unit 1 政论文的翻译



Our end users ask your specialists a lot of questions at the technical seminar.
有些汉语词汇的褒贬意义没有明确标示出来, 须根据语言使用的社会背景与习惯来确定其 褒贬之义,并在译文中作出相应的处理。在 汉语中有时出于政治、社会或习惯上的原因, 对一些带有褒贬之义的词弃之不用,而改用 中性词语。英译时一般应把褒贬之义补译进 去,以求译文准确。
在联合国应在战后伊拉克扮演的角色 问题上,伦敦和华盛顿出现了分歧。
Differences have emerged between London and Washington over what role the United Nations should play in postwar Iraq.
在过去的10年间,中加关系发展势 头良好,两国政治关系日益密切,双 边贸易额增长了了倍。
During the past 10 years, SinoCanadian relations have maintained a strong momentum. The bilateral political ties have increased and the volume of bilateral trade has tripled.
为了提高美国产品的国际竞争力,美 国政府采取放任美元贬值的政策,并 拿起迫使中国人民币升值的大棒。
To increase the competitive capability of US products in the international market, the American government adopted a laissez-faire policy of devaluing the US dollar and attempted to force China to appreciate the RMB.



Unit 1课文翻译TEXT A1.为什么我们与来自其它文化的人们的交流总是充满了误会、让人感到沮丧呢?令很多人奇怪的是,即使怀着良好的愿望、使用自己认为是友好的方式,甚至有互利的可能性,也似乎都不足以保证交流的成功。












政论文翻译材料1 原文和答案

政论文翻译材料1 原文和答案

China Is Emerging as a New Growth Engine for the WorldIn the context of deep-going economic globalization, China and Asia are emerging as an economic power house for the world. The expansion of the world economy, on the other hand, is generating fresh opportunities of significance for China and Asia as well. The further development of mutually beneficial cooperation and increased interdependence among various economies, on the other hand, will undoubtedly open up broad vistas for the global economic growth.Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program initiated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China has undergone a profound transformation unprecedented in history. Our overall national strength has enhanced markedly and the people's living standard improved steadily. Carrying forward the glory of their ancient civilization, the l.3 billion Chinese people are creating a new history as they press forward in a concerted effort and a pioneering spirit along the high road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.China has set a goal for the first 20 years of this century which is to firmly seize the major strategic opportunities to build China, in an all-round way, into a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard, which is of great benefit to its more than one billion people. By 2020, China's GDP will have quadrupled from the figure of 2000, amounting to approximately 4 trillion US dollars, with a per-capita level of some 3,000 US dollars. This will result in further developed economy, enhanced democracy, advanced science and education, enriched culture, improved social harmony and an upgraded texture of life for the people.To achieve this goal, we will adopt a scientific approach in the process of guiding the economic and social development. We will stick to the principle of putting the people first, always keeping the fundamental interests of the broad masses at heart, and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as to achieve the comprehensive development of man. We will focus on economic development, making development our central task or top priority with a view to achieving a well-rounded progress ——economically, politically and culturally ——in the building of a harmonious society. We will persist in the reform to develop a socialist market economy, furthering the innovation of institutional mechanisms, deepening the reforms aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of society and activating from within the dynamics for economic and social development. We will adhere to our basic policy of opening to the outside world so as to establish a more open market system, enabling the country to participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition in greater scopes and wider fields and at higher levels. We will follow a new course of industrialization to transform China's economic structures and to promote changes in the mode of economic growth by improving quality and efficiency. We will do a good job of developing a circular economy to build a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. By so doing we will embark on a path to renewed development characterized by higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system.China's development and the development of Asia and the world as a whole are closely interrelated. The development of China will, as always, generate cooperation opportunities with win-win results for other countries in Asia and all over the world. China will keep opening up its market step by step. We will try to explore new ways of attracting foreign capital, improve the legal framework for encouraging and protecting foreign investment, streamline the management of businesses with foreign elements, and step up the protection of intellectual property rights. Great efforts will be made to create a more favorable business climate to facilitate economic and trade cooperation outwardly and to make things smooth for the inflow of foreign investment.中国的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,中国及亚洲的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量,世界经济发展也将给中国及亚洲发展带来新的重要机遇。

