
区块链技术英文作文英文:Blockchain technology has been gaining increasing attention in recent years, especially with the emergence of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Essentially, blockchainis a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. Each block in the chain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, making it tamper-proof and ensuring the integrity of the data.One of the key advantages of blockchain technology is its ability to eliminate the need for intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions. This is because transactions can be verified and recorded on the blockchain without the need for a centralized authority. This not only saves time and money, but also increases security and reduces the risk of fraud.Another advantage of blockchain technology is its potential to revolutionize supply chain management. By using blockchain, companies can track the movement of goods from production to delivery in a transparent and secure manner. This can help to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve trust between different parties in the supply chain.However, there are also some challenges associated with blockchain technology. One of the main challenges is scalability, as the current blockchain infrastructure is not capable of handling large-scale transactions. Additionally, there are concerns around the environmental impact of blockchain, as the process of mining cryptocurrency requires a significant amount of energy.Despite these challenges, I believe that blockchain technology has the potential to transform a wide range of industries and create new opportunities for innovation and growth.中文:近年来,区块链技术越来越受到关注,特别是随着比特币等加密货币的出现。

区块链技术在供应链金融中的应用(英文中文双语版优质文档)Supply chain finance refers to financial services that provide financial support for enterprises through financing and other means based on the supply chain. In traditional supply chain finance, financing is difficult due to lack of transparency and high intermediary fees. With the development of blockchain technology, it is widely used in supply chain finance, providing new solutions to the problems existing in traditional supply chain finance.1. Status1. Problems of traditional supply chain financeIn traditional supply chain finance, due to problems such as information asymmetry and high credit risk, it is difficult for financial institutions to obtain financing, and it also leads to high financing costs. In addition, there are still problems such as high intermediary fees and complicated operations in traditional supply chain finance.2. Application of blockchain technology in supply chain financeBlockchain technology provides a new solution to the problems existing in traditional supply chain finance through decentralization, openness and transparency. Blockchain technology can make information open, transparent and traceable by establishing a decentralized data exchange platform, and at the same time reduce the credit risk caused by information asymmetry. In addition, blockchain technology can also realize automated credit evaluation and asset transfer through smart contracts, thereby reducing intermediary costs and operational complexity.Two, the future1. Popularization of blockchain technologyIn the future, with the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, it will be adopted by more financial institutions and enterprises and become an important technical means of supply chain finance. At the same time, the application of blockchain technology will be further improved and upgraded to make it more applicable to all aspects of supply chain finance.2. Compliance and SecurityIn the future, with the widespread application of blockchain technology in supply chain finance, its compliance and security will also become an important issue. While applying blockchain technology, it is necessary to comply with laws, regulations and regulatory requirements to ensure the compliance and security of transactions.3. Integration with traditional financeIn the future, blockchain technology will be more closely integrated with traditional finance, bringing new changes and opportunities to the financial industry. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the interoperability and synergy between blockchain technology and traditional finance to ensure the stability and security of the financial system.3. ConclusionIn short, the application of blockchain technology in supply chain finance has brought new changes and opportunities to the financial industry. Through the characteristics of decentralization, openness and transparency, blockchain technology solves the problems existing in traditional supply chain finance, and at the same time reduces financing costs, intermediary fees and operational complexity. In the future, with the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, it will become an important technical means of supply chain finance and will be more closely integrated with traditional finance, bringing new opportunities and challenges to the financial industry. We look forward to the future application of blockchain technology to create more value and benefits for the financial industry and enterprises.供应链金融是指以供应链为基础,通过融资等方式,为企业提供资金支持的金融服务。

