

一、排版要求:1. 格式问题:(1)除有特殊要求外,文件都要做成双语对照的,即将译文一段对一段写在原文的下面。
具体格式如下:Word文件的格式:英译中:原文:The Parties agree that the Owner shall register this Tenancy Agreement within fifteen (15) days from the date of execution with the competent registration authorities at the district or county where the Premises is located in accordance with the relevant laws, and obtain the evidence of the registration and the record of the lease. If this Tenancy Agreement is amended or terminated after it has been registered and recorded, the Owner shall be responsible for registering the amendment or termination with the original registration authorities within fifteen (15) days from the date of such amendment or termination. The Owner shall be liable for all the costs, penalties, fines and disputes arising from its failure in registering this Tenancy Agreement or its amendment or termination.译文:双方约定,出租人应在本租赁协议签署日后十五(15)天内按照相关法律的规定,到房屋所在地区或国家的适当登记部门登记本租赁协议,并获得此登记的证明以及租赁记录。

英文翻译B《Mode choice of university students commuting to school and the role of active travel》Author:Kate E. Whalen, Antonio Páez, Juan A. Carrasco School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, CanadaDept. of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, P.O. Box 160-C,Concepción, ChileAvailable online 9 July 2013大学生去学校和旅游活动模式选择的作用突出点学生选择活动出行的比一般人群更普遍。

汉译英翻译格式规范I 格式规范1. 正文标题、机构名称、图表格名称和表头中所有单词(除虚词外)的首字母均大写;但标题为句子的情况除外;2. 译文中出现的标准、规范名称,单独出现时每个单词首字母均应大写并斜体,不加引号;在表格中出现时不用斜体;3. 摄氏度符号统一从“符号”“Times new roman”中找到“°”(位于最右一列)插入,然后在后面加上大写“C”,即“°C”;4. 排比和并列的内容,标点应统一。
一般做法是中间采用“;”,最后一个采用“.”,最后一个与倒数第二个之间用“; and”;5. 数值范围的表示形式应是:110-220 kV,而不是110 kV~220 kV;注意:数字和连字符之间没有空格,数字和单位之间有空格数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外;6. 在英文中,百分号应采用英文半角“%”,而不可采用中文全角“%”;7. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择;8. 文本框中第一个单词首字母大写;9. 1号机组和2号机组、一期和二期的表示方法:Unit 1 & 2;Phase I & II;10. 第x条(款、项)和第y条(款、项)的表示方法:Article x and Article y,即表示条(款、项)的词不能省略;11. 文件中出现公式时,公式后说明性文字的“其中”、“式中”统一译为“Where:”,注意其后加冒号;对公式中的字母和符号进行解释时,采用“-”,其前后均不空格,“-”后的首字母为小写;公式后的说明要用分号,最后采用句号。
例如:Where:F sc-short circuit current force (lb/ft);V-velocity;P-gas density.12. 冒号后首字母小写;13. 大于号、小于号、等号两边均有空格;14. 表格的标题和标题栏字体加粗;15. 注意上下标与原文一致;16. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用斜体;17. 日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列,例如,December 1, 2006;18. 译文的章节与条款编号,应与原文一致,有问题提出;19. 翻译中,数字应重点关注,均应与原文核对;20. 标点符号按英文惯例,英文中应全部采用英文半角符号,不得出现全角的顿号(、)逗号(,)句号(。

例如:Rick Zhang2.如果你是中文的拼音,按照中国的顺序,姓在前,名在后;如果名字是三个字的,后两个字拼音要连在一起。
例如:张文洁Zhang Wenjie“ ___”这个名字有两种写法:这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看,因为中国人习惯姓在前,名在后,你这样写的话,读出来时他也才容易明白2.Xiaoming Li这个比较正式,国际上的正式场合用这种比较好,而且这个多是写给外国人看的,因为英语国家的外国人习惯姓在前,名在后补充:银行的写法又不一样,如果是银行的写法或护照的写法,毛一东是这样的:MAO YI DONG英文名的英文意思是Englishname,目前各国比较流行英文名,因为世界各国交流多了,有了英文名更方便交流。
如 William·Jefferson·Clinton。
但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George·Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill·Clinton。
Charming ^_^举个例子:比如“ ___”这个名字,有两种写法:1)Li Xiaoming ( 这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看,因为中国人习惯姓在前,名在后,你这样写的话,读出来时他也才容易明白)2)Xiaoming Li (这个比较正式,国际上的正式场合用这种比较好,而且这个多是写给外国人看的,因为英语国家的外国人习惯姓在前,名在后)英文名的英文意思是Englishname,目前各国比较流行英文名,因为世界各国交流多了,有了英文名更方便交流。