Unit 1 参考译文

Unit 1 参考译文

Unit 1 参考译文Reading 1现代技术的巨大飞跃过去几年里科技实现了巨大飞跃,无线供电和云计算等技术革新已经彻底改变了我们的生活和工作方式。














它还包括如“微软在线服务”(Microsoft Online Services)所提供的这类在线应用。


Reading 2本土知识全球范围内,人们对本土知识(或乡土知识)的关注有增无减。


沃伦( Warren,1991)给出了如下定义可供参考:“本土知识(IK)就是本地知识,即所在地文化或社会所独有的知识;是相对于高校、研究机构和私营企业须遵守的通用国际规则或惯例而言。





中国在同其他国家关系中一直强调各国一 律平等和尊重中小国家权利和意见的原则。
In China’s approach to relations with other countries, there has always been an emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers.
在过去的10年间,中加关系发展势 头良好,两国政治关系日益密切,双 边贸易额增长了了倍。
During the past 10 years, SinoCanadian relations have maintained a strong momentum. The bilateral political ties have increased and the volume of bilateral trade has tripled.
汉语中倾向于添加范畴词,如“现 象”、“水平”、“问题”、“状 态”、“情况”、“工作”等。这些 词有时本身没有实质意义,只是使汉 语读上去更地道,翻译时可以省去不 译。
科学家与环保人士担心全球变暖问题。 scientists and environmentalists are concerned about (the problem of) global warming.
广大职工要转变就业观念。 Workers should change their ideas about employment.
翻译水平的高低,往往体现在词汇推 敲上。词汇意义往往体现在内涵外延、 褒贬意义、语体色彩等特点方面。


• 政论文简介 • 政论文翻译的原则与技巧 • 政论文翻译的难点与对策 • 政论文翻译的实践与提高 • 总结与展望
政论文是政治性论文的简 称,主要探讨政治问题、 表达政治观点和立场,是 政治交流的重要工具。
政府工作报告的翻译,要求高度准确、严谨、专业。通过实例分析,学习如何处理长句、专业术语和政治敏感性词汇 ,提高翻译的准确性和流畅性。
模拟联合国大会的政论文翻译,涉及多国语言和文化背景。通过实例分析,探讨如何跨文化交际,准确 传达原文意思,同时保持原文的风格和语气。
政论文涉及政治、法律等专业领域,需要译 者具备扎实的语言基础和专业知识,准确理 解原文含义。
政论文具有权威性和正式性,要求译者在翻译过程 中使用规范、准确的表达,确保译文流畅、易于理 解。
政治文化差异对政论文翻译产生影响,译者 需要关注不同文化背景下的政治术语和表达 方式,避免产生歧义。
“Promote high-quality economic development”
此句翻译中,“高质量发展”被译为“high-quality economic development”,而不 是“rapid economic development”,因为“high-quality”更准确地传达了原文的含 义,强调经济发展的质量而非速度。



Unit 1Main Reading笃行:麻省理工与列奥纳多·达·芬奇(之)精神(一)早上好,欢迎麻省理工学院2012届的各位新同学!同时还要欢迎在你们开始麻省理工人生探险之际,为你们送行的好友和家人!首先让我谈谈我们对各位的感觉:你们决定加入到麻省理工的行列,是我们莫大的荣幸。















