DPtech LSW3600-SI系列以太网交换机典型配置手册v1.4
手册版本:v1.4 软件版本:LSW3600-S221S002D013
DPtech LSW3600-SI 系列以太网交换机典型配置手册 v1.4.docx
声 明
Copyright © 2008-2016 杭州迪普科技有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。 非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书内容的部分或全部,并不得以 任何形式传播。
格式 意义 表示操作中必须注意的信息,如果忽视这类信息,可能导致数据丢失、功能 失效、设备损坏或不可预知的结果。 表示对操作内容的描述进行强调和补充。
DPtech LSW3600-SI 系列以太网交换机典型配置手册 v1.4.docx
目 录
1 典型配置案例支持的设备型号 .................................................................................................................. 1 2 常用维护命令行介绍 ................................................................................................................................ 1
3 基本二三层转发配置案例 ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 二层转发简介 ........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.1.1 配置需求 ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.2 网络拓扑 ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.3 配置流程 ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.4 配置步骤 ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 三层转发简介 ....................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.1 配置需求 .................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.2 网络拓扑 .................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.3 配置流程 .................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.4 配置步骤 ................................................................................................................................... 12
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感谢您使用北京四方继保自动化股份有限公司的产品。为了安全、 正确、高效地使用本装置,请您务必注意以下重要提示:
1) 本说明书仅适用于 CSC-187Z 工业以太网交换机。 2) 请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明书的规定调整、测试和操作。
第五篇 CLI 命令............................................ 54
1.常用命令....................................................... 54 2.端口配置....................................................... 58 3.配置 VLAN ......................................................61 4.配置环网....................................................... 62 5.配置 RSTP ......................................................63
如有随机资料,请以随机资料为准。 3) 为防止装置损坏,严禁带电插拔装置各插件、触摸印制电路板
PSW 618A工业以太网交换机说明书V1.0
-40℃~+70℃ 5%~95%(产品内部既不应凝露,也不应结冰)
2.3 环境条件 2.3.1 温度
工作:-40℃~+70℃。 贮存:-40℃~+85℃,相对湿度不大于 80%,不施加激励量,交换机不出现不可逆的变化,温度恢复 后,交换机能正常工作。 2.3.2 相对湿度 5%~95%(产品内部既不应凝露,也不应结冰)。 2.3.3 大气压力 66kPa~110kPa
2.1.1 直流电源 a)额定电压:220V、110V; b)允许偏差:-20%~+10%; c)纹波系数:不大于 5%
2.1.2 交流电源 PSW618A 工业以太网交换机支持交流 220V/50Hz 的电源工作。
2.1.3 功率消耗 额定负载下,交换机消耗功率不大于 20W。
2.1.4 接点容量 告警信号空接点容量: a) 允许长期通过电流:DC220V 1A; b) 切断电流:3A;
安全声明 版本声明
1 概述.................................................................................. 1 1.1 适用范围 ......................................................................... 1 1.2 功能配置及型号 ................................................................... 1 1.3 性能特点 ......................................................................... 1
全千兆安全隔离型 以太网交换机 说明书
全千兆安全管理型以太网交换机1物品清单小心打开包装盒,检查包装盒里应有的配件:一台交换机一根交流电源线一根串口线一本用户手册两个L型支架如果发现包装盒内产品有所损坏或者任何配件短缺的情况,请及时和当地经销商联系2第一章 用户手册简介第一章感谢您购买全千兆管理型交换机。
本交换机提供多方面的管理功能,整体性能优越,使用简单,是您提升工作性能的理想选择!1.1 用途本手册的用途是帮助您熟悉和快捷的使用24口全千兆管理型交换机。
在本手册以下部分,均以24口全千兆管理型1.3 用户手册概述第一章:用户手册简介。
3第二章 产品介绍第二章2.1 产品简介KN-S10-3024GS是一款低端安全型交换机,提供web配置交换机,提供24个10/100/1000Mbps自适应铜端口。
2.2 主要特性符合符合IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE 802.3ab标准主机背板带宽可达48G,存储--转发体系结构24个10/100/1000Mbps TX 自适应RJ458K的MAC地址每一个端口都支持地址学习功能支持自动线序交叉功能(Auto-MDIX)支持广播风暴控制,可有效控制各种广播数据包的转发速率,避免广播风暴支持IP+MAC+PORT绑定,防御ARP攻击支持网关ARP 攻击防御支持上联端口配置,其他端口自动隔离支持WEB、带外RS232管理可通过HTTP、XMODEM 进行系统软件升级内置优质开关电源,稳定可靠1U全钢外壳,支持标准19英寸机架安装452.3 技术指标表2.4 包装内容请参见装箱清单产品型号24口全千兆远程管理型交换机符合标准IEEE 802.3、802.3x 、802.1Q 、802.1p 、IEEE802.1D 和802.3ab端口数支持24个1000Base-T网络介质10BASE-T :3类或3类以上UTP 或STP 100BASE-TX :5类UTP 或STP1000BASE-T :5类或超五类、六类UTP 或STP ,MAC 地址表 8K 背板带宽 48G过滤和转发速率 10Mbps :14880pps ;100Mbps :148800pps ; 1000Mbps :1488000pps Link/Act 连接/工作 1000M 连接在千兆状态 LED指示其它 Power(电源)外形尺寸(L ×W ×H) 单位(mm)440×285×44使用环境工作温度: 0℃~40℃;工作湿度10%~90%不凝结存储温度: -40℃~70℃;存储湿度5%~90%不凝结 输入电源输入:180-260V AC ,50-60Hz ;第三章 交换机安装指南第三章3.1 安装首先,请按照下述步骤妥当地安置好交换机:确保电源线已可靠地连接在交换机后面板上的电源接口和供电的电源插座间。
华为以太网交换机操作手册 1 入门 (1)
第 5 章 系统 IP 配置.............................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1 系统 IP 简介.................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 管理 VLAN.......................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 IP 地址.................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.3 静态路由.............................................................................................................................. 5-3 5.2 系统 IP 配置.................................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.2.1 创建/删除管理 VLAN 接口................................................................................................ 5-4 5.2.2 为管理 VLAN 接口指定/删除 IP 地址...............................................................................5-4 5.2.3 为管理 VLAN 接口指定描述字符..................................................................................... 5-4 5.2.4 打开/关闭管理 VLAN 接口................................................................................................ 5-5 5.2.5 配置主机名和对应的 IP 地址............................................................................................ 5-5
以太网交换机 说明书
目录1.简介 (2)1.1 启封 (2)1.2 安装过程 (3)2 安装位置 (3)2.1 桌面或架上安装 (4)2.2 机架安装 (4)3. 连接交换机 (4)3.1 设备到交换机 (4)3.2 交换机/HUB到交换机 (5)3.3 应用示例 (6)4. 理解指示灯 (7)4.1 指示灯定义 (7)5. 故障处理 (8)5.1 故障原因 (8)附录A. 技术规范 (9)附录B. 电缆规格 (10)附录C. 电磁辐射及安全认证 (11)11.简介本交换机是一个具有16个10/100M口的即插即用的快速以太网交换机,该交换机具有速率自适应(10/100Mbps)和模式自探测(全双工或半双工),方便安装及使用,利用该交换机的交换技术每个网络连接可以使用高达200Mbps的带宽来传输数据,交换的总带宽为3.2Gbps.用户可以使用这种交换机改善他们的网络性能.1.1 启封一台16口10/100Mbps以太网交换机一条交流电源线两套机架支架和螺丝本用户手册21.2 安装过程2 安装位置本交换机可以放置在一个平面(如桌面)或机架上,为连接方便起见,交换机的放置应遵循以下原则:交换机放置应方便电缆的连接。
32.1 桌面或架上安装1. 把要放置的第一台交换机放置在一个坚固的平面上.2. 把第二台交换机放置在第一台交换机上面,请不要在桌面上叠放超过3台交换机,以防摇动。
2.2 机架安装1. 利用支架和螺丝在机架安装。
2 使用十字螺丝起子固定交换机。
3. 连接交换机3.1 设备到交换机连接10 Base-T设备可使用3类或5类双绞线(管脚定义见附录B)连接100 Base-T设备可使用3类或5类双绞线(管脚定义见附录B)4最大电缆长度为100米(根据IEEE的规范)3.2 交换机/HUB 到交换机本交换机可以连接10/100Mbps交换机或HUB,连接方式如下: 3.2.1 MDI(级连口)口与MDI-X(非级连口)口的连接缆.线缆.53.3 应用示例交换机可以克服HUB-HUB的连接限制,改善网络的整体性能,交换机对传输网络中的数据包可以进行智能决策,所以交换机可以减少网络中的不必要的数据传输.下面示例显示交换机能够进行网络分段,减少网段中的节点数目减少冲突.64. 理解指示灯4.1 指示灯定义指示灯可以提供交换机及各端口状态等有用的信息指示灯 状态 说明电源灯 ON 交换机加电.显示模式绿色 指示灯指示Link / Act状态黄色 指示灯指示FDX / Col状态111-16口指示灯Link / Act状ON 端口有一个可靠的连接态闪烁 传送或接受数据.ON 全双工连接FDX / Col状态闪烁 冲突绿色 100Mbps连接黄色 10Mbps连接前面板有显示模式切换开关75. 故障处理5.1 故障原因交换机的故障一般有下列几种情况:设备没有加电错误的电缆连接交换端口无效注意:由于 Port 16 MDI-X 和 MDI port 共占用一个端口结构,不要同时使用两个端口。
