
英国短期学生签证(ShortTermStudyVisa)详解第一篇:英国短期学生签证(Short Term Study Visa)详解英国短期学生签证(Short Term Study Visa)详解一般来讲,同学们来英国读书都是申请的Tier 4 General Student Visa(普通学生签证)或者Tier 4 Child Student Visa(儿童学生签证),这两种签证适用于在英国就读长期课程,那么,如果只是来英国就读短期课程,或为期11个月的英语语言课程,应该申请哪一种签证呢?今年4月份后,UKVI重新调整并简化了学生访问类别。
在不超过11个月学习的学生访问者统分短期课程访问者,应该申请的是Short-term study Visa(短期学生签证)。
但是如果是只是参加不超过4周的教育交流活动,则需要申请Standard Visitor visa(普通访客签证,关于这类签证的详情,咱们下期细聊)。

36款 If you have an official financial sponsor see section 40 of the guidance and list the documents submitted below
Please tick which documents you are submitting here. See sections 28 - 42 and 95 – 100 and 129 of the guidance
未提供相关的材料原件将会自动被拒签。 Please answer each question truthfully, as this will assist with whether or not you meet the requirement。
submitting your application: 以下是由英国驻华使馆北京签证处提供的签证指南。 如果您申请第4级
别的普通/成年或第4级别的儿童签证,请在您正式递交申请之前仔细阅读以下网站所注明的所有信息。 /sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/Tier4migrantguidance. The relevant sections of this guidance are quoted in this checklist.
Signed……………………………………………………….. 签字……………………………………………………….
Tier4 英国签证材料清单doc资料

T i e r4英国签证材料清单Completed visa application form: 填写完整的签证申请表 In some locations you can only apply by making an online application. You should check on our supported countries page to see if you should make an online application 在一些地区只接受在线申请。
➢ If your country does not support online applications you must complete and submit form VAF9 and self assessment form Appendix 8.如果您所在国家不适用在线申请,您必须填写并递交表格VAF9和自我评估表格附表8 ➢ If you make an online application you must also print it off and submit with your supporting documents. 如果您进行在线申请,您也必须打印申请表格并同其它的文件一起递交。
Completed Appendix 8 完成附表8 You must only complete the self assessment form Appendix 8 and submit a printed copy with your application form if you are unable to apply online.只有在无法进行在线申请的情况下,才需要完成自我评估表格附表8,并打印出来与您的签证申请表格一起递交。
A current and valid travel document orpassport 当前有效的旅行证件或护照You will not be issued a visa if you do not have one of these. 如果您不提供此类文件,将不会被签发签证。

玩转留学签证之英国签证申请材料英国普通成人学生签证(PBS Tier 4)申请材料清单英国学生签证:Tier 4 is part of our points-based system for immigration. It is for migrants who want to study inthe UK./visas-immigration/studying/adult -students/基本材料:Online Application Form2012 年4 月16 日周一开始,所有中国境内的英国签证申请须通过英国边境管理局(UK Border Agency)的在线申请系统完成。
/zh/visiting-the-uk/visas/Change_to_UK_Visa_Application在线填写及提交签证申请表- 要求:填写-提交-打印-签字填写日期;申请材料在线预约签证作为在线申请的一部分,您需在到访签证申请中心前使用在线功能进行预约。
您需要在在线表格填写及提交后的30 天之内完成预约。
您在申请中心的材料提交过程一般不会超过30 分钟。
我们接受未预约申请的受理时间为周一到周五,上午8 点(北京地区为7.30)至上午9 点。
要求:预约完成后需要打印预约确认书;天道推荐英国签证申请网上预约须知/vi/visa/67197.htmlAppendix 8 self-assessment FormAll applicants must also complete and submit the relevant version of Appendix 8 of the form/sitecontent/applicationforms/visas/vaf9-app81.pdf2012.04 最新版本,需注意要求:打印-填写-签字填写日期;Passport签名:首尾页复印,尾页-签名;现有护照-至少六个月有效期,至少在统一页的正反两面有签证空白页;费用签证费:人民币现金3035 元,只收现金;翻译费:翻译费分75 元和110 元两种,简单翻译75 元/页,复杂翻译110 元/页;自行翻译:所有提交的用于证明所得几份的材料,如果是非英文或威尔士文,必须要附上完整的英文翻译件。
英国Tier 4 Student VISA 签证流程(世毕盟留学)

英国Tier 4 Student VISA 签证流程一、申请费用在中国申请Tier 4签证的费用是RMB 3116元每人(每年可能会稍有变动),同时还需要支付医疗附加费(Healthcare Surcharge),学生为每年150英镑,可以在线支付。
4、肺结核检测证明(必须是官方合作的医疗机构)5、录取确认函Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies(CAS)6、资金证明材料(原件),存折/存单/银行卡-流水账单(你不可能交张银行卡是不)+一份存款证明(证实你有这笔钱)7、用于获得CAS的材料。
申请网址:/apply-uk-visa •在线填写签证申请表您完成在线申请后,需要打印申请表格并签名。
英国Tier 4 Student Visa 境外境内申请Q&A

英国Tier 4 Student Visa 境外/境内申请Q&A1. 什么是Tier 4 Student Visa?第四层级计点积分制留学签证(PBS Tier 4 StudentVisa)从2009年3月31日起正式实施的英国留学签证计点积分制。
在该签证系统下,申请去英国学习的学生都属于第4等级签证(PBS Tier 4 Student Visa)。
计分制留学签证,满分为40分①30分被英国政府认可的正规英国院校所出具的有效CAS号,以及CAS上所列明所需的完整材料②10分足够的资金第四层级担保方提供的长期正规教育第四层级普通(General):成人学生16岁之后的教育第四层级儿童(Child):4-15岁的儿童的教育备注:16、17岁的申请人:根据所学课程水平可选择申请第四层级普通或第四层级儿童2. 在中国境内递交签证申请的步骤是什么?第一步访问英国签证及移民局网站并且在线申请签证。

三、表格填写要点1. 个人信息在填写表格时,您需要提供一些个人信息,如姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍等。
2. 联系方式在表格中会要求您提供联系方式,包括电话号码、电子邮箱等。
3. 职业和教育背景根据不同的签证类型,您可能需要提供您的职业和教育背景信息。
4. 计划行程签证申请表中通常会要求您提供您在英国的计划行程和住宿安排。
5. 资金证明在签证申请中,您需要提供充足的资金证明,以证明您有足够的经济实力支付旅行和生活费用。
6. 其他材料表格中可能会要求您提供其他支持材料,如照片、护照复印件、在职证明、学校录取通知书等。
四、注意事项1. 时间规划填写表格需要耗费一定的时间和精力,建议您提前规划好时间,确保在截止日期前完成申请和表格的填写。
2. 仔细审查完成表格后,务必仔细审查所填写的内容,确保没有遗漏或错误。



