机械设计及其自动化 外文翻译 数控机床

【英文】High-speed machining the development ofHigh-speed machining is oriented to the 21st century a new high-tech, high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality as a basic feature, in the automobile industry, aerospace, Die Manufacturing and instrumentation industries gained increasingly widespread application, and has made significant technical and economic benefits. contemporary advanced manufacturing technology an important component part。
High-speed machining is to achieve high efficiency of the core technology manufacturers, intensive processes and equipment packaged so that it has a high production efficiency. It can be said that the high-speed machining is an increase in the quantity of equipment significantly improve processing efficiency essential to the technology. High-speed machining is the major advantages : improve production efficiency, improve accuracy and reduce the processing of cutting resistance。

英文】High-speed machining the development ofHigh-speed machining is oriented to the 21st century a new high-tech, high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality as a basic feature, in theautomobile industry, aerospace, Die Manufacturing and instrumentation industries gained increasingly widespread application, and has made significant technical and economic benefits. contemporary advanced manufacturing technology an important component part 。
High-speed machining is to achieve high efficiency of the core technology manufacturers, intensive processes and equipment packaged so that it has a high production efficiency. It can be said that the high-speed machining is an increase in the quantity of equipment significantly improve processing efficiency essential to the technology. High-speed machining is the major advantages : improve production efficiency, improve accuracy and reduce the processing of cutting resistance。


附录翻译部分Lathe and TurningThe Lathe and Its ConstructionA lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution flat edges. Based on their purpose,construction,number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted,and degree of automation,lathes or,more accurately,lathe-type machine tools can be classified as follows:(1)Engine lathes(2)Toolroom lathes(3)Turret lathes(4)Vertical turning and boring mills(5)Automatic lathes(6)Special-purpose lathesIn spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools,they all have all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation.These features can best be illustrated by considering the commonly used representative type,the engine lathe.Following is a description of each of the main elements of an engine lathe,which is shown in Fig.11.1.Lathe bed.The lathe bed is the main frame,involving a horizontal beam on two vertical supporis.It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting.It has guideways to allow the carriage to slide easily lengthwise.The height of the lathe bed should be appropriate to enable the technician to do his or her jib easily and comfortably.Headstock.The headstock is fixed at the left hand side of the lathe bed and includes the spindle whose axis is parallel to the guideways(the silde surface of the bed).The spindle is driven through the gearbox,which is housed within the headstock.The function of the gearbox is to provide a number of different spindle speeds(usually6up to18speeds).Some modern lathes have headstocks with infinitely variable spindle speeds,which employ frictional, electrical,or hydraulic drives.The spindle is always hollow,I.e,it has a through hole extending lengthwise.Bar stocks can be fed througth that hole if continous production is adopted.A lso,that hole has a taperedsurface to allow mounting a plain lathe center.The outer surface of the spindle is threaded to allow mounting of a chuck,a face plate,or the like.Tailstock.The tailstock assembly consists basically of three parts,its lower base,an intermediate part,and the quill.The lower base is a casting that can slide on the lathe bed along the guidewayes,and it has a clamping device to enable locking the entire tailstock at any desired location,depending upon the length of the workpiece.The intermediate parte is a casting that can be moved transversely to enable alignment of the axis of the the tailstock with that of the headstock.The third part,the quill,is a hardened steel tube,which can be moved longitudinally in and out of the intermediate part as required.This is achieved through the use of a handwheel and a screw,around which a nut fixed to the quill is can be locked at any point along its travel path by means of a clamping device.The carriage.The main function of the carriage is mounting of the cutting tools and generating longitudinal and/or cross feeds.It is actually an H-shaped block that slides on the lathe bed between the headstock and tailstock while being guided by the V-shaped guideways of the bed.The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.When cutting screw threads,power is provided to the gearbox of the apron by the lead screw.In all other turning operations,it is the feed rod that drives the carriage.The lead screw goes through a pair o half nuts,which are fixed to the rear of the apron.When actuating a certain lever,the half nuts are clamped together and engage with the rotating lead screw as a single nut,which is fed,together with carriage,along the bed.when the lever is disengaged, the half nuts are released and the carriage stops.On the other hand,when the feed rod is used,it supplies power to the apron through a wrom gear.The latter is keyed to feed rod and travels with the apron along the feed rod,which has a keyway extending to cover its whole length.A modern lathe usually has a quick-change gearbox located under the headstock and driven from the spindle through a train of gears.It is connected to both the feed rod and the lead screw and enables selecting a variety of feeds easily and rapidly by simply shifting the appropriate levers, the quick-change gearbox is employed in plain turning,facing and thread cutting operations. Since that gearbox is linked to spindle,the distance that the apron(and the cutting tool)travels for each revolution of the spindle can be controlled and is referred to as the feed.Lathe Cutting ToolsThe shape and geometry of the lathe tools depend upon the purpose for which they are employed.Turning tools can be classified into tow main groups,namely,external cutting tools andinternal cutting tools,Each of these groups include the following types of tools: Turning tools.Turing tools can be either finishing or rough turning tools.Rough turning tools have small nose radii and are used for obtaining the final required dimensions with good surface finish by marking slight depth of cut.Rough turning tools can be right–hand or left-hand types,depending upon the direction of feed.They can have straight,bent,or offset shanks.Facing tools.Facing tools are employed in facing operations for machining plane side or end surfaces.There are tools for machining left-hand-side surfaces and tools for right-hand-side surfaces.Those side surfaces are generated through the use of the cross feed,contrary to turning operations,where the usual longitudinal feed is used.Cutoff tools.Cutoff tools,which are sometimes called parting tools,serve to separate the workpiece into parts and/or machine external annual grooves.Thread-cutting tools.Thread-cutting tools have either triangular,square,or tranpezoidal cutting edges,depending upon the cross section of the desired thread.Also,the plane angles of these tools must always be identical to those of the thread forms.Thread-cutting tools have straight shanks for external thread cutting and are of the bent-shank type when cutting internal threads.Form tools.Form tools have edges especially manufactured to take a certain form,which is opposite to the desired shape of the machined workpiece.An HSS tools is usually made in the form of a single piece,contrary to cemented carbides or ceramic,which are made in the form of tipes.The latter are brazed or mechanically fastened to steel shanks.Fig.1indicates an arrangement of this latter type,which includes the carbide tip,the chip breaker,the pad,the clamping screw(with a washer and a nut),and the shank..As the name suggests,the function of the chip breaker is to break long chips every now and then,thus preventing the formation of very long twisted ribbons that may cause problems during the machining operations.The carbide tips(or ceramic tips)can have different shapes,depending upon the machining operations for which they are to be employed.The tips can either be solid or with a central through hole,depending on whether brazing or mechanical clamping is employed for mounting the tip on the shank.Fig.1Lathe OperationsIn the following section,we discuss the various machining operations that can be performed on a conventional engine lathe.It must be borne in mind,however,that modern computerized numerically controlled lathes have more capabiblities and do other operations,such as contouring,for example.Following are conventional lathe operations.Cylindrical turning.Cylindrical turning is the the simplest and the most common of all lathe operations.A single full turn of the workpiece generate a circle whose center falls on the lathe axis;this motion is then reproduced numerous times as a result of the axial feed motion of the tool.The resulting machining marks are,therefore,a helix having a very small pitch,which is equal to the feed.Consequently,the machined surface is always cylindrical.The axial feed is provided by the carriage or the compound rest,either manually or automatically,whereas the depths of cuts is controlled by the cross slide.In roughing cuts,it is recommended that large depths of cuts(up to0.25in.or6mm,depending upon the workpiece material)and smaller feeds would be used.On the other hand,very fine feeds,smaller depth of cut(less than0.05in.,or0.4mm),and high cutting speeds are preferred for finishing cuts.Facing.The result of a facing operation is a flat surface that is either the whole end surface of the workpiece or an annular intermediate surface like a shoulder.During a facing operation,feed is provided by the cross slide,whereas the depth of cut is controlled by the carriage or compound rest.Facing can be carried out either from the periphery in ward or from the center of the workpiece outward.It is obvious that the machining marks in both cases tack the form of a ually,it is preferred to clamp the carriage during a facing operation,since the cutting force tends to push the tool(and,of course,the whole carriage)away from the workpiece.In most facing operations,the workpiece is held in a chuck or on a face plate.Groove cutting.In cut-off and groove-cutting operations,only cross feed of the tool isemployed.The cut-off and grooving tools,which were previously discussed,are employed.Boring and internal turning.Boring and internal are performed on the internal surfaces by a boring bar or suitable internal workpiece is solid,a drilling operation must be performed first.The drilling tool is held in the tailstock,and latter is then fed against the workpiece.Taper turning.Taper turning is achieved by driving the tool in a direction that is not paralled to the lathe axis but inclined to it with an angle that is equal to the desired angle of the taper.Following are the different methods used in taper-turning practice:(1)Rotating the disc of the compound rest with an angle to half the apex angle of the cone. Feed is manually provided by cranking the handle of the compound rest.This method is recommended for taper turning of external and internal surfaces when the taper angle is relatively large.(2)Employing special form tools for external,very short,conical surfaces.The width of the workpiece must be slightly smaller than that of the tool,and the workpiece is usually held in a chuck or clamped on a face plate.I n this case,only the cross feed is used during the machining process and the carriage is clamped to the machine bed.(3)Offsetting the tailstock center.This method is employed for esternal tamper turning of long workpiece that are required to have small tamper angles(less than8).The workpiece is mounted between the two centers;then the tailstock center is shifted a distance S in the direction normal to the lathe axis.(4)Using the taper-turning attachment.This method is used for turning very long workpoece, when the length is larger than the whole stroke of the compound rest.The procedure followed in such cases involves complete disengagement of the cross slide from the carriage,which is then guided by the taper-turning attachment.During this process,the automatic axial feed can be used as usual.This method is recommend for very long workpiece with a small cone angle,i.e., 8through10.Thread cutting.When performing thread cutting,the axial feed must be kept at a constant rate,which is dependent upon the rotational speed(rpm)of the workpiece.The relationship between both is determined primarily by the desired pitch of the thread to be cut.As previously mentioned,the axial feed is automatically generated when cutting a thread by means of the lead screw,which drives the carriage.When the lead screw rotates a single revolution,the carriage travels a distance equal to the pitch of the lead screw rotates a single revolutional speed of the lead screw is equal to that of the spindle(i.e.,that of the workpiece),the pitch of the resulting cut thread is exactly to that of the lead screw .The pitch of the resulting thread being cut therefore always depends upon the ratio of the rotational speeds of the lead scew and the spindle :workpiece of pitch screwlead the of Pitch Desired =screw lead of workpiece the of rpm rpm =spindle-to-carriage gearing ratioThis equation is usefully in determining the kinematic linkage between the lathe spindle and the lead screw and enables proper selection of the gear train between them .In thread cutting operations ,the workpiece can either be held in the chuck or mounted between the two lathe centers for relatively long workpiece .The form of the tool used must exactly coincide with the profile the thread to be cut ,I .e .,triangular tools must be used for triangular threads ,and so on .Knurling .knurling is mainly a forming operation in which no chips are prodyced .Tt involves pressing two hardened rolls with rough filelike surfaces against the rotating workpiece to cause plastic deformation of the workpiece metal.Knurling is carried out to produce rough ,cylindrical (or concile )surfaces ,which are usually used as handles .Sometimes ,surfaces are knurled just for the sake of decoration ;there are different types of patterns of knurls from which to choose .Cutting Speeds and FeedsThe cutting speed ,which is usually given in surface feet per minute (SFM),is the number of feet traveled in circumferential direction by a given point on the surface (being cut )of the workpiece in one minute .The relationship between the surface speed and rpm can be given by the following equation :SMF=πDNWhereD=the diameter of the workpiece in feetN=the rpmThe surface cutting speed is dependent primarily upon the machined as well as the material of the cutting and can be obtained from handbooks ,information provided by cutting tool manufacturera ,and the like .generally ,the SFM is taken as 100when machining cold-rolled or mild steel ,as 50when machining tougher metals ,and as 200when machining sofer materials .For aluminum ,the SFMis usually taken as 400or above .There are also other variables that affect the optimal value of the surface cutting speed .These include the tool geometry,the typeof lubricant or coolant ,the feed ,and the depth of cut .As soon as the cutting sped is decided upon ,the rotational speed (rpm)of the spindle can be obtained as follows :N =DSFWπThe selection of a suitable feed depends upon many factors ,such as the required surface finish ,the depth of cut ,and the geometry of the tool used .Finer feeds produce better surface finish ,whereas higher feeds reduce the machining time during which the tool is in direct contact with the workpiece .Therefore ,it is generally recommended to use high feeds for roughing operations and finer feeds for finishing operations.Again,recommend values for feeds ,which can be taken as guidelines ,are found in handbooks and information booklets provided by cutting tool manufacturers.Here I want to introduce the drilling:Drilling involves producing through or blind holes in a workpiece by forcing a tool ,which rotates around its axis ,against the workpiece .Consequently ,the range of cutting from that axis of rotation is equal to the radius of the required hole .In practice ,two symmetrical cutting edges that rotate about the same axis are employed .Drilling operations can be carried out by using either hand drills or drilling machines .The latter differ in size and construction .nevertheless ,the tool always rotates around its axis while the workpiece is kept firmly fixed .this is contrary to drilling on a lathe .Cutting Tool for Drilling OperationsIn drilling operations ,a cylindrical rotary-end cutting ,called a drill ,is employed .The drill can have either one or more cutting edges and corresponding flutes ,which can be straight or helical .the function of the flutes is to provide outlet passages for the chips generated during the drilling operation and to allow lubricants and coolants to reach the cutting edges and the surface being machined .Following is a survey of the commonly used drills.Twist drill .The twist drill is the most common type of drill .It has two cutting edges and two helical flutes that continue over the length of the drill body ,The drill also consist of a neck and a shake that can be either straight or tapered .In the latter case ,the shank is fitted by the wedge action into the tapered socket of the spindle and has a tang ,which goes into a slot in the spindle socket ,thus acting as a solid means for transmitting rotation .On the other hand ,straight –shank drills are held in a drill chuck that is ,in turn ,fitted into the spindle socket in the same way as tapered shank drills.The two cutting edges are referred to as the lips,and are connected together by a wedge, which is a chisel-like edge.The twist drill also has two margins,which enable proper guidance and locating of the drill while it is in operation.The tool point angle(TPA)is formed by the lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut.The usual TAP for commercial drills is118,which is appropriate for drilling low-carbon steels and cast irons.For harder and tougher metals,such as hardened steel,brasss and bronze,larger TPAs(130OR140)give better performance.The helix angle of the flutes of the commonly used twist drills ranges between24and30.When drilling copper or soft plastics,higher values for the helix angle are recommended(between35and45).Twist drills are usually made of high speed steel,although carbide tipped drills are also available.The size of twist drills used in industrial range from0.01up to3.25in.(i.e.0.25up to 80mm).Core drills.A core drill consists of the chamfer,body,neck,and shank.This type of drill may be have either three or four flutes and an equal number of margins,which ensure superior guidance,thus resulting in high machining accuracy.It can also be seen in Fig12.2 that a core drill has flat end.The chamfer can have three or four cutting edges or lips,and the lip angle may vary between90and120.Core drills are employed for enlarging previously made holes and not for originating holes.This type of drill is characterized by greater productivity, high machining accuracy,and superior quality of the drilled surfaces.Gun drills.Gun drills are used for drilling deep holes.All gun drills are straight fluted, and each has a single cutting edge.A hole in the body acts as a conduit to transmit coolant under considerable pressure to the tip of the drill.There are two kinds of gun drills,namely,the center cut gun drill used for drilling blind holes and the trepanning drill.The latter has a cylindrical groove at its center,thus generating a solid core,which guides the tool as it proceeds during the drilling operation.Spade drills.Spade drills are used for drilling large holes of3.5in.(90mm)or more. Their design results in a marked saving in cost of the tool as well as a tangible reduction in its weight,which facilitates its handling.moreover,this type of drill is easy to be ground.[13]车床和车削车床及它的结构车床是一个主要用来生产旋转表面和端面的机床。