1.一级标题(四号,黑体,加粗,一级标题是段前段后0.5行,单倍行距)1.1 二级标题(小四号,宋体,加粗,二三级标题都是段前段后6磅,单倍行距)1.1.1 三级标题(小四号,宋体,加粗)图表名称的格式:图片名称标注在下方,表格名称标注在表格上方,居中,汉字用宋体,数字、英文用Time New Roman , 罗马字用Symbol,字号五。
表1 名称……表格要求见注3表格以序号、名称的格式标注,居中,中英文对照,表格为三线表(表格套用格式为简明型1)。
x/cm I/mA v/(m⋅s-1) h/m p/MPa10 30 2.5 4 11012 34 3.0 5 111注:表注和图注用五号宋体,表注左对齐,图注居中。
1.1.2 三级标题(小四号,宋体,加粗)基金项目:基金项目类别(编号);基金项目类别(编号)作者简介:第一作者姓名(出生年-),性别,职称,主要研究方向通信联系人:姓名,职称,主要研究方向:……. E-mail:……(第一作者为研究生、博士后时,应当以作者中的导师为通信联系人;其他情况时,在作者简介后直接加E-mail,不写通信联系人。
)图1 名称……图形要求见注4图号和图名用五号宋体,图下居中。
1.2 二级标题(小四号,宋体,加粗)2.一级标题注释统一采用页下注:五号宋体。

翻译排版格式要求(通用)中文格式要求1 整篇文章的大标题居中,用“宋体,2-3号字体”;2 正文用“5号字,宋体”;3 大标题与正文之间的标题的字号按“小3号——4号——小4号”的顺序,超过3极标题的仍按此顺序,排到“小4号”后,以后的几级标题都按“小4号”;4 每一自然段落的起头文字应退后两个字,符合中文排版习惯。
各自然段之间不需空行;5 原文是斜体的地方,译文也应用斜体,原文是加黑的地方,译文也应加黑;6 原文中的书名,中文应加书名号“《》”7 如客户在格式上有特殊要求的,应服从客户的要求,如有的客户要求一页对一页地翻译,有的客户要求按照原文格式,有的客户要求分栏排版等。
8 在该分页的地方,务必进行分页,分页时必须通过插入分页符进行,即在word中点菜单“插入”下的“分隔符”,严禁使用打多个回车键来达到分页的目的,这样在修改时就会产生混乱。
英文格式要求(注:其他外语语种可以参考该要求,特殊的应符合各自语言的惯例格式要求)1 整篇文章的大标题居中,用“Times New Roman”,小2号字体;2 正文用Times New Roman”,5号字体;3 大标题与正文之间的标题的字号按“3号——4号——5号”的顺序,超过3级标题的仍按此顺序,排到“5号”后,以后的几级标题都按“5号”;4 每一自然段落的起头文字不退后。
各自然段之间空一行;5 各级标题的编号选用应恰当,且不得出现中文编号,如“三”、“(三)”等,各级标题上下应各空一行。
6 不同级标题的编号处于不同的层次上,译者可以通过拖动word文件中的标尺来实现这个目的。
7 不得在英文中出现书名号“《》”,英文中的书或文章的题目应采用斜体来标记,而不是书名号;8 外文译文按原中文格式,需斜体的地方,译文就斜体,需加黑的地方,译文也加黑;9 请高度重视单词大小写问题。