Appendix 1 FLR(O)Request for Fee Exemption from applicant who is destitute seeking to apply for leave to remain on the basis of Article 8 right to respect for family or private life under Appendix FM or paragraph 276ADEYou should only complete this form if you are seeking a fee exemption because you are destitute and so are unable to pay the fee for your leave to remain application form FLR(O). Definition of destitutionYou will only be considered to be destitute if:a) You do not have adequate accommodation or any means of obtaining it (whether ornot your other essential living needs are met); orb) You have adequate accommodation or the means of obtaining it, but cannot meetyour other essential living needs.Please ensure that you also complete and submit Form FLR (O) 04/2013.If you wish to use a representative to assist you in completing this form, they should be registered with the Law Society or the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC). You can also refer to the Immigration Enquiry Bureau (IEB) on 0870 606 7766 or consult our website at: .You should only complete this form if:∙You are applying for leave to remain in the UK on the basis of family or private life under ECHR Article 8 using form FLR(O); and∙You are destitute, and so are unable to pay the fee for your leave to remain application form FLR(O).You must complete every section of this form.The decision on whether you qualify for a fee exemption will be made on the basis of the information you provide in this form and the evidence submitted with it. It is up to you to provide sufficient information and evidence to show that you are destitute.12You should not complete this form if you applying for leave to remain in the UK on the basis of family or private life under ECHR Article 8 using form FLR(O) and are not destitute. In that situation you should use form FLR(O) and not submit this Appendix 1.You will need to provide full documentary evidence along with this fee exemptionapplication to demonstrate your financial circumstances. The nature of this evidence may vary according to your individual circumstances, but some examples of relevant documents you may wish to include are stated below. Documents should be on letter headed paper from an official source. Letters from charities should show the registered charity number. Copies of bank and savings documents should be certified by the bank/financial institution. Please tick the boxes below to show which documents you are enclosing:Savings account statementsTenancy agreement or documents relating to your mortgage Utility and other relevant billsLetter confirming employment (the person writing should state their position in the company and contact details)Pay slips P60P45Letters from a charity or Local Authority confirming you are in receipt of support Letters from any friends or family who are providing you with support Letters confirming you or your spouse/partner are in receipt of public fundsOther documents –please specify what they are.If you are including other documents please give details in the box below:This isnot an application for leave to remain on the basis of Article 8 family or private life grounds. It is an assessment as to whether we consider you to be destitute in order towaive the application fee for Form FLR(O). If you are seeking a fee exemption you should submit your FLR(O) form and Appendix 1 request for fee exemption form at the same time. The FLR(O) may require you to submit additional documentary evidence.If you are granted a fee exemption, this does not guarantee that your application for leave to remain will be successful.If you decide not to continue with your application, you must contact us immediately. Section 1 - Biometric residence permits (BRP)If you qualify for a fee exemption because you are destitute, we will contact you and provide you with information about enrolling your biometric data without having to pay a fee. Failure to provide your biometric data will result in your application being rejected.If you do not qualify for a fee exemption your application will be rejected. If you wish to apply for leave to remain on the basis of your family or private life you will need to re-submit your FLR(O) form, with the relevant fee.Section 2 – Your personal details3Section 3 – DependantsPlease complete this section for children under the age of 18 years living with you