机械专业英语词汇陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheelAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet 栈板barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket 导电条front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis 基座bezel panel 面板power button 电源按键reset button 重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts 塑胶件SOP 制造作业程序material check list 物料检查表work cell 工作间trolley 台车carton 纸箱sub-line 支线left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单location地点present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points重合度contact ratio冲床punch传动比transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置gearing; transmission gear传动系统driven system传动角transmission angle传动轴transmission shaft串联式组合combination in series串联式组合机构series combined mechanism串级调速cascade speed control创新innovation creation创新设计creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷normal load唇形橡胶密封lip rubber seal磁流体轴承magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮driven pulley从动件driven link, follower从动件平底宽度width of flat-face从动件停歇follower dwell从动件运动规律follower motion从动轮driven gear粗线bold line粗牙螺纹coarse thread大齿轮gear wheel打包机packer打滑slipping带传动belt driving带轮belt pulley带式制动器band brake单列轴承single row bearing单向推力轴承single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节single universal joint单位矢量unit vector当量齿轮equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷equivalent load刀具cutter导数derivative倒角chamfer导热性conduction of heat导程lead导程角lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮constant-breadth cam等效构件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment of force等效量equivalent等效质量equivalent mass等效转动惯量equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型dynamically equivalent model底座chassis低副lower pair点划线chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀pitting垫圈gasket垫片密封gasket seal碟形弹簧belleville spring顶隙bottom clearance定轴轮系ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学dynamics动密封kinematical seal动能dynamic energy动力粘度dynamic viscosity动力润滑dynamic lubrication动平衡dynamic balance动平衡机dynamic balancing machine动态特性dynamic characteristics动态分析设计dynamic analysis design动压力dynamic reaction动载荷dynamic load端面transverse plane端面参数transverse parameters端面齿距transverse circular pitch端面齿廓transverse tooth profile端面重合度transverse contact ratio端面模数transverse module端面压力角transverse pressure angle锻造forge对称循环应力symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 多列轴承multi-row bearing多楔带poly V-belt多项式运动规律polynomial motion多质量转子rotor with several masses惰轮idle gear额定寿命rating life额定载荷load ratingII 级杆组dyad发生线generating line发生面generating plane法面normal plane法面参数normal parameters法面齿距normal circular pitch法面模数normal module法面压力角normal pressure angle法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆straight sided normal worm法向力normal force反馈式组合feedback combining反向运动学inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法kinematic inversion反正切Arctan范成法generating cutting仿形法form cutting方案设计、概念设计concept design, CD防振装置shockproof device飞轮flywheel飞轮矩moment of flywheel非标准齿轮nonstandard gear非接触式密封non-contact seal非周期性速度波动aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮non-circular gear粉末合金powder metallurgy分度线reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle 分度圆柱导程角lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角helix angle at reference cylinder分母denominator分子numerator分度圆锥reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法analytical method封闭差动轮系planetary differential复合铰链compound hinge复合式组合compound combining复合轮系compound (or combined) gear train复合平带compound flat belt复合应力combined stress复式螺旋机构Compound screw mechanism复杂机构complex mechanism杆组Assur group干涉interference刚度系数stiffness coefficient刚轮rigid circular spline钢丝软轴wire soft shaft刚体导引机构body guidance mechanism刚性冲击rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子rigid rotor刚性轴承rigid bearing刚性联轴器rigid coupling高度系列height series高速带high speed belt高副higher pair格拉晓夫定理Grashoff`s law根切undercutting公称直径nominal diameter高度系列height series功work工况系数application factor工艺设计technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram工作机构operation mechanism工作载荷external loads工作空间working space工作应力working stress工作阻力effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line公共约束general constraint公制齿轮metric gears功率power功能分析设计function analyses design共轭齿廓conjugate profiles共轭凸轮conjugate cam构件link鼓风机blower固定构件fixed link; frame固体润滑剂solid lubricant关节型操作器jointed manipulator惯性力inertia force惯性力矩moment of inertia ,shaking moment 惯性力平衡balance of shaking force惯性力完全平衡full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩resultant moment of inertia惯性主失resultant vector of inertia冠轮crown gear广义机构generation mechanism广义坐标generalized coordinate轨迹生成path generation轨迹发生器path generator滚刀hob滚道raceway滚动体rolling element滚动轴承rolling bearing滚动轴承代号rolling bearing identification code 滚针needle roller滚针轴承needle roller bearing滚子roller滚子轴承roller bearing滚子半径radius of roller滚子从动件roller follower滚子链roller chain滚子链联轴器double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器roller clutch过度切割undercutting函数发生器function generator函数生成function generation含油轴承oil bearing耗油量oil consumption耗油量系数oil consumption factor赫兹公式H. Hertz equation合成弯矩resultant bending moment合力resultant force合力矩resultant moment of force黑箱black box横坐标abscissa互换性齿轮interchangeable gears花键spline滑键、导键feather key滑动轴承sliding bearing滑动率sliding ratio滑块slider环面蜗杆toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧annular spring缓冲装置shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁grey cast iron回程return回转体平衡balance of rotors混合轮系compound gear train积分integrate机电一体化系统设计mechanical-electrical integration system design 机构mechanism机构分析analysis of mechanism机构平衡balance of mechanism机构学mechanism机构运动设计kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合synthesis of mechanism机构组成constitution of mechanism机架frame, fixed link机架变换kinematic inversion机器machine机器人robot机器人操作器manipulator机器人学robotics技术过程technique process技术经济评价technical and economic evaluation技术系统technique system机械machinery机械创新设计mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计dynamic design of machinery机械动力学dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计modern machine design机械系统mechanical system机械利益mechanical advantage机械平衡balance of machinery机械手manipulator机械设计machine design; mechanical design机械特性mechanical behavior机械调速mechanical speed governors机械效率mechanical efficiency机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命basic rating life基于实例设计case-based design,CBD基圆base circle基圆半径radius of base circle基圆齿距base pitch基圆压力角pressure angle of base circle基圆柱base cylinder基圆锥base cone急回机构quick-return mechanism急回特性quick-return characteristics急回系数advance-to return-time ratio急回运动quick-return motion棘轮ratchet棘轮机构ratchet mechanism棘爪pawl极限位置extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS 计算力矩factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩calculated bending moment加权系数weighting efficient加速度acceleration加速度分析acceleration analysis加速度曲线acceleration diagram尖点pointing; cusp尖底从动件knife-edge follower间隙backlash间歇运动机构intermittent motion mechanism 减速比reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置reduction gear减速器speed reducer减摩性anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面involute helicoid渐开线involute渐开线齿廓involute profile渐开线齿轮involute gear渐开线发生线generating line of involute渐开线方程involute equation渐开线函数involute function渐开线蜗杆involute worm渐开线压力角pressure angle of involute渐开线花键involute spline简谐运动simple harmonic motion键key键槽keyway交变应力repeated stress交变载荷repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮crossed helical gears胶合scoring角加速度angular acceleration角速度angular velocity角速比angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承angular contact thrust bearing 角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing 角接触轴承angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽hinge校正平面correcting plane接触应力contact stress接触式密封contact seal阶梯轴multi-diameter shaft结构structure结构设计structural design截面section节点pitch point节距circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线pitch line节圆pitch circle节圆齿厚thickness on pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter节圆锥pitch cone节圆锥角pitch cone angle解析设计analytical design紧边tight-side紧固件fastener径节diametral pitch径向radial direction径向当量动载荷dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承radial contact bearing径向平面radial plane径向游隙radial internal clearance径向载荷radial load径向载荷系数radial load factor径向间隙clearance静力static force静平衡static balance静载荷static load静密封static seal局部自由度passive degree of freedom矩阵matrix矩形螺纹square threaded form锯齿形螺纹buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器square-jaw positive-contact clutch 绝对尺寸系数absolute dimensional factor绝对运动absolute motion绝对速度absolute velocity均衡装置load balancing mechanism抗压强度compression strength开口传动open-belt drive开式链open kinematic chain开链机构open chain mechanism可靠度degree of reliability可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design, RD空气弹簧air spring空间机构spatial mechanism空间连杆机构spatial linkage空间凸轮机构spatial cam空间运动副spatial kinematic pair空间运动链spatial kinematic chain空转idle宽度系列width series框图block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力centrifugal force离心应力centrifugal stress离合器clutch离心密封centrifugal seal理论廓线pitch curve理论啮合线theoretical line of action隶属度membership力force力多边形force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism 力矩moment力平衡equilibrium力偶couple力偶矩moment of couple连杆connecting rod, coupler连杆机构linkage连杆曲线coupler-curve连心线line of centers链chain链传动装置chain gearing链轮sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel联组V 带tight-up V belt联轴器coupling shaft coupling两维凸轮two-dimensional cam临界转速critical speed六杆机构six-bar linkage龙门刨床double Haas planer轮坯blank轮系gear train螺杆screw螺距thread pitch螺母screw nut螺旋锥齿轮helical bevel gear螺钉screws螺栓bolts螺纹导程lead螺纹效率screw efficiency螺旋传动power screw螺旋密封spiral seal螺纹thread (of a screw)螺旋副helical pair螺旋机构screw mechanism螺旋角helix angle螺旋线helix ,helical line绿色设计green design design for environment马耳他机构Geneva wheel Geneva gear马耳他十字Maltese cross脉动无级变速pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷fluctuating load铆钉rivet迷宫密封labyrinth seal密封seal密封带seal belt密封胶seal gum密封元件potted component密封装置sealing arrangement面对面安装face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 名义应力、公称应力nominal stress模块化设计modular design, MD模块式传动系统modular system模幅箱morphology box模糊集fuzzy set模糊评价fuzzy evaluation模数module摩擦friction摩擦角friction angle摩擦力friction force摩擦学设计tribology design, TD摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦力矩friction moment摩擦系数coefficient of friction摩擦圆friction circle磨损abrasion wear; scratching末端执行器end-effector目标函数objective function耐腐蚀性corrosion resistance耐磨性wear resistance挠性机构mechanism with flexible elements挠性转子flexible rotor内齿轮internal gear内齿圈ring gear内力internal force内圈inner ring能量energy能量指示图viscosity逆时针counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)啮出engaging-out啮合engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点contact points啮合角working pressure angle啮合线line of action啮合线长度length of line of action啮入engaging-in牛头刨床shaper凝固点freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力torsion stress扭矩moment of torque扭簧helical torsion spring诺模图NomogramO 形密封圈密封O ring seal盘形凸轮disk cam盘形转子disk-like rotor抛物线运动parabolic motion疲劳极限fatigue limit疲劳强度fatigue strength偏置式offset偏( 心) 距offset distance偏心率eccentricity ratio偏心质量eccentric mass偏距圆offset circle偏心盘eccentric偏置滚子从动件offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构offset slider-crank mechanism 拼接matching评价与决策evaluation and decision频率frequency平带flat belt平带传动flat belt driving平底从动件flat-face follower平底宽度face width平分线bisector平均应力average stress平均中径mean screw diameter平均速度average velocity平衡balance平衡机balancing machine平衡品质balancing quality平衡平面correcting plane平衡质量balancing mass平衡重counterweight平衡转速balancing speed平面副planar pair, flat pair平面机构planar mechanism平面运动副planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构planar linkage平面凸轮planar cam平面凸轮机构planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮parallel helical gears普通平键parallel key其他常用机构other mechanism in common use起动阶段starting period启动力矩starting torque气动机构pneumatic mechanism奇异位置singular position起始啮合点initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承gas bearing千斤顶jack嵌入键sunk key强迫振动forced vibration切齿深度depth of cut曲柄crank曲柄存在条件Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism曲柄滑块机构slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构crank-rocker mechanism曲齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gear曲率curvature曲率半径radius of curvature曲面从动件curved-shoe follower曲线拼接curve matching曲线运动curvilinear motion曲轴crank shaft驱动力driving force驱动力矩driving moment (torque)全齿高whole depth。
机械设计制造及其自动化专业英语_Unit 07 Shaper Planer Milling and Grinding Machines