unit 1 政论文的翻译

unit 1 政论文的翻译

汉语中存在着大量的修饰语, 意在加强语气。如果将这 些直译成英语, 可能不符合逻辑, 甚至造成语意曲解。 当然, 译与不译要视情况而定, 要推敲上下文的逻辑关 系, 力求信息准确又符合情理,避免用词堆砌, 使译文流 于空洞庸俗之感。汉语句子结构往往重整体, 重综合, 免不了会出现一些评论性话语, 常使用”情况”、”问 题”、”工作”、“水平”等。译者还应留意范畴词 的翻译问题, 有些情况可以不必译出。以及在外宣文本 中常出现“新进展”、” 积极的贡献”等词组, 我们切 莫掉入汉语陷阱, 若译成new progress、positive contribution, 就画蛇添足了, 译成progress, contribution 即可。此外, 汉语中还存在着大量的同义重复现象。。
5. 现代化建设China’s modernization 6.与邻为善,以邻为伴 friendship and partnership with neighboring countries 7.中国特色社会主义伟大事业 great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
(四)句式复杂,尤以排比句和无主句见长。 事实上,汉语重“意合”,句子之间多依靠语义的贯 通,少用连接语,即所谓“形散神不散”;而主语的功能 在汉语中也相对较弱,所以像这一类句式复杂,无主语的 长句在汉语里司空见惯。相对而言,英语属于语法型语 言,重“形合”,强调主谓序列,句与句之间的关系是通 过鲜明的语法手段显现出来的。所以在翻译时首先主语必 不可少(译文均采用了被动形式),其次要对原句重新排 列,避免译文冗长累赘。
基层at the primary levels (原译) 试译: at the grassroots levels Grassroots, 直译就是流行用语草根。这 种说法始于19世纪处于淘金热的美国, 当 时盛传山脉土壤表层草根生长茂盛的地 方, 下面就蕴藏着黄金。后来草根一词引 入社会学领域, 就被赋予了基层的内涵。

Unit1 译文

Unit1 译文

















20世纪40年代,阿瑟 C. 克拉克曾预言通信卫星将于2000年前实现绕地球飞行,这项技术的到来比预期早了30年。










Lesson 1The Practice and Discipline of Public AdministrationSome Definitions公共行政,像许多人的努力,是很难界定的。























大学英语1英语课文翻译IntroductionIn this article, we will provide a translation of an English text that is frequently used as a lesson in a college-level English course. The translation aims to accurately convey the meaning of the original text while maintaining readability and coherence.Text Translation原文:The Value of a College EducationA widely debated topic today is whether college education is worth the investment. The rising cost of tuition fees and the increasing number of graduates struggling to find employment have fueled this ongoing discussion. However, despite the challenges, obtaining a college education is still highly valuable for several reasons.First and foremost, a college education provides individuals with expanded knowledge and specialized skills. Through a variety of courses and programs, students develop critical thinking abilities, analytical skills, and a broader understanding of the world. This comprehensive education equips graduates with the tools to navigate and succeed in a competitive job market.In addition, a college degree opens doors to better career opportunities and higher earning potential. Statistics consistently show that those with a college education earn higher salaries compared to those without. Thespecialized knowledge gained through higher education allows individuals to qualify for higher-paying positions and positions in fields that require specific expertise. Furthermore, graduates are more likely to receive benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans, which contribute to their overall financial stability.Moreover, college provides a unique environment for personal growth and development. The college experience exposes students to a diverse range of ideas, cultures, and perspectives. This exposure fosters tolerance, empathy, and open-mindedness - skills that are essential in a globalized society. Additionally, students have the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities, develop leadership skills, and build a strong network of contacts, which can greatly benefit them in their future endeavors.Lastly, a college education has long-term societal benefits. College graduates tend to be more informed and engaged citizens, actively contributing to their communities. They are more likely to vote, participate in volunteer work, and promote positive change. Moreover, higher education institutions often serve as hubs for research and innovation, leading to advancements in various fields and driving societal progress.In conclusion, while the debate over the value of a college education continues, it is evident that obtaining a college degree remains highly advantageous. The expanded knowledge, specialized skills, improved career prospects, personal growth, and long-term societal benefits make investing in higher education a worthwhile endeavor.翻译:大学教育的价值今天一个被广泛争论的话题是大学教育是否值得投资。



