课堂实录(what are you doing)

What Are You Doing 教案设计一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握现在进行时态的构成和用法。
2. 让学生能够正确运用现在进行时态描述自己和他人正在进行的动作。
3. 提高学生的听说读写能力,培养学生的交际技巧。
二、教学内容1. 现在进行时态的构成:be动词+ 动词ing形式。
2. 现在进行时态的用法:描述正在进行的动作或状态。
三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:现在进行时态的构成和用法。
2. 教学难点:现在进行时态在实际情境中的运用。
四、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过设置生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习现在进行时态。
2. 交际教学法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,培养学生运用现在进行时态进行交际的能力。
五、教学步骤1. 导入:利用图片或实物,引导学生猜测正在进行的动作,引出现在进行时态。
2. 新课讲解:讲解现在进行时态的构成和用法,举例说明。
3. 课堂练习:设计不同情境,让学生用现在进行时态进行描述。
4. 小组活动:学生分组,用现在进行时态描述自己正在做的事情,互评互纠。
5. 角色扮演:学生分组进行角色扮演,运用现在进行时态进行对话。
6. 课堂总结:回顾本节课所学内容,强调现在进行时态的用法。
7. 作业布置:设计课后作业,让学生运用现在进行时态进行描述。
六、教学评估1. 评估方式:课堂观察、学生互评、作业评分2. 评估内容:a. 学生对现在进行时态的掌握程度;b. 学生在实际语境中运用现在进行时态的能力;c. 学生的听说读写综合运用能力。
七、课后作业1. 作业内容:运用现在进行时态描述自己和家人的日常活动。
2. 作业要求:a. 句子结构正确;b. 描述具体生动;八、课后反思1. 反思内容:a. 学生对本节课内容的掌握情况;b. 教学方法的有效性;c. 教学过程中存在的问题及改进措施。
九、拓展活动1. 活动主题:现在进行时态的应用2. 活动内容:a. 制作家庭成员正在进行的动作海报;b. 进行现在进行时态的接力比赛;c. 小组合作,编写现在进行时态的小故事。

What Are You Doing 教案设计一、教学目标:1. 让学生能够理解和运用目标句型"What are you doing?" 进行日常交流。
2. 培养学生听、说、读、写的综合语言运用能力。
3. 帮助学生掌握描述正在进行的动作的词汇和短语。
二、教学内容:1. 目标句型:What are you doing?2. 描述正在进行的动作的词汇和短语:read, write, listen, speak, play, watch, cook, clean, exercise, study, etc.三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:目标句型的运用和描述正在进行的动作的词汇短语。
2. 难点:正确运用目标句型进行问答,并能够灵活描述正在进行的动作。
四、教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过小组活动和角色扮演等形式,让学生在实际情境中运用目标句型。
2. 交际法:引导学生进行真实的交流,提高口语表达能力。
五、教学过程:1. 热身活动(5分钟):教师与学生进行简单的对话,询问学生周末的安排,引导学生谈论正在进行的动作。
2. 呈现目标句型(10分钟):教师展示目标句型"What are you doing?",并解释其意义。
3. 小组活动(15分钟):学生分成小组,用目标句型相互询问正在进行的动作,并记录下来。
4. 角色扮演(15分钟):学生分角色扮演,一人扮演记者,一人扮演正在进行动作的人。
5. 输出活动(10分钟):教师邀请几名学生到讲台前,用目标句型描述自己正在进行的动作,其他学生听后猜猜他们正在做什么。
6. 总结与作业(5分钟):教师对本节课的内容进行总结,并布置作业:用目标句型写一段话,描述自己或其他人正在进行的动作。
七年级英语:What are you doing(教案)

初中英语新课程标准教材英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 )学校:年级:任课教师:英语教案 / 初中英语 / 七年级英语教案编订:XX文讯教育机构What are you doing(教案)教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中七年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。
Lesson 81教学设计示例(一)一、教学内容语法:现在进行时的肯定式、疑问式。
2.教师拿起一把扫帚,做如下演示:T:What's this in English?S:It's a broom.T:Right. Now, look at me.(做出扫地状)I am cleaning the classroom (the floor).动作重复几次,让学生猜这句话意思。
然后,在黑板上按如下格式写出:clean I am (I'm) cleaning the classroom.其中动助词am ('m) 及动词的现在分词词尾-ing要用彩色粉笔书写。
T:I'm reading a book.同时按刚才形式,把动词和句子依次写在黑板上。
启发全班思考:黑板上用彩色粉笔写出:am, -ing等分别表示什么?教师扼要讲解。
启发这位同学答出:I am cleaning the classroom.其他动词做同样处理。
教师领读:? 等句。

