

















1、Starex AS-0151 ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,抗静电,适用于白色家电和小家电,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售2、Starex BC-0130X ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,高刚度,适用于电池的情况下,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

3、Starex BC-0140 H ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,高刚度,适用于线轴,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

4、Starex BF-0370 ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

5、Starex AS-0151 ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防静电,适用于白色家电和小家电应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

6、Starex BF-0670 ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

7、Starex BF-0670AT ABS 特点:ABS+PMMA,高耐划伤,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

8、Starex BF-0670F ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

9、Starex BF-0670FS ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

10、Starex BF-0670T ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。


(2)2003年4月 10日开征反倾销税;
(3)海关总署2003年24号 公告。
韩国1、 株式会社LG化学(LG Chem, LTD.) 2%
2、 其它韩国公司 20%
1、巴斯夫国油化学私人有限公司(BASF PETRONAS
三井武田化学聚氨酯株式会社 税率12.45% 其他60.02%
(4)日本 所有日本公司的税率为119%
2、 其它印度尼西亚公司 24%
株式会社高合化学(KP Chemical Corporation) 4%
爱敬油化株式会社(Aekyung Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.)










市场份额1.锦湖汽车润滑装置在全国各地的市场份额汉城85% Kyunggi 70% 金刚山100%Cholla 60% Kyungsang 70% Kangwon 100%Jejoo 70%2. 全国分公司的现状●Taegu分公司·总裁:An, Myung-Moon先生地址:750-1, Jinchon-dong, Dalso-gu, Taegu·电话:82-053-639-3777·传真:82-053-639-3777●Kwangju分公司·总裁:Choi, Kyu-Bum先生地址:620-10, Dochon-dong, Kwangsan-gu, Kwangju·电话:82-062-952-4311/4317·传真:82-062-954-2121●釜山分公司·总裁:Lee, Chang Un先生地址:385-42, Yongho 3-dong, Namgu, Pusan·电话:82-051-754-6030·传真:82-051-611-34501.概念锦湖汽车润滑装置是一种已广泛应用于商用车辆和工业机械上的自动集中润滑系统。



它们的排名是(根据销售额): 175/60/r13(其他论坛转来,大家也长长见识啊) 第一是:法国米其林第二是:日本普利斯通第三是:美国固特异第四是:德国大陆第五是:意大利倍耐力第六是:日本住友第七是:日本横滨第八是:美国库珀第九是:韩国韩泰第十是:日本东洋第十一:韩国锦湖轮胎第十二:佳通轮胎第十三:莫斯科Sibur-RusskieShiny第十四:中国三角集团下面介绍一下,想换轮胎的朋友可以参考一下,不换的也可以长长知识。








配套比较多,都是高档车,像宝马 7系,奥迪A8等等。










ABS塑料-名称化学名称丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物英文名称 Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS塑料-性能一般性能ABS外观为不透明呈象牙色粒料,其制品可着成五颜六色,并具有高光泽度。









ABS 在-40℃时仍能表现出一定的韧性,可在-40~100℃的温度范围内使用。






阻燃ABS :2010AF拉伸强度 Tensile Strength D638 50mm/min kgf/cm 2 450断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break D638 50mm/min % 25 弯曲强度 Flexural Strength D790 15mm/min kgf/cm 2 720 弯曲模量 Flexural ModulusD79015mm/min kgf/cm 2 26,000 缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact Str. D256 1/8",23℃ kgf.cm/cm 30 熔融指数 Melt Flow Index D1238 230℃,3.8kgf g/10min 15 成型收缩率 Mold Shrinkage D955 % 0.4~0.8 比重 Specific Gravity D792 23℃ g/cm 3 1.18 填充量 Filler Content 750℃/2h % 0热变形温度 Heat Deflection TemperatureD6480.46MPa ℃ 87 D6481.82MPa ℃ 82UL94阻燃级别 UL94 Rating Class UL94 1.5mm V0, 3.0mm 5VA 干燥温度 Drying Temperature ℃ 80~90 干燥时间 Drying Timehrs 3~4 料筒温度 Cylinder Temperature ℃ 190~230 模具温度 Mold Temperature℃50~90阻燃ABS:2010CF拉伸强度 Tensile Strength D63850mm/min kgf/cm2440断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break D63850mm/min%20弯曲强度 Flexural Strength D79015mm/min kgf/cm2710弯曲模量 Flexural Modulus D79015mm/min kgf/cm225,000缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact Str.D2561/8",23℃kgf.cm/cm31熔融指数 Melt Flow Index D1238230℃,3.8kgf g/10min16成型收缩率 Mold Shrinkage D955%0.4~0.8比重 Specific Gravity D79223℃g/cm3 1.18填充量 Filler Content750℃/2h%0D6480.46MPa℃80热变形温度 Heat Deflection TemperatureD648 1.82MPa℃75UL94阻燃级别UL94 Rating Class UL94 2.5mm V0干燥温度 Drying Temperature℃80~90干燥时间 Drying Time hrs3~4料筒温度 Cylinder Temperature℃190~230模具温度 Mold Temperature℃50~90阻燃ABS:2010BF拉伸强度 Tensile Strength D63850mm/min kgf/cm2430断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break D63850mm/min%20弯曲强度 Flexural Strength D79015mm/min kgf/cm2710弯曲模量 Flexural Modulus D79015mm/min kgf/cm225,000缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact Str.D2561/8",23℃kgf.cm/cm31熔融指数 Melt Flow Index D1238230℃,3.8kgf g/10min16成型收缩率 Mold Shrinkage D955 % 0.4~0.8 比重 Specific Gravity D792 23℃ g/cm 3 1.18 填充量 Filler Content 750℃/2h % 0热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temperature D648 0.46MPa ℃ 83 D648 1.82MPa ℃ 80UL94阻燃级别 UL94 Rating Class UL94 1.5mm V0, 3.0mm 5VA干燥温度 Drying Temperature ℃ 80~90 干燥时间 Drying Timehrs 3~4 料筒温度 Cylinder Temperature ℃ 190~230 模具温度 Mold Temperature℃50~90阻燃增强ABS :20G2F拉伸强度 Tensile Strength D638 5mm/min kgf/cm 2 600断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break D638 5mm/min % 7 弯曲强度 Flexural Strength D790 2.8mm/min kgf/cm 2 1,000 弯曲模量 Flexural ModulusD7901.3mm/min kgf/cm 2 45,000 缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact Str. D256 1/8",23℃ kgf.cm/cm 7 熔融指数 Melt Flow Index D1238 230℃,3.82kgf g/10min 7 成型收缩率 Mold Shrinkage D955 % 0.1~0.3 比重 Specific Gravity D792 23℃ g/cm 3 1.25 填充量 Filler Content 750℃/2h % 10热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temperature D648 0.46MPa ℃ 100 D648 1.82MPa ℃ 96 UL94阻燃级别 UL94 RatingClassUL941.5mm V0干燥温度 Drying Temperature ℃ 80~90 干燥时间 Drying Timehrs 3~4 料筒温度 Cylinder Temperature ℃ 200~240 模具温度 Mold Temperature℃50~90增强ABS :20G6拉伸强度 Tensile Strength D638 5mm/min kgf/cm 2 900断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break D638 5mm/min % 6 弯曲强度 Flexural Strength D790 2.8mm/min kgf/cm 2 1,480 弯曲模量 Flexural ModulusD7901.3mm/min kgf/cm 2 78,000 缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact Str. D256 1/8",23℃ kgf.cm/cm 6 熔融指数 Melt Flow IndexD1238 230℃,3.82kgf g/10min 3 成型收缩率 Mold Shrinkage D955 % 0.1~0.2 比重 Specific Gravity D792 23℃ g/cm 3 1.28 填充量 Filler Content 750℃/2h % 30热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temperature D648 0.46MPa ℃ 102 D648 1.82MPa ℃ 97UL94阻燃级别 UL94 Rating Class UL94 1.5mm HB 干燥温度 Drying Temperature ℃ 80~90 干燥时间 Drying Timehrs 3~4 料筒温度 Cylinder Temperature ℃ 200~240 模具温度 Mold Temperature℃50~90ABS 塑料目录[隐藏]ABS 塑料-概述ABS塑料-名称ABS塑料-性能ABS塑料-生产ABS的主要原料及辅助原料ABS塑料-ABS生产方法ABS塑料-ABS的分类ABS塑料-ABS用途ABS塑料-概述ABS塑料-名称ABS塑料-性能ABS塑料-生产ABS的主要原料及辅助原料ABS塑料-ABS生产方法ABS塑料-ABS的分类ABS塑料-ABS用途[编辑本段]ABS塑料-概述ABS树脂是五大合成树脂之一,其抗冲击性、耐热性、耐低温性、耐化学药品性及电气性能优良,还具有易加工、制品尺寸稳定、表面光泽性好等特点,容易涂装、着色,还可以进行表面喷镀金属、电镀、焊接、热压和粘接等二次加工,广泛应用于机械、汽车、电子电器、仪器仪表、纺织和建筑等工业领域,是一种用途极广的热塑性工程塑料。