以太网交换机使用说明书目录物品清单 (4)第一章用户手册简介 (5)1.1 用途 (5)1.2 约定 (5)1.3 用户手册概述 (5)第二章产品概述 (6)2.1 产品简介 (6)2.2 产品特性 (6)2.2.1 主要特性 (6)2.2.2 规格说明 (7)第三章安装指南 (8)3.1 安装 (8)3.1.1 安装在桌面上的方法 (8)3.1.2 安装在机架上的方法 (8)3.1.3 加电 (8)3.2 交换机的外观 (8)3.2.1 前面板 (8)3.2.2 后面板 (10)3.3 注意事项 (10)第四章交换机基本概念 (12)4.1 系统配置 (12)4.1.1 系统信息 (12)4.1.2 IP地址参数 (12)4.1.3 文件传输 (12)4.1.4 保存与复位 (13)4.2 端口管理 (13)4.2.1 端口参数 (13)4.2.2 端口监控 (14)4.2.3 端口描述 (14)4.2.4 端口统计与端口状态 (14)4.2.5 端口带宽 (15)4.2.6 端口广播风暴 (15)4.3 网络配置 (15)4.3.1 最大老化时间与动态地址表 (15)4.3.2 静态地址表 (16)4.3.3 静态安全地址表 (16)4.3.4 Ping检测 (16)4.4 虚拟局域网管理 (16)4.4.1 VLAN模式配置 (17)4.4.2 Global VID配置 (18)4.4.3 VLAN配置 (18)VLAN组 (19)4.4.4 MTU4.5 Trunk配置 (19)4.6 优先级管理 (20)4.6.1 优先级配置 (20)4.6.2 端口优先级表 (20)4.6.3 TOS优先级 (20)4.6.4 802.1p优先级 (20)4.6.5 802.1p优先级映射表 (21)第五章 WEB管理 (22)5.1 概述 (22)5.2 WEB管理的连接 (22)5.2.1 准备工作 (22)5.2.2 连接 (25)5.3 WEB管理界面及操作方法 (26)5.3.1 系统配置 (27)5.3.2 端口管理 (30)5.3.3 网络配置 (37)5.3.4 VLAN管理 (41)5.3.5 Trunk配置 (45)5.3.6 优先级管理 (46)第六章带外管理 (52)6.1 概述 (52)6.2 带外(out-of-out)的连接方法 (52)6.3 带外管理的界面及操作方法 (53)6.4 CLI命令使用说明 (53)6.4.1 语法帮助 (53)6.4.2 命令帮助使用说明 (53)6.4.3 常用命令 (54)管理 (58)第七章 Telnet7.1 概述 (58)7.2 Telnet的连接方法 (58)7.3 连接 (60)附录A RJ-45插座/连接器引脚详细说明 (62)物品清单小心打开包装盒,检查包装盒里应有的配件:一台交换机一根交流电源线一根串口线一本用户手册两个L型支架(KN-S1008M+除外)如果发现包装盒内产品有所损坏或者任何配件短缺的情况,请及时和当地经销商联系。
KIEN301和6M3024M 工业以太网交换机用户手册
本资料著作权属北京东土科技股份有限公司所有。未经著作权人书面许可,任何单 位或个人不得以任何方式摘录、复制或翻译。
Copyright © 2006-2009 KYLAND Technology CO., LTD. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be excerpted, reproduced, translated, annotated or duplicated, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of KYLAND Corporation.
第五章 硬件安装......................................................................................................................................... 25 5.1 安装要求 ......................................................................................................................................... 25 5.2 主机安装 ......................................................................................................................................... 25 5.3 电缆连接 ......................................................................................................................................... 26 5.4 光纤连接 ......................................................................................................................................... 27 5.5 布放线缆 ......................................................................................................................................... 27
以太网交换机配置维护操作规程以太网交换机配置维护操作规程1 范围本规程适用于公司以太网交换机的运行操作和维护检修。
2 规范性引用文件YD/T 1099 《以太网交换机技术要求》YD/T 1141 《以太网交换机测试方法》YD/T 1627 《以太网交换机设备安全技术要求》YD/T 1628 《以太网交换机设备安全测试方法》3 术语和定义3.1以太网交换机以太网交换机是基于以太网传输数据的交换机,以太网采用共享总线型传输媒体方式的局域网。
4 一般要求4.1维护管理人员对以太网交换机数据配置由通信专业人员进行设置,熟练掌握设备的原理及操作,取得相应的资质。
5 运行操作5.1 作业前的检查和准备准备需配置以太网交换机一台,RJ-232串口线一条、带串口(或USB转串口线)笔记本电脑一台(台式电脑操作方便也可以)。
5.2 启动1.打开电脑电源用串口线连接电脑与以太网交换机的Console口。
2.在电脑上运行终端仿真程序(如window3.X的terminal或windows 9X/windows 2000/Windows XP的超级终端等)。
选择与交换机相连的串口,设置终端通信参数:传输速率为9600bit/s 、8位数据位、1位停止位、无校验和无流控。
5.3 运行调整VLAN接口的基本配置,进入系统视图(system-view),创建VLAN接口并进入VLAN接口视图(interfac vlan-interface),指定当前VLAN接口的描述字符串(description),将VLAN接口的管理状态设置为关闭(shutdown),将VLAN接口的管理状态设置为打开(undo shutdown),进入系统视图(system-view),指定交换机上的管理VLAN(management-vlan),创建并进入管理VLAN接口(interface vlan-interface),配置管理VLAN接口ip地址(ip address),配置静态路由配置静态路由进入系统视图system-viewiproute-staticdest-address{mask|mask-length}{next-hop-address|interface-type interface-numbernext-hop-address|vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-namenext-hop-address}[preferencepreference-value]说明:必选缺省情况下,静态路由的优先级preference为60,静态路由tag值为0,未配置描述信息。
工业以太网交换机专用网管软件Kyvision用户使用手册(东土) 模板
工业以太网交换机专用网管软件--Kyvision 用户手册适用于3.2.9以后版本前言Kyvision 是北京东土科技股份有限公司开发的,用于管理以太网交换机系列设备的网管软件,提供对本公司SICOM 系列、KIEN 系列以太网交换机的管理和控制功能,同时具有对其它支持RFC1213 标准设备的管理能力。
其管理功能按照TMN 的规范进行设计,包括设备管理、告警管理、权限管理、拓扑管理和组态管理。
《工业以太网交换机专用网管软件--Kyvision 用户手册》供用户在系统开通、扩容和日常维护时参考,同样适用于用户培训以及相关技术人员的学习,是广大用户认识和了解Kyvision 网管软件的实用教材。
本手册主要包括以下内容:第一章概述;第二章软件安装;第三章 Kyvision 界面介绍;第四章设备管理;第五章拓扑管理;第六章组态管理;第七章权限管理;第八章告警管理;第九章个性化设置。
目录第一章概述 (4)1.1 产品概述 (4)1.2 产品特点 (4)第二章软件安装 (5)2.1 系统要求 (5)2.2 网管软件安装 (5)2.2.1 初次安装网管软件 (6)2.2.2 修复性安装网管软件 (7)2.2.3 客户端安装 (8)2.3 网管软件卸载 (10)2.4 用户登录 (10)2.5 单机环境使用网管 (10)2.5.1 运行服务器 (10)2.5.2 运行客户端 (11)2.6 分布式环境使用网管 (11)2.7 网管服务器后台服务 (11)第三章界面介绍 (13)3.1 客户端登录窗口 (13)3.2 主界面区域组成说明 (14)3.2.1 主菜单 (14)3.2.2 工具栏 (15)3.2.3 拓扑工具条 (15)3.2.4 告警计数栏 (16)3.2.5 导航树 (17)3.2.6 网络拓扑区域 (17)3.2.7 告警实时显示区 (18)3.2.8 设备显示设置 (18)3.2.9 设备维护 (19)第四章设备管理 (20)4.1 功能概述 (20)4.2 新增设备 (20)4.2.1 新增子网 (20)4.2.2 增加设备 (20)4.3 删除设备 (21)4.4 设备本地配置 (22)4.5 设备基本信息 (22)4.6 SNMP参数查询 (23)4.7 Ping设备 (23)4.8 Telnet管理设备 (24)4.9 全部告警 (25)4.10 设备属性配置 (25)4.11 维护 (26)4.11.1 Ftpserver配置 (26)4.11.2 设备配置导出 (27)4.11.3设备配置导入 (28)4.11.4 网管数据备份/恢复 (29)4.11.5 设备软件升级 (31)4.11.6 网管数据清理 (31)第五章拓扑管理 (33)5.1 功能概述 (33)5.2 手动连线 (33)5.3 自动拓扑 (34)5.3.1 指定ip拓扑发现 (34)5.3.2 指定网段拓扑发现 (35)5.4 删除连接线 (36)5.5 查看连接属性 (36)第六章组态管理 (38)6.1 功能概述 (38)6.2 查看设备组态面版图 (38)第七章权限管理 (40)7.1 功能概述 (40)7.2 用户权限管理规则 (40)7.2.1 用户管理 (40)7.3 子网权限管理 (43)7.4 操作权限锁定 (44)第八章告警管理 (46)8.1 功能概述 (46)8.2 告警级别 (46)8.3 告警分类 (46)8.4 告警方式 (46)8.5 故障管理界面 (47)8.5.1 菜单 (47)8.5.2 告警屏蔽设置 (47)8.5.3 查询告警(当前告警和历史告警) (48)8.5.4 告警导出 (48)8.6 告警列表 (49)8.7 告警确认 (50)8.8 告警删除 (51)第九章个性化设置 (52)9.1 功能概述 (52)9.2 更换拓扑背景 (52)第一章概述1.1产品概述Kyvision 是北京东土科技股份有限公司开发的用于管理以太网交换机系列设备的网管软件,提供对本公司SICOM 系列、KIEN 系列以太网交换机的管理和控制功能,同时提供对其它支持RFC1213 标准设备的管理和控制功能。
10口千兆网管型工业以太网交换机说明书可选2~8个千兆以太网电口,速率自适应、全/半双工模式,MDI/MDI-X自适应0~8个千兆SFP接口,可适配1000M SFP光模块(支持单模和多模)和1000M SFP 电口模块(支持双绞线传输)支持Web、CLI和SNMP三种管理方式,其中CLI支持Telnet和console登录支持QoS,IGMP,GMRP,802.1Q VLAN功能支持RSTP,ERPS和CK-ring,用于以太网冗余,环网自愈时间小于20ms支持继电器告警输出,用于电源、端口和环网状态告警采用高强度IP40外壳及工业级EMC设计支持冗余宽电压12~48V DC电源输入,满载功耗小于11W支持导轨式或壁挂式安装工作温度范围:-40~85℃,适合恶劣环境应用10口千兆网管型工业以太网交换机采用高强度IP40防护外壳,工业级EMC设计,支持宽范围冗余电源输入(12~48V DC)以增加通讯网络的可靠性。
支持2~8个10/100/1000BASE-T(X) RJ45电口和0~8个1000BASE-X SFP接口,可以根据业务口需求灵活的进行光电组合。
传统交换特性支持IEEE802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3x标准,存储转发交换方式支持可选2~8个10/100/1000BASE-T(X) RJ45电口,支持Auto-Negotiation技术,自动协商工作速率(10M/100M/1000M)和双工模式(半双工/全双工),MDI/MDI-X 自适应支持0~8个1000 BASE-X SFP接口,可适配1000M SFP光模块(支持单模和多模)和1000M SFP电口模块(支持双绞线传输)支持广播风暴抑制功能采用高强度IP40外壳及工业级EMC设计支持冗余宽电压12~48V DC电源输入,满载功耗小于11W-40~85℃工作温度范围高级工业冗余以太网联网特性支持Web、CLI和SNMP三种管理方式,CLI支持Telnet和CONSOLE登录支持存储转发机制支持端口常用特性设置,如端口使能、自适应或强制、流控等支持端口镜像,用于在线调试、监控网络数据状态支持端口带宽限制功能,优化带宽利用支持端口聚合功能,用于扩展网络带宽,提高网络传输效率支持端口优先级QoS设置,提高网络服务质量支持端口MAC地址学习和数据统计功能支持802.1Q VLAN设置,有效控制广播域支持单播/多播MAC地址管理支持静态IGMP多播过滤,用于过滤工业以太网协议中的多播流量支持GMRP工业组播注册协议,用于变电站的应用支持SNMP V1/V2C/V3使不同层次的网络管理均具有安全性支持RSTP,避免报文在环路网络中的增生和无限循环支持冗余自愈以太环网技术(全负载下故障恢复时间<20ms),支持环网单环、相切和相交三种环网模式支持ERPS,工业级的以太网环网保护技术,满足工业快速收敛可靠性的应用要求支持继电器告警输出支持全局网络系统管理接口RJ45电口:10/100/1000BASE-T(X)速率自适应、全/半双工模式,MDI/MDI-X自适应SFP接口:1000BASE-X SFP光口,可适配1000M SFP光模块(支持单模和多模)和1000M SFP电口模块(支持双绞线传输)控制台:RS-232(RJ45连接头)告警输出:1个继电器输出,电流负载能力DC24V/1A电源输入:两路电源输入,采用4芯可拔插的7.62mm间距标准工业端子交换属性十兆转发速度:14881pps百兆转发速度:148810pps千兆转发速度:1488095pps传输方式:存储转发系统交换带宽:20Gbps缓存大小:2MbitsMAC地址表:8K电源支持冗余电源输入,典型工作电压12V/24V/48V满载功耗小于11W内置过流保护继电器继电器告警输出:端口故障、电源故障和环网故障的告警输出触点大容量:1A @24VDC,工业端子接口机械特性尺寸(长×宽×高):150.5mm×51.5mm×125.5mm 净重:900 克外壳:IP40等级保护,金属外壳安装:壁挂式或DIN卡轨式安装工作环境工作温度:-40℃~85℃存储温度:-40℃~85℃相对湿度:5%~95%(无凝露)保修保修期:5年。
