Renaissance started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later spread to the rest of Europe, marking the beginning of the Early Modern Age.
Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii provides an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city during the Pax Romana.
Renaissance promoted the liberation of the people and the emergence of marks, many of which were kept in the various museums in Italy.
Campanile di Giotto
Florence Cathedral
Leaning Tower of Pisa
• 被誉为“欧洲绘画之父”
代表作:《金门之会》、《逃亡埃 及》、《犹太之吻》和《哀悼基督》 等。
• 达·芬奇
代表作:《最后的晚餐》、 《岩间圣母》和《蒙娜丽莎》等。
• 拉大利跑车品牌
• 法拉利 • 兰博基尼 • 玛莎拉蒂 • 阿尔法·罗密欧 •…
• AC米兰 • 国际米兰 • 尤文图斯
是夺得意大利足球甲级联赛冠军最多的球 队(30次)。 它也是历史上第一个实现三大杯(欧洲冠 军联赛、欧洲联盟杯、欧洲优胜者杯) “大满贯”的俱乐部。
18世纪逐渐衰落。 它涵盖整个艺术领域,包括:音乐、 建筑、装饰、美术等。 ·它与反宗教改革有关 ·对18世纪的洛可可艺术与19世纪的浪漫主义都有积极影 响。
• 文艺复兴运动的发祥地 • 歌剧的诞生地 • 世界著名的艺术之都 • 欧洲文化的中心 • 举世闻名的文化旅游胜地
• 米开朗基罗
代表作:《大卫》、《摩西》、 《被缚的奴隶》等。
• 花之圣母大教堂 • 乌菲齐美术馆 • 国立巴吉洛美术馆 • 维琪奥桥(老桥) •…
是世界著名的绘画艺术博物馆,位于意大利佛罗伦萨市的乌菲齐宫内 该馆以收藏大量的文艺复兴时期的绘画名作而蜚声国际。
• 意义:是历史性的全面超越和突破, 它在诗歌、绘画、雕刻、建筑、音乐 各方面均取得了突出的成就。
• 但丁
代表作:《神曲》,以含蓄的 手法批评和揭露中世纪宗教 统治的腐败和愚蠢。
Venice is a magical place. It is one of a few cities in the world where the noises of cars are never heard because cars are not allowed.
Visitors take photos with the leaning tower of Pisa~
Venice is one of the most important tourist attraction in the world for its celebrated art and architecture. The city has 50000 tourists on average a day.
It was named the world's heritage by the UNESCO
It is a freestanding bell tower, located in the western city Pisa's church square. 它是一个独立式钟塔,坐落在意 大利西部古城比萨的教堂广场上。
环绕,象征和平与强盛。 5. 底部的红色绶带上用意大利文写着“意
大利共和国”(Repubblica Italiana)。
National Flower
As we all know Italy is a famous tourist attraction . Why?
意大利英文简介Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been for centuries the center of Western civilization, and is the seat of the Catholic Church.Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index,[1] and the 20th-highest Human Development Indexrating in the world. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), and also a member of the G8, NATO, OECD, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union, and the Central European Initiative. On January 1, 2007 Italy began a two year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.饮食:Italian Food: The Italian food section of Life In Italy is divided into several categories:First we have our Italian food Ratings database, a rating of Italian food by selected Italian and American consumers. Second we provide recipes by Venetian chef Francesco the co-owner and chef at award winning restaurant Remi in New York City. Third we provide some general articles about Italian cooking like how to make Italian Pizza at home, bread, and articles about Italian foods such as olives, cheeses, herbs used in Italian cooking.While in New York city and in my area (Washington DC) - there are few real Italian restaurants, my subjective, but experienced, opinion is that 90% of the Italian restaurants in the US are not Italian at all. If "Italian food" conjures up thoughts of ItalianAmerican restaurant chains or pizza with a red-purple sauce and lots of garlic powder this is simply not Italian! I personally hate that type of cooking -Italian American food is loaded with too many strange tasting "additives". One might even call them "addictives" because these strong flavors cultivate consumer taste for heavy style foods, to the detriment of the much more delicate and healthier authentic Italian cooking. As an example of this altered taste are things like Italian dressing - Italian style bread crumbs - Italian seasoning are all things with 'oversaturated' taste that you will never find in Italy .In the minds of many in the US, Italian food continues to be associated with the image of a pretty large guy eating spaghetti with meat-ball sauce - the reality is that in Italy practically no one eats spaghetti with meat ball sauce. Italians do have some meat sauce recipes that require long and laborious preparation (including marinating