应..并联连接(Parallel Connection)一种发电板连接方法. 这种连接法使电压保持相同, 但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能(Peak Power)持续一段时间(通常是10到30秒)的最大能量输出.光伏(Photovoltaic - PV)光能到电能的直接转换.光伏发电板(电池) (Photovoltaic Cell)经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料.卷到卷工序(Roll-to-Roll Process)将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序.串联连接(Series Connection)电流不变电压倍增的连接方式.太阳能(Solar)来自太阳的能量.太阳能收集器(Solar Collectors)用以捕获来自太阳的光能或热能的装置. 太阳收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统.太阳能加热(Solar Heating)利用来自太阳的热能发电的技术或系统. 太阳能收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发电模块或太阳能发电板(Solar Module or Solar Panel)一些由太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块.稳定能量转换效率(Stabilized Energy Conversion Efficiency)长期的电力输出与光能输入比例.系统, 平衡系统(Systems; Balance of Systems)"太阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件. 这些部件可使这些太阳能发电板得以应用在需要可控直流电或交流电的住家和商业设施中. 用于太阳能电力系统的其它部件包括:接线和短路装置, 充电调压器,逆变器, 仪表和接地部件."薄膜(Thin-Film)在基片上形成的很薄的材料层.瓦特(Watts)用电压乘以电流的值来衡量的电力度.MWpMWp的具体解释:M是兆瓦,1MW是1000KW ,WP是太阳能电池的瓦数,是指在1000W/平方光照下的太阳能电池输出功率,与实际太阳光照照强度有区别.伏特(Volts)电动势能单位. 能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的电阻.电压(Voltage)电势的量.电压表(Voltage Meter)用以测量电压的装置.A, Ampere的缩写, 安培a-Si:H, amorph silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅.Absorption, 吸收.Absorption of the photons:光吸收;当能量大于到禁带宽度的光子入射时,太阳电池内的电子能量从价带迁导带,产生电子——空穴对的作用,称为光吸收。
太阳能专业英文翻译屋顶光伏电源系统 Roof-mounted PV power system独立家庭电源系统 Off-grid home power system小区太阳能发电系统 Residential area PV power system光伏建筑一体化 BIPV products太阳能发电在宾馆、学校中的应用 Applications of solar PV in hotels and schools移动信号塔太阳能发电装置Solar PV power systems for mobile communication signal stations 移动通信基站-直放站电源PV power systems for GSM base stations小型并网光伏电站 small on-grid PV power station大型并网光伏电站 large on-grid PV power station乡镇公路太阳能路灯的应用 Solar streetlights for rural roads太阳能建设新农村工程 Solar projects for new villages城市太阳能庭院灯的应用 Solar garden lights for cities乡镇太阳能庭院灯的应用Solar garden lights for towns郊区太阳能草坪灯工程 Solar lawn lights for suburbs太阳能交通信号灯工程 Installation of solar traffic signs城乡风光互补路灯实例 Wind and PV hybrid streetlights小区风光互补系统Wind and PV hybrid power systems for residential areas 风力发电系统的应用 Wind generating systemsAC交流电Alternating currentAmorphous silicon solar cell 非晶硅太阳能电池Thin-film solar cells are usually produced by evaporating several semi-conductor films onto a so-called "substrate"Ampère 安培Unit indicating the strength of electric currentAssembling system 集成系统System to install solar modules on roofs, façades or in the field.Azimuth angle 方位角Describes the deviation from the South towards East-western directionBuilding-integrated PV (BIPV)Used to describe a structure where PV replaces conventional materials and is integrated into the building. Typically, a photovoltaic array is incorporated into the roof or walls of a building. Roof tiles with integrated PV cells can now be purchased. Arrays can also be retrofitted into existing buildings; in this case they are usually fitted on top of the existing roof structure. Alternatively, an array can be located separately from the building but connected by cable to supply power for the building.By-pass diode 旁路二极管Conducts the electricity automatically past a module in case it is shadowed in one series. This is supposed to prevent any destruction due to overheating.Circuit 电路A system of conductors that convey electricity.CdTe solar cell碲化镉太阳能电池Thin-film solar cell made of very thin CdTe semi-conductor films (< 3 microns)CIS solar cellThin-film solar cell made of several films of differently doped copper-indium-diselenideCircuit breaker 断路开关A safety device that shuts off power when it senses too much current.Combiner box 和路箱Where the electrical wiring from the PV modules is joined together in parallel to combine electrical currents.Conductor 导体A material that is used to convey electricity, i.e. wires.Conversion efficiency 转换效率The percentage of electricity that is created by a solar cell as compared to the amount of energy needed to generate that electricity.Current 电流The flow of electricity between two points. Measured in amps.DC 直流电Direct currentEnergetic amortization period 能量偿还期Period of time a photovoltaic system requires to produce the energy required for production.Efficiency 功率The ratio of output energy to input energy.Electrical grid 电网光伏词汇A large distribution network that delivers electricity over a wide area.Electrode 电极A conductor used to lead current into or out of a nonmetallic part of a circuit.Energy 能量Usable power. Measured in kWh.Energy audit 能量审核A process that determines how much energy you use in your house or apartment.Energy yield 能量输出Electric energy indicated in kWh yielded by a photovoltaic systemENSEquipment to control the grid with attributed all-pole control element in series. The ENS includes a redundant voltage and frequency control of the electricity grid and evaluates any leaps ascertained in the grid impedance. If the set limits are exceeded, the ENS will switch off the inverter. When the line voltage is re-established, the inverter will restart operation automatically. European efficiency rateWeighted efficiency rate is calculated by weighting different partial load efficiency rates and the full-load efficiency rate in line with the frequency of their appearance.Facade system 正面系统Photovoltaic system installed on the facade of a building or an integral part of a facade.Feed-in meter 输入计Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy into the public power grid (unit in kWh) Mismatching interconnection of better and worse modules in one string as a consequence of which the worst module of one series determines the electricity.Field system 野外系统Photovoltaic system installed in a fieldFlat-roof system 平台屋顶系统Photovoltaic system installed on a flat roof.Fossil fuels 矿物燃料Fuels that are formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals. i.e. oil, natural gas, and coal are fossil fuels.Global radiation 总辐射Sum of diffuse, direct and reflected solar radiation onto a horizontal surface.Greenhouse effect 温室效应When heat from the sun becomes trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to certain gases. Greenhouse gases 温室气体The gases responsible for trapping heat from the sun within the Earth's atmosphere. i.e. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.Grid 电网A distribution network, including towers, poles, and wires that a utility uses to deliver electricity. Grid-connected PV system 并网光伏系统When the electricity grid is available but electricity from a clean source (solar) is desired, solar panels can be connected to the grid. Provided that sufficient panels are placed, the appliances in the house/building will then run on solar electricity. A grid-connected solar electricity system basically consists of one or more solar panels, an inverter, cables, the electric load and a support structure to mount the solar panels.Hertz (HZ) 赫兹The frequency of electrical current described in cycles per second, i.e. Appliances in the United States use 60 HZ.Inverter 逆变器Converts the DC output of the PV system into usable AC output that can be fed directly into the building load.Irradiance 辐照度the amount of solar energy that strikes a surface during a specific time period. Measured in kilowatts.I-V curve IV曲线A graph that plots the current versus the voltage from the solar cell as the electrical load (or resistance) is increased from short circuit (no load) to open circuit (maximum voltage). The shape of the curve characterizing cell performance. Three important points on the IV curve are the open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and peak or maximum power (operating) point. Junction box The point on a solar module where it connects, or is strung, to other solar modules. In-roof installation 镶嵌屋顶系统Photovoltaic system which is integrated into the roof claddingIsland system 独立系统Grid-independent power supply systemkWh – kilowatt hourUnit indicating energy/work and corresponding with the performance of one kilowatt during a period of one hourkWp - Kilowatt peakUnit indicating the maximum performance under standard test concitions (STC)Load 负载The amount of electrical demand used in the building at any given time.Mono-crystalline silicon solar cell 单晶硅太阳能系统Basic raw material is a monocrystal drawn from melted silicon.Multi-crystalline silicon solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池Basic raw material is solar silicon cast in blocks.National Electrical Code (NEC) 国家电气代码The U.S. minimum inspection requirements for all types of electrical installations, including solar systems.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 国家电力生产商协会The U.S. trade association that develops standards for the electrical manufacturing industry. NREL The National Renewable Energy Laboratory 国家可再生能源实验室A national lab that concentrates on studying and developing renewable energy sources.Open circuit voltage 开路电压Maximum voltage in an electric circuit which is generated when the electricity I equals zero (depending on termperature).Performance guarantee 性能质保Extended guarantee of the module producer for the performance of the solar modules. Performance tolerance 性能公差Tolerance stated by the producer with regards to the nominal power.Poly-cristalline solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池See multi-crystalline silicon solar cell.PSC 电力供应公司Power supply companies.Peak load 最大负荷The largest amount of electricity being used at any one point during the day.Photovoltaic (PV) 光伏the conversion of light into electricity. The term "photo" comes from the Greek "phos," meaning light. "V oltaic" is named for Alessandro V olta (1745-1827), a pioneer in the study of electricity for whom the term "volt" was named. Photovoltaics, then, means "light electricity."Photovoltaic (PV) module 光伏组件A number of photovoltaic cells electrically interconnected and mounted together, usually in a sealed unit of convenient size for shipping, handling and assembling into arrays. The term "module" is often used interchangeably with the term "panel.Photovoltaic array 光伏阵列An interconnected system of solar modules that function as a single electricity-producing unit. Photovoltaic cell 光伏电池(格)This is the basic unit of a solar module that collects the sun's energy.Photovoltaic system 光伏系统A complete set of components that converts sunlight into usable electricity.Rectifier 整流器Transforms alternating current into direct currentRoof inclination 屋顶倾斜度Angle of a roof towards the horizontalRated power 额定功率Nominal power output of an inverter; some units cannot produce rated power continuously. Semiconductor A material that has an electrical conductivity in between that of a metal and an insulator. Typical semiconductors for PV cells include silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium elluride.Short-circuit electricity 短路电流Maximum electricity in an electric circuit, which is generated when the voltage U at the terminals equals zero (proportional to solar radiation).Solar generatorSum of solar