No matter who you are, everything worthwhile will depend on your own self-image. Your happiness will be based on it. You will live only one life, and in order to enjoy it, you must have a winning self-image. Since we can all choose how we want to think ourselves, we should try to have positive, winning thoughts. In your own attempt to build a winning image you must begin with the self — otherwise, the image you strive for will be supported by nothing but a sand foundation.
从更大的范围上讲,选民们往往仅因为某个政客的外表整洁清秀而对他做出有 利的反应。他的对手则因为没有生就一副令人信任的外表而常常遭到否定的评价。 这种判断是错误的,其后果可能是灾难性的。就算许多选民投一位候选人的票完全 是出于政治原因,但本不该当选的人,如果他有整洁清秀的形象,就会使他在势均 力敌的选举中占有优势。
我们常常根据一个人的表达能力而做出轻率的判断。再回到政治这一话题上 来,许多选民仅仅根据候选人公开演讲的方式就对他的能力做出判断。然而,一个 候选人可能非常善于演说,但并不一定能胜任他所竞选的职位。我认识许多才能杰 出的人物,他们只是没有培养自己在公开场合演讲的能力,但在与别人一对一的交 流中却表现极为出色。这种能充分表达自己见解的能力,固然十分这种优点仅 仅只是“表面现象”。不难想象,一位外表整洁清秀、讲话娓娓动听的政治家会轻 而易举地战胜一位不事张扬但更为合格的对手。他之所以取胜仅仅是因为他的形象 令人信服。 B. If you want a winning image with others, your first concern must be a winning self-image. The individual who has a losing self-image will never be able to project a winning image to others. He may be able to fool some people for a while, but his poor self-image will eventually make it impossible for him to relate favorably to others. Throughout the ages, great philosophers have stated, “You are what you think you are.” It is imperative for you to have good image of yourself if you want to create the same impression in others.



Unit 1Text A 胜过金钱的报酬我14岁时,夏天给人家修剪草坪挣点钱。


























第十一章 论说文的翻译

第十一章 论说文的翻译




















下面请看译文:As time moves on, everything changes in the world. History is indeed the most vivid textbook. War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind, but also enlightened people throughout the world. People have not only won the war but also achieved peace and progress. Half a century later, the painful memories, joy of victory and soul-searching pondering have made people more sober-minded.History has demonstrated that peace has not come about easily. The tragedy of a world war shall never be allowed to repeat itself. One must always maintain sharp vigilance, develop and strengthen forces for peace and check and eliminate all factors leading to war.History has demonstrated that people are, in the end, masters of their destiny and powerful forces promoting social progress. Anything that is just and progressive is bound to win, and cannot be smothered or stopped by any force.二、政论文的翻译做好政论文的翻译,要多注意以下几点:(1)了解文章的写作意图及写作背景;(2)透彻理解原文,准确把握词义,慎重选词择句;(3)通读原文全文,抓住中心论点,分析文章的总体结构和谋篇布局的脉络,理清作者逻辑推论的层次,领会作者的章法;(4)弄清作者的立场、观点,搞清文章的出发点,力避歪曲事实。