in the UK4If you have more than 3 dependants please provide details on a separate sheet of paper.5REASONS WHY YOU ARE DESTITUTE:Note: You should demonstrate in your answers to questions 4.1 to 7.4 below, whether you have adequate accommodation or the means of obtaining it, and if you have adequate accommodation, whether you cannot meet your other essential living needs. If you have been without support from a third party for some time you will be expected to explain how you have supported yourself during this period and provide evidence.Please answer all the questions below. If you do not fully complete the form we may reject your application.Section 4 – Your current accommodation circumstances4.1 What address can we contact you at?House/Flat NumberStreet NameTown or CityCountyPost CodeNo4.3 If yes, when did you move into your current address?If no, where are you currently living? Please provide the full address unless you are homeless.House/Flat NumberStreet NameTown or CityCountyPost Code4.4 Please provide details of any previous UK addresses:House/Flat NumberStreet NameTown or CityCountyPost CodeContinue on a separate page if necessary.674.5 Have you been asked to leave the accommodation in which you are currently living?No4.6 If Yes, please provide details of why this is:4.7 Do you own or rent your home? Please specify:Own homeRent home4.8 If you do not own or rent your home who presently provides you with accommodation?FriendRelativeRefugeLocal AuthorityCharitable organisationOtherIf you have stated “other” please give details in the box below: 4.9 Who do you live with and what is their relationship to you?If Yes, specify how much you pay, and how regularly you pay this (weekly/monthly):84.11 Does anyone support you financially or by providing your essential living needs such as food? If so, who?4.12 Are they able to continue supporting you? If not, please explain why in the box at Section 8.4.13 Are you homeless tonight?4.14If Yes, please explain why:4.15 If yes, on what date will you become street homeless? (day/month/year)Section 5 – Your financial detailsPlease note we require evidence of your finances, including bank statements, building society savings books or other formal documentation in support of your application for a Fee Exemption. If you are being supported by a friend or relative, we require written evidence in the form of a letter confirming this, with formal documentation showing th at person’s financial resources. If you are beingsupported by a charity or other organisation, including a Local Authority, we also require formal documentation to evidence this. Please provide full details of exactly what the support entails, why you are eligible for such support and when the support began.95.3 Do you have any of the following material assets(You must tick any or all of the assets you have)∙ Cash savings∙ Property in the UK∙ Property outside of the UK∙ Land in the UK∙ Land outside the UK∙ Valuable jewellery∙ TV, DVD player, electrical goods∙ Car or vehicle5.5 What is the value of all/each of the above assets?Please specify the relevant currency:5.6 Please indicate any other material assets.5.7 Do you have any of the following monetary assets?∙ Cash held in the UK or overseas∙ Savings/investments in the UK or overseas105.8 Please provide name of bank or building society/other in which the asset is held and the name of the country where these assets are:5.9 What is the value of your savings or investments?Please specify the relevant currency:5.11 Please list any other monetary assets:Section 6 – Public Funds6.1 Do you receive any of the following public funds?You must declare any or all of the following you receive:∙ Attendance allowance ∙ Carer ’s allowance ∙ Child benefit ∙ Child tax credit∙ Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance∙ Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance ∙ Council tax benefit∙ Disability living allowance ∙ Housing benefit∙ Housing and Homelessness assistance ∙ Incapacity Benefit∙ Income based job seekers allowance∙ Income related employment support allowance ∙ Income support11∙Personal independence payment ∙Pension credit ∙Severe disablement allowance ∙Social fund payment ∙State pension credit ∙ Working tax creditIf Yes, please state for each public