modules.Specific energy yield 能量生产率(比能率)Electric energy indicated in kWh and yielded by a photovoltaic system divided by the installed performance (kWp).Standard Test Conditions – STC 标准测试条件General conditions under which the perfomance of a solar module is measured in a laboratory. Constant factors for measuring are: Irradiance of 1,000W/m²5f; light spectrum after penetration of 1.5fold density of the atmosphere (AM1,5); temperature of the solar cell 25°C. Supply meter 电源表Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy from the public power grid (unit in kWh) Termperature coefficient 温度系数Indicates to what extent the individual factor changes with the temperature. Temperature-independent factors are voltage, electricity and consequently also performance.Thin-film solar cell 薄膜太能能电池Roughly a hundred times thinner than crystalline cells. Industrial production procedure (evaporation, atomization procedure…) onto the substrate lowers the cost. Doping specific contamination of purest silicon with impurity atoms. In a so-called diffusion procedure, impure atoms (e.g. borum, phosphor), which can give off electrons, are transported below the surface of the wafers.Three-phase voltage control 三相电压控制器Equipment to control the grid. V oltage control of the three phases. If a voltage falls below a stipulated limit, the equipment will be switched off.Tilt angle 倾斜角The angle of inclination of a module measured from the horizontal.Transformer 变压器Used to step up or down the voltage emerging from the inverter to match the required voltage of the onsite load or the utility interconnection.V olt 伏特Unit indicating the voltage.Watt 瓦特Unit indicating the performance.WhUnit indicating the watthour.WpUnit indicating the wattpeak。
27 16:32:45 阅读79 评论0 字号:大中小重要参数Important parameter 少子寿命少子寿命Minority carrier lifetime 电磁光谱(波) Electromagnetic spectrum(wave)质子Proton(s)量子效率Quantum efficiency扩散炉Diffusion furnace测试分选Test and sorting发光Irradiance太阳能电池Solar battery(cell)自动化automatization光生载流子light-generated carriers开路电压open-circuit voltage禁带band gap填充因子fill factor物理气相淀积PVD真空Vacuum并联电阻Shunt resistance半导体Semiconductor周边刻蚀Edge etching多晶硅Polycrystalline酸性Acid电极Electrode扩散Diffusion熔点Melting point热膨胀系数Thermal expansion coefficient电子Electron定货至交货时间Lead time硅棒Silicon ingot光伏效应Photovoltaic effect光谱响应Spectral response清洗设备Rinse equipment综合的、完整的Integrated波长Wavelength流程图Flow chart减反射膜anti-reflection-coating氮化硅silicon nitride薄层电阻sheet resistance大气质量air mass参杂doping串联电阻Serial resistance短路电流Short circuit current吸杂Getterin单晶硅Monocrystalline非晶硅Amorphous silicon碱性Alkaline硅片清洗Wafer rinse超声波清洗Ultrasonic cleaning热导性Thermal conductiv中子Neutro异质结太阳能电池Hetero junction solar cell埋栅电池Buried contact solar cell薄膜多晶硅电池Thin-film polycrystalline silicon solar cell维护、保持maintenance清单checklist太阳辐射Solar radiation多晶结晶度Poly crystallinity多晶性Poly crystallining多晶结构Polycrystalline structure渐减Decreasing微晶的crystallitic搀杂原子Doping atom各向异性anisotropism突变结Abrupt junction太阳照射强度Solar radiation intensity太阳能组件Solar module太阳光谱Solar spectrum太阳能发电Solar thermal power generation结晶机理Crystallization mechanism折射面Refracting surface折射率Refractive index转换效率Conversion efficiency最佳工作电流Optimum operating current最佳工作电压Optimum operating voltage太阳光伏能源系统Solar photovoltaic energy system非晶硅太阳电池Amorphous silicon solar cell多晶硅太阳电池Polycrystalline silicon solar cell平板式组件Flat plate module标准工作条件Standard operating conditions额定电压Rated voltage扩散结Diffusion boundary junction扩散炉Diffusion furnace扩散机理Diffusion mechanism直接辐射照度Direct irradiance散射辐射度Diffuse irradiance光谱辐射度Spectral irradiance太阳模拟器Solar simulator标准测试条件Standard test conditions环境温度Ambient temperature同质结太阳电池Homo junction solar cell光吸收Absorption of the photons短路电流密度Short-circuit current density暗特性曲线Dark characteristic curve绝对光谱响应Absolute spectral response相对光谱响应Relative spectral response硅原子Silicon atom价带Valence band导带Conduction band电压稳压器Voltage stabilizer光电子Photo –electrode?背电场Back surface field欧姆接触Ohmic contact化合物半导体太阳能电池Compound semiconductor solar cell补偿电流Offset current背电场电池Back surface field solar cell 表面处理Surface treatment背面场Back surface field四探针Four-point probe组织、结构、绒面Texture超高真空Ultrahigh vacuum水净化系统Water purification system 折射角Refracting angle真空溅射Vacuum sputtering人事部Personnel department总务部General affairs department 财务部General accounting department总公司Head office分公司Branch office营业部Business office四网印刷工艺Screen printing process银浆Silver paste等离子刻蚀Plasma etching铝浆Aluminium paste光生电流Photo-generated current暗电流Dark current干涉现象Interference phenomena高掺杂浓度High dopant concentration 共晶组织Eutectic structure销售部Sales department国际部International department进口部Import department共价键Valence bond光刻Photo etch光学厚度Optical thickness公共关系部Public relations department广告部Advertising department企划部Planning department层压工艺Laminate technology顶区材料Top region material基区材料Base material太阳常数Solar constant辉光放电Glow discharge透明导电膜Transparent conduction oxide蒸铝Aluminium evaporation负载功率Load power工作电压Operating voltage磷扩散Phosphorous diffusion硼扩散Boron diffusion氢氟酸Hydrofluoric acid硝酸Nitride acid盐酸Hydrochloric acid高效率电池High efficiency solar cell衬底材料Substrate material钝化发射极Passivated emitter表面钝化Surface passivation界面处理Interfacial treatment硼掺杂衬底Boron-doped substrate太阳能电池结构Solar cell structure减反射膜Antireflection coating结深The depth of the junction化学刻蚀Chemical etching掺杂水平Doping level 丝网印刷和烧结Screen printing and firing。
A1、absorptions coefficient——吸收系数, 吸收强度(α-吸收系数)2、aperture diameter width——开口直径,指槽式聚光镜抛物槽的开口直径大小3、axis——轴4、azimuth——方位角,方位角又称地平经度(Azimuth (angle)缩写Az),是在平面上量度物体之间的角度差的方法之一。
