
华南理工大学企业战略管理(双语)考试题华南理工大学企业战略管理(双语)期末考试试题A答案《企业战略管理(双语)》A卷一、选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. In formulating a strategy, management is, in effect sayingA) "this is who we are and where we are headed.''B) "this is the strategic plan we have for making money in ourparticular line of business."C) "we intend to make these moves to outmaneuver our rivals."D) "among all the paths we could have chosen, we have decided tofocus on these markets and customer needs, compete in this fashion, allocate our resources and energies in these ways, anduse these particular approaches to doing business."E) "this is our vision of what our business will be like in theyears to come."Answer: D Difficulty: Medium2. In a single-business company, the strategy-making hierarchy consists ofA) business strategy and functional strategies.B) business strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.C) business strategy and operating strategy.D) managerial strategy, business strategy, functional strategies,and operating strategies.E) corporate strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium3.SWOT analysis isA) a helpful tool for predicting whether the company's value chainis cost competitive.B) simple tool for sizing up a company's resource capabilities anddeficiencies, its market opportunities, and the externalthreats to its future well-being.C) a helpful tool for evaluating whether a company is competitivelystronger than its closest rivals.D) a helpful tool for benchmarking whether a firm's strategy isclosely matched to industry key success factors.E) a helpful tool for identifying the reasons why a company is oris not profitable.Answer: B Difficulty: Easy4. A company's actual strategy isA) mostly hidden to outside view and is known only to top-levelmanagers.B) typically planned well in advance and usually deviates littlefrom the planned set of actions and business approaches becauseof the risks of making on-the-spot changes.C) best delegated to the company's board of directors because oftheir fiduciary responsibility, their ultimate responsibilityfor the company's well-being, and their strong businessexpertise.D) partly proactive and partly reactive to changing circumstances.E) partly a function of the strategic vision, partly a functionof the target strategic and financial objectives, partly afunction of market opportunities, and partly a function of the strategies being used by rival companies (particularly those companies that are industry leaders).Answer: D Difficulty: Medium5. Factors that cause the rivalry among competing sellers to be weakincludeA) low buyer switching costs.B) rapid growth in buyer demand and high buyer costs to switchbrands.C) high costs of exiting the market as compared to the costs ofentering the market.D) a set of competitors that are quite diverse in terms of theirstrategies, objectives, and countries of origin.E) conditions where it is customary for rivals to collaborateclosely with both their suppliers and their customers.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium6.The competitive force of substitute products tends to be stronger ina given market whenA) buyers are relatively comfortable with using substitutes andthe costs to buyers of switching over to the substitutes are low.B) buyers view substitutes as likely to be in short supply fromtime to time.C) the quality and performance of the substitutes is well abovewhat buyers need to meet their requirements.D) buyers have high psychic costs in severing existing brandrelationships and establishing new ones.E) when demand for the industry's product is not very pricesensitive.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium7. Achieving a cost advantage over rivals entailsA) concentrating on a narrow portion of the value chain andabandoning all other activities that create costs.B) being a first-mover in pursuing backward and forwardintegration and controlling as much of the value chain aspossible.C) outmanaging rivals in controlling the cost drivers and findingcreative ways to cut cost-producing activities out of the value chain.D) being a heavy user of offensive strategies and a light user ofdefensive strategies.E) producing a standard product, redesigning the productinfrequently, and having minimal advertising.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium8. A company's strategic vision is best conceived asA) a road map of a company's future—a picture of its destinationand management's rationale for going there.B) what business the company is presently in and why it does certainthings in trying to please its customers.C) management's storyline of how it intends to make a profit withthe chosen strategy.D) "who we are and what we do."E) the general strategic outline of what the enterprise will needto do to outmaneuver rivals and achieve a competitive advantage.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy9. Business strategy concernsA) the actions and approaches crafted by management to producesuccessful performance in one specific line of business.B) what business to be in and whyC) which of several business models to use in pursuing companyobjectives.D) which of several competitive advantages to put of the company'sresources behind.E) All of these.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy10. A company attempting to be successful with a differentiation strategyhas toA) study buyer needs and behavior carefully to learn what buyersconsider important, what they think has value, and what they are willing to pay for.B) incorporate more differentiating features into itsproduct/service than rivals.C) strive to raise buyer switching costs.D) have a well-known and respected brand name image.E) provide a top-of-the-line product to consumers.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium11. Buyer bargaining power tends to be stronger whenA) buyers are large and can demand concessions when purchasinglarge quantities.B) buyers purchase the item frequently and are well-informed aboutsellers' products, prices, and costs.C) the costs incurred by buyers in switching to competing brandsor to substitute products are relatively low.D) the products of rival sellers are weakly differentiated andbuyers have considerable discretion over whether and when theypurchase the product.E) All of the aboveAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy12. Crafting and executing strategy are top-prioritymanagerial tasksbecauseA) every company needs to be alert to the winds of change, newopportunities, and threatening developments.B) all company personnel, and especially senior executives, needto know the answer to "who are we and where are we headed?"C) there is a compelling need for managers to proactively shapehow the company's business will be conducted and because astrategy-focused organization is more likely to be a stronger bottom-line performer than an organization that views the tasksof managing strategy as secondary.D) without clear guidance as to what the company's business modeland strategic intent are, managerial decision-making is likely to be rudderless.E) they help communicate to shareholders and the entire investmentcommunity "what it is we are trying to do and to achieve."Answer: C Difficulty: Easy13.The best strategic alliancesA) are highly selective, focusing on particular value chainactivities and on obtaining a particular competitive benefit.B) are those whose objective is to speed next-generation productsto market more quickly.C) aim at achieving greater supply chain efficiency.D) strive to reduce the number of industry key success factors.E) aim at raising the barriers to entry and insulating the partnersagainst the impacts of the five competitive forces.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium14. Which one of the following is not part of a company'smacroenvironment?A) Conditions in the economy at largeB) Population demographics and societal values and lifestylesC) Technological factors and governmental regulations andlegislationD) Factors relating to competitive rivalry, a company's suppliersand customers, and competition from substitute productsE) A company's resource strengths and weaknesses, competencies,and competitive capabilitiesAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy15. The competitive approach of a firm pursuing a global strategyA) entails little or no strategy coordination across countries.B) usually involves cross-subsidizing the prices in those marketswhere there are significant country-to-country differences in the product attributes that customers are most interested in.C) is essentially the same in all country markets where itcompetesbut it may nonetheless allow for minor country-by-country variations where necessary to satisfy buyers.D) involves selling direct to buyers (usually via the company'sown sales force) to avoid having to establish networks ofwholesale/retail dealers in each country market.E) involves having a wide and diverse lineup of products (modelsand styles), with the basic product attributes varyingaccording to buyer preferences in each country market.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy16. The tests for evaluating the merits of one strategy over another andgauging how good a strategy is include:A) the strategic fit test, the social responsibility test, and theprofitability test.B) the integrated business model test, the competitive strengthtest, and the profitability testC) the goodness of fit test, the competitive advantage test, andthe performance test.D) the social responsibility test, the strategic intent test, andthe competitive strength test.E) the opportunity-threat test, the ethical standards test, andthe best strategy test.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium17. The difference between a company's mission statement and the conceptof a strategic vision is thatA) the mission explains why it is essential to make a profit,whereas the strategic vision addresses what businesses to be in to try to make a profit.B) a mission statement typically concerns " what we do, why we arehere, and where are we now" whereas the focus of a strategic vision is "where we are going and why."C) a mission deals with what to accomplish in terms of financialperformance whereas a strategic vision concerns what toaccomplish in terms of strategic performance.D) a mission statement deals with "where we are headed " whereasa strategic vision provides the critical answer to "how willwe get there?"E) a mission is about what a company is already doing and a visionconcerns what a company ought to do.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium18.The competitive threat that outsiders will enter a market is strongerwhenA) the products of rival firms are weakly differentiated, buyershave no strong preferences for the brands of existing producers,and buyers exhibit low brand loyalties.B) incumbents are unable or unwilling to fight vigorously toprevent a newcomer from gaining a market foothold.C) a newcomer can expect to earn attractive profits.D) there are interested entry candidates with sufficient expertiseand resources to hurdle prevailing entry barriers.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy19. A company's strategy evolves over time as a consequence ofA) the need to keep strategy matched to changing market conditionsand changing customer needs and expectations.B) the proactive efforts of company managers to fine-tune andimprove one or more pieces of the strategy.C) new managerial priorities and changing managerial judgmentsabout what the best future course for the company is.D) the need to respond to the actions and competitive moves of rivalfirms.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy20. A company strength can relate toA) a skill or important expertise.B) its human assets and intellectual capital.C) an achievement or attribute that puts the company in a positionof market advantage.D) organization assets such as proprietary technology, patents,quality control systems, a strong balance sheet,itspartnerships or alliances with other organizations havingexpertise or capabilities that enhance its own competitiveness.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy21. The chief role of functional strategies is toA) integrate the various operating-level strategies across thewhole company into a unified whole.B) define the mission and strategic intent of each functional area.C) help specify the needed kinds of distinctive competencies andresource strengths.D) add relevant detail to the hows of the overall business strategyand competitive approach and provide a game plan for managinga particular activity in ways that support the overall business.E) create compatible degrees of strategic intent among a company'sbusiness functions.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy22. Whether supplier-seller relationships in an industry represent astrong or weak source of competitive pressure is a function ofA) whether the profits of suppliers are relatively high or low.B) the number of suppliers and the number of sellers.C) how aggressively rival sellers are maneuvering to formstrategic alliances with each of the industry's majorsuppliers.D) whether suppliers can exercise sufficient bargaining power toinfluence the terms and conditions of supply in their favor andthe extent of seller-supplier collaboration in the industry.E) whether the prices of the items being furnished by the suppliersare rising or falling.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium23.A company's value chain consistsA) the steps it goes through to convert its net income into valuefor shareholders.B) the primary activities it performs in creating value for itscustomers and the related support activities.C) the series of steps it takes to get a product from the rawmaterials stage into the hands of end-users.D) the activities it performs in transforming its competenciesinto distinctive competencies.E) the company's efforts and actions to build sustainablecompetitive advantage.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium24.Generally, internal entry into a new business is more attractive thanacquiring an existing firm in the targeted industry whenA) the costs associated with internal startup are less than thecosts of buying an existing company and there is ample time tolaunch the new business from the ground up.B) there will be positive effects on the entrant's other existingbusinesses.C) the target industry is young, fragmented, and growing rapidly.D) all of the potential acquisition candidates are losing money.E) the target industry is comprised of several relatively largeand well-established firms.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium25. Strategy-making isA) primarily an individual responsibility rather than a grouptask.B) more of a collaborative group effort (that involves, to somedegree, all managers and sometimes key employees) as opposedto being a function of a few high-level executives.C) first and foremost the function of a company's strategicplanning staff.D) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's board of directors.E) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's chief executive officer.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium二、简答题(每题8分,共40分)1. Draw and briefly describe the five forces model of competition.参考答案:(1)潜在进入者的威胁;(2)供应商讨价还价的权力;(3)顾客讨价还价的权力;(4)替代产品的威胁;(5)行业内部竞争的特点。

