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The Cherry Blossom Festival
Obon The Day of the Dead
The Spring Festival
Midautumn Festivals National Festival in India Halloween The Dragon Boat Festival (Duan Wu Festival)
rooster watermelon
Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons .
Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals are happy gathered for the events because the food is _________ agricultural winter and because a season of ___________work is over, to which Mid-autumn festival belongs. And the most __________ energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the ______coming of spring, such as the ______ lunar New Year, at which people have a very good time.
October 31
Go to neighbours’ Dress up and try to frighten people
The Qingming Festival
Or Sweeping Tomb Festival
Are there any similar festivals in China? What to do ?
China Christian countries
Parades, dancing , loud music , colourful clothing
Enjoy the cherry tree flowers
What are the purpose to have festivals and celebrations?
Columbus Day
Take me home (连线题):
Festivals of the Dead
Festivals to Honour People
Day of the Dead
Cherry Blossom Festival
Dragon Boat Festival
Festivals and celebrations
• Ask students to spell the new words of unit one in five minutes • Finish a piece of reading material
Listening What festivals are mentioned in the text?
Duan Wu Festival
• In memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus
Who was honoured in the USA mentioned in the text?
Why does India have a national festival on October 2?
The Cherry Blossom Festival
Spring Festivals
The Lunar Chinese New Year Carnivals The Cherry Blossom Festival
What to do
Eat dumplings, fish and meat Give lucky money Dragon dances
Festivals to honour people
Festivals The Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day Country
People honoured
Qu Yuan, the famous ancient poet Christopher Columbus Mahatma Gandhi
• To honour the memory of Mahatma Gandhi, • To honour/remember the leader who helped India’s independence from Britain
Dragon Boat Festival China
National Festival Columbus Day India USA
They are popular symbols Easter eggs
复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日。每年,春分过 去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。日期年年不同, 一般在3月22日至4月25日之间。 复活节有不少传统习惯,最典型的要数复活节彩蛋。古人常 把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征。后来基督教徒又赋予蛋新的 涵义,认为它是耶稣墓的象征,未来的生命就是从其中挣脱而 出世的。复活节时人们把鸡蛋染成红色,代表耶稣受难时流出 的鲜血,同时也象征复活后的快乐。还有一种古老的习俗,是 把煮熟的鸡蛋送给街头的孩子们做游戏,他们把蛋往前滚,谁 的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜利,蛋全归他所有。 兔子也是复活节的象征。因为兔子繁殖力很强,所以人们把 它视为新生命的表现者。大人常绘声绘色地告诉孩子复活节彩 蛋是兔子下的,并把彩蛋放在花园里,让孩子们玩找蛋游戏。 现在每逢复活节,美国大小糖果店总要出售用巧克力制成的 复活节小兔和彩蛋。这些彩蛋小的和鸡蛋差不多,大的竟有甜 瓜那么大,孩子们自然喜欢,送给亲戚朋友,也不失为上佳礼 品。
Harvest Festivals
Columbus Day
Spring Festivals
Task3 Scanning
When did ancient • the end of cold weather • Planting in spring • Harvest in autumn • When they had food • animals caught • When they wanted a year of plenty people celebrate ?
The USA India
National Festival
Harvest Festivals
1. Why are autumn festivals happy events?
Because people are grateful and happy and a season of agricultural work is over.
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years.
All Hallows All Saints’ Day
November 1
The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead. It is now a children’s festival,when they can go to 给糖果还是要捣蛋?their neighbours’ homes and ask for sweets.They dress Trick or Treat? up and try to frighten people. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick.
Halloween Parade(游行)
Festivals of the dead
What to do
Clean the graves Light incense Light lamps Play music
What to eat
In July Japan or August
Retell the text by filling the following blanks:
There are all kinds of festivals and celebrations __________ around the world, which are held for different festivals were mainly held ancient _________ reasons. The _______ at three times a year--- the end of the cold winter, harvest in autumn.Some planting in spring and ________ festivals are held to honor _____ the dead or _______and satisfy ancestors in case they might _____ please the _________ do harm while other festivals are held to honor _______, Dragon famous people or the gods, such as _________ Boat Festival _______ ______ and Columbus Day.
People offer The Day of Mexico In early November food,flowers the Dead
The U.S and some other countries
and gifts to the dead
Food in the shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November, which this year (2007) is November 22rd.
Easter Bunny
In late March or early April
To have fun with each other To let us enjoy life To be proud of our customs
To forget our daily life for a little while To honour the dead To honour famous people To celebrate harvest To welcome a new year and look forward to the future To ask people to pay attention to something
2. What do people do to celebrate it?
In European countries, it is the custom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit; get together to have meals, win awards for their animals, flowers, fruit and vegetables; admire the moon
What did they do?
Lit firesFra Baidu bibliotekand made music
Obon in Japan
People might eat food in the shape of skull
The Day of the Dead
In Mexico
On October 31 children in countries like the US and Canada celebrate Halloween.