5、absorptance——吸收率6、assembly——组装7、Alternating current——交流电8、AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
9、Anneal——退火10、as-built drawing——竣工图B1、bypass valve——旁路阀2、biomass——生物质,太阳能电站混合供电系统中用到的生物质发电技术C1、concentrating Solar Power——聚光式太阳能发电,简称CSP,又叫做STP(Solar Thermal Power)——光热太阳能发电2、concentrator——聚光器或聚光镜3、collector——集热器,直接将太阳能转化为热能,使用高储热的物质诸如水或油等,之后使用热交换器使用所搜集的热量。
是聚光太阳能设备的总称,其中包括,concentrator(聚光镜)和receiver(接收器).4、collecting loop 集热回路,槽式太阳能集热回路包括两种模式,一种是双回路系统,包括导热油(HTF系统)和(水蒸汽系统),另一种叫DSG系统,直接产生蒸汽系统。
太阳能电池专业英语第一篇:太阳能电池专业英语A 1.中文:暗饱和电流英文:Dark Saturation Current 解释:没有光照的条件下,将PN结反偏达到饱和时的电流。
降低暗饱和电流利于提高电池品质在以下的理想二极管公式中,I =流过二极管的总电流;I0 = “暗饱和电流”, V = 加在二极管两端的电压B 1.中文:包装密度英文:Packing density 解释:组件中被太阳能电池覆盖的面积对比于整个组件的面积。
它影响了组件的输出功率及工作温度2.中文:背电场英文:Back Surface Field 解释:在电池背面由于重掺杂引起的电场。
该电场会排斥少数载流子以使它们远离高复合率的背表面3.中文:背面反射/底面反射英文:Rear Surface Reflection 解释:穿过电池而未被吸收的长波光会被电池背面的金属或染料反射回电池,增大吸收概率4.中文:本底掺杂英文:Background Doping 解释:电池衬底的掺杂浓度5.中文:表面制绒英文:Surface Texturing 解释:用物理或化学的方法将平滑的硅电池表面变得粗糙,增大光捕获,减小反射6.中文:并网系统英文:Grid-connected Systems 解释:并网系统指由光伏组件供电的,接入公用电网的光伏系统。
这类系统无须蓄电池7.中文:薄膜太阳能电池英文:Thin-film Solar Cells 解释:薄膜太阳能电池是通过在衬底上镀光伏材料薄层制成的,厚度从几微米到几十微米不等。
成本较低但效率普遍较低8.中文:复合英文:Recommbination 解释:又称为载流子复合,是指半导体中的载流子(电子和空穴)成对消失的过程。
9.中文:表面复合速率英文:Surface Recombination Velocity 解释:当少子在表面消失时,由于浓度梯度,少子会从电池体流向表面。
AAbsorber— In a photovoltaic device, the material that readily absorbs photons to generate charge carriers (free electrons or holes).AC— see alternating current.Activated Shelf Life— The period of time, at a specified temperature, that a charged battery can be stored before its capacity falls to an unusable level.Activation Voltage(s)— The voltage(s) at which a charge controller will take action to protect the batteries.Adjustable Set Point— A feature allowing the user to adjust the voltage levels at which a charge controller will become active.Alternating Current (AC)— A type of electrical current, the direction of which is reversed at regular intervals or cycles. In the United States, the standard is 120 reversals or 60 cycles per second. Electricity transmission networks use AC because voltage can be controlled with relative ease.Acceptor— A dopant material, such as boron, which has fewer outer shell electrons than required in an otherwise balanced crystal structure, providing a hole, which can accept a free electron.AIC— See amperage interrupt capability.Air mass (sometimes called air mass ratio)— Equal to the cosine of the zenith angle-that angle from directly overhead to a line intersecting the sun. The air mass is an indication of the length of the path solar radiation travels through the atmosphere. An air mass of 1.0 means the sun is directly overhead and the radiation travels through one atmosphere (thickness).Ambient Temperature— The temperature of the surrounding area.Amorphous Semiconductor— A non-crystalline semiconductor material that has no long-range order.Amorphous Silicon— A thin-film, silicon photovoltaic cell having no crystalline structure. Manufactured by depositing layers of doped silicon on a substrate. See also single-crystal silicon an polycrystalline silicon.Amperage Interrupt Capability (AIC)—direct current fuses should be rated with a sufficient AIC to interrupt the highest possible current.Ampere (amp)— A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons. One volt across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere.Ampere-Hour (Ah/AH)— A measure of the flow of current (in amperes) over one hour; used to measure battery capacity.Ampere Hour Meter— An instrument that monitors current with time. The indication is the product of current (in amperes) and time (in hours).Angle of Incidence— The angle that a ray of sun makes with a line perpendicular to the surface. For example, a surface that directly faces the sun has a solar angle of incidence of zero, but if the surface is parallel to the sun (for example, sunrise striking a horizontal rooftop), the angle of incidence is 90°.Annual Solar Savings— The annual solar savings of a solar building is the energy savings attributable to a solar feature relative to the energy requirements of a non-solar building.Anode— The positive electrode in an electrochemical cell (battery). Also, the earth or ground in a cathodic protection system. Also, the positive terminal of a diode.Antireflection Coating— A thin coating of a material applied to a solar cell surface that reduces the light reflection and increases light transmission.Array— see photovoltaic (PV) array.Array Current— The electrical current produced by a photovoltaic array when it is exposed to sunlight.Array Operating Voltage— The voltage produced by a photovoltaic array when exposed to sunlight and connected to a load.Autonomous System— See stand-alone system.Availability— The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system being available to provide power to a load. Usually measured in hours per year. One minus availability equals downtime.Azimuth Angle— The angle between true south and the point on the horizon directly below the sun.Back to TopBBalance of System— Represents all components and costs other than the photovoltaic modules/array. It includes design costs, land, site preparation, system installation, support structures, power conditioning, operation and maintenance costs, indirect storage, and related costs.Band Gap— In a semiconductor, the energy difference between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band.Band Gap Energy (Eg)— The amount of energy (in electron