



Lesson 1perilously: dangerously; riskyAilment: mild illnessaffluence: wealth; abundancepreoccupy: (often passive) if something preoccupies somebody, they think or worry about it a lot 使专心于,迷住preoccupation n. 全神贯注,出神,急务meek:patient and mildinherit the earth: to control the worldenvy: to wish that you had sb‟s possessions, abilities,contemporary: somebody who lives at the same time as someone elseutility: usefulnessaugment: ( stress on 2nd syllable) increasebe in question: being concerned, discussed (cf:out of question: no doubt ;out of the question:impossibleformula: solutionfecundity: reproductionfecund: able to produce many children, young animals, or crops, fertilegrievously: in grief; seriously; causing great painbreed: to produce young childsubsistence: the condition of having enough money, food, etc., to stay aliveameliorate: improve; amelioration: improvementundue: excessive; not reasonable or suitablerepair to: go to (a particular place)denial: denial of poverty overriding: prevailing, dominantextrude: to pull something out through a home by force;expel; force outamorphous: having no definite shape or features; vagueinterfere with: to prevent something from happening as planned or succeedingAnxiety can interfere with children‟s performance at school.cf. interfere in: to deliberately get involved in a situation be inconsistent with: be incompatible with, be contradictory to The accounts of the witnesses are inconsistent. His conduct was inconsistent with what is expected of a Congressman.a substantial measure of: a considerable amount ofsuspend :to officially stop something from continuing, esp. for a short timeproceed: to continue to do sth that has already been planned or started (In this context, to happen / exist as a result of sth)on behalf of: in the interest of, as the representative ofinherently: by nature; naturally (inherent: inborn, natural)succor: to help; aidallegation: statement without proofBe replete with: (adj. phrase) full of; well-filled/supplied withdedicate: (dedication)1) to say that something (book, film, song, etc.) has been written, made, or sung to express love, respect, etc. for somebody..2) to spend all your time on, put all your efforts into particular thingaberration: action or event that is different from what usua. happens or what sb usua. Does; departure from what is correcta temporary aberration in US foreign policyaberrant behaviormorale (…on 2nd syllable) the amount of confidence and optimism that people have斗志,士气(cf: moral/immoral/morality/mortal/mortality死亡数/mortgage)seduce: to tempt/persuade sb to do sth wrong 吸引,引诱,勾引inflict: to make sb suffer sth unpleasantadverse: unfavorableincentive: stimulus; sth that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity, etc.feckless: lacking determination, achieving nothing in life; weakmanifestation: one of the different ways in which sth can appearfigure: important personidle away: spend time doing nothingscandalous: disgraceful; shockingenduring: lasting, permanenttransparent: clear, obviousenhancement: improvementimpoverish: to make sb very poorcover: sth used to hide sth else that is bad, illegal; excuseshow affection. resort to: make use of for helpOfficials fear that extremists may resort to violence.We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resorting to force.decline: Car sales have declined by a quarter. (decrease)The minister declined to comment about the progress of the peace talk. (refuse to do something) ( n. fall into a ~: lose strength; on the ~: declining)resolve to: be determined to do something、resolve to: 打定主意明确表示决定/决心做/不做settle: 专指在一段时间的犹豫不决或争论之后作出的明确最终的选择。



高级英语第六册翻译Unit 2 A Class Act1.成长在二战期间战火连天的曼彻斯特意味着生活艰辛,金钱紧缺,整日焦虑不安,当铺成了大多数家庭经常去的地方,当然也包括我家。


















































Unit 2 The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education .Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree.The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one year of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about $19,000. Some other schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about $9,000 a year.Bachelor’s degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign students in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.Unit3.十五年前,计算机专家们扩展了因特网系统。



Paraphrase the following:Unit 11 The most inspiring and gratifying fact of life is the unexpected spark of enlightenment that makes you different and a better person than before.2 Finally, if you form a habit of saying “if only”, the phrase can really turn to an obstruction, proving you with an excuse for giving up trying anything at all.3 … you are always thinking of the past, regretting and lamenting. Y ou did not look forward to what you can do in the future at all.Unit 21 Moses justified his unwilling to pass Jehovah’s order to Pharaoh, saying that he was “ slow of speech”.2 Delay leads to problems. However , in many cases, it can often stimulate the creativity in an artist.3 He points out that hastiness may give rise to decisions which turn out t be humiliating or expensive.Unit 31 I am preety sure, is not a result of his strong dislike of the physical building itself, but rather that of his refusal to change his attitude towards money.2 People in a primitive society , for example, saw the world as an enormous planet full of fear, hatred and disorder.3 Again, the decisive factor that can influence the design of a wall is not the advancement of sience and technology, but our ever-changing attitude towards our place in the world.Unit 41 He was a man rich in whimsies, and intolerant of any act bold enough as to challenge his authority. When his mind caught upon something, absurd as it might be, he would do everything to make sure that it was done in the way he wished.2 He enjoyed the freedom to choose what to do: he was not directed or influenced by anyone as to which door to open. Yhe only thing that was decisive in terms of his fate was the above- mentioned chance, granted to all the accused alike.3 The fact that no one could tell for sure what might happen(to the accused) made this form of trial more attrative than any other form of justice.Unit 51 This semi-barbaric king had a daughter as exuberant as the wildest of his notions, a daughter who possessed a nture as fierce and tyrannical as his own.2 It was, of course, known to all that he was guilty of the offense of conducting an affair with the princess.3 …, but because she had the money, and above all, because her determination was so irresistible, the princess was able to get access to the secret.Unit 61 One of the wonders human creativity works is that man can make full use of even insignificant feelings to produce far-reaching results.2 A life full of diversions stops man’s creativity instead of activating it.3 People who are unable to see how to be patient with repetious work are usually who are unable to see where to find fun in life when it comes to relaxation.Unit 71 Beauty, when considered in relation to a female, involves a judgement of not only looks but also charcter and intellect, making itself a much more controversial issue. Unit 81 Apart from that, the entire attration of the toffee is gone without your noticing it when you actually go so far as to eat it.2 As far as I am concerned, the greatest pleasure appetite can offer is the longing for what I have yet to achieve rather than to feel content with what I have already achieved.Unit 93 The rapid spread of scofflawry is its most disturbing characteristic. Only a totally irrational society could ever tolerate its unchecked growth.Unit 101 We both use all the knowledge and imagination we can summon, tryin to figure out the actual sense, and after practically one whole hour, we eventually are able to understand it.2 It does harm to the most intellifent individual and, by and by, wears away his ability to judge, eventually reducing him to being unable to detect nonsense either in his own writing or in that of others.3 He reads gibberish, and gradually he forms a habit of writing gibberish himself, which he has been instructed to learn as exemplary writing of sophisticated taste.。

高级英语第六册Lesson Six

高级英语第六册Lesson Six

• The Gulf War of 1990-91: Saddam Hussein setfire to over a thousand oil-wells and tipped tons of sticky black crude-oil into the sea.
• Acceleration of the 'green-house' effect and the changing of global climate. • The crude-oil heavily laden with sulphur (硫磺) and when you mix sulphur with water you get sulphuric acid. (sulphuric acid-rain;sulphur-gas -- respiratory difficulties)
• With all of these things and more that have happened, it is obvious that we can't possibly go on living the way that we are and expect the Earth to support the wasteful consumer-based society we live in. • It is becoming more and more obvious that we have to change our ways immediately, if not sooner to avert the imminent destruction of the Earth at the hand of mankind.