2023-2023学年第二学期《企业战略管理》平时作业参照答案(一)单项选择1.处在战略构造第二层次旳是( D )。
A.企业战略B.职能战略C.市场战略D.经营战略2.战略管理过程三要素不包括( A )。
A.战略变革B.战略分析C.战略选择D.战略实行3.迈克尔·波特专家提出了著名旳“五种竞争力模型”, 这五种基本竞争力量是潜在旳进入者、既有企业间旳竞争、供应商、购置商和(A )。
A.替代产品B.互补品C.新产品D.老产品4.在战略管理系统设计旳模式中, 由企业旳高层管理决定整个企业旳经营方向, 并对整个事业部或各个部门提出怎样到达这个方向旳详细指导旳模式属于(B )。
A.自下而上旳模式B.自上而下旳模式C.上下结合旳模式D.小组计划模式5.政府贷款和补助对某些行业旳发展也有着积极旳影响, 这种影响应当属于下列哪种原因?( A )A.经济原因B.技术原因C.政治-法律原因D.社会-人文原因6.企业更乐意将( B )作为企业能力和关键竞争力旳基础。
A.有形资源B.无形资源C.流量资源D.短周期资源7.分析资源运用状况, 原则上运用( C )来进行。
A.企业旳关键竞争力B.企业能力C.企业资源D.企业素质9.企业目前和未来应从事什么样旳事业活动, 以及应成为何性质旳企业或组织类型, 它反应了这个企业旳(C )。
A.企业目旳B.企业哲学C.企业宗旨D.企业环境10.( C )是企业战略制定旳出发点、根据和限制条件。
A.集中战略B.一体化战略C.多样化战略D.收获战略12.对企业外部环境和内部条件进行分析, 从而找出两者最佳可行战略组合旳一种分析工具是( A )。