目录1.适用范围 1 2.引用规格 1 3.定义 1 4.种类 4 5.额定电压及额定功率 6 6.性能 6 6.1制冷剂的泄露 6 6.2制冷功能 6 6.3制冷消耗电能 6 6.4制冷标准能源消耗率7 6.5制冷期间能源消耗率7 6.6制冷标准(期间)月消耗电量 7 6.7专用除湿功能7 6.8专用除湿消耗电能7 6.9制热功能7 6.10制热消耗电能7 6.11绝缘装置制热功能7 6.12绝缘装置消耗电能7 6.13制热标准能源消耗率7 6.14制热期间能源消耗率7 6.15制热标准(期间)月消耗电量7 6.16风速8 6.17温度8 6.17.1平时温度上升8 6.17.2异常温度上升9 6.18绝缘电阻9 6.19泄露电流9 6.20内电压9 6.21注水绝缘性能9 6.22耐湿绝缘性能9 6.23电压变动特性10 6.24起动特性10 6.25结水性能10 6.26低温结冰性能10 6.27自动除霜性能10 6.28制冷超负荷性能106.29专用除湿超负荷性能11 6.30制热超负荷性能11 6.31电磁波障碍性能11 6.32噪音11 7.构造117.1一般构造12 7.2填充物14 7.3电机绝缘物18 7.4配线19 7.5接地用端子及接地用引出线20 7.6电热装置21 7.7保险丝及保险丝附着部21 7.8电源电线等21 7.9电压转换装置22 8.材料228.1一般材料22 8.2导电材料23 8.3保险丝及保险丝附着部23 8.4制冷剂回路23 8.5制冷剂及冷冻机油24 9.测试249.1测试条件24 9.2构造测试及材料测试25 9.3制冷剂泄露测试25 9.4制冷功能测试259.4.1制冷标准功能测试25 9.4.2制冷低温功能测试25 9.4.3制冷低湿功能测试25 9.4.4制冷控制能力测试25 9.5制冷耗电量测试259.5.1制冷标准耗电量测试259.5.2制冷低温耗电量测试259.5.3制冷低湿耗电量测试259.5.4制冷控制耗电量测试259.6专用除湿功能测试25 9.7专用除湿消耗电量测试26 9.8制热功能测试289.8.1制热标准功能测试28 9.8.2制热中温功能测试28 9.8.3制热控制功能测试28 9.8.4制热低温功能测试28 9.8.5制热除霜功能测试28 9.8.6制热除霜无着霜功能测试29 9.9制热耗电量测试29 9.9.1制热标准耗电量测试 29 9.9.2制热中温耗电量测试 29 9.9.3制热控制耗电能测试 29 9.9.4制热低温耗电能测试 29 9.9.5制热除霜耗电能测试 29 9.9.6制热除霜无着霜耗电能测试 29 9.10电热装置制热能量测试 29 9.11电热装置耗电量测试 29 9.12风速静压测试 30 9.13温度测试30 9.13.1平时温度上升测试30 9.13.2异常温度上升测试31 9.14绝缘电阻测试31 9.15泄露电流测试31 9.16内电压测试31 9.17注水绝缘测试32 9.18耐湿绝缘测试32 9.19电压变动特性测试32 9.20起动特性32 9.21结水测试33 9.22低温结冰测试33 9.23自动除霜测试33 9.24制冷超负荷测试33 9.25专用除湿超负荷测试33 9.26制热超负荷测试34 9.27电磁波障碍测试34 9.28噪音测试34 10.检查34 10.1形式检查34 10.2产品检查3511.产品命名方法 36 12.标示36 12.1产品标示36 12.2包装标示36 13.使用注意事项及使用说明书38 13.1安装空调时的注意事项38 13.2运转、使用空调时的注意事项39附录1 制冷功能及热泵制热功能的测试方法44 1.适用范围44 2.测定方法的种类44 3.热量测定44 3.1直接法44 3.1.1测定装置44 3.1.2测定方法45 3.1.3制冷功能的计算方法 45 3.1.4热泵制热功能的计算方法46 3.2间接法47 3.2.1测定装置47 3.2.2测定方法49 3.2.3制冷功能的计算方法 50 3.2.4热泵制热功能的计算方法50 3.2.5物测热量计法50 3.2.6制冷剂流量计法51 3.2.7校正压缩机法52附录2 风速及静压测定方法54 1.适用范围54 2.风速及静压测定方法54 3.风速测定方法54 3.1风速测定装置的种类54 3.2利用喷管法测定风速56 3.3利用全压管(皮托管)测定风速58 3.4利用孔管测定风速60 3.5基准风速的换算62 4.静压测定方法62 4.1静压测定方法的种类624.2静压测定测试中的一般事项65 附录3 噪音测定方法661.适用范围66 2.噪音测定场所66 3.噪音测定器66 4.运转条件66 5.噪音测定位置66 6.噪音测定方法70附录4(参考)一般住宅及办公室的制冷、制热负荷简易计算方法71 1.适用范围71 2.一般住宅及办公室的制冷、制热负荷简易计算方法71 3.附录4(参考)表1(办公室),表2(共同住宅),表3(单独住宅)71 4.额定制冷面积标示的计算依据73 5.额定制热面积标示的计算依据73 6.额定标示制热除霜功能W{kcal/h}的种类73 7.附录4(参考)表4(每单位面积的制冷、制热负荷)73附录5(参考)制冷、制热期间能源消耗率和制冷、制热期间月消耗电量测试方法及计算方法75 1.适用范围75 2.测试项目76 3.制冷及制热期间能源消耗率的计算(CSPF & HSPF)76 3.1制冷期间能源消耗率(CSPF)76 3.1.1静速单压缩机型空调77 3.1.2变频型及2压缩机型空调78 3.1.3转数限制型空调79 3.1.4适用2点式的情况80 3.1.5适用3点式的情况81 3.2制热期间能源消耗率(HSPF)82 3.2.1静速单压缩机型空调83 3.2.2变频型及2压缩机型空调85 3.2.3转数限制型空调87 3.2.4适用2点式的情况903.2.5适用3点式的情况91 附录6(参考)单位系的变换方法及计算方法931.适用范围93 2.单位系的变换方法及计算方法93解说空调设备94韩国产业规格ICS 23.120空调KSAIR CONDITIONER C9306 1999 1.适用范围:本规格是针对以舒适地调节室内空气为目的的制冷设备(包括制暖、除湿兼用的空调设备)以及循环、净化空气的空调(以下简称空调)中一体式(压缩机、鼓风机、热交换机等安装入一个柜内)、分体式(压缩机、鼓风机、热交换机等装入两个柜内)产品而制定。

