
Industrial robotsThere are variety of definitions of the term robot. Depending on the definition used, the number of robot installations worldwide varies widely。
Numerous single—purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots。
These machines are hardwried to perform a single function and cannot be reprogrammed to preform a different function. Such single-purpose machines do not fit the definition for industrial robots that is becoming widely accepted.this definition was developed by the Robot Institute of America.A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional mainipulator designed to move material,parts, tools,or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.Note that this definition contains the words reprogrammable and multifunctional。

工业机器人英语标准化工作室编码[XX968T-XX89628-XJ668-XT689N]Industrial RobotsIn the modern large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises pay more attention on the automation degree of the production process in order to enhance the production efficiency, and guarantee the product quality. As an important part of the automation production line, industrial robots are gradually approved and adopted by enterprises. The technique level and the application degree of industrial robots reflect the nationallevel of the industrial automation to some extent, currently, industrial robots mainly undertake the jops of welding, spraying, transporting and stowing etc. , which are usually done repeatedly and take high work strength, and most of these robots work in playback way.In this paper I will design an industrial robot with four DOFs, which is used to carry material for a punch. First I will design the structure of the base, the big arm, the small arm and the end manipulator of the robot, then choose proper drive method and transmission method, building the mechanical structure of the robot. On this foundation, I will design the control system of the robot, including choosing DAQ card, servo control, and feedback method and designing electric circuit of the terminal card and control software. Great attention will be paid on thereliability of the control software and the robot safety during running. The aims to realize finally include: servocontrol and brake of the joint, monitoring the movement of each joint in realtime, playback programming and modifying the program online, setting reference point and returning to reference point.A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be , semi-autonomous or remotely controlled. Robots range from humanoids such as and to , , , , and . By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense that it has or of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is .When societies first began developing, nearlyall production and effort was the result of human labor, as well as with the aid of semi- and fully domesticated animals. As mechanical means of performing functions were discovered, and mechanics and complex mechanisms were developed, the need for human labor was reduced. Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and grinding grain.Modern industrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/ inches. Furthermore these robots can do those 24 hours a day for years on end with no failures whatsoever. Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications (particularly those in the auto industry) they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years.A six-axis robot like the yellow one below costs about $60,000. What I find interesting is that deploying the robot costs another $200,000. Thus, the cost of the robot itself is just a fraction of the cost of the total system. The tools the robot uses combined with the cost of programming the robot form the major percentage of the cost. That's why robots in the auto industry are rarely reprogrammed. If they are going to go to the expense of deploying a robot for another task, then they may as well use a new robot.This is pretty much the typical machine people think of when they think of industrial robots. Fanuc makes this particular robot. Fanuc is the largest maker of these type of robots in the world and they are almost always yellow. This robot has six independent joints, also called six degrees of freedom. Thereason for this is that arbitrarily placing a solid body in space requires six parameters; three to specify the location (x, y, zfor example) and three to specify the orientation (roll, yaw,pitch for example).If you look closely you will see two cylindrical pistons onthe side of the robot. These cylinders contain "anti-gravity" springs that are a big part of the reason robots like these can carry such heavy loads. These