What Are You Doing? 教案设计第一章:课程介绍1.1 课程背景本课程旨在帮助学生掌握基本的日常英语交流能力,特别是针对不同场景下的交际用语。
1.2 教学目标能够理解并询问他人正在做的事情。
第二章:教学内容2.1 词汇表be doing(正在做)what(什么)are(是)you(你)doing(做)2.2 句型结构What are you doing?(你在做什么?)I am doing(我在做)2.3 场景设定教室客厅餐厅公园第三章:教学方法3.1 任务型教学法通过设定不同的场景任务,让学生在实际操作中学会询问和回答关于正在做的事情。
3.2 互动式教学法教师与学生进行问答互动,引导学生积极参与课堂讨论,提高口语表达能力。
3.3 情境教学法通过模拟真实场景,让学生在具体的情境中学会使用所学知识。
第四章:教学步骤4.1 热身活动(5分钟)教师与学生进行简单的英语问候,营造轻松的课堂氛围。
引导学生进行简单的自我介绍,例如:Hello, my name is I am 12 years old.4.2 词汇学习(10分钟)教师出示词汇卡片,引导学生朗读并记忆词汇。
4.3 句型学习(10分钟)教师示范句型结构,引导学生跟读并理解含义。
4.4 场景模拟(10分钟)教师设定一个场景,例如:教室。
4.5 总结与作业(5分钟)教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点。
第五章:教学评价5.1 课堂参与度观察学生在课堂活动中的参与程度,评估其学习兴趣和积极性。
小学英语公开课现在进行时(What are you doing-)优秀教学设计及反思

小学英语公开课现在进行时(What are you doing?)优秀教学设计及反思教材分析1.课标要求:课标中要求,本节课学生要掌握现在进行时的基本用法,掌握适当的口语表达能力,能参与一些情景活动,对英语有适度的兴趣。
那么爸妈正在那里休息,这种句子结构属于什么呢?这就是我们本节课需要学的,现在进行时二、教师板书:现在进行时,(What are you doing?)(标题)学生简短预习三、让学生说出日常生活中正在进行的一些行为动作,并用英语加以表述。

I am eating.
He is running.
She is sleeping.
They are writing.
孩子们能够找出“I he she they” 为主语,“am is are” 为be动词, 这都是他们之前所学过的知识, 而“eating, running, sleeping, writing”是动词后面有ing的形式,所以自然而然引出现在进行时的结构为:主语+be动词+动词ing.
2.动词的现在分词变化规则,例如单词结尾为e时,去e加ing,以及单词末尾双写尾字母再加inቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的情况
在课程刚开始,先告诉学生今天所学的内容并指明现在进行时的定义,让他们有一个大致的概念。然后通过一个导入歌曲及相关问题,让孩子们用歌曲里的原话来开口回答,实际上,这些问题及答案就是所学的中心句型—现在进行时态:What +be动词+人称+doing?

英语教案-What are you doing-lesson(通用4篇)-What are you doing-lesson 篇1Lesson 83示例(一)一、教学内容继续学习现在进行时的用法。
然后,叫两位同学到前面,一个表演动作,另一个则问全班同学:What is he/she doing? (表演内容参考第85、86两课插图)2.打开书,学生看图。
教师先向学生提出以下问题:T:What can you see in the picture? Can you see some women in the picture? How many women can you see in the picture? Where are they? Are there any children in the picture? How many children are there in the picture? How many cats/birds are there in the picture?通过以上提问,复习已学过的句型。
6.布置作业1) 抄写生词;2)完成练习册习题。
Lesson 83 教学设计示例(二)●教学目标1.熟练运用现在进行时进行语言交流2.通过看图对话,学会描述进行中的动作。
●教学步骤Step 1 Revision复习Whats he/she doing? He/She’s making a cake.叫三名学生到讲台上。
A表演动作,B问Is he reading/playing. ..? C答Yes, he is./No, he isnt.让学生三人一组做类似的练习。
2024年《What Are You Doing》教案范文模板

一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握现在进行时的基本结构“What are you doing?”及其回答方式。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够正确运用现在进行时描述正在进行的动作。
3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够积极参与课堂活动,提高学习英语的兴趣。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:(1)现在进行时的基本结构“What are you doing?”及其回答方式。
2. 教学难点:(1)现在进行时的用法及与一般现在时的区分。
三、教学方法:1. 情景教学法:通过设置生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习、运用英语。
2. 交际教学法:培养学生运用英语进行实际交流的能力。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成小组任务,提高学生的合作能力和语言运用能力。
四、教学过程:1. 热身(5分钟):(1)教师与学生用中文进行简单的交流,了解学生的情况。
2. 引入(10分钟):(1)教师向学生介绍现在进行时的概念和基本结构。
3. 主体(20分钟):(1)教师设置生活情境,引导学生运用现在进行时进行交流。
4. 练习(10分钟):(1)教师设计听力练习,学生听录音并回答问题。
五、课后作业:1. 学生用现在进行时写一篇小作文,描述自己正在做的事情。
2. 学生回家后与家人进行英语交流,练习运用所学知识。
3. 家长签字确认,加强家校合作。
六、教学评价:1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、听说能力及团队协作精神。
2. 练习完成情况:检查学生作业完成质量,了解学生对知识的掌握程度。
What are you doing-经典教学设计