Parker Brass Products Division 产品目录:Barbed Fitting

Parker Brass Products Division 产品目录:Barbed Fitting

Barbed FittingsThe World StandardDubl-Barb FittingsCompact One-piece Economical ReusableUse with Polyethylene Tubing⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹Hose Barb FittingsAll Brass Construction Straight and Metric Threads Beaded & Standard Hose BarbsUse with Hose Clamp Reusable⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹Catalog 3501E Barbed FittingsGAdvantagesCompact one-piece, push-on barbed fitting for a quick, economical way to connect polyethylene tubing. In addition to the styles shown, custom DUBL-BARB fittings to meet your exact requirements are available. Machined from CA 360 or CA 345 brass.ApplicationsBecause of the many available variations in qualities of polyethylene tubing, DUBL-BARB ® fittings are recommended for use with Parker Parflex ® polyethylene tubing (or an equal grade). Parker Parflex® tubing is highly resistant to environmental stress cracking which is necessary for long life when coupled with expansion fittings.Working Pressure and Temperature RangesIn tube sizes 1/4 to 3/8 working pressures up to 150 psi are practical at temperatures ranging from -65° to +90°F on tube size 1/2 working pressures up to 100 psi at temperatures ranging from -65° to +75°F .Assembly Instructions Simply push tube over the two barbs — be sure tubing is cut squarely.OrderBy part number and name.NomenclaturePart numbers are constructed from symbols that identify the style and size of the fitting. The first series of numbers and letters identifies the style and type fitting. The second series of numbers describes the size.SizesT ube sizes are determined by the numbers of sixteenths of an inch in the tube O.D.Special FittingsFitting configurations and/or sizes other than those shown in the catalog can be furnished. It is suggested that a print or sketch be submitted with the inquiry.PricingOnly items priced in current supplementary price list PL3501 are carried in stock. Price and delivery for non-stock items furnished on request for specified quantity.example: 231 –8 –6Run Tee (Tube to male pipe)1/2" (8/16) Tube O.D.3/8" (6/16) Pipe ThreadPlug 20PART TuBe TuBeC NO. O.D.I.D.DIA.LM20-4 1/4 .170 .290 .56 .4120-6 3/8 .250 .390 .68 .4420-8 1/2 .377 .577 .81 .56Plug Adapter 20PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe C NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2DIA.L20-4-5/32 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 .290 .65union 22PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO.O.D.I.D.LMDIA. D22-5/32 5/32x5/32 .096x.096 .59 .28 .06222-4 1/4x1/4 .170x.170 .84 .41 .12022-6 3/8x3/8 .250x.250 .94 .44 .18722-8 1/2x1/2 .375x.375 1.19 .56 .312union Reducer 22PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO.O.D.I.D.LMNDIA. D22-4-5/32 1/4x5/32 .170x.096 .72 .41 .28 .06222-4-6 1/4x3/8 .170x.250 .88 .44 .41 .12022-4-8 1/4x1/2 .170x.375 1.06 .56 .41 .12022-6-8 3/8x1/2 .250x.375 1.06 .56 .44 .187Bulkhead union 22BHPART TuBe TuBe ST.C P FLOW BLkHD NO.O.D. I.D.THD.HexMAx.LMDIA. D HOLe DIA.22BH-4-4 1/4 .170 5/16-24 7/16 .219 1.38 .78 .120 5/1622BH-6-6 3/8 .250 3/8-24 7/16 .375 1.63 1.00 .187 3/8union 22CAT ube to Compress-AlignPART TuBe TuBe CA CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. TuBeHexLMDIA. D22CA-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 7/16 1.15 .41 .120GBulkhead union 22CABHT ube to Compress-AlignPART TuBe TuBe CA ST.C P FLOW BuLkHeAD NO.O.D. I.D. TuBeTHD.HexMAx.LMDIA. DHOLe DIA.22CABH-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 5/16-24 7/16 .219 1.53 .78 .120 5/1622CABH-6-6 3/8 .250 3/8 3/8-24 9/16 .375 1.87 1.00 .187 3/8Female Connector 26PART TuBe TuBe PIPe CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. THReADHexLDIA. D26-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 1/2 .79 .06226-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1/2 .91 .12026-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1/2 .93 .18726-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 11/16 1.06 .187Male Connector 27PART TuBe TuBe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. THReADHexLDIA. D27-1* 1/8 .062 10-32 1/4 .61 .05227-2* 1/4 .125 10-32 1/4 .74 .093*For vinyl tubing only.Barb-to-Pipe Adapter 28PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe PIPe C FLOW NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2THD.HexLDIA. D28-4-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 1/8 7/16 1.07 .062Male Connector 28PART TuBe TuBe PIPeC FLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADHexLDIA. D28-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 7/16 .84 .06228-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 3/8 .93 .12028-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 7/16 .97 .12028-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 9/16 1.09 .12028-4-10x32* 1/4 .170 10-32 1/4 .71 .09328-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 7/16 1.00 .18728-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 9/16 1.13 .18728-8-4 1/2 .375 1/4 9/16 1.25 .31228-8-6 1/2 .375 3/8 11/16 1.28 .31228-8-8 1/2 .375 1/2 7/8 1.44 .312*Straight threadNO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L N DIA. D220-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.50 1.00 .120union Tee 224PART TuBe TuBe FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. L M DIA. D224-5/32 5/32 .096 1.00 .50 .062224-4 1/4 .170 1.25 .63 .120224-6 3/8 .250 1.38 .69 .187224-8 1/2 .375 1.63 .81 .312union Tee 224 Combination SizesPART TuBe TuBe FLOW FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. L M N DIA. D DIA. D1224-4-4-5/32 1/4x5/32 .170x.096 1.25 .63 .50 .120 .062224-6-6-5/32 3/8x5/32 .250x.096 1.38 .69 .50 .187 .062224-6-6-4 3/8x1/4 .250x.170 1.38 .69 .62 .187 .120224-8-8-4 1/2x1/4 .375x.170 1.62 .81 .65 .312 .120224-8-8-6 1/2x3/8 .375x.250 1.62 .81 .69 .312 .187union elbow 225PART TuBe TuBe FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. M DIA. D225-5/32 5/32 .096 .50 .062225-4-4 1/4 .170 .63 .120225-6-6 3/8 .250 .69 .187225-8-8 1/2 .375 .81 .312union elbow 225 Combination SizePART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe FLOW FLOW NO. O.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 1 I.D. 2 M1 M2 DIA. D1 DIA. D2 225-4-5/32 1/4 5/32 .170 .096 .63 .50 .120 .062GNO.O.D. I.D. THReADLMNDIA. D228-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.91 .66 .44 .120Male elbow 229PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADMNDIA. D229-5/32-2 5/32 .0961/8 .56 .63 .062229-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 .62 .60 .120229-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 .69 .63 .120229-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 .72 .72 .120229-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 .69 .69 .187229-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 .75 .75 .187229-8-4 1/2 .375 1/4 .94 .74 .312229-8-6 1/2 .375 3/8 .94 .81 .31290° elbow Barb Adapter 229PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2 THReADMDIA. D229-4-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 1/8 .78 .062Female elbow 230PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADLMNDIA. D230-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 .91 .66 .44 .120230-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.12 .78 .63 .187Male Run Tee 231PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADLMNDIA. D231-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.28 .66 .69 .120231-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1.38 .69 .69 .187231-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.44 .75 .75.187Male Branch Tee 232PART TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L M N DIA. D 232-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 1.33 .66 .65 .120 232-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.38 .69 .66 .120 232-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1.38 .69 .69 .187 232-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.50 .75 .75 .187Tee 233PART TuBe TuBe COMB. FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. TuBe L M N DIA. D 233-4-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 .73 .53 .74 .120 233-6-6-4 1/4 .170 3/8 .87 .59 .80 .120Female Branch Tee 237PART TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L M N DIA. D 237-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 1.06 .53 .44 .062 237-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.34 .67 .49 .120Solder Connector 238PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO. O.D. 1 I.D. 1 L M DIA. D 238-4-4 1/4 .170 .91 .25 .120GAdvantagesAll Parker hose barb fitting pipe threads are made to Dryseal standards. Connectors, unions, nuts and extended elbows and tees are machined from CA 360 and CA 345 brass.Temperature and Working Pressure RangesFrom -40° to +160°F . at 150 PSI maximum.Note: These fittings are intended for use with 97HC hose clamp, similar type clamp or a crimped ferrule.Assembly Instructions1. Cut hose cleanly and squarely to length.2. Slide clamp on hose.3. Lubricate hose. Push hose on fitting until hose bottoms against stop ring or hex.4. Position hose clamp as shown below and secure with a screwdriver or wrench. Maintain “A” dimension noted below for proper clamp positioning.HOSe HOSe SIzeCLAMPA3/16" 97 HC-3 1/4"1/4" 97 HC-3 1/4"5/16" 97 HC-6 1/4"3/8" 97 HC-6 1/8"1/2" 97 HC-8 1/8"5/8" 97 HC-12 1/8"3/4" 97 HC-12 1/8"OrderBy part number and name.NomenclaturePart numbers are constructed from symbols that identify the style and size of the fitting. The first series of numbers and letters identifies the style and type fitting. The second series of numbers describes the size.SizesPipe sizes are determined by the number of sixteenths of an inch in the pipe size.Special FittingsFitting configurations and/or sizes other than those shown in the catalog can be furnished. It is suggested that a print or sketch be submitted with the inquiry.PricingOnly items priced in current supplementary price list PL3501 are carried in stock. Price and delivery for non-stock items furnished on request for specified quantity.example: 125 HBL –6 –4Hose Barb to Male Pipe Hose Barb3/8" (6/16) Hose I.D.1/4" (4/16) NPTF/PTFCatalog 3501EHose Barb FittingsBeaded Hose Barb to Male Pipe 68HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMDIA.D68HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.53 .78 .28168HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 5/8 1.56 .78 .37568HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 11/16 1.53 .78 .40668HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.73 .78 .40668HB-10-6 5/8 3/8 3/4 1.62 .88 .50168HB-10-8 5/8 1/2 7/8 1.92 .88 .50168HB-12-8 3/4 1/2 7/8 1.98 .88 .56468HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1 1/16 2.04 .97 .62568HB-16-12 1 3/4 1 1/8 2.12 1.00 .75068HB-16-16 1 1 1.38 2.31 1.00 .812Beaded Hose Barb to SAe Straight Thread 685HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT C FLOW NO.SIzeTHReAD HexLMDIA.D685HB-4-4 1/4 7/16-20 9/16 1.40 .78 .18685HB-6-4 3/8 7/16-20 9/16 1.39 .78 .18685HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.48 .78 .40685HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.56 .78 .40685HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.75 .97 .40685HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.82 .97 .62685HB-16-8 1 3/4-16 1 1/8 1.79 .97 .40685HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.99 .97 .62Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb to Metric Adaptor 68HB-x-MIxPART TuBe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMD68HB-6-MI12 3/8 M12 x 1.5 11/16 1.50 .78 .24 68HB-6-MI14 3/8 M14 1.5 3/4 1.51 .78 .30 68HB-8-MI12 1/2 M12 x 1.5 11/16 1.50 .78 .24Note: Viton o-ring is standardStainless Steel Worm Drive Clamp 97HCPART D C H NO.MAx. MIN.HexMAx.W97HC-3 .62 .25 .25 1.00 .3197HC-6 .87 .38 .31 1.40 .5097HC-8 1.00 .44 .31 1.53 .5097HC-12 1.25 .50 .31 1.80 .50Hose Mender 122HBLPART I.D. HOSe C FLOW NO.SIzeDIA.LMO.D.DIA. D122HB-3* 3/16 5/16 1.44 .69 .227 .125122HBL-4 1/4 3/8 2.00 .97 .290 .187122HBL-5 5/16 7/16 2.00 .97 .353 .250122HBL-6 3/8 1/2 2.00 .97 .415 .281122HBL-8 1/2 5/8 2.00 .97 .530 .375122HBL-12 3/4 7/8 2.00 .97 .790 .562* 3 Barb design.GHose Barb to Male Pipe 125HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HB-2-2 1/8 1/8 7/16 1.07 .50 .185 .093125HB-3-2 3/16 1/8 7/16 1.25 .69 .227 .125125HB-3-4 3/16 1/4 9/16 1.44 .69 .227 .125Hose Barb to Male Pipe 125HBLPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HBL-4-2 1/4 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .290 .187125HBL-4-4 1/4 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .290 .187125HBL-4-6 1/4 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .290 .187125HBL-5-2 5/16 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .353 .250125HBL-5-4 5/16 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .353 .250125HBL-5-6 5/16 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .353 .250125HBL-6-2 3/8 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-4 3/8 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-8 3/8 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .415 .281125HBL-8-4 1/2 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-6 1/2 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-12 1/2 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .530 .375125HBL-10-6 5/8 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .645 .468125HBL-10-8 5/8 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .645 .468125HBL-10-12 5/8 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .645 .468125HBL-12-8 3/4 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .790 .562125HBL-12-12 3/4 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .790 .562125HBL-16-12 1 3/4 1-1/16 2.18 1.17 1.02 .750125HBL-16-16 1 1 1-3/8 2.36 1.17 1.02 .875Male Swivel Hose Barb 125HBLSVPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HBLSV-4-4 1/4 1/4 11/16 2.14 .97 .290 .187125HBLSV-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 2.14 .97 .415 .250125HBLSV-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 2.14 .97 .415 .250125HBLSV-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 2.48 .97 .530 .375Hose Barb to Female Pipe 126HBLPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D126HBL-4-2 1/4 1/8 1/2 1.47 .97 .290 .187126HBL-4-4 1/4 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .290 .187126HBL-5-4 5/16 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .353 .250126HBL-6-2 3/8 1/8 1/2 1.47 .97 .415 .281126HBL-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .415 .281126HBL-6-6 3/8 3/8 13/16 1.63 .97 .415 .281126HBL-8-6 1/2 3/8 13/16 1.59 .97 .530 .375126HBL-8-8 1/2 1/2 1 1.73 .97 .530 .375126HBL-12-12 3/4 3/4 1-1/4 1.92 .97 .790 .562Ball-end Joint Adapter to Male Pipe 127HBFor use with 128HBLSVMALe MALePART N.P.S.M. N.P.T. C FLOWNO. THReAD THReAD Hex L DIA. D127HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 9/16 .91 .219127HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 9/16 1.10 .281127HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 1.10 .312127HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.15 .406127HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 7/8 1.25 .406127HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.50 .531Hose Barb to Swivel Female Ball-end 128HBLSVI.D. FeMALePART HOSe N.P.S.M. C FLOW NO. SIze THReAD Hex L M O.D. DIA. D 128HBLSV-4-4 1/4 1/4 5/8 1.50 .97 .290 .187 128HBLSV-5-4 5/16 1/4 5/8 1.50 .97 .353 .250 128HBLSV-6-4 3/8 1/4 5/8 1.63 .97 .415 .250 128HBLSV-6-6 3/8 3/8 3/4 1.50 .97 .415 .281 128HBLSV-8-8 1/2 1/2 29/32 1.52 .97 .530 .375Hose Barb 90° elbow to Male Pipe 129HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe FLOW NO. SIze THReAD L M N O.D. DIA. D 129HB-3-2 3/16 1/8 .97 .69 .66 .227 .173 129HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 1.04 .76 .66 .290 .187 129HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.06 .76 .86 .290 .187 129HB-4-6 1/4 3/8 1.30 .76 .84 .290 .187 129HB-5-2 5/16 1/8 1.06 .76 .66 .353 .234 129HB-5-4 5/16 1/4 1.12 .76 .84 .353 .234 129HB-5-6 5/16 3/8 1.19 .76 .84 .353 .234 129HB-6-2 3/8 1/8 1.32 .97 .94 .415 .281 129HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 1.32 .97 .94 .415 .281 129HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 1.50 .97 1.06 .415 .281 129HB-6-8 3/8 1/2 1.52 .97 1.25 .415 .281 129HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 1.53 .97 1.06 .530 .375 129HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 1.53 .97 1.06 .530 .375 129HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 1.53 .97 1.25 .530 .375 129HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1.33 .79 1.27 .790 .562Hose Barb elbow to SAe Straight Thread 1295HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT B FLOW NO. SIze THReAD Hex L M O.D. DIA. D 1295HB-6-6 3/8 9/16-18 11/16 1.10 1.11 .410 .270 Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb 45° elbow to Male Pipe 139HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe FLOW NO. SIze THReAD L M N O.D. DIA. D 139HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 .91 .76 .68 .290 .187 139HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.00 .76 .68 .290 .187 139HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 1.00 .76 .68 .415 .281GHose Barb to Swivel 45° Female Flare 146HBLFSVPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D146HBLFSV-4-4 1/4 7/16-20 9/16 1.55 .97 .290 .187146HBLFSV-4-6 1/4 5/8-18 3/4 1.72 .97 .290 .187146HBLFSV-6-6 3/8 5/8-18 3/4 1.72 .97 .415 .281Beaded Hose Barb elbow to SAe Straight Thread 1695HBPART HOSe STRAIgHT NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND1695HB-6-4 3/8 7/16-20 9/16 1.09 .78 1.10 .181695HB-8-6 1/2 9/16-18 9/16 1.10 .78 1.11 .301695HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.28 .78 1.47 .401695HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.47 .88 1.47 .401695HB-10-10 5/8 7/8-14 1 1.41 .88 1.60 .501695HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.47 .97 1.47 .401695HB-12-10 3/4 7/8-14 1 1.60 .97 1.62 .501695HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1.60 .97 1.64 .621695HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.60 .97 1.75 .60Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded elbow to Metric Adaptor 169HB-x-MIxPART HOSe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND169HB-10-MI27 5/8 M27 x 2.0 7/8 1.41 .78 1.63 .50169HB-16-MI27 1 M27 x 2.0 1 1.67 .97 1.68 .71169HB-16-MI33 1 M33 x 2.0 1 5/16 1.75 .97 1.90 .84Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb Tee to SAe Straight Thread 1725HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT BFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D1725HB-6-6 3/8 9/16-18 11/16 2.20 1.10 .420 .280Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb Tee to Male Pipe 171HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPeFLOW NO.SIze THReADLL1MNO.D. DIA. D171HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.10 .85 .76 1.10 .290.187Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 179HBPART I.D. HOSe NPTF CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNO.D. DIA. D179HB-6-4 3/8 1/4-18 .75 1.09 .78 .93 .45 .28179HB-6-6 3/8 3/8-18 .75 1.09 .78 .93 .45 .28179HB-10-8 5/8 1/2-14 .81 1.19 .78 1.13 .70 .50179HB-12-8 3/4 1/2-14 .81 1.19 .78 1.13 .83 .56Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Straight Thread 1795HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNDIA. D1795HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.12 .78 1.16 .4001795HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.22 .88 1.16 .3981795HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.22 .88 1.16 .3981795HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.35 .97 1.65 .6201795HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.38 .97 1.47 .6201795HB-16-14 1 1 3/16-12 1 3/8 1.25 .97 1.80 .720Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded Hose Barb 45 elbow to Metric Thread 179HB-x-MIxPART HOSe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND179HB-12-MI18 3/4 M18 x 1.5 13/16 1.15 .78 1.16 .44179HB-16-MI27 1 M27 x 2.0 1 1/16 1.51 .97 1.71 .71Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded Hose Barb 90° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 269HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPeFLOW NO.SIze THReADLMNDIA. D269HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 1.19 .78 .88 .281 269HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 1.16 .78 .99 .310269HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 1.16 .78 1.08 .406 269HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .406 269HB-10-4 5/8 1/4 1.13 .78 .99 .312269HB-10-6 5/8 3/8 1.16 .78 .99 .406269HB-10-8 5/8 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .501 269HB-12-8 3/4 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .625269HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1.33 .78 1.27 .625Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 279HBPART I.D. HOSe NPTF CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNO.D. DIA. D279HB-16-12 1 3/4-14 1.12 1.38 .97 1.13 1.06.720。