drag into | speak up for | rife with | of one’s own accordration out | single out | trudge through | beside oneselfin place | on the warpath | see through | comply with1. The office was rife with rumors.2. Ann rationed out the cake between the children.3. The arrangements are all in place for the concert next Thursday.4. There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.5. The course would take me three years to complete, but I was determined to see it through.6. She has often spoken up for the rights of working mothers.7. If there was one thing she couldn’t face in the morning it was her mother on the warpath.8. He was beside himself with grief when she died.9. Don’t drag me into your argument! It has nothing to do with me.10. I spent the whole weekend trudging through this report, and I still haven’t finished reading it.11. She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come.12. It’s not fair the way my sister is always singled out for special treatment.1).这家公司是由几名有事业心的年轻人创立的。



大学高级英语第六册课文Paraphrase自整理版本Lesson 1 Sexism in School1. Education is not a spectator sport. (p3)Education is something that all students should participate in.2. When students participate in classroom discussion they hold more positive attitudestoward school, and that positive attitudes enhance learning. (p3)When students participate in classroom discussion they are more inclined to think that going to school is useful, and the positive attitudes facilitate learning.3. It is no coincidence that girls are more passive in the classroom and score lower thanboys on SATs. (p3)It is not surprising that the two things, namely, girls being more passive in the classroom and scoring lower than boys should be causally related.4. Most teachers claim that girls participate and are called on in class as often as boys.(p4)Most teachers state that girls participate and are asked to speak in class as often as boy.5. But a three-year study we recently completed found that this is not true; vocally, boysclearly dominate the classroom. (p4)Based on a three-year study, we found that this is not true; in terms of oral participation, boys clearly speak much more in classroom.6. When we showed teachers and administrators film of a classroom discussion andasked who was talking more, the teachers overwhelmingly said the girls were. (p4) When we showed teachers and people responsible for the running of a school a video of a classroom discussion and asked who was talking more, the teachers almost all said the girls were.7. But in reality, the boys in the film were out-talking the girls at a ratio of three to one.(p4)But in reality, the boys in the video were talking more than the girls at a speed of three to one.8. Half of the classroom covered language arts and English-subjects in which girlstraditionally have excelled; the other half covered math and science --- traditionally made domains. (p5)Half of the classroom covered the skills in using the language for effective communication and literary appreciation. And girls usually do better in these subjects.The other half covered math and science which traditionally belong to male field.9. Our research contradicted the traditional assumption that girls dominate classroomdiscussion in reading, while boys are dominant in math. (p7) Our research denied the truth of the traditional supposition that girls control classroom discussion in reading, while boys control the discussion in math.10. We found that whether the subject was language arts and English or math andscience, boys got more than their fair share of teacherattention. (p7)We found that whether the subject was skills in using the language for effective communication and English or math and science, boys got more teacher attention than is supposed to be fair.11. Some critics claim that if teachers talk more to male students, it is simply becauseboys are more assertive in grabbing their attention --- a classic case of the squeaky wheel getting the educational oil. (p8) Some critics state firmly that if teachers talk more to male students, it is simply because boys are more aggressive in catching their attention --- a typical example of the notice --- arresting students getting more attention from the teacher.12. However, male assertiveness is not the whole answer. (p8)However, male’s mere assertive cannot completely answer th e question.13. Girls are often shortchanged in quality as well as in quantity of teacher attention. (p10)Girls are often not given enough teacher attention what they deserve in quality as well as in quantity.14. Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do ityourself; classroom chivalry is not only misplaced, it is detrimental. (p13)Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself; “let me do for you” behavior is not only improper, it is h armful.15. During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys’ answers withdynamic, precise and effective responses, while they oftengave girls bland and diffuse reactions. (p13)During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys’ answers with energetic, accurate and effective responses, while they often gave girls indifferent and general reactions.16. Despite caricatures of school as a harsh and punitive place, fewer than 5 percent ofthe teachers’ reactions were criticism, even of the mildest sort. (p15)Although school is often mockingly described as a place where students are badly treated and often punished.17. Too often, girls remain in the dark about the quality of their answers. (p18)Too often, girls are kept completely uninformed about the quality of their answers. 18. Unfortunately, acceptance, the imprecise response packing the least educationalpunch, gets the most equitable sex distribution in classroom. (p18)It is unfortunate that the least useful kind of feedback is distributed between boys and girls most impartially, while the more useful kinds of feedback are heavily biased towards boys. Thus the overall result is that the feedback boys receive much more beneficial than that for girls.19. Active students receiving precise feedback are more likely to achieve academically.And they are more likely to be boys. (p18)Any active student who receives precise feedback can achieve more in his or her studies. And boys are more likely to be active and to receive such feedback, and so are more likely to succeed.20. By high school, some girls become less committed to careers, although their gradesand achievement-test scores may be as good as boys’. (p20) By high school, some girls are not so devoted to the subject they have been studying, despite their academic study as good as boys’.21. Many girls’ interests t urn to marriage or stereotypically female jobs. (p20)Many girls’ interests turn to marriage or jobs which are conventionally believed to be taken up by women only.22. The sexist communication game is played at work, as well as at school. (p23)The conversation among people which exhibits elements of sexism not exists in the field of work but also at school.23. Classes taught by these trained teachers had a higher level of intellectual discussionand contained more effective and precise teacher responses for all students. (p28) Classes taught by these trained teachers had a higher level of the discussion which is full of intelligence and contained more effective and accurate teacher responses for all students.Lesson 2 Philosophers among the Carrots1. I asked myself if it was still permissible to take pleasure in the profession of housewifeand not be a traitor to the cause. (p1)I was wondering whether it is possible for me to get pleasure by working as ahousewife while at the same time still devoted to the Women’s Lib.2. I recalled Socrates saying that, “The unexamined life isnot worth living,” and decidedthat maybe it was time to examine mine. (p1)I remembered Socrates’ saying that, “The life of few profound consideration andcareful choice is not a meaningful one”, and decided that maybe it was time to look at my life very carefully to see if any lessons could be drawn from it or any changes needed to be made in it.3. If I hadn’t been to college, I wouldn’t have been that significant analogy, I thoughtsmugly, depositing an orange pit in the sink as I finished the salad (or did I learn that in high school?). (p2)I feel proud of knowledge I have acquired from college which descend in scale. Isplitted an orange pit into the kitchen sink after I had finished eating the salad. (If I didn’t learn that in high school, which part of the compulsory education was, I should not feel so indebted to Women’s Lib.)4. Then, as I eyed a bowl of cooked carrots speculatively, sizing them up for carrot cakeof marinated vegetable salad and opting for the cake which I knew would be seconded by my husband and sons, (p3)Then, as I watched a bowl of cooked carrots thoughtfully, estimating whether they would be better for making salad, and deciding on the cake which I knew would be supported by my husband and three sons,5. I followed the train of my thoughts which was chugging off into philosophical realmsled by Archimedes who said, “Any object placed in a fluid displace s its weight; an immersed object displaces its volume,”(p3)My thoughts, led by Archimedes, wandered away into the kingdom of philosophy. He said, “When an object floats on the liquid we can know its weight, which is equal to the weight of the liquid it has displaced; when an object immersed in the liquid we can know its volume which is equal to the volume of the liquid it has displaced.”6. Muttering, along with Emerson, that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of littleminds…” I dumped in a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce to make it come out right.(p3)Saying in a low voice, quoting from Emerson that “T o observe a rule rigidly is anabominable quality of unintelligent people” I poured a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce to taste better.7. Buddha has his Bo tree, I have my refrigerator. (p4)Just as Buddha received heavenly inspiration to found Buddhism under the Bo tree, so I get new understanding about housewives and philosophy by gazing into the depth of the refrigerator.8. You can’t step twice in the same river. (p4)Please rest assured that what you are washing today is different from what you washed yesterday.9. I saw about me the variety in unity and unity in variety spoken of by my aestheticsprofessor. (p4)I saw the principle spoken by my aesthetics professor which means to see uniformityin differences and see differences in uniformity. Applied tomy case, “unity” means that all the clothes I had to wash were dirty clothes and “variety” means that every piece to be washed was different from every other piece.10. I indulged in aggressive fantasies against my dear family as I picked up a necktiedraped on a lamp, a pair of tennis shoes under the couch, a cache of peanut shells beneath a newspaper and remembering William James’ comment that “Even a pig ha s a philosophy,”I wondered angrily what theirs was. (p5)I allowed myself to develop a lot of hostile and angry thoughts against my dearhusband and three sons when I picked up a tie draped on a lamp, a pair of tennis shoes under the couch, a secret store of peanut shells beneath a newspaper and remembering William James’ comment that “Even a pig has an attitude to life.” So I wondered since they were like pigs, they must have had one too. (Anyone may find an excuse for their behavior.)11. ……with a wave of wi llfulness (p6)……with a s udden burst of determination to go my own way12. In my present state of mind I found this the quintessence of good sense and I walkedout of house and into the car, leaving the breakfast dishes on the table. (p6)In my present mood, I found this the best representation of human wisdom.13. I smiled enigmatically as I continued to stir the chicken soup and quoted AlexanderPope, “All chaos is but order misunderstood,” then added with composure that I had purchase a new dress. (p7)I smiled in a way which showed there was something secretabout her when Icontinued to stir the chicken soup and quoted Alexander Pope, “All chaos is in fact not chaos, but is order which has been mistaken for chaos.”14. But, without becoming the least bit ruffled, I replied, in the words of Pascal, “Ah, butthe heart has its reasons the mind knows not of.” (p8)……sometimes you do something out of emotion which is not based on any reason. 