chose fields.
I. Reading Comprehension A
4. Corporate downsizing has led to ________.
a need for technologica
B. a mixture of highly efficient and very
cDo. ubledccoemrtianignly“mtahkee itdheeapl usrtsuuditeonftg”oowdhile in
c12 graodes l
I. Reading Comprehension
7. According to the author, well-written
rBe.aTshoenswyoorukpslhaoceulids ba“e hbiureydera’nsdmtaakriknegt”th,eand
stesptsundeendtsedhatvoeptroeparerepaaresotloidblye bthasee“dright
proadnuswctesr”b.efore you are asked The Question.
I. Reading Comprehension
3. According to the selection, college graduates
may ________.
find contract jobs only
B. have to change their jobs once in a year
Unit 1~2Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者Trade surplus 贸易顺差Quota and tariff 配额和关税Government intervention 政府干预Zero-sum game 零和博弈Positive-sum game 常和博弈The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论)Economies of scale 规模经济Diminishing returns 收益递减规律Green revolution 绿色革命Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制Deposit 佣金First mover advantage 先占优势Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势The department of commerce 商务部Letter of credit 信用证Draft /bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading B/L 提单Sight draft 即期汇票Time draft 远期汇票Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票)Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票Countertrade 对等贸易Barter 易货贸易Switch trading 转手贸易Offset 抵消Counter purchase 互购贸易Compensation trade 补偿贸易Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口)Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差)It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损)Absolute Advantage 绝对优势Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free TradeThe Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。
UNIT 13 Fighting Fire with Fire这个春天,吉姆·布伦纳将会带领几百个男男女女一起燃烧超过两百万英亩的佛罗里达的松树林。
我们是不是处在易燃的新时代的边缘?科学家警告说全球变暖(温室气体例如二氧化碳引起的行星加热)到2070 年可能提升地球温度5°F。
根据世界气象局的记录,在1998 年地球表面的平均温度是最高的。
而且消防技术在1970 年代第一次试验是基于频繁的小火减少毁灭性的事件的风险的理论,就像上个夏天,当保持着生态系统良好的情况下的佛罗里达的森林火灾。
在1988 年黄石国家公园那场由闪电引发并由林业员们同意使其燃烧的大火的肆虐之后,公众情绪反对“任其燃烧”和指定式的燃烧行为。
Unit 1~2 Mercantilism重商主义Trade surplus 贸易顺差Quota and tariff配额和关税Zero-sum game零和博弈Positive-sum game常和博弈The theory of absolute advantage绝对优势理论The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论Factor endowments要素禀赋理论Product life cycle 产品生命周期Economies of scale 规模经济First mover advantage先占优势Barrier to entry进入(市场)壁垒Porter’s diamond theory波特的钻石理论National competitive advantage国家竞争优势The department of commerce 商务部Letter of credit信用证Draft /bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading B/L 提单Sight draft即期汇票Time draft 远期汇票Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑Trade acceptance商业承兑汇票Countertrade 对等贸易Barter 易货贸易Switch trading 转手贸易Offset 抵消Counter purchase 互购贸易Compensation trade 补偿贸易1.波特钻石理论的主要内容①Factor endowments ②Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry③ Demand conditions ④Relating and supporting industries2.对等贸易的主要类型和优缺点①Types of countertradeCountertrade has evolved into a diverse set of activities that can be categorized as five distinct types of trading arrangements: barter, counter purchase, offset, switch trading, and compensation or buyback②The pros and cons of countertrade优:① The main attraction of countertrade is that it can give a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available.② Thus if a firm is unwilling to enter into a countertrade agreement, it may lose an export opportunity to a competitor that is willing to make a countertrade agreement.缺:① Countertrade contracts may involve the exchange of unusable or poor-quality goods that the firm cannot dispose of profitably② In addition, even if the goods it receives are of high quality, the firm still needs to dispose of them profitably.Unit 3Strategic alliance 战略联盟Licensing 许可证Joint venture 合资经营Contracting 承包经营Partnership 合资人Return on investment 投资回报率Franchising 特许经营Contract manufacturing 生产承包Management contracting 管理承包1.许可贸易的优缺点优:①The basic advantage in licensing as contrasted to other approaches is theease and low cost of entering a foreign market.②Licensing is also advantageous in that it can be used to test a foreignmarket without the risk of capital loss should the market not be receptive to the manufacturer’s product.缺:①The greatest disadvantages to the licensor are that a potential competitoris set up.②There is a lack of control over production and marketing.③There may be incomplete market exploration.Unit 4Foreign direct investment 外国直接投资Small and medium-sized firms 中小企业Horizontal FDI 横向外国直接投资Vertical FDI 纵向外国直接投资Product life cycle 产品生命周期Backward vertical FDI 后移纵向外国直接投资Forward vertical FDI 前移纵向外国直接投资Transportation costs 运输成本Market impediments 市场阻碍Market power 市场力量Oligopoly 寡头垄断Specialized assets 特殊资产1.影响横向对外投资的因素①Transportation costs ②Market imperfections④Following competitors ④The product life cycle2.What are the impediments to the sale of know-how?①Licensing may result in a firm’s giving away its technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor.②Licensing does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to profitably exploit tis advantage in know-how.③A firm’s know-how may not be amenable to licensing.Unit 5Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率制OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Floating exchange rate regime 浮动汇率制Plaza Accord 和平广场协议Louvre Accord 卢浮宫协议Foreign exchange market 外汇市场European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系EMSExchange Rate Mechanism 汇率机制ERMEuropean Currency Unit欧元 ECUTrade deficit贸易赤字Real interest 实际利息Balance of payment 收支平衡表Forward market 期货市场Swaps 掉期交易1. 布雷顿森林体系/固定汇率制瓦解的主要原因As the only currency that could be converted into gold, and as the currency that served as the reference point for all others①It was financed by an increase in the money supply, which, in turn, led to a rise in price inflation from less than 4percent in 1966 to dose to 9 percent by 1968②The rise in government spending had stimulated the economy③Gave rise to speculation in the foreign exchange market that the dollar would be devalued④Weakening dollars lose its credibility.2. What are the reasons for the unexpected rise in the dollar between 1980 and 1985, and what are the reasons for the rapid fall of the US dollar between 1985 and 1987?The reasons for the unexpected rise in the value of the dollar between 1980 and 1985:①Strong economic growth in the US attracted heavy inflows of capital from foreign investors seeking high returns on capital assets.