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processability, excellent low temperature gaskets, industrial parts, oil free
Specific Gravity



韩国锦湖KEP系列KEP系列 _ 第1页(2) 产品形态 : P = 颗粒状 B = 块状(3) 门尼粘度 : 集结值三元乙丙橡胶(ENB型) - 低二烯(2) 门尼粘度 : 集结值联系人:薛慧(Rareness) 电话**************/6-8011传真**************手机:158****3908(C)133****1812(P)电子信箱:**************** Skype: rare-xhz 公司官网: /地址:江苏省苏州市昆山市花桥经济开发区兆丰路18号亚太广场1-816(1) "*" ML1+8,125˚(2) 门尼粘度 : 集结值(3) 产品形态 : B = 块状, FB = 松散块状, P = 颗粒状, SFB = 半松散块状备注:以上内容仅供参考,准确规格另有单独的产品数据表。

韩国锦湖KEP系列KEP系列 _ 第3页三元乙丙橡胶(ENB型) - 高二烯(1) "*"表示: ML1+8,125˚(2) 产品形态 : B = 块状,FB = 松散块状,SFB = 半松散块状(3) 门尼粘度 : 集结值联系人:薛慧 (Rareness) 电话**************/6-8011传真**************手机:158****3908(C)133****1812(P)电子信箱:**************** Skype: rare-xhz 公司官网: /地址:江苏省苏州市昆山市花桥经济开发区兆丰路18号亚太广场1-816(3) 产品形态: B = 块状, FB = 松散块状 (4) 门尼粘度 : 集结值MAH-嫁接型-EP(D)M备注:以上内容仅供参考,准确规格另有单独的产品数据表。


密化学株式会社(Samsung Fine Chemicals)与中华人民
美国Basic Chemicals Company,LLC取代瓦尔坎公司的
韩国 大象株式会社 25% 其他韩国公司 119%
道康宁公司 税率13% 其他22%
道康宁有限公司 税率13% 其他22%
5、其他日本公司: 18 %
1、巴斯夫安特卫普有限公司(BASF ANTWERPEN N.V.):
2、其他比利时公司: 16%
1、道默有限公司(DOMO Caproleuna GmbH):22%
2、其他德国公司: 28%
1、DSM 纤维中间体公司(DSM Fiber Intermediates















产品目录1、WF—301水基切削液2、WF—302水基无泡型切削液3、WF—303水基润滑型切削液4、WF—304铝及铝合金加工切削液5、WF-305强力润滑冷却液(微乳型)6、WF-306微乳切削液7、WF-309防冻型切削液8、LB-50拉拔液9、JOF-400金属切削油10、SY—601水—乙二醇抗燃液压液11、JK—701液体清洗剂12、JK—702普通金属清洗剂13、JK—702A汽车发动机、油烟污垢清洗剂14、JK-703清洗剂15、JK-703A除积炭清洗剂16、JK-703B金属清洗剂(固体、液体)17、JK-703BF金属清洗剂18、JK-703C金属清洗剂19、JK—704精密金属件及电器件清洗剂20、JK—705内燃机车管路清洗剂21、JK—706弱碱性金属清洗剂22、JK—707液体清洗剂23、JK—708轴承滚子专用清洗剂24、JK—709机电设备、车体专用清洗剂25、JK—710电子清洗剂(液体)26、JK—711轴承清洗剂27、JK—712地面清洗剂28、JK-714 黑色金属除油除锈剂29、JK-715铝铜锌制品清洗剂(固体、液体)30、JK-716铜制品光亮清洗剂31、JK-717镀锌金属件清洗剂(液体)32、JK-718食品容器清洗剂33、JK-719防锈型压力喷淋清洗剂34、DYQ、AXQ系列低泡液体清洗剂35、MN-101液体清洗剂(不含亚硝酸盐)36、TF—01脱水防锈油37、TF—02软膜防锈油38、FX-20B水基防锈剂39、CX-10水基除锈剂40、CP—04高效消泡剂41、CD—41水基探伤液(不含磁粉)42、锰系磷化剂43、低温磷化剂WF─301水基切削液本品由润滑剂、表面活性剂、缓蚀剂及其它助剂配制而成。



韩国 KC 认证产品目录 及分类Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】KTL 韩国产业技术试验院测试标准及认证产品分类KC 认证使用的测试标准是国际 IEC 标准。