springs counter-balance against gravity similar to the way the springs on the garage door make it much easier for a person to lift.You will see robots like these welding, painting and handling materials.The robot shown at rightis made by an American company, Adept Technology. Adept is America's largest robot company and theworld's leading producer of SCARA robots. This is actually the most common industrial robot. SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Articulated (though some folks use Assembly here)Robot Arm. The robot has three joints in the horizontal planethat give it x-y positioning and orientation parallel tothe plane. There is one linear joint that supplies the z positioning. Thisis the typical "pick and place" robot. When combined with avision system it can move product from conveyor belt to packageat a very high rate of speed (think "Lucy and the candies" but way faster).The robot's joint structure allows it to be compliant (or soft) to forces in the horizontal plane. This is important for "peg in hole" type applications where the robot will actuallyflex to make up for inaccuracies and allow very tight part fits.The machine at left can be called a Cartesian robot, though calling this machine a robot is really stretching the definition of a robot. It is Cartesian because it allows x-y-z positioning. Three linear joints provide the three axes of motion and define the x, y and z planes. This robot is suited for pick and place applications where either there are no orientation requirementsor the parts can be pre-oriented before the robot picks them up (such as surface mounted circuit board assembly)...The most commonly used robot configurations are , robots, and , (aka gantry robots or x-y-z robots). In the context of general robotics, most types of robots would fall into the category of (inherent in the use of the word manipulator in the above-mentioned ISO standard). Robots exhibit varying degrees of : Some robots are programmed to faithfully carry out specific actions over and over again (repetitive actions) withoutvariation and with a high degree of accuracy. These actions are determined by programmed that specify the direction,acceleration, velocity, deceleration, and distance of aseries of coordinated motions.Other robots are much more flexible as to the orientation of the object on which they are operating or even the task that has to be performed on the object itself, which the robotmay even need to identify. For example, for more preciseguidance, robots often contain sub-systems acting as their "eyes", linked to powerful computers or controllers. , orwhat passes for it, is becoming an increasingly importantfactor in the modern industrial robot.工业机器人在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。

健康福利服务机器人是指在 医院里为医生或病人提供服 务的服务机器人。图中是直 接为病人提供康复治疗的服 务机器人。他可以提供指定 负载力和行走速度的步行训 练和为腿部受伤的病人提供 术后康复训练治疗。许多研 究单位和公司正在积极开发 的各种类型的智能轮椅和智 能病床也都属于健康福利服 务机器人。
做某些单调、频繁和重复的长时间 作业,或是危险、恶劣环境下的作 业,例如在冲压、压力铸造、热处 理、焊接、涂装、塑料制品成形、 机械加工和简单装配等工序上,以 及在原子能工业等部门中,完成对 人体有害物料的搬运或工艺操作。
工业机器人由主体、驱动系统和控制系统三个基本部 分组成。主体即机座和执行机构,包括臂部、腕部和 手部,有的机器人还有行走机构。大多数工业机器人 有3~6个运动自由度,其中腕部通常有1~3个运动 自由度;驱动系统包括动力装置和传动机构,用以使 执行机构产生相应的动作;控制系统是按照输入的程 序对驱动系统和执行机构发出指令信号,并进行控制。
选择机器人本体的材料,应从机器人的性 能要求出发,满足机器人的设计和制造要 求。如: 机器人的臂和机器人整体是运动的,则要 求采用轻质材料。 精密机器人,则要求材料具有较好的刚性。 还要考虑材料的可加工性等。 机器人常用的材料有:碳素结构钢、铝合 金、硼纤维增强合金、陶瓷等。
按服务对象和应用目的不同,可以分为以下六类: 医疗服务机器人 健康福利服务机器人 公共服务机器人 家庭服务机器人 娱乐机器人 教育机器人
工业机器人专业英语Chapter 6 Manipulator of Industrial Robot

anchor /'æŋkə/ n. 锚;抛锚停泊;adj. 末棒的;vt. 抛锚;使固定;vi. 抛锚 combination /kɒmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学] 化合 rotation /rə(ʊ)'teɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 旋转;循环,轮流 extension /ɪk'stenʃ(ə)n; ek-/ n. 延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机 twisting /'twɪstɪŋ/ n. 快速扭转,缠绕v. 使弯曲;adj. 曲折的,缠绕的 linear /'lɪnɪə/ adj. 线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的 ceiling /'siːlɪŋ/ n. 天花板;上限 execute /'eksɪkjuːt/ vt. 实行;执行;处死 grasp /grɑːsp/ v. 抓牢,握紧;n. 抓,握;理解,把握;权力,控制 shoulder /'ʃəʊldə/ n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vi.用肩顶 vt. 肩负,承担
几乎所有的工业机器人都有机械手臂来执行动作,比如抓取和移动产品。手臂由 几个轴组成,如底座、肩膀、肘部等。通常而言,手臂与机器人的基座相连,提供 工作空间的主截面包络面。目前,六关节轴式工业机器人的需求量很大,它对计算 机控制系统的需求也更为复杂。
腕部 机器人本体的腕部是用来模仿人类的手腕的,可以执行大范围的运动。腕部连
Arm Almost all the industrial robots have arms to perform the movements, like grasping and moving the product. The arm is consisted of several axes, such as base, shoulder, elbow, etc. Generally speaking the arm is connected to the base of robot ,and it can provide the working envelope per area of floor space. Currently, the demand for six jointed axis industrial robot is vert large, and it needs some rather sophisticated computer control.