the meat for 3-4 days in aged red wine), but they also have an incredible number of variations of pasta dishes cooked with vegetables or seafood. And when I say pasta, this is not equivalent to only spaghetti. Again there is an amazing range of forms, shapes, sizes of pastas, many of which are unique to specific regions. The variety in the Italian diet, thecontinued widespread reliance on fresh ingredients cooked on the spot, and the extensive use of vegetables, fruit and olive oil all contribute to the generally healthy state of Italians that on average appear to be much thinner than Americans, especially in middle and later years. In my opinion, there is a direct relationship between being overweight and heavy consumption of industrial and chain foods, widespread soda drinking and avoidance of fruits, vegetables and reasonable amounts of wine, not only in the US but also among younger generations in Italy that love to imitate the American life style. A lot has been written about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Without going deeper into the matter, I would like to tell you that Italian food - that found in Italy - is not only good for you but it really tastes great! Enjoy the adventure of exploring authentic Italian food, not only a delight for the senses but also an expression of the cultural and traditional heritage of the country.Italian diet features: Hong rotten rich, well-known in order toretain its original flavor, cook on 以炒、煎In order to stir fry 、炸, Deep-fried 、红焖等方法着称,并喜用面条、, Said the Hong Men and other methods, and use of hi noodles, 米饭作菜,而不作为主食用。
意大利的Pizza、Caffè和Gelato(意式冰激凌)无疑是举世闻名的 三大系列食品,次之的还有pasta(意大利面) Vino(葡萄酒)、 Salami(意式香肠)、Tiramisu(提拉米苏)和Formaggio(乳 酪)
2.一般都喜欢客人用头衔称呼他们:由于历史悠久、尊重传统,意大利 人的身份观念较强。在其人际交往中,他们对别人的地位、等级十分重 视。对于来自家学渊源、历史悠久的家族的人士,他们往往会刮目相看。 假如交往对象具有值得尊敬的头衔的话,他们必定会再三对此提及,以 视重视之意。
Cappuccino(卡布奇诺) Espresso(意式浓咖啡) Macchiato(黑糖玛奇朵)
吃通心面(Spaghetti)时,不要出声太大,一定要 使用刀叉和汤匙。方法是右手拿叉子,左手拿汤匙, 这是吃通心面的诀窍
Tiramisu 提拉米苏
Slow food
进餐顺序 1.冷盘,前餐(antipasto):沙拉(insalata),生火腿
(prosciuto),涂有蒜汁橄榄油的烤面包片(bruschetta) 2.第一道,有(面条 pasta, 米饭rise) ; 3.第二道,各种肉菜(牛排bistecca,烤鸡肉pollo arrrosto,
比萨斜塔是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广 场上,1372年完工,由于地基不均匀和土层松软而倾斜,塔身倾斜向东南。传说1590年,
TheintroductionofItaly意大利的英文介绍第一篇:The introduction of Italy意大利的英文介绍The location of Italy Italy is a southern European country, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula.Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian.Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer.意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意大利另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰像一个脚在踢球。
The color of the flag: Green = hope;White = belief;Red = kindness.颜色表现的三种主要的含义: ϖ绿色 = 希望;白色 = 信念;红色 = 仁慈以食物代表为ϖ绿色 = 罗勒;白色 = 莫扎瑞拉起士;红色 = 番茄其标志也表示为三个王国统一的意大利王国ϖ绿色=米兰公国的旗帜,其图像为绿底加双头蛇标志;白色=西西里王国,其图像为白底加西西里三曲腿标志;红色=威尼斯城邦,其图像为红底加圣马可狮标志。
The food of Italy Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta.Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple.Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years.Torre pendente di Pisa 比萨斜塔(意大利语:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa)是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。
Venice is a magical place. It is one of a few cities in the world where the noises of cars are never heard because cars are not allowed.
you can hear the sound of waves rushing against the city’s great old buildings.
威尼斯是一个神奇的地方。它是世界 上少数几个听不到汽车声音的城市之一, 因为在那里汽车处于禁止之列。在取而代 之的宁静中,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市 里伟大的古代建筑。
• Florence is famous for its history.
• It is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, and has been called "the Athens of the Middle Ages". • Florence is an art lover's paradise.
National Flag 国旗
以食物代表为 • 绿色 = 罗勒 • 白色 = 莫扎瑞拉起士 • 红色 = 番茄
National Emblem 国徽
1. 呈圆形 2. 中心图案是一个带红边的五角星,象征 意大利共和国 3. 五角星背后是一个大齿轮,象征劳动者 4. 齿轮周围由橄榄(oliva)枝叶和橡树叶 环绕,象征和平与强盛。 5. 底部的红色绶带上用意大利文写着“意 大利共和国”(Repubblica Italiana)。
The food of Italy
Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta .
关于意大利风俗的英文作文英文:Italy is a country rich in culture and tradition, and its customs are deeply ingrained in the daily lives of its people. One of the most notable aspects of Italian culture is its emphasis on family. Family gatherings are central to Italian life, and they often revolve around food. Sunday lunches, for example, are elaborate affairs where multiple generations come together to share a meal and catch up on each other's lives.Another important aspect of Italian culture is the tradition of "la passeggiata," or the evening stroll. In the early evening, Italians of all ages take to the streets to socialize and enjoy the atmosphere. This tradition is not just about exercise; it's a time for people to see and be seen, to gossip with neighbors, and to feel connected to their community.Italians also place a strong emphasis on food anddining etiquette. Meals are seen as a time for bonding and enjoyment, and Italians take their time savoring each course. There are also certain customs, like never ordering a cappuccino after a meal or never asking for cheese on a seafood pasta dish, that are considered faux pas.Furthermore, Italy is known for its festivals and celebrations, which often have deep religious or historical significance. For example, Carnevale, which takes place in the weeks leading up to Lent, is a time of colorful parades, elaborate costumes, and indulgent feasts. Similarly, the Palio di Siena is a horse race that has been held in Siena since the Middle Ages and is a source of fierce local pride and rivalry.Overall, Italian customs are a reflection of thecountry's rich history and vibrant culture. From family gatherings to evening strolls to elaborate festivals, these traditions play a central role in the lives of Italians and contribute to the unique charm of the country.中文:意大利是一个文化和传统丰富的国家,其习俗深深植根于人们的日常生活之中。
意大利文化祥解 Italy Culture
Country Information: Italy●The Italian Mindset●Characteristics of Society●Lifestyle & Aspirations●The Essentials (10 Key Tips)●Working with the Italians●Making a Good Impression●Business Etiquette●Business Meeting Culture●Motivating Others●Effective Presentations●Managing RelationshipsThe Italian MindsetItalians are family-orientated, sociable, creative and individualistic. Their mindset is part-Mediterranean, part-northern European, although business tends to be conducted with a Mediterranean outlook. Living life to the full is a priority for many, as is the concept of 'bella figura' - cutting a fine figure, which really means coming across as a sympathetic character. Self-image is important and many Italians take a great deal of care with their appearance. Business is hierarchical, with a typical leader figure autocratic and paternalistic. Many peoplework for small companies, where creativity and individual expression are important. Large companies can become weighed down with bureaucracy and the pace of business can be slow.to top Characteristics of SocietyItalian society is characterised by the famous north/south divide, with, traditionally, the poor south resenting the rich, industrialised north. People in or from the south are often more Mediterranean in look and behaviour, while their northern cousins tend to have more of a north European outlook. This is, of course, a generalisation.Certain things don’t change, though. Italian culture has been described as highly individualistic, with close family ties, regardless of where the person comes from. Italians will tend to take care of themselves and their immediate family first. In a business context, individualism influences an Italian's preference to do business with people they are alreadyfamiliar with, and family takes priority overeverything.Yet despite the importance of family, the family itselfis crumbling in Italy. The population is in decline,with the death rate exceeding the birth rate and anaverage fertility rate of just 1.27 children per woman.By 2050, Italy’s population is expected to reduce by22%.Another great Italian myth which appears to be crumbling is that of ‘bella figura’– cutting a fine figure – with some 60% of Italian children under the age of 18 now overweight, a figure which has doubled in the last four or five years.to topLifestyle & AspirationsLa Dolce Vita, or living life to the fullest, is essential to Italians, who value good food, good wine, the arts, fine designer labels and sports that can be embraced with passion, like football. Favourite leisure pursuits include:●Eating out: Either visiting friends andrelatives or in restaurants, ranging frompizzerias to the finest in Italian regionalcuisine.●Shopping/fashion: Italians are famous fortheir sense of style. Many of the big fashionlabels like Armani and Prada have theirheadquarters in Italy. Milan Fashion Week israted top in the world alongside Paris, NewYork and London.●Football: Both as a participation andspectator sport, and an important part ofmany lives.●Travel: Like the French, Italians travel a lot domestically rather than going abroad,with people visiting the coast, mountains and islands and many owning or renting asecond home. Overseas holidays are also important, but more in terms of long haultravel.●Winter sports: The Italian Alps and Dolomites have some of the world’s mostprestigious ski resorts and many city-dwellers head for the hills with the first snowfall.●Art and architecture: An inherent part of Italian life, thanks to great Italian artists likeLeonardo da Vinci.●Opera: Milan’s opera house, La Scala, is one of the finest in the world and the Veronaopera festival is legendary.to top The Essentials (10 Key Tips)1. Personal relationships are important in Italyand must be built before doing business.2. Image is important, so dress smartly andfashionably.3. Understand the concept of bella figurainherent in Italian culture - 'cutting a finefigure' This also applies to your confidenceand style, not just appearance.4. Italy has a disproportionately high number ofsmall businesses, many with an old-fashioned, autocratic leadership style.5. Be aware of la cordata - the chain of command - in any company with which you dobusiness.6. Be prepared to use a third party to make introductions, as Italians prefer to work withpeople they know.7. Expect meetings to be spontaneous and 'circular' in communication style.8. Aesthetics are important, so presentations should look good and products should beattractively packaged.9. Heated debates and arguments are very common during