What are you doing?教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:(1) 能正确听、说、读、写词汇playing, singing,reading等。
(2)正确听、说、读、写句型What are you doing ?I’m … . What is he/she doing? He/She is ….2. 过程与方法目标:(1)学生能用英文询问别人正在做什么、描述自己在做什么。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:激发学生的学习兴趣、参与意识及积极性,培养学生的综合运用语言及团结合作的能力。
三.教学重点:能正确听、说、读、写句型—Whatbe sb. doing? —Sb. be doing…四.教学难点:能正确使用现在进行时五.教学过程:Step 1 greetingStep 2 lead in—play a guessing gameStep3 presentation—one shows the action and the others make new sentences.Step4 practice—Students work in pairs. One student makes action and the other oneguesses.Step 5 review—analyzethe rule of the sentences and read these sentences.Step 6 homework—write ashort article to introduce the most memorable vacation.六.板书:What are you doing?He is playing basketball.Sheis singing. Sb.+be(am,is,are)+doingsth. Tomis reading newspapers。

英语口语|What are you doingMia: Hey, Bruce. What are you doing?(嘿,布鲁斯。
你在干什么呢?)Bruce: I am going to the library.(我打算去图书馆。
)Mia: Me, too. Let's go together. Look at our newlibrary. It looks great.(我也想去。
)Bruce: Yes, it is very clean. We can't take drinks with us.(是的。
)Mia: And we have to keep quiet.(还有我们必须保持安静。
)Bruce: I know. After reading, we have to put thebooks back.(我知道。
)Mia: And we can't write anything on the books.(并且我们不可以在书上乱写。
)Bruce: Reading is fun. Books are our friends.(阅读很有趣。
)Mia: So we take care of our friends.(所以我们要爱护我们的朋友。
)Bruce: Sure thing.(当然了。
)重点词语library 图书馆together 一起great 很好的;太好啦drinks 饮料(泛指喝的东西)with 携带quiet 安静惯用口语take care of 照料、照顾Sure thing. 理应如此。

《Unit4WhatAreYouDoing》教学记录Unit4 What Are You Doing教学听课记录Step1: Warm up1. Dialy questions: ---- How are you?----- What day is it today?----- What’s the date today?----- What’s the weather like today?Step 2: Revision1. T: Now let’s play a game. I do you s ay, OK?Phrases: reading a book doing the dishes playing the computerdrawing pictures cooking dinner playing footballplaying basketball watching TV flying a kiteanswering the phone2.T: Let’s chant together: ( 每组各说五次)eg: T1: reading a book, reading a book T2: Me too, me too.Step 3: Presention 11.(Chant的最后一个短语为什么,老师就接着说)T: Me too. I am…. Oh, look! What are you doing, 周淑冰/ 黄俊彦?Zhou: I am ….( 课前先于周淑冰/黄俊彦练习好,让她站起来的时候要做动作。
)2. (当问到:黄俊彦后)板书并带读:What are you doing?I’m …-ing.3.T: Boys an d girls. Look !... Can you? Let’s play.(教师先示范:画节拍,玩遥控游戏:What| are| you| doing|,教师画节拍到那里,学生就必须读到那里。

2.能够理解和运用问答句型:“What are you doing?”和“I am + doing”的表达方式。
三、教学过程步骤一:课堂引入首先,让两名讲师扮演角色Danny和Daisy,角色出现后,Danny先跟Daisy问好,“Hello, Daisy!”,与此同时,Daisy回应“Hello, Danny!”,然后Danny问Daisy,“What are you doing?”,然后Daisy回答,“I am reading.”这样的交互可以多次重复,帮助幼儿更好地理解“Whatareyoudoing?”这句话的含义。
在此之后,老师再帮助幼儿理解“I am+doing”的表达方式,多角度演示这样的语言表达方式,帮助幼儿良好的掌握表达方式及应用。
步骤三:小组活动将幼儿分成若干个小组,让每组自己接收到一个生活常用场景,然后让幼儿们在组内根据课上学到的内容,编排问题:“What are you doing?”,报告应答:“Iam+doing”。
2024年《What Are You Doing》教案范文模板

2024年《What Are You Doing》教案范文模板一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握现在进行时态的构成和用法。
2. 学生能够熟练运用"What are you doing?"进行日常交流。
3. 提高学生的听说能力和团队协作能力。
二、教学内容:1. 现在进行时态的构成:主语+ be动词(am/is/are) + 动词ing形式+ 其他。
2. 核心句型:What are you doing? I'm doing3. 常见动词ing形式。
三、教学重点与难点:1. 教学重点:现在进行时态的构成和用法,以及核心句型的运用。
2. 教学难点:动词ing形式的正确运用。
四、教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过小组活动,让学生在实际情境中运用所学知识。
2. 情境教学法:创设生活情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 游戏教学法:通过趣味游戏,巩固所学知识。
五、教学过程:1. 热身活动(5分钟):教师与学生进行简单的对话,询问学生周末活动,引导学生谈论正在进行的动作。
2. 课堂导入(10分钟):教师展示一幅图片,引导学生猜测图中人物正在做什么,引出本课主题。
3. 语法讲解(10分钟):教师讲解现在进行时态的构成和用法,让学生举例说明。
4. 句型练习(10分钟):教师引导学生运用"What are you doing?"进行角色扮演,练习核心句型。
5. 小组活动(15分钟):学生分成小组,用"What are you doing?"进行交流,教师巡回指导。
6. 课堂总结(5分钟):教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点。
7. 课后作业(课后自主完成):学生用"What are you doing?"写一段话,描述自己周末的活动。
六、教学评估:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在小组活动中的参与情况,以及他们在角色扮演中的表现。
2. 语言准确性:评估学生在使用现在进行时态和核心句型时的准确性。
what are you doing教案(正式)