英语翻译⽅法结构性增补1. He has been broadcasting for 4 hours without any mistakes.他连续播⾳四个⼩时,没有出现任何差错。
(增补谓语动词“出现”)2. The big sites, which had the important political, economic and religious things going on, are almost all gone.这些⼤的遗址,过去曾是进⾏重要的政治、经济和宗教活动的场所,现在⼏乎当然⽆存了。
(增补状语“过去…现在…”)3. Some people say there is disappointment in their own cherished beliefs about people and a city they once loved.有⼈说,过去⼈们是可以信赖的,⾃⼰喜爱的城市是可以信赖的,现在这种信念已经破灭了。
(同上)4. Because the space is so great,it is difficult to work out how far away a star is.因为天空太⼤了,所以很难计算出⼀颗恒星有多远。
语义性增补1. Instead of kilometers,we have light-years.在宇宙中不是⽤公⾥⽽是⽤光年表⽰距离。
修辞性增补1. Where there is water, there is life.哪⾥有⽔,哪⾥就有⽣命。
2. Hope means enthusiasm, strength and progresses.希望就是热情,就是⼒量,就是进步。
3. She is good at both painting and calligraphy.她既擅长画画,⼜擅长书法。

1. SPACE(空格)除非有特别指示,请在每个翻译项目的中文文字(双字节字符)和英文字或数字(均为单字节)之间留一个单字节空格。
Example 1:今天是2002 年5 月26 日正确。
今天是2002 年5 月26 日错误,数字前没有留出一个单字节空格。
今天是2002 年5 月26 日错误,2 个中文字间无需留出一个空格。
欲知以上各行间有何区别,可到Word > 工具> 选项> 视图> “格式标记”下选择“全部”或者“隐藏文字”。
Example 2:熟练操作WINDOWS 98 中文环境。
Example 1:2002 年5 月26 日是个重要的日子。
2002 年5 月26 日是个重要的日子错误,句首无须留出一个空格。
Example 2:他的英文名叫做John。
他的英文名叫做John 。
地址: 福州左海帝景3座1105室网址: 错误,句末无须留出一个空格。
2. PUNCTUATION(标点符号)usage1) 中文须使用双字节标点符号,如,。
、“”!;:; 英文则须使用单字节标点符号, . , “” ! ; :。
双字节标点符号和单字节标点符号的区示:输入状态不同,即双字节标点符号须在中文输入状态下输入,而单字节标点符号须在英文状态下输入;For example:“计算机世界”杂志要用双字节引号,“Computer World” 应使用单字节英文引号。
2) 英文中并列的单字节逗号“,”,中文翻译要改成双字节顿号“、” 等。
3) 书名、协议名称、法律合同规章名称译成英文时应该采用斜体形式,中文时则应在其名称前后加上书名号《》。