volts) required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to a free state, and thus promote it from the valence to the conduction level.Barrier Energy— The energy given up by an electron in penetrating the cell barrier; a measure of the electrostatic potential of the barrier.Base Load— The average amount of electric power that a utility must supply in any period.Battery— Two or more electrochemical cells enclosed in a container and electrically interconnected in an appropriate series/parallel arrangement to provide the required operating voltage and current levels. Under common usage, the term battery also applies to a single cell if it constitutes the entire electrochemical storage system.Battery Available Capacity— The total maximum charge, expressed in ampere-hours, that can be withdrawn from a cell or battery under a specific set of operating conditions including discharge rate, temperature, initial state of charge, age, and cut-off voltage.Battery Capacity— The maximum total electrical charge, expressed in ampere-hours, which a battery can deliver to a load under a specific set of conditions.Battery Cell— The simplest operating unit in a storage battery. It consists of one or more positive electrodes or plates, an electrolyte that permits ionic conduction, one or more negative electrodes or plates, separators between plates of opposite polarity, and a container for all the above.Battery Cycle Life— The number of cycles, to a specified depth of discharge, that a cell or battery can undergo before failing to meet its specified capacity or efficiency performance criteria.Battery Energy Capacity— The total energy available, expressed in watt-hours (kilowatt-hours), which can be withdrawn from a fully charged cell or battery. The energy capacity of a given cell varies with temperature, rate, age, and cut-off voltage. This term is more common to system designers than it is to the battery industry where capacity usually refers to ampere-hours.Battery Energy Storage— Energy storage using electrochemical batteries. The three main applications for battery energy storage systems include spinning reserve at generating stations, load leveling at substations, and peak shaving on the customer side of the meter.Battery Life— The period during which a cell or battery is capable of operating above a specified capacity or efficiency performance level. Life may be measured in cycles and/or years, depending on the type of service for which the cell or battery is intended.BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaics)— A term for the design and integration of photovoltaic (PV) technology into the building envelope, typically replacing conventional building materials. This integration may be in vertical facades, replacing view glass, spandrel glass, or other facade material; into semitransparent skylight systems; into roofing systems, replacing traditional roofing materials; into shading "eyebrows" over windows; or other building envelope systems.Blocking Diode— A semiconductor connected in series with a solar cell or cells and a storage battery to keep the battery from discharging through the cell when there is no output, or low output, from the solar cell. It can be thought of as a one-way valve that allows electrons to flow forwards, but not backwards.Boron (B)— The chemical element commonly used as the dopant in photovoltaic device or cell material.Boule— A sausage-shaped, synthetic single-crystal mass grown in a special furnace, pulled and turned at a rate necessary to maintain the single-crystal structure during growth.Btu (British Thermal Unit)— The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit; equal to 252 calories.Bypass Diode— A diode connected across one or more solar cells in a photovoltaic module such that the diode will conduct if the cell(s) become reverse biased. It protects these solar cells from thermal destruction in case of total or partial shading of individual solar cells while other cells are exposed to full light.Back to TopCCadmium (Cd)— A chemical element used in making certain types of solar cells and batteries.Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)— A polycrystalline thin-film photovoltaic material.Capacity (C)— See battery capacity.Capacity Factor— The ratio of the average load on (or power output of) an electricity generating unit or system to the capacity rating of the unit or system over a specified period of time.Captive Electrolyte Battery— A battery having an immobilized electrolyte (gelled or absorbed in a material).Cathode— The negative pole or electrode of an electrolytic cell, vacuum tube, etc., where electrons enter (current leaves) the system; the opposite of an anode.Cathodic Protection— A method of preventing oxidation of the exposed metal in structures by imposing a small electrical voltage between the structure and the ground.Cd— see cadmium.CdTe— see cadmium telluride.Cell (battery)— A single unit of an electrochemical device capable of producing direct voltage by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. A battery usually consists of several cells electrically connected together to produce higher voltages. (Sometimes the terms cell and battery are used interchangeably). Also see photovoltaic (PV) cell.Cell Barrier— A very thin region of static electric charge along the interface of the positive and negative layers in a photovoltaic cell. The barrier inhibits the movement of electrons from one layer to the other, so that