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2012.6 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分)





1.He has______ unusual chair. It is like ________ “h”.

A.an , an B.an ,a C.a , an D.a , a

2.Some unhealthy computer games have a bad effect _________ teenagers .

A.to B.for C.on D.with

3.—Whose diamond necklace is this ?

—It belongs to ________.

A.he B.his C.him D.hers

4.There are too many kangaroos in Australia. To keep the balance of nature, the government has made a _______to hunt some of them.

A.noise B.decision C.mess D.mistake

5.Li Lei came first in the drawing competition. His teacher ______ him.

A.was strict with B.was angry with C.was careful with D.was pleased with 6.—Would you like coffee , coke________ milk ?

—_______________. Just some green tea , please.

A.and , Yes B.or , None C.and , No one D.or, No one

7.―I’m afraid I’ve caught a bad cold.


A.Never mind B.Keep away from me

C.You need to eat less food D.Better go and see a doctor

8.—Look! _________ clean the river looks !

—Yes. I’m sure somebody __________ it up.

A.What , has cleaned B.How , has cleaned

C.What , cleaned D.How ,cleaned

9.—What do you think of a volunteer doctor’s job?

—One of _______ jobs in the world.

A.meaningful B.more meaningful C.the most meaningful D.more meaningless

10.He can hardly do anything to achieve a balance between his job and hobbies ,________?

A.can he B.can’t he C.does he D.doesn’t he

第 1 页共10 页

11.______ the thirtieth Olympic Games are coming, Chinese players are training as hard as they can.

A.Since B.For C.Before D.If

12.—When did the director finish filming the documentary ?


A.For two years B.In the past two years

C.Until the end of last year D.Not until the end of last year

13.There ________ more than one actress in the action film. Their acting skills are perfect.

A.is B.are C.were D.have been

14.—My jewellery shop has been robbed. How terrible !


A.Not at all B.Why not call the police ?

C.You’d better not call the police D.That’s OK.

15.He doesn’t know ___________ when he feels stressed.

A.what colour can he wear B.what should he do

C.what colour he can wear D.he should do what


My father died when I was five. My brother,who is eight years 16 than me ,began to look after my mother and me. He took on(承担) many more duties , 17 being told to do so.Every morning he made me 18 . Hand in hand we walked to the bus stop. As we waited ,he played games my father 19 to play with me.

When we arrived home from school ,Mum 20 us with a kiss. This was my brother’s time to be a(an) 21 .

It was a Saturday in June a few years later. My mother and I were at a store. They had sold the

22 cards out. I looked at a shelf of cards. My Mum said ,“Honey ,I k now this is a hard time for you.”I said ,“No ,mom ,that’s not it. 23 don’t they have Brother’s Day cards ?”She 24 and said ,“You’re right, but your brother has already been a 25 to you. Go ahead and pick out one.”

So I did ,and on Father’s Day ,my mother and I made my brother sit 26 and gave him the card.As he read it, I saw the tears 27 in his eyes. He threw his arms 28 me and my mother. I felt the 29 in mom’s voice as she said ,“Son, your father is 30 of you. Thanks for your years of good care and hard work.”

16.A. younger B. older C. bigger D. smaller

17.A .with B. through C. by D . without 18.A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. supper

19.A .used B. hated C. needed D. liked

20.A. helped B. told C. taught D. greeted

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