Industrial robotsThere are variety of definitions of the term robot. Depending on the definition used, the number of robot installations worldwide varies widely. Numerous single-purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots. These machines are hardwried to perform a single function and cannot be reprogrammed to preform a different function. Such single-purpose machines do not fit the definition for industrial robots that is becoming widely accepted.this definition was developed by the Robot Institute of America.A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional mainipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.Note that this definition contains the words reprogrammable and multifunctional. It is these two characteristics that separate the ture industrial robot from the various single-purpose machines used in modern manufacturing firms. The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be rewritten to accommodate a variety of manufactureing tasks.The term “multifunctional” means that the robot can, through reprogramming and the use of different end-effectors, perform a number of different manufacturing tasks. Definitions written around these two critical characteristics are becoming the accpted definitions among manufacturing professionals.The first articulated arm came about in 1951 and was used by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. In 1954, the first programmable robot was designed by George Devol. It was based on two important technologies:(1)Numerical control (NC) technology.(2)Romote manipulator technology.Numerical contorl technology provided a form of machine control ideally suited to robots. It allowed for the control of motion by stored programs. These programs contain date points to which the sequentially moves, timing signals initiate action and to stop movement, and logic staements to allow for decision making.Remote manipulator technology allowed a machine to be more than just another NC machine. It allowed such machines to become robots that can perform a variety of manufacturing tasks in both inaccessible and unsafe environments. By merging these two technologies, Devol developed the first industrial robot, an unsophisticated programmable materials handling machine.The first commerically produced robot was developed in 1959. In 1962, General Motors Corporation. This robot was produced by Unimation. A major step forword in robot control occurred in 1973 with the development of the T-3 industrial robot by Cincinnati Milacron. The T-3 robot was the first commercially produced industrial robot controlled by a minicomputer.Numerical control and remote manipulator technology prompted the wide-scale development and use of industrial robots. But major technological developments do not take place simply because of such new capabilities. Something must provide the impetus for taking advantage of these capabilities. In the case of industrial robots, theimpetus was economics.The rapid inflation of wages experienced in the 1970s tremendously increased the personnel costs of manufacturing firms. At the same time, foreign competition became a serious problem for U. S. manufacturers. Foreign manufacturers who had undertaken automation on a wide-scale basis, such as those in Japan, began to gain an increasingly large share of the U. S. and world market for manufactured goods, particularly automobiles.Through a variety of automation techniques including robots, Japanese manufacturers, beginning in the 1970s, were able to produce better automobiles more cheaply than nonautomated U. S. manufacturers. Consequently, in order to survive, U. S. manufacturers were forced to consider any technological developments that could help improve productivity.It became imperative to produce better products at lower costs in order to be competitive with foreign manufacturers. Other factors such as the need to find better ways of performing dangerous manufacturing tasks contributed to the development of industial robots. However, the principal rationale has always been, and is still, improved productivity.One of the principal advantages of robots is that they can be used in settings that are dangerous to humans. Welding and parting are examples of applications where robots can be used more safely than humans. Even though robots are closely associated with safety in the workplace, they can, in themselves, be dangerous.Robots and robot cells must be carefully designed and configured so that they do not endanger human workers and other machines. Robot work envelops should be accurately calculated and a danger zone surrounding the envelope clearly marked off. Red flooring strips and barries can be used to keep human workers out of a robot’s work envelope.Even with such precautions it is a good idea to have an automatic shutdown system in situations where robots are used. Such a system should have the capacity to sense the need for an automatic shutdown of operations. Fault-tolerant computers and redundant systems can be installed to ensure proper shutdown of robotics systems to ensure a safe enviroment.About componets of a robot system, the componets of a robot system could be discussed either from a systems point of view. Physically, we could divide the system, and controller (computer) . Likewise, the robot itself could be partitioned anthropomorphically into base, shoulder, elbow, wrist, gripper, and tool. Most of these terms require little explanation.Consequently, we will describe the components of a robot system from the point of view of information transfer. That is, what information or signal enters the component; what logical or arithmetic operation does the component perform; and what information or signal does the component produce? It is important to note that the same physical component may performs many different information processing operations ( e. g. , a central computer performs many different calculations on different data ) . Likewise, two physically separate components many perform identical informations ( e .g . , the shoulder and elbow actuators both convert signalsto motion in very similar ways ) .中文:工业机器人有许多关于机器人这个术语的定义。