智能物流与区块链技术外文翻译中英文本文档由凝脂烟霞独家提供英文Smart logistics: Study of the application of blockchain technologyYassine Issaoui,Azeddine Khiat,Ayoub Bahnasse,Hassan OuajjiAbstractNowadays, integrating new technologies into all management processes leads to strong evolution especially in Smart Logistics which forms one of the fundamental pillar of the fourth industrial revolution ‘industry 4.0’. As an integrated technology, Blockchain, which is an emerging concept, allows decentralized and immutable storage of verified data. The purpose of this study is to define the various applications of Blockchain in Smart Logistics, as well as to present concrete examples of these applications. This work was done by classifying the applications according to four clusters: Information, Transport, Finance, and Management, in addition to presenting the applications of each cluster.Keywords:Smart Logistics,Blockchain,Smart Supply Chain Management,IoT1. IntroductionSmart logistics remains a fairly complex concept. It can be used in geographically dispersed areas, for the acqui-sition of raw materials of thehighest quality, as well as the lowest cost, or the marketing of products to reach a large number of consumers. The industry 4.0 paradigm is characterized by the use of new technologies such as IoT, 5G, sensors, RFID cards, smart products, actuators, and intelligent machines. Consequently, a large amount of data will be generated and new challenges will emerge. This highlights the issues of confidence, lack of interoperability, as well as many security and data reliability issues that form major challenges to face the implementation of such infrastructures problems, also, fraud, theft, loss of data, the diversity of marketing policies, the multitude of expenses of financial transactions and goods. Although, the transparency of the supply chain, it remains one of the most important and dicult to reach areas for logistics and supply chain management. Therefore, a simple, secure, fast sharing of information or products, and funds was the need of almost all companies operating in this field.Blockchain technology first gained popularity as a management platform for Bitcoin, which is a digital cryptocur-rency. In addition to the digital currency, blockchain is a new paradigm of computer science and data flows. For that, it has broad implications for the future development of supply chain management and logistics. Blockchain technol-ogy can ensure data security, reliability, traceability, and authenticity, which will increase trust between supply chain actors and end consumer, byproviding reliable information about the shared products through a public Blockchain.The main purpose of this paper is to examine the scope of Blockchain technology in the field of smart logistics. For this, we segmented our study into four sets. Firstly, Information; which consists of presenting the application of Blockchain for the data collection, and the follow-up of the traceability. Secondly, the transport field which focuses on last-mile logistics. Thirdly, the application of Blockchain to the financial field, which is the sector of its first ap-pearance. And finally, the management, and the presentation of the improvements brought by Blockchain technology to the process of smart logistics.This paper is organized according to the following sections: Section 2 details the literature review. Section 3 focuses on Blockchain technology applications in the field of smart logistics. Section 4 focuses on the discussion of the results obtained. And, section 5 is devoted to the conclusion.2. Literature review2.1. Smart Supply chain managementThe supply chain includes several necessary steps, and refers to a set of processes involved in sourcing, processing, and distributing products and services. Accordingly, supply chain management makes it possible to have the right item, in the right amount, at the right time, in the rightplace, with the right price, taking into consideration the right conditions for the right customer.Due to dierent reasons such as complexity, uncertainty, and other factors, most supply chains are known for their numerous supply/demand mismatch problems, such as excess inventories, stockouts and delivery delays, which have long been popular research topics in the business management literature. In addition, the business climate has become more competitive, customer demands are also more specific. These complexities and problems lead companies to look for solutions in order to improve their work processes as well as the adopted implementation methods.To eectively face the growing challenges, supply chains need to become much smarter. To this end, companies need to improve their processes by integrating new information and communication technologies. In this context, the new industrial revolution called ’industry 4.0’ in the daylight. This revolution takes full advantage of the improvements made in the IT, electronics, telecommunication, and mechanical fields. This industrial revolution has allowed the emergence of new paradigms such as smart supply chains, smart products, smart factories, and many other concepts.Smart supply chains are characterized mainly by the interconnection of internal objects, with stakeholders, as well as optimal decision makingby intelligent systems, and process integration. Thus, this transformation will principally enable channel managers, load optimization, speed and eciency of processes and operations, customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.2.2. Smart logisticsLogistics enables the management of the company’s physical flows by including a set of activities, such as demand forecasting, sales planning, supply requirements, inventory management, and product distribution. For logistics, tech-nological development and the appearance of the fourth industrial revolution contributed to the generation of several challenges. These can accelerate the integration of technology into all logistics processes. This has led to the emer-gence of a new concept called ’smart logistics’ or ’logistics 4.0’. According to McFarlane, smart logistics is about planning and controlling with smart tools and methods. he confirmed that the degree of intelligence depends on the applications and the methods used since the traceability of the products and the identification of the elements of its environment, until the detection of the problem, the choice and the automatic execution of the solution. On the other hand, Uckelmann, was based on the concept of smart product and smart service to define the smart logistics like the use of the technology to obtain information on the flow of material, then on the treatment to monitoring, control, and other purposes. With intelligent asset trackingtools and equipment, all supply chains are becoming more e cient and eective by noting di erent changes: Significant end-to-end visibility, Improvement of product routing, Control and replenishment of inventories and mobile assets, and Detailed management of marketing experience.In order to provide companies with clear visibility into product information, when acquiring, stocking, producing, and shipping, the realization of the mentioned changes requires the use of asset tracking tools supported primarily by sensors that provide information in near real- time.2.3. BlockchainBeing an emerging technology, the Blockchain aims at storing and transmitting data in a secure, more transparent, and decentralized way. It is considered a distributed database, or public/private shared ledger of all digital events, that has been run and shared among agents participating in the blockchain. Technically, Blockchain is a distributed system, containing all the transactions done since its start, in the form of blocks. These are constituted by the in-formation sent by the users. These data transactions are secured by cryptographic algorithms. Blockchains can be generalized and used to implement a set of agreed rules that no one, neither users nor system operators, can break. They rely on a single platform of system architecture for multi-part applications requiring littlemutual trust. Blockchain technology is characterized by the decentralization of data by providing a higher level of data security. Confidence is one of the main consequences of this decentralization given the non-necessity to evaluate the reliability of the intermediary or the other network participants, so the data are easily exploitable and verifiable. Further-more, adding a new transaction involves more interactions with other nodes in the chain. As illustrated in Fig 1, the insertion operation of a new block is characterized by the non-localization of the nodes, the suitability of the operation, and the security of the records. The steps for inserting a new block are: 1. Send a new transaction, 2. Send the block, corresponding to a new transaction, to all the nodes of the chain, 3. Most nodes approve the new transaction, 4. Add the new block to the chain, 5. Save a new copy of the book containing all the blocks on a network of nodes.Fig. 1. Steps to Create a New Blockchain Transaction.3. Blockchain applications in smart LogisticsSmart logistics is typically defined by the use of new technologies such as IoT, AI, and Cloud computing. More-over, it allows a transfer ofautonomy, intelligence, and autonomous decision-making machines. The technological revolution and the multitude of data collection components have highlighted the issue of the level of data security, and the reliability o f communications. Blockchain’s ability, reliability, traceability, and authenticity of information, as well as intelligent contractual relationships for a trustless environment, foreshadow a major overhaul of supply chains and chain management. supply. Additionally, the Blockchain oers considerable potential for improving the logistics process, principally after the trend towards smart logistics, and the use of communication and information technologies at all levels of the value chain. One of the most important aspects of the blockchain application is its interface with the physical world, which requires the appropriate tools and technology, such as IoT.This explains the progressive rate of producers’ industrial investments in smart logistics technologies to improve and personalize their oers. According to a recent study of trends in logistics and supply chain management, Blockchain is known only to some logistics experts, and even fewer to those pursuing implementation plans. Also, the use of Blockchain technology in the field of smart logistics remains rare, following its new appearance, its low popularity, and its complexity for the majority of people and organizations. The first real application in the logistics field was announced in April 2015: Everledger startup usesBlockchain to fight fraud in diamond supply chains. As shown in Fig. 2, this section will explore the applicability and integration of Blockchain technology in the four smart logistics sectors.Fig. 2. Clusters of blockchain application in logistics.3.1. InformationInformation flows are a priority in logistics and the supply chain for a variety of reasons, including ensuring the internal and external communication of the organization (with stakeholders), generating control and decision-making data, collecting large masses of data for forecasting, and classifying feedbacks. The value of this information induces companies to use methods that o er greater security and reliability in their management. Currently, Blockchain tech-nology allows for more secure tracking of all information flows within smart logistics. Blockchain’s application to the information clusters, consists of registering each asset as it passes through supply chain nodes, order tracking, receipts, invoices, payments and other o cial documents, and tracking digital assets (such as warranties, certifica-tions, licenses, serialnumbers, barcodes) unified and in parallel with physical assets. These applications are implemented on several projects, such as the mutual project between Microsoft and Mojix. Both companies intend to minimize the dierences between databases created by supply chain stakeholders. This would enable them to make their supply chains even more agile by taking or updating their decisions as new data become available. The second example is the grouping of the companies BASF, operating in the field of the chemical industry, and the Fin-tech Quantoz start-up, as well as the Ahrma group. The goal of the consortium is collecting and sharing of supply chain data in near real-time. It operates on a palette equipped with sensors that write the data in a private blockchain accessible to partners throughout the path.Additionally, the monitoring and reporting of information within the supply chain, tracking of data traceability for end-users, and all stakeholders remains important. The decentralization model, public access, and the authenticity of the expedition allow Blockchain technology to meet this need. Two applications of data traceability in smart logistics seem remarkable. The first is the trial led by the grain exporting company CBH, and the Australia-based ArgiDigital start-up: the CBH group hopes to gain a competitive advantage in Asia by proving that its exported oats are sourced from Australia. The second is to create a traceability application of the provenance of the geological samples bythe large mining company BHP Billiton, the original sampling location and the additional manipulation data are immutably recorded on the public channel Ethereum Blockchain.3.2. TransportThe applications of Blockchain technology in the transportation field are diverse and varied. Walmart, a super-market retailer, has recently been granted a patent to improve last-mile logistics by connecting delivery drones to the Blockchain. This innovation can be generalized across all agents, operations, and equipment implemented in the last segments of the supply chain. Integrating the Blockchain into shipping or sea transport can increase sustainability, reduce fraud, reduce paperwork delays, reduce waste and identify problems faster. Accordingly, this could increase world GDP by almost 5% and total trade volume by 15%. In addition, and according to the information published o n DHL’s o cial web pages, up to 10% of the bills of lading contain incorrect data that can give rise to litigation. Blockchain technology could play an important role in reducing these problems, and improving logistics processes.3.3. FinanceThe first Blockchain has been applied in the finance to serve as a base for Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The latter uses P2P technology and operates without any trusted third-party authority that may appear as a bank, commissioned ac-countant (CA), notary or another centralizedservice. In general, cryptocurrency aims the finalization of payments in the absence of intermediate actors, as well as the minimization see the absence of the charges of movement of the funds.The Blockchain can be used in various financial services such as remittances, and online payments. These services a ect supply chain processes and product management, as well as financial transactions between dierent parts of the network. In addition, they will improve business processes by simplifying the process of acquiring products and services by exceeding currency constraints and transfer charges. As well as encouraging customers and improving their demands.3.4. ManagementThe Blockchain integration in smart logistics allows the improvement of logistics processes, which positively aects the management, and will make the chains even more agile. In addition, data collecting and its transmitting in near real-time gives managers clear visibility of the operating status of the whole processes and allows them to make timely decisions based on reliable data. For example, Kshetri uses a multiple case study method to study the impact of the blockchain on various supply chain management objectives. Furthermore, Saberi explores the major obstacles to adopt blockchains, particularly smart contracts, to achieve sustainable supply chain management objectives. An example of blockchain application for IoT stsemes is to distributemessages between devices in a chain where each message is treated similarly to a transaction.Smart contracts are rules stored on blocks, capable of arranging financial arrangements and ensuring that sucient funds are available for projects and that everyone is paid on time. Smart contracts influence network data sharing between supply chain participants and continuous process improvement. Thus, they provide a connection for transactions between dierent currencies or mix them from multiple sources in theglobal supply chain in a secure and fast manner.4. DiscussionTable 1. Gains, Risks, and Research challenges.Gains Risks Research challengesAutomate information and financial flows High power consumption, and CPU power Study and design of integration and interaction Secure the exchange of data Absorption of hard disk capacity schemes of blockchain, IoT, and IA technologies Establish a climate of trust Absence of legislation, and standards of use in smart logisticsImprove operational eciency Reduce transaction costs Proposed norms and communication APIs between blockchainOur study revealed valuable applications of Blockchain technology in the context of smart logistics. The four clus-ters presented above, provide an overview of the important spots of these applications. However, this is only a primary categorization of various recent eorts. However, we can see that these applications a ect dierent dimensions of organisms and aect their economic performance. Inclusively, one of the most important aspects of the blockchain application is its interface withthe physical world, which will require the tools and the appropriate technology such as IoT, this integration will be a strong motivation to adopt the blockchain technology.The most aspiring benefits and risks of applying blockchain technology in the field of smart logistics are presented in Table 1. We note that the blockchain represents an opportunity to improve traceability, confidence, and the speed of operations between stakeholders of smart logistics. Besides its motivation, the blockchain is still immature, there is no standard or standardization body which creates insecurity between stakeholders. In addition, prospects for future research have been identified and presented.中文智能物流:区块链技术应用研究摘要如今,将新技术集成到所有管理流程中可带来强大的发展,特别是在智能物流中,它是第四次工业革命“工业 4.0”的基本支柱之一。

区块链技术英文作文Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed ledger that records transactions across many computers. It enables secure and transparent peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.The key feature of blockchain is its immutability, meaning once data is recorded, it cannot be altered. This makes it a reliable and trustworthy system for recording transactions and storing data.Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including finance, supply chain management, and healthcare. It can streamline processes, reduce fraud, and increase transparency.One of the most well-known applications of blockchain is cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. These digital currencies operate on blockchain technology, enabling secure and efficient transactions.Smart contracts are another exciting use case for blockchain. These self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code can automate and enforce the terms of an agreement.Despite its potential, blockchain technology is not without its challenges. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory issues are some of the hurdles that need to be overcome for widespread adoption.Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt and transform many industries, offering increased security, transparency, and efficiency in transactions and data storage. Its impact on the future of technology and business is something to watch closely.。

区块链相关英文作文初中Title: Shifting Tides of Blockchain: Unleashing the Digital Revolution。
1. Rumble of Cryptos: In the realm of tech's uncharted territories, Bitcoin and Ethereum, like a meteor, have ignited curiosity among young minds. These digital currencies, "blockchain babies," defy the traditional banking system, whispering of a new financial era.2. Decentralized Dream: Imagine a world where data is not controlled by a single entity, but shared among peers. This is the blockchain's promise a digital ledger that's transparent, secure, and resilient, like a digital democracy.3. The Blockchain's Symphony: It's not just about money; it's about trust. The distributed nature of blockchain ensures transactions without intermediaries, like a symphony played without a conductor, fostering trust in anetwork.4. The Internet of Values: Blockchain's potential extends beyond finance. It's a platform for secure voting, supply chain transparency, and even art ownership, where every piece can be traced back to its origin.5. The Blockchain's Challenge: Yet, with great power comes complexity. Its technical jargon, like a secret code, can intimidate, but the promise of innovation is tooalluring to ignore.6. The Future is Here: As we navigate this digital landscape, blockchain is not just a buzzword; it's acatalyst for change. It's a game-changer, ready to rewrite the rules of our digital lives, like a modern-day alchemist.7. The Blockchain's Call to Action: So, let's embrace this blockchain revolution, not as a distant concept, butas a tool for shaping a more inclusive, secure, andefficient digital world. It's a journey, and we're just getting started.Remember, this is a snapshot of blockchain's impact, a snapshot that's constantly evolving, much like the blockchain itself.。