经贸英语翻译第2讲:规范格式1. 机构名称的翻译⏹机构名称在英语中属于专有名词范畴,其语用特征要求专词专用,所以一个机构只能使用一种译名(词语排列及组合、缩写形式都应该统一不变)。
例中国银行英译:the Bank of China缩写:B.O.C.而不能作任何更改,比如按字面译成:the Chinese Bank 或the China Bank,都是不妥当的。
How to translate工商局Commerce and Industry Bureau [CIB] 工商局◆Administration of Industry and Commerce ?◆Administration for Industry and Commerce?◆Bureau of Industry and Commerce?◆Industrial and Commercial Bureau?国家机关英译由于国家机关本身内涵的确定性及严肃性,所以在英译时更要注重法定依据或权威依据。
教材内容:中国历史博物馆(已改名:中国国家博物馆)The National Museum of China中华人民共和国商务部Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republi c of China国家外汇管理局State Administration of Foreign ExchangeSETC 国家经贸委State Economic and Trade CommissionCAAC 国家民航总局General Administration of Civil Aviation of China(Civil Aviation Administration of China )CNOOC 中国海洋石油总公司China National Offshore Oil Corp.CSRC 中国证券监督委员会(证监会)China Securities Regulatory Commission2. 公司名称、企业名称⏹有限责任公司Limited Liability Company (Co., Ltd.)⏹股份有限公司Company Limited by SharesWhat’s the difference between the two names?参阅:《中华人民共和国公司法》(Company Law of the P eople’s Republic of China)企业名称(CORPORATE NAME)构成:A + B + C + DA、B: 专有名称C、D:通名A:企业注册地址;B:企业专名;C:企业生产对象或经营范围;D:企业的性质(通常有总公司、公司、分公司、集团、股份有限公司、有限责任公司等)例:北京金洪恩电脑有限公司Beijing Golden Human Computer Co., Ltd.北京金洪恩电脑有限公司A B C D(专有名称)(通名)翻译方法:◆企业注册地址:(地名翻译原则处理)◆企业专名:(音译/意译,拼音/英语拼写方式)◆企业生产对象或经营范围:(意译)◆企业的性质:(意译:总/分公司、集团、股份有限公司、有限责任公司)例1 东方塑料工业公司B C DDongfang Plastics Industries例2 中国科学器材公司A C DChina Scientific Instruments & Materials Corporation不宜在同一个名称里使用两个―&‖符号,如:例3 中国工艺品进出口公司China National Arts and Crafts Import & Export Corporation例4中国石油天然气勘探开发公司China National Oil & Gas Exploration and Development Corporation(简称CNODC)例5 机械设备进出口公司Machinery & Equipment Import and Export Corporation ―公司‖ 的英译•firm•house•business•concern•combine•partnership•group•Consortium•establishment•venture•multinational•transnational•lines•agency•store•associates•system•officestore(s)百货公司Great Universal Store大世界百货公司(英)Tesco Stores (Holdings)坦斯科百货公司(英)联合公司中国农业机械进出口联合公司China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company United Aircraft Corporation联合飞机公司(美)office公司(多与head,home branch等连用)例:3M中国有限公司广州分公司3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office―office‖不一定是―支公司‖head office:总公司home office:国内总公司branch office:分公司insurance office:保险公司例:中国图书进出口总公司China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office)Hong Kong Main Office香港總公司保险公司⏹Federal Insurance Corporation联邦保险公司(美)⏹Development Underwriting Ltd.开发保险公司(澳)⏹American International Assurance Co., Ltd.美国友邦保险公司⏹American International Underwriters Corporation美国国际保险公司实业公司1. 维世达实业公司WINSTAR INDUSTRIAL COMPANY2. 上海隆欣实业公司Shanghai Longxin Manufacturing Company3. 美国美联实业有限公司上海代表处Medline Industries, Inc. Shanghai Office―总公司‖之―总‖⏹General Transport Company运输总公司(英)⏹General American Transportation Corp.美国运输总公司⏹General Oil Company石油总公司(美)⏹Dollar General Corporation达乐公司(美)总公司不用general:珠海供水总公司Zhuhai Water Supply Company上海汽车工业(集团)总公司Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (Group)原文:深圳市和盛达进出口贸易有限公司参考答案:Shenzhen Heshengda Import & Export Co., Ltd.Ex –公司、企业名称的翻译(1)⏹江门市大长江集团有限公司⏹三菱重工金羚空调器有限公司⏹广州市永信药业有限公司⏹江门市新会区康美制品有限公司⏹无锡明达电器有限公司Reference answers:1. Jiangmen Dachangjiang Group Co., Ltd.2. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. - Jinling Air Conditioners Co., Ltd.3. Guangzhou Winsun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.4. Hommy Enterprise (Xinhui) Co., Ltd.5. Wuxi Mind Electric Co., Ltd.Ex –公司、企业名称的翻译(2)1. 中国有色金属建设股份有限公司China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.2. 中国成套设备进出口(集团)总公司CHINA NATIONAL COMPLETE PLANT IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORA TION (GROUP)3. 中国供销合作对外贸易公司CHINA SUPPLY AND MARKETING COOPERATIVE FOREIGN TRADE CORPORATION 3. 职务职称机构、职务职称英译通则―总‖ 、―副‖字的翻译•总会计师Chief Accountant•总建筑师Chief Architect•总设计师Chief Designer•总工程师Chief Engineer;Engineer-in-Chief2)用general 或-general•总会计师General Accountant•总代理商General Agent•总领事General Consul / Consul-General•总设计师General Designer•总稽查Auditor-General3)用专门的词来表示总裁Chairman;President总监;总管 Controller―副‖字的翻译1) “副”宜译为deputy,例如:副区长deputy district mayor,副主任deputy director,副处长deputy division director副秘书长deputy secretary-general副主任deputy director副处长deputy division chief副科长deputy section chief2) 用vice来翻译部分―副‖职按照惯例可译为vice。