1EinführungSIMATIC NETAnswers for industry.Industrial Ethernet Switches SCALANCE XB-000/XB-000GSimple – Space-saving – Suitable for industry Brochure · May 2009Industrial Ethernet Switches SCALANCE XB-000/XB-000GBenefits•Implementing a machine network even under constant cost pressure•Space-saving installation thanks to small, compact design •Quick commissioning without configuration•Easy on-site diagnostics via LEDsApplication areaThe unmanaged Industrial Ethernet switches of theSCALANCE XB-000/XB-000G line allow cost-effective solu-tions for setting up small star or line topologies with switching functionality in machinery or plant components. The enclo-sure is designed for space-saving installation in a control cabinet on a standard rail. Wall mounting is also possible. Product versionsAll versions can be diagnosed directly on the device using LEDs (power, link status data traffic)Versions for the construction of electrical Industrial Ethernet star and line topologies with:Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s):•SCALANCE XB005 and SCALANCE XB008;5 or 8 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 portsGigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbit/s):•SCALANCE XB005G and SCALANCE XB008G;5 or 8 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports Versions for the construction of electrical and optical Industrial Ethernet star and line topologies with:Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s):•SCALANCE XB004-1 and SCALANCE XB004-1LD;4 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports and1 x 100 Mbit/s optical SC port (multimode/singlemode,glass)Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbit/s):•SCALANCE XB004-1G and SCALANCE XB004-1LDG;4 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports and1 x 1000 Mbit/s optical SC port (multimode/singlemode,glass) DesignThe SCALANCE XB-000/XB-000G Industrial Ethernet switches are optimized for mounting on a standard rail.They have:• A 3-pin terminal block for connecting the power supply (1x24 V DC) and functional ground.•An LED to display status information (Power)•LEDs for indicating the status information (link status and data exchange) per portThe following port types are available:•10/100 BaseTX electrical RJ45 ports or10/100/1000 BaseTX electrical RJ45 ports;automatic data transmission rate detection(10/100/1000 Mbit/s), with Autosensing and Autocrossing function for connecting IE TP cables up to 100 m.•100 BaseFX, optical SC port for direct connection to the Indus-trial Ethernet FO cables. Multimode fiber-optic cable up to 3 km •100 BaseFX, optical SC port for direct connection to the Industrial Ethernet FO cables. Single mode fiber-optic cable up to 26 km •1000 BaseSX optical SC port for direct connection to the Industrial Ethernet FO cables.Multimode fiber-optic cable up to 750 m•1000 BaseLX optical SC port for direct connection to the Indus-trial Ethernet FO cables. Singlemode fiber-optic cable up to 10 km Function•Construction of electrical Industrial Ethernet line or star topologies•Use of uncrossed connecting cables is possible due to the integrated Autocrossing function of the ports•Simple network configuration and network expansion;no restriction on network expansion when cascading the switches.SCALANCE XB004-1Industrial Ethernet Switches2Industrial Ethernet Switches3Network topology and network configurationThe SCALANCE XB-000/XB-000G switches are typically in-stalled with the stations to be connected in a control cabinet or control box. When configuring the network, it is necessary to observe the following boundary conditions:•Length of the TP cable between two SCALANCE XB-000/ XB-000G switches -max. 100 m-max. 10 m via patch cable with TP Cord-max. 100 m via Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ45, IE FC Standard Cable and TP Cord •Length of fiber-optic cables:-max. 3 km with Industrial Ethernet FO cables multimode-max. 26 km with Industrial Ethernet FO cables singlemode DiagnosticsThe following information is indicated on the device by means of LEDs:•Power •Port status •Data trafficElectrical star topology with SCALANCE XB005G for the connection of ter-minal devices and connection to higher-level network structures with Gigabit EthernetElectrical star topology with SCALANCE XB005 for the connection of ter-minal devices with Fast EthernetMixed star topology with SCALANCE XB004-1 or SCALANCE XB004-1GThe information provided in this brochure contains descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.Siemens AG Industry SectorSensors and Communication Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG GERMANYSubject to change without prior notice Order No.: 6ZB5530-1AS02-0BA13P.8101.46.16 / Dispo 26000BR 0509 2.0 ROT 4 En Printed in Germany © Siemens AG 2009/simatic-netOrdering dataTechnical specificationsIndustrial Ethernet Switches SCALANCE XB-000/XB-000Gunmanaged Industrial Ethernet Switches for 10/100/1000 Mbit/s,IP20 degree of protection, incl. operating instructions, Industrial Ethernet Network manual on CD-ROM SCALANCE XB0055 x 10/100 Mbit/s RJ45 electrical RJ45 ports6GK5 005-0BA00-1AB2SCALANCE XB005G5 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports6GK5 005-0GA00-1AB2SCALANCE XB0088 x 10/100 Mbit/s RJ45 electrical RJ45 ports6GK5 008-0BA00-1AB2SCALANCE XB008G8 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports6GK5 008-0GA00-1AB2SCALANCE XB004-14 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports and 1x 100 Mbit/s optical SC port (multimode, glass), up to 3 km 6GK5 004-1BD00-1AB2SCALANCE XB004-1G4 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s RJ45 electrical RJ45 ports and 1x 1000 Mbit/s optical SC port (multimode, glass), up to 750 m 6GK5 004-1GL00-1AB2SCALANCE XB004-1LD4 x 10/100 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports and 1 x 100 Mbit/s optical SC port (singlemode, glass), up to 26 km 6GK5 004-1BF00-1AB2SCALANCE XB004-1LDG4 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s electrical RJ45 ports and 1 x 1000 Mbit/s optical SC port (singlemode, glass), up to 10 km6GK5 004-1GM00-1AB2IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45TP cable 4 x 2 with 2 RJ45 connectors■0,5 m ■ 1 m ■ 2 m ■ 6 m ■10 m6XV1 870-3QE506XV1 870-3QH106XV1 870-3QH206XV1 870-3QH606XV1 870-3QN10FO Standard Cable GP 50/125Fiber-optic