(精选)华南理工大学国际企业管理导论——简答练习题第1部分《国际企业管理导轮》课后作业第一章经济全球化与企业经营国际化本章练习题:一、解释下列基本概念1.跨国公司2.对外直接投资3.企业国际化4.全球化5.经济全球化答:1.跨国公司:只要在一个以上的国家设有一个以上的海外子公司或分公司, 并从事盈利性生产经营活动的企业, 即可称之为跨国公司。
3. 所谓企业国际化,是指企业日益摆脱单纯的地域界限,以国际市场为导向,国际性地利用生产要素和管理技能,从事跨国界的生产经营活动,由国内经营型向跨国经营型的转变过程。
4. 全球化:全球化是指一连串的过程,扩张了、加深了、并加快了全世界各层面的人类关系和接触的相关联系,这包括经济的、社会的、文化的、环境的、政治的、外交的、和安全的各个层面,这种变化过程使得在世界某处的事件、决策和行动对世界上另一处的个人、团体和国家都会产生立即的影响和后果。
5. 经济全球化:经济资源跨越国界在全球范围内自由、全面、大量、整合的流动与配置,使得世界各国的经济愈加相互开放与融合,各国经济的发展将与整个世界经济的发展相互依存、相互影响和相互制约。
3. 经济全球化由哪三大支柱组成。
4. 解释跨国公司的特征。
5. 简述企业经营国际化的五大课题。

战略管理考试题及答案一、选择题(每题5分,共计25分)1. 以下哪项是战略管理的核心环节?A. 战略分析B. 战略制定C. 战略实施D. 战略评估答案:B2. 以下哪项不是SWOT分析的要素?A. 内部优势B. 外部机会C. 内部劣势D. 战略目标答案:D3. 以下哪种方法可以用于确定公司的核心竞争力?A. 五力模型B. 价值链分析C. 波特法则D. 内部审计答案:B4. 以下哪种战略是防御性战略?A. 市场渗透B. 市场开发C. 产品开发D. 多元化战略答案:A5. 以下哪种方法可以用于评估战略实施的效果?A. 平衡计分卡B. 杜邦分析法C. 净现值法D. 内部收益率法答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共计30分)1. 请简述战略管理的五个主要环节。
2. 请简述SWOT分析的优势和局限性。
3. 请简述波特的五力模型及其应用。


.-2019春企业战略管理华工网络教育随堂练习第一章战略管理导论1.(单选题) ()是推动中国企业外部环境变化的首要和根本性驱动因素。
A.技术进步B.经济全球化C.经营环境动态化D.中国经济转型答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:2.(单选题) 受到技术进步、经济全球化和中国经济转型三大驱动因素的影响,中国企业的经营环境表现出()的特点。
A.高度封闭化B.中央集权化C.高度动态化D.适度竞争化答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:3.(单选题) 经营环境动态化对企业的影响主要表现在()。
A.竞争优势可保持性增强B.竞争优势可保持性下降C.竞争优势增强D.竞争优势下降答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:4.(单选题) 单一行业/产品/市场企业,或者集团公司属下的子公司所采用的战略是()。
A.公司层战略B.经营层战略C.职能层战略D.职能层策略答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:5.(单选题) 从企业战略功能的角度看,一体化战略、多元化战略属于()。
A.增长型战略B.稳定型战略C.收缩型战略D.组合型战略答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:6.(单选题) 选择和进入盈利水平最大或者行业信誉最高的行业,是企业获得高于社会平均水平收益的首要战略,这是以下哪一种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:7.(单选题) 企业资源和能力上的竞争优势是企业战略制定的依据与获得超额利润的基础,这是以下哪一种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题:A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:C'..问题解析:企业战略管理者对战略目标进行分解,构建战略实施的计划体系,制定相应的8.() 单选题)阶段。