•taketake taking
•watchwatch watching
•talktalk talking
•play play playing
•readread reading
•listenlisten listening
出示图片,复习短语play football,play basketball,play table tennis,watch TV,read a book,take pictures
(二 ) Presentation
1.师揭示课题,What are you doing?并引导学生翻译出题目的汉语意思。
2.Ask and answer:依次出示刚才复习的短语,并向学生提问What are you doing?,引导生用I’m…进行回答。
3. 师呈现listen to music和talk to my friend教学这两个词组,并与学生进行问答。
Module2Unit2What are you doing?
What are you doing?
四年级科 目Biblioteka 英语课时安排1
---What are you doing? ---I ' m …
What are you doing?课堂实录(第一课时)

What are you doing?课堂实录(第一课时)T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: I’m fine. Thank you.T: Can you cook?S1: No, I can’t.T: Can you sing?S2: Yes, I can.T: Can you swim?S3: No, I can’t.T: Can you draw?S4: Yes, I can.【评:温故知新,为新课学习做铺垫】T: Look, this is灰太狼. What’s he doing?Oh, he is painting. Follow me: “painting”.Ss: “painting”T: “paint”Ss: “paint”T: “t-ing, ting”Ss: “t-ing, ting”T: “painting”Ss: “painting”T: Say it with actions: Painting, painting, I’m painting. Ss: Painting, painting, I’m painting.T: S1, please. Painting, painting, I’m painting.S1: Painting, painting, I’m painting.T: What are you doing?S1: I’m painting.T: Can you? Painting, painting, I’m painting.S2: Painting, painting, I’m p ainting.T: Who can tell me, what’s he doing?S3: He’s painting.T: Good job! The whole class, follow me: What’s he doing? Ss: What’s he doing?T: He’s painting.Ss: He’s painting.T: Can you paint?S4: Yes, I can.T: OK. Show us.S4: Painting, painting, I’m painting.T: Boys and girls, what’s she doing?Ss: She’s painting.T: Well done. Follow me: What’s she doing?Ss: What’s she doing?T: She’s painting.Ss: She’s painting.【评:创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣】T: Look, 灰太狼is going to go shopping.Follow me: “shopping”.Ss: “shopping”Ss: “shop”T: Look at here: Double “p”, and then add “ing”.Follow me: “p-ing, ping”Ss: “p-ing, ping”T: “shopping”Ss: “shopping”T: Now, let’s say it without stopping.Look at me. First, take a deep breath. Then, “shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping…”Let’s see who can say the most “shopping”.Are you ready? Take a deep breath. Go!Ss: “shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping…”T: Wonderful! Let’s say it with actions: Shopping, shopping, I’m shopping.Ss: Shopping, shopping, I’m shopping.T: What’s 灰太狼doing?Ss: He’s shopping.T: On 灰太狼’s way to the shop, he hears someone singing.Who is it? Let’s see.灰太狼takes out the telescope. Oh, 沸羊羊!What’s沸羊羊doing? Who can try?S1: He’s playing.T: Yo u’re so clever!The whole class, follow me: “playing”.Ss: “playing”Ss: “play”T: “ing, ing, playing”Ss: “ing, ing, playing”T: Now you can play with your partner like this: “playing, playing, playing, playing”. Go!Ss: “playing, playing, playing, playing”.T: OK. Let’s say it with actions: Playing, playing, I’m playing. Ss: Playing, playing, I’m playing.T: Can you play basketball?S1: Yes, I can.T: OK. Play with me.What are you doing?S1: I’m playing basketball.T: Can you play badminton?S2: Yes, I can.T: Good. Play with me.Boys and girls, what’s he doing?Ss: He’s playing badminton.T: Can you play ping-pong?S3: Yes, I can.T: Shall we play?S3: Yes.T: Come on.And what’s she doing?Ss: She’s playing ping-pong.T: Quite good.【评:只有听得准才能说得准,进而促进读写等技能的发展】T: Let’s go to see 灰太狼.灰太狼sees喜羊羊、美羊羊and懒羊羊are eating.Follow me: “eating”.Ss: “eating”T: “eat”Ss: “eat”T: “t-ing, ting”Ss: “t-ing, ting”T: “eating”Ss: “eating”T: Say it with actions: Eating, eating, I’m eating.S s: Eating, eating, I’m eating.T: You four, please. Eating, eating, I’m eating.S1、S2、S3、S4: Eating, eating, I’m eating.T: Boys and girls, what are they doing?Ss: They are eating.T: Very good! Follow me: What are they doing?Ss: What are they doing?T: They are eating.Ss: They are eating.【评:加大操练的面,让更多学生有机会开口说,矫正发音】T: After the picnic, the sheep go back home.But 灰太狼follows them.He watches the sheep through the hole on the door.What’s 懒羊羊doing? Who can try?S1: He’s sleeping.T: Good job! Boys and gi rls, follow me: “sleeping”.Ss: “sleeping”T: “sleep”Ss: “sleep”T: “p-ing, ping”Ss: “p-ing, ping”T: “sleeping”Ss: “sleeping”T: Boys and girls, try to say “sleeping” one more time.For example, I say “sleeping, sleeping”, then you should say “sleeping, sleeping, sleeping”.Understand? Let’s have a try: “sleeping”Ss: “sleeping, sleeping”T: “sleeping, sleeping, sleeping”Ss: “sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping”T: Wonderful! Now let’s say it with actions: Sleeping, sleeping, I’m sleeping.Ss: Sleeping, sleeping, I’m sleeping.T: What’s 懒羊羊doing?Ss: He’s sleeping.