区块链物联网作文英文英文:Blockchain technology has been gaining popularity in recent years, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. When combined with the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain can create a secure and decentralized network that can be used for a variety of applications.One of the main benefits of using blockchain in IoT is increased security. With traditional centralized systems, there is a single point of failure that can be exploited by hackers. However, with a decentralized blockchain network, there is no single point of failure, making it much more difficult for hackers to gain access to sensitive information.Another benefit of using blockchain in IoT is increased efficiency. By using smart contracts, devices can interactwith each other and perform transactions without the need for intermediaries. This can reduce transaction costs and increase the speed of transactions.One example of blockchain and IoT working together isin the supply chain industry. By using blockchain to track the movement of goods and IoT devices to monitor the condition of those goods, companies can ensure that their products are delivered in a timely manner and in good condition. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and reduced waste.Overall, blockchain and IoT have the potential to transform many industries and improve the way we interact with the world around us.中文:区块链技术近年来越来越受到关注,它有潜力彻底改变我们与周围世界的互动方式。

英文作文关于区块链Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to transform various industries. It isessentially a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Each transaction is recorded as a "block" and linked together in a "chain", hence the name "blockchain".The most well-known application of blockchain is in the world of cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin being the first and most famous example. However, blockchain technology hasfar-reaching implications beyond just digital currencies.It has the potential to be used in supply chain management, voting systems, healthcare records, and much more.One of the key features of blockchain is its security. The decentralized nature of the technology makes it extremely difficult for any single entity to control or manipulate the data. This makes blockchain particularly attractive for applications where data security andintegrity are of utmost importance.Another important aspect of blockchain is its transparency. Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This creates a high level of trust and accountability, as all parties involved can verify and track the transaction history.Blockchain is also known for its efficiency. By eliminating the need for intermediaries and streamlining the verification process, blockchain can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with transactions. This has the potential to revolutionize industries such as finance, real estate, and logistics.Despite its many potential benefits, blockchain technology is still in its early stages and faces several challenges. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory hurdles are just a few of the issues that need to be addressed for blockchain to reach its full potential.In conclusion, blockchain is a disruptive technologywith the potential to revolutionize various industries. Its security, transparency, and efficiency make it anattractive solution for a wide range of applications. However, there are still challenges that need to be overcome before blockchain can truly fulfill its promise.。

有关区块链的英文作文英文:Blockchain technology has been a hot topic in recent years, and it has the potential to revolutionize various industries. Simply put, a blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger that records transactions across many computers. Each transaction is stored in a "block" and linked together in a chronological "chain," hence the name "blockchain."One of the key features of blockchain is its security. Because the data is stored across multiple computers, it is extremely difficult for any single entity to tamper with the records. This makes blockchain ideal for applications where trust and security are paramount, such as financial transactions or supply chain management.For example, in the financial industry, blockchain can be used to facilitate cross-border payments. Traditionally,these transactions require multiple intermediaries, which can result in delays and high fees. With blockchain, transactions can be executed directly between the parties involved, cutting out the middlemen and reducing costs.Another benefit of blockchain is its transparency. Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This creates a transparent and immutable record of all transactions, which can be particularly useful in industries like healthcare, where the integrity of data is crucial.中文:区块链技术近年来备受关注,它有潜力彻底改变各行各业。

一篇关于区块链的英文作文Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the way wethink about transactions and data storage. It's a decentralized, distributed ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. This means that no single entity has control over the data, making it more secure and transparent.The potential applications of blockchain are vast and varied. From finance to healthcare to supply chain management, there are countless ways that this technology can be used to streamline processes and increase efficiency. It's no wonder that so many industries are eager to adopt blockchain solutions.One of the key features of blockchain is its immutability. Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This makes it an ideal solution for industries that require a high levelof trust and security, such as banking and insurance.Another benefit of blockchain is its transparency. Because the ledger is distributed across a network of computers, anyone can view the entire transaction history. This level of transparency can help to reduce fraud and corruption in industries where trust is paramount.While blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries, it's not without its challenges. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory issues are just a few of the hurdles that need to be overcome for blockchain to reach its full potential.Despite these challenges, the future of blockchain looks bright. As more industries recognize the benefits of this technology, we can expect to see widespread adoptionin the coming years. And with continued innovation and development, the possibilities for blockchain are truly endless.。

区块链金融翻新英语作文英文回答:Blockchain technology has the potential torevolutionize the financial industry by introducing a new level of transparency, security, and efficiency. Here are some specific ways in which blockchain is expected to transform financial services:Increased transparency: Blockchain technology is based on a distributed ledger system, which means that transactions are recorded on multiple computers simultaneously. This makes it very difficult to tamper with or falsify data, as any changes would need to be made onall of the computers in the network. This increased transparency can help to reduce fraud and abuse in the financial sector.Improved security: Blockchain is a very secure technology, as it uses encryption to protect data andtransactions. This makes it very difficult for hackers to access or steal information. In addition, blockchain is not vulnerable to the same types of attacks as traditional financial systems, such as DDoS attacks or phishing scams.Enhanced efficiency: Blockchain can help to improvethe efficiency of financial transactions by automating many of the processes that are currently carried out manually. This can save time and money, and it can also help toreduce errors. For example, blockchain can be used to automate the process of clearing and settling payments, which can currently take several days.New financial products and services: Blockchain technology can be used to create new financial products and services that are not possible with traditional systems.For example, blockchain can be used to create digitalassets that can be traded or used to make payments. It can also be used to create decentralized applications that can provide financial services without the need for a middleman.中文回答:区块链金融创新。

区块链相关英文作文高中1. Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we handle transactions and manage data. It's like a digital ledger that records and verifies every transaction, making it secure and transparent. It's like having a virtual notary that ensures the authenticity and integrity of each transaction. It's a game-changer in the world of finance and beyond.2. One of the key features of blockchain is decentralization. Unlike traditional systems where acentral authority controls and verifies transactions, blockchain allows multiple participants to validate and approve transactions. This distributed network ensures that no single entity has complete control over the system, making it more resilient to fraud and manipulation.3. Blockchain has the potential to transform various industries, including supply chain management. With blockchain, every step of the supply chain can be recordedand tracked, from the source of raw materials to the final product. This transparency helps to prevent counterfeit products and ensures that consumers can trust the origin and quality of what they're buying.4. Another exciting application of blockchain is in the field of healthcare. Medical records, which are often scattered across different providers and systems, can be securely stored and accessed on a blockchain. This not only improves data security but also facilitates the sharing of information between healthcare providers, leading to better patient care and outcomes.5. Blockchain technology is also being explored in the energy sector. With the rise of renewable energy sources like solar and wind, blockchain can help track the production and consumption of energy in a decentralized manner. This can enable peer-to-peer energy trading, where individuals can buy and sell excess energy directly, reducing reliance on traditional energy providers.6. The potential of blockchain goes beyond justfinancial and business applications. It can also be usedfor social impact. For example, blockchain can help ensure fair and transparent voting systems, where every vote is recorded and cannot be tampered with. It can also be used to provide secure and transparent aid distribution in humanitarian crises, ensuring that resources reach those who need them the most.7. However, like any new technology, blockchain also faces challenges and limitations. Scalability is one of the main concerns, as blockchain networks can become slow and inefficient as they grow in size. Privacy is another issue, as blockchain's transparency can be seen as a double-edged sword, potentially exposing sensitive information.8. Despite these challenges, the potential of blockchain is undeniable. It has the power to transform industries, improve efficiency, and empower individuals. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful applications of blockchain in the future.。

区块链报道英文作文英文:As a blockchain enthusiast, I have been following the latest news and developments in this field. In recent years, blockchain technology has gained tremendous popularity and has been applied in various industries, from finance to healthcare to supply chain management. However, the media coverage of blockchain can be confusing and misleading at times. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive overview of blockchain and its potential applications.Firstly, what is blockchain? In simple terms,blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. Each block in the chain contains a unique code that is linked to the previous block, creating an unbreakable chain of data. This makes itvirtually impossible to alter or manipulate the data, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the information.One of the most well-known applications of blockchain is cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the blockchain, making them secure and transparent. However, blockchain technology has far-reaching implications beyond just financial transactions. For example, blockchain can be used to create digital identities, which can be used to verify and authenticate individuals in various industries, such as healthcare and voting.Another potential application of blockchain is supply chain management. By using blockchain technology, companies can track the entire supply chain process, from raw materials to finished products. This can help to prevent fraud and counterfeiting, as well as improve efficiency and transparency in the supply chain.In addition to these applications, blockchain technology can also be used for decentralized storage, smart contracts, and even social media. The possibilities are endless, and as more industries adopt blockchain technology, we can expect to see even more innovativeapplications in the future.中文:作为一名区块链爱好者,我一直在关注这个领域的最新消息和发展。