②High real interest rate attracted foreign investors seeking high vellums on financial assets③Political turmoil in other parts of the world.The reasons for 1985 and 1987:The fall in the value of the dollar between 1985 and 198 was caused by a combination of government intervention and market forces.Unit 6Common law 普通法Code civil law 成文法Roman law 罗马法Industrial property right 工业产权Act of god 不可抗力Element forces of nature 天灾自然因素Arbitration 仲裁Conciliation 调节Litigation 诉讼World court at the Hague 海牙国际法庭Tribunals for arbitration 仲裁庭U.N. convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of ForeignArbitral/Awards 联合国承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约International Chamber of commerce 国际商会1. What are the differences between two legal systems in solving commercial disputes?①Under common law, commercial disputes are subject to laws which may be applied to either civil or commercial disputes since there is no specific recognition of commercial problems as such.②Code law differs in that there is a separate code specifically designed for business2. What are the procedures used by formal arbitration organizations? The usual arbitration procedure is for the parties involved to select a disinterested and informed party or parties as referee to determine the merits of the case and make a judgment that both parties agree to honor.Unit 7Intellectual property rights 知识产权Trade mark copyright, patents, trade secrets 商标权,版权,专利权,商业秘密Intangible assets, tangible assets 无形资产,有形资产Trademark registration 商标注册Generic terms 通称Infringement 侵权GATT 关贸总协定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade1. What does intellectual property right consist of?①It consists of the products of individual’s minds—products that result from intellectual, creative processes.②Trademarks, copyrights and patents are all forms of intellectual propertyUnit 8The TRIPS agreement 与贸易有关的知识产权协议Need Hierarchy 需求层次理论Self-reference criterion 自我参考标准The adoption process 接纳过程理论High-context cultures 高背景文化Low-context cultures 低背景文化Poly-chromic time 多元化时间观Mono-chromic time 单一性时间观Perception 观念1. What are the characteristics of culture?①It is not innate, but learned②The various facts of culture are interrelated-touch a culture in one place andeverything else is affected.③It is shared by the members of a group and defines the boundaries betweendifferent groups.2. What are the main contents of Need Hierarchy theory?①Self-actualization ②Esteem ③Social ④Safety ⑤Physiological3. What is the concept of adoption process? How many stages will a person undergo before he can finally purchase a new product?Adoption process─through which an individual passes from the time of his or her first knowledge of an innovation to the time of adopting or purchase of the innovation.These stages are as follows: ①awareness ②interest ③evaluation④trial ⑤adoption4. What are the adopter categories? What is the feature for early adopter?Adopter categories are classifications of individuals within a market on the basis of their innovativeness. They include innovators、early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and laggards.The future for early adopter: They tend to be younger, have higher social status and in a more favorable financial position than later adopter. They must be responsive to mass-media information sources and must learn about innovation form these sourcesbecause they cannot simply copy the behavior of earlier adopters.Unit 9Organizational behavior组织行为学Multinational Corporation 跨国公司Maquiladoras 马基拉朵拉工厂Parochialism 地方主义NAFTA 北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade AgreementKluckhohn-Strudtbeck framework 克拉克洪─斯托特柏克构架Hofstede framework 霍夫斯诺德构架BRICS 金砖五国巴西俄罗斯印度中国南非APEC 亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation1. Identify the sic cultural dimensions in the Kluckhohn-strodtbeck framework.①Relationship to the environment ②time orientation③nature of people ④Activity orientation⑤focus of responsibility ⑥conception of space2. Explain the dimensions of national culture in Hofstede framework.①Individualism versus collectivism②power distance③uncertainty avoidance④masculinity versus femininity。
新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)阅读教程 4 Unit 1-8 答案
![新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)阅读教程 4 Unit 1-8 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d51059e84868762caaed53b.png)
新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 8Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。
A. Reading to find main ideas1.A2. DB. Reading to find major details3.C4. AC. Reading to find relevant facts5.C6.BII. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1 Katia Eliad, a Paris-based artist, was stuck in a rut. She felt blocked in her creativity, out of touch with herself and for some inexplicable reason unable to use green or blue in her abstract paintings.巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚·艾利亚德陷入停滞。
2 This year will be filled with his music, but it will also be a time to re-examine the contradictions and conflicting interpretations of his brief 35-year life.今年会充满莫扎特的音乐,但今年也会重新审视莫扎特短短35年的一生带来的矛盾和冲突的看法。
3 That notion was first given scientific support in a 1993 article in Nature, which found that college students who listened to the first movement of Mozart’s Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos performed better on a spatial reasoning test that involved mentally unfolding a piece of paper.《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想像如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一乐章的大学生取得了更好效果。
商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4
![商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fce44cccd15abe23482f4d7d.png)
Marketing is the ongoing process of 【moving people closer to making a decision (to purchase,
use, follow or conform to someone else’s products, services or values) 】.