1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1 基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
1.2 具体要求1)数字表达应符合英文表达习惯。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,20XX)。

汉译英翻译格式规范I 格式规范1. 正文标题、机构名称、图表格名称和表头中所有单词(除虚词外)的首字母均大写;但标题为句子的情况除外;2. 译文中出现的标准、规范名称,单独出现时每个单词首字母均应大写并斜体,不加引号;在表格中出现时不用斜体;3. 摄氏度符号统一从“符号”“Times new roman”中找到“°”(位于最右一列)插入,然后在后面加上大写“C”,即“°C”;4. 排比和并列的内容,标点应统一。
一般做法是中间采用“;”,最后一个采用“.”,最后一个与倒数第二个之间用“; and”;5. 数值范围的表示形式应是:110-220 kV,而不是110 kV~220 kV;注意:数字和连字符之间没有空格,数字和单位之间有空格数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外;6. 在英文中,百分号应采用英文半角“%”,而不可采用中文全角“%”;7. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择;8. 文本框中第一个单词首字母大写;9. 1号机组和2号机组、一期和二期的表示方法:Unit 1 & 2;Phase I & II;10. 第x条(款、项)和第y条(款、项)的表示方法:Article x and Article y,即表示条(款、项)的词不能省略;11. 文件中出现公式时,公式后说明性文字的“其中”、“式中”统一译为“Where:”,注意其后加冒号;对公式中的字母和符号进行解释时,采用“-”,其前后均不空格,“-”后的首字母为小写;公式后的说明要用分号,最后采用句号。
例如:Where:F sc-short circuit current force (lb/ft);V-velocity;P-gas density.12. 冒号后首字母小写;13. 大于号、小于号、等号两边均有空格;14. 表格的标题和标题栏字体加粗;15. 注意上下标与原文一致;16. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用斜体;17. 日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列,例如,December 1, 2006;18. 译文的章节与条款编号,应与原文一致,有问题提出;19. 翻译中,数字应重点关注,均应与原文核对;20. 标点符号按英文惯例,英文中应全部采用英文半角符号,不得出现全角的顿号(、)逗号(,)句号(。

英译中翻译格式规范I 格式规范1. 如非引用英文原文,则译稿中中文的标点应全部为中文全角字符标点。
2. 多个词组并列时,英文中的“,”为中文中的“、”,英文中的省略号“…”应为六个字符的中文省略号“……”,左括号和右括号也都应为中文全角括号“(”和“)”3. 数字和金额可以加分节号“,”(如5,000),也可以不加,但在全文中应统一。
4. 译文中中文的字体形式应与英文原文尽量一致,例如原文用粗体、斜体(但文献标题除外)或加下划线,则译文应也用粗体、斜体或加下划线;5. 数值范围的表示形式可以采用110 kV~220 kV,也可以采用110~220 kV,但在原文中应统一;注意:数字和波浪线之间没有空格,而数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外;6. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择;7. 原文中用斜体表示的书籍、手册、期刊及报纸名称,大型音乐会作品曲名,戏曲及电影剧名,广播电视节目名称或诗歌标题,在译文中应使用书名号“《》”8. 全文统一采用宋体,英文字母或阿拉伯数字采用Times New Roman字体;9. 当翻译合同或招投标文件时,“定义与解释”一条中首字母全部为大写的术语(如The Owner, The Supplier等),在译成中文时应用双引号突出(“业主”、“供货商”)。
10. 一级标题和二级标题应用不同字号区别开,例如一级标题可采用2或3号字,二级标题可以用四号或小四;11. 正文采用小四或五号字。
12. 翻译中,数字应重点关注,均应与原文核对;13. 译文的章节与条款编号,应与原文一致,有问题提出;14. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用斜体;II 术语和表达规范1. 原文中的“General”,一般译为“概述”。
如果是标准或规范,一般译为“一般规定”或“总则”,其余视情况处理;2. 缩写词首次出现(整个文件中第一次出现)时要译出,此后用缩写;3. 原文中的单位符号、公式等可直接引用,单位(如cm2)不必再译为中文;4. 原文中的人名不译出。
翻 译 格 式 要 求