企业战略管理1. 科学管理创始人()强调,要通过计划工作,挑选,培训和组织工人,以便增加产量.A、法约尔B.泰勒C,安索夫D、波特参考答案:B2. 经典战略理论缺陷之一是忽视了对企业竞争环境进行分析与选择,在一定程度上弥补这一缺陷的是()A.钱德勒B.安索夫C.波特D.安德鲁斯参考答案:C3. 在战略管理系统设计的模式中,由企业的高层管理决定整个企业的经营方向,并对整个事业部或各个部门提出如何达到这个方向的具体指导的模式属于()A.自下而上的模式B.自上而下的模式C.上下结合的模式D.小组计划模式参考答案:B4。
优秀战略就是适应战略,具体讲就是战略要与( )相适应。
A.竞争对手B.环境C资源D.文化E.组织参考答案:BCE7. 企业战略管理特征有()A.高层次性B.整体性C.竞争性D.动态性E.长远性参考答案:ABD8。
企业宏观环境主要包括( )等宏观因素.A政治法律B,经济C.财政货币政策D.技术E.社会文化参考答案:ABDE10。
战略管理是一种全面的管理过程. 参考答案:×11。
经济因素 B.技术因素 C.法律和政治因素D。
文化因素参考答案:C2. 没有进入及退出市场障碍的是()A。

华南理工大学网络教育学院2011– 2012学年度第二学期期末考试《 企业战略管理 》试卷(A 卷) 教案中心:专业层次:专升本学号:姓名:欧少勇 座号:注意事项:1.本试卷共 五 大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟,闭卷;2.考前请将密封线内各项信息填写清楚;3.所有答案直接做在试卷上,做在草稿纸上无效;一.判断题(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题1分,共15分)1. 企业的战略管理是以企业的局部为对象,根据企业的近期发展的需要而制定的。
(× )2. 战略管理只涉及战略的制定和规划,不包含将制定出的战略付诸实施的管理。
(× )3. 战略管理不是静态的、一次性的管理,而是一种循环的、往复性的动态管理过程。
(√ )4. 外部环境主要分析企业机会和威胁是什么,回答企业可以做什么的问题;内部环境主要分析企业的优势和劣势是什么,回答企业能做什么的问题。
(√ )5. 战略管理者是企业战略管理的主体,他们是企业内外环境的分析者、企业战略的制定者、战略实施的领导者和组织者、战略实施过程的监督者和结果的评价者。
(√ )6. 宏观环境因素分析的意义,是确认和评价政治、法律、经济、技术和社会等宏观因素对企业战略目标和战略选择的影响。
(√)7. 新加入者威胁的状况取决于进入障碍和原有企业的反击程度。
(√ )8.企业独特竞争能力的战略意义是,它使企业超越竞争对手并获得较大的利润。
(√ )9.复合多样化战略是指公司增加与现有的产品或服务、技术或市场都没有直接或间接联系的大不相同的新产品或服务。
(√) 10.成本领先战略又称低成本战略,即使企业的全部成本低于该企业过去的成本。
(× )11.在增长率—市场占有率矩阵中,金牛有较高的市场增长率和较高的市场占有率。

《国际企业管理导轮》课后作业第一章经济全球化与企业经营国际化本章练习题:一、解释下列基本概念1.跨国公司2.对外直接投资3.企业国际化4.全球化5.经济全球化答:1.跨国公司:只要在一个以上的国家设有一个以上的海外子公司或分公司, 并从事盈利性生产经营活动的企业, 即可称之为跨国公司。
3. 所谓企业国际化,是指企业日益摆脱单纯的地域界限,以国际市场为导向,国际性地利用生产要素和管理技能,从事跨国界的生产经营活动,由国内经营型向跨国经营型的转变过程。
4. 全球化:全球化是指一连串的过程,扩张了、加深了、并加快了全世界各层面的人类关系和接触的相关联系,这包括经济的、社会的、文化的、环境的、政治的、外交的、和安全的各个层面,这种变化过程使得在世界某处的事件、决策和行动对世界上另一处的个人、团体和国家都会产生立即的影响和后果。
5. 经济全球化:经济资源跨越国界在全球范围内自由、全面、大量、整合的流动与配置,使得世界各国的经济愈加相互开放与融合,各国经济的发展将与整个世界经济的发展相互依存、相互影响和相互制约。
3. 经济全球化由哪三大支柱组成。
4. 解释跨国公司的特征。
5. 简述企业经营国际化的五大课题。
华南理工大学 企业战略管理 平时作业 2020年11月

答:1). 商业模式创新更注重从客户的角度,从根本上思考设计企业的行为,视角更为外向和开放,更多注重和涉及企业经济方面的因素。
2). 商业模式创新表现的更为系统和根本,它不是单一因素的变化。
3). 从绩效表现看,商业模式创新如果提供全新的产品或服务,那么它可能开创了一个全新的可赢利产业领域,即便提供已有有产品或服务,也更能给企业带来更持久的赢利能力与更大的竞争优势。
答:1). 主要提供相对标准化的产品或者服务,一般不会针对狭窄的市场开发性能和质量特别高的产品或者服务;2). 产品和服务的主要性能和基本质量能够为大多数顾客所接受,一般不会刻意在产品或者服务的性能或者质量上超过顾客的期望;3). 产品或者服务的价格相对比较低。