negotiations. Do not be putoff your own main points - keep focused during this free-flow of opinions.10. When decisions are made, individual judgment of a situation is more important thancompany policy.to top Working with the ItaliansIt is important to establish strong personal relationships with your Italian counterparts as they will expect business to have a social element and are comfortable dealing with people they like. Personal contact is important to maintain the relationship. Italians are also cautious about risk-taking; they prefer to work with someone they know, or who has been personally recommended, and may avoid taking a risk on a new project at the start-up stage, preferring to get involved later on.Italian communication style is explicit, animated and often loud. Meetings will be chaotic and sometimes spontaneous. Decision-making may be slow and confusing, and involve many people. The only way to cope with this is to be patient. Italians also sometimes find it difficult to say 'no', skirting round the issue instead. Management style is autocratic and anybody wanting to work with Italians must understand the 'cordata', or the workings of the chain of command within a company.to top Making a Good ImpressionUnderstand and embrace the concept of bella figura and you will makea good impression in Italy. This means, as well as looking good, you willcome across as a sympathetic character, at the same time as beingsomeone who can make decisions, speak eloquently and is interestingto be with socially. Turn up for appointments on time, even though yourItalian colleagues may be late, and apologise profusely if you are lateyourself.Italians can relate to people who are passionate about their product,who understand the importance of design and style in a product, andwho can present a good argument to back up their case duringnegotiations.to top Business EtiquetteA business relationship is something that demands a certain amount of nurturing. Personal contact is something by which the Italians put great store, so take up invitations to join them for a coffee or glass of wine, and they won’t regard it as intrusive if you take a polite interest in their families, holidays and such like.If you hear the term bella figura, it is not so much about physical appearance as your own charm or style; it means ‘cutting a fine figure’ in the metaphorical sense. As well as charm, style and appearance, bella figura encompasses a sympathetic attitude, in keeping with preserving harmony. Italians will try to preserve their bella figura, which means a little tact and diplomacy goes a long way. A prime example of this is in never blaming anyone for being late or not responding to a telephone message. Rather, you should adopt a sympathetic tone and say something like: “The same thing has happened to me.”Business cardsBusiness cards are used frequently and it is advisable to have your details translated into Italian and printed on the other side of your card.If you need to impress your status upon your Italian associates, make sure you include degree qualifications and full job title. Senior Italian business people, however, tend to have less information on their business cards.Communication styleThe communication style of Italians is generally explicit, very animated and often quite loud. They usually speak passionately, using hand gestures to assist and illustrate what they are saying, and interrupting one another is common. Italians are often guided by their feelings and in business situations this is important to remember, as establishing solid relationships based on trust is vital for successful business negotiations.Conversations may appear intense and sometimes heated. Bravado among colleagues of the same status will often give way to a more formal atmosphere when working with senior managers.Constructive criticism is usually well received if it is presented with a view of improving things. But Italians are generally a very proud, patriotic people and it is not advisable to criticise Italian culture or society.Italians may also find it hard to say ‘no’ directly, despite the explicit style of communication. It is easier for them to send somebody away with an excuse than to say an outright ‘no’.Attitudes towards the use of email are paradoxical. On the one hand email is fast, spontaneous, and when used from a palmtop or Blackberry will be seen as ‘chic’. On the other if a relationship is not sufficiently developed from a personal perspective, emails will often go unanswered, despite several attempts to make contact. Email works best in established relationships, where short, sharp messages are exchanged quickly and frequently. Detailed or lengthy messages may not be read fully read or acted on. Emails of this nature should be followed up with a telephone call; personal contact is important to Italians.Body languagePhysical contact is common between people, the extent of which often signifies the relationship between the two parties. It is also used to indicate the strength of feeling about an issue. The touching of an arm is as much a show of emotional engagement with an issue as raising one’s voice might be in conversation. Don’t back away if an Italian grabs your arm or stands too close.A warm handshake is sufficient between business colleagues, although this may be extended to a hug or an embrace on both cheeks between members of the opposite gender, as the relationship develops.Direct eye contact displays interest in the other person, so ensure that it is maintained throughout a conversation, otherwise it could be interpreted as a sign of boredom. Likewise, it can be a good indicator as to whether you have a captive audience.Perhaps the most important body language is expressed by what you actually wear. Italian business attire is always exceptionally smart and formal. Both men and women dress to impress. Failure to do so on your part may be noted.Beware of what actions you are making with your hands and fingers, as certain gestures are offensive, for example, pressing your thumb against your teeth, or your nose. It is best to avoid raised or sharp gestures with your hands or fingers.Placing the hand on the stomach signifies dislike. Gum chewing and slouching are frowned upon. In queues or crowds, you may experience pushing and it is not uncommon to witness someone walk straight to the front of a line to be served by somebody they know.Gift givingGifts like