英文格式要求(注:其他外语语种可以参考该要求,特殊的应符合各自语言的惯例格式要求)1、整篇文章的大标题居中,用“Times New Roman”,小2号字体;2、正文用Times New Roman”,5号字体;3、大标题与正文之间的标题的字号按“3号——4号——5号”的顺序,超过3级标题的仍按此顺序,排到“5号”后,以后的几级标题都按“5号”;4、每一自然段落的起头文字不退后。

左:25mm, 右:25mm
正文英文及数字用The new Roman 字体。

• 要使用灵活的翻译策略、翻译思路和翻译 方法。 • 在处理英汉两种语言以及国际和汉语商务 文化时,要灵活机动地在译文中予以对应 在翻译过程中要善于从不同视角去观察、 审视、切入并最终解决翻译问题。
--We continue to make essential investments in our drive for more competitive products and services, delivered on shorter cycles. 译文一:寻求于更短时间内推出更具竞争力产品和 服务的驱使之下,我们持续进行重要的投资。 译文二:由于一心想着要提供周期更短、竞争力更 强的产品和服务,我们就不断进行着各种基础的 投资。
• 商务活动直接涉及交易双方的经济利益。任何 一方都想从谈判、合同、协议及随后的交易中 获取最大的利益。而商务文体又涉及双方的权 利和义务, 双方在言辞中要尽可能地礼貌客气。 基于这些原因, 商务体裁的文章、资料无论从措 辞、结构及行文方式上都格外严谨和正式。对 于这种情况, 译者应忠实地模拟原作内容及原文 的语气和文体, 从而避免产生歧义现象, 避免由 于措辞不严谨而引起贸易纠纷。
( 一) 术语规范 术语规范是初探商务英语翻译者首先要关注的问题。由于商务英语 翻译涉及到经济、贸易、法律等多个方面, 而每一个领域都会有 其独特的术语表达, 跨行业者难以理解。在翻译过程中, 更应倍加 注意。对于无法理解的术语, 不能想当然地进行翻译, 而是要查找 资料或是咨询相关行业内人士, 避免出现“差之毫厘, 谬以千里” 之结果。比如说贸易谈判中最常见的offer 和counteroffer 这两个 单词就不能按照字面常规意思翻译成“提供”和“反提供”, 而 应翻译成“报盘”和“还盘”。如: We are in receipt of your fax reminder dated today . The remittance from our bank to yours was made yesterday and you should be able to confirm receipt in your account today. 译文: 我们已收到贵方今日的传真催款单。汇款已于昨日由我方银 行汇给贵方银行, 贵方确定能在今日贵方的帐户上收到汇款。 如果不知道行业表达, 译者很容易把reminder 翻译成提醒者, 让ange is the core concept of marketing. For an exchange to take place, several conditions must be satisfied. Of course, at least two parties must participate, and each must have something of value to the other. Each party also must want to deal with the other party and each must be free to accept or reject the other’s offer. Finally, each party must be able to communicate and deliver.