区块链物联网作文英文Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about security and transparency in the digital world. With its decentralized and tamper-proof nature, it has the potential to transform the Internet of Things (IoT) by providing a secure and efficient way to transfer data and conduct transactions.The integration of blockchain and IoT can create a more secure and transparent system for managing and monitoring connected devices. By using blockchain, IoT devices can securely communicate and transfer data without the need for a central authority, reducing the risk of hacking and unauthorized access.One of the key benefits of using blockchain in IoT is the ability to create a trusted and immutable record of data. This can be particularly useful in industries such as healthcare, where the integrity and security of data are of utmost importance. With blockchain, IoT devices cansecurely record and store sensitive patient information, ensuring its privacy and integrity.In addition to security, blockchain can also improvethe efficiency of IoT devices by enabling automated transactions and smart contracts. This means that devices can autonomously conduct transactions and execute contracts based on predefined conditions, without the need for human intervention.Furthermore, the use of blockchain in IoT can also enable new business models and revenue streams. For example, by using blockchain to create a secure and transparent system for tracking the usage of IoT devices, companies can implement usage-based billing models, allowing them to charge customers based on actual usage rather than flat fees.Overall, the integration of blockchain and IoT has the potential to create a more secure, efficient, and transparent system for managing connected devices. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see newand innovative applications of blockchain in IoT, further revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world.。

区块链英语作文200字英文:Blockchain technology is a revolutionary innovationthat has the potential to transform various industries. It is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in such a way that the recorded data cannot be altered retroactively. This technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability of data, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from finance and supply chain management to healthcare and voting systems.One of the most notable features of blockchain is its ability to create trust in a trustless environment. For example, in the real estate industry, blockchain can be used to create transparent and tamper-proof records of property ownership, thus reducing the reliance on intermediaries and potentially lowering the cost of transactions. This has the potential to revolutionize theway real estate transactions are conducted, making the process more efficient and secure.Another example is in the food industry, where blockchain can be used to track the origin and journey of food products from farm to table. This can help in ensuring food safety and quality, as well as in combating food fraud and counterfeit products. By providing consumers withaccess to transparent and verifiable information about the products they consume, blockchain technology can empower them to make more informed choices.In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potentialto disrupt many industries by providing a secure, transparent, and efficient way of recording and verifying transactions. Its applications are diverse and far-reaching, and as the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative use cases in the future.中文:区块链技术是一项革命性的创新,有潜力改变各个行业。
What Is Blockchain Technology 什么是区块链技术

What Is Blockchain Technology 什么是区块链技术作者:贺丛芝来源:《英语世界》2020年第05期Blockchain is a mathematically designed structure to store data in a way which is almost impossible to hack or fake it out. And the technology which is used to do so, is called Blockchain Technology. The wide range of use cases of Blockchain to store all kind of valuable data in almost each & every industrial sector made this topic extremely hot nowadays. It’s difficult to explain Blockchain Technology without going in details, but here,I’ll try to make it as simple as possible, I Promise!How was it born?We cannot begin to discuss blockchain stocks without first giving a brief nod to Satoshi Nakamoto, the acknowledged inventor of the technology. On October 31 of 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto released a white paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” The document issued to the subscribers of the cryptography mailing list1 described a revolutionary technology that created the world’s first genuine pe er-to-peer and decentralized monetary system.Then, on 9th Jan, 2009, Satoshi started mining the first Bitcoins with GenesisBlock2, and that’s how the Age of Cryptocurrency started, and the technology that made it happen, is what we now recognize with the word “Blockchain”. By combining Cryptography with Blockchain,Nakamoto solved the problem of double spending3 which was on the edge for decades to create digital cash. It also eliminates the need for central authority or third party to mediate electronic exchange of a currency.Satoshi Nakamoto is an enigma, and to this day it is not known whether this is the name of a single individual or a group effort,but what’s known is that blockchain technology changed the way money is handled in 2008 when it first hit the market as bitcoin. It continues to allow innovation today. So, what is a blockchain?You don’t need a ton of information about how it works to understand that you are investing in the future of data as we know it. That means everything from bank transfers (AKA money) to personal information. In essence, a blockchain is a data recording system where every link in the chain has its own data and information from the block both before and after it.To change the data would change the entire block so it would no longer fit in the chain. To change the chain you need a whole lot of information,and there’s additional protection. Each blockchain is verified many times over by independent “miners” who view and verify the information so that any changed block no longer matches every other copy of that block. In short, a blockchain isan unprecedented level of data security. Think of it as a letter (the data) that you might put in the post and send anywhere (the transfer of data). That letter goes in a clear box, and that clear box goes in a truck full of cameras run by different people, using various sources of electricity, and all those people can see the letter. If anyone messes with the message, everyone can see it has changed.What does blockchain do?Almost each & every cryptocurrency-blockchains consist of five stages in a block generation process:1. Transaction signing by a user2. Transaction broadcasting to the network3. Block creation by the miners4. Block broadcasting to the network5. Validating and adding this new block by the network-nodes to the blockchainHow secure is blockchain?This and that, everything is correct, but is it really secure? Specifically stating, can blockchain offer trustless environment to record private and tamper-proof blocks? The short answer is no. 100% pure and perfect immutability does not exist, blockchain like any other web software or network, is theoretically and technically vulnerable to modify.So, is it not any secure at all? Again, the answer is no. As all of the nodes on a blockchain are decentrally distributed, to alter a chain, one would need to take control of more than 51% of total mathematical computing power4 and alter all of the transactional records in a distributed ledger5 within a very short space of time (e.g. Average Block Time for Bitcoin–10 minutes, Ethereum–14 seconds). Modification is nearly impossible, which makes the network 99.99% immutable and secure. So, it is till now, this has never happened secure.Types of blockchains1. Public blockchainsA public blockchain, which has absolutely no access restrictions, uses Proof of Stake or Proof of Work algorithm to secure the network. Some of the popular public blockchains are Bitcoin and Ethereum.2. Private blockchainsA private blockchain is also called “Permissioned” blockchain,as anyone can’t read/write or review/audit the source code data unless one has the permission(s)/right(s) from the network administrators to do so. Usually, single organization controls this type of blockchain for their personal use. Example of popular private blockchain is Ripple.3. Consortium blockchainsA consort ium blockchain is also called “Semi-Decentralized” or “Federated” blockchain, as instead of a single organization controlling it, a number of organizations control the blockchain according to their nodes’ permission(s)/right(s). ■区块链是一种基于数学方法设计的数据存储结构,几乎不可被非法入侵,也无法伪造。

区块链技术的应用与前景展望(英文中文双语版优质文档)Blockchain technology is an emerging technology that has attracted much attention in recent years. It can not only be used for the transaction and storage of digital currency, but also can be applied to data exchange and management in various fields. This article will explore the applications and prospects of blockchain technology.1. Application of blockchain technology1. Digital currencyDigital currency is one of the most well-known applications of blockchain technology. Bitcoin, as the first digital currency, its transactions and storage are based on blockchain technology. In addition to Bitcoin, there are other digital currencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. These digital currencies can be used not only for transactions, but also for the execution of smart contracts and the operation of decentralized applications.2. Supply chain managementBlockchain technology can be used for data exchange and verification in supply chain management. Using blockchain technology, various nodes in the supply chain can share data and information, thereby improving the transparency and traceability of the entire supply chain. At the same time, due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, data exchange in the supply chain can also be more secure and efficient.3. Copyright ManagementBlockchain technology can be used for the management and protection of digital rights. Using blockchain technology, copyright owners can store the copyright information of their works on the blockchain, thereby preventing piracy and infringement. In addition, blockchain technology can also be used for the transaction and distribution of digital copyrights, thereby ensuring that the rights and interests of copyright owners are protected.4. HealthcareBlockchain technology can be used for data management and exchange in the field of healthcare. Using blockchain technology, medical institutions and patients can share medical data and information, thereby improving the security and credibility of medical data. In addition, blockchain technology can also be used for the analysis and mining of medical data, thereby helping medical institutions to better understand and treat diseases.2. Prospects of blockchain technology1. The application field will be more extensiveWith the development and improvement of blockchain technology, its application fields will also become more extensive. In addition to the application fields mentioned above, blockchain technology can also be applied to asset management, electronic evidence, smart contracts and other fields.2. The technology will be more mature and perfectAt present, blockchain technology still has some shortcomings, such as performance bottlenecks and scalability issues. However, with the continuous development and improvement of technology, these problems will gradually be resolved. In the future, we have reason to believe that blockchain technology will become more mature and perfect, so as to better meet the needs of various fields.3. Blockchain technology will bring about revolutionary changesThe emergence of blockchain technology will bring revolutionary changes to traditional industries. Many problems in traditional industries, such as information asymmetry and lack of trust, can be solved through blockchain technology. In the future, as more industries apply blockchain technology, we have reason to believe that traditional industries will become more efficient, transparent, safe and reliable.In short, blockchain technology is an emerging technology that has attracted much attention, and its application fields and prospects are very broad. Although there are still some technical and application problems, with the continuous development and improvement of technology, these problems will be gradually resolved. In the future, blockchain technology will bring more changes and innovations, bringing more convenience and improvement to our life and work.区块链技术是近年来备受瞩目的新兴技术,它不仅可以用于数字货币的交易和存储,还可以应用于各个领域中的数据交换和管理。