fund you are receiving:Section 7 – Spouse/partner financial detailsIf Yes, please provide details of the nature of their employment and their salary, including what income they receive in each relevant period (weekly/monthly/annual)Employment:Salary:If Yes, please provide details and value of assets:Please specify the relevant currency:12If Yes, please provide details and value of savings or investments:Please specify the relevant currency:NoIf Yes, please state for each public fund your spouse/partner is receiving:Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.Section 8 – Additional InformationPlease provide any additional information that you feel we should take into account in determining whether you should be exempt from paying a fee for the FLR(O)DeclarationI can confirm that I have included all the necessary information and evidence that supports this application for a Fee Exemption.I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971, as amended bythe Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 and the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, to make to a person acting in execution of any of those Acts a statement or representation which I know to be false or do not believe to be true, or to obtain or to seek to obtain leave to remain in the United Kingdom by means which include deception.I confirm that I have provided full and complete details of my financial situation and that of my spouse/partner, and confirm that the information provided is accurate and truthful. I will notify the Home Office if my circumstances change whilst my application is being considered.I understand that all information provided by me to the Home Office will be treated in confidence; that it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, the police, foreign governments and other bodies for immigration purposes or to enable them to perform their functions; and if such bodies provide the Home Office with any information about me, which may be relevant for immigration purposes, it may be used in reaching a decision following this application.I understand that my details may in certain circumstances be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering. I also understand that such agencies may provide the Home Office with information about me. Further details explaining when information may be passed to or from fraud prevention agencies and how that information can be obtained from the Home Office website at:.I have completed Section 9 of FLR(O) which gives consent for the Home Office to request verification checks of the documents I have supplied to show that I am destitute in order to make an application on Form FLR(O) without paying a fee.Signature:Print Name:Date:Checklist:Have you fully completed this form?Have you enclosed full documentary evidence required by this form?Have you also enclosed a fully completed FLR (O) 04/2013 form? (If not, or if youhave enclosed the wrong form, your application will be rejected.)14。

英国Tier4学生签证申请流程全攻略自英国Tie r4学生签证流程简化后,为去英国留学的同学提供了极大的便利。
今天在这就为大家整理出了详细的签证申请流程和办理过程遇的问题,希望可以帮到大家~Ti e r4学生签证申请流程签证申请流程主要分为两步,第一步上网上预约,第二步是签证中心递交。
我们先来看看如何在网上进行预约:(1)在线填写申请表:同学们需要访问GOV.U K官网进行在线申请,填写完成后打印申请表格并且签名。
(4)在线支付医疗附加费:该费用是强制性要求的,对于只要是申请在英国居留6个月及以上的海外申请人,必须在递交签证申请前在线支付这笔费用(Hea lt h Sur ch ar ge),学生每年约300英镑,具体以官网为准。
在完成以上操作之后,同学们会收到一封名为“Vis a App li ca ti on Con fi rm at io n Ema il for GWF xx xx xx”的确认邮件,该邮件包含3个重要信息:GW F号码(Uni qu e Ref er en ce Num be r)、签证费及Su p p o r t i n g Do c u m e n t s(同申请表一起带到签证中心的材料)按照邮件中的要求准备递签材料即可~网上预约好之后,就要前往签证中心递交签证,具体操作步骤如下:(1)提交申请材料:建议同学们提前15分钟进入签证中心,届时会有相应的工作人员登记申请者的预约时间及预约号,并从取号机中给你一个号码,同学们只需要在等待处等待叫号即可。

visaapplicationform英国签证表格填写指导(vf9app8)第一篇:visa application form英国签证表格填写指导(vf9&app8)英国签证申请表介绍【摘要】英国签证,也叫英国入境许可,是粘贴在您的护照或旅行证件上的准许您进入英国的许可证。
第一种:在线申请,使用UKBA的Online Application System 用英文在线填写签证申请表格。
英国留学 Tier4学生签证申请材料大全

已经付给英国院校费用的证明:在申请签证阶段,您会被要求提供材料以证明您当前持有,并且会继续持有您在英国学习所需的费用。您必须证明您有足够的资金用于支付您第一学年的学费(如课程不足一年,则为全部课程学费)。英国Tier 4担保方可在您的CAS中列明您已支付给学校的费用。如果您已经支付了任何学费以及住宿费,但在您的CAS中并未标明,您则必须在签证申请材料中提交您已支付费用的证明材料。
基于推荐信的评估:如果您的Tier 4担保方通过一个或几个推荐信来给您出具CAS,您必须将所有推荐信的原件提供给我们。每份推荐信都必须包括:您的姓名;您完成课程的种类以及等级;或以往经历学习;或以往经历的日期;推荐信的日期;以及推荐人的联系方式。如果您无法提供推荐信原件,您可以提供复印件,并附上英国Tier 4担保方的证明信,证明该复印件是当初评估您时所使用原件的真实副本。