政论文翻译材料1 原文和答案

政论文翻译材料1 原文和答案

China Is Emerging as a New Growth Engine for the WorldIn the context of deep-going economic globalization, China and Asia are emerging as an economic power house for the world. The expansion of the world economy, on the other hand, is generating fresh opportunities of significance for China and Asia as well. The further development of mutually beneficial cooperation and increased interdependence among various economies, on the other hand, will undoubtedly open up broad vistas for the global economic growth.Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program initiated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China has undergone a profound transformation unprecedented in history. Our overall national strength has enhanced markedly and the people's living standard improved steadily. Carrying forward the glory of their ancient civilization, the l.3 billion Chinese people are creating a new history as they press forward in a concerted effort and a pioneering spirit along the high road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.China has set a goal for the first 20 years of this century which is to firmly seize the major strategic opportunities to build China, in an all-round way, into a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard, which is of great benefit to its more than one billion people. By 2020, China's GDP will have quadrupled from the figure of 2000, amounting to approximately 4 trillion US dollars, with a per-capita level of some 3,000 US dollars. This will result in further developed economy, enhanced democracy, advanced science and education, enriched culture, improved social harmony and an upgraded texture of life for the people.To achieve this goal, we will adopt a scientific approach in the process of guiding the economic and social development. We will stick to the principle of putting the people first, always keeping the fundamental interests of the broad masses at heart, and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as to achieve the comprehensive development of man. We will focus on economic development, making development our central task or top priority with a view to achieving a well-rounded progress ——economically, politically and culturally ——in the building of a harmonious society. We will persist in the reform to develop a socialist market economy, furthering the innovation of institutional mechanisms, deepening the reforms aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of society and activating from within the dynamics for economic and social development. We will adhere to our basic policy of opening to the outside world so as to establish a more open market system, enabling the country to participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition in greater scopes and wider fields and at higher levels. We will follow a new course of industrialization to transform China's economic structures and to promote changes in the mode of economic growth by improving quality and efficiency. We will do a good job of developing a circular economy to build a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. By so doing we will embark on a path to renewed development characterized by higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system.China's development and the development of Asia and the world as a whole are closely interrelated. The development of China will, as always, generate cooperation opportunities with win-win results for other countries in Asia and all over the world. China will keep opening up its market step by step. We will try to explore new ways of attracting foreign capital, improve the legal framework for encouraging and protecting foreign investment, streamline the management of businesses with foreign elements, and step up the protection of intellectual property rights. Great efforts will be made to create a more favorable business climate to facilitate economic and trade cooperation outwardly and to make things smooth for the inflow of foreign investment.中国的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,中国及亚洲的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量,世界经济发展也将给中国及亚洲发展带来新的重要机遇。







二、政论文的范围革命领袖有关政治的文章,报告,演说;党政机关,政治团体的宣言,声明;报刊杂志的政治性社论,思想评论,国际时事评论以及编辑部文章等凡是对时政问题进行议论说理的文章,都可以属于政论文的范畴.三、政论文的特点一定的政治倾向讲求确切,严谨,鲜明,富有鼓动性. 句式结构变化多样,重整体布局,重修辞。



必须忠实于作者的政治观点.译者必须忠实地表达出原作者鲜明的政治观点,对原作的立场,所论述的方针,政策不允许有丝毫歪曲篡改,一词一句都必须仔细推敲,认真选择.2、义切词严 ,爱憎分明义切词严是指掌握好政治分寸.注意谴词造句的严谨与否.政论文用词的语义深度,句意或轻或重,反映了作者的立功和态度. 译者在谴词造句时,应在透彻理解原文的基础上,认真揣摩,仔细推敲,该重则重,该轻则轻3、概念同一术语的准确与统一, 直接影响到逻辑关系的严密.一个名词和词组在同一篇文章里或不同的文章里多次使用,如果表示同一个概念,论述同一个事物,那么这个名词或词组的译名要始终保持同一性.4、逻辑严谨通读原文,抓住中心,分析文章的谋篇布局的脉落,理清作者逻辑推论的层次,领会作者的章法,可以避免翻译时断章取义,造成逻辑错误。



TU YOUYOU AWARDED NOBEL PRIZE6 October 2015This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner ),whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin,a crucial new treatment for malaria. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives,and has led to improved health for millions of people. Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year,and about 600,000 die from it. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria,and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.Tu Youyou,a committed and patient scientist,was born in Ningbo,China,on 30 December 1930,and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955. After she graduated,she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1967,the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria,and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen. In the beginning,Tu Youyou went to Hainan,where malaria was more common,to study malaria patients. In 1969,she became the head of the project in Beijing,and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease. Her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts,and evaluated 280,000 plants for their medical properties. From their research,they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria.One medical text from the fourth century suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. Tu’s team tested a collection of dried wormwood leaves but found no effect. They then tried boiling fresh wormwood,and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria,but this did not work either. Their project got stuck. However,Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat. She analysed the medical texts again,and by chance,she found one sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood. She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed itsmedical properties. Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract,she found a substance that worked. After failing more than 190 times,the team finally succeeded in 1971. Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe. Later,the medicine was tested on malaria patients,most of whom recovered. This medicine,which was called artemisinin,soon became a standard treatment for malaria.According to Tu Youyou,the discovery of artemisinin was a team effort. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize,she said,“The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me,and all the people of my country. This success proves the great value of traditional Chinese medicine. It is indeed an honour for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.”屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖2015年10月6日今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究导致了青蒿素的发现。