cable, pre-assembled with 4 SC connectors (not for SCALANCE XB004-1LD/XB004-1LDG)■80 m ■100 m ■150 m ■200 m ■300 m6XV1 873-6AN806XV1 873-6AT106XV1 873-6AT156XV1 873-6AT206XV1 873-6AT30InterfacesConnection of terminal equipment or network components via twisted pair4, 5 or 8 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s RJ45 electrical portsNumber of optical ports for fiber-op-tic cables1 x 100/1000 Mbit/s optical SC port (multimode/singlemode)Connection for power supply1 x 3-pin plug-in terminal blockElectrical data Power supply+24 V DC■Premissible range+19.2 V DC to +28.8 V DC Power loss at 24 V DC 2.9 W Current consumption at rated voltage120 mAPermissible ambient conditions/EMC Operating temperature -10 ºC to +60 ºC Transport/storage temperature -40 ºC to +80 ºCRelative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2Emitted interference EN 61000-6-4Degree of protection IP20ConstructionDimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 100 x 87Weight in g 180Installation optionsDIN rail, wall mounting。
器支持 4 个 TCP 或 UDP 回话 数连接。 接口
接入端子:4 芯 7.62mm 间距接线端子
空载功率:IES618-4D(RS-232) 1.5 W@24VDC
IES618-4D(RS-485 ) 1.8 W@24VDC
IES618-2F-4D(RS-232) 4.8 W@24VDC
IES618-2F-4D(RS-485) 3.57W@24VDC
百兆电口:10Base-T/100Base-TX 自适应、RJ45 口 百兆光口:100Base-FX(SC 接口) 程序加载口:基于串口全局网管(RS-232),RJ45
告警端口:2 芯 7.62mm 间距接子端子
1 路继电器告警信息输出,
电流负载能力 1A@24VDC
串口 RS-232 信号:TXD,RXD,GND RS-422 信号:T+,T-,R+,R-,GND RS-485 信号:D+,D-,GND 检验位:None,Even,Odd,Space,Mark 数据位:5bit,6bit,7bit,8bit 波特率:300~115200bps 方向控制:RS-485 采用数据流向自动控制技术 负载能力:RS-485/422 端支持 32 点轮询环境(可定 制 128 点) 接口保护:RS-485/422 隔离电压 2KV,静电保护 15KV
EN61000-4-8(PFM),Level 5
Juniper EX 系列以太网交换机操作手册Version 1.0Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册Juniper EX系列以太网交换机操作手册。
第二章:产品概述2.1 产品功能网络交换机具备以下主要功能:- 实现数据包的接收和转发- 支持多种网络通信协议- 提供高速数据传输功能- 支持网络安全和管理功能2.2 产品特点- 高性能:网络交换机采用先进的硬件设计,具备高速数据处理和转发能力。
- 灵活扩展:支持模块化设计,可根据需求进行定制扩展。
- 可靠稳定:通过冗余设计和自动恢复机制,保证网络交换机的稳定性和可靠性。
- 安全管理:支持访问控制列表(ACL)、虚拟局域网(VLAN)和其他安全功能,确保网络数据的安全和保密性。
第三章:安装与连接3.1 硬件检查在安装网络交换机之前,需确保以下内容完好无损:- 交换机本身及其附件- 电源线和适配器- 网络连接线和接口3.2 硬件连接按照以下步骤连接网络交换机:1. 将电源线插入交换机的电源接口,并将适配器插入电源插座。
2. 将网络连接线插入交换机的网络接口,并与其他设备进行连接。
第四章:操作与配置4.1 登录交换机通过以下步骤登录网络交换机的管理界面:1. 打开Web浏览器,在地址栏中输入交换机的管理IP地址。
2. 输入用户名和密码,点击登录按钮。
4.2 设备管理网络交换机提供一系列的设备管理功能,包括:- 设备状态监测:可查看交换机的工作状态,网络连接情况等。
- 网络配置:可配置交换机的网络参数,如IP地址、子网掩码等。
- 路由配置:可设置交换机的路由表、路由选择协议等。
- 安全配置:可配置访问控制列表、虚拟局域网等安全相关设置。
- 系统维护:支持固件升级、日志管理和备份等系统维护功能。
第五章:故障排除5.1 常见问题网络交换机的使用过程中可能出现以下常见问题:- 无法连接到交换机:检查网络连接线是否插紧,确认交换机的IP 地址和网关设置是否正确。
Figure 1: Fire or Combustion Triangle When it comes to engineering, the design must meet the criteria of the classified location. Basically, there are three techniques to avoid a fire or explosion: containment (explosion proof enclosures and fittings), segregation (purge and pressurization of enclosures),Table 4: Class/Division System Compared to Zone System.*The -ER suffix indicates additional crush and impact test requirements and can be used as ‘exposed’ or ‘open’ wiring. When coming out of the cable tray, and the connection is less than six feet away to an end device such as a motor, cables with an ER rating can be used if they are properly supported and given adequate mechanical protection. Mechanical protection consists of struts, angle, or channels.In addition to the approved cable types there are other acceptable wires/cables that can be used with the proper pathway. Any suitable type of wire or cable can be used if installed in threaded metallic conduit with approved termination fittings. Defining ‘suitable’ type of wire is the responsibility of the AHJ but typically wire or cable approved for unclassified (non-hazardous) will be accepted. Many common off the shelf industrial devices, such as network switches, PLC’s, 24V DC power supplies, and Panduit 24V UPS are rated for Class I Division 2 locations. These devices are designed and manufactured to minimize the risk by addressing factors like spacing, fuses, relays, connectors, and surface temperatures. Manufactures may have a separate model that conforms to CID2 but in many cases there may be only one version. It is common for these devices to not be mounted in the hazardous area, but they have the certification regardless.Class I Division 2Reference ➢ Threaded rigid metal conduit or threaded steel intermediate metal conduit➢ Type PLTC and PLTC-ER (Power Limited Tray Cable – Exposed Run)*Article 725 ➢ Type ITC and ITC-ER (Instrumented Tray Cable – Exposed Run)*Article 727 ➢ Type MC (Metal Clad)Article 330 ➢ Type MV (Medium Voltage)Article 328 ➢ Type TC and TC-ER (Tray Cable – Exposed Run)*Article 336 ➢ Optical Fiber cable types allowed: OFNP , OFCP , OFNR, OFCR, OFNG, OFCG, OFN & OFC Installed in raceways that meet Article 501 requirementsArticle 770Table 6: CID2 Wiring MethodsClass I Division 2 (NEC Article 501)This classification is the most common hazardous environment. Methods that are approved for CID1 are allowed for CID2 locations as CID1 construction is more stringent than C1D2 construction. Division 2 includes additional cable types that can be used since there is less exposure to the hazard. Cable types such as Power Limited Tray Cable (PLTC) must be mounted in cable tray with listed fittings to meet the requirements. Cables with a proper sheath, Metal Clad for example, can be mounted without a pathway as long as the cable run is properly supported. Table 6 summarizes these methods and provides the NEC article reference where more information can be found on a specific cable type. For each type of cable listed there are installation requirements that are described as part of Article 501.NonincendiveNonincendive is not a common term but it is another type of classification for hazardous areas. There are a several types of ‘Nonincendive’ (circuit/component/equipment/field wiring) as defined in the NEC Article 100. Nonincendive is defined as having electrical/electronic equipment that is incapable, under normal operating conditions, of causing ignition of the surrounding atmosphere due to arcing or thermal means. Normal operating conditions are defined as maximum voltage under open circuit conditions and maximum current under short circuit conditions. Nonincendive devices are approved for use in a Division 2environment (also can be used for Class III Division 1) and therefore do not require protection such as an explosion proof enclosure or an intrinsically safe barrier. An advantage of this approach is cost when compared to Intrinsically Safe and explosion proof options. Nonincendive field wiring shall be permitted using any of the wiring methods permitted for unclassified locations and installed according to the control drawing.An example of a nonincendive device for CID2 is the Panduit