区块链技术在知识产权保护中的应用研究(英文中文双语版优质文档)With the acceleration of informatization and globalization, intellectual property rights have become an increasingly important part of the world economy. However, due to the fast speed of information dissemination and rapid technological upgrading, the protection of intellectual property rights is facing unprecedented challenges. In this case, blockchain technology came into being. Blockchain technology can provide a decentralized and distributed data storage and sharing method, which can not only ensure the security and integrity of data, but also effectively protect intellectual property rights. This article will elaborate on the application research of blockchain technology in intellectual property protection.1. The principle of blockchain technology in intellectual property protectionBlockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger technology. It uses cryptography technology to realize the decentralized storage and transaction of data, and guarantees the security and integrity of data. Its principle mainly includes the following points:1. DecentralizationBlockchain is a decentralized technology. It does not have a centralized management organization, but a distributed ledger system jointly maintained by multiple nodes. This decentralized architecture can effectively prevent single points of failure and attacks, and ensure data security and reliability.2. Distributed storageThe blockchain adopts a distributed data storage method. Each node keeps a complete copy of the data, and these nodes can verify and synchronize data with each other. This distributed storage method can ensure high availability and reliability of data.3. Openness and transparencyBlockchain is an open and transparent technology. Every node can access and query data on the blockchain, and all transactions are publicly visible. This open and transparent feature can ensure the fairness and credibility of the data.4. Smart contractThe blockchain can realize the automatic execution and automatic management of code through smart contracts. Smart contracts can automate the management and control of intellectual property transactions, thereby improving the efficiency and reliability of transactions.Based on the above principles, blockchain technology can achieve effective protection of intellectual property rights. Next, we will introduce the application research of blockchain technology in intellectual property protection in detail.2. Research on the Application of Blockchain Technology in Intellectual Property Protection1. Application of blockchain technology in copyright protectionIn the digital age, copyright protection has become an important issue. Traditional copyright protection methods mainly rely on centralized copyright management agencies, which are prone to problems such as data tampering and piracy. The blockchain technology can realize the effectiveness of copyright protection through the characteristics of decentralization, distributed storage and smart contracts.First of all, blockchain technology can realize copyright registration. Create a copyright registration chain on the blockchain, and store copyright information on the blockchain in digital form to ensure the immutability and traceability of copyright information. At the same time, smart contracts can automatically manage copyrights, including the transfer and authorization of copyrights, avoiding the cumbersome processes and high costs of traditional copyright management agencies.Secondly, blockchain technology can realize copyright transactions. Blockchain technology can realize the automation of copyright transactions, and realize the automatic management of copyright transactions through smart contracts, including the identity verification of transaction parties, copyright transfer, copyright licensing and copyright use, etc. In this way, disputes and disputes in copyright transactions can be avoided, and the transparency and efficiency of transactions can be improved.2. Application of blockchain technology in patent protectionPatent protection is an important part of intellectual property protection. The traditional patent protection method mainly relies on a centralized patent agency, which has problems such as difficulty in patent application, long application period, and difficulty in discovering patent infringement. Blockchain technology can realize the effectiveness of patent protection through the characteristics of decentralization, distributed storage and smart contracts.First, blockchain technology can enable patent applications. Create a patent registration chain on the blockchain, and store patent information on the blockchain in digital form to ensure the immutability and traceability of patent information. At the same time, smart contracts can automatically manage patents, including patent applications and authorizations, avoiding the cumbersome processes and high costs of traditional patent agencies.Second, blockchain technology can enable patent infringement monitoring. Blockchain technology can realize the automation of patent infringement monitoring, and realize the automatic management of patent infringement monitoring through smart contracts, including infringement monitoring and infringement tracking. This can avoid the problem that patent infringement is difficult to find and track, and improve the efficiency and transparency of patent protection.3. Application of blockchain technology in trademark protectionTrademarks are one of the important assets of enterprises, and protecting trademarks is an important means to protect the interests of enterprises. Traditional trademark protection methods mainly rely on centralized trademark management agencies, which are prone to problems such as data tampering and infringement monitoring. The blockchain technology can realize the effectiveness of trademark protection through the characteristics of decentralization, distributed storage and smart contracts.First, blockchain technology can enable trademark registration. Create a trademark registration chain on the blockchain, store trademark information on the blockchain in digital form, and ensure the immutability and traceability of trademark information. At the same time, smart contracts can automatically manage trademarks, including trademark registration and authorization, avoiding the cumbersome procedures and high costs of traditional trademark management agencies.Secondly, blockchain technology can realize trademark infringement monitoring. Blockchain technology can realize the automation of trademark infringement monitoring, and realize the automatic management of trademark infringement monitoring through smart contracts, including infringement monitoring and infringement tracking. In this way, the problem of difficult detection and tracking of trademark infringement can be avoided, and the efficiency and transparency of trademark protection can be improved.In addition, blockchain technology can also realize trademark authorization and cooperative management. Through smart contracts, trademark owners can authorize others to use trademarks, and use blockchain technology to track and manage trademark usage to ensure the legitimacy and efficiency of trademark authorization cooperation.随着信息化和全球化的加速推进,知识产权已经成为世界经济中越来越重要的一个组成部分。