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区域发展呈现布局改善、结构优化、协调性提高的 良好态势。(同义词整合) 译文: A favorable situation emerged in which regional development was better distributed, structured and coordinated. 经济社会发展中仍然存在一些突出的矛 盾与问题。(同义反复) 译文: there are some serious problems affecting economic and social development.
原文2:我们从加强农业基础入手,„„ 译文:„ and strengthen agriculture as the foundation of the economy. 原文3:重点加强公共卫生、医疗服务和医疗保障体 系建设。 译文: The funding was mainly used to develop the public health service system, the medical service system and the medical security system. 原文4:加强国防教育,增强全民国防观念。 译文:We will intensify national defense education to raise public awareness of the importance of the national defense. 政论文中用词的重复性由上可窥见一斑。当然为避免 英语译文的重复单一,译者在进行翻译时要根据具体的上 下文灵活选用不同的词汇来予以表达。内容的文本,它 涉及国家政策、原则和利益等重大方面,旨在阐明 论点,展开论述,具有鲜明的政治特色。通常包括 领袖文选,报刊社论,党政文献和工作报告等。 政论文大多主题明确,议论生动,体不诡异, 辞不险怪,体现出“意与理胜”的特点。一年一 度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所 做的工作总结和工作部署。总结的是建设中国特色 社会主义所取得的新成就,部署的是国家针对国情 的大政方针和政策措施。作为政论文的典型文本, 《政府工作报告》所具有的特点不仅是具体的,而 且也是政论文的基本共性所在。
8. 反腐倡廉 combating corruption and promoting clean government
9. 以权谋私 abuse power for personal gain
去年这个时候, 国际金融危机还在扩张蔓延, 世界经济深 度衰退, 我国经济严重冲击, 出口大幅下降, 不少企业经营 困难, 有的甚至停产倒闭, 失业人员大量增加, 农民工大批 返乡, .经济增速陡然下滑。 原译: This time last year the global financial crisis was still spreading, and the world economy was in a deep recession. Our economy was severely affected; our exports decreased significantly; a large number of enterprises had operating difficulties, and some even suspended production or closed down; the number of unemployed people increased significantly; many migrant workers had to return to their home villages; and the pace of our economic Growth suddenly slowed down.
(二)中国特色新词汇、新词组、新提法层 出不穷。随着新事物不断涌现,新方针、新 政策不断出台,每个时期又会有许多新的政 治词汇,它们都会及时地反应并出现在各类 政治文献当中,宛如人民政治生活中的晴雨 表。诸如“三农”,“三通”,“科学发展 观”,“西电东送,西气东输”,“退耕还 林,退牧还草”和“高致病性禽流感”等等, 这些提法不仅是最近频度很高的热门词语, 而且都具有典型的中国特色,代表着中国最 新的方针政策的发展走向,故而,对于它们 的翻译颇为关键,具体的翻译策略在下文将 会谈到。
三农agriculture, rural areas, and farmers 西气东输shipping natural gas from west to east 南水北调the South- to- North water Diversion Project 半拉子工程projects that stop midway 米袋子rice bag ( grain supply) 五保户rural residents receiving guarantees of food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses 菜篮子vegetable basket( non - staple food supply)