Single-point cutting tools similar to the type used on the lathe [leð] are used in machining most surfaces on the shaper. Contour surfaces can be produced with either a single-point tool or a formed cutting tool.
龙门刨床与牛头 刨床类似,因为 两者都用来加工 平面或斜面。然 而,不同的是龙 门刨床适合加工 更大尺寸的工件。
In planer operations the workpiece is mounted on the table which reciprocates in a horizontal plane providing a straight-line cutting and feed action. Single-point cutting tools are mounted on an overhead cross rail and along the vertically supported columns.
推刨式牛头刨床在滑枕将刀具推入工件时切割,而 拉刨式牛头刨床是将刀具向机器拉动时切割材料。 垂直牛头刨床使用推式切割动作,有时称为开槽机 或铣键槽机。
Planers are similar to shapers because both machines are primarily used to produce flat and angular surfaces. However, planers are capable of accommodating much larger work-pieces than the shaper.

以下是机械专业英语词汇的一些示例:1. 机械设计 Mechanical design2. 机械制造 Mechanical manufacturing3. 机械加工 Mechanical machining4. 机械控制 Mechanical control5. 自动化 Automation6. 数控机床 CNC machine tools7. 机器人 Robots8. 机床数控化 CNC of machine tools9. 工具机机床 Machine tool machines10. 机械加工工艺 Mechanical processing technology11. 精密制造 Precision manufacturing12. 物料加工 Material processing13. 金属材料 Metal materials14. 金属加工 Metal processing15. 材料力学 Material mechanics16. 工程力学 Engineering mechanics17. 流体力学 Fluid mechanics18. 热力学 Thermodynamics19. 机械结构 Mechanical structure20. 机械传动 Mechanical transmission21. 机械制动 Mechanical brake22. 机械力学 Mechanical mechanics23. 工程制图 Engineering drawing24. 机械工程师 Mechanical engineer25. 机械工厂 Mechanical factory26. 机械设备 Mechanical equipment27. 机械零件 Mechanical parts28. 机械元件 Mechanical components29. 机械系统 Mechanical system30. 机械工艺 Mechanical technology31. 机械原理 Mechanical principle32. 机械参数 Mechanical parameters33. 机械性能 Mechanical properties34. 机械加工设备 Mechanical processing equipment35. 机械加工工具 Mechanical processing tools36. 机械制造设备 Mechanical manufacturing equipment37. 机械零件加工 Mechanical parts processing38. 机械零件设计 Mechanical parts design39. 锻造工艺 Forging technology40. 冲压工艺 Stamping process41. 铸造工艺 Casting process42. 加工精度 Machining accuracy43. 材料成型 Material forming44. 液压传动 Hydrodynamic transmission45. 自动控制 Automatic control46. 机械加工质量 Mechanical processing quality47. 工艺创新 Technological innovation48. 机械设计师 Mechanical designer49. 机械制造商 Mechanical manufacturer50. 机械公司 Mechanical company以上仅是机械专业英语词汇中的一部分,还有很多更加专业的术语和技术语言,仅仅掌握这些词汇远远不够。

机床行业中英文对照下面是机床行业中常见的英文对照:- 机床行业:Machine tool industry- 机床:Machine tool- 数控机床:Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tool - 金属切削机床:Metal cutting machine tool- 金属加工机床:Metal processing machine tool- 金属成型机床:Metal forming machine tool- 车床:Lathe- 铣床:Milling machine- 钻床:Drilling machine- 磨床:Grinding machine- 塑料加工机床:Plastic processing machine tool- 精密机床:Precision machine tool- 自动化机床:Automated machine tool- 机床控制系统:Machine tool control system- 数控系统:Numerical control system- 机床加工能力:Machine tool processing capacity- 加工精度:Processing accuracy- 切削速度:Cutting speed- 进给速度:Feed rate- 主轴转速:Spindle speed- 工件夹紧:Workpiece clamping- 工件定位:Workpiece positioning- 刀具选择:Tool selection- 刀具更换:Tool change- 冷却液:Coolant- 刀柄:Tool holder- 加工中心:Machining center- 排屑:Chip removal- 刀具磨损:Tool wear- 折弯机:Bending machine- 冲床:Punching machine- 压力机:Press machine- 剪板机:Shearing machine- 抛光机:Polishing machine- 螺纹机床:Thread cutting machine tool - 铸造机床:Casting machine tool- 灰铁:Gray iron- 球墨铸铁:Ductile iron- 铝合金:Aluminum alloy- 不锈钢:Stainless steel- 最大加工尺寸:Maximum processing size - 机床设计:Machine tool design- 机床制造:Machine tool manufacturing - 机床市场:Machine tool market- 机床出口:Machine tool export- 机床进口:Machine tool import- 机床行业协会:Machine tool industry association。

机床专业英语明细(部分整理)关于机床的英文翻译A.金属切削机床—Metal Cutting Machine Tools1.0 车床(含数控)--Lathe (CNC included)1.1 卧式车床—Horizontal lathes1.2 立式车床—Vertical lathes1.3 多轴车床—Multi-spindle lathes1.4 多刀车床—Multi-tool lathes1.5 超精车床—Ultra-precision turning mathines1.6 专用车床—Special purpose lathes1.7 车削中心—Turning center1.8 车/铣复合中心—Turning/Milling machines1.9 其他—Others2.0铣床(含数控)--Milling Machines (CNC included)2.1 升降台铣床—Knee type milling machines2.2 万能工具铣床—Universal tool milling machines2.3 床身式铣床—Bed type milling machines2.5 刨台式铣床—Plano milling machines2.6 多头铣床—Multi-spindle milling machines2.7 桥式/龙门式铣床—Bridge type/gantry milling machines2.8其他—Others3.0 镗床(含数控)--Boring Machines (CNC included)3.1 卧式镗床—Horizontal boring machines3.2 立式镗床—Vertical boring machines3.3 定柱式镗铣床—Fixed column boring and milling machines3.4 动柱式镗铣床—Moving column boring and milling machines3.5 龙门式镗铣床—Gantry type boring and milling machines3.6 坐标镗床—Jig boring machines3.7其他—Others4.0 钻削和攻丝机床(含数控)--Drilling and Tapping Machines(CNC ncluded) 4.1 立式钻床—Vertical drilling machines4.2 摇臂钻床—Redial drilling machines4.3 深孔钻床—Deep hole drilling machines4.4 多轴钻床—Multi-spindle drilling machines4.5 钻削中心—Drilling center4.6 攻丝机—Tapping machines4.7其他—Others5.0 磨床(含数控)--Grinding Machines(CNC included)5.1 砂带磨床—Abrasive belt grinding machines5.2 外圆磨床—Cylindrical grinding machines5.3 内圆磨床—Internal grinding machines5.4 无心磨床—Centerless grinding machines5.5 平面磨床—Surface grinding machines5.6 工具磨床—T ool grinding machines5.7 成型磨床—Form grinding machines5.8 凸轮轴和曲轴磨床—Camshaft and crankshaft grinding machines5.9 轴承专用磨床—Bearing grinding machines5.10 导轨磨床—Guideway grinding machines5.11 轧辊磨床—Roller grinding machines5.12 坐标磨床—Jig grinding machines5.13 超精磨床—Super-finishing grinding machines5.14 缓进给磨床—Creep feed grinding machines5.15 万能磨床—Universal grinding machines5.16 单盘/双盘盘端面磨床—Single/double-disk grinding machines5.17 珩磨机—Honing machines5.18 研磨/抛光/超精加工机—Lapping/polishing/super-finishing machines5.19 专用磨床—Special purpose grinding machines5.20其他—Others6.0 齿轮加工机床(含数控)--Gear Cutting Machines (CNC included)6.1 滚齿机床—Gear hobbing machines6.2 插齿机床—Gear shaping machines6.3 铣齿、切齿机床—Gear cutting machines6.4 剃齿机床—Gear shaving machines6.5 磨齿机床—Gear grinding machines6.6 王行齿机床—Gear honing and gear polishing machines6.7 齿轮倒圆机床—Gear chamfering machines6.8 齿轮去毛刺机床—Gear deburring machines6.9其他—Others7.1 圆锯机床—Circular sawing machines7.2 带锯机床—Band sawing machines7.3 弓锯机床—Hack sawing machines7.4 插床—Shaping machines7.5 拉床—Broaching machines7.6 刨床—Planning machines7.7 专用机床—Special purpose machines7.8其他—Others8.0 组合机床及组合部件(含数控)--Transfer Line &Modular Units (CNC included) 8.1 组合机床—Modular machine tools8.2 组合机床生产线—Transfer lines8.3 组合机床通用部件—Modular units8.4 旋转分度台部件—Rotary indexing table units8.5 装配机及装配自动线—Assembling machines & assembling systems8.6 专用机床及部件—Special purpose machines andcomponents8.7其他—Others9.0 加工中心及并联机床—Machining Centres and Parallel Kinematical Machines (PK M)9.1 卧式加工中心—Horizontal machining centres9.2 立式加工中心—Vertical machining centres9.3 龙门式加工中心—Gantry machining centres9.4 并联机床—Parallel kinematical machines (PKM)9.5其他—Others10.1 光饰机—Finishing machines10.2 抛光机—Polishing machines10.3 倒角机—Chamfering machines10.4 螺钉、螺母、螺纹和铆钉生产设备—Machines for production of bolts,nuts,screws and rivets10.5 平衡机—Banlancing machines。

毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(原文)Lathe来源:/wiki/LatheA lathe is a machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation.Lathes are used in woodturning, metalworking, and glassworking. Lathes can be used to shape pottery, the best-known design being the potter's wheel. Most suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also be used to produce most solids of revolution, plane surfaces and screw threads or helices. Ornamental lathes can produce three-dimensional solids of incredible complexity. The material is held in place by either one or two centers, at least one of which can be moved horizontally to accommodate varying material lengths. Examples of objects that can be produced on a lathe include cue sticks, table legs, bowls, baseball bats, crankshafts and camshafts.HistoryThe lathe is an ancient tool, dating at least to the Egyptians ,and known and used in Greece, the Roman and Byzantine Empires.The origin of turning dates to around 1300BC when the Egyptians first developed a two-person lathe. One person would turn the wood workpiece with a rope while the other used a sharp tool to cut shapes in the wood. The Romans improved the Egyptian design with the addition of a turning bow. Early bow lathes were also developed and used in Germany, France and Britain. In the Middle Ages a pedal replaced hand-operated turning, freeing both the craftsman's hands to hold the woodturning tools. The pedal was usually connected to a pole, often a straight-grained sapling. The system today is called the "spring pole" lathe. Spring pole lathes were in common use into the early 20th Century. A two-person lathe, called a "great lathe", allowed a piece to turn continuously (like today's power lathes). A master would cut the wood while an apprentice turned the crank。