liquors, delicacies, or crafts from the visitor's country are appropriate. Gifts should be subtle, but of a high quality or from prestigious brand names, and not Italian brands. Avoid giving gifts that are branded with your company logo, or that obviously promote your company.Avoid brooches, handkerchiefs and gifts wrapped in black or gold paper, as these are associated with mourning and funerals. In a traditional sense, purple is considered a symbol of bad luck and sharp objects, such as knives, can represent the severing of a relationship.Business gifts are sometimes given at managerial level, but as a guideline wait until you are given a gift before presenting one and respect you own company's policy, as well. Present the gift to the most senior person you have dealt with.Gifts are expected for social events, especially to express your thanks for being invited to a person’s home. Presents are usually opened at the time they are given.If you are invited to someone's home, gift-wrapped chocolates, pastries, flowers or wine are all acceptable choices. If you decide to bring wine, make sure it is a quality vintage and bring more than one bottle so that there is some left for your hosts to enjoy later. A good quality dessert wine is another option.to top Business Meeting CultureInitial meetings in Italy are often informal opportunities for evaluating colleagues and establishing relationships, not making business decisions. A meeting is often a stage for exhibiting eloquence, personality and status and is consequently a free-for-all of opinions and ideas. The weight of the idea resides not in the idea itself but in the importance and influence of the speaker.Discussion may be circular and go off at tangents. A meeting is seen as a forum in which to express open disagreement and constructive conflict and may appear heated, although this is not usually the case.Expect to have several meetings, and to socialise with your Italian counterparts, before any job is done.Before the meetingMake sure you observe the cordata (hierarchy) when planning a meeting, and invite the right people. Plan the meeting carefully and produce an agenda. There will almost certainly be deviation from this as people explore their own issues and ideas, but at least you will have a basic structure to stick to. As the visitor, you should always be on time.During a meetingAs with many other countries, it is important to make a good impression, as some Italians will place weight on their judgement of a person, as well as making an assessment of the proposition. It is important to gain respect. Be congenial, warm and enjoy the discourse, which may appear to address a wider variety of issues than featured on an agenda.Following a meetingCement the new relationship with a social event, such as a meal at a restaurant. Make sure that the relationship is continued and that arrangements are made for future talks. This means follow-up in writing. It’s also a good idea to circulate minutes of the key points discussed, and an action list, however informally this is done.to top Motivating OthersIn Italian multinational companies, performance management systems comprise the latest HR thinking. However, while rigorous performance measures, competencies and development centres all feature increasingly, they do not always feel ‘natural’ in a work environment characterised by close personal relationships.Performance management systems are sometimes perceived as being too clinical or utilitarian to be worthwhile, given that who you know is as important as what you know in getting projects delivered on time and to the expected standards.At a personal level, complimenting and rewarding employees publicly is not common. Italian managers are increasingly motivated by financial reward, although identity and affinity with the company are crucially important, as is status within an organisation. Upward mobility within an Italian firm is as much influenced by the relationship between boss and subordinate as it is by performance. In other words, good performance is not always enough to gain promotion.Knowing the right people and having good personal chemistry with one’s current and future boss are important. Job security is important, reinforced by the difficulty in firing people in Italian companies.to top Effective PresentationsAudience expectationsAudiences will expect to discuss the content of the presentation as itgoes on and may start talking while you are still presenting – and to oneanother, not just to you, the presenter. These situations can run out ofhand if not carefully controlled and especially if the discussion isconducted in Italian. In such cases, be patient and tolerant in directingdiscussion to specific topics of importance.Presentation essentialsValue is placed on aesthetics; therefore any presentation material should be well produced and attractively designed. Impress by using the latest technology where possible.During the presentation, be sure to keep your movements fluid and don’t speak with your arms clamped to your sides. Italians are highly demonstrative and will relate to a speaker who uses gestures and injects passion into their speech.Try when possible to have all your supporting material translated into Italian.to top Managing RelationshipsIn Italy, relationships really do matter. Traditionally people were not judged on performance alone. The ability to cultivate relationships in the workplace and with external partners has always been as important as actual results.Nowadays, motivation techniques and performance management measure are becoming more widely used across Italian businesses but these more 'impersonal measures' (to Italian eyes) will take time to become embedded in the local organizational cultures.to top。
• 被誉为“欧洲绘画之父”
代表作:《金门之会》、《逃亡埃 及》、《犹太之吻》和《哀悼基督》 等。
• 达·芬奇
代表作:《最后的晚餐》、 《岩间圣母》和《蒙娜丽莎》等。
• 拉斐尔
代表作:《带金莺的圣母》、 《草地上的圣母》和《花园中的
• 法拉利 • 兰博基尼 • 玛莎拉蒂 • 阿尔法·罗密欧 •…
• AC米兰 • 国际米兰 • 尤文图斯
是夺得意大利足球甲级联赛冠军最多的球 队(30次)。 它也是历史上第一个实现三大杯(欧洲冠 军联赛、欧洲联盟杯、欧洲优胜者杯) “大满贯”的俱乐部。
璃、雕刻富丽的大门和大量的彩绘壁画 ·代表建筑:米兰大教堂
• 特点:轮廓整齐划一,强调比例与理性,构图中 间突出、两旁突出;摒弃哥特式风格采用古希腊 罗马时期的柱式构图要素
• 代表作:弗洛雷大教堂(佛罗伦萨)
·巴洛克(Barogue)是一种代表欧洲文化的典型艺术风 格,这个词最早源于葡萄牙语(BARROCO),意大利 语(BAROCCO)中有奇特、古怪、变形等解释。
• 米开朗基罗
代表作:《大卫》、《摩西》、 《被缚的奴隶》等。
• 花之圣母大教堂 • 乌菲齐美术馆 • 国立巴吉洛美术馆 • 维琪奥桥(老桥) •…
是世界著名的绘画艺术博物馆,位于意大利佛罗伦萨市的乌菲齐宫内 该馆以收藏大量的文艺复兴时期的绘画名作而蜚声国际。
of lawyers, DAs, judges, police
MostLItaalisaonsciliekteàn ltihesierrcvoeuntry
the political leader.”