15. Whatever is, is good. (p9)Reality is good. It is good, because everything is created by God.Lesson 3 The Power of Habit1. Habit is a second nature! Habit is ten times nature. (p1)Habit is a second born quality. It is so deeply fixed that you simply follow your habit without thinking.2. …… the degree to which this is true no one prob ably can appreciate as well as onewho is a veteran soldier himself. (p1)Only the experienced soldier can best recognize the truth of the duke’s statement.3. The daily drill and the years of discipline end by fashioninga man completely overagain, as to most of the possibilities of his conduct. (p1)It takes many years of daily training of mind and qualities to create a completely new person, as far as his possible patterns of behavior are connected.4. a practical joke (p2)sb. who plays a trick on sb. else so as to make the victim foolish5. The drill had been thorough, and its effects had becomeembodied in the man’snervous structure. (p2)The training had completed in any way, and its effects had become a part of man’s nervous system.6. Rider less cavalry-horses, at many a battle, have been seen to come together and gothrough their customary evolutions at the sound of the bugle-call. (p3)Without a rider, soldier who fight on horseback at many battles, have been to gather together and take part in their habitual drills as soon as they heard sound of trumpet.7. Most domestic beasts seem machines almost pure and simple, undoubting,unhesitatingly doing from minute to minute the duties they have been taught, and giving no sign that possibility of an alternative ever suggests itself to their mind. (p3) Most beasts raised at home are completely like machines, and no doubt, never hesitate to do the duties they have been taught all the time and give no indication that they have never come up with other options.8. …… by his new responsibilities, (p4)…… things he had to face or manage in the new environment,9. Habit is thus the enormous fly-wheel of society, its most precious conservative agent.(p4)Habit is a regulating force that maintains established order of society and prevents any sudden change in it.10. It alone is what keeps up all with the bounds of ordinance. (p4)It keeps us all in the different professional, geographical, orsocial positions designated to us by law or fate.11. It alone prevents the hardest and most repulsive walks of life from being deserted bythose brought up to tread therein. (p4)Because of habit, those who have been trained to work in that place since their childhood will not give up those most difficult and unpleasant occupation.12. It protects us from invasion by the natives of the desert and the frozen zone. (p4)It makes the natives of the desert and the frozen zone stay in their own place because of habit.13. It dooms us all to fight out the battle of life upon the lines of our nature or our earlychoice, and to make the best of a pursuit that disagrees, because there is no other for which we are fitted, and it is too late to begin again. (p4)Habit determines that one will stay and work hard till the end of life in a disagreeable occupation which he was brought to follow or chose early in our life, and try to accept and manage it as well as he can. Because there is no other choice for which we are suitable, and it is too late to begin again.14. Although at the age of twenty-five you see the professional mannerism settling downon the young commercial traveler. (p4)By age 25, your future career has been settled down and you have formed peculiar habits in work.15. You see the little lines of cleavage running through the character, the tricks of thought,the prej udices, the ways of the “shop”, in a word, from which the man can by-and-by no more escape than his coatsleeve can suddenly fall into a new set of folds. (p4) You get the general idea of the traits of one’s p ersonality, the particular way of thinking, the personal preference, the ways in which one does one’s business, they are all fixed habits. Therefore, the man cannot escape his old habits he has acquired just as his coat sleeve cannot suddenly fall into a new set of folds which has been ironed into it.16. It is best he should not escape. (p4)It is most desirable he should not eacape.17. Hardly ever is a language learned after twenty spoken without a foreign accent;If one learns a language after the age of twenty, he will almost never sound like a native speaker, but only like a foreigner;18. Hardly, ever can a youth transformed to the society of his betters unclean and nasalityand other vices of speech bred in him by the associations of his growing years. (p5) Any young man who has been promoted to a higher social position may learn to give up his nasal accents and other bad habits that have been brought up in him by his early education.19. An invisible law, as strong as gravitation, keeps him within his orbit, arranged this yearas he was the last; and how his better-clad acquaintances continue to get the things they wear will be for him a mystery till his dying day. (p5)A person’s old habits, as powerful as gravity, make him to take control over hisbehaviors…20. It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at ease upon the interest of thefound. (p6)The calculation of good habits formed is just like the investment of money in a project, if you can form a good habit in your early years, you can benefit a lot from them and enjoy the comfortable life in the future.21. The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody ofautomatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper work. (p6)Most of the trivial items in our life can become a habit and can be taken of our conscious mind which therefore can be used for more important task.22. Full half the time of such a man goes to deciding, or regretting, of matters which oughtto be so ingrained in him as practically not to exist for his consciousness at all. (p6)Such man spends not less than half of his time deciding or regretting which should be deeply fixed and really should not all matters for his conscious thinking at all.Lesson 4 The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen1. They spoke to each other rarely in their incomprehensible tongue. (p1)They hardly ever spoke during the meal, and when they did speak, they spoke in a way that the author cannot understand what they are talking about.2. Sometimes the pretty girl who sat in the window beyond gave them a passing glance,but her own problem seemed too serious for her to pay real attention to any in the world except herself and her companion. (p1)Sometimes the pretty girl who sat near window over there gave them a casual glance, but she was so much troubled by her own problem that she couldn’t pay any attentions to others but to herself and her fiancé.3. …… petite in a Regency way, oval like a miniature, though she had a harsh way ofspeaking --- perhaps the accent of the school, Roedean or Cheltenham Ladies’ College, which she not long ago left. (p2)…… her face was small, delicate, and clean, and was as oval-shaped as a miniature, representing the typical feminine face admired as perfect by Regency time, though she spoke in a firm, commanding tone and an upper-class manner, typical of those who had been educated at a highly prestigious school for upper-class young women, which she graduated not long ago.4. Her companion appeared a little distraught. (p4)Her partner seemed somewhat worried or upset about what to do next.5. I could see them as two miniatures hanging side by side on white wood panels. (p5)I could see them to be two small portraits hanging side by side as decorations for thesurface of a wall.6. He should have been a young officer in Nelson’s navy in the days when a certainweakness and sensitivity were no bar to promotion. (p5)He should have had an easy access to promotion in Nelson’s navy despite some weakness and sensitivities as he had some feminine features which would be admired by people then.7. She deserved a better life. (p6)She could have enjoyed an easier life than toiling as a novelist.8. You know you don’t get on with him. This way we shall be quite independent. (p8)You know you don’t have a good relationship with your uncle. If we do as I have said we shall be quite independent.9. My mother says that writing is a good crutch… (p13)She disapproves of writing as the main thing (a career), but though writing is good only as an auxiliary support.10. a pretty solid crutch (p14)If you should think writing is support, I would argue that it isa pretty solid support. It can be the main source of a living.11. I see what you mean. (p26)I understand what you are trying to say.12. I was on the side of his mother. It was a humiliating thought, but I was probably abouthe r mother’s age. (p26)I agreed with his mother that writing should not be a career, but only a support.Although knowing oneself to be old would cause discomfort and embarrassment, I was actually about her mother’s age and therefore quite in a position to advise her and her future.13. …… “the long defeat of doing nothing well” (p27)…… “the frustration of being unable to write anything goodf or many years”14. ……, by performance and not by promise. (p27)……, by what you have actually written, not by any indication of potential success in you.15. I didn’t know you’d ever been there. (p29)The polite way of saying “I know you have never been th ere(so how can you write about a place you don’t know?)16. A fresh eye’s terribly important. (p30)It’s all good to see something new.17. Perhaps, we’d go better to marry when you come back. (p37)It will be more sensible of us to get married when you come back.18. ……couldn’t you observe a bit more near home? Here in London. (p47)…… why go off to St. Tropez? Couldn’t you write somethinga bout here, about London?19. Darling, you’re awfully decorative, but sometimes --- well, you simply don’t connect.(p51)You look awfully good. (If we go out together, I can feel proud of being accompanied by such a handsome young man.) But you haven’t got int elligence, you absolutely don’t connect one meaning to author.20. …… bowed to each other, as though they wer e blocked in doorway. (p54)…… yielded apologetically to each other in such a manner as if they have dumped into each other in a doorway, as one was going out and the other coming in21. I had thought the two young people matching miniatures, but what a contrast in factthere was. The same type of prettiness could contain weakness and strengthens.(p55)I had wrongly believed that the two young people were a good match for their looks.But now I saw they were so different in nature. The same pretty looks could mean a weak character in some people, but a strong character in others.22. Her Regency counterpart, I suppose, would have borne a dozen children without theaid of anesthetics, while he would have fallen an easy victim to the first dark eyes in Naples. (p55)If she had lived in Regency time, she would have been able to give birth to a dozen children without the use of anesthetics. However, if he had been a young officer in Nelson’s navy and had called at the port of Naples, he would easily have been secured by the first Italian woman he met after setting foot ashore.23. I didn’t like to think of her as the Mrs. Humphrey Ward of her generation --- not that Iwould live so long. (p55)I dreaded the thought of her becoming a well-established writer. This was not becauseI would live so long as to see her become another Mrs. Humphrey Ward, the Mrs.Humphrey Ward of her time. But this was because I was deeply aware that the further she went along a writer’s road, the more severely she was sure to suffer.24. Old ages saves us from the realization of a great many fears. (p55)Being old enable we to avoid seeing many unpleasant things happen. Because we are old, we will not live to see a great many things we fear actually happen.25. ……, and she didn’t look lik e Mrs. Humphrey Ward. (p55)……, Mrs. Humphrey Ward looked plain, while she lookedpretty, and her photo on the back of the jacket would help make the book well received by reviewers as well as readers.26. Sometimes you are so evasive I think you don’t want to marry me at all. (p57)evasive: deliberately avoiding the major topic of getting married。