附录LathesLathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod.The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed.The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or balltypes. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle.The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw.The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers.Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up to 3658mm(12 feet) are not uncommon. Most have chip pans and a built-in coolant circulating system. Smaller engine lathes-with swings usually not over 330 mm (13 inches ) –also are available in bench type, designed for the bed to be mounted on a bench on a bench or cabinet.Although engine lathes are versatile and very useful, because of the time required for changing and setting tools and for making measurements on the work piece, thy are not suitable for quantity production. Often the actual chip-production tine is less than 30% of the total cycle time. In addition, a skilled machinist is required for all the operations, and such persons are costly and often in short supply. However, much of the operator’s time is consum ed by simple, repetitious adjustments and inwatching chips being made. Consequently, to reduce or eliminate the amount of skilled labor that is required, turret lathes, screw machines, and other types of semiautomatic and automatic lathes have been highly developed and are widely used in manufacturing.2 Numerical ControlOne of the most fundamental concepts in the area of advanced manufacturing technologies is numerical control (NC). Prior to the advent of NC, all machine tools ere manually operated and controlled. Among the many limitations associated with manual control machine tools, perhaps none is more prominent than the limitation of operator skills. With manual control, the quality of the product is directly related to and limited to the skills of the operator. Numerical control represents the first major step away from human control of machine tools.Numerical control means the control of machine tools and other manufacturing systems through the use of prerecorded, written symbolic instructions. Rather than operating a machine tool, an NC technician writes a program that issues operational instructions to the machine tool. For a machine tool to be numerically controlled, it must be interfaced with a device for accepting and decoding the programmed instructions, known as a reader.Numerical control was developed to overcome the limitation of human operators, and it has done so. Numerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines, they can produce parts more uniformly, they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs are lower. The development of NC led to the development of several other innovations in manufacturing technology:Electrical discharge machining,Laser cutting,Electron beam welding.Numerical control has also made machine tools more versatile than their manually operated predecessors. An NC machine tool can automatically produce a wide of parts, each involving an assortment of widely varied and complex machining processes. Numerical control has allowed manufacturers to undertake the production of products that would not have been feasible from an economic perspective using manually controlled machine tolls and processes.Like so many advanced technologies, NC was born in the laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The concept of NC was developed in the early 1950s with funding provided by the U.S. Air Force. In its earliest stages, NC machines were able to made straight cuts efficiently and effectively.However, curved paths were a problem because the machine tool had to be programmed to undertake a series of horizontal and vertical steps to produce a curve. The shorter the straight lines making up the steps, the smoother is the curve, Each line segment in the steps had to be calculated.This problem led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. This is a special programming language for NC that uses statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions. The development of the APT language was a major step forward in the fur ther development from those used today. The machines had hardwired logic circuits. The instructional programs were written on punched paper, which was later to be replaced by magnetic plastic tape. A tape reader was used to interpret the instructions written on the tape for the machine. Together, all of this represented a giant step forward in the control of machine tools. However, there were a number of problems with NC at this point in its development.A major problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape medium. It was common for the paper tape containing the programmed instructions to break or tear during a machining process. This problem was exacerbated by the fact that each successive time a part was produced on a machine tool, the paper tape carrying the programmed instructions had to be rerun through the reader. If it was necessary to produce 100 copies of a given part, it was also necessary to run the paper tape through the reader 100 separate tines. Fragile paper tapes simply could not withstand the rigors of a shop floor environment and this kind of repeated use.This led to the development of a special magnetic plastic tape. Whereas the paper carried the programmed instructions as a series of holes punched in the tape, the plastic tape carried the instructions as a series of magnetic dots. The plastic tape was much stronger than the paper tape, which solved the problem of frequent tearing and breakage. However, it still left two other problems.The most important of these was that it was difficult or impossible to change the instructions entered on the tape. To made even the most minor adjustments in a program of instructions, it was necessary to interrupt machining operations and make a new tape. It was also still necessary to run the tape through the reader as many times as there were parts to be produced. Fortunately, computer technology became a reality and soon solved the problems of NC associated with punched paper and plastic tape.The development of a concept known as direct numerical control (DNC) solved the paper and plastic tape problems associated with numerical control by simply eliminating tape as the medium for carrying the programmed instructions. In direct numerical control, machine tools are tied, via a data transmission link, to a host computer. Programs for operating the machine tools are stored in the host computer and fed to the machine tool an needed via the data transmission linkage. Direct numerical control represented a major step forward over punched tape and plastic tape. However, it is subject to the same limitations as all technologies that depend on a host computer. When the host computer goes down, the machine tools also experience downtime. This problem led to the development of computer numerical control.3 TurningThe engine lathe, one of the oldest metal removal machines, has a number of useful and highly desirable attributes. Today these lathes are used primarily in small shops where smaller quantities rather than large production runs are encountered.The engine lathe has been replaced in today’s production shops by a wide variety of automatic lathes such as automatic of single-point tooling for maximum metal removal, and the use of form tools for finish on a par with the fastest processing equipment on the scene today.Tolerances for the engine lathe depend primarily on the skill of the operator. The design engineer must be careful in using tolerances of an experimental part that has been produced on the engine lathe by a skilled operator. In redesigning an experimental part for production, economical tolerances should be used.Turret Lathes Production machining equipment must be evaluated now, more than ever before, this criterion for establishing the production qualification of a specific method, the turret lathe merits a high rating.In designing for low quantities such as 100 or 200 parts, it is most economical to use the turret lathe. In achieving the optimum tolerances possible on the turrets lathe, the designer should strive for a minimum of operations.Automatic Screw Machines Generally, automatic screw machines fall into several categories; single-spindle automatics, multiple-spindle automatics and automatic chucking machines. Originally designed for rapid, automatic production of screws and similar threaded parts, the automatic screw machine has long since exceeded the confines of this narrow field, and today plays a vital role in the mass production of a variety of precision parts. Quantities play an important part in the economy of the parts machined on the automatic screw machine. Quantities less than on the automatic screw machine. The cost of the parts machined can be reduced if the minimum economical lot size is calculated and the proper machine is selected for these quantities.Automatic Tracer Lathes Since surface roughness depends greatly on material turned, tooling , and feeds and speeds employed, minimum tolerances that can be held on automatic tracer lathes are not necessarily the most economical tolerances.In some cases, tolerances of 0.05mm are held in continuous production using but one cut . groove width can be held to 0.125mm on some parts. Bores and single-point finishes can be held to 0.0125mm. On high-production runs where maximum output is desirable, a minimum tolerance of 0.125mm is economical on both diameter and length of turn.1.车床车床主要是为了进行车外圆、车端面和镗孔等项工作而设计的机床。