(For example, building & safety codes are seldom enforced in Italy due to collusion between builders & politicians.)
Paralizzato governo
4. What degree of obedience & loyalty do citizens owe to corrupt a government?
5. Is profit more important than family?
Individualism ✓Extended family
Community Monochronic ✓Poychronic Low Context ✓High Context Social Ambiguity ✓Social Certainty
Italian Culture PRISMs
1. To what extent should we allow organizations to control our lives?
2. Should the customer be king?
3. Does MBA stand for Mighty Business Attitude?
意大利Italy:Topic No 1 : Public Information1:是一个欧洲国家European countries,主要由位于南欧的靴型亚平宁半岛及两个位于地中海中的岛屿西西里岛与萨丁岛所组成,国际代码为IT。
2:意大利人口population大约为6150万,领土面积territorial area约为301,338平方公里。
意大利因其拥有美丽的自然风光beautiful natural scenery和为数众多的人类文化遗产human cultural heritage而被称为美丽的国度。
4:意大利该国首都capital位于罗马Rome;而米兰Milan是世界时尚之都fashion city;都灵Torino/ Turin是意大利工业之都。
意大利是一个高度发达的民主共和国democratic republic state,亦为欧洲民族及文化European peoples and cultures的摇篮cradle,服务业 service industry、旅游业tourist industry及对外贸易 foreign trade尤为突出,同时也是北大西洋公约North Atlantic Treaty和欧盟EU(European Union)的创始会员国Founding member之一。
意大利在艺术、科学和技术上拥有悠久的传统Topic No 2 : 饮食习惯午饭是一天中最丰盛的一顿,在特殊情况下可能持续两三个小时。
3、中餐:鲁菜Shandong cuisine、京菜Beijing cuisine和川菜喜肥浓、爱辣、甜酸味。
4、水酒:爱喝咖啡、酸牛奶yoghurt、矿泉水和冰镇汽水;乐于饮用红茶black tea,晚上习惯喝薄荷茶mint tea;啤酒beer、香槟酒champagne、白酒liquor、白兰地brandy,都是他们爱饮用的品种。
意大利文化 英文
Tourist Attractions
Pasteum Cinque Terre Amalfi Coast
Kwintessential Ltd, Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialists, Retrieved April 28, 2007. /etiquette/doingbusiness-ital.html Life in Italy .com, Retrieved April 28, 2007. .html Rizza, Maria. Personal e-mail Interview, April 28, 2007May 8, 2007. rowri@tin.it .
Prepared by Crystal
~Italy is described as colorful, rich, bold, and romantic. ~Italy has a population of over 58 million people. ~Italians have a passion for everything they do. ~Italians love to laugh, talk loudly, and speak with hand gestures. ~Italians love their food, music and heritage.
Don’t use first names unless invited Use the title Man *Dottore *Signor Woman *Dottoressa *Signora
意大利文化英文作文Italian Culture: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation。
Italy, often hailed as the cradle of Westerncivilization, boasts a rich cultural heritage that spans thousands of years. From its ancient Roman roots to its Renaissance glory and modern-day innovations, Italianculture is a captivating tapestry woven with tradition, art, cuisine, and passion.One of the most prominent aspects of Italian culture is its deep-rooted appreciation for art and architecture.Italy is home to some of the world's most renowned artistic masterpieces, from Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling in Vatican City to Leonardo da Vinci's iconic "Mona Lisa" housed in the Louvre Museum. The country's cities are adorned with breathtaking architecture, such as the Colosseum in Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the grandeur of Florence's Duomo.Italian cuisine is another cornerstone of the nation's culture, celebrated globally for its simplicity, freshness, and rich flavors. From the aromatic herbs of Tuscany to the exquisite seafood of the Amalfi Coast, each region of Italy offers a unique culinary experience. Pasta, pizza, gelato, and espresso have become synonymous with Italian cuisine, enticing taste buds around the world and fostering a sense of camaraderie and conviviality.Music is deeply ingrained in the Italian cultural fabric, with opera being one of its most illustrious contributions to the world of performing arts. The operas of Verdi, Puccini, and Rossini continue to captivate audiences with their emotive storytelling and melodic richness. Additionally, Italy has a vibrant contemporary music scene, spanning genres from classical to pop, jazz, and electronic music, with artists like Andrea Bocelli, Laura Pausini, and Eros Ramazzotti achieving international acclaim.Italy's festivals and traditions offer a glimpse into its colorful tapestry of regional customs and folklore.From the historic Palio di Siena horse race to the extravagant Carnival of Venice, these events showcaseItaly's penchant for pageantry and revelry. Religious festivals like Easter celebrations in Sicily and the Feast of San Gennaro in Naples underscore the country's deep religious roots and cultural diversity.Despite its reverence for tradition, Italy is also a hub of innovation and creativity, particularly in fields such as fashion, design, and automotive engineering.Italian fashion houses like Gucci, Prada, and Versace set global trends with their cutting-edge designs, while iconic brands like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Maserati epitomize luxury and craftsmanship in the automotive industry.Moreover, Italy's influence extends beyond art and cuisine to language and literature, with the Italian language being hailed as the language of love and Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" considered a masterpiece of world literature.In conclusion, Italian culture is a captivating mosaicof tradition and innovation, spanning centuries of artistic brilliance, culinary delights, and festive celebrations. From the grandeur of its ancient monuments to the sophistication of its contemporary creations, Italy continues to enchant and inspire the world with its timeless charm and boundless creativity.。
意大利饮食文化 中英文
意大利饮食文化中英文Cover pageSummary一个国家的饮食与它的文化息息相关,不同的国家有着不同的文化,从而也衍生了各具特色的各国饮食。