higher-energy electrons from one side diffuse preferentially through it in one direction, creating a current and thus a voltage across the cell. Also called depletion zone or space charge.Cell Junction— The area of immediate contact between two layers (positive and negative) of a photovoltaic cell. The junction lies at the center of the cell barrier or depletion zone.Charge— The process of adding electrical energy to a battery.Charge Carrier— A free and mobile conduction electron or hole in a semiconductor.Charge Controller— A component of a photovoltaic system that controls the flow of current to and from the battery to protect it from over-charge and over-discharge. The charge controller may also indicate the system operational status.Charge Factor— A number representing the time in hours during which a battery can be charged at a constant current without damage to the battery. Usually expressed in relation to the total battery capacity, i.e., C/5 indicates a charge factor of 5 hours. Related to charge rate.Charge Rate— The current applied to a cell or battery to restore its available capacity. This rate is commonly normalized by a charge control device with respect to the rated capacity of the cell or battery.Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)— A method of depositing thin semiconductor films used to make certain types of photovoltaic devices. With this method, a substrate is exposed to one or more vaporized compounds, one or more of which contain desirable constituents. A chemical reaction is initiated, at or near the substrate surface, to produce the desired material that will condense on the substrate.Cleavage of Lateral Epitaxial Films for Transfer (CLEFT)— A process for making inexpensive Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) photovoltaic cells in which a thin film of GaAs is grown atop a thick, single-crystal GaAs (or other suitable material) substrate and then is cleaved from the substrate and incorporated into a cell, allowing the substrate to be reused to grow more thin-film GaAs.Cloud Enhancement— The increase in solar intensity caused by reflected irradiance from nearby clouds.Combined Collector— A photovoltaic device or module that provides useful heat energy in addition to electricity.Concentrator— A photovoltaic module, which includes optical components such as lenses (Fresnel lens) to direct and concentrate sunlight onto a solar cell of smaller area. Most concentrator arrays must directly face or track the sun. They can increase the power flux of sunlight hundreds of times.Conduction Band (or conduction level)— An energy band in a semiconductor in which electrons can move freely in a solid, producing a net transport of charge.Conductor— The material through which electricity is transmitted, such as an electrical wire, or transmission or distribution line.Contact Resistance— The resistance between metallic contacts and the semiconductor.Conversion Efficiency— See photovoltaic (conversion) efficiency.Converter— A unit that converts a direct current (dc) voltage to another dc voltage.Copper Indium Diselenide (CuInSe2, or CIS)— A polycrystalline thin-film photovoltaic material (sometimes incorporating gallium (CIGS) and/or sulfur).Crystalline Silicon— A type of photovoltaic cell made from a slice of single-crystal silicon or polycrystalline silicon.Current— See electric current.Current at Maximum Power (Imp)— The current at which maximum power is available from a module.Cutoff Voltage— The voltage levels (activation) at which the charge controller disconnects the photovoltaic array from the battery or the load from the battery.Cycle— The discharge and subsequent charge of a battery.Czochralski Process— A method of growing large size, high quality semiconductor crystal by slowly lifting a seed crystal from a molten bath of the material under careful cooling conditions.Back to TopDDangling Bonds— A chemical bond associated with an atom on the surface layer of a crystal. The bond does not join with another atom of the crystal, but extends in the direction of exterior of the surface.Days of Storage— The number of consecutive days the stand-alone system will meet a defined load without solar energy input. This term is related to system availability.DC— See direct current.DC-to-DC Converter— Electronic circuit to convert direct current voltage s (e.g., photovoltaic module voltage) into other levels (e.g., load voltage). Can be part of a maximum power point tracker.Deep-Cycle Battery— A battery with large plates that can withstand many discharges to a low state-of-charge.Deep Discharge— Discharging a battery to 20% or less of its full charge capacity.Depth of Discharge (DOD)— The ampere-hours removed from a fully charged cell or battery, expressed as a percentage of rated capacity. For example, the removal of 25 ampere-hours from a fully charged 100 ampere-hours rated cell results in a 25% depth of discharge. Under certain conditions, such as discharge rates lower than that used to rate the cell, depth of discharge can exceed 100%.Dendrite— A slender threadlike spike of pure crystalline material, such as silicon.Dendritic Web Technique— A method for making sheets of polycrystalline silicon in which silicon dendrites are slowly withdrawn from a melt of silicon whereupon a web of silicon forms between the dendrites and solidifies as it rises from the melt and cools.Depletion Zone— Same as cell barrier. The term derives from the fact that this microscopically thin