文献信息:文献标题:BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin(区块链技术:超越比特币)国外作者:M Crosby,V Kalyanaraman文献出处:《Applied Innovation Review》, 2016,7(2):6-19字数统计:英文2904单词,16015字符;中文5190汉字外文文献:BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin Abstract A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. Bitcoin, the decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency, is the most popular example that uses blockchain technology. The digital currency bitcoin itself is highly controversial but the underlying blockchain technology has worked flawlessly and found wide range of applications in both financial and non-financial world.IntroductionA blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. To use a basic analogy, it is easier to steal a cookie from a cookie jar, kept in a secluded place, than stealing the cookie from a cookie jar kept in a market place, being observed by thousands of people.Bitcoin is the most popular example that is intrinsically tied to blockchain technology. It is also the most controversial one since it helps to enable a multibillion-dollar global market of anonymous transactions without any governmental control. Hence it has to deal with a number of regulatory issues involving national governments and financial institutions.However, Blockchain technology itself is non-controversial and has worked flawlessly over the years and is being successfully applied to both financial and non-financial world applications. Last year, Marc Andreessen, the doyen of Silicon Valley’s capitalists, listed the blockchain distributed consensus model as the most important invention since the Internet itself. Johann Palychata from BNP Paribas wrote in the Quintessence magazine that bitcoin’s blockchain, the software that allows the digital currency to function should be considered as an invention like the steam or combustion engine that has the potential to transform the world of finance and beyond.Section I: BlockChain Technology1.Short History of BitcoinIn 2008, an individual (or group) writing under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System”. This paper described a peer-to-peer version of the electronic cash that would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Bitcoin was the first realization of this concept. Now “cryptocurrencies” is the label that is used to describe all networks and mediums of exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions-as against those systems where the transactions are channeled through a centralized trusted entity.The author of the first paper wanted to remain anonymous and hence no one knows Satoshi Nakamoto to this day. A few months later, an open source program implementing the new protocol was released, beginning with the Genesis block of 50 coins. Anyone can install this open source program and become part of the bitcoin peer-to-peer network. It has grown in popularity since then.The popularity of the Bitcoin has never ceased to increase since then. Moreover, the underlying BlockChain technology is now finding new range of applications beyond finance.2.Blockchain Technology: How does it work?We explain the concept of the blockchain by explaining how Bitcoin works since it is intrinsically linked to the Bitcoin. However, the blockchain technology is applicable to any digital asset transaction exchanged online.(1)Validate Entries(2)Safeguard Entries(3)Preserve Historic RecordInternet commerce is exclusively tied to the financial institutions serving as the trusted third party who process and mediate any electronic transaction. The role of trusted third party is to validate, safeguard and preserve transactions. A certain percentage of fraud is unavoidable in online transactions and that needs mediation by financial transactions. This results in high transaction costs.Bitcoin uses cryptographic proof instead of the trust-in-the-third-party mechanism for two willing parties to execute an online transaction over the Internet. Each transaction is protected through a digital signature, is sent to the “public key” of the receiver, and is digitally signed using the “private key” of the sender. In order to spend money, the owner of the cryptocurrency needs to prove his ownership of the “private key”. The entity receiving the digital currency then verifies the digital signature, which implies ownership of the corresponding “private key”, by using the “public key” of the sender on the respective transaction. Each transaction is broadcasted to every node in the Bitcoin network and is then recorded in a public ledger after verification. Every single transaction needs to be verified for validity before it is recorded in the public ledger.However, there is question of maintaining the order of these transactions that are broadcasted to every other node in the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. The transactions do not come in order in which they are generated, and hence there is a need for a system to make sure that double-spending of the cryptocurrency does not occur.Considering that the transactions are passed node by node through the Bitcoin network, there is no guarantee that orders in which they are received at a node are the same order in which these transactions were generated. The above means that there is a need to develop a mechanism so that the entire Bitcoin network can agree regarding the order of transactions, which is a daunting task in a distributed system.The Bitcoin solved this problem by a mechanism that is now popularly known as Blockchain technology. The Bitcoin system orders transactions by placing them in groups called blocks and then linking these blocks through what is called Blockchain. The transactions in one block are considered to have happened at the same time. These blocks are linked to each-other (like a chain) in a proper linear, chronological order with every block containing the hash of the previous block.Section II: Existing MarketBlockchain technology is finding applications in both financial and non-financial areas that traditionally relied on a third trusted online entity to validate and safeguard online transactions of digital assets. There was another application “Smart Contracts” that was invented in year 1994 by Nick Szabo. It was a great idea to automatically execute contracts between participating parties. However, it did not find usage until the notion of crypto currencies or programmable payments came into existence. Now the two programs, Blockchain and Smart Contracts can work together to trigger payments when a preprogrammed condition of a contractual agreement is triggered. Smart Contracts are really the killer application of the cryptocurrency world.Smart Contracts are contracts which are automatically enforced by computer protocols. Using blockchain technology has made it much more easier to register, verify and execute them. Moreover, open source companies like Ethereum and Codius are already enabling Smart Contracts using blockchain technology and many companies which operate on bitcoin and blockchain technologies are beginning to support Smart Contracts. Many cases where assets are transferred only after meeting certain conditions, which require Lawyers to create a contract and Banks to provide Escrow services, can be replaced by Smart Contracts.In particular, Ethereum has created lot of excitement for its programmable platform capabilities. The company allows anyone to create their own cryptocurrency and use that to execute and pay for Smart Contracts, while it also possesses its own cryptocurrency (ether) which is used to pay for the services. Ethereum is already powering a wide range of early applications in areas such as Governance, autonomous banks, keyless access, crowdfunding, financial derivatives trading and settlement, all by using Smart Contracts.Companies such as IBM, Samsung, Overstock, Amazon, UBS, Citi, Ebay, and Verizon Wireless, to name a few, are all exploring alternative and novel uses of the blockchain for their own applications. Nine of the world’s biggest banks including Barclays and Goldman Sachs5 have recently joined forces with the New York based financial technology firm R3 in September 2015 in order to create a framework for using the blockchain technology in the financial market. This is the first time banks have come to work together to find applications of blockchain technology. Leading banks like JPMorgan, State Street, UBS, Royal Bank Of Scotland, Credit Suisse, BBV A and Commonwealth Bank of Australia have joined this initiative.Section III: Applications of Technology-Compelling Use Cases in both Financial and Non-Financial Areas1.Financial Applications1.1.Private SecuritiesIt is very expensive to take a company public. A syndicate of banks must work to underwrite the deal and attract investors. The stock exchanges list company shares for secondary market to function securely with trades settling and clearing in a timely manner. It is now theoretically possible for companies to directly issue the shares via the blockchain. These shares can then be purchased and sold in a secondary market that sits on top of the blockchain.NASDAQ launched its Private Equity Exchange in 2014. This is meant to provide the key functionalities like Cap table and investor relationship management for the the pre-IPO or private companies. The current process of trading stocks in thisexchange is inefficient and slow due to involvement of multiple 3rd parties. NASDAQ has joined hands with a San Francisco based Startup called to implement private equity exchange on top of BlockChain. is implementing BlockChain based smart contracts to implement exchange functionality. This product is expected to be fast, traceable and efficient.1.2. InsuranceAssets which can be uniquely identified by one or more identifiers that are difficult to destroy or replicate can be registered in blockchain. This can be used to verify ownership of an asset and also trace the transaction history. Any property (physical or digital such as real estate, automobiles, physical assets, laptops, other valuables) can potentially be registered in blockchain and the ownership, transaction history can be validated by anyone, especially insurers.Everledger is a company which creates permanent ledger of diamond certification and the transaction history of the diamond using blockchain. The characteristics which uniquely identify the diamond such as height, width, weight, depth, color etc are hashed and registered in the ledger. The verification of diamonds can be done by insurance companies, law enforcement agencies, owners and claimants. Everledger provides a simple to use web service API for looking at a diamond, and create, read or update claims by insurance companies, and to the same for police reports on diamonds.2.Non-Financial Applications:2.1.Notary PublicVerifying authenticity of the document can be done using blockchain and eliminates the need for centralized authority. The document certification service helps in Proof of Ownership (who authored it), Proof of Existence (at a certain time) and Proof of Integrity (not tampered) of the documents. Since it is counterfeit-proof and can be verified by independent third parties, these services are legally binding. Using blockchain for notarization secures the privacy of the document as well as those who seek certification. By publishing proof of publication using cryptographic hashes of files into blockchain takes the notary timestamping to a new level. Using blockchaintechnology also eliminates the need for expensive notarization fees and ineffective ways of transferring documents.Stampery is a company which can stamp email or any files using blockchain. It simplifies certifying of emails by just emailing them to an email specifically created for each customer. Law firms are using Stampery’s technology for a very cost effective way to certify documents.2.2.Applications of Blockchain in the Music IndustryThe music industry has gone a big change in last decade due to the growth of Internet and availability of a number of streaming services over the Internet. This change is impacting everyone in the music industry: artists, labels, publishers, songwriters and streaming service providers. The process by which music royalties are determined has always been a convoluted one, but the emergence of the Internet has made it even more complex giving rise to the demand of transparency in the royalty payments by both artists and songwriters.This is where the blockchain can play a role. The technology can help mantain a comprehen sive and accurate distributed database of music rights ownership information in a public ledger. In addition to rights ownership information, the royalty split for each work, as determined by Smart Contracts, could be added to the database. This Smart Contracts would in turn define the relationship relationships between different stakeholders (addresses) and automate their interactions.2.3.Decentralized proof of existence of documentsValidating the existence or the possession of signed documents is very important in any legal solution. The traditional document validation models rely on central authorities for storing and validating the documents, which presents some obvious security challenges. These models become even more difficult as the documents become older.The blockchain technology provides an alternative model to proof-of-existence and possession of legal documents. Proof of Existence is a simple service that allows one to anonymously and securely store online proof of existence of any document. This service simply stores the cryptographic digest of the file, linked to the time inwhich a user submits his document. It is worth noting that the cryptographic digest or fingerprint is what is stored, and not the actual document. In this way, the user does not need to worry about the privacy aspect and protecting his information.Section IV: Risks of AdoptionBlockChain is a promising breakthrough technology. As we described before, there are vast array of applications or problems that can be solved using BlockChain based technology, spanning from Financial (remittance to investment banking) to non-financial applications like Notary services.Most of these are radical innovations. As it happens with the adoption of radical innovations, there are significant risks of adoption.Behavior change: Change is constant, but there is resistance to change. In the world of non-tangible trusted third parties introduced by BlockChain, customers need to get used to the fact that their electronic transactions are safe, secured and complete. The present day intermediaries like Visa or Mastercard (in case of a credit cards) will also go through a change of roles and responsibilities. We envision that these companies will also invest and move their platforms to be BlockChain-based. They will continue to provide services to further customer relationship.Scaling: Scaling of the current nascent services based on BlockChain presents a challenge. Imagine yourself executing a BlockChain transaction for the first time. You will have to go through downloading the entire set of existing BlockChains and validate before executing your first transaction. This may take hours or longer as the number of blocks increase exponentially.Bootstrapping: Moving the existing contracts or business documents/ frameworks to the new BlockChain based methodology presents a significant set of migration tasks that need to be executed. For example, in case of Real Estate ownerships, the existing documents lying in County or Escrow companies need to be migrated to the equivalent BlockChain form. This may involve time and costs.Government Regulations: In the new world of BlockChain-based transactions, government agencies like FTC and SEC may slow down the adoption by introducingnew laws to monitor and regulate the industry for compliance. In a way, this may help adoption in the United States as these agencies carry customer trust. In more controlled economies like China, the adoption will face significant headwind.Fraudulent Activities: Given the pseudonymous nature of BlockChain transactions, coupled with ease of moving valuables, the “bad guy”s may misuse the technology for fraudulent activities like money trafficking. That said, with enough regulations and technology-support, law enforcement agencies will be able to monitor and prosecute these individuals.Quantum Computing: The basis of BlockChain technology relies on the very fact that it is mathematically impossible for a single par ty to game the system due to lack of needed compute power. But with the future advent of Quantum Computers, the cryptographic keys may be easy enough to crack within a reasonable time through a sheer brute force approach. This would bring the whole system to its knee. The counter-argument would be for keys to become even stronger so that they may not be easy to crack.ConclusionBlockChain is Bitcoin’s backbone technology. The distributed ledger functionality coupled with the security of BlockChain makes it a very attractive technology to solve the current financial as well as non-financial industry problems.As far as the technology is concerned, the cryptocurrency-based technology is either in the down ward slope of inflated expectations or in trough of disillusionment.There is enormous interest in BlockChain-based business applications and hence numerous start-ups working on them.The adoption definitely faces strong headwind as described before. However, even large financial institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, Banks, and NASDAQ, are investing in exploring applications of current business models on BlockChain. In fact, some of them are searching for new business models in the world of BlockChain.Some would like to stay that they are even ahead of the curve in terms of transformed regulatory environments for BlockChain.We envision BlockChain technology going through slow adoption due to the risks associated. Most of the startups will fail with few winners. Having said this, we should be seeing significant adoption in a decade or two.中文译文:区块链技术:超越比特币摘要区块链本质上是一个分布式的记录数据库,或是一个在参与方之间执行和共享的所有交易或数字事件的公共分类账。