机械毕业设计英⽂外⽂翻译493五轴数控铣床翻译【附】英⽂原⽂翻译⽂献:Five-axis milling machine tool kinematic chain design and analysis作者:E.L.J. Bohez⽂献出处:International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 505–520 翻译页数:Five-axis milling machine tool kinematic chain design and analysis 1. IntroductionThe main design specifications of a machine tool can be deduced from the following principles:● The kinematics should provide sufficient flexibility inorientation and position of tool and part.● Orientation and positioning with the highest poss iblespeed.● Orientation and positioning with the highest possibleaccuracy.● Fast change of tool and workpiece.● Save for the environment.● Highest possible material removal rate.The number of axes of a machine tool normally refers to the number of degrees of freedom or the number of independent controllable motions on the machine slides.The ISO axes nomenclature recommends the use of a right-handed coordinate system, with the tool axis corresponding to the Z-axis.A three-axis milling machine has three linear slides X, Y and Z which can be positioned everywhere within the travel limit of each slide. The tool axis direction stays fixed during machining. This limits the flexibility of the tool orientation relative to the workpiece and results in a number of different set ups. To increase the flexibility in possible tool workpiece orientations, without need of re-setup, more degrees of freedom must be added. For a conventional three linear axes machine this can be achieved by providing rotational slides. Fig. 1 gives an example of a five-axis milling machine.2. Kinematic chain diagramTo analyze the machine it is very useful to make a kinematic diagram of the machine. From this kinematic (chain) diagram two groups of axes can immediately be distinguished: the workpiece carrying axes and the tool carrying axes. Fig. 2 gives the kinematic diagram of the five-axis machine in Fig. 1. As can be seen the workpiece is carried by four axes and the toolonly by one axis.The five-axis machine is similar to two cooperating robots, one robot carrying the workpiece and one robot carrying the tool.Five degrees of freedom are the minimum required to obtain maximum flexibility in tool workpiece orientation,this means that the tool and workpiece can be oriented relative to each other under any angle. The minimum required number of axes can also be understood from a rigid body kinematics point of view. To orient two rigid bodies in space relative to each other 6 degrees of freedom are needed for each body (tool and workpiece) or 12 degrees. However any common translation and rotation which does not change the relative orientation is permitted reducing the number of degrees by 6. The distance between the bodies is prescribed by the toolpath and allows elimination of an additional degree of freedom, resulting in a minimum requirement of 5 degrees.3.Literature reviewOne of the earliest (1970) and still very useful introductions to five-axis milling was given by Baughman [1]clearly stating the applications. The APT language was then the only tool to program five-axis contouring applications.The problems in postprocessing were also clearly stated by Sim [2] in those earlier days of numerical control and most issues are still valid. Boyd in Ref.[3] was also one of the early introductions. Bez iers’ book[4] is also still a very useful introduction. Held [5] gives a very brief but enlightening definition of multi-axis machining in his book on pocket milling. A recent paper applicable to the problem of five-axis machine workspace computation is the multiple sweeping using the Denawit-Hartenberg representation method developed by Abdel-Malek and Othman [6].Many types and design concepts of machine tools which can be applied to five-axis machines are discussed in Ref. [7] but not specifically for the five-axis machine.he number of setups and the optimal orientation of the part on the machine table is discussed in Ref.[8]. A review about the state of the art and new requirements for tool path generation is given by B.K. Choi et al. [9].Graphic simulation of the interaction of the tool and workpiece is also a very active area of research and a good introduction can be found in Ref. [10].4. Classification of five-axis machines’ kinematic structureStarting from Rotary (R) and Translatory (T) axes four main groups can be distinguished: (i) three T axes and two R axes; (ii) two T axes and three R axes; (iii) one T axis and four R axes and (iv) five R axes. Nearly all existing five-axis machine tools are in group (i). Also a number of welding robots, filament winding machines and laser machining centers fall in this group. Only limited instances of five-axis machine tools in group (ii)exist for the machining of ship propellers. Groups (iii)and (iv) are used in the design of robots usually with more degrees of freedom added.The five axes can be distributed between the workpiece or tool in several combinations. A first classification can be made based on the number of workpiece and tool carrying axes and the sequence of each axis in the kinematic chain.Another classification can be based on where the rotary axes are located, on the workpiece side or tool side. The five degrees of freedom in a Cartesian coordinates based machine are: three translatory movements X,Y,Z (in general represented as TTT) and two rotational movements AB, AC or BC (in general represented as RR).Combinations of three rotary axes (RRR)and two linear axes (TT) are rare. If an axis is bearing the workpiece it is the habit of noting it with an additional accent. The five-axis machine in Fig. 1 can be characterized by XYABZ. The XYAB axes carry the workpiece and the Z-axis carries the tool. Fig. 3 shows a machine of the type XYZAB , the three linear axes carry the tool and the two rotary axes carry the workpiece.5. Workspace of a five-axis machineBefore defining the workspace of the five-axis machine tool, it is appropriate to define the workspace of the tool and the workspace of the workpiece. The workspace of the tool is the space obtained by sweeping the tool reference point (e.g. tool tip) along the path of the tool carrying axes. The workspace of the workpiece carrying axes is defined in the same way (the center of the machine table can be chosen as reference point).These workspaces can be determined by computing the swept volume [6].Based on the above-definitions some quantitative parameters can be defined which are useful for comparison, selection and design of different types of machines.6.Selection criteria of a five-axis machineIt is not the objective to make a complete study on how to select or design a five-axis machine for a certain application. Only the main criteria which can be used to justify the selection of a five-axis machine are discussed.6.1. Applications of five-axis machine toolsThe applications can be classified in positioning and contouring. Figs. 12 and 13 explain the difference between five-axispositioning and five-axis contouring.6.1.1. Five-axis positioningFig. 12 shows a part with a lot of holes and flat planes under different angles, to make this part with a three axis milling machine it is not possible to process the part in one set up. If a five-axis machine is used the tool can process. More details on countouring can be found in Ref. [13]. Applications of five-axis contouring are: (i) production of blades, such as compressor and turbine blades; (ii) injectors of fuel pumps; (iii) profiles of tires; (iv) medical prosthesis such as artificial heart valves; (v) molds made of complex surfaces.6.1.2. Five-axis contouringFig. 13 shows an example of five-axis contouring, tomachine the complex shape of the surface we need to control the orientation of the tool relative to the part during cutting. The tool workpiece orientation changes in each step. The CNC controller needs to control all the five-axes simultaneously during the material removal process. More details on countouring can be found in Ref. [13]. Applications of five-axis contouring are: (i) production of blades, such as compressor and turbine blades; (ii) injectors of fuel pumps; (iii) profiles of tires; (iv) medical prosthesis such as artificial heart valves; (v)molds made of complex surfaces.6.2. Axes configuration selectionThe size and weight of the part is very important as a first criterion to design or select a configuration. Very heavy workpieces require short workpiece kinematic chains. Also there is a preference for horizontal machine tables which makes it more convenient to fix and handle the workpiece. Putting a heavy workpiece on a single rotary axis kinematic chain will increase the orientation flexibility very much. It can be observed from Fig. 4that providing a single horizontal rotary axis to carry the workpiece will make the machine more flexible. In most cases the tool carrying kinematic chains will be kept as short as possible because the toolspindle drive must also be carried.6.3.five-axes machining of jewelryA typical workpiece could be a flower shaped part as in Fig. 14. This application is clearly contouring. The part will be relatively small compared to the tool assembly. Also small diameter tools will require a high speed spindle. A horizontalrotary table would be a very good option as the operator will have a good view of the part (with range 360°). All axes as workpiece carrying axes would be a good choice because the toolspindlecould be fixed and made very rigid. There are 20 ways in which the axes can be combined in the workpiece kinematic chain (Section 4.2.1). Here only two kinematic chains will be considered. Case one will be a T T T R R kinematic chain shown in Fig. 15. Case two will be a R R T T T kinematic chain shown in Fig.16.For model I a machine with a range of X=300mmY=250 mm, Z=200 mm, C=n 360° and A=360°, and a machine tool table of 100 mm diameter will be considered. For this kinematic chain the tool workspace is a single point. The set of tool reference points which can be selected is also small. With the above machine travel ranges the workpiece workspace will be the space swept by the center of the machine table. If the centerline of the two rotary axes intersect in the reference point, a prismatic workpiece workspace will be obtained with as size XYZ or 300×250×200 mm3. If the centerlines of the two rotary axes do not intersect in the workpiece reference point then the workpiece workspace will be larger.It will be a prismatic shape with rounded edges. The radius of this rounded edge is the excentricity of the bworkpiece reference point relative to each centerline. Model II in Fig. 15 has the rotary axes at the beginning of the kinematic chain (R R T T T ). Here also two different values of the rotary axes excentricity will be considered. The same range of the axes as in model I is considered. The parameters defined in Section 5 are computed for each model and excentricity and summarized in Table 1. It can be seen that with the rotary axes at the end of the kinematic chain (model I), a much smaller machine tool workspace is obtained. There are two main reasons for this. The swept volume of the tool and workpiece WSTOOL WSWORK is much smaller for model I. The second reason is due to the fact that a large part of the machine tool workspace cannot be used in the case of model I, because of interference with the linear axes. The workspace utilization factor however is larger for the model I with no excentricity because the union of the tool workspace and workpiece workspace is relatively smaller compared with model I with excentricity e=50 mm. The orientation space index is the same for both cases if the table diameter is kept the same. Model II can handle much larger workpieces for the same range of linear axes as in model I. The rotary axes are here in the beginning of the kinematic chain, resulting in a much larger machine tool workspace then for model I. Also there is much less interference of the machine tool workspace with the slides. The other 18 possible kinematicchain selections will give index values somewhat in between the above cases.6.4. rotary table selectionTwo machines with the same kinematic diagram (T T R R T) and the same range of travel in the linear axes will be compared (Fig. 17). There are two options for the rotary axes: two-axis table with vertical table (model I), two-axis table with horizontal table (model II). Tables 2 and 3 give the comparison of the important features. It can be observed that reducing the range of the rotary axes increases the machine tool workspace. So model I will be more suited for smaller workpieces with operations which require a large orientation range, typically contouring applications. Model II will be suited for larger workpieces with less variation in tool orientation or will require two setups. This extra setup requirement could be of less importance then the larger size. The horizontal table can use pallets which transform the internal setup to external setup. The larger angle range in the B-axes 105 to +105, Fig. 17. Model I and model II T T R R T machines. compared to 45 to +20, makes model I more suited for complex sculptured surfaces, also because the much higher angular speed range of the vertical angular table. The option with the highest spindle speed should be selected and it will permit the use of smaller cutter diameters resulting in less undercut and smaller cutting forces. The high spindle speed will make the cutting of copper electrodes for die sinking EDM machines easier. The vertical table is also better for the chip removal. The large range of angular orientation, however, reduces the maximum size of the workpiece to about 300 mm and 100 kg. Model II with the same linear axes range as model I, but much smaller range in the rotation, can easily handle a workpiece of double size and weight. Model II will be good for positioning applications. Model I cannot be provided with automaticworkpiece exchange, making it less suitable for mass production. Model II has automatic workpiece exchange and is suitable for mass production of position applications. Model I could, however, be selected for positioning applications for parts such as hydraulic valve housings which are small and would require a large angular range.7.New machine concepts based on the Stewart platformConventional machine tool structures are based on Carthesian coordinates. Many surface contouring applications can be machined in optimal conditions only with five-axis machines. This five-axis machine structure requires two additional rotary axes. To make accurate machines, with the required stiffness, able to carry large workpieces, very heavy and large machines are required. As can be seen from the kinematic chain diagram of the classical five-axis machine design the first axis in the chain carries all the subsequent axes. So the dynamic responce will be limited by the combined inertia. A mechanism which can move the workpiece without having to carry the other axes would be the ideal. A new design concept is the use of a‘HEXAPOD’. Stewart [16] described the hexapod principle in 1965. It was first constructed by Gough and Whitehall [20] in 1954 and served as tire tester. Many possible uses were proposed but it was only applied to flight simulator platforms. Thereason was the complexity of the control of the six actuators. Recently with the amazing increase of speed and reduction in cost of computing, the Stewart platform is used by two American Companies in the design of new machine tools. The first machine is the VARIAX machine from the company Giddings and Lewis, USA. The second machine is the HEXAPOD from the Ingersoll company, USA. The systematic design of Hexapods and other similar systems is discussed in Ref. [17]. The problem of defining and determining the workspace of virtual axis machine tools is discussed in Ref. [18]. It can be observed from the design of the machine that once the position of the tool carrying plane is determined uniquely by the CL date (point + vector), it is still possible to rotate the tool carrying platform around the tool axis. This results in a large number of possible length combinations of the telescopic actuators for the same CL data.8.ConclusionTheoretically there are large number of ways in which a five-axis machine can be built. Nearly all classical Cartesian five-axis machines belong to the group with three linear and two rotational axes or three rotational axes and two linear axes. This group can be subdivided in six subgroups each with 720 instances.If only the instances with three linear axes are considered there are still 360instances in each group. The instances are differentiated based on the order of the axes in both tool and workpiece carrying kinematic chain.If only the location of the rotary axes in the tool and workpiece kinematic chain is considered for grouping five-axis machines withthree linear axes and two rotational axes, three groups can be distinguished. In the first group the two rotary axes are implemented in the workpiece kinematic chain. In the second group the two rotary axes are implemented in the tool kinematic chain.In the third group there is one rotary axis in each kinematic chain. Each group still has twenty possible instances.To determine the best instance for a specific application area is a complex issue. To facilitate this some indexes for comparison have been defined such as the machine tool workspace, workspace utilization factor, orientation space index, orientation angle index and machine tool space efficiency. An algorithm to compute the machine tool workspace and the diameter of the largest spherical dome which can be machined on the machine was outlined.The use of these indexes for two examples was discussed in detail. The first example considers the design of a five-axis machine for jewelry machining. The second example illustrates the selection of the rotary axes options in the case of a machine with the same range in linear axes.翻译题名:Five-axis milling machine tool kinematic chain design and analysis期刊与作者:E.L.J. Bohez出版社:International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002) 505–520●英⽂译⽂摘要:现如今五轴数控加⼯中⼼已经⾮常普及。