(一)单项选择1.经营环境动态化对企业的影响主要表现在( B)。
A.竞争优势可保持性增强 B.竞争优势可保持性下降C.竞争优势增强 D.竞争优势下降2.企业盈利水平的高低,取决于企业所拥有的资源和能力优势的大小,且只有当这种资源和能力是有价值、稀缺、难以模仿的并无法替代时,这种资源和能力才能构成企业的竞争优势,这是以下哪一种企业战略决策思维模式?( C )。
A.制度基础模式 B.产业组织模式 C.资源基础模式 D.行业基础模式3.在五力分析模型中,影响行业潜在进入者进入障碍的因素不包括(C )。
A.规模经济 B.产品差异 C.企业文化 D.政府政策和专利4.企业的无形资源不包括(B )。
A.企业专利 B.员工知识结构 C.客户关系 D.企业商誉5.价值链中的价值创造活动可分成基本活动和支持性活动两大类,其中(D )属于支持活动要素。
A.制造与运营 B.服务 C.营销与销售 D.基础设施6.以下关于企业核心专长的判断,不正确的是(A )。
A.企业可以建立适用于所有行业、市场、经营定位的普适性核心专长B.核心专长是若干关键和可保持竞争优势的组合C.核心专长是若干关键和可保持竞争优势的整合D.核心专长有可能转变成为核心障碍7.SWOT分析矩阵是进行( D )和内部条件分析,从而寻找二者最佳可行战略组合的一种分析工具。
A.企业资源 B.组织结构 C.企业战略 D.企业外部环境8.( B )是企业在实现其宗旨过程中所追求的长期结果,是在一些最重要领域对企业宗旨的进一步具体化,它反映了企业在一定时期内,经营活动的方向和所要达到的水平。
A.企业宗旨陈述 B.企业战略目标 C.企业愿景 D.企业核心价值观9.在狭窄市场上实施高差异定位的战略是(D )。
A.低成本定位战略 B.低成本聚集战略 C.高差异定位战略 D.高差异聚集战略10.独特性的顾客诉求是指( C )。
A.高差异顾客诉求 B.低成本顾客诉求C.现有产品或服务不满的顾客诉求 D.标新立异的顾客诉求11.以下关于动态竞争的描述,错误的是( D )。

1.(单选题) ()是推动中国企业外部环境变化的首要和根本性驱动因素。
A.技术进步B.经济全球化C.经营环境动态化D.中国经济转型答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:2.(单选题) 受到技术进步、经济全球化和中国经济转型三大驱动因素的影响,中国企业的经营环境表现出()的特点。
A.高度封闭化B.中央集权化C.高度动态化D.适度竞争化答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:3.(单选题) 经营环境动态化对企业的影响主要表现在()。
A.竞争优势可保持性增强B.竞争优势可保持性下降C.竞争优势增强D.竞争优势下降答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:4.(单选题) 单一行业/产品/市场企业,或者集团公司属下的子公司所采用的战略是()。
A.公司层战略B.经营层战略C.职能层战略D.职能层策略答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:5.(单选题) 从企业战略功能的角度看,一体化战略、多元化战略属于()。
A.增长型战略B.稳定型战略C.收缩型战略D.组合型战略答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:6.(单选题) 选择和进入盈利水平最大或者行业信誉最高的行业,是企业获得高于社会平均水平收益的首要战略,这是以下哪一种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:7.(单选题) 企业资源和能力上的竞争优势是企业战略制定的依据与获得超额利润的基础,这是以下哪一种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:8.(单选题) 企业战略管理者对战略目标进行分解,构建战略实施的计划体系,制定相应的职能战略,提供必要的管理支持,这些活动处于企业战略管理的()阶段。

人力资源管理专业——考研大学排行榜排名学校名称等级排名学校名称等级排名学校名称等级1四川大学A+ 14天津财经大学A 27渭南师范学院A2首都经济贸易大学A+ 15辽宁大学A 28北京物资学院A3武汉大学A+ 16上海财经大学A 29中国矿业大学A4厦门大学A+ 17北京大学A 30福建农林大学A5中国人民大学A+ 18中南财经政法大学A 31云南大学A6西南财经大学A+ 19河南财经学院A 32新疆财经大学A7华侨大学A+ 20南开大学A 33贵州大学A8浙江大学A+ 21深圳大学A 34武汉科技大学A9吉林大学A+ 22哈尔滨商业大学A 35北京师范大学A10东北财经大学A+ 23广东工业大学A 36南京财经大学A11华南理工大学A 24河南工业大学A 37安徽财经大学A12山东大学A 25河南大学A 38郑州大学A13浙江工商大学A 26山西财经大学A厦大人力资源管理专业隶属企管系考研科目:①思想政治理论②英语一③数学三④管理学与管理经济学初试参考书目:1.《西方经济学》(微观经济学部分)高鸿业主编,中国人民大学出版社2.《管理学》(第十一版)哈罗德.孔茨/海因茨.韦里克,经济科学出版社2012(2012报名及录取含推免)华南理工大学本来企管预招50人,除去保送31个,统考名额就只剩下19个,但考虑到生源太好,高分调剂太不人道,学院临时扩招到37个华工管院不错,值得大家为之努力,希望大家坚持信念,策马扬鞭!我在华工等着你们,今后需要帮助的我会尽我所能,回馈大家,都不容易啊!开学后,关于学院内部的情况,导师的情况,我能了解的可以提供给大家,以下是我的邮箱:xiaomeng_0819@导师:刘善任华工师兄:1766429034(管理学资料)2013年招生目录48 该专业每位导师拟招收1名免试生01企业战略管理曹洲涛晁罡陈春花陈明陈远志龚振黄爱华黄嫚丽黄文彦①101思想政治理论②201英语一③303数学三④869管理学复试笔试科目:957管理研究方法02组织行为与人力资源同上03营销管理同上04投资管理与公司财务同上05企业理论与公司治理同上032企业管理系38120202企业管理①101思想政治理论②201英语一③303数学三④808管理学与管理经济学01人力资源管理 02战略管理03公司治理与投资 04创业管理05组织管理032企业管理系120202企业管理48915120221★市场营销学423贾建忠简兆权蓝海林雷鸣黎文李敏李卫宁梁经锐梁彤缨刘善仕刘向阳刘志超陆正华彭说龙沙振权沈乐平宋光辉宋铁波王雁飞叶广宇曾萍张平周霞869 管理学《管理学——原理与方法》(第五版)周三多、陈传明、鲁明泓等编著,复旦大学出版社2009年12月。