营销一词的含义是什么?市场营销是一个不断 推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到 做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用 他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价 值取向。营销人员运用市场营销推广组合的变 量来制定营销推广计划。
Comprehensive Reading
修饰 process
C. Sometimes (50%) D. Never(0%)
In what ways are you easily persuaded into buying something? By______.
A. TV commercial B. Newspaper Advertisement C. Quality D. package E. Brochures F. Leaflets G. Price H. After-sales service
n. 产品 n. 制造业者,厂商 市场调查
n. 品牌 n. 市场营销 媒体计划
n. 形象塑造 实体环境
n. 人员 n. 放置 目标市场
distribution channel generic advertising at no cost marketing effort process drawback product pricing marketing mix charge junk mail sales strategy at regular price
全新版 大学英语 阅读教程4课文翻译
![全新版 大学英语 阅读教程4课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c3d912e482fb4daa58d4b71.png)
1、待走读生好点克里斯托夫·M·贝利托 你也许可以列出往宿家中,每天赫家和学校之间的大学走读生所享受的种森!}l}越之处。
_ 但在下面的文章中,作者试图揭示事‘清的另一面,认为走读生的生活并不如人}l!}们想像 中的那般轻松。
走读生过着一种矛盾的生活,他去学校是为了能体会一种自我探}ll}索的生 活,而实际上与父母在一起是绝对无法保持“我独立的。
你也许认为我们这些人住在家中、 每天往返学校的日子很惬意。
不用等洗衣机,牙膏用完了橱拒里有新的,更重要的是,冰箱 里塞满了食物,也不用自己付款。
不仅如此,通常还有人付电话费,即使再晚,微波炉里也 还热着食物。
也许表面上看起 来我们像被惯坏了的孩子, 但事情远没有那么简单。
再者,家庭 的责任也在所难免。
比方说,当父母的结婚周年纪念日正好在我们期末考试的前一天,我们 该怎么办?事实上,做一个无法脱离家庭约束的学生简直与努力跟一个你不喜欢的室友相处 一样困难。
由于你不得不 开车回家或赶最后一班车, 你很难享受俱乐部、 大学生联谊会和舞会的乐趣。
同样不幸的是, 你意识到你不能参加仅有一次的商法复习课,因为它结束得太晚。
但这还不是问题的关健: 毕竟,每个人都可以随时在朋友的宿舍里借宿。
’真正的问题在于,我们错过了那些活动, 错过了由此产生的一种友好的情嗦,这种情嗦来自于一同突击恶补工业心理学的漫漫长夜, 来自于谁跟谁上了床的瞎扯闲铆, 来自于关于 “乔治· 威尔” “亲爱的艾比” 和 的热门话题, 以及在这之后彼此对于毕业临近的真切感受的交流。
Unit One Scientific Research (I) Part A The Rise of Science LOGO
About A History of Western Philosophy
Hailed as “lucid and magisterial” by The Observer
Unit One Scientific Research (I)
Introduction LOGO
Getting to Know Getting into Library
Part B References
Part A The Rise of Science
Part C Timed Reading Further Reading
4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Key: 1. parallelism
2. parenthesis
4. rhetorical question
3. emphatic sentence
Unit One Scientific Research (I)
Reading and Thinking LOGO
Author’s Purpose First, then, what is science? Surely there
can be no difficulty in answering this, and yet I fear that, if I should pass through this or any other audience with the question, I should get many different answers. (P 20)
融通大学英语跨文化阅读教程4罗选民课后答案1、In many cities, a low-carbon lifestyle has become(). [单选题] *A. more popular and more popularB. more and more popular(正确答案)C. the most popularD. most and most popular2、What _______ would you like, sir? [单选题] *A. otherB. else(正确答案)C. othersD. another3、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练4、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane5、28.—Where is Fujian Province?—It’s ________ the southeast of China. [单选题] * A.in (正确答案)B.onC.toD.at6、Modern plastics can()very high and very low temperatures. [单选题] *A. stand(正确答案)B. sustainC. carryD. support7、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher8、We all wondered()Tom broke up with his girlfriend. [单选题] *A. thatB. whatC. whoD. why(正确答案)9、_____ before we leave the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party. [单选题] *A. Had they arrived(正确答案)B. Were they arriveC. Were they arrivingD. Would they arrive10、Lucy _______ at 7:00 every day. [单选题] *A. go to schoolB. goes to school(正确答案)C. to go to schoolD. went?to?school11、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] *A. schedule(正确答案)B. schoolC. menuD. subject12、They lost their way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was night began to fall. [单选题] *A. thatB. itC. what(正确答案)D. which13、Don’t _______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worry(正确答案)B. worried aboutC. worry aboutD. worried14、I took?some _______of the Great Wall?in China last year. [单选题] *A. potatoesB. tomatoesC. photos(正确答案)D. paintings15、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice16、I've never been to Africa, but that is the place(). [单选题] *A. where I most want to visitB. in which I most want to visitC. I most want to visit(正确答案)D. that I want to visit it most17、Some people were born with a good sense of direction. [单选题] *A. 听觉B. 方向感(正确答案)C. 辨别力D. 