BODY義大利菜讓人直覺想到義大利麵、餃子和現今最流行的pizza、義大利濃縮咖啡( espresso)以及卡不奇諾咖啡(cappuccino),同時也會讓我們聯想到大量的使用蕃茄、橄欖油以及而義大利菜在運用香料方面也算是鼻祖,大體上義大利菜可分為北方和南方二種品味,南方屬於鄉村菜系,味道較重,大蒜、辣椒用的比例較,然而義大利菜能在世界各地佔得一席之地實非浪得虛名,而它對西餐文化的貢獻更是不可磨滅。
ItalyItaly is a popular travel destination with many historic monuments and cities, beautiful scenery, and fabulous food and wine. Here are suggestions for where to go in Italy including Italy's top travel destinations, off the beaten track suggestions, Italian food and wine, Italian festivals and specialty travel vacations.Italian CultureItalian culture is vibrant with a long history of art, classic architecture, music and literature. Italian people are known the world over for being outgoing and friendly, for enjoying the good things in life such as good food, good wine and the sunny weather. The regional divide is reflected in the traditions, the food, handcraft and music from each area. However the biggest divide is that between North and South, the first is traditionally richer and geared towards a working culture with most of the industries concentrating there, while the latter is poorer and has a more relaxed way of life where work is scarce and the economy is based on agriculture and tourism. Italy is a country famous for its long winded bureaucratic system and long queues out of official offices; mostly everybody moving to Italy will encounter at one point or another difficulties with such an archaic and complicated system. Italian men are famous for being football lovers and mummy’s boys not capable of looking after themselves and living at home until they get married. However the emancipation of Italian women leading them to pursue their career rather than centering their life on building a family, brought the new generations as well as part of the old ones to equally share the responsibilities of the children and the household within the couple.When you think of Italy, style and fashion immediately come to mind, some of the finest fashion labels come from there such as Armani, Valentino, Versace and Roberto Cavalli. Milan is the capital of fashion, however lovely boutiques are available all over Italy. Traditionally Italy is a Catholic country with a society geared toward the basic family values to look after the children and care for the old. This is particularly true in the South where family ties are still very strong and families quite large including cousins, uncles and aunties. It is rare for old people to go into care, but they are usually looked after by a family member. Children are widely accepted at venues and restaurants without being frowned upon when out in the evening with their parents. Everywhere you go in Italy you’ll find a large artistic and cultural her itage, Florence represents the height of the Renaissance, Pisa, Orvieto, Siena and many more Medieval cities have great examples of Medieval art and Rome represent the Baroque period. As well as artists of the caliber of Michelangelo and Leonardo, Giotto, Botticelli and the architect Bernini will always be part of Italy’s artistic heritage and thousands of tourists queue to see their works everyday. Italian literature has just as illustrious names from Boccaccio to Dante, Petrarch, Leopardi andD’annunzio t o Alessandro Manzoni and Italo Calvino. Italy claims some of the best classic composers of all times such as Puccini and Verdi and most Operas are in Italian.As well as the traditional arts, Italy has a long tradition of minor art forms expressing themselves in local arts and crafts products with variations according to regional tradition.Where to gocities photosFlorence, a Renaissance city in the heart ofTuscany, is one of the most popular travel citiesin Italy. Florence has some of Italy's bestmuseums, beautiful cathedrals and churches,and interesting streets and squares with elegantbuildings and shops. Here is information aboutwhat to see and do on your trip to Florence.Rome is a vibrant city with reminders of its pasteverywhere. In Rome you'll encounter ancientmonuments, medieval and Renaissancebuildings and fountains, and great museums.Rome is the capital of modern Italy and boastsmany fine restaurants and cafes, good nightlife,and lively streets and squares. Here aresuggestions about what to see and do in Rome.Venice is one of Italy's most beautiful andromantic cities, built on the water in a lagoon.It's small, traffic-free streets along the windingcanals make for great walking. Venice hasmany magnificent churches and palaces, livelysquares, and interesting shops. Here isinformation about what to see and do in Venice.Tuscany is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Italy. Tuscany is a large region, with the most varied landscape in Italy. Tuscany has picturesque medieval hill towns, scenic countryside, vineyards, and seaside towns. Here are suggestions for what to see and do in Tuscany's top destinations.Here are more popular travel destinations in Italy including other cities, the Amalfi Coast, Cinque Terre and the Italian Riviera, Lake Como, and Sicily.Although not as popular with tourists as central and northern Italy, southern Italy has many charming and unusual towns. Here are top Southern Italy travel destinations.Italy's two largest islands, Sardinia and Sicily, are fascinating places to visit. Steeped in tradition, there are many places where you'll feel like you've taken a step back in time. Both islands have great beaches, historic sights, and wonderful food.If you've been to Italy's