答案1. SWOT分析:该模型通过分析组织的优势、劣势、机会和威胁来帮助制定战略。
2. Porter的五力模型:该模型通过分析竞争对手、供应商、买家、替代品和进入壁垒等因素来评估行业竞争力。
3. BCG矩阵:该模型通过将产品划分为星星、问题儿童、金牛和瘦狗四个分类,帮助组织进行产品组合的管理。
4. 价值链模型:该模型通过将企业的活动划分为主要活动和支持活动,帮助组织识别和优化价值创造的关键环节。
5. 文化网格模型:该模型通过将组织的文化划分为四种类型:力量文化、角色文化、任务文化和人员文化,帮助组织理解和管理企业文化。
答案1. 领导力挑战:战略执行需要有效的领导力来推动变革和协调各部门的行动。
2. 文化挑战:组织的文化可能阻碍战略的实施,因为它可能与新的战略目标和价值观相冲突。
3. 资源挑战:实施战略通常需要投入大量的人力、物力和财力资源。

第一章战略管理导论随堂练习提交截止时间:2020-06-14 23:59:59当前贞有10题,你已做10 .gg,已提交10题.其中答对10 .題。
1. (单选题)()是推动中国企业外部环境变化的首要和根本性驱动因素。
A. 技术进步B.经济全球化C.经营环境动态化D.中国经济转型答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:2. (单选题)受到技术进步、经济全球化和中国经济转型三大驱动因素的影响,中国企业的经营环境表现出()的特点。
A. 高度封闭化B.中央集权化C.高度动态化D.适度竞争化答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:3. (单选题)经营环境动态化对企业的影响主要表现在()。
A.竞争优势可保持性增强B.竞争优势可保持性下降C.竞争优势增强D.竞争优势下降答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:4. (单选题)单•行业/产品/市场企业,或者集团公司属下的了公司所采用的战略是()。
A.公司层战略B.经营层战略C.职能层战略D.职能层策略答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交〉参考答案:B问题解析:5. (单选题)从企业战略功能的角度看,-体化战略、多元化战略属于()。
A.增长型战略B.稳定型战略C.收缩型战略D.组合型战略答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:6. (单选题)选择和进入盈利水平最人或者行业信誉最高的行业,是企业获得高于社会平均水平收益的首要战略,这是以下哪•种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:B问题解析:7. (单选题)企业资源和能力上的竞争优势是企业战略制定的依据与获得超额利润的基础,这是以下哪•种企业战略决策思维模式中的假设?()。
A.制度基础模式B.产业组织模式C.资源基础模式D.行业基础模式答题:A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:&(单选题)企业战略管理者对战略目标进行分解,构建战略实施的计划体系,制定和应的职能战略,提供必要的管理支持,这些活动处于企业战略管理的()阶段。


企业战略管理考试题库一、选择题1. 下列哪项不是企业战略管理的核心内容?A. 企业使命和价值观B. 环境分析和战略规划C. 组织结构和人力资源管理D. 目标设定和绩效评估2. 以下哪项不是竞争战略的基本类型?A. 成本领先战略B. 差异化战略C. 专业化战略D. 集中化战略3. SWOT分析指标中,下列哪项不属于机会和威胁的外部因素?A. 技术进步B. 市场需求C. 组织文化D. 政策法规二、填空题1. 企业战略管理的首要任务是确定企业的(1)和(2)。
答案:1. 使命 2. 价值观2. 战略规划的核心是确定企业的(1)和(2)。
答案:1. 长远目标 2. 发展方向3. (1)和(2)是竞争战略实施的两个基本方向。
答案:1. 成本 2. 差异化三、简答题1. 请简述企业使命和价值观的概念及其在企业战略管理中的作用。
2. 请简述成本领先战略和差异化战略的基本原理和应用场景。