Unit5 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT工业机器人INTRODUCTION介绍Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the appearance of modern industry. Industrial robots are not like the science fiction devices that possesshuman-like abilities and provide companionship with space traveler、Research to enable robots to “see,"hear",“touch",and "listen" has been underway for two decades and is beginning to bearfruit. However,the current technology of industrial robots is such that most robots contain Onlyan arm rather than all the anatomy a human possesses. Current control only allows these devicesto move from point to point in space,performing relatively simple taskes. The Robotics Instituteof America defines a robot as“a reprogramrnab le multifunction manipulator designed to movematerial,parts, tools,or other specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. "' A NC machining center would qualify as a robot if one wereto interpret different types of machining as different functions- Most manufacturing engineers donot consider a NC machining center a robot,even though these machines hive a number of situ-ilarities. The power drive and controllers of both NC machines and robots can be quite similar.Robots, like NC machines can he powered by electrical motors,hydraulic systems,or pnetinlat tc svsterns. Control for either device can lye either open-loop or closed-loop. In fact,many of the developments used in robotics have evolved from the NC industry,and many of the manufactur-ers of robots also manufacture NC machines or NC controllers.工业机器人是相对来说较新的机电设备,它已经开始改变现代工业的面貌。

Robots机器人 中英文翻译

RobotsA robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, mani pulating machine with several reprogrammable axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications.The key words are reprogrammable and multipurpose because most single-purpose machines do not meet these two requirements.The term”reprogrammabl e” implies two things:The robot operates according to a written program can b e rewritten to accomdate a variety of manufacturing tasks. The term “multipurp ose” means that the robot can perform many different functions, depending on the program and tooling currently in use.Over the past two decades,the robot has been introduced into industry to perform many monotonous and often unsafe operations. Because robots can per form certain basic tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, they are bei ng increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.Structures of RobotsThe typical structure of industrial robots consists of 4 major components: the manipulator, the end effector, the power supply and control syterm.The manipulator is a mechanical unite that provides motions similar to those of a human arm. It often has a shoulder joint,an elbow and a wrist. It can rotate or slide, strech out and withdraw in every possible direction with certain flexibility.The basic mechanical configurations of the robot manipulator are categorized as Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical and articulated.A robot with a Cartesian geometry can move its gripper to any position within the cube or rectangle defined as its working volum.Cylindrical coordinate robots can move the gripper within a volum that is described by a cylinder. The cylindrical coordinate robot is positioned in the work area by two linear movements in the X and Y directions and one angular rotation about the Z axis.Spherical arm geometry robots have an irregular work envelop. This type of robot has two main variants,vertically articulated and horizontally articulated.The end effector attaches itself to the end of the robot wrist, also called end-of-arm tooling.It is the device intended for performing the designed operations as a human hand can.End effectors are generally custom-made to meet special handling requirements. Mechanical grippers are the most commonly used and are equipped with two or more fingers.The selection of an appropriate end effector for a special application depends on such factors as the payload, enviyonment,reliability,and cost.The power supply is the actuator for moving the robot arm, controlling the joints and operating the end effector. The basic type of power sources include electrical,pneumatic, and hydraulic. Each source of energy and each type of motor has its own characteristics, advantages and limitations. An ac-powered motor or dc-powered motor may be used depending on the system design and applications. These motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to power the robot.Most new robots use electrical power supply. Pneumatic actuators have been used for high speed. Nonservo robots and are often used for powering tooling such as grippers. Hydraulic actuators have been used for heavier lift systems, typically where accuracy was not also requied.The contro system is the communications and information-processing system that gives commands for the movements of the robot. It is the brain of the robot; it sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to the end effector.It is also the nerves of the robot; it is reprogrammable to send out sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by the robot.A open-loop controller is the simplest for of the control system, which controls the robot only by foolowing the predetermined step-by-step instructions.This system dose not have a self-correcting capability.A close-loop control system use feedback sensors to produce signals that reflct the current states of the controed objects. By comparing those feedback signals with the values set by the programmer, the close-loop controller can conduct the robot to move to the precise position and assume the desired attitude, and the end effector can perform with very high accuracy as the close-loop control system can minimize the discrepancy between the controlled object and the predetermined references.Classification of RobotIndustrial robots vary widely in size,shape, number of axes,degrees of freedom, and design configuration. Each factor influence the dimensions of the robot’s working envelop or the volume of space within which it can move and perform its designated task. A broader classification of robots can been described as below.Fixed-and Variable-Sequence Robots. The fixed-sequence robot (also called a pick-and place robot) is programmed for a specific sequence of operations. Its movements are form point to point, and the cycle is repeated continuously.The variable-sequence robot can be programmed for a specific sequence of operations but can be programmed to perform another sequence of operation.Playback Robot. An operator leads or walks the playback robot and its end effector through the desired path. The robot memorizes and records the path and sequence of motions and can repeat them continually without any further action or guidance by the operator.Numerically Controlled Robot. The numerically controlled robot is programmed and operated much like a numerically controlled machine. The robot is servocontrolled by digital data, and its sequence of movements can be changed with relative ease.Intelligent Robot. The intelligent robot is capable of performing some of the functions and tasks carried out by huanbeings.It is equipped with a variety of sensors with visual and tactile capabilities.Robot ApplicationsThe robot is a very special type of productin tool; as a result, the applications in which robots are used are quite broad. These applications can be grouped into three categories: material processing, material handling and assembly.In material processing, robots use tools to process the raw material. For example, the robot tools could include a drill and the robot would be able to perfor drilling operaytions on raw material.Material handling consists of the loading, unloading, and transferring of workpieces in manufacturing facilities. These operations can be performed relatively and repeatedly with robots, thereby improving quality and scrap losses.Assembly is another large application area for using robotics. An automatic assembly system can incorporate automatic testing, robot automation and mechanical handling for reducing labor costs, increasing output and eliminating manual handling concers.机器人机器人是一种自动控制的、可重复编程的、多功能的、由几个可重复编程的坐标系来操纵机器的装置,它可以被固定在某地,还可以是移动的以在工业自动化工厂中使用。

Industrial RobotsIn the modern large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises pay more attention on the automation degree of the production process in order to enhance the production efficiency, and guarantee the product quality、As an important part of the automation production line, industrial robots are gradually approved and adopted by enterprises、The technique level and the application degree of industrial robots reflect the national level of the industrial automation to some extent, currently, industrial robots mainly undertake the jops of welding, spraying, transporting and stowing etc、, which are usually done repeatedly and take high work strength, and most of these robots work in playback way、In this paper I will design an industrial robot with four DOFs, which is used to carry material for a punch、First I will design the structure of the base, the big arm, the small arm and the end manipulator of the robot, then choose proper drive method and transmission method, building the mechanical structure of the robot、On this foundation, I will design the control system of the robot, including choosing DAQ card, servo control, and feedback method and designing electric circuit of the terminal card and control software、Great attention will be paid on the reliability of the control software and the robot safety during running、The aims to realize finally include: servocontrol and brake of the joint, monitoring the movement of each joint in realtime, playback programming andmodifying the program online, setting reference point and returning to reference point、A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control、In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming、Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled、Robots range from humanoids such as ASIMO and TOPIO to Nano robots, Swarm robots, Industrial robots, military robots, mobile and servicing robots、By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense that it has intent or agency of its own、The branch of technology that deals with robots is robotics、When societies first began developing, nearly all production and effort was the result of human labor, as well as with the aid of semi- and fully domesticated animals、As mechanical means of performing functions were discovered, and mechanics and complex mechanisms were developed, the need for human labor was reduced、Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and grinding grain、Modern industrial