Unit 2 The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education .Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree.The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one year of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about $19,000. Some other schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about $9,000 a year.Bachelor’s degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign students in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.Unit3.十五年前,计算机专家们扩展了因特网系统。



黄源深Englishbook6课后翻译第一篇:黄源深 English book 6课后翻译《高级英语》黄源深主编Book6 课后句子翻译整理Lesson 1(P20)1.这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?How long can the subtle relationship be maintained? 2.双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。

Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to the other side.3.力不但有大小而且有方向。

A force has direction as well as magnitude.4.在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。

He exhibited no fear before his enemy’s sword.5.逆境中的三年使他得益非浅。

He benefited a lot from the three years in adverse circumstances.6.乔伊斯先生不赞成妻子买那么多衣服。

Mr.Joyce disapproved of his wife buying so many clothes.7.那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。

The novel is so bland that I find it difficult to keep on reading it.8.他感到无法将思想集中在那项研究上。

He found it difficult to focus his mind on the research(project).9.那家伙是江湖医生,而不是眼科专家。

That guy is a quack rather than an eye specialist.10.他们得另辟蹊径,那种模式并不适合于本厂。

They will have to find a new way as that pattern cannot be applied to their factory.1.他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。



Lesson 1 Sexism in Schoolcation is not a spectator sport. (p3)Education is something that all students should participate in.2.When students participate in classroom discussion they hold more positive attitudestoward school, and that positive attitudes enhance learning. (p3)When students participate in classroom discussion they are more inclined to think that going to school is useful, and the positive attitudes facilitate learning.3.It is no coincidence that girls are more passive in the classroom and score lower than boyson SATs. (p3)It is not surprising that the two things, namely, girls being more passive in the classroom and scoring lower than boys should be causally related.4.Most teachers claim that girls participate and are called on in class as often as boys. (p4)Most teachers state that girls participate and are asked to speak in class as often as boy.5.But a three-year study we recently completed found that this is not true; vocally, boys clearlydominate the classroom. (p4)Based on a three-year study, we found that this is not true; in terms of oral participation, boys clearly speak much more in classroom.6.When we showed teachers and administrators film of a classroom discussion and asked whowas talking more, the teachers overwhelmingly said the girls were. (p4)When we showed teachers and people responsible for the running of a school a video of a classroom discussion and asked who was talking more, the teachers almost all said the girls were.7.But in reality, the boys in the film were out-talking the girls at a ratio of three to one. (p4)But in reality, the boys in the video were talking more than the girls at a speed of three to one.8.Half of the classroom covered language arts and English-subjects in which girls traditionallyhave excelled; the other half covered math and science --- traditionally made domains. (p5) Half of the classroom covered the skills in using the language for effective communication and literary appreciation. And girls usually do better in these subjects. The other half covered math and science which traditionally belong to male field.9.Our research contradicted the traditional assumption that girls dominate classroomdiscussion in reading, while boys are dominant in math. (p7)Our research denied the truth of the traditional supposition that girls control classroom discussion in reading, while boys control the discussion in math.10.We found that whether the subject was language arts and English or math and science, boysgot more than their fair share of teacher attention. (p7)We found that whether the subject was skills in using the language for effective communication and English or math and science, boys got more teacher attention than is supposed to be fair.11.Some critics claim that if teachers talk more to male students, it is simply because boys aremore assertive in grabbing their attention --- a classic case of the squeaky wheel getting the educational oil. (p8)Some critics state firmly that if teachers talk more to male students, it is simply because boys are more aggressive in catching their attention --- a typical example of the notice ---arresting students getting more attention from the teacher.12.However, male assertiveness is not the whole answer. (p8)However, male’s mere assertive cannot completely answer the question.13.Girls are often shortchanged in quality as well as in quantity of teacher attention. (p10)Girls are often not given enough teacher attention what they deserve in quality as well as in quantity.14.Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself;classroom chivalry is not only misplaced, it is detrimental. (p13)Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself; “let me do for you” behavior is not only improper, it is harmful.15.During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys’ answers with dynamic,precise and effective responses, while they often gave girls bland and diffuse reactions. (p13) During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys’ answers with energetic, accurate and effective responses, while they often gave girls indifferent and general reactions.16.Despite caricatures of school as a harsh and punitive place, fewer than 5 percent of theteachers’ reactions were criticism, even of the mildest sort. (p15)Although school is often mockingly described as a place where students are badly treated and often punished.17.Too often, girls remain in the dark about the quality of their answers. (p18)Too often, girls are kept completely uninformed about the quality of their answers.18.Unfortunately, acceptance, the imprecise response packing the least educational punch,gets the most equitable sex distribution in classroom. (p18)It is unfortunate that the least useful kind of feedback is distributed between boys and girls most impartially, while the more useful kinds of feedback are heavily biased towards boys.Thus the overall result is that the feedback boys receive much more beneficial than that for girls.19.Active students receiving precise feedback are more likely to achieve academically. Andthey are more likely to be boys. (p18)Any active student who receives precise feedback can achieve more in his or her studies.And boys are more likely to be active and to receive such feedback, and so are more likely to succeed.20.By high school, some girls become less committed to careers, although their grades andachievement-test scores may be as good as boys’. (p20)By high school, some girls are not so devoted to the subject they have been studying, despite their academic study as good as boys’.21.Many girls’ interests turn to marriage or stereotypically female jobs. (p20)Many girls’ interests turn to marriage or jobs which are conventionally believed to be taken up by women only.22.The sexist communication game is played at work, as well as at school. (p23)The conversation among people which exhibits elements of sexism not exists in the field of work but also at school.23.Classes taught by these trained teachers had a higher level of intellectual discussi on andcontained more effective and precise teacher responses for all students. (p28)Classes taught by these trained teachers had a higher level of the discussion which is full of intelligence and contained more effective and accurate teacher responses for all students.Lesson 2 Philosophers among the Carrots1.I asked myself if it was still permissible to take pleasure in the profession of housewife andnot be a traitor to the cause. (p1)I was wondering whether it is possible for me to get pleasure by working as a housewifewhile at the same time still devoted to the Women’s Lib.2.I recalled Socrates saying that, “The unexamined life is not worth living,” and decided thatmaybe it was time to examine mine. (p1)I remembered Socrates’saying that, “The life of few profound consideration and carefulchoice is not a meaningful one”, and decided that maybe it was time to look at my life very carefully to see if any lessons could be drawn from it or any changes needed to be made in it.3.If I hadn’t been to college, I wouldn’t have been that significant analogy, I thought smugly,depositing an orange pit in the sink as I finished the salad (or did I learn that in high school?).