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We are glad to stand here,and give you an interesting speech.Today our topic is “A Lesson from a 4-year-old”.Are you interested in this?This is an unusual story,I read this article with great interest.If my sister wants to color the sky pink or wear ballerina[ ,bælə'ri:nə ](芭蕾舞衣)dress to the supermarket,it is OK by me.The window of creativity and wonder is slammed[ slæm ](砰地关上)shut far too early in many children’s lives.My partner and I hope this article will move all of you as deeply as it moved us!

我们很高兴站在这里给你们一个有趣的演讲。我们今天的主题是“四岁孩子给我们上的一堂课" 。你有兴趣吗? 这是一个不寻常的故事,我以极大的兴趣看了这篇文章。如果我的妹妹想颜色天空粉红色或穿件芭蕾舞衣到超级市场去买菜,我是可以允许的。创造力和好奇心的窗户在许多孩子的生活中被过早地关上了。我和我的伙伴希望这篇文章能像感动我们一样感动你们。

If we were to conduct a poll among adults to determine[ di'tə:min ](确定)how many of you could sing or dance, I fear that we would receive the overwhelming[ ,əuvə'hwelmiŋ ](压倒性的)message that the vast[ vɑ:st ](巨大的)majority of adults feel they have no talent in these areas[ 'ɛəriəs ](领域). On the other hand ,if we were to conduct the same poll among 4-year-olds, we

would find that virtually[ 'və:tʃuəli ](几乎)all of them are convinced[ kən'vinst ](深信的)they can sing, and virtually all of them have confidence in their ability

to dance .


Most of the 4-year-olds have little or no real talent ,but, instead ,they are endowed[in'dau](赋予)with incredible[ in'kredəbl ](惊人的)confidence in their own potential[ pəu'tenʃəl ](潜能). This confidence, or certainty of success, is something we were all born with bur we later traded in for a strong dose

[ dəus ](剂量)of what we call realism[ 'riəlizəm ](现实主义).


Shortly after we reach school age ,we are taught lessons about the world that revolves[ ri'vɔlv ](旋转、循环)around us .Limiting[ 'limit ](局限)our vision[ 'viʒən ](想象力)and becoming realistic .I defy[ di'fai ](挑战)you to find a statue[ 'stætju: ](雕像)or a monument[ 'mɔnjumənt ](纪念碑)ever erected[ i'rekt ](树立)to anyone because they were realistic . All dreamers, all achievers ,all great people kept their child -like faith[ feiθ ](信仰)in their own dream and their ability[ ə'biliti ](才能)to carry it out ,and these great people had an inordinate[ i'nɔ:dinət ](过度的)gift to disregard[ disri'ɡɑ:d ](漠视)the world's cries for reality[ ri'æləti ](现实).


I challenge you to go through a single[ 'siŋɡl ](一个)day exploring[ iks'plɔ:riŋ ](探索)every aspect[ 'æspekt ](方面).At any time,you can decide to change the road you’re on in life,take a new direction,follow a new trail.You are the only one who really knows you want from life and if you’re on the right road for you.You’re the only one who can fulfill[ ful'fil ](履行、实现)your dreams and receive the joys and happiness that come from reading those aspirations and goals.not from what is realistic ,but instead from what is possible. If we can master[ 'mɑ:stə ](控制)this, we will begin to revert[ ri'və:t ](回归)backwards [ 'bækwədz ](向后)and live our lives in the unlimited[ ,ʌn'limitid ](无拘无束的)realm [ relm ](领域、范围)of the successful 4-year-old.


Today is the day!