robots are true marvels of engineering、A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/-0、006 inches、Furthermore these robots can do those 24 hours a day for years on end with no failures whatsoever、Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications (particularly those in the auto industry) they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years、A six-axis robot like the yellow one below costs about $60,000、What I find interesting is that deploying the robot costs another$200,000、Thus, the cost of the robot itself is just a fraction of the cost of the total system、The tools the robot uses combined with the cost of programming the robot form the major percentage of the cost、That's why robots in the auto industry are rarely reprogrammed、If they are going to go to the expense of deploying a robot for another task, then they may as well use a new robot、This is pretty much the typical machine people think of when they think of industrial robots、Fanuc makes this particular robot、Fanuc is the largest maker of these type of robots in the world and they are almost always yellow、This robot has six independent joints, also called six degrees of freedom、The reason for this is that arbitrarily placing a solid body in space requires six parameters; three to specify the location (x, y, z for example) and three to specify the orientation (roll, yaw, pitch for example)、If you look closely you will see two cylindrical pistons on the side of the robot、These cylinders contain "anti-gravity" springs that are a bigpart of the reason robots like these can carry such heavy loads、These springs counter-balance against gravity similar to the way the springs on the garage door make it much easier for a person to lift、You will see robots like these welding, painting and handling materials、The robot shown at right is made by an American company, Adept Technology、Adept is America's largest robot company and the world's leading producer of SCARA robots、This is actually the most common industrial robot、SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Articulated (though some folks use Assembly here) Robot Arm、The robot has three joints in the horizontal plane that give it x-y positioning and orientation parallel to the plane、There is one linear joint that supplies the z positioning、This is the typical "pick and place" robot、When combined with a vision system it can move product from conveyor belt to package at a very high rate of speed (think "Lucy and the candies" but way faster)、The robot's joint structure allows it to be compliant (or soft) to forces in the horizontal plane、This is important for "peg in hole" type applications where the robot will actually flex to make up for inaccuracies and allow very tight part fits、The machine at left can be called a Cartesian robot, though calling this machine a robot is really stretching the definition of a robot、It isCartesian because it allows x-y-z positioning、Three linear joints provide the three axes of motion and define the x, y and z planes、This robot is suited for pick and place applications where either there are no orientation requirements or the parts can be pre-oriented before the robot picks them up (such as surface mounted circuit board assembly)、、、The most commonly used robot configurations are articulated robots, SCARA robots, Delta robots and Cartesian coordinate robots, (aka gantry robots or x-y-z robots)、In the context of general robotics, most types of robots would fall into the category of robotic arms (inherent in the use of the word manipulator in the above-mentioned ISO standard)、Robots exhibit varying degrees of autonomy:•Some robots are programmed to faithfully carry out specific actions over and over again (repetitive actions) without variationand with a high degree of accuracy、These actions are determined by programmed routines that specify the direction, acceleration,velocity, deceleration, and distance of a series of coordinatedmotions、•Other robots are much more flexible as to the orientation of the object on which they are operating or even the task that has to beperformed on the object itself, which the robot may even need toidentify、For example, for more precise guidance, robots oftencontain machine vision sub-systems acting as their "eyes", linkedto powerful computers or controllers、Artificial intelligence, orwhat passes for it, is becoming an increasingly important factor inthe modern industrial robot、工业机器人在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。

简述工业机器人的定义1. 引言工业机器人是一种多关节机械臂,具有自主化操作的能力,广泛应用于各个领域的生产线。
2. 工业机器人的分类根据功能和应用领域的不同,工业机器人可以分为多个分类。
以下是几种常见的工业机器人分类:2.1 点对点机器人点对点机器人是最简单的机器人形式。
2.2 连续路径机器人连续路径机器人是能够按照预定的曲线路径进行运动的机器人。
2.3 SCARA机器人SCARA(Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)机器人具有两个旋转轴和一个平行轴,使其能够在平面内进行运动。
2.4 Delta机器人Delta机器人是一种平行机器人,由多个臂和关节组成。
2.5 协作机器人协作机器人是一种与人类工作者共同工作的机器人。
3. 工业机器人的应用领域工业机器人已经广泛应用于多个领域,包括制造业、汽车工业、电子产业等。
以下是一些常见的应用领域:3.1 制造业工业机器人在制造业中扮演重要角色。
3.2 汽车工业汽车工业是工业机器人应用最广泛的领域之一。
3.3 电子产业在电子产业中,工业机器人通常用于电路板的组装和焊接。
3.4 医疗领域工业机器人在医疗领域中的应用越来越广泛。

工业机算人的英语单词单词:industrial robot1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:一种用于工业生产的机器人,可执行诸如焊接、装配、搬运等多种任务。
1.3英文释义:A robot used in industrial production that can perform various tasks such as welding, assembling, and transporting.1.4相关词汇:- 同义词:factory robot- 派生词:industrial robotics(工业机器人学)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“industrial”源于拉丁语“industria”,表示勤奋、勤勉,后用于形容与工业相关的事物。
随着工业的发展,两者结合形成了“industrial robot”。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- industrial robot arm:工业机器人手臂例句:The industrial robot arm can accurately pick up and place small parts.翻译:工业机器人手臂能够精准地拾取和放置小零件。