【评:符合学生的年龄特点,让他们对单词有更深刻的认识和记忆】T: Who’s he?Ss: He’s慢羊羊.T: What’s he doing?S1: He’s writing.T: Excellent! Follow me: “writing”.Ss: “writing”T: “write”Ss: “write”T: Look at her e: Delete “e”, and then add “ing”.Follow me: “t-ing, ting”Ss: “t-ing, ting”T: “writing”Ss: “writing”T: Now let’s say it with actions: Writing, writing, I’m writing. Ss: Writing, writing, I’m writing.T: I have a nice pen. I would like you to pass it one by one. At last, pass it to me. Can you?Ss: Yes.T: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S1: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S2: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S3: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S4: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S5: Writing, writing, I’m w riting.S6: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S7: Writing, writing, I’m writing.S8: Writing, writing, I’m writing.T: Writing, writing, I’m writing. You did a very good job!【评:加大操练的面,让更多学生有机会开口说,矫正发音】T: And what’s暖羊羊doing?S1: She’s reading.T: Yes, you ca n say that. We can also say “She’s studying.”The whole class, follow me: “studying”.Ss: “studying”T: “study”Ss: “study”T: “ing, ing, studying”Ss: “ing, ing, studying”T: Group 1 “studying”Group 1: “studying”T: Group 2Group 2: “studying”T: Group 3Group 3: “studying”T: Group 4Group 4: “studying”T: Good. Let’s say it with actions: Studying, studying, I’m studying.Ss: Studying, studying, I’m studying.T: Look, 灰太狼goes into the house and catches the sheep.They are in danger. But where’s 喜羊羊?Boys and girls, what’s 喜羊羊doing?S1: He’s running.T: Excellent! Follow me: “running”.Ss: “running”T: “run”Ss: “run”T: Look at here: Double “n”, and then add “ing”.Follow me: “n-ing, ning”Ss: “n-ing, ning”T: “running”Ss: “running”T: Let’s say it with actions: Running, running, I’m running. Ss: Running, running, I’m running.T: You two, please. Running, running, I’m running.S1、S2: Running, running, I’m running.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are running.T: 灰太狼takes the sheep to a big farm.喜羊羊wants to save his friends.Boys and girls, can you help him?Ss: Yes!T: Come on! Let’s go!【评:创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣;以任务驱动,调动学生学习的积极性】T:灰太狼says, you must finish all my tasks, then you can take your friends home.First, we must get some seeds. 灰太狼will test your memory. Boys and girls, try to remember all the words.Oh, the words disappear. Let’s guess what they are.No.1 who can try?S1: runningT: What’s he doing?S1: He’s running.T: Good job. No.2S2: sleepingT: What’s he doing?S2: He’s sleeping.T: Well done. No.3S3: shoppingT: What’s she doing?S3: She’s shopping.T: Not bad. No.4S4: writingT: What’s he doing?S4: He’s writing.T: Wonderful. No.5S5: studyingT: What’s she doing?S5: She’s studying.T: Excellent. The last one who would like to try? S6: paintingT: What’s he doing?S6: He’s painting.T: You all did a good job. Now we get the seeds.【评:通过保龄球的游戏激发学生学习的兴趣,并对新授单词进行操练】T: 灰太狼is angry. He puts some grass on the farm.We must remove it. Let’s guess what’s he or she doing.No. 1 What’s he doing?S1: He’s shopping.T: Good job. No. 2 What’s he doing?S2: He’s painting.T: Well done. No. 3 What’s he doing?S3: He’s running.T: Not bad. No. 4 What’s he doing?S4: He’s writing.T: Wonderful. No. 5 What are they doing?S5: They are eating.T: Excellent. No. 6 What’s he doing?S6: He’s playing.T: Quite good. No. 7 What’s he doing?S7: He’s sleeping.T: Well. The last one: What’s she doing?S8: She’s studying.T: Congratulations! We can remove the grass.【评:打印机将会出现表示动作的图片,学生猜单词,并用现在进行时进行回答】T: The trees grow up. But 灰太狼puts some worms on the trees.We must remove the worms. Come on, boys and girls.I have a big magic hand.There are four sides on it: S、N、W and E.First, I would choose one side. For example, I like E.Then I play the magic hand with my partners, asking “What are they doing?”My partners will answer this question according to the picture on side E: “They are eating.”You can take turns asking and answering questions. Understand? Ss: Yes.T: I will give you 5 minutes. Get in groups of four. Go! (Group work)【评:让学生把本节课所学的内容加以运用,通过合作的形式互相学习,共同提高】T: Who would like to show? You four, please.S1: I like W. What are they doing?S2、S3、S4: They are running.T: Good job. Any more? What about your group?S5: I like N. What are they doing?S6、S7、S8: They are studying.T: Excellent. We can remove the worms.It’s time to get the fruit.【评:因为有了前面一系列的铺垫,学生的表达此时流畅,充满自信】T: How to open the cage and save our friends?Let’s sing a magic song.Boys and girls, look at here. “They are having fun.” means “They are having a good time.” or “They are happy.”Understand?Ss: Yes.T: Let’s read the lyric together.Ss: What are they doing?They’re swimming.They’re running.They’re fishing.What are they doing?They’re playing.And they are having fun.T: Now let’s sing.Ss: What are they doing?They’re swimming.They’re running.They’re fishing.What are they doing?They’re play ing.And they are having fun.【评:复习已学内容,调节课堂气氛】T: Oh, look, the cage opens. Our friends are saved. Wonderful! Homework for today: Design Happy Sheep's Sports Day. 【评:结合课程内容,联系生活实际,拓展训练】T: That’s all for this class. Goodbye boys and girls.Ss: Goodbye teacher.。
What are you doing?课堂实录(第一课时)教学设计