VeriSafe ™ Absence of Voltage Tester (AVT), see figure 2. This rating allows the device to be mounted in control panels that are in the classified area. Any type of non-hazardous wiring can be used provided the manufacturer’s installation instructions are followed.Standards Apply to VS-AVT2 OnlyISA 12.12.01Nonincendive Electrical Equipment rated for Class I, Division 2 area classification, Groups A, B, C, D, and temperature classification T3.Class III (NEC Article 503)Class III focuses on textile mills where easily ignitable fibers/flyings are present in the manufacturing process. Examples of other Class III areas include cotton gins and seed mills, flax producing or handling facilities, pulverizing or shaping plants, and clothing manufacturing facilities. Sawmills and other woodworking plants where combustible fibers/flyings are present may also become hazardous locations. Fibers/flyings are hazardous because they are easily ignited but also because flames quickly spread through them. Class III locations do not have material group designations. Table 8 summarizes these acceptable methods for Class III division 1 and 2.Intrinsically Safe (NEC Article 504)Intrinsically safe equipment is defined as equipment and wiring which is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal conditions to create a hazardous situation. Intrinsically safe systems commonly use a standalone barrier that contains energy limiting electronics. Conceptually, the function of an intrinsically safe barrier is like that of a fuse or circuit breaker. When too much energy is detected from the barrier the barrier will react and ‘open’ the circuit. Any of the wiring methods for unclassified (non-hazardous) locations can be used as long as the conditions specified in the control drawings are followed. The intrinsically safe application is viewed as a circuit and each device that is part of the system must follow the design. Control drawings are typically supplied with the intrinsically safe barrier and will specify the requirements of the cabling. It is also important that the intrinsically safe wire is isolated and clearly marked so that it is not accidentally mixed with other wiring. Typically, intrinsically safe wire is blue in color and labeled so it can be easily recognized. For more information on intrinsic safety refer to UL 698A and/or NEC article 504.Class III Division 1 and Division 2➢ Rigid metal conduit, PVC conduit, RTRC conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, dust tight wireways➢ Type MC or MI cable with listed termination fittings ➢ Type PLTC and PLTC-ER cable ➢ Type ITC and ITC-ER➢ Type MC, MI, MV, TC/TC-ER cable (requires ventilation and specific spacing)Table 8: Class III Wiring MethodsSummaryThe NEC has an abundance of information and guidance for hazardous locations found in Chapter 5 (Article 500 to 506). Traditionally the NEC has followed the Class/Division segmentation but with the addition of Article 505 and 506 there is now a reference to the Zone schema that is used internationally. When installing outside of the United States be sure to follow the standards and regulations for that area, ATEX and IECEx are common outside of the US. Direct cross referencing of standards is usually not allowed unless the device is provided with a dual rating. Be aware that there are differences between Classes and Divisions that are not incremental and do not transfer from one to the other. For example, a Class I device cannot be used in a Class III area unless it has been rated for that area.Appropriate materials selection and installation practices are documented in the NEC and are used to create a safe design that can be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Following these 3 steps will provide a proper install; determine the correct hazardous area classification, review the wiring types allowed for proper cable selection, and installing the cable per the requirements of the hazardous location. Each classified area has a list of approved wiring methods as shown in the tables within this paper. Additional details for the applicable standards of these wiring methods should be researched prior to developing a design. Interpretations of the requirements are subjective, so it is crucial to include any local codes and communicate with the proper authority for the specific location. In most cases there are several options available and having the proper information will result in a successful project.Panduit ProductsIt is challenging to generally classify products due to the many details and the variety of standards that apply to different situations. The FAQ section and chart below provides guidance for common situations and a starting point for product specification. Today there are many products that offer Class I Division 2 ratings; this provides more flexibility when installing in a hazardous location.What type of enclosure is needed for Class I Division 2? Can a Panduit Zone enclosure be used?In CID2 locations, enclosures, fittings, and joints are not required to be explosionproof if they contain no arcing devices and the equipment used in the panel is CID2 rated. Control panels containing solid-state relays, solenoids, and control transformers (as long as the devices operating temperature doesn’t exceed 80% of ignition temperature) are considered non-arcing devices per article 501.105(B)(3 and 4). Therefore, a NEMA 4 rated Zone Enclosure with CID2 rated equipment, such as a Stratix® switch or PLC, can be mounted in the CID2 classified area without the need for an explosion proof rating. This guidance is assuming that the area of installation does NOT require explosion proof seal. Division 2 wiring methods indicated in Article 501.10(B) must be adhered to for the installation.Additionally, some motor control devices that are mounted in control panels can have CID2 ratings. For example, devices suchas circuit breakers/motor controllers/switches that are sealed and not arc producing can be listed as CID2 rated devices. Article 501.115 and 501.120 provide more details on the exceptions but reviewing any equipment’s labeling and/or manuals will statethe rating to which it has been tested and certified.What rating is required for cables and connectors used in a Class I Division 2 control panel?Cables and connectors used in a CID2 control panel, not requiring explosion proof seal, do not have to have a hazardous location listing. As long as the equipment is ‘listed’ it can be used. To clarify, there are two types of terminology used in the NEC code;‘listed’ and ‘listed for the location’. Listed for the locations typically refers to an item being rating for the explosion proof