强制性电气安全认证产品目录1. (电线电缆 : Cables and Cords)①(95 )韩文英文Cables and Cords Insulated electric wires中文电线电缆绝缘电线(95 以下)②(95 ) ③6)Cables电缆(95 以下)Polyvinyl chloride insulated Cord 电缆以上 6 以下)④Cord set电源连接线2. (电气开关 : Switches for Electrical Appliances)韩文英文中文Switches开关①(30A) ②(63ASwitches for electrical appliancesSwitches for fixed electrical installation电气机器用开关(30A 以下)固定电气设施用开关(63A以下)③(16A)Cord switchggg 拉线开关(16A 以下)④(16A)Electronic switches电子式开关 (16A 以下)⑤Remote control switches遥控开关⑥Time delay switches时延开关⑦???Dimmer调光器Electro-magnetic Circuit-breaker 电磁式断路器3. (电容器及电源滤波器 : Capacitors & Filters)韩文英文中文Capacitors & Filters电容器及电源滤波器①XYXY CapacitorX, Y 电容器②Complete filter units for radio无线电干扰抑制电源滤波器interference suppression③Capacitor for use in Tubular荧光灯用电容器fluorescent Lamp4. (电气设备部件和连接装置: Installation Accessories and Connection Devices)韩文英文中文Installation accessories and connection devices电气设备部件和连接装置①Connection devices for electrical 电气用品连接设备appliances②Appliances Coupler设备联接器③Plugs and socket-outlets插头和插座④Cable reel电缆卷盘5. (电气保护部件: Installation Protective Equipment)韩文英文中文Fuses, fuse holders, and thermal- 保险丝及保险丝支持件 links①,Fuses and fuse holders保险丝及保险丝支持件②Thermal-link温度保险丝Circuit-breakers for electrical Appliances机器保护用短路器①Overcurrent protective Circuit- 家庭用过电流保护短路器breakers for household②Circuit breaker for over-Current 过电流保护用断路器protection③Earth leakage circuit-Breaker通地漏泄保护断路器6. (家用绝缘变压器 : Safety Transformer and Similar Equipment)韩文英文中文Power transformers and voltage 电源变压器和调压器Regulators①Voltage regulator电压调压器②Power transformers for household 家用电源变压器③AC/AC adapter交流适配器7. (家电设备:Electrical Appliances for Household and Similar Equipment)(额定输出功率 10kW 以下, 不含防爆型和医疗机械专用)韩文英文中文Vacuum cleaners吸尘器①·Vacuum cleaners真空吸尘器, 吸水吸尘器②Floor treatment machine电地板洗尘器③Surface-cleaning appliance表面清洗机器④Steam cleaners蒸汽洗尘器,① ② ③, ④,Electric irons and press Electric dry iron Steam iron Trouser Press Wrinkle Press电熨斗及熨平机 电熨斗蒸汽电熨斗裤子皱纹熨斗⑤Ironing press电熨平机Dish washers and dish driers洗碟机和干燥器①Dishwasher洗碟机②dish dryer干燥器Electric heating appliances 厨房用电热机器forKitchen①Electric ranges电灶②Electric ovens电烤箱③Electric grills烤炉④Electric induction hobs电感应滚刀⑤Hot plates heated directly电炉⑥Electric heaters电加热器⑦Toaster多士炉⑧Frying pans电炒锅⑨Portable grills手提式烤炉⑩Broilers烤焙用具⑾Waffle irons蛋奶饼的铁模,⑿Hot plate电炒板Washing machines and spin extractors洗衣机及脱水机①Washing machine洗衣机②Spin extractor脱水机Appliances for hair care护发机器①Hair driers电吹风②Curling irons电发熨斗③Curling rollers头发卷毛Warming plates and Electric hot 电保暖器及电热的碗柜cupboards①Warming plates电保暖器②Electric liquor heating devices 电酒暖器③Electric hot cupboards电热的碗柜Motor-operated appliances for 厨房用电动机器(电动机额定输入功kitchen率 1kW 以下)①Juicers果汁机②Juicer mixers果汁搅拌器③Food mixer食物搅拌器④Juice extractor果汁提取器⑤Cream whipper奶油泡沫制造机⑥Egg beater蛋揉机⑦Mixer搅拌机器⑧Churn黄油制造机⑨Squeezer液体提取器⑩Slicing machine切片机⑾Knife sharpeners电刀磨具⑿Can openers电铁罐开启的工具⒀knife电刀⒁Coffee mill咖啡磨粉机⒂Ice mill冰磨粉机等⒃Meat grinder肉粉碎机⒄Noodle maker面条机⒅Meat slicer切肉片机⒆Electric bone cutters碎骨机⒇Others其他厨房用电器Electric appliances for heating liquids液体加热器①Rice cookers电饭锅②Rice cooker and warmer电饭及保温锅③Kettles电壶④Cooking pan电锅⑤Water boiler电水煮沸机⑥Medicine processing pot电药汤提取器⑦Coffee makers咖啡提取器⑧Steam cookers电蒸汽锅⑨ ⑩ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀,① ② ③ ④, ⑤ ⑥,① ②① ②①·② ③ ④①①①① ② ③① ② ③ ④ ⑤Egg boiler Milk heaters Nurser heaters Yoghurt makers Steam cookers and others蛋炊具 牛奶保温器 奶瓶保温机 酸牛奶制造机 煮沸烹调器Electric blankets and mats, electric Beds Cushions Blankets Mats Carpets Floor-mats Beds Electric moxibustion machines and foot warmers Electric moxibustion machine Foot warmersStorage water heaters and Instantaneous water heaters Storage water heatersInstantaneous water heaters电毛毯(垫)和类似柔软的电热设备电垫 电毛毯 电床垫电地毯 电地板 电床电灸机和脚暖器电灸机 暖脚器 贮水式电热水器温水器 瞬间温水机Electric refrigerators and ice Makers Electric refrigerators and ice Makers Ice-cream freezers Water cooler Freezers Microwave ovens (using the freq uencies of 300MHz - 30GHz range) Microwave ovens Sewing machines for Household Sewing machines for Household Battery chargers Battery chargers Electric driers Tumbler dryer Hand driers Clothes dryer and towel railHeaters Stoves Panel heater Radiators Fan heater Thermal-storage room heater制冷,冷藏,冷冻,制冰设备制冷,冷藏,冷冻,制冰设备冰淇淋冷柜 冷水器 制冰机 微波炉(300 兆赫兹 ~30 千兆赫兹)微波炉 家用电缝衣机家用电缝衣机充电器 (输出电压 50V 以下) 充电器 烘干机 回转干燥机 烘手机 干燥器 空间对流加热器电暖炉电热地板 电散热器) 暖风机 储存式电暖器Massage appliances按摩电器 (马达或振动子用的)①Massage appliances按摩电器 (马达或振动子用的)Air-conditioners and dehumidifier 空调器及除湿器①Air-conditioners空调器②Dehumidifiers除湿器Pumps and Electric waterspouts 流体泵[液体温度 90℃以下, (额定输入功率以下)]①Pumps流体泵②Electric hot-water pumps热水泵Heating tools, Electric carving 电加热机器Machine①Soldering iron焊铁②Desoldering iron脱焊烙铁③Soldering gun枪型焊烙铁④Thermoplastic conduit-welding 热塑性导管熔接机Tool⑤Household film-welding appliance 塑料薄膜胶粘机⑥Plastic cutting tool塑料切割机⑦Paint stripper涂料清除机⑧Heat gun加热枪⑨Electric carving devices电雕刻设备Sauna Appliances桑拿机器①Electric steam sauna appliance 电蒸汽桑拿机器②Sauna appliance电桑拿机器③Sauna heater桑拿机器用加热器④Steam sauna heater蒸汽桑拿用加热器Aquarium heaters, Air bubble generators, Fishbowls for display观赏及宠物用机器①·Aquarium heater (for plant)欣赏鱼用暖热器②,Electric heating devices for动物孵化,养殖用电热器hatching or breeding animals③Air bubble generator for aquarium 欣赏鱼用气泡发生器④Electric fish bowl for aquarium 观赏型水族槽Electric air bubble generators气泡发生器①Electric air bubble generators气泡发生器Insect killing or repelling devices 电冲击杀虫机①Insect killing or repelling devices 电冲击杀虫机Electric baths电浴缸①()Whirlpool bath漩涡型浴缸(含浴缸用气泡发生器)②()Mini bathtub for half the body微型半身(全身)浴缸③Liquid foot massager液体足疗器Air-cleaning appliance空气净化器(额定输入 500W 以下)①Air-cleaning appliance空气净化器Dispensing appliances and自动售货机vending machines (equipped withheating element or coolingdevice or discharge lamp oraccommodation)①Dispensing appliances andvending machines,Electric fans, range hoods①Electric fans②Duct fan③Ventilating fan④Range hoods⑤Electric cold wind machinesElectric appliances for toilets, Electro-motive inhalers①Automatic washing and dryingtoilet②heated seat or bowel③Night soil inhalatorHumidifier①HumidifierElectric spray①Electric sprayElectric Disinfectants()(for sterilization)①Electric DisinfectantsFood waste process Machine①Food waste process MachineWet towel wrapping devices & rolling devices①Wet towel wrapping devices②Wet towel rolling devicesOther appliances which not covered by above product name but within the scope of EK certification8. (电动工具;Motor Tools) 额定输入功率以下韩文英文⑴Electric drill⑵Electric screwdriver⑶Electric grinder⑷Polisher⑸Electric sander⑹Electric circular saw⑺Electric hammer⑻Electric sheet metal shear⑼Electric tapper⑽Electric reciprocating saw⑾Electric concrete vibrator⑿Electric chain saw⒀Electric planner⒁Electric grass sheer⒂Electric tacker自动售货机电风扇及抽油烟机(额定输入 500W 以下) 电风扇 抽风机 换风机 抽油烟机 冷风机 卫生间用设备自动洗涤干燥式便器电便座污染物吸入器加湿器 加湿器 喷雾器 喷雾器 电消毒箱 (只认证带杀菌灯的消毒箱) 电消毒箱 碎渣机(除外洗涤槽用) 碎渣机 卷湿毛巾和湿毛巾包装设备湿毛巾包装机 湿毛巾卷机 其他类似机器电钻 电动螺丝刀 电动砂轮机 电动抛光机 电动砂光机 电圆锯 电动锤钻 电金属剪刀 电动攻丝机 电往复锯 电振动机 电链锯 电刨 电草皮剪机 电钉枪中文⒃Router⒄Other motor-operated Electrictools (Trimmers etc)10. (信息及办公设备 ; IT and Office Appliances)韩文英文Printer雕刻机 其它电动工具中文 复印机(光源的额定输出以下)①①(UPS)Printer DC power supplyDC power supply Uninterruptible Power Supply复印机直流电源装置(含各分类的适配 器, 额定容量 1kW 以下)以 及手机用适配器直流电源装置 