What are you doing?课堂实录(第一课时)2.教学内容:a) 八个动作的名称painting,reading, sleeping, singing, writing,studying, playing, runningb) 重点句型“What’s she doing?”“She’s writing.”“What are they doing ?”“They’re painting.”3.教学目标:a) 知识与技能目标:能够听、说、认读单词: painting,reading, sleeping, singing,writing, studying, playing, running能够听、说、认读句子: “What’s she doing…?”“She’s writing.”“What are they doing ?”“They’re painting.”b) 情感目标:通过各种形式的教学活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并培养学生热爱运动的好习惯。
6.教学过程:7.教学测试安排:通过游戏环节进行检测:堂上:1、通过Magic Bowling的游戏,吸引学生的注意力,加强学生对单词的记忆2、通过Magic Printer的游戏,了解喜羊羊和和灰太狼在干什么,进行句型的操练3、通过Magic Game的游戏,学生以4人小组进行对话,操练新单词和句型课后:在Unit 2学习以后,我们会对本单元进行有针对性的小测。
课堂实录(what are you doing)

What are you doing?教学实录T: Good morning boys and girls!Ss: Good morning Miss ZongT: Hello, Feng Siyi ng.Feng Siying: Hello, Miss ZongT: What day is it today?Feng: It is Wednesday.T: today is…Ss: Wednesday.T: Hello, Ruan Yansan. Do you like music?Ruan: Yes, I do.T: Boys and girls, do you like music?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Good, we like music.Let’s sing a song together. Stand up, please. All the Ss sing the song “What are you doing?”T: Ruan Lixuan,What are you doing ?Ruan Lixun:I am drawing pictures.(teacher write down “ I am…” On the blackboard.)T: Boys and girls, can you draw pictures?Ss: Yes, We can.( Write down “ We are…” on the board)T: follow me! What are you doing? I am drawing pictures. Ss: What are you doing? .T: What are you doing? We are drawing pictures.Ss: What are you doing? We are drawing picturesT: Xu Jian, please. Can you do the dishes?Xu Jian: Yes, I can.T:do the dishes please!Xu Jian do the action.T: Boys and girls, what’s are you doing?Ss: We are doing the dishes.T: Ruan Lixun, can you cook dinner?Ruan Lixun: Yes, I can.T: Do the action please.T: What’s she doing?Ss: She’s cooking dinner.T: Follow me! What’s she doing? She’s cooking dinner.T: Group 1, can you cook dinner?G1: Yes, I can.T: Do the action, please.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are cooking dinner.T: Good, there are so many students, so, we use “they”(write down “ They are” on the board)T: Follow me! What are they doing? They are cooking dinner.Ss: What are they doing? They are cooking dinner.T: Good job! Are you happy?Ss: Yes, I amT: I am happy too. Because, we have a new friend here. Who’s he? Look.Ss: (look at the screem) He’s MaidouT: Let’s say “ Hello” to MaidouSs: Hello, Maidou.T: Today, Maidou is going to study with us. Now, he has a question for you. Do you remember these pictures?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Good, you remember these pictures, now, let’s review. Follow me!T: playing, playing, they are playing.Ss: playing, playing, they are playing.T: shopping, shopping, she is shopping.Ss: shopping, shopping, she is shopping.T: studying, studying, he’s studyingSs: studying, studying, he’s studyingT: painting, painting, she’s painting.Ss: painting, painting, she’s painting.T: eating, eating, they are eatingSs: eating, eating, they are eatingT: running, running, they are running.Ss: running, running, they are running.T: sleeping, sleeping, he’s sleeping.Ss: sleeping, sleeping, he’s sleeping.T: writing, writing, he’s writing.Ss: writing, writing, he’s writing.T: well done, now, I have a game for you. Look, What are they doing? Chen Yushan, please.Chen Yushan: They are playing.T: Yes, or no?Ss: Yes.T: Good, a picture card for you. Ok, read the dialouge, 1,2,go.Ss: What are they doing? They are playing.T: The next one. Are you ready?Ss: GoT: What’s she doing? He Yulan, please.He Yulan: She’s shopping.T: Good , a picture card for you. 1,2,go.Ss: What’s she doing? She’s shopping.Play the game with other six pictures.T: Are you happy?Ss: Yes, I am happy.T: Do you like games?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Yes, we like games. Now, I have another game for you. Look, what’s this?Ss: It’s a dice.T: Yes, it is a dice. Look, I play the dice. Woo, It writes: he and sleeping. So, I should ask “ What’s he doing?” and you should answer the questiong with “ He’s sleeping” Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good, now let’s play the dice one by one in your group.Ss: play the dice in groups.After several minutes.T: 1,2,3Ss: 4,5,6T: Now, which group want to play the dice in front of the class.Ask several groups to play the dice in front of the class.T: You have done a good job. Now, what is Gogo doing? What are Tony and Jenny doing? Can you guess? Let’s listen to a story.After the story.T: What is Lisa doing ? Liu Jing please.Liu Jing: She is reading.T: Yes or no?Ss: Yes.T: read the dialogue.Ss: What’s Lisa doing? She’s reading.T: Q2. What is Ben doing? Dai Zhonghua, please.Dai Zhonghua: He’s fishing.T: Good, he’s fishing. Read the dialogue, 1,2,go. Ss: What’s Ben doing? He’s fishing.T: Q3. What is Gogo doing? Xu Ming, please.Xu Ming: He’s swimming.T: Good. A picture card for you. Read, 1,2, goSs: What’s Gogo doing? He’s swimming.T: Now, let’s read the story after the tape.Ss read the story after the tape.T: take out your book, read the conversation by yourself. Ss read the story by themselves.T: Ok. Can you read?Ss: Yes.T: Let’s read together.Ss: read the story together.T: Look at the pictures in the screem. Can you read? Ss: Yes, I can.Teacher do a example for the students.Ss read the story without looking at the words.T: You are so cleaver. Now, look, who are they?Ss: They are Tony and JennyT: What are they doing?Ss: They are doing the dishes.T: Good, they are doing the dishes.T: Let’s listen to a song.T: They are having fun means they are having fun.T: let’s sing togetherSs sing the song together.T: Now, take out this paper. Write down the answers.Ss do the exercises.T: Are you ok? Hands up please.T: What are they……S1: doingT: They are…S1: drawing picturesT: What’s ____doing?S2: heT: He’s _____S2: doing the dishesT: _____she doing?S2: What’sT: What are ____doing?S3: theyT: They are_____S3: cooking dinnerT: Look, Maidou loves his family. Do you know “ love”Love means 爱T: Do you love your family?Ss: Yes, I do.T: you love you family, so, you should do something for your family. Maidou will give you some tips.You can: 1, wash the window for your father.2, cook dinner for your mother3, clean the house for your mother.T: remember, do something for your mother and your father after class. T: Homework: A:read the conversation twiceB:make a dialogue by using the words in Unit 2.T: class over, goodbye boys and girls.Ss: goodbye Miss Zong.。
What are you doing?课堂实录