企业战略管理随堂练习 2022 华南理工大学1. (单选题)战略管理的目的是提高企业对()的适应性,使企业做到可持续发展。
A.外部环境 B.内部条件 C.社会关系 D.管理理论答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: A 问题解析:2. (单选题)美国学者罗伯?卡茨将企业管理工作对管理者能力的要求划分成三个方面,企业高层管理者最需要的能力是()。
A.技术能力 B.人际关系能力 C.思维能力 D.组织能力答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: C 问题解析:3. (单选题)识别出企业外部环境中存在的机会,对其配以相应的资源或者能力以充分利用这些机会,并在此基础上制定出适宜的战略,称为()。
A.战略延伸 B.战略识别 C.战略创新 D.战略匹配性答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: D 问题解析:4. (单选题)企业充分利用本身的资源和能力,主动地去创造竞争优势,或者创造出新的发展机会,称为()。
A.战略延伸 B.战略识别 C.战略创新 D.战略匹配性答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: A 问题解析:5. (单选题)战略管理过程由三个要素组成,其中不包括()。
A.战略分析 B.战略控制 C.战略选择 D.战略实施答题: A.B.C.D. (已提交) 参考答案: B 问题解析:6. (单选题)分析企业环境、责任与目标、资源与能力是战略管理过程三要素中()要素的内容。
A.战略分析 B.战略控制 C.战略选择 D.战略实施答题: A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: A 问题解析:7. (单选题)确定企业的经营范围、在特定经营领域的竞争优势,是战略管理过程三要素中()要素的内容。
A.战略分析 B.战略控制 C.战略选择 D.战略实施答题: A.B.C.D. (已提交)参考答案: C 问题解析:8. (单选题)企业的战略方案确定后,可以从三个方面来推进战略的实施。
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华南理工大学企业战略管理(双语)期末考试试题A答案《企业战略管理(双语)》A卷一、选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. In formulating a strategy, management is, in effect sayingA) "this is who we are and where we are headed.''B) "this is the strategic plan we have for making money in ourparticular line of business."C) "we intend to make these moves to outmaneuver our rivals."D) "among all the paths we could have chosen, we have decided tofocus on these markets and customer needs, compete in thisfashion, allocate our resources and energies in these ways, anduse these particular approaches to doing business."E) "this is our vision of what our business will be like in theyears to come."Answer: D Difficulty: Medium2. In a single-business company, the strategy-making hierarchy consists ofA) business strategy and functional strategies.B) business strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.C) business strategy and operating strategy.D) managerial strategy, business strategy, functional strategies,and operating strategies.E) corporate strategy, functional strategies, and operatingstrategies.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium3.SWOT analysis isA) a helpful tool for predicting whether the company's value chainis cost competitive.B) simple tool for sizing up a company's resource capabilities anddeficiencies, its market opportunities, and the externalthreats to its future well-being.C) a helpful tool for evaluating whether a company is competitivelystronger than its closest rivals.D) a helpful tool for benchmarking whether a firm's strategy isclosely matched to industry key success factors.E) a helpful tool for identifying the reasons why a company is oris not profitable.Answer: B Difficulty: Easy4. A company's actual strategy isA) mostly hidden to outside view and is known only to top-levelmanagers.B) typically planned well in advance and usually deviates littlefrom the planned set of actions and business approaches becauseof the risks of making on-the-spot changes.C) best delegated to the company's board of directors because oftheir fiduciary responsibility, their ultimate responsibilityfor the company's well-being, and their strong businessexpertise.D) partly proactive and partly reactive to changing circumstances.E) partly a function of the strategic vision, partly a functionof the target strategic and financial objectives, partly afunction of market opportunities, and partly a function of thestrategies being used by rival companies (particularly thosecompanies that are industry leaders).Answer: D Difficulty: Medium5. Factors that cause the rivalry among competing sellers to be weakincludeA) low buyer switching costs.B) rapid growth in buyer demand and high buyer costs to switchbrands.C) high costs of exiting the market as compared to the costs ofentering the market.D) a set of competitors that are quite diverse in terms of theirstrategies, objectives, and countries of origin.E) conditions where it is customary for rivals to collaborateclosely with both their suppliers and their customers.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium6.The competitive force of substitute products tends to be stronger ina given market whenA) buyers are relatively comfortable with using substitutes andthe costs to buyers of switching over to the substitutes arelow.B) buyers view substitutes as likely to be in short supply fromtime to time.C) the quality and performance of the substitutes is well abovewhat buyers need to meet their requirements.D) buyers have high psychic costs in severing existing brandrelationships and establishing new ones.E) when demand for the industry's product is not very pricesensitive.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium7. Achieving a cost advantage over rivals entailsA) concentrating on a narrow portion of the value chain andabandoning all other activities that create costs.B) being a first-mover in pursuing backward and forwardintegration and controlling as much of the value chain aspossible.C) outmanaging rivals in controlling the cost drivers and findingcreative ways to cut cost-producing activities out of the valuechain.D) being a heavy user of offensive strategies and a light user ofdefensive strategies.E) producing a standard product, redesigning the productinfrequently, and having minimal advertising.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium8. A company's strategic vision is best conceived asA) a road map of a company's future—a picture of its destinationand management's rationale for going there.B) what business the company is presently in and why it does certainthings in trying to please its customers.C) management's storyline of how it intends to make a profit withthe chosen strategy.D) "who we are and what we do."E) the general strategic outline of what the enterprise will needto do to outmaneuver rivals and achieve a competitive advantage.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy9. Business strategy concernsA) the actions and approaches crafted by management to producesuccessful performance in one specific line of business.B) what business to be in and whyC) which of several business models to use in pursuing companyobjectives.D) which of several competitive advantages to put of the company'sresources behind.E) All of these.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy10. A company attempting to be successful with a differentiation strategyhas toA) study buyer needs and behavior carefully to learn what buyersconsider important, what they think has value, and what theyare willing to pay for.B) incorporate more differentiating features into itsproduct/service than rivals.C) strive to raise buyer switching costs.D) have a well-known and respected brand name image.E) provide a top-of-the-line product to consumers.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium11. Buyer bargaining power tends to be stronger whenA) buyers are large and can demand concessions when purchasinglarge quantities.B) buyers purchase the item frequently and are well-informed aboutsellers' products, prices, and costs.C) the costs incurred by buyers in switching to competing brandsor to substitute products are relatively low.D) the products of rival sellers are weakly differentiated andbuyers have considerable discretion over whether and when theypurchase the product.E) All of the aboveAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy12. Crafting and executing strategy are top-priority managerial tasksbecauseA) every company needs to be alert to the winds of change, newopportunities, and threatening developments.B) all company personnel, and especially senior executives, needto know the answer to "who are we and where are we headed?"C) there is a compelling need for managers to proactively shapehow the company's business will be conducted and because astrategy-focused organization is more likely to be a strongerbottom-line performer than an organization that views the tasksof managing strategy as secondary.D) without clear guidance as to what the company's business modeland strategic intent are, managerial decision-making is likelyto be rudderless.E) they help communicate to shareholders and the entire investmentcommunity "what it is we are trying to do and to achieve."Answer: C Difficulty: Easy13.The best strategic alliancesA) are highly selective, focusing on particular value chainactivities and on obtaining a particular competitive benefit.B) are those whose objective is to speed next-generation productsto market more quickly.C) aim at achieving greater supply chain efficiency.D) strive to reduce the number of industry key success factors.E) aim at raising the barriers to entry and insulating the partnersagainst the impacts of the five competitive forces.