2字体问题按照GB/T 1.1附录I中的规定处理。
(1)英文状态,“Arial”对应“黑体”,“Times New Roman”对应“宋体”。
(2)要特别注意,“Arial”字体的“l”在会引起歧义的情况下(如作为单位是易误以为“1”)改用“Times New Roman”字体倾斜的“l”。
(1)标准号中的短线,外文采用“-”,例如“JIS C9335-2-80-2006”应为“JIS C9335-2-80-2006”;中文采用“-”,例如“GB/T 1.1-2000”(2)表示范围的弯号,不论译种均采用“~”。
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MCU DescriptionSCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU MCU that it was first used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL's Z80 is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways.一、SCM historySCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SoC three stages.SCM the single chip microcomputer (Single Chip Microcomputer) stage, mainly seeking the best of the best single form of embedded systems architecture. "Innovation model" success, laying the SCM and general computer completely different path of development. In the open road of independent development of embedded systems, Intel Corporation contributed.MCU the micro-controller (Micro Controller Unit) stage, the main direction of technology development: expanding to meet the embedded applications, the target system requirements for the various peripheral circuits and interface circuits, highlight the object of intelligent control.It involves the areas associated with the object system, therefore,the development of MCU's responsibility inevitably falls on electrical, electronics manufacturers. From this point of view, Intel faded MCU development has its objective factors. In the development of MCU, the most famous manufacturers as the number of Philips Corporation.Philips company in embedded applications, its great advantage, the MCS-51 single-chip micro-computer from the rapid development of the micro-controller. Therefore, when we look back at the path of development of embedded systems, do not forget Intel and Philips in History.二、Embedded SystemsEmbedded system microcontroller is an independent development path, the MCU important factor in the development stage, is seeking applications to maximize the solution on the chip; Therefore, the development of dedicated single chip SoC trend of the natural form. As the microelectronics, IC design, EDA tools development, application system based on MCU SoC design have greater development. Therefore, the understanding of the microcontroller chip microcomputer can be, extended to the single-chip micro-controller applications.三、MCU applicationsSCM now permeate all areas of our lives, which is almost difficult to find traces of the field without SCM. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft, all types of instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, extensive use of various smart IC card, civilian luxury car security system, video recorder, camera, fully automatic washing machine control, and program-controlled toys, electronic pet, etc., which are inseparable from the microcontroller. Not to mention the area of robot control, intelligent instruments, medical equipment was. Therefore, the MCU learning, development and application of the large number of computer applications andintelligent control of the scientists, engineers.SCM is widely used in instruments and meters, household appliances, medical equipment, aerospace, specialized equipment, intelligent management and process control fields, roughly divided into the following several areas:1.In the application of Intelligent InstrumentsSCM has a small size, low power consumption, controlling function, expansion flexibility, the advantages of miniaturization and ease of use, widely used instrument, combining different types of sensors can be realized Zhuru voltage, power, frequency, humidity, temperature, flow, speed, thickness, angle, length, hardness, elemental, physical pressure measurement. SCM makes use of digital instruments, intelligence, miniaturization, and functionality than electronic or digital circuits more powerful. Such as precision measuring equipment (power meter, oscilloscope, various analytical instrument).2.In the industrial control applicationWith the MCU can constitute a variety of control systems, data acquisition system. Such as factory assembly line of intelligent control3.In Household AppliancesCan be said that the appliances are basically using SCM, praise from the electric rice, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, color TV, and other audio video equipment, to the electronic weighing equipment, varied, and omnipresent.4.In the field of computer networks and communications applicationsMCU general with modern communication interface, can be easy with the computer data communication, networking and communications in computer applications between devices had excellent material conditions,are basically all communication equipment to achieve a controlled by MCU from mobile phone, telephone,mini-program-controlled switchboards, building automated communications call system, train radio communication, to the daily work can be seen everywhere in the mobile phones, trunked mobile radio, walkie-talkies, etc..5.Microcomputer in the field of medical device applicationsSCM in the use of medical devices is also quite extensive, such as medical respirator, the various analyzers, monitors, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and hospital beds, etc. call system.6. In a variety of major appliances in the modular applicationsDesigned to achieve some special single specific function to be modular in a variety of circuit applications, without requiring the use of personnel to understand its internal structure. If music integrated single chip, seemingly simple function, miniature electronic chip in the net (the principle is different from the tape machine), you need a computer similar to the principle of the complex. Such as: music signal to digital form stored in memory (like ROM), read by the microcontroller, analog music into electrical signals (similar to the sound card).In large circuits, modular applications that greatly reduce the volume, simplifies the circuit and reduce the damage, error rate, but also easy to replace.7. Microcontroller in the application field of automotive equipmentSCM in automotive electronics is widely used, such as a vehicle engine controller, CAN bus-based Intelligent Electronic Control Engine, GPS navigation system, abs anti-lock braking system, brake system, etc..In addition, the MCU in business, finance, research, education, national defense, aerospace and other fields has a very wide range of applications.