抽象思维18、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)19、Could you tell me _____ to fly from Chicago to New York? [单选题] *A.it costs how muchB. how much does it costC. how much costs itD.how much it costs(正确答案)20、Now he is _______ his homework. [单选题] *A. busyB. busy with(正确答案)C. busy with doingD. busy does21、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时22、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked23、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *A. 后来B. 以后C. 终于D. 最近(正确答案)24、Mary is interested ______ hiking. [单选题] *A. onB. byC. in(正确答案)D. at25、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or26、( ) It ___ the Chinese people 8 years to build the Dam. [单选题] *A. took(正确答案)B. costsC. paidD. spends27、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither28、The plane arrived at London airport _______ Wednesday morning. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. atC. inD. for29、5 He wants to answer the ________ because it is an interesting one. [单选题] * A.problemB.question(正确答案)C.doorD.plan30、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易。
新世纪大学英语阅读教程4答案(1-6单元)Unit 1PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 ADCABDⅡ.1. 我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。
2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。
3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。
4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在商店与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5000美元的货品。
5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。
Ⅲ.1. set their sights high; achieve their goals2. is little related to; university-educated fast-trackers; self-discipline3. overpowering ego; bring out their best in people4. broaden their knowledge base5. stick with; keep your wordPart Ⅱ1. Soccer matches are all about scoring goals and being winners. In everyday life, many humans also want to achieve goals and to be winners in the game of life.2. Words about character and attitude like belief, excitement, confidence, effort and so on.3. This is because great soccer managers are praised and popular when their teams win. They are criticized and even dismissed when their teams fail to win. They know the heights of elation and the depths of despair.4. He used the humor of exaggeration to deal with the criticisms of the media.5. No, he doesn’t. He believes in the power of the team rather than the individual.Unit 2PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 CBDABCⅡ.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。
新世纪大学英语阅读教程4(第二版) U1 Part1+Part2 文章翻译
![新世纪大学英语阅读教程4(第二版) U1 Part1+Part2 文章翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/008cc9a1f242336c1fb95e73.png)
新世纪大学英语阅读教程4 U1 Part1+Part2 文章翻译Unit 1 SuccessPart 1“普通人”是如何脱颖而出的1 在大学里,吉姆似乎是个典型的快速成功的人。
2 吉姆加入了一家大型保险公司的销售部,一开始干得不错。
3 还有约瑟夫·达瑞格。
”4 然而,当达瑞格了解到这些有成就的人之后,他意识到:“他们和我一样都不是天才。
5 为什么像达瑞格这样的普通人往往比像吉姆这样的人取得的成就要多的多?为了找出答案,我采访了190多名在工作中作为一名企业顾问的男性和女性。
”6 我认为那些出类拔萃的“普通人”:7 学会自律。
”8 普通的成功人士总是粘在椅子上,推迟快乐,收获未来的回报。
unit 1 animals and their rights 阅读教程 第四册
![unit 1 animals and their rights 阅读教程 第四册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc54fc01e87101f69e319512.png)
Background Information
Understanding Factory Farming What is Factory Farming? Factory farming is the modern practice of raising animals for food in extreme confinement, in order to maximize profits. In addition to intense confinement, abuses usually associated with factory farming include massive doses of hormones and antibiotics, battery cages, debeaking, and tail docking. The animals spend their entire lives in these miserable conditions until they are slaughtered. Their suffering is unimaginable.
Reading One
Decide whether each of them is true or false. ______ 1. Many children want to eat meat because they F understand meat is good for health.
F ______ 2. When we start eating meat in our childhood, we understand that we are eating the dead body of an animal. T ______ 3. According to the author, we eat meat both because it’s a habit and because other people in our community are doing the same. F ______ 4. In our childhood, the choice between whether to eat meat or to love animals gives us trouble.