top cities, you might want to consider some off the beaten track destinations. Enjoy small villages, historic cities, the countryside, and Italian life. Here are suggestions for getting away from the tourist crowds.Italy has more UNESCO World Heritage sitesthan any other country. These sites, chosen fortheir cultural or natural heritage, make a goodstart for planning an Italian itinerary. Fromancient sites and natural sites to castles and citycenters, there's something of interest foreveryone.Travel mapItaly Food and WineItalian food famous the world over is based on the Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fruit, grains, fish and dairies with varying recipes according to the various regions. Northern food is generally rich with a preference for meat, cured meats and cheeses, while the south and particularly the coastal areas have a preference for fish and vegetables. Northern food is also more sophisticated with creamy and rich sauces while southern food tends to be lighter based on grilled meat and fish, olive oil and tomato are used as a base rather than butter and cheesy sauces.PastaContrary to belief Italian food is not just about pizza and pasta, which, as much as they are very popular, are only some of the delicious recipes Italy has to offer. Pizza is usually a snack and is considered finger food or a light meal that is often consumed in a pizzeria with friends over a few beers. Pasta on the other hand is consumed by Italians at least once a day and is usually the first course followed by a second course of fish or meat served with fresh vegetables. Bread is never missing from an Italian table, a lot of dishes often come with sauce therefore bread is used to dip in the sauce, oil or gravy. To clean the plate with bread is referred to as “fare la scarpetta” which, according to good manners, is not what you should do in a posh restaurant, but it is widely accepted everywhere else. The meal always ends with fruit followed by an espresso.PizzaOlive oil, olives, tomatoes, parmesan, cured meats, vegetable dishes, homemade ice cream, etc., Italian food is so varied with a lot of good genuine produce to base its recipes on that not only tastes good but is also very nutritious and good for you.Italian wines are as varied as the food, with many varieties of grapes through Italy. Piedmont and Tuscan wines are Italy’s most famous, in particular we’d like to mention the regal Barolo and Dolcetto d’Alba for Piedmont and Chianti,Montepulciano and the famous Brunello for Tuscany. However other areas in Italy produce as good if not better wines, in particular southern wines are very fruity and rich such as Carignano del Sulcis and Terre Brune from Sardinia. Famous Italian whites are Pinot Grigio, Verdicchio, Vermentino and Orvieto. Italy is also a fine producer of spirits with a large variety of Grappa in the North, and Myrtle and Lemon sweet liqueurs in Sardinia and Sicily.。
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presented by Italian Social Welfare Organisation
The Italians……… A cultural antipasto
• The objபைடு நூலகம்ctive of this presentation is to provide you with some insight into what it means to be Italian, to assist you in providing culturally appropriate care to your Italian clients. • Other objectives - introduce you to ITSOWEL and the CPP project, develop relationships, broaden networks, meet and greet, chance to ask questions and engage. • What’s in it for the audience?
• This presentation is a “starter”only. It does not represent every Italian or every cultural identity. It is designed to wet the appetite for more Italian flavours. So sit back and enjoy just a “taste” and join us for the main meal soon.
Italians tend to be highly expressive of joy, sadness and grief, both vocally and physically, with frequent use of gestures and touch
Still talking
Older Italians prefer to be addressed in the polite form, using titles such as Signor and Signora followed by their first name Physical contact such as kissing on cheeks and hugging is common place and normal amongst many Italians, both males and females An Italian’s sense of personal space is much less than in many other cultures, and Italians will stand close to each other when talking
• National identity is weak among Italians with most identifying with their village or region • Italians are individualists who enjoy the company of others
The same but different
• Italians are generally a warm, friendly and exuberant people
• For Italians, the good life is having their health, family, serenity and financial security • Family is of prime importance
Today’s menu…
•Italians …. the same but different
•Let’s talk ….. not just “Italian” •My place …. my things
Buon appetito
•Religion …. Saints and superstitions •Food and the art of eating … a pleasure
Let’s talk
Many older Italians speak regional dialects – Italian is effectively their second language
Senior Italians may have difficulty with printed information both in English and Italian due to their lack of formal education
My place…my things
• Italians often describe themselves as coming from the North or South
Still the same but different
• Italians value education and loyalty, but are not too concerned about punctuality • Italians have a dislike of authority and regimentation, preferring an unstructured life
An example of this occurs when you put an Italian in a crowded place where a slight push or shove is not considered rude and queuing is not popular!!!