不停电电源装置①(UPS)()Uninterruptible Power Supply Laminating Machine不停电电源装置 覆膜机①()Laminating Machine11. (照明设备: Lightings)覆膜机韩文英文中文Lamp holders灯插座①Fluorescent lampholder荧光灯用插座②Edison base type lampholder灯插座③Other lampholders灯插座④Starter holder for fluorescent荧光启动器插座lampsLuminaires (general purpose luminaires)一般照明设备①Luminaires for fluorescent lamps 荧光灯具②PLSLuminaires for PLS typePLS 照明设备③·( )Filament lamp luminariesDesk Lamp (include Dimmer)白织灯具·台灯(调光功能有的)④LED ⑤⑥(150W )Luminaires for LED type Luminaires for Halogen LampsHigh voltage discharge luminariesLED 灯具卤素灯具高压放电灯设备(150W 以下)Ballast & Lamps control gears 镇流器及灯控制装置①Magnetic ballasts for lamps②,Electronic ballasts for lamps③,Neon transformers④(LED )Step down converters for lighting devices(LED power supply is included)Self ballasted Lamps①Self ballasted Lamps自律(自愿)认证产品目录2. (电气开关 : Switches for Electrical Appliances)韩文英文荧光灯用镇流器 荧光灯用电子式镇流器 氖管用变压器 照明设备用变换器 (含 LED 电源装置)镇流器在内型荧光灯 镇流器在内型荧光灯中文Automatic control electrical Devices自动控制组件①Temperature sensing controls温度调节器②Temperature protective防止高温控制装置Controls③Thermistors热敏电阻④Automatic electrical pressure自动压力感应开关sensing controls⑤Timers and time switches定时器及定时开关⑥Electrically operated motor驱动马达 驱动继电器starting relays⑦Energy regulators能效调节器6. (家用绝缘变压器 : Safety Transformer and Similar Equipment)(输入功率 5KVA 以下)韩文英文中文High frequency welders高频率焊机①High frequency welders高频率焊机Electric welders电焊机①Electric welders电焊机②Glue gun胶枪7. (家电设备:Electrical Appliances for Household and Similar Equipment)(额定输出功率 10kW 以下, 不含防爆型和医疗机械专用)韩文英文中文Fruit peeling devices水果剥皮机①Fruit peeling devices水果剥皮机Electric potato peelers土豆剥皮机①Electric potato peelers土豆剥皮机Electric rice-polishing Machines 碾米机①Electric rice-polishing Machines 碾米机Electric bread slicers面包切割机①Electric bread slicers面包切割机Electric melters电溶解器①Wax melters蜡溶解机②Chocolate melters巧克力溶解机③Paraffin melters石蜡溶解机Bathing machines for pets宠物用洗澡设备①Bathing machines for pets宠物用洗澡设备Appliances for skin or hair care 美容美发设备⑴Electric hair styling devices美发设备⑵Hair transplanting machine头发移植机⑶Shampoo machine洗发设备⑷Hair humidifiers毛发加湿器⑸Nail care devices剪甲器⑹Skin managers皮肤护理器⑺Electric shavers电剃须刀⑻Electric hair clippers电剃发刀⑼Facial sauna面部桑拿器⑽Low frequency stimulator低频率刺激机⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇①①·① ②① ② ③①①() ②①, ②①① ② ③OHP ④①, ②①Ray irradiator Very high frequency stimulator High frequency stimulator Ultrasonic stimulator Paraffin bathtub Mixed stimulator Four limbs Oppression circulation machine Laser irradiator Medical inhalator Air pressure Spraying grinder Electric liquor ripening Devices Electric liquor ripening DevicesElectric clocks Electric clocks Appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation Appliances for skin exposure to infrared radiation Appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet radiation Electric chairs for Barbershop & Electric motion beds Electric chairs for Barbershop Electric motion beds Electric heating chairs Compressor Compressor Electric boilers, hot-water mats and beds Electric boilers光线辐照器 甚高频刺激机 高频率刺激机 超声波刺激机 石蜡浴槽 混合刺激机 四肢压迫循环装置激光辐照器 医疗用吸入器 空压喷射研磨机 电酒成熟器 电酒成熟器电钟 电钟红外线/紫外线皮肤管理器红外线放射皮肤管理器紫外线放射皮肤管理器理发用电动椅及电动床理发用电动椅电动床 发热椅压缩机 压缩机电温水毯针灸用气罐Electric hot-water mats and beds Oral hygiene appliances Toothbrushes Oral irrigators电温水毯及电温水床口腔洁净器 电动牙刷 口腔洗净器Electric fountains Electric fountains Projectors, OHP Slide projectors Film strip projectors OHP Film projectorsElectric insect exterminate devices Insect exterminate devicesElectric insect capturing devices Electric dust collectors电子喷水机 电子喷水机 投影机 幻灯投影机 胶卷带影机 高架投影机 胶片投影机 害虫灭绝机害虫灭绝机 电捕虫机集尘器Electric dust collectors集尘器Milking machines挤牛奶器①Milking machines挤牛奶器Electric polishers, Baggage服务型机器lockers,Paper money exchangers, Coin exchangers①Electric polishers磨光器②,Baggage lockers行李衣物柜③,Paper money exchangers纸币交换机④Coin exchangers硬币交换机Electric air curtains电空气门帘①Electric air curtains电空气门帘Fan coil units风机盘管①Fan coil units风机盘管Heat recovery ventilators回收废热通风设备①Heat recovery ventilators回收废热通风设备Electronic amusement Machines 电子娱乐机器①Laser shooting devices激光射击设备②Driving simulation gamedevices 驾驶模仿游戏设备③Doll vending machines玩偶自动售货机④Dart boards掷镖游戏靶⑤Basketball game devices篮球游戏设备⑥Other game devices其他游戏设备Electro-motive rolling screens 电动辗压屏幕①Electro-motive rolling screens 电动辗压屏幕Electrical fumigator电熏蒸机①Electrical insecticide fumigator 电熏蒸杀虫机②Electric fragrances电芬芳弥散机Defrosting heaters①Defrosting heatersNap removers起毛去除机①Nap removers起毛去除机·Oxygen or ion generators氧气·离子发生器①·Oxygen or ion generators氧气·离子发生器Electric water purifiers电净水器①Electric water purifiers电净水器②Electric ion water purifier电离子净水器Ultrasonic washers超声波洗净器①Ultrasonic washers超声波洗净器②Fruit and vegetable washers水果蔬菜洗净器Sprout and bean sprout growing 新芽和豆芽栽培设备devices①Sprout and bean sprout growing 新芽和豆芽栽培设备devicesElectric door locks电门锁①Electric door locks电门锁Electric exercise machines电锻炼设备①Electric exercise machines电锻炼设备motors马达①Single-phase motors单相马达②3 ( 3kw )Three-phase motors三相马达9. (音响, 图像应用设备 : Audio Video and Similar Electronic Appliances)韩文英文中文(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) TV (20)① ②Television receiver Video monitors Video tape player Video camera Tuner Editing machine Disk player Radio receiver Amplifier Speakers with amplifier Receiver Sounder recorder Sound players Audio system Electronic music instrument Satellite broadcasting receiver Video games Video phones Projection TV Equalizer Equalizer电视机 录影显示器 录像机 摄像机 调谐器 编辑机 光盘播放器 无线电接收机 扬声器 放大器内藏式扬声器 接收机 声音记录机及播放器 声音播放器 声频系统 电子乐器 卫星广播接收机 电视游戏机 可视电话机 投影电视机 均衡器 均衡器(21) (22) (23) (24)Audio processor Digital/Analog converters Audio distributor Compressor gate音频处理器 数字-模拟转换器 音频分配器 频带压缩选择器(25) (26) CCTV (27) (28) (29) (30) A/V (31) (32) CATVElectronic clocks CCTV cameras Image transmittersImage receivers and converters Image recorders A/V signal receivers Image processors CATV broadcasting receivers电子钟 监控摄像机 映像发送机 映像接收机及转换器 映像记录器 音像讯号接收机 映像处理器 有线电视广播接收器(33)Audio and video teaching machines(34)Turntables(35)Modulators10. (信息及办公设备 ; IT and Office Appliances)韩文英文(1)Monitor(2)Printer(3)Projector(4)Scanners音像教导机器唱机转盘 调制器中文 显示器 打印机投影机 扫描器(5)Bank note counter(6)Electronic scale(7)Cash register(8)Language teaching machines(9)Paper shredders(10)Paper punchers(11)Paper cutting machines(12)Bookbinding devices(13)Electronic blackboard(copy board)(14)Coin count machines(15)Electro-motive typewriters(16) (17) (18)11. (照明设备: Lightings)Electric demagnetizers Visualizer Stereography Reflex点钞机电子秤 现金收入记录机语言教学机器 切废纸机 纸穿孔机 纸切割机 装订设备 电子黑板(拷贝板)硬币计数器 电动打字机电消磁器显影仪立体影像机韩文英文中文Glow-starter for fluorescent lamp 荧光灯用辉光启动器①Glow starters for fluorescent lamps 荧光灯用辉光启动器②①·(??? )② ③①, ②, ③, ④, ⑤, ⑥① ②③LEDElectronic starters for fluorescent lamps Filament lamp luminaires Filament lamp Luminaries· Desk Lamp(dimmer is excluded) Chandeliers FloodlightsDischarge lamps Fluorescent lampsElectrode-less lamps Mercury lamps Metal-halide lampsSodium lamps Color lamps Other Luminaires Lighting chains Luminaires for emergency lighting Luminaires for handlamps Other LampsIncandescent lamps LED lamps Halogen lamps荧光灯用电子式辉光启动器白炽灯灯具 白炽灯灯具台灯(调光器没有的)吊灯 泛光灯放电灯荧光灯无电极灯 汞灯 金属卤化物灯 钠灯彩色灯 其他照明机器 圣诞节灯 应急照明灯具充电式携带灯具 其他灯 白炽灯 LED(发光二极管)灯卤素灯。