(p2)I feel proud of knowledge I have acquired from college which descend in scale. I splitted anorange pit into the kitchen sink after I had finished eating the salad. (If I didn’t learn that in high school, which part of the compulsory education was, I should not feel so indebted to Women’s Lib.)4.Then, as I eyed a bowl of cooked carrots speculatively, sizing them up for carrot cake ofmarinated vegetable salad and opting for the cake which I knew would be seconded by my husband and sons, (p3)Then, as I watched a bowl of cooked carrots thoughtfully, estimating whether they would be better for making salad, and deciding on the cake which I knew would be supported by my husband and three sons,5.I followed the train of my thoughts which was chugging off into philosophical realms led byArchimedes who said, “Any object placed in a fluid displaces its weight; an immersed object displaces its volume,” (p3)My thoughts, led by Archimedes, wandered away into the kingdom of philosophy. He said, “W hen an object floats on the liquid we can know its weight, which is equal to the weight of the liquid it has displaced; when an object immersed in the liquid we can know its volume which is equal to the volume of the liquid it has displaced.”6.Muttering, along with Emerson, that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…”I dumped in a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce to make it come out right. (p3)Saying in a low voice, quoting from Emerson that “To observe a rule rigidly is an abominable quality of unintelligent people” I poured a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce to taste better.7.Buddha has his Bo tree, I have my refrigerator. (p4)Just as Buddha received heavenly inspiration to found Buddhism under the Bo tree, so I get new understanding about housewives and philosophy by gazing into the depth of the refrigerator.8.You can’t step twice in the same river. (p4)Please rest assured that what you are washing today is different from what you washedyesterday.9.I saw about me the variety in unity and unity in variety spoken of by my aestheticsprofessor. (p4)I saw the principle spoken by my aesthetics professor which means to see uniformity indifferences and see differences in uniformity. Applied to my case, “unity”means that all the clothes I had to wash were dirty clothes and “variety”means that every piece to be washed was different from every other piece.10.I indulged in aggressive fantasies against my dear family as I picked up a necktie draped ona lamp, a pair of tennis shoes under the couch, a cache of peanut shells beneath anewspaper and remembering William James’ comment that “Even a pig has a philosophy,”I wondered angrily what theirs was. (p5)I allowed myself to develop a lot of hostile and angry thoughts against my dear husbandand three sons when I picked up a tie draped on a lamp, a pair of tennis shoes under the couch, a secret store of peanut shells beneath a newspaper and remembering William James’ comment that “Even a pig has an attitude to life.” So I wondered since they were like pigs, they must have had one too. (Anyone may find an excuse for their behavior.) 11.……with a wave of willfulness (p6)……with a sudden burst of determination to go my own way12.In my present state of mind I found this the quintessence of good sense and I walked out ofhouse and into the car, leaving the breakfast dishes on the table. (p6)In my present mood, I found this the best representation of human wisdom.13.I smiled enigmatically as I continued to stir the chicken soup and quoted Alexander Pope,“All chaos is but order misunderstood,” then added with composure that I had purchase a new dress. (p7)I smiled in a way which showed there was something secret about her when I continued tostir the chicken soup and quoted Alexander Pope, “All chaos is in fact not chaos, but is order which has been mistaken for chaos.”14.But, without becoming the least bit ruffled, I replied, in the words of Pascal, “Ah, but theheart has its reasons the mind knows not of.” (p8)……sometimes you do something out of emotion which is not based on any reason.15.Whatever is, is good. (p9)Reality is good. It is good, because everything is created by God.Lesson 3 The Power of Habit1.Habit is a second nature! Habit is ten times nature. (p1)Habit is a second born quality. It is so deeply fixed that you simply follow your habit without thinking.2.…… the degree to which this is true no one probably can appreciate as well as one who is aveteran soldier himself. (p1)Only the experienced soldier can best recognize the truth of the duke’s statement.3.The daily drill and the years of discipline end by fashioning a man completely over again, asto most of the possibilities of his conduct. (p1)It takes many years of daily training of mind and qualities to create a completely new person, as far as his possible patterns of behavior are connected.4. a practical joke (p2)sb. who plays a trick on sb. else so as to make the victim foolish5.The drill had been thorough, and its effects had become embodied in the man’s nervousstructure. (p2)The training had completed in any way, and it s effects had become a part of man’s nervous system.6.Rider less cavalry-horses, at many a battle, have been seen to come together and go throughtheir customary evolutions at the sound of the bugle-call. (p3)Without a rider, soldier who fight on horseback at many battles, have been to gather together and take part in their habitual drills as soon as they heard sound of trumpet.7.Most domestic beasts seem machines almost pure and simple, undoubting, unhesitatinglydoing from minute to minute the duties they have been taught, and giving no sign that possibility of an alternative ever suggests itself to their mind. (p3)Most beasts raised at home are completely like machines, and no doubt, never hesitate to do the duties they have been taught all the time and give no indication that they have never come up with other options.8.…… by his new responsibilities, (p4)…… things he had to face or manage in the new environment,9.Habit is thus the enormous fly-wheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. (p4)Habit is a regulating force that maintains established order of society and prev ents any sudden change in it.10.It alone is what keeps up all with the bounds of ordinance. (p4)It keeps us all in the different professional, geographical, or social positions designated to us by law or fate.11.It alone prevents the hardest and most repulsive walks of life from being deserted by thosebrought up to tread therein. (p4)Because of habit, those who have been trained to work in that place since their childhood will not give up those most difficult and unpleasant occupation.12.It protects us from invasion by the natives of the desert and the frozen zone. (p4)It makes the natives of the desert and the frozen zone stay in their own place because of habit.13.It dooms us all to fight out the battle of life upon the lines of our nature or our early choice,and to make the best of a pursuit that disagrees, because there is no other for which we are fitted, and it is too late to begin again. (p4)Habit determines that one will stay and work hard till the end of life in a disagreeable occupation which he was brought to follow or chose early in our life, and try to accept and manage it as well as he can. Because there is no other choice for which we are suitable, and it is too late to begin again.14.Although at the age of twenty-five you see the professional mannerism settling down onthe young commercial traveler. (p4)By age 25, your future career has been settled down and you have formed peculiar habits in work.15.You see the little lines of cleavage running through the character, the tricks of thought, theprejudices, the ways of the “shop”, in a word, from which the man can by-and-by no moreescape than his coat sleeve can suddenly fall into a new set of folds. (p4)You get the general idea of