- intelligent industrial robot:智能工业机器人例句:The intelligent industrial robot can adjust its operation according to different tasks.翻译:智能工业机器人能够根据不同任务调整其操作。
- industrial robot system:工业机器人系统例句:The industrial robot system in this factory has been upgraded recently.翻译:这家工厂的工业机器人系统最近进行了升级。

工业机器人的好处英语作文Industrial robots have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by providing numerous benefits to businesses. These highly advanced machines have become an integral part of modern factories, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and overall profitability. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of industrial robots and their impact on various aspects of the manufacturing sector.One of the primary benefits of industrial robots is their ability to perform repetitive tasks with high precision and accuracy. Unlike human workers, robots do not experience fatigue or loss of focus, ensuring consistent quality in their work. This is particularly important in industries that require intricate and precise operations, such as electronics manufacturing or automotive assembly. By automating these tasks, companies can minimize errors, reduce product defects, and improve customer satisfaction.Another advantage of industrial robots is their abilityto work in hazardous environments. Certain manufacturing processes involve exposure to toxic chemicals, extreme temperatures, or high-risk situations. In such cases, robots can be used to replace human workers, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This not only ensures the safety of employees but also helps businesses avoid costly lawsuits and damage to their reputation.Furthermore, industrial robots can significantly increase production rates and operational efficiency. Robots can work continuously without breaks or downtime, leading to higher output levels and shorter production cycles. They can also perform tasks at a much faster pace than humans, resulting in increased productivity. With robots handling repetitive and time-consuming tasks, human workers can be allocated to more complex and creative assignments, further optimizing the overall workflow.In addition to improving productivity, industrial robots can also enhance product customization and flexibility. With the rise of consumer demand for personalized products, manufacturers need to adapt quicklyto changing market trends. Robots can be programmed to handle various tasks and adapt to different product designs, allowing businesses to produce a wider range of customized products efficiently. This flexibility enables manufacturers to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market and meet the diverse needs of their customers.Moreover, industrial robots can contribute to cost savings for businesses. Although the initial investment in robots can be substantial, they offer long-term financial benefits. Robots can operate continuously without the need for breaks, vacations, or overtime pay. They also require minimal maintenance compared to human workers. By replacing a portion of the workforce with robots, companies canreduce labor costs, increase profit margins, and achieve a faster return on investment.Industrial robots also have a positive impact on job creation. While there is a common fear that robots will replace human workers, studies have shown that the adoption of automation actually leads to a net increase in employment. As businesses become more efficient andproductive with the help of robots, they can expand their operations, generate more revenue, and create new job opportunities. Additionally, the maintenance, programming, and supervision of robots require skilled workers, leading to the emergence of new specialized roles in the manufacturing industry.Furthermore, industrial robots can improve workplace conditions for human workers. By taking over physically demanding and repetitive tasks, robots can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and other work-related injuries. This can lead to improved employee morale, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. Human workers can be assigned to more intellectually stimulating and creative tasks, fostering a more engaging and fulfilling work environment.In conclusion, industrial robots offer numerous advantages to the manufacturing industry. From increased productivity and efficiency to enhanced workplace safety and cost savings, these advanced machines have transformed the way businesses operate. While concerns about jobdisplacement exist, the overall impact of industrial robots on employment has been positive, leading to job creation and the emergence of new specialized roles. As technology continues to advance, the integration of industrial robots is expected to further revolutionize the manufacturing sector, opening up new possibilities for businesses and society as a whole.。

工业机器人专业英语课件Chapter 1

什么是机器人?机器人被定义为一种可编程的多功能机械手,被设计用于移动材料、部件、工具或专门的 设备,通过可编程的可变运动来执行各种任务。
1921年,捷克人卡尔·卡佩克首次用“Robota”这个词来形容机器。它的表现像人一样,但没有人类的感觉, 后来在英语中被广泛称为“Robot”。
Question 4:List the main disadvantages of robot.
Question 5:What is the difference between robot and human?
Question 6:What is the aim of developing robot?
Robot is designed to assist and replace human’s labor work. It owns several advantages. Firstly, robot can keep working for a long period without a break when the conditions are allowed. Secondly, the efficiency of robot performance is much higher than human. Thirdly, robot is flexible based on the programming according to task requirement. Lastly, robot has low requirement for the working surrounding, and that is why it is widely applied in the specific and dangerous environments.