region is depleted of charge carriers (free electrons and hole).Design Month— The month having the combination of insolation and load that requires the maximum energy from the photovoltaic array.Diffuse Insolation— Sunlight received indirectly as a result of scattering due to clouds, fog, haze, dust, or other obstructions in the atmosphere. Opposite of direct insolation.Diffuse Radiation— Radiation received from the sun after reflection and scattering by the atmosphere and ground.Diffusion Furnace— Furnace used to make junctions in semiconductor s by diffusing dopant atoms into the surface of the material.Diffusion Length— The mean distance a free electron or hole moves before recombining with another hole or electron.Diode— An electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only. See blocking diode and bypass diode.Direct Beam Radiation— Radiation received by direct solar rays. Measured by a pyrheliometer with a solar aperture of 5.7° to transcribe the solar disc.Direct Current (DC)— A type of electricity transmission and distribution by which electricity flows in one direction through the conductor, usually relatively low voltage and high current. To be used for typical 120 volt or 220 volt household appliances, DC must be converted to alternating current, its opposite.Direct Insolation— Sunlight falling directly upon a collector. Opposite of diffuse insolation.Discharge— The withdrawal of electrical energy from a battery.Discharge Factor— A number equivalent to the time in hours during which a battery is discharged at constant current usually expressed as a percentage of the total battery capacity, i.e., C/5 indicates a discharge factor of 5 hours. Related to discharge rate.Discharge Rate— The rate, usually expressed in amperes or time, at which electrical current is taken from the battery.Disconnect— Switch gear used to connect or disconnect components in a photovoltaic system.Distributed Energy Resources (DER)— A variety of small, modularpower-generating technologies that can be combined with energy management and storage systems and used to improve the operation of the electricity delivery system, whether or not those technologies are connected to an electricity grid.Distributed Generation— A popular term for localized or on-site power generation.Distributed Power— Generic term for any power supply located near the point where the power is used. Opposite of central power. See stand-alone systems.Distributed Systems— Systems that are installed at or near the location where the electricity is used, as opposed to central systems that supply electricity to grids. A residential photovoltaic system is a distributed system.Donor— In a photovoltaic device, an n-type dopant, such as phosphorus, that puts an additional electron into an energy level very near the conduction band; this electron is easily exited into the conduction band where it increases the electrical conductivity over than of an undoped semiconductor.Donor Level— The level that donates conduction electrons to the system.Dopant— A chemical element (impurity) added in small amounts to an otherwise pure semiconductor material to modify the electrical properties of the material. An n-dopant introduces more electrons. A p-dopant creates electron vacancies (holes).Doping— The addition of dopants to a semiconductor.Downtime— Time when the photovoltaic system cannot provide power for the load. Usually expressed in hours per year or that percentage.Dry Cell— A cell (battery) with a captive electrolyte. A primary battery that cannot be recharged.Duty Cycle— The ratio of active time to total time. Used to describe the operating regime of appliances or loads in photovoltaic systems.Duty Rating— The amount of time an inverter (power conditioning unit) can produce at full rated power.Back to TopEEdge-Defined Film-Fed Growth (EFG)— A method for making sheets of polycrystalline silicon for photovoltaic devices in which molten silicon is drawn upward by capillary action through a mold.Electric Circuit— The path followed by electrons from a power source (generator or battery), through an electrical system, and returning to the source.Electric Current— The flow of electrical energy (electricity) in a conductor, measured in amperes.Electrical grid— An integrated system of electricity distribution, usually covering a large area.Electricity— Energy resulting from the flow of charge particles, such as electrons or ions.Electrochemical Cell— A device containing two conducting electrodes, one positive and the other negative, made of dissimilar materials (usually metals) that are immersed in a chemical solution (electrolyte) that transmits positive ions from the negative to the positive electrode and thus forms an electrical charge. One or more cells constitute a battery.Electrode— A conductor that is brought in conducting contact with a ground.Electrodeposition— Electrolytic process in which a metal is deposited at the cathode from a solution of its ions.Electrolyte— A nonmetallic (liquid or solid) conductor that carries current by the movement of ions (instead of electrons) with the liberation of matter at the electrodes of an electrochemical cell.Electron— An elementary particle of an atom with a negative electrical charge and a mass of 1/1837 of a proton; electrons surround the positively charged nucleus of an atom and determine the chemical properties of an atom. The movement of electrons in an electrical conductor constitutes an electric current.Electron Volt (eV)— The amount of kinetic energy gained by an electron when accelerated through an electric potential difference of 1 Volt; equivalent to 1.603 x10^-19; a unit of energy or work.Energy— The capability of doing work; different forms of energy can be converted to other forms, but the total amount of energy remains the same.Energy Audit— A survey that shows how much energy used in a home, which helps find ways to use less energy.Energy Contribution Potential—Recombination occurring in the emitter region of a photovoltaic cell.Energy Density— The ratio of available energy per pound; usually used to compare storage batteries.Energy Levels— The energy represented by an electron in the band model of a substance.。