英文原文CNC machine toolsWhile the specific intention and application for CNC machines vary from one machine type to another, all forms of CNC have common benefits. Here are but a few of the more important benefits offered by CNC equipment.The first benefit offered by all forms of CNC machine tools is improved automation. The operator intervention related to producing workpieces can be reduced or eliminated. Many CNC machines can run unattended during their entire machining cycle, freeing the operator to do other tasks. This gives the CNC user several side benefits including reduced operator fatigue, fewer mistakes caused by human error, and consistent and predictable machining time for each workpiece. Since the machine will be running under program control, the skill level required of the CNC operator (related to basic machining practice) is also reduced as compared to a machinist producing workpieces with conventional machine tools.The second major benefit of CNC technology is consistent and accurate workpieces. Today's CNC machines boast almost unbelievable accuracy and repeatability specifications. This means that once a program is verified, two, ten, or one thousand identical workpieces can be easily produced with precision and consistency.A third benefit offered by most forms of CNC machine tools is flexibility. Since these machines are run from programs, running a different workpiece is almost as easy as loading a different program. Once a program has been verified and executed for one production run, it can be easily recalled the next time the workpiece is to be run. This leads to yet another benefit, fast change over. Since these machines are very easy to set up and run, and since programs can be easily loaded, they allow very short setup time. This is imperative with today's just-in-time (JIT) product requirements.Motion control - the heart of CNCThe most basic function of any CNC machine is automatic, precise, and consistent motion control. Rather than applying completely mechanical devices to cause motion as is required on most conventional machine tools, CNC machines allow motion control in a revolutionary manner2. All forms of CNC equipment have two or more directions of motion, called axes. These axes can be precisely and automatically positioned along their lengths of travel. The two most common axis types are linear (driven along a straight path)and rotary (driven along a circular path).Instead of causing motion by turning cranks and handwheels as is required on conventional machine tools, CNC machines allow motions to be commanded through programmed commands. Generally speaking, the motion type (rapid, linear, and circular), the axes to move, the amount of motion and the motion rate (feedrate) are programmable with almost all CNC machine tools.A CNC command executed within the control tells the drive motor to rotate a precise number of times. The rotation of the drive motor in turn rotates the ball screw. And the ball screw drives the linear axis (slide). A feedback device (linear scale) on the slide allows the control to confirm that the commanded number of rotations has taken place3. Refer to fig.1.Fig.1Though a rather crude analogy, the same basic linear motion can be found on a common table vise. As you rotate the vise crank, you rotate a lead screw that, in turn, drives the movable jaw on the vise. By comparison, a linear axis on a CNC machine tool is extremely precise. The number of revolutions of the axis drive motor precisely controls the amount of linear motion along the axis.How axis motion is commanded - understanding coordinate systemsIt would be infeasible for the CNC user to cause axis motion by trying to tell each axis drive motor how many times to rotate in order to command a given linear motion amount4. (This would be like having to figure out how many turns of the handle on a table vise will cause the movable jaw to move exactly one inch!) Instead, all CNC controls allow axis motion to be commanded in a much simpler and more logical way by utilizing some form of coordinate system. The two most popular coordinate systems used with CNC machines are the rectangular coordinate system and the polar coordinate system. By far, the more popular of these two is the rectangular coordinate system.The program zero point establishes the point of reference for motion commands in a CNC program. This allows the programmer to specify movements from a common location.If program zero is chosen wisely, usually coordinates needed for the program can be taken directly from the print.With this technique, if the programmer wishes the tool to be sent to a position one inch to the right of the program zero point, X1.0 is commanded. If the programmer wishes the tool to move to a position one inch above the program zero point, Y1.0 is commanded. The control will automatically determine how many times to rotate each axis drive motor and ball screw to make the axis reach the commanded destination point . This lets the programmer command axis motion in a very logical manner. Refer to fig.2, 3.Fig.2Fig.3All discussions to this point assume that the absolute mode of programming is used6. The most common CNC word used to designate the absolute mode is G90. In the absolute mode, the end points for all motions will be specified from the program zero point. For beginners, this is usually the best and easiest method of specifying end points for motion commands. However, there is another way of specifying end points for axis motion.In the incremental mode (commonly specified by G91), end points for motions are specified from the tool's current position, not from program zero. With this method of commanding motion, the programmer must always be asking "How far should I move the tool?" While there are times when the incremental mode can be very helpful, generally speaking, this is the more cumbersome and difficult method of specifying motion and beginners should concentrate on using the absolute mode.Be careful when making motion commands. Beginners have the tendency to think incrementally. If working in the absolute mode (as beginners should), the programmer should always be asking "To what position should the tool be moved?" This position is relative to program zero, NOT from the tools current position.Aside from making it very easy to determine the current position for any command, another benefit of working in the absolute mode has to do with mistakes made during motion commands. In the absolute mode, if a motion mistake is made in one command of the program, only one movement will be incorrect. On the other hand, if a mistake is made during incremental movements, all motions from the point of the mistake will also be incorrect.Assigning program zeroKeep in mind that the CNC control must be told the location of the program zero point by one means or another. How this is done varies dramatically from one CNC machine and control to another8. One (older) method is to assign program zero in the program. With this method, the programmer tells the control how far it is from the program zero point to the starting position of the machine. This is commonly done with a G92 (or G50) command at least at the beginning of the program and possibly at the beginning of each tool.Another, newer and better way to assign program zero is through some form of offset. Refer to fig.4. Commonly machining center control manufacturers call offsets used to assign program zero fixture offsets. Turning center manufacturers commonly call offsets used to assign program zero for each tool geometry offsets.Fig. 4Flexible manufacturing cellsA flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) can be considered as a flexible manufacturing subsystem. The following differences exist between the FMC and the FMS:1.An FMC is not under the direct control of thecentral computer. Instead, instructions from the centralcomputer are passed to the cell controller.2.The cell is limited in the number of part families itcan manufacture.The following elements are normally found in an FMC:•Cell controller•Programmable logic controller (PLC)•More than one machine tool•A materials handling device (robot or pallet)The FMC executes fixed machining operations with parts flowing sequentially between operations.High speed machiningThe term High Speed Machining (HSM) commonly refers to end milling at high rotational speeds and high surface feeds. For instance, the routing of pockets in aluminum airframe sections with a very high material removal rate1. Over the past 60 years, HSM has been applied to a wide range of metallic and non-metallic workpiece materials, including the production of components with specific surface topography requirements and machining of materials with hardness of 50 HRC and above. With most steel components hardened to approximately 32-42 HRC, machining options currently include: Rough machining and semi-finishing of the material in its soft (annealed) condition heat treatment to achieve the final required hardness = 63 HRC machining of electrodes and Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of specific parts of dies and moulds (specifically small radii and deep cavities with limited accessibility for metal cutting tools) finishing and super-finishing of cylindrical/flat/cavity surfaces with appropriate cemented carbide, cermet, solid carbide, mixed ceramic or polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) For many components, the production process involves a combination of these options and in the case of dies and moulds it also includes time consuming hand finishing. Consequently, production costs can be high and lead times excessive.It is typical in the die and mould industry to produce one or just a few tools of the same design. The process involves constant changes to the design, and because of these changes there is also a corresponding need for measuring and reverse engineering .The main criteria is the quality level of the die or mould regarding dimensional, geometric and surface accuracy. If the quality level after machining is poor and if it cannot meet the requirements, there will be a varying need of manual finishing work. This work produces satisfactory surface accuracy, but it always has a negative impact on the dimensional and geometric accuracy.One of the main aims for the die and mould industry has been, and still is, to reduce or eliminate the need for manual polishing and thus improve the quality and shorten the production costs and lead times.Main economical and technical factors for the development of HSMSurvivalThe ever increasing competition in the marketplace is continually setting new standards. The demands on time and cost efficiency is getting higher and higher. This has forced the development of new processes and production techniques to take place. HSMprovides hope and solutions...MaterialsThe development of new, more difficult to machine materials has underlined the necessity to find new machining solutions. The aerospace industry has its heat resistant and stainless steel alloys. The automotive industry has different bimetal compositions, Compact Graphite Iron and an ever increasing volume of aluminum3. The die and mould industry mainly has to face the problem of machining high hardened tool steels, from roughing to finishing.QualityThe demand for higher component or product quality is the result of ever increasing competition. HSM, if applied correctly, offers a number of solutions in this area. Substitution of manual finishing is one example, which is especially important on dies and moulds or components with a complex 3D geometry.ProcessesThe demands on shorter throughput times via fewer setups and simplified flows (logistics) can in most cases, be solved by HSM. A typical target within the die and mould industry is to completely machine fully hardened small sized tools in one setup. Costly and time consuming EDM processes can also be reduced or eliminated with HSM.Design & developmentOne of the main tools in today's competition is to sell products on the value of novelty. The average product life cycle on cars today is 4 years, computers and accessories 1.5 years, hand phones 3 months... One of the prerequisites of this development of fast design changes and rapid product development time is the HSM technique.Complex productsThere is an increase of multi-functional surfaces on components, such as new design of turbine blades giving new and optimized functions and features. Earlier designs allowed polishing by hand or with robots (manipulators). Turbine blades with new, more sophisticated designs have to be finished via machining and preferably by HSM . There are also more and more examples of thin walled workpieces that have to be machined (medical equipment, electronics, products for defence, computer parts)Production equipmentThe strong development of cutting materials, holding tools, machine tools, controlsand especially CAD/CAM features and equipment, has opened possibilities that must be met with new production methods and techniques5.Definition of HSMSalomon's theory, "Machining with high cutting speeds..." on which, in 1931, took out a German patent, assumes that "at a certain cutting speed (5-10 times higher than in conventional machining), the chip removal temperature at the cutting edge will start to decrease..."Given the conclusion:" ... seems to give a chance to improve productivity in machining with conventional tools at high cutting speeds..."Modern research, unfortunately, has not been able to verify this theory totally. There is a relative decrease of the temperature at the cutting edge that starts at certain cutting speeds for different materials.The decrease is small for steel and cast iron. But larger for aluminum and other non-ferrous metals. The definition of HSM must be based on other factors.Given today's technology, "high speed" is generally accepted to mean surface speeds between 1 and 10 kilometers per minute or roughly 3 300 to 33 000 feet per minute. Speeds above 10 km/min are in the ultra-high speed category, and are largely the realm of experimental metal cutting. Obviously, the spindle rotations required to achieve these surface cutting speeds are directly related to the diameter of the tools being used. One trend which is very evident today is the use of very large cutter diameters for these applications - and this has important implications for tool design.There are many opinions, many myths and many different ways to define HSM. Maintenance and troubleshootingMaintenance for a horizontal MCThe following is a list of required regular maintenance for a Horizontal Machining Center as shown in fig.5. Listed are the frequency of service, capacities, and type of fluids required. These required specifications must be followed in order to keep your machine in good working order and protect your warranty.fig. 5DailyTop off coolant level every eight hour shift (especially during heavy TSC usage).Check way lube lubrication tank level.Clean chips from way covers and bottom pan.Clean chips from tool changer.Wipe spindle taper with a clean cloth rag and apply light oil.Weekly•C heck for proper operation of auto drain on filter regulator.On machines with the TSC option, clean the chip basket on the coolant tank.Remove the tank cover and remove any sediment inside the tank. Be careful to disconnect the coolant pump from the controller and POWER OFF the control before working on the coolant tank . Do this monthly for machines without the TSC option.Check air gauge/regulator for 85 psi.For machines with the TSC option, place a dab of grease on the V-flange of tools. Do this monthly for machines without the TSC option.Clean exterior surfaces with mild cleaner. DO NOT use solvents.Check the hydraulic counterbalance pressure according to the machine's specifications.Place a dab of grease on the outside edge of the fingers of the tool changer and run through all tools".MonthlyCheck oil level in gearbox. Add oil until oil begins dripping from over flow tube at bottom of sump tank.Clean pads on bottom of pallets.Clean the locating pads on the A-axis and the load station. This requires removing the pallet.•I nspect way covers for proper operation and lubricate with light oil, if necessary.Six monthsReplace coolant and thoroughly clean the coolant tank.Check all hoses and lubrication lines for cracking.Annually•R eplace the gearbox oil. Drain the oil from the gearbox, and slowly refill it with 2 quarts of Mobil DTE 25 oil.•C heck oil filter and clean out residue at bottom for the lubrication chart.Replace air filter on control box every 2 years.Mineral cutting oils will damage rubber based components throughout the machine.TroubleshootingThis section is intended for use in determining the solution to a known problem. Solutions given are intended to give the individual servicing the CNC a pattern to follow in, first, determining the problem's source and, second, solving the problem.Use common senseMany problems are easily overcome by correctly evaluating the situation. All machine operations are composed of a program, tools, and tooling. You must look at all three before blaming one as the fault area. If a bored hole is chattering because of an overextended boring bar, don't expect the machine to correct the fault.Don't suspect machine accuracy if the vise bends the part. Don't claim hole mis-positioning if you don't first center-drill the hole.Find the problem firstMany mechanics tear into things before they understand the problem, hoping that it will appear as they go. We know this from the fact that more than half of all warranty returned parts are in good working order. If the spindle doesn't turn, remember that the spindle is connected to the gear box, which is connected to the spindle motor, which is driven by the spindle drive, which is connected to the I/O BOARD, which is driven by the MOCON, which is driven by the processor. The moral here is don't replace the spindle drive if the belt is broken. Find the problem first; don't just replace the easiest part to get to.Don tinker with the machineThere are hundreds of parameters, wires, switches, etc., that you can change in this machine. Don't start randomly changing parts and parameters. Remember, there is a good chance that if you change something, you will incorrectly install it or break something else in the process6. Consider for a moment changing the processor's board. First, you have to download all parameters, remove a dozen connectors, replace the board, reconnect and reload, and if you make one mistake or bend one tiny pin it WON'T WORK. You always need to consider the risk of accidentally damaging the machine anytime you work on it. It is cheap insurance to double-check a suspect part before physically changing it. The less work you do on the machine the better.英文译文数控机床虽然各种数控机床的功能和应用各不相同,但它们有着共同的优点。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:English For Electromechanical(用外文写)Engineering附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

机械专业常用词汇翻译1. Introduction机械专业是一个重要的工程领域,涉及各种机械设备、制造工艺和相关技术。
2. 机械部件和设备以下是机械专业中常用的部件和设备的词汇翻译:•机床:Machine tool•机械臂:Robotic arm•传送带:Conveyor belt•齿轮:Gear•轴承:Bearing•轴:Shaft•螺丝:Screw•螺母:Nut•锁紧螺母:Locknut•螺栓:Bolt•螺母:Nut•螺旋弹簧:Coil spring•缸体:Cylinder block•活塞:Piston•液压系统:Hydraulic system •气压系统:Pneumatic system •水冷系统:Water cooling system •电机:Motor•发动机:Engine•减速器:Reducer•离合器:Clutch•制动器:Brake•摩擦片:Friction disk•活门:Valve•曲柄连杆机构:Crankshaft mechanism•曲线轴承:Cam bearing•铣床:Milling machine•钻床:Drilling machine•磨床:Grinding machine•压力机:Press machine•液压机:Hydraulic press•塑料注塑机:Plastic injection molding machine •金属切割机:Metal cutting machine•金属冲压机:Metal stamping machine 3. 制造工艺以下是机械专业中常用的制造工艺的词汇翻译:•制造工艺:Manufacturing process•机械加工:Machining•铣削:Milling•铣床加工:Milling machine process•钻削:Drilling•钻床加工:Drilling machine process•磨削:Grinding•磨床加工:Grinding machine process•冲压:Stamping•冲压机加工:Stamping machine process•注塑:Injection molding•注塑机加工:Injection molding machine process •焊接:Welding•焊接工艺:Welding process•铆接:Riveting•铆接工艺:Riveting process•激光切割:Laser cutting•激光切割工艺:Laser cutting process•激光焊接:Laser welding•激光焊接工艺:Laser welding process•表面处理:Surface treatment•镀膜:Plating•镀膜工艺:Plating process•喷涂:Spraying•喷涂工艺:Spraying process4. 测量和控制以下是机械专业中常用的测量和控制相关的词汇翻译:•测量:Measurement•控制:Control•传感器:Sensor•仪表:Instrument•数字显示器:Digital display•仪表盘:Dashboard•电气控制系统:Electrical control system•自动控制系统:Automatic control system•PLC:Programmable logic controller•CNC:Computer numerical control•示波器:Oscilloscope•流量计:Flow meter•压力计:Pressure gauge•温度计:Thermometer•液位计:Level gauge•压力传感器:Pressure sensor•温度传感器:Temperature sensor •位置传感器:Position sensor•加速度计:Accelerometer•加速度传感器:Accelerometer sensor •控制阀:Control valve•电动阀门:Electric valve•运动控制:Motion control•频率控制:Frequency control5. 结论本文档提供了机械专业常用词汇的翻译参考,方便机械专业学习者更好地理解和运用机械专业知识。

常用“机床”类英语铣床milling machine 仿形铣床copy milling machine 刨床shaping machine 仿形刨床copy shaping machine 加工制造中心machine center 钻床drilling machine车床 lathe 仿形车床copy lathe平面磨床surface grinder3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床boring machine 搪孔机cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 die spotting machine 合模机cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床drilling machine 钻孔机 engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机NC lathe NC车床horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机NC drilling machine NC钻床horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心 lap machine 研磨机internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床 planer 龙门刨床jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机jig grinding machine 冶具磨床multi model miller 靠磨铣NC grinding machine 磨床profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床radial drilling machine 旋臂?床 shaper 牛头刨床surface grinder 平面磨床 try machine 试模机turret lathe 转塔车床universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心 wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机。