Unit 4 What are you doing?课堂实录一、教学内容:PEP第六册Unite 4 What are you doing? (B Let’s talk, Let’s try. Good to know)本单元的内容主要是学习现在进行时,引导学生感知、理解现在进行时所表达的含义,通过比较动词原形和动词的ing形式,让学生逐步掌握现在进行时的用法。
二、教学目标能听懂、会说:What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s… 并能在情景中运用。
能说、会用电话用语:Can I speak to … please? Please hold on. There is a call foryou.了解中国及主要英语国家的紧急电话号码,并能在生活中正确使用。
三、教学重点和难点重点:能熟练运用句型:What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s …并能在情景中问答。
难点:能正确运用电话用语:Can I spe ak to … please? Please hold on.There is acall for you.四、教具准备上课用PPT,录音机,磁带,盒子一个,词组纸条若干,电话机两台。
五、教学过程Step 1. Warm-up* 活动一:“快乐Chant:”1. PPT出示书本第44页上的chant,全班同学一起拍手吟唱。
What are you doing? I am doing the dishes.What are you doing? I am drawing pictures.What are you doing? I am reading a book.What are you doing? I am cooking dinner.What are you doing? I am answering the phone.2. PPT出示书本第49页上的chant,全班同学边说边做动作。
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What are you doing?教学实录T: Good morning boys and girls!Ss: Good morning Miss ZongT: Hello, Feng Siyi ng.Feng Siying: Hello, Miss ZongT: What day is it today?Feng: It is Wednesday.T: today is…Ss: Wednesday.T: Hello, Ruan Yansan. Do you like music?Ruan: Yes, I do.T: Boys and girls, do you like music?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Good, we like music.Let’s sing a song together. Stand up, please. All the Ss sing the song “What are you doing?”T: Ruan Lixuan,What are you doing ?Ruan Lixun:I am drawing pictures.(teacher write down “ I am…” On the blackboard.)T: Boys and girls, can you draw pictures?Ss: Yes, We can.( Write down “ We are…” on the board)T: follow me! What are you doing? I am drawing pictures. Ss: What are you doing? .T: What are you doing? We are drawing pictures.Ss: What are you doing? We are drawing picturesT: Xu Jian, please. Can you do the dishes?Xu Jian: Yes, I can.T:do the dishes please!Xu Jian do the action.T: Boys and girls, what’s are you doing?Ss: We are doing the dishes.T: Ruan Lixun, can you cook dinner?Ruan Lixun: Yes, I can.T: Do the action please.T: What’s she doing?Ss: She’s cooking dinner.T: Follow me! What’s she doing? She’s cooking dinner.T: Group 1, can you cook dinner?G1: Yes, I can.T: Do the action, please.T: What are they doing?Ss: They are cooking dinner.T: Good, there are so many students, so, we use “they”(write down “ They are” on the board)T: Follow me! What are they doing? They are cooking dinner.Ss: What are they doing? They are cooking dinner.T: Good job! Are you happy?Ss: Yes, I amT: I am happy too. Because, we have a new friend here. Who’s he? Look.Ss: (look at the screem) He’s MaidouT: Let’s say “ Hello” to MaidouSs: Hello, Maidou.T: Today, Maidou is going to study with us. Now, he has a question for you. Do you remember these pictures?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Good, you remember these pictures, now, let’s review. Follow me!T: playing, playing, they are playing.Ss: playing, playing, they are playing.T: shopping, shopping, she is shopping.Ss: shopping, shopping, she is shopping.T: studying, studying, he’s studyingSs: studying, studying, he’s studyingT: painting, painting, she’s painting.Ss: painting, painting, she’s painting.T: eating, eating, they are eatingSs: eating, eating, they are eatingT: running, running, they are running.Ss: running, running, they are running.T: sleeping, sleeping, he’s