Unit 1 Animals and Their RightsREADING1Check Your Vocabulary A1. d2.b3.g4.e5.h6.c7.a8.i9.fCheck Your Vocabulary B1. Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh. They later become to eating it justbecause their parents persuade them to eat it.2. There are two different and conflicting attitudes towards animals; they are carefullyseparated so that the contradiction between the two hardly causes trouble.3. Pictures and stories deliberately avoid presenting the real situation in our modernfarms. Children, therefore, are kept from seeing the reality.4. The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents do not let their children know aboutthe gruesome side of the story, as they are afraid to refuse to eat meat at meals. 5. Unfortunately, non-vegetarian parents will strongly disapprove of their children sunwillingness to eat meat.READING2Check Your Vocabulary A1. malevolent2.misdirected3.alleviate4.simulation5.potent6.arouse7.placate 8. apathetic 9.therapy 10.alternative 11.expedient 12.vilifiedREADINGSCheck Your Vocabulary A1. balance2.attached department3.wickedness; evils4.pressure5.claim that are has evidence or seen what has happened6. a place where birds are protected and allowed to live freely7. the power to carry out legal judgment8. dirty 9.not having to perform 10.crimesCheck Your Vocabulary B1. When his animals are being experimented on, the act does not take effect.2. Your experimenter is not defying law.3. Researchersat Louisiana University launched an eight-year, $2 million projectfunded by the Department of Defense. They use tools to hold cats firmly and they then remove cats skulls and shoot in the head.4. The experimenters claim that their purpose for this kind of experiment is to find away of curing brain-wounded soldiers so that they can later go back to militaryservice.5. Psychologists used medical operations to turn around the eyes of young cats.6. There is other evidence showing that cats were not adequately anesthetized whileexperimenters cut their eye muscles; animal experimentation was done by people who were not trained and did not have licenses to operate on animals; and mother cats were so agitated by experiments on them that they ate their babies.READING4Check Your Vocabulary A1. denounced2.confinement3.inflicted4.defied5. consensus6.defianceUnit 2 Crime and PunishmentREADING1Check Your Vocabulary A1. minor: people who are under the age of 182. brutally: cruelly3. sympathy: feeling of pity4. severe: harsh5. innocent: not guilty of a crime6. proponent: supporter7. controversy: argument, opposing viewsCheck Your Vocabulary B1. convicted2. Commit3.proponent4.abused5.penalty6. controversies7.brutal8.severe9.executed 10.appealingREADING2Check Your Vocabulary A1. Now we can enjoy the benefits and list in what ways we benefit from his death.2. There must be some other benefit by fastening Harding into a chair in a small roomand poisoning him to death with gas.3. Now even people who are eloquently in support of executing people, such asArizona Attorney Grant woods, who attract a lot of public attention, believe that the death penalty will keep people from committing crimes.4. But even killing a small number of murders will have great impact on people.5. Perhaps the benefit we get from killing Harding is not easy to see.Check Your Vocabulary B1. reaping2.abolish3.counted up4.serves5.revenge6. free up7.strapped8.tangible9.figured 10.barbaricREADINGSCheck Your Comprehension B1. Her voice and facial expressions show that she is sometimes deep in sorrowsometimes furious beyond her control.2. This sense of justice, like many other basic beliefs, is such a necessary element forus to maintain our psychological health that we take for granted and hardly ever become aware of its existence until one day justice is severely violated.3. Peoples opinions greatly differ as to what is the proper way for correcting punishingwrong/criminal behavior.4. Europeans are quite passionate when coming to the issues of taking toughmeasures on political violence.Check Your Vocabulary B1. oscillating2. tremulous3.manslaughter4.slain5. reconcile6.sorely7.equilibrium8.rehabilitationREADING4Check Your Comprehension B1. I carefully examined Tony bed to see if he had dirtied it with his body fluids.2. When I looked at the sickly man, I could not imagine that he used to be clean andneat, serious, and determined and that he robbered a bank and killed a cop.3. Many people in the underworld believed that Tony should have done something forhis partners, but he did nothing. This had hurt his partners. The underworld people believed that Tony's partners had been betrayed.4. Words had gone around that Tonys wife was murdered that because theunderworld wanted revenge against Tony for the death of his three crime partners.5. The lights shining in the window made the hollows in his dark face look deeper,making his look somewhat evil.Check Your Vocabulary B1.executed2.underworld3.copping out4.eerily5.malevolent6.luminous7. vent8.intelligbleUnit3 Gun Ownership and CensorshipREADING1Check Your Comprehension B1. (The figures and cases of gun accidents and killing) surely will make people think twice before they insist on having their rights to own guns.2. If it takes longer time to own a gun, then it will reduce the chances of people who use guns to harm or kill other people on impulse.3. A gun safety program should be made a must for gun owners, especially those who buy guns for the first time.4. Opponents of gun control also think that gun control is similar to censorship. However, with censorship, when I cannot speak certain things, my quality of life may be lowered, but I will still be alive.Check Your Vocabulary A1. bear/keep2.ensure/assure3.place4.protect/enjoy5.enforce/pass6. face7.enjoy/gain/exercise/ensure/assure 