太阳能灯具和 LED 灯具专业术语英语翻译工作环境温度:Working temperature工作电压:Supply voltage额定电源频率 Rated power frequency额定功率 Rated power驱动电源效率 Power supply efficiency功率因数 Power-factor(PFLED 发光效率 LED luminoue efficiency灯具初始光通量 Luminous flux灯具出光效率 Lamp Flux色温 Color temperature显色指数 CRI: Ra>75防护等级 IP rating:IP65使用寿命 Working life外壳材质 Shell material character产品尺寸 Size(A*B*C mm重量 Net weight (kg包装尺寸 Packing dimensions(mm太阳能的相对多一点:交流电两种电的形态之一 : 交变电流 , 常用于住家中 .非晶具有无周期型的原子结构 .非晶硅有时简称为 'a-硅 ' 作为一种无序半导体材料用于增强等离子体化学蒸汽沉积(PECVD工艺中 . 此工艺可用来在不锈钢的基片上产生薄膜太阳能发电层 .安培 (Amps电流单位 . 可视为电力流动的数量单位光伏矩阵或发电板阵 (Array - photovoltaic太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵 .阻流二极管 (Blocking Diode用来防止反向电流 , 在发电板阵中 , 阻流二极管用来防止电流流向一个或数个失效或有遮影的发电板 (或一连串的太阳能发电板上 . 在夜间或低电流出的期间 , 防止电流从蓄电池流向光伏发电板矩阵 ."光伏发电系统平衡 (BOS or Balance of System - photovoltaic光伏发电系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分 . 例如开关 , 控制仪表 , 电力温控设备 , 矩阵的支撑结构 , 储电组件等等 . 旁路二极管 (Bypass DiodePage 1 of 4是与光伏发电板并联的二极管 . 用来在光电板被遮影或出故障时提供另外的电流通路 .光伏发电板 (电池 (Cell-photovoltaic太阳能发电板中最小的组件 .充电显示器 (表 (Charge Monitor/Meter用以测量电流安培量的装置 , 安培表 .充电调节器 (Charge Regulator" 用来控制蓄电池充电速度和 /或充电状态的装置 , 连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蓄电池组之间 . 它的主要作用是防止蓄电池被光伏发电板过度充电 , 同时监控光伏发电矩阵和 /或蓄电池的电压 ."组件 (Components指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的其他装置 .交直流转换器 (Converter将交流电转换成直流电的装置 .晶体状 (Crystalline具有三维的重复的原子结构 .直流电 (DC" 两种电流的形态之一 , 常见于使用电池的物件中 , 如收音机 , 汽车 , 手提电脑 , 手机等等 ."无序结构 (Disordered减小并消除晶格的局限性 . 提供新的自由度 , 从而可在多维空间中放置其他元素 . 使它们以前所未有的方式互相作用 . 这种技术应用多种元素以及复合材料 . 它们在位置 , 移动及成分上的不规则可消除结构的局限性 , 因而产生新的局部规则环境 . 而这些新的局部环境决定了这些材料的物理性质 , 电子性质以及化学性质 . 因此使得合成具有新颍机理的新型材料成为可能 .电网连接 - 光伏发电 (Grid-Connected - photovoltaic是一种由光伏发电板阵向电网提供电力的光伏发电系统 . 这些系统可由供电公司或个别楼宇来运作 .直流交流转换器 (Inverter用来将直流电转换成交流电的装置 .千瓦 (Kilowatt1000瓦特 , 一个灯泡通常使用 40至 100瓦特的电力 .百万瓦特 (Megawatt1,000,000瓦特光伏发电板 (Module - photovoltaic光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板 .奥佛电子 (OvonicPage 2 of 4[以 S. R. 奥佛辛斯基 (联合太阳能公司创始人及电子的组合命名 ] - 用来描述我们独有的材料 , 产品和技术的术语 .奥佛辛斯基效应 (Ovshinsky effect一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用下从一种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应 ..并联连接 (Parallel Connection一种发电板连接方法 . 这种连接法使电压保持相同 , 但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能 (Peak Power持续一段时间 (通常是 10到 30秒的最大能量输出 .光伏 (Photovoltaic - PV光能到电能的直接转换 .光伏发电板 (电池 (Photovoltaic Cell经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料 .卷到卷工序 (Roll-to-Roll Process将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序 .串联连接 (Series Connection电流不变电压倍增的连接方式 .太阳能 (Solar来自太阳的能量 .太阳能收集器 (Solar Collectors用以捕获来自太阳的光能或热能的装置 . 太阳收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家 , 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统 .太阳能加热 (Solar Heating利用来自太阳的热能发电的技术或系统 . 太阳能收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中 (常见于住家 , 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发电模块或太阳能发电板 (Solar Module or Solar Panel一些由太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块 .稳定能量转换效率 (Stabilized Energy Conversion Efficiency长期的电力输出与光能输入比例 .系统 , 平衡系统 (Systems; Balance of Systems" 太阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件 . 这些部件可使这些太阳能发电板得以应用在需要可控直流电或交流电的住家和商业设施中 . 用于太阳能电力系统的其它部件包括 :接线和短路装置 , 充电调压器 , 逆变器 , 仪表和接地部件 ."薄膜 (Thin-FilmPage 3 of 4在基片上形成的很薄的材料层 .伏特 (Volts电动势能单位 . 能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的电阻 .电压 (Voltage电势的量 .电压表 (Voltage Meter用以测量电压的装置 .瓦特 (Watts用电压乘以电流的值来衡量的电力度 . Page 4 of 4。
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Unit1 renewable Energy CommercializationIntroduction可再生能源商业化涉及可再生能源三代技术的部署要追溯到100多年,见图1.1和图1.2。
领先的可再生能源公司包括第一太阳能、Gamesa、通用电气能源,q - cells,锋利太阳能、西门子、Sunopta尚德和维斯塔斯。
根据国际能源署2011年的推测, 在50年内太阳能发电机可能产生世界上大多数的电力,显著降低有害温室气体的排放。
Lesson1 overviewRationale for renewables气候变化、污染和能源安全是当前最严重的问题和解决他们需要能量基础设施的重大改变。
Three generations of technologies可再生能源这个术语涵盖了数量的来源和技术商业化的不同阶段。
Growth of renewable2011年,联合国秘书长Achim Steiner说“持续增长这一核心环节,绿色经济并非偶然发生。
据彭博新能源财经估计每兆瓦光伏(pV)模块的价格自2008年夏天以来下降了60%, ,首次将太阳能发电与电力零售价格的竞争地位,在阳光充足的国家的数量。
除去成本,进一步改善太阳能,风能和其他技术, 未来数年.构成日益增长对化石燃料发电来源的统治地位的威胁,国际太阳能学会(是)认为随着时间的推移,可再生能源技术和经济将继续改善,,他们是“目前允许足够先进的可再生能源成为主流能源主要渗透和社会基础设施”。
第三,一旦世界使得转向明确承诺,可再生能源,生产将本身的体积大幅减少每个风车和太阳能电池板的成本,同时增加更多的激励措施,鼓励更多的研究和发展进一步加快创新进程. Lesson 2 Firt-generation Technologies第一代技术广泛应用于地理位置与丰富资源。
Geothermal power and heat地热发电厂(fig.1.5)可以每天24小时运行,提供基本负载能力。
地热发电装机容量增长从1975年的大约1 Gw近10 Gw,在2008年。
美国是世界在装机容量方面领导人,代表3.1 GW。
其他国家的重要的装机容量菲律宾(1.9千瓦)、印度尼西亚(1.2千瓦),墨西哥(1.0千瓦),意大利冰岛(0.8兆瓦)9(0.6 GW),日本(0.5兆瓦),新西兰(0.5千瓦)。
地热(地源热泵)估计有30 GW装机容量在2008年底,与其他地热的直接使用(即。
农业空间加热,干燥和其他用途)达成估计15 GWth。
Lesson3 Second-generation technologies在过去的十年里,第二代技术一直强劲促进市场增长,这些技术已经从一个激情专用的几个主要经济部门,在国家,如德国、西班牙、美国和日本。
Solar heating太阳能加热系统是一个众所周知的第二代技术和一般由太阳能热收集器,流体系统将热量从收集器的使用,和水库或蓄热水箱系统可以用来加热生活热水,游泳池,或房屋,热水也可以用于一些应用程序或作为工业生产过程,能量输入冷却设备等其他用途。