area. However, the term ‘listed’ refers to a more general recognition such as general purpose or ordinary. The term ‘listed’ refers to a component that is tested to a standard by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory such as UL or CSA. Therefore, for these CID2 control panels, Panduit network products such as patch cables, RJ45 plugs/jacks, and related equipment that are used inside the control panel are allowed. Any type of wiring that is outside of the enclosure must adhere to the Division 2 wiring methods indicated in Section 501.What type of fittings are needed for Class I Division 2 installations for Zone Enclosures (or other control panels)? Generally speaking, if the installation requires an explosionproof seal, the fitting must be an explosionproof fitting, rated, listed, and marked for either Class I, Division 1 or Class I, Division 2. If the installation does not require an explosionproof seal, all that is required is an ordinary or general-purpose rated and listed fitting compatible with the appropriate Division 2 wiring method being used. When equipment being installed does not rely on an explosionproof method of protection and does not have ignition concerns then explosionproof enclosures and fittings are not needed per section 501.10(B)(4) of the NEC.What cable can be used inside threaded metal conduit that meets Class I applications?Standard Panduit enterprise or industrial copper cable and fiber can be used in threaded rigid metal conduit. The media used in this pathway only needs to be listed (general recognition) and is not required to have any type of explosion proof rating. The threaded metal conduit provides the protection requiredMore Meaningful Connections11 WHITE PAPER – Specifying Cable Infrastructure in Hazardous Locations Per NEC StandardsThis chart contains Panduit products that can be installed in different types of hazardous locations.Part Number DescriptionApplications Type of use in hazardous locationClass IDiv 1Class I Div 2Class II Div 1Class II Div 2Class III Div 1&2IURHT5C04BL-UG Category 5e 4-pair UTP 600 V 22 AWG solid Type PLTC*Ethernet Networks EtherNet/IPRMC Cable Tray RMC Cable Tray Cable Tray ESFLHT5C02FGR-X Category 5e 2-pair SF/UTP 600 V 22 AWG stranded Type AWM, ITC, PLTC*Ethernet Networks PROFINET Type B/C RMC Cable Tray RMC Cable Tray Cable Tray ESFLHT5C02GR-X Category 5e 2-pair SF/UTP 22 AWG solid Type PLTC*Ethernet Networks PROFINET Type A RMC Cable Tray RMC Cable Tray Cable Tray UPS00100DC Maintenance-free, No battery, 100 Watts, 24VDCPower back up for 24VDC devices Not Rated Yes Not Rated Yes Yes Z22U-S14 and -S15Universal Network Zone EnclosureHousing network switches and devices Not RatedYes**Not Rated Yes**Yes**Z23U-S24 and -S25FODPZ12Y OFNP plenum, 50µm OM4, 900µm buffered fibersIndoor Distribution fiberCable Tray FODPZ24Y FSDP912Y OFNP plenum, 50µm OS2, 900µm buffered fibersIndoor Distribution fiberCable Tray FSDP924Y FOPPZ12Y OFCP plenum, 50µm OM4, 900µm buffered fibersIndoor Distribution interlocking armor Cable Tray FOPPZ24Y FSPP912Y OFCP plenum, 9µm OS2, 900µm buffered fibersIndoor Distribution interlocking armor Cable Tray FSPP924Y FOCPZ12Y OFNP plenum, 50µm OM4, 250µm fibers Indoor/outdoor loose tube cableCable Tray FONPZ24Y FSCP912Y OFNP plenum, 9µm OS2, 250µm fibers Indoor/outdoor loose tube cable Cable Tray FSNP924Y FSJD912OFNR-LS riser LSZH, OS2Industrial Dielectric Double Jacketed Cable Tray FOJDZ12OFNR-LS riser LSZH, OM4Industrial Dielectric Double JacketedCable Tray* Power Limited Tray Cable (PLTC) applications reduce rating to 300 V ** When equipped with location approved equipmentAWM = Appliance Wiring Material ITC = Instrument Tray cable PLTC = Power Limited Tray CableRMC = Rigid Metal Conduit (thick walled threaded metal tubing)OFCP = Fiber Optic Conductive Plenum OFNP = Fiber Optic Nonconductive PlenumOFNR-LS = Fiber Optic Nonconductive Riser LSZH = Low smoke Zero HalogenCable tray = Unit or assembly of units and the associated fittings that form a structural system used to securely fasten or support cables and raceways. Example of cable tray is Panduit Wyr-Grid® Overhead Tray Routing System. In addition to cable tray other installations types are available, refer to NEC Article 725.Acronym decoder list:THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WHITE PAPER IS INTENDED AS A GUIDE FOR USE BY PERSONS HAVING TECHNICAL SKILL AT THEIR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK. BEFORE USING ANY PANDUIT PRODUCT, THE BUYER MUST DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR HIS/HER INTENDED USE AND BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. PANDUIT DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN OR FOR ABSENCE OF THE SAME.All Panduit products are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of its then current Limited Product Warranty, which can be found at /warranty.* All trademarks, service marks, trade names, product names, and logos appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners.©2020 Panduit Corp. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CPAT82--WW-ENG 8/2020Since 1955, Panduit’s culture of curiosity and passion for problem solving have enabled more meaningful connections between companies’ business goals and their marketplace success. Panduit creates leading-edge physical, electrical, and network infrastructure solutions for enterprise-wide environments, from the data center to the telecom room, from the desktop to the plant floor. Headquartered in Tinley Park, IL, USA and operating in 112 global locations, Panduit’s proven reputation for quality and technology leadership, coupled with a robust partner ecosystem, help support, sustain, and empower business growth in a connected world.PANDUIT US/CANADA Phone: 800.777.3300PANDUIT EUROPE LTD.London, UK*******************Phone: 44.20.8601.7200PANDUIT JAPAN Tokyo, Japan********************Phone: 81.3.6863.6000PANDUIT SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.Republic of Singapore *****************Phone: 65.6305.7575PANDUIT AUSTRALIA PTY. 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8 口 10/100M+4 路串口网管型工业以太网交换机
◎支持 SW-Ring 环网冗余专利技术,网络故障自愈时间<20ms ◎支持 IEEE802.1Q VLAN 设置,有效控制广播域 ◎支持 Web、CLI、Telnet 管理功能 ◎支持 IEEE802.1p_QOS 功能
百兆电口:10Base-T/100Base-TX 自适应、RJ45 口 百兆光口:100Base-FX(SC 接口) 程序加载口:基于串口全局网管(RS-232),RJ45
告警端口:2 芯 7.62mm 间距接子端子
1 路继电器告警信息输出,
电流负载能力 1A@24VDC
串口 RS-232 信号:TXD,RXD,GND RS-422 信号:T+,T-,R+,R-,GND RS-485 信号:D+,D-,GND 检验位:None,Even,Odd,Space,Mark 数据位:5bit,6bit,7bit,8bit 波特率:300~115200bps 方向控制:RS-485 采用数据流向自动控制技术 负载能力:RS-485/422 端支持 32 点轮询环境(可定 制 128 点) 接口保护:RS-485/422 隔离电压 2KV,静电保护 15KV
EN61000-4-8(PFM),Level 5