8.exerciseCheck Your Vocabulary B1.viciously2.antique3.mandatory4.bloodshed5.infringed6. perception7.institute8.legitimateitia 10.censorshipREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1. Houses where people live are far apart. Few vehicles are on the roads. The landscape around you is empty and bare, so that you will not be able to find anywhere to hide when in danger.2. Even when I was inside my car, I was still liable to be attacked, and withoutprotection.3. I drove over to him and told him it was a private and legally protected place.4. I am not the type that gets excessively worried about my own security, nor am Iwilling to take risks, but I thought I needed more protection than what I had.5. Just those words and actions spoke in threats and violence, my gesturing with thepistol was a reply in the same rude and violent style, the only way that they could understand.6. I am a pacifist by nature. That peaceful nature inside me makes me sad at thethought that perhaps women can only be free and equal when they are armed.Check Your Vocabulary A1. convinced2.precautions3.stroll4.opinions5.tactic6.vulnerable7. exploration bat 9.concealed 10.slash 11.belligerent 12.rock13.desolate 14.wieldCheck your Vocabulary B1. swerved2.trespassing3.saddened4.slashed5. paranoid6.prowlingREADINGSCheck Your Comprehension B1. The policeman recognized that the person who threatened and followed me was also reported to have done the same thing someone else years ago and he immediately took me away from my house.2. At the court, I learned that the person who threatened to rape and kill me wasmentally ill, but somehow was neglected and not placed in a mental hospital.3. In this part of the countryside of the Michigan, people are keen on keeping andusing guns.4. When you keep a gun to protect yourself, you live in constant fear and worry.5. I was not killed, but I changed.Check your Vocabulary1. idyllic2.assailant3.paranoia4.deterrent5.flinch6.close-knit7. propelled 8.incarceratedREADING4Check Your Comprehension B1. That day my husband Jim Brady ------ t he press secretary of Ronald Reagan, was(permanently crippled by the assassin s bullet and therefore) added to the list of the victims of American handgun war.2. Under the circumstance, Congress votes for a salary increase for all thecongressmen.3. The National Rifle Association expects the public to appease their anger so thatthere would be no more anger directed at the policymakers.4. Like me , people in the nation who make sure that laws are obeyed, who put theirlife in danger for us every day, are not willing to hand a handgun to anotherassassin like John Hinckley.5. Jim Brady knows that it is important to have a waiting time (for people who applyfor purchasing guns). He knows that as he is living through the agony and suffering of his gun wound.Check Your Vocabulary AI.legacy 2. spree 3.endorsed/endorses/will endorse 4.assaults5. outraged6.gratified7.carnage8.escalate9.legislateCheck Your Vocabulary B1. alarming/appalling2.easy3.growing/alarming4.mindless5.appalling/deadly6.deadly7.vast/growing8.convictedUnit5 Motivation or unhealthy Experience (Competition)READING1Check Your Comprehension B1. Competition plays such an important role in our culture that it is common to seeeven adults shouting and swearing on Sunday afternoons (when watching baseball games). This is ridiculous and I feel bad about it.2. From my own experience, I don't think we can develop deep and full relationshipsby trying to compete and win against a common enemy.3. If my success means that I have to be better than others, I don 't think I ll ever havereal satisfaction because I have to keep thinking of how to outdo others, which is very unpleasant and exhausting.4. Even when I reach the top position, I will not feel safe as all those below me will bewaiting to outdo me and try to grab the position from me.5. I start to see that my confidence in my personal value and worth is dependent onhow much better I am than so many others in so many activities.6. Only when we begin to realize that there is no such a thing as healthy competitioncan we begin to live more normal and richer lives.Check Your vocabulary B1.contradicition2.exclusive3.conditional4.outweigh5.incalculable7. treadmill 8.unjustifiable 9.hysteria 10.outweigh6.induceREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1. Your knew that one had healthy self-esteem when he/she could enjoy competing ina hobby,which he/she was not good at.2. A true competition is one in which you don't know for sure whether or not you 'll beable to achieve your aim.3. For many of us, competition is an additional ingredient that keeps our life interesting,makes us alert and active, and enables us to be more creative and productive.4. It can become a good part of our life and exerts a great (massive) influence on howwe live.5. Parents must also set an example of how to compete pleasantly in their own lives.Check Your Vocabulary1. pervasive2.defective3.promote4.sabotaged5.narcissistic6. graceful7.toxic8.stellarREADINGSCheck Your Comprehension B1. Competition can be fun, but we may be overenthusiastic and unreasonable aboutit.2. Candidates who sit in a test performance in order to join certain bands can getundeniably violent and aggressive.3. Feel free to find a gift of yours, develop it, and embarrass those who dare tochallenge you.4. If competition isnt fun and people find themselves feeling extremely worried aboutan event they are competing in, then why not stop going through it?Check Your Vocabulary1. disrespectful2.outdo3.audition4.responsibility5.scared5. dread 7.gripes 8.vicious 9.depress 10.ironicREADING4Check Your Vocabulary A1. take on2.subject someone to3.at full speed4.at all costs5.pit — against6. in charge7.step in8.disservice9.distortedCheck Your Vocabulary