the traits of one’s personality, the particular way of thinking, the personal preference, the ways in which one does one’s business, they are all fixed habits. Therefore, the man cannot escape his old habits he has acquired just as his coat sleeve cannot suddenly fall into a new set of folds which has been ironed into it.16.It is best he should not escape. (p4)It is most desirable he should not eacape.17.Hardly ever is a language learned after twenty spoken without a foreign accent;If one learns a language after the age of twenty, he will almost never sound like a native speaker, but only like a foreigner;18.Hardly, ever can a youth transformed to the society of his betters unclean and nasality andother vices of speech bred in him by the associations of his growing years. (p5)Any young man who has been promoted to a higher social position may learn to give up his nasal accents and other bad habits that have been brought up in him by his early education.19.An invisible law, as strong as gravitation, keeps him within his orbit, arranged this year ashe was the last; and how his better-clad acquaintances continue to get the things they wear will be for him a mystery till his dying day. (p5)A person’s old habits, as powerful as gravity, make him to take control over his behaviors…20.It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at ease upon the interest of the found.(p6)The calculation of good habits formed is just like the investment of money in a project, if you can form a good habit in your early years, you can benefit a lot from them and enjoy the comfortable life in the future.21.The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody ofautomatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper work. (p6)Most of the trivial items in our life can become a habit and can be taken of our conscious mind which therefore can be used for more important task.22.Full half the time of such a man goes to deciding, or regretting, of matters which ought tobe so ingrained in him as practically not to exist for his consciousness at all. (p6)Such man spends not less than half of his time deciding or regretting which should be deeply fixed and really should not all matters for his conscious thinking at all.Lesson 4 The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen1.They spoke to each other rarely in their incomprehensible tongue. (p1)They hardly ever spoke during the meal, and when they did speak, they spoke in a way that the author cannot understand what they are talking about.2.Sometimes the pretty girl who sat in the window beyond gave them a passing glance, buther own problem seemed too serious for her to pay real attention to any in the world except herself and her companion. (p1)Sometimes the pretty girl who sat near window over there gave them a casual glance, but she was so much troubled by her own problem that she couldn’t pay any attentions to others but to herself and her fiancé.3.…… petite in a Regency way, oval like a miniature, though she had a harsh way of speaking--- perhaps the accent of the school, Roedean or Cheltenham Ladies’ College, which she not long ago left. (p2)……her face was small, delicate, and clean, and was as oval-shaped as a miniature, representing the typical feminine face admired as perfect by Regency time, though she spoke in a firm, commanding tone and an upper-class manner, typical of those who had been educated at a highly prestigious school for upper-class young women, which she graduated not long ago.4.Her companion appeared a little distraught. (p4)Her partner seemed somewhat worried or upset about what to do next.5.I could see them as two miniatures hanging side by side on white wood panels. (p5)I could see them to be two small portraits hanging side by side as decorations for thesurface of a wall.6.He should have been a young officer in Nelson’s navy in the days when a certain weaknessand sensitivity were no bar to promotion. (p5)He should have had an easy access to promotion in Nelson’s navy despite some weakness and sensitivities as he had some feminine features which would be admired by people then.7.She deserved a better life. (p6)She could have enjoyed an easier life than toiling as a novelist.8.You know you don’t get on with him. This way we shall be quite independent. (p8)You know you don’t have a good relationship with your uncle. If we do as I have said we shall be quite independent.9.My mother says that writing is a good crutch… (p13)She disapproves of writing as the main thing (a career), but though writing is good only as an auxiliary support.10.a pretty solid crutch (p14)If you should think writing is support, I would argue that it is a pretty solid support. It can be the main source of a living.11.I see what you mean. (p26)I understand what you are trying to say.12.I was on the side of his mother. It was a humiliating thought, but I was probably about hermother’s age. (p26)I agreed with his mother that writing should not be a career, but only a support. Althoughknowing oneself to be old would cause discomfort and embarrassment, I was actually about her mother’s age and therefore quite in a position to advise her and her future. 13.……“the long defeat of doing nothing well” (p27)……“the frustration of being unable to write anything good for many years”14.……, by performance and not by promise. (p27)……, by what you have actually written, not by any indication of potential success in you. 15.I didn’t know you’d ever been there. (p29)The polite way of saying “I know you have never been there (so how can you write about a place you don’t know?)16.A fresh eye’s terribly important. (p30)It’s all good to see something new.17.Perhaps, we’d go better to marry when you come back. (p37)It will be more sensible of us to get married when you come back.18.……couldn’t you observe a bit more near home? Here in London. (p47)…… why go off to St. Tropez? Couldn’t you write something about here, about London?19.Darling, you’re awfully decorative, but sometimes --- well, you simply don’t connect. (p51)You look awfully good. (If we go out together, I can feel proud of being accompanied by such a handsome young man.) But you haven’t got intelligence, you absolutely don’t connect one meaning to author.20.…… bowed to each other, as though they were blocked in doorway. (p54)…… yielded apologetically to each other in such a manner as if they have dumped into each other in a doorway, as one was going out and the other coming in21.I had thought the two young people matching miniatures, but what a contrast in fact therewas. The same type of prettiness could contain weakness and strengthens. (p55)I had wrongly believed that the two young people were a good match for their looks. Butnow I saw they were so different in nature. The same pretty looks could mean a weak character in some people, but a strong character in others.22.Her Regency counterpart, I suppose, would have borne a dozen children without the aid ofanesthetics, while he would have fallen an easy victim to the first dark eyes in Naples.(p55)If she had lived in Regency time, she would have been able to give birth to a dozen children without the use of anesthetics. However, if he had been a young officer in Nelson’s navy and had called at the port of Naples, he would easily have been secured by the first Italian woman he met after setting foot ashore.23.I didn’t like to think of her as the Mrs. Humphrey Ward of her generation --- not that Iwould live so long. (p55)I dreaded the thought of her becoming a well-established writer. This was not because Iwould live so long as to see her become another Mrs. Humphrey Ward, the Mrs. Humphrey Ward of her time. But this was because I was deeply aware that the further she went alonga writer’s road, the more severely she was sure to suffer.24.Old ages saves us from the realization of a great many fears. (p55)Being old enable we to avoid seeing many unpleasant things happen. Because we are old, we will not live to see a great many things we fear actually happen.25.……, and she didn’t look like Mrs. Humphrey Ward. (p55)……, Mrs. Humphrey Ward looked plain, while she looked pretty, and her photo on the back of the jacket would help make the book well received by reviewers as well as readers. 26.Sometimes you are so evasive I think you don’t want to marry me at all. (p57)evasive: deliberately avoiding the major topic of getting married。