Specific Gravity
<Drying time TEST Result (For 24 hours)>
GC (%)
PhOH PL-1000S K-3114 0 0.00 AMS 0 0.00 TMPI 20.56 15.61 DPMP1 3.07 4.65 DPMP2 11.8 13.99 PCP 11.8 11.15 Dicumene 6.39 5.19 DCP 29.88 40.52 TAMS 13.73 4.27 TCP 0.25 1.88 AMS dimers (%) 35.43 34.25
▶ Epoxy resin : KER 3001-X-75 (Xylene 25% Cont.)
TEST ITEM EGC (Resin Base) EEW Color Non-Volatile Matter UNIT mmol/kg g/eq. APHA wt. % SPEC. 2000 ~ 2220 450 ~ 500 100 Max. 74 ~ 76 RESULT S 2127 470.0 20 74.69
▶ Chemical components
Diaryl compounds (hydrocarbons)
-. TMPI : 1,1,3-Trimethy-3-phenyl-indane -. DPMP1 : 2,4-Diphenyl-4-methyl-1-pentene -. DPMP2 : 2,4-Diphenyl-4-methyl-2-pentene
Drying time is the same. Kumanox-3114 has excellent drying quality than the PL-1000S.



Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 12:1744383220047744383220047744383220047B CC(mm)D(mm)min.min.12.820.2744383220047744383220047T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L744383220047Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-MAPI ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.•To improve the solderability of bottom termination components please refer to appnote ANP036 on our homepage.•Make sure that you use the correct thickness of solder paste to avoid an insufficient soldering result. We recommend 100µm solder paste as a reference.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Electronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODEsAg003.0002023-03-31DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-MAPI SMT Power InductorORDER CODE744383220047SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODEsAg003.0002023-03-31DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-MAPI SMT Power InductorORDER CODE744383220047SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。

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等级(型号) 特征
GP 125
GP 125EI
GP 125EB
GP 150
GP 150K
HFA 705 耐气候用
HFA 454
耐气候性用 高耐火,耐气候性用
HFA 700HT 特殊耐火用
HFA 456
超高热性用 无卤性(Non-Halogen)
等级(型号) 特征
SAN 300
SAN 310TR 高透明、Blue tint
SAN 320
HFA 700
HFA 703
HFA 707 HFA 451
高冲击用 高耐火用
HFA 452
HFA 462
具有良好的耐冲击性、流动性、热稳定性、注射成型性与涂刷、镀金等二次加工性也非常卓 用途 TV,VCR与电子产品外壳
需要V-2耐火等级的TV、VCR与电子产品外壳 需要无毒性的墨盒、TV与VCR外壳 需要无毒性的TV、VCR与电子产品外壳
用途 汽车配件、冰箱把手、各种拉手类、化妆品盒
SAN 326
SAN 330I
SAN 335T
高透明,Blue tint&Ice
SAN 350
SAN 350HM 高耐热,超高刚性
电气特性、耐水性、无毒性、成型加工型、尺寸稳定性等。 用途 玩具、医疗设备、厨房家具、CD盒 录音带套等 水果、鸡蛋摆放架、一次性杯子、凉席等 水果蔬菜箱、加湿器、照明器具、录音带盒、光学配件、PS纸等 照明器具、光学器具、冰箱、内饰材料、Shelf
吸尘器、洗衣机外壳等需要光泽特性的产品 散热器格栅等汽车配件、头盔、玩具等 头盔、旅行包等 混合用 家电产品、办公设备、杂货等
家电产品、办公设备、杂货等 电脑显示器用 大型注射品、电视机外壳等 汽车、电气电子产品等需要涂刷的通用注射成型用
冰箱内箱、door liner 冰箱内箱、door liner(环戊烷发泡剂) Pipe、包等 冰箱内箱、door liner(HCFC-14b发泡剂用) 冰箱门盖等注射成型品(HCFC-14b发泡剂用) 汽车尾部阻流板 挤压与注射成型配件、需要低光泽的成型品 需要耐热性与低光泽的成型品 尾部装饰品、汽车配件、弱电配件
HI 425
HI 425TVL 超高流动
HI 425TV
泛用 HI 450W
HI 425E
HI 425EH
HI 425EP
高光泽 HI 450PG
HI 250H
吹塑成型 MIB IT

ABS 780
高流动 ABS 780M
ABS 780F
涂刷用 ABS 765
特征 通用镀金用 高刚性 高刚性 耐刮性 高光泽 高冲击 超高冲击 混合用 通用良流动 高白色 高流动 高流动涂刷用 超高流动 涂刷用
ABS 772 冰箱耐霜用 ABS 775
ABS 775T 挤压成型用 ABS 795
MIB 237
越 等级(型号)
HFH 400NS 通用
DECA Type HFH 401
HFH 403
Non-DECA Type
需要耐热性与无味的汽车配件 的物理特征与耐火特征,而且耐气候性和注射成型时热安全优越,广泛用于需要耐火性的
耐火薄板用 电脑显示器、复印机、办公设备 电气插座、温度调节器 需要无毒性的电气、电子配件
用途 ABS混合、ABS/PC混合等 吊架、化妆品容器等 ABS混合、ABS/PC混合等 ABS混合、ABS/PC混合等 Sunvisor,电风扇扇片,办公用品 食品与化妆品容器、音响防尘罩、办公用品、加湿器水箱、搅拌器 流量计盒,电气电子配件 电气电子配件、一次性打火机盒等。
ER 875 BM 510 中空成型用 BM 530 ABS 770Z 低光泽用 H 2938Z ABS 730 H 2938 H 2938L HU 600 耐热用 HU 600SK HU 621 HU 650 HU 650SK 无味耐热用 HU 601
高冲击,高刚性 高冲击 薄膜用 超高冲击,良流动 高冲击挤压成型用 高冲击注射成型用 高耐热,标准用 高耐热,中冲击用 通用挤压成型用 耐热用 准耐热 耐热用 耐热涂刷用 高耐热用 高耐热,高白色 耐热,高冲击 超高耐热 超高耐热,高白色 高耐热,无味用
共聚而成的功能性树脂,耐冲击性与耐热性等的平衡非常优越。 用途 办公设备,家电产品,各种厨房用具、日用杂货,玩具类,休闲用品等 TV外壳,VCR外壳 TV外壳,音响外壳,打字机,体育用品,办公用品等
一次性用杯、各种食品包装用薄膜,洗衣机配件,冰箱Inner Liner、 Door Liner等
PC底座,办公用品,空调盒等。 挤压薄板图层用,冰箱装饰品,玩具类,遥控器等。 乳酸菌饮料容器等
HFH 402ND HFH 407 HFH 43火
镀金用 ABS 710
ABS 720
高刚性 ABS 720R
ABS 722W
超高光泽 ABS 728
ABS 740
高冲击 ABS 745
ABS 749
良流动中冲 ABS 750