tier4签证材料This guide is provided free of chargeand is for use outside the UK only此指南为并只适用于英国境外地区You should read this information guide to help you decide w hich documents may be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.您应阅读本指南,以帮助您决定哪些材料可有帮助您支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上的陈述。
Please note that all the specified documents must be original and in English or Welsh otherw ise you must include a certified English translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office.请注意所有提交的文件都必须为英语或威尔士语原件,否则您必须同时提供可供内政部独立核查的英文翻译件。
支持材料指南计点积分制第四层级(普通)You should also read the policy guidance on the .您还应阅读网站上的政策指南。
1 VER.07 April xxSponsor – evidence if you are not applying to study English language担保方–申请非英语语言课程的材料Confirmation of Aeptance forStudies (CAS)录取确认函(CAS) Before you can apply for permission to enter or remain in the UK under Tier 4 (General), your educationprovider must assign a Confirmation of Aeptance for Studies (CAS) to you. This confirms that you have been given anunconditional offer of a place on a course of study with a licensed Tier 4sponsor.申请第四层级(普通类)学生签证前,您的英方接收院校必须给您出具录取确认函(CAS),以确认您已经获得了具有第四层级课程担保资格的担保方给您的无条件录取通知。

一、留学签证类型英国留学签证主要分为两类:学生签证(Tier 4)和短期留学签证(Short-term Study Visa)。
1. 学生签证(Tier 4):该签证适用于长期留学的学生,通常持续时间为超过6个月。
2. 短期留学签证(Short-term Study Visa):该签证适用于短期留学的学生,持续时间一般为6个月或11个月。
二、申请要求与流程1. 学生签证申请要求:(1) 被英国学校录取的正式入学通知书(CAS)。
(2) 英国学校的认可担保人(Sponsor)。
(3) 学生签证的申请费用(具体费用根据学制和课程类型有所不同)。
(4) 财务能力证明,包括支付学费和生活费的能力。
(5) 英语语言要求满足:通常要求雅思成绩达到相应水平,不同学校有不同要求。
(6) 提供有效的护照和最近的护照照片。
2. 短期留学签证申请要求:(1) 参加的短期课程必须由英国认可的教育机构提供。
(2) 需要提供完整的课程细节和计划。
(3) 需要提供足够的资金证明支付课程和生活费用。
(4) 提供有效的护照和最近的护照照片。
(5) 可能需要提供来自英国教育机构的邀请函或担保信。
三、签证后的权益和责任1. 学生签证持有者:持有学生签证的学生有权在英国合法学习,并有权在完成学业后寻找工作机会。

1. 护照信息,请填写您的护照号码、签发日期、有效期等信息。
2. 个人基本信息,包括姓名、性别、出生日期、出生地点等。
3. 联系方式,填写您的电话号码、电子邮箱等联系方式。
1. 申请类型,选择您要申请的签证类型,如旅游签证、学生签证、工作签证等。
2. 签证期限,填写您希望获得的签证有效期,以及计划入境和离境的日期。
1. 行程安排,填写您的英国行程安排,包括入境日期、离境日期,以及计划逗留的城市和景点。
2. 住宿安排,提供您在英国逗留期间的住宿信息,包括酒店预订信息或亲友住址等。
1. 银行对账单,提供您最近3个月的银行对账单,证明您有足够的资金支付在英国的开销。
2. 收入证明,如有固定收入,需提供工资单或雇主证明;如为自雇或无固定收入,需提供相关税单或营业执照。
1. 照片,提供符合签证要求的照片,包括尺寸、背景等。
2. 健康证明,如申请长期签证,可能需要提供健康证明或体检报告。
3. 学生签证材料,如果申请学生签证,需要提供录取通知书、学校在读证明等相关材料。
1. 个人陈述信,写一份个人陈述信,说明您申请签证的目的、计划在英国的活动、回国计划等。
2. 邀请信,如果有英国朋友或亲戚邀请您,需要提供邀请信和邀请人的身份证明。
1. 填写在线申请表,根据签证类型填写相应的在线申请表,并上传所需材料。
2. 缴费,根据签证类型和期限支付相应的签证费用。
3. 预约面签,根据系统指引预约签证中心面签,提交申请材料并进行指纹采集。
1. 提前准备,建议提前至少3个月开始准备签证申请材料,以确保有足够的时间处理。
2. 完整材料,确保申请材料的完整性和准确性,避免漏交或提供虚假信息。

具体流程如下:1. 在线填写申请表格网址:网页如下:请点击网页右下角的按钮“Apply for a UK visa now”开始申请。
如果填写完申请后,需要再次登录您的申请,请直接点击以上页面左侧的第三项“Existing Applications Login here”。
2. 开始填写表格注意:- 请用英文大写字母填写表格- 确保您的电脑连接有打印设备,以便完成后直接打印出申请表格- 打印好申请表格后,请在表格第一页右侧贴上申请人照片- 请在打印好的申请表格第2页和末页,由申请人本人签名和填写日期- 关于表格的解释说明详见第2页至15页- 关于在线预约的说明详见第16页第一页:申请安全问题开始在线申请之前,请填写以下必要的安全问题。
(请记住您所填写的信息,以便保存之后再次登录使用)Enter your E-mail address 填写您的邮箱地址请填写:您的邮箱地址(用于再次登录申请和发送GWF号码)Confirm your E-mail address 确认您的邮箱地址Entre a password for your application/appointment 设定您的登录密码(密码至少为8-12个字符)Confirm your password 确认您的登录密码Enter a password reminder word 填写密码找回关键词完整填写之后请点击Next(下一页)第二页:关于签证申请信息Current location 选择申请人所在国家Where would you like to lodge your application? 您将在哪里递交申请?请选择:请按照您所属于的送签领区选择签证中心(请参看《英国商务签证资料清单》上关于领区的划分。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
POINTS BASED SYSTEM APPENDIX 8 (APR 2010)TIER 4 (GENERAL) STUDENTSELF-ASSESSMENTThis form is for use outside the UK only This form is provided free of charge.For official use onlyREAD THIS FIRSTThis form must be completed in blue or black ink.Please ensure you submit all relevant, original documents as indicated in the sections. It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a false document. Your application will be automatically refused and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. You may also be banned if you have breached immigration laws in the UK.An applicant aged over 16 can choose to apply either as a Child (Student) or a (General) Student and meet the appropriate criteria.Please ensure you also complete the main Personal Details form.1.1 Given name(s)1.2 Family nameAbout YouParent/Guardian 2 (if applicable)2.6 Give your parent or guardian’s family name2.5Give your parent or guardian’s given nameParent/Guardian 12.1 Give your parent or guardian’s given name >>>>>>>>>>>2.2Give your parent or guardian’s family name2.4 Give details of your relationship