Unit 1: Cross-cultural Communication这个单元主要讲述了跨文化交流的重要性以及有效的沟通策略。


Unit 2: Global Issues本单元从全球视角讨论了当今社会面临的重要问题。


Unit 3: Literature and Society这个单元主要关注文学与社会的关系。


Unit 4: Media and Communication本单元着眼于媒体和传媒技术对社会和个人的影响。


Unit 5: Language and Culture这个单元探讨了语言和文化的相互关系。


Unit 6: Science and Technology本单元聚焦科技在现代社会中的角色和影响。


Unit 7: Education and Careers这个单元讲述了教育和职业发展的重要性。


Unit 8: Arts and Entertainment本单元介绍了艺术和娱乐领域的多样性和重要性。



Technology in Reverse让我给你介绍落后科技。



































黄源深 English book 6课后翻译

黄源深 English book 6课后翻译

《高级英语》黄源深主编 Book6 课后句子翻译整理 Lesson 1 (P20)1.这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?How long can the subtle relationship be maintained?2.双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。

Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to the other side.3.力不但有大小而且有方向。

A force has direction as well as magnitude.4.在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。

He exhibited no fear before his enemy’s sword.5.逆境中的三年使他得益非浅。

He benefited a lot from the three years in adverse circumstances.6.乔伊斯先生不赞成妻子买那么多衣服。

Mr. Joyce disapproved of his wife buying so many clothes.7.那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。

The novel is so bland that I find it difficult to keep on reading it.8.他感到无法将思想集中在那项研究上。

He found it difficult to focus his mind on the research (project).9.那家伙是江湖医生,而不是眼科专家。

That guy is a quack rather than an eye specialist.10.他们得另辟蹊径,那种模式并不适合于本厂。

They will have to find a new way as that pattern cannot be applied to their factory.1.他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。

高级英语(新编英语教程第6册)Book 6 Unit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off

高级英语(新编英语教程第6册)Book 6 Unit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off

Moses Parts the Sea

The army chased the Hebrews to the banks of the Red Sea. They would have been trapped but a miracle happened. God told Moses to lift up his rod and as he did so the waters parted to make a dry path. They were able to make their escape.
A Change of Mind

The Hebrews knew they must leave Egypt quickly. They needed food to take with them. There was no time to let the bread rise before it was cooked. They had to take the dough as it was. Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after them to bring tgues

Moses went to Pharaoh to ask him to set the Hebrews free. Pharaoh did not want to lose his slaves. He would not let them go, because they worked on his grand buildings. Awful things began to happen in Egypt. There were ten plagues. Before each one, Moses had warned Pharaoh what would happen. Moses told him the disasters had been sent by God.


• undivided: adj. – not parted by conflict of opinion; not shared by or among others专心的;专一的;未分开的;完整的
• wear on:
– pass slowly (of time)缓慢地进行;时间的流逝
introductory part in which the author uses an anecdote as a starting point of the essay.
Paragraph 1
Language points: • languish: v.
– lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; have a desire for something or someone who is not present; become feeble 憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;
• yellow brick road: P95 notes (2)
– means "the road of gold", which is a metaphor for
• Her degree would put her within striking distance of the yellow brick road, but not
• within striking distance:
– very near to obtaining or achieving something.