政府工作报告英译分析 Report on the Work of the Government
1.Background Information
2. What are the characteristics of a political text? 3.How to translate a political text?
基层at the primary levels (原译) 试译: at the grassroots levels Grassroots, 直译就是流行用语草根。这 种说法始于19世纪处于淘金热的美国, 当 时盛传山脉土壤表层草根生长茂盛的地 方, 下面就蕴藏着黄金。后来草根一词引 入社会学领域, 就被赋予了基层的内涵。
(一)语言规范严谨,逻辑细致缜密。《政府工作报告》 事关国家大事,字字句句必然是经过反复斟酌。其内容 就有很强的客观性,重事实的阐述,语言精确,逻辑性 强。
原文:五年新增节水灌溉面积1亿亩。 译文:During the five-year period, an additional 6.667 million hectares of farmland was equipped with water-saving irrigation facilities. 看到这个数字,读者或许觉的有点小题大做吧,不就是 “0.1 billion mu”吗? 可正是这样的态度就使译文陷 入了问题泥潭。因为“亩”是个典型的中国计量单位, 在翻译时要将它处理成国际通用的单位“公顷”才能为 外国读者所知。可见,用词严谨在原文和译文中均占有 重要的地位。
①去年这个时候, ②国际金融危机还在扩张蔓延, ③世界经
济深度衰退, ④我国经济严重冲击, ⑤出口大幅下降, ⑥不 少企业经营困难, ⑦有的甚至停产倒闭, ⑧失业人员大量增 加, ⑨农民工大批返乡, ⑩经济增速陡然下滑。 分析: 该句属于典型的“竹状”句, 句子长, 语 义节节延伸, 逻辑不明。针对这样的长句, 译者首 先应根据其语义层次断句, 然后进行整合改写。 ①为时间状语, ② 为现实情况, ③~ ⑩为其影响或 后果。而且③是对世界经济的影响, ④ ⑤ ⑩为对 国内经济影响, ⑥ ⑦ 则为对企业影响, ⑧ ⑨为对人 的影响。
汉语中存在着大量的修饰语, 意在加强语气。如果将这 些直译成英语, 可能不符合逻辑, 甚至造成语意曲解。 当然, 译与不译要视情况而定, 要推敲上下文的逻辑关 系, 力求信息准确又符合情理,避免用词堆砌, 使译文流 于空洞庸俗之感。汉语句子结构往往重整体, 重综合, 免不了会出现一些评论性话语, 常使用”情况”、”问 题”、”工作”、“水平”等。译者还应留意范畴词 的翻译问题, 有些情况可以不必译出。以及在外宣文本 中常出现“新进展”、” 积极的贡献”等词组, 我们切 莫掉入汉语陷阱, 若译成new progress、positive contribution, 就画蛇添足了, 译成progress, contribution 即可。此外, 汉语中还存在着大量的同义重复现象。。
外国读者希望通过外宣译本来了解中国的文 化、经济、政治发展状况。然而, 外宣翻译中 存在着大量中国文化特色和政治特色的词语。 由于大多数外国受众对中国的文化、政治等知 之甚少或一无所知, 所以对这类词语他们感到 很陌生。为此, 译者必须充分考虑外国读者的 认知语境知识,采取补偿策略, 即通过解释、交 代背景知识, 使外国读者取得最大关联效果。 否则, 势必会影响到交际的成功。
1.新兴产业emerging industries 2.海峡西岸经济区 Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone
3.祖国和平统一大业 the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland 4.独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace
5. 现代化建设China’s modernization 6.与邻为善,以邻为伴 friendship and partnership with neighboring countries 7.中国特色社会主义伟大事业 great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
(四)句式复杂,尤以排比句和无主句见长。 事实上,汉语重“意合”,句子之间多依靠语义的贯 通,少用连接语,即所谓“形散神不散”;而主语的功能 在汉语中也相对较弱,所以像这一类句式复杂,无主语的 长句在汉语里司空见惯。相对而言,英语属于语法型语 言,重“形合”,强调主谓序列,句与句之间的关系是通 过鲜明的语法手段显现出来的。所以在翻译时首先主语必 不可少(译文均采用了被动形式),其次要对原句重新排 列,避免译文冗长累赘。