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Industrial RobotsIn the modern large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises pay more attention on the automation degree of the production process in order to enhance the production efficiency, and guarantee the product quality. As an important part of the automation production line, industrial robots are gradually approved and adopted by enterprises. The technique level and the application degree of industrial robots reflect the national level of the industrial automation to some extent, currently, industrial robots mainly undertake the jops of welding, spraying, transporting and stowing etc. , which are usually done repeatedly and take high work strength, and most of these robots work in playback way.In this paper I will design an industrial robot with four DOFs, which is used to carry material for a punch. First I will design the structure of the base, the big arm, the small arm and the end manipulator of the robot, then choose proper drive method and transmission method, building the mechanical structure of the robot. On this foundation, I will design the control system of the robot, including choosing DAQ card, servo control, and feedback method and designing electric circuit of the terminal card and control software. Great attention will be paid on the reliability of the control software and the robot safety during running. The aims to realize finally include: servocontrol and brake of the joint, monitoring the movement of each joint in realtime, playback programming andmodifying the program online, setting reference point and returning to reference point.A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled. Robots range from humanoids such as ASIMO and TOPIO to Nano robots, Swarm robots, Industrial robots, military robots, mobile and servicing robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is robotics.When societies first began developing, nearly all production and effort was the result of human labor, as well as with the aid of semi- and fully domesticated animals. As mechanical means of performing functions were discovered, and mechanics and complex mechanisms were developed, the need for human labor was reduced. Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and grinding grain.Modern industrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/-0.006 inches. Furthermorethese robots can do those 24 hours a day for years on end with no failures whatsoever. Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications (particularly those in the auto industry) they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years.A six-axis robot like the yellow one below costs about $60,000. What I find interesting is that deploying the robot costs another $200,000. Thus, the cost of the robot itself is just a fraction of the cost of the total system. The tools the robot uses combined with the cost of programming the robot form the major percentage of the cost. That's why robots in the auto industry are rarely reprogrammed. If they are going to go to the expense of deploying a robot for another task, then they may as well use a new robot.This is pretty much the typical machine people think of when they think of industrial robots. Fanuc makes this particular robot. Fanuc is the largest maker of these type of robots in the world and they are almost always yellow. This robot has six independent joints, also called six degrees of freedom. The reason for this is that arbitrarily placing a solid body in space requires six parameters; three to specify the location (x, y, z for example) and three to specify the orientation (roll, yaw, pitch for example).If you look closely you will see two cylindrical pistons on the side of the robot. These cylinders contain "anti-gravity" springs that are a bigpart of the reason robots like these can carry such heavy loads. These springs counter-balance against gravity similar to the way the springs on the garage door make it much easier for a person to lift.You will see robots like these welding, painting and handling materials.The robot shown at right is made by an American company, Adept Technology. Adept is America's largest robot company and the world's leading producer of SCARA robots. This is actually the most common industrial robot. SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Articulated (though some folks use Assembly here) Robot Arm. The robot has three joints in the horizontal plane that give it x-y positioning and orientation parallel to the plane. There is one linear joint that supplies the z positioning. This is the typical "pick and place" robot. When combined with a vision system it can move product from conveyor belt to package at a very high rate of speed (think "Lucy and the candies" but way faster).The robot's joint structure allows it to be compliant (or soft) to forces in the horizontal plane. This is important for "peg in hole" type applications where the robot will actually flex to make up for inaccuracies and allow very tight part fits.The machine at left can be called a Cartesian robot, though calling this machine a robot is really stretching the definition of a robot. It is Cartesian because it allows x-y-z positioning. Three linear joints providethe three axes of motion and define the x, y and z planes. This robot is suited for pick and place applications where either there are no orientation requirements or the parts can be pre-oriented before the robot picks them up (such as surface mounted circuit board assembly)...The most commonly used robot configurations are articulated robots, SCARA robots, Delta robots and Cartesian coordinate robots, (aka gantry robots or x-y-z robots). In the context of general robotics, most types of robots would fall into the category of robotic arms (inherent in the use of the word manipulator in the above-mentioned ISO standard). Robots exhibit varying degrees of autonomy:•Some robots are programmed to faithfully carry out specific actions over and over again (repetitive actions) without variationand with a high degree of accuracy. These actions are determinedby programmed routines that specify the direction, acceleration,velocity, deceleration, and distance of a series of coordinatedmotions.•Other robots are much more flexible as to the orientation of the object on which they are operating or even the task that has to beperformed on the object itself, which the robot may even need toidentify. For example, for more precise guidance, robots oftencontain machine vision sub-systems acting as their "eyes", linkedto powerful computers or controllers. Artificial intelligence, orwhat passes for it, is becoming an increasingly important factor inthe modern industrial robot.工业机器人在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。