冲击:IEC 60068-2-27 自由跌落:IEC60068-2-23 震动:IES 60068-2-6 质保 保修期:5年 认证 CE、FCC、RoHS、UL508(认证中) 产品最新认证动态请查询 3onedata 网站
IES618-4D 系列是最新一代多业务接入型网管冗余工业以太网交换机,具有集成度高,功能丰富,简 单方便等特点,代表行业内最高水平。支持丰富的工业运用所需的以太网交换机二层协议,支持自主研发 的 SWRing 冗余环网协议,自愈时间<20ms,保障了网络的实时性和稳定性。
RS608 百兆系列 工业以太网交换机 CLI 说明书
产品说明书版本修改记录表1098765432V1.1修正本文中的错误描述V1.02016/4 1V1.0RS608百兆系列工业以太网交换机说明书初始版本V1.0.02015/12序号说明书版本号修改摘要初始软件版本号修改日期*技术支持:电话(0755)26641737*传真(0755)26640197**本说明书可能会被修改,请注意核对实际产品与说明书是否相符目录前言 (1)1.命令行格式约定 (1)2.标志 (1)第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1.概述 (2)第二章产品管理 (2)2.1.CLI管理 (2)2.1.1.串口概述 (2)2.1.2.通过Console口登录交换机 (2)2.2.T ELNET管理 (4)2.3.NMS管理 (5)第三章用户管理 (6)3.1.概述 (6)3.2.命令列表 (6)3.3.命令说明 (6)3.3.1.create account命令 (6)3.3.2.config account命令 (7)3.3.3.delete account命令 (8) account命令 (8)第四章命令行管理 (9)4.1.概述 (9)4.1.1.命令行在线帮助 (9)4.1.2.命令行显示特性 (11)4.1.3.历史命令记录功能 (11)4.1.4.命令行错误信息 (11)4.1.5.命令行编辑功能 (12)4.2.命令列表 (13)4.3.命令说明 (13)4.3.1.prompt命令 (13)4.3.2.history命令 (13)4.3.3.clear命令 (14)第五章IP地址管理 (15)5.1.概述 (15)5.1.1.IP地址的分类和表示 (15)5.1.2.特殊的IP地址 (16)5.1.3.子网和掩码 (16)5.2.命令列表 (17)5.3.命令说明 (17)5.3.1.enable命令 (17)5.3.2.disable命令 (17)5.3.3.config ip命令 (18) ip命令 (19)第六章IGMP SNOOPING (21)6.1.IGMP S NOOPING协议简介 (21)6.1.1.IGMP Snooping原理 (21)6.1.2.IGMP Snooping的实现 (22)6.2.命令列表 (24)6.3.命令说明 (24)6.3.1.enable命令 (24)6.3.2.disable命令 (25)6.3.3.config igmp_snooping命令 (25) igmp_snooping命令 (26)6.3.5.clear igmp_snooping命令 (28)第七章端口 (29)7.1.概述 (29)7.2.命令列表 (29)7.3.命令说明 (29)7.3.1.config ports<portlist>discard命令 (29)7.3.2.config ports<portlist>flow_control命令 (30)7.3.3.config ports<portlist>port_description命令 (31)7.3.4.config ports<portlist>priority命令 (31)7.3.5.config ports<portlist>pvid命令 (32)7.3.6.config ports<portlist>speed命令 (32)7.3.7.config ports<portlist>state命令 (33) port命令 (34)第八章VLAN (37)8.1.概述 (37)8.1.1.VLAN的优点 (37)8.1.2.VLAN的划分方式 (38)8.2.命令列表 (39)8.3.命令说明 (39)8.3.1.create vlan命令 (39)8.3.2.config vlan<vlan_id>add命令 (39)8.3.3.config vlan<vlan_id>delete命令 (40)8.3.4.config vlan<vlan_id>description命令 (41) vlan命令 (41)8.3.6.delete vlan命令 (42)第九章MAC地址表 (44)9.1.概述 (44)9.2.命令列表 (44)9.3.命令说明 (45)9.3.1.config mac add命令 (45)9.3.2.config mac delete命令 (45) mac命令 (46)9.3.4.config aging_time命令 (47) aging_time命令 (47)9.3.6.config multicast_mac add命令 (48)9.3.7.config multicast_mac delete命令 (48) multicast_mac命令 (49)9.3.9.clear命令 (50)第十章MIRROR (51)10.1.概述 (51)10.2.命令列表 (51)10.3.命令说明 (52)10.3.1.enable命令 (52)10.3.2.disable命令 (52)10.3.3.config mirror dst_iport命令 (53)10.3.5.config mirroris isrc_port命令 (54)10.3.6.config mirror esrc_port命令 (55) mirror命令 (55)第十一章QOS (57)11.1.概述 (57)11.1.1.优先级 (57)11.1.2.优先级信任模式 (59)11.2.命令列表 (61)11.3.命令说明 (61)11.3.1.config traffic_control命令 (61) traffic_control命令 (63)11.3.3.config storm_control命令 (63) storm_control命令 (65)11.3.5.config qos map命令 (65)11.3.6.config qos mode命令 (66)11.3.7.config qos priority_trust命令 (67)11.3.8.config qos weight命令 (68) qos命令 (68)第十二章ACL (70)12.1.概述 (70)12.2.命令列表 (70)12.3.命令说明 (70)12.3.1.enable acl命令 (70)12.3.2.disable acl命令 (71)12.3.3.create acl命令 (71)12.3.4.delete acl命令 (73)第十三章STP (74)13.1.概述 (74)13.1.1.STP的用途 (74)13.1.2.STP的协议报文 (74)13.1.3.STP的基本概念 (74)13.2.命令列表 (75)13.3.1.config stp<portlist>cost命令 (76)13.3.2.config stp delay命令 (76)13.3.3.config stp<portlist>edge命令 (77)13.3.4.config stp max_age命令 (78)13.3.5.config stp<portlist>mode命令 (78)13.3.6.config stp<portlist>p2p命令 (79)13.3.7.config stp<portlist>priority命令 (79)13.3.8.config stp sysorio命令 (80)13.3.9.config stp version命令 (81) stp命令 (81)第十四章MSTP (84)14.1.概述 (84)14.1.1.MSTP产生的背景 (84)14.1.2.MSTP的基本概念 (84)14.2.命令列表 (88)14.3.命令说明 (88)14.3.1.enable mstp命令 (88)14.3.2.disable mstp命令 (89)14.3.3.config mstp bridge configuration命令 (89)14.3.4.config mstp bridge port<portlist>configuration命令 (90)14.3.5.config mstp bridge vlan2instance命令 (91)14.3.6.config mstp cist configuration命令 (91)14.3.7.config mstp cist port<portlist>configuration命令 (92)14.3.8.config mstp msti<vlanlist>add命令 (93)14.3.9.config mstp msti del命令 (93)14.3.10.config mstp msti<vlanlist>remove命令 (94)14.3.11.config mstp msti modify命令 (94)14.3.12.config mstp msti port<portlist>configuration命令 (95) mstp configuration命令 (96) mstp information命令 (98) mstp debug statistics命令 (100)第十五章SNMP (101)15.1.概述 (101)15.1.2.SNMP的版本 (101)15.1.3.交换机支持的MIB (102)15.2.命令列表 (102)15.3.命令说明 (103)15.3.1.create snmp view命令 (103) snmp view命令 (104)15.3.3.delete snmp view命令 (105)15.3.4.create snmp community命令 (105) snmp community命令 (106)15.3.6.delete snmp community命令 (107)15.3.7.create snmp groups命令 (107) snmp groups命令 (108)15.3.9.delete snmp group命令 (110)15.3.10.create snmp user命令 (110) snmp user命令 (112)15.3.12.delete snmp user命令 (112)15.3.13.create snmp host命令 (113) snmp host命令 (114)15.3.15.delete snmp host命令 (114)15.3.16.config snmp engineID命令 (115) snmp engineID命令 (115)15.3.18.config snmp system_contact命令 (116)15.3.19.config snmp system_location命令 (116)15.3.20.config snmp system_name命令 (117) snmp system命令 (117)15.3.22.create trusted_host命令 (117) trusted_host命令 (118)15.3.24.delete trusted_host命令 (119)第十六章链路汇聚 (120)16.1.概述 (120)16.2.命令列表 (120)16.3.命令说明 (121)16.3.1.create link_aggregation命令 (121)16.3.2.config link_aggregation命令 (121)16.3.4.config lacp命令 (123)16.3.5.delete link_aggregation命令 (124)16.3.6.clear lacp命令 (124) lacp命令 (125)第十七章LLDP (127)17.1.概述 (127)17.1.1.LLDP的定义 (127)17.1.2.LLDP的工作机制 (127)17.2.命令列表 (128)17.3.命令说明 (128)17.3.1.config lldp hold命令 (128)17.3.2.config lldp interval命令 (129)17.3.3.config lldp mode命令 (129)17.3.4.config lldp reinit命令 (130)17.3.5.config lldp txdelay命令 (130) lldp命令 (131)17.3.7.clear命令 (132)第十八章SNTP (133)18.1.概述 (133)18.2.命令列表 (133)18.3.命令说明 (134)18.3.1.enable sntp命令 (134)18.3.2.disable sntp命令 (134)18.3.3.config sntp命令 (134) sntp命令 (135)18.3.5.config time命令 (136)18.3.6.config time-zone命令 (137) time命令 (137)第十九章系统监控 (139)19.1.概述 (139)19.2.命令列表 (139)19.3.命令说明 (139)19.3.2.delete syslog命令 (140)19.3.3.enable syslog命令 (141)19.3.4.disable syslog命令 (141) syslog命令 (142) syslog host命令 (143)19.3.7.clear syslog命令 (144)第二十章系统管理 (145)20.1.概述 (145)20.2.命令列表 (145)20.3.命令说明 (145)20.3.1.download命令 (145)20.3.2.upload命令 (146)20.3.3.reboot命令 (147)20.3.4.reset命令 (147)20.3.5.who命令 (148)20.3.6.whoami命令 (148)20.3.7.ping命令 (149)20.3.8.tracert命令 (149)20.3.9.tree命令 (150)20.3.10.logout命令 (151)第二十一章环网 (152)21.1.概述 (152)21.1.1.节点类型 (152)21.1.2.端口角色 (154)21.1.3.拓扑类型 (154)21.1.4.消息类型 (157)21.2.命令列表 (158)21.3.命令说明 (159)21.3.1.config wtop_ring assistant (159)21.3.2.config wtop_ring auto (159)21.3.3.config wtop_ring edge (160)21.3.4.config wtop_ring linkid (161)21.3.5.config wtop_ring master (161)21.3.7.config wtop_ring ringid (162)21.3.8.config wtop_ring<portid>role (163)21.3.9.delete wtop_ring (164) wtop_ring (164)21.4.案例说明 (166)21.4.1.单环 (166)21.4.2.相切环 (167)21.4.3.相交环 (170)21.4.4.耦合环 (172)第二十二章RMON (175)22.1.概述 (175)22.1.1.RMON概述 (175)22.1.2.常用的RMON组 (175)22.2.命令列表 (176)22.3.命令说明 (177)22.3.1.create rmon alarm命令 (177)22.3.2.delete rmon alarm命令 (178) rmon alarm命令 (179)22.3.4.create rmon event命令 (179)22.3.5.delete rmon event命令 (181) rmon event命令 (181)22.3.7.create rmon history命令 (182)22.3.8.delete rmon history命令 (182) rmon history命令 (183)22.3.10.create rmon statistics命令 (184)22.3.11.delete rmon statistics命令 (184) rmon statistics命令 (185)第二十三章系统告警 (186)23.1.概述 (186)23.2.命令列表 (186)23.3.命令说明 (186)23.3.1.config alarm命令 (186) alarm命令 (187)第二十四章附录 (189)24.1.出厂默认值 (189)24.1.1.系统设置 (189)24.1.2.功能设置 (189)24.2.专业术语介绍 (191)订货须知 (197)订货应注明: (197)前言1.命令行格式约定格式意义[...]表示用“[]”括起来的部分在命令配置时是可选的。