B1. downplay2.realms3.ostracism4.paralysis5.impose6. ethic7.temperament8.steerUnit6 Me and Another Me (Human Cloning)READING1Check Your Vocabulary A1. News about cloning breakthroughs is usually reported disapprovingly, yet on thearrival of CC last week. These disapproving voices could hardly be heard ------ they were covered up by a chorus of gentle and loving reports from the press crops, who were charmed by COs cuteness.2. So far in the clone debate the emotional aspect has been largely overlooked, yetthe arrival of CC brings it into force.3. With the arrival of CC last week, the cloning debate, which began in 1997 whenDolly was cloned, became heated and important again.4. The Texaslab s successrate is as low as 1 out of 87, but it is not surprising or uncommon in cloning work. Generally, one successful clone means dozens of dead embryos in the lab.5. It is hard to say how much of an animal ' personality is genetically written and howmuch is decided by environment, so temperament of a clone pet is also a matter of chance.6. They regarded CC as a test of how much people can tolerate human cloningethically, and they worry because this trial experiment has been received so well.Check Your Vocabulary Bl.subtext 2.surrogate 3.hostility 4.well-heeled 5.duplicate6. felines7.toss-up8.split9.fused 10.confoundedREADING2Check Your Comprehension B1. Academics and the public felt disturbed at last weeks news of the first clonedsheep, since it seems possible that human beings might be the next species to be cloned.2. Human dignity would indeed be violated if a cloned individual was judged to beinferior, and entitled to less rights or importance than other humans.3. The fact that infertile couples have other choices does not give the right to preventthem from trying cloning.4. Democratic societies generally only ban things when there is convincing evidenceof harm that they may bring.5. If cloned humans are not safe in our world, the rest of us are not safe either.Check Your Vocabulary1. grow out ofe up with3.prompt/turn out4.stock5.take advantage of6.make a chanceyers ofREADINGSCheck Your Vocabulary Bl.skeptical 2.cracked 3.plundered 4.hurdle 5.ominously 6.breached7. flinched 8.apprehension 9.draconian 10.loomedREADING4Check Your Vocabulary1. vindicated2.spawned3.defective4.suttle5.misconception6. justified7.superficial8.term9.crucial。
全新版大学英语阅读教程4Unit 1 In the Frozen Waters of Qomolangma,I learned the Value of Humility在结冰的珠穆朗玛峰,我学会了谦虚的价值2007年7月15日,我游过一个开放的补丁的海洋在北极突出的北极冰雪融化的海冰。
Three years later, I remember it as if it were yesterday. 三年后,我记得这件事仿佛就发生在昨天。
I recall walking to the edge of the sea and thinking: I've never seen anything so frightening in my life. 我记得走到的边缘海和思考:我从未见过任何东西这么可怕的在我的生命中。
There were giant chunks of ice in the water, which was –1.7C (29F) and utterly black.有巨大的冰块在水中,这些是-1.7摄氏度(29 F)和完全的黑色。
If things go pear-shaped now, I thought, how long would it take for my frozen body to sink the 4.2km to the seabed? 如果事情去梨形的现在,我想,要多久我冻僵的尸体沉到海底的4.2公里?And then I realised that was perhaps the single worst thought one could have before attempting a symbolic 1km swim wearing nothing but a pair of Speedos. 然后我意识到,也许是最严重认为可能会在尝试一个象征性的1公里的游泳只穿着一双紧身泳裤。
1. —The visit to Italy is fairly good, though we did have quite a lot of rain. —________________. [单选题] *A. It's a wonderful journey.B. You must get wet.C. It's a hard journey.D. What a pity!(正确答案)2. —This is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer. —__________________. [单选题] *A. Finance Officer is an important position.B. OK. Let's go to see her.C. I'm pleased to meet you, Kathy.(正确答案)D. Thank you, Kathy.3. —Would you mind if I smoke here? —___________________. [单选题] *A. Yes, go ahead.B. No, I wouldn't mind at all.(正确答案)C. No, you cannot smoke here.D. You are a smoker!4. —Sorry, I made a mistake again.—__________________________. Practice more, and you'll succeed. [单选题] *A. Take it easy.(正确答案)B. Certainly not.C. Don't mention it.D. Don't blame yourself.5.—______________________. —I am so glad that there was no traffic jam. [单选题] *A. How have you been recently?B. How did you come over here?C. How was the traffic coming over here?(正确答案)D. How was the position?6. —I've started my own software company. —______________________. [单选题] *A. Could you tell me who is the owner?B. No kidding! Congratulations!(正确答案)C. If I had the money, I'd start one.D. My company runs well.7. —Are you ready to buy a car, Sir? —_______________. [单选题] *A. Yes, please.B. Please don't buy it.C. No, don't mention it.D. Yes, I'd like to have a Jeep.(正确答案)8. —What is the distance between the two places? —__________________. [单选题] *A. The distance is not important.B. We should care about it.C. It is about 15 kilometers.(正确答案)D. It is not far away.9. —How did you enjoy the performance? —______________________. [单选题] *A. Perfect. It is attractive.(正确答案)B. It's up to you.C. It is a good question.D. Yes, you did well.10. —I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net.—__________________. Few of them would become your real friends. [单选题] *A. That's for sure.B. It's hard to say.(正确答案)C.I couldn't agree more.D. I'm pleased to know that.二、词语用法与语法结构(30分,每题1分)阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
研究生英语阅读教程(基础版 第三版)4课后答案
![研究生英语阅读教程(基础版 第三版)4课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/915b3c16c281e53a5802ff13.png)
I. Reading Comprehension
I. A.Answer the following questions or complete the following statements:
I. Reading Comprehension A
1. Which sentences best express the main idea of the selection?
workers C. companies consisting part-time workers alone D. changes only in the private sector
A consequence of downsizing and technological change is a reduced full-time workforce, many of whom either handle more tasks to perform more specialized technological activities.