机械专业中英文对照后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳固性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design 有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑操纵器Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changesAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet 栈板barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket 导电条front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis 基座bezel panel 面板power button 电源按键reset button 重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts 塑胶件SOP 制造作业程序material check list 物料检查表work cell 工作间trolley 台车carton 纸箱sub-line 支线left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单location地点present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description缘故说明part number/ P/N 料号type形状item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis缘故分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破裂机阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD不平稳相位phase angle of unbalance不平稳imbalance (or unbalance)不平稳量amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及操纵装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points重合度contact ratio冲床punch传动比transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置gearing; transmission gear传动系统driven system传动角transmission angle传动轴transmission shaft串联式组合combination in series串联式组合机构series combined mechanism串级调速cascade speed control创新innovation creation创新设计creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷normal load唇形橡胶密封lip rubber seal磁流体轴承magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮driven pulley从动件driven link, follower从动件平底宽度width of flat-face从动件停歇follower dwell从动件运动规律follower motion从动轮driven gear粗线bold line粗牙螺纹coarse thread大齿轮gear wheel打包机packer打滑slipping带传动belt driving带轮belt pulley带式制动器band brake单列轴承single row bearing单向推力轴承single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节single universal joint单位矢量unit vector当量齿轮equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷equivalent load刀具cutter 导数derivative倒角chamfer导热性conduction of heat导程lead导程角lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮constant-breadth cam等效构件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment of force等效量equivalent等效质量equivalent mass等效转动惯量equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型dynamically equivalent model底座chassis低副lower pair点划线chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀pitting垫圈gasket垫片密封gasket seal碟形弹簧belleville spring顶隙bottom clearance定轴轮系ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学dynamics动密封kinematical seal动能dynamic energy动力粘度dynamic viscosity动力润滑dynamic lubrication动平稳dynamic balance动平稳机dynamic balancing machine动态特性dynamic characteristics动态分析设计dynamic analysis design动压力dynamic reaction动载荷dynamic load端面transverse plane端面参数transverse parameters端面齿距transverse circular pitch端面齿廓transverse tooth profile端面重合度transverse contact ratio端面模数transverse module端面压力角transverse pressure angle锻造forge对称循环应力symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism多列轴承multi-row bearing多楔带poly V-belt多项式运动规律polynomial motion多质量转子rotor with several masses惰轮idle gear额定寿命rating life额定载荷load ratingII 级杆组dyad发生线generating line发生面generating plane法面normal plane法面参数normal parameters法面齿距normal circular pitch法面模数normal module法面压力角normal pressure angle法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆straight sided normal worm法向力normal force反馈式组合feedback combining反向运动学inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法kinematic inversion反正切Arctan范成法generating cutting仿形法form cutting方案设计、概念设计concept design, CD防振装置shockproof device飞轮flywheel飞轮矩moment of flywheel非标准齿轮nonstandard gear非接触式密封non-contact seal非周期性速度波动aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮non-circular gear粉末合金powder metallurgy分度线reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角lead angle at reference cylinder 分度圆柱螺旋角helix angle at reference cylinder 分母denominator分子numerator分度圆锥reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法analytical method封闭差动轮系planetary differential复合铰链compound hinge复合式组合compound combining复合轮系compound (or combined) gear train复合平带compound flat belt复合应力combined stress复式螺旋机构Compound screw mechanism复杂机构complex mechanism杆组Assur group干涉interference刚度系数stiffness coefficient刚轮rigid circular spline钢丝软轴wire soft shaft刚体导引机构body guidance mechanism刚性冲击rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子rigid rotor刚性轴承rigid bearing刚性联轴器rigid coupling高度系列height series高速带high speed belt高副higher pair格拉晓夫定理Grashoff`s law根切undercutting公称直径nominal diameter高度系列height series功work工况系数application factor工艺设计technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram工作机构operation mechanism工作载荷external loads工作空间working space工作应力working stress工作阻力effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line公共约束general constraint公制齿轮metric gears功率power功能分析设计function analyses design共轭齿廓conjugate profiles共轭凸轮conjugate cam构件link鼓风机blower固定构件fixed link; frame固体润滑剂solid lubricant关节型操作器jointed manipulator惯性力inertia force惯性力矩moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平稳balance of shaking force惯性力完全平稳full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平稳partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩resultant moment of inertia惯性主失resultant vector of inertia冠轮crown gear广义机构generation mechanism广义坐标generalized coordinate轨迹生成path generation轨迹发生器path generator滚刀hob滚道raceway滚动体rolling element滚动轴承rolling bearing滚动轴承代号rolling bearing identification code 滚针needle roller滚针轴承needle roller bearing滚子roller滚子轴承roller bearing滚子半径radius of roller滚子从动件roller follower滚子链roller chain滚子链联轴器double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器roller clutch过度切割undercutting函数发生器function generator函数生成function generation含油轴承oil bearing耗油量oil consumption耗油量系数oil consumption factor赫兹公式H. Hertz equation合成弯矩resultant bending moment合力resultant force合力矩resultant moment of force黑箱black box横坐标abscissa互换性齿轮interchangeable gears 花键spline滑键、导键feather key滑动轴承sliding bearing滑动率sliding ratio滑块slider环面蜗杆toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧annular spring缓冲装置shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁grey cast iron回程return回转体平稳balance of rotors混合轮系compound gear train积分integrate机电一体化系统设计mechanical-electrical integration system design机构mechanism机构分析analysis of mechanism机构平稳balance of mechanism机构学mechanism机构运动设计kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合synthesis of mechanism机构组成constitution of mechanism机架frame, fixed link机架变换kinematic inversion机器machine机器人robot机器人操作器manipulator机器人学robotics技术过程technique process技术经济评判technical and economic evaluation技术系统technique system机械machinery机械创新设计mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计dynamic design of machinery机械动力学dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计modern machine design机械系统mechanical system机械利益mechanical advantage机械平稳balance of machinery机械手manipulator机械设计machine design; mechanical design机械特性mechanical behavior机械调速mechanical speed governors机械效率mechanical efficiency机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不平均系数coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构fundamental mechanism差不多额定寿命basic rating life基于实例设计case-based design,CBD基圆base circle基圆半径radius of base circle基圆齿距base pitch基圆压力角pressure angle of base circle基圆柱base cylinder基圆锥base cone急回机构quick-return mechanism急回特性quick-return characteristics急回系数advance-to return-time ratio急回运动quick-return motion棘轮ratchet棘轮机构ratchet mechanism棘爪pawl极限位置extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions运算机辅助设计computer aided design, CAD运算机辅助制造computer aided manufacturing, CAM运算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS运算力矩factored moment; calculation moment运算弯矩calculated bending moment加权系数weighting efficient加速度acceleration加速度分析acceleration analysis加速度曲线acceleration diagram尖点pointing; cusp尖底从动件knife-edge follower间隙backlash间歇运动机构intermittent motion mechanism减速比reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置reduction gear减速器speed reducer减摩性anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面involute helicoid渐开线involute渐开线齿廓involute profile 渐开线齿轮involute gear渐开线发生线generating line of involute渐开线方程involute equation渐开线函数involute function渐开线蜗杆involute worm渐开线压力角pressure angle of involute渐开线花键involute spline简谐运动simple harmonic motion键key键槽keyway交变应力repeated stress交变载荷repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮crossed helical gears胶合scoring角加速度angular acceleration角速度angular velocity角速比angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承angular contact thrust bearing角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing角接触轴承angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽hinge校正平面correcting plane接触应力contact stress接触式密封contact seal阶梯轴multi-diameter shaft结构structure结构设计structural design截面section节点pitch point节距circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线pitch line节圆pitch circle节圆齿厚thickness on pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter节圆锥pitch cone节圆锥角pitch cone angle解析设计analytical design紧边tight-side紧固件fastener径节diametral pitch径向radial direction径向当量动载荷dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷static equivalent radial load径向差不多额定动载荷basic dynamic radial loadrating径向差不多额定静载荷basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承radial contact bearing径向平面radial plane径向游隙radial internal clearance径向载荷radial load径向载荷系数radial load factor径向间隙clearance静力static force静平稳static balance静载荷static load静密封static seal局部自由度passive degree of freedom矩阵matrix矩形螺纹square threaded form锯齿形螺纹buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器square-jaw positive-contact clutch绝对尺寸系数absolute dimensional factor绝对运动absolute motion绝对速度absolute velocity均衡装置load balancing mechanism抗压强度compression strength开口传动open-belt drive开式链open kinematic chain开链机构open chain mechanism可靠度degree of reliability可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design, RD空气弹簧air spring空间机构spatial mechanism空间连杆机构spatial linkage空间凸轮机构spatial cam空间运动副spatial kinematic pair空间运动链spatial kinematic chain空转idle宽度系列width series框图block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力centrifugal force离心应力centrifugal stress离合器clutch离心密封centrifugal seal理论廓线pitch curve理论啮合线theoretical line of action 隶属度membership力force力多边形force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism力矩moment力平稳equilibrium力偶couple力偶矩moment of couple连杆connecting rod, coupler连杆机构linkage连杆曲线coupler-curve连心线line of centers链chain链传动装置chain gearing链轮sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel联组V 带tight-up V belt联轴器coupling shaft coupling两维凸轮two-dimensional cam临界转速critical speed六杆机构six-bar linkage龙门刨床double Haas planer轮坯blank轮系gear train螺杆screw螺距thread pitch螺母screw nut螺旋锥齿轮helical bevel gear螺钉screws螺栓bolts螺纹导程lead螺纹效率screw efficiency螺旋传动power screw螺旋密封spiral seal螺纹thread (of a screw)螺旋副helical pair螺旋机构screw mechanism螺旋角helix angle螺旋线helix ,helical line绿色设计green design design for environment马耳他机构Geneva wheel Geneva gear马耳他十字Maltese cross脉动无级变速pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷fluctuating load铆钉rivet迷宫密封labyrinth seal密封seal密封带seal belt密封胶seal gum密封元件potted component密封装置sealing arrangement面对面安装face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计design for product`s life cycle, DPLC名义应力、公称应力nominal stress模块化设计modular design, MD模块式传动系统modular system模幅箱morphology box模糊集fuzzy set模糊评判fuzzy evaluation模数module摩擦friction摩擦角friction angle摩擦力friction force摩擦学设计tribology design, TD摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦力矩friction moment摩擦系数coefficient of friction摩擦圆friction circle磨损abrasion wear; scratching末端执行器end-effector目标函数objective function耐腐蚀性corrosion resistance耐磨性wear resistance挠性机构mechanism with flexible elements挠性转子flexible rotor内齿轮internal gear内齿圈ring gear内力internal force内圈inner ring能量energy能量指示图viscosity逆时针counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)啮出engaging-out啮合engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点contact points啮合角working pressure angle啮合线line of action啮合线长度length of line of action啮入engaging-in 牛头刨床shaper凝固点freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力torsion stress扭矩moment of torque扭簧helical torsion spring诺模图NomogramO 形密封圈密封O ring seal盘形凸轮disk cam盘形转子disk-like rotor抛物线运动parabolic motion疲劳极限fatigue limit疲劳强度fatigue strength偏置式offset偏( 心) 距offset distance偏心率eccentricity ratio偏心质量eccentric mass偏距圆offset circle偏心盘eccentric偏置滚子从动件offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构offset slider-crank mechanism 拼接matching评判与决策evaluation and decision频率frequency平带flat belt平带传动flat belt driving平底从动件flat-face follower平底宽度face width平分线bisector平均应力average stress平均中径mean screw diameter平均速度average velocity平稳balance平稳机balancing machine平稳品质balancing quality平稳平面correcting plane平稳质量balancing mass平稳重counterweight平稳转速balancing speed平面副planar pair, flat pair平面机构planar mechanism平面运动副planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构planar linkage平面凸轮planar cam平面凸轮机构planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮parallel helical gears一般平键parallel key其他常用机构other mechanism in common use起动时期starting period启动力矩starting torque气动机构pneumatic mechanism奇特位置singular position起始啮合点initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承gas bearing千斤顶jack嵌入键sunk key强迫振动forced vibration切齿深度depth of cut曲柄crank曲柄存在条件Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism 曲柄滑块机构slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism曲柄摇杆机构crank-rocker mechanism曲齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gear曲率curvature曲率半径radius of curvature曲面从动件curved-shoe follower曲线拼接curve matching曲线运动curvilinear motion曲轴crank shaft驱动力driving force驱动力矩driving moment (torque)全齿高whole depth权重集weight sets球ball球面滚子convex roller球轴承ball bearing球面副spheric pair球面渐开线spherical involute球面运动spherical motion球销副sphere-pin pair球坐标操作器polar coordinate manipulator燃点spontaneous ignition热平稳heat balance; thermal equilibrium人字齿轮herringbone gear冗余自由度redundant degree of freedom柔轮flexspline柔性冲击flexible impulse; soft shock柔性制造系统flexible manufacturing system; FMS 柔性自动化flexible automation润滑油膜lubricant film 润滑装置lubrication device润滑lubrication润滑剂lubricant三角形花键serration spline三角形螺纹V thread screw三维凸轮three-dimensional cam三心定理Kennedy`s theorem砂轮越程槽grinding wheel groove砂漏hour-glass少齿差行星传动planetary drive with small teeth difference设计方法学design methodology设计变量design variable设计约束design constraints深沟球轴承deep groove ball bearing生产阻力productive resistance升程rise升距lift实际廓线cam profile十字滑块联轴器double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling矢量vector输出功output work输出构件output link输出机构output mechanism输出力矩output torque输出轴output shaft输入构件input link数学模型mathematic model实际啮合线actual line of action双滑块机构double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph 双曲柄机构double crank mechanism双曲面齿轮hyperboloid gear双头螺柱studs双万向联轴节constant-velocity (or double) universal joint双摇杆机构double rocker mechanism双转块机构Oldham coupling双列轴承double row bearing双向推力轴承double-direction thrust bearing松边slack-side顺时针clockwise瞬心instantaneous center死点dead point四杆机构four-bar linkage速度velocity速度不平均( 波动) 系数coefficient of speed fluctuation速度波动speed fluctuation速度曲线velocity diagram速度瞬心instantaneous center of velocity塔轮step pulley踏板pedal台钳、虎钳vice太阳轮sun gear弹性滑动elasticity sliding motion弹性联轴器elastic coupling flexible coupling弹性套柱销联轴器rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling套筒sleeve梯形螺纹acme thread form专门运动链special kinematic chain特性characteristics替代机构equivalent mechanism调剂modulation, regulation调心滚子轴承self-aligning roller bearing调心球轴承self-aligning ball bearing调心轴承self-aligning bearing调速speed governing调速电动机adjustable speed motors调速系统speed control system调压调速variable voltage control调速器regulator, governor铁磁流体密封ferrofluid seal停车时期stopping phase停歇dwell同步带synchronous belt同步带传动synchronous belt drive凸的,凸面体convex凸轮cam凸轮倒置机构inverse cam mechanism凸轮机构cam , cam mechanism凸轮廓线cam profile凸轮廓线绘制layout of cam profile凸轮理论廓线pitch curve凸缘联轴器flange coupling图册、图谱atlas图解法graphical method推程rise推力球轴承thrust ball bearing推力轴承thrust bearing退刀槽tool withdrawal groove 退火anneal陀螺仪gyroscopeV 带V belt外力external force外圈outer ring外形尺寸boundary dimension万向联轴器Hooks coupling universal coupling外齿轮external gear弯曲应力beading stress弯矩bending moment腕部wrist往复移动reciprocating motion往复式密封reciprocating seal网上设计on-net design, OND微动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism位移displacement位移曲线displacement diagram位姿pose , position and orientation稳固运转时期steady motion period稳健设计robust design蜗杆worm蜗杆传动机构worm gearing蜗杆头数number of threads蜗杆直径系数diametral quotient蜗杆蜗轮机构worm and worm gear蜗杆形凸轮步进机构worm cam interval mechanism 蜗杆旋向hands of worm蜗轮worm gear涡圈形盘簧power spring无级变速装置stepless speed changes devices无穷大infinite系杆crank arm, planet carrier现场平稳field balancing向心轴承radial bearing向心力centrifugal force相对速度relative velocity相对运动relative motion相对间隙relative gap象限quadrant橡皮泥plasticine细牙螺纹fine threads销pin消耗consumption小齿轮pinion小径minor diameter橡胶弹簧balata spring。