外文文献翻译原文及译文文南犬出处:Kate B. The research of block chain technology development [J]. Applied Innovation,2017, 3(12): 6-17.原文The research of block chain technology developmentKate BranAbstractIn 2015,block chain technology by European and American mainstream financial institutions- The technology of the first by the founder of the currency in the currency in the white paper to "work certificate Chain (Proof - of - work Chain)”form is put forward "Block chain”is the basis of the currency,is time order, do not tamper with the book, by distributed consensus algorithm, so as to realize "decentralized” trust. COINs in a narrow sense can be understood as a new kind of digital currency,broadly,are thought to be a kind of decentralized digital currency payment system. Block chain technology solutions, there is no central server each run chain software computing devices are the block in the chain network, a peer node need not establish trust relationship between nodes,of any number of nodes in the system,all the time in the system of information communication data,through the cryptography algorithms to calculate and record to a block of data, and generating the data olock offingerprint used to link the next block of data and calibration, and maintenance are verified through the collective way to establish a reliable database.Key words:Block chain,Bitcion, ServerThe currency block chain technology revolutionary way to solve the problems the Byzantine generals ’, "d not change,do not fake, fully traceable security features, implements a consensus without trust network system. This consensus without trust a center node network system, fundamentally with today's human society and the organizational structure of different Internet network system, closer to the nature and human nature is a kind of organizational structure. More and more technology giants,research institutions and technology group have realized block chain disruptive technology, and participate in the blocks in the study of chain. Block chain is the foundation of the currency support technology, first published in Satoshi Nakamoto ’C O I N S:a kind of point to point electronic cash system11, this paper describes in detail how to build a new, decentralized, don't need to trust the point-to-point transaction system, the method of its reliability has been running since 2009, has demonstrated the Bit coin. Block chain technology is the prominent advantages of decentralized design, by using encryption algorithm,timestamp,tree structure,consensus and reward mechanism,in the node without trust based on the decentralized, distributed network credit point-to-point transactions,to solve the current centralized mode existing problem of poor reliability and low security, high cost and low efficiency, etc. Although currency in recent years, rapid development, its trading anonymity and as currency distribution cannot be mastered, most stateinstitutions d o n’t admit its monetary attribute,and chain blocks with its unique advantages, attracts a lot of attention, related research and the trend of application for a while a gusher. Block chain technology is considered to be the more large computers, personal computers and the Internet and mobile social after the fifth subvert computing paradigm,is following the blood in the history of human credit,precious metals,and the central bank credit notes after the fourth milestone. Generalized block chain technology is expected to completely reshape human social activities,such as finance,science and technology,culture, political field brings profound changes- 2 The technical analysis of block chainChain block by block chain network all nodes to participate in the maintenance of decentralized, distributed database system which is produced by a series of method based on cryptography data blocks, each block is a block in a chain block. According to time sequence,blocks are orderly linked together, forming a chain data. The currency as a kind of digital currency trading system, transaction records is the most basic part of the currency system. Through the use of the clever design of the data structure and protect the authentication mechanism based on cryptography, the currency block chain will record all the transaction is complete and correct to the various sections. Therefore, we can put the Bitcoins in the block chain as a distributed billing system. The currency of the trading records is essentially the currency transfer information, a transaction record store a transfer of information. Transaction records mainly consist of two parts, capital source and money to. A deal, but there are a number of sources offunding, and each has occurred before the sources of funding are pointing and legal (recorded into the chain block) for a transaction records in a money goes. Every money whereabouts are recorded in the lock instruction can use the money of all information, use the money to trade must be in the transaction data of the structure of the sources in unlock instructions provide all proved that can make trading become a legal and valid. In currency trading system,funds all adopt the control public key Base58 coded representations of hash value, proof of funds all generally includes two parts,one part is the public key itself,the other part is calculated by using the public key corresponding to the private key of digital signatures. After the transaction is published to block chain network,each node in the network will use transaction data structure provided by the funds all proof to verify the legitimacy of the transaction,if the deal is not valid,block chain network node will directly to abandon the dealBlock is to record the currency trading information data unit, it consists of two parts, the head and the block content. Link is through the block header data hash value to complete, all use this hash value chain as the block of a unique identifier, through recorded in the head of the father the block hash value can be found in the block chain links to the only block. Thus through each link to their father the block sequence creates a hash value from the latest date back to the first the block chain, to form a chain of all blocks in data structure. Block chain network USES is referred to as a "work proof•of competition mechanism to generate new blocks, each node block chain in the network can participate in the competition. The root is a kind of need method, which USEScryptography to solve the need to consume a large amount of computing power and time of math problems. Specifically, blocks in the chain of ff target n difficult to identify the uniqueness of the block has carried on the strict rules hash value,namely a "difficult goals represent the”block hash value starting from the first digit value is 0, this needs to generate new blocks nodes use different M random ff to calculate the hash value of the new block,until you find a ’r a n d o m”hash value is calculated by the block meet the corresponding "difficult goals'4 The development and improvement of block chainBitcoins in the block chain is specially designed for digital currency trading, adopts the mechanism based on the computing power ofconsensus,to some extent,and limits its application scope. With the importance of block chain technology constantly improve, on the basis of the original block chain, the appearance of some new block chain technologies and concepts-Currency block chain is completely open,everyone can participate, can be thought of as a chain of "public' relative to this,limit block chain network within a certain range becomes a f,private n chain. According to the privatization will block chain technology adopted by different ways,and can be subdivided into private chain alliance chain, licensing chain, etc.Enteric lane as similar digital currency to the currency trading system at the same time is also a complete set of decentralized application platform. At the same time of using Ethernet fang digital currency trading, anyone can Application release and use of Decentralization in the enteric fang(Decentralization Application).Enteric f a n g’s outstanding in its application and provides a decentralized development,deployment and use of a complete tool chain, makes the application development based on the block chain become extremely convenient.Block chain is decentralization,to trust, data tamper-proof advantages, at the same time in the anonymous and has the characteristics of data transparency, but does not mean that block chain technology does not have limitations. Block, for example, capacity limits, confirmed a long time,based on the work proved that the consensus of the mechanism, problems such as large energy consumption limits its large-scale application in the business. Transparency at the same time, the data privacy, how to smooth integration with the existing system, law and regulation, also need to constantly research and solution, like any new technology, block chain technology breakthrough, also need a long time accumulation.译文区块链技术发展研究K a te B ra n摘要2 0 1 5 年,区块链技术受到欧美主流金融机构的高度关注。
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文献信息:文献标题:BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin(区块链技术:超越比特币)国外作者:M Crosby,V Kalyanaraman文献出处:《Applied Innovation Review》, 2016,7(2):6-19字数统计:英文2904单词,16015字符;中文5190汉字外文文献:BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin Abstract A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. Bitcoin, the decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency, is the most popular example that uses blockchain technology. The digital currency bitcoin itself is highly controversial but the underlying blockchain technology has worked flawlessly and found wide range of applications in both financial and non-financial world.IntroductionA blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made. To use a basic analogy, it is easier to steal a cookie from a cookie jar, kept in a secluded place, than stealing the cookie from a cookie jar kept in a market place, being observed by thousands of people.Bitcoin is the most popular example that is intrinsically tied to blockchain technology. It is also the most controversial one since it helps to enable a multibillion-dollar global market of anonymous transactions without any governmental control. Hence it has to deal with a number of regulatory issues involving national governments and financial institutions.However, Blockchain technology itself is non-controversial and has worked flawlessly over the years and is being successfully applied to both financial and non-financial world applications. Last year, Marc Andreessen, the doyen of Silicon Valley’s capitalists, listed the blockchain distributed consensus model as the most important invention since the Internet itself. Johann Palychata from BNP Paribas wrote in the Quintessence magazine that bitcoin’s blockchain, the software that allows the digital currency to function should be considered as an invention like the steam or combustion engine that has the potential to transform the world of finance and beyond.Section I: BlockChain Technology1.Short History of BitcoinIn 2008, an individual (or group) writing under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System”. This paper described a peer-to-peer version of the electronic cash that would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Bitcoin was the first realization of this concept. Now “cryptocurrencies” is the label that is used to describe all networks and mediums of exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions-as against those systems where the transactions are channeled through a centralized trusted entity.The author of the first paper wanted to remain anonymous and hence no one knows Satoshi Nakamoto to this day. A few months later, an open source program implementing the new protocol was released, beginning with the Genesis block of 50 coins. Anyone can install this open source program and become part of the bitcoin peer-to-peer network. It has grown in popularity since then.The popularity of the Bitcoin has never ceased to increase since then. Moreover, the underlying BlockChain technology is now finding new range of applications beyond finance.2.Blockchain Technology: How does it work?We explain the concept of the blockchain by explaining how Bitcoin works since it is intrinsically linked to the Bitcoin. However, the blockchain technology is applicable to any digital asset transaction exchanged online.