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium14. Which one of the following is not part of a company'smacroenvironment?A) Conditions in the economy at largeB) Population demographics and societal values and lifestylesC) Technological factors and governmental regulations andlegislationD) Factors relating to competitive rivalry, a company's suppliersand customers, and competition from substitute productsE) A company's resource strengths and weaknesses, competencies,and competitive capabilitiesAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy15. The competitive approach of a firm pursuing a global strategyA) entails little or no strategy coordination across countries.B) usually involves cross-subsidizing the prices in those marketswhere there are significant country-to-country differences inthe product attributes that customers are most interested in.C) is essentially the same in all country markets where it competesbut it may nonetheless allow for minor country-by-countryvariations where necessary to satisfy buyers.D) involves selling direct to buyers (usually via the company'sown sales force) to avoid having to establish networks ofwholesale/retail dealers in each country market.E) involves having a wide and diverse lineup of products (modelsand styles), with the basic product attributes varyingaccording to buyer preferences in each country market.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy16. The tests for evaluating the merits of one strategy over another andgauging how good a strategy is include:A) the strategic fit test, the social responsibility test, and theprofitability test.B) the integrated business model test, the competitive strengthtest, and the profitability testC) the goodness of fit test, the competitive advantage test, andthe performance test.D) the social responsibility test, the strategic intent test, andthe competitive strength test.E) the opportunity-threat test, the ethical standards test, andthe best strategy test.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium17. The difference between a company's mission statement and the conceptof a strategic vision is thatA) the mission explains why it is essential to make a profit,whereas the strategic vision addresses what businesses to bein to try to make a profit.B) a mission statement typically concerns " what we do, why we arehere, and where are we now" whereas the focus of a strategicvision is "where we are going and why."C) a mission deals with what to accomplish in terms of financialperformance whereas a strategic vision concerns what toaccomplish in terms of strategic performance.D) a mission statement deals with "where we are headed " whereasa strategic vision provides the critical answer to "how willwe get there?"E) a mission is about what a company is already doing and a visionconcerns what a company ought to do.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium18.The competitive threat that outsiders will enter a market is strongerwhenA) the products of rival firms are weakly differentiated, buyershave no strong preferences for the brands of existing producers,and buyers exhibit low brand loyalties.B) incumbents are unable or unwilling to fight vigorously toprevent a newcomer from gaining a market foothold.C) a newcomer can expect to earn attractive profits.D) there are interested entry candidates with sufficient expertiseand resources to hurdle prevailing entry barriers.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy19. A company's strategy evolves over time as a consequence ofA) the need to keep strategy matched to changing market conditionsand changing customer needs and expectations.B) the proactive efforts of company managers to fine-tune andimprove one or more pieces of the strategy.C) new managerial priorities and changing managerial judgmentsabout what the best future course for the company is.D) the need to respond to the actions and competitive moves of rivalfirms.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy20. A company strength can relate toA) a skill or important expertise.B) its human assets and intellectual capital.C) an achievement or attribute that puts the company in a positionof market advantage.D) organization assets such as proprietary technology, patents,quality control systems, a strong balance sheet,itspartnerships or alliances with other organizations havingexpertise or capabilities that enhance its own competitiveness.E) All of these.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy21. The chief role of functional strategies is toA) integrate the various operating-level strategies across thewhole company into a unified whole.B) define the mission and strategic intent of each functional area.C) help specify the needed kinds of distinctive competencies andresource strengths.D) add relevant detail to the hows of the overall business strategyand competitive approach and provide a game plan for managinga particular activity in ways that support the overall business.E) create compatible degrees of strategic intent among a company'sbusiness functions.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy22. Whether supplier-seller relationships in an industry represent astrong or weak source of competitive pressure is a function ofA) whether the profits of suppliers are relatively high or low.B) the number of suppliers and the number of sellers.C) how aggressively rival sellers are maneuvering to formstrategic alliances with each of the industry's majorsuppliers.D) whether suppliers can exercise sufficient bargaining power toinfluence the terms and conditions of supply in their favor andthe extent of seller-supplier collaboration in the industry.E) whether the prices of the items being furnished by the suppliersare rising or falling.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium23.A company's value chain consistsA) the steps it goes through to convert its net income into valuefor shareholders.B) the primary activities it performs in creating value for itscustomers and the related support activities.C) the series of steps it takes to get a product from the rawmaterials stage into the hands of end-users.D) the activities it performs in transforming its competenciesinto distinctive competencies.E) the company's efforts and actions to build sustainablecompetitive advantage.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium24.Generally, internal entry into a new business is more attractive thanacquiring an existing firm in the targeted industry whenA) the costs associated with internal startup are less than thecosts of buying an existing company and there is ample time tolaunch the new business from the ground up.B) there will be positive effects on the entrant's other existingbusinesses.C) the target industry is young, fragmented, and growing rapidly.D) all of the potential acquisition candidates are losing money.E) the target industry is comprised of several relatively largeand well-established firms.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium25. Strategy-making isA) primarily an individual responsibility rather than a grouptask.B) more of a collaborative group effort (that involves, to somedegree, all managers and sometimes key employees) as opposedto being a function of a few high-level executives.C) first and foremost the function of a company's strategicplanning staff.D) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's board of directors.E) first and foremost the function and responsibility of acompany's chief executive officer.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium二、简答题(每题8分,共40分)1. Draw and briefly describe the five forces model of competition.参考答案:(1)潜在进入者的威胁;(2)供应商讨价还价的权力;(3)顾客讨价还价的权力;(4)替代产品的威胁;(5)行业内部竞争的特点。