sleeping.Ss: sleeping, sleeping, he’s sleeping.T: writing, writing, he’s writing.Ss: writing, writing, he’s writing.T: well done, now, I have a game for you. Look, What are they doing? Chen Yushan, please.Chen Yushan: They are playing.T: Yes, or no?Ss: Yes.T: Good, a picture card for you. Ok, read the dialouge, 1,2,go.Ss: What are they doing? They are playing.T: The next one. Are you ready?Ss: GoT: What’s she doing? He Yulan, please.He Yulan: She’s shopping.T: Good , a picture card for you. 1,2,go.Ss: What’s she doing? She’s shopping.Play the game with other six pictures.T: Are you happy?Ss: Yes, I am happy.T: Do you like games?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Yes, we like games. Now, I have another game for you. Look, what’s this?Ss: It’s a dice.T: Yes, it is a dice. Look, I play the dice. Woo, It writes: he and sleeping. So, I should ask “ What’s he doing?” and you should answer the questiong with “ He’s sleeping” Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good, now let’s play the dice one by one in your group.Ss: play the dice in groups.After several minutes.T: 1,2,3Ss: 4,5,6T: Now, which group want to play the dice in front of the class.Ask several groups to play the dice in front of the class.T: You have done a good job. Now, what is Gogo doing? What are Tony and Jenny doing? Can you guess? Let’s listen to a story.After the story.T: What is Lisa doing ? Liu Jing please.Liu Jing: She is reading.T: Yes or no?Ss: Yes.T: read the dialogue.Ss: What’s Lisa doing? She’s reading.T: Q2. What is Ben doing? Dai Zhonghua, please.Dai Zhonghua: He’s fishing.T: Good, he’s fishing. Read the dialogue, 1,2,go. Ss: What’s Ben doing? He’s fishing.T: Q3. What is Gogo doing? Xu Ming, please.Xu Ming: He’s swimming.T: Good. A picture card for you. Read, 1,2, goSs: What’s Gogo doing? He’s swimming.T: Now, let’s read the story after the tape.Ss read the story after the tape.T: take out your book, read the conversation by yourself. Ss read the story by themselves.T: Ok. Can you read?Ss: Yes.T: Let’s read together.Ss: read the story together.T: Look at the pictures in the screem. Can you read? Ss: Yes, I can.Teacher do a example for the students.Ss read the story without looking at the words.T: You are so cleaver. Now, look, who are they?Ss: They are Tony and JennyT: What are they doing?Ss: They are doing the dishes.T: Good, they are doing the dishes.T: Let’s listen to a song.T: They are having fun means they are having fun.T: let’s sing togetherSs sing the song together.T: Now, take out this paper. Write down the answers.Ss do the exercises.T: Are you ok? Hands up please.T: What are they……S1: doingT: They are…S1: drawing picturesT: What’s ____doing?S2: heT: He’s _____S2: doing the dishesT: _____she doing?S2: What’sT: What are ____doing?S3: theyT: They are_____S3: cooking dinnerT: Look, Maidou loves his family. Do you know “ love”Love means 爱T: Do you love your family?Ss: Yes, I do.T: you love you family, so, you should do something for your family. Maidou will give you some tips.You can: 1, wash the window for your father.2, cook dinner for your mother3, clean the house for your mother.T: remember, do something for your mother and your father after class. T: Homework: A:read the conversation twiceB:make a dialogue by using the words in Unit 2.T: class over, goodbye boys and girls.Ss: goodbye Miss Zong.。