B. concentration on writing good résumés and cover letters will ensure job interview
C. students should focus on career goals early in their Ccoonllseegqeueexnptleyr,iietnicsensow more important than ever
4. Corporate downsizing has led to ________.
A. a need for technological workers with higher degrees B. a mixture of highly efficient and very specialized
大学英语 阅读教程第四册答案(完整版)
![大学英语 阅读教程第四册答案(完整版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bf262e176edb6f1aff001f1c.png)
Book 4Unit 1I.1.A2.D3.C4.A5.B6.DII.1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。
2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。
3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。
4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。
5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。
III.1.set their sights high, achieve their goals2.is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline3.overpowering ego, bring out the best in people4.broaden their knowledge base5.stick with, keep your wordUnit 2II.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。
4.相反,我们应该认识到我们真正的利益是互补的,进而彼此相同:“我们该怎样协作,使馅饼更大,大家分得的份额更多?”5 如果那卖主宽容和气,通情达理又富有同情心,他就该把价格谈到497美元,使那对夫妇得到快乐和满足。
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• 1. • 抱负 • ③在西安与冼星海相见
• ①听《黄河大合唱》 崇高的情感” • ②能写出具有“伟大的气魄”作品 的冼星海是怎样一个人
快乐充值 • 了解名人自传
• P87
2.少时,“我”自视才高,便敢有当作家 的梦想。现在看来,自觉有些狂妄,故称 “妄想”;那时,“我”自以为读了几篇 文章,就懂了孙犁。现在忆起,真是少年 轻狂,故称“大言不惭”。
3.徐光耀老师这样做的目的是,让 “我”从孙犁及他的作品那里谙熟 “为文先为人”之大道。其实,不仅 “为文”,为任何事,亦应如此。
• 《带套袖的孙犁先生》 领会内容,畅谈感悟
• 导练 1.第一次见孙犁,他正在捡豆粒,他给了“我” 一种亲切感。第二次见孙犁,他正和保姆准备 糊窗缝。“我”看到了他的朴实,虽年老仍洋 溢着活力与激情。第三次见孙犁他大约是在写 作。“我” 看到了他的平易近人、质朴热情。
• 导练 1.文章记叙了上海公交车司机陈乐平在突发 脑溢血、生命垂危的时刻,用尽生命的余 力,拔下钥匙,确保乘客安全的故事。
2. • (1)突出故事发生时间的偶然性。 • (2)突出陈乐平工作岗位的平凡。 • (3)强调陈乐平身份的平凡。
• 要有爱心。陈乐平爱家人、爱乘客、爱生活,才 能在危急时刻舍己为人。爱,是陈乐平不平凡举 措的源泉。 • 爱,有回报。陈乐平的女儿体贴爸爸,获救的乘 客流泪,都充分表现陈乐平“爱”的感召力。 • 平凡的岗位上也能做出不平凡的贡献。陈乐平虽 然只是一名普通的公交车司机,却给后人留下了 宝贵的精神财富。
• 《回想铁生》 领会内容,畅谈感悟
• 导练 1、史铁生是一个残疾、多病但心灵上最挺拔正直的人。 2、史铁生是一个超越了自身的苦难,爱自己,爱世界,知 道感恩,懂得生命意义的人。 3、史铁生是一个敢于面对真实的人生,不退缩到无知和曲 解,不麻痹麻醉自己的最勇敢的人。
2.“甚至”和“两部”(或“长 篇”)。“甚至”表示递进,表现 了作者对史铁生克服常人难以想象 的困苦后写出《务虚笔记》《我的 丁一之旅》这样的长篇小说的惊讶、 敬佩。“两部”表示数量之多(或 “长篇”表示篇幅之长),表现史 铁生的勤奋、顽强。
3.D 不是“简述”,是详述; 没有“感激”之情。
• 审题
பைடு நூலகம்
名篇赏析《我的一位国文老师 》
1.①凶 ②自己选辑教材、 有意思的朗读 ③修改作 文
2.“怅惘”的内容:离开恩师将近五十年,未 曾通音讯,不知道老师的近况。 “敬慕”的内容:徐老师很有才学,教学水 平高,对学生负责。
1.作者先写徐先生古怪外貌和神态,作文课上他骂我“你是 什么东西,我把你一眼看到底”来突出他的凶。又写他自 己选辑教材,有意思的朗诵,用大墨杠子大勾大抹的批改 我的作文使我受益良多,突出了他才学很高,对学生认真 负责的态度。全文采用了欲扬先抑(前后对比)的写法, 把一位普通的国文老师写的生动而令人难忘的。 2.作者写徐老师的外貌,用了肖像描写,写他上课时的情形, 用了语言描写、动作描写,突出了徐老师“凶”的特点; 写他修改我的作文时用了细节描写,表现了他的认真负责。 文章综合运用多种人物描写方法,将徐老师的形象塑造得 生动而让人难忘。
说说写人记叙文的注意事 项
• 体会文章的思想感情
方法:1.联系主要内容体会 2.联系重点段落体会 3.联系关键语句体会 4.联系相关背景体会 等等
阅读《这家伙——流沙河的自白 》,用恰当的方法概括文章内 容,体会文章的思想感情。
这篇文章在写作特点 上有什么特别之处?