Advantech 智能计划地球的无管理工业以太网交换机说明书
/ Enabling an Intelligent PlanetAll product specifications are subject to change without notice.Features & Benefits• • • • • • • • •Copper Models• Fiber Models•SE200 series_2916With no setup required, Advantech B+B SmartWorx Unmanaged Industrial Ethernet Switches are cost-effective, best-in-class, UL Certified plug-and-play devices. These switches are designed for use in demanding industrial environments, offering unmatched performance, reliability, and value. Robust IP30 rated metal enclosure is designed to meet challenging industrial applications to provide efficient heat dissipation.Models are available in standard 10/100Mbps speed for twisted pair ports and 100Mbps for fiber optic connections (on some models) while supporting full data transmission. T he SE205 and SE208 series switches offer store and forward technology, as well as MDI/MDIX auto sensing to ensure connectivity on the copper ports. Status LEDs indicate active link, speed and collision status.Power is a 12-48 VDC redundant input design and is secured with a double protection mechanism: Polarity Reverse and Overload Protection. Polarity Reverse prevents damage to the switch in the event of incorrect power wiring. Overload Protection is a resettable fuse that prevents power overloads causing damage to the switch - once normal power is resumed the switch will restart automatically. Power-fail LEDs will activate to notify administrators of a failed condition as well as a power fault relay, to provide easy troubleshooting.Mechanical Diagram - SE205x CopperUnits = mmPackage Checklist Ethernet Switch, Quick Start Guide, DIN-Rail mount bracket (installed), Wall mount bracket.WarrantyLimited lifetime warranty for Advantech B+B designed and/or manufactured products.Mechanical Diagram - SE205x Fiber / SE208x CopperUnits = mm。
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2.1 系统结构..................................................... 11 2.2 装置硬件结构................................................. 12
第三篇 装置安装测试 ....................................... 15
3.1 开箱检测..................................................... 15 3.2 主机安装..................................................... 15 3.3 上电前检查................................................... 15 3.4 上电自检..................................................... 15 3.5 电口简单测试................................................. 16
1.1 概述.......................................................... 1 1.1.1 装置主要特点 ............................................1
1.2 技术条件 ......................................................2 1.2.1 环境条件 ................................................2 1.2.2 电气绝缘性能 ............................................2 1.2.3 机械性能................................................ 2 1.2.4 电磁兼容性.............................................. 2 1.2.5 安全性能................................................ 3 1.2.6 主要技术参数 ............................................3
CSC-187Z 工业以太网交换机 说明书
CSC-187Z 工业以太网交换机
编制:王鹏程标Fra bibliotek化审查:李连昌
校 核:游 涛 审 定:叶艳军
出 版 号:V1.01 文件代号:0SF.459.104 出版日期:2013.9
4.2.1 系统................................................... 19 4.2.2 网络................................................... 20 4.2.3 软件................................................... 21 4.2.4 端口配置............................................... 22 4.2.5 重启................................................... 23 4.2.6 配置管理............................................... 24 4.3 安全设置..................................................... 25 4.4 时间设置..................................................... 26 4.5 交换设置..................................................... 28 4.5.1 全局................................................... 28 4.5.2 MAC 地址过滤 ...........................................29 4.5.3 波特率限制(风暴抑制功能)............................. 30 4.5.4 多播................................................... 31 4.5.5 VLAN................................................... 35 4.5.6 VLAN 配置方法举例..................................... 38 4.5.7 删除 VLAN 说明.........................................43 4.6 QOS/优先级配置............................................... 45 4.6.1 OQS 端口配置 ...........................................45 4.6.2 优先级配置说明......................................... 46 4.7 冗余设置..................................................... 47 4.7.1 链路聚合............................................... 47 4.7.2 环网模式............................................... 49 4.7.3 环网配置............................................... 50
1.3 装置功能...................................................... 5 1.3.1 基本功能 ................................................5 1.3.2 业务功能 ................................................5
4.8 诊断功能..................................................... 51 4.8.1 事件日志............................................... 51 4.8.2 端口统计............................................... 52 4.8.3 端口镜像............................................... 52
3.6 光口简单测试................................................. 16
第四篇 装置 WEB 使用说明 ................................... 17
4.1 WEB 页面登陆 .................................................17 4.2 基本配置..................................................... 18
(ST/SC/SFP 可选),其中 25~28 口可配置为千兆光口或千兆电口,为用户 提供灵 活的组网方式; 7) 支持 QOS 功能,提供灵活的用户业务安全特性,满足电力行业业务低延时 抖动、高可靠性要求; 8) 持 Trunk 功能,具有 IGMP Snooping、IGMPV1/V2/V3 功能,支持 GMRP 协议; 9) 支持 STP/RSTP,MSTP,私有 RING 等环网功能;
电话:010-62986668 传真:010-62981900
感谢您使用北京四方继保自动化股份有限公司的产品。为了安全、 正确、高效地使用本装置,请您务必注意以下重要提示:
1) 本说明书仅适用于 CSC-187Z 工业以太网交换机。 2) 请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明书的规定调整、测试和操作。
2.2.1 后出线方式图示: .......................................12 2.2.2 前出线方式图示: .......................................13 2.2.3 电源端子及告警端子 .....................................13
1.1.1 装置主要特点
1) 专为电力行业设计,符合 IEC61850 标准,符合电力行业应用场景; 2) 出色的抗电磁干扰能力和高低温适应性,能够在恶劣环境下长期稳定运行; 3) 提供工业级宽压电源,冗余双电源设计,支持 AC85~265V ,DC110~330V; 4) 交换机转发时延<3μs,保证数据快速转发; 5) 支持前后面板出线,适合电力行业使用; 6) 内部模块化设计,1~28 口均可任意配置为 10/100BaseTX 或 10/100BaseFX
如有随机资料,请以随机资料为准。 3) 为防止装置损坏,严禁带电插拔装置各插件、触摸印制电路板
上的芯片和器件。 4) 请使用合格的测试仪器和设备对装置进行试验和检测。 5) 装置如出现异常或需维修,请及时与本公司服务热线联系。