• the main idea of this part
The things Mike rememberd were different from the things I remerberd.Why Mike rem embered different ?
• Their current situation
Civil 程师 Civil 工程 Civil Civil 师 Civil Civil engineer土木工
engineering土木 servant公务员 planner城市设计
law 民法 ministration民政
• at some point 在某一时刻
• Each one of us is all alone at some point in our lives. 我们的每一个人,在人生的某些时候,都 是非常孤单的。 • At some point you came in contact with this Palestinian[,pælis'tiniən]. • 在某一时刻你遇到了这位巴勒斯坦人。
1.Skimming and Scanning
2.Answering the questions&Analys ing 3.The explanation of the phrases
1.Can you find the detailed descriptions of the game of the war?(inPara9&10) 2.Can you summarize the main idea of Para(39--43)? 3.Where did “Mike” and “I” live? 4.What did Mike and Johnston do? 5.Where was Mike’s wife?
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Lesson 3 At war with the planet1. What people do may intentionally cause droughts, floods and heat waves.2.But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertisements, is misleading.The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in; such image lulls us into complacency.3.The techno sphere has become sufficiently large and intense to alter the natural processes that govern the ecosphere.Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensity that they have already caused disastrous effects on ecology.4....which could establish it only because it fitted properly into the preexisting system?The fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes preceding it and the processes following it in the ecological system.5.Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment.When cars are produced to serve such narrow purposes, it is not surprising that some of their characteristic qualities are harmful to the environment.22. Yields rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer application...The farmer applied more and more fertilizer, and the production did rise but did not increase at the same rate of the fertilizer.23...their waste is flushed into the sewer system altered in composition but not in amount at treatment plant...People eat plants and animals, and their waste is flushed into the sewer system. After being processed, the waste is still waste. The residue will go into rivers, oceans, and will have harmful effect on the aquatic ecosystem.24. Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative...If the ecosystems are not upset by outside intrusion, they will remain the same with very little change25. In contrast to the ecosphere, the techno sphere is composed of objects and materials that reflect a rapid and relentless process of change and variation.The characteristics of the objects and materials in the techno sphere are rapid change and great variety.26. But this is done only at the cost of understanding.If we take side in the war of the two words, we are doing so at the risk of failing to have a clear understanding of the nature and cause of the war, thus, we lose the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis.Lesson4 nettles27.How all my own territory would be altered, ad if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike.The impact of Mike's leaving on my life was beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that Mike's leaving would have such a tremendous power that it would change themeaning of my existence completely. All my thoughts were about loss of Mike.28.During that time of life that is supposed to be a reproductive daze, with the woman's mind all swamped by maternal juices, we were still compelled to discuss Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and "The Cocktail Party".At that time, we were young mothers, and we were supposed to lead a terribly busy life full of confusion and bewilderment caused by giving birth to and raising babies. And our minds were supposed to be fully occupied by how to feed the babies and things like that. However, In the midst of all this we still felt the need to discuss some of the important thinkers of our time like Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and T.S.Eliot's sophisticated work” The Cocktail Party".29....I would be frightened, not of any hostility but of a kind of nonexistence.I would be frightened, and my fear was not caused by my neighbor's visibly hostile and violent way of life, but by a kind of formless and hidden emptiness and meaninglessness of human existence. What happened around me was totally irrelevant to me, and I felt very isolated and alienated.30.She did not ask me---was it delicacy or disapproval? ---about my new life.She did not ask me about my new life, either out of subtle consideration for my feeling about this sensitive subject or out of disapproval for my new life style.31.It would be a sleazy thing to do, in the house of his friends.It would be a morally low thing, an indecent thing to commit infidelity in the house of a friend.32.I knew now that he was a person who had hit rock bottom.I knew that he was a person who had experienced the worst in life, the hardest experience a person might have to endure.33.He and wife knew that together and it bound them, as something like that would either break you apart or bind you, for life.They experienced the worst together and they knew what it was like and understood the meaning of that experience. Such an experience posed the gravest test to people. If they stood the test, their friendship or marriage would be strengthened, and a sacred bondage would be formed between them. But if they failed the test, their relationship would be broken and they would flow on gently and34.Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, an underground resource. With the weight of this now stillness on it, this seal.If they acted on love, they would take risks. They wouldn't do that or go further in their relationship, but they would rather let their love remain as a sweet trickle, which would flow on gently and...Lesson 5 the One against the Many1....the national rejection of dogmatic preconceptions about the nature of the social and economic order1.There are such prejudices in an arrogant manner about the characteristic of the social order and economic order and they take it for granted. The country just rejected such prejudice.2 Nor can one suggest that Americans have been consistently vulnerability tosecular ideology ever after2.No one can say that Americans have never been tempted by the approach of understanding, preserving or transforming the world according to rigid dogmas.3..and any intellect so shaped was ...ever afterA mind influenced by Calvinist theology would surely find it somewhat difficult to resist other ideological temptations to ideological thinking.4.Pragmatism is no more wholly devoid...experiencePragmatism is not completely free from abstract ideas just as ideology is not completely free from experience, that is to say, abstract ideas have a place in pragmatism just as experience has a role in ideology.5.As an ideologist, however, Jefferson....historical curiosityAs a man following a fixed set of beliefs, Jefferson is only an interesting historical figure. His beliefs are out of date and are irrelevant to present-day reality.6....whose central dogma is confided to the custody of an infallible priesthood Their central beliefs are imprisoned by the whole body of priests who are always effective.7....where free men may find partial truths, but where ...on Absolute TruthIn this universe a person whose mind is unconstrained may be able to discover relation truths but no man on earth can claim that he has already grasped the one and only truth.8.But ideology is a drug; no matter how ...it still persists.Ideology has the characteristic of a narcotic. In spite of the fact that it has been proved wrong many times by experience, people still long to commit them to ideology. 9....the only certainty in an.....abuseThe only thing that is sure of a despotic system is the unrestricted exercise of power.10. The distinctive human triumph...lies in the capacity to understand the frailty of human striving ...nonethelessThe most outstanding achievement of humanity is they know that no matter how hard they try, they cannot achieve Absolute truth, yet they continue to make great efforts and refuse to give upLesson6 Death of a pig1. It is a tragedy enacted on most farms with ...The murder, being premeditated, is in the first degree. And the smoked bacon and ham provide...questionedThe tragedy has an ending---the killing of a pig and the serving of its meat. The killing deliberately planned and carried out efficiently, is the most type of murder. However, whether pigs should end their lives that way has never been questioned.1.A pig couldn't ask for anything better or none has, at any rateA pig could not ask for any better living conditions; at least no pig has ever complained. In a word, my pig lived in a pleasant environment2.You could see him down there at all hours, his white face parting (i)stethoscope dangling ...and grinning his corrosive grinFred was quite excited about the event. He was down at the pigpen all the time. Because of his swollen joints, he moved about unsteadily. His face set apart the grassalong the fence as he moved about. He was like a doctor, with his long, drooping ears dangling like a stethoscope, and he scrabbled on the ground as if he were prescribing some medicine.3.When the enema bag appeared, and the bucket of warm suds, his happiness...full charge of the irrigationWhen it was time to dose the pig, Fred became even more excited, and he managed to get through the fence, and acted as if he was taking charge of the medical treatment. 4....and the premature expiration of a pig is...a sorrow in which it feels fully involvedIf a pig dies before he is supposed to, it is a serious matter for the whole community to remember. The whole community would share the sadness for his death.5.I have written this account in penitence and in grief, as a man who...and to explain my...so many raised pigsThe purpose of this essay is to show that I am sorry for what has happened to my pig, since I have failed to raise the pig and cannot provide a reason why my pig could didn't grow the way other pigs have grown.6.The grave in the woods is unmarked, but ...and I know he and I...on flagless...own choosingThe pig's grave in the woods doesn't have a tombstone, but whenever somebody wants to visit it, Fred will show him the way. I know we will often visit it, separate or together, when we need to ponder over problems or when we are depressed. Lesson 7 Inaugural address1.For man holds in his mortal hands....and all forms of human life.As a result of technological development, human beings now have the power to put an end to poverty and human misery, but at the same time they also possess the power to destroy the whole world, rendering it uninhabitable and lifeless.2....unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights...We do not want to see or to allow the slow destruction of those human rights.3.To those peoples in the huts and villages of half.....of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves...To the people of the underdeveloped countries living in poverty in rural areas, we are committed to helping them to rid themselves of mass poverty by their own efforts.4.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. But we should not let any communist power take advantage of this alliance for progress to expand its influence.5.And let every other power know that this....of its own house.We want to make clear to the communist powers that Americas are the Americas of the Americans. Do not attempt to penetrate into this area.6....before the dark powers of destruction..... Or accidental self-destruction.Before the world is destroyed by a nuclear war launched in a preemptive attack or caused by accident.7....yet both rating to alter the uncertain...of mankind's final war.Yet both sides attempt to get an edge in the nuclear arms race so as to break themutual deterrence which has so far prevented the outbreak of a nuclear war. 8....civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.To be ready to negotiate and establish friendly relations does not mean that we are weak or afraid. Declarations of sincere intention have to be tested by actions.9.Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.Let the two sides use the fruits of science for the benefit of humanity rather than using high-tech weapons to kill and destroy.10....each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.1.There have been occasions for each generation of Americans to be called upon to fight and die for their country.Lesson 9 The Bluest Eyes1. This is perhaps because they only have places of birth, but no place where they feel at home and which they identify themselves with. But these girls are strongly influenced by their home towns, and the influence stays with them forever even after they leave their home towns.2. The brown girls try hard to repress their emotions and passions. However, these natural human emotions cannot be wiped out totally. Sometimes they will emerge and burst out. And they will develop, become stronger and stay with them. So whenever and wherever this funk bursts out, the brown girls will do their best to stifle it.3. If his needs were physical, she could meet them. She could make him comfortable and give him enough or ever more than enough to satisfy his physical needs.4. Geraldine had seen black girls like Pecola at many places and many times in the past.5. On the one hand, they (girls like Pecola) were ignorant and uncomprehending. They did not ask question why their lives were so miserable. On the other hand, as they were poverty-stricken and practically had nothing, their eyes revealed their desire for anything that could make their lives easier.6. In the eyes of these girls one can see that they were in despair, without any hope for the future, and that their life was nothing but a waste.7. As the girls were growing into young women, they had never worn girdles to make their figure look slimmer, and thus more elegant; and when the boy grew up, they just began to wear their caps with the bills turned backward to indicate that they had become adults.Unit31.我们一直在滥用这股强大的力量,就像传说中的魔术师的师弟一样,并没有意识到我们的这种行为很可能会导致灾难性的后果2.即使全球变暖这种灾害永不发生,即使臭氧层空洞仍然只是一种深奥的极地现象,人类的活动已经极大地的改变了全球的条件,这些也许是用照相机拍不出来的3.与生态圈相反,技术圈是由线性流程决定4.现在技术圈运作的能源主要是矿物燃料,一旦用完,永不再生5.尼龙不能进行生物分解—也就是说,现存的有机物中还没有发现哪种酶可以分解尼龙6.~~有生命的东西创造了一系列对生命至关重要的有限但独立的物质和反应7.免费的午餐实际上是一种负债,在技术圈中,债务是指已承认但尚未归还的欠款8.当债务以技术圈制造的环境污染的形式出现,然后又转嫁到生态圈,这种债务将无法消除,造成破坏是不可避免的。