英文原文名Lthes 中文译名车床中文译文:车床车床主要是为了进行车外圆、车端面和镗孔等项工作而设计的机床。
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中文4285字附录1LATHES & MILLINGA shop that is equipped with a milling machine and an engine lathe can machine almost any type of product of suitable size.The basic machines that are designed primarily to do turning,facing and boring are called lathes. Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools,and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathe can do boring,facing,drilling,and reaming in addition to turning,their versatility permits several operations to be performed with a single setup of the workpiece. This accounts for the fact that lathes of various types are more widely used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.Lathes in various forms have existed for more than two thousand years. Modern lathes date from about 1797,when Henry Maudsley developed one with a leads crew. It provided controlled,mechanical feed of the tool. This ingenious Englishman also developed a change gear system that could connect the motions of the spindle and leadscrew and thus enable threads to be cut.Lathe Construction.The essential components of a lathe are depicted in the block diagram of picture. These are the bed,headstock assembly,tailstock assembly,carriage assembly,quick-change gearbox,and the leadscrew and feed rod.The bed is the back bone of a lathe. It usually is made of well-normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy,rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel,longitudinal ways,inner and outer,are contained on the bed,usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways,whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets. Because several other components are mounted and/or move on the ways they must be made with precision to assure accuracy of alignment. Similarly,proper precaution should betaken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The ways on most modern lathes are surface hardened tooffer greater resistance to wear and abrasion.The headstock is mounted in a fixed position on the inner ways at one end of the lathe bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the work at various speeds. It consists,essentially,of a hollow spindle,mounted in accurate bearings,and a set of transmission gears——similar to a truck transmission——through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from eight to eighteen speeds,usually in a geometric ratio,and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle,it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings,usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. Along- itudinal hole extends through the spindle so that long bar stock can be fed through it. The size of this hole is an important size dimension of a lathe because it determines the maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through the spindle.The inner end of the spindle protrudes from the gear box and contains a means for mounting various types of chucks,face plates,and dog plates on it. Whereas small lathes often employ a threaded section to which the chucks are screwed,most large lathes utilize either cam-lock or key-drive taper noses. These provide a large-diameter taper that assures the accurate alignment of the chuck,and a mechanism that permits the chuck or face plate to be locked or unlocked in position without the necessity of having to rotate these heavy attachments.Power is supplied to the spindle by means of an electric motor through a V-belt or silent-chain drive. Most modern lathes have motors of from 5 to15 horsepower to provide adequate power for carbide and ceramic tools at their high cutting speeds.The tailstock assembly consists,essentially,of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon,with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location. An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it on some type of keyed ways. Thistransverse motion permits aligning the tailstock and headstock spindles and provides a method of turning tapers. The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder,usually about2 to3 inches in diameter,that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The open end of the quill hole terminates in a Morse taper in which a lathe center,or various tools such as drills,can be held. A graduated scale,several inches in length,usually is engraved on the outside of the quill to aid in controlling its motion in and out of the upper casting. A locking device permits clamping the quill in any desired position.The carriage assembly provides the means for mounting and moving cutting tools. The carriage is a relatively flat H-shaped casting that rests and moves on the outer set of ways on the bed. The transverse bar of the carriage contains ways on which the cross slide is mounted and can be moved by means of a feed screw that is controlled by a small hand wheel and a graduated dial. Through the cross slide a means is provided for moving the lathe tool in the direction normal to the axis of rotation of the work.On most lathes the tool post actually is mounted on a compound rest. This consists of abase,which is mounted on the cross slide so that it can be pivoted about a vertical axis,and an upper casting. The upper casting is mounted on ways on this base so that it can be moved back and forth and controlled by means of a short lead screw operated by a hand wheel and a calibrated dial.Manual and powered motion for the carriage,and powered motion for the cross slide,is provided by mechanisms within the apron,attached to the front of the carriage. Manual movement of the carriage along the bed is effected by turning a hand wheel on the front of the apron,which is geared to a pinion on the back side. This pinion engages a rack that is attached beneath the upper front edge of the bed in an inverted position.To impart powered movement to the carriage and cross slide,a rotating feed rod is provided. The feed rod,which contains a keyway through out most of its length,passes through the two reversing bevel pinions and is keyed to them . Either pinioncam be brought into mesh with amating bevel gear by means of the reversing lever on the front of the apron and thus provide “forward” or “reverse” power to the carriage. Suitable clutches connect either the rack pinion orthe cross-slide screw to provide longitudinal motion of the carriage or transverse motion of cross slide.For cutting threads,a second means of longitudinal drive is provided by a lead screw. Whereas motion of the carriage when driven by the feed-rod mechanism takes place through a friction clutch in which slippage is possible,motion through the lead screw is by a direct,mechanical connection between the apron and the lead screw. This is achieved by a split nut. By means of a clamping lever on the front of the apron,the split nut can be closed around the lead screw. With the split nut closed,the carriage is moved along the lead screw by direct drive without possibility of slippage.Modern lathes have a quick-change gear box. The input end of this gearbox is driven from the lathe spindle by means of suitable gearing. The out put end of the gear box is connected to the feed rod and lead screw. Thus,through this gear train,leading from the spindle to the quick-change gearbox,thence to the lead screw and feed rod,and then to the carriage,the cutting tool can be made to move a specific distance,either longitudinally or transversely,for each revolution of the spindle. A typical lathe provides,through the feed rod,forty-eight feeds ranging from 0.002 inch to0.118 inch per revolution of the spindle,and,through the lead screw,leads for cutting forty-eight different threads from 1.5 to 92perinch.On some older and some cheaper lathes,one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.Milling is a basic machining process in which the surface is generated by the progressive formation and removal of chips of material from the workpiece as it is fed to a rotating cutter in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the cutter. .In some cases the workpiece is stationary and the cutter is fed to the work. In most instances a multiple-tooth cutter is used so that the metal removal rate is high,and frequently the desired surface is obtained in a single pass of the work.The tool used in milling is known as a milling cutter. It usually consists of a cylindrical body which rotates on its axis and contains equally spaced peripheral teeth that intermittently engage and cut the workpiece. In some cases the teeth extend part way across one or both ends of the cylinder.Because the milling principle provides rapid metal removal and can produce good surface finish,it is particularly well-suited for mass-production work,and excellent milling machines have been developed for this purpose. However,very accurate and versatile milling machines of a general-purpose nature also have been developed that are widely used in job-shop and tool and die work. A shop that is equipped with a milling machine and an engine lathe can machine almost any type of product of suitable size.Types of Milling Operations. Milling operations can be classified into two broad categories,each of which has several variations:1.In peripheral milling a surface is generated by teeth located in the periphery of the cutter body;the surface is parallel with the axis of rotation of the cutter. Both flat and formed surfaces can be produced by this method. The cross section of the resulting surface corresponds to the axial contour of the cutter. This procedure often is called slab milling.1.In face milling the generated flat surface is at right angles to the cutteraxis and is thecombined result of the actions of the portions of the teeth located on both the periphery and thewith the face portions providing a finishing action.The basic concepts of peripheral and face milling are illustrated in Fig. Peripheral milling operations usually are performed on machines having horizontal spindles,whereas face milling is done on both horizontal-and vertical-spindle machines.Surface Generation in Milling. Surfaces can be generated in milling by two distinctly different methods depicted in Fig. Note that in up milling the cutter rotatesagainst the direction of feed the workpiece,whereas in down milling the rotation is in the same direction as the feed .As shown in Fig., the method of chip formation is quite different in the two cases. In up milling the c hip is very thin at the beginning, where the tooth first contacts the work,and increases in thickness, be-coming a maximum where the tooth leaves the work. The cutter tends to push the work along and lift it upward from the table. This action tends to eliminate any effect of looseness in the feed screw and nut of the milling machine table and results in a smooth cut. However, the action also tends to loosen the work from the clamping device so that greater clamping forcers must be employed. In addition, the smoothness of the generated surface depends greatly on the sharpness of the cutting edges.In down milling,maximum chip thickness occurs close to the point at which the tooth contacts the work. Because the relative motion tends to pull the workpiece into the cutter,all possibility of looseness in the table feed screw must be eliminated if down milling is to be used. It should never be attempted on machines that are not designed for this type of milling. In as mush as the material yields in approximately a tangential direction at the end of the tooth engagement,there is much less tendency for the machined surface to show tooth marks than when up milling is used. Another consider able advantage of down milling is that the cutting force tends to hold the work against the machine table,permitting lower clamping force to be employed. This is particularly advantageous when milling thin workpiece or when taking heavy cuts.Sometimes a disadvantage of down milling is that the cutter teeth strike against the surface of the work at the beginning of each chip. When the workpiece has a hard surface,such as castings do,this may cause the teeth to dull rapidly.Milling Cutters. Milling cutters can be classified several ways. One method is to group them into two broad classes,based on tooth relief,as follows:1. Profile-cutters have relief provided on each tooth by grinding a small land back of the cutting edge. The cutting edge may be straight or curved.2.In form or cam-relieved cutters the cross section of each tooth is an eccentric curve behind the cutting edge,thus providing relief. All sections of the eccentric relief,parallel with the cutting edge,must have the same contour as the cutting edge. Cutters of this type are sharpened by grinding only the face of the teeth,with the contour of the cutting edge thus remaining unchanged.Another useful method of classification is according to the method of mounting the cutter. Arbor cutters are those that have a center hole so they can be mounted on an arbor. Shank cutters have either tapered or straight integral shank. Those with tapered shanks can be mounted directly in the milling machine spindle,whereas straight-shank cutters are held in a chuck. Facing cuttersusually are bolted to the end of a stub arbor.Types of Milling Cutters. Plain milling cutters are cylindrical or disk-shaped,having straight or helical teeth on the periphery. They are used for milling flat surfaces. This type of operation is called plain or slab milling. Each tooth in a helical cutter engages the work gradually,and usually more than one tooth cuts at a given time. This reduces shock and chattering tendencies and promotes a smoother surface. Consequently,this type of cutter usually is preferred over one with straight teeth. Side milling cutters are similar to plain milling cutters except that the teeth extend radially part way across one or both ends of the cylinder toward the center. The teeth may be either straight or helical. Frequently these cutters are relatively narrow,being disklike in shape. Two or more side milling cutters often are spaced on an arbor to make simultaneous,parallel cuts,in an operation called straddle milling.Interlocking slotting cutters consist of two cutters similar to side mills,but made to operate as a unit for milling slots. The two cutters are adjusted to the desired width by inserting shims between them.Staggered-tooth milling cutters are narrow cylindrical cutters having staggered teeth,and with alternate teeth having opposite helix angles. They are ground to cut only on the periphery,but each tooth also has chip clearance ground on the protruding side. These cutters have a free cutting action that makes them particularly effective in milling deep slots. Metal-slitting saws are thin,plain milling cutters,usually from 1/32 to 3/16 inch thick,which have their sides slightly“dished”to provide clearance and prevent binding. They usually have more teeth per inch of diameter than ordinaryplain milling cutters and are used for milling deep,narrow slots and for cutting-off operations.附录2车床和铣床车间里拥有一台车床和一台普通铣床就能加工出具有适合尺寸的各种产品。