to your guardian2.3 Give your parent or guardian’s full contact address, including postal code.Part 2Parent/Guardian detailsto be completed only where the applicant is 16 or 17 years old.2.7 Give your parent or guardian’s full contact address, including postal code.2.8 Give details of your relationship to your guardian2.9 Give the full address of where you will be residing in the UK including the postal code. If this is not known and your sponsor is arranging your accommodation give the contact details of the person doing this, and/or the temporary address you will use on arrival.2.10 You must provide a letter of consent to this application from your parent(s) or legal guardian. Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so (See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance fordetails of what this must contain).Part 3Tier 4 Sponsor (Education Provider) contact details3.1 Give the full name of your Tier 4 Sponsor3.2 Give your Tier 4 Sponsor’s Licence Number >>>>>>>>>>3.3 Give the full address of your Tier 4 Sponsor includingpostal code2.12 Provide full details of up to two adults who will accompany you Full name Full nameTelephone No.Telephone No.Nationality NationalityPassport No Passport NoExact relationship to you Exact relationship to youAddress including postal code Address including postal code2.11 Will you be travelling to the UK alone?Put a cross in the relevant boxYes -Go to Part 3No - Complete Question 2.12Course detailsPart 5Attributes You should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance.You require 30 points from this part, or your application will be refused.5.1 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Select to confirm you are claiming points for having a valid Confirmation >>> of Acceptance for Studies,Put a cross (x) in the box5.6 Are you coming to the UK to study an English language qualification at the correct level, as stated in guidance or to studyPut a cross (X) in the relevant box.English Language courseATAS certificate5.7 Have you been assessed by means of an academic/professional reference? If so you must provide evidence of each of the references listed in the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies.Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to indicate what you have provided.The original referenceGo to Part 6Not ApplicableA copy of the reference together with an original letter from yoursponsor confirming it is a true copy. Go to Part 65.8 Are you required to obtain permission from the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)? (See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for the circumstances when this is required) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.No -Go to Question 5.8No - Go to Part 6Yes - Go to Question 5.7Yes - Go to Question 5.95.5 Have you been assessed by your sponsor by other means, for example by progress on a continuing course of study, aspart of a study abroad programme, by your sponsor’s internal test, a portfolio of artwork, or other means (state which)? (Please do not submit this) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.No - Go to Question 5.6Yes - Say how you have been assessed in the space belowthen Go to Question 5.65.4 You must send all of the original certificate(s) of qualification and/or original transcripts of results that are >>>>>>>listed in the CAS. You must get this information from your Tier 4 sponsor.Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so5.3 Confirm which of the following options applies. Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxStudying - Go to Question 5.4Undertaking a foundation course as a Postgraduate Doctoror Dentist - Go to Question 5.11Undertaking a post as a Sabbatical OfficerGo to Question 5.105.9 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have provided the original of your Academic Technology Approval>>>>>>>Scheme (ATAS) clearance certificate. Then Go to Part 65.2 What is your Confirmation of Acceptance >>>>>>>for Studies Number?4.1 Give the title of your course of study>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.4 Give the full address of your primary site of study, includingpostal code. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for an explanation ofprimary site of study.4.3 Give the start and end dates for your course of study >>>From4.2 Give the academic level of the course or qualificationawarded when the course is finished. For example the NationalQualification Framework level; or for English language course theCEFR level should be given e.g. B2.Maintenance (Funds) You must have a minimum level of funds to cover your course fees and supportyourself. You should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance. You need 10 points from this part, or your application will be refused.6.1 How much are the fees for your course of study? The figure should be the same as in the CAS which will be used as the specified evidence for this. If you will be studying at a Residential IndependentSchool this will include course fees and boarding or lodging fees.6.2 Have any of your course fees been paid? Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.Yes - Paid to Overseas Higher Education Institution (Zero fee on CAS) - Go to Question 6.3No -Go to Question 6.4Yes - Paid to UK Education Provider. Enter the amount in thebox below then -Go to Question 6.3Shown in the CASAn official, original receipt6.3Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to show what document has been provided as evidence of payment.Initial application –Go to Question 6.6Further period of study following a course of less than six months (No reduced maintenance level) –Go to Question 6.6Further period of study following a course completed more than four months ago (No reduced maintenance level)Go to Question 6.6Further period of study following a course of six months or more within your last period of leave and completed less than four months ago; or to complete an existing course of study where you have studied at least six months of the course and been studying within the last four months; or if you are applying to continue in Tier 4 as a sabbatical officer or as a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist where you completed a course that was at least six months duration within your last period of leave and this leave finished within the last four months. Go to Question 6.96.5 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm whether you are making an initial application or an extension application.6.6 Initial applicationPut a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm your primary site of study. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for an explanation of the InnerLondon Boroughs and how to assess your primary site of study.Inside the Inner London BoroughsGo to Question 6.7Outside the Inner London Boroughs Go to Question 6.86.7 You must have £800 per month to cover >>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 9 months).See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided. Go to Question 6.126.8 You must have £600 per month to cover maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 9 months).See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided.Go to Question 6.126.4 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have sufficient funds to cover all course fees due for payment. >>>>>>>>>>>5.11 If you intend to be a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist we will use the CAS from your sponsor provided in >>>>>>>>> Question 5.1. You must also provide an original letter from the relevant Postgraduate Dean. Put a cross (X) in the box toconfirm you have done so.5.12 You must send us all of the original certificate(s) and/or original transcripts of results of your United Kingdom >>>> qualification in Medicine or Dentistry that are listed in the CAS.Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so.Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist• If you are beginning a new course give the fees for the first year of the course, or for the entire course, if it less than one year’s duration.• If you are a applying for a further period of leave to continue an existing course, give the course fees that you still need to pay to the end of the current academic year, if you are part way through the year; or for the next academic year if you will continue on your course at the start of the next academic year. If you have no course fees to pay put £0.00 in the box.