四、Application of six important part of learning MCU learning an important part of the six applications1.BusWe know that a circuit is always made by the devices connected by wires, in analog circuits, the connection does not become a problem because the device is a serial relationship between the general, the device is not much connection between the , but the computer is not the same circuit, it is a microprocessor core, the device must be connected with the microprocessor, the device must be coordination between, so they need to connect on a lot, as if still analog circuit like the microprocessor and devices in the connection between the individual, the number of lines will be a little more surprising, therefore the introduction of the microprocessor bus Zhong Each device Gongtong access connections, all devices 8 Shuju line all received eight public online, that is the equivalent of all devices together in parallel, but only this does not work, if there are two devices send data at the same time, a 0, a 1, then, whether the receiver received what is it? This situation is not allowed, so to be controlled by controlling the line, time-sharing the device to work at any time only one device to send data (which can have multiple devices to receive both). Device's data connection is known as the data bus, the device is called line of control all the control bus. Internal or external memory in the microcontroller and other devices have memory cells, the memory cell to be assigned addresses, you can use, distribution, of course, to address given in the form of electrical signals, and as more memory cells, so, for the address allocation The line is also more of these lines is called the address bus.2.data、address、commandThe reason why these three together because of the nature of these three are the same - the number, or are a string of '0 'and '1' form the sequence. In other words, addresses, instructions are also data. Instruction: from single chip designer provides a number of commonly used instructions with mnemonic we have a strict correspondence between the developer can not be changed by the MCU. Address: the search for MCU internal, external storage units, input and output port based on the address of the internal unit value provided by the chip designer is good, can not be changed, the external unit can be single chip developers to decide, but there are a number of address units is a must (see procedures for the implementation of the process).3. P0、P2 and P3 port of the second function I useBeginners often on the P0 port, P2 and P3 port I use the second function puzzled that the second function and have a switch between the original function of the process, or have a directive, in fact, the port The second feature is automatic, do not need instructions to convert. Such as P3.6, P3.7 respectively WR, RD signal, when the microchip processing machines external RAM or external I / O port, they are used as a second function, not as a general-purpose I / O port used, so long as a A microprocessor implementation of the MOVX instruction, there will be a corresponding signal sent from the P3.6 or P3.7, no prior use of commands. In fact 'not as a general-purpose I / O port use' is also not a 'no' but (user) 'not' as a general-purpose I / O port to use. You can arrange the order of a SETB P3.7's instructions, and when the MCU execution to the instruction, the also make P3.7 into a high, but users will not do so because this is usually will cause the system to collapse.4.the program's implementationReduction in power after the 8051 microcontroller within the program counter (PC) in the value of 0000 ', the process is always from the 0000' units started, that is: the system must exist in ROM 0000 'this unit , and in 0000 'unit must be stored in a single instruction.5.the stackStack is a region, is used to store data, there is no special about the region itself is a part of internal RAM, special access to its data storage and the way that the so-called 'advanced post out backward first out ', and the stack has a special data transmission instructions that' PUSH 'and' POP ', has a special expertise in its services unit, that is, the stack pointer SP, whenever a PUSH instruction execution, SP on (in the Based on the original value) automatically add 1, whenever the implementation of a POP instruction, SP will (on the basis of the original value) automatically by 1. As the SP values can be changed with the instructions, so long as the beginning of the process to change the value of the SP, you can set the stack memory unit required, such as the program begins, with an MOV SP, # 5FH instructions When set on the stack starting from the memory unit 60H unit. There is always the beginning of the general procedure with such a directive to set the stack pointer, because boot, SP initial value of 07H, 08H This unit from the beginning to stack next, and 08H to 1FH 8031 is the second in the region, three or four working register area, often used, this will lead to confusion of data. Different authors when writing programs, initialize the stack is not exactly the same directive, which is the author's habit. When set up the stack zone, does not mean that the region become a special memory, it can still use the same memory region as normal, but generally the programmer does not regard it as an ordinary memory used.中文小四号字,单倍行距,首行缩进2个字符,不能定义文档网格。