(1)Validate Entries(2)Safeguard Entries(3)Preserve Historic RecordInternet commerce is exclusively tied to the financial institutions serving as the trusted third party who process and mediate any electronic transaction. The role of trusted third party is to validate, safeguard and preserve transactions. A certain percentage of fraud is unavoidable in online transactions and that needs mediation by financial transactions. This results in high transaction costs.Bitcoin uses cryptographic proof instead of the trust-in-the-third-party mechanism for two willing parties to execute an online transaction over the Internet. Each transaction is protected through a digital signature, is sent to the “public key” of the receiver, and is digitally signed using the “private key” of the sender. In order to spend money, the owner of the cryptocurrency needs to prove his ownership of the “private key”. The entity receiving the digital currency then verifies the digital signature, which implies ownership of the corresponding “private key”, by using the “public key” of the sender on the respective transaction. Each transaction is broadcasted to every node in the Bitcoin network and is then recorded in a public ledger after verification. Every single transaction needs to be verified for validity before it is recorded in the public ledger.However, there is question of maintaining the order of these transactions that are broadcasted to every other node in the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. The transactions do not come in order in which they are generated, and hence there is a need for a system to make sure that double-spending of the cryptocurrency does not occur.Considering that the transactions are passed node by node through the Bitcoin network, there is no guarantee that orders in which they are received at a node are the same order in which these transactions were generated. The above means that there is a need to develop a mechanism so that the entire Bitcoin network can agree regarding the order of transactions, which is a daunting task in a distributed system.The Bitcoin solved this problem by a mechanism that is now popularly known as Blockchain technology. The Bitcoin system orders transactions by placing them in groups called blocks and then linking these blocks through what is called Blockchain. The transactions in one block are considered to have happened at the same time. These blocks are linked to each-other (like a chain) in a proper linear, chronological order with every block containing the hash of the previous block.Section II: Existing MarketBlockchain technology is finding applications in both financial and non-financial areas that traditionally relied on a third trusted online entity to validate and safeguard online transactions of digital assets. There was another application “Smart Contracts” that was invented in year 1994 by Nick Szabo. It was a great idea to automatically execute contracts between participating parties. However, it did not find usage until the notion of crypto currencies or programmable payments came into existence. Now the two programs, Blockchain and Smart Contracts can work together to trigger payments when a preprogrammed condition of a contractual agreement is triggered. Smart Contracts are really the killer application of the cryptocurrency world.Smart Contracts are contracts which are automatically enforced by computer protocols. Using blockchain technology has made it much more easier to register, verify and execute them. Moreover, open source companies like Ethereum and Codius are already enabling Smart Contracts using blockchain technology and many companies which operate on bitcoin and blockchain technologies are beginning to support Smart Contracts. Many cases where assets are transferred only after meeting certain conditions, which require Lawyers to create a contract and Banks to provide Escrow services, can be replaced by Smart Contracts.In particular, Ethereum has created lot of excitement for its programmable platform capabilities. The company allows anyone to create their own cryptocurrency and use that to execute and pay for Smart Contracts, while it also possesses its own cryptocurrency (ether) which is used to pay for the services. Ethereum is already powering a wide range of early applications in areas such as Governance, autonomous banks, keyless access, crowdfunding, financial derivatives trading and settlement, all by using Smart Contracts.Companies such as IBM, Samsung, Overstock, Amazon, UBS, Citi, Ebay, and Verizon Wireless, to name a few, are all exploring alternative and novel uses of the blockchain for their own applications. Nine of the world’s biggest banks including Barclays and Goldman Sachs5 have recently joined forces with the New York based financial technology firm R3 in September 2015 in order to create a framework for using the blockchain technology in the financial market. This is the first time banks have come to work together to find applications of blockchain technology. Leading banks like JPMorgan, State Street, UBS, Royal Bank Of Scotland, Credit Suisse, BBV A and Commonwealth Bank of Australia have joined this initiative.Section III: Applications of Technology-Compelling Use Cases in both Financial and Non-Financial Areas1.Financial Applications1.1.Private SecuritiesIt is very expensive to take a company public. A syndicate of banks must work to underwrite the deal and attract investors. The stock exchanges list company shares for secondary market to function securely with trades settling and clearing in a timely manner. It is now theoretically possible for companies to directly issue the shares via the blockchain. These shares can then be purchased and sold in a secondary market that sits on top of the blockchain.NASDAQ launched its Private Equity Exchange in 2014. This is meant to provide the key functionalities like Cap table and investor relationship management for the the pre-IPO or private companies. The current process of trading stocks in thisexchange is inefficient and slow due to involvement of multiple 3rd parties. NASDAQ has joined hands with a San Francisco based Startup called to implement private equity exchange on top of BlockChain. is implementing BlockChain based smart contracts to implement exchange functionality. This product is expected to be fast, traceable and efficient.1.2. InsuranceAssets which can be uniquely identified by one or more identifiers that are difficult to destroy or replicate can be registered in blockchain. This can be used to verify ownership of an asset and also trace the transaction history. Any property (physical or digital such as real estate, automobiles, physical assets, laptops, other valuables) can potentially be registered in blockchain and the ownership, transaction history can be validated by anyone, especially insurers.Everledger is a company which creates permanent ledger of diamond certification and the transaction history of the diamond using blockchain. The characteristics which uniquely identify the diamond such as height, width, weight, depth, color etc are hashed and registered in the ledger. The verification of diamonds can be done by insurance companies, law enforcement agencies, owners and claimants. Everledger provides a simple to use web service API for looking at a diamond, and create, read or update claims by insurance companies, and to the same for police reports on diamonds.2.Non-Financial Applications:2.1.Notary PublicVerifying authenticity of the document can be done using blockchain and eliminates the need for centralized authority. The document certification service helps in Proof of Ownership (who authored it), Proof of Existence (at a certain time) and Proof of Integrity (not tampered) of the documents. Since it is counterfeit-proof and can be verified by independent third parties, these services are legally binding. Using blockchain for notarization secures the privacy of the document as well as those who seek certification. By publishing proof of publication using cryptographic hashes of files into blockchain takes the notary timestamping to a new level. Using blockchaintechnology also eliminates the need for expensive notarization fees and ineffective ways of transferring documents.Stampery is a company which can stamp email or any files using blockchain. It simplifies certifying of emails by just emailing them to an email specifically created for each customer. Law firms are using Stampery’s technology for a very cost effective way to certify documents.2.2.Applications of Blockchain in the Music IndustryThe music industry has gone a big change in last decade due to the growth of Internet and availability of a number of streaming services over the Internet. This change is impacting everyone in the music industry: artists, labels, publishers, songwriters and streaming service providers. The process by which music royalties are determined has always been a convoluted one, but the emergence of the Internet has made it even more complex giving rise to the demand of transparency in the royalty payments by both artists and songwriters.This is where the blockchain can play a role. The technology can help mantain a comprehen sive and accurate distributed database of music rights ownership information in a public ledger. In addition to rights ownership information, the royalty split for each work, as determined by Smart Contracts, could be added to the database. This Smart Contracts would in turn define the relationship relationships between different stakeholders (addresses) and automate their interactions.2.3.Decentralized proof of existence of documentsValidating the existence or the possession of signed documents is very important in any legal solution. The traditional document validation models rely on central authorities for storing and validating the documents, which presents some obvious security challenges. These models become even more difficult as the documents become older.The blockchain technology provides an alternative model to proof-of-existence and possession of legal documents. Proof of Existence is a simple service that allows one to anonymously and securely store online proof of existence of any document. This service simply stores the cryptographic digest of the file, linked to the time inwhich a user submits his document. It is worth noting that the cryptographic digest or fingerprint is what is stored, and not the actual document. In this way, the user does not need to worry about the privacy aspect and protecting his information.Section IV: Risks of AdoptionBlockChain is a promising breakthrough technology. As we described before, there are vast array of applications or problems that can be solved using BlockChain based technology, spanning from Financial (remittance to investment banking) to non-financial applications like Notary services.Most of these are radical innovations. As it happens with the adoption of radical innovations, there are significant risks of adoption.Behavior change: Change is constant, but there is resistance to change. In the world of non-tangible trusted third parties introduced by BlockChain, customers need to get used to the fact that their electronic transactions are safe, secured and complete. The present day intermediaries like Visa or Mastercard (in case of a credit cards) will also go through a change of roles and responsibilities. We envision that these companies will also invest and move their platforms to be BlockChain-based. They will continue to provide services to further customer relationship.Scaling: Scaling of the current nascent services based on BlockChain presents a challenge. Imagine yourself executing a BlockChain transaction for the first time. You will have to go through downloading the entire set of existing BlockChains and validate before executing your first transaction. This may take hours or longer as the number of blocks increase exponentially.Bootstrapping: Moving the existing contracts or business documents/ frameworks to the new BlockChain based methodology presents a significant set of migration tasks that need to be executed. For example, in case of Real Estate ownerships, the existing documents lying in County or Escrow companies need to be migrated to the equivalent BlockChain form. This may involve time and costs.Government Regulations: In the new world of BlockChain-based transactions, government agencies like FTC and SEC may slow down the adoption by introducingnew laws to monitor and regulate the industry for compliance. In a way, this may help adoption in the United States as these agencies carry customer trust. In more controlled economies like China, the adoption will face significant headwind.Fraudulent Activities: Given the pseudonymous nature of BlockChain transactions, coupled with ease of moving valuables, the “bad guy”s may misuse the technology for fraudulent activities like money trafficking. That said, with enough regulations and technology-support, law enforcement agencies will be able to monitor and prosecute these individuals.Quantum Computing: The basis of BlockChain technology relies on the very fact that it is mathematically impossible for a single par ty to game the system due to lack of needed compute power. But with the future advent of Quantum Computers, the cryptographic keys may be easy enough to crack within a reasonable time through a sheer brute force approach. This would bring the whole system to its knee. The counter-argument would be for keys to become even stronger so that they may not be easy to crack.ConclusionBlockChain is Bitcoin’s backbone technology. The distributed ledger functionality coupled with the security of BlockChain makes it a very attractive technology to solve the current financial as well as non-financial industry problems.As far as the technology is concerned, the cryptocurrency-based technology is either in the down ward slope of inflated expectations or in trough of disillusionment.There is enormous interest in BlockChain-based business applications and hence numerous start-ups working on them.The adoption definitely faces strong headwind as described before. However, even large financial institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, Banks, and NASDAQ, are investing in exploring applications of current business models on BlockChain. In fact, some of them are searching for new business models in the world of BlockChain.Some would like to stay that they are even ahead of the curve in terms of transformed regulatory environments for BlockChain.We envision BlockChain technology going through slow adoption due to the risks associated. Most of the startups will fail with few winners. Having said this, we should be seeing significant adoption in a decade or two.中文译文:区块链技术:超越比特币摘要区块链本质上是一个分布式的记录数据库,或是一个在参与方之间执行和共享的所有交易或数字事件的公共分类账。