• If this will be part of a study abroad programme give any fees you will be required to pay to the UK education provider for the first year of your course, or for the entire course, if it is less than one year’s duration. • If you have no fees to pay the UK education provider put £0.00 in the box.Sabbatical Officer5.10 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you will be a Sabbatical Officer. Then Go to Part 6 We will use the Confirmation >> of Acceptance for Studies from yoursponsor, provided in Question 5.1, as evidence.6.17 Do you have any fees and maintenance still due for payment? Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.6.18 Do you have money in your own name?Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.Yes -Complete the boxes belowYes -Go to question 6.20Have money in own and parent / legal guardians bankaccount. -Go to question 6.19No - No money due, no evidence neededGo to Part 7No - Go to question 6.19Course fees >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Maintenance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Total>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Birth Certificate naming Student and Parent(s)Certificate of adoption naming the student and the adoptive parent(s)Court document naming the student and the legal guardian(s)6.19 Put a cross (X) to confirm that you have provided a letter from your parent or legal guardian. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Put a cross (X) to confirm that you have provided one of the following pieces of evidence of the relationship.Shown in the CASAn original letter to confirm the financial sponsorship froman official financial sponsor or Government sponsor.An official, original receiptYou are receiving official financial sponsorship from your Tier 4 licensed sponsor (e.g. a scholarship or bursary), and detailsof the financial sponsorship are included in the CAS.6.13 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to show what document has been provided as evidence of payment.6.15 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm what evidence of financial sponsorship you have provided.6.10 You must have £800 per month to cover >>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 2 months).See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided. Go to Question 6.126.14 Showing fundsDo you receive support from a financial sponsor that meets the UK Border Agency definition of a financial sponsor? (See Tier 4 Policy Guidance for definitions) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box6.11 You must have £600 per month to cover maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 2 months).See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided.Go to Question 6.12Yes -Go to Question 6.15No - Go to Question 6.176.12 Have any of your accommodation fees been paid to your sponsor?Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.Yes - Paid to Overseas Higher Education InstitutionGo to Question 6.13Yes - Paid to UK Education Provider. Enter the amount in the box below then -Go to Question 6.136.16 Complete the box(es) to indicate how much the official financial sponsor or Government sponsor is paying towards your expenses.For Course feesFor Maintenance No -Go to Question 6.146.9 Extension application (following a course of six months or more and completed less than four months ago)Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm your primary site of study. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for an explanation of the InnerLondon Boroughs and how to assess your primary site of study.Inside the Inner London BoroughsGo to Question 6.10Outside the Inner London Boroughs Go to Question 6.11Personal bank or building society statementsLetter from a bank or building society confirming the funds or the agreement of a loanSavings or building society pass booksLetter from a regulated financial institution confirming funds or the agreement of a loan.6.20 Put a cross (X) in the relevant boxes to indicate what evidence of funds has been supplied to cover all maintenance and fees which you still need to pay. All documents must be originals. The funds must have been in your (or your parent or legal guardian’s) bank account/building society account for 28 days prior to the date of your application.。